Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 12, 1899, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 TIIT3 OMAHA TATLV BEE : TFESDAV 12. 181)0. )
Snob Bargains in Fine Cloak * and Furs
Wera Never Known Before in Onuh *
The tSeorwe < lc SoKiiiMTflkl Clonk Slock
In Counsel Ion tilth ( In * Net * York
JliuikriDit Mnuk of I'liic rurn
nuil Ulfinltn MMV on Sale nt
Is an opportunity to buy the finest anil
highest grade of goods at nbout one-half
their real value. It Is n well fcnown fact that
George do SosnowsWs stock was the richest
nnd most costly collection of women's gar
ments In Omaha. The Now York Danlmipt
Htoek constats of the very finest furs , Includ
ing over 30 high grade sealskin aacques , nnd
they are nil on nulo today at nbout one-
half actual value , and every garment Is
guaranteed to be In the newest and latest
style. Wo mention a few of the prices for
tomorrow , but do not fall to come and ex-
nmlno this stock for jourselt as It la the
chance of n lifetime.
Sonnowskl'n $10 00 fur collarettes , $1.50.
$12.50 genuine marten neck scarfs , $3.98.
$23.00 fur collarettes. $7.60.
$25.00 fur trimmed Jackets , $15:00. :
$200.00 genuine Alaska sealskin coats ,
The finest sealskin coats from this New
York bankrupt stock nt $150.00.
Genuine Alaska sealskin capca , $59 00.
$100.00 Persian lamb jackets , $59.00. $
Soinowskl's $25.00 $ and $35.00 ladles' tailor
made .stills , $10.00.
$75.00 and $50.00 ladles' silk costumes nnd
diesscw at $25.00.
$15.00 plush capes , $5.00.
The highest grade English top coats and
box coats , $15 00 and $25.00.
SosnowsKI's $15.00 cloth Jackets , $5.00.
Sosnow ski's golf capes , worth $20.00 , $7.50.
Sosnowskl's $1000 rainy day skirls , $2.98.
Sosnoski's very finest rainy day skirts ,
worth $25.00 , go nt $5.08.
Sosnowskl's $21.00 nnd $15.00 silk waists ,
Sosnowekl's $12.50 finest Imported French
flannel and embroidered French flannel
waists go at $3.GO.
$3.60 flannel waists In nil colors , $1.00.
N. W. Cor. ICth and Douglas Sta.
Sheriff McDonald anil n > i ntlei Xlp n
Hold Jnll-llrcnklitir Scheme
In ( lie Hull.
At daylight yesterday Sheriff McDonald
nnd a force of deputies surprised jail in
mates by making a wearch of the various
cells. It had been hinted to the sheriff
that a jail delivery conspiracy was under
nay , and the search verified the rumor , for
in the cell occupied by Postofflco Robber
Miller , whoso first name Is not on record
here , nnd Frank Clark and Frank Cannon ,
convicted last week of burglary , the search
ers found n sack of red pepper , a sack of
black pepper , flvo knives , two steel B.IWS and
n pistol. How these things were passed in
Is an unsolved mystery.
After the sheriff had confiscated the Im
plements of escapehe ordered the refractory
prisoners confined in the dungeon or solitary
coll. There they -will remain until their
cases are disposed of. Miller Is a federal
prisoner. Clark and Cannon are under flvo
years' penitentiary sentence each. They will
soon be removed. They had enough pepper
to blind the eyes of a dozen jail guards nnd
their saws were- solid and keen enough to
cut through almost any kind of barriers. The
prisoners are sullen and refuse to dlscuai
the case further than to curse their luck In
a general way. They have been regarded aa
desperate ever since they came Into the
Keeping of the sheriff.
In addition to the weapons and tools found
in the cell of these prisoners they are cell-
matea the searching party also confiscated a
large quantity of morphine nnd opium. Sev
eral of the prisoners eat this drug the same
ao n hungry man cats beefsteak. They are
not equipped with pipes , therefore they eat
the opium whenever they can get It.
Union Pacific.
The Colorado Special ,
Leaving 11:55 : p. m.
The Pacific Express ,
Leaving 4:25 : p. m ,
Are the
Two trains dally
; For
Denver and Colorado points.
City Ticket Office ,
1302 Farnam St.
The Clilcneo Mooning Cnr
For Omaha patrons EXCLUSIVELY , leaves
on the "NORTHWESTERN LINE" limited
train nt 4:55 : p. m. dally , arlrving Chicago
7.45 next morning. There MAY bo finer
sleepers than these In Europe.
dally nt CMO a. in. and 7-30 p. m.
City ofilcee , 1401 and 1403 Farnam street.
Kour Winter Tour * .
On Jan. 10 , Fob , 14 and March 7 the
Wabaah will run excursions via New York
nnd the steamer Ponce to Puerto Rico.
Also on Feb. 13 a thirty-day tour of Old
Mexico. For rates , -which Include all ex
penses , nnd further information call on or
wrlto G. N. CLAYTON ,
Room COG Karbach nik. , Omaha , Neb.
firniitl Trniik Canadian nxrnrnlnnn.
Low rntea ! First class service ! Long
\Inlt ! Tickets good leaving Chicago December -
comber 14 , 1C , Ifi and 17 , and for return from
destination until January 6 , 1900.
The Burlington's finest and fast-
ret Omaha-Chicago train Is
called thu "Daylight Chicago
Special. " It is n good train ,
\\i > ll named. It takes you to
Prorln In 12 hours nnd to Chicago
cage In 13V4 hours.
Leaves Omuli.i 6 40 n. en. , nr-
rlvca Chicago 8-10 p. m. Sleep-
log , dining , chair nnd library
Another good train for the
cast leaves tba Uurlfngton sta
tion nt E:05 : p. m. , arriving Chicago
cage S.20 next morning.
IBO2 Farnnm 10th and Maoon
Gtroot. Streetu.
'Phono 2BO- 'Phone 310.
iiA.Yi > nnnoi ,
Itljr fjrot-cry Snlr TitrNftnr *
10-th. sack strictly pure buckwheat , Sir ,
10-lb. flack pure graham flour , 19c ; S lb .
fresh rolled oatmeal , Itic ; G Ibs. new navy
beans , only 19c ; 4 lln new lima beans , only
19c ; 6 Ibs. new Carolina rice , 19c ; new pearl
tapioca. 2 Ibs. for lOc ; Italian farina , 2 pack
ages for lOo ; now cream cornstnrch , 3 pack
ages for lOc ; new self-raising pancake flour ,
per package , 7c.
New California prunes , per lb. , 5c ; new
Valencia ralsliiB , per lb. , 7'/&c ' ; new yellow
Crawford peaches , 9Hc ; now pears or apri
cots , per lb. , 12 4c ; now 3-crown layer figs ,
lb. , I2 c ; cream of wheat , per package , lOcj
Plllsbury's Vltos , per package , lOc.
Largo 2-lb. pkg. Breakfast Wheat , lOc.
Grape Nuts , the brain food , lOc.
Boston chips , per lb. , 19c. Butter Daisies ,
per lb. , 12V4c. Peppermint Kisses , per lb. ,
9V c. Wrapped Cream Caramels , per lb. ,
O'/fcc. Burnt Peanuts , per lb , Olfcc. Clove
Cushions , Lemon Drops , Los Cabin Mixed ,
Lady Fingers , Peanut Squares , etc. , per lb. ,
Dl4c. Buttercups stuffed with nut meats ,
per lb. , 18c. Opera Caramels , per lb. , ISc.
Candy Canes , cnch , only 3c. Cream Mixed ,
per lb , , 12c. Wo have the largest assort
ment of flno candles In the city.
.V IUIO.S , UI.OSi : .
The lilt Store Will Not He Oiin I3\-
enlnKi Intll Next Saturday.
Yesterday's announcement that Hayden
Bros , would bo open evenings until Christ
mas was an error , as they will close a *
usual through this week. The grand Santa
Clans Illuminated Palace In now open and
filled with the handsomest and newest dolls
and to > s of every description. Not another
store In western America can show such n
magnificent display. Tuesday the grand
opening will bo continued nnd you are In
vited to ccmo and enjoy this gorgeous spec
IJnrlr Morning Illnre Je lroj Con-
nldcrnhle I'rojierty on Sli-
icciith Street.
Fire paitlally destroyed the two-story
frame building on the southeast corner of
Sixteenth aud Nicholas streets at 5 30 n. m.
yesterday. It originated in the basement
from an overheated furnace plpo and was
discovered by the janitor , who ran Imme
diately , upstairs to the saloon nnd tele
phoned the alarm. When the Department
arrived the flro had burned through to the
third floor and was making great headway.
The prompt work of the firemen saved the
building from utter destruction. The lower
floor was occupied by a saloon and billiard
hall owned by Klein & Hogan , whoso loss Is
about $300 , covered by Insurance. The up
per story was occupied by Harry Fade as
living apartments , nnd these were almost
totally destroyed. He estimates his loss nt
$500. Ho carried no Insurance. The build
ing was the property of the Schlltz Brewing
company , whoso loss Is $1,800. The Insur
ance had recently expired.
Have you tried Old Quaker Rye ?
The Clilcneo Sleeping Cnr
For Omaha patrons EXCLUSIVELY. leaves
on the "NORTHWESTERN LINE" limited
train at 4:55 : p. m. dally , arriving Chicago
7-45 next morning. Thorp < MAY bo finer
sleepers than these in Europe.
dally at 6-40 n. m. and 7:30 p. in.
City offices , 1401 and 1403 Farnam street.
Hospe's store open evenings.
Our nds In the future will read 5D pill makers
Instead of CO-for one flrm "flew the coop"
and we welcome them back la our ranks
Gentlemen you will find that ns a cutter
fighting the DRUG TRUST your path will
not bo "strewn with roses" , but one of
rocks , cobblestones , etc. But nt nicht when
you retire you can rest your head on
a pillow of feathers nnd feel Batlsiled that
you conduct your store nnd not the TRUST
Palne's Celery Compound 750
Hood's Sarsaparllla 7
" " "
Dr. Miles' Remedies . K
Wlno of Cardul 75Q
Carter's Ltver PI1H 150
Laxative. Uromo-Qulntne i50
discards OP
Malted Milk \
Plnkham's Compound . 75C
Syrup ot Figs .joe
Dzomulslon 75C
Physclno V ft )
Coltsfoot Expectorant " 75f.
Quart bottle of Port gjjc
Uar Hen .JOG
Vine IColnfrn. gjc
Hair Vigor 75c
Corner 16th nnd Chicago.
niinito ) . <
A Mnmifneliirer'H Snle that l Worthy
of the > n inc.
$40,000 worth of ladles' ready to wear gar
ments bought from the manufacturers nt 26c
on the dollar by our buyer on hit rwenl trip
to New York , the particulars of which we
have already Rlveu you. $10,000 worth Is nn
enormous stock to buy nt this PCBSOM of the
year , hut they are hero and being sold right
nnd left nt a savin ? of 60 per cent.
Ladles' box coats , automobiles , Kngllsh
Jackets , Kersey jackets , trimmed with mar
ten , 1'orelan lamb and astrakhan and other
flno furs , worth up to $33.00 , In this tre
mendous salent only $10.00. Lndlca' tan
coats , brown coats , black , blue , cardinal , all
made from Washington mills Kersey nnd
lined with Skinner's satin ; they are worth
up to $20.00 , on sale nt $6.S. ! )
Indies' black silk petticoats , with ruffle
nnd two rows of flounces , the silk alone la
worth $7.00 , on sale for $3.75. 208 ladles'
silk nnd satin waists , worth up to $12.i > 0 , on
sale nt $3.50. Ladles' electric eeol capes ,
Skinner's eatln lined , 30 Inches long , worth
$25.00 , for only $13.25. Flannelette wrap
pers , worth $1.00 , nt 49c Ladles' dressing
sacqitcs , worth $300 , for $1.BO. Ladles' elec
tric seal collarettes with astrakhan yoke and
long tnbs , worth $7.00 , for only $3.98.
Holiday Itnti-n < > I'oltitn lit Canada.
December 13 to 17 , both dates Inclusive ,
the Burlington Route * will sell round trip
tickets to Canadian points at unusually low
rates llttlo more than ono fare for the
round trip.
Call nt ticket ofllce , 1302 Farnam street
( tel. 250) ) , and obtain full Information.
( So the/"nlse" bojs say. )
Wo DO SELL at prices named below. The
prices named below will prevail nt our store
until January 1st probably longer. Wrlto
for catalogue.
GOo Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets , our
price 40c
GOc King's New Discovery , our price. . 40c
H. & II. Soap , for cleaning , our price Oc
$1 00 Duffy Malt Whiskey , our price. . . S5c
2 c Gesslor's Headache Wafers , our
price 20c
25c Laxative Brome Quinine , our price 15c
25c Rublfoam , our prlco 20c
Small sized Sozodont , our price 20c
25c Humphrey's Specifics , our price. . . . 20c
$1.00 Mexican Hair Restorer , our price 75c
50c Cascarets , our price 40c
COc Tarrant's Aperient , our price 40c
$1.GO Fellow's Syrup , our price $1.20
$1.50 Vin Marlanl , our price $1.15
25c Antl Pill , our price 20c
25c Tepsnlt , our prlco 20c
$1.00 Pcptogenlc Milk Powder , our price 80o
$2.50 McDadcj , ' Succus Alteraus , our
price $1.75
$1.00 Madam Yale's Ooods , our price. . . . 7oc
50c Porzonl's Knee Powder , our price. . 35c
50c Lablncho Face Powder , our pilco. . 3Sc
2Gc Tetlow's Swansdonn Powder , our
price 15c
50c Extract Beef , our price 25c
Splendid Hard Rubber Atomizer , our
price GOc
25o Davis Headache Powders 20c
GOc Com Catarrh Cure , our price 40c
23c Chamberlain's Cough Cure , our
prlco 20c
Write for Catalogue of Cut Prices.
Sherman & McConncll Drug Co.
Original Anti-Trust Druggists.
Solid Vestibuled Flyers for
to Denver and Colorado points.
to Salt Lake City and Utah points
and San 1'Yaneisco ' nnd California
point * .
to Portland and Xorth Pacific
Coast points , with direct connec
tions for Tai'onia and Seattle.
City Ticket ttlllec 3tOU : Knrnnm St.
We propose to make the next two
weeks the liveliest in our history.
"We find ourselves with a larger stock of
men's and boys' clothing than we ought to
have at this time of the season.
we have marked on our entire stock. Wewill
make this sale the greatest bargain sale ever
inaugurated in Omaha , as every garment in
our store is of the highest standard. You are
safe in getting the greatest value in your life
no matter how low the prico. Here is how we have
drawn the pen through our prices :
MEN'S SUITS All wool men's suits that are
worth $5.00 and $6.50 , now
and overcoats that are worth 87.50 and $8 , now w a
MEN'S ULSTERS Men's fine all wool frieze ulsters that
are worth from $7.f > 0 co $20.00 , now on sale
at § 5.00 , $7.50 and
YOUTH'S SUITS All our youth's long pants suits
that wore $6.50 and ? 7.50 , now
BOY'S SUITS One pair of extra panta free. MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS Men's
All our bo > s' short pants Suits very finest Suits and Overcoats that are
that were $3,00 I 7C worth from J20.00 to $25.00 , .
now lilO on sale at ! 5 < UO
' ' ' nil-wool cheviot and
1'ANTS Men's -
MEN'S ' '
YOUTH'S SUITS All our Youth'a Suits with
casslmero jmnta , worth I " 1C long pante , sizes 13 to 19 , that
$3.00 $ now I-(0 ' were $9 to $13.50 , now at
BOY'S SUITS Ono pair of extra pants free
Overcoats that
Suits and are
All our bos' short pants Suits
worth $10.00 to $13.50 $
that are worth $4.50 and $5.00
very flno Suits and Overcoats ihat ha\e HOYS' FINE TOP COATS In all-wool cov
gold for and are worth J15.00 . _ ert and frieze . , that arc worth . , _ _
and $1700 , now . . | U UU $3.BO now . -Ill 5
* . . . A
fagBBj r * UBLLS
Sr c H
Christmas hastens onward. Don't allow yourself to be caught in the
* . whirlpool of delay. Don't wait until the crush. Come here where the as
3 sortment is complete and the prices are the lowest.
Now going on at The Nebraska.
Come now while the choice tilings
are here. Such values in Ladies'
Cloaks , Suits , Capes , Skirts , Waists.
Jurs , Etc. , have never been seen in
Omaha. Don't ' be talked into buy
ing I'mybody's misfortunes or doubtful styles. You can
buy new , clean , crisp , stylish garments here for less
Think of beautiful , stylish golf capes with
hood and fringe to match worth elsewhere
no less than $0.50 , O .f\
here for < U > - < J\J
KERSEY I'hink of fine kersey jackets , lined through-
Afi/pTo out with nice linings , box front , coat col-
JALilL J 5 lar , lined throughout , fi f ° 7 E
worth § 10.00 , for \J * A < LJ
Think of ladies' fine boucle jackets , lined
throughout , kersey straped deep storm
collar , this is a neat and nobby * A " ( QT ( |
jacket , only * ' -
Think of fine quality kersey jackets , lined
throughout , straped seams , boxfront , coat
collar , stylish , well tailored , / f J ES
worth § 5.00 , for . - / * - ?
Think of ladies' silk petticoats , with
deep flounce , fancy patterns , skirts
that sell in most stores / * O E
J >
for $5 , for eO
Think of a ladies' good quality serge skirt ,
well made and brings elsewhere " 3 O ) E5 !
A TP2.50 , are here for A & * - *
Remember New Idea Cloak Selling , while the
stocks'are fresh and clean cut styles , etc.
> 3 < ' > ? > W ? > W
The Greatest Reduction Ever Known in Cut
Prices on Pianos Has Taken Place at the
Warehouse of Schmoller & Mueller
ARD , STERLING and other renowned makes to select from. Also the won
derful self-playing Pianolas , the marvel of the ase. Come in and hear them.
$149.50 will buy a handsome new upright piano.
$85.50 will buy a slightly used Ljon & Healy upright.
$25.00 will buy a 7 1-3 octave square , good condition.
o'ther square Pianos and Organs at $35 , $48 , $50 and up.
Instruments tuned , repaired and exchanged. Telephone 1625. We sell on
monthly payments and give a handsome stool and scarf free with each
Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Write for catalogues ,
. It will save you money.
prices or bargain list or pay us a visit of inspection.
Schmoller & Mueller
The old and reliable piano house , 1313 FARNAM ST ,
Steinway Sou's ' Representatives.
, best selected Bohemian
.Made of the
the finest quality of
Imported ) hops and
lops , v.lth no other Ingredient.
ms without tba shadow of a doubt the
best qualities for every purpose that 11
an bo used for In the houtehold.
FRED Kiuio nunwixn co.
Fei 420. 1007 Jackson St. , Omaha
FOR SALE Lumner und mat-rlal ot all
kinds. Wo purchased The Greater Amerl
can Exposition. Our branch office ti local-
td In the Administration Building In the
Exposition Grounds and wo would be plea *
U to furnish all Information. Wrlto ( or
our catalogue with lone distance telephone
In olllco.
Will euro Ooushs
" Colds Hoarseness
HOWKLLSor Borc throat Al-
v > ays reliable For
Anii-Kawf ealu by nil ilr
2C ( , und
New Citv Offices , 1401-03 Farnam ,
This week will bo the time
that all attention is directed to
selecting something for him ot
her. Come and select something
useful , something that will show
for your money expended. We don't carry an article
in the store of a i'rivilous nature. Everything hero for
the man's ' comfort.
Precisely what you want , too. They'll
tickle your vanity , satisfy your luxurious
notions and cater to your O
comfort $7 , $ .6.50 , $4.50 and * J
All the kinds , all makes , all at less price
here than elsewhere , they make accepta
ble Christmas gifts then ,
again , they are serviceable as low as
Our line of men's caps , way beyond your
expectation in assortment , and below
your thoughts in price
plush caps for
The kind of gifts that appeal strongly to
the modern mind. What could be more
acceptable than a nice
warm overcoatas high as you want , as low as' '
A boy oould appreciate , above all things
a nice stylish overcoat , comfort and
durability go in this kind of
present good ones as low as 1
The selection of men's neckwear is beyond
criticism. You'd be very hard to please
indeed should you fail to find something
for him here. § 1.50 values for $1. § 1 values '
for 7f c. 75c values for 50. 50c valued for. . . .
Great Opening Sale
Of Holiday Slippers
Thousands of pairs of fine slippars and warm shoes for holiday
Gifts on sale.
Infant's fine 50c Soft Sole Shoes I7c. Peerless 35c wool soles I7c ,
They are an nttiacthe , stylish boot , light , durable and
perfect fitting You get the latest styles in the
"ULTRA" Shoes , and every pair wo sell mcana a satisfied
wearer and a permanent customer. An Ideal winter boot ,
is NO. 610 "ULTRA , " mndo of velour calf , on the mannish
last , with wcltej soles nnd cushion cork Inner soles
PRBCE , $3.50
MEN'S FINE VELVET SLIPPERS , with patent leather trim
ming and chenille embroidered , worth $1.25 , on sale at .
MEN'S KINK VELVET SLIPPERS Leather trimmed , chenille
embroidered , opera cut , worth $1.CO sale prlco . ,
MEN'S FINE GOAT SLIPPERS Patent leather trimmed , hand turned
soles and opera cut , worth $1.75 pair-
LADIHS' FINK HKAVBIl KAUBT SLIPPI3RS Maclo or the best heavy
felt cloth fur , trlmmiHl and turn ooles orlh $1.25
sale prlco
LAOI13S' KINK I1BAVKU TOP LACK SHOES With flno felt linings and
single flexible soles , regular $1.7(1 ( d |
quality at
In Annex Shoe Dep't.
Woman' * 7fi 1VH HIMINI * Slljiin-rn on Halo nt H8o
Mr ' $2.OO Sal I n Calf hlnn'n nil Mil - nt
nojH1 l ( l.r 0 Siitiii tnlf Miom nil mile nt 7f o
NfiKEOF _ „ _ „ _
On Lard , on Ham , on
Bacon is a guarantee
of purify.
for tlipalnlcsa cxtrnctlnp of teeth 1 pleas-
, nt t < > tiiko ! e < ivc * no after-effects nnd can
In taken bj any one , YOUHK r elderly. Wa
are the only dentists who muko and Ivo
Uio viulUuI itir Alwnyw frouh.
I'Jxtrin Untf .Vj
\iul./ | . < l Air . . COo
Silver Fillings V5o
Tail's ' Philadelphia Dental Rooms ,
1C 17 Uuuulu * Mrcul ,