Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE OMAHA. DATljY "REE : SATTTRDAT , 11 , 1800. r
SI Knee Pants for 35c
100 boys' knco pants of pure Beautiful
. woolens , with double ten Souvenirs
T & Icnnna. wm > Lti ft ! Snlni-ilnw
Corduroy Knee Pants- to Purchaser every o
Hey * Corduroy Knout'untf
dork " , ! MHO * ' "tr wuljtbt blaelt. Queen
inn colois , c.rluil
lon walslb'iia & tupod tliro'out Quality
Bought for spot cash for one-third These are the choicest garments in the entire
less than actual cost to manufacture stocks of two Chicago wholesale clothing ALE
' manufacturers , noted for the excellence of
Men's BusinesSititsfor/J their goods ,
Fall and Winte Men's $7.50 Fashionable Box Top Coats Ever held in Omaha , More bargains and bigger values then
elegant line of fancy rh < > vet ! on Sale Saturday at
nnd casslmoro HtilN In neat i-hccki
i.nd mixture * , made up in straight Those would ever think possible.
nnd round . latest fashionable box rovcrt cloth ton coats , made full bos .
cut. single nnd double ,
breasted back strapped seams , cloth or velvet collar ,
styles , every garment In tan , light hrown or newest drab and ox
elegantly . trimmed and lined , reg ford gray , an well as blnck , blue and brown
today ular J7.00 . sultH , our . prlco . kersey bargain and beaver In men's overcoats overcoats an unrivaled , worth The Finest Lot of Shoes
Men's > absolutely $7.50-Saturday
Stylish Suits for
7 only they are on
Fall and Winter Wear * 9 p.ilo at ' Ever Put on Sale in Omaha
Mndo of fancy cheviots and ra sl- Men's $10 New Stylish Fall and
tncrcfl , also black clay worsteds and Winter Overcoats at
lorges , In stripes , checks and Fashionable overcoats fop men's wear In '
plaids , fnshlnnably cut nnd reliably black , blue and brown , all wool kersey anil 392OO Pairs Men's Shoes
made , regular $10.00 suit , beaver cloth , rnw edge llnlsh , s'.lk velvet
prlco today . collars , strapped seams ; good farmer's
Men's sutln top coats lining , , with nlso body light lining colored or covert two- In all the newest and best styles for fall and winter , made to retail
Fall and Swell Suits for tind toned all self Plzes lined from ; any 33 to desirable 44. Sold lengths from three to six dollars a pair , , in black and in tans , go at
Winter Wear elsewhere at $10.00 Saturday
' of line smooth finished blue at Boston Store B
p , clipvlot , play worsted , unlln-
I Iied and nobby striped worstrds Men's $15 Dressiest
Ousslincre * and cheviots , In a great
variety of swell patterns. In all Top Coats at
fy.icp'ii F'1111 ser c "ml Italian
cloth lining , a regular $15 suit. on Tailored in the best possible manner , of the
nalo today . . . . . . . choicest English whipcords , coverts
and vicunas , In drab , light , medium i
Men's Imported and dark tan : colored slllc velvet or '
plain cloth collais ; unsurpassed work- ; Pairs Ladies' Fine Shoes
Worsted Suits . maiushlp ; silk lined throughout , or
fancy back and silk shoulder and silk i *
A grand line of new f.incy wor- 9leve lining ; a perfect $15.00 dress coat 1
Btcd suits In stripes , also an pie- on sale here Saturday Every pair to date in everything. Extreme new styles. The
Rant line of Imported and domes ' up very
tic checks uiul extra heavy ser- Men's $20 Imported
finest Finer and sweller than find
art shoemaking. can
gos , and cheviots ; they are the Overcoats for . you
newest of effects In this
else in Omaha at
' anywhere
hon's patterns ; they are regular Men's finest overcoats in Imported , go
$18.50 suits : today patent beavers , English Meltons , I
' llnest gray vicunas1 , black , blue.
Men's Very Finest brown and oxford gray ; finest light ?
colored French whipcords and cov 9
Winter Suits ert cloths In slate , tan , drab and light brown shades ,
and worsted plaid body lining ; In dressiness
In this lot are all the Hwellest and newest silk yoke the equal of the be. t merchant tailor ' '
and appearance
rough effect suits , as well as the highest work ; worth and sold from $16.50 to j:0.00 ; Saturday at $12.50. ild's Infant's Shoes
Rradu of new globe worsted stripes ; also ,
men's Imported blue serge and ,
/ f *
patln they are lined made clay and worsted ttlmmed suits as ; Boys' Knee Pant Suits Made by the best shoemakers of Rochester and Boston , including a
well custom made
any car-
mrnts , in single and double big lot of sample shoes.
'breasted ' nnd frock styles ; Dig bargains In Boys' Suits from 3 to 8 years , In Vesteo
they are. cnuul to any $25 null , H Q a styles , from 8 to 15 years , In double breasted coats , pure
for today wool casslmeres , all good shades ; sewed and trimmed 39c , 50c , 59c , 75c , $1.00 , $1025 ,
' to stand the roughest usage. Every seam taped
Boys'Long Pant Suits nnd double stitched , worth up to $3.50 , .50 , $1.75 and $2.25
tJoys' $5 and $ G Long Pants Suits , J3.9S Saturday
Boys' long pant suits , apes 11 to 13
years , In single or double-breasted , Boys' doublo-breasted 3utts , ages 8 to IB years , In unfading
round or straight cut styles , made BOBBERS OF ALL KINDS
, . 8
of most durable cloth , absolutely fading all wool cheviots , blue black or brown. Gray ,
free from cotton : good Inside finish ; plnchecks and striped casslmerca. Every button riveted ,
f very desirable shade or color. Your and strongest eewlng throughout. Nice fitting and dressy
choice of these $5 nnd $6 suits Saturday . , ,
than for Saturday
urday at' not a suit worth less $4.00 Pairs Overgaiters
Hoys' 17.50 Jx > ng Pants Suits , $4.98 Boys' only at ,
Kong Pants , Black nnd Blue Serge , sizes 11
to ' 19 years , heavy winter weights , Finest styllah suite for lads from 8 to 15 years , of new
In round nnd straight rut sacks est imported guaranteed all-wool worsteds , vicunas , plain
neat chccksd or latest striped ctiKsi- and fancy caoslmeres , etc. , absolutely perfect workman 12,000 Pairs Jersey Leggings
mercs ; stylish , reliable tallorwork , ,
Omaha ,
dressy appearance , Just from the ship. The finest lot of boys' suite ever shown In
tailor's bfnch and ready for Satur worth from $5.00 to $7.00 , go on sale
day's great sale ; lit your boy In one Saturday at
of the $7.50 suit values for
Special Bargains Saturday
' - ' and Child's Overcoats Ulsters
Boys' ,
Youths' $12 Clay Worsted Suits , $7.50 and Reefers. In Basement Shoe Department
Youth's long pants black clay wormed suits , finest
English serges , In the. famous West of England Boys' and children's Overcoats , Ulsters and Reefer Coats , In Astrakhan ,
manufacture. unfinished worsteds , up-to-date
checks or 'plaids and stripes , faultlessly trimmed melton , kersey and cheviot cloths. Our entire stock of these coats for youngsters
ind excellently tailored In every fashionable cut 75c 89c 98c
for boys from 12 to 19 years of age sold elsewhere sters from 3 to 8 years , boys' from 8 to 19 years , will be on special sale
K from $9.00 to $12.50 Saturday they will bo on sale
. . . . . .
it Boston store .it Saturday at $1.08 , $2.50 , $2.98 and $3.50. , ,
1,000 men's 1,000 dozen men's Dollar
Colored quality ipecial Offerings
iu heavy wool In Our Basement.
llucee buck , reg Grand Special Sale Saturday.
Slightly damaged in laundry ular 75e garment , For Saturday only 10,000 yards 40-
and cuffs attached at All the accumulated remnants of one of
with collars go we will sell 10,000 inch wide lawn
and detached. Men's fleece the largest eastern ribbon mills. They have been dis yards -lO-inoh wide dotted nd organdy , albo
high grade played In our show window for the psist week , nnd gent dress and drapery Swiss , Swiss , for
back Underwear - nt ll-2c , 21-2c and 5e yard. Promptly at S oclock they worth 25c , lit yard only , yard
go on
heavy wear extra quality Your choice of over 1,000 All the narrow plain and piqot edge ribbons 10,000 fringed Heavy Turkish
checked barber
Sf.50 Men's dozen men's finest silk bens that general l.r sell for fie yard , go at 1 l--'c yard. towels at Towels , worth
. , go
All the heavy satin ribbon , the regular
Underwear all the latest each 10c at
neckties in ' go
price of which Is lOc yard , nil new this season' * patterns ,
\J [ worth n dollar Your choice of over 20 of tecks bows puffs po at 2 l-'Jc yard. Turkish WashCloths Glass cloth
500 men's colored laundered shirts , styles of the finest styles , , , All the extra heavy all silk and satin ribbons
absolutely quality of all imperials , and bens , heavy satin edge ribbons and fancy ribbons that Cloths , worth checked napkins ,
sull to l.le yard , on sale today at oc
four-in-hands generally up go
and wool and silk - -
eound ,
per yard. 5c , go at each ,
fect iu all the and wool fleece with flowing
EXTRfl SPEGifll For this sale only we will size table the 2f kind
latest designs back underwear ends , worth up Large fringed covers , > c , go as long
very sell 10,000 yards very heavy all slllc and double fncod last at 5c each. And hundreds of
to dollar each as they
signs , with collars in all regula as
satin , taffeta and taffeta moire ribbon , worth Hoc and fiOe
nnd cuffs attached well as extra go Saturday " other in the basement
ut yard , for this snle only they go at l. > c yard. bargains
and detached
Holcomb's Plurality in the State is in
Neighborhood of Fourteen Thousand ,
C nuir lU-vcrnoN Ilic KIINOII !
< > r 1SIIS "l"1 i < iiN
ill tlit < Itcpiilillrnu
Co In in n.
The Dee presents today rotwns from all
l/ut / threw of the ninety counties In Ne
braska Antelope , Mcl'herson anil Sliurlilan.
On tlio fnco of' these returns Ilolcornb'o
Plurality la a. lltllo over 13,000. The thrco
niUsliig counties " 111 bo stiflU'Irnt to brln , ;
the total up to the neighborhood of 14,000.
Bomo of the latter counties , Madleon for In-
ntnncc , reversed themselves ou the \oto of
luut year. Thla cuts down the estimated
majority of 16,000 inudo tbla morntug. Th
otllclal i-ount , which la now protfccdliiR In
the various counties , \slll probably clianRO
the figures B few votes In each from the un-
dlllclal llgurcB , but the laaiigoslll , as
usual , bo divided ubpul equally and there
U no prospect of any material change from
the totoU given below :
Wheeler I SSI 155 | 76 | 137
Yotk I 1933 | ! Si9 , lS3u , li
Totals | 917G110GS12 | | 9258,11 95113
nnirlnl IN Hi-corilcd oil County
l nil H nl " OOliMTH.
BUTLERReturns from the county com
plete give : Heesc , 1,305 ; Ilolcomb , 2,110.
Regents : McQIlton ( rep. ) 1,322 , Ely ( rep. )
1,270 , Rica ( fus. ) 1,954 , Teeters ( fus. ) 1,860.
District Judge : Scdgwlck ( rc-p. ) 1,410 , An-
dorwm ( rop. ) 1,281. Good ( fus. ) 2,019 , Born-
Wger ( fus. ) 1,887 , The following fuslnn
I county ticket was elected by majorities
from 400 to SOO : Treasurer . H. Taylor ;
clerk , J. J. firaham ; clerk district couit ,
Louis Strnka ; Judge , C. M. Sklles ; sheriff ,
li. C. Hew ; county superintendent , Oeno
: coroner , A. II. Roys ; surveyor ,
Henry Patterson. In IMvld City the ci- :
tlro republican ticket was elected.
11OONU The flection of county officers
resulted as follows : K. H. 1'ettlbono ( rep. )
county treasurer ; F. II. Lchr ( rep. ) county
clerk ; K. J. Mack ( fusion ) clerk of district
court ; L. Q. Campbell ( fusion ) county Judge ;
P. A. Harbor ( rep. ) county superintendent ;
Dr. A. J. Clark ( rep. ) coroner ; 0. V. I'lum
( rep. ) surveyor.
JJAWBON The complete fusion ticket wa
successful by the following majorities : Ilol
comb , 239 ; Neville , 264 ; district Judge , II. M.
Sullivan , 310 ; clerk of court , K. M. Mallctt ,
265 ; treasurer.V. . K. Young , 266 ; county
clerk , Jerry Costln , 310 ; sheriff , Andy Hays ,
311 ; county Judge , W. D. Roberts , 232 :
county superintendent. Claud Smith , 400 ;
surveyor , R. C. lleatty , 272 ; coroner , Dr.
U. 0. Iltardman , 2S2. Lexington precinct
gave u majority of sixteen for Reese nnd
elected the precinct ticket nominated by the
KRONTIRR Republicans elect county
dor ) ; . K. L. Hnll ; ehcrltf , I. A. Adams ;
county superintendent. Clara L. Dobson ;
county commissioner , L. H. Wymore. The
populistH elect it. 1) . Logan , treasurer ; 1C.
1 * . Pyle , county Judge , There Is a tie be
tween J. C. ( Jummlll and Harry Roach for
clerk of the dlstilct court ,
HITCHCOCK The following vote was re
corded In this county Fur county treas
urer , T. H. lirltton ( fusion ) 492 , K. W.
Houghton ( rep.1) 435 ; clerk , W. A. Steward
( fusion ) 492 , Henry Lehman ( rep. ) 474 ;
superintendent , Stella Smith ( fusion ) COO ,
Norah Ilnnnnli ( rop152 ) ; Judge , C. W.
Shurtleff ( fusion ) COG , S. Hill ( rep. ) 448 ,
sheriff , J. M. Crews ( fusion ) 478 , K. H.
Drown ( rep. ) 407 ; coroner , A. II. Miller
( fusion ) 182 , A. II , Thomas ( rop. ) 475 ; sur
veyor , W. A. I'almcr ( fuclon ) 520 , C. H. Peck
( rop. ) 422.
JEKFKRSOX The- official count Is as fol
lows : Reese , 1,601 ; Ilolcomb , 1,191. Re
gents : McGllton ( rep , ) 1,519 , Hly ( rep. )
1,123 , Tcrters ( fus. ) 1,374 , Rich ( fus. ) 1.41" .
Judges , First judicial district : C. n. Lit
ton , 1,699 ; J. T. Stull , 1.513 ; K. O. Krlt-
slnger , 1.439 ; A. S , Story , 1.354.
On the county ticket the republican elect
B. P. arltlln , clerk of the district court ;
B. L. Clurc , county clerk ; C. C. noyls ,
county Judge , nnd S. W. Dodge , coronar.
The fuslonlstH elect S. M , niilly , treasurer ,
W. F. Itaiawlrtz , sheriff ; F. A. Carmony ,
( superintendent , and W. W. Watson , sur
KBARNHY Official : Reese , 843 ; Ilolcomb.
1,214 ; Bly , 801 ; McOllton , 876 ; Rich , 093 ;
Teeters , 1,137 ; Kcentor ( rep. ) , district judge ,
843 ; Adams ( fun. ) , district Judge , 1,285 ,
NKMAHA The official vote In this county
gives the republicans Judge , clerk of dis
trict court and coroner , while the fuslonlstH
carry the balance of the ticket. The clerk
of the dlatrlct court won by only llvo votes.
MBRRICK Rcoso , 1.029 ; Ilolcomb , 1,053 ,
Uly , 1.032 ; McOllton. 074 ; Rich. 021 ; Teeters ,
829 ; Fitch , 110 ; Smith , SO ; district Judge ,
Thompson. 1.127 ; Ok-son , 1,010 ; Hollenbeck ,
999 ; Orlmshaw , 921.
SHERMAN Ilolcomb. 712 ; Reese , 396 ;
Teetcrw , 739 ; Rich , 617 ; Ely , 364 ; McOllton.
3B5 ; Smith , 26 ; Fitch , 1 ; Klnkald , 431 ;
Neville , 753 ; Sullivan. 763 ; Humor. 429.
VALLBY The county ticket was nil
elected by the fusIonUts ; xcept treasurer
and superintendent. The oil'ora elected are
as followa : Sheriff , Detley Hcnck ; clerk ,
Frank Koupal ; treasurer. W. 13. Keown ;
Judge , R. L. Staple ; superintendent , L. Ille.5-
sing ; coroner. Dr. R. A , Hllllngu ; surveyor ,
F. J. Agcr ; clerk district court , II. M , Davis.
Ord city went strongly republican. Thu
townhhlp republican ticket vas nil elected
except treasurer , which went to the fuslon-
Vit SiMirci nl ( Viliir Kallx ,
* KDAU FALLS , l.i. . Nov. 10. Foot ball
dmo : State Normal , 0 ; Ames Agricultural
college , 0.
Work of the Pennsjlvanians This Week Has
Been Poor.
Ari > I'lajliiir a Stronjj
Uaiiie , Yi't HJ < - < l link ITS lloic 'to
AVI n mill | VIT | ) ( In * .tl
Ten in from Scorlnt ; .
PHILADELPHIA , Nov. 10. The Uni
versity of Michigan foot , ball eleven will
meet the University of Pennsylvania cloven
on Kranklln Held tomorrow. So llttlo la
known of Michigan's playing strength that
the Pennsylvanl.ins are son'iuwlmt appre
hensive ) aa to the outcome of the ganiu.
Reports have been received that the wcst-
ornerH arci playing n strong game nnd the
custom team has done considerable ! hard
practicing during the last week. The
Quakers hope to win , In fact , they hope
to prevent the Mlchlgandera from scoring.
The Pennsylvania tcum ban been some
what demoralized slnco Us defeat at the
hands of Ilarrard last Saturday. The team
as a whole has not been together once for
practice this year. Right Knd Coombs ,
who luin a lame shoulder , lias not prac
ticed and Ovcrlleld , who was the principal
actor in the unphuhant eeeno after the
Harvard game , has failed to show hlm-
faolf In uniform. Doth of thcwo men are
oxpectexl to start In thu jamo. ; The work
of the Pcnnsylvanlans this week has been
The principal fault ban been a lack of
aggreialvenws. The team took only light
practice today. Signal drill was the prin
cipal work done.
The Michigan team Is quartered ut Wayne ,
tv suburb of this city. All the men have
reco > ercd from their long Journey from )
the west and are in finecondition. . The
pijycra did not line up today , but con-1
tented thunselvca by doing light practlc" , '
which consisted of going through the ! K-
nals , catching and punting. The team
will come to tbu city tomorrow
and take a light lunch at a hotel. Follow
ing Is Lho probable lineup of the teams :
Pennsylvania. Postilion. Michigan.
Stnhl . Left end . Iiittner
Snover . Left tackle . McDonald
Hare . Left Rimnl . HUBB
Overlleld . Center . UunnlnKlmin
TPIIH . Right guard . Franco
Wallace . Hlu'lit t.icklo . Strockle
f'nombp . Hlght end . Snow
Woodley . Qunrterback . Htreot
Kennedy . Left halfback . McCliiln
Outland . Hlpht halfback . Lflbloe
McCnicken . Fullback . White
iti IID : oKi
I'cnaKy liillli'lrd on Five Irii for
FlKlitliiK lit \civor ( 'I'racU.
CINCINNATI. Nov. 10. After fi thorough
Investigation Into the light between Curlcy
Hrown and DIII Murray Thuriiday after
noon at 'the Newport track the judges * today
ruled off the turf for llfo the following per
sons ! II. D. Hrown , Qeorgo Keating ,
Trainer Ted Wllkor and Charles Keating.
Wllkor was Implicated In the affair through
handing Drown u pair of brass knuckles
during- the affray. It developed , however ,
that Hrown did not use the weapon given
him by Wllkw. but struck Murr.iy
times across tlin head with a chair.
The K'cutlniboyp , according to evldcmco
prctunteil , wore in the room 'Jn which the
light took placii and prevented Murr.iy fiorn
raeniilnif from hln assdllnnlH when nttneketl
by Hrown. Hotli the Kcntlngs have been
employed ill the. tnick. Hrown Is u well
known rarliiir man and has bec-n at Newport -
port for several years. This year he has
been r.ulng n citublo of horses. Ho owns
tliri-o of the fattest hprlllterx In the west In
Merry Day , Uold d'Or and Dolly \Vlothoff.
' .Murray Is Mllll In n jirccarlous condition ,
but the physicians Hay ho will recover. Ills
mopl forlouH Injury Is u gush In the back
uf the head llvo Inches long.
Mol.miKliIlliVliiM ( lie 1'nrxr. .
NKW YOIUC. Nov. 10 , The llnal night's/ /
pluy In thy professional cushion earorn
iii.i , eh between .McUiughlln and Oallaghcr
drcnv a big crowd. Mclaughlin won the
last 200 to 192 , iiftpr a hot finish , his
avor.ige belnir 270 and lilff highest run 15 ,
aallaKher' ftvi'niKB26 , wltli H top run 01
2s. This victory gives the match and puree
offered by Maurice Daly to .McUuiKhllii. the
tx-oro standing n games to 2 In his favor.
UlM-nril Ciiniiillilii .
MONTREAL. Nov. 10. At a meeting of
the studentH of McOllI unlvtrslty It was de
rided to illscaril the Canadian Rugby game
next year for KIIKIKI | ) Rugby , UH the latter
gives leHi ehancu for foul play and Is more
enjoyublo for the spectators The visit of
the Irlnh team ; i wc-tk ago ia the cauio of
t his chungo of heart. There Is little doubt i
that the othnr Caiuidlim universities will i
endorse the change ,
lllHiilf Itolu-rl llrlnuK iuoil 1'rlci- . '
f'HK'AOO. Nov 10.-Th - fiplanNevga > . >
Bale closed today. There were a number of |
fust road horses sold the last day , Hlaclc
Robert , 2:13V4 : , leading In price , being pur
chased by the Uretna farm. Wheiiton , III. ,
for $3,3(10. ( Other sales were : Dr. l eef.
2:07'.i. : ' M. II. Tlchcnor & Co. . Chicago , J2.900 ;
Josephinn Dlxon , 2ll"i : , by Game Onward ,
i George West , Chicago , J2.000 ; Helle Acton ,
2:16'i. : ' by Shade-land Onward. Mr. Snowden ,
Chicago. $300 ; 81(1 ( Durfee , 2:21',4 : ' , by Durfee ,
Frey lick , CIovelan < I , O. , J200.
( 'I.SIMii3T ) 01' ' KASTKH.V HACI.Vfi.
i .lot-Ui-y Cluli Thro UN
Open KM ( iiili'n for Aiiliiinu Itacri.
WASH'INGTON , Nov. JO.-Tho closing-
meeting of the eastpnv racing hcason will
bogln tomorrow afternoon , when the Wash
ington Jockey club will throw open Hugatoi
at Hunnlngs for Its autumn races. The
meeting will clown 'I"hanUsglvIng day , whrii
the Washington cup at two and u quarter
miles will bo thn feature. November 25 the
Hutitcr.V champion tilcpjilochaso will lie run.
the distance being four miles , This ruro
will bitlio great Jumping event of the year.
Them will bo llvo or more iacc every day
and largo lleldH In most of the events are
expected. .Most of the prominent HtablnH
will be repii-sonted.
The track H In line hapn nnd the groumlH
of the club never appeared better advan
tage. The presiding Judge will bo Clarence
McDowell and Mars Cassldy will ft art the
HiiNlliiKH Di'frnlH Kfiiriu'.v.
KRARNKy , Neb. , Nov , 10. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Tim game of foot ball playi-d hero
this afternoon botworn Kearney and i last-
ings resulted In a vlctoiy for the collcgn
nlcivou from Ila tliig . The wore was ;
Hastings. Hi Kearney , 0. Hastings madii
two touchdowns and u goal In the llrst half ,
assisted by tu ) < umiilro and a. few finnblcs
mi Kearney's part. In the last half Kearney
kept the ball In H.iPtlngft' territory nc.irly
thi ) whole time , but wad unable to Hcoru.
Tim touchdowns were made by Hruner and
Halley and the goal was kicked by Hallcy.
( Koto Hluo
J.T.LIeblk' ,
acrow Label )