THE OMAHA JJAlliY BEE : TUESDAY , OCTOBEll 21 , 18 ! ) ! ; . 0 SPECIAL NOTICES AilvcrtlnciticnlM for tlicxo column * vlll be tnUen until au in. fr tlin cveiiliiiE cilltliiti mill until mill ) l > . m. i ir iiionilnir mill Htinilnr cilUlon. JliUca , 1 1-So n. < irtl llrM liiMertloiM * it wtml thcrcnlicr. NntliliiK tnUcn J'lr Icnn ( linn Ur.c for ( lit ; llrnt IIIKCI- iion. Tin-He iiiltfrtlNumiMitN in nut be Hill < ! 01IMCCIltlvel- . AiIvcrlliiorK , liy rctiucntliiR n mim- ijeriMl chcuU , cnn , , , miHtrrrn nil- , | , * ' * " " ' " 1'iiln'roil letter In euro ' ll < > c' AtiN vcm no nililrcNNCil Will lie ilcllvrrvd on iirenciilittluii of > - ullcclc only. W.V.vr.l31 > SITUATIONS , \ STENOGRAPHER. When you want one please cnll up the Remington typewriter oillcc , 161'J Farnam St. . telephone 1573. A 273 WA.vrnn M ii.u IIKI.P. WANTED. Wo have steady work for a few seed hustlers or peed habits niul appear ance , c. F. Adams Co. , 1013 Hoxvard Si. OFFICE .boy wanted. 152J Dodge. . . COLLECTOnS AND DETECTIVES , locnl or traveling. Opportunity to cixrn good Incotno while learning profitable profo.i- filon. American Association , Box 456. Ind. ' 13-515 WANTED , a flrst-clnss painter. Address at once. L 17. Hoc. B-63S CHIMNEY VwEEP cnn got a bl ? Job by addressing I , IS , Dde. B 037 \VANTED-A Rood , strong boy. The Omnha Box Co. , East Omnha. B 915 WANTED-MO men tn harvest pugnr beets. Apply to Slumlord Cattle Company , Ames. Neb. . 43 miles west of Omnhn on Union Pacific rnllvvny. D M212 N-l * SALESMAN to soil our Hill line of choice nursery stock ; n printed guarantee thnt Btock shall bo truo'to name given to each customer : write for terms. Mt. llopo Nurseries , Lawrence. Kan. B-M277 Nil * ENERGETIC men In every town In TJ. S. can make from J20 to Jin weekly. For particulars nclclross Continental Registry Co , , n. o" corner Ilrond and Arch sta. , Philadelphia. I5-M1I5 23 * WANTED , m'li to learn barber trade by mntl or attend our nearest college , Chi cago. St. Louis. San Francisco or Minne apolis. Eight wcoks required. Expert In- Htructions , practical experience , two years' anprentlef&Wp saved. Catalogue free. Molpr College , Chicago , 111. B-MI72 2fi * WANTED , registered drug clerk : state salary. N ID , Be" . B-M470 27' GOVERNMENT POSITIONS : Don't pre pare for any rlvll service or census ex amination without peeing our catalogue- of Information : sent free. Columbian Cor respondence College , Washington. D. C. B M505-2I * FIRST-CLA8 ? Btcnographer with experi ence wanted at ofllco of AuKmnn. Miller & Co. , 130-1 So. Main st. , Co. Blutrs.B . B CM WANTED , young man with some experi ence In bakery. "QIC Farnam , Model Bnk- ery. D CC'I lie WANTED , an oxpcrlcncpd packer for china and class trade. Apply to M. II. Bliss , 1410 Farnam st. B 601 23 * WANTED. 1,000 good dressers to wear our flno mndo to order clothing ; popular prices. Men and womon's clothes cleaned and repaired. Twin City Tailoring Co. , 1C09 Farnam st. Tel. 2537. B-M478 N20 WANTED An experienced carpet man who Understands selling carpets , also with a knowledge of draperies nnd furniture. Name's ' of references must he given In first letter or no attention will bp. paid to application. Must bo thoroughly compe- lenl , reliable and .energetic ; good salary nnd permanent situation to right man. Stnto age , experience , salary expected , married or single and give at least two- references. Address , N 41 , Bee i WANTED , florist as second man at 8902 Pilvcnporf'strcet. Aprjly 'to1 hcncl gar dener on Ihe premised ; steady eronlov- incut the year around. B M078 21 ' TV ANTED FEM ALTS II ELI * . WANTED. 200 girls. 1524 Dodge. Tel. 876. C 275 GIRL , general housework. 2020 St. Mary's Ave. . CG9 OFFICE girlHlxcnbaugh , 600 Ware block. C-270 WANTED , an e-xperlcnced lady to do gen eral housework , family of four. Apply 2'02G North 25th. C M.131 WANTED , first-class cook. C17 So. isth. C M470 WANTED , Rood girl to work for her board ; good home. N 25 , Bee. C 492 23 * ISO GIRLS wanted ; all kinds work ; $3 to $7. Canadian Office. 1E22 DougluH.C . C M6SG Is 21 COMPETENT Rlrl for general housework ; good wages paid. 1131 S. SOth nvcnuc , w AIG15 21 GIRL wanted : general housework ; small family ; good wages. 310U Wool worth avenue. C MG52 21 GIRL for general. 1C03 So. 10th Street. C lG5 ! 24 * IM'DIEBwanted ' : 'homo ' work ; uteady em- .ploymcnt ; Rood pny. Room SI , Dpiielas block. C M6i I 20 * WANTED , second elrl. 2225 Farnam Hlreel. C-MC7D WANTED , pood. Intelligent gtrl. 12 lo 14 , homeless , for good homo : best advan tages ; , references ; -wrlto uulckly. Address N . 42 Bee. C M677 2G * run iti.vr : IF YOU want your houses well rented place the.m with Henowa & Co. JJ MBlu CHOICE houses , cottages , 8tores , ji'enry B. Payne , 601 N. V. Life. 'Phone , 1018. FLEGANT brick residence of Mrs. M. Hell- man. 2103 St. Mary'a ave. D-M233 HOUSES , stores. Bemls , Paxton block , jiIAGGATlp van & storage , 1113 Dodge. Tel. 149G. 2S _ ° _ PINE residence , choice location , n rooms , all modern ; excellent stable. Bemls , Paxi ton block. D-2S1 VOR RENT , housese in all parts of city. The OF. Davis Co. . 150 Farnam street. D 28. ! C1IOJCI3 now S-rooni modern flats front- * Ur Hanscom nark , rent J35 per month und \rater rent. Bemls , Paxton bile. D M307 3137 S , 2Sth. S-room , all modern , new fur- mice , newly pillared , In line condition ; rent J30 jier month ; really dc-slrabto real- rienro iind location. . . . . . 2523 North aith St. , 6-room Hat , all light , nil modern , J15. 2G1K Wlrt St. , 4 rooms. * 3. 2227 Spruce St. , I room * , down stairs , IS. B30 8 , 29th Ave 4 rooms , J10. Ell South 23rd St. , 4.-roJm lint , city water In B1& Smi'th'ard St. , 0 rooms , bath und cloact , EOO Fu'rimm St. , G-rooni Hat. city wnter. JIO , Omaha l < oun & Trust Co. , ICth and Douglas. FOR RENT , 6-room cottage , 1610 Ontario St $9 00 * B-rob'm cottage. 600 So. S3d St. . $10.00. 6 rooni8.loiver floor , -separate entranre. " 7 South 2Slh Ave. , near Farnam. $10.00. 8 rooms at 3121 Lcuvenworth , Woodman & Bay , 2S Barker GOOD larco harn for rent In north part ot city. Inquire212t Locust. D-M616 BEVEitAL. 36 U. "s. Nal'l ' Bank B.ROOM .modern. 3027 Chltugo st. ; 25 ; oth ers. RinffwaU Bros ; . Barner b FOR RENT , 8-room detachea modern house with burnll Pierce. _ ? " „ _ _ NICE 6-ioom IIO IB . detached , all modern 721 S. Sith 8 , . -MJ7 N13. 6-ROOM. ist.floor. modern flat , , yard. 2iZJ Miami st. D-M371 FOH ni.vrnoi'SBs. ' FOR RENT , 7-room cottage , furnace , < sity i nnd cIMern water. 2207 Sherman , Aye. | J27.00. Wm. J. Welshans , Agent , 309S. nth EIGHT rooms , modern. 123 South 20th. D-3SS 30 22 S niNNEV St. , 10 rooms , modern house , lipt. wntrr heat nnd barn , $27.60. , 2oll California St. , 10 rooms , modern house , bnrn , $25 , 202.1 North 20th St. , 8 rooms , modern house , 1911 liurdctto St. , 10 rooms , modern house. J15.00. S423 Lnkp St. , 7 rooms , modern hnuse , ? 15. Brennan-Love Co. , 213 South 16th Street. | D 393'2l COTTAGES , renldenecs. Patterson.K N. FOR RENT-D"WELLINO HOUSES. 2211 Fnrnam st. , S rooms nnd barn , IW. 223. > Farnam St. , S rooms and barn , J2a. 2iS ( Davunporl st. , 8 rooms , $20. 1610 North 21th St. , 0 rooms , $13. JOHN W. ROBB1NS , 1S02 FAHNAM ST. NRWLY papered 7-room house , $ ll.m. 2ZS5 So. 12th. D 4W S3 * TEN-ROOM house , nil modern ttfw Hnr ney st. D-MC27 Nl * FOR BENT : 3-room house. 2IC2 S. 16th St. , barn and largo lot , } 2i.OO. fl-room IIOUPP , 502 S. 35t-h - St. , $23.CO. C-room hoiiFc , 27th nnd Dupont , Sts. , J7.W. Crooms. 4302 Cumin ? St. . $10.00. : -room house mi 8 , Ifith St. . $7.M. Small store room 2I29VS Fnrnnm St. , $10.00. George and Company. 1001 Farnam St. D M57S-25 9-ROOM hnu p , nil modern Improvements. 25C Douglas. NO. D-MG3S 2S HOUSES for rent In nil parts of thei city. Brcnnnn-Ixjvo Co. , 219 South ICth street. D 282 FOIi RENT , 10-room modern hnuse , close in. $35. 8-room , colonial style house , new , $22. S-room modern house , near Sherman avo- nuc line , $32. S-rnotn house , modern except furnace , llb California. $27.50. n. C. PETERS & CO. , 1702 Fnrimm. D-MUS2 2G FOII IlISA'T FUnXISIIKI ) ROOMS. 3 NICE furnished rooms ; housekeeping. 1112 S. lUli. E M336 LARGE plcasnnt front roim : pas , heat and bath ; private family. C03 S lath. 3 FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping for man nnd wife. Rent lakcn In board. 319 N. 17lh. E 193 610 N. 23rd , pleasant rooms ; modem. E 057 23 * 51B N. 23RD , pleasant rooms ; modern. FUHMSIIBI ) ROOMS AMI IIOAIID. ELEGANT rooms & board. 130 $ Capitol ave. F-2S3 THE Merrlam family hotel , 25th and Dodge. F-2S6 NICE room and board , reasonable. 2IOG Cass. F-217 Oct. 2G * PERSONS desiring first class board nnd rooms In the thoroughly renovattU , steam healed house on tlie spacious grounds nt the northwest corner of 19th nnd Leaven- worth Sts. . should apply at once to Mrs. E. L. Wood , B24 No. 23d St. F M520-25 * NICELY furnished south front room , first class board. 1722 Dodge. F M519-24 * DESIRABLE rooms , flrst-class board. 2354 Harney. F-MG31 25 * FOR RENT , two unfurnished rooms with board. 1S20 Grace. F M07C 25 * FOR RENT STORES AXD OFFICES. FOR RENT , store In flrsl-clnss location ; rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters & Co. , ground floor Bee Bldg. 1 266 FOR RENT , a ground floor office , specially suitable for real estate , etc. : splendid vault built for use of city treasurer. Ap- E"y , R. C Peters & Co. , ground floor Bee ulldlng. ' I-.257 AGENTS WAXTED. "BEST" gasoline gas lamps : world's larg est factory ; agents wanted In every lown. The "Best" Light Co. . 318 S. 15th. Omaha. J M220 Oct.27 LIVE agents wishing to make $3.00 a day wrlto to C. D. Meyer , Omnha , Neb. J-M403 N18 * WANTED TO HI3XT. TWO furnished front room , with or with out board ; close In. N 22 , Bee. K-GG1-23 WANTED , furnished flat or cottage of Ihrt'o to seven rooms In good location. Address A. 0. Wllllngham , city. K-AIC75 21 * WANTED , by man and wife , 2 partially 'furnlrhed rooms , close In , for housekeep ing. Address N 43 , 'Bee Ofllce.K K MCG6 25 * WANTED , sultd of 3 rooms nrid bath , fur- n'.shed for housekeeping. N 44 , Bee. K < MC67 2o STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. , 912- 9H Jones , general storage and forwarding. 2S9 WASTED TO IIUY. ALL kinds of household goods , hotels , etc. , in large or small cjimntllles. Chicago Fur. Co. , 140G-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020. N-291 WILL purchase a limited number of Omaha Savings bank accounls. Brennan- Love Co. , 219 S. IGth St. N-M197 SAFE : state make , size and price. riiG Farnam. N MG14 Nov. 3 WANT to buy good homo or choice lot near Hanscom park. Address L 34 , Bee.NMS2S N-MS2S BARGAINS. C. F. Harrison & Goo. T. Morton. N-185-O-25 * WANT leases on vacant lots. Tel. 1437. N MG12 20 WANT to buy buildings on Expo , grounds. Tel. 1137. N MGI3 28 WANTED , to buy a good Hccond-hnnd double-barreled shotgun ; must bo cheap. Address 1511 Douglas street. N MGSO 25 BABY carriage , secondhand , for cash. Tele phone 1437. N C3S-27 FOR SALE KURMTUHB. BTO\'ES , STOVES ; no reasonable offer refused - fused , Neb , Fur , Co. , 1419 Dodgo. Tol. 1496. O-M13J PUBLIC AUCTION On Wednesday , Octo ber 25. at 10 u. m. , will bo sold the elegant furnishings of a private residence at 2101 Douglas St. . consisting of Iron bed * , mat- troR-fcy , aprlnKH , dreshcrs , commodes , car- petH , matting , extcnHon tables , chairs , rockers , center tables , etc. Clay Auction Co. . Auctioneers , O M591 21 * RBMEMBKR , J. Lcvlno pays more money for stoves nnd furniture than any dealer In city. 301 N. 16th St. , corner Davenport. O 500 N-20 ARE YOU talking of stoves ? If you are , come to see our line of 2nd-hand stoves. The quality and low prices will astonish you. J. Lewis , 101 S , 14th St.0C33 0-C33 Nov. 3 FOH SALE HOUSES AM ) WAiO.\S. FOR SALE Horse , six years old , sound and gentle ; also top buiTKY und harness ; In good condition : will sell horne alone or entire outfit. Tel. 2061 , or address N S3 , Bee. P-656-H * KOlt SAMi MISCEM-AIVEOUS. CHEAPEST and best oak cribbing and hog fence. 901 Douglas St. Q-743 8AFES-Buy , sell , exchange. 114 S. ISth St. B. HAAS , Florist. 1813 Vlnton St. Tel. 776. Plants , cut llcnvcis , boquct ? , hall , resi dence , wedding and grave decorations. Orders by mall or express promptly tilled. Q S ICE in car lots. Gilbert Bros. Co. Blurfa. Q-M311 ; roil SAI.U Misriii.VMofs. FOR SALE TVn R-I-P-A-N-S for 5crnt. al druggists. One Rives relief. Q 293 CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman & Me- Council Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge St. Q-197 2D-HAND safe chc.lp. Dctlght , 1116 Farnam. Q-301 INDIAN relics ; mounted heads. 1116 Fornam , Q-299 INDIAN ponies. Inquire Georgia building , Exposition grounds. Q-MI51 26 * NEW sewing machine ? , U'.fiO to $25. Re pairing ai.a cupplles. Omaha Bicycle Co. FOH SALE , a double carriage. Inquire 1K2G N , ISth st. Q-MI77 FOH SALE , furnlturp of C-room rottngc. Will rent cottage If wanted. BOS Knrbnch blk. Q-MG03 FOH SALE , solid oak office ilcsk , Inbtc nnd olmlrs ; Imrgnln. Eaton & Glover. Mfr * . , Bldg. , Expo. Q-MG37 21 * MISCIM.V.\FOUS. NOTICE Country dealers , 2J hand furn'tra fc stoves at lowest prices , carload lots or i lesi. Chicago Furniture Co. , 11C6-10 Dodeo. R-3M CALENDARS for MOO. Burkley Printing Co. R-332 O2J CLAlllVOYA.M'S. DU. L. U. HARRlDlSN CLAJHVOYANT. LIFE HEADER , ' OCCULT SCIENTIST. PEATS THAT BAFFLE BKLIEF AND STAGGER COMPREHENSION. MANY IMITATE. BUT NONE CAN EQUAL. Gives advlco to make you successful In love , business , marriage , divorce , lawsuits , etc. ; locates mines , burled treasure ; curs drunkenness1 , bad habits , evil Influences , etc. I UNITES THE SEPARATED. Never falls to cause speedy and happy ' marr'ages : guarantee success In nil cases. RESTORES SICK TO HEALTH' . DR. IIAHHIDEN diagnoses cases by pimply touching the patient. Instantly locat ing the feat of trouble , and by his wonderful - ; ful power ot OCCULT SCIENCE removing . the causa : a speedy cure I.M the result In nil leases. FULL HEADING , Jl.OO. THOSE IN THE COUNTRY AVHO CANNOT CALL UPON THIS GIFTED MAN. SEND SIX QUESTIONS. ENfM.OSINC Jl.CO. PERMANENT RESIDENCE , 1707 CASS ST. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED IN ALL READINGS OR POSITIVELY NO FEE ACCEPTED. REFERENCES Best banks , merchants and business men In the city.S S MC72 21 * MME. GYLMEH genuine palmist , 1G05 Dodge 3-3M MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant , S17 N. 16th.ssre s-sre MRS. DR. IIAKT , palmlxt and clairvoyant. 213 N. 18th street. Hours , 8 to n. S MC52 27 * 3IASSAUI3 AMI IIATIIJT. MI13 BERRY. BATHS. MASSAGE , Parlors best equipped In city. Porcelain tub ; lady attendants. 118 N , 16th , opp. p , O. , 2nd Jloor. T M212 Oct. 26 * ELITE PARLORS. 2025 P'arnam , upstairs , llrst-class baths , massage , magnetic treatment. Lady attendants. T M027 2-3 * MRS. LILLY , newly opened both and massage - sage parlors ; best In city ; lady attend ants ; first-class patronage. 218VS North ICth street. T MSB 24 * MME. AMES , R. 2 , 607-S. 13 ; massage baths MISS DE CAMO , vapor sponge baths , mas sage , magnetic treatment ; export attend ants : Ist-class patronage solicited. 1015 Howard , 3d floor. T M403 N18 MME. SMITH , room 2 , 118 North 15th. T 122 'N18 * LILLIAN HOWARD , 'massage ; bat s ; Arabian trt&tment ; attendant. 313H N. 15th ; flat J. T-MG73 N2 * PERSONAL. DR. DAVIS , specialist , IGth and Dodge. U-M400 031 FACIAL mnssago , BOo ; -halrdresslng : , 33c ; shumpoolnK , 3oc , SOc. Miss Hubbard , 415 McCaguo Bldg-j U SSI Nov. 8 NOTICE to property owners , all requir ing flro escapes , either outside or Inside or automatic , will save money by calling on J. J. Deright & Co. . 111G Farnam st. U M057 Nov. 11 PARTIES desiring contracts for remov ing earth In the construction of new ditch nine miles long In Dodge county and excavating and cleaning outof largo ditch previously constructea please comv munlcate with C. A. Manvllle , county clerk , Fremont , Nob. U M383 2G VIAVI ts voman's way to health. 846 Bea Bldg. U-7GI SHOES half-soled , S5c. & 04 S. 13th U-M319 NIC DR. M1TTELSTADT , dentist , 334 Bee Bldg ! U-M635 Novl BATHS , massage. Mme. Post , 319W S. lath , _ TJ-M173 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & dur ing conflnejnentj bablea adopted , 113G N 17. U-759 RUPTURE CURED. "Wo cure all forms of rupture without pain or detention from business. Bund for circulars. Empire Rupture Cure. 932 N. Y. Life , Omaha. U-554 O31 M. MONHE1T , leading chiropodist , treats all ailments of feet , both ladles & gentlemen. Ladles' halrdre.sslng , hair goods and toilet preparations. Treatments of scalp , face , hands or fcot ; 20 years' experience , 10 years In Omaha : best equipped establishment In city. 1518 Farnam ; take elevator ; 2nd floor ' U-757 DR. ROY. chiropodist ; corns and superfluous hair removed by electricity. Room 12 , Frenzer block. U 75S PLEATING and pleated skirts of nil kinds. M. Goldman & Co , , 200 Douglas bill. U-2GS Oct28 RITTER hospital ; confinement cases taken : bablea adopted. 221J Seward. Tel. 2233. U M3SS O23 RUPTURE cured. Wo euro all forms of ruptura without pain or detention from business. Send for circular * . Empire Rupture Cure , 032 N. Y. Life. Omaha. U-654 O31 . MOMJV TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE. MONEY to loan on Nebraska end Iowa farms : lowe&t rates. Brennan-Love Co/ , 219 a. 16th , Oraaha. W 768 FIVE PER CENT money on or before flve years on Nebraska landa and Omaha real estate. Vf. B. Melkle , 401 B. 15th St. St.W71t > B , BH. C per ct. loans In Omaha. So. Omaha. W. II. Thomas , 603 1st Nat. Bk. Tel. 1G 8. W-774 t. PER CENT money. Bemls , Paxton Blk. W-7C3 11,000 and upwards to loan on Improved city property end farms. W. Farnam Smltl- & Co. , 1320 Fainam. W 7h6 6 PER cent loans. Garvin Bros. , 1613 Farnam W-770 WANTED , city and farm loans ; also bonds nnd warrnnu. R. C. Peters & Co. , 1703 Farnjm St. , Bee Bide. W 771 J100 TO 2,000. V. D. Wcad , 16th & Douglaa , W-765 _ LOANS , Potter-Sholes Co. , 310 N. Y. Life. W-7C9 2ND mtg. on farms. Prltchard , 21C S. isth st. . \V-M579 Nov2 { 100.000,000 TO INVEST through Bankers" , Brokers. Promoters ; > nd for circular. Investors' nir ory , N. Y , W 167 J5.000.00 to place quick. Cnll If you want it , M. J. Kennard & Son. , Suite 310 Brown Block. W 355 MONEY loan on ftm-class Improved city property or fcr building purposes. Payne. Hardfl Co , , N. Y Life. -763 MONEY lo loan on Improved Omaha real ( state. Brennan-Love Co. , 319 So l t W-7ii WRITE u If you want a loan on your farm In Iowa. ' eastl-rn Neb. or Mo. : It will pay you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N.Y.L W-77J 6 PER CENT ; also private funds. Chas. E. Wl'lnm ! ' < on. W 776 AXIJ TAXIOKH3IV. STOCK'S bird store , 1003 Leavtnworth.COS -COS BIOXEV TO 1.0AX CIlATTKLS. MONEY TO LOAN ONMONET HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. PLVSO3 , HORSES , CARR1AGKS , LOW RATES-EASY'iV&MENTS. You can pay the money buck In any amounts you wish and nt nny time. Each payment no luado lessens the cost ° f 8S58IX MOI GAGE LOAN co. X 401 LOA"NS MAD"E TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions on their per sonal note without endorsement or secur ity ; strictly confidential , and at ONE-HALF T11K USUAL HATES. Before borrowing fee us , as you will find It sreatly to your advantage ; we are. the oldest , largest and only incorporated loan company In Omaha. P. W. Truax , Misr. . 119 Board of Trndi ! Uld . . 16th and Kar- liam Sla. Telephone 2235. X-iS3 MONK ? loaned on pianos , furniture , hone * , cows. Jewelry. Duff Green , R. 8. Barker bile X iS2 MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible concerns upon their own names , without security : easy payments. Tolman , 700 N. Y. L. Bids. MONEY loaned on furniture , rigs , bicycles , diamonds , watches , etc. ; payments tin- known to friends. Omaha Loan Bank , 1416 Fnrnam , upstairs. X 781 MONEY" O LOAN ON FURNITURE. pianos , horses , cows. etc. J. W. Taylor , 403 Karbach block , 12 to C:30 : p. m. _ MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE confidentially , holding permanent positions , on their own name without endorser. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions with re sponsible llrms without mortgage or BO- curlly of any kind except their own names on new plan , which Is ft pure building and loan system , with easy pay ments to suit yourPclf. Our business is positively private and confidential ; no ono outside of ourselves will know anything of the transaction. American Loan Co. Room G01. Bee bldg. X 781 MONEY loaned on "pianos , furniture , Jew elry , horses , cows , etc. C. F. Reed , 319 S.13. X-779 LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE on their personal note without security. Rates reasonable. J W. Taylor. 403 Kar- bach block , 12 to 6:30 : p. m. X-Mr.Sfl O20 MONEY loaned on household goods pianos , rlga , Jewelry , etc ; easy payments confidential. People's Loan Co. , room 7 Crclghton blk. , 15th and Douglas. X 233 1IUSIXESS CHANCES. THE NEW SNOW-CHURCH COMPANY In the only company that collects all kinds of debts and has n correspondent In every town' ' In United States. Send your ac counts to Bth Jloor , Karbauh Blk. . W. H. Green. President. Y M118 WANTED , partner with $200 nnd services to take half Interest In good paying bus- Ine.'B in Council Bluffs. Bears closest In vestigation. Address F. Bee otllce. Coun cil Bluffs. Y M453 25 FOR SALE or trade , first-class riewspaper printing outfit. Job press , type , etc. Ad dress P. W. White , Onawa , Iowa. ' Y M4S3 BUSINESS finance , a good , clean stock of dry goods and clothing In good condition ; owner will c'xchange ' for farm or city property. We have hardware , drugs.-gro- ceries and merchandise of all klndsi Wrlto us. Merchandise Broker. 600 Karbach blk. Y MC04 FOR SALE Furniture nnVJ lease of the leading $1 and $1.50 day hotel In Omnhn , doing a good business. To the right party good inducements will be1 made. Address , N. 40. Bee. ' Y CCO 29 FOR SALE , stock of first-class shoes , doing , good business ; will invoice1 nbout $2,000 ; ' nearly rill new , Qiaving been bought within the last six months ; will sell cheap for cash no trade. 'Llnds y. ' & Oo. , Auburn , Neb. ' * Y-M0702C * .FOR SALE , the best llv > ry business in southwestern Iowa , In flrSt-'clnss tbwn ot over 5,000 inhabitants , brr'wIH trade for good land In southwestern'-ToWa or east ern Nebraska. Call on 'or , ' address Henry fi Gibson , real estate brokers , Red Oak , la. , ' Y MCS3 30 FOR EXCHANGE : . GENERAL merchandise stocks In nil parts of Nebraska and Iowa for sale ami ex change. If you want a trade of any kind write Merchandise Broker , 606 Karbach block. . K M303 HALF Interest In big paying patent medi cine business for real estate. Address N 31 , Bee . X 574,24 WHAT have you to trade for good piano ? N 32 , Bee. X M079 24 6 , 10 AND 20-ncro garden tracts near So. Omaha to trade for city property. , T. T. Clarke , 219 Board of Trade. Z M573 29 'Oil SALE II13Ah ESTATE. SOUTH OMAHA PROPERTY : Good lots near the packing houses from $100 to $200 on monthly payments. George & Com- ' pany. City Hall Bldg. , South Omaha , or 1601 Farnam St. , Omaha. RE M577-31 NEAR State fair grounds , 20 acres with extra largo house , smooth valley land , prlco $3.500. $1,600 for 5-room house , lot 30x143 feet , city nnd cistern water , facing cast on 17th , south of Clark Bt. , paving paid ; easy pay ments. Near Yates' stone mansion , 33d nnd Dav enport sts. , 0-room modern collate ; bar gain at $2,250. John N. Frenzer , opp. old P. O. RE 1S7 O30 HAVE you some lot * to sell ? Now Is the time lo dispose of them : let the people know thai you want to dispose of them. The Bee reaches Ihe people who have Iho money. RE SC6 FOR SALE , C40 acrus of land , worth $35 per acre : will sell for $24 per acre. The Byron Reed Co. , 212 B. 14th St. RE-333 A BARGAIN IN HANSCOM PARK DIS TRICT Elghl-room residence , practically new , largo lot. barn , hot water heat , cis tern , modern plumbing. Will sell'at great sacrifice. Call lOfi North loth St.RE140 RE-140- HOUSES , lots , farms. lands , loans : also fire Insurance. Bomls , Paxton blk. RE 339 SNAPS In real estate : money to Joan. L. L , . Johnson Co. , 314 S. 15lh slreet , ' RE 310 FOR SALE , my elegant home , 2020 Webster st. , small amount down , balance samo. as rent. If desired , Address C. D , Bibbhw , Holel Spokane , Spokane , Wash. RE MI33 Nov. 2 A BARGAIN Four acres. 40th and Pacific ; two blocks from car line , on belt rail road , $2,600 ; easy lerma. McCaguo In vestment Co , , 1W8 Dodgo. HIS 909 CASH CUSTOMERS FOR FARM. LAND , The Byron Reed Co , , 212 S. ' 14th Ht. UE-3U FARM lands , stock ranches and business locations In the Corn Belt country. W. ir. Clements , Lyons , Neb.REM125 RE-M125 NOV'13 IF IT IS South Omaha real estale you want to buy or sell communicate with O'Noll'a Real Estate Agency. RE-33C FOR SALE , handsome 10-room modern res idence ; lari'o lot and shade trees ; ( centrally located : cheapest residence In Omaha ; part trade considered. Call or address , If you mean business , 106 N 15th street , RE-C01 HENRY B , PAYNE , 601 N. 1. LIFE -BLDG , Real Estate , Rentals , Loans , Insurance. RE-337 COTTAGES , residences. Patterson. 305 N , Y. Life. .UE-M488 FOR SALE Cottneu nnd large lot , 8th and Bancroft Sts. , $150 ; easy term * . Sixteen lots on Locust and Maple Bts. , { 330 to $150 each. Modern tf-room house , 4211 Patrick Ave. , Four-room cottage , 4219 Patrick Avo. , $ SM. Thrtn-room cottage. 4258 Patrick Av . , IGOO. Two-storv i-room modern lioufo , finished in oak , with line stable , at 4320 Burdelte SI. , $3,000. Vacant lot Just north of Farnam St. on 42nd. only $150. Fifteen acres on North Sherman Ave. , very cheap and on easy terms. Lot 2 , block 9 , R&ed'g Flrsl Add. , $1.000 A. P. TUKEY , Board of Trade. RE 158- S40 ACRES , well Improved , Polk counly. Bell or trade. Box 799 , Lead , 8. D. RE-497 26 KOH SAI.I-2 IlKAI. HBTATH. t SELECT BARGAINS , Oct. S3 , 1S9X ' 1311 So. 29th St. ( Georgia Ave. ) house of S room ? , all modern , l ot 60x150. asphalt pavement. elegant tree * , good barn , held at , USOO until today ; price. $3,750. 12,500 mortgage , cnn stand nt 6 per cent. Block centrally located , paying Interest on J20.000 , granite pavement of $2,000 , paM ttp In lull. $8,500. ' . Best built brick block In town , on Douglas , near 23rd St. The Improvements would cost ntnr 15,000 today ; lot C6xl32. A good , renter : pays M.HO a y nr. For a solid Investment this Is all right. % Ono of the best SOO-ncre | ' , farms In S.irpy Co. , near S. Omnhn * V Jliic orphan ! , good water , fair house nnd barn , only $15 an acre. . * ' New 7-room house , 31st nnd Hnrney , well built , finely finished , ] * choice In every way ; $3,000. , To rent at $30 If Hot sold. ' ; ' * Lot 3 , block 16 , Hanscom Place , 1510 So. 25th St. , good cottage , rent * for $14J $ yearly , ( ' lot alone worth the money , $1,300. C. F. HARRISON AND GEO. T. MORTOJi , < 912 AND 913 N. Y. LIFE. . ; . . TELEPHONE 3ll. . - f RE-C3I 23 * " FOR SALE Wo offer special bargain' ' In eight-room hoiipe on Park nveVmc , noW biiliiR repainted , papered nnd thoroughly repaired. This Is a modern , well buftt home. I ot B0xl42. Streets and alleA paved nnd nil paid for. Can clvo llf- mediate possession. Vrlec , $ o.30 > X t In Orchard Hill wo offer good soyen-rooa , two-story house , lot 50xloO , nil modcwt except furnace , only two blocks north car line. Price. $1.800. $ Either of tiiesc properties are cheap homes , well worth your consideration. Call and let ui drive you to them. POTTER-SHOLES CO. , 310 Now York Life. ' RE 501 25 A GREAT bargain , Inside property for subdivision , good homes all around , close to car line , belongs to non-resident , must bo sold. M. J. Kennard & Son , sulto 310. Brown block. RE 4DG FINE aero lot , only $ IK. GREAT BARGAIN. G acrtfe extra good garden land , only $700. Hicks. 32. ) Board of Trade. RE iMCOS 2C * ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. HARRIS Abstarct Co. , 423 Bee Building. 335 t viBwn ITEHS. TYPEWRITERS for rent , $4.00 per month. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1G25 Farnam St. Telephone 12S4. 31G WE RENT and sell the best typewriters made ; largest stock of supplies In Omaha. United Typewriter & Supply Co. , 1612 Fnr nam. 347 REMINGTON Standard typewriter nnd sup- piles. 1613 Farnam. 318 THE OHVP : Typewriter , visible writing , heaviest manlfolder antl c.uts the finest stencil : see exhibit Liberal Arts bldg. , Grcatetr America Exposition. Tel. 2270. J. S. Stewart , Special Agent , 318 % S. Fif teenth street , Omaha. 319 TYPEWRITERS ; secondhand. HIS Farnam. aw SHORTHAND AXD TYPEWUITIfVG. A. C Van Sant's School. 717 N. Y. Life. 343 AT OMAHA Bus. College , I8lh & Douglas. 341 BOYLE'S school ; courkveportcr principal , Beo' Ulds. " 845J MEDICAL. LADIES , harmless monthly regulator ; cannot fall. Mrs. B. Rowan , Milwaukee , WIs. 'M310 NIC- DR. MANSFIELD'S monthly regulator' has brought happiness to Hundreds of anxious womenr have never had a single failure ; longest oases relieved In two to five days without fall ; no pain'no danger , no Inter ference with work ; by mall or office , $2 ; all letters truthfully answered. The Mansfield Romc y Co. , 167 Dearborn St. , room 614 , Chicago , 111. 572 2S * LADIES. Chlchester's English Pennyroyal pills are the best ; safe , reliable ; take no other ; send 4c , stamps , for particulars , "Relief for Ladles , " m letter by return mall. At druggists. Chlchester Chemical Co. . Philadelphia. Pa. TICKET IIROICETIS. CUT RATE railway and steamship tickets excursion tickets bought and sold. P. H Phllbln , new locations , 1309 nnd 1505 Far nam. Est. 1SS9. Member G. T , B , Assn. 356 11ICYOIES. NEW and second-hand bicycles at hal price. Louis Flescher , 1622 Capitol ave. M-527 NEW wheels , $15 : 2nd-hnnd wheels , $5 up Supplies & repairing. Omaha Bicycle Co 165 HOTELS. TRY Ihe Hendercon Holel ; board and room $4.00 per week ; gap , steam heat and baths Ninth and Farnam Sts. 359 LOST. LOST , pair gold-framed glasses In case ; return to Bee ofllcc ; reward. Lost-C55 23 * TAILORING. LADIES7 JACKETS. men's clothing , a\- \ tered latest styles and cleaned. Max Fogel. 307 S , 17th. M3S7 O2'J JEFFERSON tiquaro Loan Ofllce. 418 ft , 1C. 351 EAGLE Loan Ofllce , reliable , accommodat ing ; all business confidential , 1301 Douglas , 352 PHYSICIAN. DR. SHBPARD , 312 New York Life , spe cialties , catarrh and kindred dlse.ascs ; consultation free at olllce or by mall. Literature and question sheets Horn everywhere. M 637 STAM.MI2UI.Na AMI STUTTKIILNG. CURED , Julia Vaughn , 430 Ramee Bldg , ' 301 MCICI.I3 PLATING , TlJtnTr7i3KB7 iarnp8 and chandoTlers replatcd. Omaha Plating Co. , lice bldtf , -357 SlIIUTMAKKHS. SHIRTS to order from $1.50 to $3. Kelley & Hoyden , men's furnishers , 16lh and Chicago M-2C2 IH2.VTIf4TS. DR. MITTELSTADT , room 331 Bee bunding. M-C54 NOVl SCHOOL OF LANGUAGE. FRENCH , Herman. Spanish , $2 per month. Prof. Chatelaln , 301 Boyd theater. 358 ruiiMTiutr PACKING. M. S. WALKLIN , 2111 Cumins , Tel , 1331. COMMERCIAL COLLKGES. OM. Com'l Col. Rohrbough Bros. . IG&D'plas. 2GO OSTP.OPAT1IY. JOHNSON , OstPopathlc Institute. 515 N. Y , uIM BldR. . Alice Johnfcon. D. O. , Indies' d < 5pt. ; Old E. Johnson , ostcopathlst. mgr .M-SSJ M. K. DONOHUE. D. O. , of Still school. iCIrksvlllf , Mo. , Wl Paxton blk. Tel. 13S7. Sol HALLS TOR HUNT. CllEtai I TO tfllall nml Morand's Academy , 15th nnd Harney. for bnlK Hub and lodge parties , conventions nnd nil nodal func tions : both hulls have been renovated throughout. Morand , Lessee nnd Manager. 141 Nov.-13 Tllt'.MC I.'Af.TOHY. TRUNK traveling bags , suit cnsea. Trunks lepalrcd. Om. Trunk Factory , 1203 Farnam. S52 Dec-lC PASTl'UAliU. ALAMITO Stock Farm. West Dodge street ; homos wlntorod ; lurgo box stulls ; $0 vcr month ; liorsos called for and dnllverod. Address .Clinton 11 , Brings , room 22(1 ( , Hco building. M-GS1 NO PIANO TEACHING. MIS3 EI'LEN ETHEL FREE , plnno studio , 29JR Howard , M376 24 * LADNIHIY. OMAIfA STEAM LAUNDRY , city towel supply ; shirts , So ; collars. 2c ; cufts , 4e ; underwear , 6c. 1750 Loavenworth. Tel. 617. . M-519-Ucc.l4 JVCCOUUIOK PL13AT1NO. MRS. A. C. MARK , 17th anil Farnam Sts. 120-023 * DRESSMAKING , IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy , 2216 Daven port. M C79 Nov. 5 * RAILWAY TiaiU TAIIL13. BUELINHTON & MIS- sourl River Rallroad- "Tho Burlington Route" General Ollices. N. W. Corner Tenth nnd Fnr nam Streets. Ticket pnico. 1602 Fornnm Street. Telephone. 250 Depot Tenth and Maaon Streets. Teio- phone 310 , Leave. Arrlva. Lincoln , Hastings and McCook a 8:40 : am a 7:40 : pm Lincoln , Denver. Colorado rado , Utah. California.n 4:25 : pm a 3:65 : pm Lincoln. . .Black Hlllfl. MontanaPuget Sound & 4:25pm : a 3:00 : pro Lincoln Local a 7:00 : pm alO:3S am " Mncolii Fast "Mall a 3:00 : pin alO:35 : arc Jenvcr. Colorado , Utah & California a 7:30 : am a Dally. CHICAGO , BURLINGTON & Qulncy Railroad "The Burlington Route" Ticket Ollire 1602 Farnam st Tel. JOT. Depot Tenth & Mason Streets. Telephone - phone , 310. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spec- da ! a 7:45 : nm Chicago Vostlbuled Ex.a B.Cj pm a 8:03 : am Chicago Express a 9:30 : am a 4:05 : pm Chicago & St. L. Ex..a 7M5 pm a & :05 : ama Pacific Junction Local..olO45 ; am Fast Mall a 2:45 : pm a Dally. KANSAS CITY , St Jo- fepn & . .9.a ncll Bluffs Railroad "The Burling ton Route"-TIckei Ofllce , la 2 Fanam Street , Telol phone. 250. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone , 310.Leave. Leave. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex . . .a 9:30 : am a 5:45 pm Kansas City Night Ex..alO:15 : pm a ti:30 am St. Louis Flyer for SU . Joseph andSU Louis..a 4:65 : pm all:15 : am a Dally. [ CHICAGO. ST. PAUL. Minneapolis & Omaha Railway "The North , western Line" General Offices , . Nebraska Dlvl- Bion , 15th and Webster 61B. City Ticket Ofllce , 1101 Farnam St. Telephone , 661. Depot , 15th and WcbsJer Sta. Leave. Arrive. Twin City" Express ( for Sioux City. St. Paul Sc Minneapolis ) a 6:00 : am Omaha Parsengvr a 7:00 : pm Blair , Emerson , Sioux Clly , Ponca , Hartlng- Ion and Bloomflold..b 1:00 : pm b2:10 : pm No. 2 Twin City L't'd..a 5C3 : pm No. 1 Omaha Limited. . . a 9:00 : am a Dally , b Dally except Sunday. FREMONT. BLKHORN & Missouri Valley .Rail- road "Tho Northwestern Line" General Ollices United Slales National Bank Bldg. , Southwest Corner Twelfth and Far nam Streets. TlcUet olllce , 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone , BC1. Depol. 15lh and Webster Streets. Telephone , 145S. Leave. Arrive. Block Hills. Deadwood , Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 6:00 pm Wyoming. Casper and Douglas d 3:00 pm d 6:00 : pm Hnstings. York , David City , Superior , Geneva , Exeter and Seward..b 3:00 : pm b 5:00 pm Norfolk , Verdlgre * and Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:25 : am Lincoln. Wahoo and Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:25 : am Fremont Local o 7:80 am a Dally b Dally except Sunday , c Bun- day only , d Dally except Saturday. CHICAGO & "jfORTII. western Railway "Tho Northwestern Line" City Ticket Onice , 1401 Farnam Street. Tele phone. 661. Depot , Tenlh nd Mason Streets. Tele phone , 29. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Bpe rial a 0:40 : am an:55 : pm Boone Passenger b 3:40 : pm blO:10 : am Eastern Exprena , Dca Molne.t , MarshalUown. Cedar Rapids and Chicago cage alO:55 : am a 4:05 : pm Eastern Limited , Chicago cage nnd East a 4:55 : pm a 4:03 : pm Fast Mall , Chicago to Omaha . a 2:43 : pm Omaha-Chicago SpeclaJ.a 7:30 : pm a 8:00 : am Fast Mall 8:30 : am u'Dal'y b Daily except Sunday. BIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "The North western Line" General Oillcea , United States National Bunk Building , 8. W. Corner Twelfth and Farnum titreet.-i. Icket Ofhce , 1101 Farnam Qtrcct , Tele- phone , 661. Depot. Tenth and Manoa Streets. Telephone , C29. ' Loave. Arrive. Bloux City , Mankato & . , St. Paul , Minneapolis..a C50 ; am a 8:15 : am Et. Paul , Minneapolis , Mankato & SloUx Citya 5i25 pm nlliOO pm Sioux City Local a 800 ; am a 4:30 : pm a Daily. UNION ' " I'ACIFIC-"THEOVER- land Route" Ger era ? Offices , N. E. Cor/ Ninth and rarnam Btreoti. City Ticket Office. 1303 Farnam Street. Telephone , j310. Depot. Tenth and Mason Streets , Telephone. C29. The Overland Limited..a 8:20 : am' a7:15nm : The Fast Mail t.u : a 3:30 : pm The Colorado Specie.all:55 ) : prn u < J:30 : pm Lincoln , Beatrice and StromsburB Express . .It 4:35 : pm b 1:05 : pm Pacific Express a 4:25 : pm n 0:30 : am Columbus .Local b 7.30 ; ini b 3:30 : un South Omuha PusB.-Leavcft , b G:20 : a. in a 10:10 : u. ni ; 3:05 : p. m. ; b 1:10 : p. m. Ar rlvcSj a 7:15 : u. m. ; 10:15 : a , m. ; b 3:10 : p. m. i 5:25 : p. m. Council Bluffs Local Leaves 5:50 : a m : a. m. ; 7:15 : n. m. ' t 7:50 : a. m. ' ; 9:30 : ' u.1m , . . . . . . . * llfir. II m l'j : ( p. m. ; 2:15 : j > . m. ; 3:30 : p m " : : tjJ. : ! ' m.j 5:25 : n. m. ; 5:55 : p. rn , 7:30 : p. m. ; kl : , p. in. ; 10:3Cl : p. m. Arrives c : o a. m. ; 7 0 u. m. ; Ha. in : tf'45 a m 10:10 n. m. ; 10j0 : ! a. m. ; 3CC : p. n , , ; 4:05 : p. „ , 4:10 : p. m. ; 4:33 : p. m. ; 5:55 : p. m. : 6:30 : > m 7:30 : p. in. ; 8:50 : n m. ; n p. , „ . ; ilfs : ji m. u Dally , b Dally < -xccpt Sunday. CHICJAOp , MILWAUKEE & St. Paul Railway-city 19r'ce ' > , li01 ' 'nrnim Sliest. Telciihone. 23J. D nit , lenth und ' Mason Bta ii. . 'icltl'hone ' , C2D. Chlcaso Limited Ex a Tpm * Fxam Cnlcaro & Omaha Ux . .blliw : ani b s 55 2m ' Blou/ City S : Dea Molncs Express , bll00am ; b 3:55 : pM W A BASH KAILROAD- - Ticket Olllce. His F4rnam Htrcet , Telephone. $95. De- iwl. Tenth and Ma jn Streets. Tfilpehone , C2JT Leave. Arrive. Bt. Louis "Canon Ball" Express , .a 4:50 : pm a S35 ; am ii Dally. 11AH.WAV T1MI5 TA11LHS. OMAHA : ST. 1-OuTs roaii 0m hn , Kan.vo city & iC.vMcrn R.iiiro.iil'Tii yulncy Routc"-Tlclot : of. Ace , 1415 Farnam Street. Telephone , 32 * Depot , Tenth and Mason Streeis. Telt phone , G2J.Leave. Leave. Arrive. . . . Louis Cannon Ball Express . .a 4:30 : pm a 8:35 : ara Kansas city and Qulncy I < oral A 7:15 : am a 8:50 : pm Dally. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILroad - road General Offices and Ticket Otllccs Southeast Cor- ncr 14th and Douglas Slit. Telephone. 101. Depot. 15th and Webster Seta. Telephone ' _ . , , , , , Leave. Arrive. St. Louls-nnKsas A : Neb , Limited n 3:00 : pm al2:5S : pm 1C , C.-Bt. L. Express..a : M pm a 6:00 : am Nebraska Local via Weeping AVnlcr . . . . . .bBMpm : a 9:15 : am a Dally , b Dally cxceot Sunday. .OHJCAGO. ROCK 1SL. ' nml & Paclllc "The Great Rock Isi- iBllslM nnd llpute. " city Tick- | CO ' : . Tontli & Mason -.s. Telephone , CZJ. Des Momls Local a n'm l ! iVOnra Chicago Express blll& : nm n 8lo : nm Chlrago Fast Express..a 5:0i : ) pm a 1:25 : pm Bt. Paul Fast Express..a 5:00 : pm bll:3J : am Lincoln , Coloradn Spgs. . Denver , Pueblo and Dc\MMoinc'9."R'ock"isi-tt l3 ! ° Pm n * : ; 3 pm and nnd Chicago a 7:25 : pm a 0:35 : pro Colorado & Texas Flycr.a 6:4U : pm a Ju3 : ra a Dally b Dally except Sunday , n Dally , b is'y ! cxeeut Sunday. fiOVKHNMIJXT XOTICKS. PROPOSA1.S FOR BEEF AND MUTTON- Otllco Chief Commissary < if Subalatcnce , Omaha , Neb. . October 21 , 1SU ! . Scaled ) iro- f01.1 ? ! , In triplicate , will bp received here until 11 o'clock n. in. , central standard time , November 21. KSy ; ) , and then publicly opened , for furn shlng such fresh beef and mutton as may bo required by the Snlwlstcno De- V"rl.15ntliu-.s' " > ' . at Onmlm. N b. . I'ort Crook , Neb. , Jefferson Barracks , Mo. . I-ortB Leayenworth , Kas. , Logan 11. Roots. V. ! ? " . . lol'raru , Nob. , Reno , O. T. . Rlley. Kas. , Robinson , Neb. , and Sill , O. T. . miring the six month ! * commencing Junu- SFiiV'iW'i l'osals will also HP received Vnt" 1 o'clock , mountain standard time , nt tort Robinson , and until 11 o'clock a. in. . central standard time , at .IcfTcrsnn Bar- nicks , Forts Leaven worth , Logan IT. Roots. Mobrarn , Reno , Rlloy and Sill , nml opened nt posts by respective commissaries , each receiving proposals for Ma own post only. Proposals will nlso be received stating prlco at which bidder will deliver fresh beef or mutton of temperature not greater than r.O degrees Fahrenheit. Information furnished on application hero or to commissary at post authorized to open proposals. U. S\ re serves right to reject any or all proposals or ' } n > " , } ' ; in oreof. Envelopes should bo " marked "Proposals for Fresh Ilivf nnd Mut ton , nnd addrened to undersigned or Com missary at post authorized to receive pro posals. J. 11. DUVAL , Cant , nnd C. S. O21-23-21-23-N1S-20 CIIIEP QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE. Omahu , Nob. , September 3 > , 1S99. Scaled proposals , In triplicate , will be received here nnd at olllces of Quartermasters nt thp several posts until 2 o'clock p. m , , central time , October 2T , 1&99 , for furnishing shullexl corn during the fiscal year ending June ? 39. 1900 , nt posts In Department of the Mis souri. Proposals for delivery nt other points will bo entertaln d. U. S. reserves right to reject or accept any or all pro posals or any part thereof. Information furnished on application hercs or 'to Post Quartermasters. Envelopes containing pro posals to be marked "Proposals for corn , ' * anil addressed to the undersigned or to Post Quartermasters. F. II. HATHAWAY. Major and Q. M. , Chief Q. M.S23dlt S23dlt O23-24 NEW CREED OF UNIVERSALISM Illciiiilnl Convention Ailoptx ChludKO Declaration Hale UrKCM Union ivltli the UiiltnrlniiM. BOSTON , Oct. 23. The 'biennial conven- ; lon of the Unlversallst church was opened hero today after nearly a week of prelimi nary meetings. Charles L. Hutchlnson ot Chicago presided nnd the devotional service was-conducted by Rev. Joseph Crocker Snow of HavorliKl. The first business taken up was introduced by a motion to ratify a new platform of principles by the acceptance of which the UnlvcrsallBt body gives up forever the Win chester confession of faith adopted by it In 1803. The now declaration Is the result of n conference of Boston Uolvcrsallst ministers and was drawn , up by the chairman ot their committee , Rev. George T. Knight of Tufts college. It was adopted 'by ' the Uiilvcrsallst body at Its last biennial convention in Chicago cage , but under the 'by-laws ' had to lie over two years for ratification. Rev. Henry B. Metcalf of Pawtuckct , R. L , moved Us rati fication. The Chicago declaration la as fol lows : The essential principles of the Unlvcrsal- Ist faith aru the universal fatherhood or God. God.Tho The spiritual authority and leadership of Ills HOD , Jesus Christ. The trustworthiness oC the bible ns con- tninlnv u revelation from God. A certainty of retribution for sin. The final pcuco and harmony o all souls with God. The ratification was voted , 132 In favor , 10 averse. The most Important feature of the proceedings aside from the adoption of the new articles of faith was the admission of a delegation headed by Rev. Edward Everett Halo from the Uultarlan's general body for conference on the subject of a union of the two denominations. Dr. Hale addressed the convention. Ho said that the leading feature of Unitarian life ns Dr. Lyman Abbott described it to tlio speaker was 'tho ' forward look , combined with the determination to keep foot our historical relation to the leader of Chris tianity. NO SUFFERING AT CAPE NOME OiiHor Ilrnr Vlnltn Volnt JInrriMv ami FlndH All In Ilfiidlm-HN for tlio Winter. WASHINGTON , Oct. 23. Captain Shoe maker , chief of the revenue cutter service , has rccolvcd from Lieutenant Jarvte n brief report dated Bt , Michaels , Alaska , September 30 , on the recent trip of the revenue outtor Hear lo Point Barrow , iu the coureo ot which ho says : "At Capo Nome arc some 3r > 00 people with a possible addition of from GOO to 1,000 from Yukon river points. I think there will bo ample accommodations tor all desiring to go out and also sulllclent provisions for tlioiii ! who remain , "Thero may bo a lack of Cud , hut except In en to of flro destroying tbo bulldlngn I do not anticipate any Buffering , Typhoid fovcr la prevalent , but the coming cold weather is expected to check It. Good order has liccn maintained , but there U a lawless element that It is dcalrcd to get rid of before the winter closer , and I will co-upurute with thu military authorities and the United States marshal to that end , There Is also a largo number of sick and Indigent whom U will bo necessary to take away on the Dear to prevent suffering. The Dear Is cnrouto to Sltka. " Eat plenty , Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will dl- what you cat , It cures all forma ot dyspepsia and stomach troubles. E , R. Gam ble , Veroon , Tex , , Eaya , "H relieved me from the start and cured me. It U now my em * lasting friend. " Trillin of Idaho Miner * , MOSCOW , Idaho , Oct. 23. The trials ot over 100 c.'oeur d'Aleno miners on a charge of Htopplng the United States mulln at WardnET on April 29 will begin the coming week In the United Hialts court. Several of the accu cU have already been brought hero from Wardner. Miner MuriliTx KlieiiliiKVlfc , ST. LOUIS. Oct. 23. A Bpeclul to < ho Post- Dispatch from Birmingham , Ala. , t ty : John Franklin , n miner , reridlng nt Plnck- ney. near here , choked his ttltiuplng wife to death and then went into the woodu nc-ur liln home arid blew out hU braltm with n pistol Jealouuy wu the cauee. Tjic couplf left ueveral children.