Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1899, Part I, Page 7, Image 7

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SLdS' 'JMW' ' k r jrn .ar ja
THE BELATED WINTER SEASON enabled us lo make purchase's from manufacturers at our own figures. Last week while the weather was still warm
Dinner15c our buyers were east looking for "snaps , " as they call them. With manufacturers eager to dispose of stocks , the conditions wore very favorable , and Concert
SHOUT Serve. ) from 11 to 2 it's ' needless'to say they found them. The goods cannot remain in stock any length of time. We expect to rid ourselves of the majority oi the purchases
Chicago Office London Office
Hlg purchases from manufacturers'sample lints makes these values 187Micligaii-uv ! 11 Cheapsidc. \Vo have purchased the entire stock of Men's Flno Slippers from the "Hiuid
possible. Sowed Shoo Co. " of this city , for about half of thulr actual valuo. We're
Ladies' ' Combination Hlack and White Ice Wool New York Paris Office letting the goods go on the same busts. If you want slippers , got them
Suit flepco lined , natural - Shawls in various sl/.os , priced at OfflcJ 55) Hue De Lu now. Anticipates your needs while the opportunity is yours. Lloro is the
tural grav , perfect ( It- 10 per cunt below tlio rogu'nr ' sell 588 HroaUWay. Opera way wo sell thorn.
ting , very clastic ribbed ing price Monday $2.50 , Sl.'Cnnd I of 1 .Men's Goat and Kid Slip. Kxtra Special In Men's Shoes
worth fully TO/-i 81.25 values ffSH pers aoino lined with Monday wo place on sale 1MO pairs
SI.23 , s'lo priced VC at. $1.75 , l)8c ) and A. OC chamois skin , some kid lined and seine of our gnintino cruck-pronf calf
Ladies'all ' Wool Combination Infant's Silk Hoods fleece lined , values up to $2.fiO a pair , shoes , lri"tho new toes , all sizes and
bination Suits silver brown end in red , not ono pair worth less last * , regular $2.00 values , reduced
, flno llccccd green , fur and cord than $1.50 , all go at ono for Monday only , per pair
gray , per- trimmlngd , xvortb fully TXO-t
< -
foot fittinc , clastic rib 81.60 , sale price only. . . . . . * OC price , only
bed , regular $21 Infant's Wool f- Mens Fine Kmbroldered 1.23
garments for. . J Hoods In green , Slippers plush or velvet ,
red , brown
and blue , excellent qual actually worth $1.00 n pair , wo Jmvo
L'idies' all wool Com ity , worth fully 7uc- r\ _ put thorn in the basement
bination Stilts extra special sale price xy > and marked them down
quality , superior Hcoc- Infant's White Silk and Wool to
cd garments , silver Hoods with down trimAff i toWomen's Fine Viol Kid Shoes var
. gray , w o r t h fully ming , 7oc value ± y > L > ious styles and tees , hand turned and
only 12.50 special sale price | l.OVJ Qfl Infant's Hootee * all wool , fine welt , all sl/.L's and lastsd PJ f\
Laillcs All Wool Union Suits black knitted value , , ( UlTorCiil , coloix , loc regular $3.00 value , I 0 / V7
Jursoy rllibcd , nxtra ( plallty , pprfei't.O 'lO ' RDcclnl per pnlr ' per pair
. Infant's 20o Wool ll'iotces-dlll'er-
. - -
IHiliiK garmunts. ri'guliir JJ.fiO vulun "
Cliiklren's Fine N.itnral Under. - entnulurs , line knitted , only Hoys Calf Shoes very f\ < > _
wear dllTerciit sizes , on sale Infant's Cloaks at Very Special good stock , the kind that , < f35 (
Monday at Prices. will stand wear , 1.39 valuo. "
( MAIL OUIH3US I'M,1.101) . ) ( illMliHT AM. DAY MO.M1AY. )
C 7J
Over 18,000 yards of Winter Dress Fabrics of both foreign and domestic manufacture , go on sale promptly at 8 o'clock. This stock represents the cream of the stock of several well known manufactur
era and importers , who being anxious to sell , accepted our spot cash offer. Needless to say it was a low one. These prices demonstrate the goods must
have been bought cheap. Cheap for us means cheap for you.
rfNotions Double Width Plnids--45 inch English bnucio Black Crepons with pure mohair Inch Imported Novelties bmndcloths , fancy Fancy Striped Silks In the latest creations nnd fl
Notions cloth. 38 inch German novelties in silk colorings , handsome effects , cheap iniiigs Sale and >
and wool , worth to 4Dc u top ; colored crcpuns with all silk top , $1.50 value , at $1.25 a yard special sale
up yard '
and Findings for and black matla scs , 40 inihes wide , worth $1.50 a Dress Trim'ings }
go worth $2.00 a yard , a price
" " and yard also black and colored poplins
"Hump" Hooka Eyes , Standard Lining , o >
&c value , per card and line corded diagonal cloth nnd Checks black do solo per yard * * >
5c Kid Curlers , dozen 50 Inch Eta mine IJascot Cloth 50 50 Inch Hlack Broadcloth for tailor made suits , New Stripes and pcau
Ponrl liuttons , 2 dozen. . . . mixtures , reversible plaids , 45 inch at worth $2.50 per yard over 5UO patterns of Cropnus silk , worth $1.25 a yard. It's remaritable how lilnlnsT. Rccular 13e Waist
' yard
t'ro wn Jewel PI us homespun suitings , goods worth up all skirt lengths' , worth up to $3.00fl ( = xfx cheap wo bought you can buy on
Dress So Skirl Shields Illndlng. , worth yard. ful- . . . toR'Jou ' yard , for 50-inch Venetian Cloth in all col a yard on sale Monday H < J the BU" ° basla tomorrow Canvas English , Dyed per yard
i Iv 12c. per pair ors ; 50 inch Meltons , 4i ( inch coverts , -iG inch Scotch UHKSS TIlIMMlNCiS of nil i
' Dress Stays , per sol 50 Inch Golf Cloth all colors , $1.25 mixtures in all colors , very heavy , also broadcloth kinds braids nnd fancy >
< 2 pkgs. Pins only hair cloth , 60 inch 'storm serge , all in black and colors , and fiO inch < am- Fancy Stripe.l SilUs "fie and $1.00 Fancy Striped Silks also plaidsand < beaded , gulmps , etc. , * * >
< \ ( Box i pieces of Bone of Tnpo Buttons only. . . . wool black crepons , heavy boucle cloth el's hair , $1.09 and $2.00 dross fabrics values , and very fine black satin 27 inch black satin and blaok pcau do ' l 23e worth yard up to , only ac ) and J" - C < )
Ov * . . 48 inches wide $1.25 values at auehosso on sale for soio , $2.00 silks for fssJ
Linen Sale Handkerchief Sale Anti-Trust
l > Miie Unlilenelied Drug Prices
Tnlile l.lneii A sale of Drummers Samples.
worth fully 30a - j < "kp Profit is out of the question now , our aim is to dispose of the goods. Remember , you have your pick of No two alilto , these that dote Day Monday In our will Drug tic Bargain Department
\ the finest shown in Oinnlm these low and astonishing prices.
a yard , only A yr\J goods ever at remarkably quite on oxelusivenoss have nn unusual ment and the following
Our optical department is in charge of an experienced prices will lie In force. IN"
'l-iiirli Turkey lied Ladies' Fine Ladies' 10 inch Sheared Cony usual opportunity this sale.
rienced rofractionist who will test the eyes free of Kersey Jackets SPITE OF TUB THUST.
DftniKHk Fine lace lawn and linen '
Tjilile charge , and fit glasses when needed , at a third of in navy , black and castor , full eilk Collarettes the regular , GOc bottle Scott's
handkerchiefs divided into 3 Emulsion .
half worth 25c a yard , at Just the ordinary optical store prico. lined , made with tailor strappings , lar $2.00 kind for just lots for quick selling Monday. lOo bottle
CSold Spectacles Alumlnold Frniuuf the best $15 jacket half Glycerine
Monday with llnu crystal with flno Half prices and less is the '
i | OQ crystal In the city on 50u Stuart's
" l Oi * lenses , pair. . . , order of the day. Dyspepsia Tablets
I' I ITnlileiieliei sale for
Nlckol Heading lOf Nickel gnifying Ladies' Electric Seal Collarette 10 I5o bottle Or-
Tnlile DmiiiiHk lw Glusscs. . . . " "
1 values to 15c -
inch Skinner's satin Lot up , Castor Oil
worth 50e per Prescriptions Promptly and Correctly Filled. Ladies' Fine Imported Kersey , for $1.00 bottle Kilmer1 i
yard , only . . . lined , regular $8.50 go Swnmp-Hoot
anJ Melton Jackets in all the kind , reduced to -u. Lot 3 nil handsomely om- Lot 3 mostly Imported 15c Bottle Qr
: t-l Sire \iiiUliiK Photographic Dept latest and most fashionable styles , broldcrod , values handkerchiefs , machine Oil J * *
fine quality linen , worth lined with Skinner's satin , the highest Real Astrakhan Fur Capes 30 in. up to UOc , values up toSGc. $1.00 Fountain Syringe.
Cami-ras and Kodaks of
- ° - Every Description. est class of tailoring go for BO for qunrt size ,
on- , ypi.d.0.z : : : > . . . .95e ISiiKtiium Films , a I--vIt I-i ! , ruul : tOo $15 and $17 long , 120 in swoop- only
ing ,
KiiNtiiinii FIlniN , i : 1-1 , roll UOc well lined , $20.00 75c Atomizer
Ilyiiu , pound IIIIKH lie nines at .
hemmed , ready for use , I'liuto I'unte , U5c Jar l.'lo garment for Blankets at bare Cost 50c Beef Kxtract 24r- '
Dovclonlni Tray , ivooil lilire l.v.T 5c vnl lie Wool
72x90 , worth ; , , All , Heavy Weight Tailor
O ' Pound box Pure
CdC , only 5 < yC A complete line of new Ktctlng Matte Paper , which Made Suits taffeta lined jackets. 500 Misses' and Children's Ladies' 33 inch Electric Seal Fur "Goods bought right are half sold. " Those goods Borax
develops with the use of cold water only. Vclox , best quality skirt lining and velvet Cape with astrakhan collar , extra wore bought from overstocked mill men who were
Sollo , Arlato Papers and everything In the way of facing. 810.00 and Jackets at Manufacturers' quality satin lin itehfhg for the cash. Our dollars looked bigger Extra Specials p
Photo Supplies at greatly reduced prices. $12.00 garments ing , was $30 than the blankets did to them , that's why wo made .
Extra Cost ImMemeiit.
on Monday from llic
at , now 'em go twice as far as usual. So will yours have a Meu'H Fnnej- Hose
li-J-OI tilll.'llNfllUlll. . Tobaccos Umbrellas Made in dozens of different styles , double purchasing power tomorrow. regular IGo value ,
Silk KlnlHli Croc-hct ' Ladies' or Our $18.00 tailor made suits go fine kerseys and Meltons , elegantly Real Alaska Seal Jackets and Per 7Bc dlil. IllniiUetH : i. > c on sale for
Cotton- fo i- $9.98 trimmed , all BIXOH sian Lamb Jackets l.OO did. Illuiiketn . " > 1)c ) it : 11-1 niiuiketH
, / million
worth -lc a spool , lc Pet Box Cigars oC 50 Little only . 1.98 Gents'fine ' Our $20.00 and it22.00 tailor made $ G. $7 and $8 values $150 and $200 values l.-)0 dlil. IlliuikctH 70f ! ll ' 11-4 IlIniilcctH incluaing Fancy silk ribbons
all colors , only UmbrclIiiK li.OO dlil. IIIiiuUftH OSt : Ijt. II-I HlnnkelH
' extra quality suitt for $12.00 at at worth 60 a yard ,
Cotton L'niNli '
I'ox of 50 line
BOBS 1.25 ty covering , all colors , choice
special , per yard , / b Clcrars only steel rod
only C imtnr'l wood ' Candies Book Dept Toilet 1'njjer--
Turkey } | ed I'rlnlx Box of 50 Clears Commander . . 2.98 iKindlcs.nUo fancv Chtna LADIES HOSIEflV PEOPLES' STORE SALE ON WATCHES Jelly Fruit 'Beans Tablets , , pound. . . . 9e Richard Carvel 83c 5o largo value size , per roll , perforated / 'f ' ,
worth 6c a yard , > $ n Imnillcs , A positive saving of 1-3 the regular all llavors. lb The . . . . >
Carpet Bngger..S 2
Box of 50 Nebraska Special prices , the result of great IsHFABMIIADTHKFor ular "store c roll , only
only \ .
4\j ka Doys Cigars . 1.24 purchases. ' and Regular $1.50 editions. Liee Shelf 1'niicr
Crcniii Slmkor Ladles' Gold Manicuring Soldiers of Fortune , Caleb
A Spcclnl We save yon money on Glovos. all colors , per roll of
KUiiiiK--- ! Watches , Hair . 18c West , TPlsla , Prisoner of
Box of 25 hand Lot of line Ladies' ' Dressing
worth 6c a yd. , made Stosles . . . , .44c umbrellas. Fancy GAMES 10k , American " Zonda , Ixidy of Quality , 10 yards
sale hllk serge Hose now plaid TOYS and JL 500 Switches , nil shades In cloth bound only
special price Box of 2T > Clar 59c c o v o r I n K effects , very good can move of hair , on sale Monday edition , 75c value
Until Tont-lN endon Cigars . . ( .tool r o ( I , quulitv , wort h fin ment , warranted at very special prices.
The Cloth Bound Books by " . roil , nntural
worth fully Gc , n a t u r a j 25c . ' . ranted cor- new Umpire Combs wltli s".eel
fully a pair '
sale for .2c 100 Hits * 1.25 linndles , nsw styles , < sale rert timekeepers latest novelties at spe popular authors , wood handle , on
on for worth J2&2OU1for * if/Okx-i / keepers , cial prices. 25c values , for
. . .
sale for
.IUC only
prico. . . . $10.00 value
L.idles' Fancy
.Groceries Shorn of All Prof t llosu m i x od
. with lisle , cx-
II. . % K. Orniiiiliiti-il Illc c-.n K. ' C. .OC f tromoly handsome Gold
Hiisrnr 5 HIH. < On ToiiinlouK llnkliit ; 1'otvilor . oll'ects , choice col Plated LL Sheeting on sale Working Shirts bl'k Ladies' Union Stilts-
for 1 = 'C -liuiinil I'M n .6c 15 Cull 1C. C. orings , regular 35c value , 1 ] GJx-i Watch , from 9 to 10 und2 _ to 3 , and whlto striped , on heavy ribbed , line lleec-
The Pi-oiilc * " Superior Siiiinr Corn . . . , . lliiklni ; 1'oivilcr . . only IOC American at per Bale from 11 to ed , COc garments , on
HIICN | | ( I'ntciit Iarm' liottlr Inrn ' lioltle i > iir < : The iUontford Glove by the movement , yard 12 and 3 to 4 , sale from
.Illiiii. Flour . . I'lvUlfN , IINH't'll. i Tonic-.lo c , have yon over seen a pair ? No doubt way , sale worth price $7.50 , only ' 3JC values. . . .
1,1. . < MIII Alaxlca Colored Hunting for Mens Camel Hair Underwear . .
Illuh 1'iidMit 'Tflrt 74c r HIM. irooil you have , the n you have noticed how only
Minn. KJonr . . .JV Siiliuiwi Jnpnii Itloi' . . . . 15c superior they are in every res ect to All the latest novelties in games and comforters a n d fancy derwear and natural The Kaliuico of these
Ilnnil IMi'kcil A. 1 ! . C. Crnc-U- Soilii or No. 1 IMeiilc most gloves. Wo are still selling the toyn that delight the old as well ns the work , on sale from 9:30 : shirts and drawers fine trimmed capos , regular -
Xnvy lictiiiH , 11 > . . OyMtor ITH , pounil IIlllllN , IIOIIIIll . . . .6c new fall shad 05 , and guarantee every younr ; can bo found in out- spacious toy to 1:30 : and 4 to 5 , ] 0 to 11:30 : , ular $ : i vul- "
Good Country 16c pair as $1.50 gloves -fl rf rf V department. Owintr to the great Ladles' Solid Silver Watches , excellent per yard 35c values , 17 c uc , while
S HIM. Ilrt'iikfiiNt IJi. unii KiiKle II u tier , l.'cmill. . timekeepers , line movement , '
only only
5c 1.1IU of received
for .
t.-iiiiuiUiii | . . StrU'llj' Kre Ii quantities goods wo wo $5.00 value . . 2.98
will not bo able to exhibit , the entire Lonsdalc Cambric Ladies' Hose fast color Mail's ' Neckwear of-
( Jul. rnii \ . Y , KKKKt l * r do/ . . The Fallen Glo\v h the regular $1 Ladles' Gun Metal Watches , excellent -
1'iire ' Krnliniii . . . ( II. run Vermont slovo and cannot bo bought clsowhuro for stock before Tuesday , the 5th of movement , correct timekeepers best quality , worth 12o { or , worth lOc a pair , on feetlvo patterns , regu
Ii'Jotir. nok ' - Toinnto less but we Imvosucuroil the i December. We advise early .select keepers , $5.00 value .2.74 a vard , on sale K ? _ _ sale from 9 to 10 lar 60c
X. Y. lluckwlii'iit 1'iii-e , isnllon Syrup nrn upency and Introdiicln g ions while the stock is unbroken and Ladles' Handsome Knamel Watches , from 10 to 11 andfjfj and 5 toll , values-
l nil . . tliom at with chatelaine. In a beauti "
Phone 1921 and give your order. It will receive prompt attention. All sizes , all latest shad es niiill crders tilled at its best. ful case , JlS.iO value , only . . . . 9.98 4 to C , per yard. . at . only
Holiday Hints Suggestions for Suitable Gifts ; Most Appreciable Because Most Useful
Our Furniture and Crockery Departments abound in no end of useful holiday gifte. Sensible presents for the reason that they add beauty to the home and forever hold the givers in memory. It's needless for us
to say that wo have the most extensive lines in the west you know that. And it would only bo a repetition of facts to state that our prices ( quality considered ) are by far the lowest.
The ones wo quote below are but mere instances , but they give you an idea how closely we shave the profits. Our close buying , too , is in your favor.
H.MJ , TIIKKS , n7Aof \ ( 'oia-
( > n oak , with iiliitu .ss , him liraco
Stoves areSold Here at tfie Old Prices. IrlniliiBH. worth
? ! SI.OO , wile
That means you save about uno-thlrd of your money , Contracts made
lust year permit these low
, S' WOIIK TABLKS , ilia-
has heavy castings , full nickeled , or ;
15-Inch llro i > ot. a Kood , steady worth fully JjU.fiO
heater and coal saver , fCi sif\ Hitlo price
worth $25.00 sale price . . . . " - * "
1IAND3UMK DKCCmATKD have very heavy cnHtlnRs , with
bossed , with tray , -
sirrs-100 pieces , line Enellslnvaro , full nickel trimmiiiKs lurtre lire -j
ex ! client patterns-worth fully $12.00 pot , a jood heater , worth . { .HO , a I *
worth $10.00 , price only
-special nalo _ . .6.85 ONYX TOP TAHL.I3- CORAL OAK STOVK-an pxrcl-
hrass frame , neatly - , HANDSOMELY E.VAiMELKD IUO.V JED SIMT , -
" It-nt heater Hpli-ndid Htcel drum , DIUOSK TASKS /-ft o Kf
6MMFCK DINNER SKTS-ln two dlfdeaignedr "regular J > .00 luuvy cai tings , nli itol trimmings , brass tnp rail nnd brass trimmings , like thr > regular UK ) kind OO . colors , nicely decorated ware- ; " " , ? " 4.75 $1'.EO value sale r-r QQ cut , massive corner posit" , has four coats of for kind5
pretty shaped pieces3.39 ' iJSTATK'BTKIiiL ' ilANOKS baked enamel , white and m
t .tr STAR
worth $5,00 a set , only - - very nicely inuikof heavy colors , , worth $12.00 , only 4. C'OIWLIOK SKAT ICOCKKH. oak
G-PI12CK TOILKT BKT-Hne decorat wrouKht Blcel , highly pnllshed , full 3-I'IECE PARLOR SUITS Imntlsoino or mahogany , largo 4
ed English ware , full size pieces , BDAUTIFUL GOLDEN OAK nli kel trimmliiBs , has duplex grate frames Hl/.e , regular $ -1.00 II
for wood coal , * golden oak or mahogany upholstered in t
or \
07 zi\
worth J3.00. sale price 1.59 SIDEBOARD largo plato worth $ I2.SO sale prUp . . J Cf any color velour , tnpeatry and damask , value FINK IMPORTED LACK CURTAINB-
beautlful denlgns ,
only glass , has largo and roomy rare patterns
FANCY rLATKS-lmportpd ware , drawers , ojie velvet lined for IIl-JATKHS STAPLK AIR ooi ! TIGHT ckiir castings AVOOD , worth fully $25.00 , special CI1ILDHK.VS UKKU worth fully $5.00 a. pair , only . . .
. , cutlery , worth 1 1 . > JS1 worth fully $ j.W si ealo price IlOfMCKIlS. worth 1. : IMPORTED LACK
dainty tints , $1.00 vnlufs 69c fully J20 , only . ll.y O . t . CURTAIN8-Jrlflh
only i - - CHINA OABINETS , made sale price . o. I J OAK BOOK CASES well made , handsome f' , on snlu for Point and lirusfiels Net. also Point d'Ksprlt
4 IIOLK LAUNDRY AND COOK rich patterns worth fully $10 '
SAL-AH DJSHES-inoBt cliarmlns patterns . designs , $8.00 value , A 1'AUIXJH TABLI3S , oak or niu- /I JSi
of golden oalt. has French STOVK-very hp.ivy castings , Ims und $12 a pair sale price \J * J iJ
terns , excellent effect * , flno French Pluto glaep , very beautiful top , a good heater , only 41 l.oKi.ny . . and hlrd'8- RICH TAPESTRY
nnd . Austrian values China O . 4-8 design fully $19 , worth , only . \A.A\3 O * S1LVKR vorth J7.00 GKM sale price CUOK . . , STOVR- MAHOOANY PARLOR CORNER CHAIRS py maple , ilx-l ! top , 1.39 and designs worth PORTIEREH-nll $3OiJ a s
Jl.OO hcavy catnliiBS. , worth Ji .T ! ) , only pair <
OAK DINING ROOM large oven a peed rich carvings , elegant design , A
A KUI.I. LINK OF CUT GLASS. TA1ILK lilehlv polished , a mliiKB. baker , full $1G value nickel , sale trimO price" . worth fully $8.EO , sale price . . . .TC * TAPESTRY figures , very PORTIKRKS-wIth rich draperies , Kill : woven
IJKAtTTIFt'b JAHDINIKHS-Various very useful Xmas * A * .VU n LA HO 13 SIXE COOK STUVK very Oak Parlor Pedestals , $5.00 values . . . . $2.75 worth fully $12 a pair , only
colors worth fully $1.00 , gift. $7,50 value , only heavy castings , u goml baker , lurgo '
only ANTIQUE OAK DININQ oven , worth fully $18- < Efk HANDSOME COUCH upholUered In any Mexican Drawn Work WE'RK SELLING INK VELVET CARPETS
' CHAlRS-cano or nala . 11. OU color velour , beautiful frame , positively PETS , Axinlnstcr aiiil Muiiiieite the kind
FINK CHINA CUSI'IDQRS-eleKnnt price Deii'l. nmv mi the .11 a In Ploor , .
that brings $ l.i5 !
polished real. $1 value a yard everyROr1
boautlfnl at- $12.00 values , on sale for
decora HOUR i > - uw
where , for
. HEKD AND OAK ISAI1Y 7.49 r.i ! DoyllrH only . I- l--o only -
torus , worth $2.00 and J2.23 , for ' only . :
- Heywood ' '
' '
( lis Diivllex only . . . < HEAl'Tll'MTL WILTON lU'CJS-rlch
make , worth fully A * 7C We dcelre to Inform the public that all OOMIHN'ATION ' HOOKCASE In oak or mahogany - patterns , slzo 9x12 , $50 vuluo , only . . .
Specials for Monday Jj.W , sain price . . .f * * * J ( in < i DnvlleN only . . . 'trie
, , . . . ' . merchandise on our main Iloor nnd la our hogany , has nicely flttwl desk ,
IJKAlTUIM m..c. LADIES' DESKS-mahog. 'I'llC Hilt-Mi I.IIIIKll OlotllH , llCIIII- of
One Kiillon < iliiM OH run , OHATED VASK any , oak or birds' eye bargain basement will bo ( .old . foe cnsh only. Merchandise on every other $12.00 value , only . ' Remnants Carpets
LAMP shade und > le. full size. o llfii ! ilL-NluiiH , itortli If. , ( Ml , niily
, , , nm
wllh tin Jiuiknt , only ( worth ; $7.00 , only . . . . . door , such as Ileaily-made Wearing Apparel , Millinery , Furniture , Carpets , MUSIC OAniNHTS mahogany or oak , All Hliort IviitflliH , Miiiall iili-ei-M t-iin
IliinUvood frniiie WnMliliuuril ppntnr draft burner LARC1E SIKK COSTUMER8 Stoves and Household Goods , will bo sold as heretofore either for cash or worth lully $7.00 , sale price Clotlm lit Ijll.Tn , M-orlh 97.00. Iniixoil for Ni-vrral iiurpiiHt-M , u In
ortu fullano , . . - . 3,90 til Hiilu In tlirrit lot *
* IE.- , worth $ ) &oo orjworth - , ,
only . , low on sale fJJ ppclal Hule price only ou the easy payment plan. only II ) fur ( lie lliH-Nt lineIn ( lie city. l.Tc , Klu und 5c