Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 18, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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Dnvts rclls Kin1" ! .
Dr. liower , Globr > hldp 'Phone418. .
\Velsb.ich burners at Hl\by' Tel. 193.
niiilvvclser beer , li nosenfeldt , ngnt.
Terry pictures. Alexanders , 333 B'xvay.
Dr. Stephcnson , Mcrrlum blk. , room S21.
Hrlinildt photo ? are guaranteed to plenso.
llemovcd , C. 13 Alexinder & . Co. , Art Km-
porlmn , to 33J Hrondvvay.
C 11 .Tncnuemln fc Co , Jewelers and op
ticians , 27 Sou h Main street
Got your work ilono at the popular Ua
laundrj , 72 < Hroathvay 'Phono 157.
\V C listen undertaker 2S Pearl street.
Telephone Ufllce , 97 , residence , J3.
IIoj ( rnlsors , 100 pounds make } ou $100 $
Atnoip e Stock rood Co , Council llluffa.
Mi nnd Mrs floorce Wills of Lincoln ,
Nfl > vvtro visiting' Mentis In the city yea-
M P McCluto l8 In Waterloo , In. , at-
I'tnllriK the meeting of the suite IdOKO of
Odd 1'cIlovvH
\\liv clon't you put Notir orders In for
lift Pennsylvania hnnl to Fenlon &
rolij 37 So .Main street.
'loniffht the Woodward Stork eompiny
will present "A Silent Wltnoss' tit the
1) ilnnj thiatcr The play Is said to be ono
of tht li best
I'xcilslor lodKC. No. ffiD. Ancient 3'rro
and Accepted Masons.lll moot In TOK-
iilnr session this o\unlns for work In the
second degree. *
I' Jones , cashier of the Om ilia & St.
I.ouls nt this point , returned Monday nlRht
from ChluiKf ) , where IIP went to iilnco his
thr < P Lhlldrcu in school
MI--S lltlit'l I-emen and Miss Florence
Denny ot the Christian Home- wont to St.
J.mils > esterelay evening nn business con-
nri ted with the Institution
Mis S.iunu 1 Holierls , Mister and diiugh-
tet loft visterday tor Hot Springs , Ark ,
u lu re thev BO Cor Miss Huberts' health ,
who Is Mirferiiif ? from rheumatism
G 13 Kolilnson , advance URcnt for the
Joshua Slmpklns lompuro , VVHB In the pltv
Jtstuid.i > jrrangliiK tor the appearinco ot
Ills nUrattlon at the Dolianv thoiUcr
'I ho funpral of the late Conrad Haccr
\vlll bo held tomorrow afternoon at 2
o'clotlc from the ? family resldunoe , 1010
Avenue 1) will bo in r.ilrvluvv
Hev Mjron C Vvaddell , pistor of the
Uio.idvvny Methodist church , perfoimcd the
in irrlasjp ceremony last evening nt the par-
j-onat-e foi r r. Ueikshlic of this city and
AI irth i Cioftb of OaUiand , l.i
The Implempnt dftilors of the cltv have
appointed a committee to draft suitable
resolutions on the death of S A. Cram ,
fomurlv munagcr of the Mirsellles Manu
facturing companj at this point
J A 11mborman ot this city and Emma
Ijlndtm ) of Oakland , l.i , wurc. married in
this clH vesterduy c\onlnr ( , too ceremonv
lie'iiR performed 1 > > Hev George 1'dward
"U'.illc at St. I'.utl's Episcopal church rec
Ugbcrt Ajlisvvorth of the High school
foot ball toiini Is laid up as the result of an
Injury m Lived in the giuim at College
Springs last Saturdij The. bone of his
right leg was splintered 1 > y a kick and is
now in a plaster of parts cast.
The llro which Illumined the sky [ south-
cast of the clt > Sunday night was the
liurnlns of 101 toiS ) o hiy belonging to J.
C Lewis the Deaf and Dumb Insti
tute1 It is supposed that sparks from a
luifcslng ficlKlit engine started the. blaze.
All members of the different committees
li.iving In ch irge the old-fashioned pumpkin
pie pntluhle to be given by Council camp.
No 14. Trlday evening to Woodmen and
their families ate requestinl to meet this
evening at Woodman hall to complete ar
Leo Thomas , the Infant son of Mr. and
! Mis M A Moran , 1016 Seventeenth nvc-
nup died jesterday morning of cholera In-
fantum , aged -N ) months "Ihe funeral will
lie hold this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the
retldenco and Interment will be > in the
Catholic ccmeterj.
The case against Mlko Smith , charjied
with slashing James Clark with n knife ,
h is be6h continued until Tuesday at the
request of pie prosecutlnK witness The
information was filed ncalnst Smith in the
superior court and not before Justice Vein ,
as originally Intended.
The locil council of the Iloyal Arcanum
Ins been invited to attend a "btag" party
1o bo plven bv Union Pacific council ,
Onialui , tomorrow e\enlnfr at the Commer
cial club rooms. All members of ridellty
council who expect to attend are requited
to meet .it the hull in the Beno t > lock at
7:30 : o'tloclc tomorrow evening
II Ituile and l < "rank Peterson were nr-
rftted labt night for being drunk. Later It
< lo\elojied that Hudo had stolen a coat be-
longlnK to Tiank llardtn and also { 3 from
Peterson , with whom iho had been playlnu
ibllllardH In a ninmlw.iy saloon. The charge
of drunkenness wasohanged accordingly to
one of larceny , llude is a stranger to the
At a meeting last night of the High school
Kraduatts who luue undertaken to raise
Jl.COO for the reception to the Fifty-first
low.i by the "endless chain" plan the fol
lowing wpro appointed a. committee to take
the miittor In hand. Painter Knox , O. S.
lUaiuhard , Thomas Greein , Frank Capell ,
Itobert AVallace. J'alnter Knox was ap-
liolnte l treasurer The "endless chain" will
call for donations of 25 cents.
The Misonlo Burial association was or-
jr.mlzud last night with the follow Ing olll-
tirs Prcbldcnt , Dr. J. C Waterman , vice
lircbldent , \ \ ' II lllghbinlth : secretary , J.
15 Atliins ; tienMircr II W. Hinder , finance.
eommlttPe , Gcorso W. Llpp , II. W. Binder ,
"W II. HlKhsmlth Thp organization starts
out with j-lxt > members , drawn from the
1wci local Masonlu lodges. The association
will bo conducted on the assessment plan.
Krank Holder , a member ot the crow of
a Northwestern freight train , was seriously
injured near Crescent City Monday night.
The train b ickcil Into a handcar which sec-
lion men had left on the track and the
< aboosecnt Into the ditch At llrst his
injuries went thought to bo Blight , but later
it btcame apparent that lie was liurt intern -
n illy , and ho was brought to this cltv nnd
tnken to his homo at Klcmlng and Little
licnton stteets
A telegram was received hero yesterday
afternoon nnnouncln ? the death at the Sol-
dlers.1 home In Marshalltown of S. a Nash
of this eltj Mr Nash was a member of
oveiy Masonic body In this city and for
twenty jears had acted as t > ler for the
different lodgeH Ho went to the home at
( Mnifthalltawn about three months ago The
body will bo lironght hero for burial and
the funcial will be under the auspices of
Hluff < Mt > Mabonlu lodges He lum no living
relative. } here , his wlfo and daughter being
hurled In IMIivlow cemeter >
The management of the Christian Homo
is i"tpirlom.liiK dltlleulty In securim ; nulll-
t lent funds to keep the Institution nbovn
watei mark The receipts for several
lm > ithn p.iht lm\o been below the neiils
and last weik , nccoidlng to the Ilnancial
lepoit Just issued , wah noceptlon to
the uile The amount lecelved In the gen-
ral fund was $114 'J3 , being TS575 below the
( stlmated needs for the current expenses
of the week , and Increasing tlm deficiency
1u this fund to iluto to $7171) . ' The receipts
In the munager'H fund amounted to III 50 ,
lielnir Jll 50 below the needs of Urn week
and iiicicasliig the dellclency In this fund
to duto to fl,13 55
It de\e > loped % > tenlay that I'd Barrett ,
Ihe in in inestcd Mondaj by Olllcer Weir
"on suBplelon , " w s thought to huvo been
Implliated In the theft of clothing belong
ing to 1' G Li wls and Andrew Tnrlej , m'lm- '
l > er of a Northwestern track gang The
clothing was locked In u commissary cheHt
nnd that belonging to Lewis consisted of IIH !
uniform as a meinbei of the Plist Nebraska
volunteers We4r had his eje on nnothd'
man wham ho believed was Implicated In
the robbery and for this reason kept the
fads Hoarding llarrett's arrest secret. Ho
falleU to rapture the second party , how
ever , and tliPlo being no evidence against
Barrett he > was ielia ed jcsterdaj morning
liy oultr of Judge Ajleaworth
N. V. Plumbing company. Tel , 250.
MnrrliiKU l.leeiiHoa ,
LUerses to vvcd were issued jostcrdoy to
the follovvlng persons
Nami and Jlesldence Age
3 A T'mbermun. Council Bluffs 31
Qaklnnfl. la M
immn Llnelsay ,
r K lierkslilre. Council Blurts 24
Blmtha Crofts , Oakland , lu . ' 3
Davis sells paint.
Ntgotlated in Knutern Nebraska
nnd low a Jtimcs JI Ca > ady , Jr. ,
ia > Main St. Council Bluffe.
Tor Cauli ur I.onncil On.
u. n , sunAi < : .t co. (
B Pearl Street , Council Uluff * ,
Local Commtt ! o Hnitling for the Where
withal to Parchaso Edibles ,
Thnftc In Chnrttc of the Mntter 1'erl
Cerlnln tlmi ( he IleiiiiUltc Three
7li iiKniiil Dollnrn Will lie
Chairman Hart of the Finance comralttuo
has appointed the soliciting committees and
octlvo work to raise the $3,000 needed to
defray the expenses of the reception to the
Fifty-first lown will commence today. The
committees and the districts they arc aa-
Blgncd to are as follows
I'lrst District from Willow avenue south
on Alain and Pearl streets , In the
manufacturers' and Jobbers , r H Davis ,
U. U Merrlam and C W McDonald.
Second District Prom Main Htrctt east
and north ot Willow avenue. L A De-
vine , Major Jennings. J. P. Orconshlelds
and F T True.
Third District From Willow avenue north
and from Main Mreet west : Charles U.
Hannan. F II Hill Charles Beno , William
Moore nnd Lucius Wells
It Is the Intention of these committees to
make a thorough canvass of the city before
tbo $1 ribbons nro offered for sale The
ribbons are now being printed. There will
be two ribbons In plico of one , as at first
designed. On the upper ribbon , which will
bo red , will be printed "I Have Have You ? "
This ribbon will bo four Inches long. The
eccond or underneath ribbon will be white
and five Inches in length. On it will be
printed the picture of a soldier and the
wordR "This will buy a soldier a. square
meal. "
Chairman Hart feels confident that by the
day the regiment roachea Council Blurts
( very man , woman and child who can pos- I '
slbly afford to pay $1 will be wearing these I I
ribbons and that a large portion of the i
money neceeary to defray the expenfccs of the I
reception can bo secured In this manner. Ho '
said jcsterday :
'This la a matter of patriotism , and I be-
llevo everyone ought to buy at least one
of the ) ribbons. Any man who can afford
the $1 and is not wearing one of these ribbons
bens on the day of the reception , will , in
my opinion , bo deserving of criticism. "
Mr. Hart expects to announce the com
mittees 1hls morning , who will have charge
of the disposal of these ribbons throughout
the city.
Acting on instructions from the executive
committee. Secretary Tinley is engaged In
the arduous task of addressing a copy of
the following letter to the mayor of every
tonn represented by soldiers in the regi
ment :
COUNCIL BLTJFrS , la , Oct. 17. To the
Ma > or : As > ou have undoubtedly seen , an
effort has been organized to welcome the
return of the Fifty-first regiment to the
state , and pursuant to that Idea an organ-
i7atlon has been perfected to make this wel
come thoroughly In keeping- with the pleas
ure and pride our state feels In the recoid
made by this regiment.
We notice that your city is represented
in the regiment by having one or more
members , and as It la very desirable that
every municipality so directly interested
should take an active pait , we urge upon
you the propriety of your organizing in
your city a local committee to take pirt
In the celebration ; and that > ou also ap-
pojnt and send to us as soon as posslblo
the names ot three or more of your cltUens
to put upon the general reception com
mittee .
We mall you herewith a general circular
letter that we have caused to be mailed
to all the cities and towns of the state ,
but In view of jour particular Interest wo
write the above and urge the appointment
of the committee suggested. Please let me
hear from you as soon at possible , sending
me the names ot such committee. Very
truly yours , EMMET TIN LEY.
The committee towhich was assigned the
duty of securing halls and headquarters Is
having considerable difficulty In procuring
the needed number. Chairman Llpo and
Frank True of the committee jesterday
made a tour of the business part of the city
and contracted for every vacant store build
ing , but found the number of such buildings
very few. These vacant stores are to bo
utilized for headquarters for the different
companies. The committee has also secured
the use of all the public halls and lodge
rooms in the city.
The banquet at which two thousand sol
diers end guestb are expected to be present
will have to bo divided into three sections ,
as there is no hall in the city large enough
to accommodate such a gathering. At
present the plan Is to servo the banquet In
the largo hall at the Masonic temple , the
Odd Fellows' hall and on the second and
third floors of the Elseman building The
breakfast that It proposed to glvo the bojs
immediately on reaching here will be served
according to present plans , in the now
freight house of the Terminal company , at
Ninth street and Broadway.
Mayor Jennings Is already In receipt of
numerous inquiries regarding the reception
from outsldo towns , among the number re
ceived yesterday being ono from Hov. S. A.
Arnold of Newton , Jasper county , who
writes that ho has two sons In Company M.
The cxecutlva committee will meet this
morning at 10 o'clock In the headquarters
recently established In the Grand hotel.
New neckbards put on ahlrts free of
charge for regular customers at the Bluff
City 1-undry , 31 North Main.
i : WITH Tin :
Local JlereliniilN AVnnt UlUliorn
Train * to Uiiter ( litCity. .
At a meeting of the executive committee
of the Merchants' and Manufacturers' asso
ciation last night a committco consisting of
General E. F , Teat , L A Devlno nnd F. H
Hill was appointed to take up with the of
ficials of the Northwestern railway In Chicago
cage the matter of the service of trains on
the Klkhorn road , The committee was ap
pointed for the direct purpose of trjlng
to Induce the railway company to run Its
trains on the Elkhorn In and out ot Council
Bluffs to accommodate the trade and tramc
from this city
The Jobbers and manufacturers , and more
especially tbo Implement men , have a largo
trade In and ohIp a vast quantity of goods
to that portion of Nebraska and the Black
Hills district reached by the ElUhorn At
present all firms in this city shipping to
that section of the country have either to
send tliclr goods round by Missouri Valley
or send them by wagon to Omaha , the lat
ter arrangement entailing a heavy expense ,
The Implement firms of this city during
what Is known in the trade as the repair
ucason especially feel the need of closer
connection with the Elkliorn. U is argued
that tbo BlUUorn could easily run Its trains
to and from this city over the Terminal
company's brldgo with very little extra ex
pense , and that the trade which the com
pany derives from this city entitles the
jobbers and manufacturers to such a serv
ice. Instead of being compelled , as now , to
practically haul nil of their goods to tbo
Webster etreet depot in Omaha
Efforts to secure this service have In the
pruit fulled with the local official ? of the
road , and now the association will take the
matter up with the bead officials In Chl-
ate and > ce it something cannot bo done
In the matter.
J P Hess and Secretary Stewart were appointed -
pointed delegates from the association to
attend the Beet Sugar convention , to be
held In Omaha Frldaj.
Reasonable amount ot mending clone free
at charge nt tbe Bluff City laundry. This U
the laundry that takes good care of your
linen. 31 North Main.
IOIMS i % Tin : nisTitici1 to HIT.
d of Ulinl I * Trim NitlrltiRllc -
fori.lnil f < 1 nnil . ) n I-M ,
The trial of Charles Ilunswlek , charged
with adultery with the wife of Henry Mikel-
eon of Boomer township wa completed In
the district court yeMerdav morning The
Jury , after being out but a short time ,
brought in a verdict of guilty Judge Macy
deferred passing sentence The Jury was
then dismissed until this morning , when the
case of the state ngalnat F D Lo.ipur nnd
Alice Williams , charged with adtilterj , will
bo taken up The thno cases against George
Hell , charged with embezzlement , were con
tinued to next term. These cases have been
on the docket since 1S07 and have been con
tinued from term to term to give Bell an
opportunity to pay back the money which It
J is charged ho embezzled , Dell was formerly
in the commission business In thla city.
The case of the state ngalnst the Chicago
& Northwestern Uallwiy company , charged
with obstructing a public highway In Garner
township , was continued to next term nt the
request of the defendant.
The case of Vincent Knapp agiinst George
Morrison , arising over the disputed posses
sion of acrctcd lands In the bottoms near
Crescent Cltj , was dismissed by plaintiff and
ccsta paid.
Judge Macy jestorday made the fifth as
signment for the term , ao follows :
Mend ly , October - Halnes ngalnot Mor-
pan , Knapp ngalnst Morrison , Metzgcr
tipilnst Kindlctt
Tuesdiv October 21 Mver ncalnst AVag-
oner et al , Sohmklt against Annls et al ;
liupli ap-alnst Clti
WediulMny , October 2V- Council Bluffs
Savings Bank ncalnst Wllllims. Sorcnsen
npiln = t White ; Slgler against Murphv.
Thursdav , October 2ft Field against Kist-
prn Building and Loan Asooclitlon. Has-
mtissen against Eastern Building and Loan
Mondaj , October 30 Perclval against
Limit et al , Rnndall ct al against Woman's
Christian Association.
Tuesdav , October 'il Blxby against Mat-
thews elt al , Farmers' and Merch mis' State
Bank against White et al.
Wednesdnj , November 1 Whitney against
Hoffmaver et al
Thursday , November 2 Reynolds ngalnst
Judge Macy handed down his decision In
the suit of Mary L Cleaver against the City
ot Council Bluffs , finding for the- plaintiff
and enjoining the cltj from levying or col
lecting city taxes on Mrs. Cleaver's
property , which the court finds to be agri
cultural land
The trial of the suit of n. H. Harris
ngalnst the Motor compinjis set for today
in the superior court. In this suit the
plaintiff , who owns property on South Firat
street , between Broadway and Plerco
streets , wants $2,000 damages because the
Motor company has. ho alleges , depreciated
the value of hl : > holding by building Its
track within four feet of the curb line. As
another ground for damages he alleges that
the company stands Its trains in front ot
his firopcrty while switching at Fierce
street , which prevents him from the full
enjoyment oFthe street in front of his
propertj- .
A Jury was impaneled yesterday In the
superior court in the damage suit ot E S.
Vaughan against the Chicago & . Northwest
ern rallwaj , but at the request ot the de
fense the case was continued until later In
the term and the Jury was discharged.
Ladles of the Maccabees will give their
anniversary ball this evening , Oct. JJ5 , 1899 ,
nt Roj-al Arcanum hall. Tickets , 60c per
couple. Supper , 13c.
\vonic or PUIMLS iDRAAVIVG. .
rimt Monthly Kxlilltlt of the HniKll-
nnrlc of tliv Sellout Chllilrcn.
The first monthly exhibit of specimens
of the work in drawing now being done in
the city schools has been placed In position
on the walls ot the corridor on the third
floor in the Bloomer building. The speci
mens are all neatly mounted on cards and
the collection makes a moat interesting ex
hibit. Much of the work displayed is of
a high order and reflects great credit on
the pupils and Miss Harriet Blood , the
superintendent of drawing and penmanship
in the city schools
This is the first exhibit of the kind and
is the fulfillment of a plan which Miss
Blood has been working on for some time
past and In which bbo has been ably assisted
by the teachers of the different school build
ings. This exhibit will bo changed monthly
and every ouo interested in the work of
the schools is at liberty to Inspect the col
lection , which presents a varied assortment
of subjects. The teachers say that slncei
the pupils learned that such an exhibit waste
to bo made they have taken an increased
interest in their drawing and vie with each
other in doing the best work , with the hope
of having their work selected to bang In
the collection.
The Board of Education occupied its new
quarters on the third floor in the Bloomer
'building for the first time Monday night.
The change from the Washington avenue
building was made necessary , owing to the
Increased attendance at that building. The
board room has been formed by partitioning
off n portion of the corridor at the north
end. The desks of the members End tables
for the superintendent , secretary and super
visor of buildings nro separated from the
lobbj by n neat railing. The room Is taste
fully papered and the woodwork stalnoil a
deep mahogany and varnished , the vvholo
presenting a handsome appearance. It is
well lighted and ventilated.
Scientific optician , Wollman 409 Br'dway.
Ilcnl lNint > TriuiNfem ,
The following transfers were filed jostcr-
day In the abstract , title and loan olllco of
J. W. Squlie101 Peirl Htrect :
William A PlnKei-ton to Fort Dodge &
Omaha Ilallrond companj , pirt se',4
4-77-H. w d . . { 44
W A Plnkerton to Edwaid A. Wick-
ham , HeH aiJ 4 1-77-M w , d. . , . 200
Ole Jeuxen and wile to Mngglo Jcn-
i f\\\ \ hit G , block 1 , ami lot 11 , bloik
9 , Mjnstei'a add , Council Bluffs ! ,
| w < 1 . 1
j A KIR'S N Judd and lnuband to Ida A.
Wlnelind lot 10 and n'i ' 11 in block
30 , town of Avenn , w d . . . . . , SCO
Iloxj Peck and hUBb.ind lo Mlfl D.
H Peck , part of lots 7 and Si , block
2J. town of Neola , w. d . . . 125
J D Edmundson and wife to W C.
D.ivlb , w'asw'/i 9-75-11 , w d 3.COO
3 H Adamb and wife to Hogan
Ouren lot 7 , block .1. Jackson's add ,
Council Hluff , , , w d 3,000
Totu ) , seven transfers , , . . { 6,930
Mrs. Handet's classes ( or dancing are now
spen Children at residence Tuesdays , 4
o'clock ; at I. 0 0 F. temple , Saturdays , 2
o'clock Adult beginner , ) at residence , Tues
days , S o'clock. Assemblies , Fridays , at
I. O. O. F. temple , 8.3 o'clock , Private
lessons at any tlmo not taken with classea.
Residence 23C Oakland avenue , telephone 451 ,
DUliulc Ilcttteen M'lKhlinru.
Morris Flahavo , a resident of tbo south
west part of tbe city , was arrested yester
day afternoon at the Instance qt hU nelghr
bor , T H Uowbotham , who charged him
with malicious trespass Flauavc's lot adJoins -
Joins that of Rowbotharo , with a fence lie-
tvvfpn the two A few days ago Flabave de
cided he wanted a new fence , eo ho tore
down the old ono and orcctcj a new one ,
, - *
placing it a foot within his own lot. Ttio
old fpnce he piled up In his neighbor's yard.
Uowbotham did not want another foot added
to his lot , neither did ha want the1 old fence
torn down , hence his chnrgo nRilnst Fin-
hive. Justice Fcrrlcr will arbitrate the
dispute Friday afternoon.
" > U'tcnlf A. Slctenlt
Glvo Stars on clothing
MTUlllliiinn l.iilil to Unit.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Ralph Wll-
llnns was held yesterday afternoon from
the residence of Mr nnd Mrs Charles Beno
on Frank street , which vvno entirely Inade
quate to accommodate the large number ot
friends who attended the services. Rev
Stephen Phclps , D D , of Omnha conducted
the services The handsome casket was
completely covered with iTor.-il tributes and
tbo remains were followed to their last restIng -
Ing place In Falrvlcw cemetery by nn Im-
mrnao cortege of sorrowing frlctidf The
| pallbearers were Messrs W A Travis ,
| Phirlos Bradley , Arthur Rlekmnn , Joseph
I Smith. Charles Hcno Dr H. H Jennings ,
M. C. Vandervecr nnd W A Groneweg.
Howcll'a Anil "Knwf' cures coughs , colds.
HOY viurit .M\SO > S i > snssiov
firnnd Cliuiiter of Io n V memlil nt
HIM ! Onk iiinl ( 'rrciitniilrx IleKiin.
lini ) OAK , la , Oct. 17. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The officers and delegates of the
grand chapter , Royal Arch Masonn of
Iowa , which meets In this city , began arrivIng - I
Ing yesterday. Ex-Senator William F. j
Cleveland , G H P. . and Alfred Wlngnte. G
S . are piesent and will open a school of In
struction today A reception and banquet
will bo given the members tonight by the
women of the 0. E. S at the armory.
The address of welcome will be delivered i
Thurs lay morning by Hon. W. W. Mcrrltt
and responded to by the grand high priest
after being escorted to the temple by Bruce
commandeiy. Knights Templai. The city
Is appropriate decorated and the visitors
will be shown every hospitality.
IOWA nuirr MUM it coin's TIOV.
Seeretnrj \Krluiiltiire WIHoit Ail-
tlreHsen tlt-nr LnUo Mi > ctlii | ? > i
CLEAR LAKE , la , Oct. 17. Iowa people
Interested in the manufacture of beet sugar
met In convention hero today. Delegations
came from numerous towns who arc trying
lo establish factories.
Among the speakers were Secretary of
Agriculture Jnmcs Wilson , Thomas II Cut
ler of Utah , manager of the plant at Lchlgh ;
Henry T. Oxnarcl of Now York , E II. Dyer
of Cleveland nnd others.
The culture of beet" , systems of se urlns
contracts with farmers , methods of raising
capital , etc , were all explained by men of
MllviiiiiKeo mill IlnrllnRton T < - > lnK to
f.-l Control of Honil.
MARSHALLTOWN , la , Oct. 17. "It will
bo two years ( before the- Iowa Central rail
road can be alwoibed by any of the large :
bystems , 33 the meeting of the owners has
passed and another will not be held until
that time , " said J. N. Tlttmore , acting gen
eral manager of the Iowa Central todiy.
"There has been Ihelr bidding on Central
stock by both the Milwaukee and Burlington
companies , with the result that the stock
has gone up and neither company has been
able to secure control. I think it will only
be a question of tlmo when the Central will
ho absorbed by one of the larger systems "
Veteran * Mipport Mclvliiley.
CEDAR RAPIDS , la , Oct. 17. ( Speciil
Telegram ) Th6 Tow a' department of the
Union Veterans' imlon met at VInton today
for a two days' session , with a number of
members present from nil parts of the state.
Officers' will foe elected tomorrow. Today
te ) following resolutions were unanimously
adopted :
"Resolved , That the Department of Iowa ,
Union Veterans' union , in its third annual
encampment assembled , do pledge our best
efforts and support ( not only ourselves hero
assembled , but all comrades everywhere ) to
our comrade. President William McKlnley ,
In maintaining the honor of our flag and
the Integrity of our government. The mag
nificent work of our army and navy is proof
to us all that God In His wisdom has created
for us leaders to fill the place of a Lin
coln , Grant , Sherman , Sheridan , Farragut
nnd the many others who led to victory the
armies of th war of the rebellion , and now ,
with a Dewey nnd the able leaders of the
army , wo Btill uphold the honor of the dear
old flag and we can still sing , 'The Army
and Navy Forever , ' 'Thrco Cheers for the
Red , Whlto and Blue' "
Injured pi Duiilnii.
DUNLAP , la. , Oct. 17. ( Special Tele
gram. ) A man by the name of William I
Broderlck , whoso parents reside in South
Omaha , was picked up this morning along I I
side ot the Northwestern railway track a
mlle ea t of this place. Investigation re
vealed the fact that ho was badly Injured.
His skull was fractured and one foot mashed
into a pulp , -which will necessitate the
amputation of his leg above the knee. Ho
was brought to town on a hand car nnd at
tended by a physician and this afternoon
was accompanied by two citizens to Council
Bluffs , where his father and two brothers
met him.
Kllln a llnrKlnr.
OTLEY , In. , Oct. 17 ( Special , ) An un
identified burglar who had entered the gen
eral store of J. D. Vrlczelaar , was shot by
the proprietor early Sunday morning. In a
pocket was a book containing the name , "E.
M. Kennedy , Waterloo , la. "
Owl Like Land Oaso Likol $ to Bo Token Dp
to ths Hlghosl Tribunal ,
'title nf CoorRo 1 * . 1'enrnnu to Die
Trae-t In V itln Cnnllriiiril. lull
Attorney ( .merit ! Mny
tarry It I p.
FORT 1)01)012 , la , Oct. 17 ( Special Tel
egram ) The famous Owl Lake land c'lse ,
which hna been In the courts since 1W , haa
again been acted upon in the Iowa supreme
court , The Owl Like farm , which consisted
of two sections In Humboldt county , hns been
considered a part of the aw amp land grant
of l iO Following the net of lioO the state
of Iowa gnvo the swamp lamls lo the different
counties. At the tlmo of the construction of
the old Fort Rldgcly road , now the Minne
apolis . St. LouUs , the swamp lands of Hum
boldt county were given to the road. Uitcr
Owl Lake was deeded by the road to George
P Pearson , one of Its promoters Mr. i'eir-
son , who Is the fither-ln-law of Congress
man Dolllver and n brothel of i ) K Pesrson ,
the Illinois millionaire , drained the land nnd
made It valuable
Previous to this a petition , supported by
aflldavlts from residents of Humboldt county ,
had been sent to the Interior department ,
and upon this evidence tlie land wis set
nsldo as swampy , nnd patented accordingly.
In 1805 somosqimtltrs settled upon the land ,
claiming that It vns public linil , that Owl
laKe was a lake and not a swamp ami that
therefore the government patent deeding the
ground to Mr. Pearson as swamp land was
null und void. Injunction proceedings were
begun to restrain the squatters from settling
upon the land nnd the case waa llrbt hoirel In
the district court of Humboldt county a ver
dict given for Mr Pearson and the case was !
tlum appealed to tlm Iowa supreme court ,
whcro a doclbion was again given for Mr.
A petition for rehearing was filed and the
Iowa supreme court this morning agiln de
cided adversely to Attorney Grncial Rcmley ,
who had ftlcel the petition for the state At
torney General Reinley now threatens to ap
peal the case to the United States supreme
court. The case is important in itself , in
volving as it docs an Immense amount of
money , nnd will have nn important bearing
on future bwamp land litigation.
Votern of Hntionek ( " 01111(3 "VVI11 lime
nn Opportunity til Decide- the
Important ( liicstlmi.
DES MOLNES , Act 17. ( Special Telegram. )
The voters of Hancock county will have
an oppoitunlty to decide on the locntion
of their court house , and if they decide In
favor ot Brltt Instead of Garner , the $3,000
court 1'ouso erected in the latter city by Its
leading business men. and offered to the
county will have to be turned Into a hotel
The supreme court thin morning reversed
the ruling of the lower court In the now
famous county scat case and bet its foot
down on the theory that a town aspiring tea
a county seat may do so without a popular
vote by merely annexing the town In which
the court house was then located.
Mrs Richard Haley died of lockjaw this
morning. A week ago Thursday while
walking in the back yard , Mrs Haley
lan a rusty nail into her foot The
nail was quickly extracted and left but little
sign of Injury. The slight wound healed
quickly , the physician now says too quickly ,
and was almcst forgotten. Aside from tem
porary pain at first , the foot gave Mrs
Haley no trouble until Saturday afternoon
She was taken to Mercy hospital for treat
ment. Everything was done for her , but the
piin became worse and she sank until she
died enily this morning. AVhlle Mrs. Haley
was dying , her daughter , Mrs , Thomas Finn ,
gave birth to a son
MlHH Con lei Kcppn I'll the FlKlit.
Curator Aldrlch of the State Historical
department today received a letter from Mrs
Helen Gould of New York , in which she ex
presses the hope that the Christian men and
women of Iowa will proteat against a polyg-
amlst remaining in congress.
The supreme court parsed resolutions of
respect this morning on the death of Judge
James H. Fenan. member of the Marcngo
county bar , whose death occurred during
the last vacation Today's decisions are :
Cobb & Rogers against Thomas C Beach ,
inppellint , Mahaska dlstrirt , affirmed.
I Honora , Galvin against J F Dalitv , ap-
I pellant , .Mitchell . district , for plaintiff ,
modified and nflirmcd
Henry Sohnitkcr. appellant , against Fred
Schnltker , Allamakee district , dismissed.
Ollmoro ngalnst Strong , appellant , Taylor
district , nfllrmed
X P Shaulis against W E Buxton and
Thomas Buxton , appellants , Black Hawk
INtrlc't , reverurd
Thonns A Way and others , appellints ,
against E P Fox and others , and Thomas
A. Way nnd others , appellants , against E
P Fox and others , Hancock district , reversed -
, versed
State of low a against J L Perry , appel
lant , Hardln dlstrlet , reversed
13. M , Autle against A B Craver , appel
lant , Jasper district , reversed.
ThI ' > 'K Dion u I'ull Purne.
IOWA CITY , la , Oct. 17 ( Special ) L.
R. Mooney was awakened one night recently
by n commotjon In the hennery and hurried
out just In tlmo to frighten away the empty-
hnnrte 1 chicken thlevea. The next morning
Mis Mooney found near the hennery a pursej
containing $ Grt , The owner has not yet ap
peared to identify his property.
Drinne'rnt Illinn t'nopiionnl.
IOWA CITY , la , Oct. 17 ( Special )
Johnson county republicans will not noml-
nato another candidate for representative In
The Best Chocolate.
When placing on thc.markct the new prod
uct Van Ilouten's ' Chocolate ( for eating ) , some
time ago , the manufacturers had before them
the object of offering buyers a nutritive and di
gestible Chocolate of irreproachable compo
sition , while at the same time more delicious in
flavor than any of the already existing kinds ; in
other words , a Chocolate which , both from the
point of view as to health as well as to flavor ,
should satisfy the most exacting demands , The
universal good opinion concerning Van Ilouten's
Chocolate , seems to prove that this object has
been attained ; and it is recognised as being as
superior to other Chocolates , as Van Ilouten's
Cocoa is superior to other cocoas , When travel
ing , picnicking , or bicycling , it proves of great service.
Sold in Tins of Croquettes and Tins of Props.
Also in Square Tablets and Bars.
the Icglslnturo to run In plncc of Prof
Itohumll Chlmek who declined the honor ,
hence Hon George W Koontr democratic
candlilito will hive no opposition Thei
county is stronRly democratic
t eternim IMeilRc support to MeKlnlo > .
CHDAH UAl'IDS , la , Oct. 17 The third
nnmuil meeting of the Iowa elepnrtment
Union VeTeTins I'nlon convened In VInton.
In. for a two da\e session. Resolution *
were presenter ! pledging our bo t efforts
nnd hearty support to oiu comrade , Presi
dent VcKlnley In mnlnt.ilnlng the honor
of our fl.iR and the Integrity of our govern-
mom '
I'lixtmn ler Cotnlelod of I'rrjnrj.
WINTintSBT , la. Oot 17 ( Special ) A
I , Wood , postmaster ntVlnter et , was con-
vlctrd yesterday of perjury in the district
rourt Wood wna twlre a member of the
lown le-glslatuie Other c.i , esignlt'st him
will bo tried later
. ( "ImrKoil Mllli Itlunnn.
CHtUH HAPIDS. In , Oft 17 ( Spec-til )
Hev HPX N'orrls was arrested at Nrvvball ,
Uenton rount > , on n clnrge of blRamv The
Information causing his airost came from
llelem Mont Itcv. Norrls re-fuses to make
a statement
llff of I'nlu U Hiulril.
FRHMONT , Xeb . OU 17 ( Speclil )
Robert Hrldge , jr. only s n of Robert llridge ,
died quite sudden y 1 ist night nt iho ago of
26 years , nearly all of which lad beoi a con-
tluual struggle with pain At the age of 5
years he was stiIt-ken with pplnnl meningitis ,
from the effects ot which he never rccov-
eied Ilelng fond of reading and of a cheer
ful disposition nnd hilpplled with everything
that money could provide for his welfare , his
life was not nn unhappy one Hr > returned
about two vveqks ago from an overland trip
to HIP lllack Hills for hln health lu an ex
hausted condition and grew gradually worse.
Hu leaves his pirenls nnd three sisters.
r-pinor nii-H ni UN ui ru.
STOCKVlLLi : , Neb , Oct 17 ( Spnlnl )
W H Wllmoth was found dead In his corncrib -
crib Saturday cvenlm ; about sundown fiom
a stroke of paralysis Just a few minutes
before he had left the house to do his work
for the evening He was getting corn for
his stock when he died Mr Wllmeth was
i'S years of nno nnil an old soldier having
enlisted in the Twenty -second Iowa Infantry
Ho leives n wife ! and woven children , all
prow n and imrrled , except the youngest
daughter Mr Wilmeth was a member ot
the Mubonlr order and was master of the
Stockvllle lodge for several ycais
Anting ; NIMI HIIHIKT II an of Auric.
YORK , Neb , Oct. 17 ( Special ) George
Dayton , eldest non of Editor W 12 Dayton
ot the York Republican , was burled yes
terday. The funeral services were held at
the homo of the parents , where a large
number of friends of the family gathered
to pay their last respects to their son. The
young man's death occurred suddenly from
typhoid malaria. He was well and favorably
known in this locality and had been en
gaged In newspaper work.
It tnlil undira InnuHJr Qiiarantre to curt the follow-
tag Himttftnt : luln > ln thoMlde , Hack , iiuder
the Hbonlder lllurtc , Smollicrliiic Nen.ntlom ,
i'ulpllutlon of tbo Iloart , Tired F * llnt ,
leer rf&iipclltc , * outcd ' 1 ongruo , Had 'J-ualu
In tlio Muutli , lilntchcs or 1'lmple * on the
face , IIIzzlneM , Blc.
Lone Standing III * Cured.
I can pronounce ) to the Torld tlmt
Pr. Hurt hart'a Voeetable Compound -
pound mred mo ot Ujspopola , ejou-
ellpatlon , Qout of long ituudlnc
S vllnrnnod , liroadway Ccutrat
Hotel , he > v York Oltj. , -
rorialobyulldriiBirlitn. Thirty days1 trastmont
for Sic. ; Seventy day ? Iroatnient We. ; Six months'
tr traont , $1.00 Milui/f' / trlnl trtufncntlrtt.
DU. IV. H. ltVRB.IIA.KT , Clnclnu&tl , O.
Three Children Afflicted. Whole
Bodies and Faces Sere , Raw
and Bloody Mass ,
Tried Doctor after Doctor for
20 Months Without Slightest
Relief. Crying Constantly.2
Couldn't Sleep. Tried CUTICURA.
First Application Gave Relief.
Cured in Fourteen Days.
5Iv second chllel ( jot ec'zemi when seven
months old Threw months ; later my tint child
got It , ind following him , tlm liu one , two
years old , fell n victim Tor twenty months
they suffered fearfulORony. Tliclrwholobod
ies , especially their faces , wuro to or inil
nvv that tlio llttlo one' were blind half thn
tlmo. No word ? can dcscribo the muttering of
inv spponel child , vthoso whole imdy WAS ono
blooily nnsj , How-a < conMaiUly cryingcould
get no elf cp , nnd Uo nrtmlly elld not loolc uu *
intn. 1 trie d doctor after doctor , but uouo af
forded the slightest relief I dccldod to try
OUTlCfRA. The first application brought re
lief In each i\ise. nnd after fourteen cUvs'
triMtinemt with Cimrt nA Bouud Cuil.
euiiA ( ointment ) , the won't ca > n wan cured ,
and the whole neighborhood U surprised at
thcxromlcrf ill effect of Ct TICI UA I continue
thei Use of Ci'licm * SOAP for the children ,
beriuso It makes the llttlo one * look splendid.
Nov.iS , lfJ3. Mils A > MKHIN(1 ( ,
61r UMlili St , J uw York City.
In nil thB world thf re It no other tr tmcnt 10
purr , so MvrcMotpeoilllyrfTfrtlTefor clliirculntf
fUu hum > r < r Infanta nnd rlillilrr- CUTICURI ,
Krnttn of rVHi rurce , bloo 1 puriner * , and humor
rcmcdlf * A warm b th with CUTIOURA B r ,
nml n Mimic nnomttni ; with CUTIconx ( ointment ) ,
purerof emollient nkln rum , will afford Itxtant
relief , pi null rest and elrip to both pi-rent and
child , nnd point to n ( peril ) , permanent , nnd
ccomnulcil cure , whrn KU rl fail * .
Soil throiulmut the world roTTial ) tiCConr ,
Solel'rojii lloitnn * How lo t'ure liiby IIunion"frta.
FACE HUMORS " "W l'lRXf14" '
Uoily , lirain ami Nerve Tonic.
All Driiffcists Avoid Substitute * .
1'orluilt" .ind ciidoisementH sent postpaid.
MA11I \ > I X CO , t,2 W 15th 91 , NowVorlc. .
Hcdtoen Ciiiiiii'll lllnlTN ami Oiiiiilin.
Hatea Keusonable Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Council Hluffn olllt-e. No 8 North Main
street Telephone 12s- Omaha office re
moved to 311 South Tw Iflh btreet Tele
phone 1303.
Connections made with South Omaha.
IIO\VILI/S : The Ilrnt dose re-
HeveH The < 'ou h
promptly Is cure < l
Rlvo it a trial
nt all drug stoies.
For ? 10 00 , dors not mean that you can visit it fnablonablo
mountain resort for tlmt price. But 11 IDLMUH houiutlilns hot
ter still , vOH can buy the kind of n ICciuPy Overcoat
black or biovvn boautlf ully lined perfectly made and
superbly UttiiiK Ruatanteed the best vvoiknmimhlp the
most coriect stjlc. Ask to look at our Gayrock Overcoats
? 1000.
18 and 20 Main St. 17 ami li ) Pearl St.
; i
Invest Your Money Safe ,
Buy a fiFt mort e netting you 5 p r cent interest ,
Huy a farm in Iowa or Nebraska.
1'uichase city property in Omaha or Council Bluffs.
have the above investments for sile. Call on or write them \
( O Cents. 5 Cents.
John G. Woodward &