THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , NOVEMBER 22 , 1899. 11 'SPECJAL. NOTICES . . Advertisement * for ttiCHO column * rrlll tic inhcn until II ! in. fur the cvcnlna citltliin nml ititlll HilHl p. in. for inornliiir ntul Snnilny edition. Itntvii , t l-2c n word itrnt liiNcrlloni lo n itoril thereafter. .Nothliiu tnl sn fur ICHN ( linn U.ld for the ( Irnt Inner- tlon. These ; nilvcrtlnDiiiiMitu niiidt IIP rnii coiinocnmclj- . AiU-crtl'dfm , nr rcttneiitlntc n ntim- licreil cheek , can lint c nnmvern nil- lre cil to a nuinlicreil letter l cure of Tlic Ucc. AnMtTcrfl HU nililri-nncil will be delivered on prcxciilntlott of tlio chi-L'U only. WASiTK U-SITUAT1 OJiS. A STENOGRAPHER. Whoa you want pno iilea c call up the Remington .typewriter oince. 161 ! ) Farnam St. , tclaphono 1573. A v33 WANTED , position by young man with cloven years' experience in a bank. IB at present Hi ti bank , Address 1 > 41 , cure Bee , A. * JlSii * * AN EDUCATED Vocal Instructor would like t > c3ltlou as chorus leader nr would ttav61 without salary with tin cvangclljt. Address H , Maiming , Iowa. A M11422 WA"NTED , by experienced man , position ! n carpet ttr dr > ' gnortw honsi1 ; onn speak will give satisfactory ruf- four lantttiages ; irenccs. Address John Hoaek. Orand Island , Nebraska. A MliO 23' WANTBIJ 5IAM8 WANTED. Wo have steady work tor a few good , hustlf rs of good habits and appenr- anco. C. F. Adams Co. 1613 Howard St. WANTED , county agents for every county In the- state , farmers preferred , for Wil bur's Hog Food , warranted to cure all hog diseases. Address "Wilbur Seed Mwil Co ? , MIlwnMkdc , WIs ! D-M764 Dtc. 13 to do , llnht hou c- WA NTED , , JrUUllH man * * " * , . , V work for tuition. Royles' Com. and Shorthand " " " " hand College , Bee Bldg. B-MS16 BA'IIBRR STUDENTS TAKE WARNING This institute Is the only barber school now recognized by the Nebraska State Barbers' I3onrd und Is therefore the- only school 'whoso graduates can obtain n ( cense to barber In Nebraska. Beware of sttnrporx now working the state clulm- Ihir their t > ehools to bo recognized by our state board. If you doubt what wi > say wrllo und nsk the State Barbers Board Itself at Ronm 70 , Burr block , I-lncoln. Nell- The Western Barbers' Institute , Omaha. Nob. _ , . _ - > " < " SALESMAN to sell our full line of choice nursery stock ; tv printed guiiranfo that stock" ' shall bo true to nnmu given to orteh customer : write for terms. Mt. Nurseries , Lawrence , Kail. D MOO I FREE fnra to Denver from Omaha ofllco for men to learn barber trade : six weeks completes ; positions guaranteed ; largest college In the world : write for particu lars. 'Moler Barber College representa tive , Ciclghton block , OmalinBM130 WANTED , rt. pied letter and monogram engraver. Apply at o ce. R. U. Ilcndrlck , * Mo- . B-140 21 8t > .lOBOphj - GOOD broom maker. Nebraska Broom . B-16o-23' Factory. 1317 Chicago. _ WANTED-An 'honest. Intelligent yo\mg man as T clerk In a private hotel ; a good position for the right man : references re- aulred. . . Call in person : G. It. Connnt. * 331 Board of Trade. _ B-161-21 _ WANTED , men to learn barbt-r trndo. Wo ilOHltlvelv pay graduates $ f.0.00 monthly. to qualify. Onlyyelght -Jv-eekS required COO positions open Jan. 1. Nc\v field. NO to Icnrn.if you will work for us. expense . Como now nnd prepare * Mr these Places. OUr graduates can work in any state in the union nnd we make a special offer of -transportation to our colleges at Chicago cage - , Minneapolis , St. Lo us or San Fran cisco. We have no school In Omaha or Denver. Illustrated catalocuc and full particulars mailed free. Call or address OmanX Representative of Moler Barber Collcse. Mercer Hotel , Omaha Neb ' all corre- U'A'NTBDV men to addrdW > f Ui Molar- Barber Colleges to Mercer WRITE usi-'for straight salaried Job ; no books. Triumph Information Co. . DaUas , Texas. DM171I' WANTED FI2MALB HELP. WANTED 200 glrU. 1524 Dodge. Tel. 876. ' * . C 995 GIRL for general housework , 514 N. 23rdj WANTED , good kitchen girl. 518 So. 20th WANTED Wat s t makers ; also improvers. Room 10 , Wlthnell Blk. , 15th and Harney. C 163 21 * ISO GIRLS wanted ; all kinds work ; $3 to $7. Canadian Ofllce. 1523 DouSla _ Mls4 D21 AT ONCE nn experienced milliner at Ne- .braska . Clothing Co. C-M177 23 FOR REST HOUSES. IF YOU" want your houses well rented piacoMhem with Bcnawa & Co. D-M610 CHOICE .houses , cottages , storqs. Henry B Payne , 601 N. Y. Life. 'Phone , 1016. > D 996 FINE residence , , choice location , 11 rooms , nll'ino'dem ; excellent stable , Bemls. Paxton - ton block. D-999 _ HOUSES , stores : Bemls , Paxton block. D 997 HAGGARD Van & Storage. 1419 Dodge. Tel. 149 $ . _ D-99S FOR RENT Houses In all parts of city. The O. V. Davla Co. , laOj Farnam street. D-1000 GOOD'large barn for rent in north part of cjty. Inquire 2124 Locust. U-103 COTTAGES , residences. Patterson. 303 N. Y. Life. , D-M429 FOR RENT Five-room cottage , isio"On - tarlostreet. $9.00. Flve-rpdm cottage , 509 South 33d St. , $10.00. D-103 SEVERAL. 36 U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg. ' D-105 B-ROOM modern , 3027 Chicago St. . $25 : oth ers. Rlngnalt Bros , , Barker block. 1 ' D-101 HOUSES for tent In all parts of the city. Brenndn-Lnve Co. , 219 South 16th street. D-103 FOR RENT , D room , all modern house ; corner lot near Hansom Park ; have ro- iluced the rent to $35. J. II , Sherwood , 423 N. Y. Life. D-493 FOR RENT. 2413 Capitol nvc : , 11 rooms , modern. The O. F. Davis Co. . 1505 nam Bt , D141 CHO1OI5 now S-room modern flats fronting Ilantcom park. Bemls , Paxton Block. D-100 I HAVE some good house ? nnd stores for rent. Waterman , N. Y. Life , Tclephono 1WJ , D-139 21 * CHOICE modern , 9-room brick dwelling , 1333 Park nve. . fronting Honccom park , $10. Inquire J. M. Richards , 1115 S , 32d st. D M545 t * _ . . . . . 8314 HURT ST. , S-room fine resldnnc" . ' en- tlrdv * . modern. l\pt vnter heat ; In good \ rendition' will rent tea good tenant for $25.00 per-'month. Omaha Loan and Trust Co , . ' ICtli'anA ' Douglas. D-M303 FOUI\-ROOM house , clly water , 1513 N. 19lh. 70S S , 3 th st. , S-r. nil modern , very largo lawn , f.'S.50. * 3 $ U. S , Nat'l llnnk Bldg. irouSKS for rent. J. II. Sherwood. 423 N. Y. Life. Phone SS3. . .p-728 _ 8027 CIHCAQO , 'rooms. , . mo'dern ; SOOT Web. Bter , 7 rooms : bathl' smaller houses , stores , flats.RliiBWQlt Urai ) . , Barker Block. _ - > ' * ' D M5JN k ROO.MQ. urUhed , central. 2 < X Call- fornli ) , < i D-141 P3 SIX-ROOM Uduso fronting iFanncom park ! Inquire 1618 3. 32d or 'phone 623 , VROOM ; cottar t a FOR REXT iiousns. FOP. RENT. near Hnnscom park , 10-room. Ural-class tnotJcrn residence , with bnrn. 17S5 S. 23th Hi. , $27.60. O. C. Olson , 1701 Farnnm st. D-M182 2t FOH RKNT-FURMsiinn ROOMS NICK furnished room to rent to young ( ady ; heat , bath nnd gas ; prlvftto fumtly. Rent rcagonoble. COJ 3. ISth. .E-M124 22 * STEAM-HEATED roons : and both , modern - ern conveniences , Call 317U North loth St. , nnt E. E-M6972S' _ 3 furnished rooms for housekeeping : man & wife : rent tnkcn In board. 319 N. 17li. ) 15-S06 ItOOMS with or without board ! dcalrnblo for family. 307 N. gath. - E-MS14 22 * VERY largo southeast room , modern ? < > 10 We-bslcr. E-SS8 24 * ' FURNISHED rooms , housekeeping. 2023 St. ' U-M116 28 * Mary's. - _ THE Columbia. 52 ! ? Orontlwny , Council Bluffs ; room * for rent , clay or week ; tran sients accommodated ; everything no.xt , clean ami comfortable ; ratereasonable. . Mrs. Mlnnlo Dunne , late of 307 Broadway , proprietress. Telephone 462. IIOOMS AND HOARD. THE Mcrrlnm family hotel. 23lh and Dodge ROOM and beard , $4 & $5 1F12 DnvonrtorL. F 727 N24 nOOM and board , steam heat. IMS Harncy. F M595 DcclO NICK south room , board , reasonable. 2405 CnH3. F 823 PIS' DESIRABLE rooms , first-class board. 2551 F-M830 23 * Harncy. - NICELY furnished front room" , modern , private family. 702 South 20th street. LARGE pleasant south nnd west rooms with board , furnished or unfurnished , modern conveniences , hot water heat. 413 N.25thBt. F-M153 23 * _ _ _ FtHlNISHEO roomi ahd board. 2015 Doug- ) as St. F-M1SO 24 FIRST-CLASS board , front rooms , fur- nlshtxl or unfurnished , modern. 521 N. 21rcl. 'Phnnn Ili4. F M175 22 * FOR IlISNT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT , store In first-class location : rent reasonable. Applv R. C. Poteri & Co. , ground floor Bee Bldg. I 268 FOR RENT , a ground floor ofnco. specially suitable for real estate , etc. , splendid vault built for use of city treasurer. Ap ply R. C. Peters & Co. , ground floor Bee Building. 1-267 AOBNTS WANTED , AGENTS , send no money. We give a $3.75 outllt free and $60 per month to percons who canvass our holiday books. Write at once. J. L. Nichols Co. , .Nanervllle , III. J M1C7 27 * "WANTED TO IlKNT. WANTED By young lady , room and board In private Protestant family. P 56 , Bee. K 164-23 * WANTED , furnished room : permanent ; widow's home preferred ; Christian fam ily ; would like stable room for horse and buggy ; state price. Address P CS , Bee Of fice. K-M179 22 * STORAGE : . PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co , , 912- 314 Jones , general storage and forwarding. 10S WANTED TO HO * . ALL kinds of household goods , hotels , etc. , In large or email quantities. Chicago Fur niture Co. , 1406-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020.N109 N-109 \VtLL purchase a limited number of Omaha Savings bank accounts. Brfmnnn- Lovo' Co. , 219 S. 16th St. IJH11 WANTED , to buy , a restaurant outfU. Pee ple's Store , 16th and Farnam. N M219 WANTED. 500 yards dirt. Neb. Hay Co. , :4th and Nicholas. N 858 23 FOR. SALE FURNITURE. STOVES , STOVES ; no reasonable offer re fused. Neb. Fur. Co. , 1419 Dodge. Tel 1490. O-M434 REMEMBER J. Lftvlne pays more money for stoves nnd furniture than any dealer In city. 304 N. 16th St. , corner Davenport. O 500 N-20 ARE you talking of stoves ? if you are , come to sco our line of 2nd-hand stoves. The quality and low prices will astonish vou. J. Lewis , 104 S. 14th St. 0-M297DCC. 3 OFFICE desk and chair. 910 New York Life. WE ARE to leave the city and offer our furniture for sale. Mrs. J. W. I Inn Is , 2101 Maple St. O 873 24 * SHIRTS to order. Kelley & Heyden. Q ISfl PUNCTURELESS bicycle tires. Om. BI. Co. Q MS3S FOR SALE , Wilbur's Hog Food In ten- pound palls , guaranteed to cure all hog diseases or money refunded without argu ment. Agents wanted. Write for terms and price. Wilbur Seed Meal Co. , Mil waukee. Wls. - Q-M765 Dec. 13 CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman & McConnell - Connell Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge St. Q-117 FINE Chtckerlng upright piano for sale cheap , cash or easy payments. Address P 10 , Bee ofllce. Q-613 Dll CHEAPEST and best oak cribbing and hog fence. 001 Douglas St. Q-112 THREE show cases , Edholm , Jeweler , 107 N. 16th. Q-4S9 NEW and 2r.d-hand sowing machine * , re duced prices. H. E. Frcderlckeon. 15th & Dodge. Q 831 57HAAS. Florist. lS13"Vlnton St. Tel. 776. Plants , cut flowers , boquets , hall , resi dence , wedding and grave decorations. Orders by mall or express promptly filled. Q lit FOR SALE , a double carriage , Jnqurro 1S25 N , 18th St. Q-M477 FOR SALE Ten R-I-P-A-N-S for B cents at druggist ? . One elves relief , Q 116 INDIAN relics ; mounted heo-js. 1116 Farnam Q 115 HARNESS Lot of good secondhand har ness cheap. Drummond Carriage Co , , 18th nnd Harncy Sts. Q-749 D-12 * TpVERTISINU calendar , Burkley Ptg , Co. Q-M7S9 Decl7 2D-HAND safe chtap. Dprlsht , 1116 Farnara. ' Q IIS ICE In car lots. Gilbert Bros. , Council Bluffs. Q-M311 SAFES Buy , sell , exchange , lit S , nth St , Q-113 BICYCLES stored for 23o a month. Phone 1655 Omnhn Blcyclo Co. Q 460 , SECONDHAND TYPEWRITERS. No. ( I Remington $6',00 ! i No. 2 Remington 40,00 No. 2 Remington 35.00 Stn'th-Promier 40.00 Hammond t. . . . . 15.M Odel > ! 6,03 , Thcsp machines arc nil In cnod condition. Ncbrarka Cycle Co , , Cor. 15h ( and Ilnrnpy. . . . . ' _ ' FOR SALE OHBAiP. Job press. 20 fonts type , nearly new ; baiRaln. Address Lock noxK , Omaha. Q-M17I 21 * SECOND-HAND TYPEWRITERS. No. (1 ( Remington , $65.00 No. 2 Remington. , , . 4300 No. 2 Remington 3U Smith Premier 40.CO Hammond , , . 15.00 Odel ) . . , . , . 5.00 These miii'iilnw arc all In perfect condition , NEHHASKA CYCLE CO. , J5th nnd Harney , , Q-M183 21 MISCEI.liANBOUS. GRADERS-NOTICE-BIda for grading Jots north of Immanunl hospital , 34th and Fowler live , , will be received until the 12th of Dec-ember ; 2,000 cubic yards , more or ICM ; work to be completed before March int. 1800. The undersigned reserves the right 10 reject any or all bide. E. A , Eoeelstrom , msr , B HI 26 * .MISCKLLANKOl'S. FOR $2.00 wo will get your xvheM. put nntl- rurt on. store it for the winter , Nebraska Cycle Co. , Cor. 15th and Harney. NOTICE , country dealers , Zd.haml furniture & stovus at lowest prices , carload lots or less. Chicago Furniture Co. , 1406-10 Dodco. H 119 CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRtTZ. clairvoyant. EOS N. 16th.S305 S-305 M.ME PALMER , clairvoyant ; full life reod- IngS. 50c. 1621 DodRO St. S-MS70 22 MME. GYLMER genuine palmist , 1603 Dodge S 129 DR. L. HARRIDEN. CLAIRVOYANT AND LIFE READER.- OCCULT SCIENTIST. MANY IMITATB , HUT NO ONE CAN EQUAL. Gives nilvlco to make you successful In love , business , marriage , divorce , lawsuits , etc. , locates mines , burled treasures , cures drunkenness , bail hnblH , etc. UNITES TITO SEPARATED. NEVER TAILS To cause speedy and happy marriages ! guarantees success In all cases. RESTORES StCtv TO HEALTH. DR. HAUHIDEN diagnoses ca es by merely touching tha patient , Instantly lo cating the seat of trouble , and by his won derful power ot OCCULT SCIENCE remov ing the cause ! u speedy cure Is the result In all casosr Thousands who were unfor tunate hiivo been started on the reid to success and arc now enjoying health , peace nnd happiness , being brought from poverty to prosperity. PERMANENT RESIDENCE. 3707 CASS STREET. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED IN ALL READINGS OR POSITIVELY NO PEE ACCEPTED. REFERENCES. PRIN CIPAL CITY HANKS. S M173 22 * MASSAGI3 AND II.VTHS. MRS. BERRY , baths , massage , magnetic treatment ; lady attendants. 110 N. 16th ; 2nd floor. T 775 26 * NORMA ARLINGTON , 107 N. 12th , late of New York City. T MBIT Dec. 7 ELITE PARLORS , 615 S. 16th , Upstairs ! first-class baths , magnetic treatment , , jLady attendants. T 11740 27 * MADAM AMES , 607 South 13th St. , room 2. , Massage , baths. Attendant wanted. T MSS1 24 * MISS DE CAMO , baths , massage : expert attendants. 1615 Howard , 3d lloor. R. 1 , T M930-D1S MME. SMITH , room 2 , 11S& North 15th. T-M919-25 * MME. MACK , mnssace bath. 414 N. 16th. T M13I D4 MISS LILLY from Chicago , massage , alco hol rubbing and baths. 21SV4 North IGth ; room 1. T M172 28' PERSONAL. . VIAVI Is woman's way to health. 346 Boo Cldg. U-122 SHAMPOOING 25c , hair dressing 2Sc. Hair and toilet goods , best equipped. Monhelt , 1518 Farnam. U 285 DR. ROY , chiropodist ; corns and superfluous hair removed by electricity. R. 12. Fren- zer block. U 126 MONHE1T , leading ohlropodlst , 1518 Far nam , 2nd lloor. U 2S6 PRIVATE hospital for ladies before & dur ing confinement ; babies adopted. 1136 N. 17. U 124 SHORTHAND dictation and all kinds of typewritten work. R. 602 Bee Bldg. Phone 1722. U-M748 N25 PLEATING and pleated skirts of all kinds. M. Goldman & Co. , 200 Douglas Block. U S73 N2S THE BATHERY. for ladles , 220 Bee Tel , inc. U-169 N23 * DR.- DAVIS , -specialist , 16th and Dodge. " U M23B N30 SCALP and hair "treatment. Mme. Post , 319 * 9. 15th. , , _ . _ . . . . „ , . U-123. HOMES for la'rtles'ln trouble before and dur ing confinement. Babies adopted. Box GM : Omaha. . . a , . U-M793 D14 * . LIEBEN , COSTUMER , 1313 Howard. Get catalogs. U M841 FACIAL massage , EOc ; scalp treatment. 35c : shampoolnir. 35c , fiOc. Miss Hubbarr ! .113 McCague Blk. U-S55 D16 AN ATTORNEY highest standing will ex change legal services for tailoring. Ad dress P 50 , Bee. L MDG3 D3 * H. Y. B. Good position offered. Remem ber Nov. 25 and Dec. 13. Bud. U 124 21 * LADIES. For a neat little device. Write. Omaha Specialty Co. U M813D15 * WANTED , names of ruptured persons ; send four. You can be cured free by the Ratlo-nnl Method. Rational Co. , 314 cth St. , Racine , AVIs. U M169 22 * MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. $1,000 and upwards to loan on Improved city property and farms , w. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Farnam. W 135 MONEY to loan on Nebrasua and Iowa farms ; lowest rates. Brennan-Love Co. 219 S. 16th , Omaha. W 127 rb J2.000' . F. D.Vead , IfTtli & Douglas ' W-129 6 PER cent loans. Garvln Bros. , J613 ' Farnam W 13C WANTED-Clty and farm loans ; also bonds' and warrants. R. C. Peters & Co. , no-j Farnam St. , Dec Bldg. W-137 5 PER CENT money. Bemls. Paxton block ' W-138 WRITE us If you want a loan on .your farm In Iowa , eastern Neb. or Mo. ; ft will pay you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N.Y.L ' W-139 $100 000,000 to" Invest through "BaHuTrs ; Brokers. Promoters ; send tor circular Investors' Directory , N. Y , W-167 $5.000 to place quick. Call If you want It. M. J. Kcnnard & Son , Suite 310 Brown block. _ _ i W 355 MONEY to loan on first-class Improved city property or for building purposes. Payne- Harder Co , , N. Y , Life. AV 131 B , 514 , .Per cent loans in Omaha. S. Omoha. W.H.Thomas , 503 1st Nat. bank , Tel. 164S ' W-134 FIVE per cent ; farm loans. Chas. E. Wil liamson. W 133 MONEY to loan at B and BU per cent on Omaha property. W. B. Molkle , 401 8.15th. W-753 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brfnnan-Lovo Co. , 319 South 10th. W-133 FIVE per cent : also private funds. ' Chas. E. Wllllambon , ' W-133 MONEY to loan on homes ; can bo repaid In monthly payments , Conservative Building nnd Loan Association , 1COI Farnam st. - tr lira * * * W-MS17 PRIVATE money , low rate , no delay. Gurvin Bros , , 1613 Farnam at. AV-MI81 D20 9IUMSV TO I.OAX CIIATTKI.S. MON'EY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE , PIANOS , HORSES. WAGONS. ETC. LOW RATES-EASY PAYMENTS. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN > CO. , SOU SOUTH IGTH STREET , X-557 HONEY Ipaned salaried people holding manent position with responsible conberns upon their own name * , without security ; easy ayment * . Tolman , 708 N. Y. L. Bldg , X-H7 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE i holding permanent positions on their own j name without endorser or mortgage , STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL nnd LOW EST RATES. No Inquiries made of em ployer or friends. You can borrow nnv amount and repay in easy weekly or monthly payments. Before borrowinu- us , Omaha Crrdlt Co. , C. E. Jennings , Msr. , Sulto 625.520 N. Y , Life Bldg. X-M615 MONEY loaned on household goods , pianos , diamonds , wutches , etc. , on payments ; no publicity : lowest rate * . Bcrgera Loan Bank. 1403 Farnam , upstairs. X 51720 MONEY loaned on furniture , rigs , bicycles , diamonds , watchcu , etc , ; payment un known to friends , Omaha Loan Bunk 1416 F&rnam , upstairs. , X 1U MO.M3Y TO LOAN-CHATTELS. MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , Jewelry - olry , horses , cows , etc. C. F. Reed. 31 ! ) S. 13th. X-146 MONEY to loan on furniture , pianos horses , cows , etc. J. W. Taylor , 403 bach block , 12 to 6:15 : p. m. X Mi > 3g _ MONEY loaned on planofl. furniture , horses. cows , jewelry , Duff Grdcn , IU S , Barker blk 2vl5 LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE cm- ployed In Omaha , South Omaha ana Council Bluffs , holding good position * , on their own nnmcn. NO MORTGAGE ; BEST TERMS , everything private ; minoy can bo paid back In small weekly or monthly payments. American Loan Co. < Room 601 , Bee Bldg. X M227 LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions on their per sonal note without endorsement or secur ity ; strictly confidential , nnd nt ONE-HALF THE USUAL RATES. Before borrowing see us. as you will timl It greatly to your advantage ; we are the oldest , largest and only Incorporated loan company in Omaha. F. W. Truax , Mgr. , 119 Board of Trade Bid * . . ICth and Fnr nam Sts. Telephone 2295. X-lil LOANS made to salaried people * on their personal r.ote without security. WIM reasonable. J. W. Taylor. 403 Knrbnch block , 12 to 6:15 : p. m. X-M9S "lIUSLVESS CIIAiCE3. WAGES , accounts and bad depts of nil kinds collected. NEVER FAIL. State ments nnd rnmlttunces mailed WCOKI > . Highest commercial and bank references. OMAHA LEGAL AGENCY. SU to 611 , First National bank building. 1 > ho ? J 2551. Communicate with us and wo will send a reliable collector for your "pcounts. FOR SALE or trade , first-class neWspajJer printing outfit- job press , typo , etc. AU- dress P. W. White , Onawa , Iowa. BUSINESS chance , a good , clean stock pf dry goods nnd clothing In good condition , owner will exchange for farm or city property. Wo have liardware , drugs , gro ceries and merchandise of all kinds. Wrlto us. Merchandise Broker. 606 Karbach bile. FOR SALE. In choice location , hardware stock , from JO 000 to $9.000 ! sales. $25,000 to $30COO ; terms cash or satisfactory collat eral ; no trade. Address O 38 , Bee.j. . j. - THE now Snow-Chtlrch lajv and collection agency , Bth floor Karbach block , attorney nnd collector In every city In United States ; deeds and mortgages drawn : no tary in ofllce. W. II. Green , President ; C. R. Glover. Secretary. Y MSOG 4 STOCKS of groceries. 925 N. Y. Life. Y 827 30 FOR SALE , half Interest In one of the best paying newspaper and Job offices In east ern Nebraska. Norman Jackson , Crete , Neb. Y MSS4 FOR SALE , the only drug store in Cordova , Seward county , Nc-b. : peed live little town ; good country surrounding ; line crops nnd business Is paying well. I nm no druggist and am compelled to sell It. Box 3S9 , Shelby. Neb. Y-M150 23 WE WANT n representative In each county to negotiate a high-class Invest ment. Those having talent for the busi ness can make $500.00 per month. Address Chas. F. Llnscott , Chamber of Commerce , Chicago , 111. . Y M16S 22 * DIAMOND saloon fixtures , cost $21,000 ; $2.500 buys them ; will lease building at nominal rent. R. C. Patterson , 303 N. Y. Life. Y Ml66 23 * FOR SALE , a good clean stock of dry goods notions and shoes in a good rail road town of five thousand in western Iowa ; no trade entertained. Address P 67 , Bee. Y M178 m ' * FOR SALE REAL" ESTATE. BARGAINS NOVEMBER 21 AND 22 , 1899. 10-room house with 75x140 feet of ground , east front , asphalt street , paid up , on Park avenue , near Jackson , very cheap , , $6,750. $15,000 buys the choicest brick resident blorlcoo nnvfllas street nnd 23rd , 'building ' alone nearly1 worth the money.'vAp'.Excellent ( buy. , C. F. HARRIS6N & ; G 'OV T. MORTON , 912 and 913 Now York Life. Tel. 314. Special : Sixty-acres near Omaha , $4,000. HE-160 21 * FOR SALE. A FEW properties that Wil ) pay a good re turn on the Investment. ' $18,500.00 for brick block In business center of South Omaha , rental $203.01 per month. Most of the leases on building- run four years. $7,000.00 for Improved corner , rental $100.00 per month. . $3,200 for property renting for $30.00 per month. $2,500 for property No. 1433 South 16th St. , Improvements In first class , condition and tax for new pavement paid ( n full. Rental J27.50 per month. $2 600.00 for one 11-room house and one 9. room 'house , No. 2509-2511 Pierce St. Rental $33.00 per month. $3,000.00 for 9-room modern house , new fur nace and newly painted and papered In side. No. M2 S. 35th St. Want offer for 12-room modern house with 75 feet cast front on 28th St. , near Half- GEORGE' & COMPANY , icoi Farnnm st. RE-M943-2I SNAPS In real estate ; money to loan. L. L. Johnson Co. . 314 3. 15th strest. RB-163 _ _ ' HOUSES , lots , 'farms lands' loans ; also flro Insurance. Bemls , Paxton bin. RE 333 FOR BWljl'j. $475.00 FOR lots 'on Ames. Avenue. Ono block west of 24th St. , also J3.30.00 for corner lots and J275.00 f6r inside lots be. twcun 25th nnd 20th Sts. . one block south of Ames Avenue. Small cash payment. GEORGE & COMPANY , 1601 Fnrnam ts [ . RE M945-2U 35'A acres , three miles north of Florence , all in timber- : will cut between 400 and 500 cords ot wood : for $1.250. Ten acres on West Doflgo St. , macadam , ' 'VC' ' S. Hth St. RE 567 FOR SALE , my elegant home , S020 Webster St. : small amount down , balance same as rent , if desired. Address C. D. Blbb'.ns ' , Hotel Spokane , Spokane , Wash. RE-M266 DecS FOR SALE. $200.00 FOR east front lots on 13th St , , ono block south of now Boulevard ; also several lots on 14th St. , same location , riOO.OO each. $100.00 for a few south front lots on Ilamll- ton St. , four blopks went of Military roaU $350.00 for one acre same location. $350.00 for lot on Half-Howard between 41st and 42nd Sts. $350.00 for house and lot one block from car line In south part city. , $750 for 10 acres four miles from poat- office GEORGE & COMPANY , 1601 Farnam St. RE-M-9II-2J FOR SALE cheap , large house and lot.'cast 49 feet lot 28. block 10. Kountze & Ruth's rents for $23.00 per addition ! * - - " - , / - month , but would bring more by making few reairs. Price. $2,500.00. G. B. Tzachuck. care Omaha Bee. RBr-835 A BARGAIN-Four acres. < 0th and Pacific ; two blocks from car line , on belt rail road. $2.500 ; easy terms. McCague investment - vestment Co. , 1506 Dodge. RK-3G9- HENRY U. PAYNE. 601 N. TT. LIFE BLDG. Real Estate , Rentals , Loans , Insurance. RE-107 COTTAGES , residences , Patterson , 305 N , N. Y. Life , RE-M42S SPECIAL BARGAIN IN HANSCOM PLACE FOR ONE WEEK. An almost now 7-rpom house and full east front lot. This In a homo of the right kind at the right price. ROBBINS , 1M > 3 FARNAM , SOLE AGENT. RET-M70S 21 RANCH LANDS , great bargains In Cole , rado and Wyoming , C. 13. Wantland , 1023 17th St. , Denver , Colo. HE M469 pec. a ALL property of the Nebrn ka Savlngu and Exchange Bunk l for sale at a , reasonable price. Would like offerw at once upon the following , which Is very desirable : Twenty acres on 1) oil so street pavement , near Dundee , Fifty-six acres adjoining Pries Lake. Two houses , southwest cornpr 13th and Dorcas , nrst-cliiEs condition. Southeast corner Park Ave. and Hlcrttory , Wm. K. Potter , receiver , 15th and Farnara , RE-S9J- 1405 DOUGLAS , brut and cheapest Inside business property on the market , Waj. lace , solo agent. . FOR SAI.K-HKAI , KSTATU. LOOK nt 270 Capitol Avc. , 7-room frame cottngc. nearly new , on lot COxlSS feet , south front. Price , $1,400.00. This It n bargain. Byron R. Hasting * , 212 So. Vth' Kc-MS TYPEWRITERS. i 'UWWT'CRS for rent , $1.00 per month. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1623 Fnrnnm St. Tclephono J2S4. 1C. \V13 RENT and sell the best tynowrltcrs made ; largest stock of supplies In Omaha. United Typewriter & Supply Co. , 1612 FAr- nnm. 170 "REMINGTON Standard typewriter nnd supplies. 1619 Fnrnai.i. 171 'PUB Oliver Typ wrlter , vlitblc writing , heaviest m.inlfolder nnd cuts the linen Stencil. . Tel. 2279. J. B. Stownrt , Surrlal Agent , 3181.4 8. 15th St. , Omaha. 172 TYPEWRITERS , second-hand , 1116 Fnrnam 173 MEDICAL. DR. MANSFIELD'S monthly regulator has brought happiness to hundreds of nnxlouo women ; hnvo never hnd n single failure ; longCHt cases relieved In two to live dnys without fall : no pain : no danger ; no Inter ference with work ; by mall or otllce. 52 ; all letters truthfully answered. The MntiPfleld Remedy Co. , 167 Dearborn St. , room 614 , Chicago , III. -023-25 * LADIES' free harmless monthly regulator ; cannot fall. Mrs. B. Rowan , R. 29 , Mll- wnUkee , Wls. M-902 D1S * FUHS. H. E. , t E. HUBERMANN. furriers : furs made to order nnd repaired. IIS S. 15th. M 731 N25 TAH.ORIXO. LADIES JACKETS , men's clothing , al tered latest styles and cleaned. Max Foccl , 307 S. 17th. 51225 N30 PHYSICIAN. DR. 8HEPARD. 312 New York Life , spe cialties , catarrh and kindred diseases ; consultntlon free at ofllco or by mall. Literature and question sheets cnt everywhere. 1S1 IjAUXDllV. OMAHA STEAM LAUNDRY. City towel supply ; phlrts , 8c : collars , 2c : cuffs , 4c ; underwear , 6c , 1730 Lcavenworth , Tel. 617. M 519 Dec. 14 TIITJMC FACTORY. TRUNK traveling bags , suit cases. Trunks repaired. Om. Trunk Factory , 1209 Fnrnam. 36.2-Doc. 16 NICKEL PLATING. BASE BURNERS , lamps and chandeliers replated. Omaha PlatingCo. . , Bee Uldg. 191 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn , 430 Rarr.go Bldg. 183 BICYCLES. NEW and second-hand bicycles at half price. LoUls Flescher , 1622 Capitol ave. 174 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. Van Sant's School. 717 N. Y. Life 176 AT OMAHA Bus. College , 16th & Douclas. 177 BOYLE'S school ; court reporter principal , Bee Bids. 173 NEBRASKA Business and Shorthand Col lege * Boyd's theater. f JM _ 154 , ' n 7 ; 1 " OSTEOPATHY. > JOHNSON Osteopathlc Institute , 515 N. Y. Life Bldg. , Alice Johnson , D. O. . ladles' dept. ; GId E. Johnson , oatcopathlst , mgr. 188 M. E. D'ONOHUE , D. O. , of Still school Kirksvllle , Mo. . 604 Paxton blk. Tel. 1357. 1SD HORSES WINTERED. GOOD stables nnd good care. Phone 1034 J , W. Phelps , 207 N. Y. Life. M-874 Janl7 * PAWNIJROKERS. JEFFERSON Square Loan Ofllce. 418 N. 16. 179 EAGLE Loan Office , reliable , accommoda- Ing ; all business confidential. 1301 Doug las. ISO BIRDS AND TAXIDERMY. STOCK'S bird store. 1003 Lcavenworth. 608 PIANO FACTORY , PIANOS tuned , repaired , by experts ; low charges. C. Sommer , 321 S. 10th. Tel. 2039. 772-Dec. 23 SCHOOL OF LANGUAGE. FRENCH , German. Spanish , $2 per month. Prof. Chntelaln , 301 Boyd theater. 1S2 DRESSMAKING. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy , 2216 Davenport. -505-D-9 * FURNITURE PACKING. M. B. WALKLIN , 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 1331 , 1S3 TICKET IIROKERS. CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere. P. II. Phllbln , 1503 Farnam. 'Phone , 784. 356 COMMERCIAL COLLEGES. dM , Com'l Col , Rohrbough Bros , , 16 & D'glns 190 PIANO TUNING. PIANO tuning , $1.50. 005 Sheely Block. 546 DS RAILWAY TIME TAHLES , UNION PACIFIO-'THEOVER. land Route" General Ofllces , N. E. Cor. Ninth and Fnrnam Streets. City Ticket Ofllce , 1302 Fnrnnm Street , Telephone , 316 Depot , Tenth nnd Masoti Streets. Telephone , 629 , Leave , Arrive The Overland Limited..a 8:50 : am a 7:20 : pm The Fast Mall . . . . . .a 9:00 : am a 3:30 : pm The Colorado Special.all:55 : pn u 6:33 : urn The Portland Special..a 8:50 : nm a 4:40 : pm Lincoln , Beatrice and Stromsburg Express.b 4:33 : pm b 1:00 : pm Paclflo Express a 4:23 : pm a 6:35 : am Columbus Local . .b7:30pm : b 9:30 : nm South Omaha Pas * . Leaves , a 10:15 : a. m. : 3:03 : p , m , ; b 4:10 : p , in. Arrives , 10:45 : a. m. ! b 3:10 : p. m , ; b 6:25 : p , m , Council BluffH Local Leaves , 5:50 : a. m. : 7:15 : IK m. ; 7:50 : a. in. , 10:45 : a. m. ; 2:15 : p. m , ; 3:40 : p , m , ; 6:25 : p. * in , ; 5:53 : p , m. ; 8:15 : p. m. ! 10:30 : p , m. Arrives , 0:20 : n. m.j 7:50 : n. m. ; 10:15 : a , m. , 11:30 : n. in , ; 3:05 : p. m. ; 4:10 : p. msj 6:55 : p , m. ; 0:30 : p , m. ; S:50 : p. m. ; 11 P'h Da'.ly. b Daily except Sunday , CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE & St. Paul Rullwuv City Ticket Oflljjc. 1501 Farnum btreet. 'telephone , 281. . Do. pot. Tenth nnd Mason Sts. Telephone , 29. Chicago Limited Ex a f:35pm : 08:30 * : am Chicago & Omaha Ex.bll:00 urn b 3 S3 pm Sioux City & Des Molnes Express . . . . . . . . bll:00 : nm b 3:55 : pm a Dully , b Daily except Sunday , WABASH RA1LROAD'- Tlckot Olllce. 1415 Farnam Street. Telephone. S93. Depot - pot , Tenth und Mason Streets. Telephone , C2u. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis "Cunnon Ball" Kxprese , , , , . . . , , , .a 4W ; pm a E:33 : am a Dally. niii.n IY TI.MI : T.1111,1 : . " SCHICAOO NORTHwestern - western Railway "Tho Northwestern Lino" Clly Tlcktt omco , 1401 Fnrnam Street , Telephone - phone , Ml. Depot , Tenth . nnd Mason Streets. Tele , phone , bfj , ! .caxc Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spc- clBl , . . . . , ,1 ( ! :40 : nm alt:55 : pm cnicfigo P. > ssi > iige.r . . . . . , a 4:15 : pm alO:10 : nm Eastern Express , Des Molnes , Mnrshnlltown , Cedar Rapids and Chi- CURO . . . . , . . . , , . . . . . , . . . , alO:55 : nm a 4:03 : pm Eastern Limited , Chicago cage and East a * :55 : pm a 4OG : pm Fast Mall , Chicago to Omnhn a 2:15 : pm Omaha-Chicago Special.n 7:30 : pm n S:00 : am Fast Mall 8:30 : nm n Dally , b Dally except Sunday. iClHCAGO. ST. PAUL. Minneapolis & Omnhn Railway "Tho North western Lino" General OfHces , Nebraska Divi sion , 16th and Webster Sts. City Ticket Olllctv , 1401 Farnnm St. Telephone , G61. Depot , loth and Webster Sts. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Express for - - - - - - - , xprcss ( ( Sioux City. St. Paul & .Minneapolis * a 0:00 : am Omaha Passenger a 7:00 : pm Blair , Emerson , Sioux City , Potion , Hurting- v.tonn ft1 } , "loomflelrt. . ! b 1:01 : pm b2lO ! : pm No. 2 Twin Clt > L't'd.a 6:53 : pm ° ' 4 mahi | Limited. . . a 3:00 : nm a Dully , b Dally except Sunday. ELKHORN . „ .Missouri Valley Rail road "The Northwestern Lino" General OIHccs , United States National Bank Bldg. . Southwest c-7 , Corner Twelfth nnd Far- qtVnnf 8i' , Tlck ° t ° nicc. 1401 Farnnm Street , Telephone. 501. Depot , 15th nnd Webster streets. Telephone. 1I3S. Arrive. Black Hills , Deadwood , , Jl ° t Springs a 3:00 : pm a 5:00 : pm Wyoming , Cnsper and Douglas d 3:00 : pm d 5:00 : pm Hastings , York , David City Superior Geneva ' " t J1 | ' * VM i VI UIIU > 41 lector and Scwnrd..b 3:00 : pm b B:00 : pm Norfolk , Verdlgre and Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:23 : am Lincoln , Wnhoo and Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:25 : nm Fremont Local c 7:30 : am a Dally. l ) Dally except Sunday , c Sun- ) lay only. d Dally except Saturday. SSIOUX CITY Sr PACIFIC Railroad "The North western Lino" General Oincos , United States National Bank Building , S. W. Corner Twelfth - , and Farnnm Street * . Ticket olllcc. 1401 Fnrnam Street , Tele phone , 561. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , 629. Leave. Arrive. Sioux City , Mankato & St. Paul , Minneapolis..a 5:50 : am a S:15 : am St. Paul , Minneapolis , Mankato & Sioux Clty.a 5 : < S pm nll:00 : pm Sioux City Local a 8:00 : am a 4:30 pm a Dally BURLINGTON & MIS- Kotirl River Railroad . "Thfr Burlington Route" General Ofllces. N. W. Corner Tenth nnd Far nam Streets. Ticket * . * . OfTlce ' , 1502 Farnam t ; . ' ' Street. Telephone , 250. Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Tele phone 310. Loave. Arrive. Lincoln , Hastings and McCook a S:40 : nm a 7:40 : pm Lincoln , Denver , Colo- rado. Utah , Callfornla.a 4:25 : pm a 3:55 : pm Lincoln , Black Hills , Montana & Puset Sound . , . a-i:23pm : a 3:00 : pm Lincoln Local . a 7:00 : pm alO:35 : am Lincoln Fast Mull . a 3:00 : pm alO:33 : am Denver , Colorado , Utah & California. a 6:33 : nm a Dully. KANSAS CITY. ST. JOseph - seph & Council Bluffs Railroad "The Burling ton Route" Ticket Office. 1302 Farnam Street. Tele phone , 230. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone , 310. , . _ , _ . Leave. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex..a 8:50 : am a 5:43 : pm Kansas City Night Ex..alp13 ; pm a 6:30 : am SJ. Louis Flyer for St. .Joseph and St. Louis..a 4:55 : pm all:15 : am a Dally. CHICAGO , BURLINGTON & Qulncy Railroad "The Burlington Route" Ticket Ofllce , 1502 Farnam St. Tel. , 2oO. Depot , Tenth & nnd Mason Streets. Tele phone , 310. Le"VeArrlve' Chicago Spe- cial a 0:40 : am Ch cngo Vestlbulcd Ex..a 5:03 : pm a 8:03 : nm Chicago Express a 8:50 : am a 4:05 : pm Chicago & St. L. Ex..a 7:43 : pm a i:03 : am Pacific Junction Local..alO:45 : am Fast Mail a 2:15 : pm a Dally. CHICAGO , ROCK ISLand - and & Pacific Railroad "The Great Rock Isl and Route. " City Tick- Pt Ofllce. J323 Farnam Street. Telephone , 428. Depot , Tenth & Mason Streets. Telephone , 629. LCaV < 3 > Arrlve' DCS Maine * and Daven- port Local a 7:03 : nm bll33 ; am Chicago Express Iilll3nm : a 8:10 : am Chicago Fast Express.a 5:00 : pm a 1:25 : nm St. Paul Fast Express..a 5:00 : pm bll:35 : am Lincoln , Colorado Spgs. , Denver , Pueblo and West . .n 1:30 : pm a 4:23 : pm Des Molnes , Rock Isl and and'Chicago a 7:25 : pm a 5:30 : pm Colorado & loxas Flyer.a 5:55 : pm a 9:20 : urn a Dally , b Dally except Sunday , OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAILroad - road Omaha , Kansas city & Eastern Railroad "The ' Qu'ncy ' Route" Ticket Of- Brnfffa'/lifinTni | | / ! nee , MIC Farnam Street. Telephone , 322. Depot , Tenth W 1 nnd Mason Streets. Tele phone , 629.Leave Leave , Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Ball Express . . . , a 4:50 : pm a 8:35 : am Kansas City and Qulncy Local , a 7:15 : am a 8:50 : pm MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILroad - road General Offices nnd Ticket Offices Southeast Cor ner 14th und Douglas Sts , Telephone , 101. Depot , 15th and Webster Sts. Telephone. 14 > .S , Leave. Arrive. St. Louis , Kansas & Neb. Limited a 2:30 : pm a2:35 ! : pm K. C-St , L. Express..a BDO : pm a 5:50 : um Nebraska Ixicul via Weeping Water b C:03 : pm a 9:43 : am a Daily , b Dally except Sunday. POSTOFFICE NOTICE , ( Should bo read dally by all Interested , as chnnees may occur at nnv time. ) Forelsn malls for the week cndlnir No vember 25 , U99 will close ( PROMPTLY In nil cases ) at the Koneral postofllco as fol lows : PARCEL POST MAILS close one hour earlier than closing time shown be low. Parcel post malls for Qormnnv close at B p. m. Monday and Wednesday. TniiiHnUfiiitlu Mull * . WEDNESDAY At 7 n. m. ( supplementary 9:30 : a. m. ) for EUROPE , per H. H. at , Louis * , via Southampton ( lettois for Ire land must bo directed "per s. H. St. Louis" ) ; at 9 n. m. ( supplementary 10:30 : u , in. ) for EUROPE , per B , n. Majestic' , via Queonstown ; at 10:30 : n. m. for BEL GIUM , per s. s. Westernlnnd , via Ant werp ( letters must be directed "per s , 8 , Westnrnlund" ) . THURSDAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCE di rect. SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN , PORTUGAL. TURKEY , EGYPT and BRITISH INDIA , per H , H. La BintURIlo * , via Havre ( letters for other parts of Eurojio must bo directed "per s. s , La Brctanno" ) . SATURDAY At 0:30 : n. m. for EUROPE , per H. n. Etrurla' . via Quponstown ; at 8 n. m , for NETHERLANDS direct , per H. s. Maasdum. via Rotterdam ( letters must be directed "per s. B. Mausdam" ) ; at ! i a , m , for ITALY , per H. s. Wcrru , via Naples ( letters must ho directed "per H , H. Werra" ) ; at 10 a. in. for SCOTLAND direct , per s. H. Anchorlu , via Glasgow ( letters must bo directed "per s. s. An- ohorla" ) ; al 10 a , m. for AXORES IS LANDS direct , nor a. s. Tartar Prlnco ; ut 11 a. n- . . for NORWAY direct , per a , a. Noi'ge. via Christinnla ( letters must bo directed "per B. , Noree" ) . Printed Matter , etc. Tlcrmnn steamers galling on Tuesdays take printed matter , etc. , for Germany , and specially ad dressed printed mutter , cto. , for other partH of Europe , American nnd White Blur Bteamera on WcdnusduvH , German steamers on ThurBduyti , and Cunnrd , French and German Hteninerti on Satur day take printed mutter , etc. , fop all countries for which they are advertised to curry mull. After the closing of the supplementary PORTOPFICn XOTICH. transatlantic malls named nbovr. . nddl- tinnal supplementary malln ai'o opened ot the piers of the American. Entlish , French nnd Gorman steamers , and remain - main open until within ten minutes ol the hour of salllnc of steamer. Mnllw for Sotilli nml Contrnl Anierlcn , Wct IiullcB. Ktr. . \VEDNESDAY--At 7 a , m. for JAMAICA , per steamer from Philadelphia ; nt 9:30 : i\ . > ' < s."PPl cmentrtry 10:30 : n. m.j for CEN- 1RAL AMERICA ( except Costa Ric nm SOUTH PACIFIC1bliTS. . pers Alllancn. via Colon ( letters for Guatemala must bo directed "per s , B. Alllnnca" ) ; nt 10:30 : n. in , for PORTo RICO , per U. S. ntnl PPUv vln Sn" > tlmni nt u m- for GRENADA and TRINIDAD , per . d. Irrawaddy ; ntl2:30 : p. m. ( suppleniMilary I P ; " ' ) forST. J'ROIX , ST. THOMAS , via ? \ , ! I'I'I'nVAUD : ANn \V1NDWARD ISLANDS , ana DEMERARA. per . ft Mndlanai nt l n. m. for d'HA , via Ha- Minn , nor s. s. Son oca ( letters for Mexico mum bp directed "por s. s. Seneca" ) ; nt 1 VtSV-rf ° r > HVATAN' CAMPKCHIC , TA- Tiin Ja lJ1 ? 11IAI'AS"cr " Niagara. TiilnDAYS t . " ' mfor I'lCRNAM- BUCO nnd SANTOS. i > or s. P. Tnormlnn ! ? l 'JL1. ! ' . ' " ' "upplcmentnr } ' 11:30 : a. in. ) for PORTO R K'O via San Juan. CURA- S A , ? . ? > I' W--TELA. ' per s. s. Phlla. dclphla letters Snvnnllln ( for and fnrlha- Bclln' via Vllricno.must ! lC ) directed. "por .MIrhilKu1olphla ) : nl J Pni - for MAN' v\ AMliLO. per * t. s. C'lonfurRos ; nt I p. m. SiyfifwTl't111 ? ' 1:3 : ° ! ' ' " > for NASSAU , OUANTANAMO ami SANTIAGO , per s. s. Santlnjro. P"I5AY7At,1 " m * for INAOttA. per s. s. Themis ( letters fir ( Hollzo , Puerto Cor. cz "Hi ! " "atcmala must be directed "pw s. s. Themis" ) . SATt'RDAY-At 9:80 : n. m. for imAKID direct nnd LA PIjATA COUNTRIES , pot s. s. ICafllr Prlnco. via Pcrnnmbucn and Rio do .Tanolro ( letters for North Brnill ! ' .V "i , . . \ ' ° , < 1l , " > < ; le(1 "Per s. s. Kami Prlnco' ) ; at 10 a. in. ( supplementary 10:3 : ( > " ) for FORTUNE ISLAND ; JA. JI 'S S&VXN.1 1-'A' ' CARTH A C3 15NA nnd ORRYTOWN. per s. s. Altai ( letter . ; ! { Hcn ! nulBt ! > o directed "per s. s. Altai'1) ) ; at 10 n. m. ( supplementary 10:31 : n. m. ) for BERMUDA , per s. s. Trinidad' ' nt 11 n. m. for CUBA , per s. a. Hnvana ( via Havana ( letters must be dlrrrt < t "rn > t s. s. Havana" ) ; nt 1 p. m. for NUEV1TAS , OIVtARA. PUERTO PADRE nnd IIARA- CAO. per s. s. Curltybn ; at 1 p. in. ( sup. plcmentnry 1:30 : p. m. ) for TURKS IS- " DOMINT1CAN REPUBLIC , pel iirXr. 8:3 : ° ' ' " ' frtr ST- - MlQUhLON , per steamer from North Sydney. Malls for Newfoundland , hy rail to North Sydney , and thence by steamer , close nt this olllco dally at S:30 : p. m. ( connoctlns close here every Monday. Wednesday and Saturday ) . Mails tor Mlauelon. by rail to Boston , nnd thence by steamer , r. ° ? f lit lhlH ° mco dnllv it S:3 : ° I'- " Malls for Cuba by rail to Port Tampa , IIn. . , and tlu-nco by steamer , close nt this office dally except Monday at 7 a. m. , ( the conn&ptlnff closes nro on Sunday , Wodni'sdny and Friday ) . Malls for Cuba. by rail to Miami. Fla. . nnd thence by ctcnmor , close at this unice cvcrv Mon day , Tuesday and Saturday , at * * 2SO : n. m , , ( the connectlnR closes nro on Tue'day nnd Saturday ) . Mails for Mexico Cltj't overland , unless specially addressed foi despatch by steamer. rloo nt this nfHc dally nt 2:30 : n , m. nnd 2:30. : p. m. Malls for Costa Rica , Belize , Puerto Cortes and Guatemala , by rail to New Orleans , and thence by stcamec. close at this otllca dally at * 3 p. in. , ( connecting clogo here Mondays for Boltzc. Puerto Cortcz and Guatemala ) . 'Registered mall closes at C p. m. previous day. "Registered mnlj closes at G p. m. second day before. M _ _ _ | Trninimclllc Malls , Malls for China and Japan , via Tacoma , close here dally at C:30 : p. m. up to Novem- bftr 20th. Inclusive , for despatch per s. B < City of Dublin. Mails far Hawaii , Japan and China , via San Francisco , close hero daily at G:30 : p. m. up to November * 20th , for despatch per s. s. Nippon Maru. Malls for China , and Japan via Seattle. close here dally at 0:30 : p. m. up to No vember 23d. for despatch per s. s. Kln- Bhlu 'Maru ' ( registered mall muct t > e di rected "via Seattle" ) . Malls for Society Islands ? , via San Francisco , close hero dally nt 0:30 : p. m. up to November * 25th. Inclusive , for despatch by ship Galilee. Malls for Australia ( except AVost Aus tralia ) , New Zealand. Hawaii. Fiji and Samoan Islands , via San Francisco , close hero dally at C:30 : p. m. after November 12th and up to November * 25th , Inclusive. or on < lay of arrival of s. 9. Campania due at New York November 25th , for despatch per s. s. Alamcda. Malls for China and Japan , via Vancouver , close S tf dll > ! af 6:3P- : ( ) , m"P to November * 28th. Inclusive . , for despatch per s. s. Empress of China ( reglslored mull must be directed "via Vancouver" ) . Mails for China and Japan , via San Francisco , close hero dally at G:30 : p. m. up to No- vcmber * 30th for despatch per p B. On- fang. Malls for Hawaii , via Sail Fran cisco. close hero dally at 0:30 : p. m. up to December * Sth , Inclusive , for despatch pers.s. Australia. Mall ? for Australasian. Colonies ( except West Australia , which goe.i via Europe , and Now Zealand , which goes via San Francisco , Hawaii and Fiji Islands , via Vancouver , close here dally nt 0:30 : p. m. after November * 23th and Up to December * 9th. Inclusive , for despatch per s. s. Warrlmoo. Trans-Pacific malls are forwarded to port ot sailing dally and the schedule of clos ing is arranged on thu presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. Registered mall closes at 0 p. in. previous day. i , Postofllco. New York , N. Y. . November 17 , 1S99. CORNELIUS VAN COTT , Postmaster. GOVKHXMKXT XOTICI3. OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER. Omaha , Nebraska , November 18 , 1S99. Sealed proposal in triplicate , subject to the usual conditions' , will be. received at this olllce until 2 o'clock p. m. , central time , December 1st , 1S9.1 , for constructing u Quartermaster' stable , Including plumbing , at Fort Loavenworth. Kansas. Full In formation furnished ujion application to thla olllco or the Quartermaster , Fort Leavonworth , Kansas , where piano and specifications may bo seen. Proposals to 0)o ) marked nnd nddressied to Mujor F , H. HATHAWAY. Chief Quartermaster. Nov. 2122 28 29 WOMEN THE CAUSE OF A RIOT Fcniliilno KelntlvcN of PrniiNylvanlq StrlkorM Start TroubleIn Wliloh Several PcrNoiiH Arc Injured. ' WILKESHAURE , Pa. , Nov. 21. Wpmen rclatlvrn of the Nantlcokc etrlkcra today at tempted to prevent the pump runners from going 'to work at the mines and n email riot resulted. Michael Corrlgan , a special po liceman , discharged a revolver and wounded a boy In the arm. Policeman A. A. Ento and Superintendent John Tonkin wore stoned and beaten with clubs. Foreman IdrlH Tonkin was blinded with pepper and several of the women were Injured , A few of tbo pumpers remained away from the mines , but others fought their way , through and went to work. The company sent to Sheriff Harvey for aeaUtanco and ho left for the nccno of the trouble with sixty armed deputies , GANG OF SMUGGLERS' TAKEN Arri-MlM In Different CltlcK of Tliom Clinriffil tvlth HniuKfclIni ; PliotoKraphlu Lcnuci. ST , LOUIS , Nov. 21 , William Bull wai arrested by federal ofllcera this aftornooi on a charge of smuggling photograpbll lenscH Into the United States. U Is esti mated by the authorities that bo hat swindled tbo government recently out ol J1.500 In customs duties. Dull was taken Into tbo ofllco of Collectoi of Custom/ ) Smith , where It la nald bo madi a full confession , Ho bad several confed erates , who nro under arrest In other cltleav Ho eays bo 1ms been In collusion with cer tain employes of the Cunnrd line of atcam , era. The latter , who ore known , It is Bald , will nliio bo nrrcwted. Several English flrmi arc Implicated In the smuggling operutlonsr Dr. II. H. Hadon , Summit , Ala. , Bar * : ' 'I tbtnk Kodol Dyepepsla Cure U a splendid medicine , I prescribe It , and my confident * In It grows wltb continued use , " It digest ! what you cat and quickly cures dyepepili and Indigestion. Lout In Storm. DENVER , Nov. 21.-A Hpeclnl to the Re publican from Rttttlo Lake , Wyo. , nays ; W , C , Jacobs and Ed Harrison , who were out prospecting , urn believed to huvo been lost In a recent sevens snow storm which prevailed here. Their outllt ami dead horsen were found a few d yn ago In a deep raylno about elx miles from town und It la feared the men perished In the tillzzurd. _ _ _