Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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Davln cells glass.
Sherradcn makes photos , $1.50 doz.
Welobach burners nt Ulxby's. Tel. 1ST.
Budwclsrr beer. L. nosenfeldt , agent.
Dr. Stephenson , Merrlnm blk. , room 221.
Elegant Htylo holiday photos nt Schmidt's.
1'lctures nnd frames , Alexander's , 333 D'y.
Kil Cntterlln Is visiting his pnrenta In
Springfield , Mo.
C. II , Jncquemln & Co. , jewelers nnd op-
tlclnns , 27 South Main street.
Get your work done nt the popular Englo
laundry , 721 Uroadway. 'Phone 157.
W. C. Kstep , undertaker , 23 1'carl street.
Telephones : Office , 97 ; residence , 33.
CnlVhltc of Dos Molnes Was the truest
yesterday of his cousin , Day Sergeant Slnck
of the police force.
1'rof. J , H. Slmms will go to Audubon
tomorrow , where In the evening ho will
Blvo nn orcnn recital.
Excelsior Masonic led o No. 250 will
hold a spcclnt meeting this evening for
work In the llrst degree.
Sheridan conl makes a largo tlamo and
clear fire , but no smoke , soot nor clinkers.
Kcnlon & Foley , solo agents.
Judge Aylesworth In police court ycster-
< lny morning assorted Lloyd Korgeaves J25
for maintaining a disorderly house.
\V. A. Maurer paid duties Into the cus
toms house of this city yesterday on 1m-
liort goods amounting to upward of $500.
William L. Haker and Frances Hammert.
both from DCS Molnes , wore married In
this city yesterday , Justice Vlcn olltclatlng.
.Mrs. M. C. IliifTmnn of Hdldrego. Neb , ,
lias arrived to spend the winter with her
f-on-ln-law , Chief of Police Albro , nnd fam-
Gcorge H. Kahman of Kansas City , who
Is Interested In a large grading contract on
the Fort Dodge & Omaha road , Is In the
Jim CaPcy of Company L , Fifty-first
Iowa , left last evening for Lincoln , where
lie will visit before returning to his former
Charles T. JtcCnrty nnd daughter , who
have been the guests of County Ilecordcr
Smith and family , have returned to their
home In IJIoomlngton , 111.
Fidelity council No. 15C , Royal Arcanum ,
will give a "smoker" this evening at Its
hall in tli3 Beno block. Members have the
privilege of bringing friends.
James Butler , a 10-year-old boy who had
run away from the Christian Home , was
found tit the transfer depot last evening
by the police and returned to the Instltu-
J. F. Hawkins and A. G. Welch were mar
ried In this city yesterday morning b'y Rev.
S. M. Perkins of the First Christian church
at his residence on Mynstcr street. Both
arp from Lincoln , Neb.
The High school boys organized yesterday
n brasp band with the following officers :
President , Joe llosenfeld ; vice president.
Fred Johnson : secretary. Dick Organ ;
treasurer. George Crane. Prof. J. G. Kuhn
will bo the Instructor.
All perMns having anti-polygamy peti
tions for circulation for the Council Bluffs
Woman's club ore requested to leave them
this afternoon or evening with the presi
dent , Mrs. P. J. Montgomery , at her resi
dence , 215 Fourth street.
Frank Allen , the prisoner at , the county
Jail who developed unmistakable signs of
Insanity ; was committed to St. Bernard's
hospital yc.sterday by commissioners
for the Insane , pending a disposition of his
case by the State Board of Control.
Thurmnn Sellers , on old-time crook ar
rested by the police Monday night , was
given three alternatives by Judge Ayles
worth either to pay a fine of $30 , to be com
mitted under the state vagrancy net or to
leave the city within two hours. He chose
the last.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Danforth of Nor
way , Mo. , who have been visiting Frank
T. True anil wife , will leave tomorrow for
California , where they will remain until
after the Christmas holidays. Before their
return ktothclr _ , home In Maine they will
stop over on their way buck with Mr. and
3Mrs. Tfuo , 4
The brass which Eddie Banks' ' , the colored
lad , Is charged with having stolen and sold
to different junk shops In the city was
identified yesterday as property of the
'Northwestern ' railway. The greater part
of It consisted of braes fittings of air brakes
nnd air hose couplings. It was valued at
over $10 , but Banks had sold it for 20 cents.
Grant Garretson , the horse dealer charged
with smashing In the windows of Mrs.
Wagoner's house on South Twelfth street
inrt shooting at her children , was bound
ivcr to the grand Jury yesterday by Judge
/Vylesworth. / Ho was permitted to gV > on
his own bond In the sum of $100 In the hope
that ho would shako the dust of Council
Bluffs from his shoes.
The aldermen met yesterday as a com
mittee of the whole nnd accompanied H.
J. Sllfor , chief engineer of the North
western railway , over the ground on Elev
enth avenue , whcro the company desires
to replace Its main line track with a double
ono. After viewing the ground the city
fathers agreed to puss the ordinance sub
mitted Monday night on condition that
the railway company llrst settle damages
with the abutting property owners.
N. V. Plumbing company. Tel. 250.
Wo dcslro to express thanks to all the
kind neighbors , friends , teachers and pupils
who extended aid nnd sympathy during the
nlckncss and death of our beloved daughter ,
Maggie Mary.
MUCH ( lit * Northwestern.
Chrlfi Knuteon commenced suit In the su
perior court yesterday against the Chicago
& Northwestern Railway company for $1,000
damages by alleged failure of the railway to
live up to a contract nnd to have the alleged
contract re-formed.
Knutson was Injured while In the employ
of the defendant company November , 1893 ,
nnd clalirn that the company's claim agent
In consideration of his accepting $ .100 In
settlement for damages agreed to give him
employment for his lifetime ns n car cleaner
nt $1,25 per day , he to ho discharged only
In cnso of drunkenness. Knuteon claims ho
signed what ho thought was a contract to
this effect , but which afterwards ho discov
ered to bo n receipt for the $150 nnd a re
lease from any further claims. He sets up
that ho Is a Dane and was sick at the time
bo signed the paper and consequently was
not capable of knowing ltn contents. Ho asks
that the court order the contract re-formed
and established and also asks that he bo
given $1,900 for the time that ho has been
out of such employment as ho alleges was
promised him.
Scientific optician , Wgllman , 40 ? Br'dway.
Finn Missouri wood for sale by Gilbert
Ural Ktlulc TrniiHferH ,
The following transfers were filed yester-
'day In the abstract , title and loan office of
J. W. Squire , 101 Tear ) street :
William Koepku nnd wlfo to Otto Bogart -
gart , part of a\'t 15-77-39 , ( j , c. d . $ 1
County Treasurer to W. P. Webster ,
lots 11 and 12. block 23. Beer's sub.
in Council Bluffs ; lots 15 , 10 and 17 ,
block 10 , Burnp' add. , Council
Bluffe , tux d. . . . . . 21
Uohn Anderson , guardian to Fort
Dodge ft. Omaha R. R , Co , , part of
wV4 10-77-U , g'd'ns ' d 393
Three transfers , aggregating $123
Nort Ncckbanda put on shirts free at
charga for regular customers at the Bluff
City laundry , 34 North Main.
Sin triune I.Iff n MOB.
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to
the following persona :
Name and Residence. Age.
William I * Baker , DCS Molnes 29
Frances Hummert , DCS Molnes , , , , , 30
J , F. Hawkins , Lincoln. Neb , , , . , , . , 47
A. G. Welch , Lincoln. Neb , . , , , . , 49
Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska
and lowu. Jnmca N. Casady , Jr. .
120 Main Bt. , Council muffs.
Fur Cunli or I.uuuiul Ou.
K. it. KiiUAria co. ,
0 I'enrl Street ) Council llluffi , low * .
Grand Jury Presents Its First Report for the
Current Term.
Chnmcil ! Tlth Stealing n Mule nml
AnHiiultliiir with Intent to Kill
YOUIIK 1'ctcr I'ctcrNtm Sent
to the Penitentiary.
The district court grand jury reassembled
yesterday afternoon , after a Veek's ad
journment , and presented Its first report for
the term , returning five Indictments and
three "no bills , "
Two of the Indictments were against J. A.
Gregory , the horeethlef who on October 24
last , when placed ui.dcr arrest at a grading
camp at Loveland , shot and seriously In
jured Constable Moss of Rockford township
and was only captured after a long chase by
Officer Albro , since appointed chief of police ,
and Patrol Driver Harry James. Neither of
the Indictments , contrary to general expecta
tion , is for shooting Moss. The first Is on
the charge of assaulting with Intent to
murder Officer Albro and the second Is on
the charge of stealing a mule , the property
of E. D. Laughlln of Ashland , Neb. , valued
at $125.
In returning these Indictments the grand
jury calls the attention of the court to the
fact that previous to the commission of the
crimes with which ho now stands charged ,
Gregory had been three times convicted In
this state of the crime of larceny and had'
served penitentiary sentences each time.
The first time ho was convicted at Logan ,
Harrison county , on September 7 , 188G ; the
second at Jefferson , Greene county , on Oc
tober 22 , 1891 , and the third and last time
nt Greenfield , Adalr county , on April 1.
Two Indictments were returned against
Peter Peterson , a 17-year-old farm hand.
The first charged him with assaulting Mary
Langhclne , a young girl under 15 years of
age , with intent to commit rape , nml the
second with breaking Into Robert Coon's
house in Neola township. Peterson was
anxious to have his case disposed of as soon
as possible , so he was taken before Judge
Green. Ho pleaded guilty to both charges
and the court sentenced him to eighteen
months in the penitentiary on the assault
charge and six months for breaking Into
Coon's house. The court read the prisoner
a lecture and told him that but for his ago
the sentence on the first charge would have
been , much heavier.
The fifth Indictment was against Jeff
Huston , who was charged with stealing
wearing apparel belonging to John Veenker
from the Atlantic house on South Main
The "no bills" returned were In the cases
of Morris Flahlve , Frank Allen and Theo
dore Campbell. Flablve was charged by
his neighbor , T. H. Rowbotham of 1216 South
Sixth street , with tearing down a boundary
fence and erecting another In Its place.
Allen Is the man committed from Rockford
township on the charge1 of breaking' ' Into a
school bouse and the residence of Joseph
Gllmore , who has since shown signs of In
sanity and was yesterday committed to St.
Bernard's hospital by the insanity commis
sioners. Campbell was charged with high
way robbery , It being alleged that he held
up and robbed Herold Horton of $4 on the
highway near Loveland on the evening of
October 21 last.
After presenting Us report the grand jury
resumed its deliberations.
Mr. and Mrs. Hande will present "The
Elfin Jubilee , " under the auspices of Unity
guild , Thanksgiving night. Don't miss It.
ThaildcnH J. Foley Mixed Up 111 n
Cherry Connty , Nehrnttlcn , Denl.
Thaddous J. Foley , president and general
manager of the Peru Plow and Implement
company , has another large milt In the dis
trict court on his hands In connection with
the settlement of the estate of his late part
ner , John M. Enlow of Cherry county , Ne
braska. The plaintiffs in this suit are A.
H. Davis , an attorney of North Platte , nnd
Jacob Sims , an attorney of this city. Davis
and Sims were employed by the heirs of
Enlow last August to bring a suit in the
district court here for $60,000 against Foley
on the grounds of alleged misrepresentation
by him when settling his partner's estate.
The plaintiffs claim In their petition that at' '
the time suit was commenced on behalf ,
of the heirs an agreement was entered Into
between thorn that they , the attorneys , wore
to receive half of whatever amount should
bo recovered as a result of the action ,
whether by compromise or Judgment , nnd
that Foley was duly notified of such ar
Subsequently Foley compromised with six
of the heirs , paying them , as It was alleged
In the stipulation of settlement , $100 apleco. !
In their petition Davis and Sims allege j
that they nro advised that the actual amount
paid by Foley to their former clients was
largely In excess of $100 , but what the actual
amount was they have no means of ascer j
taining. As they are unable to collect their
share from their clients they bring suit
against Foley for $1,000.
They also ask the court to give them
Judgment against Foley for $5,000 , alleging
that nt the tlmo of the compromise made by
Foley with their clients , he agreed orally
to pay them ( Davis and Sims ) their reason
able attorney fees as part consideration
for the dismissal of the suits.
Rcasonabla amount cf mending done free
of charge at the Bluff City laundry. This U
tha laundry that takes good care of your
linen. 24 North Main.
Howell'B Antl-"Kawf" cures coughs , colds.
Davli sells palat.
Ilecielt < H Still a lilt Shy.
The receipts at the Christian Home con
tinue to be below the needs ft the institu
tion. The financial report for last week shows
that the receipts In the general fund
amounted to $143.20 , being $50.80 below the
estimated needs for the current expenses of
the week and Increasing tbo deficiency In
this fund to date to $1,048.74. In the man
ager's fund $27.25 was received , which was
$7.75 below the needs of the week and In
creasing the deficiency in tbV. fund to
$197.05 to date. Manager Leraen makes an
especial appeal to the friends of \e home
to wipe out the deficiency with the Vinual
Thanksgiving offering , i
A carload of earthenware , from England ,
was received at the customs bouse yester
day , consigned to W. A. Maurer of this city.
Another Chapter In Shoe ( 'UNO.
D , S. Kcrr applied In Justice Vlen'a court
yesterday for an attachment on the person
of K. E. Adara , the erstwhile Broadway
shoo dealer who became Involved in such a
peck of trouble over the sale of his stock
to H , Goldstein of Omaha. Kerr made an
affidavit that he bad a claim against Adams
and bad been unnblo to discover any prop
erty to attach , but he wns of tbo opinion
that Adams had property which wns not ex
empt from execution and which he was con
cealing. He asked that Adams bo brought
Into court to undergo nn examination as to
hie property ,
JnilKc ( irecn ( ioen on the Ileneh nnil
Open * the Xovcmher Term.
Judge Green reconvened the November
term of the district court yesterday , the first
case taken up being that of W. L. Whitney
against the Globe Publishing company , upon
the petition of Intervention of the American
Prccs association which seeks to have Its
claim for pinto mnttcr supplied the defunct
evening paper allowed.
When everything wns rendy for hearing
the suit of J. M. Kilmer against D. W. and
W , F. Gnllnher , the nttornoy for the plain
tiff notified the court that n settlement had
been reached nnd that the defendants had
agreed to a judgment for n stipulated
nraount , The suit was over a note and mort
gage which the defendants claimed In their
answer was secured by Kilmer from their
parents , B. H. Gnllnher nnd wlfo , when the
Inttor were so Infirm nnd feeble that they
were not competent to trnnsnct nny busl-
nees of such n nature. The defense wns also
made that the note wns usurious because It
Included charges calculated to rnlso the In
terest to more than the legal rate. The
parties to the suit were from Logan , and
n number of persona from that town were
In attendance as witnesses.
The first case set for trlnl this morning
Is that of the Interstnle Commercial com-
pnny against E. W. Nash , which Is ono of
the actions resulting from John W. Paul's
real estate deals and Is brought to make
Nash's personal property liable for alleged
stock subscriptions to the defunct Union
Land and Improvement company. Following
this the Injunction suit of Slack Peterson
agalnet the Independent School District of
Council Bluffs will ibo heard en a demurrer , i
The following assignment was enndo by
Judge Green yesterday :
Thursday. November 23-FIcld against' '
Knstern Building and Loan Association ; i
Hasmussen ngnlnst Same. '
I-rlday , November 24.-Whltney ngalnst.
Hortmayr and others ; Same against Same.
Saturday , November 25. Cornelson i
agn nst Slodentopf nnd others ; Smith
against Sledentonf and nthnrs.
Law Causes : Monday , November 27.
City , against Rohrer and others.
Tuesday , November 2S. Council Bluffs
Saving * Bank ngalnst Williams.
, ° nclnv' December 4. Sorensen ngalnst
White ; Turnbloom against Omaha Building
Tuesday. December 5. Omaha Tinware
VYuJJIfa4turlnS : company against Council
Blurts Canning company ; Wlckham against
Murphy ; Schmaldko ngainst Morgan ;
il'alr against Monarch
Manufacturing com
Wednesday , December 6. Hlgglns ngalnst
Farrell & Co. ; Metzger against Randlett ;
Braydon against Haas and others.
Thursday , December 7. Ltndt against
Llndcr & Filter ; Joseph against Senior nnd
others ; Tlelmann & Co. against Muccl and
Friday. December 8. Ferry & Co.
ngalnst Sanders ; Peregoy & Moore ngntnst
Saturday , December 9. SchaefTer against
Budatz ; Axtell against Bolllnger.
ItcprcflciidiilrcH of Uoth Corporation *
llctnrn from St. I.ouU.
W. S. Reed and 0. R. Hnnnan of the
Omaha , Council Bluffs & Suburban Railway
company and General Manager Dlmmock of
the Omaha & Council Bluffs Railway and
Bridge company returned yeoterday from
St. Louis , where they had been to confer
with the officials of the Kansas City , St.
Joseph & Council Bluffs Railway company ,
which owns the plooo of ground In contro
versy at Sixteenth avenue and Sixth street.
Both Hannnn and Reed when seen on their
return said that the whole question of the
rights of the two companies on that strip of
ground was in "statu quo , " nnd that EO far
neither company had secured a contract
from the railway company. Beyond this
statement they both said they had nothing
further to make public regarding the con
troversy between their company and the old
General Manager Dlmmock of the old com
pany said his company had a contract with
the railway company from Vice President
Harris and had had H for several weeks.
This contract , he said , would stand and the
tracks laid by his company Sunday night
would stay whcro they were. The papers in
the contract , Mr. Dimmock said , had been
referred back to St. Joseph for readjustment
of rndluscu of curves nnd thnt there would
bo no trouble In both companies laying their
tracks over the strip of ground. "Our
trackts" said Mr. Dimmock , "will be put
down in n permanent condition Just ns soon
as the Injunction suit Is disposed of. "
A proposition has been submitted to the
Council Bluffs Rowing association by the
old motor company for the property owned
by the association at Lake Manawa. The
motor company , In the event of It building
to the lake , desires this property for a land
ing. In return It offers to build the associa
tion a boat house on the south side of the
lake. This proposition , It Is said , will come
before the association at its next meeting.
Gresory Wniitn HH ! Money.
J. A. Gregory , the horsethlef and desperado
who shot Constable Moss at Loveland , Is
nnxlous to know whnt has become of tbo
$185 which was taken from him at the po
lice station shortly after his capture by
Officers Albro nnd James. Tbo money when
last heard of was in possession of F. A.
Blxby , at that time chief of police. Gregory's
attorney filed n motion In district court yes
terday asking that the money bo produced
In court and Judge Green Issued an order
directing ex-Chief of Police Blxby to de
posit the money in cash by 9 o'clock thin
morning In court or else show cause. The
records nt tbo police station do not show
that Blxby turned over the money when
he left the force to his successor or any
body else.
I'rnmlnen < I'hynlelnn of Storm Lnkn
SwallimM the VVrnnK Iilqnld hy
MlHtnke anil DleH.
FORT DODGE , la. , Nov. 21. ( Special. )
Dr. L. M. Johnston of § term Lake wan acci
dentally poisoned nt his homo last even
ing. He took whut ho supposed to bo alco
hol nnd the substance proved to be wood
alcohol. He discovered his mistake and took
emetics , but to no avail. Physicians were
summoned , but he died In great agony a few
hours Inter , He was ono of the prominent
physlclnna of Storm Lake and had taken
an active interest In stamping out the small
pox pest which has. made its appearance
IIlK Family llennlon at Vllllxea ,
VILLISCA , la. , Nov. 21 , ( Special. ) Gov
ernor Hopkins of Granvllle , III , , celebrated
the seventy-fifth anniversary of his birth by
having a reunion of his children and grand
children , thirty-one In all. Iowa wa ? repre
sented by fourteen , Kansas by five , Ne
braska by three and Illinois by the remain
der. Mies Edith Hopkins of VillUca , In be
half of the grandchildren , presented a cano
to Jier grandfather.
OEDAR RAPIDS , la. , Nov. 21 , ( Special
THcgrarn. ) Frank Falter , a Bohemian liv
ing ten miles southwest of the city , com
mitted aulctde by hanging himself from a
rafter In his barn , Ho baa been despondent
elnco his wife died a few weeks ago and this
Is assigned as tbo causo.
Dread Malady is Greatly on the Increase in
Olhor * HxpoNcil to the Contnulmi
There , MHO Cnnon nt Storm I.nkc
ami Another He-ported from
DBS MOINI3S , Nov. 21. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Smallpox In Buena Vista county Is
spreading. Four caeca nnd ono death were
reported from Sioux Rnnlds to the State
Board of Health this morning. One case from
Sioux Rapids , three from the country south-
cast of there and ten from Storm Lake were
reported yesterday ,
R. E. Cornish of Sioux Rapids , who re
ported the casoa to Secretary Kennedy of
the State Board of Health by nlro today ,
says thcro have been several exposures , but
they have bean quarantined nnd Isolated and
a general vaccination ordered. This death
wns of a patient who had not been vacci
nated. Dr. Kennedy looks upon the situa
tion ns serious nnd Is hourly expecting word
from Dr. Connlff , who wns called to the
aceno yesterday.
The original source of the contagion may
never bo known as the camp of graders , from
which It Is supposed to have spread , was
made up of men from different parts of the
country. The camp was moved to Mississippi
Inst week.
SIOUX CITY , Nov. 21. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The smallpox situation In north
western lown is growing worse. At first the
disease appeared In a railway camp at Storm
Lake , hut now It has spread until two other
towns arc affected and It Is feared more will
bo Included before the malady is stamped
Mrs. Jacob Dragland of Sioux Rapids was
taken sick last Thursday and died today
with the disease. Her three brothers are also
111 with bmallpox. Two neighbors of the
woman have been eaposed.
In all there are nine cases at Storm Lake ,
but so far tbera have been no deaths re
ported from there. Today a message came
to Dr. Connlff that there Is a case now at
the town of Marathon and ho will go there
at once to Investigate. Every precaution is
being taken to stamp out the disease.
So far there Is no alarm felt In Sioux City ,
although a large number of people have
como In and out of here from the affected
towns. Many are being vaccinated for fear
smallpox may break out here.
FORT DODGE , la. , Nov. 21. ( Special Tel
egram. ) This city Is seriously frightened
over the smallpox which has broken out In
Storm Lake and elsewhere. Last night the
city council ordered all school children vac
cinated and the mayor published a notice
advising every one to do likewise.
A message was received here this mornIng -
Ing saying that a laborer named Coates , who
had been In the Infected camps at Storni
Lake , had como overland towards Fort
Dodge. Inquiry developed that he had come
to Moorland , near here , and had started for
the gypsum mills near Fort Dodge. An
officer was sent out to Intercept him and he
will be quarantined Jt It has not already been
' .m - . _
University Athletic Honril Shown Ue-
Npect for HtciiheiiHois'w Memory.
IOWA CITY , la. , ttov. 21. ( Special. ) The
Athletic board of the Iowa State university
held a meeting last night and the Simpson
game and all games on the university
grounds were cancelled. The action' ' was
taken on account of the accidental death of
Winifred Stephenson In a foot ball game Sat
urday. The Illinois game , to , bo played nt
Rock 'Island ' Thanksgiving day , will not be
This morning Prof. A. G. Smith , presi
dent of the Athletic board , said : "Prof.
Sitepheneon , Winifred's father , says the fate
of his son was duo entirely to an accident ,
the boys participating In the game contrary
to Coach Knlpe's orders. Prof. Stephenson
has ndt a word of blame for the other play
ers nor has ho condemned the game- . Out
of respect for the young man's memory we
feel i't ' right , fitting and proper to cancel all
games on the home grounds , but the board )
faculty and team nro united In the thought
that It Is not advisable to strike oft our
schedule the 'Illinois game on foreign
ground. "
Auditor Merrlnm MnUex Illn Iteport.
DBS MO1NE3 , Nov. 21. ( Special Tele
gram , ) 'After four months of labor Auditor
of Sttile 'Merrlam today completed the com
pilation of official reports from every county
in the state res-pccting the Income from the
mulct tax and the total Income from tax
and license of saloons. His figures are for
the year from July 1 , 1898 , to July 1 , ISS9.
They show that the total collections credited
to the public revenue during that year from
mulct tax and additional licenses were
$1,120,1)14. The figures show that > there are
fifty-one counties In the state In which the
prohibitory law Is eMll enforced , while forty-
eight have saloons. The forty-eight coun
ties reporting have 1,530 saloons. The aver
age sum each year collected from each saloon
is $ S64.45.
The railroad commissioners nre In re
ceipt of a request from the Milwaukee road
that the hearing which was set for Storm
Lake this week postponed on account of
the quarantine against smallpox.
fii-tM nivoree mill n .SumII Kordine.
ATLANTIC , In. , Nov. 21. ( Special Tele
gram , ) A decree of divorce was granted this
afternoon to Rosa Rogga from Gottfried
Roggo , a wealthy farmer of the southeast
part of the county , Roggc first brought suit ,
charging Inhuman and brutal treatment.
She filed a cross petition and asked divorce.
Mrs , Uoggo was glvon 120 acres of land and
$5,700 in cash and all the household goods.
Ho has remaining about COO acres of land.
Dlew from n Illryelu Knll.
OEDAR RAPIDS , In. , Nov. 21. ( Special
Telegram. ) William L. Overhausser died
late last night aa a result of Injuries re
ceived when ho fell from his bicycle Mon
day noon. He was riding fast and his pedal
ramo In contact with a pile of stones , throwIng -
Ing him so that bis head etruck on > the brick
loirn Mint LOHPN n Cheek.
CHICAGO , Nov. 21. ( Special , ) J. S.
Lewis of Council Bluffs , la , ' , reported at the
Central police station yesterday afternoon
that ho had lost his pocketbook containing
a check for $2,100 while riding on a Hoisted
etrcet car. Lewis thinks that someone on
Bean the lha You "ave j ? BO'Jfil ) .
Boar th ( lha Kind You Hare Always BougM
.a- .
Beaw the t 3 Kind You Have Always Boujhl
Ihc car took the book from his pocket , as
tba cnr was crowded nil the way from the
atock yards clown town. Ho Is a stockman
nml Is stopping nt the Pnlmer house. Ho
cnmo to Chicago from Iowa with n carload ol
cftttlo the latter part of last week. Yesterday
ho disposed of his stock and received n check
from Armour & Co. for $2,100. Ho put It lu
his pocket nnd boarded n Hnlstrtl street carte
to RO to his hotel. When he reached his room
ho looked for the money , but It wan gone.
Ho went to the Central station and reported
his loss to Lieutenant 1'crry. Ho said that
ho remembered two men having stood close
to him part of the way and that they had
hastily left at the eouth end of the "levee. "
Lewis had a valuable watch also , but ho did
not losa It. He elated that there were some
Important papers In the pocketbook with the
check. Ho still hns $400 In cash , which ho
.left with the clerk of the hotel before ho
went to the stock yards.
XPIV CnrnliiK I'oxtolllfe InxpcGlor.
CORNING , la. , Nov. 21. ( Special. ) Alf
J. Moore has been appointed postofucc Inspector
specter , vlco W. 0. U. Mercer resigned.
Moore Is an Adams county man ,
Inwn XOMH : \ < > ! .
The Cnthollcs of Eldora dedicated n J6.WO
church Sunday.
There nre several cases of diphtheria In
the n.oylum for the Insane nt Independence.
Miss Mnry Tnlcott of Williams hns ROIIO
to Manila to servo ns n nurse In the nrmy
A Cnss county mnn claims to have gath
ered 074 bushels of corn from seven acres
of around.
Lnmont Patterson of Washington died
as the result of injuries received In a
runaway accident.
The llttlo child of Joseph Crown was
scalded to death by Its sister spilling boil
ing coffee over It.
The employing printers of Cedar rtnplds
have Krnnted the demands of the men
for a nine-hour day.
Dubnque merchants , wholesale nnd re
tail , arc furnishing n clubhouse for the
purpose of entertaining out-of-town cus
tomers when In the city.
A mnn named Frost who was serving a
ninety-day sentence at Audubon for breakIng -
Ing jail made his escape a second time and
Is now at luree.
Burglars entered a store at Clinton nnd
took what they evidently supposed to bo
silk , but which In fact was only Imitation
silk Intended for use ns linings.
Palmer Amos , an S-ycar-old Charlton
boy , slipped while attempting to got on
a wagon loaded with coal. The wheels
of the wagon passed over his head , killIng -
Ing him instantly.
A runaway team run squarely into the
side of a passeiiKer train on the Iowa Cen
tral road near Dillon. No damage was
done to the train , but the horse * and wagon
were pretty badly demoralized.
The people of Union sat up to see the
meteoric shower. Some of the people who
did not have much faith in the predicted
celestial display purchased a quantity
of llreworks , which were sprung on the
Date Morgan and Maude Jewell , a 16-
year-old Shell Rock girl , eloped. They were
overhauled before they reached DCS Molnes.
where they Intended to be married , and
the girl was taken home to her parents ,
while Morgan was turned over to the care
o an ofllcer.
Governor I.onry I'rcNcrllicn for n
Chronic in Inland
of Giiniu.
NEW YORK , Nov. 21. A special to the
Tribune from Washington says : Governor
Leary of Guam , or "the Isle of Guam , " as it
is called on the official seal , Is having novel
experiences for nn American In nn altogether
unique community , but the infrequency of
communication with the outside world per
mils little Information to reach Washington
regarding this innovation In colonial estab
Governor Leary was always n plcturesqu
character in the service and his mission In
the lonely and scarcely known Island was
regarded by those who knew him as sin
gulnrly appropriate. It was expected tlia
nn Interesting experiment -civillzntlon
would begin when he assumed absolute con
trol of the new poseeeulon , and so It has
turned out , nlthough the Navy departmcn
for some reason has refrained from permit
ting the dctnils of his reports to get into
circulation. That these reports are highly
interesting and in some instances wholly
unconventional la evident from portions o
ono which has Juet como to Washington. In
this Governor Leary Inclosed two of his re
cent orders to the citizens of tbo Isle o
Guam which are unlike any other orders
ever issued by a naval officer.
The report , which is dated October 11
gives a terse resume of affairs In the cap
tain's dominion since the lost mail. It
shows thnt the islnnders nre Inordinately
Inzy , having acquired the habits ot their an
cestors of raising only such crops ns will
keep their bodies and souls together nn.l
thnt they cnnnot be easily induced to vnluo
money or exercise their earning power. With
n minimum of exertion they are satisfied if
they do not starve. The whole Island is full
of examples of neglected opportunities which
are so distasteful to Americans.
The governor has fact out to bring the
paople of Gunm to a realization of the nat
ural wealth of the island nnd to make all
under his Jurisdiction ns productive aa po.1-
ble. He tells the Navy department that
ho docs not want any more marines sent to
him , as ho cnnnot provide food for them
nnd docs not need them for his defense , ns
he has nothing to fear from the natives. He
begs , however , for more officers to nsalst
him in carrying out his plans for Improving
the condition of the population.
Ho says he wants an ice machine , none
of the water on the Islnnd being potable to
the people. Ho has established the seat
of government at Agann , six miles from Port
Louis d'Apra , and over this dlstnnce hln men
have had to haul All the materials for the
buildings they ore erecting , ns well ns nil
But the interesting part of the report re
lates to tbo reforms begun , of which the
governor says ;
"Having disposed of the priests , rapid
progress will bo made and no further re
sistance will be encountered , "
He explained the two orders which were
printed In English In the customary fvirm
on the first English printing prefs In the
Islands and distributed broadcast. The first
of these Is calculated to compel each adult
natlvo to contribute to the support of the
government by engaging In food production ,
This order wns dnted October 1 and directs
Yon , doir woman , Vsiow v.Inl morning Melc-
ne i niMin , Ilio inl er\ < . ( il. You a ! n ktintr a blowing 11 would I" tn fln-l dome jilire- ,
Bentlo Mlmulnnt lileh MeuM smy nmn | llm
rtomaeli , vnrni , all\Utii Mid ri.nbln yon in take
thnnnnrlvhmrtit which jou neul lu your A.vah.
died condition.
If yon nni to bffome a siollier , linw ( ; i.itefiil
you will he for MimethlnR will hiilM u)1. * "
tnln , nnd vitnllrn the BjMt-m und Jtlvo oit that
ntrroim forelioillug.
In nil eomlllliitu of womanly
nnxioty , trouble , delay ami jwln ,
Malt Whiskey
etflnds pro eminently In Iho front lank of necev
Hilled. ItnourUliri tlipsyntem nnd trcnslln-ns
the nerves , nnd does Its Rood work < | itlokly ,
thorouEldy nnd well.
Tlinnlmnluto purity , toectliet with thcmedlcl.
tial niinlltlc-i ( if Duffy's Pure Malt , lias undo It
thofirratcst womn.cur tl Biuonn * o tclrnco.
"Wo gimrantco'Mint ' Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey
\\-lll ho ratnincil by the most sensitive stoiuuuh ,
when Itvlll not ictnin nny other stimulant or nourishment. "
Mrs. Foster's Llfo Saved.
S. l.lnn lllcdler. Dealer In Tmc ) , nooVo mid Stationery. Mt rnbclti. 111.
s. IJNJJ minium.
Duffy's Pure Malt Whlskoy contains no fusel oil.
aovortitm.nt inrillrlno Mump iiinrkn the Kenulno. DrugRlftM UBtmllv sell It. If yonrn ilnM
not , wonlll express a bottle , prepaid , forl.w ) | sli for $5.00. Hook of interest to women
.tuttree. Whs | | < oy Cof RochOStor N. Y.
That , even if our prices are low , all
operations are performed with the
same delicacy and skill that have
made our work so satisfactory for so
many years. Don't ' forget the name
and location.
Woodbury , D. D. S- , Council Bluffs.
Next to
all who have no trade to plant cereals , vege
tables , etc. , under more or less severe penal
ties. It is stipulated that each citizen shall
have nt least twelve hens nnd ono sow and
continue in possession of them Indefinitely.
They must bring eggs , chickens and vegeta
bles to sell to the governor's house and to
the barracks at stated Intervals , nnd they
must pay their taxes and discharge other In
The other order. Issued September 15 , was
more radical. It demands that concubinage ,
which wns general all over the Island , shall
stop Immediately. In this order Governor
Leary moralizes as follows to the natives :
"The existing 'custom , of raising families
of Illegitimate children Is repulsive to ideas
of decency , antagonistic to moral advance
ment. Incompatible with the generally recog
nized customs of civilized society , a violation
of the accepted principles of Christianity
and a most degrading injustice to the Inno
cent offspring , who Is not responsible for
the conditions of his unfortunate existence. "
The governor , in conclusion , commands
immediate wedlock for the whole adult ; pop
ulation and made the license and civil cere
mony free until November 3. As a result
the officers In charge of licenses and mar
riages were worked half to death until nearly
everybody on the Island was legnlly mar
ried. There was n rush to obey the order ,
nnd , In fact , the people have shown a dis
position to be obedient to any suggestion
from their governor.
Flrwt Piece Struck Will lie PrcHcntetl
to I'ri'Nhlcnt of French Repub
lic. Iiy .Mclvliilcy.
CHICAGO , Nov. 21. The Lafayette Me
morial commission announced today that
the United States mint at Philadelphia will
soon begin coining the Lafayette dollar au
thorized by congress in aid of the menu
ment. The ccln , a legal 'tender ' , will benr
upon Its face In bas-relief a double medalllom
of the heads of Wnahlngton and Lafayette
and upon Its reverse side a miniature repro
duction of the equestrian statue ot Lafay
ette , to bo used on the monument. The
number is limited to one for each 1,500 of
the population of the country.
The first coin struck of the 50,000 will bo
presented by the president of the United
States to the president of the French re
public. As itho Lafayette dollar will bo a
desirable souvenir and memento of the chil
dren's monument to the "Knight ot Liberty"
the commission has fixed tbo price at ? 2.
The dies nro finished nnd a specimen coin bus
been sent to Washington.
Oapt. W. H. Dunlnp , Chatta
nooga , Tenn. , says : "Severn ! years
ego boils and carbuncles appeared
upon mo to an Alarming extent ,
causing me great trouble and pain.
Physicians' treatment did not beem
to avail , and finally I decided to
give S. S. S. a trial. I improved nt
once , and after taking six bottles ,
entirely. "
( Swift's Specific ) is the only blood rem
edy guaranteed purely vegetable ; it
forces out every trace of impure blood ,
and cures cases that no other remedy
can touch. Valuable books mailed free
by Swift Specific Co. , Atlanta , Qu.
When others tan consult
FHIVATE w.u : : :
op MEN
We guarantee to euro all cases curable ot
SEXUALLY. cured for life.
Nightly Emissions , Lost Manhood , Hydrocclo
Vcricocclc , Gonorrhea , Gleet , Syphilis , Strlct-
jre , Piles , Fistula and Rectal Ulcers nnd
All Private Diseases
and Disorders of Men.
Consultation free Cull on or address
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10 * WORTH
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s Call up 238 §
sI I 3 and a Bee I
: & > Advertising Man Io
1 will call on you
3M lo get a Want Ad era o
3 a Half Page.
blish e d
On December 1 the Mueller Piano & Organ Company are going to move their entire stock of planets and organs to their now
parlors , 211-21C-21S South Eighteenth etrcot , Omaha , nnd are now offering their entire stock at greatly reduced prices , An oppor
eluding counters and showcases , for gale ut n bargnln nnd building for rent or sale.
Ono Marshall & Co , upright piano , wan $250 , now $125. Ono Albrecht square piano , was $90 , now $ , ,0 ,
Ono Barmer square piano' , was $80 , now $10. One Gilbert square piano , was $50 , now $25 ,
One Marshall & Traver square piano , was $ CO , now $30 , One Gilbert square piano , was $25 , now $10.
Three moloillnns at $10 each. Second-hand organs from $10 up , All must go as we do not care to ohlp them to Omaha ,
Favor us with a call and you will bo surprised at the exceptional values offered.