Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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Com Pit Center of Attraction and FnrnUhes
Element , of Strength.
of Urolith nnniiiKC Alirond
Miijlnn Movniicnl , Which IH
Acrrlprnleil liy I lie .tc-
llvltof Corn.
CHICAGO , Ocl. 23. Corn was the leader
on 'change todny nnd furnlMied Iho princi
pal foundation for the strength developed
in Ihe oilier markets. Disappointing husk
ing returns nnd n sttluly duerenso In slocks
finvo corn traders nn opportunity to give
vent to a feeling that has been smuggling
.for expression for some lime nnd the De
cember option closed with < i net gnln of
% < : . There was n. good buying movement
In wheat , with shorts t.he principal partici
pant , and December closed with nn ad-
vnnco of % { /lc. / Onls roue IMl'/ic and pro
visions from 2',4c ' 10 lOc.
Wheat opened olrong and active1. Com-
plnlnls of dnmage by droulh In Ihe soulh-
wcsl nnd higher Liverpool cnblcs , nolwllh-
slandlng Iho downward tendency of Iho
innrkot for Ihe last week , causiU the
ohnugo In sentlincni. Buying wns heavy
from the outsol and as ulTcrlngs were
scarce the market soon gel nbovc cnll fig
ures. Profli Inking nnd selling by holders
of privileges cnused a slight rencllon after
UP 'hud b'V-n ndded lo Iho opening advance ,
bill as corn had begun to show decided
strcnglh shorls becnmp. anxious nnd ran to
cover. Outside buying hastened the up
turn .that . followed nnd the price tended
upward tlui remainder of the session , the
market closing strong nt the best price of
the day. A mnnllor Increase in the visible
supply than expected nnd . . liberal clearance
' ' ' - - >
. . . , . , , . .
223 cnrs , 3 of which graded contract. Min
neapolis nnd Dulutli got 1,021 cnrs , compared
with 1,451 cars for the carnu dny a year
ago. Total primary receipts .wi're . 1,3M,000
bu. , against 2,033,000 bu. last year. Atlan
tic port clearances Inwheat and flour
equaled .TO.OOO bu. World's shipments to
Europe last week were 8,000,009 bu. Thy
visible supply Increased omy 1,211,000 bu. ,
whereas nn Increase of over 2.000,000 bu.
had been expected. Cash demand here was
Blow us well n at thii seaboard , where only
twenty boatloads were reported sold for ex
port.Oorn started strong and kept Improving
a little right along until within hnlf nn
hour from the close , when prollt taking
checked the udvnnetl Reports of poor
yields and n large decrease In stocks ,
coupled with 'heavy current requirements
ot both foreign nnd domestic consumption ,
wns the basis ot the market's strength.
The buying wns well distributed , with the
market" broad one. Receipts , 553 cnrs.
Domestic visible decrensed SGG.OOO bu. Cnsh
demand good. December opened ' .Wi'Vic
higher at SO BifiSOTic to 30c , sold sparingly
ut SOHftSOftc nnd advanced to 313l ,4c nt
the close.
Oats ruled quiet and the advance was due
nlmoHt entirely to sympathy with corn.
Receipts. 352 cnrs. Visible ! decreased 3J7-
000 bu. December opened He higher nt 22c ,
cased off to 2 % < ff22)4c ) and advanced to 22i
J22c nt the close.
Higher prices for hogs nnd a good cash
meat demand strengthened provisions.
The advance In corn wns a further en
couragement nnd a moderate gnln wns
easily established. January pork closed 7Vfc
( TinOc higher nl $9.42Msl 9.-ir , January lard
nnd ribs 2&c higher ut $3.35 nnd $1.92 % , re < -
Estimated receipts for Tuesday : Wheat ,
CSO cars ; corn , 875 cars ; oats , -115 cars ; hogs ,
24.000 head.
Leading futures ranged ns follows :
JArtlc'c. | Open. | Yllgh.
Mny i
Corn itt
Ocl. tt
Dec. ttt
May t
Bee. 4 70
Jan. 4 90
No. 2.
Cash quotations were as follows :
FLOUR Steady ; winter patents. $3.60 ®
3.70 ; straights. $3.30ifj3.40 ; clears , $3.20fi3.30 ;
eprlng specials. $4.10 : patents , $3.403.70 ;
etrnlghts. J2.00ff3.20 ; bakers , J2.30JT2.CO.
'WHEAT ' No. 2 spring , C9fi71c ( ; No. 3
eprlng. 64 < ff"0c : No. 2 red. 70'/jfi ( 71Hc. |
OATS-NO. 2 , 22' > iQ23'/ic ; N . 3 white , 260 ;
No. 3 white , 25e.
RYK-No. 2. C5c.
SEUDS No. 1 flaxseed and northwest ,
J1.26'A. Prime timothy seed , J2.25. Clover ,
choice. $7.50.
PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. , $7.90 ®
7.95. Lard , per 100 Ibs. , $5.22 , (0'3.25. ( Short
ribs sldesC loose ) , $ l.75i(5.1 ? ( ! > . Dry salted
fihouldera ( boxed ) , JC.OOg .U' . Short clear
tilde ; ) ( boxed ) , $3.4r > lQ-5.55.
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per
gal. . $1.23.
SUGARS Cut loaf , $3.70 ; granulated , $5.18.
Following are the receipts and shipments
for loday :
Articles. Receipts. Shlpm'ts.
Flour , bbls . 17.000 18.C05
"Wheat , bl . I , . 163,000 22.00. . )
( Torn bu . 412,000 737,000
Onts , bu . 337,000 379,000
llye. bu . 190.000 20,0 * )
llarley , bu . 23,000 30,030
On Ihe Produce exchange today the but t-
ter market wns dull but steady ; creameries ,
I5fi22c ; dairies. llO c. Eggs , steady :
fresh , IGVsc. Cheese , strong ; creams , 120
H for tinDny on VnrloiiN
NEW YORK , Oct. 23. FIXJUR-Recelpts ,
63,470 bbls. ; exports , 2,918 bbls. ; sales , 11,000
Vkgs. ; ruled firmer In sympathy with wheal
and on moro nctlvo demand. Rye Hour ,
llrm ; salts , BOO bbls. ; good to fair. $3.3503.40 ;
eholce to fancy. $3.45J3.75. Buckwheat
Hour , steady nt KXto'2.W.
BUCKWHEAT Quiet at 0c.
OORNMEAI.r-F'.rmer ; yellow western. fO
ifS2o ; city , SftiiSlo ; Brnndywlne $2.25/.3 ( ! > .
RYE Dull ; No , 2 western , 65c , f. o. b. ,
afloat , to arrive ; state , eiilfGic , c. 1. f. , New
BARLEY-FIrm ; feeding. 41Hff43c. c. I. f. ,
Buffalo ; malting. 4 < ijioOc , c. I. f. , Buffalo.
BARLEY MALT-Sttudy ; weslern. 55&65e.
WHEAT Reeelpts. 93,175 bu. ; exports , S9.-
317 bu. ; sales , 3,00COO : ! bu. fulures and 200.-
000 bu. spot. Spot , firm ; No. 2 red , 76e , f. o.
b. , afloat , spot ; No , 1 northern , Duluth , 73c ,
f. o. b. , nlloat , lo nrrlve ; No. 1 hard , Du-
lllth , kuV.c , to nrrlve ; No. 2 red , 7lc , ele-
vntor. Options opened firm nt He decline
under n temporary local bear raid , but 1m-
mrtli.Uely turned firmer , following the lend
of Chicago nnd on n more bullish stntlstlcal
position than looked for , especially ns to
the oxtenl of Iho visible supply Increase- .
The market advanced > io from low : > enl !
nnd closed slrong nl a lift advance of ttff
aie. March , 73WW79l.Jc , closed at 79'4e ; May ,
7S7-16lii7'.l-c , ciooed ut 79ic ; December ,
74 15-16fi75'4c ; close * ! nt 75 : > 4c.
CORN-RecelptH , 47S.250 bu. ; exporls. 16-
671 bu. ; pales. kJ.WO bu. futures nnd 210,000
.bu. gpol , Spot , strong ; No. 2. 40 ! c , f. o. b. ,
nlloat , and 40c , elevator. Options ojiened
llrm nt Ufie advance on cables and small
receipts , further advanced1 45Jai c on coverIng -
Ing , following the visible decrease , nnd
ole ed strong nt a nel advance of % fio.
Slay. SS'/iilffiTie ' , closed at 3s7ic ; December ,
39f 39V.e ! , elosod at S3\U\
OATS-Recelpts , l7k)0 ! ( ) bu. Spot , firm ;
No , 2 , 2Hc ; No. 3. 2So ; No. 2 white , SOT4c ;
N . 3 white , 30o : track mixed western , S4J4
( n'oOc. Options , dull nnd nominal.
HAY Quiet ; shipping , 05j70c ; gooil to
choice , 75flS24c. !
HOPS Stale , common lo hoce ! , 6fi7 ( . ' ;
Parlllo coasl , 1SOG erop , 4Sf < io : 1S97 crop , nom-
Innl : 1S9S crop , 10ifl3o ; 1SW cnoj ) . 12jl4c ,
HIDES Steady ; Texas dry , 24 to 30 Ibs , ,
S3c ,
LEATHER Quiet ; hemlock sole , Buenos
Ayrc * . light to heavy weights , eie2lfec ; acid ,
* '
WOOl'v-Qulet ; domesllo fleece , 21ii2 ;
Texas , llfTlTo ,
PROVISIONS Beef , llrm ; family , $ ll,00fl
12.50 ; mess , $9.5ftiill.CO ; beef hams. $2J.O f/ /
C5.00 ; pncket. $ ll.BO J12.00 ; city extra India
lines * , $180Wns.OO. Cut , muits , steady ;
pickled shoulders. $7iOO ; pickled hnnis , $ s.7J ,
i.nrti , steadier ; western steamed. $5.57H ;
( May , $5.35 : October closed nt $5.57K , nom-
inuf. Pork , dull ; mess , $9.0i > ii9.Kl ; short
cleans , $10.20ffl2.00 ; family , $11.754112.00. Ta | .
low , steady ; city ( $2 per package , 4He ;
iUCE-Qulet ; domeatlc , fair to exira ,
7V4e ; Japan , 4 > M5H | ' . ,
MKTALS The local metal market WHS
heavy and inuctlvo much of the day , with
final prices showing declines In ncvernl In
stances. The foreign nnd wiwtern news
nvernked up unfavorably ! bliyors were
scarce nnd ( teller * apprehensive. At the
close the exchange called pip Iron wnr-
rants dull nt $18.00 , nominal ; copper , en. y
nt J1S.OO ; tin. wenk nnd lower nl 131.23 , nom
inal ; lend , qulot , with $4.60 bid nnd ll.fio
nuked i spelter , dull wlt-h $5.30 bid nnd $5.40
n. keil. The brokers' price for lend Is $1.40
nnd for copper $18.00.
MOLASSES Stendy ; New Orleans , open
Kettle , Rood to choice , 32JJ35c.
CABU\OE-Dull ; Long Island , $2.00fl3.00
per hundred.
OMAHA < ) i\FllAI , MAIUCnT.
Condition of Trnilr nnil Uiiolntlonn on
Ntnplo nnil Fniicy Proilnee.
EOGS-UecclpIs , light ; good stock , 16c.
POULTRY-Hens , live , ' ,4ft7c ; spring
chickens , 7fl74c : old nnd slaggy roostern ,
live , 3'4JHc ' ; ducks , and geese , live , 6&ic ;
turkeys , live , lOc.
DUTTKH Common to fair. He : choice , 16
( T17c : scparntor , 225/23c ; gathered creamery ,
PiriEONS Live , per doz. , 75c.
VEALS-Cholce. Oc. '
OYSTERS Modlum , per cnn , 20c : stand-
nrds , per ran. 24c : bulk standard , per gal. .
$1.25 ; extra selects , per can. 32o ; extra
selects. per gal. , Jt.75 ; New York Counts.
per ran , 40c : New York Counts , per 100 , $1.2j.
HAY Upland , choice , $6.50 ; midland ,
rholre , J6.CO : Inwland. choice. $5.00 ; rye
slrnxv , choice , KM ; No. 3 corn. 27c ; No. 3
white onls , 22 c ; cracked corn , per ton , HZ ;
orn and oats , chopped , per ton. $12.50 ;
jran , per ton , 513 ; shorts , per ton , JH.
TOMATOR8 Per crntp , 65fi Sc.
BUMS 1ST POTATOES-Per lib ) . , $1.75Q2.00.
POTATOES-Per bit. , 2MI2SC.
CRANUEHKinS-Cnpe Cod. J5.25Q5.60.
ONIONS Retnll wny. SOUGOc.
CELERY Per doz. , 2035c. ?
PLUMS Oregon , per crate , J1.0031.IS.
A PPLKS Choice western shipping stock ,
(3.25 ( ; Johnnthnns nnd Grimes' golden , $3.50@
4.00 ; Now York stock , $3.75JJ4.00.
GRAPES-New York , iSSSOc ; California
Tokay- ) , $1.15fll,25.
PEARS-Wtstorn vnrletles. $2.2o2.50.
ORANGES-Mexlean. per pox , $4.60ff6.00.
LEMONS California fnney. J.75g5.00i ( (
choice California , t4.25Q4.75 ; Messina , fancy ,
BANANAS Choice , crated , large stock ,
per liuncli , $2.00@2,60 ; medium-sized bunches ,
HIDES No. 1 green hides , Sc ; No. 2 green
hides , 7c : No. 1 snltcd hides. S io ; No. 2
salted hides , S Jc : No. 1 veal calf , S to 12
Ibs. . 10c ; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 Ibs. , 8c.
TALLOW , GREASE , ETC. Tallow. No. 1 ,
3ic ; tallow , No. 2 , 3Vic ; rough tallow. lV4c ;
white grease , 2iQ3Uc ; yellow and brown
grease , 2HS3c.
HONEY 1'er 21-sectlon case , J3.00S3.50.
NUTS Hickory nuts , per bu. , $1.00.
FIGS California layers , per 10-lb. box ,
(1.15 ; California carton , per 10-lb. box , $1.25.
MAPLE SUGAn-Per lb. . 9c.
St. IOIIH ! Crnlii anil 1'rovlnlnna.
ST. LOUIS , Ocl. 23. WHEAT Higher :
No. 2 red cash , elevnlor , C9Vic ; track , 71ifl
72c ; December. 70c ; Mny , 75c ; No. 2
liard , GSS 9c.
CORN Higher : No. 2 cnsh. 31c ; track ,
32c : December. 30 ? c : May , 3UJc.
OATS Higher ; No. 2 cash , 23 (5 : track.
234i32lc ; December , 23V4c ; May , 25He ; Wo.
2 white , 26ifl26V4c.
RYE-Slendy nt CGc.
METALS Lend , steady at $ J.47V4if4.6U.
Spelter , steady at $5.1506.20.
St'ELTER Steady at $5.15i5.20. (
POULTRY Steady to easy : chickens , old ,
Cc ; young , 7c ; turkeys , 7c ; ducks nnd geese ,
FLo'l'R Dull nnd unchanged ; jiatenls ,
3.45ft3.GO ; cxlra fancy , $3,10@3.a ) ; clear , ? i "
© 3.10.
SEEDS Timothy seed , steady at $1.90@
J.25. Flax , nominal , $1.22.
CORNMEAI Steady at $1.751.SO.
BRAN Stronger ; sacked , cast tracks
llAY Firm ; timothy , $9.00@11.K > ; prairie
$ S.OOflS.50. (
WHISKY Steady at $1.23.
PROVISIONS-Drj- meats , firm ;
bnxed shoulders , $4.75 ; extra shorts , $5.37V4
clear ribs , $5.50 ; clear sides , $3.62VJ. Bacon ,
dull ; boxed shoulders , J5.50 ; extra shorts
$5.75 ; clear ribs. $5.87'/4 ; clenr sides. $ G.1V4. ! !
RECEtPTS-Flour , 9,000 bbls. ' ; wheat , 38-
000 bu. ; corn. 116.000 bu. : oats. 72.000-bu ,
SHIPMENTS Flour , 8,000 bbls. ; "wheat
17,000 bu. ; corn , 73,000 bu. ; onts , 29,000 bu.
'Iliitter ' , KKK nnd Chccxc MnrUct.
ST. IvOUIS , Oct. 3 ? . BUTTER Steady
creamery. 19J24c ( ; dairy , 14@19c.
EGGS Steady nt 15c.
KANSA-S CITY. Oct. 23. EGGS-AIarke
steady and supply about equals demand
fair shipping Inquiry ; fresh 'Missouri ' and
Kansas stock , flrsls , 14c dcz. , cases rt1
BUTTER Creamery. I p22c : dairy. 16c.
cclpts , 8,022 pkgs. ; sleady : western cream
cry. 17tfI24c ; factory , llVi Uc.
CHEESE Receipts , 3,112 pkgs. ; dull ;
large , white , 1212'/tc ; small , 13V4c ; large ,
colored , 12i < 312V2C ; small , 12 4c.
EGGS Receipts , 7,993 pkgs. ; steady ; west-
Oct. 23.-BUTTER-
Dull and unchnnscd ; fancy western ! cream
cry , C3H@24c ; fnncy western prints , 24c
EGGS Firm nnd good demand ; fres !
nearby , 20c ; fresh western , 19H < ( T23c : fresh
southwestern , We ; fresh southern , 17c.
ELGIN , Oct. 23. BUTTER. Steady a
23V4c ; offerings , 88 tubs ; sales , 53 tubs ; bl
of 224c ! on 30 tubs refused.
Ilvrrpo l ( irnlii mill ProvlNloiiN.
easy. Futures , stciidy ; December. 5s ll .4d
March , 6ad ; May , GsUJd. Imports o
whvnt Into Liverpool during the last week
from Atlantic ports. 03,700 < iunrUTs ; fron
Pucllio ports , none ; from other ports , 45.0JO
( liinrtcrs. ,
tCORN Futures , quiet ; November , 3s7TSd ;
December , SsSVid ! January , 3s7Vid , 1m-
ports of American oorn Into Liverpool from
Atlantic portB during the last week , 83,000
quarters. . . .
PROVISIONS liecr. exira inaia mess ,
ntrong at 76s3d ; prime mess , strong at
71s 3d. Pork , prime mess , western , strong at
65s , Hams , short cut , sternly at 4is. Bacon ,
Cumberland cut , steady nt 3Ts : short ribs ,
steady at 31s ( id ; long clear middles , llsht ,
32s fid ; long clenr middles heavy , 31s 6d ;
ahort clenr backs , 31s. Shoulders , linn ;
square , 30s. l ird , steady ; prime western ,
In tierces ' steady at 27s 9d : American reM -
iihed7"ln"p'all9. steady nt 2'Js 9d.
M Cits' Ornlii nnil I'rovlnlonii.
comber , Gl'ic ; May , G9c ; cnsh , No , 2 hard ,
3c ; No. 3 , COaC2c : No , 2 r U , ITfc ; Mo. 3 ,
li3j < G8e ; recelts | , 30D cars.
CORN December. 27c : Mny , 29'lc ; cnsh ,
No , 2 mixed , 2DI/29UC ! No. 2 white , sue ;
No. 3. 291AO2l ? 4c ,
OATS No. 2 white , 24 0.
RYE No. 2. 64C.
HAY Chnlco timothy , f8.25iSS.50 ; choice
prnlrlo. Sfi.75T7.0rt. |
RECEIPTS Wheat , 185,400 bu. ; corn , 42-
200 bu. ; ontH , 19.000 bu ,
SHIPMENTS Wheat. 48,600 bu. ; corn ,
B.SOO bu , ; oats , 6.CKX ) bu ,
' .Mlniirn'iollN AVIu-nt mill Floor.
Htoro ; No. I northern , October , C7-ic ; Le-
comber. C7c ; May , 70Jic. On track : No. i
inrd. G9c ; No. 1 northern , G7 c ; No. 2
northern G5' < . ( \
FLOUR Nothing doing ! n nour ; first pat-
intH J3.75f3.i5 ( | ! ; second patents , J3.5i3Q3. 5 ;
Irst I'lenr , J2.50iJJ2.GO.
URAN Unchanged at
Vlnlhlr Siipily of ( irnln.
NEW YORK , Oct. 23. The statement of
the visible supply nt grain In store nnd
iflout on Saturday. October 21 , ns com-
rilled by t'ho ' New York Produce ) exchange ,
Is ns follows :
Wheat. 4S.655.000 bu. : Increase. 1.2fiS,000 , bu.
Oats , G.7.21.000 bu. ; decrease , 327,003 bu.
Rye. 1OC3OCO bu , ; Increase , 241,000 bu.
'Hurley. ' 2.510.000 bu. ; Increase , 409.000 bu.
Corn , 14.099,000 bu. ; decrtnso , 9(56,009 ( bu.
TOLEDO , Ocl. 23 , WHEAT Higher nnd
tlrm ; No , 2 cnsh , 70V4c ; December , "
bid ,
CORN Dull ; No. 2 mixed , 3 c.
OATS Dull nnd lower ; No , 2 mixed , 'ao ,
RYE-l'nelmnced ; No. 2 cash , 60c.
HEEDS Cloverseed , dull and lower ;
prime cnsli nnd Oclober , $5.90 ; December
and March , $5.40.
Ainerlenii AVlienI In Liverpool.
LIVERPOOL. Onl. 23. The ImporlH of
wheat into Liverpool during the past week
From Atlantic ports. tn.TM quarter ; from
Pncltlo ports , none : from other ports , 45,000
quarter * . The Imports of American corn
Into Liverpool from Atlantic ports during
the past week were 83,000 quarters ,
MHwniiUfc < J nil ii MnrUrt ,
Firmer ; No. 1 northern , Gi .ymc ; No. -
northern , fcr > G7l4c.
RYE-Stendy ; No , 1 , 67fi57Hc.
UARLEY-Stcady ; samples , SSQ45C.
Duliilh Wliriil Market.
Dt'LUTH. Oct. 23-WHEAT-No. 1 hard
cash. 69o ; No. 1 northern , cash , 6Sc ; ue
cember. 6 c : Mny. 72c ; No. 2 northern , ( Be ;
No. 3 ? l > rlne , 6H4c.
I'corlu MnrKpt.
PEORIA. Oct. 23.-CORN-Hlsher ; No.
2 , 32c.
OATS-FIrm : No. 2 white , 2t02l < 4c.
WHISKY-FIrm , on the bnf.s ot J1.21 for
flnHicd goods.
I'lrM Apprnrnnec of Anlnintloii In
.Mnrket Since 1li < * Violent IlreaU.
NEW YORK , Del. 23. The mnrkcl gave
convincing evldcncn lodny of a subslnntlnl
rrrowtli of bull sentiment In Wall street.
The denllnns took on moro nppcnrnnco ot
animation than at any time since the violent
lent downward course of prices when the
money situation first begnn to awaken i
anxiety. Dealings were very well dlstrlb-
uled In that almost every department pt
the , sccurllles market was represented In '
lh advance. Handsome KIIIIIS In price
were achieved In mnny prominent stocks
anfl in a large number of cases Ihe lasl
prices were Iho best. In oilier cases prolll i
lafcjno mnde nolnble Inroads upon tne ,
dof's-.hlghest prices nnd some effort was ,
obvloijs In sustaining Iho mnrket In the ,
clixlnir dealings , 1
It wns n noticeable fcnturo of the mari i
kel , also , that whllo a number ot members - |
bors of a distinctive group ot stoeks would
show great slrcnglh and activity otheri |
members of the snme group , seemingly do- ]
ondent on the snme Influences , would re-
mnln quiescent nnd nlmost Immovable.
1ms whllo Louisville nnd the Norfolk
locks advanced vigorously olhcr consplcu-
ui soulhern lines of railways were qulle
nnffected. Again , while the grangers also
n n. rule wore strong nnd active , Nnrth-
ventcrn scarcely moved and the Pnclllc
locks , Including Soulhern Paclllc , showed
cry slight response to the prevailing
Irengtb. The New York , Chicago & St.
/ouls stocks were subjected to rather pal-
able manipulation , the llrst rising an ex-
rcmo S polnls and the second preferred
points. New York Central wns also vlg-
rously bulled to a maximum price of 14U.
'h high-priced specialties , Including Sn-
at , Tobacco and People's Gas , and the
oc41 traction stocks were all ot them
lo aggressively strong. The largest nc-
ly wns In the Leather stocks nnd the
. . jlng In them continued unlll the close ,
he common crossing 19 nnd the preferred
ouchlng 81. This cnutncrntlon Includes the
most conspicuous Instances of strength.
nhero was nt the same time a notnblo
nckwnrd movement In Pullman , Lncletio i
Gas and Anaconda , which show net ilo-
llnes. respectively , of Vi , G and 2 points.
American Multlnir nnd one or two of the
ron nnd steel stocks also reacted anrt
llucoso Sugar preferred dropped 3 points
n spite of the strcnglh of Iho common
How far the day's slrenglh wns duo to
overlnp by the short Inleresls , which com-
non credence places nt sllll larger pro-
lorllons , It would be dlfllcult to say. The 1
nibllc had little to do with today's rise ,
lul professional operalors of a large cal-
ber look a conspicuous and confident part
n the market. The continued downward
: ourse of sterling exchange affords relief
rom nil apprehension of gold exports. But
no prospect Is discernible ot easier money
-ondltlons. Cnll money todny was stiller
U 6 and 7 per cent nnd time loans for all
icrlods again came back lo G per cent.
The exchanges continued to move in favor
of the interior as against New York. Recent -
cent large expenditures by the government : r
show a declining tendency and thus
hrcaten n renewed drain on Ihe Now York
banks In laking up the government sur "
plus. Today's movement of stocks demon-
slrales horn complelely the- money outlook
was Ignored. '
There wns very heavy buying of Green
Hay income Bs at an advance ofk \ -
The bond markel otherwise wns moder
ately ncllve at advancing prices. Total
mles , par value , $3,845,000. United States 3s
advanced > { . and old 4s , registered , declined
" ( In the bid price.
The Commercial Advertiser's London
financial cablegram says : The session hero
today was n repetition of Saturday after
noon , Africans booming and other securl-
lles being quiet and cheerful under tno
Influence of the news of further British
victories In South Africa. Investment se
curities relapsed in the afternoon on ap
prehensions of the effect of the war bud
get to be presented this cvonlnsr , which. It
Is understood , will call for 10.000,000. The
chancellor of the exchequer In the House
of Commons made a statement to Ihe ef
fect that the cstlmaled surplus for the
fiscal year would be 3,000,000. Ho accord
ingly proposed to raise 3,000,000 by treas
ury bills , suggesting that there will bo
no new taxation at present. This an
nouncement came late in the afternoon.
Consols touched 104 % and closed at 101.
The following nre the closing quotations
tor the leading stocks on the New York
txchnnge today :
Atchlson 21.Union PnclllcJ5H
do pfd G5 > i ! do pfd 77 %
Bait ! . & Ohio. . . . 62H'Wabash 7li
Can. Pacific do pifd.
Can. Southern 53 W. & L. E 11V4
dies. & Ohio. . . 2GV4 do 2d pfd. . . . 30"4
Chicago G. W. , 14V4 Wls Central 16 %
C.-B. & Q 133VfcAdams Expretv.,115
Chi. , I. & L 11'Amer. Express..14S
do pfd 42 | U. S. Express. . . . 51
CM. & E. 1 96HlWells-Fargo Ex..130
Chi. & N. W..171)4'A. : ) Cot Oil 44 %
C. , R. I. & P..114 % do pfd 95
C. , C. , C. & St. L. 59Vfe Amer. Malting . . 12V4
Colo. Southern . . do pfd 64Vi
do 2d pfd. . . . 17 I Amer. S. & R. . . . 35 54
do 1st pfd. . . . 45V4 do pfd 8Gi
Del. & Hudson..120V& Anier. Spirits . . . 4
Del. L. & W..1PD 4. do pfd 17
Den. & Rio G. . . . 21 % Amer. S. & H. . . 43V4
do pfd 75 % do pfd S-TH
Erlo 13 Amer. S. & W. . . . 50 %
do 1st pfd. . . . 37 % do pfd 95
Gt. Nor. pfd 174 Am-r. Tin Plate. 3G
Hocking Coal . . . . 1SV4 do pfd 83'X :
Hocking Valley . . 31 Amer. Tobacco . .123 %
Illinois Central . .115V4 do pfd 144
Iowa Central . . . . 13 % Anaconda M. Co. 44
do pfd Gl % Brk. Knp. Tr. . . . 80 %
K. C. , P. & G. . . . S Colo. F. & 1 55 %
L. 13. & W 18 Don. Tobacco . . . 43 %
do pfd 79 , A do pfd 92 %
Lake Shore 198 Federal Steel . . . . 55
L. & N M % do pfd 79
Manhattan L . . . .110 % Gen. Electric . . . .121
tlet. St. Ry 197i Glucose Sugar . . 0 %
Mex. Central . . . . 14 I do pfd 95
Minn. & St. L. . . . 71 'Int'n'l Paper . . . . 2G
do pfd 94i do pfd 70
Mo. Pacific 45Vs Lncledo Gas . . . .71
Mobile & Ohio. . . . 45 National Biscuit. . 40' , &
M. , K. & T 12V4 do pfd 9G
do pfd 38 % National Lead . . 29U
N. J. ueniriu..i2ivi < io pru 1U5V1
N. Y. Cenlral.1394 National Steel 4S %
Nor. & West 244' do pfd 94
do ipfd 70 4 N. Y. Air Brake. 147
s'o. Pacific 54 No. American . . 12-74
do pfd 7594 Pacific Coast . . . . 50V4
Ore. R , & N 42 I do 1st pfd. . . . 91
do pfd 76l : do 2d pfd. . . . G7H
Pennsylvania . . . .HSU Pacific Mail 40 4
ilemllng 21 People's Gas 111
do 1st pfd , . . . 69 % Pressed S. C f
do 2d pfd. 32 J do pfd R9V §
R. ( ? . W . ! 37'Xs Pullman P. C. . . . 200
pfd Rl Stnndnrd R. & T. '
St. L. & S. P. . . . 10 % Sugar , ?
do 1st pfd. . . , 70 do nfd 117
do 2d nfd. . . . 36V4Tenn. C. & I ' *
St. L. S. W 13 , U. 8. Lenlhcr. . . . 'IS
do pfd 321V do pfd , fil
St. Paul 126 % U. S. Rubber , . . , 46 < 4
dn nfd 171 I do pfd 112
St. P. & O 122 Weslern Union , . . R7'4
? o. Pnclflc 35 % Republic I. & S. . . 2fi %
So.-Railway 12U do pfd 70 %
do pfd 53 % P. , C. , C. & St. L , i5
Texas & Pacllle. . 18
IloNlnn Htookn nnil Ilonds ,
BOSTON , Ocl. 23.-Cnll lonnP , 6 per
cenl ! time loans , 5 70 per cent. Ofllclal
cloning quotations of slocks , bonds ' and
mining shares :
A. , T. & S. F. . . . 21 i Wfrt End . , 01
do ifd 65',4 do pfd Itu
Amer. Sugar , . . .161 Win. Centrnl . . . . 1SV-
Bell Telephone . .367 Atchlson 4s 99
Boslon & Alb'y..2oO Adventure 5'4 '
Boston Elevnled.,107 % Allouez M. Co , . . . 4 %
Boston & Mo.,2 0 Atlantic 26
C. . B. & Q 153 Boston & Mont..310
Ed , Elec , III 20S Blltte & Boston. . 63
Fltchburg pfd . ,120 Onl. & Ijpcln 745
Gen , Electric . . . .121 Cenlennlnl 23(4 (
do pfd 1M Franklin 16
Federal Steel . . . . 55 < i Humboldt H
do pfd Oiiccoln , „ !
Mex , Centrnl . . . . H 4 Parrot 42 %
Mleh. Telephone.105 Quincy 151
Old Colony 200 Tnmnrack , . .211
Old Domln'.on . . , 27'VWlnonn ' . * . . 8
Rubber 46H1 Wolverines' ' 40
Union Paclllc . . . . 45 = 4 Utah Mining . . . . 35
Union Land 4 '
New York Milling ( iunCiiUoni ,
NEW .YORK. Oct. 23.-Tho following
are olllclal closing quotations1 for mlntne
ihares ;
Chollar . , . 27 Ontario 775
Crown Point . . . . 12 OpWIr 70
Con , Cal. & Va..l60 Plymouth s
Deadwood . 70 Quicksilver 50
Gould & Currle. . 25 do pfd 701
Hnle & Norcrcw. 30 Sierra Nevada . . 55
Hcmestnke . 6500 SUndnrd 60
Iron Silver . 50 Union Con 27
Mexican . 23 Yellow Jackel . . 20
Foreign Financial.
BERLIN , Oct. 23. Prices on the bourse
today were llrm. being Influenced by con
tinued rise in Knfllrs on thu London mar
ket nnd the strength shown by oilier
bourses. International securities were In
active. Mine nnd bank shares were in
goo > l demand and higher. Trnnsvnnl bonds
were strong. Americans were supported
nnd Canadian Pacllleo rose substantially.
PARIS , Oct , 23. Busineus on the bourse
todny opened strong. Influenced by the ad
vance in Kaffirs. Afterwnrd Rio Tlnlos ,
Spanish 4s and Kaffirs reacted. Near the
clo. o Knfllrs rallied nharnly. Inlcrnn-
llonnls were dull. Rio Tlnlos were weak.
Spanish railroad * recovered sensibly on nc-
count of the more favornblo rates ot ex-
FRANKFORT , Ocl. 23.-A tlrm feeling
prevailed on the bourse todny , the boom
In the London mnrket hnvlnB Indurert
more buying here. Price * , however , closed
below the best Ilgures of the day , owing
to realizations.
LONDON , Oct. 23. American securities
opened better and later advanced on the
statement of the New York associated
banks being more satisfactory thnn ex
pected. The mnrket closed strong with a
moderate demand. Gold nt Uxiciios Ayres ,
137.10. The nmmint of bullion taken Into
the Ilnnk of England on balance todny ,
BERLIN. Ocl. 23. Exchange on London ,
20 marks 4U4 ! pfg. for checks.
PARIS , Oct. 23. Three per cenl rentes ,
1001 37 < 4c for the account. 'Exchnnco on
f London , 25f 27Ho for chocks. Spanish 4s
closed nt 61.yi.
\ MV York .Moni'V MnrUrt.
NEW YORK , Oct. 23. MONEY-On cnll.
stuidy at 5y7 per cent ; lust loan , at 6 per
per I cent.
tual business In bankers' blllp nl $4.S6 ; 45i4.S7
for demand nnd nt J4.s : * yl.S3 for sixty
dnys ; posted rntr < , $ I.SItTl.iilU liul Sl.SSgj )
4.JS ; commerclnl bills , M.S2.
SlLVER-Cerlltlcntra , BSUffoPoi bnr , 67c.
| BONDS Governmenl , .rrcgular ; slate , in-
nctlvti ; railroad , slrong.
I _ _ _
| Following aiu the closing quotations on
bonds ;
U. sr2" . reg . lom jfrK. & T. 2s. . GSi
U. S. 3s , reg . 10-1.4 do 4s . 03 (
! I U. S. 3s , coupon. . insU N. Y. Centrnl Is. 112
' II. S. new 3r. . . .12874 N. J. C. { ton. 5s. . 119
; IT. S. nw 4s , rnu.l29 4 No. Carolina. 6s. .127
j ] T. s. old 4s , rg..llU4i do , . 4 ? . . . . . . . . . .104
( i IT. S. old 4s , cou.112 No. Pnclflc Is..113
, U. S. Os. reg llO do Ss 65 %
IT. S. Bs. counon.HU'B do 4s 102',4 '
, D. of C. 3 6r.s..ll7 . 'N.Y.C. ' .t St.L.4s..irei
i Alabama class A,110 Nor. & W. c. Is. . 92
do elnss B..110 do gen. 6s..135
do class C..10II Ore. Nav. Is lid-
Altihnmn curcy..lOO do 4s 10214
Alch. gen. 4n 93 % Ore. S. L. 6s 127V6
i Atch. ndl. 4- K6 % do con. 6s..115
i Canada So. 2d . .10J .Rending . Gen. 4s. . S7V4
( "lies. K. O. 4V4M. . 93 lit. G. AV. IS 97
. Chcis. & Ohio C-s.-llS11 ! St.L. & I.M. c. Es.llOU
I C. & N. W. c. 7115 St.L. & S.F.g.63..12l 4
I do S. F. deb. 5s.inj',4 St. Paul eon 169
Chicago Ter. 4s93 , St.P. C. it P. ls.121',4
ID. & R. G. 1SIS..105 do 5 < ? 120'A
| i nnn x. rt n .la. nnu Rn HnlUv.iv KS..IOSU ,
. . . . . . _ . .
Gen. Elrclrlc . do 2ds . 56
G. H. & S. A. 6s..110 Union Pnclllc 4s > . .lH (
do 2ds 10S Wnbnsh Is . llfi
II. .t T. C. 5s..1Wi do 2ds
do con. 6s..110 West Shore 4s. . . .112
! Town C. Is 114 Wls. Cen. is . 75V&
K. C. . P. & 0. is. 70)4 Virginia Cent . 86
La. IIPW eon. 4s..101 ? do deferred. . 5
L. & N. . un'il 4s. . 99' ' Colo. So. 4s . S5 %
loL-U Uiiotntlonn.
LONDON , Oct. 23. 4 p. m. Closing :
" "
Con rn"oncyT.10l M6 N. Y. Central. . . .142V1
do account. .101 % Pennsylvania . . . . CS
' Canadian Paclllc. 97- % Reading . lOTi
! | Eric . 13No. | Pncinc pfd. . 77'
' do 1st pfd. . . . 3S lAtchlson . 21 %
1 Illinois Central. . . 11SV Louisville . SSH
1 U. 1 . pfd . 79 Grand Trunk . . . . 7 %
1st. Paul , com..l29UlAnaconda . 96
BAR SILVER-Stcady nt 2 Hd per ounce.
AIONEY M : per cent. The rate of dis
count in thci open market for short bills Is
4JMH per cent and for three-monlhs' bills
per cenl.
Cnntlltloii iif < lie Trcnmiry.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 23. Today's stalc-
ment of Ihe condlllonv , of the treasury
shows : Avallaible casih balance , $292,437,241 $ ;
gold reservei , $253,752,760.
Cotton Market.
ST. LOUIS. Oct. 23. COTTON Quiet ;
middling , 71-16c ; sales , BO bales ; receipts ,
7.27i1 bales ; shipments , 6,936 bales ; stoclc ,
77,569 bales.
tures , steady ; October , $6.70 bid ; November ,
$6.69fI6.70 ; December. $0.73@6.74 : January ,
$6.77J/6.7S ; February , $0.8096.81 ; March. JS.iO
ifG.SI ; April. $ G.S65j .S7 ; May. Jb'.batiB.yo ;
June , $ G.fll@6.93 ; July , $ G.92Jf6.94. Spot cot
ton opened stendy ; closed easier ; sales ,
10,400 bales ; ordinary , GVlc ; good ordinary ,
5e ; low middling. 6 5-16c ; middling. 6'Ae ;
good middling , 7 > c ; middling talr. 77-16c ;
receipts , 11,812 bales ; stock. 279,233 bales.
NEW YORK , Oct. 23. The cotton mnr
ket made a poor showing today , regarded
from any standpoint. Around the opening
all signs pointed' to healthy trade condi
tions and a substantial ndvnncc In prices ,
but after a brief period of steadiness busi
ness begnn to drng heavily and coon prices
were sinking rapidly under speculative
neglect , Opening sales showed nn advance
ot 1 to 5 points on Saturday's prices. Sub
sequent events proved these Ilgures to bo
the top for the day , with the greatest de
cline a matter of S points. Durlnr the
tlrst fifteen minutes shorts. Wall street and
Europe purchased quite freely. New Or
leans and the more cautious 'longs sold.
Even scalpers showed hesitation Inter in
the dny , with trading at times particularly
at a standstill. At the close the market
was steady nt a net loss of 6 to 8 points.
fair demand ; prices l-32d higher ; Amcrlcnn
middling , fair. 47-16d ; good middling ,
47-02d ; middling. 4d ; low middling , 3 13-16d :
good ordinary , 3d ; ordinary , 3 7-16d. The
' SB IPS of the day were 10.00J bales , of which
500 bales were for speculation and export
nnd Included 9,500 hales American ; re
ceipts , 14,000 bales , Including 13,600 bales
American. Futures opened steady anrt
closed barely steady : American middling.
I m. c. , October. 3 5S-6IC3 59-fi4d. ' buyers :
October and November , 3 57-6103 5S-64d ,
buyers ; November and December , 3 57-64d ,
sellers ; December and January , a 56-6ld.
buyers ; January nnd February , 355-61 ®
3 liii-Old , sellers ; February and March.
March and April , 3 55-64d. sellers ; April
and Mny. 3 Bo-eld , value : May nnd June ,
June nnd July , July and August , 3 55-fils/ / )
35G-64d , sellers ; August and September.
351-Gld , sellers.
Coffee 'Mnrlcrt.
NEW YORK , Oct. 23. COFFEE-Options
opened firm at nn advance of 5 lo 15 points
on active covering , good foreign buying
nnd a revival of speculative Interest in
outside circles , all based on sudden ad
vances In European markets. Bullish sen
timent was Intensified ut small receipts nt
Brazilian ports : closed stendy nt 10 to 15
points net higher ; snles , 24,250 bags , ln-
coffee. Rio , firmer and tending upward.
Mild , firm and advancing.
. Dry fiooilN .MnrUet.
vances In wide shotting * liave- been the
chief feature today. In bleached eotlons
some good odds turned down for forward
deliveries nt current prices. Chances are
in favor of a further general advance.
Brown sheetings and drills nre strong , but
the demand hnrdly up to recent prouor-
'lions. No quolnble change in prlres. Den
ims chow further advance of 'Ac. In several
lending mnkes nnd olher .coarse colored
cottons VITV firm. Print ciolhs firm but
quieter. Prints are In good general de
mand ,
OII MnrUet.
TOLEDO , Oct , 23 , OILS North Limn ,
$1.09 ; Soulh Lima and Indiana. $1.01.
LONDON , Ocl. 23. OILS Calcutta lin
seed , spot. 4Ss : linseed. 23s 9il.
NEW YORK. Oet. 23. OIL'S-Cotloiiseed ,
stendy ; prime crude , 25sec ; prime. ' yellow ,
29c. 'Petroleum ' , strong ; refined Now 1 ork ,
$9,10 ; Philadelphia nn'd Baltimore , $5.0o ,
Rosin , quiet. Turpentine , quiet.
OIL CITY , Pa. . Oct. 23. OII.S Creflll
balance * . $1.53 ; millcntcx , $1.6214 bid ; ship-
incntH. 153.805 bbls. ; average , SO.&S7 'bbls. ;
runs , 113,116 bbls. ; average. 82,270 bbls.
Wool Mnrkrt.
ST. LOUIS , Oct. 23. WOOL Stendy " " > -
ilium grades. l5 20V4c ; light lino. " *
heavy line , 12ifl5'ie ; tub washed ,
Stock III SlKht.
Followlnz nro the receipts nt the four
principal western markets for October 23 :
Cnttli ) . Hogs. Hhccn.
South Omaha 8.073 2.6SI Vi.'MJ
Chicago 19.000 SO.OOO 18,000
KansnH City 10,000 4,240 5 , W
St. Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.000 JJ.900 1.3UU
Totals 11.073 40.821 37,553
I'liprovoKed ' Murder In Mlnuourl.
KANSAS CITY , Oct. 23.-A Star special
from Lexington. Mo. , snyp ; Thomas Ed
wards of Waverly. Mo. , has been placed In
Jail here to prevent his being lynched , At
Waverly Saturday evening Erwards shot
nnd fatally wounded Sam W. Allen , an aged
irnn nnd road overseer. . Allen h d gi-pa-
rated quarreling neighbors , when KdwnrdH.
who wns a disinterested onlooker , culled
Allen aside nnd deliberately emptied hlt re
volver Into him , Ono shot struck Allen In
'the mouth , another shattered his jawbone ,
while a third struck him In the stomach
and a fourth pierced his leg. Allen Is dying.
The feeling ngulnsi Edwards Is very bitter.
President Klnp , Fr- ere Bank , Brooklyn ,
Mich. , has used Do' 's Little Early Riser *
In bis family .for years. Says tbcy are the
best. Tbcfio famous little pills cure con
stipation , blllouenen and all liver and bowel
trouble * .
Fat Cattle Open Lowar , Owing to Depres
sion in Chicago.
llnun Arc Active nt nn Advance of
Tuo nnd n Half nnil Five < > n _
. llccrlpln Are LlKlii llrnvr
Arrlvnln of Sheep.
SOUTH OMAHA , Oct. 23.
Receipts were : Cuttle. Hogs. Sheep.
OHIclnl Monday . S.073 2.CS4 12,943
One week ago . (5,533 ( 2.313 S.60,2
Two weeks ago . 6,033 t.OM 12,354
Uirce weeks ago . 7 , ISO 3.264 8.6S7
ANt-rago price paid for IIOKS for the lust
ievoral > laya with comparisons :
96.1i i 595Tis9 ? t . i ISM.
Oct. 1 3J1 385 3 94 3 M S 26.
Oct. 4 S3 3 02 3 fl3 5 27 6 21
Oct. 3. . . 4 42 3 66 2 97 3 86 5 00 6 2 $
Oct. 4. . . 4 37 3 61 373 3 k2 o W 6 2i
Oct. 5. . 4 31 3 51 3 71 4 95 ti 33
Oct. 6. . . 4 34 3 53 3 74 3 01 4 S7 6 31
Oct. 7. . . 435 3 6S 3 61 3 SC 6 31
Oct. 8. . . 3 53 .1 52 ! 3 11 ! 3 4 56
Oct. 9. . . 3 53 3 131 3 SS 6 29
Oct . 10. 3 64 3 II 3 SI 4 s ! 6 21
Oct. 11. . S 31 3 D7 : 59 3 79 4 91 6 21
Ocl. 1Z . 4 23 3 M 3 tU 3 IS , 3 77 4 91 ti 30 i
Oel. 13 , . 4 20 3 54 3 eli 3 301 4 90 ti 37
Ocl. 14. . V4 3 63 3 54 3 3J 3 7S 6 31
Ocl. 15. . ' 3 61 3 1 ! 3 7C 4 SO *
Ocl. 16. . I 2fl' 3 5'J 3 20 3 70 1 78 627
Oct. 17. . 4 it ; 3 70 3 23 3 70 4 71 ti 29
Ocl. is. . 4 in 3 67 3 54 3 62 4 69 6 13
Ocl. 39 , . 4 1C 3 73 3 bO 3 26 3 57 4 C ? 615
Oct. 20. . 4 14 3 71 3 54 3 27 4 55 6 15
Oct. 91 . . . . . V3 3 63 3 52 3 23 3 62 6 23
Oct. 22 355 3 f > 3 .1 23 3 50 4 59
Ocl. 05 4 17 3 53 3 25 3 4 ! ) I 62 6 30
* Indicates Sunday.
The ofllclnl number of cnrs of stock
brought In todny by each road was :
I C. , M. & St. P 1
lo. & st. L. Ry. . . . " . ; ; ; z 1. .
I Missouri : Pnclllc Ry. . 3 1. .
Union Pnclllc System. Co 6 41
C. & N. W. Ry
\ , 13. .t M. V. R. R. . . 54
: . . st. P. M. & o
1. & M. R. R. H 1G2 35 . . 3
C. . B. & Q. Ry . .
C. . R. 1. & P. Ry. , W. 3 1
To.tal . recelpls 290 38 48 5
The ills-position of the day's receipts wns
s follows , each buyers purchasing Ihe nutn-
lier of hend indicated :
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p.
) muha Packing Co 273 f > 12
j. II. Hammond Co HjO SO'i 60
Swift nnd Company 327 610 2,210
Cudnhy Packing Co 1,214 97G 1.S19
Armour & Co i.iso 69 l.bul
t. Becker & Dcgan 5
'ansnnt & Co 23 ?
.olmiiin & Co 4S7
W. 1 Stephen 413
luston & Co 132
. .Ivlngstono & Schaller. . . 9S
ilamllston & Rothschild. . 733
j. F. Husz 94
Dther buyers 1,380 2 2.794
IcM over SOO
Totals 7.764 2,725 13,005
CATTLE The fat cattle market wns bad
his morning. The reason was easily found.
Chicago reported the fat cattle market 20
joOc lower for lost week , medium to prrtty
good cattle ! standing the most loss. At the
same time the market nt this point did not
decline over 10@ > lCc. Buyers seumiU to have
come to the conclusion that It was time the
market at this point came down to the
same level ns other markets. They did not
start out to the yards until late , BO that
the market wns very slow In opening and
slow after It did open. As n rule buyers
were bidding at the vt'ry least lOc lower ,
ind In mnny cases 25c lower. Sellers were
linrdly prepared to make so much conces
sion , so that the market was draggy all
the morning.
There were not many fat cattle among
the offerings and ns sellers held on buyers
wore forced to ralso their hands , and they
finally cleared the yards before midday at
prices that were not more than 510c ! lower
than last week.
Some of the ) best cowa and heifers sold
at prices that were not much different from
the clode of Saturday , but there wore a
good many on sale and It seemed to be thu
prevailing idea of buyers to tnke off about
lOc AB was the case with other kinds ot
cattle , the market waa slow , and It. was
late before * a clearance was effected.
The best stockers and feeders were In'act
Ive demand and the market on that kind of.
cattle was fully stc ady. There were , how
ever , very few cattle ° of that kind on sale.
On the other hand , the general run of the
common to medium kinds of cattle , were
slow eale and the market weak In addition.
The good kinds of feeders sold early , but
it was slow work unloading1 the common
kinds. Representative sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
22..11C6 $480 1..1170 $5 00 13. . 1306 $555
22..1150 480 42. .1155 5 25
1. . 800 225 2..10CO 2 90 63. . 932 3 20
1. . 920 235 1..1030 3 00 6..1095 320
1..1330 275 2. .920 3 00 3. . 1013 SCO
2..1100 275 2. . 9S6 3 25 1..1310 370
1..1000 285 2..1000 3 25 1..1260 380
1. . 750 4 23
29. . 704 4 85
1. . 150 600 1. . 210 660
4. . 277 BOO ! . . 245 500 14. . 142 675
1. . 250 4 25
4. . 890 315 1. . 710 325 1. . 460 4 09
2. . 633 325
29 cows. . . 895 2 GO 3 COWS. . . 876 2 CO
49 cows. . .1041 S 15 52 cows. . .1044 3 CO
51 COWS 1014 3 60 23 cows S1G 2 49
25 cows 79S 2 70 69 cows 79S 2 GO
11 heifers. . . 637 3 00 95 Stk. civs. 300 5 05
3 stk. civs. 200 3 00 4 stk. civs. 395 4 00
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
55 feeders. , , 970 71 10 3 feeders. 92S $3 80
7 feeders. , , bOO 3 75 55 feeders. 82S 4 00
30 feeders. , , 940 3 50 99 stk civ. . 370 523
39 steers. . . . &S9 3 05 7 iceders. . . S24 370
21 steers. , . . 891 3 03 1 heifer..101)0 350
Ibull 1030 2 M Scows , . . . S50 o ; ;
2 cows 1130 3 45 1 cow 1050 273
3 fcetiers. . 6S6 2 50 2 cows 1090 3 10
33 feeders. . S6S 1 feeder. 00 323
4 feeders. , 927 70 feeders. S33 3 G.J
2helferB. , , , 5GO 3 25 1 heifer. . . 540 3 CO
1 heifer. . . . mo 3 50 1 heifer. . . G.V ) 3 25
61 str , Tex. S82 3 30 57 str , Tex 880 3 39
57 str , Tex. S75 3 30 1 stag ,1320 , 2 75
12 feeders. . 9S7 3 75 1 steer. . . . 1210 ; t 25
2 feeders. .1075 3 75 7 cows. . . . 877 2 40
2 cows. . , . . S45 2 40 1 steer. . . . 700 2 75
11 feeders. .1027 3 75 1 feeder. . 823 3 40
! > feeders , C3G 3 85 7 cows. . . . 1011 3 1U
1 feeder. . . 1060 4 00 2 canners. 935 250
1 dinner. , 790 285 1 heifer. . 720 3 40
47 feeders. su 3 40
3 stk civ. , , 36G 4 00
28 cows. . . . , S19 2 CO Scows. . . ,1100 3 10
: i cows. . , . ,1020 , 3 10 1 cow. . . . , 980 i 80
1 cow 970 263 13 cows. , , 955 3 20
2 cows. . , . , 865 2 65 5 cows. . . . 860 3 C5
1 bull 1480 2 C5 6 steers , , .1230 3 90
4 cows. , . , 877 2 60 3 cows. , . .1130 3 20
1 cow. , , , . . 920 50 2 bulls. , , ,1435 250
13 cows , . . .1170 3 20
1 steer 1140 4 45 2 steers , , , ,1090 45
2stcvrs..ll75 I 45 1 steer. . , . ,1220 4 45
17 steers.1272 4 45
31 feeders..1100 385 10 feeders. ,1059 , 4 10 )
15 feeders..IOCS 3 85 14 feeders. ,1192 , 4 10 )
3 feeders..1170 I 10 10 feeders. ,1187 , 4 10 )
1 feeder , .1100 3 fiO 1 feeder. , ,1070 , 4 10 5
J. D. Roberts Neb.
41 cows 7S7 3 15 Scows. . , . , 743 240
5 cows 744 2 40 2 bulls , . , . ,1345 2 85
C calves. 221 4 80 3 steers. . , , 733 4 20
1 heifer. . 650 3 10
J. B , Kendrlck Wyo.
1 cow . M.O 3 G COWH , . . ,1123 3 75
1 cow .1030 3 75 1 COW. . . . 940 3 75
10 COWH. . . . 3 25 2 cows , , , ,1031 3 50
ii bulls. . . . ,1370 , 2 GO
1 cow 1070 3 75
35 co we 112(1 ( ) 35
W , L. White-Nov.
5 feeders. . 579 3 75 S4 feeder * . 570 4 35
107 feeders . 73S 4 15
Palnler Bros. Colo.
10 feeders. .933 3 85 6 feeders. 837 323
15 feeders. . 832 3 85 85 feeders , S37 3 90
2 feeders , , 835 3 85
Ana Blerllnc Cole ,
16 feeders. .1131 3 70
L. C. Rothell Ore ,
66 feeders. . S75 3 75
5 fecdtts. . S70 3 00 123 feeders. . 870 385
3 cows. . . . . 910 2 5 I cow .1000 3 CO
A. D : Kcllows Neb.
4 feeders. . 970 4 00 1 bull .1100
1 heifer. . . 910 3 00 8 feeders. . 9GS 4 10
5 ! ) feeders. . 974 4 10 4 feeders. . 970 3 50
2 steers. . . .1050 3 25 1 bull. . . . , .1320 2 69
1 bull .13tt ) 2 25
R. F. Neece Neb.
17 cows. . . . . 911 2 80 5c. &h. . . 032 2 80
1 cow ,1120 , 2 80 13 COWH 974 3 40
1 eow , 970 3 40 4 feeders. , 6SO 3 M
53 feeders. . 719 4 25 28 feeders. , & 3.-I 3 15
2 fenders. .1020 3 15 1 bull 1510 2 50
1 bull .1150 2 80
J. P. Walsh Wyo.
9 Btccrs. . . .1010 4 20 23 steers. , .1289 4 75
6 cows. . . . .1153 3 40
Charles Gray Neb.
6 cows , . . . .1061 3 40 5 feeders. . 972 3 65
5 COWH. . . . 1061 3 30
Kendrlck & Burrows Wl'o.
22 mixed..1182 4 25 61 steers..1273 4 70
83iiteers..l282 470 45 ulcers..1271 4 79
i 3S steers. . 1292 4 n 23 steers. . . .1214 4 70
i C. Woltcln-Ncb.
(4 i steers..1261 120
3 COW ! > 6fi 3 CO 16 cown lOSe 375
Brcnnnn Bros. Neb ,
W feeders. . 973 4 Oil 4 feerters. . 975 3 PO
7 COW. " i > 310 17 cows 1076 340
C. J. llysham Not ) .
62steers. . . . 9lfi S 00
S. W. Reed-Neb.
21 fenders. . S70 3 SO 2 feeders. . S70 S 25
Scows ! * > 3 275 D cows 1027 330
7 COWS 960 3 30
J. A. Rankln Colo.
llmll 1100 SOT . " , (1 ( feeders. . 9V 4 IS
Scows ! n 3 23 B feeders. . 900 4 15
Johnson Bros. Wyo.
B fenders. . MS 3 tn B feeders. . PSS a 65
33 feeders. . 732 4 10 1 feeder. . . S20 .1 00
10 feeders..1051 400 3 steers..13sO 430
Thomas Malloy Colo.
56 cows 87S 3 IB ti cows SSO 275
C. J. Creswrll Wyo.
1C , cows 1126 .183 1 cow 1200 .1 S3
Scows 1120 335 1 cow 1000 300
1 cow 1000 300 1 steer 112i ) I BO
23 steers..1234 . 9 steers..1232 CO
4 feeders..1215 23
Henry Orth Colo.
4 cows 1043 345 I hull 1820 300
cows 977 2 73 22 feeders. . SOfl 3 ! ) . '
1 feeder. . . 910 3 50 1 feeder. . . 750 2 60
Crvswolt Cattle Co. 8. D.
18 feeders. . 1230 460 13 feeders..1159 400
Keener & Moses Colo.
194 feeders. 778 00
Story & Shepherd-Wyo.
25 feeders. . Ml 3W 2(1 ( feeders. . 766 375
Foster & H. Neb. .
, 28 cows 1012 3 30
' n. R Lemon S. D.
35 cows 1016 3 SO Scows 950 300
I I 1 cow 930 3 00
i Albert Heeler Neb ,
' 8 ? feeders. . 73 .1 7fi 2 steers. . . . 6SO 3 00
1 heifer. . . MO 375 IG calves. . . 310 450
2 cows 1020 323 Scows 1166 300
John Peterson Wyo.
3H steem.,12G7 4 l > 1 cow 1090 3 CO
2 vows 1115 3 GO 1 cow 970 3 CO
1 cow 920 309 1 cow 1190 360
1 cow 910 : ) GO
Tlcrney Bros. Neb.
29 feeders. . 1051 369 2 feeders..1030 3 GO
William Robb-Ncb.
23 cows 10SS 3 75
S. O. Shellleld-So. Dak.
9 feeders..1291 R SO Ibull 1410 2 M
1 feeder..Ifi30 3 SO 1 hull 1210 2 M
2 bulls 1270 260 Ibull 870 373
Johnson Bros. Wyo.
1 cow 870 275 1 cow D10 3 a
23 cows U37 273 1 cow 1020 323
2 cows 1000 2 75 2 ! Htr , Tex. 722 3 23
17 cows H53 325 2 cows S10 2 2i
Scows 828 323 2 cows 775 275
John M. Holt & Co.-So. Dak.
3 feeders. . .V5G I 00 I cows S77 2 59
27 feeders..1201 I 33 1 cow 020 2 50
12 COWS S72 2 75
J. B. Pain , Jr. AVyo.
2ti steers. . . . 842 380 21 feeders. . ! Cl ! 3 SO
22 feeders. . SIX ) 3 i > 5 9 cows , S2I 300
32 feeder. ' . . 702 110 S2 rows S79 SCO
Corbln-Morse So. Dak.
20 steers.,1222 4 00
HOGS Today's market was active at an
advance of Z' fiSc , and as the receipts were
light , as usual on the llrst dny of the week ,
the pens were soon cleared. As will bo noted
from the sales below , a large percentage of
the hogs sold at J4.15(14.20. ( while on Satur
day thp bulk of all the hog ! > -old ut $ l.l2Vii ®
4.15. One eholce lend of light hogs sold to
dny nt J4.39 , which wns the highest price
I nld for a lend on this market since last
Monday , when one lend brought the same
ns today. Representative sales :
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr'
48 99 . . . $400 GO 27U . . . 415
3G . 317 80 410 C3 . 276 SO 415
IB . 327 . . . 410 78 . 241 120 415
12 . 150 . . . 4 10 6S . IBS . . . 4 15
296 SO 4 10 67 . 250 bO 4
12 96 . . . 4 10 72 264 bO 4 17'i
30 317 . . . 4 10 50.-.291 40 4 17U ,
50 2 ! > 210 4 12' . $ 79 23S SO 4 1714
57 288 120 t 11 75 311 kO 4 17 ( < .
5G 326 200 415 54 320 . . . 4 17'- .
6S 261 SO 415 SO 215 120 420
43 303 M ) 4 In 82 241 121) 420
60 2GS 120 4 IG SI 22S . . . 420
S3 204 120 4 15 82 191 . . . 4 20
61 2S3 160 4 15 60 270 KO 4 20
10 279 . . . 415 72 241 120 420
10 117 . . . 4 15 57 22S 320 4 20
22 207 . . . 415 76 243 SO 420
67 262 120 J 15 122 191 120 4 22 > ,4
44 312 40 4 15 106 17010 4 22'X ,
GO 297 40 4 IS 80 233 40 4 22'z
48 308 200 4 15 ' 74 214 . . . 4 30
SHEEP Receipts were large todny. but
there wusi a correspondingly good demand
for mutton grades' , so that the
market was In good shape ns re-
Bards the selling interests. Good mut
ton sheep were fully steady with last week ,
while lambs were generally nbout lOo higher.
The most of the early arrival ; ? changed
hands In good season , but neirly half of the
receipts did not put In an appearance until
elope to 11 o'clock , which made the market
rather late.
The stocker nnd feeder markel did not
show much change as compared with the
close of last week. There Is a fair demand
for that kind of stock.
Quotations : Prime native wethers. J3.M
(34.40 ( ; good to choice gras-s wethers , $3.65T' '
3.80 ; fair to good grass wethers , $3.605 ?
3.C5 ; good to choice yearllnKS. $3.SOii4.00 ;
good to choice grass ewes , J3.IOS3.50 ; fail-
to good grass ewes , $3.00573.35 ; good to
choice spring Inmbs , t4.SOC'5.00 ; fair to good
spring Inmb ? , $4.60(34.70 ( ; common spring
Inmbs , $4. < XXT4.50 ? ; feeder wethers $3.451 < 3.CO ;
feeder yearlings , $3.6fi'73.75 { ; feeder Inmbs ,
$4.004.20. Representative sales :
No. Av. Pr.
252 Wyoming ewes 92 $225
51 ewes 101 3 10
500 Wyoming ewes 99 325
Sa wethers 87 3 C5
2 > 0 western weithors 95 380
157 AVyomlng wethers 99 3 0
450 Idnho yearlings 93 385
70 Wyoming wethers Ill 3 85
25 cull lambs 46 400
733 Idnho lambs 66 470
575 Wyoming lambs 63 50 }
254 ewes 103 340
Stanilnril Grinlen llrlnt ? Cooil Prices ,
Ilit Common StocU Iliilrn AVeuU.
CHICAGO , Oct. 23. CATTLE The pre
vailing features of tlui cattle market today
showed very little change from those noted
for some .time pnsit , Offerings thnt wera of
prime quality sold satisfactorily , but com
mon nnd middling grades ruled wenk nnd
lOo lower. Good to fnncy grades brought
J5.60'gG.73 ; common to medium , J4.00fi5.45 ;
Htockers nnd feeders , $2.737(1.80 ( ; cows nnd
bulls.1 , $2.00S4.C5 ; Texans , $3.53j4.10 ; calves ,
HOGS There was un active trade In hogs
early in t'he ' < luy at an advance of 2'/4o In
prices , but this was nil lost and 'the mar
ket clostU weak. Fair .to prime lots sold nt
$4.22',41r4.CO ? ; heavy packers , $3.85fl.20 ; mixed ,
$ UOfiU2H ; butchers. $4.15f/4.42V4 ; llsht-
wolchts , 4.10if4.45 ; pluff , $3.90SUO.
SHEEP Trade In sheep find lambs was
active at steady prices. Inferior to choice
yearlings brought f2.K ( > g-l.60 : ; western rangr
t < rs , $3.0004.00 : feeders , $3.30Q3.G5 ; poor to
prime lambs , $3.755(5.73. (
IU3CKIPTS Cattle , 19,000 head ; hogs , 30-
000 hend ; nhee.p , 18,000 head.
\ < -\v York IIve Slnelf.
cclpts , 4,160 head ; fil cars on sale ; market
active nnd 101/lSc higher ; bulls and cows ,
10f(23c ( higher and all soW ; steers , $ ! .33fi35 ;
oxen and stngH , $4.15(96,30 ( ; bulls , $2.75fj3.35 ;
choice fat bulls , $1.15 ; cows , $1.70fi4.00. Ca
bles quote American cattle1 slow at ll O
12Vic per lb. ; refrigerator beef , higher at
S'Ac per lb ; exports today , none ; tomorrow ,
GOO head cattle nnd 3,610 quarters of : bet'f.
CALVES-Recolpts , 1.23:1 : head ; active and
25o higher ; eholce venls W > e hlglur nnd all
sold ; veals , $ ' 3.00 9.09 ; grusHers , $3.00Jj3.87' J
no westerns ,
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts , 79.C21
head ; 81 cars nn Bale ; fhecp firm to lOc
'higher ' ; lambs opened 15 { < ejc lower nnd
closed quiet nnd 25fiKc lowe-r ; 8 ears unsold ;
sheep , $2.50f4.50 : In nibs , $4.75f5.S { > ; Canadian
lumba , $5.5005.83 ; culls , $3.751)4-25 ) ,
HOGS Receipts , 13,141 hend ; C cnrs on
sale ; Blow at $4.6501.75.
KIIIIMIH ( 'lly IIve Slock ,
celpts , 10,000 head natives , 2,000 head Tnx-
ans ; market slow and lower with eastern
markets ; no choice natives offered ; plain
lightweight steers , JS.OO'&a.SO ' ; Htucliers and
feeders , $1.0001.70 ; btiteher cows and holO
ers , $3.10ftl.C5 ; cnnners , J2.6Ufi3.fii ) : western
steers , $3.25ft5.55 ; Texnns. ? X 197(3.75. (
HOGS-Recelpts , 1.219 head ; few offerings
absorbed quickly ill strong prices ; heavy
and mixed , $4.1001.17 % ; light , $ U5ff,29 | ;
pigs , $4.005(4.15.
SHEEP RecclpU , 5,300 head ; increased [
supply met with good deinnnd , recent ad
vance being fully maintained ; lambs , $145fj )
5.00 ; muttons , f.60'u.90 ) ( ( ; stockers and tecd-
crs , J3.23g4,23 ; bulls , f2.MI < 3,25.
St. , I < i rill Mvir SlcirU.
SOUTH ST. JOSEPH , Mo. . Oct. 23-Hpc- (
clnl. ) The Journal quotea an follows :
CATTLE Receipts , 2,100 head ; mnrket
steady to 10o lower ; natives , J3.9WjG.10 ;
Texnns nnd westerns , 13.25)25.63 ; COWH and
heifers , $2.00fi-l.50 ; bullu and stags. $2.UUil )
4.65 ; ycnrllngH nnd enlves. Jl.25f(5.20 ( ; mock
erK and feeders , $3.25i./l.50 ; venls ,
HOOS-Reeelpts , 2,100 head ; market
stendy to 2' ' , < .c higher ; heavy nnd inodlum ,
Tl.l2Vif < l.l714 : I'lland light , Jl.infol.20j bulk
of KaleH. $ I.12 W4.17V6.
SHEEP Receipts , 4,600 head ; market ;
fit. I.oulN Ilie Slock.
ST. LOUIS. OH. 23.-OATTLE Reecpt8. !
4COO , head , including 2,500 head Tnxnn la.m ;
market steady : native shipping nnd ex
port steers , $5.005(6.50 ( ; dressed he f and
imtcher Hit-era. $1.5 5.60 ; steers under ndoo :
Iba. . $1.2 : 85.00 ; stockers and /coders , $2.G5W
5.00 ; rows and hflfim , Ji.OOfi4.SJ ; cnnnero ,
$1.00 < j2.75 ; 'bulls. J2.10fM.OO ; Texas and In
dian steers , J3. IOi/1.10 / ; cow and Jiclferi' ,
HOGS - Receipts , 3,900 head ; market
str n , piss nnd lights , SIJ5SM.S5 , packers.
$ l.13-.i4.30 , butcher.- . Jl.30jr4.40. . .
SHUttP - Receipt ? . l.SOii hond ; market
strong , native million * , J3.JOfM.2S ; lainlxj ,
f .00f6.50 | ; stovkers. JJ.7MI3.25 ; bucks , J1.2Mf >
rnllfornlii Drlril I'mll * .
IIRIEP FIU'tTS-Stcnd.v ; evnporntpd ap
ples , common , 6if"c ; prime wlro tray , i ? *
5Sp * ; choice , SUOS'jc ; fancy. S'iWe. Prunes ,
3i1fM.te. ! Apricots. Royal , 3J l5c. Tenches ,
peeled. 20fi22c ; uupeeled. 7'itfKic ,
icnoriuG. .
( Should In- rend dixily by nil interested.
us changes may occur nl any time. )
ForeJcn mulls for the week ending Oc
tober 2S , ISO , will close ( PROMPTLY In
nil cases ) nt the postoitlce as fol
lows : PARCELS POST MAILS closa ono
hour earlier than closing Unit- hewn bo *
low. Parcels post mulls for Germany close
nt G P. in. Motulny.
TrnttAtliin1l ( <
' At 7 n. in. for EUROPE , per
s. s. S.inlr * , vln Southampton and Bre
men ( letters for Ireland must bo di
rected "per s. s. Snale" ) .
WEDNESDAY At 7 n in. ( supplementary
y n. in. ) for Et'ROPE , per s. s. New
York * , via Southnintuon Octtcrs for Ire-
hind nuifit bo directed "per s. s. New
Yoik" ) ; nt fl n. m. ( suppk'inentiir.v 10-30
a. m. ) for EUROPE , per s. s. Mnlcstlr * .
vln Quoenstown ; at 10:30 : n. m. for BEL-
OItM ! direct , per s. K. Kensington , via
Antwerp rletteis must be directed "per s.
s. Kensington" ) .
SATI'RDAY At 6:30 : a. m. for FRANCE.
ISH INDIA , per s. s. La BrelnKiie * . vln
llnvro ( letters for other parts of Europe
must be directed "per s. s. Ln Bre-
Int'ito" ) : lit fi:30 : n. in. for EUROPE , per
s. s. Elrurln * . via Quecnstown ( letters
for Franco. Switzerland , Italy. Hpnln.
Portugal , Turkey , Egypt and British In
dia must directed "per s , s. Etrurln" ) ;
at S n. m. for NETHERLANDS dliect ,
per s. s. Spnnrndnm , via Rotterdnm ( let
ters must bo directed "per s. s. Spnarn-
ilnm" ) : at 9 n. in. for ITALY , per s. s.
Alter , via Naples ( lotlors must bo di
rected "per s. s. Aller" ) ; , at 10 n. m. for
SCOTLAND direct , per M. s. Kurnessla ,
via Ulnsgow ( letters must bo directed
"per . s. Kurnessln" ) ; nt 11 n. in. for
NORWAY direct , per H. s. Inland , via
Chrlstlnnla ( letlers must be dlrooled "per
s. s. Island" ) ; at 1 p. in. for AZORES
ISLANDS direct , per s. s. Spartan
Printed Mnller. clc. Oermnn steamers
sailing on Tupciliys Jaktj printed matter ,
etc. , for Germany and spccln"y i.d-
dresscd printed matter , etc. . t'or other
parts of Europe. American nnd Wh'to '
Star Hleamers on Wednesdays. Oct-man
steamers op TimrsiiAya , nnd Cunnrd ,
French nnd Germnn slenmers on Snlur-
dnys tnkc printed mnttcr , elc. , for all
counlrles for which they arc advorllstd
to rarry ninli.
After Iho closing of the supplementnry
Trim sutlnntic mails named above , addi
tional supplementary mnlls arc opened
on the piers of the American , English ,
Vrench nnd Herman steamers , nnd ro-
mnln open until within ten minutes of
the hour of sailing of steamer.
Bin II" for Siiulli mul Cent nil America ,
\\Vit IiiillcM. IIP.
TUESDAY At 1 p. m. for BRAZIL , per
s. s. Scottish Prince , vln Perimmbuco V
and Santos ( letters for North Brazil nnd
La Plata Countries must be directed
"per s. s. Scottish Prince" ) ; at 1 p. m.
for INAOUA nnd HAITI , per s. s. Adler.
WEDNESDAY At 2:30 : a. m. for JA
MAICA , per steamer from Philadelphia ;
nl S a. in. for BERMUDA , per s. s. Trin
idad ; at 9:30 : n. m. ( supplementary 10:30 :
n. m. ) for CENTRAL AMERICA ( except
Costa Rica ) and SOl'TII PACIFIC
PORTS , per s. s. Allliincn , via Colon
( letters for Guatemala must be directed
"per s. P. Alllancn" ) : at 10:30 : n. m. for
PORTO RICO , per U. S. Transport , via
Sun Junn ; at 11 a. m. for Bit AXIL direct ,
per s. s. Livorno , via Pernambuoo 'tel
lers for .North Brazil nnd La Plata
Countries must bo directed "per s. a.
Hvorno" ) ; at 1 p. m. for NORTH BRA-
XIL , per H. s. Dunstnn , via Pnra ; at 1
p. in. for Cl'BA , via Havana , also CAM-
CHIAPAS , per s. s. Seneca ( letters for
olher parls of Mexico must be directed
"per s. s. Seneca" ) ; at 1 p. m. for MEX
ICO , per s. s. Niagara , via Tntnpico ( let
ters must bo directed "per s. s. Ni
agara" ) .
THURSDAY At 12:30 : p. m. ( siinulemcnt-
nry 1:30 : p. m. ) for ST. CROIX. ST.
ISLANDS , per s. s. Carlbbee ; nt 1 p.
in. ( supplementary l:3 : > ) p. m. ) for BA
SANTIAGO , per s. s. Santiago.
FRIDAY At 1 p. m. for JAMAICA , per
H. s. Erna ( letters must be directed "per ;
s. s. Erna" ) : at 1 p. in. for BELISCIC ,
per s. s. Hansn. ( letters must be directed
"per s. n. Hnnsa" ) .
SATURDAY At 10 n. m. for NEW
FOUNDLAND. .per H. s. Silvia ; at in a.
m. ( supplementary 10:30 : a. m. ) for FOR
TOWN , per s. s. Altai ( letters for Costa
Rica must bo directed "per s. s. Altai" ) ;
nt 11 a. m. for CUBA , per s. s. Havana ,
via Havana ( Idlers must bo directed
"per H. s. Havana" ) ; ut 11 n , m. ( sup
plementary 11:30 : n. m. ) for VENBXUKLA ,
GENA , per s. H. Hlldiir. via Curucao ; at
11 a. m. for PORTO IHCO , per . s. Mae ,
via Ponce ; at 1 p. m. for NI3UVITAS.
IJARAl-OA. per H. s. Ollndn.
SUNDAY At X:30 : p. m. for ST. PIERRE-
MIQUELON , per steamer trom North
Malls for Newfoundland , by rail to North
Sydney , nnd thence by steamer , close nt
this office dnlly nt 8:30 : p. m. , connectlnc
close hero every Monday , Wednesday and 4
Saturday. Mails for Mlniielon. by rail to
Boston , and thence by sieamer , close at
this office dally ot S:30 : p. m. Mnlls for
Cuba , by rail to Port Tampn. Fin. , and
thence by steamer , close at this of
fice dally ( excepl Monday ) nl * 7 n. in. ( the
connecting closes nre ( .n Sunday , Wednes
day and Frld.iy. Malls for Cu'on , by rail
to Miami , Fin. , nnd thence by steamer ,
close nt this office every Monday , Tues
day and Saturday nt * ' 2:30 : n. m. ( the
connecting closes are on Tuesday nnd
Saturday ) . Mall1 * for Mexico City , over
land , unless specially addressed for dis
patch bv slcnmer. clone at this oilice dally
nt 2:30 : n. m. and 2:30 : p. m. Malls for
Costa Rica , Belize , Puerto Cortez and
Guatemala , by rail to New Orleans , nnd
thence by steamer , close nt thin ofllco
dnlly nt * 3:00 : p. m. , connecting closes hero
Mondays for Belize , Puerto Cortez
nnd Guatemala , 'Registered mall closes
at C p. m , previous dny. Ues-istered mall
closes ut 6 p , m , second day before.
TrtuiN-I'nuino Mnlln.
Mulls for Soclnty Islands , via San
Frnnclsco. close hero dnlly nl f :30 : p.
m. up to October " 26th , Inclusive
for dispatch by ship City of Papcltl. Malls
for Chlnn , Japan nnd Hnwnll , via San
Francisco , close hero dnlly nt 0:30 : p. m.
up to October th. Inclusive , for dispatch
per H. H , Hong Konw Mnru , Malls for
Australia ( except West Australia ) . New
Xenlnnd , Hawaii , FIJI nnd Ssmonn Islands
vln. Snn Francisco , close hero dnlly at
G:30 : p. in. after October * 13th and up to
October ' 27th , Inclusive , or on day of nr-
rlval of H. s , Campanln , dun nl Nuw
York October 27th , for dispatch per H. H.
Munnn , Mulls for Chlnn nnd Jupnn , via
Vancouver , elose hum dnlly nt 0:30 : p. m ,
up to October * 3lsl , Incluslvu , for dispatch
per H. s. Kmpress of Jnpan , Mnlln for
Chlnn , Japan and Hawaii , vln Bun Frnn-
CBCO. | close hero ilally at 6:30 : p. m. up
to November 'Ith , Inclusive , fur ills-
imlch per s. H. China , Mulls fnr
Hawaii , via Snn Francisco , close hero
dally nl C30 ; 1 1 , m. up to November ' 10th ,
IncliiHlve , for dispatch per s , n , Australia.
Malls for Australian Colonies ( except
West Australia , which irocs vln Kurono ,
nnd New Xenlnnd , which goes via San
Francisco ) , Hawaii and FIJI Inlands , vln.
Vancouver , rlosn hero dnlly at 0:30 : p , in.
after October ' 27th and up to November
1'nli ' , Inclusive , lor dispatch per a , a
M to wera ,
Trans-Paclfln malls nro forwarded to port
of sailing dally and tne schedule of clos.
Ing Is arranged on the presumption of
their uninterrupted overland transit ,
'Registered mall closes at 6 p , m. previous
PostofHce , New York , 'N. Y. , October ' 20 ,
Telephone 103J ) . Omaha , Neb
Direct wire * tu , an , ? ! , „ Y0r < .
C rr < ipbndtnt l Jaba Wurtc A Ci
. . .