* * * - - * * Hf . < , -rf i [ IT , . . . 10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , NOVEMBER y , 1800. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIA Weakness at Liverpool is Chief Factor Local Grain Markets , WHEAT YIELDS ONE CENT UNDER PRESSUI Corn In Also Affected nnil On In TnU n Sympathetic nip nnil I hi : ! ) < - prcftfilnii Ijvrn Kxtcndn to Provision * . CHICAGO , > 'ov. 8. Liverpool' * weakne was the chleC factor In the grain marke todiiy. Wheat closed Ic and corn WH\ lower. Oats sympathetically lost We. Pr Visions were heavily sold. January po : closed 5fi-V'.4c lower ; January Innl a shai under and January ribs 2',4c higher. The loss lit Liverpool worked potently ( the price < f wheat nt the opening. The I Itlal nrlco was under puts , at a loss fro yesterday of ' .fcf/&c. ' December nt ( Stifles * und Uiay ut 72Vb < g72'4c. ; At thcso llgun thorn was some buying .by . shorts ai I "gainst holders of puts , which resulted in rally of Ha. This fulled to hold. The fai that there was almost no outside drmar acted ns a 'bearish inllucnco and there wi n rush , lit dispose of Ions stocks on tl -Tljo price declined. December to CS 4C and .May to 72 72'ic. At ths ! poll there wail a rally caused by n determine ' to protect puts , which sent the D. . crnVbrr option to liS c and the May to 72U ? m. Ihmo ngures aolcd merely ns a bii o litHders and thu prioo rased off on prol lakliid to hStc ( , for De cember and T'J'ic ' fc lJ- : . ? , 'hn clo ! < l > WI1H weak , December t ? I \Jp nnrt . .May nt 72 c. At no time dl the. prise gut abovis puts ! A 'reported Ir crease i f 2X.OOO.OOO bu. In the world's sloe for October had much to do with the clos Ing weal Biess. Northwest receipts were T cnrr , lus V'"ipared wltli 2,951 cars last yen and IW9 cars last week. Receipts at nr'inar points we.re M3.000 bu. . Including yesterday' ' receipts .Incompletely reported on account r elections. Primary receipts were 2.000.O. bu. , ns nfalnst 3,213,000 hu. a year ago , He colnts here were S3 earn , 7 of contract gradi Kxport clearances nt the seaboard , e > elusive of yesterday's , were uiiunl In when and flour to W1,000 bu , Uradstreet's re ported a. d crease ot 1-I53,000 bu. Ncw Tor reported 22 loads for export t'orn flhiTWed little strength , followln wheat on the Liverpool weakness. Loral re i-Hnts were -mall , .but the country accer tances were reported Increasing. Tradln was moderate ly active. The opening was ' net loss cf VtfiMo from yesterday. Th market decllntd steadily under limildatlo and was at Its wcaknit at the close DC comber opened at ai-XffKlHio. ranged fret Hli" to 31f sund 1'lonod fyfij-ifaG lower a 31MMlV4c. May i | > oncd at KQ32 c , range from 32'Ac to SZTfto and closed at 32Vic He celpts were small , only 131 cars. Scaboar clearances werefiTS.COO bu. Sympathy with corn and some liberal sell Ing by shorts caused n decline of We ii oats. The trudo was fairly good , but n transactions or Importance were reported The. cash demand -vvna slow , both local ! and nt the seaboard. December oats opene' "t.Hfi"4c , ( * > ld nt 22 ? ( SV2c and closed u zsTnii/rJvtc. Rcdelpts hero were 151 cars. Irregularity marked the/ trade In provl slons. The openlnt' was at a Blight gal : and this was followed by an advance chiefly In pork , which went up 7 > , Ao , causei by Investment bviylng and liberal shlpplni orders. The. mari-et turnetl weak Inter o free .selling ot pork and lard. Jamiarv porl closed Sio under yesterd.'jj- $9.70 bid January lard a shiule under $3.25 and Janu nry ribs-2HC higher at $5.00. Kstlmnted receipts tomorrow : "Wheat S oars ; corn , 200 cars : oats. 130 cars- hoes * 36,000 head. Articles. | Open. | High. | Low. fcioae Yes'y " ' Whmt i " Dee. Slay 72H 72H 73V 'Cnrn- 'Dec. 31 % " ' Jan. 31 W 30 % "o | $ 31 May 32T ? 32 'J ' 32V4 32Ti Oats- Dec. Slitftlt May ' 23Ti J'ork Dec. ! 8 30 20 S 20 8 22 V. Jan. 977' ' ! 9 70 9 70 9 77/i Muy i)0 ) 77'.i 9 ! s2 Lard- Dec. 5 07' ' 5 07J4 5 05 505 S 07V Jan. 523 530 5 25 C 23 5 27V 'May ' 5 40 5 40 5 40 B 42 402V4 492JJ 492VS 4 92& A 12V ' ' " 4 97 'o'od" 00 Cash quotations were as follows : . . 'r.1'o 'Il SIoxv nncl easy : winter patents J3.5a7f3.6o ; HtraiKhts , $3.2o3.35 ; clews $31 ? 3.23 ; spring specials. $4.10 ; spring patents $3MOff3.CO ; straights , $2.90@3.20 ; haters , $2.3C \VHEAT-No. 3 spring , GoVafSCTc ; No , 2 red , COHN-No. 2. 32Vic ; No. 2 yellow. 32Uc. ' ° ' " t0' C6'ic ; No.3 \vhlte/24i426c. ' HYK-No. 2 , 51'X-c. nAHI KY-No. 27 37 I43c. SBICDS No. 1 ( laxaeed , $1.SS. Prime seed , $2.30. Clover , contract , - , Moss pork , per libl. , $7,73 ? ? S,25. Lard , per 100 Ibs. , $5.03fi5.20. 'short rb sides ( loose ) . $ I.8&5.30. | Dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) . $ : . . . > .37Vi@3.50. Short clear Bides ( boxcd ) , _ $ C.2ftfir.,2j.'i s' finished goods , per SlIpARS-Cul loaf , $5.70 : granulated. $5.18 Vollowlng are the receipts nnd shipments for today : Articles Receipts. Shlpm'ts. ? o r bbls . i9o(5o ( 13,000 Wheat , bu . 103,000 14000 . hu . 516,000 433,000 B. bu . 403,000 258,000 ! . l' . . 14,000 2000 Darley , bu . 14S.OOO 25oOO ! On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was llrm ; creameries , ] & 5J24c ; SI3\V YOHIC CJK.VKUAl , MAHKET. ( luoditloiiM for the Day on Vnrlonn CnniiiiodltlrH. NliW YORK. Nov. S.-KLOUR-RccclptB , 42,667 bbls. ; exports , 37,661 bbls. ; sales , 11000 bbls. ; easier and more active , without qu'ot- able change In prices ; the easier ruling of wheat caused moro liberal offerings , nye Hour , steady ; sales , 350 bbls. Buckwheat Hour , dull at J2.SOT2.60. NHUCKWHEAT-Dull at C10C3c c. I. f. CORNMEAIv-Steady , but quiet ; yellow ? 'ewi3niios ( > 682c : clty' 80slc : Brnn iywi o. RYE-rirm ; No. 2 western , C2 c f. o. b. , , n.AHM3V-Dull ! fecdliiff 40V40420 c. 1 f. Uufialn. RARLKY MALT Quiet ; western , SSflCJc WirEAT-RecclptH. 130.425 bui cxporu' 166.39J bu. ; BnlcB , 2.4C3.000 bu. futures. 203,000 'U. snot. Spot , dull : export demand disap pointing ; No. 2 red. 7 4c f. o , b. ailoat spot : No. 1 northern Duluth. 7Sc f. o. b. afloat to arrive : No. 2 red , 72'.io elovntor. Optlona opened dull at a decline of ? ic under dis appointing cables ; reacted u trlllo on local covering , but again turned easier , follow ing Chicago and under local liquidation nnd , , CORN-Recolpts. 101,900 bu , ; exports. 1S2 - 240 bu. : sales , 50.000 bu. futures , 256,000 bu ppot , Spot , firm , but quiet ; No , 2 , Hi ) 0 t o. b. nlloat and 39 > ic elevator. Options opened dull , but nominally steadier on n % o ndvunco at Chlcagu , but turned easier with wheat and closed dull at net unchanged to Uo advance : May , 33V4ff3So. closed , 3SWc ; December. 39WT39UC. doped. 39&C. OATS Receipts , 186.200 bu , ; exports , 79- 397 bu , ; nalos , 5,000 bu. spot. Spot , dull * track , whllo western , 3093ic ; track , whlto Btato , 30Viff3lc. Options nominal ; no uusl- . HAY Steady ; shipping , G370o ; good to Choice. 75JS214c. | HOPS Quiet ; Pacific coast and stnto. 1899 crop. r.'WlSc. IIIDKS-KJrm ; Qnlrreton , 20 to 25 Ibs. ' U ' ° 3 ° lt > S" 13t" Callfornla' M'4 ! " * 501bslaU24 LEATHEi { Ste-u'dy ; hemlock solo , DuonoH ociU ! * suA to "envy wclghu' 21S2 ° : WOOI Dull ; domestic llecce , ZK/'Cc1 Toxns , 14 19c. MOLiXSSKS-Steady ; New Orleans , open WoVISIQNS-neef. strong ; famllv. $12.50 ffri3.00 ; mess. J 0.60 ; beef hams , J23.50g25.00 ; iim-Uet. $ ; city , extra India me- * , $19.CO't/22.00. Out meats , quiet : pickled bel lies. JG.26ftS.00 ; pickled shoulders. $6.76117.00 : pickled hams. J5.7&H9.60. I rd. easy ; west ern steamed clowd at $5.45 ; city , $5.15 ; No. vember. $5.60 ; refined , easy ; continent , $5.73. ' ncw - m KREIOHTS Qulc-t ; cotton , by steamer. 2iUe ! : pruln , by ateamcr , 3Uc. METAI-S The market for metals was tame , cloying with buyers and rollers allku ahowlntr apathy. Tin wag weak and tending downward In sympathy with reverses abroad and discouraging newa from the vest. At the. close the exchange called pig iron warrants dull , with sellcrt * nt JI6. for IMarch to June delivery ; lake copper dull at $17 ! tin dull and easy at $29.78 bid and Asked ; lend quiet , with J4.60 bid nnd J' ' nxkcd ; spelter dull , with JI.75 bid and $4 asked. The brokers' price for lead Is $ < and for copper $17,12 < - OMAHA CICXKRAI , MARKET. Condition of Trade nnd Qnotntlon * Simile nnd Fancy I'rortnce. KGGS Receipts light : market firm fit ! POULTRY Hens , live , 6 c ; spring chii ens , 6' c ; old nnd stnggy roosters , live , 5i4c ; ducks nnd geese , live , 6JT7c ; lurke live , lOc. RUTTI3R Common to fair. 15c ; choice , ffl7o ; separator , 25c ; gathered crenme 22f2.fIC. I'lOEONS-Llvo. per doz. , 7ic. VEALS-Cholce , 9c. GAME Prairie chickens , per < loz. , $4.0 4.60 ; qimll , per doz. . $ l.60fil.75 ; mnllari $3.0003.25 ; bliio wing leal , $1.75 ; ftreen wl ten ) . $1.2.Vj71.5 < > ; mixed ducks. $1.60ft2. < X > . OUSTERS Medium , per can , zoo ; star ards. per can. 2lc ; bulk standard , per gr $1.25 ; extra selects , per can. 32c ; ext selects , per gal , , $1.78 ; New York Conn per < ? an , 40c : .New York Counts , per 100 , $1. HAY Upland , choice. JG.50 ; mlillai choice , $6.00 ; lowlana. cnolcc , $5.00 ; r straw , cholro , $5,50 ; No. 3 corn , 27c ; No whlto cats , tt'.ic ' ; cracked corn , per ton , $ corn and oats , chopped , per tos , $12. i bran , per ton , $13 : shorts , per ton. J14. VEGETABLES. TOMATOES- crate , 65i ? 5c. SWEI3T POTATOES-Por hlil. . $2.25. POTATOES-Pcr bu. , 25027C. CRANUERRlKS-t.npo CoS , M,60S6. ( fancy Howes. J6.50ffl7.00. ONlONS-Rctall way , 70jI > 7Sc. CELERY Per doz. . 20040C. TURNIPS Rutabagas , per lb. , lUc. CABBAGE-Pcr Ib7. lUc. FRUITS. PLUMS-Oregon , per crate. J1.004J1.25. CALIFORNIA I'liACHES-No ' good flhl ping stock. APPLES Choice western shipping stoc M.OOiI3.23 ( : Jonathans nnd Grimes' colde B.COtri.OO : New York stock , $3.75JI4.00. GRAPES-New York , 20c ; California T knys , $1.75. PEARS Wtstorn varieties , $2.150450. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES-MexIcnn. per box , $1.50. LEMONS California faoicv. 14.75o.C choice Callfornla , $1.00Si.su ; Messina , $5. djn.ro. BANANAS Choice , crated , large tocl per bunch , J2.00S'2.EO ; medium-sized bunchc { 1.7EQ2.00. 1.7EQ2.00.HIDES. HIDES. TALLOW. ETC. HIDES-No. 1 green hides , 8c ; No. 2 gret hides. 7c : No. 1 salted hides. 9ic ; No. salted hides , Slc ; No. 1 veal calf , S to : Ibs. , lOc ; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to IS Ibs. , 8e TALLOW. GREASE , ETC.-Tnllow. No. 3ic ; tallow. No. 2 , 3Wc ; rough tallow , l i white grease , ZK@3Vio : yellow and brow crease , 214Q3C. 214Q3C.MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY Per 24-sectlon case , $3.25 ( 3.50. NUTS Hickory nuts , per bu. , Jl.OO. FIGS California , layers , per 10-lb. bo : $1.10 $ ; California carton , per 10-lb. box , $1.2 MAPLE SUCAR-Por lb. . 5c. St. Ioul Grain nnd Provision * . ST. LOUIS , Nov. 8. WHEAT Lowe : No. 2 red , cash , elevator , C9c ; track , 71 ri c : December , 6S7ac ; May , 73i/4S73c ; N 2 hard , fi7 < 86Sc. FLOUR Dull and heavy ; patents. $3.40 1.60 ; extra fancy , J3.05fj3.15 ; clear , $2.7532.9 * CORN Lower ; No. 2 cash , 31c ; track , 32 ! 2VJc : December , 30Uc ; May. SIVic. OATS Dull : No. 2 cash. 23V4c ; track. 2li December , 23Uc ; May , 21c ; No. 2whit. . ! 6fi26V.c. RYE Firm at Etc. SEEDS-Tlmothy. $1.90fJ2.10 ; flaxseei ewer nt $1.26. CORNMISAL Steady nt S1.75S1.SO. BRAN Strong ; sacked , cast track , 64 : I5c. I5c.POULTRYDull POULTRY-Dull ; chickens , old , GUc , -oung , 6V4-07c - ; turkeys , e',4@7c ; ducks , 5V4' iM-c : geese , 5Hc. HAY Timothy , steady at JS.BOSll.OC iralrle , llrm at $7.25flS.r,0. WHISKY Steady at $1.23' . COTTONTIE3-$1.03. BAGGING 5fl6ic. HEMP TWINK-9C. PROVISIONS Dry salt meats. boxe ihoulders , $5.75 ; extra shorts , $5.37'4 ; clea Ibs , J5.50 ; clear sides , $5.62'/2. Bacon , boxe ihoulders , none offering ; extra shortf 5.75 ; clear ribs , $5.S7 > ,4 ; clear sides. J6.12' ( RECEIPTS Flour , 5.000 bbls. : wheat , 25 , 00 bu. ; corn. 41,000 bu. ; onts , 46,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour. 10,000 bbls. ; wheal 0,000 bu. ; corn. 4S.OOO bu. ; oats , 17,000 bu. Aviillnlilc Supply of Krnln. NEW YORK. Nov. 8. Special telegraphl ind cable communications to Bradstreet * how the following changes In avallabl iupplles. as compared with last week : WHEAT United States and Canada , cas if Rockies. Increase. 2,617,000 bu. ( Liver iool Corn Trade News ) ; aflpat for and 1 Europe , decrease , 4,100.000 bu. ; total supply lecreaae , 1,453,000 bu. CORN United States and Canada , cas f Rockies , decrease , 1,379.000 bit. OATS United States and Canada , east o lockles , increase , 116,000 bu. Among the more important Increases re orted but not given In the official vlslbl upply statement are those of 677,000 bu. a ! hlcago private elevators. 350,000 bu. a orthweetern Interior elevators , 200,000 bu t 'Manitoba ' storace. points , 67,000 bu. a 'ortland , 'Me. , and 50,000 bu. at Kingston 'he principal decreases are those of 113,00 u. at Depot Harbor , Ont. , and 60,000 bu t 'Minneapolis private elevators. The ag regale stock of wheat held at 'Portland re. , and Tacoma and Seattle , Wash. , de rcased 176,000 bu. last week. llutter , KKK and Clicmv Market. NEW l'ORK , Nov. 8. BUTTER Firm 'estern creamery , 18Z24c ; factory , 14fl7c EGGS Firm ; Htato and Pennsylvania H4ff22c. CHEESE-Recelpts. 8,201 pkgs. ( tw ( ays ) ; quiet : small September fancy , 1214ti ! ? 4c : Ilnest October , 12ffl2iic ; largo colored incy , September , U'/itClSiic ; largo Octobei nest , lllic. PHILADELPHIA , Nov. 8.-BUTTER- 'Irm ' ; prints , Ic higher ; fancy westerr reamery. 25c ; fancy western prints , 27c. EGGS Firm ; fresh nearby , 22e ; fresl : estern , 21@21'X.c ; fresh southwestern , 20c ; esh southern , 19c. CHEESE-Steady. ST. LOUIS , Nov. S. EGGS-Steady at 16c , BUTTER Firm ; creamery , 20g25VSc ; ulry. lGf22c. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 8. EGGS FIrmi esh Missouri nnd Kansas titockc firsts , 15c Dzcn , cases returned. BUTTER Creamery , 20 < 022c ; dairy , 18c. Iilvprponl Grnln nnil 1'rovlnlnnn. LIVERPOOL. Nov. S-AVHEAT-Spot , o. 2 red western , winter , dull ut Gs 10V4d ; 'o , 1 northern spring , dull nt 6s ' d. Fu- iros quiet ; December , Gs lO'/Ad ; March , 1 lld : May , 6s Ad. CORN Spot , . American mixed , new , firm L 3 * Gd ; American mixed , old , llrm nt i ( id. Futures , November , Ktcadv nt 3a id ; December , quiet at 3s 6d ; January , ulet at 3s 6d. PEAS Canadian , 6s Cd , PHOVISlONS-Bcef , extra India mess , : rong at 90s ; prlmo mcBs , strong nt S2s 3d. [ urns , short cut , dull at 41s 6d. Bacon , nmberland cut , dull at 33s ; clear bellies , isy at 41s. KIIIINIIH City n nil 11 nnil I'rorlnloiiB. KANSAS CITY , Nov. 8. WHEAT DC- iinhor , 62i/ic ; May , 67'to ; cash , No , 2 hard iiJC44c ! : No. 3 , 69i/63i,4c / ; No. 2 red , 70c ; ii. 3 , CCflC9c ( ; receipts.14 cars. CORN December , SI'Uc ' ; May. 29Uc : cash. o. 2 mixed. 2S Q29o ; No , 2 white , 29fr29V4c ; o , 3 , 2Sic , OATS-NO. 2 white , 25i/4Q2ciic. RYE-NO. 2. Eov4 < ii5ic. HAY Choice timothy , $8.50 ; choice prairie. .GOflS.OO. RKCEIPTS-Whcat. 26,400 bu. ; corn , 23 , . 0 bu. ; onts. 1,000 bu. SHIPMENTS-Wheat , 09,600 bu. ; corn , ,300 bu. ; oats , 7,000 bu. Wlit-nt anil flour. MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. 8-WHEAT-In ore ; No. 1 northern. November , 65c ; Dc- fmber , 64Vifi Wic ! May , 6S'if)6S4c. ) on ck : No. 1 hard , 67V4c ; No. 1 northern , c ; No. 2 northern , 63c. FLOUR Quiet and unchnnced. BRAN-In bulk , $11.00(211.60. ( Toledo Market. SEEDS Clover , nctlvo and higher ; prime iw , cash and December , $5.85 , Milwaukee rSrnlii Market , MILWAUKEE. Nov. S.-WIIEAT-Lower ; o. 1 northern , 68yC9c ; No. 2 northern , 65J4 llYE-FI'rm : No. 1 , f Hc. BARLEY Steady ; No , 2 , 45o ; sample , 37 I'oiirla 'MurUrt , PEORIA. Nov. S.-CORN-Flrm ; No. t. lie. DATs-Firm : No. 2 white , 2lfi2U4c. WHISKY Firm , on the basis of M.23U r llnlshcd coodti. Duliitlt Market. i. NOV.WHEATNO , i hard. sh. 67Sc ; No. 1 northern , caul ! . C Hc ; De mber. KUo ; May. 70o ; No. 2 northern , kc ; No. 3 spring. 6014c. rotteiIiirUrt. . "JEW YORK , Nov. S.-COFFKE-Optlons ened llrm at an advance of S points and ntlnued io Improve us the session pro on energetic support from the b side , active demand from shorts nnd fi fcurlng for foreign account. Sentiment * bulllshly Influenced by firm ca.bles , rm receipts nnd a favorable readjustment American statistics. Closed steady at 5't ( & .80j August , $5.55 ; September , J5.S03S. October , $5.SOii5. 3. Spot coffee , Hlo , III and tending upward ; mild ! firm. MOVEMENTS OP STOCKS AMI I1O.VI : Mnrkrt OnrtiK nt Ilrlsk Parr , II ClalitH Arr Monti "Wiped Out. NEW YORK , Nov. S.-Tho stock marl ( started off this morning apparently on prosperous and animated career of rlsii prices , but before the trading had ecus this afternoon the , early gains were pru tlcally all wiped out nnd n level of prlc lower than Monday was established. Vni oils considerations conneclcd with polltl were nn Influence In the early rise. Th the London market was encouraged by t : more cheerful news from the beleaguer British forces In South Africa und prlc of stocks were bid up In that market. Tl Berlin market was pleared with the r port that Great Britain had decided relinquish Its claims In Samoa to German ind one. result of this was to prompt Be In to buy American stocks. In this cotinti : ho relief from the uncertainties of electl < ilmo and the hapo of nn easier money ma ket prompted some large buying of sloe ! which lifted prices al the outset. But the were large holdings by professional ope ntors which had been bought last week the faith thai nn oulslde demand for stocl would develop nnd the llrst hour of tradli was devoted to the felling 'of thcso holdlni on n. large scale to take profits. When was seen that the buying demand was n continuing In force the sagging tendency * n. Efforts were made to sustain prices I nanlpulntlon of special stockf. members i he Iron and steel group nnd the promlnei ilgh-prlced Industrials being consplcuou The violent break In Leather nnd the heax selling of Manhattan hail nn unsettling li flucnco on the whole market , and the stll enlng of Iho money rate and uncnslnoi over the future of the money mnrkel con plcted the discouragement of the bulls' . Tl organized support which has pushed t : eather for several weeks seemed entire ! withdrawn and it was allowed Io drop b uceessive slages Io 2S , compared with nt the close on Monday. A sudden rally I he closing dealings brought the price Imc 0 31. Manhattan had risen to 111 % whc he statement for the fiscal year made li ippearance , showing a failure to earn tl ncrcased dividends paid on account ot tl : ddltlon of stock by a margin of J23S.3C This carried the price down to 107V4 , wit i final recovery of only V4. The Industrial howcd marked sympathy In this break an ho level of the whole market foil bclo londay , the general rally being but feebli he fall In sterling exchange rates was eflectlon of the hardening money marke 'here wan evidence of renewed pressut pen Ncw York for loans from Interlr mints. New York exchange at Chicago fal ng from lOc premium to par. New Yor xohnngc at Now Orleans also fell to n ddltionnl discount. The subtreasury toda hewed a credit balance nt Iho clcarln lou e of over $300,0 * ) . Hopes of relief to tli New York money market from any quartc veto thus dissipated , but the last hour c ho market saw an active liquidation r lock holdings with little demand to meet I1 Prices of bonds were better .sustained tha hose of stocks , but the day's changes wer nixed. Total sales , par value , $2.4SO,00 ( fnlted States new 4s nnd the 5s advance 1 per cent In the bid price. The Commercial Advertiser's Londo nancial cablegram says : "The' market lero were brisker today than for some tlm nd also moro cheerful. Various war ru more were current. It was said In Berlli int Klmberlcy had been relieved and 01 us report Germany bought African mines The alleged concessions to Germany li Samoa were Interpreted favorably. It wa thought that compensation to Great Brit iln might Include Delngon. bay. Consol were 103T4 In the morning on fears of i higher bank rate. Later opinion on thl [ joint changed and consols went to 10IU Americans began strong on reports of re publican success In the elections , but weak 2ned on Ncw York sales , eloping fiat on re ports of democratic gains. Spanish ' 4 : reached 64 % on a vague story from Parl that Russia , had bought Ceuta , opposlti jlbraltar , for a large sum. Tlntos" wen IGV4S46& . Anaconda ? . 911-16. No gold wai jngaged , but the price was advanced ti is lOd. There is very little In the market Money was in strong demand , but Paris ex : hange , despite the strength of London bills moved 2c in favor of England. " The following are the quotations for thi leading stocks on the New York oxchangi today : Jinn. " & St. t : . . 7i > 'do""pM" 93 .do pfcL. . . 94'4Inter. Paner 2B14 illssourl Pacific. . 49 do pfd 70 Tpblle & Ohio. . . 45V4 Laelede Gas 78 Us. . K & T 12M , National Biscuit. 42 do pfd. . . . . . . . . 33 i do nfd 90 J. J. Central..124 A National Lead . . 2S > i . V. Central..137ti do nfd " ' 107 Jorfolk & W 27U National Steel" . . 4SU do pfd 71 | do pfd 9 * Northern Pacific. MJJ N. Y. Alp Hrake.147" . do pfd. . . . . . . . ifiji Nor. American. . . 12 4 ) ntarlo & W 2Si Paolflc Coast . . . 52 > re. Uy. fc Nav. 42 I do 1st pfd. . . . 88 , do Pfd 7fi I do 2d nfd. . . . 07 'cnnsylvanla . . . ,1SO J Pacific JNII 4iu tending 21'i People's Das . . , , 115 < 4 do 1st pfd , . . . fiO Pressed S. Car. . . R7U do 2d pfd. . . . Si | do pfd MV5 o G , W 37 Pullman P. Car..lH ! do pfd. . . . . . . J3 Standard R. & T. 12H t. L. & B. T- ' . , . . 11 Supar inru do ! pfd. . , . 70 do do 2d nfd. . . . 3" > > nn. Coal & I..117-V , t. L. . Southw. . . 131' 'T. S , Livitiier . . . snu do nfd . 3H ilo nM 7114 t. Paul . 12-t U. S. Rubber . . . . do nfd . 171 do pfd . t. P. . Western Tnlmi. . . Pacific. Rcmiblle T. & 8 , ? 4t& ouMiern Ry . pfd . 7ft Jo . . . . . . , . _ % p. c. C. & 's't. T7 ( Xoir York Money Mnrkct. NEW YORK. Nov. 8-MONEY-On call , rm nt 7 < ftl3 per cent ; lasl loan , 12 per cent- Jllnir rate S per cent ; prime- mercantile iper. 6fi6i ( per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE-Easler , with "J1,1 business In bankers' bills at $ I.S6',4 4.86 % for demand nnd nt $4.83V4ff4,84 for xty days : posted rates , JI.S7'.ifi4r88 { ; corn- lerclal bills , $4,82. SILVER -Certificate ? . 5Si4'059'Sc ' ; bar , % c : Mexican dollars. 47 Sc. BONDS GovernmontB. strong ; stat6. ln- stlve : railroad , irregular. The following ore the closing quotations i bonds : Korelirn I'liiiinrlnl. 3BUM.V , Nov. 8. The rate of private illg. unt was 14 harder today , therefore prices the bour B opened hesitating on appra- nn'ona of further stlffenine of money ' * r they became Urmer on receipts of the \vs of the acreement between Germany nnd Great Britain In rccard to Sntnoa. Spanish 4 * were Rood on favorable ndvlcM from 'I'nrls. ' Amerlciins and Canadian I'n- cincs were maltttaliipd. l ocals were weak , but clwpd hotter. KxrhniiRO on I/ondon. 10 murks 4.Vi ptKf. for checks. I'UANKPORT , Nov. S. Prices on th < ? 'bourse ' today were favornlily Influenced liy the news received from South Africa nnd the announcement of the Anslo-German agreement In the matter of Samoa. I'ortu- Kiiese and .Me > xlrans wore harder. Ameri cans wore flrm. Ix > cnls lluctuated. iI'AUIS , Nov. 8. There was u general recovery - covery of prices on Iho bourse today , which was encouraged by the lessor probability of a rise In the bunk rate and was accentu ated by the more favorable war news. Kaf firs made n good advance nnd were actively bought on Ungllsh account , nffec-tlng the whole list. Internationals were In good do- maud In sympathy with the sharp rise Ut Spanish 4s , Hlo tlnto.t started well , but lost the advance Inter on the easy tone of copper. Mozambique * were especially strong. 4 p. m. Three per cent rentes , 100f 2iV for the account. Kxehnnge on I.oiidon , 2Sf 24Ho for checks. Spanish 4s closed nt 65.35. tjONDON , Nov. 8. American securities advanced at the opening and remained steady all day. lluslness was rather re stricted. The final t ne was steady. Har gold , 77n lOd. Spanish 4s. K4.23. Gold pre- inliim at Kucnos Ayres , 13 .10. HUKN'OS AYUKS , Nov.Cold was quoted today ut 170.0. Ilnnton Stuck < 1tiotntlniiH , nOSTON , Nov. S. Call loans , S per cent : time loans , fiUt'O I't-r cent , oniclal closing ( iiiotatlons of Htouks , bonds and mining shares : A. , T. & S. V . 2 : Dom. Co.il 47U do pfd. do pfd 118 Amer. Sugar 16G' Atchlson 4s 9SH Bell Telephone..307 Adventure fiVj Host on & Alh < y..S52 Allouez Mill. Co. . 4'i ' Boston Klevated.107 Atlantic 27 Boston & Malnc.ZiVt BoHton & Mont..321 C. . B. & Q 132 % Hullo < fc Boston. r,7 Ed. Elec. Ill SOS Calumet & Heo..7V Fltchburg pfd..i:0 Centennial 2o Gen. Klcctrlu . . . .12(1 ( Franklin IN'.i Federal Steel . . . . ERV Humholdt 114 do pfd 79 Osceola SB Mcx. Central . . . . 13VJ Parrot 44H Mich. Telcphone.105 Qulncy 153 Old Colony 20W , Hanta Fe Copper. SVi Old Dominion . . . 3Ha Tamarack 213 Rubber 4S Wnonn S3V1 Union Pacific . . . . 47-HAVolvcrlncs 43 Union Land 3 > 4 Utah 3 Wcstlngh. Klec. . . 45 . York Mluliitr Stock * . NEW YORK , Nov. S.-Tho following are the omclal closing quotations for mining shares : Chollar 20 Ontario SCO Crown Point . . . . 8 Ophtr 10 Con. Cal. & Vn.,125 Plymouth 10 Dead wood fi5 Quicksilver 175 Oould & Currle. . . 20 do nfd 750 Hale & Ncrcross. 3S Sierra Nevada . . . 35 llomtfltake 6500 Standard 275 Iron Sliver 57 Union Con 2o Mexican 15 Yellow Jacket . . . 20 London Stock Cltintntlonn. LONDON , Nov. S.-I p. m.-ClosIng : Cons. , money 103T IN. Y. Central..142" Consols , ncct lOIV Pe'niii'ylvanla . . . . BS'.a ' Canadian Pacific. 35'i'Reartlng ' 11 Krle 13-Nor. Paclllc pfd. 79 do l"t pfd. . . . M IAtchlson 23 i Illinois Central..11S'4Louisville S3' , ' , Union Pac. pfd. . . 79 iGrand Trunk 7" St. P. common..130WAnnconda _ _ 9H RAR SILVER Firmer nt 27d per ounce. MONEY 2V4 per cent. Rate of discount In the open market for both short and three- months' bills Is 4H per cent. liniik Cloiirliiu" . NEW YORK , Nov. S. Clearings , $2SC,407 , 799 : balances , $ B,4H,690. CHICAGO. Nov. 8.-Clearlngs. $22,423.05f balance ? . } 1,778,853 ; sterling exchange , $1.845 4.R8 ; New York exchange , par. BOSTON. Nov. S.-ClearIngs , $21,729,811 balances , J3.005.S26. BALTIMORE , Nov. 8. Clearings , $4S06 , 875 ; balances. $459,349. PHILADELPHIA , Nov. S.-Clearlngs , $21 , 180,795 ; balances. $2C62S47. ST. LOUIS. Nov. S.-Clearlngs , J5.6SC.77S balances , J6C ! > ,139 : money , 4 8 per cent ; NCT York exchange , 25c discount bid , 15c askcc Co mil I on of the Trenttury. 1VASIIINGTON. Nov. 8. Today's state ment of the condition of the treasur shows : Available cash balance , $2S9,207SOo Bold reserve , J254,175,50I. Cotton Jlnrlcrt. NEW YORK , Nov. S.-COTTON-Bullls ! enthusiasm broke out with great Irrc slstlble force when the market opened till morning and continued almost all day The markpt-'Started In regular form , ver ; active , with the current crop positions to 12 points higher nnd October 5 point higher. While there was a slight reactloi from this level shortly after the opening the general trend of variations was stead Ily upward on tremendous buying for Eu rope , southern Investment and local shor account. By mldafternoon the more nctlvi positions showed nn advance of 18 point ! on Monday's close. Throughout the Int < advance profit-taking figured conspicuously setting aside fears of top-heavy condition ; obtaining. Today's Improvement was basai In part upon strong Liverpool cables nnd in part upon very bullish Information fron the cotton belt. As to the former , : irlvnt < cables were unanimous in. crediting the ad' vance to a turn about ot European spin ners nnd shorts , effected by a decided hardening of spot cotton In the south nnd continued small receipts. New Or leans and other places reportoc exporters were bidding 3-lGc higher price ? for supplies , but that holders were refus ing to sell as a rule , pending further devel opments In New York nnd Liverpool. Lead ing bulls loaded up heavily on reactionary periods near the close today nnd sentiment was Intensely bullish In professional cir cles. The market was llnally steady , with present crop options up 17 to 20 points and next crop options up S to 10 points. LIVERPOOL , Nov. 8.-COTTON-Spot , fair demand , prices higher ; American mid dling fair. 4d ; good middling , 4 13-32d : middling. 47-32d : low middling , 41-32d ; good ordinary , 327-32d : ordinary , 3 21-32d. The sales of the day were 12,000 bales , of which 1,000 were for speculation and export , nnd Included 11.000 American. Receipt ? , 8,000 hales , including 1,700 American , Futures opened steady and closed quiet : American middling. L. M. C. , November 4 7-G4d value ; November and December 6-G4J47-6ld sell- JI-H ; December nnd January , 4 5-C45T4 6-61d sellers ; January and February , 4 4-61 4 5-64d falue ; February nnd March , 45-64d sellers ; March and April. 4 3-64M4 4-C4d buyers : ( Vpril nnd May. 4 3-64 ? t fi-04d sellers ; May inrt Juno , 4 3-C4d seller ? ; Juno nnd July , 1 2-C4JJ4 3-C4d sellers ; July nnd August , 4 2-64d sellers : August nnd September , 4d sellers. NEW 'ORLEANS. Nov. S.-COTTON k'ery firm ; sales , 11,800 bales ; ordinary. r T4c ; ? oed ordinary , fisc ; low middling , fil5-lGc ; nlddllng. 75-l6c ; good middling , 79-lGo ; m'd- ' lllng fair. 7c : receipts , 11,675 bales ; stock , 503.211 bales. Futures sternly ; November , i7.42r < 7.44 ; July , $7.43fi7.45 ; August. $7.25S7.29 ; September. $ C.fllffi.95 | ; October. JO.SOffC.S2. ST. LOUIS , Nov. R.-COTTON One-elghth : ent higher ; middling , 7c ; rales. Ell bales ; ecelpts , fl.745 bales ; shipments , 6,367 bales ; itock , 90,055 'bales. ' Dry ( 'ooclN Mnrl < e < , NEW YORK , Nov. 8. DRY OOODS-Spol narket has again ruled quiet , but good sup- > ly of mall orders for staple cottons and tor spring lines of shirtings , prints , pur- sales , etc. ; prices of brown nnd blenched rolors very llrm. Denims show further ad vances of yta In some quarters. Tlcku r.nd > laldn also occasionally Uc advance. No iiislness In regular print cloths , hut wldo rooclH are. in fuller demand than supply ind l-16c dearer. Woolen nnd worsted drcsa ; oods fabrics in good request and tending ipward , Oil Slarlcet. LONDON , Nov. S.-OILS-Calcutta lln- ecd , 1Cs 3d ; linseed , 22s Gd. LIVERPOOL. Nov. 8-OILS-Cottonsced. lull refined , November nnd April , dull at Gs. Turpentine splrltH. steady at 37s Sd. NEW YORK , Nov. S.-OJLS-Cottonseed II , ilrmj prime crude , 25c ; prlmu yellow , Callfoi-nln Dried Trillin , NEW YORK. Nov. 8.-CALIFORNIA 'HIED ' FRUITS Firm. Evaporated ap. les , common. 6di"v ; prime wlro tray , 7 ? < iif : ; choice , SlJSJSHi. ' ; fancy. SVMJflc. Prunes , i4fi V4c. Apricots. Royal. 13015o : .Moor urk , loflise. Peaches , peeled , 20 220 ; un celed , Wool MnrUi- ( . ST. LOUIS , Nov. S.-WOOlv-Flrmer. v/ith rices tending upward : medium pradflH , IWi Ho : light line , l5 lS' ' o ; heavy Jirte , 12 ® e ; tub- washed , 21Q29&C. SI , I.ouU llv < - StiioU. ST. 1X3UIS , Nov. 7. CATTLK-Rece'pts , 403 head , Including l(00 head Toxann ; mar- et strong , with Toxnna 10o higher ; native lipping and export steero , J5.00ft6.40 ; ressed beef and tiutcher steers , $ l.2566. i5 ; ; eers under 1.000 Ibs. , $3.550-1.75 ; stockers nd feeders , $2.60J4.55 ; cows and heifer * , . . ; canners. Jl.iXWjC.76 ; bulls. $2.25 SO ; Texas steers , J3.0 JJ4.40j cows and hclf- s. $2.25 8.25. HO08 RecelptB. S.BOO head ; market rong ; pijtH and llghtt * . J4.0rtffl.10i packers , -00 4.10 ; hutehcru ; $ l.iaft4.20. SHEEP Receipts , 1,700 head ; market rong ; native muttons. JI.COfil.25 ; lambs , .00f 6.62'.i : stockiTH , J2.35W3.00 ; culls and ucks , J2.SOtJ-i.Wj Texnns , T3.CKJi .05. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Beit Beef Steers in Good Demand at Steady Pricjs. OTHER KINDS Or KILLERS ABOUT STEADY ffft Stronger mill Active Unnil Sheep Sell llendllv nt .Stonily to Strong 1'rlecN livery thlnn- Soil * Knrlj. , SOUTH OMAHA , Nov. S. nmCF0i'H1.9 ' wfro : Cattle. HORS. Sheep. OH c a Monday . 5.3M 3.C61 B.635 On cal Tuesday . 3,6,10 5,851 6.510 omclal Wednesday . 3 , ! il fi.-O ? 4.0S2 Three clays tills week . . . .12.971 15,749 1S.2M : Same iinys last week..ifi,09 : > 2UOS 9,501 amo days week before. . 19.702 15,407 28,61.1 oamo three weeks nso. . .20,35'1 11,07' ' 20.1S5 ine olliclnl number ot cars of stock brought In today by ench road was : CM. . &st. P. nt.t.lc-11TSh'.i ? : < H > pfr : O. it St. h. Hy . fi . Missouri I'nclllc Hy. . . . J :5 ' 5 4 . . 11. , St. , P. . M. & O. Ily. IS 7 . & M. H. H. K . 37 21 C. . li. fi Q. Uy . ; t H K. C. & St. J. ny. 22 C C. , H. I. & I' . Hy. . 13. 2 3 LY K. 1. & 1 > . Hy. , W. . . 2 Totals receipts . . .133 frj 17 6 The disposition of the day's receipt ? was ris follows , inch buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated : Cattle. Hoc * . Sheep. Omaha Packing Co . IIS 573 a. II. Hammond Co . 279 9-V. swift and Company . 4.11 1.3.17 21fi i.udahy racking Co . ( US 1.753 1,413 Vrmour & Co . 534 1.393 1,531 ? udahy , Kansas City . CM SGS Hammond , Kansas City. . 72 . II. Ueeker & Degan . 321 . f. ! > . Carey . 121 . l obman & Co . 220 . McCreary & Clark . 56 . Benton & Underwood . 2ti9 . [ luston & Co . 4S . .Ivlngstone & Scliallcr. . . . 2S . Hamilton & Hothsehlld. . 1W ( . Dthor buyers . 439 . . . . 1,611 : Iold over . Totals t 1,540 6.S29 5,772 CATTLH Again receipts were moderate ind of the number reported In twenty-live ars were consigned direct to packers nnd lot offered for sale. The market on good : ornfed steers and good grass beef steers vas fairly active at good steady to strong > rlces. On the other hand , holders of vivrmed-up grades were complaining that he market on their kind was slow and veaker. Feeder buyers are not as yet loing much with the warmed-up cattle , so hat packers have things a little more their wn way. still the prices paid are high and s a rule shippers seem well satisfied. Imong the oflcrlngs today were some pretty ; oed cattle , as high as $3.95 being paid for ome. good cornfeds. Grasp beef cattle sold s high as $4.7 < Vff4.90. Cows and heifers were In good demand lid the market was reasonably active , so hat the few loads here changed hands In a hort time. me Des i iceciers were In fair demand steady prices , but the common to medlu kinds were slow and certainly no hlghc Calves were extremely slow , and It seen as If they go lower every day , the mark on that kind of stuff being anywhere fro 0c to i5c lower than the high time. Feed liulls were also slow rale and the mark weak. Representative sales : BEEF STEERS. COWS AND HEIFERS. 1023 375 10 1098 375 HEIFERS. 1. 83H 275 1 1190 425 570 300 2 435 425 2 ! 630 325 21 825 475 1. 7CO 3 30 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 22. 1030 550BULLS. BULLS. ' 780 300 1 1330 290 1. 1120 250 1 1100 300 1. , 1290 275CALVES. CALVES. 120 660 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 27. , 671 3 15 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 2. 635 310 35 840 330 56. 875 3 30 1. ' 440 4 10 NEBRASKA ! 4 feeders. . 630 4 00 30 stk. cvs. . 353 4 So 13 cows 1050 3 25 132 Stk. CVS. . 365 4 85 4 COWB. 955 3 00 2 COWP. . . .1000 300 1 bull. . .1170 3 00 Scows. . . .1140 3 30 Ibull. . . .1170 3 00 1 cow. . . . .1000 300 2 cows. . . 990 3 .10 1 cow. . . . 930 3 10 2 cows. , . . , SCO 2 25 n cows. . . 992 SCO Scows. . . . , 881 2 85 2 cows. . .1175 3 CO 2 heifers. , 915 3 50 1 cow. . . .1060 3 CO 1 stag , 950 3 25 1 cow. . . .10SO 3 10 45 feeders. , 916 3 SO 2 cows 975 2 85 38 feeders , , 990 3 25 ! 1 cows 1057 3 SO 5 feeders. , 750 4 25 1 feeder. . . 810 4 23 1 bull ,1400 3 00 1 bull 1100 3 30 14 cows. , , , , sw : 2 65 3 cows. . .1066 3 K5 11 cows. 909 3 05 5 cows , . . S36 2 65 COWS 1120 3 30 1 cow. , . .1000 3 75 3 COWH 1000 295 1 bull. . . .1350 255 4 feeders. . 967 4 00 1 bull. . . .13CO 2 SO 48 feeders..1017 425 WYOMING. iHtag 1160 4 40 1 cow , . .1200 3 85 6 steers..1196 4 40 1 cow. . .1000 3 10 9stcerH..1278 4 40 COLORADO. 2 heifers. . . 674 3 SO 4 heifers , . . 542 3 ,15 Scows 829 3 00 23 cows 822 3 00 3 feeders. . MO 3 60 27 cows 975 3 10 S mixed. . . 978 3 00 17 cows 932 3 50 t feeders. . 813 3 65 MONTANA , 2 cows 1040 3 60 2 feeders. . 935 4 00 1 cow 1100 3 25 3 fonder ? . . 923 4 00 9Hteers..ll72 425 11 feeders..1076 3 85 3 bulls 1260 2 85 N. M. McCauley Mont. I cow 1150 300 3 feeders..1000 380 Scows 1036 330 1 cow 1060 3.11 2Kteers..1377 470 I cow 1140 330 1 steer 1200 470 21 cows 1193 390 2 steers..1337 470 1 hull 1490 200 lateer 1260 470 Ibull 1630 260 M. B. Darrow Mont. I cow ,1430 330 Ibull 150) 225 3 steers..1284 430 2 eown 10JO 390 A. T. Westcrvelt Mont. ' ! steers..1175 440 2 steers.1125 440 i steers. . . . 966 440 2 steers..1250 4 teL L steer 1120 440 2 steers..1355 440 Sam Young Mont. ; steer..11EO 370 3S feeders..1052 370 steer 1230 370 17 feeders , , 945 380 ' feeders , , 753 385 Scows 10DO 365 A. G. Parker Mont , i feeders..1117 4 15 14 feeders. . . . 937 . . .1 SO , J _ _ 1 "O 415 Ibull feeders..IKS 1100 320 cows 109G 365 J. J , Belshe Wyo. feeders , . 981 4 Si 1 feeder. . . 810 4 00 feeder. , . R90 4 35 1 con 1210 .1 85 feeder , . . 760 3 75 I cow 1330 3 50 HtllRfl. . . . .12i'iO 380 2 COWH 900 2 90 cow . WO 2 SO 1 cow S60 300 J. Anderson Polo , feeders. , SS2 4 00 1 feeder. . . 940 1 M feeders. 857 3 40 Scows 10SO 3 40 Hiilber fl Grange Neb. feeders ,1060 4 10 16 feeders. . 86S 4 10 feeder. . . S50 360 8 cows 1030 3 65 C. E. Clourh-Neb. CO w , , .1050 3 40 4 COWH , . . SG2 275 cows , 3 40 19 cows. . . 952 2 75 40V. \V. \V. Beck-Neb. row 1)20 ) 350 7 COWH. . . .1071 3 23 COW..10CO 2 10 3 cows. . . .103t n 25 cow 1300 3 25 1 bull , . . . .1200 SIS cows 1110 s no 8 COW8 , , . .1026 cows 1070 290 1070T. . A. Ilalll-Wyo. rows 955 .1 15 Icow. . . . 970 SIX ) cow. . . . . . ( ISO 2 50 steers. . , . W7 4 10 Standard Cattle Co.-a. D. steers..1060 4 90 James Boyle Colo. COWK. . . , . 811 350 10 steers. , ,1035 4 20 cows & " 5 3 W 2S feeders , . 835 3 85 Georg-e HltchlnP Wyo. feeders , , 9S6 4 2j IlHtcvra..104.1 feeder. . . 1100 4 7 cows DTI 3 25 ilMlll I. < 1\ > | UII * fUIU. . 61 feeders. . 73 3 75 9 feeder * . . 737 3 40 1 stag SIO 3 33 I lOUS Today's hog market was u shade higher under the Influeiu-c of the very moderate receipt * ami the good demand. The market was active ill the advance and practically everything changed hands be fore the middle of Hie forenoon , or n very short time after the last train arrived. Out of the total receipts. M9 hogs were from Kansas City nnd consigned illrrct to the Cudahy Packing company. Receipts at this point during the last few days have been hardly equal to the demand. It will be noted from the representative Kales below that the hulk of the hogs sold today nt tl.ittV&tM.O.'i , while yesterday al most half of the hogs went til $1.00. U will also be noted from the table of average prices that the IIOJJR tin nn nverngc today brought a little moro money than 4 02U 4 4 . . . 4 0214 4 02 > 4 4 0214 4 07'fc 4 02' < ! I 02" " 4 - t. . , , . . . 4 02'4 i SHEEP There were a few sheep here j hat would do for killers , but no fat lambs ' o sneak of. The demand was coed and the narket active and steady to a little stronger m killer. . Feeding sheep and lambs were n moderate demand at Just about steady prices. Quotations : Oood to choice fed wether JT'SJ1'31' ? ! P ° nrt 1 ° choice fed yearling 4.3jt(4.oO ( : good to choice grass wethers , $4. ' W4.25 ; fair to good grass wethers , $ ! .S5f .Ol good to choice grass ewes , $ t 605j3.75 : fill to good grasp ewes , $3.25 13.50 ; 'good t choice western lambs. J-5.0035.23 : fair to goo western Iambs. $4.63JJ4.SO ; feeder wctheri $3.65t3.75 ; feeder yearling. S3.75ia3.95 ; goo to choice feeder lamb's. $4.25f4.40 : fair t good feeder Iambs , $4.0954.25. RepreJento five sales : No. Av. Pr. 40 western lambs 49 $3 (0 15 native ewes 95 3 00 7 native ewes S5 3 00 531 western yearlings 81 3 73 70 native ewes 93 3 75 124 native ewes 92 375 309 western feeding lambs 49 4 00 515 western wethers PG 4 10 56S western feeding wethers 107 4 40 1 buck 110 4 50 1,026 western lambs , 65 4 75 CHICAGO 1.IVB STOCIC MAIUCET i S"atly " < i IlepvcH Drlnnr Good I'rloen nni Ho KM Make Sllirlit Oalii. CHICAGO , Nov. 8. BEEVES-Nntlv beeves strong and active ; westerns , 10 higher ; g'-'nernl quality not very good Texans , small receipts ; market strong cow market firm ; cnnncra steady ; ntocker and feeders unchanged ; calves steady ; cat tie , good to fancy sales , $5.85ii7 < i.50 , fev fancy nt J6.90 : common to medium , $4.35i 565 ; cows , heifers and bulls , il.ffifls.00 fancy heifers. J5.SO ; Texans. graFR , J3.sijf 3.95 ; Texan fed , $4.70iijS.50 : calves , $4.00Ti7.5 < i western rangers , $4.15Q5.30 ; eminent , $1.75 } 0 90 ; feeders,1 $4.00JT1.60 : stockers , J3.0W OJ HOQS Packing hogs 6c higher , other.- stronger ; fair to prime , SI.15fn.oO ; heavj packers , $3.904.15 ; mixed , $4.00igl.22V4 ! butchers , $4.20ig > I. ; > 7H : lightweights , $ l.00j SIIEEP AND LAMBS-1015c higher other grades steady to lirm ; few westerns common to choice , $3.25(3 ( ,00 ; westerr rangers , T3.60ffl.50 ; good to prime lambs $5.00@6.50 ; prlmo native yearlings , $4.-OIi ! 4.c5 ; range lambs , none on eale , nominal al $1.60195.50. RECEIPTS-Cattlo , 16,500 head ; hogs , 29- 000 head ; sheep , 12,000 head. \C-AT York Live Stock , NEW YORK. Nov. 8. BEEVES Re ceipts. 3,344 head ; steers opened llrm to a shade higher nnd closed easier ; bulls steady to firm ; steers , $1.403C.OO ; oxen , J3.10g4.WI ; culls. J2.S00-J.30 ; choice fat , $1.50 ; cows , $1.70 @ 4.2-J. Cables unchanged. Exports , 1,634 quarters of beef : tomorrow , none. CALVES Receipts , 1,636 head ; good veals steady , others slow ; grnssera steady ; veals. $5.00558.50 ; culls , $1.50 ; grassers , J2.7&03.25 ; yearlings , J2.60ti3.G5. SBBBP AND LAMBS-Recelpts. 15,853 head ; sheep steady ; lambs opened llrm to lOc higher and closed quiet and easy ; sheep , J2.-30fil.25 ; lambs , J5.00fi5.50 ; choice and ex tra lambs , $5.co(5.75 ( ; Canadian lambs , $5.25 ffj.oO ; culls. J4.00. HOGS Recclnts , 12,678 head ; market higher at $ I.COfl4.EO. City Ilvr Slook. KANSAS CITY , Nov. S.-CATTLE-Re- celpts , 10,000 head natives nnd 1,300 head Texans ; supply quickly sold ; recent ad vance sustained ; heavy native steers , $3.30 ® 6.00 ; lightweights. $ l.&OiiS.W ; wtockers and feeders , J3.904JI.60 ; butcher cows and hc'f- orn , $3.106.00 ] : cannerfi , { 2.605)3.10 ; fed west ern hteen . $ I.EW4.S5 ( ; range steers , $ I.OC ® 4.W ; Tnxnns , $3.0034.50. HOGS Receipts , 12,770 head ; demand poor nnd prices averaged 2'/4c lower : heavy and mixed , $3.S5''a4.07i4 ' ; light , J1.90fJI.05 ; pica , $ & 75@3.95. SUEQP Receipts , 6,200 bend : good killers scarce ; slaughtering lambs shade hlcher , others active ; lambs , $5.00fi5.2muttons ; , $ l,15fr4. ( ! > 0 ; stackers and feeders , $1.00 4.05 ; culls. Jl.OOQZEO. _ HI. JoH.-ph l.lvr Stork. SOUTH ST. JOSF.PII , Nov. 8 , ( Special. ) The Journal quotes as follows : CATTLE-HerelptH , 1,200 head , Including 600 quarantines ; market active and lOc higher ; quality fair ; unlives , Jl.00f/5.f / > 5 : Texans and westerns , S3.26fifi.55 ; rows nnd hclfern , $1.7534,45 ; bulls and stags. J2.GOf ? 4. 65 ; yearllngH and calves. J4,0jr5.00 ; Htock ers nnd feeders , $3.25ft4,40 ; vcnln , JI.OO&D.75 , HOGS Receipts , 3,600 head ; mirket strong to Cc higher ; heavy nnd medium , J4.05f4.12H : I'lBH "IKl llfihts , $ l.00 4.10 ; bulk of saleH. J4.P5f4.07'/4. ( ' SIIEEP-Recelpts , 300 head ; market strong. Stock In HI/ilM. Following are the receipts at the four irinclpnl western innrkctH for November S ; Cattle , Hogs. Sheen. ? outh Omaha . 3,931 6/W 4.0S2 ; | , lcngo . 16.50. . ) 2DOf iJ.fKV ) Kanfim City . 10,000 12,770 6.200 3t. Louis . 3,400 8,5fjO 1,7W Totals 23.SJI1 .17.077 "jflRJES E- BOYD & CO Telephone 1031) ) . Onmha , COMMISSfON , ( JRAIN , PKOVISIONS and STOCKS HOARD OP TI1AUU , Direct wire * lt > Clil > ; iiu n.V w Tort. CorreiDondinlii JJ < " > * Warrtn 4 Ok RRPEHMEYaCO. BOOrHrirtlFEBLDG. BWrtCH l03B ( t ertAHA nto. uncetn Travellujc ' \ Read The Bee Hero Is Where You Will Find it in tht Principal Cities. ANACONDA , MOMT. Jatnei 51. Uadnril. ATLANTA. fJA. Klmbnll Iloniu Nrirn Stand. BOSTON. Public I.llirnry. Venilonip lintel , Boitoa l'rc Clnli , 14 floitrartli M BUFFALO. Oanrioc Hotel TTH Btnnil. UUTTH. TVm. Shield ! . CAAIItRIDdC , MASS. i. Usvrrnril Ca'.vcrnlty Library. CHUYENNE. K. A. IOK II. UlliV -nt lUth M. CJicji-unc dull. CHICAGO. Amlttorlam Aniinx Ne r > Stand. ; ! Audltfirliini Hotel \OT ffnnil. firnnil 1'ncinc llolcl t Tr ( n . firrat A'nrtlir n llotvl nerr * 1'nlinrr Hnimcew ntnnil. PoHlnfllcoCIT Stnnil , Ko. Mf bnrn Street. Axoolnteil AdvertUor' * Cl b , Polclv * > IIouio. CLEVELAND. ; W ddell H0une. * The llollenilea. Comnierclnl TraTeleri * Aa < Mlatl M % Temple. ' COLORADO SPRINQ8. , ra' Home. ; DENVER. tlrorm Hotel \cirn StuiiJ. j IliituUliin A KritilrlaK , OOO-Ota 17th ct , ) Mol.nl n , JMtt A Oo. . 8,15 Sixteenth St. ' Tntt Jlcrcntitllo Co. . 1317 Larimer at , "W , Tlio Ulntloner Co. , inth nnd Lrrren / | . -7 Wludaor Hotel .Vnrra Stnnd. DES MOINES. MOCCB Jacobn , { took Inliuid Depot. r. U. U. A. Uenillnir llootn. DULUTH , MINN. Wlt & Dennett , 21-1 W. Snpovlo * . FORT SMITH , ARK. Uooiil HAVANA , CUBA. Inslntorru Hotel nendlna IVoaM. HONOLULU , H. I. Uonolula HtitQl llendluB HOMMU HELENA. W. A. Jloorr , Qtl uvanu * tfelena I'ublla Library. HOT SPRINGS , B. O. B orce Glbion. HOT SPRINGS. ARK. C. n. AVciiTcr A Co. F. O. Dorlnp. I * D. Cooper A Co. , OSO Central AT b KANSAS CITY. Robert J .clil. lOUU McQeo St. Conte * .loaie Jivrrm Stand. HlKKourl Iteimblloan Clnb , OCB Haiti * moro Ave. rubllc Library. KlcUircUer C'iijnr Co. , Oth and 'Walnnl opiiogltc I * . O , IlallTvnr Y. M. C. A. , room BT Halo * Depot , ICnunn * Cltr , Ho. , Pvbllo Library. LEXINGTON , KY. T. M. O. A. Jlenrtlns Room. LINCOLN. XV. 8. Edralntou , lisa O itr i , cry Acent. LOS ANGELES. Ollrer A Ildlnea , 100 8. Spring F. n. Ilaniooiu , 422 S. Mala flt. LONDON , ENGLAND. Bharlea \ . GllUa' * American B 3 Cpclinpur St. , Trnfalun-r Bq B , W. MANILA , P. I. Andrevr F. Schona , Cor. Pa ni Ac Bapana and ISvoolta Street * . MINNEAPOLia Pnbllo Library. Wet Uotel XCITII Stand. NEW YORK. Cooper Uutou I.ilirury. iriftli Avenne Hotel Notvi , BtanO. ; Fifth Avenue Hotel Ileudlnir nooak , / ' Kiuplrc Hotel. - * Qrooiue Street Library. Holland IIone llvadluw HoKinan HOUUP. . Imperial Hotel NCTT Stand. Mechnnlcfl' and lruden' Fi-e * No. 18 En t Sixteenth Street. Preii * Club , l-O Ncmau St. We < niln cr Hotel Itcadln Wlndcor Hotel Hcnrtliia : Y. M. O. A. , 23d Street ud 4th OGDEN. TV. TVelib , 3400VViuiktB W. G. Kind. V PARIS , FRANCE \ Netr York Hernld Hendlnv Onai M Are. de 1'Op era. The * . Cook & Son. , t Are. * * * , PONCE , PORTO RICO. . Eoire < b GcMtrom. PORTLAND. ORB. W. E2. Jonr , 1M)1 Alder St Portland Hotel NCTT * PHILADELPHIA * Mercantile Library. SACRAMENTO. fabllc Library. SAN FRANCI9C& Pnblia Library. BAD JUAN , PORTO RICA. Hotel rtmlaterra Heatinv t1 t fc SANTA ANA , CAL. Santa Ann Free Public Llfcrfcvy. SALT LAKE CITY. It , f. Hnmiuel , Lyoewi Salt LnUo Xtnm Co. Pabllo Library. SEATTUS ISactern New * Co , , 310 ! - A. T. Lmidberar. Qeorire V , Ward , SIOUX CITY. aarrettnon Hotel Heir a ttmmJL Momlanilii Hotel Ke-nm It am A , Hotel Vendomo Nerr * StaM . Couvvay tit ICiiloUerbookcv * I'ulillo Llliriiry. ncrnld FitiKlbbon , 700 Hey Allen , 831 Center Ut. Y. M , O. A. Hemline ItooDI. SPOKANE. John \V. Grabom 723-TaB ' Avenue. ST. JOSEPH. llrandnvr' * XCT Htuud , Til Ktmomt , . trcet , i Junction New * Stnnd. 801 * * M Y. M , C. A. llendliiK ItooM. ST PAUL , MltlN. 'ret * Clab. LVIndior Hotel. ST. ItlUlS a. J. Jett , BOH oil * r * . IMnntrr * ' lintel Ktrr 8t a4. fabllo Library. WASHINOTON , D. O , , IVUlard'n Hotel NTT Bttatf. 1 * ' ' Irllnitfoii Hotel. f " ? onure ilonnl Ubrary. Haimc. torrleultural OapavtnieUt Ubravy. lleaiublloaa National