THE OMAHA DATLV BEE : THURSDAY , NOVEMBER 23. 1890. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Weakens on Liberal Receipts and Largo Dululh Shipment. CORtf SLIGHTLY HlGHtR , OATS DULL Unrlr SrenRh of Wlicnl AUrltinteil to Cnlileii Ilimlnpiifi Mnatly lit ! ' the llnmlN of I'rufcH- Mnnnln. CHICAGO , NoV. 22. Wheat was nrm early with Liverpool , but weakened on lib crnl receipts nnd a icporl of a largo ship incnt from Diiluth to this port , closing % f Wo tinder ycsterdnj' . Corn. Influenced h heavy clearance nnd Interruption' of th movement , closed UftUc higher for Deccm Itcr and May unchanged. Oats closed un changed and provisions 24c ! lower. Whcrt't failed to hold Its own. The open | ng , December nt C7'Ji676c ' ? nnd May a 71V4R71HC , was nt a gain of ttflttc over yes terday's close. Cables were higher nnd to this the early stiength was mainly attrlbu table. Business was mostly In the hand of professionals and changing of Decembc nnd May contracts , which made up a largo proportion of trades , was within a range o He , as wan nil other business In wheat Around opening figures the market Iluctun ted narrowly for half the session , then I weakened and there was considerable Until d lit I onof both December nnd May. A report that Duluth had boats loadet with 230,000 bushels for this port wns a fac tor In the weakness. December sold down 1o 067Ac and May to 7Ki71'/4c ; peccmber closed Wfiv lower at 66fi67c nnd May under yesterday's final figures , nt "I'.fcc Primary receipts were 749,319 bushels , com- paicd with l,07fil&j last yfar , northwest re ceipts were 031 curs , ngnlnst OS1 last week nnd 328 a year ago. This northwest 1SDS rc- relpts were curtailed by n blizzard. Locn receipts were forty-seven cars , nineteen of contract grade. New York reported twcnty- flvo Ioniis taken for export. Atlantic nnd Gulf port clearances In wheat and flour were raunl to 639,000 bushels. Corn was steady. Rains continued In the growing belt nnd cables were higher , facts which encouraged purchasers to Hike In al offerings nt figures a bit over yesterday's closing prices. Clearances were enormous I.QOO.OOO bushels ; receipts were 141 cars here nnd country cfferlngH were small. The cash demand was poor. December ranged t from 32c to 33c. closing "WHo higher nt M'ifi32c ; May sold nt from 31Vtc to 33)4(5) ( ) 33e and closed unchanged ut 3.1V&C. OatH held Its own , though the trade was dull. The. strength of corn and the curtail ing of the movement by wet weather were Influences. The export demand was poor. Clearances were 128,000 bushels ; receipts Dicre were 133 cars. December ranged at from 2.1V4 < fi23'4c to 23c , closing n shade lower at 23H < S23Uc : cMay sold at from 2lc * o 2IV4c nnd closed He under yesterday at Provisions were barely stendy , the only Incident being the retaking of n line of j > ork , presumably to replace some Sold i Fomn vcekH ngo at higher prices. Initial prices were a bit up on the firmness of grain , particularly corn. Fluctuations were narrow and the close at a loss of 2V4c on nil ' January products. January pork closed nt J9.60 , Jnnunry lard nt $3.10 and January ribs at JI.92J4ff4.93. Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat , CO cars ; corn , 190 cars ; oats , IIS cars ; hogs , 33,000 head. The leading futures rantred as follows : A r t Iclcs.l OpcnTJ High. ) Low. | Close. | Ycs'y. Wheat Dec. 66 % May 71 % 71U 7116 71 % Corn- Dec. 3.1 32 % . Jan. 32 131W32 | 31 % Mai- 33141 33V4 33 ; Dec. 23 23 % 23Vi May 2IV4 I'ork- Dcc' 8 10 R 121.A S 02 S 03 S 10 .Tun. n S754 9 47',4 9 50 9 52 & May 063 065 9 5714 3 C214 9 63 Lard- Dec. I 90 4 90 4 S7U I S7V-I 4 90 Jan. r. 12'4 ' B 15 B 10 B 10 5 12Vi May B30 5 32V4 5 27',4 ' C 30 B 3214 Itlbs- Dec. 4 8714 4 87V4 4 S5 I SB 4 87 % Jan. " ' 497V4 4 97V2 49214I 1 95- 4 97' , , Mix ? G 10 BI2V4 507V4 B 10 B 12'/4 ' No ; 2. Cash quotation ! ! were as follows : FLOUR Steady ; winter rntcnti , $3.43 < fl 3.55 ; straights' , J3.0003.23 ; clear , M.OOJI3.15 ; pprlng specials , Jl ; patents , $3.00tj3.50 ; straights. $2.80 3.10 ; bakers. J2.10 2.40. WHEAT No. 3 spring , 63ii65c ; No. 2 red , 67'/@C9c. ' CORN-NO. 33 NO. 2 33 - 2. 331/40 ; yellow , . . OATS-No. 2 white , 2C14c ; No. 3 white , IlYE-No. 2. 51V4WB2C. BARLEY-NO. 2. ssis c. " SEEDS-No. 1 flaxseed , $1.3114if1.32 ; north west. $1.311401.32. Prlmo timothy seed , $2.15 © 2.55. PROVISIONS M09- ? pork , per bbl. . $7.700) ) 9.nO. Lard , per 100 Ibs. . $4.8003.0214. Short ribs Hides ( loose ) , $1.8005.15. Dry salted Bbouldcrs ( boxed ) . $5.371405.50. Short clear Bides ( boxed ) . $5.1505.20. WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per ferul. . on baHs of high wine , $1.2314. SUGARS Cut loaf , $3.70 ; granulated , $ U8. Following nro the receipts and shipments for tot'ny : Articles. Reeelots. Shlpm't' Flour , bblB . 21.000 13/0) Wheat. , bu . 63,000 155.00) Corn , bl . 260.000 343,010 Oats. Jill . S29.000 456,00) ) Rye , bu . 5,000 L',00) ) Tlnrlcy , bu . 91,000 20.000 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market -was firm ; creameries , 1514025C ; dairies. 14022c. Cheese , steady at lll'-0) ) 32'ic , Eggs , Hteady ; fronh , 171401Sc. Mnv vonlc ( iu.vuuAi. MAMICET. QnotntloiiN for the lny on Vnrloim C.'oniiniiilKleN , NEW YORK. Nov. 22-FLOUR-Recelpts , 18.GS3 bbls. ; exports , 4.23S bbls. Market less nctlvo but Ilrm until townrd the close , when the feeling became easier , following the decline In wheat ; winter patents , $3.600) ) nt J2.23f(2,40. Rye flour , quiet : good to fair ! M.16iJ3.40 ( : cholco to fancy , J3.45(3.60 ( CORNMEAI/ Dull ; Bramlywlne , $2,23 { i 2.35 ; yejlnw western , SOe ; city , 78c. RYE Firm : No. 2 western. 63c , f. o. b nllout ; Htate , 69u c , I. f. New York , car lots BUCKWHEAT-Qulet nt C2Q63c , c. If. New York. BARLEY Quiet ; feeding , 40c c. 1. f. Buf- X.ilo. X.ilo.BARLEY BARLEY MALT-Qulet : western , G5T/C50. WHEAT Receipts. 71,925 nil ! : ipot Ptcady : No. 2 red , 73 ic , f. o , b. . nlloat , Hpot ; ' 'No. 1 northern , Duluth , 77'lc ' , f. o. ! > . . ntlont , to nrrive ; No , 1 hard , Duluth , VS Jc , f. o , b. , iilloat. to nrrlvo ; No. 2 red , 72u In elevator. Optimist steady nt Jo ( nd. vance and further ndvnncvd Ho on cnblo.i nnd local covering , following dlsaiipolntlng northwestern receipts. Later the feeling liecnme very weak , owing to the npnthy of exporters nnd an on tire lack of spccu- nllcmt ; 40 ic In elevator , Optlonu opened Htendy nt lie iidvancu nnd ruled firm on lilghcr cables , turning weaker , however , on clearing weather in the corn bolt nnd nb- senco of Hiifllclent export mipport ; closed weak nt net unchanged prlccn to ! io de cline ; December. S9T 0l014e , closing nt 39io ( OATS RecelptH , 142,800 bu. ; exports , 2. 'l ' ) 1m. ; Bpof , firm ; track , white , 3103lc. Op- tloim nominal. HOPS Quiet ; state , common to choice , ! E9i5 crop. Gr ; 1S97 crop , nominal ; 1S9S crop 100130 ; Pacific const , 1S96 crop. 40 c ; 1W7 crop. . nominal ; 1N9S crop , Iwllc ; Pnclflo eonnf mid Blutc , 1S99 crop , ! Kil5c. HAY Quiet ; shipping , GaSToc ; good to choice , 75QS5C. HIDES Finn : Galveaton. 20 to 25 Ibs. , JSe : Tcxutf dry. 24 to 30 Ibs. , 1314c ; Cnll- fornlw. 21 to jVlbs. . 194c. ! LEATHER Steady : hemlock pole. Buenos lAyres , light to heavyweights , 2l02l'/4c ' ; acid ' Rials Quiet ; domestic , fair to extra , 4 ? ; Cf7V4o ; Japan. 4 > 4 5 ; e. MOLASSES Steady ; New Orleans open Jiettle. cond to choice , 321(3i' c , PUOVISIONS-Becf , nulct at $10.50 ; beef linms , $21.00023.00. Cut meats , quiet ; pickled bellies , Glitl7jc : pickled shoulderg , C14o ; pickled hums. S09c. Lajrd , ateadv ; vePtern steamed. $5.35 ; November , $5.32U , nominal : rcdncd , quiet ; continent , SO.IM ; 6. A. . $6.25 : compound , 6M(3Hc ( , Pork. uteudy : 'rnvifs , $9.00(9,7S ; tdiort clear , $10.BO'i ) J2.00 ; family , $11.75012.00. Tallow , dull ; city , 4H io ; country , 4Hin54e. MKTALfl Tho. mptnl market displayed nil tin early week chaructcrlntlcfj today. Homo departincntu were Htcadler , notably tin , while others suffered from neulect , weak culilcji nnd ( telling preHsure. Spelter was poft to the point bordering on deniornllzo- Uon. At the close the Metal exchange called pig Iron warrants neglected , dull nnd entirely nominal ; lake copper un changed at $17.00017.25. tin dull nt $2S.OOJJ ) 2S.25 , lend steady at $ l.fii > Ol.fi5 , spelter lower and very weak at $ I.40H4.50 , The brokers * prlco for lend Is $ Uo anil for copper $17.0J U17.23. O M A11 A. GEMJIIAL MA n KI3T. Condition of Trmle nnd QnntntlonH on Mtniilc nnd Knitcr Produce. EGGS-Recclpts llgnt ; market nrm nt 15'ic. POULTRY - Hens , live. 6'.4c ' ; pprlng chickens , 614o : old nnd stnggy roosters , live , 3',404c ; ducks and geese , live , 600140 : turkcyy , Sc. BUTTER-Common to fair , 15c ; choice , 16 Wlic ; neparator. 26c ; gathered creamery , 2J Wile. OAME-Prnlrlo chickens , per doz. , N.OOfll 4.60 ; quail , per doz. , $1.5001.73 : mallards. J3.00fjr3.25 ; blue wing teal , $1.75 : green wing tcnl.Jl.2ofll.60 ; mixed ducks. il.50f2.00. ( OYSTERS Medium , per can. 20c ! stand ard , per can , 24c ; bids standard , per gnl. . $1.2j. extra selects , ocr can. 32c ; extra seleeti1. JIT gnl. , J1.75 ; New York Counts , per can , 40c : N'ow York Counts , per 100 , J1.25. HAY Upland , choice , J6.60 ; midland , choice , } 6 : lowland , choice. $5 ; rye straw , choice , $3.50 ; No. 3 corn , 27o ; No. 3 white oats , 22Vjc : cracked corn , per ton , $12 : corn and oats , chopped , per ton , $12.50 : bran , per ton , $13 ; nhorts. per ton. $14. VEGETABLES. SWEET POTATOES Per bbl. . Kansas , (2.2. ( > f2.60 ; Jerseys , $1,00 ; largo bbls. ( Neb. ) , POTATOES-Per bu. . 1T.173ic. CRANBERRIES-Capo Cod , $3.7506.00 ; fnncv Howes. J6.505T7.oo ONIONS Ilctall way , yellow , C5o ; red , 76n. 76n.CRLEnYPer CRLEnY-Per doz. , 202400. TUHNIPS-nutabagas , per lb. , l'c ; Cnna- dlan , 1'Xrlfl'ic. ' CAUUAGK Per lb. , 1'i.c ; Holland seed , FttUITS , APPLES Choice western" * shipping stock , J2.73i3.00 ; Jonathans and Grimes' golden , W.001J3.50 : New York stock , J3.5KT3.95. ( GKAPES-Ncw York. 20c ; California Em- IKTor , J2 , Cnliiwbns , iiur Ktiuill basket , 13o. PEAUS-Western varieties , J2.50. TIIOPIOAL FRUITS. ORANGKS-MoxIcan , per box , $1.0034.23 ; California nnvnls. per box , J1.50. LEMONS. California fancy , $1.7505.00 ; choice Callfoinln , $4.uu@4,50 ; Messina , JG.Ovip 5.50. HIDES. TALLOW. ETC. HIDKS-No. 1 green hides , S'.ie : No. 2 green hide * . 7c ; No. 1 salted hides , 9lc ; No. i salted hide ! ? , S c ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12 Ibf. , No. 2 venl caif , 12 to 15 Ib3. , Sc. TALLOW GREASE , ETC. Tallow. No. I 3 c ; tallow , No. 2 , SUc ; rough tallow , IHc ; white grease , 2i@J',4c ; yellow nnd brown grease , 2'A03c.MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. HONKY-Pcr 2l-se''tlon case , $3.25(33.60. ( NUTS Hickory nuts , large , per bu. , $1 : Shell Harks , $1.23j1.35. FIGS California layers , per 10-lb. box , 11.16. California carton , per 10-lb. box , $1.23. MAPLE SUGAn Per lb. . 9e. St. I.oulH (7 ml ii mill 1'rovlnlolln. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 22. WHEAT Lower ; No. 2 red , cash , elevator , ro' c : track , 71V4e : December , CS'.fcc : May , 72'(072 ( 8c ; No. 2 lard , CCftCTV&c ; receipts , 11,848 bu. CORN-HlRher : No. 2 , cash. 30 @ 30iic ; rack. 31H5i3Jc : December , 31'4c : May , 32c. OATS Higher ; No. 2 , cash , 23 > Ac ; track. 47c ; December , 23i4c ; May , 25c ; No. 2 vhlte. 2Cc. RYE Eartcr nt 52WK33C. FLOUR Dull and steady ; patents , $3.40' ' ! ! ! .50 ; extra fancy , $1.03fr3.15 ( : clear , $2.75(32.90. ( SEEDS Timothy seed , $1.901(2.25. ( Flax- eed. nominal at $1.21. CORN.MEAI.rSteady at $1.7&J1.SO. BRAN Steady ; sacked , east track , 62c. HAY Strong ; timothy , $7.00C 11.00 ; pral- le , $6.50i7.75. WHISK' Y Steady at $1.23V * . C01TONT1ES-$1.50. . HEMP TWINE-9C. PROVISIONS Pork , steady ; standard mess. Jobbing , $9.03. Lird , steady ; prime team , $4.90 : choice , $1.92V4. Dry salt meats , ) oxed shoulders , none ofterod ; extra shorts , 3.25 ; clear ribs , $5.00 ; clear sides , $3.62 . ? acon , boxed shoulders , none offered ; extra hort ? , $3.73 ; clear ribs , $ G.12',6 ; clear fides , 6.25. 6.25.METALSLead. . steady at $4.47 4.50. Sielter , lower ; offered , $4,15. POULTRY Dull ; chirkens , Cc" ; turkeys , c : ducks 5Mif > ' / c ; geese. 5c. RECElPTS-Flour. 4,000 bbls. ; wheat , 12- 000 bu. ; corn. 50,000 bu. ; oats , 16,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour , 6,000 bbls. ; wheat , J5.CCO bu. ; corn , 01,000 bu. ; oats , 21,000 bu. Itiitler. l-.KK nml OlicpMC AlnrUct. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 22.-RUTTER- rirm ; fancy western creamery , 2G'ic ; fancy estern prints , 2Sc. EGGS Firm ; nearby , Ic higher ; fresh earby , 2lc ; fresh western , 23cj ; fresh south western , 22c ; freh southern , 20c. CHEESE Unchanged. CHICAGO , Nov. 22.-BUTTER-Flrm ; reamerles. 15'/4fi25c : dairies , 1422c. ( EGGS Easy : fresh , 17V4@lSc. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 22.-BUTTER- reamery. 20523V4c ; dairy , lydlSc. EGGS Good demand , with supply of fresh cgga short of requirements ; market ad vanced Vic ; fresh Missouri and Kansas stock , firsts selling at 16V4c. cases returned. ST. LOUIS , Nov. 22. BUTTER Firm ; creamerv , 22Q27c ; dairy , 17Q23c. EGGS-Steody at 17c. NEW YORK , Nov. 22. RUTTER Re ceipts , 3,352 pkgs. ; strong ; western cream ery. 22 < 326Vfcc : Juno creamery , 21Q21ic ; actory , 15V/738c. ! ' CHEESE Receipts , 3.202 pkgs. : firm ; mall , September , ' /iftWic ; finest October , 2g'121/4c ( ; largo , fancy , September , 12112Vc ; arge. October , finest. 11 < &C. EGGS Receipts. 6,729 pkgs. ; quiet ; west- rn , ungraded , nt mark , 14g20c. IvniiNiiN CU > - ( irnln nml Irovlnlonn. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 22.-WHEAT-De- mber , 6kMay ; , K6c ; cosh , No. 2 hard , c ; No. 3 , 59JfC3e : No. 2 red , 7071c ; No. 3 , jfTfiSo : receipts , 34 cars. CORN December. 2Sc : May , 20Wc ; cash , No. 2 mixed , 29'/1'529Hc ' ; No. 2 white , 29Vsc ; o. It. 29c. OATS No. 2 white , 25',4c. ' RYE No. 2 , 4Sc. HAY Choice timothy , $3.50 9.00 ; choice ralrle. $7.001(7.25. ( RECEIPTS Wheat. 20,400 bu. ; corn , 35,100 u. : oats. fi.OOO bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat , 43,200 bu. ; corn , 35- 00 bu. ; oats , 7,000 bu. Liverpool Cirnlii mill I'rovlNlonN. LIVERPOOL , Nov. 22.-WHEAT-Spot. io. 1 northern , spring , steady , 5s ll'/Jd ; No , California , fis l',4d ; futures steady ; De- embcr. 5. " 9'/id ; Mnrch , 5s lid ; May , 5s ll'/fcd. ' CORN Spot. American mixed , new , firm , s 5d ; American mixed , old , firm , Sa 5-il ; utures stendv ; November , la 5d ; Decem- > er. 3s GV4d : January. 3s 6 4d. PROVISIONS Reef , extra India mess , isy , 87s 7d ; prime mess , easy , SOa. Lard , mcrlcan refined , In palls , firm , 2Ss 3d ; > rme western , In tierces , Ilrm , 26s Cd. lamn , short cut , firm , 43s Cd. Racon , Khort bs1 , firm , 35s ; long clear middles , light , Ilrm. 32s ; long clear middles , heavy , firm , 31s Cd. .Mtmtrniiolln AVIicat nml I' ' lonr. MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. 22. WHEAT In tore , No. 1 northern. November. 05e ; De- ember. G3Ue ; May , G7Hc. On track. No. 1 lard , fi7ej No. 1 northern , G5c ; No. 2 north- rn , n2U < - . FLOUR Klrst patent. $3.50i3.ffl ; second patent , $3.30ff3,40 ; first clear. $2.3032.40. BRAN-ln bulk , $11.001(11.50. ( Toledo . ' ) liirktl. TOLEDO , O. , Nov. 22. WHEAT Lower and weak : No , 2. pimh , C9c bid ; December , C9e ; May , 74'/Jo ' OHked. CORN Dull nml lo\ver ; No. 2 mixed. 33e. OATS Dull and steady ; No. 2 mixed , 234c. < . RYE Neirlected , CLOVERSEED-I ewer and steady ; prime cash , old , $1.70 ntked ; December , $ o,45. ( Jrnlii .MurUpt , MILWAXJKEE. Nov. 22. WHEAT SU-ady ; No. 1 northern , 674'5671/-ie ! ' ; No. norfhorn. RYE-Firm : No. 1 , S3V& ? 56o. 'BA.RLEY-Steady ; No. 2. 44ff43e ; sample , I'vorln MnrUfl. PEORIA , Nov. 22.-CORN-Hlghcr ; No. 2 , 32iC. OATS-FIrm : No. 2 white , 24 > , sfi21 c. WHISKY-FIrm , on the basis of $1.23VJ for finished goods. Dululh Wheat Murlipl. * DULUT1I , Nov. 22. WICBAT No. 1 hard cash , 67 ? n : No. 1 northern cash , CGc ; De cember. C5o ; .May , C9 tj No , 2 northern , Ol'ttc ; No. 3 spring , CSTic. Wool anil Cotton HevltMr. ROSTON. Nov. 22-Tho American Wool und Cotton Reporter will pay tomorrow : The wool market continues excited , Pricns are steadily advancing townrd a higher uvel , nnd the more the rlne the more In- enso seems to bo the desire to buy , A remendous business has been trnnsucte > l , no dales of the week nggrcgntlng over 3,000,000 pounds , which has been pretty well distributed among consumers , opecu- ators nnd memberH of the trade , many f whom nro compelled to buy lit the open nnrket In order to attend to the needs f the customer * . The markota abroad ontlnue to display n hardening tendency lid latest ndvlccH .state that nt Melbourne omo of the best Block him been dlspoMed f nt prices which mean $1 clean , hindeJ n lloston. It Is estimated n shortage of rom 75.000,000 to pounds will bo eported by Muy , In which caxo It Is quite irobablo that Importations will result , During the last week carpet wools have apparently begun to share In the nctlvlty noted In other grades , Carpets have opened nt advanced prices nnd large pur chases have been made. The sales of the week In Boston nmoitnted to 12,970.000 pounds domestic nnd 7 < oOiU pounds foreign , making n total of 13,713dO ( , ngnlnst a total of 1B.317.776 for the previous week , nnd a total of 3.S79.COO for the corresponding spending week last year. Snlei since Janu ary I , 1W > 9 , amount to 314.0S7.K76 pounds , ngalnst 118,610,010 pounds last year nt this time. .1IUVK.MU.VhS OK STOCKS AMI HOMJS. Mnrkot' Tone In Hltuml"li Tlirotmh- 0111 vrlth SlrciiKdt Only In Siiotn. NEW YORK , Nov. 22. The stock market drifted rather aimlessly today under the Influence of renewed uneasiness over the money situation. A moderate demand for London account lifted prices at the open ing and durlntr the. course of the day there were Isolated movements In n number of Individual stocks. Rut the Influence of Jheso demonstration.1) of strength In spots on the general market wns small and the. tone wat Blugglsh throughout. Dealings were narrow nnd wholly professional. The money rate rose to 8 per cent during the day nnd there , wns n renewal of the dis position to discriminate sharply against the industrial stocks as collateral. The nom inal rate of Interest In such cases wns eked out by the requirement of extra commis sion and the. margin between the nmounla loaned and the ruling market valuation of the stocks was Increased. The offerings of government bonds for redemption nt the sub-treasury fell to Insignificant proper tions1. New York exchange , wns notably weak at a number of Important domestle centers , falllnc to 20c discount at chlenro- against par yesterday and declining sharply ut St. Louis and Cincinnati. Persons Interested In the money outlook are keeping one eye on the foreign mar kets. The hardening discounts In Ixitulon today may bo significant of future pressure from that source , though the situation In Now York was sufficiently pressing to cause n decline In sterling ratea In spite of the trndo movement. The Paris discount rate held firm at ' ,4 per cent above the bank's oinclnl rate , giving ground for ex- poctntlon of nn ndvnncn tomorrow In the Bank of France's rate. New York banks have gained $5,659,000 on sub-treasury operations since last Thurs day and todays clearing house statement showed a debit balance against the sub- treasury of over $2,000,000. These are reflec tions of the government bond redemptions nnd give promise of a good showing In Saturday's bank statement. The proceeds of the bond redemption have not afforded nny great relief to the speculative world nnd the market Is disposed to await further developments. Small net gains are the rule on the day nnd a few stocks show notable advances. General Electric gains 3' . and Cleveland , Cincinnati. Chicago & St. Louis 2 % ; Balti more & Ohio rose over a point nnd the coalers showed some strength. The Chl- cngo , Indlnnnpolls & Louisville stocks , the Chicago Terminal stocks , the nio Grande Western 'stocks , Buffalo , Rochester & Plttsburp nnd one or two others show gains of from 1 to 3V . Minneapolis & St. Louis s 2V4 lower and losses of a point nre shown oy a number of other inconspicuous stocks. There wns realizing In some of the bonds of the speculative grade , but very good ab sorption at. some other points. Total sales , par value. $2,375,000. United States 2s advanced ' .4 and the 3s nnd old and new 4s. H In the bid price. The Stock exchange will be closed on Sat urday out of respect to the late Vice Pres ident Hobnrt. The Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram says : The. markets here were a shade brisker today , but Irreg ular , pending receipts of news from Africa. Consols milled to 103U bid. closing at 103'fc on further largo sales. Dealers are still talking of the bank rate. Americans were stagnant , except Southern preferred. South ern Pacific and Louisville & Nashville ; Spanish 4s rose to C6V& ! .tlntos were 46 % ; other coppers steady. Of gold 8,000 cnmo In from Portugal. The week's outflow wns 234.000. Sliver was hard on eastern de mand In a narrow market. The Berlin bourse was closed. The following are the quotations for the leading stocks on the New York exchange today : Offered. X MV York Money Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 2--MONEY-On call , firm nt 60S per cent ; last loan nt 0 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-B 1' per cent. STERLING EXCHANOE-Wenk. with actual business In bankers' bills at SI.KJ'/'ii 4.S5& for demand nnd nt $ I.Sl4fR8i ! ! for sixty days ; posted rates , $4.S2V4fns7 ; ; com mercial bills. $4.811.4. SILVER-Ccrlincntcfl , ESiS59i,4c ; bar , 59o ; Mexican dollars , 47i4c. BONDS Government , strong ; state , In active ; railroad , Irregular. The following are the closing quotations on bonds ; _ _ _ U. 8. 2S' , reg 10H4 M. . K. & T. "a. , . 70U do 3s , reg lODsti do 4s . . . , , 91U do 3s , coupon..10)H i N. Y. C. Is 112H do new- ! 4s. res.3Jii ! N. J. C. g. Ba..l20V { do coupon 132U No. Car. Gs 127 do old 4s. rec..H1'i do 4 * . . . . .101 do coupon Nor. Pac. Is 110 do 5s , ton . lit do 3 * . 6V.1 do 5' . coup . Ill do 43 . 102 D. of C. 3s 63s. . .117 N.Y.C. ft St.I..4s,103i. , Ala. class . , A.110'i N. & W. con. 4s. 92j class I ) . Ill do gen. 6s . 131 do class C . 101 Ore. Nav. Ists . . .ins do currency . . .100 do 4s . . Atcli. con , 4 ! . 99'i Ore , S. I6s. . , . . 129 do adj. 4s 82 % do con , J > n . 114 Can. St. 2s 107''i Rending g. 4s , . . , ST'i C. & O. 4'4s 9 > U Rio G W. Is. . . . 97Vi do 6s 1164 Kt.L. & I.M. e. Ss.llO C. & N. W. c. 6s,140' { &,6f.l2l % do S. F. d b. fis.118 Rt , Paul con . 171 Chi. Ten 4s 9S St. P. , C. & P. 18,120 D. & R. Q , lS..10'J do 6s . J20V. do 4i 991.4 So , Railway Bs..iiSi ( E.T..V. & | a R. & T. 6a. . . . _ . Erie gen. 4s 71'j Tenn. n. s , 3 . . . . 91 P.W. & .D. C , 18.,7 Tex. & P. 1s 114H Oen. Elec. 5s.119 do G. H. & 8. A. Cs.110 Union Paclllc 4s.W1l do 2dH 10914 WnbiBh Is . 114 H. & T. C. BS..112 do 2s do con. 6s 110 West Slioro 4s. . , in Iowa Central ls..114ii WIs , Cen. Ists , . . 73 K. C. . P. & G , 1 , 72U Vn. Centuries . . . S3' ' , I.a. new con. 4w..l01U do dpforr"d ( . . . . ! > 1 , . & N. mil. 4s. . M i Colo. So. 4s . 85 So. Paclllc 4s. . . . SIM Offered , Foreign Kl mine In I. I/ONDON. Nov. 22. American Bccurltles were Ilrm from the opening to the cloho to day. There wns very little trading , ns the- FOttlcirent absorbed the attention cf mem bers. The amount of bullion taken Into the Hank of England on balance today WUH 8.000. Gold premium at Huenos Ayrfs , 133.60 : SnnniHh 4s. C U. PARIS. Nov. 22. Prices on the bourse to. day were Irregular , but closed firm. Inter national securities were strong ; bunk Sharon were In particular demand ; Hruzll- lans ndvunced , while Italians were easier ; R'o tlntos recovered sharply on the rise In the price of copper ; DeBecrs were actively New Yorl : MInInK Slocks. NEW YORK. Nov. 22. The following nre the ofllclal closing quotations for mlnlns shares : ItmiU CIcnrliiKK. NEW YORK , Nov. 22. Clearings , $1S6- 718,021 : balances , $ llfX)3OS3. ) , BOSTON. Nov. 22 , Clearings , $23,832,671 ; balances , $1,825,766. BALTIMORE , Nov. 22. Clearings , $3,707- 832 ; balances. $467,030. . * . PHILADELPHIA , Nov. 22.-Clearlng ! > , $17S22.G79 ; balances , $2,541,920. CHICAGO. Nov. 22.-CloarIngs , $23,209,394 : naiances , fz.'Jii.uc ; piernng exciiiiiiKc , n.ow 4.87 : New York exchange. 20c discount. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 22. Clearings , $5,471,578 : balances. $128,201 , ; money. 4 8 per cent ; New York exchange , GOc discount bid , 40o dis count asked. ConillUon of the TrenHtirr. WASHINGTON. Nov. 22. Today's state ment of the condition of the treasury shows : Available cash balance , $29l,229,30i ; gold reserve. $246,088,577. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 22. COTTON Trade condition ! ! on the Cotton exchange did not change materially today. The bulk of the small business done was easily traced to the professional element , which gave atten tion for the most part to the winding up of straggling accounts preparatory to what ever new turn the market may take In the future. The opening was barely steady , with quotations 1 point lower to 1 higher. Prices did not last long on this level , as re ceipts plied up enormously ; late cables were bearish and the investment public wag 'dis posed to take a portion of Its holdings. A decline of 5 points was apparent nt the close of the first hour , the market showing underlying weakness ; later , however , theru was a marked change In the feeling In the pit nnd by noon -most of the loss had been \vlped out. The change of sentiment devel oped Into positive firmness ns the session wore on. With the steadier ruling came a moderate number of buying orders from Wall Ftreet and the pouth. Room bulls pur chased In a small wayr ; the market was finally steady , with prices net 2 points gust , $7.3'S ; September , $7.03 ; October , $6.93. LIVERPOOL , Nov. 22. COTTON Spot , good business done ; prices unchanged ; American middling. H4d. The sales of the , day were 15.000 bales , of which 1,000 were for speculation nnd export and Included 14,200 American ; receipts , 5,000 bales , no American. Futures opened quiet and closed ' barely steady at the decline ; American mid dling , 1. m. c. November. 4 < OH l-64d. value ; November and December. 3 63-fi4Q3 64-G4d , buyers ; December and January , 3 6"-64d ! , buyers ; January nnd February. 3 61-6U1 , buyers : February and iMarch , 3 60-64W 3 Gl-CId , sellers ; March and April. 3 60-64d , nellers : April nnd May. 3 59-64fra G04d , sel lers ; May and Juno , 3694d. . sellers : June and July. 358-6403 61-6ld , sellers ; July nnd August , 36S-61d , sellers ; August and Sep tember. 356-Gid , rollers. GALVESTON , Nov. 22. COTTON-Qulet at 7 11-IGc ST. LOUIS , Nov. 22. COTTON Un changed ; sales , none ; middling. 7V4c ; re ceipts , fl.453 bales ; shipments , 8,992 bales ; stock. 98.051 bales. NEW ORLEANS , Nov. 2. COTTON- Steady ; sales. 6.9CO bales ; ordinary , 5 l16o ; good ordinary , 67-lCc ; low middling. 615-lGu ; middling , 73-lCc ; good middling , " Jc ; mid- dllng fair , 7c ; receipts , 19.52S bales ; stock. 329.PG1 bales. Futures quiet nnd steady ; No. Ju'.y , $7.16577.18 ; August , $7.0Wi7.05 ; Septem ber , $6.7106.75 ; October. $ t > .62fe.G6. Coffee Mnrltct. NEW YORK , Nov. 22. COFFEE-Futures opened steady In tone , with prices 5 to 10 points higher on firmer cables , a decreased crop estimate from Rio. vigorous general support led by room < bulls , absence of sel lers and active spot demand. Further ad vances were scored following the opening on continued good general buying and bul lish closing European cables. Profit-taking at times brought nbout partial reactions. Plnguo news was meager nnd of vague Im port ; closed steady In tone , with prices net 10 to 15 points higher ; sales. 29,210 bags. In cluding December , ; January. * a.Ni ; March. $393G.OO ( ( ( ; May , $ G.OOfi6.05 [ ; July. $ G.IO 4(6.20 ( ; August , $5.20fiG.2V September. $6.25(7 ( ? fi.30 ; October. J0.30. Spot , Rio. firm ; No , 7 Invoice ( We : No. 7 jobbing , 7Uc. Mild , Ilrm ; Cordova , Oil 3nrkr < . OIL CITY , Nov , 22-Credlt balances , $1.5S ; ccrtlllcntes closed at J1.59I4 bid for cash ; sales , 1,000 bbls. cash oil nt $1.5914 ; ship ments , 71.231 bbls. ; average , { 5,310 bbls. ; miles , 1,000 bbls. cash oil nt $1.59',4 ; hp- ! LIVEIIPOOL , Nov. 22.-OILS-Llnceed oil , 2ln 9d. Cottonseed oil , Hull refined , No vember nnd April , Htcady at 16n Gd. Pe troleum , American rellned , 73-Hte. Spirits ) of turnentme. 36s 9d , N-EW YOIIK , Nov. 22.-OILS-Cottonseed oil. Htcady ; prime crude , 23V2026c ; prlmo yellow , 2SH < T/29e. / Petroleum , firm , nosln. quiet ; ntralnod , common to good. $1.301 ? 1,35. Turpentine , steady nt 61 < Q5le ! , \i-\v York Dry Ouoilx NEW YORK , Ncv. 22. The demand for Hlaplo cottons shows no change In charac ter. It is still ahead of available supplies nnd the tone In buoyant nnd stronsr , but no advances of nny moment reported In any department. Print cIcthH have sold to n considerable extent nt 3e for regular ; wldo goods nre rtrnng nnd dearer ; prints nro generally selling at value for goods not In clock und. the demand Is good : no change In glnghamH ; woolen dress goods In strong position und tending upward : silk fabrics firm and sellers reserved under advancing market for raw tillU , SiiKiir Market. NEW ORLEANS. Nov. 22.-SUGAR Strong ; open kettle , 3"tc ; open kettle , cen trifugal , 3TM4Uc ? ; ccntrlfugnl white , 1 ? W 49-16c ; yellow , 3H 7-16c ; second * , 38' ' 3 9-16c. MOLASSES-Strong ; open kettle , 3M/40c / ; centrifugal , icgizjv. Syrup. SOftSlc. NE\V YORK. Nov. 22-SUGAR-Raw , firm ; fair refining , 313-lCu bid ; centrifugal , 96 test , 4 < 4c bid ; malnBses sugar , 39-lGc ; re fined , quiet. L'nllfiimlii Dried FrullH. NEW YORK , Nov. 22.-CALIKORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Strady ; evaporated ap ples. common , Cff'c ; prime wire truy. 79i < 8 Sc ; cholc' , SUfeSHc ; fanoy , SV4fi9 ( Prnnen. SVifiSlfco. Apricots. Royal , 13ffl5c : Moor Park , ISfiiSc. Peaches , peeled , 20Q22c ; un- peeled. 7'5J10c. W. C. T. II , to IJxIillill nt I'nrlH. PITTSBURG , Pa. . Nov. 22. The nonpartisan - partisan Women's Christian Temperance union nt todny'u Hcxslan appointed u com mittee to revise the national constitution and decided to have tin exhibit nt the I'.irlH exposition. The oucHtlon of a re union of the Women'H Christian Temper- unco union IK held In ubuyance pending the arrival of a letter from Mra. U U , N , Stovcnti of Chicago. _ . . OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Steady Fall of Bain Makes it Disagreeable in the Tards. ONLY A FEW FAT CATTLE ARE ON SALE Fnlr Dcinntul for Light nml llntclicr Wo I Klit HORN Mnrket Close * Five CcittN Lower on All Kin tin Few Sheep In Sight. . SOUTH OMAHA. Nov. 22. Receipts were : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Olllclal Monday 6,218 S.toS Oniclnl Tuesday 4.476 11.SI2 2,7Sf Olliclal Wednesday 2,570 9,718 37 Three days this week. . .12.253 20,913 C.SI4 Same days last week 18,037 21,009 12,10 Same days week before .12,974 15,749 lG,22ii Same three weeks UK0..16Wo 24,103 9,593 Average price paid for nogs for the lust several days with comparison ? : 189S.1S97. | Nov. i. . . . 01 3 631 3 29 3 42 4 44 5 SO Nov. 2. . . . 01W 3 451 3 41 3 27 3 44 4 45 6 OS Nov. 3. . . . 04 3 47 3 43 3 30 4 39 G07 Nov. 4. . . . 02 3 61 3 43 3 31 3 33 Nov. 6. . . . 362 3 44 3 21 33. > 4 41 Nov. 6 , . . . 01 3 46 3 17 3 36 4 r.o 5 SI Ncv. 7. . . . , 02 363 3 23 3 45 < 55 5 S3 Nov. 8. . . . 03 3 62 151 3 45 4 42 581 Nov. 9 06 3 45 3 41 3 28 3 39 4 Zl > 6 lit Nov. 10. . . , 4 03 3 47 3 31 3 ZT I 441 5 S'J Nov. 11. . . 4 02 3 43 332 | 3 171 3 39) ) 673 Nov. 12. . . 3 44 3 3S 3 221 3 431 4 43 Nov. 13. . . 391 * 331 3 23 3 44 ! 4 64 56) Nov. 14. . . 392 3 41 3 25 3 451 4 41 5 Cl Nov. 16. . . 390 335 3 27 3 44 4 37 | SCI Nov. 16 . . , 3 81 3 35 X 31 3 IS 3 45 4 451 5 42 Nov. 17. . . 3 36 332 3 11 4(4S | 52 Nov. IS. . . 3 35 3 32 3 14 341 ( 6 2J Nov. 19. . . 3 29 3 31 .1 16 339 4 6l | * Nov. 20. . . 3SS * 334 3 13 3 42 4 551 5 3J Nov. 21. . . 3 31 3 151 3 42 4 37 | G 30 Nov. 21. . . , 3 S3 3 31 3 151 3 42 4 371 6 TO Nov. 22. . . , 3 S6 337 3 39 3 38 4 411 & II * Indicates Sunday. The oinclnl number of cars of stock brought In today by each road wns : Cattle. Hogs. Horses C. . M. St. P. ny O. & St. I , , ny 3 Mo. P. ny U. P. system 34 17 C. & N. W. Hy 1 17S ! ' . , E , & M. V. n. n. . . . 15 31 S. C. & P. ny 3 C. , St. P. , M. & O. ny. . 4 12 n. & M. n. n. n ie 2S c. , u. & Q. ny 4 17 1C. C. & St. J 13 7 C. , n. I. & P. ny. , east. . 1 7 C. , n. I. & P. ny. , west. . . . 3 Total receipts 91 143 1 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated : HllvprM. fntlln IJrura < 3Vinr n CATTLE There was a steady fall of rain nil the morning and It was very disagree able In the yards , the cattle looking their worst. The market as a whole was in very fair shape , but was not much changed ns compared with yesterday. Only a few fat cattle were on sale , nnd the most of them changed hands early lu the morning at steady prices. There were a few good cattle here which were good enough to bring $6.00. It looked as If the cow market ought to bo steady and some cattle that just suited may have brought steady price ? early. On the other hand , n good many found It a mean and low market. Bulls sold nt steady prices. Stockers and feeders were In good demand considering the Ptnto of the weather and In some cases sellers were reporting the mar ket a * strong. However , to call the general market as steady would about cover It. Some stock calves brought 15c more today than some of the same lot sold for last week. Most everything sold In good sea son , the pens being practically bleared some time before midday. Representative sales : BEEF BTEERa , . 800 325 2. . . , . 695 3 50 . . 450 3 50 5 , . . , , . 670 3 50 , . 703 350 10. . . . . 615 350 CULLS. . .1493 2 45 , .1430 3 10 . .1210 2 60 , .1120 3 1i . SSO 2 55 . 720 3 15 , .1250 2 75 .1300 3 2 > . .1163 2 90 .14SO 3 55 , .1420 3 00 . 730 .1 65 , . 740 3 00CALVES. .1620 4 00 CALVES. , . 200 C 00 00STAGS. . .1390 3 00 STOCK CALVES. 470 3 50 1. 210 4 50 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 860 2 75 1. 660 3 75 . 750 2 90 ' , RS4 3 75 . 6S7 3 00 27. , , 852 4 00 , . SRO 3 1R 1. , , 552 4 10 . 682 3 25 37. . 712 4 15 . 570 3 25 10. , , 697 4 15 . 892 3 35 1. , , 700 4 15 .1020 3 50 , 770 4 23 740 3 6ft 622 4 30 7 724 3 ' 3SO 4 50 NEBRASKA 10 feeders. S87 4 00 3 feeders. . OH 3 SO 1 feeder. . 890 3 BO 3 cows 1070 3 20 22 feeders. . 944 4 00 MONTANA. 1 steer 1330 4 40 2S feeders..1058 4 15 2 steers.1160 4 40 3S feeders. . 6S ! > 3 31 IS steers.1229 4 40 70 feeders. . 654 4 05 1 steer 1120 4 15 2 feeders. . 423 3 GO B steers.1161 1 40 1 heifer. . . mo 3 ( V ) 2 steers.1203 3 60 35 cows 795 2 W 4 steers.1010 4 15 77 cows , . . . . 770 2 W 20 rows. . . 2 45 9 cows , . . . . 742 2 90 1 now. , , . ,1020 3 00 10 cows 910 30) ) 1 cow. . . . .1050 3 23 1 cow. . ' . . . . 900 .TftO 4 cows. . . .1012 3 50 1 cow. . . SOO 2 73 J. A. Newell Neb , 2 COWS 1023 320 3 cows. 963 3 60 Scows 675 265 2 feeders. 645 3 BO 3 cows 976 3 40 Jnmes Sutherland Idaho. 1 cow tlSO 2 ' Istng 1270 3 BO 1 cow 1260 3 75 2 heifers. . J > 20 3 60 1 feeder. . . K ) 3 00 4 heifers. . 6l"i 3 CO 40 feeders , . 743 4 25 12stkclv. . 412 4 30 1 feeder. . . 30 3 60 Pawnco Cnttlo C'o , Wyo. 17 feeders , . 6(2 ( 3 15 18 cows 773 3 10 10 feeders. . 871 3 60 1 cow 770 2 75 21 heifers. . 479 2 75 E. Calvin Nob. 7 feeders , RI8 400 1 cow 750 2 60 1 feeder. . . 960 3 B5 1 COW 730 2 CO 1 feeder. . . 710 3 50 1 cow R21 3 0) 1 cow 410 250 13 OOWH 957 3 60 1 steer.1140 4 60 4 feeder * , . 910 4 03 S cows , . . . , & 56 2 20 18 cows 915 2 20 H. H. Reed-Neb. 107 stk , civs. 326 6 00 C. Morse S. D. 10 steers..1005 4 15 II. Motcalf Neb , a feeders. . 830 4 10 4 feeders.,1025 4 10 1 feeder , . . 820 4 10 J. Wrlc t-Neb. 8 feeders. . 722 3 SO 1 bull 1110 2 CO 3 feeders. . 623 3 SO 1 steer DOO 3 CO 1 feeder. . lf < X ) 3 SO 1 Merr . . .1010 3 CO 7 cows. . . . 91 ? 3 10 3 COWS. . . .101 ? 3 (0 ( 1 cow 1DOO 273 1 cow . . . . 970 2 75 A. D. Marriott & Co. Neb. JO fdp. Tex. SM 4 00 10 sirs. Tex SSO 3 GO John F. Carr Not ) , 1 btill 1510 SCO 4 cows 1060 320 3,1 feeders. . $ W 4 IS 1 cow SSO 375 2 feeders. . SS5 3 BO 2 cows 1003 2 90 C. P. Hnutton-Ncb. 1 cow SOO 2 10 II cows 7S3 2 10 14 cows. . . . 7.15 210 1 bull 1050 320 HOGS The market opened this morning with a fnlr demand for light nml butcher weights nnd such loads us would answer the purports of the buyers of that kind of hogs brought within 41,40 of yesterday's prices. The hcnvlest packers , how over , were very bearish , no thnt It wao hnrdl possible to do as well with the heavy hog on the opening market as with the Ugh loads. In fact , .buyers itemed to wnn heavy hess 21i5J5u lower right from th sttirt. Later on reports from Chicago and othc points were less encouraging , so that th market at this point became worse In stead of better , and the close was 5c lower on nil kinds. The mnrket ns a whole could bo summed up ns opening iliffSc lower. I will be noted thnt while the bulk of th hogs went nt J3.S7MjST < l.0 ! yesterday , the bull todny wns at J3.ijy3.S7U. Reprcscntntlv rales : No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 21 311 ICO 3 S ) 71 251 SO 3 "S3 " 26 103 . . . 3 M ) M 261 120 3 i7W 72 25.S 2sO 3 SO 62 2S3 40 3 S7M 51 373 240 3 > 2 > 4 52 247 . . . 3 $ ; < & 48 355 . . . 3 S2 < S 64 302 40 3 V74 ! 62 362 210 3 S21J , 53 3ftii 120 3 Si'A ' 49 322 210 3 S2i,5 61 300 M > 3 J > 7U f > 6 32S 200 3 8214 74 1S3 120 3 S7V4 51 195 160 3 S3 CO 2C6 40 3 5,7Mi , 67 2S1 160 3 S3 7.1 290 120 3 Sl $ 53 3.19 40 3 S-3 46 311 80 387(4 ( 58 279 SO 3 S3 CO 2M 40 3 S7V , 48 SOS 120 3 Sn CS 240 . . . 3 S7VJ , 51 2SO . . . 383 71 Kl 200 ,1 S7i0 6S 230 SO 3 S3 69 2(15 ( SO 3 ' .7'- 12 113 . . . 3 S3 41 312 120 'I 8T' § IS 120 . . . 3 S3 hi 228 120 3 kV'j C6 286 . . . 3 S5 70 2CI . . . 1'i'fc 47 331 . . . 3 S3 71 2bT. . . . IM.l'j 40 3S9 SO KM 70 2S" , 200 3 Sii'j 46 20S SO 3 S3 49 152 . . . 3 S"n 61 2S7 160 3 S3 67 263 125 f "i KO 120 3S5 62. . . . . 120 3 S716 22 ? VA } fi' G4 . 27) SO 3 S7',4 310 60 ! < > R1 26" 390 2S2 1W 315 oi.237 : : : : : I'M SM . 3 ! 12 J ; ? SS . 211 120 3 00 51 . 2S3 120 3 v > 70 0 1 im o nn S . * } ZM w ? i : : : : : n 338 ' ' 3'7 ' 40 'IS . - " , 7 ! ) . 2.V1 40 380 JO * . 12J " 3S5 , , , , . 05 , 120 39ft 51 . 332 120 3 5 557 ni-i om n nn M . 203 SO 3 ST . ; " ; ; . 390 71 . 277 10 ( ! 3 RT ; j . " 52 SO 3 ! > 0 fiS . 270 RO 3 R5 71 ' . ' 2-57 . . 390 SI . 277 120 3 f-5 87' . . . . .250 SO 390 60 . 310 40 383 f,0 , . 287 . . . 390 R7 . 40 3 S3 fif , . 287 120 390 73 . 2S5 . . . 3 S5 ( B . 217 . . . 390 04 . 2V > 40 3 F ; 13 . 16S . . . 390 fi2 . 278 40 3 S5 PS . 1 0 SO 3 90 BS . 2S3 SO 3 S3 (3 ( . 271 SO 390 K ) . 311 40 3 Si 73 . 275 80 390 CG . 25 120 3 S > SHEEP The sheep barn had a holiday appearance today , as there were not enough sheep or lambs of any kind , cither killers or feeders , to make a test of the market. About all that could bo said of the market is to call It nominally steady. Quotations : Good to choice fed wethers , ! 4. 1504 , 25 ; good to choice grass wethers , < 3.904.00 ; fnlr to good grnps wetherp. } 3 70 ' t.SO ; good to choice grass ewes. $3.10JI3.35 ; fair to good grass ewe ? . $2.S5"J.UO ; good to choice native lambs , J3.15fi3.25 : good to choice western lambs , $1.751(0.00 ; fair to good western lambs , $450574.63 ; feeder vethers , J3C55J3.75 ; feeder yearlings , $3.75 .90 ; good to choice feeder lambs. S4.23JN.40 ; fnlr to good feeding lambs , f4.00S'l.25 ; feeder owes. $2.2502.75. Representative rales : No. , Av. Pr. ( VI feeding lambs . SI $1 SO 37 native wethers . Ill 4 1 > 4 ( > feeding Inmbs . Cl 420 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK 5I.Y11KET. llcitt Rrndcn of Cnltlc Stonily , Othcm I.nnor nml linen Decline. CHICAGO , Nov. 22. CATTLE Best grades steady ; both short horn and Angus sold today at $7.00 ; common and medium dnds , 25@IOc lower than Monday ; peed o choice , $5.30J(7.00 ( ; poor to medium , $1.30 ( & 5.35 ; mixed stockcr.s , $3.00j3.75 ; selected 'eeders , $4.20ff4.65 ; good to choice cows , $3.60Jt.40 ; heifers , $3.508 .75 ; canners , $2.00 (2.X ! ) ; bulls , $2.25il.25 ; calves , $ .OOJ7.00 ; fed Texas beeves , $4.2o'g5.40 ' ; grass Texas steers , $3.l5f4.25 ! ; western range beeves , $4.UOJ(5.23. HOGS Steady to Be"lower ; closed com parative ! v steady : fair clearance ; mixed nnd butchers , $ 'i.S574.07H ; good to choice heavy , .Mil 4.05 ; rough heavy , $3.S003.87'/S. ' ; light. $3.SOfi4.0214 ; bulk of sales , $3.K'ii4.00. ' SIIBHP Market dull and slow : native wthcr.1. $3.iiflff 1.40 ; Umbs , $1.0005.23 ; west ern wethers , $3.753/1.15 / ; western lambs , $1.75 4/5.10. RECKIPTS-Cattle. 12,0f ) head ; hogs , 36- 000 head ; sheep , 17,000 head. New VnrU I.lvo HIix-U. NEW YORK , Nov. 22.-BEKVKS-RC- celnts , 3,140 head ; slow ; good steers scarce and steady ; others lOfjlnc lower ; bulls firm ; cows steady , except cannen * were lOc lower ; plght cars of cattle uiuold ; steers , $4,00ft 5.70 : no choice here : oxen , $2.00f(4.70 ; bullB , $1.9Wft4.10 ; cows. $ l.EOf/3.SO ; heifers and stockcrs. $2.755T3.50. Cable ? Kteady ; exports. R50 cattle , 20 sheep and 10,417 quarters of beef. ( . AIVKS Receipts' . 1,62(1 ( head : prices steady ; 250 calves unsold ; veals , $ l,50gs.OO ; toprt , $ S'.25 ; little calves , $1 ; grasrcrs , $2.60 3.00. 3.00.SHKKP AND IAM US-Receipts. 9,073 dead ; sheep dull ; lambs opened steady nnd clofcd dull nnd lOc lower ; uheep , $2.237I.OO ; choice , $4.25 ; clillp. $2 ; lambs , $ ) .25 < ? i'3.23 ; one deck extra , $5.40 ; sold mainly at $ l.37',4 ' (55.12 ( : culls , $2.50 > Ii4.60 ; Canada lambP , $5.20. HOGS Receipts , 7,920 head ; steady at $1.20) ) ( ff4.70. . . _ KIIIINIIN City Mil * Sdiok. Nov. 22.-CATTIJI-Ro- ! KANSAS OITV. - : - - celpt ! ' , 7,000 natives , 770 Texnns ; choice kill- ng cattle- about steady , common and light weight steers slow ; stockcrc and feeders steady ; heavy native steers , $5.20if(5.SO ( ; light weights. $ l.s5'R5.t0 ; ; Etockers and feeder , " . $3.25f(4.dO ( ; buteher cowt > and heifers , $3.10 ? ( ) B.fiO ; cnnnerH , I2.50if73.10 ; fed westerns , $3.iO ( R5.50 ; western feeders , $ J.OOft 1.50 ; TexaiiH , 3.15f(4.30. ( HOGS Receipt.1" , 11,350 head ; market opened active , 2',4T'c ( higher ; advance ! soon est , market cloblng , nti > ndy to SVJi' lower ; heavy. $1.90ifi.97',4 : ' ; mixed. $3.90f/3.t / 5 ; light , 3.SOi(3. ( ( 7i/j ; plKf. $ ? .60f(3.ra. ( SIIKKP Receipts , 2,5nO head : market slow , most desirable grades steady : Inferior n. hade lower ; lamb ; , $ l,65ft5,25 ; muttont1 , 3.734)3,90 ) ; fi-edlng lambs , $3.COj4.2S ) ; feeding heep , $3.0003.75 ; culls , $ l. 0 < ai.W ; > . St. l.imln l.lvu Mnolt. ST. I OUIS , Nov. 22-C'ATrLIi-Recclpts. : ,700 , Including 1,800 Texans : market tpiuly tor natives ; Texnns a Hhiidc lower ; native ehlpplng nnd export Htecm $ I.M t' i.50 ; drcHfcd beef and butcher steers. $1.13 i(5.2o ; ttecrs undfr l.CHH ) Ibs. , $ ' 1.50f(4.5i ( ( ; lockers and feeders" . $ . ' .5yfi5.23 ; cows and lelfers , $2.00f4.W $ | ; canwrn , $1. 302. / . & 5 ; bullB. 2.50j(3,50 ( ; Texas and Indian steers , $1.15 .40 ; cows nnd helferf. $ J.2 ( < (4. ( ( . HOtlS- Receipts , 7,500 hfid. market rte.idy o strong , closing easy ; iilgs nnd light * . , ! .SW(3,95 ( ; puckerw , $3.S5'u4.W ; butchers , $ < .W (4,10. ( 1 SIIKKP-RecelptR. SOO head ; market dull low ; nntlvo muttons , Ji.fvo'ifl.SS ; lamhc , ' ) .CM(5.23 ( ; culls and butkH , $2.0 3.00 ; stock- SI. .lilNl-iill I.lvi.Sdic'U. . SOUTH ST. JOSKPH , Mo. , Nov. 2J.-Spc. ( Inl. ) The Journul quotes ( IH followH : OATTMJ RccelptH. 700 head ; market nc- Ive ; sti'itdy for best , others weak : natives , I.OOfjG.13 ; Texans and wexteniH , $1.50J/i.C3 / ; owe und helft-rH , $ l.75 ? < 4.35 ; Btags , $ l.75f ( .tO ; 'piirlliiRM und calves , J3.30f(4.3 ; KtockeiH nd feederH , $3.0fri ( 1.45 : vean | , $1.6)57.23. $ IIOGH RpcclptH. 4,700 head : market 2 ! o ilglier ; ull Rrudca , $3.83ftl.W ; buljt , IJ.DCKr 'sifuKI' KccclptB , 300 head ; market tcudy. . _ StovU In Slulit , Kollowlng nro the rqcclpts at the four irlnclpul western murkota for November 'U : Cattle Jinn * . Hhoep. South Omaha . 2,670 9.71S a ? Chicago . 12,000 3 , WO 17J KilllhaH City . 7,770 11.33(1 ( 2,501 SI , I.oulH . 3,700 7,500 NJ ) .Totula . 20,010 GI.GUS 20,337 Hereford Ilri'riliT ' CHK'AfiO , Nov 22.--AI the annual meet- UK of the Ameilcnn Hereford lirecders' as- ocl.itlon , held lam night , an appropriation of (15,000 wui > vutcJ , to bo used ua prlzo money to tie offered Hereford cattle e\- hlMtorS. Drillers were elected ni follows. President , T F B. Sothnm. Chlllleothe , t Mo. ; vice prr. ident , Frnnk Rockefeller , Cleveland , U. i secretary , C. K , Thomas , I Indent nJence , Mo. ; treasurer , Chnrle.t Cudgrll , Independence , Mo. ; executive com mittee , Charles Oudgell. Independence , MO , ; ll.'ll. Clnugh , Elyrla. O. Thomas Clark , lluchcr. 111. Ornnco TnlKnuf .Mcrclmiil Marine. SPIllNOFIKLD. O. , Nov. 2'-Thr cntlro inorn'ng ' reJslon of the National Grange wns taken up In the discussion of the merchant marine question , many of the delegates being In fnvor of the dl. ponltlcn'of It ns recommended by Alexander T. Smith , secretary - rotary of the New York City Chamber of Commerce , who , In an address MonAny before - fore the Grange , suggested that the govern ment construct n large merchant marine. A committee was appointed , which will make n rcjiort to the Grange during the afternoon sfsslon , when the resolution * will bo adapted. The trust question will bo taken up next nnd Is expected to bring1 out some warm discussion nnd proportion ately radical resolutions. llnltlrnlilli KrtKiiclo'N Trlnl Trip. HOSTON. Nov. 22-The new battleship Kentucky , which li to have Hs trial trip off the New England cun t tomorrow , reached this port today. Hear Admiral Sampson will bo on the Kentucky , while the presence of the Texas ns n stakeboat with Captnln Slgsbco on board will add to the dignity of the occasion. The naval bonrd In charge of the trial , with Hear Admiral Hedgers nt the lioml , today com pleted the arrangements. The course will be north-northeast , from n point off Thatcher's Island , nearly twenty miles , nnd return , nnd has nlrendv boon buoyed. The builders think the Kentucky will prove Itself a scventoen-knot ship. SI. l.oiiIN Clvcn Schlf.v ti I.ovluu Cup. NH\V YO1UC , Nov 22. A solid silver lov- Inc cup was received at Tompklnrvllle to day for Hear Admiral Wlnlleld Scott Schley. It rnmo from the citizens of St. Unils nnd wan sent out to the admiral's flagship , the Chicago , which Is lying ott the government nnchorugc. > I noiit-rnl Western \e . Southein Colorado has been visited by a heavy snow stoun. Frank Gonzella. n laborer In the Pueblo steel works , wns caught In one of the. helots nnd killed. Frank Lorler of the Poly ranch , nenr Ifonginciiit , Colo. , has been arrested on the charge of cmtlo stealing. The Colorado Southern railroad Is sur veying n line through Middle park from Central City to Sulphur Springs. Creamery men have bei'n ' making a e.tni- pnlgn In Idaho nnd converted many of the ranchmen of that state Into the Idea that there Is money In making butter. The volunteers of the- late war will hold i reunion nt ix > Rin , Utah , on Thanksgiving ilny. A Inrge attendance of cx-soldlera from 1'tnh and Idaho Is expected to be in ittendance. The public administrator of Rutte. Mont. , hns nn estate of $30,000 on his hands with , no claimants. It Is cf James C. Singer , in old-timer of Hutto who died suddenly , envlnjr no known heirs. D. G. Wnggoncr , a Lincoln county. New Mexico , cowboy , lecently held up five men ind robbed them of what money they had. tic then compelled to unharness their best horse , put his own saddle on It , after which ho rode off. The miners in the. Sunnyside mine near " rice. Utah , are out on a strike. The own ers of the mine threaten to bring In Italian aborers unless the men return to work at once. There is prospect of trouble In cnso ho threat Is carried out. Senator Shoup of Idaho hns announced hat ho will oppose the creation of any more forest reserves which Include lands suited to agriculture and will make an effort to secure the segregation of such nnds Included In the present reservations. Judgp Hallett of the United States court appeared before the supreme court of Colorado rado to plead his own case , ill the nppeal from the nssesmcnt upon his iroperty. It was the first time he had ap- icnrcd in court as an advocate in thlrty- ivo years. The Swift IPacklng company has a large. lumber of sheep on the ranges of Utah , Mevada , Idaho. Wyoming1 nnd Colorndp. The range ut the disposal of the company s Insufficient to accommodate all the sheep ind the company Is negotiating for the case of a large amount cf land on the Ute Indian reservation. DR. CH A ROOT'S TONIC TABLETS are the onlr positively cunrantred remedy for the Drink Habit , Nervousness cuvl Melaucliolj cauKxl U stronidrlnlf. WK < ; UAHANTEK FOBU ItOXER to euro any cmw wltnn positive ivrlttm grunr- niitrn oriefuitf too money , nnrt to destroy Hie appetite ( or Intniicallne liquors. THE TABLET.S CAN HE (1IVEN ( WITHOUT KNOWLEIH1E OP THE PATIENT. QTDDUft IIS'.IH caniirii MUrr.r , I'ovrrty dlnUNU Unlnaniul tlmtli. Vw ncolnt jt JtO.CO wo III malt you four (4J ( boiet atit post , tire written cnt\rnntr to cure 01 reluoJ vo'irnravln ? " ! < $ . n-i Jlycr * . Dillon Urnn Co. . Cole uud l < 'nriiam. Omiiliu. Xcb. THE mm OF On Lard , on Ham , on Bacon is a guarantee of purify , Swiff and Company , i Chicago , KnnsaH City , Omaha. I St , Louis , St Joseph , St. Paul , I A Trlnl TrriidiiciH Sent Frer o All Wlifi Suffer Friini nny Hincf Of ( llC DiMt'llNC. Curc-H CiiHrn Tlint Hot Sprlnc * and nil Other TrciidiH-iUN Falleil ( ci IS vi-n Help. There has been discovered by the Btiito Medical Institute , 18l ! Klcktrmi Ulde. , Ft. Wayne , Ind. . the most remarkable Syphilis run1 over heard of , H hai cuicd nil mmh Indications as mucous patches { n the mouth , wire throat , copper colored wpols , cluincres , nlcorutlons on lint body and In hundreds of ciiHpH where the hair and eyi'biown had fallen out und the whole skin wax a iniins ot bolls , pimples und ulcers this wonderful specific ban completely changdl the whole body Into a clean , perfect condition of physlclal health. Every rullniad running Into Ft. U'aynii brliiKH snores of sufferera Ki'cltlnK this new und marvelous euro und to enable those who cannot travel to re- ullito what a truly marvelous work the liititltuto Is accomplishing they will send five to every Huffeier a frco trial treatment no that everyone can euro thcmHulvus In the privacy of tlu'lr own home. This Is the only known cure for Hyphllls , Do not hcsl- tu'o ' to wrlto t once and the free trial will bo sent Healed In plain ; iucknuc. JAMES EBOYO Si GO , , 'J'clcphonc 10.TO. Omaha , Nc'j COMMISSION , OKAIN , 1'KOVISIOiNS and STOCK3 BOAI ) OP THAOI ! . Ulrfl wircK lu i.'ia i-n .11 , , y w Voi < . CorroDondrQtii JaUa A. Wirrtr. A Co. _ t i res : rj ; RR.PE31NEY8.Ca . k-- ' eOCH4lirUFEBLD < i. OMAHA RIB ;