THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 18. 1899 , COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Bearith Sentiment of Previous Day is Re newed , Wheat Breaking Heavily , COARSE GRAINS TAKE DOWNWARD TREND Hull * Knee Mum * nf DlNCournKliiK \ 'ir nt Opening AVIi It'll HrliiK" Thrin nn I iiironiiilile | Day , I'rli'ca I'liMHlnu ; llcloMI'litn. . CHICAGO , Oct. 17-Whent dropped "te today , December closing at TOJie. The rnpl'l accumulation tif stocks and n sharji break nl Liverpool were the weakening Inllu- nccs. l.liiuldatlon wan heavy. The break In xvhctii uniinril the downtall of coarse itrnlnx , corn closing with a lom ofMUe and outs UP. Provisions rulud dull and , I'losoil practically unehaiiKed. A ilffllnc of liil nt Liverpool mill fa- vornhlp eroji reports put wheat trailers In n bearish temper at the opening , lllgli ocean rates were nlso against the matket , I und thu longs began to iinloail at the out- ; net. There was not a gruat deal of short pelllnc. however , as the break has been fiirh for the List few lnyn that the trndo wis rather cautious , but liquidation to Htop further losses was Kdicrous and then j ' | n nmall fraction and then for an hour lielil at about "Oftc , with business | during that time almost at a standstill. ' During the Utter part of the scsMon there was a BllKht recovery In prices on cover- i In i ; Induced by heavy clearances and n re ! port that India had eommem.'eil importing I wheat. The advance did not hold , how- ! eVr , ( is nn Increase of UCT > GUOO bushels In ' lh world's visible supply since u week IIKII started renewed liquidation , under which December declined to 70'6c. Tim rloso wns ut 7054c. Chicago received 123 cars , live of which craded contract. Min neapolis and Diilnth got 1.100 cars , com , pared with 1,117 for the corresponding- u year ago. Atlantic port clearances were heavy , amounting to 1)41.000 ) bushels. Cash demand here was slow , but New York re ! ported sixty boatloads disposed of for ex : port. i Corn ruled dull and weak. The wheat I break hail some Inlluence , but a break of , Tdd nt Liverpool was also nn important i factor. Elevator Interests nnd lontfs sold | nnd the market got under puts , closing at i the bottom. C'ash demand fair. World's I visible Increased 2.772.0HO bushels ; receipts , E3S cars. December opened ' .Ic lower at BO'.iffSoyaO ' , touched SOHc and declined lo BO'tjc at the close. Oats WJIH weak under active solllnc by longs and In sympathy with the decline In | wheat and corn. There wns n fair cash i 1 demand ; receipts , 307 earn ; world's visible ! decreased 702,000 bushels ; December opened n shade lower at &ic , declined to 22'4c und closed nt 22'i ' i22 > ic. Provisions were weak enrly owing to lai'Ko receipts of hoi ; and lower prices at. the yards , but the loss wita recovered near the clo o on buytnR by packers. January pork closed 2V4c lower nt JIl.iii'A. .laniiary lard unchaiiKed at $ : > .3 : > 1j5.37'i and January ribs a shade hlKhcr at J 1.0001.I2'A. ! Estimated receipts for AVednesday : AVhcat. 130 cars ; corn , -100 cars ; oats , ISO cars ; IIORS , 30,000 head. I.cad mi ; iiiinifs mused us follows : Article Onon. illrh llov. Clo'so. Yes'd'y Wlicnt Oct. . . . 0U ! < 00 unit (19M ( ' ' 70U-71 70H 71W May' . . 74 M 74 Oct. . . . 30)1 30H Deo. . . HUM May. . . 3U SIH Oats- 1)1-0. ) . . . 22 i J2 IL'UfflM May. . . . -'SI * 1'orlt- 702K 800 7 no 705 Jan . . UMo t ) 40 u : > 7H U40 Liii-d Dec . . fi 50 S 27k 6 r.2V fi 22 Jim . . C 40 s5 ; ] ItlbH- Dl)3 ) . . 476 477H Jan. . . 4 S7 4 VU * No. ? . Cash quotations were as follows : FLOUR Easy ; winter patents , . 3.70 ; straights , J3.305T3.40 ; clears , J3.20ii3.3u ; spring specials , $1.20 ; patents , $3.401(3.70 $ ( ; Btralghts. $2.90 3.20 ; bakers , J2.30Q2.GO. WHEAT No. 2 spring , 70fl71c ( ; No. 3 spring , C3fjf70e ; No. 2 red , 71 i71',4c. CORN No. 2 , in JTSl'c ; No. 2 yellow , 32 W32Uc. OATS No. 2 , 229Kii22is/1c ! : No. 2 white , 25 0avic ; No. 3 white , 24M ! < ff25c. RVK No. 2 , 55c. HAULKY No. 2. S9fi43c. SHEDS No. 1 llaxsced , nnd northwest , $1.30 1.32. Prime timothy seed , $2.33. Clover seed , contract grade , $7.73. PROVISIONS-MOSS pork , per bbl. , $7.S5 (1(7.90. ( ( Lard , per 100 Ibs. , J5.23iir5.30. Short ribs sides ( loose1) ) , $4.S5fi5.2o. Dry raited KhoulderH ( boxed ) . tO.OOJjtf.l2V < , . Short clear shies ( boxed ) . $5.f ? 5.fiO. WIIISKV DlBtlllers' nnlshod goods , per gal. . Jl.2.1. SUOARS Cut loaf , J3.70 ; granulated , J5.1S. Following are the receipts nnd shipments for today : Articles. Recelnts. Shlpm'ts. Flour , bbls 23.000 8,000 "Wheat , bll 1SO.OOO 15.WO Corn , btl 170,000 501,001) ) Oats , bll 504.000 355,000 Rye , bu 11,000 2,000 Harley. bu 155,000 29,00) On th" Produce exchange today the but ler market was easy ; creameries 15fi 3e. dairies. lT.i19c. Eggs , steady : fresh , ] G'4c' Cheese , strong ; creams , Ilifil2',4c. ; Poultry firm ; spring chickens , 8U 9c : hens , ducks , 7Hc ; turkeys. 95T10C. ivnw vouic ( ; i.Mit.\i , i for < InIJny on Vnrinnn ( 'oilllllllllltll-N. NEW YORK , Oct. 17.-KLOUR-Receipts , 48,000 bbls. ; exports , fl,5l $ bbls. ; sales , 870 packages ; easier except for low snides , which were held iinlto firmly on account of scarcity ; otherwise the decllno In wheat Bavo flour buyers a slight nilvanUiKo ; win- ' ' . York' " " car Irits. ' HAULKY Firm ; malting , 17&5lc c. 1. f. 1UUL13Y JIALT-Steady ; western. C5tf Coc. WIIEAT-Recelpts , 09,575 bu. ; exports. 3CJ,15S ( bu. ; spot weak ; No. 2 red , 75HC f „ b. alloat , npot ; No. 1 northern , Dnlu'th' iSTic f. o , b. ntloat , to arrive ) , new ; No l hard Duluth , kO 4c , to arrive ; No. 2 red 73c , elevator. Options opened weak at a decllno of He under disappointing cable * , which made a full response to our loss of yesterday. The absence of satisfactory export demand also led to further Unuldn- tlon here and prices further declined 3-J6c. Renewed Helling for short account was also u feature ; later there was a little covering nil which prices reacted partially , but the market was tlnallv weak at a net decline of Nifclio ; March , 79f79',4c } , closed , 7Uc ; .May , 7S15-16ii(79e. ( closed at 79c ; October , 7iH73'ic : ' , | cloned at 73V4c ; December , 75 9-16Q75 15-ltic , closed at 75c. COHN Receipts , 373.475 bu. ; exports , 312- R69 bu. ; spot weak ; No. _ ' , 40Vio f. o. b. afloat ; 39Jie , elovator. Option market opened easy at a decline of J , o under dis appointing cables nnd unsatisfactory ex port outlook , further declined 'MiUo un der liquidation anil was dually weak at a not lU'cIInu of * iie ; May. 371 fi.174i clos-ed ut 37'ie ; December , SSH b'ic , closed at i 3S ? e. OATS Receipts , KI.600 bu. ; exports , 42,7iW 1 bu. ; npot easier ; No. 3 , 2v ; No. 2 vhltc , 2S\se \ ; No. 3 white. 29Uc ; track , mixed west ern , 2J > ' ! ; < f30'.c | ; : track wlilte , 30i/35e. / Op tions easier , cloHlnn nominal. FEED STUFKS-Strong ; Hprlng bran , . . middlings , J16.00ilS.OO ; winter bran , Jlfi.OOJfU.W ; city , J17.00JJ 17.50. I JAY Easy : Bhlppliiff , 70 i75c ; good to choice. 75ilWo. HOPS Quiet : state , common to choice , 1890 crop. Gc ; 1897 crop , nominal ; 1S9S crop. lOfflJo ; Pacific coast , 1 W crop , 45j(3o ( ; 18U7 crop , nominal ; 18US crop , Il ffl4c. IIlDES-Steady : Texas dry , 21 to 30 Ibs. , 13c ; California , 21 to 26 lbn. , 19o. LEATHER Steady ; hemlock sole , Itnt-noH Ayrea , light to heavy weights , iMfiatbp ; acid. 2ljj'4ViiC. COAISteady. . RICE Quiet ; Uomestlo , fair to extra , 4-1 ; @ 4 < 4c ; Japan. 4Mj6 : > ; lc. MOLASSES Steaily ; Now Orleans , open kettle , good to choice , 32fi36o. PROVlSIONS-Ueel , llrm : family , iu.w TI1.50 ; beef hams. $21.KtJ25.KI ( ( ; packet. Jlu.lio i ) fijlO.BO : city , extra India mess , Jio.oa PorK. . ; ; , METALS The metal mnrket was In a weak and unsettled condition moat of the day under disappointing cables from Eu ropean markets and unfavorable re'mrtu from producing puita | | ut the west OfferIngs - Ings here wvro imyc urgent and dcmaiiu cscppllnnnlly shirk. At the close the Metal exchange called pig Iron warrants very dull at SIS.i * ) nominal : hike copper , dull HI $1S.2T > , nominal ; tin , weak at Ml. 60 bid and S3I.M asked ; lead , dull at $4.57 > i hid anil $ l.02' ' i asked ; spelter , easy nt J5.4I ) bid and J-VfiO Hske < l. The brokers' prlco for lend Is $4.10 nnd for copper ? 1S.OO. OMAHA < ; IMH.U , .IIAHKIT. Coiiillllon of 'I'rnilo nnd Quotation * on Slniilr nml Knni'jProilncr , EOOS Reeplpts. light ; market nrm nt 17c. I5UTTER- Common to fair , lie ; choice. 16 i ffn'r | ; separator , 22fi23c ; gathered creamery , 1920c. ) POtTLTRY-Hens , live , 7Ue ; spring ehlck- rns , Mr ; old and stflggy roosters , 'iUe , 3V4W 4c ; ducks nnd geese , live , G07c ; turkeys , live. 10c. PIOKON'S Live , per doz. , 75c. VEALR-Cholce. PC. OYSTERS Medium , per ran , 20c ; stnnd- nrds. per can , 24e ; hulk standard , per R.'il. , 51.25 ; extra selects , per can. 32c ; extra , selects , per gal. , $1.75 ; New York Counts. per fan , 40c : New York Counts , per 100 , $1.25. j IIAV rplnnd. choice , $5.50 ; midland , choice. $ ( ! f l ; lowland , choice , $5.00 ; rye straw , choice , fi.SO ; No. 3 corn. 27c ; new oats , } 16i20r ( ! ; cracked corn , per ton , $12 ; corn and oats , chopped , per ton , $12.50 ; bran , per ton , Sl.l ; shorts , per ton , $14. VEC.ETAHLES. \VATKRMKLONS-Oood \ stock , crated for shipments. 12M4c. CANTALOUPE-Per crate. Rocky Ford , $1.7502.0" . TOMATOES-Per crate. G0i70c. SWEET POTATOES Per bbl. , $1.75. POTATOES-Per bu. , 20 TrOc. 'RANHKP.RIES-Cnpp Cod. $5.2535.60. ONIONS Retail way , 50'fiGOc. CELERY Per doz. . 20 350. FRUITS. PLUMS-Oregon , per crate , $1.15 1.25. CALIFORNIA PEACHES - Freestones , $1.25 ; clings , $1.10 :1.20. : APPLES Choice shipping stock , $ VOOJJ 350 ; Jonathans , $1 ; New York stock , $3.75ij > 4.2G. 4.2G.ORAPMSNiw ORAPMS-Niw York 20iJ21c ! : California. PEARS Rartlett. scarce : other varieties , $2.052.25 ; eastern Kelffer. per "bbl. , JI.50. TROPICAL FRiriTS. LEMONS California fancy , t5.005J5.25 ; . choice California , Jl.75gs.00 ; Messina , fancy , J5.r Ofi6.iU. ( I BANANAS Choice , crated , large stock , I per bunch , J2.OOQ 2.50 ; medlum-clzed bunches , J1.75S2.00. HIDES , TALLOW. ETC. HIDES No. 1 green hides , Sc ; No. 2 preen hides , 7c ; No. l salted hides , Dlie ; No. 2 salted hides , Sc ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12 Ibs. , lOc ; No. 2 VIM I calf. 12 to 15 Ibs. , Sc. TALLOW. ntlEASE , ETC. Tallow , No. 1. SKc ; tallow. No. 2 , 3Uc ; rough tullow , Hie ; , white grease , 2-i'U3Uc ) ; yellow and brown | grease , 2VsJj3c\ 2VsJj3cMISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY Per 2l-seeton ! case , J3.00G3.25. Nl'TS-Hlcko'.v nuts , per bu. , $1.25. KIDS Callfornl.i layers , per 10-lli. box , $1.15 ; Callforn.a carton , pur 10-lb. box , $1.25. MAPLE SUGAH-I'er lb. . Sc. SI. LiuilM Cralii nnil Prorlnliiiin , ST. LOUIS , Oct. 17. WHEAT Lower ; Jvo. 2 red cash , elevator , ( Wic ; track , 70UW 71'ie ; December , 70Vic ; May , 75'C ! ) ; No. 2 bard , CSffiftic. CORN Lower ; No. 2 cash , 30c ; track , 32c ; Ueccmber , 2S3ic ; May , 23 > ic. OATS Lower ; No. 2 cash , 23e ; track , 24c ; Decenibcr , 23'ic ; May , 21ic ; No. 2 white , RYE Lower at 57c. FLAXSEED-lllgher nt 11.27 % . PORK Steady ; standard mess , Jobbing , 59.00. LARD Steady ; prime steam , $5.20.cholcc ; , ' ' ' 'LEAD-Hlgher nt $ l.47 < ifZ4.50 SPELTER Dull at $5.25fl 5,30. POULTRY Steady ; chickens , old , 6'c : young , 7c ; turkeys , 7c ; ducks , 5i ! > liCc ; geese , &Hc. FLOUR Easier ; patents , } 3.50fi3.CO ; extra fancy , $3.2C < fr3.25 ; clear , $2.90f < 3.10. SEEDS T'mothy. steady at $1.0052.25. CORNMEAL Steady at $1.73Q1.80. BRAN Firm ; sacked , cast track , C23 > 'llAY-Steady to firm ; timothy , $7.50511.00 ; prairie. $0.0007.00. WHISKY Steady at $1.23. IRON COTTONTH3S J1.10. "l-IMP TWINE 9c. PROVISIONS Dry salt meats , dull ; boxed shoulders. $1.75 ; extra shons , $5.37'i ' ; clear ribs. $5.f > 0 ; clear sides , $5.62',4. Hacon. dull ; boxed shoulders. $5.00 ; extra shorts nnd clear ribs , $5.S7'i < fiG.OO. lltittcr , KKK n l Clieone Market. KANSAS CITY , Oct. 17. EGGS Hot weather eggs arf causing some dissatisfac tion and several shipments of held eggs have been refused on account of their qual ity ; 'market ' generally steady to firm ; fresh Missouri nnd Kansas stock , firsts , 14c doz. . cases returned. ST. LOUIS , Oct. 17. BUTTER Steady ; creamery. 195724c : dairy. HJiWc. EGGS-Steady at 15c. PHILADELPHIA , Oct. 17. BUTTER- Uni'linnged ; fancy western creamery ana prints1. 24c. EGGS Firm and In good demand ; fresh ncUrby , 19e ; fresh western , lSVi19c ; fresh southwestern , ISc ; fresh southern , 17c. CHEESE Firm. NEW YORK , Oct. 17. BUTTER Re ceipts , 9,953 pkgs. ; steady ; western cream ery. HS' lc : June creamery , 19@2U&c ; fac tory. 14',4JT17c. CHEESE Receipts , 13.G13 pkfg. ; nrm ; large , white. llfttiTlic : small , white. I2'/4c ; large , colored , 12T(12Ue ; small , colored , 12ic. EGGS Receipts , 12,224 pkgs. ; quiet ; west ern , ungraded , at mark , 15f)19c. ) Ijlvfrponl Grnlii mill l'rovl loui . LIVERPOOL , Oct. 17. WHEAT Spot , No. 2 red westdrn. winter , steady a-t Ca ; No. 1 California , Gs 3dQ6n 3d ; No. 1 northern , stprlng , steady at te 2d. Futures dull ; De cember 6s ; March , 6s Id ; .May , Ks I'.id. CORN-Spot , American mixed , new anil old , quiet a-t 3s lOd. Futures , October , nom inal ; November , steady at 3s 9d ; December , quiet at 3s d. PROVISIONS I ard , American refined. In pulls ? , dull ut 30s ; prime , western , in tierces , dull at 2Ss. Hams , short cut , dull at 47s 6d. Bacon , long clear middles , light , dull at 33s Gd ; heavy , dull nt S2sCd ; short clear backs , dull at 31s Gil ; clear beniles. du 1 at 3Ss. Tallow , prime city , steady at 25s 6d. Receipts of wheat during the lost three days. ' , 311,000 centals , Including 257,000 cen tals American. . Receipts of American corn during the last three days , 137,100 centals. Weather fine. Mliini'ii'ioIlN "VVIiiMit nnil Flnnr. MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , Oct. 17. WHEAT . In store. No. 1 northern , October , GiVjc ; December , GTii 157'dc : May , "O'ic ; on track , No. 1 hard , C9'sc ; No. 1 northern , G7c ; No. 2 northern , Glsic. FLOUR Quiet nnd Cc lower on patents ; first patents , $3.Go'JJ3.73 ' ; Bccond patents" , $3.45 $ < j/i.5j : ; first clear , $2.fio J2.CO. HRAN In bulk , $10.00010,75 , Toll-do MiirUi't. TOLEDO. O. , Oct. 17. AVHEAT Lower nml weak ; No. 2 cash. 70'ic ' ; Dt'cember ' , IR P. CORN-Dull and lower ; No , 2 mixed , OATS Dull and steady ; No. 2 mixed , 24c. RYE Neglected ; No. 2 cash , GOc bid. SEEDS Clover , steady ; prime cash and October , $6.10 ; December and March , $5.50. MIMviiiiki'ii Grain Market. MILWAIMCEE , WIs. , Oct. 17. WHEAT Lower ; No. 1 northern , 70',4fa707ie ; No , 2 northern. Gfi'.if/CSi c. RYE-Lower ; No. 1. SSftfoS c. RARLEY Steady ; No. 2. 4C < 347c ; sample. Ilnlutli MnrUft , DULUTH. Minn. . Oct. 17.-WHEAT-No. 11 hard , cash , GS'.ie ; No. 1 northern , cafh , "i4c ; October , tic ; December , G7T4c ; May. 71'ic ; No. 2 northern , Cl ic ; No. 3 spring , MOVMMKN'TK OF HTOiCS ; AMI HONHS. HiillH Slnrl n ( 'iiiuiuiluriii but Do .Not Carry It Out VlaroroiiNly , NEW YORK , Oct. 17.-Thore was a short- lived dcmonHtratlon by the bulls in UIK ' .stock market today , but before trading was I suspended the early gains were largely cur- ! talltd and In some cases more than wiped I out. out.Tin1 strength was attributed to various causes. The reappearance this week upon the lloor of the exchangeof several operators who took a large part in last spring's big bull market and who have bet'n away on long summer vacations gave Home- thing of a Illllp to the bullish sentiment. The quiet tone of the. money market yes terday ! n face of tlu1 operations Incident to the exchange of old Central Pacific hecurl- tles for new encouraged some sentiment for n rise. There werr one or two stocks In the list whli'h ' were notably strong from in dividual causes which were rumored but not authoritatively disclosed and which Jielpiil to sustain prices. Among these were Pullman and Great Northern pre ferred. although the latter more than lost the early gains" . The Baltimore & Ohio stocks were conspicuously strong , the com- 1 mon fixing an t'Mreme ' 2t and the pre ferred 2. Ijiirlede Gas continued its ad- j vnncu nnd reached as hluh as SO. The grangers. Ixiulsvlllc and Southern Pacltlc , i were quite well taken early In tltf day , up- parently by pool Interests. The public was , not In evidence at any time during the i day. Call money continued at fi per c it or be low In xplto of the fuct that many dunks report their ush still below the legal re- i servo. Hut while t > he money rate did not tighten a numbir of Industrial stocks , t-s- pocUilly these classed as "green" In Wall street parlance , showed signs of weakness , ua might happen If they wire t > ubject i to | discrimination < by mon'V tenders In the shifting , of loans. The Oltieojp stocks were 1 notably affected , the common dropplm ; , nearly i S points and Hoslnp near the. lowest , j while the preferred lost 3',4. The Iron and 'steil I ' . stocks n" " grouii weakened simul taneously , Steel nnd Wire leading with nn e-xtreme decllno of 2 } , ' . others of the group suffered to the extent of Ivfiwcon 1 and 2 points. This unseHIt-d the hull movement nnd wiped out pretty much all the gains which had been established. Prices stnlggho up ward again In the final dealings to a level for the most p.irt slightly above last nlsht and the snap seemed to be taken out of the i movement. There was a warning rally In I the rates for foreign exchange during th .day which was not unheeded. Signals ot distress were In evidence In the German money markiKs and sterling exchange fell sharply at the continental centers. Including Paris. Discount rates In London responded with an advance and exchange rates here , both on 1'arls qnd London , rose In sym pathy. Add to this the fact that money Is still going to the Intftrlor In considerable volume .that government payments through the suhtreasury are again falling off , promising a renewed drain on the money market on account of revenue rocrlpts , nnd that applications for anticipated payments for government Interest contlnre on a small scale , and the outlook for easier money Is not promising- . This consideration was suillclftit to give pause lo the efforts to advance prices. The bond market was moderately active and prices Improved. Total sales , par value , $2,003OiX ) . United States bonds were un changed In hid quotations. The Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram says : The markets hero were quiet today In the absence of var news1. ThtV were fairly llrm. Ameri cans were the best section , opening above parity and strengthening In t > 'io afternoon. They closed at the top In the street. The feature was Baltimore .t Ohio on New York orders. Louisville fc Nashville and South ern Pacific were also strong on arbitrage buying. Spanish 4s and tintos were Btxidy ; Anacondas , 9 % ; Utahs. 7 ; Hostotis. 1'i. The hank sent 250,100 gold to Egypt and bought 29,000 In bars. Money was a drug and bills were easier. The Bank of Bel- glum has raised Its discount rate from 4' ' < fc to o per cent. The Hank of BiliRal has raised Its rate from 7 to S. The following are the closing quotation * for the leading stocks on the New York exchange today : AlchlMun . . 201 , Ti-xns A Pacific. . . . da pfJ . . . , , < . 63V. t'nlun I'aclilo 43S Italtlmtiiv & Ohio. . do pM 7."V. l-jinnillnn Pacific . \Valiisli ) Canada Srwlimrn . . do pfd rhos. & nhln . Wheel. & I. , i : . . . . U',4 ' . in , ilo 2d pfd ( ' . . II. & Q \VlB. Central Chi. 1ml , , t L Adams lOx dn i > M , 41 American Kx 1IS Clikflgo .t K. III. . , Oi Unltiil Hlntcs Kx. . . Chi. & Ncirlhxv Wells Karito Hi. . . . 1.10 . C. , H. I. . i I1 .112' , A. Cot. Oil P. ( ! . < \ ft St. L. do pfd n Colorado Southern Amer. Mulling . . . . 131 i ilo 1st pfd . 42 do pfd do 2 > l pM , 15 Amor. . & H r.u Del. & Hudson . . . di > pfd 873V4 Del. L. fiV Amer Spirits 3V4 Denver & It. Ode . 21 do pM do pM 7" ' . Amor. Steel Hoop. . Erie . 13W ! . | ) fd Erieilo 1st I'M Amer. S. & W Ot. Nor. lifil do'pfd Hocking CVal . 1R1.4 Amer. Tin 1'lntf . . . IlockliiB Valley . . . Mi ! do pfd Illinois Central . . .112' ' . . Amor. Tobacco . . . . Iowa dn pfd ilo pf il . Mi Annconda Mln. Co , K. C. . 1' . & O . 8 llrooklyr It. T Uikc ! * ri & \V. . . ( A > lo. Fiiel , t Iron. . dr > pM . Con. Tobicco Lake Shore . .Cor do pM L. & N . federal Steel S3'I ' , Manhattan L .107 do I'M ' Met. t. lly .193 CJcn. Klectrlc MeUcan Central ' ' * 1 niucosc Kiwnr Minn , & St. L do pfd do pfd Inter. 1'npcr Missouri I'acino . 44 do pfd Mobile & Ohio . . . 44'4 UnL-lede Gns Missouri , K. & T. National lllscult . , do pM do pfd N. .1. Central .11SV4 National Ijeml N. Y. Central .131 > i do pfd 11(1 ( Norfolk & \V . 54 % National Fieri 601,4 do pfd do pfd 9l't Northern IMclllc N. Y. Air nrnUe . 114 do I'M North American . . 12H Ontario & W t'aclllo Coast 47" . O. H. & N . 42 do 1st I'M . SI do pfd . 7fi do 2il pfd . 5'j ' Pennsylvania. .131U Pnclllc Mntl . 39 Heading . 20'4 People's' Gas .1MH do 1st pfd . f,7't Pressed Fteel Car. . 56 do 31 p fd . 31H do pfd 56C'.i Illo O. W . ST'i ' Pullman 1'nl Car. . do pfd . SO .Stnnclard H. & T. C'.i St. L. & S. P . 101 j Sutwr 143'.fi do 1st i > fd . fS , do pfd do 2d pfd . sr Tenn. Coal & Iron tiriij St. L. Southv : . IS' ' , ' , U. .S. Leather do pfil . 31 do pfd 77 St. I'aul .123 U. S. Rubber 45' ' , da pfd .171 do pfd 112 St. Pnul & Onnha .110 Western t'nlon . . . 87'i Southern I'aclllc . . 3714 Republic I. & S. . . Southern Hallway , do ptd 70'i ' do pfd 1' . C. C. & St. L. 72 ! i Xcw V > rl Miiiiey Miirkct. NEW TOUK , Oct. 17. MONEV On call , steady at B1J6 per cent ; last loan , at 5 pt'r ' cent PHIMK MERCANTILE PAPKR-C'/jGC ' or ccnt STERLING EXCHANGE-StronB , with actual business in bankers' bills nt $ I.S6 = ! iiff > 4.87 for demand and at $4.82Hf4.8. : ( ? for sixty days ; posted rates , $ I.S3',4 and $4.87',4 ; com- SILVKR ( ertlllcatcs. SSnSOTc ; bar , G7c. MEXICAN DOLLARS-47c. BONDS Government bonds , steady ; state' ' bonds , Inactive : railroad bonds , strong. Following are the closing quotations on bonds : 0. A N. W. con 7 145 j'St.L. & 3. P. Oon. fll'4i ? do 3. F. deb. 6B. . St I'.Connolii 1UH fflil. Terms. . 41 . . . . OH St. P.O. A P. Istfi.r.'l'-i ' I ) . tt.R. ( ! . IMS . . . 103 St. P.O. &P. Ss . . . .I'.Hi'f ' I ) . A. 11. n. 4 % nn So. Uv.Bi 108 KantTenn. Ists. . . . S II. A.T. On 80 Krln Ocn , 4i 70H Tenn. new net Us . 1)3 \V.kl > . C , lalt . . T , P. luts 114 ' ( irn. Klec. fil . . . . . . till T. 1 . ict ! 511 O. II. & S. A. On . . . ,10 < i II. P. 4s 103 ( G , II. A.S.A. 2d . . .110 Wat ) . iBtfi 115 II , Si.1Cent. . S > . . . I OH Wilb. SMS 100 H. AT. ( ; .non. On. , 10R W. Shorn 4h . . . . . . . 11 UK 114 WIs. Cem. Ists . . . . 75 K. C. P. & G. Intu . 71 | Va. Centuries H5U I.a. Now Con , 4s , . , 1110 V.-i. neferred fi L.&N. ( Int. 4 . . . , UHHlColorudoRomh'n4H , R5 Offered. Ilimton Stoclin nnil Iliiiidn. BOSTON , Oct. 17-Call loans , per cent ; time loans , Sfiti per cent. Official closlnp iinotallons of stockn , bonds and mining shares : A. , T. & S. . . . 01 do pfd ti-iVi \\Yutlnisti. lOlei le. 47'i ' Amor. SUKHT 113'fc ' Atch I son 4a . . . . . 98 rte pfd Ill's ' Adventure . . . . Doll Telephone . . . .370 Alloupii M. c'o 4'4 ' Hoston & Albany..549 AtlantU. < 27 llfBton Kltvuted . .103 Hoston & Mont 310 liOBton & Maine..IK > llutlc & lloxton . . . rS C1. , II & Q 130i Calumet & Ileela , ,7 * > ntrhbiirK pfd HO iVntennlnl 2114 General Klectrlo . .118 Krnnklln 17 do pfd 139 Himilioldt 1'4 ' Federal Steel W , do pfd 77'i Parrot ! , ! ! ! ! . . ! 4314 Mexican Central . . 13i ( Julncy is Mich. Telephone . . .103 Hanln l-'o Co [ > per. . . 10TJ Old Colony Wi Timmrark.210 Rubber 4 ! > Wlncna R t'nlon Tacine 43'J ' \Volverlnes 40'-i ' I'nlon I-nml 4'i ' I'tali 35 London Stock ( tnntntlnnn. LONDON , Oct. 17.-4 p. m.-Closlng : Oonnols , money . .101H N V Central ConMilv , licet.- . . .103H IVnm-yliiiniu C7',4 Canadian 1'uclHc . . 94'i ' Hcadlns Krlo . . 131 , Nor raclllu pfil. . . Krlodo let jifil. . . llllnoln I'entr.U . . Ixiuisvlllo . Sit | 1'nlon 1'iitpfi ) . .77 % ( Irand Trunk . 7 i 8Paul o-minoi Anucomln . . , . 9T BAR SILVER Dull ut 2Gd per oz. MONEY-2H per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bll | , 4Ufi4a per cent ; for three months' bills , 4H < ? ( 4"a per cent. > 'CMV York JllnliiK ( liiotutloim. NEY YORK , Oct. 17.-Tho fojlowlnfj are olllclul cloning quotations tor mining ( hares : Chnllar 34 Ontario 750 Crimn I'olnt li Ophlr si Con. Cal. & Vn 16ft I'lyniouth S ' ' ' " QHlckidlxcr 150 Oo'uld & CuVrlei' . . ! 32 ilo pfd C.V ) llule & Norcroas . . ! W Slerni Nevada ft ) Itumrtiiake 6 ( Standml J'j ) Iron Silver 53 I'nlon ' con 33 Mexican 35 Yellow Jacket 20 I'liri-luii Fliiniu-lnl. HKRLIN , Oct. 17-On the boiirt = o today Internationals were llrm ; Spanish -IK and Italians were the featurc'H ; nilnlns Hhimvt wore weak In the early sales , but clohlnt ; accoiintH showed n slight recovery on re- purcluises. Americans wvru supported on the. extraordinary earnlngti of the Great Northern nnd Canadian 1'aclflc. Hank .shares were steady. KxchuiiKfl on London , 20 marks 27Vj. pfgs for checks. I'ARIS , Oct 17 - The bouri-i > today was Inactive : Internationals opened llrm ; Kafllrs were weak und they declined a the day advanced , somewhat depressing IntcnifttloimU , Jtlo tintoa jveig steady , but I Delteors' inlnlnc ( "hnrp * were wrnker ; Ppiinl. h rallrond.4 Improved nn the hlcher ex eh a n pcs Three per cent rentes. lOof Sic , for the ( ircniint , o.x < 'banRe on London , sSf , 2r for cheeks ; Spanish Is. fil.47'3. f'UANKl'TlRT , Oct. 17 , Internntloniils today were IrrcRillar , lint American secitrt- tlfM were steady nlong the whole lint. LONDON , Oct. 17. The mnrket for American securities opened tinner on rather bettor overnight news from New Vork and WIIM well tniilntnlncd , with business rather restricted. The elos- Inc tone was tlrm. Hold to the amount of .C29.000 wa < taken Into tbe Hank of - land today nnd the sum nf 250,000 was ' withdrawn for shipment to Egypt , uohl at Buenos Ayres , 1S7.70. I CALtTTTA , Oct. 17. The rnto of ills- count of the Bank < if England has been 'raised ' from 7 lo S per cent. ! IM'ENOS AVRKS. Oct. 17. Oolil was 1 quoted today at 13B.70. , . . I MADRID. Oct. 17.-Spansh ! 4s eloped to day ut 71.30. Oold was quoted at Jti.Si. llnnk ( 'Iciirltm * . ST. Lnl'IS Oct. 17. ClenrliiRS , J8,7la.Krt ( ; balances , J775 , < M3. Money. 4 ? > per tent. New York exchange , 90e illsiotint bid , ioc " i CHlCAiO6ct. 17. Clearings , S24.S01.400 ; balance- ' . $ . ' ,111.131. Sterling exchange. , Posted rates. $ IA3 < 274.S7U : actual , Jl.Wf 4.sri i ; slxtv days. Jl.SI'iJil.SuU. ' New \ ork exchange. We dlsrount. . ! NEW YORK. Oct. 17.-ClcarlnKS , Wln.Wa- ' 07H ; balances , $11,153.300. . . . . . BOSTON. Oct. 17.-Clearlngs. ? 30,13o,000 , lM III ItfOS ' ' B.VLTl'.M'oREroct. 17. Clearings. * iiot > , - T22 ; balnnc-cj , $ "iiliK " ) . , PHILADELPHIA , Oct. 17. Clearings , $1S.S92,7T5 ; b.ilancep . , I3.321.3SH. ( 'iiiiilllliiii uf tinTrciiMury. . WASHINC.TON , Oct. 17. Todny's statement - ment of the condition of the treasury shows : Avall.ible cash balance , $2SSOW,14oi Kold reserve , $25 , ' > ,21fi.227. Cudon Mnrkrl. , NEW YORK , Oct. 17. . COTTON Al though trndliiif In cotton futures fell oft i today there was nn Improvement ! n prices : which at one time showed an ndvnnce ot 10 j points on moat positions. The hesitation of I investors win trar-ill largely to uncertainty I of 'holders who bought large lines of cotton I ' sjitne time ago nnd the confused Ideas preI I j vailing In the European cotton circles. Cables - j bles reported a poor opening nt Liverpool. ' but hit' , r there was an Improvement and the market eloped steady. Local Fhorts were nervous toward the close , fearing higher prUts In the pool tomorrow as a re sult of our improvement. Dispatches from I the cotton b'f.t were Indicative of a contln- ! lied limitless In spot markets , with exporter - ! or * st'.ll buying. The crop movement ! showed n falling off and exports wt ro large The closing was llrm at a net rise of 51(10 ( points. ST. LOfIS , Mo. , Oct. 17-COTTON-TTn- I changed ; middling. 71-liic ; pales , none ; re ceipts , 2.M'i bales ; shipments , C.GS2 bales ; stock , 73,050 bales. CiHTfe Market. NEW YORK , Oct. 17. COKFKE Options opnie-d steady at nn advance of 5 to 10 points and Immediately developed marked llrmiu-ss nn active covering , fair Invest ment buying and bullish European cables , | the feature of the latter being a decrease ! of Sc In prices at the Amsterdam sale. i Brazilian markets were heavy under larger i receipts , but this fact failed to counUr- | net the other Influences at work. The 1 market closed steady ut a net gain of 5 to ' 15 points ; s.iU's. 22,500 bags. Including No- vembcr , $ I.C.T4.70 ( | ; December. JI.SOTi4.So ; January , $ ; .February . , $5.00 ; March , Jo.Oo'JiG.lO ' " ; May. $5.20 ; June. $5.30 ; August , $5.35 ; September , $ . " > .40. Spot coffee , Rio , firm and lending upward. Mild , firmer. 4)1 ! LIVERPOOL. Oct. 17. OILS Cottonseed , dull ; refilled , easy at 17s 3d. Spirits of tur- I pontine , steady at 39s. TOLEDO. Oct. 17. OILS Unchanged. LONDON. Oct. 17. OILS Splilts of tur pentine , 3Ss llfed. OIL CITY. Pa. , Oct. 17. Credit balances. $1.50 ; certlllrates , no bid , offer or sales ; shipments , 12220 bbls. ; average. 79573 bbls. ; runs , 113.518 bbls. ; average , S1.G75 bbls. NEW YORK. Oct. 17.-OlLS-Cottonseed , steady ; prime crude , 24c ; prime yellow , 30 iiSlc. Petroleum , firm. Rosin , quiet. Tur pentine , steady at 53HiJ54c. Dry Cionilx Market. NEW YORK , Oct. 17. Further advances are reported In bleached cottons today. keeping pace with yesterday's advance. The demand keeps up. Wide sheetings tending upward , llrow'n sheetings nnd drill ? strong , as before , amt'no falling off In demand. American . grain bags advanced Vic each. Denims , ticks and other coarse colored cottons - tons strong.jOrlijt cloths In demand. Some sales of regulars at 2tc. . Prints llrm and tending np , li ) staple lines. Men's wear woolens and worsteds quiet at unchanged prices , Mnrket. NEW ORLEANS , Oct. 17.- SUGAR Steady ; centrifugal , yellow , 4',4W ll-16c ; seconds ends , iUf/-l'/ijC. Molasses , dull ; centrifugal , CfJ14c. New cane syrup. 34c. LONDON , Oct. 17-HEET SUGAR-Octo- ber , 9s ftd. NEW YORK , Oct. 17. SUGAR-Raw. nrm on good demand from refiners ; refined , steady but quiet. Cnllfnriilii Drlpil FruU * . NEW YORK , Oct. 17.-CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Quiet for apples ; other fruits firm. Evaporated apples , common , ' GV2I7c ( ? ; prime wire tray , 737Hc ' ; choice , 7-i'SUc } ; fancy , OTiSUc. Prunes , 3Vifj8V&c. Apricots , Royal , 12 (15e ( ; Moor park , 14ff ISc. Peaches , unpeeled , 7 iQ9c ; peeled , 20 022C. oHlcr T < > .tllltM nnd Knlirlcn. MANCHESTER. Oct. 17.-ClothH and yarns steady , with a moderate demand. ClIIC.KiO MVH STOCIC MAIIKET. Triidlnir In SplrltlcRH nnd I'rli'fn Are MnliUniiieil ivKh DIIIIcuHy. CHICAGO , Oct. 17.-CATTLE-Trade In cattle today wns not very animated and prices ruled barely steady ; good to fancy grades sold at J5.SOg7.00 ; common to me dium steer.- ? , $4.5Wio.75 ; cows and bulls , $2,00 < ffl.C5 ; Texans , $3.50574.30 $ ; calves * , $4,005J7.15. JIOOS There was a good demand for hogs , but too many wore offered for sale and prices suffered a further decline of 5c ; fair to prlmo lots brought $4.22Wn.45 ; heavy packers , $ : ! .S5fj4.20 ; common to choice I mixed , $4,15f < 4.IO ; butchers , $4.2Oii4.45 ; com- ffi0. " t ° , .ch0lc | ( } lightweights , } 4,15i4.45 ; ; pigs. SHEEP Trade In sheep and lambs was slow at a low range of prices ; poor to prlmo sheep brought $1.M4.00 ? ; western ' ' "Kcrs ellliifc' at $3.00S3. ! > 3 , and feeders at W&nt.iO ; common to choice lambs , $3.2o * 5 ° 6- ° " ' U fCWt llowcver' selling above Receipts : Catlle ! , 4,500 head : hogs , 22,000 head ; sheep , lb',000 head. KniiNiiN fitl.lve .StiioU. KANSAS CITY. .Mo. , Oct. 17. < ' * ATTLF Receipts. 10,000 natives. 1.220 Texans. Mar ket strong nt an ndvnnc of Bfjioc ; hcavv natjve steers. 5.7SJ/fi.25 / ; lightweights $5.00 Jj.i5 ; Htoekert ) und fcediirs , J3.5fWI4.fiO' butcher cows nnd helfore. J3.00fi5.00 ; can tiers , J2.50ft3.10 ; fed westerns , J4.5Mit5' ! ( Dorado hteers , $3,10iil,75 ; Texuns , $3.2Sy Il'OGS-Recelpts , 77.200 head. Market slow ? ' ! . , - . ' ] " { . Gc ' "WTi heavy and mixed , JI.15 " ' . . 2.060 head. Market SI. l.onlN | Jvf > .Stni-k. ST. LOUIS. Mo. . Oct. U.-CA-lTTLE-Re- celpts' . 3,7W head. Including l.OUO Texans , .Market steady for native utters strong for . , " , sLnntivo "I'lPpIng ' and export steers , J5 , ( ? | ii.40 ; dressed beef and butcher steers , J4.501ia.iX ) ; steers under IKW ( Ihs. , ) l.35i5.CO ; Htoikcrsi and feeders , J.I.OOfiS.O'i ; cows and holfers , J2.00fH.fiO ; canner. . JI.OT(2.75 ( ; bulls , J2..W)3,50 ) ; Texas und Indian steers , 13.00 ( ill. 13 ; cows und heifers , (2.2033 , 75 , lions Receipts , G.4TO head. Market 5fl > lOo lower : pigs and lights. J4.25fi 1.35 ; pack ers. Jl.l5ffl.30j butchers. J4.30fil.45. SHEEP Receipts. 1,700 head. Market steady ; native mutton" . J3. 750 4.03 ; lamlis , NWfjI.SO ; utoekiTP , $2.00 < jj2.75 ; culls and bucks , (2.00fj3.75. St. , | IIH < - : | I , I viStovU. . SOUTH ST. JOSEPH , Oct. 17.Spfclal. < . ) The Journal quotes : CATTLE Receipts , 1.200 head ; market nt'- live and steady on best and weak on com mon ; native * $ l.30-ir5.95 ; Texas nnd west erns , $ : ; .4ufj5.75 ; cows and heifers , $200frl.50 ; bulls and MIIKO , < 2.f < V4.C5 ! ; yearllngH and calves. $1. 25 5.25 ; slocki'rs und feeders , ? 3.2i 4(4-50 ( ; veals. $ I.OOfG.5 | . HOOS-Heeelpts , 3.200 head ; market WJ Sc lower ; heavy and medium. J4.12"j04.20 ; Pigs and light , J1.15QI.25 ; bulk of sales , il.15fi-4.20. SHEEP - Receipts. I.ROO head ; market steady. \IMV Y < irl < Live Slorl. . v NEW YORK. Oct. 17-HEEVES-Re- celpts , 3(2 ( head ; nn trudlng ; feeling dull ; cables steady ; exports , S50 head cattle ami rir/0 quarters of beef , tomorrow , l'S& quar tern. I'ALVKS-Ri-eelpts. 115 head ; quint but fti-ady : car of westerns unsold ; veals , J.W | ) ( iSOfi , griiFhors , $2 MI SIIKKP AND LAMHS Recelplx. b46 ( ! lu ail. idiei.ii dull. lambs , slow and 15' ' lower , nineteen rart * unHulil. sheen. Vt.Wi J425. lamlis. $1 35'i5.50 | , nu I'aniidliiu lambs HOGSReceipts. . 4,701 head , nominally Slow at Jl.tv54.SO , OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Receipts for n Tuesdiy Are of Fair Proportions tions , tut Not Largo , EVERYTHING SELLS REASONABLY EARLY lion * r e Ijnwcr Thnti Monday' * Ccn- eriil MnrUrt lleef Cuttle ami llrst 1'Vcdcrn SlrniiK Common Slow ( iool Miccp SlroiiK Scltrrn , SOUTH OMAHA. Oct. 17. Ilecelpts were : Cuttle , lloss Sheep. Otllcial Monday C.53J 2.S43 S.WJ Olllcinl Tuesday ft.wl ( > , ill i.ftiS Two , days this we-k 12,131 b.SSI ! C,2iO Same days last woek..12 , OJ ll,2il lr > .7 7 fame l days \ve k bL'fore..l.iu4 ; 1J.013 17.WU Sumo three \vefks HBO..13fi2'J ' 15,127 23,030 Average price paid for boss for the last several days wlln comparisons : J1833.JlS9S.jlj ! > 77T8S'6.J1595.lMt.l93. | | | Sept. 20. . . . .I 4 3l3 \ 711 I 031 " I 4 02 | 5 43 ti 03 Sept. 21. . . 4 31 3 71 4 Oil 2 fc3i 3 'Jti , C 33 5 13 Sept. 22. . . , 4 35 | 3 73 3 3 i Sl | I ! i9 Hept. 2,1. . . 4 41 | 3 H' J 76 , 2 M > | 4 OOi U."J Sept. 24. . . ' 3 771 3 M 2 81' ' Z i6 | 5 36 . Sept. 25. . . 3 SS | 2 SO , 3 S2 | 5 40 631 Sept. M. . . , 4 39 ] 371 ] ; S i'J | 3 M | 5 37 6 41 Sept. 27. . . 4 3i | 3 72 3 781 * i 3 kS Sept. 2S. . . 4 44. . 3 3 S3 2 S9 , 3 82 Sept , 29. . . 4 37 3 64 3 SI 2 911 Sept. 30. . . 4 30 3 67 3 M | 297 ' 3 98 Oct. 1 3 71 3 S5 294 3 9S G : | Oct. 2. . . . 4 33 3 302 3 93 5 27 6 2t Oct. 3. . . . 4 42 3 6 3 86 6 00 6 26 Oct. 4. . . . 4 37 3 64 373 , 3 82 B 00 6 2S Oct. 5. . . 4 31 3 54 3 71 2 93 3 85 4 95 G 33 Oct. 6. . . . 4 34 3 S3 3 74 , 3 01 4 031 Oct. 7. . . . 4 35 3 58 3 04 ! 3 01 3 86 Oct. 8. . . . 3 59 ; a 521 3 3 56 4 $6 Oct. , . . , 4 35 * I 3 531 3 13 | 3 SS 4 MS C 29 Oct. 10. . 4 ? 3 3 ll ! 3 14 3 81 * S G 21 Oct. 11. . . 1 31 3 S7 | 3 MV 3 79 | 4 91 G 21 Oct. 12. . . 4 23 3 3 62 3 ISj 3 77 4 91 , U 30 , Oct. 13. . . 4 20 3 56 3 30 , * 4 S0 | 6 37 Oct. 14. . . 4 21 3 C3 3 51 3 . ,2 ! 3 78 ' | 6 31 Oct. 15. . . * 3 0 3 61 3 101 3 76 4 SOI * Oct. IB. . . 4 20 * 3 r ; i 3 20 3 70 I 7i > 6 27 Oct. 17. . . 4 16 3 70 3 23 | 3 70 -1 74 6 23 Indicates Sunday. .The ofllc.'al number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was : C. . M. ft St P Hva"K H ° hT ShCC" ' H'es. o. & st. L. itv ; . . . . " , ; > ' -MO. p. ny. : „ : l" . P. Hyt'lom G2 14 11 1 C. & N. W. Ry. . > 1 * ; . . K & M. V. R. R. 30 21 17 C. , St. P. , M. & O , Hy 4 9 I . o > M. R. R. R. . . 63 20 C. , B. * Q. Hy 7 9 K. C. & St. J 1 1 C. , II. I. & P. Ry. , E 1 1 C. , R. I. & P. Ry. . w. . Total receipts . . . .197 87 30 2 The disposition of the day's rc-elptp was as , follows , each buyer purchasing Ihe num ber of head Indicated : Omaha ! ! rsi. , , „ Cattlt > ' n ° K8' Sheep. Packing Co 23 723 372 , C ! . H' , Hammond Co. . . % S 1,055 571 ] ; Swift and Company . . 46(5 ( 1,365 5-13 jClliluhy I PuckJiijf Co. . . 492 1.21S 1907 Armour & Co. 3s 1.S59 aso j Omaha PkgCo. . , K. C. 43 Cudahy Pkg. Co. , K. C. 257 Armour & Co. , K. C. . . 31 Vansnnt & Co 260 J. L. Carey 157 Lobman & Co ] C9 W. I. Stephens 315 Hill & Huntzlnger . . . . 33 Bcnton & Underwood . . 440 Hamilton & Rothschild 13S L. F. HII.HZ G Other buyers fisi 3.S90 Held over 1,009 400 Totals 5S30 5,225 S.HtSS BATTLE While there was a fair run of cattle the proportion of beef steers , both cornfed and westerns , was small. At the same time there a good demand on the part of local packers , so that the market was strong on everything desirable. While the number was small , the quality of sorno of the cornfeds was very good , so that the | < sales show up well on paper , one bunch being good enough to brlnj ? $0.30. I Lows and heifers were. In fair demand and , the market was reasonably active a.t just , about thii same prices aa prevailed on yea- , terday R market. As n rule the offerings ' changed hands In good season , moat ! every thing being disposed of at an early hour. Bulls were just about steady , the most of them going to the feeders. As high as $4.50 wa.s paid for good cornfed bulls. The best stockers and feeders sold nt steady prices nnd the demand for the most desirable was of very gratifying proper tions. The common or mallum kinds of stock and feeding cattle were slow sale , the same as always , and the feeling on that kind. If anything- , was weak , It Is a noteworthy fact that If the cattle are de horned they seem to attract attention at once , while cattle of the same quality with the horns on will be neglected. Repre sentative sales : BEEF STEERS No. Ay. Pr. Mo. Av. Pr No. Av. Pr. 14. . 977 $ G 10 39..11SG $5 55 19..1154 $5 80 22.,1236 B 10 19..1231 B 65 40..1225 5 S5 19..1)55 ) 5 35 40..1220 5 70 23..1266 5 83 19..1270 5 40 36..1331 5 75 42..1252 5 ! s5 IS..1147 B 60 2. .1300 5 10 1..1070 4 00 46. .1212 B 23 B3..1310 E RO 1..1110 4 00 7..1391 580 13.1456 630 COWS. 5. .1096 2 25 B. . & 92 2 SO 1..1470 4 00 HEIFERS. 2. .740 3 50 1. . C20 3 50 BULL-5. 1..1540 2 90 7. . 1264 275 6. . 1200 265 CALVES. 2. . 120 0 50 2. . 145 C 75 STOCKEUS AND FEEDERS. STOCK CALVES. 120 stockers , per head , . . . , $1S 00 WESTERNS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1 heifer. . . 000 J3 00 1 feeder. . 740 $3 50 1 heifer. . . 770 3 40 1 feeder. . 7flO 3 RO 1 feeder. . 900 4 10 6 feeders. OS3 4 10 30 feeders. KM 3 SO 1 feeder. . 710 4 00 57 feeders. . 013 4 35 46 feeders. 102S 4 00 5 feeders..1038 4 10 I feeders. 1167 4 25 1 cow 1010 3 65 1 stag 1310 3 00 NEURASKA. No. Av. Pr. No , Av. Pr. 1 cow. . . . 810 $2 75 fi cows 76-5 3 25 t cow. . . . 970 2 50 2 COWH. . . . 950 3 25 1 cow , , . .1000 2 S3 : heifer. . . , 930 1 hull 1370 2 Si . 750 3 00 11 feeders. . 793 3 00 2 feeders. 1035 3 75 3 cows 833 3 30 1 feeder. . 830 3 50 1 feeder. . , S40 3 50 1 feeder. . 730 3 00 3 feeders. . 993 3 90 1 cow 1220 2 50 1 feeder. . . 870 3 00 1 cow 1010 2 50 91 feeders. , nee 4 03 1 feeder. . 910 3 50 fi feeders. . WO 3 10 2 feeders. 1010 3 00 f. feeders..1015 3 no G steers , . . ' 3 IK ) 52 feeders. , 3 70 1 cow. . . . . TOO 2 00 (14 ( feeders. , , S67 3 70 1 cow 900 3 15 1 feeder. . . ! ! 40 I 40 1 calf 110 fi f > 0 47 fi-cders. . , S72 3 S5 1 cow inoo 3 0) ) 13 feeders. . K3'J 3 85 2 cows. . . . 1155 I ) 00 4 feeders. , , 467 I 25 & cows. . . . 920 2 80 5 feeders. , , 4SI 3 40 1 cow 1020 3 15 32 feeders. , , SOI 1 ( > 1 cow 970 3 15 9 bulls 726 3 no 1 calf 180 1 bull IBM 3 40 2 heifers. . 791 4 03 1 cow 1000 3 10 9 feeders. 7fiS 1 feeder. . . S20 3 Si 1 feeder. . 820 3 50 2 cows 1130 3 S3 2 heifers. . 825 3 25 7 cows .1014 3 25 1 cow 900 2 73 t feeders. , . 942 4 10 2 fenders. 850 4 10 27 feeders. , , ICO 4 20 1 cow 720 3 10 1 feeder . . 930 -I 20 1 stag 910 3 20 I feeder. . . $90 -I 20 1 feeder. . 820 3 7S 1 feeder. . . S70 4 10 2 cows. , . . 700 3 25 2 f < i'derH..1035 4 00 1C cows. . . . 1126 3 RO 2 feeders. . fi70 X 23 6 cows. . . , 3 ( ) 43 feeders. . 950 4 15 3 cows. . . . Bi3 3 00 3 feeders. , (195 ( 3 75 2 cow" . . . . 1000 S 50 5 feeders. 904 3 50 2 cows. . . . 1MO 3 fiO 2 feeders. .1070 3 wi 4 cows. . . . 1217 3 CO 1 feeder..ior.0 3 OT 3 cow 1010 3 00 22 feeders. . 907 2 feeders. , 3 no 1 cow & 90 2 50 1 COW 970 3 2fi 3 COWH. . . 7M ) 3 25 11 cows. , . . , 959 3 25 3 cows. . .1013 3 10 2 cows. 730 3 10 1 cow. . . . 750 2 50 1 cow. . . . . MO 2 60 10 cows. . .1002 3 30 2 cows. . . . 93.- 2 60 1 cow. . . .1070 3 00 1 cow IINVI 3 00 2 cows 3 45 4 cows. . . . ,1145 , 3 4.1 90 feeders. , 903 4 ( S 10 feeders. ' 3 40 1 feeder..1020 4 00 4 feeders. , OS5 4 M 2 heifers. . 933 3 15 fi cows. . . . , 931 2 B5 1 cow 1000 2 ffi 1 cow , 810 2 15 1 row 840 2 05 1 cow ,1150 , 3 M 2 cows 1175 3 00 9 cows. . . . , 971 3 00 i cow 760 i ro 14 cows. . . . , 930 3 40 1 bull 1150 3 00 1 bull 1450 2 CO I" , fmlers.,1021 3 15 2 feeders. , 815 3 15 1 feeder. . . 7SO 350 1 heifer. . . G70 WYOMING. 16 Rtc-ers..l037 410 27 steers. . . ,1238 , 4 CO 1 stdor 1300 4 f.5 1 steer. . . . 1310 4 55 14 Kteer.1223 4 55 2 steers. . . .1290 4 55 2 btecrs..1150 I 55 2 Rtfers. . . .IIP.- . 4 16 4 striTH..14(13 ( 4 55 . ' , ' steers. . . .113' ' ' . 4 65 1 feeder. . 910 3 15 9 feeders. , bM 4 M 1 fiieder. . 7SO 4 M 11 feeders. , 925 I frt 20 feeders. 4 ( fl 1 feeder. , ' 4 ( Ci 1 feeder , . 810 I 05 fi feeders. . HM 4 ft ) 1 ft-cclcr. . 4 00 3 cows. . . . ! ( > ' ; 5 60 i COWK. . . . 3 25 1 cpw , W . ' ! do 4 cows. 3 CO 1 bull 1190 3 4i | 1 bull. . . .1340 2 CO 1 bull 1510 William Brown Neb. 2 cows 12ml 4 Ifl 1 bull 1740 2 f5 2 cows 735 3 10 1 bull . . . . 12SO 2 75 ; i lows 90.1 3 ' ! ) 1 stwr. . . . ,1610 , 3 10 2 feeders. 1150 : i 15 23 feeders I'll ' 4 10 31 fM'dcrs. 531 I 73 1 cow 12M 2 Co 11 K Hobson Neb. 1 tow. . . .1070 2 73 2U feeders . 773 3 40 2 feeders 890 3 40 i. ror , PrH TW 3 to 3 feeders 743 3 40 3 feeders. . 670 310 1 feeder. . 620 3 40 ( I cows 10M 3 10 IS fi-oncr's. . 953 4 30 IS steers..12,1 4 SO 11. L. Stevens Wyo. 31 steers..ll l I ti ) 29 feeders. . 920I 15 15 cows 1150 3 Hi I J. Chadsey Wyo. fi steers..1093 3 PO 13 feeders..1W1 4 l tf , ? tiler8..1226 455 12 cows 1035 325 13 eows 1022 360 J. H. Johnson Colo. 36 steers..13ll ! W 1(1 ( flours..12S1 4 2 steers. . . . 1300 I ! K ) 31 cows 107ii 3 cr. 3 cows IMS 3 20 2 cows .HOT 3 C.5 . Rule * Wler-Mont. ' 7 feeders' . 1S 3 2T > 2 cows lOXi 3 63 50 feeders. 7.1C , 4 20 1 cow 1070 P , 50 I S feeders. 9V. 3 40 19 feeders. . 1000 4 03 3 feeders. 3 75 33 feeders. .1KM I 05 1 bull 1570 2 SO 1 cow 10iO 3 10 | 1 bull 1590 2 63 3 cows llttl 3 r.s 1 bull 12jn 2 0 1 bull HGO 2 SO HOC5S Chicago came lower again today nnd the market at this point In sympathy with the decline nt other market points went lower. The market was Sc lower than yesterday's general or average market. IHiyers wanted heavy packing hogs at J4.Hi while good mixed loads sold largely at JI.15 5i4.17hSome very good medium weights went us high as $1.20 , and light mixed and good light weights brought $1.20rl.25. ( ( As Is very apt to be the case on a down market , the movement was not particularly active for the very good reason that sellers were slow about taking off as much as buyers wanted and were inclined to hang on for the very last cent that could be snuoezcd out. Still the hogs kept selling and the. pens were cleared In reasonable season. Representative sales : No. Av. Tr. No. A v. Sll. Pr. SC. . . . . 03 M 2f,2 24D 4 15 31. . . 4 n < ) M K ! 240 4 15 41. . . I2fl 4 < W 70 2.V ) SO 4 15 M. . . . .310 80 4 10 4 15 59. . . fo 4 10 J5 IS3 40 4 15 M 329 4 10 S7 213 12A 4 15 V > 3IB 160 4 Id Cl ! 240 4 13 M 31fi 4 10 ( II 292 Iftl 4 15 70 S13 4 10 S4 SM 320 4 15 M 312 131 4 12 < 4 10) 2M 4 15 f.O 2 40 * SI 2.M 120 4 15 ' " 4 121' 94 102 40 4 IS 101. ! 7 : 23S 4 17'4 .SSI 4 124 04 2M 4 17'i 49. . 4 121,4 79 : SS 40 4 17'j 7C. . 120 4 13 44 192 4 17',4 t IS C4 ZO. ISO 4 17ls iso 4 15 cc in 4 17V4 M. . . . .322 4 ce 27s 4 17'4 102. . . .2o7 4 19 61 213 4 17'.2 SI. . . 120 4 Hi 70 2Z7 4 17'4 120 4 13 " " 4 17' ' , 4 ir > ! ! ! ! 4 17'i 7fi sns 4 15 71 2Wi 4 17 < 4 f.r. Z74 240 4 15 117 227 60 4 17V4 72 357 4 15 M M 4 17M , XI 210 40 4 I. fi7 263 4 17V4 M 243 40 4 15 67 240 4 17'4 C2 200 240 4 15 64 297 SO 4 17' , 60 170 PO 4 I. , CO 2 4 17',4 CO .Ill POso' 4 15 65 24S 240 4 174 BS 501 so'SO 4 lo " ' ' " " 120 4 174 70 1 SO 4 15 . . . . .214 so 4 175 81 22 < i 210SO 4 1.- ltt > .22 4 174 Cl 3 > SO 4 15 f,8 , 2C RO 4 17H C6 218 40 4 15 103 14 120 4 17'/4 ' 73 SSS 3GO 4 13 76 232 ' 4 SO f.7 267 SO 4 15 87 121 'so 4 20 Blj 313 ' 4 15 61 2.11 240 4 20 fD 189 40 4 11 78 2M 4 20 6S 574 4 lo 74 300 40 4 20 6.1 302 ICO 4 15 60 . 2SO 4 . ' ) 73 2M ) 4 If. OS . 314 KO 42214 7 : 890 100 4 15 90 . 2ft4 75 244 4 KI 77 . 2113 40 4 2J ( S 2S1 240 4 13 SHEEP Receipts showed up well on paper this morning , but a considerable pro portion of the arrivals consisted of Btock- ers nrtd feeders , so that there was no sur- pins or rat sturr. At tbe same time me local packing demand was good and the most of the offerings that were at all de sirable changed hands In good season. The market could be quoted as steady at the very least , and possibly a little stronger on the common kinds. Feeders were In pretty fair demand nnd the pens were well cleared before the final close. Quotations : 1'rlme native wethers. ? 3.90 < f4.00 ? ; good to choice grass wethers. W.iO < S3.80 ; fair to good grass wethers , $3.GOi3.iU : good to choice yearlings , W.SOJJfl.W : good to choice grass ewes. J3.40iT3.50 ; fair to goon grass ewes. $3.00(3.35 ( ( ; good to choice spring lambs , J4.70JT4.SO ; fair to good spring lambs , J4.CO/iT4.70 / ; common spring lambs , f I. ( KMN. 50 ! feeder wethers. WJS-gS.SS ; feeder yearlings , S.fiOiijS.-O ; feeder lambs , J4.0004.10. Repre sentative sales : No Av. Pr. 17'AVyomlng owes . 97 $325 3S Wyoming ewes . 105 3 A ; - - - - ' nn t-nici K c r. < " 221 feeder wethers 73 GJ 6S western wethers 90 J Jy 307 ewes and wethers 9- > ' ' _ ' 474 Wyoming wethers 101 t * 421 Wyoming wethers 1JW ' " ' 71 western wethers ; l'J ' 45 Wyoming wethers .C . > 1 Wyoming wether TO * 2 Wyoming wethers i ' 187 western wethers J > ; > J1' 201 western wethers ijg : > J" 312 western wethers i 3 Cl Wyoming wethers - . - - - - . - 95 Wyoming year . Ings 91 _ . 127 tj\flllllh > * -r - - - - - - - - - - - yearlings So 4W 4 Wyoming J1 113 western lambs " ' J 4 western lambs " 7 ii 200 Wyoming Iambs M * r ? 50 western lambs. ' * ' " 30 Wyoming lambs 1 ' " lambs ' > ' M Wyoming lambs w i a 448 Wyoming Stock In Following arc the receipts at western markets for October 17 : Cattle. HOKS. Sheep. South Omaha fi.fiOl fi.2jll 7.55S Chicago -I.C00 22,000 IC.liOO St. l/ms | 3.700 fi,40d 1,700 Kansas City 10,000 11,200 JUtCO Totals 23.801 45.841 27.C1S iovrorVicuOTIUC. . ( Should be read dally by all Interested , as changes may occur at any time. ) Korelgn malls for the week ending Oc tober 21. 1SVJ. will close ( PUOMPTIA- all cases ) nt the general postolhco as fol lows : I'AIICEI'S POST MAILS clone one hour earlier than cloning time- shown be low. WEDNESDAY At 7 a. in. supplementary 9 a , m. ) for EUROPE , per s. s. St. Paul' , via Southampton ; at 10:30 : n. in. for ItEL- UIUM direct , per s. s , Westernland ( letters - tors must bo directed "per s , s , Western- land" ) ; at 1 p. in. ( supplementary 2:30 : p , in. ) for El'ROPE , per s. t * . Oceanic * ' via ( Jueenstown ( lutterH must be directed "per H. s , Oceanic" ) . THURSDAY At 7 a. m , for EUROPE , per s , s , Fiierst Illsmarck * . via Cherbourg ! ] , Southampton nnd Hamburg. SATURDAV-At 5:30 : a. in. for EL'ROPE , per s. s. Lucunla * . via tjuef-nstown ( letters for France. Switzerland , Italy , Hpnln , Portugal tugal , Turkey. Egypt and Brit Hi India must bo directed "pur B. a. Lucanla" ) ; at 6:30 : a. m. for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND , ITALY , SPAIN , PORTUGAL. TI'RKEV , EOYPT nnd ItlUTISH INDIA , per ( . s. La Oascogne' , via Havre ( leitors for other parts of Europe must be directed ' -per s. H , La Oiifirogne" ) ; at 8 it. in. fcr NETH ERLANDS dlrtct. per s. s. Maasdarn , via Rotterdam ( letters miit't be directed "per s. s. Maasdam" ; at 10 a. in. for SCOT LAND direct , per H. s. Anchorla ( letters must be directed "per s. s. Anchoria. " ) . Printed Matter , etc. Oerman steamers Balling on Tiie'lny take printed mutter , fte. for Clermany and Kpecli"y i.d- dressed printed matter , etc. , t'or other parts of Europe. American anJ Wh'to Star Hteamera on AVednefdays. fjurman BteamerH OP I'miitaayn , and Cunard , French and German steamers on Hatur- days take t'rlntfrt matter , etc. . for all countries for which they are ndverllec-d to tarry mo'i. After the closing of the supplementary Transutlantlc malls named above , addi tional supplementary malls are opened on the piers of the American , English. French and German steamers , and re main open until within ten minutes of the hour of fulling of steamer. Mall * for South ami Crnlrnl Aim-rlcu , WrM liKllpa , Kr. | WEDNESDAY 2 30 a in for JAMAICA per aieuinir from Phlladeljihla , , it 9.30 a m ( HUpplciririrary 10 30 , i m i for CEN TRAL AMERICA frxcrpt I'octa Rica ) and SOl'TH PACIFIC PORTS , per s H Ella. Ua Colon ( letters for Guatemula mukt be rllroctcfl "per . f Ella ; , ai 10 30 a in. for TORTO RICO , per U. B , Transport , via I'OSTOKIMCK X ( Continued. ' ) Ran .limn ; at 11 . in. fir GRENADA an I TRINIDAD , per s. s. Irrawaddy ; at i p in. for NORTH RRAX.IL. per s. s Hlldf brand , via Cenra , 1'jirn iii'l MHiino * ; at 1 p. m. for MEXICO , per f > s City of Warhlngtoii , via Tamplro iliers must be directed "per s. s. City of \ \ n h- Ington" ) ; nt 1 p. m. for ci'RA , via Hav ana , also CAMPKCHU , Yl'CATAN. TA- HA SCO and CHIAPAS , per s. s. . ( letiers for other parts of Mexlni niny be directed "per s. s. Viicalan" ) . 111 * p. in. ( supplementary 1:3 : * ) p. m.i for. TURKS ISLAND and SAN DOMlNiiO , per s. f. Carlb. THVHSDAY--At I P. in. for PORTO RH' ) , per s ! . Pence. Snn .Urnit ; nt 1 p. m fr SANTIAGO and MAN/AMLLO. per o s. Clenfitegns. FISlDAY-At 2:30 : a. tn. for NEWForND- LAND , per s. s. Coreali , from Philadel phia : nt 7 n. in. for ItHAKIU per s Wordsworth , via PoTnambuco , Hahla niM Rlr Jnnolro ( letters for North Ilrn7.ll nml Ln Plata countries must be dlnu'ted "per s. N. Wordsworth" ) ; ut 1 P m. f > r IN \ - GUA , per S. s. Hatism ( letters for Hellzr , Puerto Cnrtez and Guatemala must IKJ directed "per s. s. Han. a" > . SATURDAY At n. in. for LA PLAT\ COUNTRIES direct , per s. p. NVwlyn , nt 10 H. in. ( supplemi-ntary 10:30 : a. m l for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. SA VANILLA nml CARTHAC.ENA. per s s Alle'-hnny ( letters for Cnsta Rica must be directed "per s. s. Allechany" ) , at 10 n. in. ( suplleinptitiiry in.til : a in i f' > r CAPE HAITI. ST. MARC und JKRF.MIK. per s. s. Alps : at 10:30 : n tn. for HAITI , per s. s. Prills. F. Hendrlk. via Port nn Prince. AuCnyes and Jacmel ( letters for Curacao , Venezuela. Trinidad. Hrltlsh and Dutch ntilnnu must be directed "per s H. Prlns K. Hendrlk" ) ; at 11 n. m for Cuba , via Havana , per s. s. Mexico , ( letters must be directed "per s. s. Mex- SUNDAY-At 9 p. m. for JAMAICA , per steamer from Hoston. Mallt for Newfoundland , by rail to North Sydney , nnd thence by steamer , rlosi ? at this office dally nt S:30 : p. m. . connect IIIK close hero everv Mondnv , Wednesday anil Saturday. Malls for Miiiuelon. by i.ill to Hoston. and thence by steamer , close nt this oftlce dnlly nt S:30 : p. m. Mails for Cuba , by rail to Port Tampa. Kin . and thence by stcaniPr. clo. e nt this of tlce dally ( except Mondn > ) at * 7 a. in. ( thu connecting ; closes nre i-n Sunday. Wednes day and Friday. Mnl'm fo" Cuoa , by rail to Miami , Fla. . ami thencf by steamer , close at this ofTu-o every Monday , Tues day und Saturday at " 2:30 : a. m. ( tha connecting closes are on Tuesday and Saturday ) . Mallt for Mexico City , over land unless spcclallv addressed for dis patch bv steamer , close at this otllce daily at 2:30 : a. m. and 2:30 : p. m. Malls for Costa Rica , Hi-llze , Puerto Cortez and Guatemala , by rail to New Orleans , nnd thence by steamer , close at thla ofllce dallv at * 3:00 : p. m. . connecting closes here Mondays for Hellze. Puerto Cortez and Guatemala. 'Registered mall clo-scs at G p m. previous day. "Registered mall closes' 6 p. m. second day before. Trnna-rnrlflc Mnttn. Malls for Chlnn. Japan nnd Hawaii , via San FranclBoo , close hero dally n.t C:30 : p. m. up to October Math. Inclusive , for dlspatclj per s. s. Gaelic. Malls for Society Islands. ' via San Frnnclsco. close here dally at fi-.SO p. m. IIP to October * 3th. ! Inclusive , for dispatch by ship City ot Papelll. Malls for Chlnn , Japan and Hawaii , via San Francisco , clo n here daily at fi:30 : p. m. up to October * 27th , Inclusive , for dispatch per s. s. Hong Kong Mnru. Malls for Australia ( except West Australia ) , New VIealand. Hawaii , FIJI nnd Samonn Islands via San Francisco , close here dally nt :30 : p. m. after October 13th and np to October * 27th , Inclusive , or on day of ar rival of s. s. Campania , due nt New York October 27th , for dispatch per s. s. Monnn. Malls for China and Japan , via A'ancouver. close here dally at fi:30 : p. m. up to October * 31st. Inclusive , for dispatch per s. s. Empress of Japan. Malls for Hnwall , via San Francisco , close hero dallv at G:30 : p. m. up to November * 10th , inclusive , for dispatch per s. s. Australia. Malls for Australian Colonies ( except West Australia , which ( joes via Europe , and New Zealand , which goes via San Francisco ) , Hawaii nnd FIJI Islands , via Vancouver , close here dally at 0:30 : p. m. after October * 27th nnd up to November 10th. Inclusive , for dispatch per s. . Mlowera. Trans-Pacific malls are forwarded to port of sailing dnlly and tno schedule of clos ing is arranged on the presumption ot their uninterrupted overland transit. Registered mall closes at G p. m. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Postomce New York. N. Y. , October 13 , 1S99. JOBBERS & MANUFACTURERS ' I OF OMAHA 1 DRY GOODS. M E , Smith & Go. 'r ta ft r adJokfc r of Dry Goodst Furnishing Goodt AND NOTIONS. . ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. W astern Electrical Company Electrical Supplies. Bleotrlo Wiring Bells and Gns a. W. JOIIKHTOIJ. Mir. lilt Howird > "SAFE AND IRON WORKS. 'he ' Omaha Safe and Iron Works , G. ANDREEN , Prop. Makes a poclulty of T TTPIW KSOAPE8. . . \ JTJLJ.\.J-4 KHUTTKR8. &nd Durslar Proof HafdH and V'nult Doors , etc , nfu H. 1Mb f . . Oinnhn , Neb. BOILER AND SHEET IRON WORKS 8acoei nr Wll on < fc Drake. Manufacturern boilers , tunoko stacks and * re chlnps , vresnure , renderlnrf , sheep dip , lard and water tanks , boiler tubes con- itantly on hand , recond hand bollcrn bought and gold Sn'Hnl nnd proront to Hpuln In city or comnrv inth n" * pie - BOOTS-SHOES-RUBBERS , n merican Hand 1 V Sewed Shoe Co M'frs I Jobbers of Foot Wear WI81KHH AOIKTI VOn f Joieph Danijjan nubljor Co. f fI I CHICORY 'he American Ghicory Go. Orowcr * Md Btnufactuierf of all form * ol Chicory -ITreinont-O'NtlL JAMES E BOYD & CO , , Telephone 10.10. Oniohu , Neb COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVISIONS and STOCKS UUAII ( ) OH THADH. Dlrft wirci * lu ChU-atffi d . > Hir Tor u C rrtipoiiilrntii John A. W rr r. * Cc. H-RPEhrlEYS CO. OMAHA llfU- ( JtKOUl IU&