Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 02, 1899, Page 12, Image 12

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    12 THE O\IAHA ] \ DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , DKCEMBETC 2 , 180 $ ) ,
Nearly All Roads Are Now Using the New
Union Passenger Station.
X.nrcrr nml Cosily Slriiclnre of Ilrink
nnil Stone Suiiiilleil with ICrcry
Modern Convenience for Ilic
i i A. Tra * clinic 1'ulillc.
The new Union Pacific passenger depot ,
which l called a union station , Is now occii-
pled by the force that was employed at the
old depot , which was abandoned Thursday
President Burl of the Union Pacific spent
most of yesterday at the new station nnd
when asked If ho had any official wtntcmcnt
to make concerning the depot ho replied ,
"Nothing special ; it speaks for itself. "
The now station waa built by the Union
Pacific Hallroad company nnd will bo used
by all the roads entering Omaha with the i
exception of the Burlington , which has Its
own Htatlon , nnd the Missouri Pacific nnd
Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley roadc , !
which use the Webster street depot. The
station Is a large , commodious structure , of I
pleasing appearance , constructed of brick I
nnd stono. It is said to bo ono of the largest !
dcpolo In the went nnd Is claimed to be un
excelled In point of convenience In arrange
ment. The main building , containing the
walling rooms , ticket offices nnd baggage de
partment , is 350 feet long. H has nn aux
iliary 200 feet long connected by means of an
open court , for the restaurant , mall nnd ex
press departments.
The front of the new building rises to a
height of sixty-five feet above the level ot
the Tenth street viaduct. Entry Ib obtained
cither by means of the approach from the
viaduct or by a gracefully-curved stairway
leading to the level of the depot platform.
An Inclined driveway furnishes means for
carriages and other vehicles to reach the
depot on the north side. In the front of the
building Is the tower-room and all who enter
the building directly from the viaduct In
stead of using the outside stairway arc ena-
Wed to descend to the main Hoer either by
means of an elegant marble stairway or the
olovatore , soon to bo ready for operation.
Attractive WnltliiK Itooni.
The main waiting room Is very attractive
In appearance. It Is l&O feet long , CO feet
wide and 46 feet in height. The floor Is
of tile , nnd there Is a wainscoting of green
marble eight feet high , surrounding the
room , except on the south sldo , which Is
composed almost entirely of largo plato
fjlass doors and windows. Adjoining the
waiting room on the west Is a men's smok
ing room , with a corridor leading to the
toilet rooms nnd barber shop. On the north
Bldo are the check room , the ticket and
Pullman offices. In the northeast corner Is
the Western Union telegraph room. Op
posite this Is a private waiting room for
women. A corridor leads directly to the
commodious baggage room. Superintendent
Hnney has his ofllce In the southwest corner
end the adjoining room Is for the use of the
Burgeon. Beside the restaurant and the
rooms of the American , Pacific and United
States express companies , the auxiliary
building furnishes an apartment for the
train conductors In connection with the tele
graph office , and a largo room for United
States mall. The heating plant Is In the
basement at the cast end of the structure.
Contract for the depot was Jot by the
Union Pacific company October 3 189S. The
original cost was approximately $300,000 , al
though It Is Intimated that this figure has
been passed by a considerable margin. At
first It was thought that the depot would
bo ready for opening July 4 , 1809. and the
contract called for Its completion within a
year from the time of Its lotting. This
would have made the opening October 3 ,
The Dejiot Force.
Mr. IS. Hanoy , the station master , will
have under his direction a small army at
employes. All the old attaches have been
retained nnd numerous new ones appointed.
Henry M. Simpson , for many years con
nected with the Union Pacific company In
various capacities , 1ms been appointed as
sistant master and will have charge ot af
fairs at night. J. II. Dowar , formerly of
General Manager Dickinson's office , has
been appointed to fill the newly-created po
sition ot station secretary. Morris Fleming
continues to officiate as policeman , a posi
tion which ho has occupied for many years.
J. W. David continues as baggage superin
tendent , and J. K. Chambers presides over
the new ticket office as chief ticket agent.
Other attaches of the station arc as follows :
A. C. nedman , assistant baggagengont ;
K. Roach , night baggage agent ; W. W.
Garry , I * Llmbock , V. Kurbach , day check-
men ; G. Swanson. night chockman ; John
Benson , M. Slavln. C. Nelson , W. Flnney ,
II. H. Molleiifltat , John Flnney , Lou Lohnes ,
day truckmen ; Frank Slavln , E. E. Mears ,
day mall truckmen ; Ora FInnoy , night mail
truckman ; E. D. Hawk , C. F. Stltt , night
truckmen ; Victor IJayard , U. W. Chamber
lain , day passenger directors ; J. G. McBrlde ,
J. W. Tralll , day gatomen ; Dan Sweeney ,
night gateman ; Harry Weeks , E. D , Hoff ,
< lny elevator conductors ; Thomas A. Lynch ,
night olevutor conductor ; .Miss A. J. Irving ,
matron ; Miss Nora Hailing , maid ; E. Hob-
blns , janitor ; Emll Johnson , C. Tenant , W.
Campbell , W. M. Ransom , porters ; H. W.
Innc . day engineer ; T. Hill , night engineer ;
A. David , Harley Wood , Harry L. Sulow ,
llobcrt Shields , George Phillips , W. Costello ,
passenger assistants ; J. O. Pollock , day tolc-
praph operator ; T. U. King , night telegraph
operator ; V. Enholm , day sweeper ; M. Arm-
Btrong , night sweeper ; A. I * Hounnl , super
intendent railway mall care ; Charles Os-
trom , yard foreman ; C. F. Moore , J. L. Dor-
eey , W. F. Ilonewltz , W. Ueggen , swltch-
tendoro ; H. H. Hnrnlsh , W. F. Chambers ,
David Itlch , ticket clerks.
Don't fall to read the big store's announce
ment on page7 ,
Dinner to You MIT Men ,
Some Interesting statistics were gathered
nt the Young Men's Christian association
dinner to young men Thurnlny night
Among- the > young men present one-third
were not members of the association ; nearly
one-half had been In Omaha less than ono
year ; the places of birth represented
twenty-one states and eleven foreign
rountrlrH. The occupation of the men were
almost as varied as their places of birth ,
Wo sell all kinds of toilet soaps and me
dicinal nouns nt specially low cut prices.
Don't pay regular retail prices , but get our
IliurcH and save money.
ColKatu'a Cnslimcro llouquet Boap , wo
xell 15o and 2to
2T > o Cake I.c Ileau Monde Whlto Hose ,
wo nell 15c
25o Cutlcura Soap , wo well 20o
25o Pucker's Tnr Soap , wo Bell 15o
60oVoo < ll > ury'H Facial Sonp. wo soil. . . . ISa
25o Klrk'a Juvenile , wo sell So
25o Borax Tar Soap , wo sell Ho
jSo Hex (3 ( cakes ) Almond uncl Butter.
jnllle Soup ( line for money ) , per box , . lOo
I&U'Oir Bl ) SOAPS.
4711 White Ftoso Soap , per cake. 15c ; box , 40a
Wllhelm Rleeor's Transparent Olycer-
Ine ; 3fkj
Pears' Unsccnted Soap , per cake I2o
Pears' Olycorliie Soup , per cake I5o
Wo I.ubln's Soap , wo soil per cako. . . , . , -lOo
& 0o Coudray'H Lettuce Soap , per cake. . , 33c
Special quotation * upon liundrodn of other
lirumlB furnUhe'i ' upon application.
1613 DODGE ST. , Omaha , Neb.
aildille of UlocU. ,
thirty-five different lines of cnlllnpr were
Included. The fart Hint fo many of . . .e o
men have recently come to the city , nnd
from no many dlfterent wnlks In life , Is of
encouragement to the association.
Turn right to pngo 7 and read Hayden
Bros. ' advertisement.
Council I'crnlexoil nn to Hie rnvinont
of Tno IiiiMimlieiil * of I3x
cculltc Olllre.
A special session of the city council was
called yesterday to pass the November
appropriation ordinance. There was consid
erable confusion regarding the obligation ot
the city for the salaries of two mayors , PresIdent -
Ident Blngham of the council now holding
that position owing to Mayor Moores' Illness.
! The- salary of the acting mayor was allowed
j for the nine days beginning November 21 ,
but the whole amount of Mayor Moores' nal-
; ary was stricken from the ordinance pending
nn opinion by the city attorney.
The same point has been raised previously
during the lllncoj , or temporary absence , of
the mayor nnd has always been decided In
j favor of a double payment. The charter
I provides that the chief executive shall re-
celvo a yearly salary of $200 , making no
doblt allowance for his temporary absence
from olfice. A provision la also made for
the salary ot an .Incumbent acting In his
stead. This usage was recognized by Coun-
oilmen Burmcslcr , Knrr. Mercer nnd Mount ,
who voted to allow Mayor Moores his full
salary. The vote failed of n majority , how
ever , owing to the absence ot Lobcck nnd
Heche ! , nnd the negative vote of Burkley
and Stuht. The provision was then stricken
out until the meeting Tuesday night , when
the presence of the two members will achieve
Its passage.
The total provided for by the ordinance Is
$32,221.95 , and with the mayor's monthly
salary deducted amounts to $31,047.62.
Final Month I'ruiiilnpN < < > Continue ( lie
Ml 111 Suny Kxtiibllfilicil by
KM I'rciIcucNxur.
After a bleak Thansglvlng clay. In which
the evil elements of now and wind vented
themselves without restraint , Nature shifted
the scenes overnight and December entered
under happy conditions. The atmcwphero
was crisp and Invigorating and the streets
were thronged with shoppers anxious to en
joy to the fullest another spring day stolen
from winter.
November presented dwellers of earth with
a more unbroken succession of bright daya
than a long list of preceding Novembers.
The Impecunious citizen felt no pressing (
need of redeeming his heavier garments and i I
looks forward cheerfully to Christmas etHl j i
finding them superfluous. November , ono j 1
year ago , wae made up of bitter days , the |
lowest temperature being 1 below zero on i
the 22d. "Overcoat" weather prevailed with
out Interruption throughout the month Just
as It did , In fact , from October until late In
May. In propitiation milder conditions are
promised for the present season nnd the
pledge Is being rapidly redeemnd.
Trlniiclc IOil IIP HolilH Intercntlng ;
TlinnJiNfUvIiiK ScNNluu
nt ItH CiiNtlc Hall.
Triangle lodge , Knights of Pythias , was In
session Thursday night for the election of
officers for the ensuing term and for the
transaction of other business. There was a
good attendance and the proceedings took
on a tlngo of Thanksgiving eervlce. Pa
triotic hymns were sung , and In an Informal
manner the lodge declared Itself thankful.
The officers elected arc as follows : Chan
cellor commander , J. J. Blake ; vice chancel
lor , Theodore Festncr ; keeper records and
seals , J. R. Stlno ; prelate , J. L. AlvUon ; mas
ter of finance , Norman Rothholz ; master of
exchequer , A. H. Daublo ; sergeant-at-arms ,
Henry Hoffman ; Inner guard , James
Stephens ; outer guard , H. H. Williams ;
trustee , U. D. Balcombe.
Triangle lodge has Us headquarters at
Wolff's hall , Twenty-second and Cumlng
streets , and Is ono of the most prosperous
In the city. At the close of the exercises
there was a banquet. Several visitors were
In attendance.
Dr. H. H. Haden , Summit , Ala. , says : "I
think Kodol Dyapepsln Cure Is a splendid
medicine. I prescrlbo It , and my confident *
In It grows with continued use. " It dlgesn
what you cat and quickly cures dyspepsia
and Indigestion.
The ! VorlMveMcrii ( IInc. ,
S0 : n. m.
10GG : a. m.
4:15 : p. m.
4:65 : p. m. *
7:30 : p. m. *
Special limited trains
With Library , Buffet cars , Diners
Recherche Sleepers , Chair cars.
Note The Northwestern Is obliged to run
far moro trains than any other line between
Omaha and Chicago.
New city oUlces
1401-M03 Farnain street. *
CountKdticiitloiial .M
Tlio teachers of .Douglas county , to
gether with pupils nnd patrons , will hold
a rally at Valley on Tuesday , There will
bo discussions on matters of common In-
ti-resJt , with a picnic dinner nt 12 o'coclc.
Papers will bo read by Sirs. A. L. Shaw and
J. Held , MlKses Kato Whltmoro , Edith
llelmbach and f-ucllo Park , nnd Messrs.
Ire K. U Ireland. W W. Klllott , E. n.
finerte. Hey Krway , C B. Hynrs , P. JA
UvlilgHton , C , B. HeynoldB. President J.
A. Ilcattle will preside and will deliver thu
ovenlnc address.
A rare assortment of broken
lots and remnants of excursion
tickets to Hot Springs , S. 1) ,
These odds anil ends ,
actually worth J32.SO , will bo
put on sale Tuesday , December
B , for 118.40 each.
Bargain day tickets will bo
good for travel from Omaha to
Hot Springs and back again ,
with privilege of remaining In
the beautiful Black Hills for
30 days.
IBO2 Farnam loth and Mason
Stroot. Strooto.
Phone 20O- 'Phono 3IO. '
Extraordinary Specials for Today in
Underwear and Hosiery.
Spcclnl orTerliiK In I.nillrn' , Mime1 ,
Children' * Hosiery ntul Uniler-
wenr fi r Snlnrdny A renl for
Mtnmlnif Umlcrw'r.
35c , 3 for 11.00 Ladlca' extra heavy silky-
fleeced vests nnd pants , French bands , regu
lar 60c quality , for Saturday only 35c , 3 for
fiOc Ono of our special bargains Is n line
of ladles' half wool , fine ribbed , natural vests
and pants , made well , extra warm , bought to
sell nt 75c , for Saturday only 00 ? .
EOc There Is no line to equal our 50c la
dles' combination milts , made full and large ,
finished seams , all sizes 3 to 0 , ecru or na
tural , fully worth 7Cc , Saturday only 50c suit.
75c Wo have an excellent quality In la-
dlea' heavy natural wool-ribbed vests nil 1
pants at 75e each , regular $1.00 stock , very
warm and durable , only 75c each.
$1.00 The "Munslug" extra flue quality
ladles' natural wool-rlbbod vests and pants ,
the new clastic belt. This line of underwear
Is noted for its warmth , wear nnd fit ; extra
and medium size , Saturday , $1.00 each.
$1.50 The "Munslng" ladles' combination
suits , half wool , extra heavy , perfect fit nnd
finish , opened across bust or down front , all
sizes , Saturday only $1.50 suit.
$1.75 Ladles' best vicuna black cashmere
ribbed tights , real value , $2.25 pair , for Sat
urday only J1.75 pair.
23c Chlldrens' heavy fleeced vests , pants
and , well made ; these are genuine
bargains , all sizes , only 25c each.
75c The "Munslng" extra heavyfleece-
rlbbed , natural combination suits for boys
and girls , all sizes , only 75c suit.
Wo have the reputation for carrying the
best and largest stock of Indies' and chll-
drons' hosiery In the city.
25c Ladles' line black cashmere hose ,
double oolo heel nnd toe , bought to sell at
! 35c , Saturday only 25c pair.
35c , 3 for $1.00 Ladles' extra heavy nnd
warm , black , silky-fleeced hose ; also an ex
cellent line of heavy ribbed cashmere hose ,
double sole , heel and too , special for Satur
day , only 35c , 3 pair for $1.00.
50c Please call and cxamlno the superior
quality of our line ot ladles' best blacl :
vicuna cashmere hose , extra hlgh-spllcea
heel and toe , never sold for IMS than 65c ,
Saturday only 50c pair.
25c Wo are showing the best stock of
children's extra heavy black ribbed woolen
hose in the city at 25c , double knee , heel and
toe ; also a line of heavy fleece-ribbed , fast
black cotton hcso ; nothing to equal thcso
lines In wear and warmth , 35c quality , all
sizes 5 to 10 , Saturday only 25c pair.
Just received our line of children's black
ribbed wool legglns , elzes for all ages , from
25c up. KELLEY , STIGER & CO. ,
Cor. Farnam and 15th.
The big otore of Hayden Bros , prefers to
sell as low as It can rather than as high as
It might. Read their ad on page " .
Hess & Swoboda , florists , 1411 Farnam ,
cholco cut flowers nnd plants.
AVestTViird Ho ! Three TrnliiN Dnllv
To the winter resorts of California. Ticket
office , 1302 Farnam street. Telephone 316.
MordilHy KtnMMIcn.
The following births nnd deaths were re
corded at the office of the Board of Health
during the twenty-four hours ending at
noon Friday :
Births Wesley Mallet , 2132 North Twenty-
clRhth. boy ; W. K. Welch , Klondike hotel ,
boy ; Mlrret Button , 2315 Patrick avenue ,
girl ; Max Geisler , 401 South.Flfteenth street ,
boy ; William Card , 717 South Thirty-third
street , girl ; Andrew SchnlberK. 3308 Howard
street , boy ; Joseph Yealls , 310 North Six
teenth street , girl ; John Quick , 816 North
The "Present" Era.
This Is the tlmo when you arc looking
around for holiday gifts. THE GRAND
UNION TEA CO. Is well prepared for the
holidays with gifts of every kind , for -which
they will not charge you one cent. You buy
our tea , coffee , spices , extracts and baking
powder at no higher prices than you pay
elsewhere. Bring In your tickets and moke
your own selection. Save your tickets for
our holiday stock to bo opened the week before -
fore Christmas.
For Saturday , December 2 and
Monday , December 4 only , our
beautiful now opal Dresser Sets ,
five pieces pin tray , puff box and
jewel case , In thrco different
tints or a bandsomo opal toilet
bottle absolutely FREE on above
dates with one can of our Grand
Union Baking Powder. Every can
Is guaranteed to glvo entlro sat
113 South IClli St.
Opposite Boston Store.
Visit our neat , now stores , 402 Broadway ,
Council Blutfs , and 430 No. 24th street ,
South Omaha.
At the change of the seasons , fall nnd
spring , those RHEUMATIC PAINS will
como back. To find relief Is the dcslro of
all afflicted. Wo have n remedy that has
cured moro people In Omaha , South Omaha
and Council Bluffs than any other rheu
matic remedy. Wo have been selling It
for 11 years and some of the cures have
been remarkable , A lady living In Coun
cil Bluffs was confined to her bed for two
weeks was cured with ono bottlo. An
Omaha lady who hod treated with her doc
tor for over a week and getting wori > e was
cured with less than ono bottle.
Sold only by
J. A. Fuller & Co.
N. W. Corner 1-IIU mid DuiiKlnii 3t .
Do you
every word that you've been reading In the
papers about
being the best beer brewed and that for
purity , strength nnd excellence of quality
It Van awarded TUB gold medal at the
exposition ? There's no question'about It ,
It is
The best
Beer brewed
and every ward that has been printed In
thioo advertisements U truo. Krug would
not make false claims , neither would such
prominent phyalclans make such clalmn
about the milk-producing qualities of cab *
iuct uuk'BS U was the best. Order a trial
1'orly-soventh street , boy ; Hcnlamln Me -
Incry , Thirty-sixth nnd Jones streets , girl ;
Lawrence Qualley , 3419 Ma on , boy.
Denthn Mary Ilyrhly , Third and William
Plroet , 2 years ; Oliver Henry Perry , Sill
C'hlCftpo street. 21 years : I.lbblp O. Hiin-
well , 2522 South Twelfth street. 3S yp.irv
Jnmes .Christie , 6 Sf Kloronre boulevard , "I
years ; Jeremiah Holand , T < Vi Pacific street ,
f2 < years ; Core Alexander , SOT Dodge street ,
2 years.
Wanted By an old Chicago Jobbing
house , two tar tea and coffca salesmen
with established trade In Nebraska , In
writing glvo full particulars as to sales ,
salary , age , etc. Address 13. L. 350 , Chicago
cage Tribune.
The bargains advertised for Saturday by
Hayden Bros , on page 7 ehould go with n
Annoclnlril Clinrltle * Wnnd Vnril ,
Thirteenth and Nicholas. 'Phono 1G48.
On sale , second-hand oak and pine ; 2-lnch
planlc ; also best plno kindling ; hard and
toft ntovcwood and chunks always en band
at reasonable prices.
JOHN LAUOUItjAND , Secretary.
to $5i
Is the salary drawn by thn officers of the
Drug Trust , who haven't brains enough to
conduct a cut rale stora Thpy have their
otfico In I'hlcnpn nnd the CO pill maker *
have onoh donated $1.00 to keep those "back
number" pharmacist In the land of the
living. Wo don't blame the ofllcers for the
. nnp. Hut the 60 pill makers well , they arc
a bright lot.
West's Nerve nnd Brnln -
Undo Sam's Tobacco Cure M1
Herman Hop Bitters < ' " <
Cramer's Kidney Cure 75o
Hdladonmt Plniters 15-
Ulrney's Catarrh Cure < 0c
Oem Catntrh Cure -n'c '
Packer's Tixr Sonp - . I"1
Castorla , 23o
I'arous Plasters I11' ' '
Carter's Liver Pills ISi-
Uoan's Kidney Pills 4 o
Morrow's Kidney Pills ! ' > <
Cnsearets 20c
Uar Hen -IDP
Ajax Tablets JOi :
Corner IGth tuiJ
Not One
Two Days
In the
Week but
Thla magnificently equipped train runa from
Omaha to California ,
Quicker than any oilier train or via
any other route ,
Cltr Ticket Office , 1U02 Fnrnoin St.
Saturday wo offer our assorted
195 lot of Petticoats In colored ,
striped , sllkallne , also striped
tnffota silk Petticoats , with
black snteen tops ; any of < hcso
arc well worth $3.00.
of nn assorted lot of
7,95 PcMlconts ; fancy , plain nnd
, satin striped ; mercerized cloths ,
corded rulllcr on a flounce. Also
black , made with flvo rows.
Black silk moreen Petticoats
Vlth corded flounce at $4.GO.
Black pllk moreen Pctllcoats
with corded rufllcs on deep
llounce for $ .1.76.
Silk Pettlroats at $7.03 , $10 ,
$12. $15 nnd $18 the very latest
designs nnd choicest colors.
1510 Doimhis St.
bujs a pair of men's brown Canvas
In all wo nsk you for these brown
check Overalls.
la our price for Fur Overcoats
Bccures black nnd whlto striped
Working Shirts for boys.
Is our special price for n good sub
stantial every day suit of men's
whllo they last for a lot ot men s
shoes , worth considerably moro
CnnKol Avenue , ncnr KStli St
Clone in llvimctt'H.
Great opportunity to purchase a
i i i iS\ ? ae : < a&f ] 5mffijga / m/7 / i i
Bias BBB
Ivcre & P.ond , Voso , Emerson , A. B. Chase or Packard Piano at a great sav
ing. Wobought an enormous number of these beautiful Instruments prior to
the recent advance in the cost of labor and material and will save IMMEDIATE
buyers not loss than $100 on a single purchase. 200 Instruments to select from.
Special flew Upright Pianos $145.00
Slightly used Upright Pianos . $97.00
Pianos $18 $ $28 $ $46 $
Square , , , $69.00
Organs at your own price.
Every Instrument fully guaranteed as represented or money refunded. NEW
PIANOS .FOR RENT. We sell on easy payments , move , store , exchange , tune
nnd repair pianos. Telephone 1623. Write for catalogues , prices and bargain
list or pay us a visit of inspection. It will save you money.
Scfamoller & Mueller
Exclusive Piano Dealers. 1313 FARNAM ST ,
Secured at 0Oc on the dollar by our .res
ident NGV York buyer for spot cash.
Hundvods of pairs of thosG fliiG shoGS
goon sale tomorrow ,
.Kead the list of bargains.
72 Cases Ladies' fine Vici Kid
Shoes , Buttonand iacemade to
soil for § 2.50 , with double ex
tension edge soles , patent calf
tips , on the mannish last , for
Btroet wear , in this sale $1.59
19' Cases Ladies' fine Vici Kid
Vesting Top Shoes Lace with
fine vici kid facings , silk vest
ing tops , new coin toes , kid
tips and single flexible soles ,
stylish dress shoes , made to
sell for § 3 , go on sale at $1.90
21 Cases fine Dongola Kid Lace Shoes Made to sell for $2 a
pair , with full double fair stitched solos , spring heels , kid
tips and wide coin toea , line school shoo , in sixes 12 to 2 , go
on pale at $1.19
Great Bargains in ion's ' and
43 Cases Men's finest Satin Calf Shoes In lace and congress ,
all style toes , full double fair stitched shoes , full leather
counters and inner soles' neat , stylish shoes , in all sizesmado
to sell for $2 , go in this sale at , $1.00
Men's Genuine Milwaukee Grain Working Shoes Buckle , with
tap soles , full leather counters and inner soles , a splendid
working shoe , worth fully $1.75 , in this sale at $1.10
40 Cases Boys'fine Satin Calf Lace Shoes With full double
extension edge soles , wide coin tipped toes , solid leather
throughout , splendid school shoes , worth SI,50 , go on sale
at , 75c
8 {
f V
About our Boys' Clothing mid Overcoat stock , oxcopfc 2
the trutli , nnd even that is young for its ago. A crowd
is oxpeclwl hero todny. quilo aside from what the
weather may be. ThG magnet that draws is price.
Overcoats Overcoats
4 to 8 1 to 8 years ,
years , storm collar ,
only only
Boys' ' Frieze Overcoats Boys'Horringbone ' Overcoats |
storm collar , fancy plaid 8 to 14 , made just like a
lining , 9 to 10 years , man's coat , velvet collar
$3.00 $4.00
Youth's ' Top Coats Children's ' Reefers
covert , cloth , light , or dark Blue chinch ilia , braid trim
shades , fancy plaid lining , med , largo buttons , velvet
velvet collar , 5 lo 14 yrs , collar , ! to 9 yrs ,
$4.50 2.50
Children's ' Melton Reefers Children's ' Covert Reefers
double breasted , raw edge , in light shades , velvet col-
tailor stitched , large pearl Jar , largo buttons with
buttons , inlaid velvet collar - pearl centers ,
lar , 4 to 9 yrs , 4 to 8 yrs ,
Store Open Until 10 O'clock Tonight.
They were secured byour resident New York buyer from
two New York City and one Rochester N. Y. manufacturers. 1
Anxious to unload they cut the price to the bare cost of mak
ing. You get your choice Saturday at half price.
In a stock like ours every boy and man can be fitted with
the same size and shape that would be cut for him if made
by his tailor.
If it doesn't fit we make it. Ono reason why Hayden
Bros' clothing never has a ready-made look.
We have the whip hand of competition to this extent
Those who try to compete with us in quality cannot touch us
in price , and those who meet our prices cannot supply our
quality of goods. Every man wearing good clothes should
know and see the famous Hart , Schaflner tfe Marx fine suits
and overcoats. We have in stock suite and overcoats at § 7.50
to § 22.50 , and known to all fine dressers to bo equal to m'or-
chant tailored clothing except price.
Men's all wool cassimoro and cheviot fo O Q P
suits , worth § 6.50 , at Wa t ) J
Men's suits and overcoats , worth $7.50 F i
and § 8.50 , on sale at , J
Men's fine worsted suits and fancy covert "J |
overcoats , worth § 12.50 at j B <
Men's new stylish suits with double breasted
vests and line covert and patent beaver B fl
overcoats , worth up to § 18 , on sale at \\j \ \ jOur
Our very finest suits and overcoats at $12.50 ,
$15 and $18 are equal to the § 25 to § 40 made
to order kind.
Extra special sale of children's knee pants suits , fine top
overcoats and storm collar reefers.
Buyers come to us first time because we sell cheaper , the
second time and thereafter , because they are treated right.
We alter to fit refund to
money try please you in every
Well kept and caml for. and almost any
human'face In piesenlable. On the oilier
hand , good lonkn. or even beauty llaolf , Is
Hiiolled by fragmentary or discolored tuetli
Our work Is Ural-class and our prk-CB reuii-
KNtrni'Hn 25r
VIMl'/ul ' Air Mo
Tooth CMcaned c
Tail's ' Philadelphia Dental Rooms ,
T DiuiuliiH htrcel.
mm OF
Gn Lard , on Ham , on
Bacon is a guarantee
of purity.
Swiff and Company ,
Chicago , Kaunas City , Oiuiiliii ,
St , Louis , St Joseph , St. Piail ,
HOWELL'S IB a ptwliivo ' uro
for coumi" col IH.
criup , lioar'Mit ,
Bore IUIIKH and ull
throat troubles.
New Citv Offices. 1401-03 Farnam
FOn SALE LumDer nnd material ot oil
fclndu. Wo purchased The Greater Ameri
can Exposition. Our branch office U locat f
ed In tbo Administration Building In the ,
Exposition Grounds and wo would bo pleas *
d to furnlili all Information. Wrlto ( or
our catalogue v/Jth long distance Ulephona
In olfice.