Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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aii.Nou MU.VTIO.V.
( ells plats.
Dr. Bower , Globe bldg. 'Phone 413.
Bherradcn makes photos. $1.60 $ don.
WelBlmch burners nt Btxby's. Tel. 193.
fludwelner beer. I * Iloscnteldt , agent.
-Perry pictures. Alexander's. 833 IJ'way.
Dr. Stcphcnson , Mcrrlnm blk. , rootn 221.
Bchmldt photos are guaranteed to plenso.
Mrs. F. II. Miller leaves today for a visit
with relatives In Texas * .
Hemovcd , C. B. Alexander & Co. , Art Em
porium , to 333 Broadway.
C. B. Jacqucmln & Co. , jewelers nnd op
ticians , 27 South Main street.
Miss Efflo Ellis has returned from a
V.eck'8 Visit nt St. Joseph , Mo.
Got your work done tit the popular Englo
laundry , 721 Broadway. 'Phono 167.
"W. C. Estep. undertaker. 2S Pearl street.
Telephones : Office , 87 ; residence , 33.
Hog raisers , 100 pounds make you { 100.
Moore's Stock Food Co. . Council Bluffs.
Lucas Ncumayer , Jr. , left last evening for
R week's visit with friends In Chicago.
Ivnnhoo commnndery , No. 17 , KnlKhtn
Tcmplnr , will meet In regular convocation
this cvcnlnc.
Sheridan coal makes n largo flamn nnd
clear lire , but no smoke or soot. Kcnlon
& Foley , solo agents.
Lily camp. No , 1 , Royal Neighbors of
America , will meet In regular session this
evening at 7:30 : o'clock.
rlko Franklin nnd Julia Banks' , both of
thin city , were married yesterday , Justice
Fcrrlcr performing the ceremony.
IUv. Oeorge Edward "Walk , rector of St.
Paul's Kplscopnl church , went to Chicago
last evening for a few days' visit.
County Treasurer Arm ! nnd hi * clerks ex
pect to commence work on the delinquent
tax list by the end of this week.
P. S. McGlynn , editor and publisher ot
the Mollno (111. ( ) Dispatch , Is In the city
visiting friends , accompanied by his wife.
Thomas Brown , bound over with Mrs.
Carter for lewd conduct on the High school
grounds , furnished a cash bond yesterday
nnd wns released from the county Jail.
Park City lodge , No. GOO , Independent Or-
Her of Odd Fellows , will meet tonight , when
Oiero will be work In the Initiatory degree.
Refreshments will bo served at the clpso ot
Itho meeting.
llev. n. Venting , pnstor of the First
Baptist church , is attending the Baptist
ntato convonllon at Boone , In. From there
ho will KO to Chicago to visit his. son at
the Moody Bible Institute.
Mnnngcr Harrington lins booked Carter's
realistic drama , "Under the Dome , " for
Thursday night at the Dohany theater.
AVhen hero last summer the play attracted
nn , nudlenco that tilled the house.
The hearing on the application for a writ
of habeas corpus In the capo of Bertha E.
Warfleld , directed against Charles nnd Sadie
Hardln , Is et for thla afternoon-at 1:30 :
o'clock before Judge Smith of the district
The members of Palm grove will attend "
the performance ot "Tho Bohemian Girl"
nt the Trocadcro tonight In a body. They
will moot nt 7:30 : o'clock at the corner of
Pearl and Broadway to take a car to
The nlno barber cases In the superior
continued yesterday until
court wcro
Wednesday The appeal case of Barber F.
E. Silvers Is booked for a hearing In the
district court before Judge Macy thla
Colonel Virgil E. Pavld of the "Union Vet-
nnlnn haa composed n march in
honor of the return of the Fifty-first Iowa ,
entitled "The Military Girl. " It will no
played by all the bands on the day of the
Phil A. Durr of Oskaloosa was In the city
yesterday , lie says that his town Is pre
paring to send a big delegation to Council
Bluffs on the day of the reception to the
Fifty-first Iowa. The committee , he says ,
1s now arranging for a special train.
The funeral of the late James W. Glt-
tlnn will bo held tomorrow morning at 9
o'clock from the family residence ; 114 Ridge
street. The services will bo conducted by
Hev. Alexander LHherland of the Second
Presbyterian church and Interment will be
In the Boomer township cemetery.
Gcorgo E. Wnlto and Miss Anne Saumlers ,
tooth of Now York vClly , were married in
this city yesterday morning , the ceremony
being performed by Rev. George Edward
Walk , rector of St. Paul's Episcopal church.
fTho brldo lias been visiting friends In Ne
braska , while the groom Is a traveling man.
The case against Ed Dufteo. arrested Sat
urday night on the charge of shoplifting at
Bono's store , was continued In police court
until this morning. Duffco denies attemptIng -
Ing to steal anything and claims that the
cloth ho had in his possession when de
tected by John Beno was only a sample he
was looking at. He has been working on
the Fort Dodge & Omaha railway grade.
Airs , Jackson of Salem , 111. , iskthe guest
of Hev. nnd Mrs. J. G. Icemen at the Chrls-
tlan home. Mrs. Jackson's husband , Captain -
; tain Jackson , served with distinction In the
; months In
' rlvll war and apent
htbby prison. He was blessed with an Ideal
BOldler's wife , and her bravery and zeal
; ( , have been rewarded In later years by the
1 position of postmistress In the Illinois state
legislature , which she has held a number
of terms.
Mrs. Matilda T. Dunn , wife of Stephen
Dunn , died at her home , 221 Thirteenth
avenue , yesterday afternoon from typhoid
pneumonia , aged 45 years. She leaves a
husband nnd elcht children , four daughters
and four sons , the youngest being but 0
months old. The funeral will be held to
morrow mornlne at 9 o'clock from St.
Francis Xavler's church. The services
will be conducted hy Hev. Father Smytli
and Interment will bo in the Catholic cem
Articles of Incorporation of the Mace
donia Implement company were filed yes
terday with the county recorder , The In
corporate are C. II. McCrendy , Wll-
loughby Dyo. Sylvester Dye , T. J. Young
nnd K. H. woodmansey. , The capital stock
is placed at Jll.OOO in $100 shares. The olll-
ccrs of the company are : President. AVI1-
loughby lye ; vice president , H. H' . AVood-
mnnsy : secretary nnd general manager , C.
31. McCrendy. The place of business will
be Macedonia , Pottawattamle county.
Mrs. Anna Sanders , wife of Thomas G.
Banders , died yesterday afternoon nt her
home , 1 Park Entrance , of consumption ,
aged 30 years. Deceased , who before her
marriage to Mr. Sanders one week nvi yes
terday , was Miss Anna Lnndon , was for
many years one of the most valued teach
ers In the city schools. A few months
ago , owing to her Illness , she was com
pelled to resign her position at the Wash
ington avenue school. The funeral will 'bo
held thin afternoon at .t o'clock from the
family residence , Rev , 11. L. Knox , rector
of Grnco Kplscopnl church , will conduct
the services nnd burial will bo in Walnut
Hill cemotury.
The ( Ire department was called out twice
yesterday. Shortly after noon a nllo of
empty candy boxes nt the rear of Hughes'
hall , the basement of which Is u.sed as
a factory by the Woodward Candy com
pany , got on lire. The prompt arrival of
the department prevented what might have
proved a costly lilazti , as the flames from
the boxes reached up to the second story
windows. Boys making n bonllro caused
the bluzo. About 3 o'clock the department
was culled to Tenth avenue and Twenty-
nlRhth street , where a pralrlo tire had
been started , presumably by a spark from
a passing Union Pnclllc engine. It was cx-
tlngulbhed without damage ,
Howell'a Anil "Kawt" cun-a coughs , colds.
Scientific optician , Wollman 409 Br'dway.
Mtu-nxr * .
Mcenses < to wed have been issued to the
following portions :
Nnmo nnd residence , Ago.
J. F. Rnctmnn. Mills county . as
.l.lzzlo Diizen , Carson , la . 25
Ike Franklin , Council Bluffs . 27
tfjulla Banks , Council Bluffs . , . . .17
'George M. Wnlte. New York City . 37
Anne Saunders , New York City . 27
( George C. Channel. Omaha , , , . , , , . , : &
Milk-file Kt'tclmm , Omaha . . , , , , . 31
'is ' superior to all other malt extracts , prepared -
pared from pure selected material ? . The
Brewing ABB'II.
name of tbo Anheuser-Busch
its makers , guarantees Its merit.
Negotiated in Eastern Nebraska
und Iowa. James N. Cnsady , Jr. ,
UM Main St. . Council Bluffs.
For Caili or Loaned On.
K. II. KIIUA.F13 A CO. .
Tear ! Street , Council Ulafl * , Iowa.
Council Bluffs Hard at Work Getting Beady
lo Welcome the Volunteers.
I , I IIP or March nt ( lie 1'nrndo In Ar
rnnm-U anilUIIHTOIIM Dvlulln
Arc HrltiK WorUoU Out
4o Perfection.
The good news received here Sunday an
nouncing the safe arrival ot the Fifty-first
Iowa volunteers at Ban Francisco has caused
the several committees In charge of the ar
rangements for the reception to the regi
ment to work with renewed vigor and from
this on until the soldier boys reach Council
Bluffs the flat has gone forth from the ox-
csuUvo committee that nothing must bo left
undone to make the great demonstration an
unqualified success. While the date of the
arrival of the soldiers In this city cannot
bo known for somu time * the committee
realizes that It will take all the tlrao at Its
disposal by the time the regiment is mus
tered out and started on Its way homo to Us
natlvo stnto to get everything In shape for
the rcceptloa.
A number of details in connection with
the reception were decided upon at the
meeting of the executive committee yester
day morning , According to the present plans
the regiment Is expected to reach Council
Bluffs over the Rok Island road , arriving
nt the local depot nt 0 o'clock In the morn-
Ing. An hour will bo allowed for the forma
tion of the parade , thus making It 10 o'clock
at which It will start. The line ot march as
arranged by the committee on parade will
be as follows :
From the Hock Island depot north on Main
street to Willow avenue , west on Willow
avenue to Seventh street , north on Seventh
street to Broadway , cast on Broadway to
First street , countermarch 'by ' the south side
of Broadway to Main street , south on Main
to Willow avenue , west on Willow avcnuo
to Bayllss park.
The reviewing stand will be placed near
1 the electric light tower at the intersection
of Broadway and Fourth street and will face
north. The parade will be revlewc-1 as It
passes the stand going cast. The speakers'
stand will be erected about the center of
Bayllss park , probably around the fountain.
A sufficient space to accommodate the sol
diers will be roped off and reserved. The
speaking and formal reception ot the regi
ment will take place Immediately after the
parade. At the close of these exercises the
banquet will bo served.
Andrew Graham was appointed chairman
of the committee having In charge the erec
tion ot the rev-lowing and speakers' stands
and he was notified to make arrangements
for their erection at once. The members of
this committee are : B. Grahl , W. S. Iloon ,
F. Covalt , C. Straub , C. S. Hubbard , C. A.
Fox , H. A. Qulno , J. H. Queal , J. J. Hamll-
iton , J. P. Wind , V. Battln , C. Jens n , W.
Campbell , A. S. Scrlbner , F. Grass and C.
An appropriation of ? 300 was voted for
decorations of the four rooms In which the
banquet will bo served nnd Chairman Cas
per ot the cocimltteo having this work In
charge was directed to have the headquarters
ot the executive committee and the bureau
ot Information In the Grand hotel suitably
decorated at once. He was also Instructed
to have the various company headquarters
suitably decorated , banners to 'be hung in
front of each building designating each
company's headquarters.
The committee will meet again" this mornIng -
Ing at 10 o'clock , when every member Is re
quested to bo present.
Mayor Jennings Issued the following
proclamation yesterday :
COUNCIL BLUFFS. Oct. 23. To the Citi
zens of Council Bluffs : Wo have cause for
rejoicing that the Fifty-first regiment of
Iowa volunteers has safely reached our
shores again and If liver there was a period
In the history of this great state when its
citizens Should be filled with patriotism and
enthuse to the limit It is now , when the
city U preparing to receive our gallant boys
on their return to Iowa soil. Other states
and cities have celebrated the return of
their volunteers nnd welcomed them with
patriotic demonstrations. Therefore , the
occasion of the arrival ot the Fifty-Ural
regiment In our city should be made one
betlttlng this great commonwealth of ours.
With this end In view I personally request
the cltlecns ot our'city to suitably decorate
their homes nnd places of business with
the national colors andl In such othe'r ' manner
and especially
ner as may be appropriate
along the line ot march as determined upon
by the executive committee1.
Secretary Tlnloy of the executive commit-
tco received a letter yesterday from A. P.
Spencer of Oskaloosa In 'which be writes
that his city will send a delegation ot 150
to the reception , accompanied by two bands ,
one of thirty nnd the other of twenty pieces.
DCS .Molnes , which is arranging for a big
reception to Its two .companies , Is not showIng -
Ing Itself -very enthusiastic over the big
demonstration to 'bo held In this city. A
letter from there yesterday to the executive
committee aays the , city will bo represented
"unofficially" only nt the reception hore.
W. C. Estep was added yesterday to the
decoration committee. At a meeting of the
finance committee last niph't Chairman Hart
reported that subscriptions to the amount
of $73 had been received yesterday In addi
tion to the sum aiready tiubllshed. It was
decided to reduce the price ot tfie "I Have ,
Hava You ? " ribbons from $1 to CO cents.
These ribbons were placed on sale , yester
day and by evening many persons were to
bo Been on the otreets .wearing . them. It Is
believed that at the reduced price of CO
cents a thousand or more ot tlic-m can be
dispcficd of without in'uclf difficulty. Chair
man Hart deslrca thai Hie tncmbers of the
dlstlct committees appointed to riuali the
of these ribbons call at his oflleo this morn -
ing and secure a supply.
Fine Missouri Wood for * saio" , bj- Gilbert
Reasonable amount ot mrndlne done tree
of charge at t'Jo Bluff City liundry , Tbli la
the laundry that takca good care of your
linen. 34 North Main.
Davis sell * paint.
tit Work.
Burglars broke into the hardware store of
Royal D. Amy at the corner of Main street
and Seventh avenue bliortly after midnight
Sunday and carried off upwards of $200 worth
of cutlery , Mr."Amy , \ > ho ! one of the old
est'residents of this city and lives over hU
store , wns aroused about midnight by hear
ing a nolso as it some one were walking
around in the storeroom below , Hastily
dressing himself no ran downstairs and. on
entering the store found the buck dcpr anil
window open , A hasty Investigation dU-
closed that the cutlery cases had been prac
tically depicted ot their contents. An In
ventory ehemod that the robbers secured
twenty-two dozen pcckelknlvea of various
makes , a half dozen razors , three bulldog
revolvers and three pair of hair clippers.
Two men were In the etore Saturday aft
ernoon and purchased a tmall bill of gooda ,
amounting to less than $1. They acted some
what suspiciously and eccmcd to bo taking
stock of the store nnd its contents. Mr.
Amy believes they were the robbers nnd
says ho could easily Identify them If ho ever
eaw them ngnln. The robbers effected an
entrance to the store by prying up one of
the rear windows , ono catch on which was
broken. They opened the rear dcor from
the Inside nnd made their escape that way
evidently when they heard Mr , Amy moving
about upetnlre.
Notice of further changes In the manage
ment ot the Omaha & St. Louis rend was
received hero yesterday. A. J. Bandy hna
'been appointed general passenger agent ot
the Omaha , Kansas City & Eastern nnd the
Omaha & St. Louis. The office , ot acslstant
general passenger agent Is abolished.
Charles E. Glbbfl Is relieved ot the duties
of general passenger agent , retaining con
trol ot the freight department us general
freight agent. W. 0. Brlmson has been np-
polntod general manager ot the Kansas City
& Northern Connecting railroad , with head
quarters at Qulncy , III. He miccocds E. H.
Sh.iullcr , who has resigned. These announce
ments arc mmlo by President Arthur E.
Btlllwcll and were effective last Saturday.
John Schlckctanz , sr. , Is located now nt
229 South Main street , formerly Ed Shlck-
ctnnz's barber shop , directly east of court
Ornlor AVHcox Arrived.
P. W. Wllcox of Mcndotn , 111. , known as
"Tho Carpenter Orator , " who Is billed lo
speak tomorrow night nt the republican
meeting at Smith's hall , arrived In the cltj-
from Clinton , where he addressed a large
and enthusiastic gathering Saturday nlghtt
Mr. Wllcox Is a carpenter by trade , but has
been an active campaigner since 1SSS and
has made speeches in almost every state In
the union. Ho has been scoured for this
etato and has already spoken In nlno coun
ties. From hero ho will go to Monon.t
county and the night before election Is
booked to speak In Burlington. Ho recently
spent two weeks In Ohio , where he ad
dressed a large number ot republican meet
Mrs. Hnndo'g classes tor dancing are now
open. Children at residence Tuesdays , 4
o'clock ; at I. O. O. F. temple , Saturdays , 2
o'clock. Adult beginners nt residence , Tuea-
daye , 8 o'clock. Assemblies , Fridays , at
I. 0. O. F. temple , 8:30 o'clock. Private
lessons at any time not taken with classes.
Residence 235 Oakland avcnuo , telephone 451 ,
Soldier Held for Trial.
Jeff Huston , the discharged soldier who
was captured Friday night by Officer Claar
with -a. quantity ot stolen goods In his pos
session , waived preliminary examination In
police court yesterday morning and was
ibound over to the grand Jury , his bond be
ing fixed at $300. The police discovered yes
terday a vallso and clothing which had been
stolen from the Atlantic house Friday evenIng -
Ing and disposed ot by Huston at a pawn
shop for a trifling sum. Huston's papers
show that ho enlisted August 4 of last year
In the Third volunteer regiment of cnglnaers
and was discharged at Camp Hamilton , New
York , September 29 , 1S98.
N. Y. Plumbing companyTel. . 250.
Mew neckbands put on shirts free ot
charge for regular customers at the Bluff
City lumdry , 34 North Main.
A Popular Store Pedestrians on Broadway
novcr fall to stop or at least look In the
Bourlcius Music store , and they are well
paid for their attention , as there Is usually
some entertainment for them. When either
the graphophono or the Angelus orchestral
Is In use much amusement Is furnished.
It Is the little things , such as good atten
tion , prompt service , accommodations In
various ways and their well selected stock
of musical Instruments that has given this
store its just popularity. 335 Broadway ,
where the organ stands upon the building.
Verdict of Knt Guilty.
The trial of Frank D. . Leaper and Alice
Williams , charged with adultery , WM com
pleted In the district court yesterday after
noon and the case given to the jury shortly
aftop 5 o'clock. At 10 o'clock last night
the jury "brought In a verdict of not guilty.
The trial bad occupied the time ot the
district court for several days and had at
tracted considerable attention. 'Both par
ties are from a small town near Cedar Rap
ids In Linn county.
Palm grove ball Thursday evening , October
26 , W. 0. W. hall. Tickets , including re
freshments , 25 cents.
Heal KMnto Trniiftfern.
The following transfers were filed yester
day In the abstract , tttlo and loan office of
J. W. Squire , 101 Pearl street :
Edward A. Wlckham to Fort Uodgo
& Omaha Railway company , part
soVl sou 4-77-44. w d $ 205
W. T , Roden nnd wife to Amanda C.
Edgecoml ) , w 1W % acres of nw < ,4
S-77-I4 , w d 4,800
William II. Thomas to J. L. Koler ,
lots 3 and 4 , block 4 , Plcrce's sub ,
Coupcll Bluffs , w d 1,15'J '
Anna L. Peterson and husband to
Frederick Peterson , e > 35 feet lot 6 ,
block lo , Mill ndd , Council Blults ,
w d 2OW
Agnes nnd Ward P. Folsom to Chaun-
cey M. King , lot 11 , block 11 , Hall's
add. Council Blurts , w U 200
Ida > * Cnsady to Pottawattamle Invest
ment company , lots 17 nnd IS ,
Thomas Elder's add , Council Bluffs ,
w d l.OOtf
F. J , Day nnd wlfo to Charles U.
Etnyro , part w'/4 7-77-43 , a o d 10
Seven transfers , total I 9,365
I'UOtillAM KOll TZPWOirm IK.\iUI3.
Ono TlioiiHuiid Dc-loprnli'M K\pccteil nt
Ilu > C'cdnr Itiiil < lN Convriitlon.
CEDAK RAPIDS , la. , Oct. 23 , ( Special , )
The tenth annual convention of the Ep.
worth Lcaguo of Iowa will bo held ln this
city November 2 to 5 and the local leagues
are already making active preparations for
the gathering , which will bo ono of tbe larg
est of the year to be held In Iowa. An ex
cellent program has been prepared and the
meeting , which will 'probably be attended
by more than 1,000 leaguers , promises to bo
full of interest.
Among the speakers from outside the state-
who are to bo present nre : Miss Eva
Schontz of Chicago , Mrs. Lucy Rider Meyer ,
principal of the Chicago training school for
deaconesses nnd missionaries ; Miss Eleanor
Toby , deaconess for the same school ; Mies
Ida May Durham , deaconess-at-largo of the
Vv'aBhlngton ( D , C , ) training school , und
Enseno May of Wn-ihlngton , D. C. , the noted
platform lecturer ,
Among the noted Iowa Methodists who
have bton given a place on the program are
Dr. Trimble of Blcux City , Dr , Elton of DCS
Molnca , Prof. Nlcl-ols-n of Cornell college ,
Dr. Brush of Otturnwa , Dr. Stuntz of Mt-
Vcrnon and others.
IOWA M.niKU'S I'llrtM S Mi I IT.
Kri'iii'r of AiiiiiNrmi'iit Itrmirt Il ii | > -
; < rn Without a ( 'lov.
SIOUX CITY , In. . Oct. 23. ( Special. )
\VllMam Martin , manager of" the Wntklno
artesian well resort south of this city , hna
mysteriously disappeared. He was at home
; nb-ut three weeks auo , hut olnce then all
J efforts to locate him have failed , Many
{ theories have been advanced. Some claim
, he was drowned In the lake , while others
believe ho was the man who was killed by
the Northwestern train near State Center
two weeks ago. Ho was In good health and
his place waa enjoying good patronage. Ho
leaves a wife and two small children.
Rioting Girls 'Assail the Bnilding nod
Demolish the Contents.
Sheriff mill Cltx Olltcorx HIMC 1)1111-
euHjIn SuiiiirfftHliiK tinllliiirilur
Vininu Olrl titnrlN to Depot
mill In Fonnil In Jtlvcr.
DBS M01NES , Oct. 23. ( Special Tele-
groin. ) The rioting girls In the Stnto He-
form ( school ot Mltchollvlllc , n small town
cast of here , arc still on a rampage , but
Sheriff Stout and the DCS Molnes officers
who arc In charge there now bcllevo that
they will be able to quiet down the rebellion
by tomorrow morning. Ten thousand dollars
lars worth of damage has already been done
j by the girls and they may yet burn some
1 ot the building. All of the doors nnd windows
dews wcto broken out , turnlture destroyed ,
all the kitchen utcnells nnd dishes demol
ished , window sashes and doorframes kicked
out , nnd nt last reports the girls wcro tryIng -
Ing to pry off the window sills. Twenty
! ot the rlnglcadqra , Including Mnudo Jeffries
and Lenora Allen ot DCS Molnes , have been
captured one nt a time by the officers and
will bo brought here In Irons tonight lo bo
confined In the jnll until the Stnto Board of
Control , which Is now nt Mltchcllvllle , de-
cldca what Is to bo done with them. Thrco
ot the escaped girls were captured In a box
car In East DCS Molnes today , they having
walked to the city during the night.
The local health officer at Washington , la. ,
today reported casce of smallpox from that
vicinity to the State Board of Health. The
victim -Is n railroad man , who contracted
the disease while ; running on an Iowa line
In Albert Lea , Minn. This ls the nocond
cnso of smalpox reported' to the board lately.
The first case was that of a young man who
hod been riding across the country on a
wheel and came down with the disease nt
Ottumwa a few weeks ngo. The case nt
Washington has been closely quarantined.
The democratic stnto central committee
today announced that Mayor Carter Harrison
risen of Chicago , ex-Governor Boles nnd
Fred White will speak here on November 2.
The Ministerial association met this morn
ing and decided to fight the movement being
made here to secure a big brewery.
The state auditor today received n dis
patch from Bank Examiner Bennett giving
the extant of the defalcation of Jerry Kend-
rlck of the Citizens' bank ot Sioux Center ,
who absconded Friday afternoon. The loss
will amount to $11,500. Ten thousand dollars
lars of this sum will bo borne by the
American Surety company ot New York nnd
U will not affect the financial standing of
the bank. The Surety company Is making
strenuous efforts to capture Kendrlck.
Kendrick was short with the Continental
bank ot Chicago , the Security National
bank of Sioux Cltyand the county treasurer.
StrmiBC Pntc of Girl.
It now turns out that the woman found
dead In the river here Sunday Is Miss Mabel
Schofleld , 21 years old , daughter ot Dr. A. J.
Schofleld of Macksburg. There Is some
thing very mysterious about her death. Sat
urday night she w'ent to the train with her
mother , who had "been visiting her , and from
there on stie was tioMieard of until found in
the river by flshcsrnen. The coroner's ju.ry
is making n thorough investigation.
Today's decisions ot the supreme court
were : ,
J. E. Roth , appellant , against Dennis Col
lins , Jefferson district , alUrmcd.
E. L. Seven against N. C. 'Blake ami Ellen
C. Blake , appellants , Linn district , affirmed.
First National 'Bank ' of Peterson , la. ,
against David Bonrdeais , Clay district , re
C. A. Pratt , appellant , against E. C. How
ard , Sac district , reversed.
Anna S. Woods , appellant , against Eve
lyn Allen and Reube'n Allen , Polk district ,
E. A. West against Avcrill Grocery Com
pany , appellant , Cedar Rapids superior
court ,
appellant , against the ) City
E. H. Anger ,
of DCS Molnes , la. , and others , Polk dls-
trfot ,
B. Ij. Collins and others , appellants ,
against W. H. Gregg , Tama district , af
John R. Meyer against Jacob Croft , ap
pellant , Crawford district , alllrmed ,
HemlcrNOii mill "White Prcxeiit Op-
toNlte A'lcnM In Sioux City.
SIOUX CITY , Got. 23. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Almost within hearing ot each
other's voice Colonel D. B. Henderson , the
next speaker of the house of representatives ,
nnd Fred E. White , democratic candidate
for the governorship of Iowa , addressed
political meetings In this city this evening.
Colonel Henderson talked to a packed
house at the Young Men's Christian ossocla-
tion auditorium. Ho strongly denounced
Bryan's sympathy for the worklngman and
the people's party at large. "D n your
eympathy , Billy Bryan , " ho declared. "Pour
out your stream pt heartfelt grief and woo
to some ono who has not eat "beside you In
congress for four years and heard you vote
the bread out of tbe mouths of the worklng-
mon nud his little family. " Ho ridiculed
Bryan's seeming solicitude for the welfare
ot the nation and said there Is no doubt
that the people prefer the McKlnley vintage
of things to that , of Bryan. "Never was
there a better day's work done , " ' ho de
clared , "than that which was done by the
army ot republicans and sound money demo
crats which put William McKlnley In the
presidential chair. "
an enthusiastic ono and
The meeting was
Colonel Henderson waa cheered at frequent
Fred White epoko nt the court house , a
block away. He denounced the expansion
policy ot the administration nnd declared
that the policy DOW In force Is opposed to
American doctrines and principles. He con
demned the war In the Philippines und
blamed the administration for Us prolonga
nt the
tion. There was a good
couit houec and a great deal of enthusiasm
was manifested.
TriMiliiM'iil nnil u
Clillrt Die * llmli-r
Coroner' * Jury IiivrntlKiiteN.
FOUT DODQE , la. , Oct. 23. ( Special
Telcgram- ) sensation has occurred here
In the form of a death of a 3-year-old child
name.1 Stella B. Steadman , under Christian
sslenco treatment. The child's parents are
firm believers In Christian sslcnce nnd upon
their child's showing symptoms of lllncr.i .
summoned Mrs , L , P. Lincoln , a professional
healer and mother of Miss Ulslo Lincoln ,
the noted lown prima donna. It seems that
the child had upasma and , seeming toget
hotter , was left by Mra , Lincoln. Socn after
the child became worse and on ThunHay
morning died , The same day a burial permit
was asked for and nas returned signed by
Mrs. L. P. Lincoln , attending nurse. The
permit was granted after some hesitantly
and the body was Immediately taken to
Pocuhcntas Center for burial. Later the
matter became genemlly discussed and to
day the coroner summoned a jury and held
an Inquest , the Jury deciding It could
net determine- the cause of death without
flrnt vlenlns the body , Coroner Rosa has
rlrcady taken steps to have the body ex
humed at Pocahontas Center und It will
bo brought Jiere for a post mortem exam
ination. The scientists have a strong organ
ization hero and hold firmly to their belief.
Mrs. Lincoln , who may be the defendant on
n serious charfic , U n prominent woman
and stands nt the head of ( he local church.
The excitement over the matter here la J
Intense , 1
10 > VA ll.M'TIST.S All 13 IX SKSMOV.
Tlirrc Hundred Deleuntex Pri'M-iil ,
liicliidltiR Prominent 8ienUvrx. |
BOONE , la. , Oct. 23. ( Special. ) The ani i
mial meeting ot the BnptU't state conference |
opened In this city this evening with the
ministerial conference. Every Incoming
train today brought visitors and It Is expected - '
pected that the attendance will be about '
300. The program has been fully arranRcJ. i
The following noted men will bo present '
nnd make addresses during the session : Dr. ,
H. L. Morehouso of New York , Dr. U. C. I
Moore of Philadelphia , Dr. K. E. Chlvcrs of
Chicago , Rev. Frank FetenMn of Minneap
olis , Dr. N. D. Haldon of Omaha , Dr. C.
R. Henderson , protccsor ot sociology In the
University ct Chicago. Rev. Arthur Fowler
of Muscatlno will preach the annual sermon.
Iiwa I.IIiriirlnitft * t'ronrniu.
C13DAH RAPIDS , In. , Oct. 23. ( Special. )
The Iowa Literary association will meet
In this city on November S and 0 In Us tenth
annual conference. The program has Just
been Issued and Is a very attractive ono , It
is expected that In tuc > neighborhood ot 100
will attend the meetings. Among the pa
pers to bo read the first day will be ono by
Miss L , Stcnrn , librarian of the Wisconsin
Literary commission , on "Traveling Library
and Library Commission" nnd ono by Miss
M. E , Ahern , editor of Public Libraries ,
Chicago , on "Tbo School nnd Library. " In
the evening n reception will be * tendered the
visitors at the homo of Luther A. Brewer , nt
which an nddress of welcome will be ex
tended by Mayor John M , Redmond.
llrymi PiuiHCN nt AVIJCMI.
- AVOCA , , la. , Oct. 23. ( Special. ) W. J.
Bryan came In nt C:30 : o'clock this morning
and went to Ilarlnn at 7. Ono hundred and
eight tickets wcro sold for the special.
Iliicklen'K Arnica Snlvc.
The best salve In the world for cuts ,
bruises , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever
lores , tetter , chapped hands , chilblains ,
corns and all skin eruptions , nnd positively
cures piles , or no pay required. It Is guar
anteed to give perfect satisfaction or money
refundcJ. Price25 cents per box. For sale
by Kuhn & Co.
on ( lie HiimiliiK Triie.liN.
CHICAGO , Oct. C3. YOllow T.ill , Fred
Foster's speedy sprinter , broke- the Harlem
track record today , covering the live fur
longs in 0:59'/4. : ' The record until today
was held by Abuse , now dead , another of
Foster's horses. Outsiders captured the
llrst three events ami the last three were
won by favorites. Weather clear and track
fast. Results :
First race. , six furlongs : Montcngle won ,
llacld Mnree T. Burns second , Fair Ameri
can third. Time , 1:15V4. :
Second race one and throe-eighths miles :
Double Dummy won , Bnratla second ,
Holdup Senton third. Time : 2:21 : ,5.
Third race , six furlongs : Jim Gore won ,
Hermoso second , Andes third. Time : llHi. :
Fourth race , one mile and seventy yards :
Salvable won. Found second , Great Bend
third. Time : 1:44.
Fifth race , five furlongs : Yellow Tat ] won ,
Nettle Regent second , Emma. SI third.
Time : 0:33V4. :
Sixth race , one mile : Jimp won , Volan-
dien second , Rosavannah third. Time :
1:42 % .
CINCINNATI , Oct. 23. Results :
First race , ono mile , selling : McCleary
won , Hill Billy second , Fresco third.
Time : 1:12. :
Second race , live furlongs : Shrove Tues-
du ; * won , Nina B L. second , Mollle Newman -
man third. Time : 1:0214. :
Third race , seven furlongs ? , selling : J J
T won , Glail Hand second , Parakeet -third.
Time : 1:28.
Fourth race , one mile , selling : Rossa
Mnsso won , Fcrroll second , Deyo third.
Time : 1:42. :
Fifth racn , live-eighths of a. mile : Edln-
borough won , Commonwealth's Attorney
second , Peter Duryea. third. Time : 1:03. :
SAT * FRANCISCO , Oct. 21. Oakland re
sults :
First race , flvO-elghtha of a. mile , selling :
Alee won. Druldess second , Klckumbob
third. Time : 1:06 % .
Second race , ono and one-sixtcen'th miles ,
selling : Fnvprsham won , Wyoming second ,
P. A. FlnnOgan third. Time : lE2Vi.
Third race , one mile : May W won ,
Morrlssey second. Time : 1:16. ( Two start
ers. )
Fourth race , three-fourths of a ) mile , sell
ing : Cnstake won. Major Cook second ,
Montallado third. Time : lWi.
Fifth race , Futurity course , scllintr : Im
perious won , High Hoe second , 1 Don't
Know third. Time : llG i.
NEW YORK , Oct. 23. Queen's County
Jockey club , at Aqueduct. Ile-sults :
First race , seven furlongs , selling : Queen
of Song won , Concord second , Ordttal third.
Time : 1:27.
Second race , -one mile and seventy yards :
Waitnot won , Vera'clous second , Rare Per
fume third. Time' ' : 1:46.
Third race , one and one-sixteenth mllea ,
selling : Trlllo won , Qlyth second , Free
Lance third. Time : 1:50.
Fourth race , llvtl nnd one-half furlongs ,
selling : Smoke won , .Malvllla second ,
Prejudice third. Time : 1:082-5 :
Fifth race , ono and one-sixteenth miles :
Domineer -won , Claraba si < cond , Llndula
third. Time : 1:50.
Sixth race , seven furlongs : First Whip
won , Dissenter second , Uncle Josh third.
Time : 1-022-5.
Glllicrt MuUen a Gooil Hceoril ,
NASHVILLE , Tcnn. , Oct. 23. The Belle
Hondo Gun club began Its annual meet
today with n program somewhat different
from that originally Intended , High class
shooting was the rule , however , Frank
Gilbert making a record of iui : broken out
of 200 clay pigeons , with 108 consecutive
breaks. Charles Budd of Des Molnes was
second , with 190 broken , nnd Juke Gay of
Pine Grove , Ky. , third , with 1SU to his
credit. Mrs. W. L. Shnttuck of Minneap
olis made a score of 105.
Tomorrow the Schmelzcr cup will bo
shot for nnd on Thursday J. D. D. Debow
of this city shoots a match with J , A. R.
Klllott of Kansas City for the champion
ship nt 100 live birds.
KniiNiiN City Horxe Show.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Oct. a. Kansas
City's llfth annual horse show opened at
Convention hall tonight with nearly TOO
entries from all parts of the country. The
hall , sentlng 10,000 people nnd with nn Im
mense arena , wus brilliantly decorated and
lighted. The grand parudo began at 7:30
and was followed by the judging of nlno
clnsses nnd a cavalry drill by two troops of
the Sixth United States cavalry from
Fort Leavenworth. Representative horse
and stockmen were - -eMont from twenty
different states. The show will last nil
I'II I'll ! 1C MVI'lllS.
COLUMBUS , O. , Oct. 23. Weather clear
nnd wirin ; truck fast. Results :
2:25 pad' ' , purse. { GOO : Clinton B won In
straight heats. Time : 2:13'4 : , 2:17'Ji : ' , 2:12. :
2:03 : pace , purse $600 : Exploit won second ,
thlid nnd fourth bents niH nice. Time :
2:1SV4 , 2:10'2:18 : % . Seven Points ) won the
first heat. Time : 21SV4. ; Milton fl. EIIlo
Powers , Byzantliui nnd Oddlta also started.
2:20 : trot , jiureo $000 ; CJraco Greenlamlor
won third , fourth nnd llfth heats nnd race :
Time : 2:2. : , 2lb'4 : , 2lS : > , i. Fnrc ! t Rose won
llrst and second heats. Time : 2HJ',4 : , 2:2. : .
ir Dime Hull AKNIK-IIIlinn Meitt ,
ST. LOUIS , Oct. 23.-Presldont H. L > .
Qnlnn has postponed the meeting of the
now American Base Ball iipnoclntlon from
Wednesday , October 23 , to Thursday , No
vember 2. Although Mr. Qulnn will not ad
mit It , It Is said postponement wns
ordered HO as In jjlvo the promoters nt
the new baseball r.rtMOclutlon U rhnnca In
KCO the JcffrlpH-Shurkey lleht. The meetIng -
Ing of the new American association will
pofltlvoly tnko place at Now York on No
vember 2.
Notre Hume Male CliiiiiiiIoiN | ,
NOTR10 DAME. Iml. . Oct. lil.-NoIro
D.iinu defeated Indiana In a contest for the
state clunnploiiHhlp today , the score being
17 to 0. Indiana WUH outplayed from the
start , but gave Notre Dumo llm hnrd "il
kind of a light. Duncan , Farley und Mul
len played great ball and the lormer
Bcurod all tin * touclulowiiH , tlu < Iiitu of
which WQK rmidu by emnahlng through the
center and ( iiutrded by four men BOlnir
down the Held for Ill'ty-Ilvo yards unit
Sir.r I'd I M r IT TnUi'ii Off Track.
CLEVELAND. O. . Octf 2.1-The famous
stallion , Star Pointer , ha * , been taken off
thd track by his owner. W. J. Whltu , The
great pacer's legs will never ngnln bo In
condition 'foi racing. His trainer has been
released nnd Pointer has been put In th
stud at Mr. witiU'u Two-Minute Villa btud
farm ,
.Mr.InrVliin oil 11 Foul.
I SYRACl'SU , N. \.t Oft U-l&l Dunk-
liorjit of Syracuse lost to .Peter Maher In
| the seventh round of what was to have
dysiiopttc , In vftln ftlul misery
from tiny trouble which medicine 4
tlocs not euro ? If so , try Kleutrlelty
as applied by my improved motliod.
Can von not sco that ills t no ono
nnd only euro that 1 urn curing
thousands every yum' nftor the full-
uro of every known tlrujj.
knows that tlrtiRp will not restore
Ills strength. 1 hitvo boon uurlnc
these troubles for twenty .vcura nnd
rre ? knmv tll t' the llfo of thonorvca
m.Knng s ucc.
Irlclty. 1 know how to apply It nnd ha\o cured thousands ot cases In the last
thrco years.
Your belt has cured me ot n bad cafe nf ilyupptmla and my wife whs cured
it severe pains In her slile , ' writes S. T. SHBUDO N of 51 N. Sheldon St. , Chi-
' ago.
ago.My B It has soft chamois cushion electrodes and CANNOT lUTUN. yet you
feel Its foothlng , gentle current ji * It vitalizes all weak p.irts. It has a perfect
regulatornnd Is watranted one year.
FflPP RflfW My SO-page Illus rated book tolls all about my method and how
I IILL UUUlN It cures. I will send It free , scaled , on it-quest.
C. gVflcLAUCHLJN , 2l4S5ft7cEASoToR.EET'
For § 10,00 , does not menu thnt you can vWt a fnshlonablo
mountain resort for that price. Hut It menus sometliluj , ' bet
ter still you can buy tlio finest kind oC n Kersey Overcoat
black or brown beautifully lined perfectly made nud
superbly fitting guaranteed tbe best workmanship tbo
most correct style. Ask to look nt our Gayrock Overcoats
IS and 20 Main St. 17 and 10 Pearl St.
Invest Your Money Safe ,
Buy a first mortgage netting you 5 psr cent interest.
Buy a farm in Iowa or Nebraska.
Purchase city property in Omaha or Council Bluffs.
DAY & HESS , 2
have the above investments for sale. Call on or write them
IO Cents. 5 Cents.
i John G. Woodward & Co. , Dn
been a ten-round go before the Monarch
Athletic club here tonight on n foul. The
rules under which the men fouitht stipu
lated that they should break clean nt the
command of the referee. AVlien Dunkhorst
haw that ho was bound to bo whlupod he
clearly evaded this rule nnd the referee
gave the decision to Mahor. t
.tJltchoIl ExcelH Vaiikton.
MITCHELL. S. D. , Oct. 23. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Thd nrst game of foot ball of the
season was played ihero 'this afternoon be
tween Ynnkton college und 'Mitchell ' uni
versity , the latter winning by n score of 31
to C. In the first half Mitchell made three
touchdowns , the score being 1C to C.
In the st'cond ' half two touchdowns wcro
made In the first minute nnd a half of play.
Ynnkton wns weak In Interference , but hnd
a good line. .Mitchell made some dashing
plays nnd won out on superior all-around
It Is expcctild a game 'will soon be ar
ranged between Verrntlllon and Mitchell.
ChoyiiHlil KiKK'l.-H Out Moore.
ST. LOUIS , Oct. 23-Joo ChoyiiHkl , the
well known California boxer , knocked out
Ulck Moore ot St. Taiil tonight In the
arena of the St. Louis Athletic club In
the third round of what wa to have been
n twunty-round contest. Choynskl was In
splendid fettle nnd after the first round
simply played with the St. Paul boxer.
Lombard lcfvn < H W
HUIILINGTON , In. . Oct. SJ. Lombard
eollose , 21 ; Iowa. AVesluyan , C.
Survivor * of tli < - Civil \Vnr Ilciiii-iu-
biM'eil liy tin * ( ieneral ( iovornniriit.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 23. ( Special. ) The
following western pensions have been
granted :
Issue of October 0 :
Nebraska : Original Edward Metcalf ,
Smlthfleld , $0. Restoration nnd reissue
f'hrlstlan Owlnner , Atlanta , ? 12. Incronto
John M. Blown , Heaver dtv , SS .to * 10 ;
Richard Heck. Nebraska City , TC to * s ;
William II. AVnolppy , Tccumspli , ? S to * 1U !
James M. Burton , Deweesu , ? S to 410. Orig
inal widows , etc. Charlotlu A. Moore ,
Smlthncld. $8.
lown : Additional Charles Robinson , Now
Hamilton , ? 0 to * S. Itchtonillou and In
crease Abel G. Morse , Walker , $1 to W ;
Michael Jaeger , dead , Burlington , * 12 to
$21. Incrensfi Morllln II. Wentonlwver , i
Kulrllohl. $ S to $12 ; Joseph Hcrrnld , ( Irlmus.
$8 tii $11 ; John S. Floyd , in : lo Ornvo. V ! '
to $ S ; Allen W. Foreytli , l.vnnvllln. ? C to JS ;
William II. Jordan. Indlnnnla , ? 5 to JS j
Original wldnwH , etc. Catharlna Jnoger ,
Hurllngton , $12 ; Josephine J. Klnncy , dead ,
Urs MoinuH. ? .
South IJakota : Original Henry Royston ,
Fort Pierre , 0. Additional William Ans-
tin. Pembroke , JS to J12. IIILTC.IHU lUlas
Wlacr , Sioux Falls , $ fi to * S ; Alexander
uucnic , not HpringB. ? s lo 12 , original
vldnv.P , etc. Doru Oswald. Canovn , JS ,
Colorado Increase Ilobcrt O Tlunston ,
IHimngo , ill to $17. Holssuo nnd Increase
Uenonl Btcadmun , Plattovllle , JO to 112.
Tor Hlxyonrn I wan u victim ordya *
pcpnln In It * , worst for.-ii J iculd cat null imr
but milk toatt , nnd til limes tny Ltomach would
not retain end dtaril c\ni tliut. Latt Mart 111
bcuan talclnj CA.SCAKr.T.'i und fclnco 1
bavo steadily Improved until 1 am oc v.ell . us I
over uasininy life. "
DAVID II. MuiU'iir , Newark , O ,
Pleatnnt. I'.alnt.itilp , Potent. Tnttc Good , o
Good Never HIclicn , Weaken , cr ( irlro , I3e , 20ctOa.
BKrllof lltmtd ; Cu , ( ( . | , II < ii > ( rrtl , Kt * ill
Sold ami ni > ernntcciiir |
cutato CVIZi : Tobacco
A. '
Best Dining Car Service ,
Magnet Pile Killer
ASIC OR WniTR : Andrew Klewlt. Oma
ha , Neb. ; Albert nran on Councll DluffH ,
la.j K. B. McCoy , Drrivcr , Colo. ; F. V. Ucn-
eon , Tallapoosa , On , ; M. T. Mnm , Chicago ,
Amos L. Jackman , Omaha , Neb. ; J. C.
Bauley , Dumont , Cole , ; Frank Ha ! ) , Dfivlil
City , JJeb. ; James Davis , Omaha , Neb , ; A.
Hlng , Princeton , 111 , Pearson Heaty , Fair
fax , Onlu , For Kilo at ilniyglsti ) .
Sl.OO Per Box. Cimnmteerl.
lIoMvtTii Coiinc'll llluitH iinil flinuliii.
Rates RcnHonnble , Hadtifat'tlon Guaranteed
Ccmnrll Blnffii oHlce , No. 8 North Malti
trect Telcih no j s. Omiilm olllce re-
uvcd to 311 South Tvrlfih utreK. Tclo.
Conne < . 'loiiB made -nllli South Omaha ,