Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 27, 1899, Page 7, Image 7

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Ailrcrdncinentn finlirii ; colntiinn
trill lie InUrii mini 11 ! in. ( or tlie
cvcnliia oilllliin mill unlit Si'tl ) ; > . in.
for niornliiir mill Similar edition.
KiiU-n , I l-'Jo n u-uril Ilrnt limcrtlont
lo n uorcl thereafter. .Nothing tnltpn
for IUHN tlinn iiflc for tlie IImt limcr-
tloii. TlicNc nilvcrtlHCiiiiMilH must lie
run coimrcntlvcly.
AilvcrtlNcrn , n > - rc | ttciitliic n mini-
licrcit ulirck , can lint i * uttNMcrii nil *
drcxNcil to n iiuinlicfcil li'ttcr In enro
nf Tlic lice , Animt-rM no nililrrxncil
will lie delivered on iirvHcutntloii ot
tlie cheuk only.
A STENOGRAPHER. When you want one
please call up the Remington typewriter
ollice , 1019 Itanium St. , telephonu 15i3.
A vvi
SITCATION us bookkeeper or office man ;
eight ypurv In bank ; good references ;
Iiar'n rfhln In olllco buslnws acceptable.
Ad(1fp ( st 8 5 , life. A-M246 23'
GERMAN liuly ; o'.tuntlon ' to tench children
Merman and English primary branches ,
ill * ) would asls : In household , sewing
and fntipy work ; mitlnfactory references.
Addrem , Mlf's F , Box 710 , P. O. . Otnaha.
A 2hli
POSITION by young lady stenographer ,
with or without bookkeeping. Addrett ) .
8 12 , Bee. A-M3CI-2 , '
NTED. n young married man with good
ferences and experienced us check clfiK ,
iiRSlalant bookkeeper and stenographer
desires steady position. Adilri-np S . Hee
olllpe. A-MI15 2i
WANTED. Wo hav.-i steady work for a few
good hustlers of good habits and appear-
anco. C. F. Adams Co. 1019 Howard St.
WANTED , rounly agpnts for every county
In thp state , formers preferred , for Avll-
liur's Hog Food , xvnrrnntrd to cure all
hog diseases. Address Wilbur Seed Meal
Co. , Milwaukee , AVlH. I3-M761 Dec. 13
WANTED , young man to do light houc-
work for tuition. Bnyles' Com. nnd Short
hand College , Bee Bldg. B-M816
This Institute Is the only burbot school
now recognized by the Nebraska State
Barbers' Board and is therefore the only
school whose graduates can obtain a
license to barber in Nebraska. Beware
of sharpers now working thp state claimIng -
Ing their schools to be recognized by our
state board. If you doubt what WP say
write und nsk the Stale Barbers' Board
Itself at Room 75 , Burr block , Lincoln ,
Neb. The Western Barbers' Institute ,
Omaha , Neb. B-M107
SALESMAN to sell our full line of choice
nursery stock ; a printed guarant e that
Block shall bo true to namn given to pach
customer ; write for terms. Alt. lli.po
Nurseries , Lawrence , Kan. B M931 DS *
WANTED , a few more boys with hors-cs to
deliver The lice. Call at circulation dept.
between 2:30 : and 4 p. m. B M20'i '
WANTED , fi good canvassers. Good money
for the rlL'ht men. 1234 So. "t s
, .
, D.
WANTED , men to address all corre
spondence for any branch of the MolT
Barber System Colleges to Paxton Hotel ,
Omaha. Neb. B-M221 NSO .
PERMANENT positions for non-union com
positors , pressmen and cylinder and Job
press feeders In Kansas City. Mo. Ad-
drere S. G. Spencer , 706 Delaware St. ,
Kansas City. Mo. B-260-1
TVANTED it physician to locate at
aiomphls , Neb , A good point , and will
bear Investigation. Address , K. . Mem
phis , Neb : B-M2SO-27 *
WANTED , men to learn barber trade ; 6
weeks completes ; positions guaranteed :
free faro to Denver : largest college In the
world ; other schools ndt connected ; our
diplomas recognized 'by ' state board : write
for particulars to Motor Barber Collese
Representative , Crelghton block. Omaha.
"Wo have no other olllce in Omaha.
B M271
AVANTED'cylinder press feeder ; none but
experienced need apply ; salary $ S. Mor
ton Printing Co. , Nebraska City. Neb.
B M2V2 27 *
WANTED , a good reliable watchmaker ;
must give good reference. Apply at once
to Gco. W. Ryan & Co. , 109 S. 10th.
B 215-23
"WANTED 200l girl1521 Dodge. Tel. S76.
C 995
' WANTED , good kitchen girl 518 So. 2fith
Avo. ' C-M15S 27
ISO GIRLS wanted ; all kinds work ; $3 to $7.
Canadian Olllce , 1522 Douglas.C
GIRL for general house ivork. 707 South
29th ave. C-M220 27'
GIRL for general housework , 127 South 25th
st. * - M232
WANTED , good girl for general house
work ; two In family. 1515 Georgia avp.
IF YOU want your houses well rented
place t ; > i-m with Bcnawa & Co. D MC10
CHOICE houses , cottages , stores. Henry
B Payne , COi N. Y. Life. 'Phone. 1016.
D-D98 .
FINE residence , choice location , 11 rooms
all modern ; excellent stable. Bcmls. Paxton -
ton block. D-9D9
HOUSES , stores. Bcmls , Paxton block ,
HAGGARD Van & Storage. 1010 Cap. ave.
Tel. 1190. D-993
FOR RENT-lIouses In all parts of city.
The O. F. Davis Co. , loOj Farnam street.
GOOD large barn for rent In north part of
c ! y. Inquire 2121 Locust. u 103
COTTAGES , residences. Patterson , 303 N.
Y. Life. D-M129
SEVERAL. 36 U. S. Nat'l Bc.nk Bldg.
HOUSES for tent in all parts of the city.
Bremmn-Lovo Co. , 219 South 16th street.
S314 HURT ST. . R-room flno residence , en-
tlrelv modern , hot vater heat : In good
condition ; will rent to a good tenant for
$25.00 per month. Omaha Loan and Trust
Co. , Iflth and Douglas. D M30J
HOUSES for rent , J. H. Sherwood. 423 N.
Y. Life. Phone 3SS , . D-726
8 ROOMS , furnished , central. P 07 , Ue < 3.
D-141 D3
HOUSE with nine rooms with nil modern
Improvements , 2112 Lake. O 230-27 *
CHOICE modern 9-room brick dwelling ,
1139 Park ave. , fronllng Hanscom park ,
$40. Inquire J. M. Richards , 1115 S. 32d st.
8027 CHICAGO , 8 rooms , modern ; 3007 Web
Etcr , 7 rooms , bath ; smaller houses , stored ,
tints. lUngwalt Bros , , Barker Block.
FOR RENT. 2113 Capitol nvo. 11 rooms ,
modern. The O. F. Davis Co. , 3503 Far-
nnm fit. D 411
FOUR-ROOM house , city water , 1513 N. 19th.
10 room * * , modern. 2232 Farnam $10.00
7 rooms and barn , 2233 Farnam 23.00
C rooms. 1610 North 2lth tit 12.00
D-M232 3
FOR RENT-Flye-room co'tago , 1810 On-
larlo street , $9.00.
Five-room cottpgc , f.09 . Souih 3'M St. . $10.00.
Five rooms , lower floor , separate entrance ,
217 South 2Sth Ave. near Furnnm. $10.00.
Throe rooms. a | SI22 Lwvenworth , $5.CO.
Woodman & Hay. 2S Barker block.
JfKAT 5-r. cottage and barn , 2127 So. 2lPt.
$10 , 3fl U. S. Nat'l bank Uldg. D-.M233 27
F1VE-ROOM cottage. M6 So. 17lh. Innulre
nt SI ! . D-M2fiO 27 *
MODERN house , seven rooms , new paper
and iMiumel bath ; ten minutes' walk from
P. u.
7-room cottage nnd Btublr. one block from
20th n . car Gannett , 501 Brown Block.
_ UM3 > j 27 *
BTEAM heat , modern , central , uneauulcd.
foven-rf Jin houtc. Apply Tlzard 221
Korth 3Uh.
olft-21-2.1 S. asth Ave . lo-room all modern
helm s. nicely papered and painted , new
throughout. JUKI ready for tenants. These
, arc rlosp In nnd only $25 and $27.50. :
SIS S. 3T > ; h Ave. . 9-room strictly nil modern
i up-to-date houfc , splendid Condition , half |
block to car. reduced to $55. $ A snap. i
1 1431 N. 20th St. , 7-room house , modern
1 plumbing , newly papered und painted , $20. !
Sll S. 36th St. , C room nnd alcove , modern
plumbing and gas1 , beautifully papered and
rp-olled In nil rooms. $20. $
153 ? S. 2-lth St . B-rnnm collage , modern I
plumbing nnd gas , paved street , nice loca
tion , $17.50. Vacant December 1.
2212 Ohio SI. , 6-room cottage , modern plumbIng -
Ing and gas. 1 block from 2 par lines , $2n.
ISO'S ' Canton St. , f rooms , city wnter Inside.
2 blocks from par. reduced to $3.
272S Parker St. , r , rooms , good repair , city
w.ittr Inside , cistern , $10.
HHNRY 11. PAYNE , COl N. V. L1FI2.
D M-301-27
NICE ( i-room house , modern. 1531 Shermnn
ave. D M2S1 27'
9-ROOM modern house. < $23. 2501 Douglas.
D-M2SG 2 *
A FEW desirable houses for rent cheap ;
bo cure and SOP mo before renting. J. 11.
Sherwood , 123 N. Y. Life. 'Phone , ZSX.
D-M397 27
AN elegant , cozv modern house of ten
rooms , centrally located , on car UUP.
economically heated ; rent , $23.00. Call 609
IMxton blk. D-M437 29
STEAM heat , modern , centra ! , unequalad ;
seven-room housp. Apply Tlzard , 521
North 2llh. D-211 25 * .
7-HOOM , city water. $13 ; S-room , city wnter ,
two lloors , $ IS ; S-room modern , with barn ,
$18 : 7-room. barn , good e-hleltpn house and
oulbulldincs. three blocks from Walnut
Hill car. $10room ; , city water , down
town , $ H ; 3-room , tlrst floor , buth , $12 ;
7-rontn modern , on < i block from car. $13 ;
rcvonil good houses at $3 to $10. W. II.
Russell , homes on monthly payments , tire
Insurance , ( ilfi N. Y. Life. D-'MlSo 27
FURNISHED rooms , housekeeping. 2G23 St.
Mary's. E-M11G 23 *
THE Columbia. 328 Broadway , Council
Bluffs ; rooms for rent , day or week ; tran
sients accommodated ; everything neat ,
clean and comfortable ; rntps reasonable.
Mrs. Minnie Dunne , late of 307 Broadway ,
proprietress. Telephone 4G2.
E-M157 D29
FURNISHED rooms. with or without
board ; steam heat. 2102-So. S5th avo. and
Francis street. E M200 27'
TWO well furnished front rooms for light
housekeeping ; modern and desirable. 22U9
Farnam. E M25S27 *
210 N. 25TIV St. , two nicely furnished south
front rooms. E M391 2S
FIRST floor furnished flat , freshly deco-
iiitcd. modern , with piano ; housoketping ,
fill North 19th. E-0 1427 28 *
DESIRABLE room In iiulet family to a
middle-aged gentleman : conveniences
modern and llrsit-clnss ; location central.
Address S 15 , Bee Olllce. E-M372
FOR RENT , furnished bed room for two
gentlemen. 23d and G streets. Address
H , Bee ofllce. South Omaha. E M414 27 *
THE Merrlam family hotel , 23lh and Dodge.
ROOM nnd board , steam heat. 1G1S Harncy.
F M595 DeclO
NICE south room , board , reasonable. 24W
Cass. F-S23 D15 *
FURNISHED rooms nnd board. 2015 Doug
las St. F-M2I4 27 *
ELEGANT steam-heated front parlor , with
board , for two. 1909 Capitol nvo.
F-M261 SO *
NICE rooms , good board ; rates reasonable.
The Rose , 2020 Harney. 'F M299 S *
ROOM and board , $4 $ & $3. 1512 Davenport.
F-M411 D23
FOR RENT , store in first-class location :
rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters &
Co. , ground floor Bee Bldg. I 208
FOR RENT , a ground floor ofllce. specially
suitable for real estate , etc. , splendid
vault built for use of city treasurer. Ap
ply R. C. Peters & Co. , ground floor Bee
Building. I-2G7
AGENTS , send no money. We give a $3.75
outfit free nnd $30 per month to persons
who canvass our holiday books. Write
at once. J. L. Nichols Co. , Nnpervllle ,
III. J M1G7 27 *
AGENTS wanted for special Installment
work : service paid In cash ; no delivering
or collecting ; easy work , big pay ; wrlto
stating experience , books handled , degree
of success , etc. , or cnll at ofllcp. N. D.
Thompson Publishing Co. , St. Louis. Mo.
J M2I3 27 *
BY GILT-EDGE tenant , location for a
legitimate retail business , inot smaller than
33x120 feet ; must bo In center of retail
dlPtrlct. Address , S 13 , Bee.
K M3G9-3
WANTED , by man nnd wife. 2 or 3 rooms
in modern house , with board or near
first class hoarding house or enfo : best
of references given. Address S 1G12 Far
nam. K-M300 27 *
WANTED. 3 furnished rooms for light
housekeeping for 3 adults. Address S 9 ,
Beo. K-ans 2G *
BOARD wanted , couple with one child , ago
4 years , In private family preferred. Ad
dress , stating full particulars. S 17. Bee
Olllce. K M417 27 *
PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. , 912-
914 Jones , general storage and forwarding.
STORE your carriages' for the ! winter. A.
J. Simpson. 1409 Dodge. M-M333 2
ALL kinds of household goods , hotels , etc. .
Ill largo or email quantities. Chlcnrn Fur
niture Co. , 1400-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020.
WILL purchase a limited number of
Omaha Savings bank accounts. Bronnan-
Love Co. , 219 S. 10th St. N-lll
WANTED , to buy , a restaurant outfit. Pee
ple's Store , ICth and Farnam. N-M219
STOVES , STOVES : no reasonable offer re
fused , Nob. Fur. Co. , 1419 Dodge , Tel 1496.
ARE you talking of stoves ? If you are ,
come to see our line of 2nd-hand stoves.
The quality nnd low prices will astonish
you. J. Lewis. 104 S. Hth St.
0-M297 Dee. 3
AUCTION of household goods to the high
est bidder Monday. November 27 , No. 1722
Capitol ave. . at 10 a. m. sharp. Combina
tion folding beds , upright folding beds ,
mantel beds , bedroom Hulls , wardrobes ,
chiffoniers , hat racks , extension tables ,
roekeru. dining room chairs , carpets , bed
ding , dishes , odd drcss-r ( nnd couches ,
parlor suits , etc. One of the biggest sales
of thu seahon. Como everybody. Clay
Auction Co. O M239 27 *
GOOD top buggy for wnlo cheap. Address
P 69 , Bee. P-192
GOOD twn-sprlng phaeton , hand mode ,
newly painted and rcjmlivil ; condition first
clans : can be Been < tt Dillranue Lvery ! , 17th
and St. Mary's avenue. Special bargain.
P M365 2S *
WANTED reliable man lo deliver and col.
lect ; salary $15 a week and expenses ;
Ftato ago , i > te. Globe Company , 723 Chest-
j.ut Street. Philadelphia , Pa.
SHIRTS to order. Kelley & Heyden. Q 1S6
FINK Chlckcrlne upright piano for gale
cheap , cauh nr easy payments. Address
P 10 , Boo oltlco. Q-613 Dlt
FOR SALE. Wllbur'w Hog Food In ten-
pound palls , guaranteed to cure all hog
disc-apes or money refunded without nrgu-
mpnt. Agents wanted , Write for terms
and pilco. Wilbur Seed Meal Co. , Mil.
waukee , WIs. Q-M765 Dec. 13
CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman & Mei
Connell Drug Co. . 1313 Dodge St. Q-117
PUNCTURELESS bicycle tires. Om. Bl. Co.
CHEAPEST nnd best oak cribbing nnd hog
fence. 901 Douglas St. Q-112
NEW and 2rd-hnnd sewing machines , re
duced prices. II. E. Fredcrlckron. 15th &
Dodge. Q S31
SrflAAS. Florist. 181,1 Vlnton St. Tel. 776.
Plants , cut ( lowers , boqucts , hall , resi
dence , wedding and grave decorations.
Orders by mall or express promptly filled.
FOR SALE , a double carriage. Inquire 1S26
N. ISlh St. Q-M477
FOR SALE Ten R-I-P-A-N-S for 6 cents at
druggist ? . One gives relief. Q 116
INDIAN relics ; mounted hcaOs. 1116 Farnnm
BICYCLES stored for 25c a month. Phone
IfifiT Omaha Blcyclo Co. Q tCO
SAFES Buy. sell , exchange. 114 S. 13th St.
Q 113
HARNESS Lot of good secondhand har
ness cheap. Drummond Carrlago Co. ,
ISth and Harney Sts. G 749 D-12 *
\DVERTISING calendar. Burkley Ptg. Co.
Q-M7S9 Decl7
JD-IIAND safe cheap. Dcrlcht , 1116 Farnam.
Q 118
ICE in cor lots. Gilbert Bros. . Council
Bluffs. Q-M311
FOR SALE , new and pecond-lmnd soda
fountains on monthly payments. S. B.
Richmond. P. O. Box n7i. Q-M2IS 1 *
BOOKS on Free Masonrv. send for cata
logue. Stlefcl Masonic Book Co. . 2157 Me-
Mlckcn. Cincinnati , Ohio. d-M309 27 *
FOR SALE. 10 head No. 1 fresh cows. Call
afternoon Jester's yard , 23th & Burt St.
Q 212 25 *
FOR $2.00 we will got your whefll , put nntt-
' rust on. store It for the winter. Nebraska
Cycle Co. , Cor. 15th and Harney.
NOTICE , country dealers , 2d-hand furnlturo
& stoves at lowest prices , carload lots or
less. Chicago Furnlturo Co. , 1406-10 Dodge.
RANCH TO LEASE : 1 have a ranch of
1,000 acres , nil under fencp and cross-
fenced , 200 acres under cultivation , good
house , barns , cribs , sheds and yards ; good
grass and plenty of running watar. Can
be leased by the right party on favorable
cash terms If application Is made at once.
On South Loup. 6 miles from St. Paul.
Mrs. E. N. Chadwlck. St. Paul , Nebraska.
R M22S 28
MRS. F1UTZ. clairvoyant. SOS N. 16th.
V S-303
MME. GYLMER genuine palmls : . 1603 Dodge
to cause speedy nnd hupny marriages ;
gmirnnt ? s SIICCCFS in all case ? .
BANKS. S-M13I 27 *
NORMA ARLINGTON. 107 N. 12th , late of
Now York City. T M517 Dec. 7
ELITE PARLORS , G15 S , 16th , Upstairs ;
nrst-class baths , magnetic treatment.
Lady attendants. T M740 27 *
MISS DE CAMO , baths , massage : expert
attendants. 1015 Howard , 3d floor , R. 1.
T M930-D18
MME. MACK , massage bath. 414 N. IGth ,
T M13I D4 *
MISS LILLY from Chicago , massage , alco
hol rubbing and baths. 21S'/- North 10th ;
room 1. T M172 28 *
MME. SMITH , room 2. HS'A North 15th.
T MiO : : 2 *
MRS. BERRY , ( baths , massage , magnetic
treatment ; lady attendants. 119 N. Ifith.
2d floor. T M43G D28
VIAVI is woman's way to health. 316 Boo
Bldg. U 122
SHAMPOOING 25c , hair dressing 25c. Hair
and toilet goods , best equipped. Monhelt ,
1518 Farnam. U 285
DR. ROY , chiropodist ; corns and superfluous
hair removed by electricity. R. 12. Fren-
zer block. U 1'6
MONHEIT , leading chiropodist , 1G1S Far
nam. 2nd floor. U 2S6
PRIVATE hospital for ladies before & dur
ing confinement ; babies adopted. 1136 N. 17
PLEATING and pleated skirts of nil kinds.
M. Goldman & Co. , 200 Douglas Block.
U-S73 N23
THE BATHERY. for ladles , 220 Bee Bldg
jrel.l71g. JJ-159 N2'J ' *
DR. DAVIS , specialist , IGth nnd Dodge.
U-M220 N30
SCALP nnd hair treatment. Mme. Post
S. 15th. U-123
HOMES for ladles In trouble before and dur
ing confinement. Babies adopted. Box G2j
Omaha. U M793 D14 * '
LIEBEN , COHTUMER , 1313 Howard , Get
catalogs. U M841
FACIAL massage , BOc ; scalp treatment. 35e-
shampooing. 3oc , nOe. Msss Hnbbnrd. 115
McCague Blk. U-S50 DIB
standing will ex-
ohnngo lefc'ut services for tailoring. Ad
dress P 50 , Bee L M903 D3
II. Y. B. Good position offered. Remem
ber Nov. 25 nnd Dec. 13. Bud.1T ua ; s *
LADIES , a nice llttlp device for 2c stamp
Write. Omaha Specialty Co. ' '
U MS13 D15 *
RIBBON hair curler. " , 23c sample , stamps ,
diver ; circulars , Robertson. CO Wnbasli
Chicago. Agents wanted. L' M3GO D23
$1,000 and. upwards to loan on Improved city
property and farms. W. Farnam Smith
& Co. . 1320 Farnam. W-133
MONEY to loan on Nebraska and Iowa
farms ; loweat rates. Brennan-Love Co
219 S. ICth , Omaha. W-1'7
jlOO TO J2.000. F. D. Wead , ICth K Douglas
C PER cent loans. Garvin Bros. , 1613 Farnam
W 135
WANTED-Clty and farm loans ; alee
and warrants. R. C. Peters & Co. bonds , -
Farnam St. . Bee Uldg. win ?
6 PER CENT money. Bemts , Paxton block '
' 138
WRITE u If you w.uit a loan on your farm
In lown , eastern Nob. or Mo. ; if will pa ?
you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co. . 315 N Y jj
_ W-139
nooiooo.000 to Invest through "hankers"
"Brokers. , Promoters ; send fOr clrcilar :
Investors' Directory , N. Y. W-in
MONEY to loan on first-class Improved citv
property or for building purposes.
Harder Co. . N. Y Llfe. W 131
i. 6V4 , fi per cent loans In Omaha , s Omnhn
'WTII. Thomas. 603 1st Nat. bank.'Tel 164S '
FIVE per cent ; faun loans. Chas. E. Wll-
llamsoi ) . W 133
MONEY to loan nt S and SW per cent
Omaha property. W. B. Melklo. 401 B. 15th. on
MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha "real
estate. Brpnnun-Lovo Co. , 319 South IGth.
FIVE per cent : also private funds. Chas !
E. Wllllambon. W 133
PRIVATE money , low rate , no delay.
Garvln Rro * . . 1613 Farnam st.
W Aim D20
MONEY to loan on homes ; can be repaid In
monthly payments. Conservative Building
and Loan Association. ICOI Farnam st ,
' ; holding permanent positions on their per
sonal note without endorsement or secur
ity ; strictly confidential , nnd at
Before borrowing see us , as you will flnj
It greatly to your advantage ; wo are the
oldest , largest nnd only Incorporated loan
company In Omaha. F. W. Truax. Mgr. ,
119 Board of Trade Bldp. , 16th and Far-
nam St3. Telephone 2295. X 141
MONEY to loan on furnlturo , pianos ,
horses , cows. Ptc. J. W. Taylor , 403 K.\r
bach block , 12 to G:13 : p. in. X M.9S8
MONEY loaned on furnlturo. rigs , bicycles ,
diamonds , watches , etc. ; payment un
known to friends. Omaha Loan Bank 1U8
Farnam , upstairs. X 1(2 (
MONEY loaned salaried people holding per
manent position with responsible concerns
upon their own name,1 ! , without security ;
easy payments. Tolman , 706 N. Y. L. Bids.
x HI
MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture. Jew-
plry , horses , cows , etc. U. V , Reed. 319 S.
13th. X-146
holding permanent positions on their own
name without endorser or mortgage.
EST RATES. No Inquiries made of em
ployer or friends. You can borrow any
amount nnd repay In cosy weekly or
monthly payment * * Before borrowing sea
us. Omaha Crvdlt Co. . C. E. Jennings ,
Mgr. , Sulto 625-E26 N. Y. Life Bldg.
X Mole
'ONEY ' loaned on household goods , pianos ,
diamonds , watches , etc. , on payments ; no
publicity ; lowest ratesBergers Loan
Bank , 140S Fnrnam , upstairs. X-M720
MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , horses ,
cows , jewelry. Duff Green , R. S. Barker blk
ployed In Omaha , South Omaha ana
Council Blurts , holding Rood pontoons , on
their own nampi' , NO MORTGAGE : BEST
TERMS , everything private : miney can
bo pnld back In small weekly or monthly
payments. American Loan Co. . Room
C01. Bee Bldg. X-M227
LOANS made to salaried pcopla on their
personal r.oto without security , Rates
reasonable. J. W. Taylor. 403 Knrbach
block. 12 to 0:15 : p. m. X-M9S. >
WAGES , accounts and bad depls of all
kinds collected. NEVER FAIL. State
ments and remittances mailed weekly.
Highest commercial and bank references.
First National bank bulldlnK. 'Phone.
1351. Communicate with us and we will
send a reliable collector for your
On SALE or trade , first-class newspaper
printing outfit. Job press , typo , etc. Ad
dress P. W. White. Oiiawa. Iowa.
BUSINESS chance , a Rood , clean stock of
dry goods and clothing in good condition.
owner will exchange for farm or city
property. We have hardware. d 53 , ' , "
cerlcs and merchandise of all kinds. Wr
us. Merchandise Broker. BOfi Karbnch i bllt.
-1 STOCKS of groceries. 925 N. Y. Llfe
FOR SALE , u good clean stock of dry
goods notions and shoes In a good rail
road town of live thousand In western
lown : no trade entertained. Address P
67 , Bee. Y MliS
FOR SALE , newspaper In town of 700 ; cir
culation 500 ; will sell cheap If taken at
once ; will stand Investigating. H. E. Cris-
imin , Leigh. Neb. Y-M223 2 , "
FOR SALE , my half interest In the Crete
Herald , one of the best paying news
papers and job offices In Ntbraska. Nor
man Jackson , Crete , Neb. Y M231
Law and Collection Agency , Karbach
block. Attorneys and collectors In every
county and city In UnltCiUStatcs. Send In
your accounts. No chqr.KK ; unless collec
tions made. Notary i-nrloftice. Legal
papers drawn. W. H. Green , president ;
C. R. Glover , secretary. . Y 2GS 30
WANTED , to lease , furnished 'hotel ' , _ by
nn e-xperlenced hotel man. Box 543 ,
Avoca , Iowa. Y-M32C-1 *
FOR RENT , rooms Nos. C21 and f23 Broad
way , Council Bluffs , la. . , known as the
Bell Dining Room and Lunch Counter , a
gcod business stand ; always ueen open
day and night. Inquire No. 710 1st nve. ,
or 'phonelot. . Council Bluffs' , Ia %
GNVER and other properties to exchange- .
Tall and see us Monday or Tuesday p. m.
Room 7 , 200 ISth St. Z M43S 27'
LADY , stranger In city , would like to meet
'business ' peopl * ; would exchange Colorado
property for good business. Address a 20 ,
Bee. Z-M439 27'
SNAPS In real estate ; monf.y to loan. L. L.
Johnson Co. . 314 S. 15th street. RE-1G3
HOUSES , lots , farms , lands , loans ; also flro
Insurance. Bemts. Paxton bile. RE 333
L'"OR ' QUICK returns on bargains only see
S. A. Brcadwell , 501 N. Y. Life Bldg.
1405 DOUGLAS , cheapest Insldo buslnesa
property on market. allace , solo agent.
35' ' , ' . acres , three miles north of Florence.
.all in tiir.ber : will cut between 400 and
EDO corus ot wood : for $1.2jO.
Ten acres on West Dodge St. , macadam.
half hour's drive , $1,000.
The Byron Reed Co. . 212 S. Hth St.
FOR SALE , my elegant home. TwobBter
small amount down , balance
St. : sama as
rent , f desired. Address C. D. Blbb'ns '
Hotel Spckane. Spokane , Wash. -
RE M2CG Dcc2
FOR SALE cheap , large nouse and lot , east
49 feet lot 28 , block 10 Kountzc & Ruth's
addition ; rents for $23.00 per month but
would bring more by making few repairs
Price. $2.500.00. G. B. Tzschuck. '
Omaha lien. RE S25
r.-ROOM hoiiwo and full lot In north part
of city , near car 1 no , $40.00. The Byron
Reed Co. . 212 So. 14th. 1115930
BARGAIN-Four acres. < oth
A . and Pacific ;
two blocks from car line , on belt rail
road , J2.000 ; easy terms. McCa ue in
vestment Co. , 1506 DodBe. RK-9U9-
Real Estate , Rentals , Loans , Insurance.
COTTAGES , residences. Patterson. 305 N
N. Y. Life. KE-M423 '
RANCH LANDS great bargains In Colorado
rado nnd Wyoming. C. E. Wantlnnd. lira -
17th st. , Denver. Colo. RE-M469 Dee. f !
ALL property of the Nebraska Savings and
Exchanc. . Bank Is for gale at n reasonable
price. Would like offers at once upon the
following , which i very desirable :
Twenty acres on Dodge street pavement ,
near Dundee. , , , , , , .
Fifty-six acres adjoining Pries Lake.
Two houses , couth west corner 15th and
Dorcas , llrst-cluss condition.
Boutin-ant corner Park AVP , and Hickory.
Win. K. Potter , receiver , 15th and Farnarn.
FOR I'JAROAINS everybody Kpes to B. A.
Broadwell , 601 N. Y. Life Bldg.
SO ACRES clear for city property. 1612
Davenport. KK-M393 D25
Ul ACRES on Q street. South Omulm : will
Bell cheap.J. \ . H. Sherwood. 123 N. Y.
Life. ' HB M3JKJ 27
LOOK ( it 270S Capitol .Ave. . 7-room frame
cottage , nearly new , on lot 50x135 feet ,
south front. Price. $1.400.00. Thla IH a
bargain. Byron U. Hustings , 212 So. Hth.
KOU SALE , bargain , 15-room hotel Norton ,
Kan. , all furnished and doing a gopd Luel.
nesi' ; turn off customers every day ; reason
for Helling , poor health. Call on J. II.
Parrotte. Douglas Illk. RK M256 3 I '
WELL looatHl loin , clear , lo exchange for
Improved property ; will assume. Fruit
ranch In southern California (90 ( acres ) , 50
acrta bearing fruit , i-lear. to exchange for
improved Omaha proper'y. 1 , N. Hammond -
mend , 20th and Lake Sts. RE-MJC-2i
roil SAM : HK\IJ IST\TK.
BARGAINS Nov. SB and 27 , ' .
ISSt S. 29th St. , M.2 .
1MO S. Mill St. . 11.500. '
1311 S. 23th St. . $3.750.
161S S. S2d AVP. . $5.360.
1C20 S. 32d Avc. . $10,600.
610 S , 23th Ave. , $ C,750.
41S S. SSth St. , $ S,000.
1302 S. 3Ist St. . $13,000.
1131 S. 31st St. . $6,500.
125 N. S2d Ave. , $7,500.
12C S. Hist Avc. . $10,000.
116 S. 3Ist AVP. , $7,500.
2301-5 Douglas St. , $15,000.
,111(5 ( Marcy ( new ) . $3,000.
1900-15 Farnani St. . $20.00 .
KK S S , 17th , $2,200.
312.3 Marcy. K'M ) .
3311 Jones , jaM)0 ) ( wurehoupc. )
2130 Spatlldlllg , $1.200.
3520 Burl , $7,000. ,
SOS S. 31st Ave. . $7.000.
1D01 S. 29th , $5,000.
1223 S. 31st. $1,200. ,
4109 Fnrnam , $1,750. $
1515 S. 29th St. , $ .1.M ) .
1133 S. 2th ! ) Ave. , $3,500.
015 Jackson , $5,000.
Sll Farnnm , $2,500.
912 and 013 N. Y. Life. Tol. Sll.
RE-219 23
$1,130 for house and full lots on 10th street.
iiuir Browncll Hull.
$ .1MO for S rooms , east front. Ixiwe nve.
$2,500 for 2 houses and large corner lot
near Hanscom park.
$1 200 for nice corner near Hnnscom park.
$750 for 22 uerrs good land near Waterloo.
DO YOU wish to Invent n small nmouiit of
money In u. bit ; paying proposition ? If HO
pall at room 7 Monday or Tuesday p. in.
209 IStll Bt. RE-M41027'
$300 , FINE "otith front lot. sewer nnd side
walk , 1 block north Ames avibet. . 27lh
nnd 2Sth ; will sell I of these lots for $1,0)J. )
$100 for south front lot on Ames , next west
of J. J. Smith's ; n great bargain.
George G. Wallace , Brown Block.
RE-190 23
Wo have sold the 10 feet , east front , on
37th St. . adjoining Mr. Wattle's n ldpnco ,
which we advertised last week , but have
another 100 fpt-t on the. northwest corner
of 39th nnd Dodge St. , just s good u
bargain , a corner lot and south and Past
front. Thlfi Is the most desirable coriur
left In HIP West Farnnm district and we
ar conlldnnt that this property will bn
sold verv ' soon. For Information call upon
11. C. PETERS & CO. ,
Exclusive ! Agents , 1702 Farnnm St. . Bee
Bids. RE M37S 2S
FOR SALE , bargains In small residences.
S. A. Broidwell , 501 N. Y. Life Bldg.
Ji30 : FOR lot 50x127 feet , with front on
Manderson , cast of 2Sth Bt.
$1.400 fcr 39xSO fcc-t , past of CI7 Paclllc St. ;
paving paid ; near Union depot.
$2,250 fur 6-room modern cottage , near 32nd
and Davenport ? ts. ; rental $252 per ycur.
$4,5jJO for " -room house , lot 83xll > 2 feet ,
within 4 blocks northwest of postotllce.
$ G,500 for four frame stores , Hats above- ;
rental $1,020 per year ; paving paid.
$1,50D for 3Mxl03 feet , within 4 blocks of
court houbc : 10-room modern frame house ;
less than J50 per front foot.
RE-M413 30
NOTHING but bargains handled by S. A.
Broadwell , 501 N. Y. Life Bldg.RE
IF YOU have a bargain to offer In n > nl
estate see S. A. Broadwell. 301 N. Y. Life
bids. RB-M403
20 LOTS In bks. ) 17 and 19 , West Omaha , so.
Farnam , bet. 3Sth rtnd - < 0th ; nsnhnlt s's. ; ;
permanent sidewalks. R. C. Patterson. ,
sole agt. , 303 N. Y. L. RE-M225 27 .
"RWIMTJRSRS for rent , $1.00 per month.
The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. . 1623
Farnam St. Tclephono 12S4. KJ
WE RENT and Sell the best typewriters
made ; largest stock of supplies In Omaha.
United Typewriter & Supply Co. , 1612 Far
nam. 170
REMINGTON Standard typewriter and
supplies. 1619 Farnai.i. 171
THE Oliver Typewriter , visible v riling ,
heaviest mnnlfolder and cuts the finest
Ftencll. Tel. 2279. J. S. Stewart , Special
Agent , 3181.4 B. 15th St. . Omaha. 172
TYPEWRITERS , second-hand. 1110 Farnam
A. C. Van , Sant's School. 717 N. Y. Life.
AT OMAHA Bus. College , 16th & Doufflas.
BOYLE'S school ; court reporter principal ,
Bee Bldtf. 178
NEBRASKA Business nnd Shorthand Col
lege. Boyd's theater. M 151
METROPOLITAN , 12th and Douglas 1st. ,
Omaha , Nc-b. $1.00 to $1.23. 'Phone 214.
M207 D22
TRUNK traveling bags , suit cases. Trunks
repaired. Om. Trunk Factory , 1209 Farnam.
362-Dec. 10
BASE3 BURNERS , lamps and chandeliers
roplated. Omaha Plating Co. , Bee Bldg.
CURED. Julia Vaughn , 430 Ramge Bldg.
NEW and second-hand bicycles at half
price. Louis Flescher , 1622 Capitol ave.
JOHNSON Osteopathlc Institute , 515 N Y
Life Bldg. . Alice Johnson. D. O , , ladies'
dept. ; Gld E. Johnson , osteopathlst , mgr.
M. E. DONOHUE , D. O. , of Still school
Kirksvllle , Mo. . C04 Paxton blk. Tel. 13C7.
GOOp stables and good care. Phone 1051
J. W. Phclps. 2.07 N. Y. Life.
M-871 Janl7
JEFFERSON Square Loan OHlce.118 N , 16.
EAGLI3 Loan Office , reliable , aceommoda
ing ; all business confidential. 1201 Doug
las , ISO
STOCK'S bird store. 1003 Leavenworth.
PIANOS tuned , repaired , by experts ; low
chorees. C. Sommer , 321 8. 10th. Tel J03S.
772-Dec 2i
FRENCH. German. Spanish. $2 per month ,
1'rof. Chatclatn. 301 Boyd theater. 132
IN FAMILIES , Miss Sturdy. 2210 Davenport ,
coMMHitci ,
OM. Com'l Col. Rohrbotigh Bros. , 16 A D'glns
PIANO tuning. $1.CO. 603 Sheely Block.
5(0 ( DS *
M. S. WALKL1N , 2111 Cumins. Tel. 1331.
LADIES' free harmless monthly regulator ;
cannot fall. Mrs. II. Rowan , R 2fl. Mil
waukee , WIs. M-992 D1S"
DAM-IXC ! sruooi , ,
MRS. MORANI ) gives private IPS-HIHS. walla
or two-step ; ladles nnd gentlemen ; acad
emy or residence. Address , 1510 Homey St.
267 D-21
1'AiT.itii \ \ < : rits.
MAIL iwslnl card giving your address and
rppplvn vnlitablp Information. Addrpss ,
P. O. Box in. Omaha. M-227-Jan-23
LADIES JACKETS , men's clothing , nl-
tered latest Btylcs nnd cleaned. Mnx
Foccl , 307 S. 17th. M2S N30
DR. S1IEPARD. 312 New York Life , spe
cialties , catarrh nnd kindred discuses ;
consultation free at olllco or by mall.
Literature nnd question sheets sent
everywhere. ' 81
supply ; uhlrts , Sc ; collars , 2c ; cuffs. 4c ;
underwear , 6c. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 517.
M-519 Dec. 14
CUT HATH railway tickets everywhere.
P. H. Phllbln , 1505 Farnnm. 'Phone , 7S4.
CHICAGO & NORTHwestern -
western Railway "Tho
Northwestern Lino"
Clly Ticket OHlce , 1401
Farnnm Street. Tele
phone , 561. Depot. Tenth
and Mason Strtets. Tele
phone. 029.
Leave. Arrlvo.
Daylight Chicago Spe
cial a ? :10 : nm all:33 : pm
Chlo'so Passenger a 4:15 : pm ulO10 ; am
Eastern Express. Des
Molnes , Mnr&lmlltnwn ,
Cedar Rapids and Chicago
cage n0:53 ! : nm a 4:03 : pm
Eastern Limited. Chicago
cage and East a 4:55 : pm a 4:05 : pm
Fast Mail. Chicago to
Omaha a 2:45 : pm
Omaha-Chicago Special.a 7:30 : pm n 8:00 : am
Fast . . . S:30 : am
a Dally , b Dally except Sunday.
Minneapolis Sc' Omaha
Railway "The North
western Lino" General
Olllccs , Nebraska Divi
sion , 15th and Webster
StB. City Ticket Olllce- .
1101 Farnam St. Telephone , 501. Depot. 13th
and Webster Sts.
Leave. Arrive.
Twin City Express ( for
Sioux City , St. Paul &
Minneapolis ) a 6:00 : am
Omaha Passenger a 7:00 : pm
Blair , -Emerson. Sioux
City , Poncu. Hartlng-
ton and Bloomtleld..b 1:00 : pm b2:10 ] : pm
No. 2 Twin CHj L't'd..a 5:53 : pm
No. 1 Omaha Limited. . . a 9:00 : am
a Dally , b Dally except Sunday.
K Missouri Valley Rail
road "Tho Northwestern
Line" General Otllces.
United Slateo National
Bunk Bidg. . Southwest
„ . Corner Twelfth and Far
nam Streets. Ticket office. 1401 Farnam
Street. Telephone , 581. Depot , 15th nnd
\\ebster stieets. Telephone , H5S.
_ , , . , , , , Leave. Arrive.
Black Hills , Deadwood ,
Hot Springs , a ; a 5:00 : pm
u yomlng , Casper and
Douglas d 3:00 : pm e 5:00 : pm
Hastings. York , n.tvlil
City , Superior , Geneva
Exeter and Soward..b 3:00 : pm b 5:00 : pm
Norfolk , Verdlgre and
Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:23 : am
Lincoln , Wahoo nnd
Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:23 : am
Fremont Loeal c 7:30 : am
a Dally D Dally except Sunday , c Sun
day only. d Daily except Saturday. e
dally except Monday.
Railroad "The North
western Line" General
Olllcos , United States
National Bunk Building.
S. W. Corner Twelfth
_ - and Fnrnam Streets.
. Ticket oltlce , 1401 Farnam Street , Telo-
I phone , 5G1. Depot , Tenth and Mason
I Streets. Telephone , C29.
I Leave. Arrive.
Sioux City , Mankato &
St. Paul , Minneapolis..a 3:30 : am a S:15 : am
St. Paul , Minneapolis ,
Mankato & Sioux Clty.a 5:25 : pm nllon : nm
Sioux Cty : Local a 8:00 : am a 4:30 : pm
.a Daily
sourl River Railroad
"The Burlington Route"
General Olilces , X. W.
Corner Tenth and Far
nam Streets. Ticket
Olllce. 1502 Farnam
_ Strn < ? t. Telephone , 250.
Depot , Tenth and Macon Streets. Tele
phone. 310. Leave. Arrive.
Lincoln , Hastlncs and
McCook a 8:40 : am a 7:40 : pm
Lincoln. Denver , Colorado
rado , Utah , Callfornla.a 4:23 : pm a 3:35 : pm
Lincoln , Blade Hills ,
Montana & Puuet
Sound a 4:23 : pm n 3:00 : pm
Lincoln Local u 7:00 : pm nlO:35 : am
Lincoln Fast Mall..a _ 3:00 : pin alO:33 : ama
Denver. Colorudo , Utah
& California a 0:35 : am
a Dally.
seph & Council Bluffa
Railroad "Tho Burlington -
ton Routr" Ticket Ofllce ,
1502 Farnam Street. Tele
phone. 250. Depot , Tenth
nnd Mason Streets. Tele
phone , 310 ,
& Qulncy Railroad "Tho
Burlington Route" Ticket
Olllce 1002 Farnam St.
Tel. , 230. Depot , Tenth &
nnd .Mason Streots. Tele
phone , 310.
_ , . , _ Leave. Arrive.
Daylight Chicago Spe-
„ „ „ „ „ -
clal a C : < 0 am
Chicago Vestltmled Ex..a 5M : pm n 8:03 : am
Ch cage Express. . . . a S5 ; am n 4:05 : pm
Chli-ago & St. L , KX..U 7:15 : pm u 8:03 : am
Paclllc Junction Local..alO43 ; ntn
road General Olilces and
TIC-KI t unices Southeast Cor
ner Hth and Douglas Bis.
Telephone , 101. Depot , 13th
and Webster Sts. Tclepnone ,
. - . . - , Leave. Arrive.
St Louis. Kansas ft
Nob. Limited a 2:30 : pm ul2:55 : pm
K. C1-St L Express . . .a 9:30 : pm u 5:50 : am
Ix i-nl via
\\eopinc Water b 0:05 : pm a 9:43 : am
a Dally b Dally except Sunday.
roud Omaha , KansaH city
& Eastern Railroad "Th
Qulncy ROIIIO" Tlclti-t Of
llce. 1410 Farniun Slreet.
Telephone. 32. . Depot , Tenth
and Mnsou Streets. Telephone -
phone , U29.Leave.
Leave. Arrive.
St Louis Cannon Ball
Express . . . . . . . . . .a 4:50 : pm a 8:33 : nm
Kansas City und Qulncy
Local a 7:15 : am a 8:60 : pm
w A'ii A sif "RAILROAD-
Tlcket Ofllce. 1115 Farnam
Street. Telephone , SS5. Depot -
pot , Tenth nnd Mason
S'reels Telephone , C29.
Leave. Arrive.
St. Louis "Cannon Ball"
Express a 4CO ; pin a 8:33 : um
n Dully.
and & Pacific Rnllrofld
"The Great Reek isl
and Home. " City Ticket -
et Oftlce , ISM Fnnmm
Sircet. Telephone. 42 ? ,
Depot , Tenth A Mason
Slrecls. Telephone , ( J'D.
_ . , . , " , . Leave. Arrive. '
Dos Mnlnos and Driven- >
port lx > cl a7OT : am M1:35 : nm
Cicago Express bll:16nm : n 8:10 : am
Chicago Fast Express..n 5iM : pm n lffl : pm
Si Paul Fast Express..n 5:00 : pm lill:35 : am .
Lincoln , Colorado Spgs. . '
Denver , Pueblo and
_ . " 1:30 : pm n 4:23 : pm
PCS Molnes , Rock Island - '
and and Chicago a 7:25 : pm n 5:30 : pm
Colorado * Texas Flyer.a 5:53 : pm a 9:20 : nm
land Routo" Goncral Office * .
N. E. Cor. Ninth and FaniAm
Streets. City Ticket Office , 1302
Farnam Street. Telephone , S16
DeiHit , Tenth and Mason
Streets. Telephone. 02) ) .
Ix-ave. Arrive.
The Ovcrlnnd Limited..a Sf : > 0 am a 7:20 : pm
The- Fast Mall a 9:00 : am a 3:30 : pm
The Colorado Special..all.-S3 pm a 6133 am
The Portland Special..a 8:30 : m n4:40i : > rn
Lincoln , Beatrice and
Stromsbiirg Express. . . ! ) 4S3 : pm blXpm : ( )
Pnclflo Express n 4:25 : pm n 6:55 : am
Columbus Local b 7:30 : pm b 8:30 : am
South Omaha Pas ? . Leaves , a 10:15 : ft. m , ;
5:05 : p. m. ; b 4:10 : p. m. Arrives , 10:46 : a.
m. : b 3:40 : p. m. ; b fi:25 : p. m.
Council Bluffs Local Leaves , fi:30 : a. m. ;
7:15 : a. m. ; 7:30 : n. m. , 10:15 : a. in. ; 2:15 : p.
in. ; ,1:40 : p. m. ; 5:23 : p. m. ; 5f : > 5 p. m. ; S:1S : p.
m. ; 10:30 : p. m. Arrives , 6:20 : n. m. ; 7ffl : A.
m. ; 10:15 : a. m. , 11:30 : n. m. ; 3:05 : p. m. ; 4:10 :
p. m. ; C:53 : p. in. ; 6:30 : p. m. ; S5o ; p. m , ; 11
p. m.
a D.illy. b Daily except Sunday. , '
St. Paul Railway City
/MLWA"i Ticket Ofllcc , 1501 Farnnm
! < EEt Street. Telephone. 281. Depot -
pot , Tenth and Mason -Sts.
Telephone , 629.
Leave. Arrive. '
Chicago Limited Ex a 7:33 : pm a 8:30 : am
uhk-ago A Omaha Ex..bll:00 : am b 353 ; pm
Sioux City & Des Molncs
Express 1)11:00 ) : nm b 3:55 : pin
u Dally , b Dally except Sunday , ;
pirvlHlng Architect , Washington , D. C. ,
will Ixi received nt this olllce until 2 .
on the 19th day of January , lmo ! , and then
opened , for construction ( except heat
ing apparatus , elevator nnd electric wife
condullH ) of the IT. S. Public Building at
HELENA , MONTANA , In .accordance with
Hit' drawings nnd specifications , which will
bp furnished at the discretion of the Super
vising Architect on application at this oftlco
nr tinolllce of the Custodian of the flto
at Helena , Montana. James Knox Taylor ,
Supervising Architect. Nov. 21 6t e-o-d
Latent \ < MVH of IntcroMt from ( be It toll
Mliieriil ItCKloiiN of South
Dakota. ,
DEADWOOD , S. D. , Nov. 26. ( Special. )
Last week the Original Hnrdln Mining com
pany commenced pumping out water from
the shaft on the east fork of Two Bit prepar
atory to ta'klng out ore. The shaft Is about
212 feet deep and there are several hundred
feet of drifts and tunnels. For several days
past the company has been shipping ere to
the smelter at Deadwood from the old dump
at the hoisting plant and the returns have
been good enough to warrant the Marling up
of the mine. There Is a large body of pyrltlc
ere on lower quartzlto which carries values
from $12 $ to $25 per ton gold. Ownera tf ;
mining property In the Two Bit mining dis
trict are glad to see the Hnrdln mine resunib
work. The Two Bit camp has been dead tor
over a year , ever since the collapse of ttp
fiveHnrdln companies. It is generally be
lieved that the Ilardln companies put too
much money into expensive hoisting plants
on their respective propertied and thfit the
stockholders became discouraged In putting
up money before the ere zone had boe-n
reached. The Two Bit mining district has
been reported upon favorably by four of tbo
best mining experts In the Black Hills.'It.Is .
believed that the resuming of work by tiib
Original Hardln company means the stratlrig
up of the other four companies. Ore Is ba-
Ing mined all around the properties of these
companlco and there is reason to bolleyo that
rich ere bodies will bofound when the proper
depth In attained In the Hardln mlnos. ,
J. D. Martin , secretary of the Boston-South
Dnkotr , Mining company , and F. D. . Under
wood , connected with the same company , of
Boston , are In this city for the purpose Of
looking over their property , the old Minerva
mine in Blacktall gulch. Joseph Underwood
of Chicago is the general superintendent 'of
the company. Ho has Jilted up the old stamp
mill and now has forty stamps ready to rtln.
A crosscut Is being run on bedrock of the
creek to get a better supply of water. The
ccwipany has blocked out a great quantity of
free milling ere which carries good values.
Tha Detroit Reduction company , composed
for the most part of the stockholders of the
Detroit and Deadwood Mining company ; is
operating a plant with a new process In
Victor , Colo. The plant has n capacity for
treating 125 tons of ere per day and during
the two menthe that the plant has been In
operation thu company has made n clear
profit of $400 per day. It is claimed that the
process will treat ere for $ l.fiO per ton. The
company has collected n carload of ores frbhj
the different mining camps of the Blnck Hlils
which have been shipped to the Colorado
plant for a test run. The process was orig
inally worked out for the treatment ot. the
Black Hills oies. If the test run Is micces's-
ful on the carload sent to the plant , ' liio
company proposes to erect ono or more plarils
in Urn Black Hills.
The Titanic Mining company has com
menced to patent HH mining estate In Carbonate -
bonato camp , nine miles northwest ot this
city. The property embraces over 700 acres
of ground , which ) the largest single body
of claims that has ever been patented atone
ono tlmo and by ono company. Other com
panies have patented tnoro ground , hut not
In one unbroken body. H. S. Vlncont , deputy
surveyor of Deadwood , Is doing the work
with a large force of men. The Titanic com
pany In sinking a shaft down to qtmrtzltc.
All of thu company's ' ground Is within the
phonollto bolt and rich phonolitlc ore has
been discovered In several places.
Thu Yankee Boy Mining company has put
n force of men at work on Us mining prop
erty near the Titanic company's ground.
Itlch chutes of ere have already been found
on some of the claims.
A new process for treating the pyrlllo ores
of the IJlack Hills has been discovered by
J. A. Ogdcn of Philadelphia , who ! ma been
oxBcrlmentliiK on the ores of the different
mlnJiiK districts for a year or more , Ills
procesj takes out the Iron from the ore by
electricity , leaving nothing but the value *
and non-ianiLTietlc. matcrlnta In lh nr .
INSTRUMENTS placed ' on record Satur-
day , November 2. , UD9 :
Wnrrimly | ) PI-IN ,
Thomas ICozulc nnd jvlfo to Frank
Uesck , lot 10 , block C , Potter & CO.'H
add , , , t < 0i
Merchant * National bank to Omaha.
Tlmit ' YvaHt ' company , lots 7 to 12 ,
H'oinim'u Hiibdlv 4,609
W. S Bluckwoll to Jennie Wattles , s
30 feet lot 17. block 20 , Highland
Place 1,800
E. O. Angcll nnd husband to George
Ohicomlnl , w'/fc ' lots 11 und 12 , block
C , Hhlnn'H add 3,000
J. E , Gi-orgi ) to Puullnu Pospltill , n 40
feet of vv Ml feet lot 0 , Mulnnuy's add 155
Sheriff lo Mluhlgnn Mutual Life- Insur
ance company , lot 7 , Oortlundt Place 0.300
Same to C. J. Camp , part lot 7. block
15 , Improvement association add 020 to J. R. fowled. lot 2 , block 10.
HaundevH K ] | 'H add to Highland
park SV ( )
Same to t' . J. t'ump , lot 0 , block S ,
SaundcfH K II'H add to Walnut Hill. SOO
State1 of Nebraska - Henry Ernst ,
in. 10-15-12 l.GOO
Total amount of transfers , . . , .Jl.u7 ! )