THE OMAITA DATL.T . BEE : WJDIXS13SDAV. OCTOBER 18 , 1SH ! > , MAY OPEN WITHIN A MONTH New Union Pacific Pacstngcr Station About Ready for Occupancy , WORK OF CONSTRUCTION NEARLY ENDED 'lank of S ( i i-n < IicnliiK the riiuniliilloiin t nilrr Knoiii IN Ilnp- lill > A curl UK ( oniiilt'tliMi ' 1 he Although It li Impossible to definitely an nounce the date , thiro la every rcabon to bo- Ilevo thnt the new Union 1'aclflo passongcr fitatlon will lid ready for occupancy within a month. The unfortunate sinking of the ! I to\\er room at the front of tha building \ nearly repaired and masons arc engaged in strengthening the former fouudatlou. As rapldlj as this Is done the Immense Jack- ' H , by which mr.ins the sinking walls ra'sod to their normal position , arc r6- 1 moved to make way for the completion of | the foundation. At present marble woikcrs , decorators nnd I vvood workers are engaged on the Interior i finishing , uhlch Is beginning to assume such 1 proportions us to Indicate socmthlng of Its beauty when completed. The only provok ing feature connected with the sinking of the front wills aside from the financial loss iiUHtalncd by the Union Pacific Is In the de lay In opening. I.IM n rou MIIIIISKV i > c'HiAsns. ItcNlilvntVil ( < Jlrlcllv of Sdiiif Adv aiilaui'M of ( lie Stud1. The next advertising matter which the IlurlliiKton railroad Issues de'scilptlve of Ne braska will h-uc a short , pithy letter written HJ a former resident , which speako as much for the state as could be covered in n. lengthy article1. The letter is written by T 0. Burke of Oregon Cltj , Ore , to a real estate man at Hastings , who hud addressed Jilm regarding the sale of an eighty-aero tnst near Hastings Mr. Ilurke replied that ho was not at all anvlous to ecll the prop erty , but might be tempted to dispose of It for $ TOOP Continuing , Mr. Burke writes1 "Hut , understand , It Is not on the books for pale The farther I get away the better I like Nebiaska The farmers hero must get their grain and all crops to market as soon nw threshed or the dickens Is to pay. A pile of fun ( ' ) putting four , six and eight horses on asm-ill load , after the rain sets In Get It off nr keep It , either one rrulf Yes , butjou c-m't crib fruit like Nebraska corn sell or rnt. True , there Is lots of rain. A pile of fun ( ? ) to work In rain thirteen months of the jcir , ain't If I'm stuck on Nebraska" Oiilnov Will riiaiine Time , A J Handy of Qtilncy , general passenger ngcnt of the Omaha At St. Louis and Omaln , Kansas City & Eastern roads , is an Omaha visitor. Ills purpose is to arrange a new trhodulo for the prese-nt "Qulncy" morning train from St. Louis , -whereby mail and p.iFscngers will reach Oman ? . In time to connect with the outgoing trains of the Union Pacific The new time card will bo In operation within a short time and the St. Louis train will arrive In Omaha earlier than at present. Itnllway Not CM ai l 1'ornoiialn. II I"1 Carter , traveling passenger agent of the Union Pacific at St Paul , Is a visitor In the cltv General rrelglit Agent George II. Crosbj of ths Durllnrton bab gone to Kansas City for a bilef visit John CHrj , formerly a weil known con ductor on the Rock Island , called on a nunVbcr of old-tlmo friends while enroute from the east to his shctlp ranch In AVj omlng. The world Is considered to bo the field of < thc Union 1'aclllc railroad In Its distribution of advertising matter relative to Its line ( Mr. A. Darlow of the passenger dfpirtment 3ias In his possession a. letter from Captain Thomas Sw'obe st xtlng- that In Dutch Har bor. Alnski , Union Paclllcwall maps and folders wore as conspicuous as at any of the stations along Its line. C W. Alexander , foi four jtars city pas senger niul ticket agent In Kansas City for the Burlington , has been appointed general agent nt Ieavenwurth Ills successor is F C 'Sharon ' , fonm/il > .ulvci Using agent and chief clerk In tlu > general passenger of- 1lces at St Louis Both an > > oung men who Jiavo shown their ability In railroading. POLITICS IN THE INDA CASE One > f tlu * TliiMirlcN Set 1'orlll by Cl ( > At tor lie 5 C'omifll llfKli il B nf tlie TcNtimoii } . Political Issues Keem to enter Into the trial of ox-Policeman Inda for murder. At least that Is the charge made by City At torney Council , who represents the defend ant. Mr. Conncll sajs County Attorney Shields IH simply making n "grand stand plaj" foi political effect , and before the end of the trial It le said that that theory will bu moro prominently brought out. Mr. Con- null was vigorous In making his opening Htatemcnt to the jury , nnd County Attoiney Shields also talked In a spirited manner. The case will bo sharply contested , and It promises to bo ono of the most Interesting murder tilnla Omaha lias known for a long time. The thcorv of tbo prosecution Is that Inda ntruck the prlfconer , James Smith , with gome Kind of a weapon , and that death resulted from that Injury. The defense sots forth the theory that the prisoner had received his death wound somewhere In his nlght'a ca rousals prior to his j'rrcot by Olllcer Inda , Mr. Conncll says this will bo shoun. The examination of ivltnesses began jea- teiday morning , the greater part of Monday navlng been consumed In Jury preliminaries nnd the pi escalation of the opening state ments. Dr. John C. Davis was the first wit ness. Howas ( lueetloned minutely ns to the natuio of the wound and the general trend of his testimony was to the effect that the Injury was Inflicted by a bullet. iA. skull wa.i Drought Into court to illustrate the character of the wound that caused the Oeath of Smith , Dr. William PurncII , ono of the physi cians called at the time of Smlth'n death , testified that ho believed the Injury was caused by some kind of n sharp Instrument Hta testimony dm not coincide with that of Dr Davis Dr. Ralph followed Dr. Pur- noll. His opinion was tmbstantlally the same no that of Dr. Iavla. Only three three witnesses were examined during the day nnd Dr. Ralph had not jet concluded when court adjourned. Ho will bo recalled this morning for further Inqulr ) . McrNrlirliii-YrriniN CIIN > Neurlnu ; IJml Testimony In the Merschelm-Arrlens dara- ngo suit for alienation of a wife's affections a resumed In Judge Slahaugh's division of the dlstilct court jesterday. Sevcra women acquaintances of Mrs Merscheln wcro examined The substance of the testi mony pertained to the relatloiiH said to exist tolvvcen Mrs Merschelm and Arrlens In the Teutonic Order of the World This U the ledge -which Mrs , Merschelm Joined nm vvhlch , 11 nrpcars , had on Important bearing on the alleged acquaintance between the defendant and the wife of the plaintiff The i-ontcst has been bitter from the beginning Numerous objections Imvobeen made and tb ofllclal reporter has been kept busy noting exceptions The effort of Arrlem. ' nttor IICJB at the afternoon session was to show that Mrs. Jlerschtlm had frequently kep lompany with other men prior to the tlmo eho met the defendant. ( Mrs Merschelm sa on a bench In the couit house corridor am \\ept the greater ptrt of the afternoon MiiiitlniiiiiH rr ctTilliKKnln C CM ) At n meting of the county commlfislonem j jtcrday U vvaa ilecldtxl bythe adoptl of u resolution to bilnt ; niandamns proceed Inga against the major and , city council to L enforce fulfillment of a contract thereby It le set forth thil the city shall repair and maintain election boothi. The order mcann thnt the mandamus will bo Instituted at once. U Is doubtful , however. If the booths can bo arranged In tlmn for the coming election , and vacant Btoro bulhllugft wilt probably bo rented. Tbo county , city and Hoard of IMucatlou were Jointly Interested In establishing polling plncc , and It was the understanding , P < J the county commis sioners allege , that the city should keep the booths In repair Many of them have worn out , thereby causlnp the present dispute. Other proceedings of the commissioners \vcio of the ordinary routine nature , the meeting being called especially for the pur pose of taking action on the voting booth question , All the beautiful ellks shown In Kclley , Stlgor d Co s window go on sale at 8 o'clock this morning. AIIII Oil MIT III I'tit * . The principal part of the Hcrrminn enter tainment has nhvnjs consisted of rare and all-Btnrtllng ; phenomena , the work seem ingly setting at naught all the laws of niture. It Is replete with injstlclsms ami thceo occult deeds ordinarily ascribed to the redoubtable prlnco of darkness Yet uvcrj- thing Is filmply done , and the great Herr- maun has frankly disclaimed any super natural agencies , l uon Herrmann , who closes his engagement at Hoyd'a theutor with two performances todny mntlnc'u and evening , ntands iilone and miprcmo In the art dlabollque. That the theater-going pub lic still ntlmlro this form of entertainment as given by Herrmann la evident from the largo nudlcnua ho Is drawing. Invigorated by a two-season rest , "Skipped by the Light of the Jloon , universally known and recognized at one of the brightest f.irco comedies ever written , Ib en tour again and will bo presented nt the Hoyd theater for hrto nlghu and Saturdaj matinee , com- ncnclng Thursday , October 10. Tor fifteen ears or moro this laugh-provoker has toured \-merlca , Bugl mil nnd Australia , Kor the ovival this bcason , nc\v lliifH , tuneful songs nd original eltuatlons arc said to have been ddeil A strong ami efficient company , vhlch accord a meed of applause thnt as- onjiTlics the audience , who find themselves ured by mirth and melody Into unusual uthuslasin , is also promised. Decidedly the popular hit of tlite week's peratlo production at the Trocadoro Is vlnsomo little Annie Mjcrs , the newprlma anna soubictte , who joined the company Sunday. Miss Jljcrs' jcars of experience n support of Lillian nutsoll nnd other veil cnown stars stands her In good stead and ho Is proving herself without a doubt to > o oue of the most clever soubrettes In the business. In "The Queen's Lice Hnndkcr- hlet" Bho has a part admirably suited to icr capabilities. Thousands of Omaha , South Omaha and Council Bluffs people arc attending the Jrelghlon-Orpheum performances this week , he great attraction being Tavary , the re nowned singer and operatic star , whoso elections from her extensive repertoire nro all gems , and rendered In most exquisite tjle. At the matlneo today there will bet t crowded house of women and childien o bear her sing. The women and children vlll also enjoy the new pictures shown by he wonderful American blograph , whoso un of popularity continues unabated. All ho other features of the progiam arc of an .Utractlvo and entertaining nature. The bis silk sale at Kellcy , Stiger & . Co ' beginning today at 8 o'clock , as advertised. Will of TliomaM J , . Kinilmll. Petition for probate of the will of tbo ate Thomas L Klmbill Hied vcstrr- d ly morning. The estate isnlued at J103.0UO real estate and JSOO.ono personal property. The distribution mentioned is one-third to he wife nnil the lemiindcr equally divided between the four children The petition > rays for the appointment of Mary Racers Klmball , the \\ldovv , as executrix. The inuring -will bo today. To Mnlccoiir lloiiic llnpiiy Use "Garland" Stoves .and IJauges. e of ItouUiip. At the mcctliiKT of the pxecutivo commlt- ec of the Commercl il club , held at noon Monday , routine inattem vvcro taken up nul disposed of. Secretary Utt reported 10 had vv rlttcn the Chtcaco Chronlclo con- tradlctlnir an Item tint njipc.ircd In that ) .iper recently. In which It was stated that .hero Is a short igo on money In Nebrabka. President King , I-Tirn-.cre Bank , Brooklyn , tflch , has used DeWltt's Little Karly nisers n his family for jears. Sajs they are the best. These famous little pllla euro con stipation , biliousness and all liver and bowel troubles. Iliillillni ; IVrmltK. The following building permits have been issued by the city building Inspector : Patrick Al.innlnR. 1J1S Jackson street , re pairs , $75 ; James linudn. South rourteenth street , repairs , $100 , II , J IJunkci , 1707 Center Htrcet , alterations , $100 , K Moons , South UlBhteenth street , addition , GUILT Mrs Mngslo. wlfo of A. L Gulll. aged 33 > ears , nt the faintly residence , 2UO Hurney street. Hemalns vvlll bo for warded to Lincoln at 3 o'clock this aft ernoon. GALLOP Tklrs. Wallace. October 17 , 1SW , aged 37 years. Ilemalns will lie taken to Norfolk. Neb , 'or Interment , leaving the residence , in-u Davenport street , Thursday morning1 , Oc tober 10 , 1899. Sealskin Jackets Wo will Ediovv tomorrow an assortment of elzes In the best grades of sealskin and most popular shaped Jacket that has been produced for this winter's wear. Our prlco Is the lowest , as wo only tarry ono grade the beet. beet.FURS FURS OF ALL KINDS. Astrakhan , Beaver , Otter , 1'erslan , Krltn- mer , Electric Seal made up Into Jackets , Capes , Collarettes , Storm Collars , Scarfs , otc. Our garments aru all of this j car's beat Et > lcs , If jou want n good article , comu to us. NU\V CLOAKS THIS WEEK. flPCDFIELD U IXcumsuiTco. 1510 Douglas St , ® ® ® ® ® ® ® Z. D , Clark , D. D. 3. P. N. Kemp , D. D. S , CLARK & KEMP , .DENTBSTS POUIITH ri.oou HAMais IILK. mill and Harney , IDntranco Op p. Crelghton Orpheum. Gaud Set Teeth . . . .9r > . ( )0 ) i Sllrer Filling ; . llrtitcre Teeth $4.On to 911.00 Porcelnlii Crown r Gold PUUns * nil from Wl.BO i flolrt CroTrni , . . . , .flB.OO in 98.Of ) Crown nd Bridge Work a Specialty Be t of MttarUl UM In All Ca ei SXJ * ® ? 'COSTUMES ' ARE SIMPLY GRAND The People of Omaha Surprised and De lighted with tha Superb IMPORTED MODEL SUITS AND COSTUMES Mnilc l v Wordi , nrnli MOJIT , I > ll Uniirut nnil Oilier l2uroicMiii | Artllft , A\hIt'll Arc Sliovvu iind on Sale .Vivt. AT BOSTON STOItn , OMAHA. MHSSRS J. L BKAXnniS & . SON'S Point with pride to this showing of Im ported model garments nnd costumes , In asmuch as no IIOUEC In the west has cvor attempted to sell sil-h high class goo Is. Tor tomorrow \vo offer these high class gar ments nt special bargain prices as follows. uncin'TioN ANn UINNIR : GOWNS , ? 25.oo TO ? OS 00. 100 reception and dlntur gowtis , all model gowns In both dlk nnd cloth material , no duplicates , belliR dlstlnctlvo creations that v.ommand admiration not only for exclusiveness - ness and Btjki , but for their reasonableness In price. Wp ask your Inspection of those stunning model0 , nnd jou will see what wo on Bell jou from $25 00 up to $1S 00. LADIKS' COSTUMUS , $10 00 , $25 00 , $3i.OO. 75 tailor made costumes , a superb collec tion of man-tailored suits , In all the latest materials , made tight IHtlng , In plain goods , checks and mixtures , all of thorn silk lined thoughout , on sale at $19 00 , 25.00 and 35.00 LADIES' SKIUTS , $10 00 , $1B 00 AND $25 00. 50 new stjlo walking skirts , silk skirts , all the new Ftjlc close fitting , flaring nt the bottom skills , on silo at $1000 , $1500 nnd $2500 SAMPLH COATS , $15.00 TO $33 00. 100 sample coats In the automobile , pale tot and loose fitting Jackals , the % length coat. These .ire all c\iulsltc | Imported sum- plo coats , on sale from $15 00 to $35.00 Ladles' silk house gowns on sale at $10.00 , ? 15 00 and $25 00. 512 00 WAISTS , $ " > 00. It Is Impossible to describe the boautlful st > lc9 of these silk waists , as there are hundreds of different styles , all the now elfccts The silk In each waist Is worth moro than the prlco for today. Choice of the entire lot , $5 00. J. L DHANDKIS AND SONS BCWITCHINO HAT BEAUTIES. We make this ilo an occasion for great millinery demonstration. There are Im ported and exclusive creations , and to make this millinery sale doubly attractive , wo will positively sell $2500 hats at $1500. ? 15 00 hats at $6 98. 130STON STORE. OMAHA. N. W. Cor. ICth and Douglas Sts. OS HOURS TO I'OUTLiAND Via Union Pacific. Compare this time with other lines nnd SOP how much quicker It Is. Buffet cars , palace sleepers and chair cars. City ticket office , 1302 Faruam street. Gate City Hlvo No. 9 , Ladles of Macca bees will give their ball this evening at the Metropolitan hall , Twenty-third nnd Har- ney. Admission 25c. BITKC'TIVE OCT. 15. . .TIII : . . will Inaugurate now train service and reduce the time of TUB OVERLAND LIM ITED , TRAIN NO. 1 , between OMAHA , COUNCIL DLUrrS and S VN FRANCISCO , 3 HOURS AND lr > MINUTES Between Omaha and Los Angeles , TOUR HOURS AND 15 MINUTES. Only 57 Hours MlSSOliHI KM nit TO PACII-IO COAST. HiiO'c-t Smoking nnil IlluiirCam i Itli Ilurlier Shop , Oil VIIA TO SlKA riSHI AMI I'OHTrAM ) . cu TU MNS \uv TO AMI rnon 1'ACirio COAST. I'aliirc SIi * < - | > liiK Cnra. Cars L'hiilr Car.s. CITY TICKET OFFICE , 1302 Farnam. Street. See My Vehicles At Exposition. AVhlch I v.\ill close out at COST ns Mcll as any of tlio hljjh Hi ado fjooila In my bloio , until Nov. Iht. It will pay you to buy at tlit-ho pilws , oven 1C jou do not ui'ctl them until Hiiilu r. All \olildcs v\ ill cost nuK'h moro tlion. They ate all of the latent btjle and not .shop wet n , ( 'all oiwilto boon. Will mall catalogues. II. J3. loth and Dodge Sts O.MAIIA will thrho and lucrcaso If Its mother DTtINK You know this Is the bottled beer that Is put up so securely sealed hermetically sealed then 'boiled ' which Insures It to no free from nikiobes especially for > oung mothers , Invalid * and frail people. And It's the beer that pbjslclans recommend as a i perfect milk producer As to purltj , Its above question As to nourishment , It'g un- cqualed Will send > ou a case , c'h ? It's cheap medicine Try It rmi > KIIK ; uiti\\i\f. to , , Tel. 420. _ 1007 Jackson Street. iiv\nn > nnil lie KIT llnrKitinn In SllUn I VITJ On j. HIGH CLASS 1'AN'CY WAIST SILKS , NOVBLTHS. IVrilan styles , polka < iot effects , richest ellks v\e cvt-r offcreil nnd worlh up to $200. nt only ( Utc. Our big leader Is 100 pieces of Cheney Hnest grade strlpos taffeta , In Into stjle , best \alup tvcr shown for waists or skirts , at 75c Our big sale on black ellks Is drawing the rronds Your choice of 21 different weaves best silks , made to re- tall up to $2 $ 00 , all RO at ! ) Sc UNKN'S AND DOMESTICS Just received a bl line of Turkey red table covers , the bcit rovers for the money wo ever oflercd < ( ' < -sl/e , Sic , SxlO at Die , host Imported Turkej red cover's , $1 25 , $1.50 and M 73 each , 300 doz tow elf , glas.i- checked , honecomb and Turkish towels , 2 } c each , or SOo doz , on sile tomorrow. Tjrklsh wash rags , le each tomorrow ; LL yard wide sheeting. 3Hc > nnl , l.\36 rcadv- tnado pillow cases , Cc cich , Turkey red ta- 1)lo ) linen. lOo vard , 214 wide and 2 % yards long bltMched sheets , 35c each , 65-Inch whlo bleached damask , 15c jnnl. ULACK DRCSS HOODS. K'ttra line Cl-In. broadcloth sold for PSc at other stores , our prlco onlj Cnc , fi4-ln extra tlno htavv broadcloth , the prado to make a Rood tailor suit , some houses , think It a bargain at $1 no , our prlco will bo tor this week c ily flSc , 51-ln. Trench \clotir ono of the finest ladle * ' cloth made , we have seen It sold at $2 50 , hut wo ask only $1 50 A line fiG-lu west of England broulcloth , high llnifh , nothing to match It In this town at $100 , our price only $250 , a we't of England broadcloth , ES-ln wide , looks like satin , weighs 20 oz. to the Biinre | > ard , heavy enough to make a man's stilt , nothing In Omaha BO good , our prlco , $ ? 'isVo have an extra grade ? of English broadcloth not usually fouud In dry goods stores , only used by tailors , cannot be described on paper , must bo seen to be appreciated $5 00 > d. HAYDEN UHOS. OMiY r.7 HOIKS TO \CIK1C COAST. October 1. < Iict'nloii ' 1'nclIU- will reduce the tlmo of Its fast train No. 1 , "Tho Overland Limited , " T hours and 13 minutes between Omaha and San Francisco , Tour hours and 15 minutes between Omaha and Los Angeles. Wonderful bargains In the Kellcy , Stlger , Co.'s sale beginning at 8 o'clcck todaj . n v\nn\ ( iroocrj nnil Vl < fi Ibs grnnulat l sugar , 20c , 10-lb sack pure Oraham Hour , 12 c , 10-lb enck whlto or jello ccrnmcr.l , C'AC hand-picked navy beans , 2 llts Be , 3 Ibs. breakfast oats only f > c , 10 birs best laundry soap , 20c , 1-lb jars pure fruit preserves only 7'4c , broken Mocha and Javn ooffco , fi'ic Ib , fnncy new Califor nia pruned , 3e Ib. Wo will sell > oii fancy splderlcg Japan tea for 23 , gunpowder U.i , 30c Ib , tea sift > ' lnii. ; he very best , 17c. AVe will K'VO ' the following groceries free | with tvery pound of Java and Mocha coffee tor 25c Olio 2-ponrd package breakfast oats Or One 1-pound package baking lad.i. . 10o One large bottle- best laundrj blueing ] 0c Ono package best cold water starch 10c Ono pound of Java and Mocha coffee. . 2oc The total cost would he. . . , , 64c MEATS AND LAUD No. 1 bacon , Sc ; best brand bologna , 5c , fresh pork saneige , RUc ; extra select bacon Clean ) , 10c ; salt pork ( clear ) , f > ' 4cj fresh pork , 7c , chip beef , per pound , 15c , B-lb pulls best brand lard , 3Sc ; faucj UIL - leas corned beef , 7'ic. HAYDEN IlllOS. EYE SHADES. hive the- kind with SPUING TASTENINO at IGc each Also the kind shown by cut which arc attached by rubber tape these are 25c for double and 16c for single add fie If sent by mill \Vrlto for Drug and Rubber Goods Catalogue. Siicrman & McConucll Drug Co. ] , 'l't Doiluc Slrrct. Oinnlin. TO LOS ANGELES Tourist sleeping cars for Salt Lake City , San Francisco and Los Angeles leave Omaha via the Burlington Route at 4 25 every Thursday afternoon. They have every comfort and convenience the self respecting traveler demands clean linen , clean blank ets , good ventilation , high back seats , and Plntsch gas. Being well built , they are warm In winter and tool in summer. A por- er accompanies each car and a special excursion conductor Is In charge of each party. Second claso tickets nro accepted and tic berth rate , Ormha to California , Is only $5.00. Call and get full Information. 5 TIcUet Ofllcc Dnrllnffton Station 15O2 rnrnnin St. , lOth nnd Mniion S < , Telephone 2r 0. Telephone .110. B0B0B ASTONISHBNG BARGAINS Making New Customers for their Big Shoe Department Every Day. SALE GREAT ON Ladies' and Gliiidren's ' Shoes H& The Famous "Brooks'Bros , " Rochester made fine Shoes for Ladies on sale Over 360 Pairs Ladies' Fine Vici Kid Lace Shoes , Brooks' ' Bros. Make With light flexible soles , newest coin toe , kid tips and silk top facing , reg- ular § 1 quality , on pale at. . . 400 Pairs Ladies' Fine Chrome Kid Lace Shoes With single flexible soles , coin toes , kid tips , nicely trimmed tops and linings , regular § 3.00 values , on sale this week at 3 More Cases of Ladies'1 Fine Black Beaver "Fausts" With fur trimmings , worth the world over § 1.25 , on sale CO at HUG 4 More Cases of those Infants' ' Fine Tan Kid Shoes Laced , with soft poles , regular 50c quality on sale lff | at. . fw 300 Pair Child's Fine Kid Lace and Button Shoes With turn ed flexible soles and spring heels , sixes 5 to 8 , worth § 1.00 , on sale at 6 Cases of Child's Donaolu Kid Lace Shoes With double poles and kid tips , a line school shoe , sues SJ to IH , | jJft ( worth SI.50 on sale this week at w Jw 10 Cases of Misses' Fine [ feavu Kid School Shoes Laced , full double fair stitched soles , coin toes and kid tips , ( fla | / | sues 12 to 2 , worth every where § 2 sale price @ei&'lf "MANY WORDS WE therefore spare the words and try to convey WON'T FILL vey straight to your A BUSHEL" minds that this is the place you ought to buy your ooks , Bibles , Prayer Books , Office Supplies Blank Books Artistic plies , , Engraving , Fine Stationery. Just iccolvcd , ( he onlj complete Kipling on the ; fine green cloth , llniaij lilmlltij , ' . uuelj IXA ed. $1.1.00 het The newest llctlon in ahvaj bo fuund on our counters , foflegeath Stationery Co. 73 % FAR NAM ST. Cloaks , Suits , Skirts Etc. The store's scribe catches inspiration in the pres ence of such a stock. Everything is here except the unborn newness , which comes here as quickly as they drop from the hour. The cloak selling here delights many. We have a right to speak proudly of it. You will not be slow finding out the greatest cloak assembly of the city is here Toil.nHist shotting of'i 0 l.i nil A\nol Kt > iM'j .l.nKiMs lireif-lod ilj limit llin-d out Thej mi' slih tlj st.vlNli n eMHcdlnpl.vvtll l.illoii'd tlit'ir lealnluo $ < H ) oui . . $3.90 Golf Skirts Ih'.tvv Hlnck ( Joir or liiilnj tiny Skills nil1 licio in .ilmiiil.iiHv nil vvmilvllli Hjilit nius ol sliU'liliiu ; MIniind tin1 bottom porit'cilv tall mod skills Hint nil' vvoitli S75' ! ) - out1 pi Ice onl.v . . $5.90 Taffeta -silk silk oouli d deep inlllo all colni-j dtiefnllj in.ule wide inliella ) st.v levoith $0.00 fet $3.90 ftiuniiMitsltli all HIP of tjU of comfort of iiullv liltinlll.v In this ppat cos- mopollliin Murk of rniu's Katiey IKIS the jurat pst fu-oilniu of choice HIP ' " .SoluiibKa ' " - pik'o uio inlet's" tlu > . \ ate Lades Suits Pine qiMllly hoim'srmn Milts ( loillilc liuiistpilMlk lined tight lilting laikot sKlit iioicnllnp lined ilnNliiMl thiiiUKliont In it iiiost niiofnl inainu'i font Miluo . l')0 < ) - our . . $8.5O lk Waists Lnillos * Kilk Waibls-bl-iclt ta lock collnis nicely innrte bold elsewhere for § 1.50 hero for- $2.50 Radiant Homo Stoves The acknowledged king of base burners everybody knowp that they will heat more space using less coal and requiring the least at tention of any hard coal base burner made. Thousands of ueora of those celebrated stoves will testify to this aslc them. Many Styles & Sizes , from $29 $ Up We are Exclusive Omaha Agents. ; ON 14th and I , Farnam St , ( i Stoves Sold on 1'ayincnts or n Discount for Cnsh. The Best and Most Attractive Fabrics , the Best and Most Re liable Tailoring , The Best and Most Perfect Fitting Clothing , Made by the best and most dependable clothing manu facturers in America , is the combination wo offer. Our spot cash purchae of Sinsheimor , Levenpou ifeCo's ' entire clothing stock , enables us to quote valves impossible elsewhere. ! t A Few Overcoat Specials. From tliis stock wn can suit any taste and give you an overcoat at any price from § 3,95 to $18.00. You Kive fully 35 to 50 per cent on any garment you pelect. 350 men's overcoats that were made to sell for § 10 , they come in blue , black and tan , made with velvet collar , strongly lined and perfect fitting , box and regular lengths , coats that were al- C S\S\ ways sold for § 10 , wile price hero WaUU 300 men's overcoats , finely and stylishly tail' ored , in coverts and kerpoys , in blackblue and tan , made , trimmed and lined in a thoroughly up-to-date manner , i equal in all respects to coats Hold regularly for * j | ? § 12.50 , our sale price only fiOU 400 men's absolutely all wool , honeptly tailored and per- fctly fitting overcoatb at $10. Without a doubt the greatest - est values over oil ored 'it this low price. The fabrics are ex- oxtraordlnnry fine blank , blue and brown lierfcojB , diagonal and herringbone Coverts black blue and brown Irish frin i , tut In all the v < r > nowcHt st > ka , ull lengths , anil all bUcH Ilody llnliiKs trimming nnd sletno linings of the very lie-it ( juallly , tho'tail oring both of tlultals tinInildia -as will , ia the oulaldo Is by tliu mo.u dependa \ ble tailors In Amorlra Thesu overcoats aio absolutely the llncsi garments > ou hav over been oflercd at such a rldli uloualy lav , If you were to mix tlicso tip with nome merchant t 'lor ' coats It yonld bo dlHUult to tell which was which You'd better stp ours before vou wa to your money. ' 4 Opening Cap Sale. Men s and bojB' Golf fdpa In atssorted colors new 6t > les , neat and serviceable on it sale In three lots at i5 < iD < nn 1 ; o. . All the new juihtlng Bhades In raps at from " 2Jc to Jl 00 We vsould like to h < oc jou eoo huiv jou look In some of these v" - The prlco will suit vou