WMii B > i " " " M Hp THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TIIHTUSDAY , NOVEMBER 1(5 , 185)5) ) ) . BOSTON STORE CLOAK SALE Todaj Great nd Host Opportune Sacri- floss in Our Oloak Department AND DIG SALE IN MILLINERY Kitrri Spcolnl Iiiittioriiirnln In Tnllnr Minlc Still * nnil ConHi'mcN , Also . " . ) ( Trimmed , Itfiiily to AVcnr , Unlit n ( < > rcnt ALL WOOL KERSEY JACKETS , $4.93. $ All woo ! kersey Jackets , colors black and navy , rod , castor brown anil mercerized , lined throughout , Including sleeves , at $4.9 ! Jl.&D TOR HANDSOME CLOTH JACKETS All bought and cold for lOo on the dollar nobby fall styles In black only , unbroke sizes , A great chance for $1.8 ! ) . $0.98 $ FOR TAIIXll MADE SUITS. lf.0 tailor mnJo suits on sale today mostly silk lined throughout , alt wool home spun and Venetian , $9.OS. Olrls' and misses' man-tailored Jackets covert cloths , friezes , fancy bouclcs , kcr eeys and galflngs , In tan , brown , blue and castor. Just rushed through to us by ex pro s , lined exquisitely and very carefully finished , sizes 14 to 20 , We make enl ; thrco prices $9.98 $ , $7.50 and $4.98. $ Children's Jackets , sizes I , C , 8 , plain and two-toned effects , Inrgo sailor collars , trim med with fancy braids and curio strapping u $4.50 garment , at $2.25. DOUBLE 1JREASTED KERSEY JACKET $8.98. Just consider a new double breasted ker sey Jacket , flno quality all \\ool material lined In colors of heavy taffeta , with strap ped seams front and back , In light shades of tan , castor and pearl , -wonder for $6.98. SI'EOIAL SUIT AND COSTUME BARGAIN For this clay only wo will offer you choice of all our black street and Indoor suits and dresses. They arc of beautiful artistic manufacture , being applique and heavily or namented with silk braidings and scroll overlaid kersey straps , BO mo with lace and chiffon fronts , and mcdlcl collars , line Per sian Iamb trimmings and exquisite new capo Jackets ; also with tunic and double tunic skirts. Mostly broadcloth and Vene tians , with a slight sprinkling of all "wool cheviots. Your choice of this magnificent lot at $22.00. TRIMMED HATS AT A GREAT REDUCTION THURSDAY. Wo have something over five hundred trimmed and ready-to-wear hats which wo Iiuve placed on sale at n. great sacrifice. 1GO assorted stitched brim tarn crown and turban hats , trimmed with velvet , quills , ornaments , birds , etc. , marked from $2.50 to $3.50 Thursday's price. 9Sc. Ono lot assarted high crown street hats , trimmed with taffeta silk and ornaments , a good four-dollar hat , at $1.75. 120 assorted trimmed hats , turbans and round hats , trimmed with fancy feathers , velvet or silk , value up to $5.00 Thurs day's price $2.50 each. 210 stylish trimmed hats , selected from our great stock of patterns , and put on thrco tables at three very low figures $3.50 , $3.9S and $4.98. Cannot flnd their equal for from $5.00 to $10.00. ' BOSTON STORE , OMAHA , N. W. Corner IGth and Douglas. CITY WARRANTS CALLED IN Otitntniullncr OtillKiitloitx to Amount of Twenty-Five TliniiNniiil llollnra AV1I1 lie The city treasurer has begun publication announcing the retlrcmont of city warrants to tbo amount of $25,000 which will bo taken up at .this tlmo. The warrants Include Nos. ES50 to 5938 In tbo IIro fund , representing for the most part salaries of firemen ; Nos. C500 to 6579 In the police fund , also rep resenting salaries ; Nos. 3114 to 3526 in the general fund ; Nos. 820 to 877 In the park fund and Nos. G73 to G74 in the lighting fund. None of the school warrants will bo called in until further fundo are made available by the payment of liquor licenses , -which will occur from this tlmo until the end of tbo year , and will bring In a revenue of about $240,000. There arc now about $100,000 In outstanding warrants against the school fund and the November and December pay rolls will Increase this amount by $70,000. IIlH Ijlfc Wnn anvcrt. Mr. J. E. Lilly , a prominent citizen of Hannibal , Mo. , lately bad a wonderful do- llvcranco from a frightful death. In telling of It ho says : "I was taken with Typhoid Fever , that ran Into Pneumonia. My lungs became hardened. I wan so weak I couldn't oven sit up In bed. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon die of Consumption , when I heard of Dr. King's Now Discovery. One bottle gave great relief. I continued to use it and now am well and strong. I can't say too much In Its praise. " This marvelous medicine is the surest and quickest euro In the woMd for nil Throat and Lung Trouble. Ilcgular sizes 50 cents and $1.00. Trial bottles freent Kuhn & Co.'s drug store ; every bottle guaranteed. CONGRATULATORY TELEGRAMS New Clili-f of Police Ilccclvcn 9Inny McnaiiKC'H from Different lar < of tin * Country. John J. Donahue baa his desk covered with many telegrams from different parts of the country congratulating him on his recent promotion to chief of the Omaha police force. Prominent among these Is a telegram from William A. Plnkerton , which reads : "Congratulations upon your appointment ns superintendent of police. Think they could not hayo made a hotter selection. " Among others , messages were received from L. P. Colleran , chief of the Chicago detective force ; Thomas McGuIrs , superintendent of the Martin White detective agency in Chicago cage ; John Hayes , chief of the Kansas City police force ; J. V , Farley , chief of the Den ver police force , and Ennls and Doyle of Kansas City. Besides three are numbers from personal acquaintances , -which testify to the chief's friends outsldo of the pro fession. A .Sure Cure for Crony. Mr. It. Gray , -who lives near Amcnlo , Dutch B county , New York , says ; "Cbam- borlaln's Cough Remedy is the best medi cine I have over used. It Is a flno chil dren's remedy for croup and never fulls to cure. " lAmong the many thousands who liavo used this remedy for croup , wo have yet to learn of a single case that has not recovered , and in many households It Is the solo rcllanco. When given as Boon as the child becomes hoarse , and oven after the croupy cough has developed , it will prevent the attack , This should bo borne In mind nnd a bottle of the Cough Remedy kept at hand ready for Instant use us soon as these symptoms appear. of Amerlen. The Volunteers of America will give a free Thanksgiving dinner at their hall , 1315 Dodge street , to poor children on November 10. Captain Mrs. Locker is authorized to so licit groceries , meats , fruits and money for lame ; also clothing for distribution will bo icccptod. All needy will ho given a good dinner on Thanksgiving day. Dinners will bo sent out to any who are deterring but cannot come , The co-operation of all Is earnestly so licited In this undertaking. Help the Volun teers In giving tlfo little ones a good tlmo , If jou are not called on ana wish to donate food or cast-off clothing , send note , with your addrcfn , to 1315 Dadgo street , care of Major Qlllctt. VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA. HAvnn.v nnos. sr Down tlit * 1'rlcm ThnrKilny. LINEN SPECIALS ON THURSDAY. The Big Store letting down the prices on linens $1.23 , $1.35 , $1.50 and $1.75 was the price on these- lots of napkins ; Thursday's price , $1.00 n doz. ; they nro 5-8 and } { size , bleached and half bleached , all linen ; 72- Inch wldo cream damask , was 7 c and 85c , now Me yd. ; 70-Inch wldo cream damask , worth 3Dc , now 25c yd. ; 60-Inch wide fancy colored damask , oil colon * , sold at Sue and lOc , tomorrow 25o yard ; Turkey 'red damask , lOc , 12Ho nnd 15c yard. A-specfal bargain in hemstitched table cloths , 3-4 size , $1.35 ; 10-1 size , $1.65 each. ' These clothes are all linen and the best bargain' -Omnha ; 17- Inch wldo linen crash , uiiblcnche'd , now 3V&c yard ; IS-lnch wide * rheckcd toweling , 2 , { .3 yard. Kull size white croc.'hoti bed spread * , fringed , 7Bc each ! you can't match this spread in Omaha nt 75cFa \ \ size hemmed crochet spread , 39c each. 'We have n largo ptock of pattern cloths , a choice line to se lect from , at $2.00 , $2.50 $ , $3.00 , $3.75 , $4.50 and $ . " .00 each. SPECIAL SALE ON 'WINTER ' UNDER- WEAR. Ladles' , men's and children's fleece-lined underwear nt lOc , 15c , 20o and 25c : children's wool underwear at 26c , BOc and 33c ; men's heavy wool fleece-lined shirts nnd drawers , worth up to $1.00 , at 45c ; men's heavy nil wool ahlrts and drawers In camel's hair and natural gray , ribbed' and plain goods that were made to sell at $1.50. for 75c ; men's out- Ing llanncl night shirts nt 49c ; Indies' heavy Jersey-ribbed vests and pants at 25c ; ladles' camel's hair vests and pants nt 45c ; chil dren's heavy flccco-llncd hose , with double knee , heel and toe , regular 25c quality , nt 15c ; ladles' fine heavy needc-llncd hose , with double heel and top , regular 25c value , at 15c ; ladles' $1.00 corsets at 49c ; ladles' $1.00 gowns at 49ci boys' COc shirt waists at 25c. DRESS GOODS SALE. Our cheviot sale continues until Thursday evening. Every lady Interested In a tailor suit should attend this sale ; 42 In. , nil colors , 19c ; 45 In. , extra heavy , 40c ; 54 in. , shrunk , sponged , etc. , 75c ; our $1 > .50 cheviots in this sale , 9Sc ; all our 05-in. and GO-ln. extra heavy shrunk , sponged and ready for use , regular price , $1.98 and $2.25 , all will go nt $1.25. All our heavy tailor suiting will go In two lots In this oalc , worth from $3.50 to $6.25 , will go at $2.50 ; all our $1.08 to $2.50 will go nt $1.25 ; nil our $1.75 , $1.98 nnd $2.2.- crepons will go at $1.25 ; French flannelettes , ns thick as n board , fast colors , only 19c. Headquarters for French flannels , Lansdowne - downo and Priestley's black goods. Head the cloak "ad. " HAYDEN BROS. Announcement H. In the play with the peculiar title refer ence is made to "Tho Purple Lady" the atcrgoera ore promised a novelty in the way of humorous denouements and comedy situations at the Boyd tonight. Tbo com pany's engagement is for this one perform ance only. Sydney Roscnfeld , who Is re sponsible for those two big Empire theater successes , "Tho Two 'Escutcheons" and 'The White Horse Tavern , " is the author of the farce. Mr. Frank Hatch and the entire company that gave the piece its orlg- nal production at the Bijou theater , New York , where the play scored a success , are promised. Tonight will bo Elks' night at the Troc- ndero. The entire membership of the local edge , accompanied by their ladles , will at tend the performance of "Tho Merry War. " The closing of ttho Trocadero Opera cotn- lany's engagement next Sunday night seems o have awakened .theatergoers to the fact hat there are only a. limited number of opportunities left for 'hearing this capable company sing , cs the attendance has been steadily on the Increase since the announce ment wasmado. , Patrice , the refined little actress , assisted > y Mr. Maurice D'Arcy , Is presenting at- ho Crelghton-Orpheum theater this week a delightful little one-act play entitled "A New Year's Dream , " which Is handsomely tagea ana illuminated with brilliant electric Ight effects. The flnlshjjd and graceful act- ng of Patrice seems to please everybody. There are six other acts on the program nd with the numerous encores they make up a lengthy bill full of- variety and enter- alnlng to all. ' 'Tho ' Queen's Fan , " a beau- Iful spectacle , will bo 'the star attraction next -neek. Three pretty and clever girls Orlska Worden , Adele Archer and Vlra Rial who can dance , sing and act , will bo the principal figures In this production. AT HAYDEN IIIIOS. BOc Umlcrwcnr nt IBc. Special for Saturday , from 10 a. m. to 12 m. Ladles' fine Jersey .ribbed , fleece-lined vests and pants In ecru nnd silver gray , nil sizes , worth up to GOc , at 15c. Remember the tlmo Saturday morning. - - JIAYDEN BROS. Amioclateil Clinrltlea Wood Ynrd , Thirteenth and Nicholas. 'Phono 1G4G. On sale , second-hand oak and pine ; 2-Inch plank ; also best plno kindling ; hard and soft stovowood and chunks always on hand at reasonabla prices. prices.JOHN JOHN LAUQHLAND. Secretary. Carriers ore Instructed not 10 roll or fold The Sunday Bee , but to deliver It flat. Subscriber * will please notify the offlca If this is not doce. Telephone 238. How is This ? Do these figures suit a low prlco buyer ? $1.00 PInkham'a Compound . . . . 75c $1.00 Plerco's Prescription . . . . < 75c $1.00 Wlno of Car ( In I 750 $2.00 Chlcbestcr Pills $1.75 26o Plnkham SanatlTO Wash 200 50o Swift's Extract Beef 40c 60c Morris' Extract Beef 35c 25c Brome Quinine iCe 25o Brome Seltzer , 20o 50c Malted Milk 40a 75o Mcllln Food GOc BOc Mcllln Food . . . , 40c $1.00 Ayer's Cherry rectorial 75o J. A. Fuller 6c Co. Cut Price Druggists. N. IV. Corner 1-ltli mid DoiiKlim SI * . California and Oregon Excursions Leave Omaha Every Friday , In Ordinary Bleeping Cars via the IJXIO.V PACIFIC OVER TEN HOURS QUICKER Tlimi nil ? Other Line. LOWEST nvris. IMNTSCII LIGHT. &TBAU I IK AT , ETC. Citr Ticket Ofilcc , l.'IOS 1'nrnain St. Tclciihouc mo. KELLEY , STICER & CO , Bargains in Ladle * ' , Misiei1 and Ohildroni' Pine Shoes , LADIES' ' SHOES AT SI 50 AND 51,98 The I.ntcM Stj-lrn niul Slinprn for Knll nnil Winter Wcnr Vnliicn thnt Cnnnot DC Kiinnlcil Anrivhcre. Ladles" welt lace shoes , new toe , nt $3.00. Ladles' turn Inco shoes , round toe , nt $3. Ladles' black golf shoes , heavy sole , full too , Just the. thing for winter wear , nt $3.00. Ladles' Inco shoes , heavy sole , full toe , at $2.25. Ladles' enamel , mannish last , heavy sole , nt $1.50. Very neat to wear with the short skirts. Ladles' lace welt shoes , medium toe , $3.00. BOYS' , YOUTHS' AND LITTLE GENTS' snons. Little gents' shoes , black , at $1.50. Youths' shoes , round toe , neat nnJ solid , $2".00. MISSES' SCHOOL SHOES. Misses' flno black shoes , new toe , at Jl.CO. Misses' black shoes , heavy soles , very neat , $1.75. KELLEY , STIGER & CO. , Corner Fnrr.am and 15th Sis. THAT 1IICJ COTTON COODS li'rlilny In tinAViiMh Iir 'MH ( iOOiln llcpt. Jit Ilii > iloii Unix. Never mind the crowds , the bargains are worth your trouble. On Friday wo place on special sale T50 pieces of dark 2S-ln. , fast color percales , worth 7 > 4c yard , at 2e yard. 028 plcccs of the heaviest napped twilled flannelette , full yard wide , In splendid styles , goods worth regular 20c yard , at lie yard. You know what the Wash Goods special ealcs are the genuine bargain kind. HAYDEN BROS. EARLY SATURDAY CLOSING Ilctnll Cleric * Will IleKln Agitation for It AKIIII ! After Jniiiinry Plrnt. The Retail Clerks' union of Omaha has signified Its Intention of further agitating the G o'clock closing movement and will begin operations January 1. A committee has been appointed to work among all the retail houses of Omaha , South Omaha and Council Bluffs , and this committee will be backed by the Woman's club-and other or ganizations. Some tlmo ago the clerkspafised a resolu tion to the effect that they would not de mand early closing * on Saturday night until the first of the year , and they have been living up to that resolutlon. _ Many of them feel , however , that they should have Satur day night to themselves. Backlcii'n Arnica Salve. The best salvo In the world for cuts , bruises , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever Fores , tetter , chapped bands , chilblains , corns and all skin eruptions , and positively cures piles , or no pay required. It Is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Frtco 25 cepts per box. For sr.lo by Kuhn & Co. Ceramic exhibit Thursday afternoon and evening. Mrs. Fred Schneider and pupils , 1902 Wlrt. Any Interested In china decora tion cordially invited. MS Haven't , The Kansas City Day Ex press of the Burlington is the only train between Omaha and Kansas City that carries a dining car. This splendid train now leaves Omaha at 8:50 : A. M. dally , reaching Kousos City at 3:52 : P. M. TICKET BURLINGTON OFFICE STATION IDO2 Farnnm loth and Mason Street. Streets. 'Phono 2BO- 'Phone 3IO. WHY IS IT ? That some people submit to the tortures of toothache ? Why 1st It that otherwise at tractive people uro willing to reveal miss. Ing or discolored teeth every tlmo they smile ? It certainly can't bo a question of money , ns our prices nro moderate enough to suit ull. Kxtractlne . . . 25o Vitalized Air . 500 Silver Killings . 75o Taft's ' Philadelphia Dental Rooms , 1517 Street. Bie looks rather strange to pome people and they at once think It should bo spelled "Cabi net. " There Is seemingly no reason for this think but Krug Cabinet lager beer Is thought BO much of , that every tlmo a man asks for a bottle of beer ho means "Krug Cabinet" and wishes it eo understood by everybody. But to bo on the safe side , It is not best to toke too much for granted In this neighborhood and you should dis tinctly state "K-r-u-g Cabinet" and not take any other no other Is as good. It's appetising ; it's a tonic ; a well as full of nourishment. KHUU iuuwi\i co. , Telephone 120. 1007 Jackson Street , ni : \\xT SAMS of snons TODAY TliotiKnniln Sltoc * , SHiHirr * nnil llnli liprn mi Snip In iSniiMiictit , AT noSTON' STOHE , OMAHA. Infants' 39c moccasins , 9c. Ladles' SOc storm rubbers , small sizes , 15c Men's COc rubbers , nil sizes , lOc. Ladles' SOc spring heel rubbers , all sizes 25c. 25c.Ladles' Ladles' 50o overgaltcrs , nil nlies , lOc. Children's $1,00 tan shoes , sizes 0 , OV4 nnd 10 , 38c. Ladles' Oxford ties , htrap sandals and slip pers , worth $1.00 , $1.50 nnd $2.00 , sizes 2 > 4 3',4 and I , nt 39c pair. ' Ladles' comfort house flippers , 25c. Children's fancy red felt slippers , 33c pair Misses' fancy red felt slippers , 3flc pair. Women's fancy red felt slippers , fur tilm- med , 6dc. Ladles' wnrm lined shoes of all descrlp tlons , including carriage hoots , worth $3.00 and $ i.OO pair'slzcs 3 , 3Vi and i only , go n 76 c. c.Infants' warm lined leather shoes , 29c. Men's heavy warm lined buckle overshoes 79c pair. Ladles' Goodyear glove $1.00 quality black fleece lined , storm rubbers , SOc pair. Children's whlto fleece lined Alaskns , SOc Men's good calf shoes , $1.29. Matrons' very easy comfort shoes , lace and congress , worth $1.50 , go at $1.00 pair. Boys' heavy tap solo veal calf shoes , $1.00 Misses' dongola shoes , S9c. Ladles' $2.50 button shoes , coin toe , $1.25 SPECIAL NOTICE. All the above bargains are on solo In our basement. The prices good only so long ns the quantity .lasts. Cdmo" early , as these are extraordinary bargains and a , crowd will surely come. „ BOSTON STORE , OMAHA , N. W. Cor. 'IGth nnd Douglas Sts. The .ViirtliKCitrrn I.Inc. riVE TRAINS DAILY TO CHICAOO C:40 : n. m. * 10:55 : a. m. 4:15 : p. m. 4:55 : p. ra. * ' " 7:30 : p. m. * , * Special limited' trains With Library , Buffet cars , Diners Recherche Sleepers , Chair cars. Note The Northwestern Is obliged to run for more 'trains than any other line between Omaha nnd Chicago. New city offices 1101-1403 Farnam street. KvprcHu J\KCIIM Hold Confpri'iit'e. John Klynn of Dubuquc , In. , George C. etterlnR of Fort Dodge and C. W. Jones of Norfolk , route agents ror the American Express company , are in tqwn hold ing a conference. ' For some time the Amer ican Express company and the United States Express company have boon occu pying joint olliccs In Iowa , but they have now decided to pirico separately. The local company is occ.up.vlnc new quarters at 1319 Fnrnum street , having moved from 1303 Farnam street. Carriers arc instructed not to roll or fold The Sunday Bee , but to deliver It flat. Subscribers will please notify the offlco if this Is not done. Telephone 238. Wo are Jus } . lii < receipt of a shipment of DIPHTHERIA A'NTI-TOXJNE dercct from the labord-ory 'of JI. K. Mulford. Wo can ) furnish this in ihe following strengths : * Standard , GOO units. Standird , Xpp6juhlts. ( Standard , l.SJio | inlts. ' Standard , aloqj'units. ) Al.-.o tljo "CO"NCENTUA.TED" In the same units strength/ Mall or Holograph orders will recelevo prompt attention. Sherman & McDonnell Drug Co , 1513 Dodgu St. , Omaha , Neb. nnnvr coii/.vn CVKI * nu.vi , / . AXD . , . The fiillrtl Shirt nnil Cnllnr Co. Scl Their P.nllrc Slock or MEN'S COLLARS AND Ol'FKS ' ( Seconds Consisting of thousands nt dozens of late styles men's standing and turndown line collars and all styles of men's linen cuff This company la the largest manufacture of collars anil cuffs In Iho United Stntc. Thcee cufls and collars nro all strictly per feet and sound , with the exception of som slight Imperfections In the laundering , nn BOSTON STORE. OMAHA , Will Hold SATURDAY , NOV. IS. THE GRANDEST SALE OF MEN'S ' LINEN COLLARS AND CUFFS ever known In the United States. All the United Shirt nnd Collar Co. ( seconds ) collars that sell from 12lie to 25 go nt 3Vic each. All the United Shirt and Collar Co. * ( seconds ) cuffs , that sell from 25c to 35 go nt 7e pair. As there are over 5,000 dozen , or 60,00 pieces , In this purchase , we expect to be abl to supply everybody. Remember the great sale Is on SATURDAY , NOV. IS- At BOSTON SORE , OMAHA , N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas. IIcs & Snnboda , florists , 1111 Farnaa choice cut ( lowers nnd floral designs. CHILDREN'S JACKETS--6 to 12 years made with cape , neatly braided MISSES' JACKETS--14 to IS years , made In both covert nnd Kersey g ? ffjffj LADIES' JACKETS-all silk lined , of Ker sey cloth , black , navy and colors LADIES' KERSEY JACKETS-sovcrnl styles --best Kersey cloth and lined nil through \Utli best Itftt flllfl FLEECE LINED WRAPPER-good colors , nent patterns , brnld flnlshcd yoke nnd deep flounce MAN TAILORED SUlTS--nll silk lined made of flno cloth , beautifully tailored , brown , blue nnd black--$30 would not bo too high for then 1510 Douglas St. TO Chicago and East St. Paul and Minneapolis Hot Springs and Deadwood. NEW CITY OFFICES 1401-1403 FARNAM STREET 86 Shoe New styles in shoes , at the price of cheap ones , Great bargains in our new annex shoe department. Ladies' Fine Faust Slip pers Kid topped , hand turned Boles and fur trimmed , regular $2.00 values at $1.25 Ladies ; ' Vici Kid Shoes , with Bilk vesting tops , single flexi ble soles , lud tip and silk top fac ing , worth § 3.00 , on gale at $1.95 Ladies' Fine Vici Kid Shoes with double fair stitched soles , very flexible kid tips and finest linings , sizes 3 * to 7 , widths B to E , worth $8.50 in most stores , our price $2.25 Ladies' Finest Vici Kid Shoes. the celebrated Brooks Bro's. make , with hand welt soles , cork filled in ner soles , in the mannish styles for street wear , sizes 3 to 7 , widths A toE , worth $4.00 and $4.50 , on sale at $3.00 Bargains in our Shoe Annex Shoe Dept , CHILDREN'S KID SHOES Button with very flexible soles , sizes 2 to D , worth SOc solo price 28c. CHILD'S KID SHOES genuine dongola kid , button and lace , spring heels , sizes 5 to 8. worth fully OOc , on sale at 49c. MISSES'KID SHOES button , spring heels , single soles and patent leather tips , sizes 11 to 2.orth \ fl.25 , sale price , C5c. WOMEN'S BUCKLE AHCTICS full fleece lined , sizes 4 to 8 , worth Jl.OO , sale price 53c. me I'lini'.ui to enjoy the good things of Time. If your are not in condition to do their duty have them put In working order , A small portion of your tlmo and very little of your money will ho sufficient. Wo KXTItACT , KIM. AM ) MAKIC TISHTII with prompt ne i. The quality of the work will be such as to ensure you comfort for many yeans. Hfl I ICV THE DENTIST , DRILL. I PAXTON BLOCK line Dr. Halle ) ' Tooth 1'umlur. All CXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX > OOOCXXXXXXXXXOOOCXXXX3OOOOOOO ) ; : . Of the clothing trade are as nu morons as in any other. You may bavo quite a considerable amount of knowledge about fit ami finish and oven quality , but yet bo ' imposed upon. it requires an analytical mind sometimes to dif- < ferentato the good from the bad. Your knowledge outs no fig ure in your buying in this house Your boy can trade hero with per fect safety. You need not trust to your memory as to where you buy it. Our name plato is sewed in the back of every coat. Thai's a guarantee. You'll forgot the" prices and descriptions of our winter overcoats and clothing if wo write it in the paper , so wo have trimmed our ITarnam street window with overcoats. Largo price tick ets have been placed upon them , that you may see them at a glance. We'd like to have you look at them through the gla s , then come in and see how much better they are when youj can feel and try them on. ococoooooooooocoooo PIANOS. : BHIB . . . Aside from our largo stock of Exposition Pianos , placed 43 Square Pianos to $160 below the regular price , wo offer $24.00 , $27.00 and and slightly used Organs at $12,00 , $18.00 , on sale from $100upwnrd9. Emerson , Klmball , Chlcltcrlng , Hardman , Mason & Hamlln and other standard makes In cluded. J.'liic SJSSIS : . Sninplc Plnno , lirmtil HCTT , only lOO Sterling , Xmiey v nlnut CIIHC , to clone otit , only ChlcUcrliiK Un rlKl > t , Rood nn nciv , only 91SK Illlnllilllll UiirlKht , lilK ImrKiilii Stcliivrny , dllprlitly i cd . . . iWo are exclusive representatives for the -world renowned STEINWAY , VOSC , IVERS & POND , EMERSON , A. B. CHASE , STEGER AND SINGER PIANOS ; also the self-playing PIANOLA , greatest musical Invention of the ago. Wo sell on easy monthly payments , rent , tune and repair pianos. Telephone 1625. Write for catalogues , prices and bargain list or pay us a visit of Inspec tion ; It will pay you. Schtiioller & Mueller Stcimvay & Sons Representatives. 1313 FARNAM ST , Jackets , Skirts and Wrappers. THE unexpected sometimes happens. Right in the mid * die of the cloak season our buyers have heoii fortunate n securing three small but stylish stocks one of Jackets .and suits from Shaft & Silberman the second , Ladies' Skirts- 'rom Max Soloman and the other a stock of Wrappers from ; he dissolving firm of Franklin & Musky , all three of New York City. The f/oods are neiv , stylish and up-to-date in every espect. Not a garment among them that is not of the latest ? ashion. It rarely happens that in the middle of the season you have an opportunity to buy at 50c on the dollar. 150 dozen ladles' flccco lined wrappers In pretty .shades of red and other colors , ruffled yoke , trimmed wlih "two 11 * U L. VJ lows of braid , extra wldo at 4bo hips , they met a * are worth $1.50 on sale 59c at ; . . . . 100 ladles' beaver jackets , high storm col lar , well sewed and well made , worth $1.50 $5,00 en sale nt . 300 ladles Jackets In Persian wool bouclcs , caterpillars and friezes , silk lined throughout , newest btylcs , worth $7.50 ; your cholco for 250 Jackets in black kerseys , lined throughout with mercerized silk foulard , now slcovo ; they are worth $7.00 ; your cholco for 350 Jackets lined throughout with Skinner's satin nnd plain taffetas , trimmed with strapped seams nnd pearl buttons ; they are worth $12.50 ; on sale at 500 Jackets In Montnnacs , Kerseys , Friezes and Plushes ; In all colors ; up ilo the highest standard in every respect. NOne better made ; some SIO worth up to $20 , on sale at Lot of misses jackets , ages 14 to 18 , worth $5.00 , for 200 misses jackets In blues , browns , 200 uklrts in wool serges , lined and cardinals , and mixtures , ages 14 , 1C si nil 18 ; Interlined throughout tortli $7.50 , on sale for $1.25 at 150 ladles' skirts In rough materials , 150 ladles' suits In AO grays Qjlt and rowns. silk lined Jackets..O fitSO pretty $5.00 ; patterns for ; they are worth $2.50 200 ladles suits , new habit skirts , Jack- Is lined With taffeta , silk ; they nro worth 250 ladles' Bilk Hklrfo In largo and p to J25.00 ; In this sale small figured and plain satins , or worth $8.00 , for . , $4.98 SKLM.N'O THUDK STOCKS OF CLOA KS AT 500 ON THR DOUjAIt , THE NAME OF Gn L&rd , on Ham , on Bacon Is a guarantee of purity. Swiff and Company IIOWJ2U/S ( Jive * Mrcneth nnd , tone lo Iho vocal Clilc , K < > , KUIIHIIH City , Omaha. AniiKawfJive dear , . niuk'ns and the St , Loiiiw , SL Joseph , St. Paul ,