Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 10, 1899, Part I, Page 3, Image 3

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    Corner .Farnaiu and 15th KELLE
Attra ,
Suggestions from Our
Cloak Dept.
TIPI'BT , J3.EO Electric seal. marten
heads nnil tails , ( large tippet. )
TIPPET , J5.00 Fitch fur or brown mar
ten , heads nntl lulls , for ornaments , very
elegant ,
BOA , $15.00 Large nnd best quality marten -
ten , superb piece of fur and elegant orna
mental beads , etc ,
STOLE COLLAR. $15.00 Electric seal , ex
tra largo stole ami beautiful lulls of splen
did marten for ornamentation.
COLLARETTES , $35.00 $ Stone marten ,
tnnrtcn and electric seal combined ; Persian
lamb with frlono marten trimmings ; Persian
lamb and silver fox combined all of the
highest quality furs.
IJAD1ES' MUFFS $4.50 , $5.00 , $10.00.
$12.00 'Astrakhan , seal , marten Persian
lamb ,
FOR CHILDREN , FUR SETS $1.76. $2.20 ,
S3.2C and JG.00 dainty and pretty styles of
tnurrs and collars.
Golf Capes at Two Prices
$5.50 and $8.50
These highly desirable nnd stylish Capes
cut from $7.60 , $10.60 and $12.50.
Unusual Big Cut in Prices
on Persian Curl Capes
$4.00 30-lwch long fur trimmed , high col
lar , s.itln rhadamc , lined cut from $6.50 ,
$7.50 Extra long Thibet trimmed , storm
collar , ratln lined cut from $10.00 and
$4.00 PLAIN PLUSH CAPE "Salts" rain
jiroof plush , Thibet trimmed cut from $6.BO.
$7.00 Crush Plush , Thibet trimmed , satin
lined , pleated In back , 30 Inches long cut
from $10.00 and $12.00.
$8.50 Crush Plush , 33 Inches long , fur
trimmed , Thibet , marten or bear , satin
lined cut from $12.60 and $14.50.
Very Special Notice
Hlght grade Irish Kersey Cloth , black or
catrtor. Skinner satlni lined , double breasted
box $10.00 cut from $12.50 and $11.00.
Of Interest for Very Little
We have made a big cut In price on
Misses' Jackets nnd Children's Long Coats.
Winter Shirt Waists
French Flannel , Drllllantlnc , Pressed
Flannels and Logics' Cloth.
Fancy effects , tucked and braided $1.75 ,
$2.2n , $3.00 , $4.25.
Silk Waists
Amy of our high grade medium or cheaper
Bilk walstuk plain or fancy WILL BE SOLD
When you dream
that somebody is
pushing you over a
precipice it's time
( on looked after your stomach and liver ,
Vou may not believe in dreams but that
particular sort of dream is likely to come
- ' " pretty near true if you
don't take prompt meas
ures to prevent it. If
you neglect the warning
you may find
that you are act
ually pushing
yourself over
the precipice of
disease into the
{ abyss of death ,
Don't ' forget
( that your heart
and lungs and
brain and'
.nerves are sup
plied with blood
and nutriment
through your stomach ,
liver and bowels. If
they do not do their
work nronerl v if
. * „ ' uie uioou is mil 01
jjoisonous matter your whole body will
soon be full of impurity and disease , and
it is small wonder you dream of disaster.
Dr. Picrce's Golden Medical Discovery
purifies nnd enriches the blood. It
cleanses the whole digestive system and
is an antidote for poison in the blood.
It is a blood-maker and flesh-builder and
is good for the nerves. It brings restful
sleep and a clear head. It contains no
alcohol , whisky , sugar , syrup , or dan
gerous opiates.
"I uaed Dr. Pierce'JGolden Medics ) Discovery
and' PlcaMiit rdlcU'nnd have had no trouble
with Indigestion tliice. " write * MrV T ,
Thompson , of Tnvrntcnd , Ilroadwnter Co. . Mon
tana. ' words fail to tell how thanUful I am
lor tlie relief. 09 I had Miflered to much nd It
teemed that the doctors C"uUl do me no good , t
pot down In vrcltht to i { t > ouid , and wai not
able to work Now t welch nearly 160 and can
do a day' * work on tbe farm. "
Silk Petticoats
$5.50 'All colors , tine taffeta silk , ruffled
and flounced.
$8.00 , $9.00 nnd $10.00 Ruffled and corded ,
elegant flounced skirt.
$13.50. $ $15.00 $ and $17.50 Accordion pleat-1
ed , ruffled , corded nnd flounced.
Fancy Work Department j j
Pillows every description , posters , Per-
rlan , satin , floral and all necessary cm-
broidery silks , cords , couching cards , etc. ,
Pin cushions , shapes. Covers of all kinds. I
Butterfly shape , etc. Battcnbcrg lace work.
IJrnwn work dollies. Baskets , new and
novel Ideas. Work box. Frames , etc.
Kensington and opera bags.
Extraordinary values In Fleece Blankets
at 4c ! ) , 65c , 7Sc nnd 90c pair.
74x80 Inch Soft Fleece Blankets , weight
7'/4 lbs. ( and 70x84 Wool Mixed Blankets
now Jl.GO nnlr.
Half-Wool Silver Gray Blankets In 10-4
and 11-1 size now $1.05 and $2.47 pair.
Largo size pure Wool Check Blankets In
red and black , black and white and brown
and white only $3.BO $ pair.
Pure Wool Silver Gray Blankets , 10-1
size $4.00 pair.
Extra largo 11-4 Standard Blankets , gray
nnd fawn colors , splendid value $4.05 pair.
12 pairs heavy all wool Plaid Blankets ,
nice blending of colors , worth $7.00 , for
$5.f > 0 pair.
11-4 all wool Wblte Blankets at $5.00 ,
$5.50 , and $8.60 pair. 12-1 size. $10.00 ,
$12.50 up to the finest at $15.00 pair.
Crib BLANKETS unshrinkable sizes SOx
40 Inches , at $1.75 $ pair ; 32x42 Inches , at
$2.00 pair ; 36x50 Inches , at $2.75 pair ; 48x
64 Inches , $5.00 pair.
to make a desirable Christmas
present ? If
EO , see our elegant line of flno Jacquard
Bath Robes at $5.75 each.
Our Hygela Lamb's Wool Comforts have
no equal , cither In quality , durability or
prlco Compare these be/ore / buying $2.89
DOWN COMFORTS Sateen covering ,
size 6.\6 feet. $4.75. 0x7 feet , $6.00 7x7 feet ,
Ladies' Silk Hosiery
$1.25 Ladles' spun silk fast black hose ,
superior quality , double sole , high spliced
heel and toe , one of our specials only $1.25
$1.50 Wo have
an extensive line of pure
silk hose for Indies at $1.50 plain or drop
fitltob , black tan and all the new evening
shades these were bought to sell at $2.00
our price only $1.50.
j $2.50 Ladles' thread silk hose , fast black ;
this Une cannot be equaled for less than
; $3.00 per pair ; fancy drop stitch ; latest pat
terns. We also make a specialty of evening -
ing shades In this line.
$55,000 of these bonds have been paid. The
last of them became due In 1897 and all
are drawing Interest at the rate of S per
cent , payable scml-annually.
These bonds constitute the only bonded
Indebtedness of tbe state. The outsandlng
registered warrants amount to $1,674,642.03.
Adding to this the total amount of the un
registered warrants the floating debt of the
statu Is brought up to a little over $1.700-
There nro four educational funds from
which the Intercot or revenue only can be
used , These arc the permanent echool , the
agricultural college endowment , the perma
nent university and the normal school en
dowment funds. Provision Is made by la\
for an equitable distribution of the Incoms
from the Investment of these funds , which
are derived from five sources ,
The conbtltutlcu of tbe state provides that
Ladies' and Children's
Winter Underwear
23c Ladles' extra heavy fleeced vests and
I pants , would be cheap at 35c each ; our
j I price Saturday , only 25c.
i COc We have an extensive line of ladles'
> fine silky fleeced vests and pants ; also a
j I leal bargain In half wool nt oOc ; these
garments are extra heavy ; nothing to equal ;
oil olzts 3 to 8 , only SOc each ,
75c We arc making a special run on this
stock of underwear , nn It Is very heavy ;
Just the weight for early winter wear ; non-
shrinking , natural wool , well made , oil
sizes , only 75c each.
$1.00 The "Munslng" ladles' natural wool
ilbbcdoels and pants , new clastic bolt ,
will not shrink , beat finish ; medium and
extra size .only $1.00 each.
$1.00 The "Munslng" ladles' combination
suits ; are known to be really worth $1.50 ;
extra heavy , well made , perfect fit. $1.50 ;
the "Munslng" half wool combination suits ,
real value $2.00 ; our prlco for Saturday ,
only $1.50.
$2.00 The "Munslng" } wool combination
suits ; this Is onn of our special numbers ;
buttoned down front or across bust ; all
slze.i. Saturday. $2.00 suit.
$2.50 The " "
. "Munslng" combination suit :
this Is n special quality for ladles' who can
not wear wool next to body ; beautifully
finished , perfect lit , long or short sleeves , ,
whlto or natural , all sizes , only $2.50.
25c Children's heavy silky fleeced vests ,
punts and drawers , good quality , all sizes ,
only 25c each.
The "Munslng" combination suits for boya
and glrlc. The only garments In market
that arc made just rlgbt.
75c The "Munalng" fleeced combination
cult warm and comfortable , for all ages ,
only 75c suit.
$1..15 Mixed wool and cotton , non-shrink
ing , heavy ribbed , natural wool , cannot bo
bought again to sell for less than $2.00 suit ,
special tor Saturday , all sizes , only $1.35.
25c Ladles , ] fast black fleeced hose , heavy
weight , double sole , heel and toe , 35c qual
ity , Saturday , 25c pair. _
25c Ladles' flne fast black woolen hoae ,
ribbed top , extra heavy merino heel and toe , I
double sole , only 25c pair. i
35c Ladles' flne black cashmere , ribbed j !
or plain hose , double sole , heel and toe , 35c , !
3 pair for $1.00. I
OOc This line of ladles' black hose Is
complete ; extra flne fleeced cotton , or very
heavy unfleeced cotton ; also a very nice line
of vicuna cashmere , all double sole , heel and
toe. BOc nalr.
25c Children's fast black , heavy fleeced
hose , double knee , heel and toe. This line
cannot be duplicated for less than 35c pair ;
our price , all sizes , 6 to 10 , only 25c pair.
35c Children's flne or heavy ribbed , black
cashmere hose , the never-wear-out kind ,
double knee , heel and toe , all sizes , only 35c ,
3 pair $1.00.
Wo have the new Panta Lcgglnette for
children , highly recommended for health
and comfort , sizes 2 and 3 , $1.35 ; sizes 4 and
6 , $1.50.
Just Received A very handsome line of
ladles' colored and black silk Umbrellas
a most sensible and beautiful Xmas present
all the new novelties In handles $2.00 ,
$2.50 , $3.00 , up to $12.00.
the money In thceo funds shall remain for
ever inviolate and undlmlnlshed and shall
not be Invested or loaned except on United
States or state securities or registered county
bonds of Nebraska and the Interest and
Income Is by the same act solemnly pledged
for educational purposes only. Accordingly ,
It Is unlawful for the state treasurer to
make any disposition of any portion of theao
educational funds other than by Investment
In the manner prescribed by law and un-
llko the other funds they cannot be loaned
to state depositories.
The records of the state treasurer's of-
flco show that a total of $253,494.72 of these
educational funds remain uninvested , or ,
In other words , that the schools of the state
are deriving no benefit whatever from that
amount of money. A largo proportion of the
permanent school fund has been Invested In
general fund warrants and county bonds ,
upon which premiums amounting to $45-
653.78 have been paid.
Tbo following statement shows how the
money In tbo various educational funds Is
Invested , the cash balances being the
amounts from which the state Is deriving no
revenue :
Permanent school fund :
nnllod States bonds $ 15,000.00
Rtntn hnnilH fNnhrasknl 55.0'KI.O'l ' '
County hondM 3.012,833.00
School district bonds 27.9S6.7G
General fund warrantn C22.lXll.57
Cash balance 183,999.89
Total $3,916,823.21
Permanent university fund :
Investment $ 36.760,00
Cash tmliuice , , 2A.7fi3.44
To'tul $ 63,613.41
Agricultural college endowment :
Investment $ G'.noo.OO
CiiHh balance 2. > ,761.97
Total $ 93,761,97
Normal school endowment :
Investment $ 15.fiOO.00
Cash balance 17,029.42
Total J 32,029.12
The temporary school fund Is made up
from the state school tax , Interest on con
tracts for the sale of school lands , rent of
school lands leased , Interest on saline lands
and the revenue from the Investment of the
permanent fund. The figures this year show
a deprcase In the temporary fund , the loss
being due to a decrease In the Interest on
tbo school and saline lands , state and
school district bonds and feeo for peddlers'
licenses. The total losses amount to $39-
631.35. There were slight gains In Interest
on county bonds , general fund warrants and
school and saline land leases.
School . \iiuiirtlniiini > ii ( .
The school apportionment for December ,
1899 , was $292,883.59 , derived from the fol
lowing sources :
School tax $77,3.11.72
Interest on school land CS.017.CS
Leased school land 63.3J4.31
Interest on saline land 1-ICo.CO
I.caeeil saline land
Interest on United States bonds. . . 300.00
Interest on Mate bonds IB20.(0 (
Interest on county bondu
Interest on xchool district bonds. . 677.43
Peddlers' Interest on general fund wurrantit. . 12,385.6 * ;
licenses 89,10
Suspended account 01.00
Total $293,883.39
Statu Treasurer Meserve
today Issued a
call for all warrants outstanding against the
general fund numbering 62,130 to 52,450.
The amount covcreil by the call Is $34,00u.
Interest will cease December 16 ,
Mrs , Anna King secured an order from
Judge Frost In tbe district court thlb after
noon restraining ( bo parents of her late bus-
Corner Paruaui and 15th
ctive and Exclusive Holiday Reminders - -
Very Acceptable
Gifts for Ladies.
For a Black Silk Dress
12 yards satin ducbcsse $ 9.00
12 yards best satin dtichesse , 21 Inches
wide $12.00
10 yards 27-Inch empress satin $14.50
12 yards a dress pattern of beauti
ful armuro $10.80
12 yards Peau de Sole , reliable wear
ing $12.00
Velvets for Waists
All the rich new tints , so very much used
by the stylish people flne grades $1.50.
For a Colored Silk Dress
12 yard Marvcllcaux Satin ( all colors$12.00 )
12 yard Peau de Solo $15.00
For a Silk Petticoat
A skirt pattern of 27-Inch reliable taffeta ,
any color $6.60.
8 yards best taffeta , all colors a skirt
pattern $6.80.
Black Taffeta Silks
20-Inch , 69c. 22-Inch , 75c , Imported. 24-
I Inch , dress silk , $1.00. 27-lnch. $1.10 ; SG-
j 1 Inch , $1.35. Lyons Silk Tafleta , $1.35 and
For dress 54 Inches wide , $3.00.
Fancy Silks Regardless of Cost ,
For Waists or Dresses from 4 to 20 yds.
lengths are on sale In silk department
i 75c and PSc.
I j
i Dress Goods
Black Cheviot , SOc one that Is Imported
and usually sold at 75c.
Dlack Cheviot , 85c 50-Inch , sponged , reg
ular prlco $1.15.
Black Creoon , $1.25 , $1.50 , $1.75 cut from
$1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00. Pure mohair and
wool best styles cf this season.
Silk Crepon , $2.50 $2.75 $3.50 worth
from $3.00 to $5.00 the highest grade French
silk and merino crepon.
For tailor dresses Venetian $1.50 and
$2.00. Diagonal cloth , $2.00 and $2.00.
Henriettas , 39c and S5c.
For Wrappers Two very special values ,
all colors.
French Serge SOc and 75c.
Homespun Cheviot 55c nnd Sot.
Navy blue shades only , two great bar-
, gains.
I Zibellno and Tweed , $1.25. Gray and
brown mixtures new effects.
Don't fall to see our line of new Christ
mas Linens. We have Just received a ship
ment of Table Cloths , with Napkins to
match. In oriental , conventional and tropi
cal designs. These are of Irish manufac
ture and the price within the reach of all ,
2x2 yards nt $2.25 each.
2x2H yards nt $2.75 each.
2x3 yards At $3.25 each.
34 Napkins to match , $3.50 $ dozen.
Remnants of flne Table Linen from our
recent sale at almost half prices.
Table Padding nt SOc , 39c , GOc nnd G5r
Odd lots of ! 4 dozen Napkins amongst
these can bo found hand woven goods that
sold for $5.00 dozen vale prlco $1.15 per V4
dozen lot.
Bedspreads Wo call special nttor.llon to
these spreads , which arc of the finest. qual
ity In satin , Marseilles weave they come
In pure white , pink nnd blue price $2.50
Extra fine fringed satin Marseilles , largest
size $3.00 each ,
Huck Towels at lOc. 12'Ac , loc , ISc and
Huck Towels , hemstitched , at 25c and 35c
Fine Satin Damask Towels nt SOc , 75c ,
85c and $1.00 each.
For three days only wo will sell a 40c
Bleached Bath Towel for 25e each.
18x27-lnch Tray Cloths , two rows of open
drawn work nt 25c each.
18x27 Inch Tray Cloths , four rows or open
drawn work at 6flc each.
18x70 inch Bureau Scarfs , two rows of
open drawn work , worth $1.00 , now 69c each.
45x36 Inch Hemstitched Cotton Pillow
Cases for this week 15c each.
Just received from Belfast , Ireland , hand
j embroidered Covers nnd Pillow Shams , SOx
30 Inch $2.50 pair.
Ladies' Gloves as
Christmas Offerings
Flno kid gloves for street wear , any
color , well made , at $1.00.
The Chatham , n splendid pique stitched
glove , perfect make S1.50.
iin vl n snft rlfllntv and enm-
fortable winter glove $1.50.
Perr.lne Pique , an elegant glove $1.50.
Our Famous T Glove are selling at $1.75.
"Dent , " "Monarch" and "Trefousse" A
full line of first quality in the three above
kinds of gloves.
SPECIAL 16-button Whlto Glace Glove
Men's Kid Gloves
$1.00 For flno pique kid gloves , also
heavy street gloves , regular prlco $1.25 Ex
tra quality kifl gloves , new shades , Perrlns
and D. and P. make , $1.50. Gray mocha
gloves , the new color , for street wear , $1.50.
Silk lined kid gloves , worth $2.00 , for $1.50.
Fleece lined gloves , $1.00 and $1.50. Kid
gloves , with wool , hand knit lining , $2.00.
Novelties In Dotted Fancy IMcsh Vclllnga
a't ' Inc , 20c , 23c , 35c , SOc and 75c a yard.
Flno Butter Color Lace Tics , rich guipure
ends , at COc , $1.15. $1.25 and $1.60 each.
Wool Underwear
50c For flne fleeced underwear In nat
ural gray , real value , 75c. $1.00 for men's
natural wool and camel's hair underwear.
Also heavy ribbed bnlbriggan eltk finished ,
worth $1.25 , for $1.00. $1.25 for flne soft
camel's hair underwear. $1.50 for heavy ,
natural wool underwear.
Outing Flannel Night Shirts
50c for men's and boys' flannel night
shirts. 85c for men's flannel night shirts ,
extra largo nnd full 60 Inches long.
A nrm-i-f o "RiTf/fnvinlr "Pa'f'fovtio an si Corner Farnam and Fifteenth Streets , Omaha.
Hitchcock's ' Friends Want the Judge to Get
Out of the Way.
nnd TclcKrnmn Cnntlnne to
J'lie l'i ' > In ( lip Gnvcrnnr'H Ofllcc
Ilcliillne in the Vncunt
LINCOLN , Dec. 9. ( Special. ) A few
politicians remained In tbe city today to
talk over the senatorial situation , but the
absence of Governor Poynlcr prevented any
very hard work being done for cither can
didate. Senator Halo of Madison arrived this
morning and will probably remain until
Governor Poynter returns , .u lion ho will ap
pear before him In Allen's behalf. He will
present the claims of Allen's friends both
orally and in writing.
Numerous petitions were received at the
governor's ofllco today and nil were placed
on file to await ' consideration by Governor
Poynter after 'he returns. Telegrams poured
In from all over the country and every mall
brought a huge pile of letters relating to tbo
senatorial vacancy.
It was rumored here today that the sup
porters of Hitchcock would ask Governor
Poynter to request William V. Allen to
withdraw from the race. Adjutant General
Barry , who has been with the governor al
most constantly since the senatorial vacancy
occurred , will visit Madlaon Monday and If
Mr. Allen Is at home will probably consult
with him concerning his candidacy for the
appointment. General Barry left the city
this morning nnd it Is possible that he may
secure an Interview with Judge Allen to
Nclirnnkn'H Dclit.
The records of the state treasurer's office
show that the debt of tbe state of Nebraska
Is approximately $1,755,000. Tbe outstanding
registered warrants amount to $1,674,642.03 ,
tbo unregistered warrants to about $25,000
and tbe state bonds to $55,000.Tbo unpaid
taxes amount to over $2,800,000.
There has been but very little change in
the tatus of the four educational funds
during the past few months. The return
from the Investment of the permanent school
fund were slightly lees during tbo last six
months than for the corresponding period
last year and consequently the apportion
ment for tbe schools fell below last year's
about $8,000. ,
All of the state bonds remaining unpaid ,
amounting to only $55,000 , are held by tbo
permanent school fund.
The Issuance of theno bonds was one of
the results of a transfer of state money
from one fund to another. Between 1898
and 1871 the state Invested $71,000 in United
States government bonds for the permanent
school fund. A few years later these bonds
were sold for $80,460 , which , with money
received from other sources , was transferred
to the general fund. The total amount of
the transfer was $158,837,87. A transfer cer
tificate for this amount was Issued and
turned back as security Into the permanent
school fund. Between 1874 and 1S7C general
fund warrants to the amount of $184,119.67
were paid out of the permanent school fund
nnd another transfer certificate was made
out by the state treasurer as security to be
held by the school fund.
During the same period the first state re
funding bonds were Issued and tbe two
certificates were taken up , State bonds
ti tbo amount of $425,267,35 were lesued In
the name of the permanent school fund and
the difference between the certificates and
the bonds was paid in cash out of the per
manent school fund. Since that tlmn all hut
band , Clarence King , from removing his
body from the receiving vault at Wyuka
cemetery to Illinois.
Gulf Ilnllirnr Knternrlitr Slnrted nt
HnMlnKH in Uxnnndlnir.
HASTINGS , Neb. , Dec. 9. ( Special. )
The Nebraska & Gulf railway has been In
corporated In Hastings for the purpose of
building a railroad from the wbeatflelds of
South Dakota to the gulf to enslst the
farmers In expediting the shipment of
grain and has formed another company
under the name of the Townslte and Con
struction company. The capital stock Is
placed at $100,000. The object of the com
pany Is to plat and control the towns along
the line of the new railway.
Ofllcers of the railway company are :
Robert A. Batty of Hastings , president ;
J. D. Freeman of Columbus , Neb. , vice pres
ident ; C. R. Rundall of Wayne , general
manager ; J. B. Cessna of Hastings , secreta-y
and general solicitor.
Society Occurrence * nt Ilentrlre.
DBATRICEi Neb. . Dec. 9. ( Special. ) C. ,
K. Tlbbetts has gone to St. Louis to enter1 ,
upon bis duties as state agent in Mlrsouri
for a large Insurance company. He Is suc
ceeded here as state agent for Nebraska by
George L. Platt.
George H. Hastings of Crete attended dis
trict court In Beatrice the past week.
Mayor Jackson Is recovering from a recent
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Babcock of Cam
bridge , Neb. , have returned home after sev
eral days' vl lt with their daughter , Mrs.
W. W. Duncan ,
Mr. and Mrs. E , J. Edgar of Newcastle ,
Wyo. , are visiting their brother , Colonel W.
II. Edgar.
Rev. C. S. Dudley of Chicago visited In
Beatrice the past week.
The Woman's club met with Mrs. Maurice
Doutsch Friday afternoon. Tbe topic was
"China. " After the program on informal
reception was given the first vice president ,
Mrs. D. G , Everltt , who is soon to remove
to Chicago.
Mrs , W , L. Leigh entertained her Sunday
school class at her home Wednesday after
Jacob Klein ban returned from a two
months' visit in Arizona and New Mexico.
Mrs. C. C. Knapp and daughter , Frances ,
have gone to Nassau , Bahama Islands , for
tbe winter.
At a recent social meeting of the Fratrr-
nal Union of America a wedding was one of
the features of tbo occasion. The principals
were Mr. John F. Turner nnd Mrs. Mary I.
Klnnamon. The ceremony wo performed
under an arch of spears and other Insignia
of tbe order held by members of the lodge
In uniform ,
Mrs. T. L. Beardslcy gave a reception
Thursday evening In honor of Mrs , E , J.
Kdgar of Newcastle , Wyo.
The Loyal Temperance legion gave an
entertainment at tbo Second Presbyterian
church Thursday evening.
The Centenary Epworth league was enter
tained Thursday evening at the hpme of
Miss Agnes Kennedy ,
A tin in H Conntx Mnrt i Kr Ilrcoril ,
HASTINGS , Neb. , Dec. 9. ( Special. )
Mortgages filed and released In Adams
county during the month of November :
Farm mortgage * filed , forty-two , amounting
to $49.049.65 ; released , fifty-two , amounting
to $35,753.11 ; city mortgages flkd , teven-
teen , amounting to $9.689.56 ; released , thir
teen , amounting to $7,515 ; foreclosed , $4-
177.50 ; chattel mortgages filed , 157. amountIng -
Ing to $34,424.55 ; released , 112 , amounting
to $22,418.53.
Itcfinlntlonn on SonrUor Ilnyivnril.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb. , Doc. 9. ( Special. )
In the district court today a committee
appointed for the purpose from the Cass
county bar presented resolutions of respect
to the late Senator Hayward , Which were
read and ordered spread upon the journals
of the court.
In presenting the resolutions Judge Chap
man , chairman , spoke.briefly of the life of
the dead senator , paying high tribute to
his strength of character , broadness of view
as a lawyer and man of affairs nnd his ser
vices to his fellow men. The judge was
followed by II. B. Windham , Judge A. N.
Sullivan , C. S. Polk nnd C. A. Rawlcs. Many
Incidents in the life of the senator wcra
C'lmrireil with Stealing Illc.volcn.
SCHUVLER , Neb. , Dee. 9. ( Special. )
Two men giving the names of Myers and
Edwards were arrested here last evening
on a description wired from Silver Creek.
Th/iv nrn nlinrn-p/l u'Uh Rtpnltnc- hlovpln I
They admitted to the officer that they had
checked two wheels from Silver Creek to
Omaha and had the checks for them. They
were passengers on a stock train. They
say they have been working the last flvo
weeks near FuIIerton.
Jnll PrlHonrm Olijcct ( o Fooil.
GENEVA , Neb , . Dec. 0 , ( Special. ) For
several days the. sheriff has been busy with
a force of men digging up sewerage In the
vicinity of the county Jail to clean the pipes
of tin cans , broken crockery and trash
thrown In by the prisoners who objected
both to county faro and the service.
An tiio food was Improved somewhat and
tbo prisoners bavo become hungrier they
bavo now returned to tbo custom of eating-
ICiuir County Fiimicr * ' Inntltiito.
CREIGHTON , Neb. . Deo. 9. ( Special. )
Tbe next regular meeting of the Knox
County Farmers' Institute is to be held en
Friday , December 15 , at the farm home of
J , K , Brown , tbrco miles east of town , The
day will be taken up in discussion , rci.'lta-
tlon and good music. These institutes are
becoming morn popular.
Ii-lf nroUc-ii In n Knot llnll Gnnir.
WEEPING WATER , Neb. , Dec. 9. ( Spe-
cial. ) While playing foot ball yesterday
afternoon at the school house , Hnrley Woods ,
son of George Woods , sustained a broken
leg. He was taken to tbo school house where
the boie was set and then to his home a
mild south of town.
Count ) ' * NiiKnr I nil MM try ,
WEST POINT. Neb. , Dec. 9. ( Special. )
During tbo season just closed 175 cars of I
sugar beetc were shipped from this station I
to the sugar factory. The acreage already
contracted for for next year Is the largest
ejncn the new Industry wag established.
armour lluyx llrlcli nt lliiHtlnirx ,
HASTINGS , Neb. . Dec. 9. ( Special. ) A
representative of the Armour company was
In Hastings this week and closed a deal
with the firm of Klose & Polcnekl for 1,000-
000 bricks.
Arrented on Complaint of n filrl.
YORK. Neb. , Dec , 9. ( Special ) At the
picllmlnary hearing In tba county court
Boys' Gloves
25c For boys' wool gloves nnd mittens.
Boys' flno wool gloves. 45c. Kid nnd mocha
fleece lined gloves , 60c , worth 75c. Extra
flno fleece- lined kid gloves 75c and $1.00.
Wool lined mocha mittens 75c.
Men's Linen
men's pure linen hemstitched
handkerchiefs. V4 and 1-Inch hem. 15c for
men's pure linen hand embroidered Initial
handkerchiefs , unlaundercd. 20e for men's
fine pure liner hemstitched handkerchiefs ,
' / & nnd 1-lnch hem , 3 for 50c.
25c For men's flno linen hand embroid
ered Initial handkerchiefs , u-inch hem :
also very flne plain linen hemstitched
handkerchiefs , U and H and 1-Inch hem.
j 35c Fop a regular SOc linen handkerchief
In ' .i. ' ,4 nnd 1-Inch hem , the best value
ever offered , 3 for $1.00. We have n very
superior quality nt COc and 75c In U. H
nnd 1-Inch hem.
Oxford Mufflers
We have just received nn Immense as
sortment of these late style mufllors. They
are made of excellent quality silk , In nil
the weaves and colors nnd designs , with
fine quilted lining 50c , 75e , $1.25 revers-
nble , $1.50. Tht Prince of Wales style ,
entirely new , $1.75.
Men's Neckwear
Our Neckwear department Is complete
with nil the latest novelties of the season.
25c Men's string ties , bows and made
ties In new stripes nnd figures.
fiOc A flne of
I assortment fotir-ln-hnnds ,
imperials and the late style puff In Persian
designs , fancy stripes nnd figures , extra
values , for 50c. We have n choice line
of Puffs and the new broad end four-ln-lmnd
for $1.00. $1.2. > and $1.50 made of the finest
imported bilks In the latest designs and
Shopping Bags , Belts
mid Purses.
Flno Satin and Suede Opera Glass and
Shopping Bags nt $2.2. ) , $2.75 and $3.50 each.
Fine Cloth nnd Leather Boston Shopping
Bags at $1.60. $1.75. $2.00 , $2.50 and $3.00
Ladles' Novelty Leather Belts , In patent
leather , seal , morocco , alligator and band-
carved Mexican , a't 35c , SOc , 75c , $1.00 , $1.25
and $1.50 each.
Ladles' Combination Pocket Books nnd
Purses In morocco seal , alligator , Texas
steer , Mexican , etc. .all plain or mounted
In sterling silver or gold plate at 50c , 75c ,
$1.00 , $1.25 , $1.50 , $2.00 , up to $3,00 each.
Fine Imported Oauzo and Taffeta Fans ,
with dainty hand painting , spangled and
lace border decorations n't ' 50c. 65c. 75c ,
$1.00 , $1.50 , $2.00 up to $6.00 each.
All Silk Satin nnd Gro Grain Ribbons In
all the dainty shades far art and fancy
C. Sell , who has been married only a few
wcekc , was bound over to the district court
on bond of $1,000 and not being able to fur
nish It , Is in jail. Ella Snider , who was
14 years old last July , swore that Sell ac
complished her ruin and that he is father of
her child.
CnnlniiM Dpoeiiilior .SliniTcrn Are Hc-
linrttMl from .tinny I'nrtu of Ne
braska Wcntlier Mild.
WEST POINT , Neb. , Dec. 0. ( Special. )
Rain fell steadily during the whole of last
night and is still falling. The ground Is
1 thoroughly soaked. The temperature in mild
and tbe whole of the- moisture will soak
Into the ground.
GIBBON , Neb. , Dec. 9. ( Special. ) A flne
rain fell all night and the ground Is thor
oughly soaked. The weather this morning
is foggy nnd warm.
ST. PAUL , Neb. , Dec. 9. ( Special. ) A
warm , light rain began falling hero about
1 o'clock yesterday afternoon , and , Increasing
ing In force , continued all night until at this
time almost an Inch of rain has fallen , which
will be of Rrcat benefit to fall grain.
BENNINGTON , Neb. , Dec. 9. ( Special. )
It has been raining here steadily for' the
last twenty-four hours. The thermometer
registers 60 degrees.
HARVARD , Neb. , Dec. 9. ( Special. )
Rnln began falling yraterday about 1 o'clock
in tbo afternoon and continued during the
night. This rain has taken the frost out
of the ground nnd will make plowing easy.
GENEVA. Neb. , Dec. 9. ( Special. ) Rain
,1ms fallen almost continuously since Friday
afternoon nt : i o'clock. Tbe precipitation Is
nearly an Inch.
WINSIDE , Neb. , Dec. 9. ( Special. ) A
heavy rainfall began Friday evening nnd
j ! has continued intermittently ever since. The
j weather Is springlike In Its mildness.
TrciiniNeli FrliMiil * of ( I.lciitennnt
Wlm AViiN irlth Deivey ICntcr-
tnlti Him.
TECUMSEH , Neb. , Dec. 0. ( Special. )
Lieutenant Arthur G. Kavanagh , Nebraska' . ]
I Manila bay hero , was tendered a reception
at the Hotel Hopkins hero last evening by
a company of his masculine friends and ad
mirers. The affair was Informal and numer
ous Impromptu responses were made to
toasts on appropriate subjects. Lieutenant
Kavanagb contributed to the pleasure of the
evening by narrating some of his personal
experiences in the battle of Manila and giv
ing a brief description of tbe Inhabitants
and conditions In tbe Philippines. Plates
were laid for thirty. The large dining room
had been previously tastily and prettily des-
orated with plants , flowers and designs of a
nautical character. The menu :
IIultrcH d'Ostendc.
Codflhh duo Hiilu. Hello Pellets.
Bliiqul d'Ecresvlsbt'H.
Salmon du Manila Day. Bauco Cavlte.
HojHt UreaBt of Turkey. Jolly Mnlulos.
J'ottlH I'o's , n la C'aloocaii.
Muxhed Potatoes en Tngalo.
Salad Corresldor Bhrlmp ,
Roman Pmu-li , u la Olympla.
J'lncapplo Muxcovlto Luzon. Hole Food.
Cheese Straws 8an Quentlne.
Kdam Cheese.
Cafe dcml Tasse Isle Negros ,
Cigars. H la Dowcy
Cattle Klllcil by 1'ulNUiliiiiM WeciU.
A.INSWORTH , Neb. , Dec. 0. ( Special. ) I
Several ranchmen of late have teen losing I
The .Finest Collection
of Holiday
Wo ever gathered together at prices < hnt
will please the most exacting.
Fine French Vnl : lace border sheer linen
handkerchiefs , bordcis of lace , beading and
Insertion , nrp all daintily stitched by band ,
nt 63r. 75c. S5r , $1.00 , $1.25 up to $2.50 each.
Dainty lure border handkerchiefs nt li'c ,
2Jc , 35c nnd oOc each.
Flno embroidered Irish and Snlan ulietr
linen and batiste handkerchiefs with scol
loped or narrow hemstitched border * lOc ,
12',4o. 15c , 25c nnd 30c pnch.
Very flne embroidered Irish. Swls and
French sheer linen lawn handkerchiefs-
very dainty designs , scalloped and narrow
hemstitched borders ROc , OOc , 75c , $1,00 ,
$1.25 , $1.50 up to 5.00 each.
Flno linen handkerchief centers , narrow
hemstitched borders. 6 , 7 nnd 0 Inches
square at 12'-ic , 15c , 25c nnd f 0c each.
Flno sheer linen hemstitched hnndkfr-
chlofs , . Vfc , U and It-Inch hem at 15c , loc ,
35c and fiOo. each.
Hemstitched flno linen cambric handker
chiefs , K , U and % -lnch hems nt lOc.
or $1.20 dozen ; 12 < 4c , $1.40 dozen ; 15c. $1.75
Children's hemstitched plain whlto and
printed border flno cambric handkerchief ,
put up In half dozen lots at ISc , 25c/nml
30o n lot of 6 handkerchiefs.
Extra Lace Tallies
Flno French Valenciennes Laces for bor
dering handkerchiefs , with Insertions to
match , nt 4c , 5c , 6c , 8c , lOc , 12Uc , loc , 20o
and 25c a yard.
Real Valenciennes and Duchess Laces In
various widths to match.
Point d'Esprit , iMallncs nnd Oriental Lacea
for art and fancy work at lOc , 12V4c , 15c ,
? n < - nnrl ar.o A vnrd.
stock through poisonous weeds. G. Fowler ,
a few miles north of Alnsworth , has lost ten.
It Is thought they get bold of poisonous
weeds. The cattle seem all right a few-
minutes prior to their death , when they be
gin to rec'l about Ilko a drunken man and
falling , die In great agony. The ranchmen
are taking their cattle off the cornstalks
ami putting them In the feed lots nnd where
this Is done no further losses are reported.
Coiunmiy C In Iteoreniilzlnnr.
BEATRICE , Neb. , Dec. 9. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Steps have been taken to reorganize
Company C , First Nebraska , that It may
again tnko Us place In the Nebraska Na
tional Guard , When tbe minimum number
Is recruited tbo adjutant general will come
from Lincoln and muster In the new com
pany and provide It with the necessary arms
and equipments.
Kunernl of Kx-SlierlfT Nlxoii.
CLAY CENTER , Neb. , Dec. 9. ( Special. )
The remains of J. P. Nixon , one of Clay
county's early settlers and at ono tlmo
hherlff of the county , were burled yesterday
from his home , a few miles west of here.
rulliertnaii Kiinlonlxtn for Allen.
CULBERTSON , Neb. . Dec. 9. ( Special. )
The senatorial oltuatlon is being watched
with Interest here. Fuslnnlsts in this part
of the county all seem to favor William V.
Allen's Immediate return to the senate.
Knlr nnil Colder Sniulny irlth North *
crly WlnilH nnil Knlr Mnndny
In Ncbrnnlin.
WASHINGTON. Dee. 9. Forecast :
Nobraskr. Fair nnd colder Sunday ; Mon
day fair northerly winds.
For Iowa Rain In eastern , fair and colder
In western and central portions Sunday ;
Monday fair , colder In eastern portion ;
southerly shifting to westerly winds ,
For Missouri Rain Sunday with colder
In western portion ; Monday fair , with colder
In eastern portion , southerly shifting to
westerly winds ,
For South Dakotr , nnd Kansas Fair Sun
day , colder In eastern portions ; Monday
fair , northerly winds ,
For Wyoming Generally fair Sunday and
Monday variable winds ,
„ _ W w. R. NEWMAK.
Staunton , V . says : | "I wns afflicted
with Contagious Blood Poison , and
the best doctors did mo no good.
In fact , I seemed to get worse- all
Uui while. I
took almost every so-
called blood remedy , but they did
not reach thodisenBO. Atthonavlca
of a friend , I then took 8. 8. 8. ,
nnd began to improve. I continued
the medicine and it cured mo com
pletely , and for ten years I hare
never had n sign of the dineaae to
to return , "
' . 'The
( Swift's Specific ) is the only remedy
which can eradicate Contagious Blood
Poison. ItiBKUaranteodur < fj/tr / < a&k.
Book on self-treatment mailed free by
Swift Specific Company , Atlanta , Ga.