Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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    SATURDAY , OCTOBER as , ison.
Collar shape and '
finish the same
in either brand ,
of different
of linen.
You pay only
for material and
| workmanship
Cluott "Woatlo" 25 oto.
Arrow "Volaor" 2 fop asfc
"Correct Attlro for Mon"
the fonhlon report for Au
tumn end Winter , eont
to thooo who ask.
Write care
Station U Chicago |
: ? . : consult
op MEN
Wo guarantee to cura all cases curable of
J SEXUALLY. cured for life.
* Nightly Emissions , Lost Manhood , Ilydrocelo
Verlcoccle , Gonoirhca , CJIect , Syphilis , Strict
ure , Piles , ristula and rtectal Ulcers and
All Private Diseases
and Disorders of Men.
Consultation free Cull on or address
no So. i. < th St. OHAHA.
Face to Face.
" \Vlth niNonwc u MUM HiirUly Kin
Which Wny to Turn I > rnRi Do
Curt Thry Stimulate llr. Ileimett' *
Klfi-trlo Holt Kiiiilim You With n
Weapon < o FlKlit IllNfjiBC Thnt You
Cim TruHt Tindin - IH Guaranteed.
I worksd so long and assiduously to per
fect my Electric Uelt and so well do I
know Its wonderful virtues , that J un
hesitatingly guarantee a euro In every case
where 1 recommend the treatment of my
Uelt It has astonished physicians and
scientists who now indorse it. My Belt IB
recommended by more than 10.000 curid pa-
ilcnts. It Is Nature's , remedy. Drugs will
not euro you-they simply stimulate. Under
Its potent flame the eyes become clear , he
skin clean , the muscles hard , the step be
comes eJastlc and the bowels regular. The
dilation will become normal , the appetite
w'll Increase , and headache , flushing and
nervous disorders disappear. New re-fW
blood will course through your volnswli ch
will mantle the cheeks and lips and stye
them the rosy glow of health. The darK
clrcUH around the eyes will fade away and
the weak man or woman is made n now
Vcng , ! restored to health and sexual power.
1 am the inventor of
Dr. Bennett's Electric Belt
And know exactly what It will do. Elec
tricity Is the Vital and Nerve Korce of
every human bsliiK. "
When there Is a lade
of this Force , Electric
ity must bo supplied.
My bolt Is to supply
TRICITY. It Is a food
for blood , brain , mus-
clon and nerves. I
, vr-sn I * ' > " '
Sexual ImpoUncy ,
and nil sexual weak
nesses In utther sex ;
restore slirunlien or
undeveloped o r K a n
Hiul vitality ; euro
nhenmatlsni In every
Ktilse , Kldniy , Llye.r
uiu ! Bladder Troubles.
Chronic Constipation.
Nervous and ( ieneral
Orblllty. Uyspcpsla ,
till Kenmlo Complaints
It Is hard for some
people tu think they
can be cured now. bu-
cause thty have tried
the old ilruB rcmfdlea
of years ago a.nd found
thorn failure. ! . It ia
necessary for these
people to think u llttlp.
The world moves-thle
Is nn ane of procress
Su I wll
My lieu im. . " ' ' "gS- SoV 'bun ,
ppongo e ectrodca lh u'"baro met-
P" . . .W' ' ! . M , J ° on all other
\MIII ii'ia I".1 , "Vu thtlVurrent ° f any
svsiWnf v giSur K
Helta Ur "on"8" * '
l'ent9 !
my 75
, out for
is o uWM 3 : TO
.t . ? ff.o : w
, $ ' e'S. ' y n
. M
Cltl'TII ' TlIlillVP \ TROT PICI ?
Attorney General Wilt Carry Insurance
MatUr to Supreme Court.
Drclnlon AVnnlril n * In Wliedier the
Statr Cnn Compel N " v York I
Comimti.v to Mnk ' the I'ny-
HiiMtt Annln.
LINCOLN , Oct. 27. ( Special. ) Attorney
Oenrral Smyth will In a few days flic a brief
In the supreme court In the cnse brought I
by the atato of Nebraska against tht- Home
Fire Insurance company of New York , the
test cnae brought to find out If the Insurance
rfrmpanlcH that paid ex-AUilltop Moore some
$23.000 shall be required to pay It over again
to the state. The case was originally brought
In the Lancaster county district court , where
Judge Holmes decided that the state , having
elected to pursue the auditor on hU bond
and having secured n verdict and Judgment ,
could not also collect from the Insurance
companies. The judgment obtained runs only
nijalnst Moore , na the courU have held that
' the ? embezzled money not having been re
el veil by him by virtue of his cilice , his
lomlamcn could not be held ,
' 'ntirtrrntli Yen fly Y. I' . S. ' . K. < inth-
orliiit In SexKlon nt Ki'iirney.
KEAHNEY , Neb. , Oct. 27. ( Special Tele
gram ) The fourtenth annual convention 6f
he Nebraska Christian Endeavor union be
gan KB three days' session hero this morn-
ng. The program as carried out today con-
Isted of a conference of state ofllcc-rs , fol-
tiwed by n Joint meeting of the executive
committee and pastors' advisory committee ,
joth being held at the Presbyterian church
luring the morning.
This afternoon nt the First Presbyterian
church Dr. John Hood of Hcatrlcc , president
of the Nebraska Christian Endeavor union ,
held the opening service of consecration ,
which was followed by a meeting of the dis
trict unions.
Tonight a very satisfactory audience as
sembled at the opera houao to hear the ser
vices over which the state president pre
sided. The service started with a song and
prayer , led by F. F. Carruthers of Hastings ,
after which the audience was favored with
a song by the Kearney quartette.
President Dr. John Hood delivered his ad
dress , "In His Name , " with great effect.
This address closed the services and was
greatly appreciated by those present.
All Incoming trains brought large numbers
of visitors and more are expected tonight.
The total number of visiting Endeavorers
In Kearney at present Is estimated nt 200.
Stntc Accountant' * Itntnrt Mnkcn
Griivo ChnrueN Atrnliixt KiislouUt.
TALMAGE , Neb. , Oct. 27. ( Special. ) The
record ot C. P. Lloyd , fuslonlst candidate
for treasurer of Otoo county , was made the
subject of an investigation during his pres
ent term by J. A. Simpson , state examiner of
county treasurers , who reported a number of
Irregularities. The total cash on hand ,
which the &tato accountant was able to dls
cover , amounted to $117,776.70. The. balance
shown to be due by the books was $119,283.63 ,
leaving a balance not accounted for in favor
of the county of $1,508.84. As an offset for
this discrepancy Mr. Simpson reported to
the county commissioners that thefuslonlst
treasurer was carrying certain Items as
cash , which the examiner could not allow.
These alleged credits consisted of memoranda
ot loans advanced to nrlvato . .parties , ono
Veal "estate- mortgage , a cfatm foe clerk hire
nnd several tax sale certificates.
The accountant also criticised the lack o
promptness evidenced in the bookkeeping.
The cash book and voucher record , he said.
Instead of being entered up each day , were
from ono to three months behind.
Train Mod * Frclfrht nnd
KiiKlneN Arc Ilnilly Wrecked.
PLATTSMOUTH , Neb. , Oct. 27. ( Special
clcgram. ) A head-end collision occurred
n the Burlington yards here this morning
ictween an eastbound passenger train and
relght No. 20. The passengers were badly
aaken up , but no one was seriously hurt.
The freight engine was Tjadly battered and
tie lander telescoped , the freight cars fol-
owing. When It was apparent that the
rains would meet both engineers reversed
nd Engineer Watts and Fireman Holmes'
f the freight Jumped. Engineer Joe McCoy
f the passenger stuck 4.o his post.
The passenger -was delayed about fifteen
minutes , n now engine being put on.
The fault Is thought to He with the freight ,
Ince the passenger was strictly on time.
Klonler IlenrliiK Xo Clew for Iclcndll-
catloii I.odKcM on ( lie Siuul.
FLATTSMOUTH , Neb. , Oct. 27. ( Special. )
A dead body was found yesterday on a bar
n the river near Rock Bluffs partially bur-
ed In the sand. Coroner Slatter was called
and found that the body had evidently been
hero n long time , but could find no clew
as to Its Identity , and It was Interred near
[ lock Bluffs.
Electric Plimt Clinneen IlniiilH ,
KEARNEY , Neb. . Oct. 27. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The lighting plont of the old Kear
ney Electric company and all Its equip
ments has been purchased by F , "W. Bices
of Macon , Mo. ; Charles Hoehl of St. Joseph ,
Mo. , nnd J. F. Schaefer of Kansas City , who
will take possession November 1 , The new
company will bo called the Northwestern
Electric Heat and Power company , ami F ,
W , Blecs will be- the president. J. A. Clarey
of Kearney will have charge of the plant.
MmllMOii County .Suiiiluy Sclioolx.
NORFOLK , Neb. , Oct. 27. ( Special
Telegram. ) The Madison County Sun
day School convention completed or
ganization today by electing the fol
lowing officers. M. F. Thomas , Madison ,
president ; O , M. Thompson , Norfolk , vice-
If it Had Occurred Anywhere Else
Than Omaha , Our Readers
Might Doubt It ,
It's hard to explain how the public can
continue to doubt in the face of such evi
dence. If tl > U were published anywhere
else than In Omaha , if the statement given
below went the rounds of the prcea , readers
in neston or Now Orleans might doubt It.
Hut'it's very different when the testimony
Klven comes from a friend , perhaps a neigh
bor H is public expression of local citi
zens and can bo easily Investigated.
Mr J , B , Ash , 2625 Lake St. , says : "For
fifteen > eara otter an accident I had attacks
of Uldney complaint , recurring more fre
quently and moro severe na time went by.
Two weeks before I procured Ooan's Kid
ney Tills at Kuhn & Ca.'s Drug Store ,
corner of and Douglas streets , I waa
run down In health and thought the treat
ment might help my kidneys. It did. I am
nleascd to recommend a preparation which
acta UP to the representations made for it. "
noan's Kidney I'llla are sold for 50c per
bDX by all dealers. Mailed on receipt of
nrico by Foater-Mllburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y. ,
bole agenu for the United States ,
Remember the name , Douu's. and take no
president , Dr H. J. Cole. Norfolk , secre
tary , Mrs. JUibefldall. Madison , treasurer ,
Hov. Raton , Norfolk , superintendent normal
department ; Mrs. Craig , Battle Creek , super
intendent homo department , Mrs. Mapcs ,
Norfolk , fiuporlntemUnt primary depart
ment. It is the Intention of the association
to push the organization of Sunday schools
o thai In the future there taay be enrolled
In Sunday shcols moro than l.COO of the
6,000 children of school age In the county i |
as at present. An Interesting program of
talks and discussions as carried out nnd
closed with an nddrew by Hov. Dr. Slsson.
Norfolk AVinitn n l.llirnry.
NORFOLK , Neb. , Oct. 27. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Norfolk Indulged In an old-fash
ioned town meeting tonight called by Mayor
S'mpson nt the solicitation ct numerous
citizens for the purpose of considering the
advisability of organizing n public library I
association. After preliminary speeches
and discussions , John It. Hays , D. J. j
Kocnlgsteln and W. M. Robertson nere ap
pointed n committee to draft articles of Incorporation - I
corporation and report at some future meet- |
Ing. J. 12. Slmr tn and d. A. Lulkart were
appointed a finance committee to solicit
Slu-rllT CnptnrfH KiiKltlvc Tlilcf.
PLATTSMOUTH , Neb. , Oct. 27. ( Special. )
Sheriff \V. D. Wheeler has returned from I I
Kansas City , bringing with him Ilurl Handy , !
the nepro vho broke- Into a Hock Island car I i
In South Ueml last July nnd for which crime | ]
ho and Harry Thomas were arrested. Handy I
at that time escaped from Constable Cain
\ hlle bclni ; brought to this city. Thomas
U now serving a term in the penitentiary for
his part of the crime. After his escape from
the officer Handy went' to Nevada and has
ben working as n section hand for the Cen
tral Pacific Hallway company nnd had n tlmo
check for $35.
Horse- linn Two Owiipr * .
FRIEND. Neb. , Oct. 27. ( Special. ) A
horse , said to have been stolen at Sutton a
week ago , was located at the Hertford stable.
In this city yesterday. Hodford claims to
have traded for this animal from a passing
stranger nt a date prior to the theft. Re
plevin proceedings have been Instituted for
Its recovery.
"Workmen Ol ncr > > Annlvcrnnry.
FALLS CITY , Neb. , Oct. 27. ( Special. )
The Ancient Order nf United Workmen of
this city celebrated the thirty-first anniver
sary of the lodge's organization Thursday
evening In the lodge room. An Interesting
program was rendered , Including an address
by Deputy Grand Master Van Dyke ,
I.inilltli' A < trinp ( Suicide.
WEST POINT. Neb. . Oct. 27. ( Special. )
Mrs. Louisa Drundlek , an Insane patient now
In the county jail at this place awaiting
removal to the asylum at Norfolk , attempted
to commit suicide by slashing her throat
with a caseknlfe. An attendant discovered
her in tlmo to save her life.
MethoillHtH Coiiilunt n. Ilrvlvnl.
GENEVA. Neb. , Oct. 27. ( Special. )
Evangelist Miller closed a series of revival
meetings at the Methodist church last night.
Stnto rnlvomKyoien. .
Prof. 'Harbour goes to "Wllber today to
lecture on geology.
Prof. Burnett of the chair of animal hus
bandry Is In Kansas City attending the
Breu animal sale of Hereford cattle con
ducted by the American Hereford associa
The botanical department has just re
ceived n collection of portraits of botanists
numbering twenty or more. These will be
framed and added to the collection of portraits
traits in the university herbarium.
Applications for positions in the university
continue to pour in. 'Scarcely ' n day passes
but that some one applies for something
ranging from minor assistant or reader , nt
15 cents per hour , through all grades of In
structors and professors to chancellor ,
A. A , Hunter , a junior in the biological
group , has devised an ingenious apparatus
for supplying aquatic plants , with aerated
water. He has set It up In ths , northwest
corner of the palm house , whore he is grow
ing twenty or thirty1 different kinds of
aquatic plants.
The preliminary Ilst8 of the seniors Indi
cate a large graduating class. In the list
for the college of literature , science and
arts therq are. ninety-five namea ( thirty-
seven TTinn nml flftv-Mrrhf Tvnm n nml tn
that for the Industrial college there are
forty names ( thirty-live men and live
women ) . The list for the college of law is
not yet made up , but it will probably In
clude almost fifty names , making- total of
fully lw. !
d the Grave.
A startling Incident , of which Mr. John
Oliver of Philadelphia was the sublect. Is
narrated by him as follows : "I was In a
most dreadful condition. Mv skin was al-
Ciost yellow , eyes sunken , tongue coated ,
pain continually in back and sides , no ap
petite gradually growing weaker day by
day. Three physicians had given me up.
Fortunately a friend advised trying 'Electric
Bitters , ' and to my great joy and surprise
the first bottle made a decided ImDrovement.
I continued their use for three weeks and
am now n well man. I know thev saved
my life and robbed the crave of another
victim. " No ono should fall to trv them.
Only 50 cents , guaranteed , at Kuhn & Co.'s
drug store.
Wimtcil nt I'niviioe flly.
STILMVATER , Minn. . Oct. 27. Warden
Wolfer has received letters from J. F.
Ward , city attorney of Osawntomle , Kan. ,
and J. C. Dort , county attorney , Pawnee
City , Neb. , In which they nre preparing to
brlnir criminal proceedings ) against Jesse
0 * . Mollrlde , the confessed murderer , upon
his release from the penitenilary.
I''nlr itnil Warmer Trlth Variable
WlmlM .Saturday and Sunday
In AebniMkn.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 27. Forecast for
Saturday and Sunday :
For Nebraska , the Dakotaa and Kansas
Fair ; warmer Saturday and Sunday ; varia
ble winds ,
For Iowa Fair , except rain In extreme
eastern portion Saturday ; Sunday fair ;
northerly winds.
For Missouri Fair In northwest ; rain in
southeast portion Sunday ; cooler In ex
treme eastern nortlon ; Sunday fair ; north
erly winds.
For Wyoming Fair ; warmer Saturday ;
Sunday fair ; variable winds.
Local lli-roril.
OMAHA , Oct. 27. Omaha record of temper-
uturo and precipitation compared with the
corresponding day of thd last three years :
Maximum temperature . . 5B 72 W 63
Minimum temperature . . . 3S si : 30
Average temperature 47 (13 ( 41 30K
Precipitation . 00 .02 ,01 .00
Record of temperature and precipitation
nt Omaha for this day and since March 1 ,
US9 :
Normal for the day . . . 47
Accumulated excess pince March 1 . 2ij
Normal rainfall for the day . 07 Inch
Total rainfall s > ! nco March 1 . 23.23 Inches
Deficiency for the day . 07 Inch
Deficiency since March 1 . 4rl Inches
Deficiency for for. period , 1S3S. , . . 3.21 Inches
Deficiency for cor. iwrlod , 1697. . . .10.09 Inches
from ulnlloiiM nt 8 it. in ,
Oflt "O f ?
Omaha , clear .ill EG ; .00
North Platte. clear . 51 ' BS .00
Salt Lake , clear DO 501 . .00.ft
Cheyenne , clear 42 52 .00
Rapid City , clear . . . . 41 El .00
ll'uron , clear 42 ElS4i . )
Wllltston , clear II 52 .00
Chicago , raining 52 62 , .Sli
st. Louis , raining . . 52D2 CO .45
St. Paul , cloudy . . . , 4G 501 .01
Davenport , cloudy . , 4 $ 50 | .00
Helena , clear C2i .0)
KunfiiB City , cloudy B ! 62 .0)T
Havre , part cloudy . , 541 .0)
Dlsmarck , clear 4SI ,00
0alvetan , raining . . . 70 | 7SI .4 $
T Indicates trace of precipitation.
Local Forecast Oillclal ,
War In South Africa Exerts No TJnfaTorablo
EJect on OommeiM ,
I in in r n r Orileri for -Iron Arc I'u-
londcil fin Mill * Wlilcli Arc Still
Knr llclilnd t'ontrnctn nnd
1'rlccn Hold
NEW YORK , Oct. 17. 11. 0. Dun & Co.'s
Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow will say :
Fears nnd not fnctR niadp a war In
South Africa seem u inciinte to l > ro ; ierlty
hero and n week of conllict luis cleared
nwny the fcnr. lirlttMi markets for se
curities have boon helped Uy the belief tlmt
mlnltur shares would be worth more with
no Boer control in mining regionnnd
large purchases here of ammunition ,
packed meats nnd other army food have
dwelled the balance duo this country.
Money markets have grown lcs embar
rassing , stocks have gradually advanced ,
.Industries , nro still supported by u volume
of detnnnd for which no precedent can bo
found and payments through the principal
clcnrlntr houses for the lust \vcck Imvo
been 3(1.6 ( per cent larger than last year
and 57.3 per cent larger than In ISM. So
great an Increase shows the net result of
money and potent forces making for pub-
lie prospetlly.
The heaviest transactions In steel rail ? ,
ever mmio NO easily cover 1,100,000 for next
year's delivery , or two-thirds of the entire
annual capacity of the works. The Penn
sylvania Is said to have taken 105.00J tons
at J.13 , but all the lending railroads nmilt
large purchases and the price was then ad
vunceil to $ .15 per ton , the Manic works hav
ing delivered during the last year at JH to
? ! ! ) . Grout contracts for material follow
onu concern having bought 100.000 tons
Bessemer pig nt I'lttsbm-R for til , while
J24.60 Is paid for early deliveries and 50fKK
tons of billets were sold to ono conceri
there and Hn.OOO nt Wheeling. J3X.50 being
quoted , with slabs nt M9.50 and sheet bar.
at ? 3G. Such transaction ! * only show the
general belief that high prices will run fu
Into neM year. For structural work mnn >
orders appear , Including some of conw
o.uencp for the enat and for Cuba , and ll
1mw the car nnd Implement demand muke
the Chicago market very strong , but a
Plttsburg works anxiety for future con
tracts has depressed the price toT2.15 nm
In places some works have nearly cnuKh
up with the contracts and lire accejitln
? 2.75. Sheets nre also weaker , $3.05 belli
quoted at Plttsburg , as the proposed com
hlnntlons seem to have failed. Market
for minor metals are reacting , tin hnvln
fallen to $30.62 , with recovery to $31.25 o
Dutch sales In October , 400 tons larger
than usual , anil lake copper Is largely
offered at $17.37. Lead Is a shade lower a
J4.57H nnd spelter Is demoralized and offered i
at W , coke holds strong , shortness of cars I
hindering deliveries , though more ovens '
than ever before nre producing. While
shipments of boots and shoes for Septcm- I
ber are 350,590 cases , against 313,814 last !
year , and loss in any other reluctance of
buyers to pay ns much as manufacturers
ask , renders spring orders much below the
Buyins of wool has been heavy at Bos
on 10,071,200 pounds for the week nnd at
-he three central markets 13.570.S37 pounds ,
making 42.01S.2SO pounds in four weeks ,
against 36,394.000 in 1S07 , when the last
great speculation was on foot. Many mills
nro now buying which have recently
started after long idleness , besides the
American Woolen company , -with others ,
which have bought largely before , while
foreign quotations and some British buv-
Ing of Australian nnd South African wool
stimulated the market , though prices are
not quotably higher. The demand for
joods Improves nnd a great season is con-
Jldcntly expected. The advance in cotton
goods does not stop , for the demand Is
heavy nnd standard print cloths have lieen
ralhed lie by the selling committee , nut
the operatives have dnmanded higher
wages , possibly Induced by reports made
when the combine was proposed and some
works may stori.
The cotton market closes 1-lGc lower , the
shortage of the movement being attributed
lartrely , and perhaps too Inrgclv , to con
certed holding of stocks by growers or fac
The Increase in October compared with
last year has been heavy and exports have
been small , although at such prices that
500,000 hides represent iteHMy'as much value
ns 700.000 last rear.
The wheat demand is practically un
changed , while Atlantic exports , Hour In
cluded , have been 1232S41 bushels in four
weeks , against 13.483,056 last year , and Pa
cific exports 2,107.771 bushels , against 3,124-
306 last year. Western receipts fall short
and In four weeks have been only 30,022.053
bushels , against 40,150,609 last year. With
out concert , thorp is probably some waitIng -
Ing for better prices by farmers. Corn ex
ports continue to show the magnitude of
forelfin demand for breadstuffs , reaching
14,478,719 bushels , against 8,546,973 last year ,
and the demand has been large enoUKh to
advance the price ' /6 cent.
Failures for the week have been 100 In
the United States , against 226 last year ,
and twenty-three In Canada , against
twenty-four last year.
f Wenthcr linn Eiiervnt-
IIIK Iiifliimce on Commerce.
NEW YORK , Oct. 27. Bradstroet's tomor
row will say :
A quieting1 down of distributive trade ,
more particularly at retail. Is reported in
the telegraph advices < to Bradstrect's this
week , growing out of the unreasonably
warm weather now being experienced in
most sections of the country. Reflection
of this is found in less urgent orders re
ceived by jobbers and In somewhat Im
paired collections at many points. AH re
gards' ' prices , however , there is no appre
ciable loss of tnrensth , the great majority
of quotations remaining steady , and among
those making changes advances are still
numerjus. That the business condition of
the country remains at nn unprecedented
volumeis testified to by the heavy gains
noted In bank clearings over a year ago
and by the immense Increases In railway
unrninrra < wpr nxccntlonallv Kood returns
last October , As regards the current activ
ity in transportation It may bo said that
eastward traffic from Chicago In the laat
month has beert more than double that re
ported In the same period a year ago and
nearly twice ns large as that reported In-
October of 1S92 , n. record period of good
trade. The ocean freight situation Is
gradually improving , partly because high
rates nro attracting all available disen
gaged tonnage nnd partly because the check
to foreign buying , particularly of cere.-ilK ,
caused by the advance In vespel rate ? , has
exercised a redex action on the latter mar
ket. Simultaneously with the drop In
freight rates this week has come a hard
ening of quotations for cereals , Wheat has
been sympathetically strong , OH have other
cereals , and wheat Hour has been advanced
this week , Coffee Is llrm , but much higher
on the we k , some speculative reaction hav
ing been noted. Among leading products
decreasing in price , tin and copper among
the metals have been most notable , the
latter claimed to bo due to production approaching
preaching more to a parity with demand.
Cotton Is fractionally lower as the result
of llio deadlock between foreign consumers
and American producers , The situation of
cotton goodn. one of aggressive strength ,
Is undoubtedly a supporting feature of no
email account. The strength of wool is
natural In view of the. very large sale ,
most of which IB claimed to have been for
account of manufacturers. In woolen goods
demand Is favorable and further price ad
vances are predicted.
Lumber nfter flight hesitation nt some
markets , duo to enlarged supplies , is again
very llrm , as are also hides and leather In
sympathy with recent advances In boots
and shoe , The situation of Iron and steel
IH perhaps the most notable one yet pre
sented. The feature of the market Is the
reported booking by the steel rail mills of
the country of nearly 75 per cent of their
capacity for next year's delivery In all
500,000 tons of rails nre reported to have
been bojked for delivery early next year ,
and there IB In additional consideration un-
I tlnlshed buriness on 1K > 9 account which It
' Is claimed will ntlll further enlarge the
been booked for delivery curly next year ,
i Heavy buying of pig Iron , undoubtedly to
I cover some of the rail sales , U reported
i in the central west at prices a llltlo below
those ruling for some time past. In nil
linen of business demand Is still very heavy ,
i demand for steel for cars , of plates for
shipbuilding and for wire being additional
I blgno of ntrcr.gth. Demand for hardware
I Is active at nearly all markets. The scarc
ity of supplies noted last week Is still a
feature nnd Jobbers nre still puahed for
prompt shipments. Barbed wire , nails and
hand Implements tend higher at some east
ern markets , Complaint that present high
prices arc Injuring our export trade Is also
Wheat. Including flour , shipments for the
week aggregate 0,416,619 bushels , against
4.1CO.C1S biirhels last week , 5.500.931 bushels
In the corresponding week of 1S9S. 5.511,391
buBhels In 1597. 3.C2fc 000 bushels In 159G and
2,743,014 bushels In 1S95. Since July 1 this
season the exports of wheat aggregate G-
& 42.1CQ bushels , against 67,071,830 burhcls last
year nnd 73.2W.C94 bushels In 1S97-0 ! > .
Corn exports for the week aggregate
4.525S19 burhelH , against 6.056 697 bushels laat
week , 2,424.37t > bushels In thin week 11
ago , 1,539,193 bushels In UU : ,643J2o bushels
n KM and 1970561 bushels In 1S9J. Since
uly 1 th ! * rtaiton corn export * ngpregnte
4,3 > S,376 bushels , ngnlnut 47,3S7So7 bushels
urlng the same period a , year ORO nnd
< .SC9.a 4 bushfls In l3-9 < .
HuMnesa failures for the week number
11. ns compared with 121 last week , SI )
n thlp week a year ago. 21S In 1W. 2IS In
Sdl and 199 in 1S95.
UuslncsR failures for the week In Cannno.
umber twenty-one , ns compared with
wetity lost wek. twenty-three In this week
year ago , twenty-nine In 1W , thlrtj-sevtn
n ISM and forty-eight In 1505.
Higher 1'rliTH for StnckH Induce
Harder Tone lit Money.
NEW YOUK , Oct. 27. Uradstreefs tomor
row will say :
A fair degree of activity nnd enlargement
of interest in { .peculation accomplished , i
further , though irregular , rise. In prices thl
week. This movement was partly based
on recovery of the London market , which
in the early days of the week discounted
the possibility of a speedy ending of the
Transvaal war by a sharp advance , in
which American rails shared the honor.s
with ICafllr mines. The somewhat easier
tone of money cased speculation and con
siderable relief was experienced when It
was found that the recent rise In foreign
exchange rates was due largely to excep
tional transactions In securities and that
no gold was likely to be shipped to Lon
The Increased activity In stock prices on
the succeeding days since last Monday
was accompanied by a. harder tone in the
money market , the rates rising to nbovo
C per cent , and on Friday afternoon touched
10 per cent. This was accompanied , more
over , by evidences of discrimination against
Industrial collateral by the banks , the cop
per stocks In some Instances having , It ap
pears , been rejected In bank loans , which
tan readily be understood In view of that
class of securities. Yet th < stock market
was to all appearances morn Impressed by
the talk of a speedy return of money from
the Interior to Now York and It mlcht be
observed that large bids were received for
the $2,800,000 of New York City 3 > & per cent
bonds which worn offered tills week , the
average of the bids being over 107.
The money situation was also Influenced
by 1 the favorable statement of the Bank ot
Kncland and the further decline of dis
counts in London. The interest rates ,
therefore , did not materially check the bul-
llbh feeling , though the Industrial stocks
were held In cheek by the restrictions
which the lack of facilities for carrying
them Impose. At the same time Wall street
fully realizes the Importance of placing of
contracts for 1,500,000 tons of steel rails t
he. recent advanced prices , deliverable
lirough the year IfiOO , thus Insuring the
ictlvlty nnd profitable character of the
steel Industry of the I'nlted States for an
other twelve montliB ,
and weak digestion
I Hereford's ' Acid Phosphate
has no equal.-
Genuine bears name Hereford's on wrapper.
Medical Examiner United Stales Treasury
Department ,
Dr. Llewellyn Jordan , medical examiner ot
U. S. Treasury department , graduate of
Columbia college , niul who served throe jenra
at West Point , has the following to any of
I'e-ru-na : *
I'e-ru-na Drug M'f'g. Co. , Columbus , O. :
Gentlomcn Allow me to express my grati
tude to you for the benefit ilcilved from your
wonderful remedy. One short mouth has
brought forth n vast change anil 1 now con
sider myself a well man after ( Ifteen months
of fluttering. Fellow suffered , I'e-ru-na will
cure you. Wishing you unbounded success ,
I am , sincerely , LLEWELLYN JORDAN.
George W. Hartrann.
George W. Hartman , 72G Seventeenth
street , Logansport , Ind. , says : "I have
taken nearly nine bottles ot I'e-ru-na , nnd It
has BO recuperated my health that I cannot1
prnlsa It too highly. You may IMC my name
In recommending I'e-ru-na. to any ono who
Is suffering with stomach trouble. Consid
ering the nervous condition 1 was In , to say
that Pc-ru-na has worked wonders In my
case would bo but expressing it mildly. I
was so troubled with my stomach that I
cculd not eat a good meal or get n good
night's sleep , and 1 was compelled to give
up my work. I became- alarmed that I
appealed 1o Dr , Hartman ; a thousand thanks
to him and Po-ru-na. I can eat anything
without any trouble , and sleep as free as a
child. I had doctored with my family doctor
for over three years ; ho said my trouble
was indigestion , but could do mo no good ,
am ready at all times to speak a good word
'or ' your medicine. "
Chas. D. Smyth , Angel's Camp , Cal. , says :
'Chronlo catarrh In the head , no ? o and
throat has been a source of trouble and great
annoyance to me for more than ten years. I
M.VO used all such medicines as came
under my notice as a catarrh cure without
any help to mo , except at limes byj some ,
only a temporary relief , but no cure , My
physician , to whom I applied , did not do any
better. My troubles became worse and my
sufferings Increased Instead of Improving.
Loss ot appetite , sleep and flesh , besides con
tinual coughing and pain , showed too plainly
that my case was n desperate one. I lost
ttlmofot nil faith In the so-called catnrrh
cures , when I read about Pe-ru-na , and con
cluded to try this as n last resource. Thanks
to Dr. Hartmnn's invention , I now enjoy as
goo.l health as I ever did , sleep soundly ,
Imvo excellent appetite , and have gained In
weight morn than 1 ever did in my life. I
have used nine bottles of Pe-ru-na nnd no
other medicine to effect my cure , and 1 can
most sincerely recommend It to n suffering
humanity afflicted as I have been. "
Catarrhal affections may bo acuteor
chronic , mild or severe , ephemeral or stub
born , lasting or Heeling , painful or. trivial ,
but they nil have ono origin , ono nature
catnrth. They all have ono cure Pe-ru-na.
Mr. William Flood , caio Fifth Avenue
hotel , Louisville , Ky. . says : "Your very ex
cellent tonic , Pe-ru-na , has completely cured
mo of that dlstieasing disease , catarrh ,
which affected my head , ncnc , bronchial
tubes , and. . In fact , my whole system. For
nlno years , which is the length ot time I
have sulTered , I bought everything that was
advertised as a sure cure for my complaint ,
but it so happened that I did not buy Pe-
ru-na until five months ngo. After using
your splendid remedy according to your di
rections I am today a. well man. I find Po-
ru-na to bo the greatest family medlcino
over discovered. I shall always keep a
bottle ot It on hand. I can candidly state
that had It not been for Pe-ru-na I would
have clven up my position , being too weak
to do my work. "
Mr. William Dowklcy , Gloustcr , Ohio ,
says : "Eighteen years ago I suffered with ,
chronic catarrh and palpitation ot the heart ,
which made life a bur
den. I had been treated
by several physicians
and had tried many
different patent medi
cines and had given up
hope of ever being en
tirely cured , Pe-ru-na
and Man-a-lln were
recommended to mo and
I had tried '
a everything -
thing clso I knew , I
thought 1 would give it
Wllllam Ilowkloy.
trial which I
a , con-
slder wns the most lucky nnd profitable In
vestment In my llfo , as after using four
bottles of each I was entirely cured , nnd have
had no return of cither affection. I regard
It as a wonderful medicine simply wonder
ful and take great pleasure In recommend
ing this medlcino to all who may bo afflicted
In that way. "
.Anyone suffering with catarrh may -write
Dr. Hartman nnd recc-lvo specific instruc
tions for their bpcclal case free ot charge.
Send for free catarrh book , Address Dr.
Hartman , Columbus , O ,
l > rvcd't for Chtrbttitrt
.ntond I'ran ' t la Jf 1 * B < 1 ( told tueulllgX
) Hic , M l l with t > lu4 ribbon Tube
nu other. lltjv td&ngerovt mkttitU'
tlcnit an4 imitation * At Dru iiii , r * * od 4 * .
In t mfi for i ftlcuitii , imtiiuoaUli * nd
"Uollcf fur Indp | . " n ( eC < r , 1/7 rct r
ll. IO.OOO rmimciDlfcli * Mat ftixr.
Hott by til toctl Uru
muni Umi 1)1 * M for unnatural
( alto 5,1. , . . _ - - -
) rritaili- ulufitiw
_ . . „ of mucona nianibraut * . , .
FPnrtiu couutloa. rnlnlrM , unit not utrla1
LrHtEVAIIS DHEMtCUCO , " poltonfcUl.
kCINCINlunO.BSJJII Weld bjr rnBBl U , )
u. B..I. 3HTr "nt ln plala TJI >
* 3 ' 'r " . prppaM , ial
pM fl.oo. "r a | H1MVP.7 .
'V Circuuc KOI on -