> THE O FAIIA DAILY BEE : SATVTtDAY , OCTOBER 28 , RELLET , ST1CER & CO , Special Values in Ladles' ' , Misses' ' , Children's ' , Men's , Boys' Winter Und'rw'i ' d Hosiery , STORE OPEN SATURDAY EVENING TILL 9:30 : JNotwIthatnmlliiu ' minimi Ailvnncc In "Wool Material , > V - Shall Continue to Srll nt DM I'rli'on nn lun on Our Present StorU I.nntn. LADIDS' AND CHILDREN'S HOSIERY AND UNDiil\VnAR. 23c Ladles' black cashmere hose , double Kolc , heel and toe , real value , 35c , our price Saturday , 25c pr. 3 , " > c Ladles' fall and w Intern eight fast black , heavy cotton hose , fleeced or tin- fleeced , double sole , heel and too , special bar gain for Saturday , 33c , 3 pr. for $1 00. COc Ladles' extra flno quality black vicuna cashmere hose , ribbed or plaid , high- ( spliced heel and toe , never sold for leas than G3c pr. , Saturday only DOc pr. 25c Children's heavy 'black wool-ribbed hose , double Itncc , heel and toe , bought to Boll at 35c , Bpcclil for Saturday , all sizes , only S3o pr. S3c Children's best quality mace fast black ribbed cotton hose , very clastic , extra lieaxy flpcccd , Hlzra C to in , double knee , heel nnd > too , miver-wcar-out kind , Saturday , Sic , 3 pr. for $1 00. 25c Ladles' heavy fleeced rlbbeil cotton vests , ecru or natural , finished ecams , reg ular 35c stock , Saturday , 23c each. fiOc Ladleo' half wool-ribbed , natural wool vests and pants , French bands , G5c value , Situnlny only T > 0c each $1 00 ladles' steam nhrunkcn , natural wool-ribbed vests and pints , fcllk finish , very good quality , only $1.00 each. $1.00 The " .MlinslnR" ladles' fleece- ribbed combination suits , the only perfect nttlng union suits made , beautifully fin ished , all sires , 3 to G , really worth $1.50 , our price only $1 00. $1 50 Ladlrs' halt wool combination suits the " \Iunalng" in extra bargitn opened across bust or down front , our prleo , only $1 50 suit. $2.50 The "Munslng" ladles' combination unit , while or natural ribbed flno wool , spe cial quality for ladles who cannot wear wool next to body , cotton mixture to prpvont shrlnltliiK nnd for comfort will give entire satisfaction all elzcs , n to G , high neck , long or short sleevei , our special price , only $2.50 suit. 23c Hoys' heavy fleeced cotton-rihbed shlrti , nnd drawers regular 33c nnd fiOc stock , selling all sizes Saturday , only 23c each. 50c Wo have an exclusive line of hoys' ribbed natural wool nonshrlnUIng shirts and drawers , well made , warm nnd durable , fully worth "nc , for Saturday enl > fiOc each 75c The "Munslng" heavy fleeced ribbed natural combination suit for hoja nnd girls , nothing to equal In prlco , nt or wear , all elzcs. only 75c each \Vc l o all rlzca In children's blnck swiss wool pants , fast black , best finish. Wo have the ne.v "I'anta Lcgglnotte" for children , recommended for health nnd com fort , $1.35 and $1 50 pr. KELLEV , STIOCIl & CO , Cor. Farnam and Fifteenth. Turn to page 7 first. The big store's ad 3s on tint page. COLD CHILLED THEIR ARDOR Tun Youthful Hitin iijn front Ilur- Iliiton SiM-k MiclliT nt I'liliui Depot mill Decide < < > ( So Home. Morris ricmhiK , the good-natured chief of the union dcpct eiquad , has had bo many yoara of experience In dealing with the many classes of people who frequent n big rail road station that he has developed the de tective Instinct of a Sherlock Holmes. Yes- tcrdny two lads , so young that their pres ence In the depot without guardians at tracted riemlng's attention , hugged the fitovu In the waiting room for a considerable Hiri1. They seemed utterly disconsolate and tta-ti occasionally trickled down the cheeks of the joupgcr one , a lad of about 9 years The oldci one , 12 jears of age , tried to com fort his companion In a sort of a RVagger and braggadocio manner , but the little fel low waa Inconsolable , riemlng decided that they were runaways. Ho approached them and asked why they were not at school. Ills question rather staggered the older , but the little follow , appreciating the friendly In terest of the blue-coated ofllccr , said that they were too far from home to go to school , and finally contested that they had run away from their homt In Burlington , la. Three OBJB were consumed In the trip from that place to Omaha , nnd they had "beaten" their way for the entire Journey. Both were per fectly wllllnu to bring their wanderings to an end and Fleming turned them over to the police station. Their names are Harry An derson , 1804 Rlploy street , and Karl Mazenn , 151C South Twelfth atrect , In Uurllngton. BREAKS TWO LARGE WINDOWS Itont'oc lowl < * y IN Arrcntoil for Ma- HcloiiN Ilrntrnctloii of lrop crlj in a Snlooii. How ley , who gave the name of W. T. CoJy at the police station , was captured nt nftoenth and rnrnim streets Thursday wonlng , where ho was establishing a claim Df being ruler of all ho surveyed. Ho con- bldcicd the Kiloon of Hugo Ullz , 141G Far nam , n part of his kingdom , nnd In nn at tempt to destroy the Inside fninlturo of the placn ho wn.s promptly thrown out Into the street. Ho naturally reeonted this interfer ence with his rights and , gathering ammu nition from the piles of cobblestones thrown up by the street car company , he bombarded the saloon front with telling effect on the hugo plato glass "windows , The ofllccr on the beat appeared on the scene about this time nnd , dueling n rapid lire of cobble stones , he grappled with lion ley and the two rolled about In .1 Iholy tussle for a tew minutes. Employes of the saloon came to thu oMlccr'H aid and the disturber of the peace waa handcuffed and taken to Jail. Ho was charged with being drunk , resisting an olllccr mid malicious destruction of property. Hugo nilz BI ; > S ho iwlll proaecuto the man to the full extent. Public Muht .St-lioolM. The night bchools In charge of the Hoard of Education will bo opened Monday , Octo ber 30 , In thrco buildings the I < t'avcnworth pcliool , Seventeenth nnd Lenvcnworth btrncts ; the Kcllom school , Twenty-third nnd 1'aul streets , anil the Comonlus school , Fifteenth Htrtet , iioar William. The sessions will bo from 7.30 to 9 o'clock. Text books nnd other necessary articles for Hchool use will bn supplied to < ho pupils attending , the eimo as In the day schools. 1'uplls vxho attend the day Hchools will not bo received In the night schools. It la desired that pupils attend ing bo present promptly at the time for opening. It Is aUo expected that after entering the attendance of each pupil will bo regular. Tha "Plow Boy Preacner , " Ilev , J , Kirk- \ man , Delia Rlvc , 111. , cays , "After suffering from bronchial or lung trouble for ten years , I wa cured by One Minute Cough Cure. It Jo all thut la claimed for It and more. " It cures coughs , colds , grippe and all throat and lung troubles. RS HUUIIS TO I'OHTKVND Vlii I'lilmi I'nclflc. Compare tblc time with other lines and ceo how much quicker It is. IIuffot cars , palace sleepers and chair cars. City ticket ofllce , 1302 Parnara etreet. Most wonderful bargain day Is Saturday nt the big etorc , Head their ad on page 7. Sea 0. F , HarrUon'o real estate ad. NEW INSURANCE INSPECTOR A , < ! . Hot-Kim of Mtiooln ItrromeK SncccuKnr to the Imto Clirl Iliirtiiinn , A. O Bccson , late of Lincoln , has estib- tlshcd hlmeelf at 303 South Thirteenth street ns successor to the late Chris Hartman In the ofllce formerly known ns Insurance com pact manager , but now denominated ns Inspector specter of the Nebraska FIre Insurance In spection bureau Mr Dceson Is welt known In Nebraska Insurance affars , having boon for eeventccn or eighteen vears engaged In the business nt Lincoln. He Is n native of Michigan , In which state he was born on a farm about forty-flvo years ago Twenty- eight yearn ago he came to Nebraska and has lived ever since In Lincoln. Tor a number of years after taking up his resi dence In the Nebraska chpltal he was em ployed In the old Lancaster County bink nnd later for a number of vcars wno book keeper nnd cashier for the late T. W. Low cry , grain merchant. Ills earliest ex perience In the Insurance business In thlt Btato was as an Inspector for the Fireman's Fund Insurance companj. Tor ten yearn ho was a member of the Insurance flrm of Durr & Bccorm , upto nbout live jcars ngo , when ho became Inspector for the Commercial Union Insurance company of London. For the last two nnd n half jcars ho has had chirgo of the Lincoln branch of the fire Insurance Inspection bureau conducted by Chris Hartman. While Mr Deeson takes up the work here tofore conducted by Mr. Hnrtman , It Is not Imown jet that he will acquire the business nnd records of the latter's ofllce It Is said that the eotatc of the late Mr. Hnrtmnn has decided to close the office of the Nebraska Inspection bureau. Mr. Deeson accordingly opens what ho terms an Independent ml- vlsory rating nnd Inspection bureau He especially objects to being designated no a compact manager , declaring that his busi ness Is a private business for selling In-I formation concerning raters. Inspections and other milters pertaining to Insurance to all Insurance companies. Inrlmlln ; old line , mutual or any other kind He sajs his business Is similar to that of commercial agencies , who sell Information to merchants. II. J. Paschcl , for many yeirs arslstant to the late Mr. Hnrtman , hns been employed by Mr. Deeson as assistant Inspector. A competent mnn will he placed In charge ot the Lincoln odlce , which will bo conducted under Mr Deeson's Jurisdiction The new Inspector expects to soon move his family to Omuha from Lincoln , where ho recently built himself a new home. LOOTED A TAILOR'S STORE Iltircrlnrx Rntcr ( lit * IXnlillNliiupiit of h. .1. IlrnilvrloK mill Ciirry A ny Viilunlilc RoailM. Burglars Thursday night broke Into S. J. Brodcrlck's tailoring estab lishment , 1617 Farnam street. An unique feature of the raid Is that the robbers practically razed a brick wall in order to gain entrance. They carried from the storeroom a lot of valuable stock nnd several finished garments The loss H esti mated nt $300 The hole In the wall made by the burglars was large enough to admit two mcnt. Mr. Brodcrlck was well fortified with bolts and locks , and that Is why the maraud ers found It necessary to dl through the wall. Titles < > IllU - ! , * } "t\orU of Sljer. Ben Stjcr brought twenty-four liimhcli of apples Into the oltv on Thursday .met considered himself fortunate in finding two Italian customers near Eleventh and How ard streets The men said they would show him where they wanted the apples delivered and they rode with him to the vicinity of Sixteenth and Davenport. Hero the apples vsere unloaded and taken into n building- and after wnltlnp with lilt team H. considerable time St > er followed the men and found they had simply carried the apples through the store nnd out of the hack door , and had disappeared. Btvcr asked the police to help him recover his property. ACTS GENTLY ON THE AND BOWELS CUANSES THE YSTEM | | ? - 5 ; ' - COigApACM vEpS THE GENUIMEMAH'r D lot SAU w n CRUS < MT& emu tot FIB wiut " RELLEY , STIGER & CO , Spscial Sak of Ladies't ' Kis-ca' , and Chil dren's Ftno Shoes , MMENSE BARGAINS IN LADIES' SHOES I.ncllrft' Illnck or Tnn Shorn ? l.t > 3 , Cut from ifU.r.O , Jfir.Tf. nnil 9:1.00 : Inillcn' JjuccTnli Shocn , VcNtlnar Top , tjll.ilS , Cut from $ U.7n. Ladles' sprlnc heel shoes this sate , Jl.EO ; formerly f 2 25. Ladles' black lace shoes , heavy cole , at $1.98. Ladlca' lace shoes , heavy sole , latest toe , J2.DO. Ladles' laeo shoes , heavy sole , round toe , J225. OUH $3 00 SHOKS CANNOT BB EQUALED. Lidice' button or Inco shoes , turn or welt sole , narrow coin toes , medium toes or broad toes , at $3.00. Ladles' enamel shoes , mannish last , at ? 4 50. LADICS' SLIPPCIIS. Ladles' strap sllppore , at $1.EO , $1.75 nnd $1.85. Ladlca' opera slippers , at 98c. Mlescs' school shoes , heavy sole , at $1.50. Odds and ends of Infants' and children's shoes , worth double the money. KCLLRY , sTiann & co. , Cor. Parnnm and Tlftcenth. of 'IIme. The fast train for Chicago via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway , formerly do- pirtlng nt 5 45 p. in , now leaves the union depot dally at 7-33 p. ra , arriving Chicago at 9.35 a. m. You'll hit the nail on the head when > ou decide to do all your buying at the big store of Ilayden Dros. Their ad Is on page 7. FASTER THAN EVER . .THE. . " UNION PACIFIC " has Inaugurated new train service and re duced the time of THE OVERLAND LIM ITED , TKA1N NO. 1 , between OMAHA , COUNCIL BLUFFS and SAN FRANCISCO , 3 HOURS AND 15 MINUTES. Between Omaha and Los Angeles , FOUR HOURS AND 15 MINUTES. Only 57 Hours BI1SSOUIU UIVEIl TO PACIFIC COAST. linnet Smoking nnil 1.11 > rnrjCnrn vrlth Hnrlicr Shop. OMIIA TO SAN FHANC1SCO AMJ POriTLAND. TIIUCB TKAI'NS I1AILY TO A. > D FROM PACH'IO COAST. Eli-Biuit I'nlncc Sleeping Car * . Uliiliie Cnrn Chair Cnrn. CITY TICKET OFFICE , 1302 Farnam Street. DRINK SI/OP'S : : ? There's a difference between the slops shipped In here as a substitute for beer nnd the genuine , good , old-tlmo Gcnmail lager beer in udo iii Omaha. People , as a rule , are not acquainted with the difference between pure , wholesome 'beer , made of Bohemian ( Imported ) hops nnd the finest selected malt , such as are used In the manufacture of KltUG lager bcor and the numerous adulterated so- called beers brewed of questionable Ingredi ents. It's bettor to use the p-u-r-e kind , but of course evcrjono cannot size up the adulterated kind. Krug Cabinet beer Is nothing but the pure , nutritious , strengthen ing , wholesome beer unadulterated and with the natural boer flavor. Try a case. rmn icuun IIHIIWI.MJ co. , Telcphons 420. 1007 Jackson Street , MODERN DENTISTRY Is n revelation. Teeth arc saved by scien tific treatment of roots , protected by crowns today that formerly would hnvo been hope lessly lost. All teeth cannot bo saved and such we PAINLESSLY extract with VITAL- 1ZKD Allt , which leaves no sore gums , no b'Ml effects and can be taken by any one. KxtrautliiK Itfio Mtallrril Air ro ( ) fiolil I lllliiKD ? 1BO Tail's ' Philadelphia Dental Rooms , 1517 DouulnH Street. .H , 'i/ * . I Builington THE BEST TRAIN FOR ST. LOUIS is the Burlington's St. Louis riycr. Loaves Omnlm 4:55 : i p. in. Arrives St. Louis 7:10 : next morning. „ Through sleeping nnd reclining chair cars good meals few stops-and a track as smooth aa glass. Ticket Offlcr Onrllnclon Station- 1503 Fariinm St. , 10th mid Mimou atu Telephone 23O. Telephone 31O. KKI.I.r.V STHJnil .t IO. . . . , . . I"\trnor < llnnrj- Cut ! 'rli'e < i In Scotch < 5olf Cnycu. Made of the host steamer niR , Irilrst com binations In color of plaids nnd fringes Saturday morning \\o olacc on "alo 100 excellent styles In golf rape's , regular prices 412.50 nnd (13 ( DO , at tlO 00. . KKLhfiY , STIORR . CO , Car. Karnani nnd Fifteenth. road the ad , then RO to the store of llajilen Uros. The ad la on page7. . iV r.r iiotus 10 1'Aciric co VST. Ootolior t. tinVnlon I'm-lflo reduce the time of Its fast train No. 1 , "The Overland Limited , " 3 hours and 15 minutes between Omiha and San Tranclsco. Tour hours and 13 minutes between Omaha and Lcs Angeles Attention ! AttiMilInn ! Orand bill given by Hebrew cimp , No 1944. M. W. A. at Myrtle hill. Tlf- teenth nnd Douglas , Saturday night October 2S Elevator until 1 o'clock. Tickets , lady nnd gentleman , 25 cents. 1'refor * tt lie n lInnKrnnl. William M Clark of Lincoln has tiled an application with the clerk of the t nlted Stntcs district court nsklng to he declared a bankrupt He plaits his liabilities at $244 - 491 and his assets nt $33,333 The applicant alleges that ho la In the Insunnee business. A few jcars ago ho was connected with one of the Investment companies of Lincoln. The Big Store's ixd la right on page Read it. WE ARE Cut Price Druggists Anil save : .ou . money on nnj thing sou want In the drup line. $100 Celerv and Kola , Nervino . r > 0e 2" > B Allcock's riistcrs . 120 23c Ueech.un's IMIls . coe 25c Hromo Scltrer . -joe- 23c Cartcr'i Pills . I5c- l ! " > c C.isearct-5 . 20 < > -3c Kublfoam . 200 25cutlctira So > l > . L-O ? Wo ) Klng UKcovery . -loc roe JlHlted Milk . oe 60e Nestle's 1'ood . 40 SOc l kav't Food . Jnr. ft" > c Cnstorla > $10i ) Hood s Bars.iparllla 7-c Jl'Jo Warner's Safe Cure sot J. A , Fuller & Co. , Cut Price Druggists , 14th anil Douglas Sts. WE SELL YES ! GINGER ALE \\uikcsli.i lt > gfa ! Mmi'toti ' GtiiRtr Ch nnpucne Low- prices on di7n . ctm * or sltntl lioillpo wi Am : 'inn nut o n TTKHS StcTrn s. \\lne foil LlVf-r Oil , wo . ' } 1 W VAiunpolP * Tasteless Cod User Oil , we ell . . < > ' } 1W .Moellf-r' * fo < l l.lver O'l ' , we sell CSo Jl no I'lnklmin s Vi-gotnblo rompoiiml . joe Svrup nf TlK" . JlOfl Scott's bmultlcm . Tfle JlPOVAInp of Curdtil . T3c Jl W 1'p-iii-nn . 7.io JMX ) Hosteller's Stomieh Ulttor * . . 73o 51 r i Kilmers Swimii Hoot . . . . 75r jl 0 lr SIIlix , Nervine . Scale JllW M.iltino rre.ir.itlon | . 3V Cnstorli . . ale } 1 10 Milted Milk . . . . 7" > c I5c Carter's Little Liver 1'llls . . 13c } 1 0) Plrrro s rnvor'to Prescription . . 7V JIM 11 ootl SnrsmiMrtlla . . . 75o Sherman & McDonnell Drug Go , , 1513 Dodgf St Omnlm , Xcb , Middle of Some Warm Men's "Ribbed Un derwear 25c Good Fleeced Un derwear 30c Duck Coats with corduroy collar. 75c Heavy Duck Ulster only 8.98 Beaver Overcoats , well lined 4.00 All Wool Pants , only 98c A larco nsBortment of gloves nnd mitts fiom 5c up. CAPITOL AVE. , NEAR I6TH STREET ClONC tO UCIlIICtt'H. Of Strictly Dependable Brade Shoes. Little Bent's Tine Box Calf Shoe- Laced , full double stitclied Boles , made on the New London last , nickel finished eyelets , sizes 9 to 13 , regular ( jfrfl IEJ $1.75 values at Vli IS ? Men's Genuine Kangaroo Shoes With welt soles , new style coin toes , trimmed with niokle eyelets , a very stylish and fine fitting shoe , worth anywhere § 4.00 , on sale at Men's Fine Winter Tan Shoes- Made of finest box calf , welt soles , made on the new English lasts , with best linings and nicklo eyelets , the equal in style and finish of any $5.00 shoe , our sale price Special Shoe Bargains for Ladies aeid Children Our Special Prices on the Famous Brooks Bros , Rochester Ladies' ' Shoes tire making us many new customers. These shoes are regular $4.00 and $5.00 values , made of the finest vici kid , with turn and welt cork filled soles , in all sizes and widths A to E , sale price Ladies' ' Fine ViC'l Kid Shoes In hico. with new kid tips , flex ible soles , in all sizes , worth fully $3.00 , on tf * sale at Ladies' ' Fine Over Gaiters regular 50c quality , on sale at Steel Ranges The MONITOR , The MAJESTIC , The PGKMEAL , Made of extra heavy cold rolled Besse mer steel plate , llnc-d with asbestos , patent hot blast draft , double duplex shaking grates. All styles and sizes. Prices and circulars by mall ou ap plication. Prices from $27 up. Wo are exclusive Omaha agents , Wo sell stoves and ranges on pay ments or glvo a dlbcount for cash. Stoves delivered and set up In Omaha nnd South Omaha without oxrta charge. fourteenth and farnam Sts , We Sell the Best Hard Coal Sheridan Coal Office , 1605 farnam St , Victor White. Tel , 127. TARGET PRACTICE. No man , after missing .1 target , can heartily con gratulate another who hits it. A customer of B ours , who was out getting pointers in regard to her H children's winter wraps , accidentally made the re ElH mark : "As yet I fail to lind anything 1 like as well as those I saw at the Nebraska , " and the remark n was handed back to her : "Well , you know where a u a H the Nebraska is ; there's no string tied to any one ta H wlio is out getting pointers. " That's target prac tam tice with bad aiming. You're welcome to come to this store to get pointers or get information. If you're not pleased , you'll be treated with courtesy just the same. We only want your money when B you get your money's worth The Cloaks that wo H B B B offer you today are all now correct cheap. B lade of fine curly Boucle - H B cle , trimmed with Kersey H IB IBB IBB straps , lined throughout with tailor serge , deep B B storm collar , strictly tailor-made most places where a cloaks are sold say 87.00 ; we don't our price on 19B a this jacket only § 4.90. B D B Fine Kersey Jacket , lined with u j talfeta silk , tailored with spe u cial care , made with box front , buttons made of H B3B pearl , made to bring $8.50 the Nebraska price H B only $6.50. D B B lUade- with largo sailor col H a a lar , braid-trimmed , double- iaH B breasted , made for our own trade ; most stores got n § 15.50 , we don't ; perhaps they're ' worth it but we're B n u satisfied to sell them for § 1.1)0. ) B With large cape , made n H from two-tone Boucle , a H a fur-trimmed , stylish , all colors , worth § 9.00 here n a for § 0.50. H Zl m ! Mm'ten neck scarfs , with clus- JL | ior of tails ; fur stores get E3 $5.00 here for § 3.25. E3B Judge not a book by its cover , nor the work on B a garment by its illustrated advertisement. We'd much rather have you bee and feel the cloth and : examine the stitches. Wo can only expect your H money when you get your money's worth. RBEBiiaHBHHBBBHBHBBIIBBHKHHBBBBHBBBHIBIMB A nurnbor of grands and a < ino stock of uprights can bo selected from without goincr to Chicago or No.v Yoik City. Our prices arc as lowas can bo obtained on this continent. "Wo also carry a selected stock of the colo- brnted A. 1) ) . Chase , Ivors & Pond , Vosc , Emerson , iind other standard m.ikcs , ami bell them ut prices and terms to suit economical buyers. rtnc iiuilifiK'iiiy mtrlKliI , iufully Ktmrnntccil. . Sniiiplc I'lniii ) , liirK * ' Hire , fmu-j oak cnnu . SllKlitl } iiMoil riiluKerliiK l'l ' > rlKli < onlj . , . IftUO. Ijtlltl ) Ivnnliielioiij OIIKC , only . l * , ' ; Otlirr lined Niiiuiri > and uiirljjht pluiiDN nt > ? ! . " > , IfllTi , $85 , 11 on , .f 1 15. U > cr > Iiintru incut full } Kiinriiittccil. Wo sell on easy monthly payments and give a handsome stool and scarf with each piano Catalogues and price list furnished free on application New pianos for rent. tuning and repairing a specialty. Telephone 1625. Call and see the PIANOLA latest musical Invention. " Schmoller & Mueller Steinway & Sons Representatives , 1313 FARNAM ST Special Sale Special Sale on Boys' oti Boys' Clothing Clothing toy the tnousanass. In such a variety of styles and at a price so low as to put them within the reach of all. Hardly has the wonder and praise occasioned by our great sale of Sinsheimer , Lovon- son & Co.'s stock died out , than wo are again in the field , ready with greater surprises more wonderful and more startling clothing value ? than ever before. Come Saturday and see these wonderful $5.00 and $7.50 suits , and overcoats - coats you'll bo not only surpriped , but utterly dumbfound ed at the phenomenal values wo show you For SEVEN and a HALF You can take your pick and fit i'rom table after table of men's ' excellent fall and winter suits and overcoats. All made of thoroughly dependable woolens , well shrunken before the cutter's shears touched them , and carefully made , trimmed and lined. Filers Suits and Overcoafs You cannot equal anywhere below $0 , $10 , § 11 and $12 , and if you wissh to comprise quality and with a low price , to morrow is your chance. Overcoats of fine blue and black Kerseys and strictly all wool suits of the very latest styles and patterns. Special Saturday