10 THE OMAHA DAILY 33EE : THURSDAY , NOVEMBER 1G , 1890. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIA Trade Dnll and at First Chleflj in tl Bands of Scalpers , WHEAT , STIFFENS TOWARD CLO < Iteopeiilnc of NnrthiTrntrrn Mill * nti JltilttK to Kvcii Up Mcl/nln Trillion tlic CIIIIHC Corn i nnil ( ) ntn tliieilmiiRcd. CHICAGO , Nov. 15.-Whent was we ; early with Liverpool today , but stiffened e reopening of northwestern flour mills ut buying to oven up McLnln trades , closing f/'Wc under yesterday. Corn nnd oati close unchanged and provision ? n shade to i lower. A decline at Liverpool was the early fn tor In wheat here , December opening i S6TVH67c and May at 70T4W71c , n decline i KfiVfcc. Liverpool opened steady on the ai I'ancei here yesterday , but weakened c licarltih domestic statistics. Trade was du farly and chiefly In the hands of scalper though there was rome buying to even 11 McLnln Brew.1 trades. Fluctuations wci narrow , slight advances being caused li buying against puts and fmnll declines li prollt-tnklng. Toward the close Mlnneapol reported all Its flour mill. working. Nortl west markets were llrm , December , the t tWjc , advanced sharply to 67-Hf/67fcc an May to 7114c. The market eased off ; o tirnflt-taklntr , December Hosing He unde yesterday nt 671JC nnd May 141(140 ( lower r ilHF/7114c. The volume of trade was semi what larger than It ha- * been recently. Hi ? elps wcro light. Primary points reportc 176,2.17 bu. , compared with 1.696.102 last yen Minneapolis and Duluth received 681 car against. 778 last week nnd 1,0.1 ! ) n year ngi l < otnl receipts were 63 e'ars , 14 of contrac xrndn. Atlantic port clearances In when Hid flour Were equal to 400,000 bu. No' ' 1'ork reported 19 boatloads taken for uxpor Corn was rather dull , hut fairly stead ] aelped by a better shipping demand. Thet was Borne country pressure to pell. Flue .nations were narrow. Receipts were smal 113 cars here. New York reported 32 loail : aken for export. Clearane-cs nt the HCII aoard were 762,000 bu. December range ! rom .Hike to 3114c. closing unchanged n lllM/31',4c. May sold from .12Uc to 3214(332X1 md closed unchanged at ,12140. Oatfi were dull but steady. There wa m Improvement In the demand and eountr ifferlngs were freer. The only Incident wa she covering of a short line of ,100,000 bu. o liny. Clearances were large 499.000 bu. He clptn here were 103 cars. December range from 22c to 22V4ST22e nnd closed un ihangcd nt 23T4c. December liquidation , particularly of Ian WIIB the feature In the provision trade There was little January business , port nrel and ribs opening nnd cloplrvg unchange 'rom ye.'terday. Tile volume of buslnes vas smnll nnd the tone easy , In Kympath jvlth lower hog prices. There was a sllgh mprovcmont In the shipping demand. DC somber pork closed 2l4c lower nt JS.03. De lemher lard 21Ae under yesterday nt JI.S71 md January ribs 6c lower at SI.73. Estimated receipts tomorrow : Wheat. fi ; ars : corn , 215 cars ; oats , 103 earn ; hog ; C.flOO head. The leading futures ranged as follows : \ rtlclc3. | poh.'ll'l ] nT | Loly.Tcio'seTrYcs'y Wheat Deo. 67' ' , } 67 May 0T4S71 71V45I- Corn- Dec. 311' 31 < ? ? < < , .11 Jan. 30' Alay 3214 321 Oats- Dee. 2 % 221 21 23 % 237 ? nrk Deo. S 10 S 0714 8 0714 Jan. 9 50 9 43 0 4714 9 471 May 9 a'9 33 9571 uird Dee. 4 S71J 4 S3 4 8714 4 90 Jan , 5 10 5 10 5 10 May 525 5 22'.4 5 25 C 25 Ribs- Dec. , 4 7714 4 7714 4 73 4 7f 4 SO Jan. 4 90 4 90 4 87'A ' t no _ Mny 50214 6 03 502V5 5 02'/ ' . 4 90 No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows : FLOUR Steady ; , winter patents. J.1.50J 3.60 : straights , J3.10JJ3.30 ; clear , J3.00fi3.60 spring patents , J3.60 ; straights , J2.SOQ'3.10 ' bakers. J2.00ff2.55. WHEAT No. 3 spring. 63B66c ; No. 2 red -No. 2. 31K ? 32c ; No. 2 yellow , 3 p32',4c. OATS-NO. 2 , 23323140 ; NO. s white , 24145 ; t flaxsecd and northwest H.30. Prime timothy , J2.455J2.55. Clover contract sradc , $ S. PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. , $7.70fi r.lO. Lard , per 100 Ibs. . JI.S505.00. Shor : rlb. sides loose ) , $4.75ff5.15. Dry saltei shoulders ( boxed ) , * 3.37i5J5.50. ! Short cleat lides ( boxed ) , J5.ir(3.20. WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , pet fal. . J1.2314. SUGARS Cut loaf , $3.70 ; granulated , $3.18 Following are the receipts and shipments for today : Articles. Receipts. Shlpm'ts , Pour , bbls . 25,000 25.00 * IVheat , bu . 10.1,000 lO.OOi orn , liu . 263,000 24S.OOI DatB , bu . 319,000 23firO ( gye. bu . 7,000 4.001 Barley , bu . 103,000 9.0X ( On the Produce exchange today the but ler market was firm : creameries , l5ff > 2U c ; lalrles. 14021c. Cheese , weak ut 1114012llc Eggs , llrm ; fresh , 18c. M3W YOIIK GISXEH.VL MARKET , ( luotutloiin for tli I > n > - on Vtirlnnfl ColllIIIOllltlCH. NEW YORK. Nov. 15.-FLOUR-Rccelpts W.3S1 bbls. ; exports , 11,527 bbls , ; opened weak with wheat , ruled moderately active md closed better , with the favorable turn in the price of wheat. Rye Hour , steady , Buckwheat flour , steady. HUCKWHEAT-Qulet at 61063c c. I. f , nl.MkAJir.Btcntly ? ! > 'oll ° w western. SC pS2o ; city , SOQSlc ; IJrandywine , J2.SOff2't3 HYE-Easy ; No. 2 western , 6914o afloat lo arrive. BARLEY Easy ; feeding , 3S040c c. I. f , # , V LI3Y MALT-Dull : western. SSftffic. WirEAT Receipts , 131,350 bu. : exports , I7.59o bu. Spot , llrm : No. 2 red. 73c f. o li ifloat spot ; No. 1 northern , Duluth. 76c f ] > . b. afloat ; No. 1 hurd , Duluth. 786u ! f. o s. afloat spot ; No. 2 red. 72 c elevator , Options opened [ weak lie lower under un- latlsfactory cables. Prices further declined Ac. with local liquidation ciulte active , Uiter tharo. wa .a rally of WHO on covert ° llow1K * of warllku Bf Xe.Von attitude ol , . , Russia. Closed firm at net unchanged price * " / , ( ° nilvance March , 75H < rr75 ic. closed , > ' 'e * ' * > Deccm' . oa elevator. Options nulot at about un- ihanged prices : ruled moderately active anil iteady with wheat. Closed steady. He no jdvanco ; May . 3S j30 9-16c , closed , 3S'/4c i December closed ut 39c. OATS-RocolptP , 200.200 bll.roxports , 6,14 ! " > 0' . < llllct9 ] l"ns nominal. shlpl"ni > ' ' C3 75c cn" ' . ' common to choice , 98 crop , re : 1S97 crop , nominal ; 189S crop .OfiilSa : Pacllle coast. ISM crop. 4J6c { : un srop , nominal ; 1S9S crop , llJfJVj ; Pacific : east and state , 1S99 crop , 12f5c. ] IIIDES-FIrm ; Galvoston. I'O to 23 Ib ? . , ISo ; Texas dry , 13',4o ; California , 21 to 23 Ins. , L13ATHRR Steady ; hemlock sole , iJuonos Ayres. light to lieavyw.-lsht , 2J0 rlUo ; ncld. 2I(2I1C. ( ! ; PROVISIONS-Cut meats , firm , Lard sy ; weutcrn steamed , J3.30 ; refined , easy ork. steady. Tallow , weaker ; city , 4Hc ; "lint. l , . ' . firmer. ' MOIWVSSES-Stendy. METALS The market for metal * wan venk nnd uiibottled all day. closing demor- illzexl nnd buyers Indifferent. The cable idvlces reported no chance In the situation tbroad , apathy and weakness continuing Telegraphic news from homo producing olnts wan equally unfavorable. At thei iloso the Metal exchange culled pig Iron vnrranta dull , with Jlf.25 bid and J15.7.1 isked for March and April delivery : lake iopner dull at J17 ; tin unsettled at J26,60ii 17.00lead quiet at JI.57Viftl.6ii4 ( ; spelter weak and lower nt Jl,65 4.65. The brokers' jrlco for lead Is JI.40 and for copper JI7 , lint ( IT , KKK niul riii-me .Miirkt < t. KANSAS CITY , Nov. 15. BUTTER - Creamery , steady nt 20Ji22o ; dairy. 18c , EGGS Steady ; fresh Missouri nnd Kansas tlock. tlrstti. 16c , cases returned. PHILADELPHIA , Nov. 15-BUTTER- Flrm and lirlnts lo higher ; fancy western jreamery. 2Gc ; fancy western prints , 2Se % . EGGS Finn ! fresh nearby , S3c ; fresh ivptilrrn , 22fi23o : fresh southwestern , 21o ; ! resh noutheni , 20c , CHEESE-Stcndy. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 15-BUTTEa-Flrm ; ircamery , 22 < r.6o ; dairy , 17fi221ic. ( KGGS-Steady ut 16e. NI5W YOJIK , Nov. 15-BUTTER-ne. lelptp. 4.45S pkgs , ; strong ; state , dairy , 1S 4c ; western creamery , 2Ui23.icl | June SreHmery. lMi2kfactory. ; . 15fil7c. CHEESl HecelptH. 4.672 pkgP. ; steady , anall , September , ISVifflSSiCj llnfBt , Octo- ber. 12f712'4ei ' Inrge , fancy. September. 12U 12Hr ; large , fancy , October , finest , ll'4jc. 1-OOS Receipts. S.P57 pkg . : steady ; ui graded , western , at mark. 14W2rtc. CHICAGO , Nov. 15. - BUTTER - Flrn creameries. 15fJ2IHc ; dairies , 1IQ2IC. EGOS-FIrm ; fresh. ISc. O.MAIIA < IIMHAL MAIIKKT. Condition of Trnile nnd ( Inntntlonn n Mtnplc nnil I-'nncr I'roilncc , EGGS Receipts light ; market firm at 16 POULTRY-Hons , live , 505Ho ; sprlr chickens , 6fJ6Hc ; old and staggy rooster live , 31404C ; ducks and geese , live , 607 < turkeys , live , OfflOc. nUTTER Common to fair , 15c ; choice , < WI7cj Ftparator , 26c ; gathered creamery , PIGEONS Live , per doz. . 76c. VEALS-Cholce , 9c. OAME-Prnlrle chickens , per doz. , $1.00 4.fiO ; quail , per doz. , J1.50 1.73t mallard J3.00fi.2.5 : ; blue wing teal , $1.75 ; green wlr teal. $1.2501.50 ; mixed duckR , $1.5002.00. OYSTERS Medium , per can. 20c ; stanc nrd , per can , 24c ; bills standard , per gal $1.23 : extra selects , per can , 32c ; cxtt selcctf , prr gnl. , $1.75 ; New York Count per can , 40c ; New York Counts , per 100 , $1,2 HAY-Uplnnd , choice , $6.50 ; mldlam choice , J6 ; lowland , choice. $5 ; rye strav choice , J3.60 ; No. 3 corn , 27c ; No. 3 whH oats , 2214c ; cracked corn , per ton , $12 ; cor and nats , chopped , per ton , J12.50 ; bran , pe ton , J13 ; shorts , per ton , J14. VEGETABLES. SWEET POTATOES-Pcr bbl. , Kansai J2.Xilf(2.50 ; Jerseys , $4.00. POTATOES-Pcr bu. . 26033C. CRAN'BEHRIES-Capo ' Cod , J3.7506.IX fancy Howes , $6.6007,00. JONIONS Hctull way , yellow , 63c ; rc < " ' "c'ULERY Per doz. . 20fflOc. TURNIPS Hutabaeas. per lb. . IWc. CABUAGE-Pcr lb. , i'.4c ' ; Holland scec l iSSc. FRUITS. APPLES Cliolco western shipping stocl $2.7503.00 ; Jonathans and Orlmes' Roldei $3.EO ; New York stock , $3.5003.95. GRA'PES-Ncw ' York , 20c ; California Em peror. $2. PEARS-Wcstern varieties , $2.2502.50. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Mexican , per box. JI.2304.GO. LEMONS - California fancy , $4.756.0C eholco California , $4.0004.50 ; MessinaJ5.005 5.50. HIDES , TALLOW , ETC. HIDES No. 1 green hides , Sc ; No. 2 pree hides. 7c ; No. 1 salted hides , 9c ; No. salted hides. 8-io ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 1 Ibf. , No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 Ibs. . Sc. TALLOW. GREASE. ETC _ Tallow. No. 3Jc ; tallow. No. 2 , 3 < ,4c ; rough tallow. lc white grease , 203ic ! ; yellow nnd brow ; grease , 245J3c. ! 245J3c.MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY Per 21-sectlon case , J3.25@3.60. NUTS Hickory nuts , large , per bu. , Jl Shell Barks. Jl.25Ql.33. FIGS California layers , per 10-lb. box $1.15. California carton , per 10-lb. box , J1.2E MAPLE SUGAH-Pcr lb. . 9c. MliinpnnoIlN Wheat nnil Klonr. MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. 15. WHEAT-Ii ptore : No. 1 northern. November , 64i/.c December , 63 A0631Ac ; May. 67c. On track No. 1 hard , 6714c ; No. 1 northern , 61V4c ; No 2 northern , 62c. St. I. on l.i ( irnlii nnil 1'rovlnlona. ST. LOUIS , Nov. 15.WHEAT Unsettled No. 2 red , eyiHh , elevator , 69o : track , 6914f < 014c : December , CSTJc ; May , 73c ; No. 2 hard 66(6714c ; receipts , 15,920 bushels. CORN Lower ; No. 2 cash , SOl c : track 31' ' < * iR3l 4c : December , 3014c ; May. 30c. OATS Weaker ; No. 2 cash , 2314c ; track 2lc ; December , 2314c ; May , 24ftc ; No. : white. 26c. RYE-Flrmer at 51c. FLOUR Dull and unchanccd. SEEDS-Flaxseed , nominal at J1.27. Tim 3thy seed , $1.9002.25 CORNMEAISteady at $1.7501.80. BRAN Quiet and steady ; sacked , eas HAY Timothy , steady at $ S.00011.00 [ iralrlc. firm at $7.7508.50. WHISKY Steady at $1.23U. POULTRY Steady ; chickens. 6c ; turkeys ic : ducks. 6',40614c ; gccse , 64c. PROVISIONS Dry salt meats. boxe ( shoulders , none offering ; extra shorts , $5.23 'lear ribs , $3.3714 ; clear side ? , $5.50. Bacon ipxcd shoulders , none offering ; extra shorts s > .SO : clear ribs , $5.9005.93 ; clear sides , $6. RECEIPTS-Flour , 5,000 bbls. : wheat. 16 , XX ) bu. : corn. 79,000 bu. ; oats , 31,000 bu. SHIPMENTS-FIour. S.OOO bbls. ; wheat 3,000 bu. ; corn , 82,000 bu. ; oats , 21,000 bu. KnimiiH City Uriiti and Provlnlonii. KANSAS CITY , Nov. 15. WHEAT De. member , 61i/8c ; May. 661ic ; cosh , No. 2 hard 32Q63c ; No. 3. 6S06114c ; No. 2 red , 68@70c No. 3 , 6506Sc ; receipts. 35 cars. CORN December. 27-Ho ; May , 29V&c ; cash No. 2 mixed. 2SH02S o ; No. 2 white , 2Sio ; No. 3. 2Sc. ! OATS-No. 2 white , 25 026c. RYE No. 2. 4914050C. HAY Choice timothy , $3.5009.00 ; choice milrle. $7.00f/7.50. ( / RECEIPTS-Wheat , 21,000 bu. ; corn , 16,2X ( 3U. ; oats. 13.000 bu. SHIPMENTS-Wheat , 48,000 bu. corn , 2,700 bu. ; oats , 3,000 bu. Liverpool Grnlit nnd Provlfilona. LIVERPOOL , Nov. 15 , WHEAT Spot , lull. Futures , steady ; December. 5s 8 d ; March , 5s 914d ; May. 5s 9V4d. CORN Spot , American mixed , new , dull it 3s 414d ; American mixed , old , 3s 414d , : ' utures , November , nominal ; December , liilnt at 3s 514d ; January , steady at 3s 6V4d , PROVISIONS-Lard. American , refined , iteady at 28s 6d ; prime western , 273. Bacon , lull ; long clear. 31s ; clear bellies , 32s 6d. Tallow , Australian , In London , dull at 6s 3d. Toledo Market. TOLEDO , O. , Nov. 15. WHEAT Quiet ; to. 2 cash , 69 < ; ; December. 69c. CORN Dull but steady ; No. 2 mixed , old ' 3c. OATS Dull but steady : No. 2 mixed , 23c. RYE-Qulet : No. 2 cash. 660 asked. SEKDS Cloverseed. lower but steady : > rlmo cash , old , $5 told ; December , J5.75 bid. .Mllwnukcc Rrnln Mnrkct. MILAVAUKEE , Nov. 15. WHEAT - iteady ; No. 1 northern , 66140G7c ; No. 2 lorthcrn , 61066c. RYE-Steady ; No. 1 , 6405414c. BARLEY Dull ; No. 2 , 43041c ; sample , 3JJ43C. I'oorlu Mnrkct. PEORIA , Nov. 15 , CORN-Steady , No. 2 , l'/4c. OATS Steady ; No. 3 whlto. 231Ac. WHISKY Firm , on the basis "of $1.2314 or llnltthcd goods , Duluth Mnrkct. DULUTH. Nov. 16.-WHEAT-No. 1 hard. ash , 67c ; No. 1 northern , cash , CGc : De- icmber , 65i4o ; Jluy. 69J4c ; No. 2 northern. 314c ; No. 3 spring , 6014 c. IVOOIj ICAMI.NB IS TIIHEATEM3D. rrcniiMidoiiN IliiHliipNN Itrnultn In nil Kxcltrd nnd AdvniicliiK Mnrkrt. BOSTON , Nov. I5.-Tho American Wool md Cotton Reporter will say tomorrow : "Tho wool market Is excited and ad- lUichiK. The dealers and the smaller man- ifacturcrs nro In competition with each ither In their eagerness to sepuro wools tnd all grades nro feeling the Impetus of i buying movement , which Is rapidly re- luclng available stocks here und elsewhere. I tromcndouH business has again been rnnsacted , the sales for the present week seceding 16,000,000 pounds. The domestic ; tid foreign wools have been moved In riosf casea nt top llgureH. Foreigners have ' " " " " " ' purchases of f"7lll'r our wools or export. The market Is HO excited that I Is IHIC un easy mutter to quote prices , nit the tendency Is upward In a most aarkcd manner. A wool famine IB threat- ne-d on account of tlio depleted ntooks at ionic and the reduced clip abroad , The ales of the week In Boston nmountpd to 4,838,770 pounds domestic nnd 1,479.00) lounds foreign , making u total of 16,317,776 > ounds , against n total of 13,403,000 pound.s or the previous week and a total of 7,925 , . 00 pounds for the corresponding week last par. Sale * slnco January 1 , 1S99 , amount o 300,321,576 pounds , against 114,731,010 > oundH last year at this time , Mnrkct. NEW YORK Nov. . , 15.-SUOAR-Raw. teady : fair refining , 31-16c ; centrifugal , 96 est , I14c ; molasses sugar , 39-16c ; reported ales , 4,000 tons centrifugal at 41Jc nnd 9,0 > eons ons Java ( two cargocst ) on private terms ; etlned , Hteady. NEW ORLEANS. Nov. 15.-SUGAR pen kettle , centrifugal , 315-16c ; centrl- Uffnl , white. 4 5-1601 9-16c ; yellows , 3U04c ; econds , 303Hc. Molasses , strong : \j > en ; ettle , new , 300400 ; centrifugal , 23j2 c. yrup , new , S0032c. I'rlfi * of lllliiolM llroonu'orn , AMSTERDAM , N. Y. . Nov. lo.-Thn Irust lint has purchased eighteen-twentieth ! ) of II this year's crop of < broomcorn In the 'nlted ' States has agreed to make the price f central Illinois broomcorn $200 per ton , o. b. cars ; all other grades of broomcorn i follow In prlco according to quality , Mnrkrt. NEW YORK , Nov. 15. COFFKE-Optlons pencd xtcudy at unchanged prices , but 3on developed considerable strength on rink tiupport from room bulls , and the ivcatmunt public brought out by encourag ing late cables nnd small Brazilian 1 eelpts. Closed steady , unchanged to 6 polr October. $5.S5f5.90. Spot coffee , nomlni No. 7 Invoice , 6-Jie ! No. 7 jobbing , 6TI mild , quiet. MOVnMKXTS OF STOCKS AXD nOXIl Sccrptnry Unitc'ii Annnnncempnt N > Uidf > intll ; Mnrkrt'n Clone. NEW YOHK , Nov. 15-Thcrc was n sh ( of strength In stocks today owing to t large operations by professional spectil tors In n number of the prominent Indu trial specialties , notably Sugar , the leath stocks , some of the metal Issues nnd N < York public utilities , all of which she largo gains. There were strong advanc In New York Central on thp announced sc tlemcnt of differences over the Boston Albany lease , In Southern Pncllle on t continued largo absorption by banking 1 terests , In Pacific Mall In anticipation action on the dividend , In the coalers on t good conditions In the anthracite trade in In the Atchlson stocks. The level of pric on the whole Is higher , but the activity w not very widely distributed nnd the genet disposition was to maintain a waiting atl tude pending further developments In tl money situation. There was no recurrence of cxtrer stringency In the local money market. Se rotary Gage's announcement that the trea liry would buy J25,0t ,000 of United Stat bonds nt the price nt which they we quoted on the New York Slock exchani yesterday was not made until after tl close. Today's market was dull , but I dined to firmness In response to the bar enlng of money rates In London , whe there was a special demand on the mark Incident to the taking up of govcrnme bills to provide for war expenses. There was continued demand from Stoi exchange sources for time money nnd 7 p ecnt was bid for six months' loans whe Industrial stocks figured as collateral. 1 connection with ( the outlook In the mom market the October foreign trade statemei of the treasury bureau of statistics a traded great Interest. From this It a peared that the slight falling oft In the O tobcr exports of agricultural products con pared with last year , due to a decline i over 30 per cent In the amount of cotte exports , Is moro than offset by the li creased exports of manufactures , so thi the total exports for the month arc ovi $8,000,000 In excess of those for last yea The figures nro the more significant In col bcqucnco of the large current demand fi cotton by foreign buyers. Taking the. ten months of the year , appears that the decrease of $37,000,000 I the value of agricultural exports Is moi than offset by the Increase In exports i manufactures , so that the total exports f ( the ten months nro valued at over $11,000,0 In excess of those for the ten months I IS9S. The Increase In the value of Impart for the same period $130,000,000 leaves tl merchandise trade balance In our fave nearly $80,000,000 less than last year. lit In the same period our net Imports of col have been nearly $122,000,000 less than la ; year. As a net result the trade balance 1 our favor Is $32,537,659 greater than for tl corresponding period of last year. Add I this the recent 'buying hero for lyondon ai count of securities and estimates of shl | mcnts to London of American securities b L-omlng sailings run as high as 200,0 shares. Large loans have 'been ' placed I the New York market by foreign house In the last week or so , obviously with tr liurpose of deferring demands for gold o Foreign markets. But the llgurcs cited gl\ the grounds for the claims of foreign a change houses that there , must be a heav Import movement of gold In the course e i short time. There was moderate activity In the bon nnrket and price changes were mixed. T < ial sales , par value , $1,610,000. United State bonds are unchanged In the bid price. Advices from Washington were receive in Wall street after business hours , ai nounclng that the secretary of the trcai nry would purchase of the United States f > cr cent bonds of 1907 and the 5s of 1901 f .he prices ruling yesterday , The final blr 'or these Issues on November 14 were 112 ror the 4s , registered ; 112)4 for the coupe jonds and 111 each for the 5s , coupon an registered. The Commercial Advertiser's Londo Inanclul cablegram says : The expectc noney squeeze here- proved to be mild , Th ; all rate ranged from 5 to 3 per cent , wit fixtures at 3 % per cent. There was n > orrow from the bank and 'bills were stead md idle , holders keeping back offering ! The stock market was occupied with th icttlcment. The tone was good , the war fc he moment being disregarded and th noney outlook being regarded as easlei Consols recovered yesterday's decline Americans were weak and hesitating , Nei fork selling , but Just before the- close Nei L'ork came In as a strong buyer all uroun md the close In the street was buoyani Uchlson preferred was In demand , as we ! L.S Southern Pacific , which touched 44T4 'arls 'bought ' Spanish 4s up to 6514 and tines os to 46 4 ; Anacondas were91316. . Of gel :30,000 was taken for Argentina. The week' mtflow was 410,000. Silver was strong o lontlnental demand. The following are the quotations for th eadlng stocks on the New York cxchang oday : Uchlson 22 % Texas & Pacific. . 181 do pfd 6514 Union Pacific 471 3altlmoro & O. . 5114 do pfd 75' Canadian Pac. . . . 9414 Wabash S : an. Southern. . . . 63 do pfd 22 } hes. & Ohio 274 Wheel. & L. E. . 101 Jhicago G. W. . . . 14 % do 2d pfd 291 : . , B. . & Q 131 i WIs. Central 281 : hl. , Ind. & L. . . ir/ & Adams Ex 112 forfolk fr W 264 National Steel. . . . 46 ? ; do pfd 70 | do pfd 94V for. Pacific 54S1N. Y. Air Brake.140 do pfd 714 North Amer 12Ti iptarlo & Wst , . 25lPacinc Coast . . . . WH < ) re. Ry. Sc. Nav. 42 do 1st pfd. . . . 85 do nfd 76 I do 2d pfd 66 'cnnBylvanla ' . . . .12) t Pacific Mall 4iy ! lending 20H People's Gns 11 ? do 1st pfd. . . . 5814 Pressed S. Car. . . B5 do 2d pfd. . . . 31 i do pfd ? ; tlo G. W 37U Pullman P. Car..l91 do pfd SUi Standard R. & T. W t. L. # 8. F 10 % Sugar 155M do 1ft pfd. . . . n do nfd 117 do 2d pfd. . . . 3S4 Ten-n. - Coal & I..115 * ; t. L. . Po-ithw. . . 13 U. 8. Leather. . . . 251 elo nfd 31U do pfd 79V t. Paul 12414 U. 8. Rubber 46W do pfd 171 do pfd 111V t , P. & Omab.116iA Wcstorn Union . . IW < outhern Pacific. 4is ; Republic T. & S. . 23i outhcrn ny 13'4 do pfd fft do pfd 67 P. C. C. & St. L. 74 nonton Stock Quotation * . BOSTON , Nov. 15. Call loans. 5Viif/7 per ? nt ; tlmo loans , 6VMJ15 per cent. Official losing quotations of stocks , bonds and d lngshares _ : . . , T. & S. F. . . . 2" WIs ? . Central 20 do pfd r * Dom. Coal 45 mer. Sugar 1S5'J do pfd 117 tell Telephone , ,351 Atfhl'on 97T loston & AWy.KX Adventure 6 loston Klovnti'dU . 'v Allouex Mln. Co. . P.v , loston & Me 2 < v > Atlantic 24U ' . . B. & Q 131i Boston & Mont..290 'Itchburg ' pfd..120 Butte & Boston , , 60 en. Electric 1224 Calumet ft Hoc,740 'edernl ' Steel 50 Centennial . . . . . . . 2 ? do pfd 78it Franklin 1615 lex. Central 12" . Hiiml-oliU 1U Id Colony . . . . . . . . 20W Osceoli . . . . . . . . . . . 8i | Id Dominion. . . , . 2RH Parrot 4IV5 : uhher 4fisi nnlncy 150 nlon Pacific 47 ° , j Panta Fe Copper. 7 nlon Land : i Tamarack .210 > 'el End 93 W < nona „ 7 do nfd 115 Wolverines 4IU I'efMnch. Elee. . . 41 Utah Mining 3514 Fort-Inn , PARIS. Nov. 15. Business on the bourse iduy opened hciOtntlnir , but prices hardened i the easy settlement. Money WOH abun- int. Spanish 4s continued to advance , lo Tlntos opened firm nnd hardened on iportant ro-purchases. K'nlHrt' were > firm jt Inaetlve. Three ner cent rentes. lOOf ? f , tn1 accoun- _ ! Exchange on linden , f 2IV4c for checks. Spanish 4s. 66 45 BBP.HN , Nov. 15.-Th rate for private be-ount today was U harder at fi per cent id was hesitating , although priced on the iur e were hardly affected thereby. Span , h 4s were firm on Paris advices. Amprl- ins and Canadian Pacific were dull. IM- ils were rtpady , FRANKFORT. Nov. la.-On the bourne day prices were llrm , but Inactive , owlne lo fears In regard lo the devclapments the money mnrkM. American securlt were easier In sympathy with the iidvli from Ntw York. LONDON , Nov. ir . American securlt after a. gond opening saggpd nnd wcro regular , but recovered from the lowest , the clew the tone was steady. The amoi : of bullion withdrawn from the Bank of Ei land on balance lodny was 30,00" . Oi premium nt Buenos Ayies , 135.SO. Spanl ' ' * 'IU''KNOS AYHES. Nov. 13.-The gold qv latlnn today was 131.SO. MADRID. Nov. 15.-Spnnlsh 4s closed I day at 72.1o. Gold was qtioteil nt 25.82. XIMV York Miuiry Mnrkot. NEW YOHK. Nov. 15-MONEY-On en easv nt EfiS per cent ; last loan at 3 per eel ruling rate , 7 per cent ; prime mercnnt pnner. 5 ; 5 ? ( ptr cent. STERLING EXCHANGE-FIrm , with n tunl business in bankers' bills nt JI.S5V 4.vi-4 lui ticmaiul aim nl 4. iei4.Sl i t sixty days ; posted rates , JI.SlVifM.K ni JI.8J1M.16J4 ; eommcrclal bills , JI. ! Oi/ . SILVER-Certillcntes , 6S4 < B Oc ; bar. 5Si Mexican dollars , 47' c. BONDS Government bonds. slead state bonds , Inactive ; railroad bonds , Irrc ill fir. | The following arc the closing qtiotatlo : on bonds ; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ U. S. 23 , rcg 100i J K. & T. 2s. . . 7 ( do 3s , rcgls..instil do 4 ! < . . . 0 ! do 3 % coupon..lOS'fc ' N. Y. Centr.il Is.11 : do new 4s , reR.123ti N. J. C. Ken. 6 . . .1U elo new 4.1 , coil.lID'd No. Car. 63 121 do old 4s , re-g..I12i do 4s 101 No. Pac. Ists . . . .IK New York Mlnlnc Stack * . NEW YORK. Nov. 13. The followlr are the olllclal closing quotations for mlnlr shares : Chollar 27 Ontario 775 Crown Point : 12 Ophlr 95 C. , C. & Va 110 Plymouth 20 Dead wood 6n Quicksilver ISO Gould & Curry. . . 2i do nfd 75D Hale & Norcross. 10 Sierra Nevada. . . . S3 Homostake 6500 Rtindar'd 273 Tron SI ver 53 Union Con 3" Mexican 45 Yellow Jacket. . . . 23 London Stock f ( otn < lonn. LONDON , Nov. 15. 4 p. m.-Closlng : Cons7Tmoney..l03 11-16.N. . Y. Central.7Tr.140 BAR SILVER-271-16a. MONEY-jSlifM per cent. The rate of dl count In the open market for short bill 4 % per cent ; for three months' bills , 4T4J per cent. Ilniik NEW YORK. Nov. 13. Clearings , $217,566 720 ; balances , J9.418.C75. BOSTON. Nov. 15. Clearings , J25,718,19 ! balances. J1.741.5SS. BALTIMORE. Nov. 15. Clearings , $4,005 OSS : balances. $387,721. PHILADELPHIA , Nov. lo.-Clearlngi J23.3S7.757 : balances. $1,938,845 : sterling c > change , $4. 8304.87 ; New York exchange , 6 premium. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 13. Clearings. J3.8S5.64 : balances. JC6S.462 ; money , 4@8 per cent ; Ne' York exchange , 75c discount Tld , 50c dls count asked. CoN < JUIan4"of the Tronnnrr. WASHINGTON , , iNov. 15. Today's state ment of the condition , of the treasur shows : Available cash balance. $291,222,852 gold reserve , J235,096,917. Cotton Mn'cket. NEW YORK , Npv. 15.-COTTON-Cotto made fair progress In an upward dlrectloi this morning , but 1n most of the sf-sslo ; there wan a feeling of nervousness apparon In the pit generated by persistent clrcula tlon of conflicting rumora as 4o the feelln abroad. Shorts were made extremely un easy by an estimate of a crop of 8.700,00 bales. Following , as It did last night , th estimate of 9,000,000 bales , the bears mad r.n effort to cover , and this , together will uctlve. buying for Wall street , sent price ; up 4Qd points on the opening call and gav the market n steady tone. The tradlni level immediately following the openini was 9JJ12 points above last night , .but late profit-taking caused a substantial reaction Liverpool responded to our advance of yes terday to the satisfaction of holders here liut lost a good share of the Improvomen before our market opened under heavy re ullzlng nnd bear hammering. Receipts no Dnly In the Interior , but at the ports as well fell short of the amounts predicted early litho the week. Dispatches reported an advanci Df ! -16c ( In southern spot markets Within the last few minutes the marke Iropped rapidly under heavy realizing am bear selling and closed weak , with a ne loss of 1H3 ( points. LIVERPOOL , Nov. I5.-COTTON-Spot fair demand : prices l-16d higher ; America ! middling , fair , 415-32d ; good middling , 4 ! < d lllddllng. 43-32d ; . low middling , 3 29-32d rood ordinary. 323-32d ; ordinary , 3 17-32d The sales of the day were 10,000 bales , o which 500 were for speculation and expon md Included 9,500 American ; receipts , 5,10 jalos , nil Amerlca'n. Futures opened Urn md closed barely steady at the advance ( Vmcrlcnn middling , 1. m. c. , November I l-64d , buyers ; November and December Id , buyers ; December and January , 363-64d > uyers ; January and February , 3 62-6ld Buyers ; February and March. 3 61-6155 ! 62-64d , buyers ; March and April. 3 61-64d Buyers ; April and Slay , 3 61-C4d , sellers Hay and June , 3 60-61fin 61-64d. buyers ; June Hid July. 3 60-64JJ3 61-64d. sellers ; July and \UKtist , 300-01(1 , sellers ; August and Se.p , ember. 3 5S-64d. sellers. NEW ORLEANS. Nov. 15.-COTTON- Julot ; sales , 1,800 bales ; ordinary , 5 ll-16c teed ordinary. 63-16c : low middling. 6c ! nlddllng , 71 c ; good middling , 7c ; middling 'air. 711-16c ; receipts , 9,178 bales ; stock , 03,532 balea , Futures steady at the decline ; November. J6.97 bid ; December , 36.97fifi.99 fnnuary. J6.97Ji6.9S : February. $7.00ff7.01 | , Iarch. J7.02 < 77.03 ; April , J7.03fl7.03 : May. 7.0307.0C : June. $7.06i f7.0S ; July , J7.07Tj7.09i Vugust , J6.935lfi.97 ; September , JC.70Q6.72 ; Go ober , J6.62fiti.64. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 15.-COTTON-Qulet and inchanged ; no sales ; middling , 71c : re- clpts , 9,818 bales ; shipments , 9,257 , bales ; lock. 94,193 bales. GALVESTON , Nov. 15.-COTTON-Stc.ady it 76-160. Dry iiooiln Market. NEW YORK , Nov. 15.-DRY GOODS- ' 'urther advances In bleached cotton to. lay. SellcrH Indifferent ; demand fair , irown cottons strong throughout , but not notably higher ; coarse colored cottons also trong ; general demand fair ; print cloths teady ; wide gray goods strong ; prints In ; oed demand for spring woolen and i-orsted dress goods selling- well for spring , inrket tending against buyers ; silks gener- , lly llrm for piece goods. California Urii-il NEW YORK. No\v 15.-CALIFORNIA > HIED FRUITS Evaporated apples , coni- non , 6jj7c : prime wire tray , 7iOSo : choice , l4tS',4c ? ' ; fancy. 84fi9c. ! Prunes. 3l4fT8 > , tc. iprlrotH , Royal , 13jT15c ; Moor Park , 15fil8o. "caches , peeled , 20Q22c ; impeded , Oil .At ii r lit- 1. LONDON , Nov. 15 , OILS-Calcutta lln- eod. spot. 41s 6d. Linseed oil , 22s 3d. Tur- entlno spirits , 37s 9d , St. I.oulH Mvf Stock. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 15. CATTLE-HecclptS. 600 head , Including -.000 Texnns ; market teady to Btronc ; native shipping nnd exert - ort steers , J5.OOfi6.5Q ; dressed beef and utcher stt-erf , jl.COf)5.S5 ) ; tdcers under l.ooo js , , $3.00 } } 1,75 ; Htockern nnd feeders , J2.3C4J ,40 , : "OWH nnd helferH. J2.0fyfi4.60 ; cunners , l.00f.75 ! ; bulls. J2.00fl3.2i : Texas and In- lan lifers. J3.40fi > l.75. the top being for fed ; nwo and hclfcrs , J2.30Jj3.65. HOGS Receipts. 7.200 head ; market Bo > wer ; pigs and lights. J3. ! > 0ff4.00 ; puckers , 1.90fr4.(6 : 'butchers. Jl.00fi4.10. 8HE10P AND LAMHS-Ilecelpts , 1.200 ead ; market lower : native muttons , J3.50W 25 ; lambs. J3.55iJI.15 : Htockcrs , J2.0fj3.10 ; nils and bucks , J2.60fja.50 ; Texas sheep , .Stock In Following are the receipts nt the four rlnclpal western markets for November 15 : Cattle. HORH. Sheep. outh Omaha . 5.567 8.891 3,9fc9 hlcugo . ll.COO 3S.OOO 15.000 iaiisus City . ll..fiO 13,700 1.500 t. Louis . . . . 3.600 7,200 1.200 Totals . , . 3I,3 7 67 731 ZlTesa OMAHA LIVE STOCK HARKE Fair Eeoaipts of All Kinds of Stock I Middle of Week. GOOD BEEF CATTLE ARE ABOUT STEAC IlnU Knt Stuff Knalcr ( Jood Kecilc Arc "Wnnted , Other * Arc HORN Srll n l.ltttlc IiO nnil Clone ! lnil. SOUTH OMAHA. Nov. 13. Receipts were : Cattle HOBS. Shee Official Monday 6.729 4,050 4J OIIIcal ! Tuesday 6,303 lO.Otio 3,1 Oniclal Wednesday. 6,567 S.S9I 3,0 Thrco < 1nya thla week..17,601 23.009 12.1 Same days Inst week. . . . 12,974 1W > 16,2 Same days week before..Itioi5 : 21,105 t'.fi ' Snnio three \v ela ago..19,70. ! 18,40 ? S > ,5 AvcroBo price paid lor hogs for the lui several days with comparisons : - - . . . . - „ _ of cn.ra ot stoc brought In today by each road was : Ctt"-0 - SllCC' ' C , , M. &Bt. P. Ry. . - Missouri Pacific Hy. 23 11 U. P. pystem 46 21 13 C. ft N. W. Hy 3 1 K. M. V. n. H. 51 34 St. P. , M. & O. Hy . 12 11 H. & M. H. U. H. . . . ; . S2 28 B. & M. H. U. IV. . S3 36 t' . , H. I. & P. Hy. , K. . 2 36R C. , U. 1. & P. Hy. , W. 4 3 Totals . 327 140 19 The disposition of the day's receipts wa as follows , each buyer purchasing the mini ber of head Indicated : Buyers. Cattle. Hoes. Sh'r Omaha Packing Co . OS 1,2.14 O. II. Hammond Co . 531 i,37 4' ' Swift and Company . 713 2,000 4'li Cudahy Packing Co . 1,30 ? 1.500 2,1 ! Armour & Co . 271 2.714 Omaha P. Co. , Kan. City. l Cudahy , Kansas City . 461 S15 R. Becker & Degan . SS . Vansant & Co . 124 J. L. Carey . 69 I/obman & Co . 314 . ! W. I. Stephen . 56 Benton & Underwood . 36 . Huston & Co . 76 Livingstone & Schnller. . . 213 . Hamilton & Rothschild. . 401 . L. F1. Husz . 93 Other buyers . 39 ? . . . . re ; Held over . SOO 250 K Totals . 6,178 O.SS9 lia CATTLE-Good beef cattle were stead.\ but holders of half fat stuff were Incline to look upon the trade as n little easier an perhaps It would come nearer to the trut to call the market steady to a little easle Buyers , however , were claiming that thel purchases were costing Just as much a yesterday. For the week It Is safe to sa that the market Is lOiJfloc lower , with hal fat and unfinished cattle the worst suffer ers. The demand 'was good and the moa of the cattle changed hands In good seosoi Good grass beef steers were also good sel ers at steady prices. Cows and heifers were In good deman and the market did not show much Chang as compared with yesterday. The most o the offerings were taken t-arly and seller as a rule were entirely satls ilcd with re suits. It will be noted that canners ar In good demand and se-lllng unusuoll high. Good feeding cattle wcro Just abou steady , but the market was slow and wea ! on everything else. Speculators did no succeed In disposing of all their holding yesterday and were a little cautious. Hep resentatlvo sales : BEEF STEEIia No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. . . .1005 3 00 30. . . .1032 5 50 ; 1. .1120 3 25 40. . . .1243 5 50 4. . ' . 895 3 40 18. . . , .1411 550 3. . . 923 3 BO 1. . . . ,1140 5 50 3. . . 736 3 50 .1310 5 55 11. , , .1030 3 60 12. ,1150 , 5 53 23. , . . 931 4 03 1. .1210 5 55 5. , , .674 4 35 42. .1203 5 60 I. . , .1080 4 75 19. ,1113 5 60 8. , , . 760 4 75 17. ,1403 5 G5 15. . , .1002 4 90 19. ,1241 , 5 75 7. , , .1054 5 15 21. ,12S8 5 90 16. . , .1115 5 25 36. , 1400 6 05 35. . , .1222 530 20. , 1421 6 05 19. . .1142 5 30 STEERS AND STAGS. .13SG 5 00 00COWS. COWS. 910 2 50 1. ,1020 , 3 40 910 2 60 17. 1039 3 45 .1260 3 50 1090 3 50 1100 350 1260 3 65 1156 3 65 1230 .1 65 996 3 70 1086 3 75 977 3 85 1256 3 00 1070 .1 03 1400 4 00 12CO 4 00 1180 4 00 1075 4 10 1200 4 25 R15 3 55 880 3 75 1330 4 00 787 4 33 055 4 50 060 4 65 3 10 U40 3 15 320 .1 25 240 .1 45 BSO 3 50 1020 3 CO 1750 3 65 1370 383 1513 4 00 150 678 4 20 KfiO 4 20 1870 4 25 07.1 4 23 001 .1 75 1 , 910 4 3.- ! > 17 3 00 25. 680 4 35 642 4 15 NEBRASKA. 2 feeders. . 877 4 20 10 steers..1192 3 00 I cows ! G5 2 60 1 cow 800 2 60 i feeders. . 02S 3 25 59 cows 1074 3 55 5 cows 1000 2 50 1 feeder. . . 820 4 01 I bull 1580 2 00 3 feeders. . 813 3 40 ) feeders. 868 3 TS 8 feeders. . 905 4 CO I feeder. . 890 3 00 1 feeder. . . 9SO 4 03 ) feeders. , 997 4 05 4 feeders.,1121 4 03 I feeders. , 710 4 2l ) 1 cow. . , , , ,1110 3 23 I cow . . 910 323 6 cows , . , , 933 4 00 r cows. , . . OSS 2 75 8 bulls , . . , .1361 2 70 i cows. . . . 912 2 85 2 bulls. . . , .1335 2 W ) I cow. . . . .1170 285 30 cows , . . , , iai2 3 35 I cow. . . . .1000 333 21 cows. , . , .1022 3 25 1 COWH , . . . 050 2 85 5 cows. . , , 07R 4 03 'cows , . . .mi 3 15 22 steers. . , 936 4 OT ! cows T213 3 0 1 heifer. . . 950 4 23 1 cows 10fl < 5 295 1 bull 1800 3 r 14 BteerH. . . , Oil 4 15 1 cow. . . 670 2 25 i steers..1231 I 20 1 cow. . . 800 275 r steers. . . . 612 435 18 COWH. . . 997 3 25 1 steers. . . .1114 4 60 1 cow. . . . 920 .1 "S 1 cow 1130 3 35 2 cows. . . 900 3 IK 1 cows 870 335 1 cow. . . . 940 2 75 1 COW. . . . .1010 2 85 1 bull , . . .1520 275 I cows , . . . 035 2 00 I COWB , . , . 066 2 60 WYOMING. ! Hteers..l250 4 B5 20 cows. . 911 ! 3 00 I steers..125:1 : 4 SO 13 COWS. . 9SO 3 75 ! cows 1145 3 85 85IDAHO IDAHO , cow 020 3 23 51 feeders. . 872 420 cow O O 3 60 SOUTH DAKOTA. steer 1110 3 55 1 heifer. . . 630 3 00 ! stern,1026 : i & ' > 2 steers..1035 .1 50 bull 1 * 00 2 23 1 bull 1110 2 00 bull 1150 2 60 1 bull 1700 2 60 bull 1110 2 CO I bull 1150 26Q COLORADO. i feeders , , 840 3 70 21 fecderH. , 814 .1 W i feeders , . 761 2 85 1 feeder. . . SCO n 23 f feeders. 6'JH 420 DCOWH 763 275 COW 1110 273 2cows 730 275 T. H. Irwln-Neh , feeder. . . S70 3 &fl 6 feeders. . 766 4 10 feeder. . . 820 4 20 2 feeders , . 765 i 10 stcerf..llCO 4 00 Joe Scott Wyo. cow 10.10 325 22 cows 1016 375 cow 910 250 I.OUIH LInd Wyo , feeders , . 857 400 1 fender. . . 790 4 00 If. Bell-S , D. feeders. . & 95 4 on A. D. Marrott Neb. ] feeders. 841 3 80 liolmcr & Gullfollo Neb , bull nCO 300 35 feeders , . 809 370 43 cows . < C9 .1(0 ( 1 feeder. . . 1000 2 & 1 COW . 920 3 40 1 eow . 9 0 3 4' ' 7 cows . S7S 3 00 1 eow . . 700 3 f W. L. White-Neb , 37 cows . 102.1 .170 13 cows . 1074 3 7 < 7 cows . 1037 3 00 J. U Ilakcr Idaho. 31 feeders. . SI1 ? 4 05 J. N. Tollman-Mont. i" steers. . . .1127 430 9 bulls . IMS 27' ' 9 steers. . . ,11.11 425 6 COWS . 1WO 33 43 steer ? . . . . 1,130 4 50 F. A. Williams Colo. 49 steers. . . .1 47 4 33 F. W. Smyllc-Colo. 4 n leer. ' . . . . 912 350 1 steer . 1100 37 : 49 feeders S2S 4 10 WIIIHlin Maxwell-Colo. 40 steers. . . . Wo 420 1 bull . 1210 2 R 3:1 : heifers. . 771 335 1.1 bulls . 1031 2 1 heifer. . . 700 3 2rt . ' , bulls . 12I < ? 2R 1.1 steers , . . . 975 335 2 steers. . . .1230 3 .M 1 feeder. . . 670 4 10 2 bulls . 750 .1 3 46 cows . . . . S3J 315 21 cows . 922 3 .T It. Rogers Idaho. 5 fcedcrf. . 692 4 Oil 5 feeders. . 911 3 M 2 bulls . S30 325 2 heifers. . 903 371 40 feeders. . 911 393 1 bull . 1170 27 ! Philip Bath-Wyo. 1 feeder. . . S9.1 . 3 $5 4 feeders. . 90S 4 2 ; 11 feeder ? . . J97 42.5 2 feeders. . 815 38' 4 spprs..ll70 | 4 3d 2 steers. . . . 920 3 ( ( 2 bulls . 1120 3 in 1 bull . 6SO B Of 1 bull . 770 3.15 2 cows . 560 27 ; 10 cown . SI1 ? 275 3 cow.o . 96.1 34 ? 13 cows . 991 ? 3 45 1 feeder. . . 770 3 M William Hcynolds-Wyo. 10 feeders. . 106S 470 II feeders. . 575 41' 1 feeder. . . 700 375 1 feeder. . . S20 3 7J B. J. McQuirc Neb. 2 cows . 1010 3 2n 1 cow . 10M 3 .TS 1 cow . 740 2 7ti 61 feeders. . 619 3 S5 1 cow . 9CO 275 16 cows . 70S 300 1 cow . 1210 3 20 4 cows . 95 2 60 2 heifers. . S75 3 00 9 heifer * . . 712 3 15 James McMllllan Neb. 7 cows . 1014 3 f > 0 f. cows . 80S 250 11 cows . 91S 3 00 1 cow . Sl 2 BO J. W. Thornley Utah. 62 feeder. " . . fOS 4 00 29 feeders. . 97 4 00 11 feeders. . ? 60 4 00 15 feeder * . . nSS 400 J. Lever Ncli. 1 hull . 5SO ,100 1 bull . fW 30ft 1 bull . 1200 .1 CO 1 bull . llOrt 273 10 cows . SOS 2 63 1 cow . 710 2 03 1 cow . 930 2 63 .1 cows . 900 2 63 W. Morris-South Dakota. 6 steers. . . .1290 463 6cows . 1035 360 Kirk Dyer Wyoming. 73 feeders. . 93 4 2a 23 cows . 9 3 3 60 13 COWS . 9S4 293 J. F. iMcCauslIn Wyoming. 11 cows . 1028 3 70 C. D. Palmer Colorado. 13 cows . law 310 11 cows . 1003 300 J. J. Hunter Wyoming. 2lcows . 914 3 f5 Sbulls . 131S 290 HOGS There was a very active dcnian this morning and .the market opened prctt close to steady , or , In other words , stead to a shade lower. Such hoes as buyci wanted sold rapidly until about fifty load had changed hands and then all of a sue : den the market cnmc to a standstill on ac count of the lower market reported fret Chicago and the filling of the more urger orders. Buyers then began talking J3.S5 ( 3.S7V4 and as sellers did not seem Incline to yield at once the market became ver dull and for : i tlmo nothing was dolnj Quite a number of the hogs did not arriv until after the slump and on all such th best bid tlr.it sellers could get was J3.S35 3.8714. The market continued very slow an dull until the close. Representative sales : No. Av. Sti. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 51 . 341 80 $3 85 58 . 29 ? SO 330 52. . . . . .294 42 . 116 16 . 294 47 . 3.17 24 . 328 81 . 250 70 . 2S8 75 . 27S 45 . 325 28 . 213 . . _ 69 . 303 . . . 3 S7M , 93 . 240 200 3 00 77 . 153 . . . 3 S7ife 62 . 263 SCO 300 47 . 317 80 3 S7'.i 60 . 231 160 390 62 . 301 . . . 387'4 123 . 2DO 100 .190 CO . 300 SO 3871,4 94 . 226 SO 300 57 . 326 . . . S S7',4 65 . 26.1 SO .1.10 95 . 230 SO 3 S7 % SO . 237 40 .190 66 . 279 200 3 8714 06 . 275 SO .190 19 . 292 120 3 571 < ! 61 . 299 SO 300 GO . 271 40 387 % 74 . 288 SO 390 70 . 289 120 3 S7 > 4 68 . 277 40 3 90 78 . 181 120 3 87',4 51 . 300 80 390 7J . 240 40 3871.4 68 . 32S . . . 390 58 . 301 40 38714 47 . 342 . . . 390 78 . 269 160 387' 69 . 266 . . . 390 57 . 293 120 390 03 . 254 . . . 3 92U 52 . 259 120 390 59 . 2.13 . . . 3 02'/4 H . 271 120 3 90 75 . 251 . . . 392(4 ( 28 . 277 160 390 52 . 350 80 3 92H , 16 . 288 SO 300 58 . 223 . . . 39214 ! 2 . 110 . . . 390 S9 . 210 40 3 02M , 57 . 263 40 390 tT . ,327 80 3921.6 < 9 . 208 120 390 59 . 345 . . . 3 92 ' 4 19 . 296 . . . 390 56 . 294 . . . 3921,4 il..30S 80 390 67 . 291 40 3 92V $ il . SOS 120 390 BS . 2S1 . . . 39214 17 . 299 SO 300 BO. < . . . . 2S4 . . . 3921,4 ! 3 . 283 160 39078. . ' . 212 120 392V ? .9 . . 27ff . . . 300 5S ; . 2S1 . . . 39214 3 . 312 SO3 90 60 . 281 . . . 3 9214 ' 1 . 261 . . . 390 66 . 229 200 3924 ,1 . 400' . . . 390 K6 . 232 40 3 92'4 ' ' 4 . 218 SO 390 OT . 22S 120 3 92'.4 ' 3 . 271 . . . 390 SS . 199 . . . 3921/4 18 . 312 . . . 390 95 . 187 160 .192 % il . 291 SO 390 71 . 2S1 40 3 92Mi ' 0 . 306 SO 3 90 85 . 2.i4 120 ,192V. > 9 . 330 40 390 61 . 231 SO 3 92V4 5 . 245 . . . 300 K6 . 26fi 40 395 ' 5 . S3 ! 40 300 74 . 250 . . . 393 9 . 270 SO 390 61 . 30.1 . . . 395 0 . 262 40 .190 61 . 259 80 393 9 . 254 80 390 77 . 247 240 395 0 . 262 40 ,190 73 . 245 120 305 1 . 306 200 3 90 81 . 225 . . . 303 r > . 276 . . . 390 89 . 237 . . . 3 9T 8 . 293 SO 3 00 7.1 . 2-57 . . . 393 8 . 241 SO 300 7 ? . 240 80 395 4 . 307 40 300 88 . 251 SO .105 1 . 286 2HO 390 66 . 211 . . . 393 9 . 211 320 300 53 . 243 . . . .1 & 5 5 . 264 . . . .190 B5 . 290 ICO 395 3 . 276 . . . 390 71 . 228 SO 39.3 SHEEP There wan only n moderate run gain today , while there was at the same Ime the usual good demand , so that the uirkot on all desirable kinds of killers was ctlvo nnd steady to strong. The buyers rero out early nnd the pens were soon leared of everything desirable. The feeder situation doe.s not show any laterlal change. Generally speaking , the ; eder market Is slow , though there seems ) bo n prettyValr demand 1'or good feeder earlliiBS. Quotations : Good to choice fed wcthorf , .35fi'4.50 ; good to choice fed yearlings , .407J4.60 ; good to choice gra8 < wethers. J4.15 4.35 ; fair to good grass wethers. Jl.flnj4.10 ; sod to choice grass ewes. S1.6flg3.85 : fair > good grass owes , J3.23iJ3.50 : good to lolce wcptcrn lambs , $3.00 (5.25 ; fair to good estern Iambs , H.75P4.90 ; feeder wethers , .63f33.73 ; feeder yearlings. J3.75j3.95 : good > eholco feeder lambs. S4.25@ > l.40 ; fair teed > od feeder lambs , $1,0004,25. Hepresent- Ivo sales : o. Av. Pr. 5 fed ewes . 101 J3 ! I westerns , mixed fed . 01 4 45 1 yearling . SO 450 9 fed yearlings . 91 450 2 Mexican yrlgs. and wethers. . 75 4 ( JO 2 western lambs . 77 525 7 culls . 85 1 75 0 culls . 110 375 2 old ewes . 100 .175 1 buck . 110 375 3 feeding lambH . 47 400 0 lumbs . 71 425 \vestern 1 yearlings . 75 4 25 2 yearlings . 100 450 3 lambs , . ' . 83 525 0 western yearllngH. . 75 4 25 9 fed owes . 133 4 50 3 fed owes . 13.1 4 50 D fed ewes . Ill 450 1 fed owes . 118 4 50 IIICACil ) IIVK STOCK MAIIKKT. neil Cnltlc Arc Strung irllli Prlci'H n Trlllo HlKlK-r. CHICAGO. Nov. lo.-CATTLE-Good to ioco ! grades strong to lOo higher ; range , ttlo stronger to a shade higher ; butchers' nek nnd cannon * firm ; stockerH and feod- a. Hteady ; good to choice , J.COfi'i.SS : poor edlum. Jl.lX/id.GO ; stockerH , J3. < XK(3.73 ( ; so- ctod feeders , $ l,25f)4.70 ; good to choice , iws , J3.60f/4.60 ; heifers. $3.755.20 | ; eannors , s and feeders , $2.75WI.OO ; culls , JJ.50ft2.75. W&3.00 ; bulls , J2.406.I.OO : enlves , Jl.ooft7.00 ; d Texas hcci'pH , $4.60f5,00 | ; grass 1'pxann , 65 ? ! 4.25 ; western rant' " beeves , JI.OOtJ6.25. HOGS Market generally 5c lower ; mixed id butchers , { 3.851(4.15 ; good lo eholco 'uvy. ' J3.90ffl.721i ; rough heavy. J3.75f 3.90 ; ; ht. J3.S5JJ4.0) : liulk of sales , | 3.9Jf ( 1,60. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts. 1.200 mbs. active at Hteady prices ; native welh- s , J3,76f1,60 ; lambs. Jl.00fi5.25 ; western [ there. Jl.00fll.50 ; western lambs , Jl,75ft' ' 5. 5.llECEIPTSCattle. . 14,000 head ; hogs , 38- ) head ; sheep , 15,000 head. \ < MV York lili Kloi'lc. NEW YORK. Nov. IS.-HKICVES-Rn- IptH , 3,441 head ; market slow nnd lUH15c wcr ; 11 cars , half of which were rou li uff , unsold : steers , J1.WftG.10 ; oxen and ilgH , J2.005.00 ; bulls , J2.25t74.15 ; COWH. fflifl.W. Cables hteady. Exports , 824 'ad ' cattle , 26 head uhcup and 8,900 iimr- | ro of beef. . 'ALVES-Rccelpts , 1,629 head ; Hteady id 25o lower ; grassers firmly ; several nches unsold ; \ealH , Jt.75fl8.25 ; tops , J3.5Q ; tlo calves , JI.OO ; Brassers , J2.50f 3.15 ; ye.ir- igH. J2.25fo2.75. 3IIEEP AND LAMBfi-Recclpts , 12.157 ad ; Mherp Hlow ; lambs opened Hteady to m and closed lOc off ; sheep , J2.50ijl.30 ; 11s , J2.23 ; lambs , Jl.50fin.50 : Canadian nibs. J5.35f/5.50 ; cullH. J3.5Qftl.00. UOaH-Rccelpti ) . 10,392 head ; Blow at 30&4.40 ; choice light state IIOKH , JI.50. < ' ! ( > llv Stork. KANSAS CITY , Nov. 15.-CATTLI3-RC. ipts. 9&fX > native * , i.ioo Texunx ; Improved mand for all gradex ; common ptecrB cady to a Khudo higher ; no choice native > nrs offered ; common and lightweights , 80fl5.5 ; mockers and fec-dem. J3.20Jjf4.50 ; itclicr cowa and heifers , J3,10fJ4.2a ; can ners , JltMM.OO : fed -western Meers , M.1M ? M i range alters , J30 > fji.35 ; Texuns , J3. O > " head ; brisk demand for killing lambs ; sup ply short ; muttons and feeders , Mendyj lamb * . $ . ( X > ! J5.00 ; mutton ! ' . J.1.&MII.OO ; Mock- nnd feeders. J2.7.1jT I.W ; culls. Ji.GOif2,7S , SUPREME COURT SYLLABI. No. 9003. Peal against Farmers' and Mer chants' Insurance Company. Affirmed , fc < jr..from I'nncastcr county. Sullivan , J. 1. When an application for an Insurancfl policy Is oral nnd tin Inquiry Is made an In the character and condition of the. title to the property to be Insured a failure to dis close the existence of Incumbrances will not , in HIP absence of fraud , avoid the V policy. f 2. A mln.ctatfme.nt In nn application for n policy of Insurance of a. material fart In- < Y1C | t > 'o acceptance of the risk will avoid the policy , 3. A misrepresentation as lo the amount nsured. where the policy Is conditioned that II will be void If the property be mort gaged or otherwise Incumbered without notice to nnd consent of the company en dorsed thereon , will. In the absence of a waiver , avoid the , policy. No. 10913. Sweenlc against State. He. versed. Error from Butler county. Sulll- van , .1. 1. After the trial of n criminal action has commenced it is error for the court to per- mil the name of a witness for the Mate to be endorsed on the Information. 2. The mischievous effect of Riving nn erroneous Instruction to the Jury Is not cured by giving another which correctly states the principle of law Involved. 3. No presumption of law. either con clusive or returnable , arises from the fact that an unmarried man ami a married woman had sexual Intercourse on one occa sion while dwelling together In the ac knowledged relation of master and servant. 4. A Jury might be authorized , In a proper case' , to presume the existence of an ndul- terous relationship from sporadic acts of sexual commerce. 5. By , nectlon 208 of the Criminal Code It Is unlawful for persons not Joined together In wedlock to live In n state of adultery , e-lther secretly or openly , whether they pro fess to live In the marital state or not. No. 10o99. Farmers' and Merchants' Bank. Holsteln. against German National Hank. Affirmed. Error from Lancaster county. Jvorv.il , J. 1. Notice of nn application of the appoint- inent of a receiver Is required to be given nt least tlvo elays before the proposed hear ing. The party adverse to the application may waiver the statutory notice and will bo held to nave done so when ho has ap peared and resisted the application entirely upon other grounds. 2 , When proper notice has been given , or' the parties Interested have voluntarily ap peared the court may appoint as receiver / a suitable person other than the one pro- ' pored or named by the plaintiff or nftpll- \ cant without the giving formal notice of such proposed action to the parties. .1. The application or petition for a re ceiver should lie verified by the applicant , nut the verification Is not essential to Juris- tllcllon nnd the omission to verify may bo waived. 4. When a cause Is remanded by this court ivlth directions as to further proceedings : he court below has no power to do anv- Ihlng but carry out the directions thus liven It , No. 10122. Bennett ngalnst McDonald. Reversed. Error from Douglas county. , 1. Alleged error must be specifically assigned - I signed In a petition In error or they will lot be reviewed. 2. An assignment In a petition In error hat the court erred In sustaining an ob- fctlon to a question of a certain number ouml on a page of a designated number U lufllclcntly specific to present the ruling for 'evlew. 3. An objection to testimony on the rround that It Is "Incompetent. Irrelevant aid Immaterial" Is sufficiently definite and peclflc. 4. An Insolvent debtor may , If necessary , onvey all his property to one creditor n payment of a Just debt , although It nay defeat the collection of other claims. 5. Questions propounded .to a witness nust not assume the existence of a fact lot proven In the cause. 6. An assignment in a petition In error hat "tho court erred In overruling tha ibjectlons of plaintiff In error to each of ho following questions , giving tha number f the question and the page of the record diero found , Is sufficiently specific to en- Itlo the party to have the same rc- lewcd. 7. In an action for" conversion the fair mrket value of the property "at the tlmo nd plnco whcro appropriated , with Inter- st , Is the measure of compensation. S. A witness should not bo permitted to Ivo hearsay testimony. No. 10,229. Oliver against Lansing. , Re- ersed. Appeal from Lancaster county , larval , J. 1. When after real estate has been sold nder a decree In partition nnd the pur"- base money has been paid Into court , but cforo the delivery of the deed , < 4no of lie parties to the suit Injures or removes xtures which passed by the Bale , the pur- baser may have the same rescinded , or t his election the court may In the par- itlon null award him compensation for nmagcs sustained out of the share of tha urchaso money In Its hands belonging to 10 transgressing party. 2. An estoppel In pals Is not available ! i a stranger to the transaction. 3. Ordinarily the requisites of a flxturo re : I. Actual annexation to the realty , or imethlng appurtenant therto. 2. Appro , rial ion to the use or purpose of that part t the realty with which It Is connected. ) The Intention of the onn making the an- j oxntlon to make the article a permanent f ccesslon to the freehold , this Intention * 3lng gathered from the nature of rtlclcs afllxcd , the relation and situation r the person making the same , the struc- ire and mode of annexation , and the pur- [ iso or use for which It has been made. Yeoman ngalnst Lynch , S Neb , , 192 , fol- 4. Evidence examined and held not to istaln the findings of the trial court. No. 8,054. Dunn against Bozarth. Af- rmed. Error from Gage county. Sulll- van , J. The reception of evidence tendered by 10 defendant after n decision ngalnst him J i a demurrer to plaintiff's ) evidence Is L ) t error. V 2. It IB within the discretion of the court i permit a defendant , durlne the coursn ' the trial , to amend hlfl answer so as to esent a new defense. 3. In such case the plaintiff. If not pro- ircd to meet the now Issue , may have a nitlnuanco of the cause noon such terms i the court may deem just. 4. On facts wet forth In the opinion , held at an amendment to the answer was nperly made and became part of the recd - d In the case. ; . This court will not take judicial nero - r-o of the rules of practice of the district lurt. To bo considered such rules must i made a part of the record. j , Whcro an amended answer presents consistent defenses the appropriate rem- ly Is tn require defendant to elect upon lilch defense ho will proceed , If them bo election the ob- i motion to roqulro an ctlon that Inconsistent defenses are pro- nted will bo waived , I A husband may transfer property to s wlfn In payment of a debt duo her , ovlded It Is not elono with Intent to bin- T , delay or defraud his creditors ; and en though he bo guilty of fraud In the atter , mich transfer will bn valid If the Ifo was Ignorant of , or did not partlct- , to In , the fraudulent purpose of her hus- i , A wlfo may enforce her Just claims jnlust her husband on the name ternm cept an to the quantum of proof as other editors. In HUCI | case she must show at the debt was genuine ; that her pur se was honest nnd that she acted In good Ith In obtaining payment. i. Where credit was not obtained on th Ith of property convoyed by an Insolvent isband to his wife , there IH , In an action a creditor , no bnfds for nn estoppel nlnst her assertion of ownership of such opcrty. AiinTli-nn OrnltlioloKlitx Meet. MIILADELPHIA. Nov. 15. There was a go attendance of women at today's scs- in of thn seventeenth annual meeting of a American Ornithologists' union. A mber of papers of Interest were read and icussed , JAMES E. BOYD & GO , , clcplionc 1030. Omaha , Neb COMMISSION , RAIN , PROVISIONS and STOCKS BOARD OF TRADB. Jlre't wire * lo C'blcvKe , u < < .Stir Tore. ; rr * pundtnlil John _ - . Warrtn * O _ > roue /RRPEMHEYaCO. G CooM4MrurEBU > a ; 'BRANCH . OMAHA nra. " '