12 THE OMAHA DAIJjY BETJ3 : SUNDAY , NOVEMBER 5 , 1890. nil till" you'll ItnowliiK " I3v > rr < l lnK ire nrtr rtlso Whrnrt > nilvtrtlnr- Von nrc nrrrr illiinnpoln < e < l " \Vr nlvrnjn nlv > yon Ttetirr Tittnci Onr nueclnl nnl n nlrrny * Ton I notr It rny * > , ou to Ami nttcnd lomorrovr. > 0tl UtllMV It'll NO. In our union. for yonr monrr ttinn ntlicr * , Intercut yon. trnile vtltli Mn Sales All Over Our House Monday. Sales of Great Merit. T Sales Crowding the Limits of Bargain Givin Attend - - Attend The Big Sale of Our Great Sale Cloaks. Suits , of Millinery. Jackets , Wraps. $1,50 Silks at 49c , Extraordinary Dress BASEMENT All of our xvalfit lengths In flno silk , high grade taffetas , plaids , checks , Btrlpca , bro Newest dress fabrics that forcibly appeal to every purchaser 5,000 yards Ten cent 8i cent caded silk , evening shades and heavy tat- of saving disposition. Flannel fc-tas In plain colors for lining , all of tliem Monday's dress goods oilorings include many lines oi' the Outing Canton Flannel Comfort Prints worth $1.50 yard , on bargain square at In light and dark colors , newest and most strictly fashionable goods in every desirable none better at any price , Monday go at marked at such phenomenally' low goes Monday at weave and style , prices that will make this undeniably the ! YA11D YAHIl. 5,000 yards Best grade 36-inch Extra good quality 50c Silks at 9c Yard , Entire Dress Patterns $1.98 each. Shirting Prints Percales Shaker Flannel 0 plocos of momlo Each and every pattern containing a full dress length , sev go at worth 12ic , go at at Bilk Persian in different patterns tints , , en yards. A most superb collection to choose from , compris YARD worth COcyard , on ing handsome silk and wool materials , ilium in- " Hiilo on main ated suitings , English sackings , fancy wool floor , at IN LINEN DEPT. .111U. Bourettes , two-toned mohairjacquardsand ; fancy BARGAINS . 1,000 doz. Men's and fioo dozen all kinds Indies' Scotch tweeds in all the leading popular shades. Extra heavy satin dam Hemmed and taped Large , extra long Boys' lined and yophyr II no Saxony knit wool and 75c Foulard & China Silk 29c Those goods were Intended to soil up to $1.00 yard. The entire ask , knotted fringe , unlined Gloves Shawls and lot wjll on special sale on front bargain go square The greatest bargain In pure foulard silk Monday at $1,98 for entire pattern Towels Wash Rags Dresser Scarfs and Mittens Fascinators , tvml china silk over offered , for evening all sale at would bo cheap for 25c , at 1 Men's ' ' dresses , on case heavy Girls' and boys' fast black , fine 200 Pieces New Fall Suitings -Ill plain and KAOH EAOII ggEAOH natural gray fleece School heavy ribbed Hose1 , full with seamless dounlo mixed effects for tailor-made dresses including such popular Underwear kncos pair Drawn work Pull J size. Lidoll'a Breakfast weaves as Kerseys , Vicunas , Venetians , Empress Men's ' extra heavy Ladies' full Bcamloss fast Napkins Napkins part wool and black , fleece lined YAIIM. press Cloth , Homespuns , Cheviots and steam Tray Cloths camel's hair gray Cashmere Their price $2.50 tomorrow All linen , worth 75c dozen finished Broadcloths. An endless variety , go Under wear Finished Hose worth 50c nt en , go at morrow 75c Silk VGlvet at lie Yard , of all those new , scarce cloths. Shown for Men's all wool B * the first time and sale in DOZEN DOZEN Ladies heavy ribbed , fine on special Monday EAOII 50 pieces silk back Fleece gauge , full seamless , Fast velvet and dress goods department at 75c yard Black Hose float Gc pot- Extra heavy full size Oil color turkey red Domestic turkey red Underwear pair Bilk plush in light Gorman damu&k on colors sale , worth at. . 75c , YAllU. New Bolf Skirtings , $1,89 asid $1.98. Napkins Damask Damask 5,000 und Saxony chHUron's pairs Wool infants' all ' Mittens. pure 3 el's oases hair men's and natural full seamless wool Half cam Worth up to Five Dollars a yard. Worth 81.75 , go at worth 50c yd , go at worth 25c , go at Hose yo at lOo pair Special bargain in Black As an ilhistration of Monday's saving opportunities we 2,000 ladies' fine wool Men's heavy cotton fast black Taffeta Silk. 27 inches wide , place on special sale 50 pieces new reverslb le golf skirtings , with handsome plnld backs , DOZEN 35c YARD double knit Mittens. . seamless Half ilosu K ° at 2c In the new shades of oxford gray , cadets , browns , castors , nnvy. These goods can ba ' pair , and retailed all to . . As extra special 04-inch heavy silver Misses' and boys' finest made up without lining arc over up $5.00 yard. an Twilled Extra heavy Scotch half Sitxony Mitts bargain Monday they go In our dress goods department at bleached all llnon table bleached Gorman , worth , Throe- cases of infants and Cotton Crash lifty cents children's Hoods , mtido of Damosk Damask 5 oases ladles' liuavy llceecd fine Gertuantown , Saxony rauilno , iintl cninol' und zephyr yarns. Homo uro naturul Extra heavy qual worth 5c yd. , go at worth 50c , go Monday 75c value , Monday at and gniv Panta. slightly soiled , po at lOo ouch. . ity Black Satin 'YARD ' YARD YARD Ladies $1.25 fine Saxony wool Three cases ladies' perfect ribbed Vests mid Pants , silk lilting laeo trimmed Corsets Duchesse pure trimmed , all colors , go at each go at silk , guaranteed YAHD. BARGAINS IN BLANKET DEPT. Mlhses1 and heavy , children's wclRlit camel's anil boys' lialr modlum and 3,000 , ladies' extra flno 5 Full size Cotton Fleece Full eizo very heavy strictly nnd natural errty Fleeced quality French tateen Cor Extra heavy matolasao Striped Silk Underwear KO at luu uach sets , best standard makes , All of our new black crepons in handsome raised blister Blankets , worth $1 , pair. . all wool BlanUcts worth S5 pair north31,20 In this sale at fifty waists. now imported for Thqso are All tlio finest natural \\nol and goods effects , also a complete line of high class All the extra size full 11-4 cot 200 pair line scarlet strictly ull French cathul's hulr Vests , I'unts cents worth. 81.50 silk , tufted novelties , etc. These goods ton fleece Blankets , worth 32pr wool nt } 5 Blankets pulr , halo price , would , pair bo cheiip KoatSOoeach und Drawers for girls nud boys , J.OO yards of all colors and represent the most , famous foreign weaves , and include ' black Velveteen and Silk on 150 pair heavy half wool 100 pairs of bountiful plnld Ki6 dozen missea' and children's very . . Velvet , worth to $1.50 $5.00 sale in $ values ranging up t yard , go on special .50 up Bale BlnnkotS that usually sell for HlunKets , very fine quality and fa-.t black derby ribbed Hose , . , this sale 19c and In at at black goods department at , yard y.OU , pair , sale prlco largo size , worth Jo.50 pair , for RO at 2c oauh yard oOcynrcl The cho cest garments of the entire stocks of two Chicago wholesale clothing manufacturers noted fortholr excellent and perfect flt- tina clothing All suits and overcoats in the purchase are made in the very newest styles for this fall and winter wear. They wore boug ht by us for snot cash for One-Third Less Than Their Manufacturing Cost IT'S THE GREATEST CLOTHING BARGAIN EVEHT OP THE YEAR. , $4.50-An elegant Men's $7.50 fashionable box top coats , on sale Monday at $5 winter Men's business suits for fall and wear Those latest , fashionable box back cloth top coats , made full line of fnncy cheviot iind casslmeres straight , made and - up * in neat - checks " " box back , strapped seams , cloth or velvet collar , In tan , light Extraordinary Purchase and sale 500 pairs and mixtures , made up In brown or newest drab and oxford gray , as round cut , slnglo and double breasted $4.5O well us black , blue and brown kersey and trimmed . styles. Kvery garment elegantly beaVer overcoats. An unrivaled bargain In and llnod. regular $7 suits , prlco tomorrow men's overcoats , worth absolutely J7.50 Monday only they are on sale at Men's stylish suits for fall and winter wear , J7.60 Made of fancy cheviots and cas- Men's ? 10 new stylish fall and winter overcoats nt J7.50 slmeres , also black clay worsted and j$7.50 'Fashionable ' overcoats for men's wear In black , blue and In stripes , checks and plaids , fashionably . brown , all wool kersey and beaver cloth , raw edge finish , silk cut and reliably made. A regular } 10 suit , velvet collars , strapped seams , good farmer's satin lining. made by the great Chicago Shoe Manufacturers , Price & Wolff made of Also light colored covert top coats , with Men's swell suits for fall and winter wear : , J9.50 Made of tine body lining or two toned self lined , any the very highest grade box calf and vici kid in the new modified mannish smooth llnlshed blue serge , cheviot , clay worsted , unllnlshed desirable lengths , and all sizes from 33 to and nobby striped worsteds , casslmeres 41. Sold elsewhere at $10. Blonday at $ . lasts and coin toe. These were to have been finished by Oct. 1st , and on and cheviots. In a great variety of swell $9.50 Boston store patterns cloth , lining. In all styles A regular , with $15 serge hult tomorrow and Italian . Men's $15 dressiest top coats at $9,98 Tailored in the best account of delay the Chicago retail house refused them. poslble manner , of the choicest Kngllsh whipcords , coverts Men's Imported worsted suits , $12.50 A grand line of new and vicunas , in drab , light , medium and dark tan. Colored made retail fancy worsted suits In stripes , also an elegant line of Imported silk velvet or plain cloth collars. Unsurpassed workmanship. Positively to and domestic checks anil extra Bilk lined throughout , or fancy back and ported heavy , and cheviots. They are the 12.5O silk shoulder and silk sleeve lining. A $9.98 serges in . Monday Chicago. newest effects In this season's patterns. . perfect $15.00 dress coat on sale here , . . They are regular J18.50 suits , tomorrow. . . . day at Men's $20 Imported overcoats for $12.50 Men's finest overcoats At Five dollars a pair \ Men's very llnest winter suits , $11.50 In this lot are all tha in Imported patent beavers , English meltons , llnest ( rray vlcu- , swcllcst and newest rough effect suits , as well as the highest nas , black , blue , brown and oxford gray. Finest llg lit colored grade of now globu'worsted stripes. Also men's Imported blue French .jvhlpcords and covert cloths , In slate , tan , drab nnd all sizes all widths on hcrga and sutln lined clay worsted suits , they are made and light brown shades. Bilk voko and worsted , , trimmed as well an any custom made iar- piald body lining. In dressiness and ap incntH , In slnclo and double breasted and 14.50 pearance the equal of the best merchant 12.50 sale Monday at frock styles. They are equal to nny J25 . tullor work. Worth and sold from $1G.60 . milt. For tomorrow only to $20.00 , Monday at HOME FOR CITY'S HOMELESS Rosuma of tha Work Being Done by St. Tamos' Orphanage , ITS APPOINTMENTS BRIEFLY DETAILED Fiitlier Carroll niitl Thirteen Sinter * 111 Cliuruc HIMV Hie I'nrciitleim Arc Cared l > "nr I < "nlr for UN ic-ui-IH. "Suffer the llttlo children to come unto jno , " said Christ nearly nineteen centuries ago , The physical nnd earthly embodiment of this simple and touching saying In Omalm , St. James' orphanage , stands upon a roll ot the prairies near Henson a substantial building of a roail branching from the old California trull nnd about ono > ojghth of a mlla from It. The .building U three etorlcs In height , of brick and perhaps l5o feet long by 45 wide. It IB situated on a gently slop ing bill which rises somewhat higher than thOBo around It. The situation commands a view such as makes the heart of a Nebrasltan glad , To the west , north and southwest stretch out the long rolling billows of the prairies , topped hero and there with larmhSuees and buildings or clumps of trees. Near by ls IJensou , "with Its cluster ot buildings , the nohool and church eplrea standing out from cunong them. To the cast nud toward the south lies the city , scattering and then thrown together In a bunch , belter skelter , one may "iiy. Far off Ho the 'bluffs ' of Iowa , the long thread of tbo Missouri at their base. The orphanage Itself Is severely plain and occupied the center of the ton ocrca that belong - long to the Institution. Two wings ( lank It , ono on the north nnd the other on the south , nnd a long extension runs from the center toward the west. The grounds are not adorned , but turned into a hugo playground , where the homeless tots may enjoy themselves - solves to their hearts' coutent. Here ihey upend the playtime of bright Uaj6 aa cheer fully and Joyously as thogo more fortunately situated. Toward the eatt Btauds a statue of St. Vincent , holding a llttlo child in his arms , nhllo another stands by his aide. The whole scene Impresses oue with tbe thought that comfort has not been sacrificed to ap pearance , Tbo interior of tbo building is a picture of ncatneio. Long , cool corridors extend on each Bide. The tloors are composed of bard , highly polished pines , Intd double , and the corridors and closets are wainscoted with whlto pine painted a subdued color. The etructuro contains forty-six rooms. There are a number cf stairways nnd outlets , doing away with all danger in case of fire or ac cident. The basement contains eighteen rooms. Hero are the recreation rooms for inclement weather , the bays on the north and the girls on thesouth. . Hath ami wash rooms are adjuncts. North cf the boys' room is the kindergarten for the tiniest tots. Hero they felt upon wee chairs and pass the time In song and play , A door leads from the girls' room Into the sewing room , where the Bisters glvo Instruction In eon Ing during the evening. They are kept busy , for rlpa nnd ( care continually need repairing , not to men tion the stockings which encaseso many pairs of active , youthful legs. In the west /extension ot the basement is tbo dining room , large , well lighted nnd cool , Tablea varying in height and weight , with long benches , occupy the room. The tables are covered with pretty tableclotbes and set with substantial cups , saucers and dishes. The larger girls take turns in caring for the rooms and tables and wash and put away the dishes in an adjoining pantry. The kitchen lies next. Tlio laundry Is In the south wing and la thoroughly equipped. The Elstero nro helped In tbo work by the girls as far as they are able. Adjoining is the furnace room , the 'boiler being kept heated all the while , this being necessary because the water Is obtained by pumping frosn a deep well. During the winter the building is heated by steam. The first floor Is taken up with dormi tories. As In the basement tbo north end is the boys' division and tbo south thegirls' . The main roams are occupied with two rowa of iron bedsteads painted blue. Those- ad joining the girls' division cotitaln the small cribs nnd cradles belonging to the Infants , The first floor of the west end contains the chapels , eightyofeet In length and sixty-five In width. Memorial windows till the sldoa of the rcom , The parlors , simply and neatly furnished , Ho about the entrance. The north cud of the second floor la utilized for school purposes and Is divided into sev eral rooms furnished w'lth desks and the usual echool room paraphernalia. The south end of the floor Is used for the apartments of the orpbanago priest and the sisters. There uro thirteen sisters in charge under the immcdato supervision of Sister Mary Vincent. Father Carroll is the orphanage priest. All the children , except the smallest , rlso at C a. in. The day la suitably divided be tween work and recreation. School houra are practically the same as prevail In the city schools and the course of study similar to that of the graded schools. Where excep tional adaptability is apparent special In struction la given in music and other branches. When boys reach the ago of 12 .years homes are found for them , while glrla may remain till they are 1C or 18 , The cornerstone ot the orphanage was laid September 17 , 1S90 , and the building was completed and opened in the fall of the following year. During several preceding years the children bad been cared for at the Castcllar street convent. Before that the orpbanago was located at Twenty-fourth and St. Mary's nvcnuo. The land on which the present building stands In not encum bered , but tbero is a dabt of $40,000 on tbo building , tbo original cost of which was $00,000. The institution has no regular source of revenue , depending solely upon tbo contributions of friends for its main tenance. The orphanage is doing an Immense amount of good for the orphans of tbo city and for those who are perhaps worse off those whoso parents cannot or will not take care ot them. A charge of from ? 3 to $8 per month Is made for such cases. The parents promise to pay , but only rarely is the promise fulfilled. In addition tbo orphanage - phanago effects a big saving to tbo county and on this account Its friends think they are Justified in asking the business men and taxpayers of the city to support by con tribution and otherwise tbo fair , which will ho held for its benefit beginning on Mon day , November 0 , in the roof garden , Six teenth and Haruey streets. It will continue two weeks. 'Addresses ' will bo made "by " IU. Kev. Bishop Scannoll , Rov. W. H. I. nalney ( Ad miral Dowey's chaplain ) and Mr. T. J. Ma- honoy. There ivlll also bo mualc. A Severe Cold. "A very simple measure lu the very be ginning ot a cold , " says the Baltimore , O. , News , "is to take a hot bath until the perspiration la established , and then wrap tbo body In two or three warm , dry blank ets In a warm room , eo that there will bo free perspiration for an hour. The body should then bo rubbed and dried , and the individual should go to bed without any exposure , and remain thcro from 12 to 3G hours , or until the symptoms of tbe cold have entirely disappeared , " If you should venture out before 'he end of 30 hours you would bo almost certain to contract a worse cold and porhapa pneumonia. Would it not be better to take a tablespoonful ( four times tbo usual dose ) of Chamber lain's Cough Ileraedy Just before going to btd That would effectually break up the cold , Then you could go about your busi ness as usual without any fear of pneumonia as it counteracts any tendency ot a cold to result in that dangerous disease. SUlnu Him Hi * . Cblcago Post : "I want to get a ringer a lady , " said tha customer. "Sweetheart or wife ? " asked the clerk. "Both , " replied the customer , " ' all at " said the "Say ! Now I'm sea , clerk. "If it was far a sweetheart I'd ' show you something handsome In this case ; If for a - lfe , I'd hend you farther down the aisle for somethlug Iras expensive , Dut when a man combines the two Say , you'd ' better look over the entire stock , It's ' against all precedent and I'm not compe tent to give you any advice. " Dr. H. H. Haden , Summit , Ala. , says : "I think Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a splendid medicine. I prescribe it , anil my confidence in it grown with continued use. " U digests what you eat and quickly cures dyspepsia and indigestion , PECULIAR BUSINESS SIGNS Queer Fames , Odd Constrnotipn nnd Re markable Coincidence ? Ara Observed , GET ALMOST ANYTHING "WHILE YOU WAIT" Clilniininn Unintentionally Ailver- tlNCH Illnmclf IIH "lo'liin I.ee" Grttldiiun anil Kcttrliiiim Are N Oilier Kcuturca. The queer business signs and the peculiar names abounding in Omaha , as well n in every other large city , nro worth observa tion , Sometimes the interest centers In the name of the llrm or of the man , again it may bo In the special significance of the name as applied to the business , or it maybe bo In tbo awkward construction ot the sign , A north side shoemaker advertises on n flaming bulletin board : YOUE SHOES HALF SOLED WHILE YOU WAIT. DROP IN NOW. The thinking man with a pair of shoes to bo half soled will doubtless figure it out for himself that bo can have the work done while be waits , provided be waits long enough. The "drop in" suggestion is par ticularly timely because \ery near tbe en trance to the shoo shop is a basement stair way that is not provided with a safe railing and the chances are favorable for "dropping In" If the pedestrian doesn't watch bis foot steps clcbely. f FREE. I'LUMBINO. * | * . . This on tbe west side of a Farnam street bufclnefH house attracts comment from everyone - ono who reads it , because it la a standing Joke throughout tbo country that tbo plumber never does anything free , Thcro Is between "Free" and " " a comma "Plumbing , but the average portion payti but llttlo at tention to such a small mark of punctua tlon , so the idea most generally conceived Is that some philanthropist has made an Innovation by introducing plumbing with out price. The saloon blgn , "Hot Merchants Lunch" has bocorao BO common and so much sport hns been made of It that but little atten tion la attracted. A Sixteenth street Chinaman whoso name Is Ylng Leo lina displayed a sign that when vlowcd from u distance of half a block or further brands him as a self-confchsod liar , The instriptlon on the sign Is : "Ylng Lee , Laundry , " but the letters are constructed that It reads ; * "LYING LHE. " } * The sign writer made an unusually largo "L" at thp beginning nnd on a level with the lower end ot the "L" ho spoiled out the remainder of the word "laundry" In very small letters , In the space thus left above and In letters almost as largo as the Initial "L" ho wrote tlio niimo "Ylng Leo , " so that the combination makes a plain caao of "Lying Leo. " It rccjulrcs a rather clcse in spection to ascertain Just what tbo inscrip tion vuis Intended to bo. Cli'rjfj innii 1'nlit till Illn .Sl n , ' Along the side of a private residenceat , Twenty-fifth avcnuo and Leavenworth street Is a large board sign : HAVE FAITH IN OD. The letters are gilt and the background of tlio board Is enameled "black " , making the inscription easily readable some distance away. This peculiar idea originated with u zealous minister who llvru in tbe house , Probably no signboard lu the city attracts moro attention , and It Is presumed that was the purpose Intended. Nearly every body passing there , cither on tbo earn or otherwise , has something to say about It , for Its prominence insures notlc . In adjoining houses on Sixteenth street thcro are a "nettle-man" and n "Kettcl- man" in business , Their lines of trade are different and they are not partners , but their signs must have been written by the same painter , 'for ' the style is almost identical , and above ono door la "Oettleman , " whllo above the other IB "Kettclman. " The signs are large , made of gilt and run lengthwise across the front of the buildings. In an other part of the city there 1 a "Gentle man" in the same line of business as Mr. Kcttolman. Omaha has a retail moat dealer who should bo able to attract a largo trade in the Una of roauts , for his nnmo is Hump nnd the popularity of the rump roast when properly cooked , is well known to epicures. Mr. Hump's sign , however , is plain and docs not bear his name. These are only a few samples of the queer thlnus that may bo observed In a , rambla about the city , but Omaha has nothing hardly so striking as the St. Louis saloon keeper -whoso numo Is "Louis Booze. " That has been pronounced the most significant sign on record In the United States , and the .owner of the suggestive name teems to take prldo In having attention attracted. 'J'lir IoHt Olioril. Ho wan industriously drawing a wo'olcn cloth to und fro over my shoe , reports tbe Detroit Kreo Press. "Knew an'tbtn' ' 'bout coon songs ? " ha asked , as ho breathed on the leather and polished it off again. "A little why ? " "Ah had do wo's piece o' bad luck yo' , over seen , " ho said. "Ah'd heard all these * f coon bongs at do theaters , an' me'n do old Si lady wo got ouah heads t'gothcr fo' t' git f" up a coon song dat'd beat all dom oddera half way roun' < ] o track. Ah got th' w'ud3 I In ma head , ma coco was full o' w'uds , an * i dat aiah was as cleah In ma head as ma name , I bung ile fus' vehrso ovah to do ol' lady , an' she eald , 'Say , boy , dat'g a swell song ; yo's boun' ' t' hit 'cm liahd wl1 dat song , honey , an' no mlslako. Den I nez ( 'wheah'H do pen an' ink ? an' dey wasn't noun. J taken mo hat fo' t' go ovah to do avenoo fo' t' git Bomo Ink an' a nhoot o' papah , an' when I brings It homo an' sots f" down at de table fo' t1 write out dat eng an' aiah every bit o' both had lei' my mln' Ah aln1 been able t' rccollec' elder ono o * dom Bonce. Now , if dat aln' liahd luck den dls nlgfah doan' know what hand luck mean * . HI in mo yo' othab foot. "