TIIE OMAHA DATliY BEE : SATURDAY , NOVEMBER 11 , 189J ) . 0 COALDEAVER'S ' BAG OF COLD Savings of Many Years' Toil Disappaar from the Pockets of G. W , Blain. COLORED MAN ON TRIAL FOR THE THEFT lllnlii IN nineoiiKolato Oer the lo * of IflN ( , 'herlfthed TroitHiirci Kept 111 it ( Jrenny Poiiuh Defendant I'rolen n Innocence- . A' coalhcavcr , working for Iho scant wages commanded by thai line of toll , Is the prosecuting witness In a ciuo wherein ho alleges that n hag of gold amounting to $430 at stolen from him. O.V. . Illnln Is hla name nml ho has lived In Omaha many years. Jefferson Dates , colored , Is the defendant. The case Is on trial bcfora Judge Dakcr. U wan revealed by the testimony that for many years Dlaln had slowed away n part oj every dollar ho earned. U made no dif ference to him how many current needs were pressing , ho would not break his rule. Soinctlmet ho did not have regular employ ment and had to draw upon his savings , but ho did so with the reluctance of n miser , and always made up the difference out of his next receipts. Illnln hod but llttlo fnlth In banks. The panic of 1893 , which swept the country from ocean to ocean , Intensified this distrust. "Tho old greasy bag Is as good a bank as I need , " said Ulaln , ' and every pay day added now coin to the savings. Hlaln worked at various coal yards. Ilia faithfulness at work made him In demand. Ho said llttlo about the treasure pouch ho carried , but such anomaly was bound to become known and it came to bo generally talked that "Illaln had a nest egg. " Ho developed n penchant for gold and whenever ho received his pay ho hurried to a bank and exchanged silver or bills for the equivalent In yellow metal. On the morning of July 26 Dlaln was at work at Havens' coal yard. The day was exceedingly wnrm and ho thoughtlessly tossed aside his vest , the Inside pocket of which contained his money $100 In gold and $30 In paper and silver. Thu pouch was tied in Intricate knots with a leather string. For the moment Illaln forgot himself. Jefferson Bates was out of work. Ho wanted to be a coalheavcr and was nt the yard to apply for a Job. Nobody saw him take the money , but n few minutes after he wont away Dlaln thought of hln vest and looked for his gold. U was gone. Ho mispcctcd Dates , who was found. Ho denied that ho had taken the money and demanded that his pockets bo examined. Olaln failed to find nny In 1 criminating evidence on the person of the suspect , but Dates was arrested and a sub sequent search revealed $19. A part of It was silver and Hlaln declared he recognized it as his. The money was black. Ulaln said coal dust had been ground Into U. Ho had looked at the coins so many times ho fan cied ho could distinguish an Individuality on each piece. Dates Is not a bad looking colored man. Ho Is fairly Intelligent and Is earnest In pro testing Innocence. His wife and little child arc with him In the court room. Dlaln Is not vindictive In his prosecution , but ha makes plain the belief that when a coal heaver accumulates $430 ho Is entitled to keep It. OSTI2OP.YTI1V OX Til 12 DEFENSIVE. Cnnc ARnlnit Dr. Donnliiio Ileinuliin Uimettled In Hiixter'n Court. Evidence In the cose of Dr. .Matthew Don ahue , the osteopath on trial before Judge Baxter on the c oj-g pf > ractlcjijg rn.cdllclne without a certificate , has" been finished. The nrgunicnt by the attorneys will bo heard at eorno future date not yet determined. De lay * wan caused by pressure , of other bus iness. Dr. Crummer , president of the State Board of Health , IB the principal witness against Dr. 'Donahue. His opinion of osteopathy as elated on the witness stand Is not flattering. Dr , Donahue was questioned at length. He twos calm throughout the ordeal and took advantage of the occasion to enter Into a complete definition of what osteopathy Is claimed to bo. It la not the practice of med icine , It Is not magnetic healing and It Is not Christian Science , says Dr. Donahue , but , to use his language , "osteopathy Is the most exact and most logical science of heal ing that has over fccon known. " Dr. Donahuo says ho Is anxious for the argument to coruc , so that ho may learn Iho decision of the court.Vo are authorized to practice In twelve states of this union , " bo said , "and I bcllovo we will eventually coma out victorious In Nebraska. " The proceedings against Dr. Donahue are U Collar shape and finish the same In either brand , but of different grades of linen. You pay only for material and workmanship. Cluott "Wootlo" 25 ota. oooh , Arrow "Velnor" 2 for 2B eta. "Corroot Attlro for Mon" the fashion report for Au tumn and Wlntor , nont to thooo who eok , Wrlto core Station U Chicago CLUETT , PEABODY&CO- . . .MAKERS. . . for the purnoso ot testing the legality ot oeteornthy In this state. As the ruling goes In his case , so It goes toward all other osteo paths In Nebraska , This trial Is of special Interest just not/ In Iowa as well as Nebraska , owing to the fact that the Iowa State Board ot Medical Examiners Is at present engaged In n ( lit with the osteopaths. VIADUCT CASK NUAItlNC. ITS HMD. AflldnAltn Are IMttlilicd and Agree ment I * Reached . When the second day of the Sixteenth street viaduct Injunction proceedings opened before Judge Dickinson yesterday nil the scats were taken , nnd It was an In terested crowd , Property owners , manu facturers nnd others from South Seventeenth street were present , anxious to catch every word on the subject , for It Is the under standing of thcso people that the construc tion of tbo viaduct means the closing ot Seventeenth street. That la where their Interest comes In. They do not care how many viaducts the city build ; , but they do not want their street abandoned. All the lengthy affidavits have been read nnd the attorneys have made argu ments. City Attorney Council Is mak ing a vigorous fight on behalf ot the city , and the other sldo le equally energetic. The city Is defendant , and of tbo plaintiffs there arc about a dozen , each being Inter ested In South Seventeenth street , either oa property owner or manufacturer. At 3 o'clock the argument closed and the case waj submitted to the court. It was taken under advisement and a decision will bo rendered within a few days , no ilmo being definitely stated. .lurum for the Federal Conrt. On Ing to an unusually largo number ot excuses which have been sustained In favor ot .United Statco district court jurors It has been necessary to add several now names to the list. The personnel of this supplement ary arrangement follows : Grand Jurors Patrick Hall , Memphis ; P. II Vaughan , Fremont ; John Shuler , Falls City ; II. B. Hann , Nebraska City ; John H. Erck , Omaha ; William o. Bartholomew , Omaha ; J. H. Wlnspear , Omaha. Petit Jurors S. D. Carpenter , Omaha ; W. n. Dell , Omaha ; William Whltcomb , Friend ; John A. McCartney , Omaha ; Drad Ringer , Lincoln ; S. W. Martin , Wahoo ; Ilobcrt E. Patrick , Omaha ; S. P. Nason , Tekamah ; Ed ward P. Ingereoll , Tecumeeh. ClamorlnKT for Divorce. Divorce business Is on the upward ten dency. Within the last three days moro cases have been filed than for tbo two weeks prior. Among the most recent suits arc the following : Ida B. Chambers alleges that Frank Cham bers abandoned her and left her no means of support. They were married at Jeffcr- Bon , la. , November 23 , 1888. Nora Hyde seeks separation from Edward Hyde on the allegation of general Indigni ties and cruelty. They were married at Council Bluffs In September , 1897. Ousslo Cullen became the wife of George Cullen In Chicago , July 4 , 1887. She al- leces that he abandoned her. and hts con cluded that divorce Is the only remedy. MAKING THE OFFICIAL COUNT Canvnnitinpr of the Vote * Cant at the Ilcccnt Election la la 1'roKrcsn. Yesterday County Clerk Haverly called In M. O. Macleod and W. F. Wapplch , the former representing the republicans and the latter the democrats , and commenced the ofllclal canvass of the votes cast at the elec tion last Tuesday. At noon the count of tbo First and the Second wards had been com pleted. ( i Durlng _ _ tie afternoon " the canvassing board finished thVThlrd , Fourth and Fifth wards , with the exception of one district In the Third. Relative to this district the members of the election board failed TO certify an to tha correctness of the re turns. Messengers were sent out to find tbo officials , but at the hour of adjourn ment tbo officials had not 'been located. It is expected that the canvass will bo completed today. In , no instances will the official canvass change the result , as here tofore announced. BUTCHER PAYS THE PENALTY Albert lleeker Is limited , Protecting Illn Innocence , for the Murder of IIlN Wife. CHICAGO. Nov. 10. Albert August Becker , tha German butcher who , on January 27 last , murdered his wife , Rachel , and afterwards chopped up and boiled the remain : ! In order to dispose of them , was hanged In the county Jail at 12:03 : o'clock thll afternoon. Beckci'a neck was not broken by the fall and It was sixteen minutes before he was pronounced dead. On the scaffold Becker protested his In nocence and declared Qeorgo Sutterlln , the father ot his second wife , was the real ciurdcrcr. The caea of August Becker , who was hanged today for the murder of bis wlfo last January , In many ways bore a remarkable similarity to that of Adolph Luetgert. Both of the condemned men were butchera and tha motlvo for the crime was the sanio In both Instances , the desire to get rid of tha wlfo In order to marry a younger woman. The manner ot committing the crimes was also much the same , both men , according to the testimony , being extremely brutal In tbo killing and both using the same means to dlspoao of the body , by boiling and burning , It was proven at Becker's trial that after killing his wife ho bad chopped her body to pieces , then boiled tbo remains on his kitchen stove , afterward burying the remains In various places. As In the case of Luetgcrc , the rlngo of the murdered wife played no small part In the testimony leading to the conviction. Like Luotgert , Becker also en deavored to explain his wife's disappear ance by saying she bad eloped with another man. Becker made several confcislons. In his first statement he said be had drowned his wife In Lake Michigan. Later he en deavored to Implicate In the crime the father ot the woman whom he married after mur dering his flint wife and'to the last he stuck to this version. Three Strlltrm Under Arrmt. 'PHILADELPHIA. ' Nov. lO.-Three of the btrlklng employes of Cramp's shipyards and Business Agent Jonn J , Kcogan of the In ternational Association of 'Machinists and Krttlerlck CounseJman , treasurer of the machinists * organization , were -today ar rested and held In J2.000 ball , charged with Inciting to riot. The strikers under arrest are Hugh Boyd , Thomas Wilson nnd Joseph .Mi-lone. The direct caure of tha arrests was thn refusal of the men to move away from the vicinity of the shipyard when ordered to do so by the pcllcc. The strikers claim this move was made to off net tht > Impending arrest of a Cramp superintend ent , for whom n warrant was issued last Tuesday. A .Spmliifil Ankle. As a rule a upralned ankle will disable tbo Injured person for from four to six weeks. Numerous cases have occurred , how ever , In which a cure has been effected within that many days by applying Cham berlain's Pain Balm freely as soon as the Injury Is rocalval , This remedy Is also famous for Its cures of rheumatism. Strut from the Wrecking Company. Two Junk dealers were caught going through the exposition buildings Thursday and taking whatever struck their fancy. Their specialty was In cutting out plcco of copper electric wlro which would spoil the whole section of wiring , They were arrested on the charge of burglar ) und grand lurccny. Yesterday reprehoiuu- lives of the wrecking' company appeared at the police station and stated that the , ABC ABC AB C _ Announcement Merchant's Alphabet Club. TTHE undersigned merchants of Omaha have formed the MERCHANTS ALPHABET CLUB for the promotion of the study of the alphabet , also for the purpose of bringing before the public special goods in a novel way. In order to introduce these goods we are going to GIVE THEM AWAY to the persons who come the nearest to estimating the number of certain letters of the alphabet on pages of the Sunday Bee. All estimates must be handed in on a coupon cut from this paper , together with the advertisement to the club member. Out-of-town people are allowed to mail their coupons. City people must hand them in. Signed , MERCHANT'S ALPHABET CLUB. 16IH & TAIWAN STREETS , OMAHA. Suit Sale Saturday 350 High Grade Tailor-Made Costumes 40 Per Cent Under Value. Women's Tailor-made Costumes either tight-fitting or fly front styles , made of fine quality Venetian cloth or homespuns , in black and colors suits lined throughout with taffeta silk , perfect fitting , strictly tailor made , worth sale price fully ยง 20 , 12 Specials in Toilet Articles Note the difference In prices , etc. , between tbo People's Store prices and those the regular drug stores charge All Our Bwt Perfumery Including Wood- Kirk's Rose Tooth Powder 2Sc 1 fir- worth's , Kirk's , Colgate' ? , rarest 27c size , on sale for ixfw odors , worth 0o oz. , only . * - * w ' Kirk's Duchess Soap Regular Pine Bottle Toilet Water Kirk's ' 1/ic' price lOo pec calcp , only.-- triple strength , per botttle . o ' Kirk's Juvenile Sqajv-jfjufor Bottle Kirk's Florida Water 1 fir- 1OC price 25c per calte , sale price Only Colgate's Cologne 2-oz. bottle , Colgate's Honey'Soap ' negulur worth EOc , sale price only price 13c a cake , sale prlco only Kirk's Violet Water Triple ISr Colgatc'n Jockey Club Soap Reg strength , regular price 25c , only . vjw ular price 30c a cake Kirk's Triple Ex-tract Perfume Colgate's Floating Dath Soap RegJr 4-or. hot. , worth 6c , only ular price 12c a cake , sale price * November 20th we will give to the person estimating the nearest number of letter M's on page 7 of The Sunday Bee of November IDth , a line Oriental Rug , size 9x12 , retails for J50.00. MKUCHANTV ATPHAI1KT CLUI1 COUPON. Mr entlmnte of the number of letter M'H oil PIIKC 7 of The Omaha Sun day Hoc of November in , 1800 , In. Name AtlilrcMN This advertisement and coupon must bo handed In at our store before 6 p.'m. the preceding Saturday. Out-of-town subscribers allowed to mall their coupons. We'll go to any length to satisfy your piano wants. We'li show you every piano in our immense stock in order to please you , if necessary. It's never any trouble to us. It's our business to wait on you. We believe in transact ing our business in a pleasant manner. It's pleasant for you , also , to buy your piano here. You have an unhampered choice of every style in various makes , each one the beat in its class. You get more piano value here for your money than anywhere else. Our leading piano is the ThcBestpiano Baldwin in America Ott December 25th we will give away to the person es timating the nearest number of letter A'u on page 15 of tlio Sunduv Boo of December 24th--A Fine $350 Full SI/c Hiinilsomo Case New Upright Hamilton Piano. DICKINSON & HUSTON. Manufacture THIS IIAMMVIN ' AKeiilN ri.V.VO. for 1514 Douglas Street. MERCHANTS' AM'IIAIIIOT CMIII COUPON. My rntlmnle of the number of letter A'n on paKe 15 of The Omaha Hnn- dny Ilee of December Ul , IS ! ) ! ) , IN. Name AtlilreHn ' * . This advertisement and coupon must bo handed In at our store before 6 p. m. the preceding Saturday. Out-of-town subscribers allowed to mull their coupons. plunder would amount to J50 und that they would ( lie a complaint HKulni't them , The men arrested are , Simon Jarbars und Isaac Altmun. _ Or. I ! . H. Hnden. Summit , Ala. , saya ; "I think Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Is a splendid medicine , I prescribe It , and my confidence In U grows with continued use , " It digests what you eat and quickly cures dyspepsia and indigestion. .Mortality StntlutleH. The following birth and deaths have been reported to tbo olllce of the health commissioner during the last forty-eight hours : Hirth Victor Wilson , 403S So ward street , boy. Deaths Richard II , Durdlsh , 1010 Daven port street , 42 years ; K , A. Potter , 3517 Davenport street , 69 years ; Bamuel Jones , CO years ; Goffry Johnson , Forty-llrst and Krslilno street , 3 years , J. D , Bridges , editor "Democrat , " I-ancaa- ter , N , H. , says : "One Mlnuto Cough Cure ID the beat remedy for croup I ever ueed. " Immediately relieves and cures coughs , colds , croup , asthma , pneumonia , bronchitis , grlppu and all throat and lung troubles , U prevent ! consumption. Selrcn ( 'null anil Constable House ! called two or three men to his ubslstunco Thursday uf lernoon und swooped down upon thn saloon In the Bcblltz hotel , run by Ocorgn Hlmes. Tbo olllcer hud an execution to satisfy n judgI I I mrnt of JG2 In favor of the Western Klec- I ' trlcal company , by authority of which bo , seized the cash register , 60) ) cigars and sev eral jugs of lluor | , A whole army of bartenders - tenders and other employes of the hotel arrayed themselves In opposition and threatened the constable with violence If he laid Ills hands on anything , but he laughed them to scorn nnd carried off enough booty to satisfy the Judgment , llueUlen'ii .Milieu Salve. Tbo best salve In the world for cuts , brulsej , sores , ulccre , salt rheum , , fever Fores , tetter , chapped hands , chilblains , corns and all skin eruptions , and positively cures piles , or no pay required , It I guar anteed to glvo perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Prlco 25 cents per box. For sfle by Kuhn & Co. llnlhlliiK I'erniiiN , Tbo following bulldlnir permits Jmvo been ' Issued by tbo city building Inspector ; J , It. Kuilik'H , Twenty-eighth and Hurt htreets , repairs , 1100 ; John U Ilelnzmun , Thirty-Unit and Ami's frame - avenue , dwellIng - Ing , KOO ; John It. Klngwalt , 2110 Chicago ( street , repairs , } 500 ; J. J , liuttcrtleld , North Thirty-fourth street , frame dwelling , Jl.'ft ) . I ! ' l'h > xlelnn * Iteeoinineiiil Thlx i Tn cum headachel ot all kinds. Wright's ! l Paragon Headache and Neuralgia Cure. 25c , I I I American Made Violin Strings the. most durable and satisfactory strlnsr made , superior to the Imported and cheaper In price , besides you tire always sure to get a choice of fresh stock , ns wo receive , these Boods direct from the manufactur ers each week. Glvo them u trial. December 4th we will glvo nway to the person estimating the nearest number of letter II'c on page 20 of The Sunday BCD of December 3rd , a tine llurton mandolin and case ; retails for $36.00. A. HOSPE , 1513 Douglas. MerclmntH * Alphabet Club Coupon. My CNtlmnte. of the number of letter H'n on papeO of The Omaha Sunday Dec of Dec. U , 1S I > , Is Name Addrcfin This advertisement and coupon must be handed In nt our store before Six P. M. the preceding Saturday. Out-of-town sub scribers allowed to mall their coupons' . Step Into our store and mnko your selec tion now for Christmas. "Wo will cncrnva It for you. Our wholesale stock of beauti ful STERLING SII/VI2R GOODS Is now ready for your Inspection and we quote wholesale prices. November 20th , we will give to the ttor- Bon estimating the nearest number of let ter J's on page 15 of The Sunday Bee of Sunday. November 10. a beautiful Austrian china band decorated cup and saucer. L L. Combs & Co. , The UuMy Jeweler * , 1C12O Donelun. Merchant * ' Alphabet Club Coupon. My estimate of the number of letter .I'M on page IB of The Omaha Sunday Dee of Nov. ID , 1801) , In Name AddrenH This advertisement and coupon murt bo handed In at our store before C p. m. the preceding Saturday. Out-of-town subscrib ers allowed to mall tholr coupons. THE HOWE .SELLS THIS UK8T $71.00 , 9.-I.BO AND $4.00 SHOES THAT MONEY CAN I1UV NEW STYLES UP-TO-DATE. J5J5 Douglas. November 20th wo will give awny to the three- persons estimating the nearest num ber of letter O's on page 21 of The Sunday Ben of November 19th to the first , n S5.00 pair of shoes , to the second a $1.00 pair of shoes , to the third a $3.00 pair of shoes. MerehantN * Alphabet Club Coupon. My cHtimnte of the * nninbcr of letter O'N on pn | ? < ' ' of The Omaha Sunday Ilee of November If ) , 1801) , In . Name . . . . . . . . A < I dre . This advertisement und coupon must bn hnnded in at our store before 0 p. m. the preceding Saturday. Out of town sub scribers allowed to mall their coupons. FOR THE Best Bargains In kodaks , cameras and supplies of all kinds , we are the acknowledged leaders. The Aloe & Penfold Co. , 1408 rarnam Street. November 20 , wo will give to the nersou estimating the nearest number of letter K's on page 14 of The Sunday Bee a line camera valued at $9.00. Merehnnti' Alphabet Club Coupon. My estimate of the number of letter K'N on pane 14 of The Omaha Siinilny lice of Nov. ll , IbtM ) , IN Nnmc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aililrexx This advertisement and coupon ninnt be bunded In at our store before ti p , m , the preceding Saturday. Out-of-town subscrib ers allowed to mall their coupons. ANTI-tlONOI'OI.Y DHL't ; STOUT l.ouent Cut I'rleeH on DriiKH. 25e Laxative nromo Oiilnlm- Uo 25c Garter's Little Liver Pills 15o Jl.OO Scott's Kmulslon 75o < l.OO Miles' KcmcdlCH 75o 25o 4711 Soup He- 25o Juvenile Snap ! io 2oo chamois skin snan lOa ICqiiiilly low prices on prescriptions Oly- c-crolo of Hota-H , 25c , Cures rough skin. November SOtli , we will give to the two persons estimating the nearest number of letter l'n on page 2i of The Sunday Bee of November 19th , to the first a $ > > .on bottle of perfume , and to the second a $3.00 bottle of perfume , ici'iivs nittrr. STOHI : , ir.tii A MerrliuiiIn' Alphabet Cluh Coupon. My cull male of MIC number of letter I'M -I of The Omaha on paiteI Stinilay Ilee of November lit , ISttl ) , IH Namci AililreNH This advertisement and coupon mil ft bo handed In nt our store before U p. m. the preceding Saturday Out-of-t wn bubscrlb- ers aliened to mall their coupons , Jeweler Copley 215 South 16th Street , Paxton Block. Offers the Following for Christmas Ladies' Gold Filled Watches , small size , elegantly en graved , finely finished A new model thin watch for gentlemen , accurately regu lated , guaranteed 25 years You can select either of these watches or any other article In Copley's stock , have It engraved nicely and Copley will lay It away for you till called for. Ill the meantime you can pay for It or pay when you get It. In this way you have a. bolter selection , moro time to consider your purchase and neater engraving than If you wait till . 'tho ' last few- days. An Inspection of Copley's stock al ways Invited. November 20 we will give away to each of tbo 'three ' persons estimating the nearest number of letter F's on page 23 of 'the- Sun day Dee of November 1 ! ) a beautiful Cyrano Dead Chain. Merchant * ' Alphabet Club Coupon. My eNtlmnte of tin- number of letter F'M on PIIKC "II of the Otnnlm Siintluy lice of November 11) , 1800 , IN Name AddreHH This advertisement and coupon must bo handed In at our store before Six P. M. the preceding Saturday , Out-of-town sub scribers allowed to mall their coupons. A Sell Out 0' all our magnificent stock of Mackin toshes the largest In the city Including all colon and styled of women's and men's. Must bo disposed of at a give-away price of 40 cents on thii dollar. : t will pay you to Investi gate this , ni no such reliable goods have ever been shown at such prices , Gainer Ont of the llnbbcr DnxliicnH. Omaha Tent and Rubber Co , , 1311 Farnnm St. November 20th we will give away to the person estimating the nearest number of letter N's on page 22 of The Sunday Bee of November 19th , a J15.00 ladies' or gents' line mackintosh. Men-hunt * ' Alphabet Club Coupon. My entluintr of the number of letter V on itiiire - - of The Omaha Sunday Ilee of Xoveniber U ) , 1800 , lit Name Adilremn This advertisement and coupon must l > o handed In at our store before 6 p. m. the precedingSaturday. . Out of town sub scribers allowed to mall their coupons. YOU DESERVE HAULING OVER COALS for going homo to your wife In a hand-me- down suit. Why go to a ready-made clothIng - Ing store and pay moro for a hand-me-down than HO charge for a custom-made null ? Come to us. Wo nre making a genuine Scotch goodH suit , made to measure , for ji'i.OO , December 23rd WP will glvo away to the person estimating the nearest number of letter C's on page 10 of The Sunday Uee of December 17th a handsome null of made to measure clothes , the price of which Is $30.00. $30.00.The Bee Tailor , 1(107 I-'AUXAM STIU'JKT. ' Merohantn' Alphabet Club Coupon. .My eHtlmate of the number of letter C'N on paKe 1U of The Uinnlin Suniliiy Ilee of December 17 , 1H , in Xnme AililrenN , , This advertisement and coupon miis't be handed In ut our store brfoie I , p. m. the preceding Saturday. Out-of-town subscrib ers allowed to mall their coupons. Artistic Framing ; Is what you get when It's done nt . .IIOSIVS AI IT STOItK. . . 1321 DODOK STIIKET. The reason of thll Is because wo do more framing than all the other stores In Omaha combined lihve the grandest assortment of styles and our prlccu are right. \Ve'd ho pleaded to have you call and sea our new line of pictures Platlnos und Carbons bens , They ure beauties. November 20th wo will give uwuy to the person estimating the neatest number of letter D'B on tiago 17 of The Sunday Ilee of November 19th , a beautiful ta.OO picture. Men-haul * ' Alphabet Club Coupon. My estimate of ( he number of letter | ) 'N oil piiKti 17 of The Omaha Sunday Ilee of Not ember 111 , 1HII > , IK Name AililreN * . , , , , , , , , . . . This advcrtlM'incMit and coupon mupt be handed In at our store before- p , m , thn preceding Saturday.OntoftoHn subscrib ers allowed to mail their coupons , . Davis Ball Bearing Sewing Machines run easily because they have forty ac curately ground , carefully hardened steel balls , arranged so as to reduce friction to the minimum. Wo Jmvo new , cheap machines , fully guaranteed $18.00. SECOND-HAND MACHINES. Tlit-so have nil been overhauled nnd put In food condition , High-arm Singer , coed ns new $ M.OO No. 9 Wheeler .fe Wilson W-00 No. S Wheeler & Wilson t.OO latest White 12.00 Rood White- 8.00 FlrBt-clnss Household H-00 Singer S-M Domestic 13.oO Wlchlll " .00 Howe 3.RO Vertical Feed Davis 10.00 White 7.00 Howe 20 Domestic High-arm I- " ' * " New machine" . J1S 00 up , Wo repnlr all makes of machines. We sell pnrts for every machine manu factured. Docombcr llth we will glv away to- the person estimating the nearest number of letter E'H on page 22 of The Sunday Dee of December loth n line new Ball Dearlng JG3.00 Dnvls Sewing Machine. MerehniitM * Alphabet Club Conpim. My ( - tltnntr of the nunilMT of letter I3' oil pane - ' - of The Oiuulm Sunday lice at Dec. 11) , 1SIW , 1" Name Addrenn This advertisement and coupon imiit be handed in at our store before Six P. M. the preceding Saturday. Out-of-town sub scribers allowed to mall their coupon ? . For all the latest Books and Magazines CONSULT J. C. ROCKY , 1O5 NORTH 1GTII ST. November 20th we will give to 'tho ' person estimating the nearest number of letter IV B on page 18 of The Sunday Bee of November 19th. Six Dollars worth of books and maga zines. Merc-hunt * ' Alphabet Club Coupon. My cutmute ! of Hie number of-loller on pane IS of The Omaha Suiiuuy Dec of Nov. 1 , 18U ! > , IB Name Addrenn This advertisement nnd coupon must be hnnded In ut our store before Six P. M. the precedingSaturday. . Out-of-town sub scribers allowed to mail their coupons. Our Antiseptic Benzo Cream cures chapped hands or lips , or money re funded. November 20 , wo will give to the persons estimating the nearest number of letter G'B on page 21 of The Sunday Bee of Iso- vrmber 19th , to the first a ? 4.00 bottle of perfume : the second , a 13.00 bottle , unil to the third four bottlcH of Bcnzo Cream. Myers-Dillon Drug Co. 10th and F.irniun. Alphabet Club Coupon. My eMtlmute of the number of letter ( I'M on pnKc1 of The Omiiliii Sunday lice of Nov. Ill , 1HIII ) , IN . Nil me . . . AililreNH , This advertisement und coupon must ba handed In at our store before Six P. M. tbo preceding Saturday. Out-of-town sub scribers allowed to mall their coupons. Engagement Rings sum up the first step toward wedded hllst thut IH , they are n pretty Kood nvldonco Unit tin : Rlrl IH willing to 'try llfu In your company. Of course Him Is it sensible Klrl and bellevos In economy. If you want a diamond ring , we luivn them from 00.09 down to llU.OO-bundrcds of them. November 20th wo will filve away to the person estimating the nearest number of letter U'x on JHIKO 14 of the Hunday Dee or November JU a beautiful solid Kold Kit ring retails for ? C.OO. A. EDHOLM , JK\VIIIII. ; KIT , v. KITH ST. MerehantN' Alphabet Club Coupon. My eHtlmate of thn number of letter Il'x on pnKe 1 I of The Omaha Sunday Ilee of November 111 , 1MW , U Name. AililreiH Tills advertisement and coupon imnM bo handed In at our store before U p. m , the preceding S.ttuiday. Oiil-oMown Hiibscrlb- rrs allowed to mall their coupons. THAT'S WHAT WH SAV13 You on your drugs not only on I'ATKN'l' JIHDIOINHS but on prescriptions , drugx , sundries and rubber goods , WALDRON & CAMPBELL , IlruKKlHlN. - - - South Kith SI. N. n. Have you tried AValdron's I < uxa- tlvo Tablets ? They cure constipation , 12 In box-lOc , November 20th wo will glvo to the pcrfon estimating1 the nearest number of letter L'H on page 16 of The Onmlm Hunday Ilco of November 10th , a Nlne-J3olar | bottle of elegant Perfume. Merehaiilu' Alphabet ( 'lub Coupon. My e-Nllmnte of the. number of letter I/H mi pane. Ill of The Omaha Minduy Ilee of November 10 , I Hill ) , In Name , . . , , , , AddrexN . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Tills iidvcrtUement and coupon must bu handed In at our Mora beforn Hlx p , M the preceding Saturday Out-of-town sub scribers allowed to mull lliulr coupon ! * .