THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , 3SOV BRIBER 11 , 1S09 , J SPECIAL SATURDAY OFFERINGS s Now Fall and Winter Sboes from the best manufacturers go at astonishingly low prices to save moving them into our new annex shoe department. 20 cases ladies' 50c Rubbers on sale at per 1 . pair . 82 cases ladies' § 1.1)0 ) Buckle Arctics on pale at , per pair . , . Ladies' Felt House Slippers , with felt soles , on sale at Ladloj' nno Brooks Ilros. $4 CO vlcl Itld , hand \\elt , cork filled solo Shoes , In nil sizes nnd widths A to B , on sale at $3.00. Ladles' nno vlcl kid double welt $3 50 Ince Shoes , with full back stajs , silk top facings , at $2.48. Ladle : ' Hno vclour kid single eolo $3.00 Shoes , with new coin toes , kid tips , at $1.93. Chlld'a Una kid lace fl.&O double solo Shoe ; , with kid tips and wide coin toes , sizes &Vi to 11 % , in this sale at OSc. Infante" nno kid button COo Shoes , sizes 2 to 5 , at 35c. Never before have \\o had the pleasure of recording such piano business as wo nro now doing and It Is Incieaslng dally. The causa of this phenomenal business lies In the superior makes and the unmatchable values wo are giving. This great depart ment Is now loaded to Us fullest capacity v\lth the finest line of pianos ever shipped to Omaha. The only place In Omaha where jou can find the standard makes. Our prices are so low and our terms so rea- eonablo that any one can own a piano. Every piano Is warranted to give excellent satisfaction or your money back. We Invite you to call and see the large line of Chlck- crlng , Fischer , Lester , Franklin , Doll , Behr Bros. , Nowby S , Evans nnd New England pianos Square pianos at $25.09 , $35.00 and $45 00 ; organs at $20 00 , $25 00 , $3o.OO nnd up. New pianos for rent ; pianos tuned , moved nnd repaired. Tel. 1G83. We have contracts with all the leading publishers of popular sheet music to send us their now editions as soon as they arc out of press , thus enabling us to be posted on all the newest publications of the day. Andrew Gallagher of South Omaha Men tioned for Deputy District Olerk. M'COMBS ' AFTtR HERDMAN'S ' SHOES Sernntulc Only llet' " ' Aiiionif * ! " - IIuiiKr } fur tin- London unit 1'MxlieH In the I'otio- crntlc I'ool. Aspirations of some of the aupport- ers of the fusion ticket to secure po sitions under the county ofllcors ot that political faith who vvcro swept into ofllce by bolting republicans nro begin ning to shape themselves. An officer of the democratic county committee Is authority for the ttatemont that It Is pretty well set tled as to who will be deputy clerk of the district court under Broad well. lie says It will be Andrew Oallagher of South Omaha , although the change may not be made at once , ns some one familiar with the routine business of the cilllco must bo ictalncd for a v time. It IB stated that Pat I'ord. tbo Third ward statesman , Is aspiring to a position undo the shrievalty of John PoweY , and some in fluential democrats nro saving that If those positions nro to be awarded in return foi services rendered In the election Ford Is en titled to recognition. It hae been mated that Pat Moctyn is also a candid ito for a deputy-ship under the new sheriff , but when asked ns to the truth cf the wseitlon ho would not confirm or deny It. id Mi'ComliNKiiliint id Should Leo Hcrdman succeed in his nsplia- ilons to bo clerk of the tuiprcmc court and I- tate librarian It Is thought by denucnU that ho will hardly seek to remain secretary Genuine see ( e Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of i See Pat > Slmlle Wrapper Below , Very email and pi to toke us Hufar ' FOR HEADACHE. CARTER'S FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS , ITTLE FOR TORPID LIVER. IVER FOR CONSTIPATION. PILLS. FOR SALLOW SKIN. ) FOR THE COMPLEXION . . CJUNUXtVU MU TKA > iaW'U . M ta u - . . CURE SICK HEADACHE. Men'n nna box calf $100 Shoes , In winter tan nnd black , welt soles nnd made on the latest English lasts , all sires and widths , at $ J.Of. Men's fine kangaroo $3 calf welt sole shoes , roads on new coin too lasts nnd line fitting , on sale at $1.98. McVl flna goat $1.BO Slippers , In black and tan , Everett cut , on sale at $1.00. Hoys' fine $1.75 Shoes , genuine satin calf , with daublu nail quilted soles , on sale at $1.40. Llttli mcr.'i shoes , made of finest box call , worth $1.75 , on sale at $1.15. Orockery All of the elegant crockery dlsplajcd In the manufactures building at the exposition were bought by us. We v\lll sell them at half what they cost to manufacture. The product was made by the following firms : Cook Pottery Co. ; the Mercer Pottery Co. of Trenton , N. J. , pedestals , Jardlnercs , dinner and toilet sets , etc. ; the C. C. Thompson Pottery Co , Harkey Pottery Co , Goodwin Pottery Co and Vodrey Pottery Co. of East Liverpool , O. , dinner sets , toilet sets , Jardl nercs , berry sets , fruit sets , cuspidors , etc. From Lazarus Rosenfeld & Lehman , Bo hemia and New York , French and Austrian china dinner sots , vases , art pottery , Bo hemian glass , pieces brlc-n-brnc , etc. From Moriralern Bros , of Japan and New York , beautiful line of Japan china , bronzes , clal ° * > nle and satsuma ware. From S A. Weller of Zanesvllle , 0. , full line of the celebrated Dickens , Loucelsln S. Todura ware. And the full and complete line of stand and hanging lamps , onyx tables , gas port able Newell lamps , etc , of the Edward Miller & Co of Merlden , Con. There Is enough goods In this exhibit to fill an ordinary crockery store ; they were made for exhibit purposes and are much finer than the general run of crockery , etc. of the democratic state committee , although ho may view the proprieties of such a course about as has Chairman Dahlman ot that committee , who has not found It either un sightly or uncongenial to hold the chairman ship of the state democratic committee while holding down a lucrative Job that brings him In contact with the railways. Possibly Herdrann may not deem it in appropriate to hold to the secretaryship. Should ha lot go of the secretaryship , how ever , the plan to shift hla mantle to Benton Mnret , accoidlng to the decree of the three- party stata machine which parcels out the offices , IE going to meet with opposition. Douglai county has n candidate for the place In the person of W. W. McCombs , chairman of the county committee. It Is as serted that McCombi will make a stiong fight and attention Is called to the fact that ho war onci of but two or three Douglas county federal offlceholderB under the Cleveland administration whoso zeal In the Brjnn cause was moro potent than reflec- tloni upon the fact that he held n $1,000 position under the administration , the ilutlen of which wcro not onerous. Mc- Cotnblylll claim the credit foi the result thin year In Douglas county and will con test the Maret claim to the secretaryship , Instating that the place should bo given to thh county. OllllNtril OlijcutN. Stata Representative R. H. Olmstcd takci exception to the mention of his name among those mcaibers of the so-called Patrlctla league executive committee known ti havii antagonized the ticket. Mr. Olmstci' spoke at the tally at Florence willn special plea for nil the candidates , for whom ho tuyn ho worked and voted , and 11 entitled to the correction MjtTN Mil.ON ! Denial , Hugh A. Mjers has called at The Hoe office to enter denial of the stntoment that ho Is nno of the members ot the Patilotlc league who untagcnlzod the ropubllcan ticket In the recent campaign. Mr. Mjera B4 > s that ho voted for every republican i.imllJnto He also denies having received n visit from ex-Governor Holcomb and sajs further that his oftlco Is not on the- same finer ol the Now York Life building aa John L. Webster's , but on the Jloor above. WELCOME FOR A NEW PASTOR of tlr'tut Street ( 'lirlnUnn Cliuruh < : iv - It < > t < ciliiii | ( to II c\ . \ \ ' . P. Hilton niKl IllH Wife. The morabcrs of ( Irani Street Chrlstlun church welcomed their now piator , Rev. W. P. Hilton , and hla wife Friday night moil hospitably , The pretty little' ' church was In holiday show , with great bunches of chry&inthcmumu In conspicuous places , and there was good cheer expressed In uvcr.vlhlng doni * . The inception was whollv luf-rmal , as the pastor nnd hla wlfo m- rlvcd In the morning from tiololt , Kan , , tholi former home , and wore fatigued with tbo journey , Hov , Mr. Hilton made n few remarks nnd thn choir uang some unthems P recoil UK refreshments. Tbo church was well filled with parishioners and friends of the organization. Hev. Mr. Hilton Is originally from Kentucky. He was pastor of the church at Wichita , Kan , , for ono yoir nnd was at Bclolt- two jcam. Ho cornea highly rc-commcnded for hU c.u- nfBt working qualities and his ability as a preacher. > ! > I IMiirc of Wornlilji , JAMESTOWN , N U. Nov. JO Carrlng- ton l to have u novel pluco of vvoruhl ; > . Hev. H , J. Sheildun of the UpUccipal chur < ih In thin clt > . who iilso looks after < lu > Hiilrlttml needs of a tongreuntlon at Par- iliigton , 1ms btx'iired fiom Hlnhop Hdtiall u ( uhcdrul uir , formerly lined by lllsho'i AValker l hl travel over thn Htate. nnd will use the sumo In CarrlnRtoil In pi ire of a church. The lUthedrul car wa built In the earlj du > when churches vvre few nnd fur between , und Blehop Walker used it for u bhort time. We sell cop ) right books on the same mar gin ns wo sell muslins or sugar. Quick big sales and small profits. Buy Your Books Saturday , No. 5 "John's Street , " book store price $1.CO , our price OOc. "When Knighthood Was In Flower , " book store prlco $1.60 , our price OOc. "Tho Carpet Bagger , " Illustrated , book Btoro price $ l.f 0 , our price OOc. The best gilt top 12 mo. book published Including the works of George Eliot , Dumas , Corrclll , Carey , Hall Cnlnc , Rcadc , Dickens , Kipling , Cooper , Holmes , Anthony Hope , Victor Hugo , etc. , the beat of authors ; the regular prlco GOc , on sale only 21c. Remember 100 elegint engraved calling cards and plate only $1.00. 1 dozen packs Blcjclo playing cards only $160. Carter's best black Ink 2i4c. Faber'a A No. 1 lend pencils lOo dozen , OUAND BIBLE SALG SATURDAY. No room for prices , Just one-half ot book store prices. The finest line of prayer books In Omaha. DEWEYIDEWEY ! NEW BOOK AT HAYDEN'S ONLY. Tbo life and-glorious deeds ot ADMIRAL DEWEY Regular price $3 $ 00. Our prlco only OSc. 500 pages fully Illustrated. Saturday Specials. Best quality corduroy velveteen dress fac ing , per yard only 2 ,4c. Best quality silk binding , 7c. Best hemp hook and eyes , per dozen , Ic. 200 yards machine thread , Ic. 48 yards silk thread , Ic. Best quality aluminum thimbles , 1C. PURE LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS , 5c each. Fine perfect hemstitched pure linen hand kerchiefs only oc. Our complete Rubber Stamping Outfit , reg ular prlco $1.00 , our price 25c. Saturday only. Chickens Saturday No 1 sugar cured hams , lOc. Choice corned beef , 6c. XXX cured bacon , 7V c. Fresh pork sausage , 7 0. Three-pound palls , any brand , lard , 20c. Extra fancy breakfast bacon , lOc. Pickled tripe , 3c Fresh dressed spring chickens , 7V c. New bologna sausage , 4c. Ten-pound pall ? best brand lard , 73c. ANOTHER WHOLESALE HOUSE Mercer Hotel is to Be Remodeled for Mer cantile Purposes. CHANGE TO BE MADE /T / * AN EARLY DAY oNoiilt Gnhiii , u IloNtoii CnpltnllNt , 1'urclinncH the Structure , wttli I'urnlturo anil Lot on Which It btmidn. Joseph Gahm , a Bcston capitalist , Is In the city looking after extensive property Inter ests Recently Mr. Gahm purchased the Mercer hotel. Including the furniture and the lot upon which It stands on the northwest corner of Twelfth and Howard streets , cov ering an area of 88x132 feet. Mr. Gahm comes to supervise the conversion cf the structure Into a building suitable for whole sale purposes. ( Mr. Gahrn arrived In Omaha Monday and expects to remain hero another week. Ho Is favorably Impressed with the push nnd prog ress manifested on every hand In tbla city. Ten years ago ho visited Omaha , and the Improvement which ho notes now , as com pared with the city ho visited at that time , has caused him to marvel at the enterprise of the west. Mr. Gahm bos further Invest ments In mind and believes that Omaha's future Is particularly bright. In speaking of the relation of the1 west to eastern lnveator , Mr. Gahm stated : "I have no fears of over regretting the money which I have Invested In this city. It Is true that wo do not hear much of Omaha or Nebraska back In Boston. About the only thing we ever hear of this country Is that Nebraska U the home of Dryan. I don't think that fact reflects any especial credit upon the state. I live lu a city and In a state which has little sympathy with frca silver and cheap money. In my opinion Bryan will live a long time before ho will over bctome pres ident on the lisauo which he has tuKen up. The cast Is solid In Its opposition to cheap money. Wo are firm believers In sound money. Breiton Is a democratic town and vie always elect n democratic mayor , but the majority of the democrats there are believers In ound money nnd when It cornea to n di rect Issue on this qticetlon we are compelled to vote with tbo republicans. Ths ) free sil ver agitation In Nebraska doea not , I assure. > ou , add to the confldcnce ot eastern capi talist In inaklng Investments In this Htato " Mr. Gahm Is accompanied by his ton , Jo seph A. ( iahm , The latter Is also Interested In Omahiv property , having recently pur chased the Midland bank building , known as the Slcveiu block , at SKtroiith and California stieets Ho nlao own eonio valuable resi dence property at Thlrty-eeventh nnd Far- nain streets. The visit of Mr. Gabm and hl eon In Omaha ban becu made the more pleasant by reason ot tbo residence here ot two of Ills nrphowi ) , Mcears. Joseph and Philip Oahm. You never Know wlut form of blood poison will follow cunatlputlon. Keep tbo liver clean by using DeWltt's Little Early Risers and you will avoid trouble. They are famous little pills for constipation and liver and bowel troubles. SIMON TALKS ON SHYLOCK lit * DlNiittrocN vtltli the . \ccoiiliMl Opinion Hint SluiUpNitfiirc Wax I'urlrii > Inif it JIMI. Dr. A. Simon lectured Friday night at Teraplu Israel on Shyiock , tbo farnsun char acter In Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venice. " Tbo sneaker disagreed tvlth the prevailing opinion held that Shakespeare waa cndeav- Unprecedented Furni ture Selling We have gotten ourselves Into shape at last nnd have marked and arranged all the pieces of furniture that v\crc shown nt the exposition this summer nnd v\o can now offer } ou some rare bargains. This sale recommends Itself to jou from the fact that there Is only one of each thing ; no dupli cates. We offer this week nil the odd chairs In wood seat , cobbler seat and upholstered scats , mndo up In fancy shapes , high backs , In mahogany , golden onk and Flemish , some rare antique pieces , ranging In price from $2 03 up to $16.00 ; also the rockers , Morris chairs and stools at such prices as $2.95 , $325 , $350 ; Morris clmlrs , $7.00 , $7.60 and $3S6. Eighteen fine onyx top stands go nt the actual factory cost. You need only to sco the stands to appreciate this statement. $6.00 onjx stands , $3.50 , $ S.OO onyx stands , $4.SS ; $10 00 onyx stand * , JO.50. We arc now showing a largo and exclusive line of fine desks , In golden oak , bird's-eye maple ind mahogany , nt such prices ns $6 85 , $ GDO , $7.50 , $ SOO and $1000. $ New line of line combination desks and bookcases , all In golden oak , at $9 50 , $10 50 , $11.50 , $12.50 and $13 50 , easels , GOc , Too nnd $1.00. Screens , 3-paucl , $1.00 , $1.60 and $1.75 ; filled screens , $1 50 , $1 75 NEW GOODS JUST IN. Jardlncro stands , Iron beds , bookcases , desks , chairs , rockers , extension tables , chiffoniers , dressers Look us over before you buy. Saturday's Grocery 10 Ibs best granulated sugar , 45c. 10 bars White Russian , Cudahy's Diamond mend C , or any other brand of laundry soap , 0c. 5 pounds buckwheat flour , 15c. We have flour to sell at G3c. The best high patent Minnesota flour Sac. Every sack guaranteed. Quart bottle laundry bluing , only S Ac. Eagle , Champion , Star , or any other brand of lye , per can , only 34c. } 3 sacks flno table salt for EC. 3-lb can solid packed tomatoes , Cc. 2-lb win sweet corn , only 5c. 4 Ibs Japan rice , only lOc. XXXX glngersnaps , per pound , 4V c. Fresh city soda crackers , 4 > 4c. Gibs best rolled cats , ; 0c. 10-lb sack granulated cornmeal , 6V4c. Laundry starch , per pound , 2ic. Unoeda biscuit , per package , 2c. Large cans mustard sardines , 4c. Graham or oatmeal crackers , 7c. Cheese straw or sandwich , only lOc. Grape nuts , the brain food , 9c. 2-lb package Quail brand oats , Cc. Kennedy's butter crackers , 6c. 2-lb package self-rising pancake flour , Cc. orlng to portray Jewish character In this man. He held he was simply portraying a man , and because he happened to find n Jew to fit the part he used him , but with no In tention of thus for all time casting odium on the race. Shylock Is neither Jew nor Christian , but la a man. The vengeance demanded uy bhy- lock In the drama IT not an" more severe than would bo demanded by any one under the same circumstances. The pound of Ilesh part was a Roman law , not a Jewish ono. "The llrlrte-Elect. " A comic opera In three nets Hoolc nnd music by John Philip Sousn. Produced at Uoyd's theater by TelK R. Wendal- sthafer's company. THE CAST. Pnpagallow XIII , king of the Tlmbrrlo Mr. Nell McNeil Frlscobaldl , prime minister of Tlcherlo . Mr. A. C. Goetter La Pastorella Miss Drew Donaldson Bliuica , oueen of Canrl MlsH Lillian namsdcn Mlnutezzu. princess of Capri , her daughter Miss Marie Celesta And others. Superbly staged , elegantly costumed and filled with vigorous march music such is a summing up of the opera. Much was expected of the production be cause John Phillip Sousa made it , both ns to book and music , and wherever music Is played he is known. The opera comes west with the stamp of eastern approval upon It and hPs enough merit in It to carry it to a successful end of the season. It Is not n piece for star parts ; In fact , the best and the heaviest work is done In ensemble. The composer has-accomplished hla happiest ro- Eultu In the line of chorus endeavor nnd in spiriting marches embellished with words make up the major and best parts of the piece. The scene la laid In the Island of Capri , which gives abundant opportunity for un usual stage settings. The opening discloses a beautiful picture of the pea fiom the bland with tropical foliage and unusual architec ture In thn foieground. The next Is the fold of a shepherdess , among ruins , and the final Is n fortress. The ( Stage effects are wellnlglr perfect. The costumes are now and elegant , the sit uation allowing of unusual gowns nnd uni forms. The company , more Is the pity , Is not of the best , no ono person standing out "i'lth any prominence In the cast , except It bo M'ss Marie Celesta , who won u hearty recall with her song , "Snoxv nablcs , " In the second net. Her little triumph Was ic- warded by a bunch of roses from over the footlights. Nell McNeil , who has the fiinmaklng to do , Is handicapped by meager lines , but man ages to Inject considerable Into his part. Ho was with the extravagan/a " 1492" last year and had moro abundant opportunities to die- play himself .it. a comedian. Three solectlons In tbo opera Mand out with Insistent prominence. They are "Un chain the Doss of War , " "Tho Stars and Stripes Forever" and the "Bride-Elect" march , nil three of which are known the world over. The first nanjed Is used as a finale to tl'e second act and makes a proud close with Its swing and Invigorating rhythm , Ono thing noticeable was the prominent part the orchestra has In the piece This was remarkably noticeable In the solo work , where , like Wagner , ho makes the human volco but ono of the blending parts In the ensemble. The accompaniments wcro all florid. The audience was a generous ono and was not Inclined to be niggardly In Its praise. As a whole the production Is deserving of good patronage from those theater-goers who are tired of the old ruts and want to see und bear something new and original. Special Offerings in Ladies' and Children's Underwear Ladles' flno Jersey ribbed vests and pants , In silver or ecru , regular 50c quality , nt 25c. Children's fleece lined vests and pants at lOc , 15c and -Oc. Ladles' extra heivy nceco lined vests and pauts , In silver nnd ecru , regular 76c qual ity , at 33c. ladles' $1.00 Union suits nt 49c. Ladles' $1.50 Union suits at 75c. Children's COc union suits at 25c. Children's wool vests nnd pants nt 23c , 30o and Sue , Special Bargains in Neckwear and Gloves Men's flno kid lined gloves at 49c. Men's heavy wool glove * or mittens , the regular fiOc quality , nt 25c. 500 dozen men's neckwear , In Imperials , Tccks , bows and puffs and string , worth up to 75c , on sale nt 25c. Mon's flno cashmcro half ho o In all col ors , regular 2de quality , at 12 > , &c. Men's 35o wool half hcse at 17c. Men's heavy fleeced llnod working shirts , worth 75c , at 49c. The largest line ot flannel shirts In Omnhn. Special Bargains in Corsets and Hosiery Ladles' flno fleece llnod hose , full seamless and warranted fast colors , the regular 25c quality , for 16c. Ladles' 50c wool hcso at 2Dc. Children's lleese lined hose with double knco , heel and toe , regular 25a quality , nt 15c. Ladles' $1.00 corsets at 49c. Ladles' $1.00 gowns at 49c. Ladles' $1.50 kid gloves In all sizes at 75c. Ladles' wool mittens at lOc , 16c and 25c. Ladles' and children's fleece lined gloves , In black , brown and red , regular $1.00 qual ity , nt SOc. CAPS andTrflii HflNTERS. A wonderful saving In price due to care ful , spot cabh hujlng on a largo scale. Boje" caps In brown , gray and blue > In winter weight , pull down over cars , worth 75c , on sale at 40c. Stocking caps , In rod , blue , brown , plaid and mixed , a great variety to cheese from , at 20c , 25c , 35c , 60c and 6bc. worth 15c to 50c more apiece. Tarn O'Shantcrs In knit goods , blue nnd red , regular SOc , on sale nt 35c. Regular 75c Tarns In plain blue cheviot on sale at 40c. Full line of girls' plaid caps at 35c. School girls blue serge caps at 40c. 9 9 I SOUTH OMAHA NEWS. 1 fc-'J' 4 > Jb ai * ift < i > * > -o f - ' ' Word comes from Oregon , through an ex change , that the horse abattoirs at Dsllas hove opened up a new and profitable ! u- dustrj to the Indians of the northwest. These horse-packers pay the Indians $2.50 per dpy as soon as the horses are londtd , tbo i cault being a general cleaning up of these almost useless animals. A icturncd traveler bays : "The , Indians aie In their glory when they are driving a band of horses compris ing several hundred bead. They tide arounl the lieid whooping nnd yelling , drlvlrig tbo animals In great style. If they can only Induce some one to give them a few swallows of alcohol they nro In the seventh heaven of delight. Many picturesque sccnea nro presented when the Indians are rounding up the horses , and more excited men are seldom met with among the uboilglnes. Pioud as newly-appointed policemen , they fly about with dignity thrown to the winds. " From other sources It Is learned that the packing of Ucrso meat Is getting to be quite an Industry In the northwest , and especially In Oregon , where vast herds of wild horses roam the hills and valleys. The flesh of tbo horse Is canned similar to best and Is shipped to foreign countries , where It Is considered n great relish , Hor&cs in the noithwest sell for little or nothing , and the Indians consider that iTiey arc getting big money for their stock when they sell at $250 : icr head. Large quantities of canned horse meat are shipped to Belgium and France , where the demand almost exceeds the supply. IIn > or 1'iiHor Milken n Dciilnl. In Irst evening's Issue of the Dally Sun the statement was made that Mr. Rosewatcr had offered Mayor Ensor $500 for the use of the nollco force on election day. As u mat ter of fact , Mi. Rosowntcr has not seen or hold any communication with Mavoi for several months. In connection with this matter Mnyoi L'nbor lust night sent the fol lowing letter to Mr. Rosownter : SOUTH OMAHA , Nov. 10. Hon. IMwnrrt RoKOwater , Editor of Thd Omaha liceI notlui nil nrtiUo In the South Oniiiha Dally Sun under LVPII date , which nuys , umotiK oilier thliiRH , that jou offered mu , IIH miiyor of this clt$500 foi the use of the police force on election day , Hopbliifi- this charge I vvlnh to nay in justice to myself , UH well us to > oti , that > ou never tnnilo mo any Huth offer , I feel It my duly to brand the statement IIH a Ho pure and nlmple , and the article VVIIH no doubt written Hlmply to drag mo Into a political mlx-up vvhoro I do nut belong und liavo no interest. Regret- full ) , T 11. HNBOll. Cnltln Kci-illiiK In tilt ; .South. There is a feeling In the trade , pays the St. Louis National Live Stock Reporter , that the run of cattle from the southwest will bo below the average for the whole of next year. It is reported by good authorities that the cottonseed meal and hull feeding this winter will not bo over 10 per cent of last year If this is so It ought to encourage these who are actually feeding cattle to make their steers good and fat , as under such circum stances strong prices ought to bo the rule. Oilil IVlloMM1 Hrrrplloii mill Hull. South Omaha lodge No. 148 and Alpha Ro- bekah ledge No 14 of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows will give a grand reception nl the new Odd Fellows' hall , Twenty-fourth and M ut-eclB , Thursday evening , November 10 On the evening following u ball and social will be given by the Odd Follows and the Rebckah lodge. Good music has been engaged .for both occasions and light refresh- [ metits will bo eervcd , hhnrtiiKf In " ' Mill. Suppl ) . Milk Inspector Montague reports that the gupply of milk at the dairies near the city Is falling a little short , and that milk Is bring shipped In from out In the state to supply tbo local demand , The Inspector Hardware , Stoves and Housefurnishing Dept , A Few More Exposition Stoves All Odds and Ends- No Two Alike Special Made at Special Prices , A few moro of these Stewart Double Heat ing Base Burners Did > ou ece them ? The best on earth. Sell jou a largo heater of this kind ( regular $42.00) ) Of ; Then the Stewnrl Hot Blast H Q Q f < for only . ± < i. t/O The Stewart Oak regular H Q $18.00-for JLO. The 17-Inch very largo -f fi Junior Onk XX. The Flonl Oak 16-Inch a beauty A few moro of those exposition Steel Ranges. Do jou want one ? Do not vvnlt too long. They will soon nil be none. Only ono ot a kind. Wo can soil jou n very fine C-holo range , with largo square oven , high closet , duplex grate , gray Iron top , warranted against flro cracks , a regular $35.00 our prlco A beautiful Cast Range , extra < ( * Q K stio. a regular $26.00 for J.U. 7U Have n very nice No. 8 Cook , warranted to Then wo have n splendid G-hole Range , bo an extra nno baker , O A Q reservoir , with larse 20-Inch oven flno baker , icgular $1850 our -JO . J.O. S13ND IN YOUR MAIL ORDERS. prlco Linens and Domestic These prices which we quote to jou today are only for Saturday , November 11. You will flnd them on sale at 10 n. m. 70-Inch vvldo cream cold table linen , 25c a jard ; 5S-lnch fancy colored damask , oil colors , have been selling 35c and 45c a jard , only 25c u jard ; IS-tnch wldo checked toweling , 2 o a jard ; 81x90 reidy-mndo sheets , bleached or unbleached , worth 40c , on sale at 29o each ; 10 pieces checked nainsook , slightly soiled on edges , nt 3V4o a yard ; janl-wldo bleached cambric , only 5c a jard ; all linen fringed tray cloths , 15c each ; now Una ot fancy colored canvass for sofa pil lows on sale at 25c a jard , worth BOc ; 3-4 full bleached napkins only Too a dozen , large size white crochet bed spreads , COc each ; notice our special bargain In towels tomorrow at 5c and lOo each ; 2V4-jard long extra heavy chenille couch covers , were $3.50 , Saturdaj' , prlco $1.93 each. Come prc- partxl to buy remnants Saturday In table linens and \\lilto gcods. Sheet Music Sale 15c , 15c , 15c , 15c , IGc , 15c , 15c , 15c , 15c , 15c. All day Saturday and Saturday evening we will sell regular 60c sheet music at 15c per copy. Everybody come. Plenty of music for everybody. Such hits ns the following will bo sold : "Whistling Rutus , " "I'd Leave My Happy Home for You , " "I've waited , Honey , Waited Long for You , " "Girl I Loved In Sunny Tennessee , " "My Little Georgia Rose , " "I'm Glad I Met You , Mary , " "Ono Night In June , " "Without Your Love , Ah ! Let MP Die- ' " ' "mid the Green Fields of Virginia , " "Just Tell Her that I Loved Her , Too , " "Bo- cause Always , " "Hello , My Baby. " asserts that from tests made he has found that thn milk shipped in Is not up to the standard usually supplied by the local dairies. So far , however , none of the sam ples tested have fallen below the standaid established by ordinance. As for the dairies on the outskirts of the city , all nro reported to be In good condition , with the cows being well-fed and cared for. It Is expected that before long the supply of milk from nearby dairies will be Increased , and then there will be no. necessity for shipping In milk from creameries Hev. lr\lii | JohiiNHn to Lecture. The first of a ser'es ' of hlstoilcal lectures will bo delivered by Rev. Irving P. Johnson nt St. Martin's Eplsconal church Sunday evening at 7:45 : o'clock. The series will com prise an account of the church In the great centers of church life during successive cen turies. Rev. Johnson's Hist lecture Is enti tled "Jerusalem nnd the Jewish ChrUtiano of the First Century. " These lectuica will no doubt a'tract considerable attention and be largely attended. Clt ) OlINNlll. A flro hydrant has been located nt Thir tieth und X streets. The flro department ( lushed the uaved part of the city street : * in the business j cste rdaj1. The weighing of the malls has ceased , much to the relief of the two mailing clerks nt the postolllce. The annual meetlhfr of tliu stockholders of the Union Stock Yurds company will beheld held on December 11. Thursday's tea given by the King's Daughters netted enough money to pay for the. Thanksgiving baskets to be distributed to thu ! > oor. Dan Hannon has offered n premium of $3 fr , . iiio imnilH for Kradlue district No , ( ) . HIT The H1O llnanco IIUUV40 committee fcw * n..u.Hn huH the Hale of the bonds in choree MaliiH me being laid on North Twenty- third street for the location of a llro li.-- of Twenty- drant nt the northwest corner third nntl - streets. Willlum N. Orumc , iiRed 80 jcnrs , died nt his home In Ucllevuo vesterdnj. The ( u- noral will bo hell ! ut 10 o'clock this tnoin- Uellevue. 1ns ut the Presbyterian chinch In QUESTION OF LIFE UK DEATH * i > C'onxlil- \U-HT-IIeii crhiK rrol nhlllt > of Uc- nmal. Promoters of the annual festivities of the Knlghti ot Ak-Sar-Bcn nre involved in the ni'nuol perplexity over the prospect of con tinuing the festivities. Each year the piobablllty Bccma to bo entertained that the iciuircncn o ! tbo spcctaclea may fall , but wlillii thti uncertainty lus heretofore pre vailed It has been noted that the fcstlvlllei have come on apace and with Create. splendor than hau marked thn pre ceding demonstrations * , Thu annual meeting ot the followers of the king will occur Monday evening , Novetnbot Si , at the rooms ot the Commercial club , a ! which time a decision will doubtless be reached a < i to what will bo done next year. . Much will depend upon thu character ami voluma ol attendance pt that meeting. II there 1s a large nnd representative attend- ones ot thn commercial heavy weights of the city there Is little doubt that royal pageantry . It Is considered will bo re-enacted next jeai. sidered essential that the Jobbers , bankers and business men ot the city lend to this meeting encouragement by their presence or the promote will feel that they are handi capped. The capitalist or buslncts lender who remains away from the annual meeting la looked upon as Indifferent or unfavorable to repetition of the parades and festivities Tb < membership for the jear has reached about 1,000 , and It Is con sidered that there ought to be on attend ance ot nearly 500 at the annual meetIng - Ing at which the prospects of llfo or death nre to be considered and a conclusion reached , Tbo organization was effected during the pa .t year under circumstances that presented some dlscouragemfnu. The Handsome ftlilH Wo would bo pleased to show jou tha exquisitely pretty and now suggestions for winter wear now In our inllllnury depart ment. Without question they are the handsomest and swcllest hats that have ever been shown In Omaha. For beauty , stjle , becomliiKness you cannot match thej In Omaha. For Sat urday we make some special price * * on trimmed hats. About 300 very stilish hate , nicely trimmed and worth up to $5 00 , go on sale at $2 50. From that up at $3.00 , $3 50 , $4.98 , $7.50 and $1000 jou can buy the choicest styles and newest materials. At $4.98 we will sail some Imported pattern hats that are worth up to $10 00 , Fancy ornaments , quills , wings and birds In the greatest variety and all the desirable kinds. Prices less than half the ordinary. Fine quills , regular luc values , ou sale Saturday for 6c. Blackbirds , regular $1.25 , on sale Saturday at 73c. See our large line of children's pretty hats and the sav lijg you make on them. . . . Men's winter underwear on sale at ono- hatf price. Men's heavy wool flecco lined undershirts , regular 75c quality , at 25c. 500 dozen men's flno sample shirts and drawers , In wool nnd fleece lined , worth up to $1.00 , at 45c. Men's flno camel's hair and Jersey ribbed shirts and drawers , worth up to $1 50 , at 75c. The very best Australian wool , In double and single breasted goods , worth up to $2 $ 00 each , at 9Sc. membership for the preceding year Had been about 1,100 , and It was thought that nearly half that many would certainly mani fest sufficient Interest to be present at the annual meeting , but when It occurred there were only ninety-five on hand to pass upon the question of renewal of allegiance to the cause of Samson * . Among them wore IPSS than half n dozen of the men to whom the knights' organization alwajs looks for the meat material flnanclal assistance. But the few present decided to go ahead , and the result baa attested the wisdom of their de cision. The retail merchants and citizens gener ally appear to be anxious to render their full assistance. Invitations nio now being sent out by the Commercial club for a ban quet to be tendeied the board of govern ors of the Knlihts uf Ak-Sar-Bcn next Tuesday evening at the rooms of the club , which will doubtless mark the opening ot the canvass for aid for next year. The ex pression is everywhere heard that Omaha , having brought these annual demonstrations to such perfection , can hardly afford to al low the order to dlsbind and its splendid festivals to be discontinued. Hiiniliiy School Union Convention. CHICAGO , Nov 10 L n. Stevenson , as sistant superintendent , presided over to day's session of the American Sunday School union nt the Moody Institute. A. lecture on general missionary work was delivered by W It Newell nt the general meeting. A b'ble lectuio was delivered bj- Dwlght L. Moody , and practical primary plans worn dlroussed bv Miss Mury name * . Other subjects werp "fYmventloiiH and In stitutes. " ChnrloH Kol'cj" , and "Develop ment of Union Schools In Missions , ' by J. A. Howard. The varloim state depart ment" ' ulso held meeting . When vv inter comes the vital forces of nature are lov\ , and the tree Btniulslike a solitary monument to the dead .sum mer , In the winter of life , active men experience a himilar lower- ring of vital ity. In bonie the effect is staining. They loose their grip on life. They seem like nionunients of there is need of n medicine which will nourish nnd build up the body , and increabe its vital power. Such a medicine ii Dr. Pierce'fi Golden Med ical Discovery , H enriches the blood , purifies it , carries uff the clogging v\as > te of the system , increases the nutrition of the body , nnd produces n bound , healthy condition with abundant vital power and ph > sicnl energy. David JUKgiii , Hsq , of Jones. Ohio Co , Ky , , vvrllei "when I began taking Ir Wcrfe'a Golden Medical Dhccncry I tliiuW I had nervous or general ilebllltj of three ycaio' duration. I took three bottles of the 'Discovery ' During the time I was taking it my bleep became mure and I gained fifteen pounds weight , and nlo gamed Mrcngth every du > . It hastxrii kiit months place I took the medicine and I Mill have rea tollable health I am willing to lia\e you publhli this , and aUu my former letter , if you wish to , and if It prmcfi to be of benefit to any afflicted pcr on I will feel well rtiuld. " There is no alcohol or other intoxicant in "Golden Medical Discovery , " neither opium or other narcotic drugs , The dealer who offers a substitute for the "Discovery" is seeking to profit hinifelf , not to help you. Insist on hav ing " Golden Medical Discovery. " Dr. 1'ierce'b Common Sejisu Medical Adviser is sent free , on receipt of stamps to cover cost of mailing only. Send 21 one -cent stamps for edition in paper cover , or 31 stamps for cloth binding. Address Dr. R. V. Tierce , Buffalo , N. Y. I