Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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Dnvls soils glass.
Bhcrrnden mnhea photos , Jl.SO doz.
Wclsbach burners nt lllxby's. Tel. 1M.
Itudweliier beer. I * Uosonfcldl , agent.
J3r. Stcphcnson , Merrlnm blk. , room 2Jt.
Pictures nnd frames , Alexander's , 3X3 B'y.
Hehmldt photos nro guaranteed to please.
Mrs. II. P. Allen hn * gone to Tacoma ,
"Wash. , on n visit.
C. II. Jncquemln & Co. , jewelers and op
ticians , 27 South Main street.
Got your work done at the popular Eagle
laundry , 721 Uroadwny. 'Phono 157.
W. C Hstcp , undertaker , 28 Pearl street.
Telephones : Ofllce. 97 ; residence , 33.
Sheridan coal makes n largo llamo nnd
clour lire , but no smoXe. soot nor clinkers.
Kcnlon & Foley , solo agents.
George 8. Davis Is enjoying a visit from
) ils mother. .Mrs. K. 1C. Turbltt of Peorla ,
III.Tho regular meeting of Harmony chapter
No. 25 , Order of Eastern Star , will be held
this evening.
The regular meeting of Unity guild will
bo held tomorrow afternoon at Grace
church rectory.
Mrs. W. C. Dickey of 400 Hcnton street
Is Horlously 111 nnd grave doubts arc enter
tained of her recovery.
Dr. C. C. Plunkett and wife have been
railed toVlota by thc ferlous Illness of
Mrs. Plunkett's cousin , AlrH. T. L. Malone.
Dr. Don Macrae , jr. , will leave this week
to upend n few days In Chicago with nit
friend , Dr. Kergunou , before settling down
to lllH practice here.
There will be a meeting of Local No. 234 ,
Itotall Clerks' National Protective associa
tion , this evening In the new Labor hall ,
103 Pearl street , at 8 o'clock.
Mrs. John Schoentgcn and Mrs. T. D.
Mctcnlf have Issued Invitations for an at
liomo" at the residence oC the former on
South Sixth street Wednesday of next
t * week.
5 John Fodlsch , formerly n resident of
i Council Uluffs , now living In South Omaha ,
nnd Mrs. Anna Schuster of the same city
were married hern yesterday , the ceremony
being performed by Justice Ferrler.
Dr. Anna \V. Nixon nnd Miss Alice W.
\Vlscwcll of Chlcnno , wno have been the
ruests of W. H. Town , Iccal manager of
the McCormlek Harvester company , left
for Los Angeles , Cal. , yesterday evening.
Ooorgo D. Rlggs , foreman of the Non-
paroll composing room , has been called to
Kddyvlllc , la. , by a possibly fatal accident
to his brother , who was caught In the ma
chinery of a mill which ho owned and
Colonel J. J. Stcndman , clerk of the
Tiiltod States district court , received word
yesterday that Judge Woolson Is lying In
n very critical condition at his home In
Des Molnes and that fears nro entertained
of his recovery.
ncv. J. H. Hiiucrnfolml of Biilein Kvan-
gellcal church has been selected to preach
the sermon at the union Thanksgiving
services to be held by several of the
churches In the Congregational church on
Thanksgiving day.
A special meeting of Hlu City lodge ,
Ancient Free and Accepted Masons , will be
hold this afternoon nt 1 o'clock for the pur
pose of nttundlng the funeral of the mto
Kdward 1C. Maync. Members of Excelsior
lodge are requested to attend.
The funeral of Mrs. .Tano Gibson , wife
of S. Gibson , ICIfi Avenues A. will bo held
this ntternoon ut 2 o'clock from Trinity
Methodl.t church. The pastor , Rev. W. H.
Cable , will conduct the services nnd Inter
ment will bo' in Fnlrvlcw cemetery.
J. D. Garrison of Logan , la. , ex-sheriff
of Harrison county , while In the city yes
terday Identltled Gregory , the horscthlef ,
In 1SSB In the Harrison
ns a prisoner lit- hud
county jail and who was sentenced to
three years In the penitentiary at Anamosa
for stcallnz horses.
Tim funeral of the late B. B. . y"6. " 1
be hold this afternoon si .2:39 : o clock from
the residence , 802 Seventh venue. Inter
ment will bo in the family burying ground
nt Walnut Hill cemetery. The remains , ac
companied by Mrs. Mnyne. arrived from
Chicago yesterday morning.
Colonel W. J. Davenport of the Burling
ton system leaves this evening for Chicago
of "Q" passenger men
to Join a party
which will leave Friday evening for
Paul. From there on Saturday the party
will Icavn for Helena and Buttc. Mont. The
return trip will probably be made by B1II-
"word was received from the authorities
at Lincoln yesterday that they had under
to oa m
arrest there a man
who succeeded In passing a forged
person check upon Metcalf & .Motcnlf of tills city.
Detective Weir and T. D. Metculf wont
thorn yesterday afternoon for the purpose
of Identifying the man If possible.
The good roads conventions for Pottawat-
tamlo county will bo .called , to on ° mr.r :
ro-w morning at 11 o'clock In the nortn
TCrt room at the county court house by
Supervisor J. M. Matthews , vice president
Ninth congressional district. Delegates
for the
gates to the district convention to bo held
this meet-
In December will be/selected
Inc tomorrow.
U. V. PlumblnR company. Tel. 250.
Work IH Ilclnir'I'HMluMl nml Trolley
I'olt-N Ar < - All Set.
Work on the Omaha , Council Bluffs nnd
Suburban Street railway line IB being pushed
along rapidly. . Yesterday marked the com
pletion of Betting the trolley poles nnd the
poles are now In the ground all along the
line from the terminal bridge to Broadway
nt Thirteenth street and along Sixth street
from Broadway to 'the Junction with the old
Lake Manawn line , where the road croese
the track.
Part of the shipment of steel rails con
tracted for by the company has arrived and
the .work of laying the trucks will bo com
menced as soon as a delayed shipment of
ties Is received here. The laying of steel
will bo commenced from the Terminal bridge
and the work will be pushed as rapidly as
possible and as the weather will permit.
All the grading along the now line has been
practically completed and the company has
just finished n flll of about 750 feet across the
( dough below Sixteenth avenue between the
city nnd Mannwa.
From the point where the now line strikes
the old Monawn railway tracks south to the
lake the old rails are being taken up nnd
for the now steel
the right-of-way graded up
and tics ,
In connection with the contemplated Im
provements nt Lake Manawn by the now
company the Council Bluffs Howlng associa
tion Is contemplating erecting n now boathouse -
house to replace the two old structures
which the club now owns. Plans for the
now houae have been drawn by n local firm
of architects and will bo submitted at n
meeting of the stockholders to be held Satur
day evening at the League rooms In the
( i rand hotel , The membership of the club
la divided on the question of rebuilding , as
Borne fear that the expense will entail such
heavy assessments on the stockholders as
will drive out of the club many of the mera-
' bers who cannot afford It.
Unit CMtnlf TrniiNfera.
The following transfers were fllefi yester
day In the abstract , title and loan ofllco of
J , W. Squire , 101 Pearl strert :
\Vllllam Plumer nnd , wlfo to Grnco
Kellogg Harvey , s lot II. block S ,
Jackson's add , , Council muffs , w. d.JlO.OOO
A L. Wellmnn und wlfo to John 8.
Crooks , lot 14 , 'block ' 2 , Hutehlnson's
First add. . Council Bluffs , n. c. d. . * , . 1
Sheriff to Den Molncti Saddlery Co. ,
part sis lot 18. Wock IB. Town of
Walnut , Bh , d TOO
Three transfers , aggregating J10.701
NeKOtlated In Eastern Nebraska
am ? lowu. James N. Casady , Jr. .
ISO Main Bt. , Council muffs.
lur Cu U < ir l.ouneil On.
13. II. SIIK.U'H & CO. ,
6 Pearl Street , Council Illuffi , IOWB.
Sanitary Belief Commission Entertains the
Returned Boldier Bojs ,
I'hlllpiilnc Veteran * nnil Their Ilct
Glrln VniHt a I'lcnmint UvcnliiK
nml Surgeon Mncrnc In
Given a Modal.
The reception given last evening In honor
of Company L. Fifty-first Iowa volunteers ,
' Relief commission
by the Women's Sanitary
sion , was a delightful social affair. .The
men of the company , accompanied by rela
tives and female friends , turned out In
largo numbers , many of them wearing their
uniforms. They were received at the door
by Mrs. J. C. Pryor , mother of Coptnln
Pryor , who In turn Introduced the guests
of honor to the reception committee , con
sisting of Dr. Mary Tlnley , Mrs. M. L. Kirkland -
land , Mrs. D. W. Bushnell , Mrs. L. I. Edson
and Mrs. Anna S. Richardson. |
After an hour spent In pleasant reunions
Dr. Macrae , sr. , on behalf of the coraml8- |
slcn , called the gathering to order and In
troduced C. M. Harl , who made an eloquent
address of welcome to the returned soldiers.
Ho paid nn especially beautiful tribute to
those who fell during the campaign.
The response was made by Captain Pryor ,
who expressed the appreciation of the com
pany for the kindnesses extended by the
commission during the company's absence
from Council Bluffs ,
General G. M. Dodge followed In a short
address , In which he eulogized the soldiers' )
record In Iowa , the work of the sanitary ,
commission and especially the record made
by the Fifty-first Iowa as soldiers and as
Then came a surprise to almost the entlro
assembly , when Mr. Harl presented to Dr.
Macrae , Jr. , a gold locket , suitably Inscribed , !
from the sanitary commission as a token i
of Its appreciation of his services to their i
husbands and sons In the Philippine cam-j
palgn. The popular surgeon was completely
surprised and could scarcely frame a suit
able reply. Ho finally recovered , however ,
and told n number of Jolly anecdotes of
camp life.
The evening closed with an Informal
dance and light refreshments. The punch
bowl was decorated In crimson and green
and was In charge of Mrs. Edson. Fully
200 wore In attendance.
"Tho Pirates of Penzance" has been post
poned to Wednesday , November 22 , on ac
count of the Illness of one of the prin
Lost , topaz stone from watchgtiard , Finder
will please leave same at 202 Main street.
Abraham Snyilcr Telia Why He WniitN
a Divorce from 1I1 Wife.
Abraham Snydcr , whose suit for divorce
from his aged wife , Zishna Snyder , created
more or less surprise in Jewish circles In this
city , where both have lived so longand are
so well known , filed an amendment to his
| petition yesterday , In which he makes some
sensational charges.
Snyder and his wife were married forty-
two years ago In Vishna , Russia , but have
not lived together for the last eighteen years ,
the wife making her homo with their son and
bis family , while Snyder conducts a clothing
store on Broadway. In the amendment to his j
petition , he alleges that on January 1 last
his wlfo prepared and placed poison In some
wlno for the purpose of killing him. He
drank the poisoned wine and the effects
would have been fatal , he claims , only for j
the timely arrival of a physician , who ad
ministered an antidote and thus saved him
from an untimely end.
In his original petition Snyder sets up as
grounds for being granted a divorce the
allegation that his wife deserted him
eighteen years ago and that despite his re
peated solicitations , has persistently refused
to live with him again. In his amendment ,
however , he alleges that previous to the
time when his wife Is said to have put
poison in his wine , she abused and llltreated
him to a shameful degree and compelled him
on many a cold night to sleep in the outi i
buildings. He saye , also , that bte Ztshna !
would have greatly Injured him and surely j '
have caused bis death bad he not sought
safety In flight during the nighttime beyond j
her reach.
As to her application to be allowed all-1
mony , Snyder says he has but little property I
In bis own name nnd that his business Is !
being conducted by him on borrowed capl-
tal. What property he bad he turned over I
to his son so that bo might care for his !
mother. As n plea against being compelled j
to llvo with his Zishna again , Snyder al
leges that his wife Is cruel and Inhuman and
ugly when aroused and would stop nt nothing
to further her ends. He concludes his peti
tion by stating that he fears for his life If
the court should compel him to live or co
habit with his wife again.
The trial of the damage suit of H. J.
Vaughan against the Chicago & Northwest
ern Railway company was completed In the
superior court yesterday. The Jury , after
being out three hours , brought In a verdict !
for $75 , Vaughan sued for $1GOO , alleging
that his crops had been flooded throdgh the |
negligence of the railroad. A motion on the
part of the plaintiff was ( lied for u new
A Jury was Impaneled nnd the trial of the
suit of John Llndt against Llnder & Filter
was commenced yesterday. In this suit At
torney Llndt seeks to recover from the de
fendants $5,500 for rent of the brick build
ing on Broadway formerly occupied by them
ns a saloon and the title to which was de
creed to be In Llndt after several years'
litigation by the supreme court. The buildIng -
Ing was erected by the Schlltz Brewing com
pany on a lot formerly owned by Mrs. Annie
Pralor ,
The next suit on the docket In the su
porlor court Is that of R. H , Harris against
the Omaha & Council Bluffs Railway and
Bridge company. Harris seeks to recover
$2,000 from the motor company for alleged
damage to his property on South First street
by reason of the street car tracks being laid
In front of hla residence so close to the curb
line as to Interfere with his rights and full
enjoyment of the street.
In the district court Mary Etnyre com
menced wilt against S. P. McConnell and
others to" quiet her title In lot 6 , block 4 ,
Kubank's first addition.
The grand Jury adjourned yesterday to
next Tuesday , when Judge Green will recon
vene district court.
Voluntary HnnUrmitey Cane * .
Petitions In voluntary bankruptcy were
filed yesterday In the United States district
court by Peter ChrUtensen of Washington
township , Cass county , and Julius Peter
Hehrcndaen of Charter Oak. Both applicants
are farmers.
ChrUtensen's liabilities amount to $7,757,1
of which $3,222 represents secured clalmi , ;
while his unsecured dcbla aggregate$4,635. .
His aiwets amount to $2,007 , consisting of
cattle , horses nnd pigs , $2,510 ; carriages ,
$100 ; farming etook nnd Implements , $167 ;
household goods , $190. Of his assets ho
claims $870 worth ns exempt. Ho nlso owns
a life Insurance policy of $1,600 In a fraternal
Bchrendscn schedules his liabilities at
$1,165 , while his assets consist solely of $25 $
worth of wearing apparel , which ho claims
as exempt.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Hando will present "The
Einn Jubilee , " under the auspices of Unity
gulM , Thanksgiving night. Don't miss It.
Much Time Ucvo cil < o FIxlilR I'nr " '
Clerk * of Klcctlon ,
The greater part of yesterday's session of
the Board of County Supervisors was de
voted to examining nnd allowing bills ,
among the number being those for the recent
election , In the city precincts the board
decided to allow the judges nnd clcrkfl $6 $
for their services , except In the case of the
Second precinct of the Sixth ward , which Is
situated In Cut-Off , nnd where only forty
votes were cast , the remuneration being
fixed at $6.
The judges nnd clerks In the following
townships were allowed $5 each : Ilolknnp ,
Carson , Center , Hardln , Hazel Dell , James ,
Keg Creek , Knox , Laylon , Lewis , Macedonia ,
Mlnden and Rockford. In NorwalU nnd
Wright townships the pay was fixed at'$1.75.
In Crescent nnd Pleasant townships the
judges nnd clerks will receive $4.60 , while
these who served In Garner and York town
ships will bo paid $1.25. The rate of pay for
the Judges nnd clerks In the following town
ships was fixed at $4 : Knnc , outside the
city ; Boomer , Grove , Lincoln , Ncola , Silver
Creek , Washington and Wnvelnnd.
In the Second precinct of the Third ward
and the First precinct of the Fourth ward
the judges nnd clerks presented bills for $10
nplcce. In some of the other city precincts
they asked for $8 and $7 , wlillo others would
have been content to receive $5.
The Woman's Christian association flled a
petition In which It nsltn that the property
bequeathed the hospital by the Into Mrs. Ballard -
lard be stricken from the tax list.
Frank Leslie , whoso threshing engine fell
through a county bridge in Knox township ,
submitted a bill for $125 damages , which
was referred.
Among the bills presented to the board
was one from John Sharp , n railroad con
tractor. When Gregory , the horsethlef , shot
Constable Moss at Lovclnnd and kidnaped
Sheriff Morgan's son Joe It was Sharp's
team and wagon that the desperado com
pelled Morgan to drive him off In. The team
was not returned to Sharp for two days nnd
he claims the outfit was damaged to the ex
tent of $15. The board rejected the bill on
the grounds that It was not responsible for
Gregory's acts.
The American Homo Finding society of
Manning , la. , submitted to the board n
proposition for finding homes for county
charges at the following rates : Girls of all
ages , $25 each ; mother nnd one child , $25 ;
boys up to 12 years of age , $35 ; older boys
up to 16 , at various rates , depending on their
characters ; adults , $25.
Dell G. Morgan , 142 Broadway , has just
got in another invoice of Juvenile soap
which he will continue to sell at the , ex
tremely low price of 35 cents a box , former
price 65 cents. Once used always used.
Fina Missouri wood for sale by Gilbert
New Neckbands put , on shirts free of
charga for regular customers at the Bluff
City laundry , 34 North Main.
Siiniuel Alliro , Formerly a Patrolman ,
TiikfH Ihp IMnce.
City Marshal and Chief of Police Frank
A. Blxby stepped down and' out yesterday
and Samuel I , Albro , formerly patrolman
under him , -was duly Installed in his place.
Chief Bixby spent a busy morning cleaning
up his affairs at headquarters and nt noon
after having turned over to the city clerk
nil moneys In his possession , made way
for his successor. Albro as chief , flled his
bond In the sum of $6,000 with Mayor Jen
nings and same will como up for approval
at the meeting of the city council next
Monday night. The appointment of Albro
as chief nnd city marshal will also como
up for confirmation by the city council at
the same meeting.
With the Installation of the new chief a
few changes were made In the force.
Charley White , who has held the position
of day Jailer , will henceforth take the place
of Ofilcer Stockdale as deputy marshal and
bailiff of the superior court. What disposi
tion will 'be ' made of Stockdalo has not yet
been announced.
Harry James , who since his appointment
to the force has handled the reins of the
hurry-up wagon , takes White's place as
day jailer. His successor on tbo patrol
wagon has not been appointed.
Night Sergeant Bergman , whoso suspen
sion led to the resignation of Chief Blxby ,
has not yet been reinstated , but it was re-
poVted yesterday that ho soon would be.
Captain Denny of the night detail Is holdIng -
Ing down Bergman's desk for the present.
The Modern Woodmen will glvo their first
dance of tbo season Monday evening , No
vember 20.
Howell's AntI-"Kawf" cures coughs , colds.
MiirrliiKC. I.
Licenses to wed wore Issued yesterday to
the following persons ;
Name nnd Residence. . Age.
Udwln I * Capoland , Wichita , Kan 23
Annstatln Tobln , Sioux City , la J5
J. L. 'Mclntosh , Crescent City , , 21
Nellie A. Carver , Honey Creek 24
John Kodlsch , South Omaha , t"
Anna Schuster , South Omaha . , . . , . 47
Reasonable amount c : mending dona free
of charge at the Bluff City laundry. Till a Is
tbo laundry that takes good care of your
llnert. 24 North Main.
Scientific optician , Wollman , 409 Br'dway.-
Davli sells paint.
IlurlxrMiihall Coniiiniiy'H Mnn IH
l'i > und ( inllly nt Slon.v City ,
SIOUX CITY , la. , Nov. 15. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Myron B. Spencer of Chicago has
been found guilty In the district court of
Woodbury county of embezzling money In a
large amount from the Barber Asphalt Pav
ing company while acting as Its cashier In
this city. Ho made a defense that the
money was not stolen In Woodbury county
nnd that It was not the property of the
asphalt company.
Ilt-mlri-Don AnnniiiiecH
Appointment * ,
DUBUQUE , la. , Nov. 14. Congres man
Henderson , next speaker of the bouse , an
nounces the appointment of Jules C. Rich
ards of Waterloo , la , , ns private secretary
to succeed Amos L. Allen , who was Speaker
Reed's secretary and who has Just been
elected to congress. Also that Asher C ,
Hinds will continue its clerk at the speaker' * )
table and that Leroy Neeley , for sonic years
Congressman Henderson's ' private secretary ,
will bo the speaker's clerk.
Geo. Noland , Koclu.inil. O. , uajs : "My wife
had piles forty years. DeWItt's Witch Haze )
Salvo cured her. It la the belt oalve In
America. " U heals everything and curei
all skin diseases.
Calls Attention to Other Institutions it
Would Like to Manage.
Coiuitinnd Private Ilcftmc * for De
mented \ < nv Declared to He
Criminally Conducted
Money ( i .Nccdd.
DES MOINES , Nov. 15. ( Special Tele
gram. ) In Its first report , filed with the
governor today , the State board of Control
asks $769,572 for the maintenance of the
state institutions during the ensuing bi
ennial period' and $89,000 for\bo purchase
of land. The legislature Is asked to adopt
a uniform system'of 'support for the In
stitutions ! the board recommends that nil
bo supported > by a general tax , but la will
ing to have all placed In the county sup
port basis. At present the penal Institu
tions nro kept up by general tnxntlon and
the Insane hospitals are maintained by the
counties nt a certain rate per Inmate.
The board asks the legislature to trans
form one of the state prisons Into a re
formatory for young criminals and first
offenders , making the other a penitentiary.
The establishment of an epileptic colony
on the plan of Craig colony Is urged.
Would Control All Innnno Anyltimx.
A law is asked placing the supervision
o [ all county nnd private asylums for the
Insane under the control of the board. A
report Is made on nineteen such Institutions
visited by the board recently In which
criminal methods are carried on.
Relative to Industries In the state In
stitutions , tlio board docs not make a spe
cific recommendation for the establishment
of Industries on state account , but dis
cusses several , Including the making of
twine , which might to profitably estab
lished. It Indorses the contract piece price
plan for the employment of the convicts of
the penitentiaries and recommends a sew
ing plant for the girls' reform school.
The following shows the appropriations
asked for each of the Institutions under
the control of the board :
Soldiers' Orphans' home , Davenport , $30-
SOO ; Soldiers' home , Marshalltown , $18,000 ;
College for the Blind , Vlnton , $6,500 ; Indus
trial Homo for Blind , Knoxvllle , $20,000 ;
School for Deaf , Council Bluffs , $6,397 ;
Institute for Feeble Minded , Glenwood ,
$65,534 ; Industrial School for Boys , Eldora ,
$37,950 ; Industrial School for Girls , Mltchell-
vlllc , $33,570 ; hospital at Mount Pleasant ,
$62,600 ; hospital at Independence , $23,800 ;
hospital at Clarlnda , $25,800 ; hospital at
Cherokee , $360,000 ; penitentiary at Fort
Madison , $14,040 ; penitentiary at Anamosa ,
The board asks for land appropriations as
follows :
Hospital at Independence , $22,000 ; hos
pital at Clarlnda , $30.000 ; Feeble Minded
Institute , Glenwood , $22,000 ; Soldiers' Or
phans' home. Davenport , $16,000.
Defeated Pottullnt' Candidate Snyn
LeKlilatlvc. lilHtrlet Shonfd He
Divided iii'llls Fnvor.
: s-ii , \ :
SIOUX CITY , la. , Nov. 15. ( Special Tele
gram. ) An election contest has been begun
In the Ida-Monona legislative district which
promises to become a bitter fight before it is
finished. Nathan Ltndsey of Onawa in
Monona the middle-of-the-road
county was - - -
populist candidate for representative , but
was defeated In the ejection by W. J. Scott
of Ida Grove , Now' lllndsey has appeared in
the district court wifh nn application for a
temporary writ of Injunction and for a writ
of mandamus compelling the Board of Super
visors of Monona county to certify to his
election. Lindsey bases his contention on
the ground that Monona county has suffi
cient population to entitle it to a representa
tive of Its own , nnd that it should not be
made a part of the Ida district. He further
alleges that the law under which the legis
lative apportionment was made is unconsti
tutional. The populist was the only candi
date on any ticket for representative who re
sides In Monona county , and Jt is his conten
tion that as Monona , county Is entitled to
separate representation It would bo Illegal
for It to be represented by Scott , who lives
In Ida county. The court has granted a
temporary writ of Injunction preventing the
Board of Supervisors of Monona county from
certifying to the election of Scott until the
final adjudication of tbo suit.
Unite In DCH Moliien Dlntrlct and Vol.
iiiitarlly OfTcr One Dollar I'cr
Toil for Mining Coal.
DES 'MOINES ' , la , , Nov. IB. The coal
mine operators In this district are all
united now In offering ? 1 per ton for mining
coal , and even at this rate , which Is 20
per cent higher than that agreed on by
the operators and cn last spring , are
not abld to get enough men. The scale of
80 cents was accepted by the miners for a
year and the operators have voluntarily
raised the scale to $1 In order to get men
enough to meet the demand.
Democratic Allocation.
DES MOINES , Nov. 15. A special from
Sioux City states that the democrats of
Woodbury county allege that James Barrett
republican , elected to the lower house , has
never been naturalized. They will contest
and demand that his naturalization be
proved ,
SIOUX CITY , Nov. 15. James Barrett
republican representative , says tonight In
regard to his eligibility to office : "It Is
preposterous that I am not a citizen of the
United States and entitled to hold office
I have served one term without such con
test nnd will have the two witnesses make
affidavit to my citizenship. "
IlaiiiiiK for IllKht-fif-Way.
FORT DODOE , la. , Nov. 15. ( Special Tel
egram. ) A Jury In the district court to
day decided the case known ns Svenson
against tbo Marshalltown & Dakota rail
road. Svenson owns some valuable land
In the vicinity of Gowrle through which the
Marshalltown road had secured right-of-
way. The sheriff's Jury awarded Mr. Sven
son $800. An appeal was taken from thl *
decision and the case was decided today , the
Jury awarding Mr. Svenson J2.300 aa com
pensation ,
Ilaniiiii't to NoldlerH of Two Warn.
RED OAK , la , Nov. ' 15. ( Special , ) The
Women's Relief corps gave a banquet last
night in honor of the veterans of the civil
war and the returned soldiers of Company
M , Fifty-first Iowa. The banquet was the
largest ever given in Red Oak. Over 400
guests were seated In the armory ball. Between -
tween courses war reminiscences were told
by the old and young soldiers.
Iowa \ewn .Voted.
The packing plant at Clinton has resumed
The Methodists have dedicated new
church at Geneva.
The United Prorbyterhins of Kcota liavo
dedicated u new church.
An Iowa man recently died from the ef
fects of having a sponge In his stomach.
Many men huve contracted the uponco
hnblt heretofore , but this * l the first re
corded fatality.
A glove factory Is the latest addition to
the Industries of town City.
It Is believed that the Iowa Central will
erect a new roundhouse at Story City.
The plans for the new opera hous > < ? at
Muscatlno contemplate n ySO.oco structure.
H. S. Illggs , nn Kddyvllle miller , was
caught In the shafting of his mill and killed.
The tnlno operators In the vicinity of
Roono'hnvo granted the raise nrkod for by
the miners.
The first train on the llnrlan branch of
the Northwestern road ni rived in that city
William Kvntis , n Central City boy. was
killed while hunting by the accidental dis
charge of his gun.
Appanooso county has n bonded Indebted
ness of $50,000 nnd has paid off J20.000 within
the last two years.
. Klwood Hatellff of Kwart had his left
hand caught In a corn shredder and the
lingers and thumb were torn off.
Nov. Paul Tnlbott has resigned the pas
torate of the Kplscapnl church at Ander
son nnd has ncccptcd the rectorship of the
church at Manleton.
The weighing of mails nt the Marshall-
town postolllce for the month of October
showed an aggregate of 42,322 pounds. This
i Includes att.rou letters.
I A. M. ' 'otilds nnd family of Fort Mndl-
1 fen wrv : saved from cremation In their
, burning home by their faithful dog. who
| discovered the names nnd wakened them ,
i Frank Glover , one of the oldest engineers
' on the southwestern branch of the Hock
I Island , was taken suddenly 111 while out on
i the road nnd died before ho could be gotten
to the nearest town.
j Sunday , November 10 , Is the day set for
! dedicating the now Congregational church
1 at Slbley. It Is a large , beautiful , modern
! church , capable when nil the auxiliary
, rooms are thrown open of seating nearly
11,000 people.
The State university has filed a rlnlm
with the board of control for a much larger
appropriation than has formally been given
the Institution. It Is asserted that the
funds heretofore provided arc altogether In-
I adequate to the needs.
Tracklayers have commenced work at
Fonda on the extension of the Milwaukee
road. Tlioy are using a trncklnyjng machine
and expect to average a mllff a day. A
portion of the track h already down at the
i other end of the line , and It Is expected
1 to have the job completed by December 1.
j The Brown Paper company of Fort Jlndl-
son , which has been Idle for some time ,
1 will repuinc operations again In n few days.
| By consent of the court a lease has been
, effected and eastern parties are now lit
charge of the property. Preparations for
resumption of business are now actively In
progress , and ns soon as1 material has been
secured and other necessary preparations
are completed the wheels of the Institution
will again bo revolving.
Since Rmitrcnn Han Come Into L'oivcr
In Cliliia OntniKCH Have
NEW YORK , Nov. 15. The American
Blblo society Is in receipt of reports from
its agents in China , which state that as the
result of the palace revolution last year ,
whereby the empress dowager assumed
power and the emperor was practically Im
prisoned , persecutions of missionaries are
occurring In various parts of China , es
pecially In the far Interior. In one Instance
the viceroy was forced to telegraph for
The Chinese society known as "The Box
ers" Is said to be provoking agitations and
antagonisms. Two colporteurs of the Blblo
society visited Peh Shui Chiang , in the
province of Knnsuh , and were Invited to
circulate bibles from a Chinese temple. As
soon as they were Inside of the temple the
gates were closed and the colporteurs were
set upon and terribly beaten with long , thick
sticks of firewood.
The men were tied hands and feet to the
pillars of the temple and spat upon , tbo
people shouting , "We have tied you up as
they did your Jesus on the cross. " They
then began to strike them on the face and
shout , "This Is what your God can do for
you ; call upon your Jesus to come and save
you. "
It Is understood that the agents of the
Blblo boclety will endeavor to obtain redress
from the mandarins of Lo-Yang-Hslcn , the
city in the province of Yan Sun , which rules
the town where this disturbance took place.
Mcniphln Trafficker In the Drad TcIlH
How lie 'Wan
ST. LOUIS , Nov. 15. Police Captain
George T. O'Haver of Memphis. Tenn. , ar
rived In St. Louis today and will return this
evening , having In custody Frank Thompson ,
who was arrested at Union station Tuesday
on the charge of Illegal traffic In human
bcdlcs. Captain O'Haver has a state war
rant for Thompson , charging him with the
felonious stealing and taking away of three
human bodies of the value of $200 each. "
Thompson says ho will accompany Captain
O'Haver back without any legal reslstanca.
B. D. Thompson , a brother of the man un
der arrest , accompanied Captain O'Haver to
the city. He says he knows nothing about
his brother's sales of the dead bodies and
docs not think It will amount to anything.
Captain O'Haver said that some time ago
a trap was laid to catch Thompson. The po
lice were informed of the shipment of bodies
nnd it was learned they were put on the train
at fi point tqn miles out of Memphis. A
pteso of police was on hand to confiscate
the bodies and arrest Thompson , but the
undertaker heard of the police move and
shipment was not made.
Frank Thompson , who seemed to treat the
whole matter In a humorous vein , again ac-
Don't fall to try
" whan auffarlno from any bsd {
> " condition of the Stomach ' ] '
1Ocent * Mini 'Jflctrnln , nt ctrtifffttnrrft ,
Free Cure For Men.
Anew remedy which quickly curm tciuil vrafenrM ,
mrlco l * , ulgliU'iulMloin , iiretii.tun. dlKlitrv * . rte. .
? , . 'f'tonl th oraram to rtrenirth nd vleor , lr I.
V , . Kn | > plM3llull lIulMlnK. Ix-trolt. Jlk-b. . Rlid y
Mnd free the receipt of Ilili wonderful remedy In
order tl t every we kmm majr Cui blnuei
knowledge * ! today that he received $200 for
each body nnd said he supplied colleges out-
shin of Iowa. Ho made two trips n week
nnd bundled four bodies each trip.
Astronomer * mill StmlrtitnVltnexft
< li < - I'lluht nml I'nll of
MHror * ,
MIXNKAPOMS. Minn. , Nov. Ifi. Prof. 11.
C. Wilson , assistant at the Oooilsell observa
tory , Northfleld , Minn. , wires the Journal as
follows : "The sky was entirely overcast
with clouds during last night and no meteors
could be observed until 5:35 : n. m. , when the
clotula broke. Almost Immediately a bright
meteor wns seen to fall directly from the
radiant In the "slcklo" of the constellation
Leo. Klght more were counted bsforo dawn.
Student observers saw five others. The
shower Is evidently not yet In Its height.
LAWtlENCE. Kan. . Nov. 15.-C. MIMer ,
professor of astronomy In the Kansas univer
sity , reports that he saw between twenty-
five and forty Lconlilcs between 1 nnd 3
o'clock this morning. He witnessed them
with the naked eye nnd while he could not
make them out distinctly on account of the
bad moonlight , he could see plainly the Hash
that followed each. Several members of his
class In astronomy also witnessed the
LconIJt's , but the telescope In the university
was not used.
CIcuiilN llnniiM-r ANtriimtincrn ,
WASHINGTON. Nov. Ifi. Unfavorable
weather conditions hampered the astronomers -
mers at the naval observatory last night.
Clouds prevented observations until after 3
o'clock n. in , It wns , however , only partially
clear nt any time. The path of ten Leonid
meteors was platted on the otar chart. One
01 inese meieors was as origin as a seconu
magnitude sUr , but the others were fainter.
IUilny | Aliovo ICiiiifinx City.
KANSAS CITY , Nov. IB. A slight meteoric
illaplny was visible In Kansas City nt 2:50 :
this morning. A fairly large number of
, ch-jotlng stars were witnessed. Clouds , how
ever , obscured n good portion of the sky.
Mi > 4 Mir l < 'nlIN lit " \\VliN < tT Clly , In.
WKHSTHU CITY , la. . Nov. 15.-A largo
meteor fell In the woods just cast of hero
last night. It made n hole about llvo feet
pquare and Is still seething and steaming
so that Its full size cannot bo determined.
Mlci'don TrcMililc.1 In Kentucky
lent fit liy Orilcrx from
DlfTrrrnt TrlliuimlN ,
LOUISVILLE , Ky. , Nov. IK. Judge Ster
ling D. Toney , whose mandamus , Issued on
election day , for the ndmlsslon of Honest
Election league Inspectors to polllug places
caused the principal excitement of that day
nnd the alleged disregard of which caused
j Governor Bradley to order troops to the
polling places on the evening of November
7 , was today restrained by the appellate
court at Frankfort from taking any fur
ther action In the contempt cases growing
out of the order.
Yesterday thirty-flvo alleged violators of
Judge Toney's order were bound over by
him In the sum of $500. Today he was pro
ceeding with tie cases nnd had sentenced
one prisoner to thirty hours In jail , when
the order of the appellate court was re
ceived. The official count today has brought
no change in the estimates of the vote
for governor.
NCMV Yorlc Cotton KxcltntiKP
to l.citrit How Special Crop
airport Ciot Out.
NEW YORK. Nov. 15. The Cotton ex
change wllL take steps tp learn .Jiow the
special crop , report published yesterday by
the Department of Agriculture was known to
private Individuals and firms before being
sent to the exchange. Superintendent King
says that action has been taken to investi
gate what was evidently a leak In the office
of the government statistician , He would
not say what action had been taken. It was
known that Mr. King bad written a letter
asking for an official inquiry , In addition to
asking the representatives of the exchange
In Washington to take steps necessary.
So Com
Is used in making the Anheuser-Busch
Brewing Ass'n brands of beer. The finest
nnd purest for home and club use strictly
pure beer of barley-malt nnd hops , no adul
teration ,
UIOKLY , , t
Don't ' Have to Wait ( or Weeks ,
An Omalia Illustration ,
Waiting Is discouraging.
Prompt action pleases everybody.
A burden of the bark Is n heavy weight.
Hnrtl to benr day nfter day.
Hnrdor s'lll year after year.
Lifting weights , removing burdens , appreciative responses.
Omalia people tell of It.
Tell how It can bo done.
Tell of relict that's quick and sure.
Here is n case of It :
Mrs. Kamido Thompson , SOS Douglas
8lrect , says : "It la nearly twenty years
since I first had trouble with my back and
kidneys , and In splto of all doctors and
medicines rotild do 1 gradually grow worse.
There are very few people In my neighborhood -
hood but what know how I suffered. SeeIng -
Ing Dnan's Kidney 1'llls advertised I sent
to Kuhn it Co.'s drug store for a box. Af
ter Using It I found the pain In my back had
passed nwny. I cannot UFO words strong
enough to express my opinion of Donn's Kid
ney I'lllfl after what ( hey did for mo when
everything else failed. "
Donn's Kidney 1'llla nro for sale by all
dealers. Price DOc. Mailed by Fostcr-MII-
hurn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y. , solo ngonts for the
U. S.
Remember the name , Doan's , nnd take no
arc the only positively onmrantccd rcmcdjfor the
Drink Hnblt , Nervousness nnd BIclaiiclioljr caufod
t cure any caw with a positive vt-rl 1 1 rn uiiiii--
i nti > n orrcliiii'l the money , Mid to destroy Iba
appetite ( or Intdiictllnc liquors.
o ntul Drntli. Vr- rrrolfil
1 110.00 NO will mall you Tour f4 j Loses anC. iiosl-
llt'jvrlttru ciiMriinti'x ! cure or retime !
, " . > ! i - f $ ! n't
Blyem , Dillon Drill ; Co. . Sole Agent *
Hutu nuil I'ni-iiuiu , Oiuiilin. Neb.
On Nov. HO , nt 12 o'clock noon , wo will'
give $10 cash to the woman securing the
greatest number of White Russian soap
wrappers Klnco Nov. 15. On Dec. 20th n
beautiful $2. > 0 marip to measure sealskin
Jacket and nine other valuable prises will
be glvnn to the wnmnn securing the great
est number of YA'hltP Kns.slaii soap wrap
pers. Mrs. ADewnlt , 312 , H. ISth St. , re
ceived $10 cash prize Nov. 15th. Ask your
friends to nave White Uusslan wrappers
for you and bring or send thorn to Jas. S.
Kirk & Co. , 306 S. 52th St. , Omaha.
Hotly , Hralii and Nerve Tonic.
All druggists. Avoid Substitutes.
Portraits and endorsements sent postpaid.
MARIANI & CO. , 52 W. 15th St. , .Now York.
Cleanliness and even heat.
Holds fire 36 hours.
Base heater < lln a minute. "
It is hot in the morning.
Sold on a guarantee ,
. L I ,
has returned and can once more bo
found at the old location , 30 Pearl
street , by those who wish to con-
suit him.
H , A. Woodbury , D , D. S. , Council Bluffs ,
Next to
a 10 Cents. 5 Cents.
Joins G. Woodward & Co. ,