, * * * v V J TITE OMAHA DAILY HEE : TUESDAY , OCTOUEH IT , TRW ) , SPECIAL NOTICES Ail vcrtlRciMCM In for tlirnc column * nlll In- I ah vn mini j'Jt in. for tin : rvciilnir illllon mill iiulll Milto p , in. for nifiriiliiK mill Similar cilldoii. Itiitr * , I 1-ae ii ivoril llmt Iniurtlnni lu a ituril IlKTcnMor. NntliliiK tiiKrti fur U-H * ( linn a Be for HIP llrnt liinor- tlnii. 'I'llmo nilvrrtlNeiitentH must tic run iMiiiMrrndvol- . AilviTlUcrn , l y rciiirntliiK | n mini- bireil chrrU , ran luivo nimwcri ail- droxKcil li > 11 iiiiinlirrcil li'ttiT In i-nri ? of Tins lire. AiiitriTN MO inliln-nncil irlll lie delivered oil iircnciitntliiu of Hie check nl > - . \VA.\THD S1TUATIOX3. A BTlSJfOnUAlMinil. When you want one please call up tlio Remington typewriter clllco , 1615 Farnam St. . telephone li3 - A-273 WA\Tii ) MAM3 IlKIjI' . WANTKD. We have Rl n ly work lor a few good hustlers of good habits niul appear ance. C. 1' . Adams Co. , 1G15 Hownnl St. OFFICE boy wanted. 1521 Dodge. B M21I COLLECTORS AND DETECTIVES , loc-al or traveling. Opportunity to earn Rood Income' while- learning profitable profes sion. American Association , Box 4nG , Indianapolis , Ind. B 515 BUSINESS men conllnuo to call on Boylcs collcgo for stenographers. Intending Htudc.-ttB should bear Ihls In mind. Ree Bldp. Tel. 1934. B-C3I 17 WANTED , a Ural-class painter. Address at once , L 17 , Bee. B-636 CHIMNEY SWEEP can get n big lob by addressing L 1C , Bee. B 637 NIGHT SCHOOL. BOYLES' COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. ' Bee Building. 1 Business Course , Shorthand and Typewrlllng Course. Bookkeeping , Penmanship , Rapid Calcula tions , Commercial Law , etc DAY SCHOOL. n 7:210 * WANTED A good , strong boy , ThaOmalw Box Co. , East Omaha. IJ DI5 SLATERS and cornice makers wanted. Address C. R. Cornlco' Works , Cedur Rapids , In. 11 MI-IS * YOUNO men , our catalogue explains how wo teach barber Irndo. In eight weeks , mailed free. Muler Barber College. Chicago cage , III. n MiOS 1U WANTED BOO men to harvest sugar beets. Apply to Standard Cattle Company , Ames , Nob.IS miles west of Omaha on Union Pnellic railway. B M212 N-4 WE WANT competent , experienced sales man ; permanent position. Thu Merchants Oil Co. , Cleveland , O. 15 1GO-18 * GOVERNMENT POSITIONS : Don't p7c lint'o for any civil service or census ox- amlnatlon without feeing our catalogue < if Information ; sent fice. Columbian Correspondence College , \Vashngton. D. O. B-M155-17 * SALESMAN to sell our full Ilne n7 choice nursery stock ; n printed guarantee that Block shall be true to name given to each customer ; write for terms. Ml. Hope Nurseries , Lawrence , Kan. B M277 Nil * WANTED , a good salesman on commission to HiMl gloves and mittens In the state of Neb. ; best of references required. O. E. Potter , Oloversville , N. Y. B Mil ! ) 17 * 'WANTKD , Inrnl or traveling salesmen , salary or commission , to handle our oils , greases , petrolatum aim n good wldo line ; goods guaranteed : prices low : no freight and prompt delivery. Address I'enn Petrolatum Co. , main otllco and refinery , Coraopolls , Pa. B M3I2 17 * WANTED , salesman , by nn established house , to carry full line of-ljighe'st grade 1 liibrfcutlllK oils , greases and petrolatums : big opening for right party. Tropical Oil Co. , Cleveland , Ohio. 11 M31S 17 * WANTED First-class carpenter or ma- ohlnlst to teach boy the trade for liberal compensation. Hefcivnccs required. Ad- Ylress , N 3. Uee. 11 321-17 * WANTED KRMAI.R HUM' . WANTED. 200 girls. 1521 Dodge. Tel. S7fi C-275 OIRL , general housework. 2020 St. Mary's Avo. C < JG9 OFFICE girl. Illxenbaugh , ECO Ware blork. C-27H GOOD woman ( 'ook wanted ; one kitchen girl and ono chambermaid. Address The Clifton Hotel , Scrlbner , Neb. C 355-17 WANT15D , iirst clasn experienced sales ladies In cloak department , Huston Store , Omaha. J. L. Brandels & Sons , Props C-13S-1U WANTISD. n good girl for general house work. Apply tit once to 2109 Win st C-137-1G' OIRL for general housework ; good wage ? . 22r > Farnam. C 112 AVANTHD Oood , steady womnn , 25 to 10 years of nge , for general housework in family of three ; wages , $1. 2C02 Poppieton AVo. C-333 17 CHRL for general housework ; miisl be good cook ; J5 per week. US N. 3Dtli. ( ' .IS ! IS WANTIOD Hellitblc girl or woman for gen- nnil hoiiKework. Apply at Room 101 Bee Bldg. , C-33I-1S WANTHD-Two llrst-i-lnrtH millinery Irlm- mers , Boston Store , J. L. Brniulels .t Sons , proprietors. C-32S-1S WANTUD ' Experienced calesladlos who can I mcasiiro 'gooils. Boston Store. ,1 L. HrandelH .t Sous , proprietors. c1 329 IS COMPCTKNT girl for general housework. Apartment 1 , Wlnoiiii , South 20th and Dewey Ave. . C ,720 17 GIRL for general housework ; small tain. Ily. 1U22 H. lSlh ! slrcet. C-MUIl 10' 'ANTHI ) , ladv oanvassiirs in travel ; per week nnd expenses ; article , electric enmb. Cull or address David Rose , N. IMth Hlroet. C M33M7 ! ANY lady having t wo or three hours' spare tlme > a day can make K > weekly working for us al home ; noihlng to sell. riend solf-addreshsod enveloue lor iri'o Hamplo. Manhattan U. M. Co. . 1UI Beekmull Hlroet , New York. C' M33X 17 * "WAJCTHD. good girl for general luniKe ? work. 1021 Park avenue. C M350 rj i ' 'on iioisis. ; HOUSUS. Bencwii & Co. , 103 N. 15th St D-2I9 CHOICR houses , cottages , stores. H'cnrv B. Payne , 601 N. . Y. Life. 'Phone. 1016 X D-277 13LKGANT brick residence of MM. M. Holl- man. 2105 St. Mary's ave. D-.M233 HOUBKS , stores. Bemls , Paxton block D-27S MAOQARD van & storage , 1419 Dodge. Tel 1490. D-2SO F1N13 resldonce. choice location , n rooiiiT all inoilernj excellent atable. Beinb , paxi ton block. D 2 > l FOR RENT , houscse in all parts Of city The O. F. Davit ) Co. , 1505 Fnrnam street D 2 ! > J I1OUSKS for ri-nt tn all parts of the city. Brennan-Lovo Co. , 219 South 16th street. D-2S ? , 6-ROOM house for rent. S25 So. 23d Sire t. D-151-3J * HOUSKS. $0 up. Chris Boyer. 2123 Cumins. D MSSl O22 1137 S. 2STH. S-ropm. all modern , new fur nace , newly papered. In Hue condition ; rent > 30 per month ; really desirable res- ! deuce and location. Omaha Lo.in ami Tru t Co. . 16th and Douglas. D-M199 TF.N-ROOM house , all modern. 2'cfl llnr- neyet. D-M''T FOR HKNT. 7-room cottage furuaco. c.ty and cistern water. ! U7 Sh rnian Ave f7 00. Win. J Welnhans , Agei ' 3'3 S 17th D -i93 TKN-HOOM brick furnace , gas bath laun dry , not bus nit-nt l | nn not f r boardlhs house ) . 2Cll ) Capitol Ave. D 1 W Vfi FOH itn > T itoi .sn . F' ' R HI-NT-Afr-r : Nov. 1 , 7-room modern luMiro. cniitriilly lo'gate < l , city water and > cistern , J30 per month. 506 N. Y. Life CHOICE new modern S-rnnm modern Hats fronting Hnnscom park , rfiit J3j per month and water rent , Bcmls. JVixton FOR HENT-D"WELLINU HOUSES. 22.11 Farnam , 3 rooms , M3. 22X5 Fnrnnm , 6 rooms. J27.60. Gin North 24lh street , C rooms , > 13. JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1M2 Farnam Street. D-070- S-ROOM mo-lorn , . ,027 Chlcngo st. . 125 ; oth ers. Hlngwalt Bros. , Barker la' l2-toom liousc- 'OH RENT , G-room cottage. 1S10 Ontario 5-roiJtn'cottage , ttift So. 33d St. . J10.M. 5 rooms , lower floor , separate entrance , 217 South 2Sth Avo. , near Fnrnam , J10.W ) . 3 rooms nt 3122 Leavemvorth , f5.C" ) . Woodman , t Hay. 2S Barker Block.J . J J" * j ) G NICE 6-room house , all modern conveni ences. 721 So. 37th si , D-M101 17 * FOIl KENT , l-roorn house at WSN. 13th st. _ FOH KENT Ten-room modern brick house , 20th and Webster Sts , nl 126.50 per month. The Byron Heed Co. , 212 S. Uth street. D-071 IS FOR KENT , Bachelors' Hotel , 50th and Farnam , 50 rooms : furniture for sale cheap. The Byron Heed Co. , 212 S. 14th st. FOH RENT. 10-room modern house nml barn. ISO ! ) Plnkney St. , J25.09. J. ' Gib- Hon , GOB 1st Nat. Bank. D-D1I 18 ROOMS , light basement with bow win dow , large yard , city water Inside. $8.00 ; also I rooms , top floor , wllh sink. KM. for two adults. 2filG Dccatur at. D M1GO 17 * FOH RENT , lo family without children , an 8-room house , conveniently arranged , pleasantly located and In good condition ; modern except furnace ; will rent partly furnished If desired. 710 N. 23rd nt. Dr-MlG4 17 * SIX rooms. 2 floors , modern. 1536 Sherman nve. D-M2IC1G * KOH HENT. - 9-room house , 2162 South IGth st. , near Vln- ton. with barn , large grounds , desirable for South Omaha man , $25.00. fl-room Hat , 2nd , 2120 Farnam st. . $25.00. in-room house , 4302 Cumlng st. , $17.50. fi-rooni house , near 27th and Dupont st ? . , 8.50. . . . . 3-room bouse , rear HOT South IMII St. , GEOHOE AND COMPANY , KOI Farnam Street. D-M270 17 FOH RENT , 8-room detached modern house with barn. DC11 Pierce. D-602 GOOD large barn for rent In north part of city. Inquire 2124 Locust. D-M61G SEVERAL. 3G U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg. D-9I7 3217 CCMINC ST. . S-room house , with bam , all modern. In good condition ; will rent to desirable tenant for $20 a month. Omaha Loan and Trust Co. , 16th and Douglas. D M95G FOR HENT , 1003 Farnam St. . three-room basement ; landlord and wife will take board If satisfactory. D-M3I7 19 * FOU"RlTN firnF-l m mod nr5iou'se7"312 N. 22d atrcet. $35. S-room modern house , 1S3.1 N. 17th street. $32 S-room house , modern except furnace , 2110 Callfornl.i street. ? 27.r > . S-room bouse , all modern , 1530 S. 2Gth street , ? 2R. S-room house , modern except furnace , 150S Madison avenue. $18. 5-room bouse , 3211 Maple street , JIO. House and four acres In north part of city ; nice location ; inquire for terms. Also two G-room , two 5-room and one I room house. R. C. Peters & Co. . 1702 Farnam. D-M337 19 KENT KimMsiuan IIOOMS. 21 MEALS for $4.00 at the new Brunswick Hotel Cafe. E MG71 O16 NEWLY and elegantly , furnished mq'dcrn rooms , steam heal. 201 S. 21th St. ' E 138-20 THREE modern looms ; gentleman or light housekeeping. i > 30 S. 22d. E-M247 17' TWO nicely furnished rooms , modern. 546 S. 24th live. E-M1G7 17 * FURNISHED rooms , housekeeping. 2623 St. Mary's. E-314 24 * TO HENT Well furnished room In private family , within walking distance of main business center , to middle-aged or elderly gentleman. N 4 , Bee. E 330 IS lG N. 23D , pleasant rooms ; modern. E M3I3 IS * N"iT'"io furnished room's ! " housekeeuhiff. 1112 S. llth. E-M335 Fim.MSHK.I ) IIOO.MS AMI riOAIll ) . ELEGANT rooms & board. 1903 Cnpltnl ave. F-2S5 THE Merrlam family hotel , 25th and Dodge. F-2SG ROOMS and board , steam heat. 1G1S Har tley. F M742 O17 509 S. 20TH AVE. , rooms ; private family. F-M113 Oct. 23 * MARRIED couple or 2 gentlemen will find comfortable home , private family , 70ti Park ave. F M2SO 20' NICE room and board , reasonable. 240G Cass. F-217 Oct. 20 * LA ROE south front room with board. 1S12 F 131-16 * Chicago. - ROOM and board , upstairs , 319 N. 17th. F-M31I 19 * "FI'KNISIIKD rooms 'and hoard. 2015 Doiislax. F-M351 Jl ! KOH HUNT UM'THMSIIKII ROOMS. t UNFURNISHED rooms for light houpp- keeilntf. ; CIS S. 17th St. O-M26S rou itijvr SToiins A.VD FIRST-CLASS Btorrs , $10 to $30. Furnished b.irbPr shop. 3 chairs , JIO. HENRY 11. PAYNE , 601 N. Y. LIFE. I-2SS FOH RENT , store In tlrst-clnss location : rent reasonable. Applv H. C. Peters & Co. , ground Moor Bee Bids. 1 266 FOR HENT , a ground floor ofllre , specially HU'.tablo ' for real estate , etc. : splendid vault built for use of city treasurer. Ap ply 1 ! . C Peters & Co. , ground lloor Bee Building. I-2G7 AtiUNTS WA. > TKII. "BEST" gasoline gas lamps : world's larg est factory ; agents wanted In every town The "Best" Light Co. , SIS S. 15th. Omaha. J-M2W Oct.27 EXPERIENCED organizers for Missouri Oklahoma. Ind Ter. or Ark. This is a progressive order , making coed pi.ylns contracts with expcrc : iicod colleltoM Acme Fraternal Union , Scdalln , JIo. J-131 AGENTS wanted for the new bonk , "Twenty Years a Fakir : " It's all rlshl : $ . .o a week Gate City H. & N Co. , .122 It.imsn building. J M321 17 * \v.\XTnn-To WANT to rent farm : good Imurovpnunts- iii-ar Couiifil Bluffs. John H I'lumer , Walnut. Iowa. K-M27.1 21 0 OR 7-HOO.M modern cottage , all rooms on ground IKior If possible.iMresn 2112 Uike st. K MJIi > 1S STORACI I'ACIFIC Sloiagp and Warehouse Co . 91" . 914 Joucs , soneral stornBC und forwardlnc. 2S3 WA.XTIill TO IIUV. SAFE ; state make , size and price. 1115 Fcrnam. N M61I Nov. 3 WANT to buy pon-i home or eholre lot near llnnsccillli.rr. \ . , .ddrcsj LSI , Bee. | N-M5SS _ _ tELL > our furnidire a' auition See us unit ha\e a res.deuce x.ile You get hleh- fsi rash prle I'lay Auct-on Co 5.0 Nurih Klh si N-M9lsls " BARGAINS , C. F. Harrlson & Oeo , T. I Morton. N-1S5-0-25 * l TO HVY. SNli HAND njaiik , 2 In. 36 r. s"Nit Hk. , bldg. N-M29S 19 i ALL kinds tf household goods , hntcls. ptc. , In largo or pmnli qmintltlca. Chicago Fur- nltt ro Co. , 14W-10 ( DoJgc. Tel. 2020. \VANTED \ , fmall nmount ot Omaha Sav- Inns bank accounts. Address L 7 , cnro Bee , soon , stntlnff price. N 553 1OM BASE""HUllNEHS and other slaves wanltd. Don't ? ell before seeing Joe. l.e- vlne. Drop card and man will rail. High. est market price , 304 N , 16th. cor. Dav. N-MS03 O19 WILL purchase a limited number of Omaha Savings bnnk accounts , Brennnn- Love Co. , 219 S. 16th St. N-M197 HORSE , harness , r4p , phaeton or surrey preferred ; horse must be sound , gentle , that a woman or boys can drive. Olve full description , price and where outfit fan bo seen. Address , N 5 , Bee. KOU SAI.I : i-Tuxrrruu. STOVES , STOVES : no reasonable offer re. fused. Neb. .Fur. Co. , HID Dodge. To I. IIS1. . O-S11-O19 ARE YOU talking of stoves ? If you are , come to see our line of Siul-hnnu stoves. The quality and low prices will astonish you. J , Lewis , 101 S. llth St. St.O C33 Nov. 3 FIVE carloads furniture , household goods , store fixtures , clc. , wanted ; cash. S2n N. IGth at. O M116 20 FOR SALE , base burner and u range , bolh high-grade and good as new , very rbeup. Telephone 2161. O 139-16 ALL KINDS of furniture for sale. 1011 So , 32nd St. , for three days. 0-M1SI 17 FOR SALE llOIIStiS AXI ) WAC.OXS. SMALL mare well bred , buggy and har ness , cheap. 2152 St. Mary's avenue. P-M10I 17 * FOR s.vi.i' : .1 CHEAPEST and best oak cribbing and hog fence. B01 Douglas St. Q 745 FINE Stelnway upright piano for sale cheap ; cash or time payments. Address J 47 , Bee olllcc. Q M5S2-Oct. 16 SAFES-Buy , sell , exchange. Ill S. 13th St. Q 21)5 ) B. HAAS , Florist. 1S13 Vlnton St. Tel. 770. Plants , cut Mowers , boquets , hall , resi dence , wedding and grave decorations. Orders by mall or express promptly ll'ded. Q-'i96 ICE In car lots. Gilbert Bros. Co. Bluffs. Q-M311 FOR SALE Ton R-I-P-A-N-S for 5 cent * at druggists. One gives relief. Q 293 CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman & Me- Council Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge St. Q-197 2D-HAND safe chc.ip. Dorlght , 111G Farnam. Q-301 INDIAN relics ; mounted heads. 111G Farnam , Q-299 FOR SALE Young Jersey cow and calf ; fresh. 2S2G Webster St. Q-9G5-16 * MEDIUM-SIZED hard and sofl coal burner cheap. 2152 St. Mary's nve. Q M10J 16 * FOR SALE Two fresh Jersey cows with calf by fide at 71S South 2Slh St. Q-H4-1G SECONDHAND SEWING MACHINES High-arm vibrating Singer , $2o.OO. High-arm oscillating Singer , $10.00. Low-Hi'm Singer , $5.0 . No. 9 Wheeler & Wilson , good as new , $17.50. No. S Wheelfer & Wilson , $3.50. No. 7 American , $7.50. No. 7 American. $5.00 , Good White , $10.00. Box top White , $5.00. Domestic , $12.50. Union , JS.OO. WIlcox ft Glbbs. coed condition , $20.00. New droti head Singer , $40.00. We repair all makes of sewing machines. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. , Corner If.th . and Hnrney. Q-143 16 $10.00 SCOLARSHIP In one of the best shorthand schools In the city cheap for cash , Neb. Cycle Co. , 15th & Havney. 1 nMMJ.17 RADIANT Home stove. 22H Chicago. Q 323-1S * F7m SALE or tradta new twelve-passen ger wannnette. Address Box -IC2 , Shenan- d.inh. Iowa. Q M345 13 * NOTICE Country dealers , 2d hand furn'tre & stoves at lowest prices , carload lots or less. Chicago Furniture Co. , 1406-10 Dodge. R-303 CALENDARS for 1000. Burkley Printing Co. H-3D2 O29 WANTED , location for a flour mill and mill machinery faclory. Address P. O. Box 4DS. Sioux Clly , Iowa. U M675 17 * CI/AIUVOYAXTS. PUBLIC NOTICE-I bee tn Inform the Mibllc nt large that I will be out of th < > city for Hie next few days in order to locate u burled treasure at Lee Summit. Kun. , returning Thursday morning. Re spectfully , Dr. Lee Harrlden. S ; :35 : 17 MME. GYLMER genuine palmist , 1C05 Dodge S-304 MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant , S17 N. ICth.S303 S-303 3IASSAOH AMJ IIATIIS. MRS BERRY , BATHS , MASSAGE. Parlors best equipped In city. Porcelain tub : lady attendantn. 119 N. IGth , opp. P. O. . 2nd lloor. T M212 Oct. 26 * MME. AMES , K. 2 , 607 S. 13 ; maes-agp baths T-M7I7 O17 MISS DE CAMO , vapor sponge baths , massage - sage , magnetic trealmcnt ; expert attend ants ; Ist-class patronage solicited. 1G15 Howard. 3d floor. T-M751 O18 ELITE PARLORS. 2025 Karnam , llrst-elnss baths , mat-sage , mngnellc ireatnicnl. Lady attendants. T M927 K * LILLIAN HOWARD , massage ; baths ; Arabian treatment ; atlenilani. flfrv * N. 15lh ; ilat .1. T MUS 2 MME. SMITH , room 2 , IISH North loth. T-9H IS * I'URSO.VAh. PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & dur- InB cotillncmunt ; bablea auopiPd. 1136 N 17. U 7E9 * III * M7MON11E1T. leading ( hlropodlst. tre.itBall ailments of fe t , both ladles & gentlemen . . ' . hair . , . , . Ladles' halrdrosslng , goods ' "id toilet preparations. Treatments ' of scalp : , face , hands or fcot ; 20 years' cxp rlenee , ] 6 years "n Oiniiha ; best equipped establishment In " city. 151s Farnam ; tuke elevator ; 2ni HOO" i U-757 ' DR. HOY. chiropodist ; corns and superlluoul hair removed by electIcity. Room 12 yrenzer block. u75J i7ivn floors , parnuotrvJnrtT FINE hrirowood parnuotrv work guaranteed , beat reference In town , right prises. Frank Bcvlclt. 193 ! , S. mn , fjmia" | . u-SvH Oct. 13 BATHS , massage. Mme. Post , 3lju s. 15th ' U-M173 _ _ _ _ _ FOR money see Pleasants , 51 Barker bTic ' U MSSS OJ2 JOHN , If you will buv mo a doz. bruiltter. ) (25c ( ) I will meet you at the Brunswick Hotel Cafe and all will be forgiven Mary. U-.MC73 O16 RUPTURE CURED. Wo cure all forms of rupture without pnln or detention from business. Send for circular * . Emplro Rupture Cure , 532 N. Y. Life , Omnha U-551 O31 DR. MITTELSTADT , dentlPt. 331 Hoe Bid" U-M655 Nov * PLEATING and pleated skirts of all kinds. M. Goldman & Co. , 200 Douglas blk. U 25S Oct2i RITTER hofplt.il ; confinement cases taken ; bublt-a 8dopeJ. ; 2211 Seward. Tel. 2233. DR. DAY1S. specialist , 10th und Dodge , i U-MlOO 031 FACIAL massage , 50o ; hairdresslng. 351 ; i shampooing. 35c , SOe. Miss Huhlmd , 415 McCague Bldg U--Sl Nov S NOTICE to propi-rty a\\n rg , ail requir ing lire escapes other outride or Inside , or automatic , w 11 save money by culling ou.J. J. Derlght & Co. Hie Farnam st U-MS37 Nov. U PKKSOX.U. . PARTIES desiring contrary for rPmov- ln earth In the construction of new ditch n'lio ' miles IOIIB In Dodge rotinty and excavating and clennlnc out of large dltrh prevlou ly constructe < i ple.ise com municate with C. A. Mativille , counly Clerk , Fremont , Neb. C M9&.1 2 i VIAVI l > voman's way to h aRh. 8H Bco Blue. U-761 / aiiill'.S half-soled , 35c. 3"4 S. IStTi. U-.M3I9 Nl MO.NHY TO I.OAN-RIAI , IJHTATI : . MONEY o loan on flrst-clSRS improved city property or for building purposes. Payne- llardoi Co. N. Y Life. W-762 MONEY to loan on improved Omaha real .state. Brcr.nan-Lovo Co. , 319 So. 1GU. W 7b WRITE us If yon want a loan on your farm In IOIVA. casit-rn Neb. or Mo. ; It will pay you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N.V.L W-773 5 PER CENT ; also private funds. Chna. E. Wll'lumson. ' W 773 MONEY 11. loan on Nebraska anil Iowa farms : lowest rates. Urcnnan-l.ove Co. , 219 S. IGth. Omaha. W 7G3 FIVE PER CENT money on or before , flvo year i on Nebraska langs and Omaha real eslate. W. B. Melkle , 101 S. Uth St. St.W 77S 5 , BU. * Per et. loans In Omaha. Ro. Om.ihn. W. II. Thomas. 603 1st Nat. Bk. Tel. 164S. _ AV-774 5 PER CENT money. Bcmls. Pa.Mnn nik. AV 763 $1,000 nnd upwards to loan on Improved city end farms. W. Farnam Smltr 320 Fauiarm TV 7t > 6 TIARRISON .t MoTrTON. W 750-O-17 * C PER cent loans. Garvln Bros. , 1613 Farnnm W-770 WANTED , city and farm loans ; nlso bond1 ? and warrantn. R. C. Peters & Co. , 1702 Fnrn.im St. , Bee Bldg ; W 771 J100 TO $2.000. F. D. Wead. IGth & Douglas. W-753 LOANS. Pottcr-Sholes Co. , 310 N. Y. Life. ' W-7G9 2ND mts. on farms. Prltchnnl , yd S. 18th st , W M379 Nov2 $ lfK .OOooOO ! TO INVEST through Bankers. Brokers , Promoters ; pond for circular. Investors' Directory. N. Y. "W 167 MO.MJV TO IjOAIY CHATTELS. MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture. honie , cows , Jewelry. Dutt Green , R. S , Barker blk X-7S2 MONFY loaned salaried psopla holding per manent position with responsible concerns upon their own names , without security ; easy payments. Tolnian , 700 N. Y. 1 * Bldg. X 777 MONEY loaned on furniture , rigs , bicycles , diamonds , watches , etc. ; payments un known to friends. Omaha Loan Bank , 1410 Farnam , upstairs. X 781 MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , pianos , horses , cows , etc. J. W. Taylor , 40J Knrbach block , 12 to li:30 : p. in. X-M3S5 O23 LOANS"MTDE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions on their per- nonal note without endorj-ment or secur- lly ; strictly confldcnllal. and at ONE-HALF THE USUAL HATES. Before borrowing reo us. as you will flna It grcally to your advantage ; we are the oldest , largest and only Inurponiteil lonn company In Omaha. F. W. Truax.Mgr. . , 11D Board of Trade Bldg. . IGUi and Far- liam Sin. Telephone 2293. X 7S3 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE confidentially , holding permanent positions , on their own name without endorser , mortgage or security of any kind. On re pay In eapy weekly or monthly payments1. Omaha Credit Co. , C. K. Jennlnss. , Mgr. , BUlte E25-52. ; N. Y. Llfo Bldg. X .80 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent poslllons with re sponsible firms without mortgaso or HO- curlty of any kind except their own nnmes on r.ew plan , which Is n pure building and loan system , with easy pay ments to suit your.lfjf , , Our business is positively private'nnd cdnfldenllal ; no ono outside of ourselves will know anything of the transaction. American Loan JLo , , Room C01 , Bee bldg. X iS4 MONEYTO LOAN ONMONEY HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. PIANOS , HORSES. CARRIAGES , WAGONS. ETC. LOW RATES-EASY PAYMENTS. You can pay the money back In any amounts you wish and at any time. * Each payment so made lessens the cosl of carrying Ihe loan. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 3M SOUTH 1CTI1 STREET MONEY- -HONEY X-401 MONEY loaned on plano : , furniture. Jew elry , horses , cows , etc. C. F. Reed , 31JJJJ. 13 LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE on their personal nolo without security. Rates reasonable. J W. Taylor. 403 Kar- b.ich block. 12 to G:30 : p. m. X M35G O2D MONEY loaned on household goods , pianos , rigs , jewelry , etc ; easy payments ; confidential. People's Loan Co. , room 7 , Crdghton blk. . ISUi nnd Douglas. X 23D IJUSIX13SS CHANCES. MERCHANDISE STOCK A clean stock of dry goods , furnishing goods nnd clothing ; owner will exchange for farm or city property. Lock Drawer. 1201. T M717 THE NEW SNOW-CHURCH COMPANY Is the only company that collects all kinds of debts and has n corresponded in every town In United States. Semi your accounts - counts to 6th floor , Karbach Blk. , W. H. Green. President. Y M118 GOING out of business. You can buy "nickel In slot" phonographs , record B and supplies at your own price. StoJc must be soia by OctobT 22. Fixtures for pair , Owner golntf to Europe. Will also mil my five-room , completely furnished Hat. Omaha Phono. Co. . 31D No. IClli. Y M123 FOR SALE Slock of drugs nnd llxtures In small eastern Nebraska , town : doing gooij business ; sickness rnu e. Address. L .11 , bee. Y-12S-2J * FOH SALE , the best livery business In HOUthwestern Iowa. In first-Hans lown of over 5,000 Inhabitants , or will trade for good land In southwestern Inwa or east ern Neb. ; call on or address Henry < Sr Gib. son , real cslatc brokers. Red Oak , Iowa. Y-31S 22 LANOE hoti-l for rent. Wishing to retire from business. I will either rent my en tire hotel or rotafn the rooms and rent thn dln'.ng roam separate. Hotel llrst class and modern In every respecl. For par ticulars call at promises , G04 So. 13th St. Y-3.-SI-22 KOH 13XCHAXC5E. WANTED , lo exchange , piano for driving horse , buggy or heavy learn. Oeo. E. Hill , 1313 Farnam. SJ-M930 17 I WANT to trade Improved nnd unlmproveil Innd In Nebni-Jka for merchitudlsf. . Address - dress , L 55 , Bee. X-129-20' GENERAL merchandise stocks in all parts of Nebraska and Iowa for unle and ex change. If you want a trade of any kind write Mcn-handl-e Broker , 50G Knrlmch blorlt. 5C-M3M : GO-ACRE farm llo under cultivation , mort gaged for $1.00) ; will pay mortgage and exohance for city property. "Glover. " 50ii Karbach. / M2S 17 AHSTHAfTS OF TITIIJ. HARRIS Abstarct Co. , 423 Bco Building. 333 KOH SAI.i : III2AI. USTATn. OMAHA property , consisting of vacant lots , 1 residences and store rooms' , ranging from $150.00 to $25,000. 11. H. Ball , S23 N Y. Life. roll SALE , my elegant home , 2020 Webster t. , small amount down , balance same tin rent , if di-slred. Address C. D. Blbblni. Hotel Spokane , Spokane , Wash. RE-M5U Nov. a CASH CUSTOMERS FOH FARM LAND. The Byron Reed Co. . 212 S. nth St i RE311 _ BARGAINS , real estate ! Chris noyer 2123 CumliiK HB-Msfa 02- ' H HENRY B PAYNE. C01 N Y LIFU Heal EBlatc , Rentals , Loans , Insurance I . Hii-337 KOH S M.r.-RKAI. V.STATC. SELECT BAROAINS ( Oct. 1C , ' . ) LAND. 12 < ncro near Ro. Omaha , buildings , excellent for stock , $30 an acre. ISO nenr So. Omaha , small buildings , very handy to the stock yards , $10 nn acre. 20 near So. Omnhn. no buildings , 2ife miles from the Exchange , $2,2 . 12 S.irpy county , small buildings , 70 acres cultivated , $22.60 nn aero. 2flo In town , well Improved , adjoining Innd $ .10 nn ncre ; this $12. 2iKi near Calhoun. small lies very pretty , $43 un aero. . 40 near Dodge St. rosul. $3,600. HOUSES AND LOTS. $10.500 , ilnest built house lit Omaha , fronts enst on the park ; the view- Is mosl beautiful ; lot 50x212. $1.700 , lot Ciflx242 , fronts : east on the park , good cottage ( very cheap. ) $ fl,00fl. tine corner lot , good IIOUNU and barn , nenr Ilnnscom 1'ark. . Lot 47x223 , near the park , $1,230. S-room house , corner lot npar the park , nil modern , J 1,800. West Farnam St. lot 51,200 ( cheap. ) $2.500 , elegant fi-room house , furnace , bath room , gas , etc. $ Snoo , special snap In Inside Improved rental properly. JD.OOO , Fnrnam St. business block. $2.200 , choice 55-foot lot Oil SSth St. , near Cudahy's ; line view. $1.700. high nnd sightly lot , 40th si. , near Farnam , slrccl puvod. $1.200. S-room house near the park , east front , lot i > 0xt50. C. F. HARRISON it GEO. T. MORTON. ! 'I2 ' AND 013 N. Y. LIFE. TELEPHONE 311 OH 250(5. ( Special : $1,300 full lot and house. So. SSth. RE-322 16' CALL If you wlBh to buy or sell real estate. We have bargains ami buyers. M. J. KENNARD & SON , Suite 310 Brown Block. RE-SS3 A BARGAIN Four acres , 40th and Pacille two blocks from car line , on belt rail road , $2,00) ; easy terms. McCngue In vestment Co. . 1506 Dodge. RE 609 IF YOU desire 5. 10 , 15 or 20 acres you can bo accominodnti d by culling ; on B. II. Ball , 925 N. Y. Life. HE-117 IF IT IS South Omaha real estate you wnni lo buy or sell communleale with O'Nell's Real 'Estate Agency. RE 330 KOH SALE. CIO acres ot laud , worth $35 per neie ; will fell for $24 per acre. The Byron Reed Co. , 212 S. 14th St. RE-33S A BARGAIN IN HANSCOM PARK DIS TRICT Elghl-l-oom residence , practical new , large lot. barn , hot water heat , cis tern , modern plumbing. Will sell ut great Haerllk-e. Call 100 North I5th SI.RE RE Hij HAVE you some lots to Bell ? Now Is th time to dispose of them ; lot the peopl know that you want to dispose of thum The B e reaches the people who have th money. RE SCO FARM lands , stock ranches and business locations In Ihe Corn Belt country. W If. Clements * , Lyons , Neb.RE RE M125 NovlS SO ACRES , with crop , machinery , horses house , barn , within 11 miles of Omaha postolilce ; price only $1,500. $950 for live-room house and 101x123 feet southwest of Hanscom park. $3200 for two houses and .i3xil feet , nor.h cast corner 2Cth and Cmnlnff streets rental $350 pnr year. Submit offer. JS.BOO for nine-room modern house , barn , o West Farnam street. Farm lands within 25 miles of Omaha from ? 20 to $50 per acre. JOHN N. FREN7.ER. OPP. OLD P O HOUSES , lots , farms , lands , loans ; also lire Insurance. Bemls , Paxton blk. RE-339 SNAPS 111 real estate : money to loan. L. L. Johnson Co. , 311 S. loth streol. RE-340 FOR SALE , handsome 10-room modern res idence ; largo lot and shade irees ; Icenlrally located ; cdieapesl residence In Omaha ; part Iradc considered. Call or address , if you mean business , 100 N. 15th street. RE-C01 FOR SALE. 10-room modern house , wllh 75x140 feet ground , east front , choice locatlona,000. _ 9-room house on Georgia avenue , $ laW. fl-room house , 35th and Howard sis. , fine corner , east front , $2SCO. Choice building lot on Franklin St. , near Military load , $ .W. , , , SO aeren , wet part of counly , Improved. > -QO ' GEORGE AND COMPANY , I'YI'KWIUTKU.S. TYPEWRITERS for rent. $4.00 per month. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1JJ23 Farnam St. Telephone 1281. 346 WE RENT and sell the best typewriters made- largest stock of supplies In Omaha. Unitci Typewriter & Supply Co. . 1612 Fnr- nam. 3'7 ' REMINGTON Standard typewriter and supplies - plies , 1610 Farnam. 318 THE Olive : Typewriter , visible writing , heaviest manlfoluer and cuts the Hnest stencil- Pee exhibit Liberal Arts bldg. , Onviteir America Exposition. Tel. 2279. JS Stewart. Special Agent. Slbli S. Fif teenth strecl. Omaha. 349 TYPEWRITERS , secondhand. 111G Farnam. 3oO SlIOHTHAXn AXn TVIM5AVIUTI.VO. A. C. Van Sanl'h School. 717 N. Y. Life. 313 AT OMAHA Bus. College. 16lh & Douglas. 314 ROYLK't ? school ; court reporter principal , Bcft Bld . 315 VAN SANT'S night school -ilinrlband and bookkeeping begins October 2. Mon day. Wednesday and Friday evenings ; $3 per month for either branch : touch lypewrlllng given special intention. OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON , Oftteoputhlr Institute , 515 N V. Llfo Blrig. Allen Johnwn , D. O , Indies' dept. ; Gld E. Johnson , ostcopathlst , mgr. _ " M E DONOIIUE. D. O. , of Still school , " Klrksvllle , Mo. , 601 Pnxton blk. Tel , 13C7. IIII.S FOH RK.XT. CREIG1ITON Hail and Morand'H Academy , Ifith and Ilnrney. for balls , club and l.idgo . iiartlec. . convenlloiiH and all Hoclul func- lionsbnth halls hnve been renovated throughout. Mornnd , Lcasce and Manager. Ill Nov.-13 PHYMCIAX. i DR. nilEPARD , 312 New York Life , spe- clultles , catarrh and kindred diseases ; consultation free nt olllco or by mall. Llli-raliiro and question Bheols sent everywbern. M .17 I'AWXUHOKUHS. JEFFERSON riquare Loan Offlce. 418 N. 16. 351 EAGLE Loan OIIU'C , relinblo. aroommodat- Ins ; all businci's confldfntlnl. 1301 Doughi * . Arroiiiiiox PIIATIXO : , MRS. A. C. MARK. 17lh und Farnam THl'MC I'AOTOIIV. 1 SEE OUR trunk tiavc-1'.ng bags , suit rases ; Trunks repaired. Omaha Trunk fnii.ry. . 1203 Farnam. EuS-Olt ! S ( 110(11 ( , 01' I.AXCiUAfiK ! FRENCH , Oerman Spanish , 52 i > er mt-nth. Prof. Chatelaln. 301 Boyd Iheatcr. 3JS I KlHMTl Hi : I'ACICI.XCt , M. S , WALKLI.N' . all ! Cumins. Tel 1S31 IAL I OM Com'l Col. Xtolirbough Broa. . 1C&D gl ia. LADIES Flee , harmless monthlj rrt'ili- tnr , cannot fnll. Mrs. H. Ilownn. M.law i- kee. WIs. 2 O-ir. DR. MANSFIELD'S monthly icgiilat.-r . h.is brought happiness tn hundreds nf nnxlou * Womi'ii ; hnve never hud a "liiMlifallur - . longest cn.'rs 1'elleved In lw. > t" il\i iV\\ " without fall ; no pain , no danger , no Inti r- feroncovlth work : by mall or ntllce. $2. nil letters truthfully answered. The Mansllolil Hrmedy Co. , 1G7 Dearborn St , room Oil , ClilpQKQ , HI. St.5-21" LADIES , Chlrhester'5 English Pennvroynl pills are the best ; safe , reliable ; take lii > other : send 4c. stamps , for partlrulir . "Relief for Lnillcn. " In letter by rctxtrrt tnal' . At ilrupclstj. Chlchcster Ch mlcftl Co . Philadelphia. Pn. TApTlTtC" " ridrmleRs"lirnntlitv renuln'or cannot fall. Mrs. B. Row.in , MIUV.M'KO ' . AVls. M.'li ' > Nl * IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy , 221fl D.iven- jorl. , M-Oiii Nov t. " .IIOMV TO I.OAX. PER CENT up. J5.0 ( to $500ftX ) WnsiiMtl defaulted mortgacos boiiirli : . I.lfe tn ir- mice loaned on and bought , lapsed pol.- cios bought. If can tie n Install > 1. KARM AND CITY LOANS. F. A Strnuj. . . Fi- mdiclal Agrnt , GI5 Paxlon Block MM9 IS 1IHOICI2IIS. CUT HATH railway and steamship tickets ; excursion tickets bniight ami sold. P. 11. Phllbln , new locations , 1300 and 1505 Far- Jinm. Est. is1 * ! ) . Member G. T. B. Assn. lUCYCI.US. NEW nnO sfcond-hand bicycles at half price. Louis Flcschcr , 1622 Capitol nve. NKW wheels , $15 ; 2nd-hand wheels , $3 up. Supplies & repairing. Omaha Blcyrlo co. .405 i.Ai'.xnitv. OMAHA STEAM LAUNDRY , city towel supply : shirts , Sc ; collars , 2o : cuffs , 4r ; underwear , Gc. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. EI57. M 519-Dec.l4 XICKI.IJ I'l. VTl.XC. . 11/SHIO Hl'RNURS , lamps and chandeliers replaled. Omaha Platlus Co. , Hco hhl-j. 357 TAIIiORINC. LADIES' JACKETS , men's clothing , al tered latest styles and cleaned. Max Fosel , 3U7 S. 17th. M : 7 O2 ! ) SlIlltTMAKHIIS. SHIRTS to order from $1.50 to $3. Kelley & Hoyden , men's furnishers , IGlh and Chicago M-2C2 IIOTHI.S. TRY Ihe llendor.aon Hole ) : board and room $1.00 per week ; gas" , steam heat and baths. Ninth nnd Farnam Sts. 339 I112XTIMTS. DR. MITTELSTADT , room 331 Bee building. M-G31 Nov4 STA3MIE1MXG AXI ) STI'TTKllIMS. CURED , Julia Vaughn , 430 Rainge Bldg. 3G1 \1I.\VAY TIMI2 TAI1I.EK. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL , Minneapolis & Omaha Railway "The North western Line" General Olllces , Nebraska Divi sion , 15th and Webster Sts. City Ticket Olllco , 141)1 ) Farnam St. Telephone. 561. Depot , 15th and Webster Sis. Leave. Arrive. Twin Clly Express ( for Sioux Clly , St. Paul & Minneapolis ) a 6:0 : } am Omaha Parsengur a 7:00 : pin Blair. Emerson , Sioux City , Ponca , Hartlns- lon and Bloomlleld..b 1:00 : pm b2lO : pm No. 2 Twin City L''d..a ! B : 3 pin No. 1 Oma.ha Limited. . . a 9:00 : am a Dally , b Daily < ; xicDt : Sunuay. FREMONT. ELKTIORN & Missouri Valley Rail road "The Northwestern Line General Olllcps United States National Bank Bldg. . Southwest Corner Twelfth nnd Far nam Streets. TlcUot olilce. HOI Farnam Street. Telephone , 601. Depot. 15th and Webster Streets. Telephone , 1453. ivcuve. Arrive. Black Hllla , Dcadwood , Hot Springs a 3:00 : pra a 5:00 : pm 'Wyoming , Caaper and DouBlao d 3:00 : pm d E00 ; pm Hnstlnps. York , David City , Superior , Geneva , Exeter and Sewaril..b 3:00 : pm b 5:00 : pm Norfolk. VerdlRTD and Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:25 : am Lincoln , Wahoo nnd I Fremont b 7:30 am M0:25 : am Fremont Local o 7:30 am a Dally b Dally except Sunday , c Sun- day only. d Dally except Saturday. CHICAGO & ; .ORTH western Hallway "Tho Northwestern Line" City TU-kpt omcc , HOI Farnam Street. Tele phone. Bfil. Depot. Tenth _ und Mason Streets. Tele phone , C2 > . Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial . a 0i'0 nm nn-.M pm leone Passenger . b 3:10 : pm blO10 ; am Eastern Express. Den Molnei , Mnrshalltown , Cedar Rapids and Chicago cage . a 10:55 : am a 4:03 : pm Eastern Limited , Chicago cage and East . a 1:55 : pm n 1:05 : pm Fast Mall , Chicago to Omaha . a 2:4.i : pm Omalia-Clik-dgo Special. a 7:30 : pm a S00 ; am Fast Mall . 8:30 : am a Dal'y b Daily cxcsnt Sunday. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "The Nurth- wislern Line" General ( J'llufes , United States National Bunk Building. S , W. Corner Twelfth and Farnam Blreet : ) . Ticket Olhce. 1IU1 Farnam Street , Tele phone , Sill. Depot , Tenth und Masun Btreels. Telephone , C29. Leave. Arrive. Sioux Clly. Mankato & St. Paul , Minneapolis. . u 5:50 : am a S:15 : am 6t. Paul , M'nneaj'olls , .Mankato & Sioux t.'ity.a & :23 : pm all too pm SI'iux ' City Loi.il . a b:00 : am a 1:30 : pm a Daily. UNION J > ACIFIC-"THEOVER- land Route" Oereral Olllcea , N. E. Cor. Ninth and I'ariium Btreetn. Clly Ticket Olllcc , 1302 Farnam Slreel , Telephone , 316. Dcpol. Tenth nnd hlasoa Btreets , Telephone. G29. Leave. Arrive Tlio Overland Limited..a S:20 : am a 7:15 : pm The Fust Mall a * :15 : um u : i.ti : ) pm The- Colorado Special..all:55 : pm u 6:30 : pm Lincoln , licatrlci- and Stromsburg Express . .b 1:35 : pm b 1 M pm Pnelllc Express u 1.2 % pm n li.i' ; > nm ColumbiiH Local b 7"u : pm b 'j-'M am South Omaha Pans. leaven , b > . ' : > < > a m. a 10:10 : a. m. ; 3:16 : p. m. ; b llu : p. m. Ar rives , a 7:15 : a. in. ; 10:15 : a. in. ; b 3:10 : p. m. a 5:25 : p m. Council Bluffs Local Leavf-H , 5:50 : u m 0:40 : u. m. ; 7:15 : a. in. ; 7:50 : u. in. ; 9:3. : . ) a. m. 10:15 : a. m . I : < Ti p. m. ; 2:15 : p. in. ; ; i:30 : p , ' ' " ' ' r' " ' 3ID : p. in 7SO : p. in ( l.lio u. m mm 4lu : p. m. .30 . . m , H:30 : | ) . m. ; II p. in. ; 11:55 : p. a Dalb. b Dally except Sunday. _ W-HUAGO. ROCJIC IHL. As ParJJlc Railroad "The Great Hock Island - and Route. " City Tick et O/llcp , 1323 Farnam Street Telephone , \n Depot. Tintii & Mason btreetB Telephone , Leiivc. Arrive. Des Molnes Iocul _ . . . bll:3o : am Chicago Express bll.l.'i run 'i fc.M .nn Chi' ' UKJ FJSI Express..a 5 ui | irn a 1.25 pm Bt. Paul Kaat Exiiet , < s . .u 5:00 : pm bll:3i : Urn Lincoln C'oloruii ) Spga. . Denver. Pueblo uncl West a. 1:30 : pm a 1:2i : nm Des Mone ! . Rock lal- p and and Chicago n. 7:25 : pm a C:3J : nm Culonido & Texas Klyer.a B : U pm a 9:00 : am u Diiily b Dlly cxceot Sunday. CHICAiiO. AIILWAUKEI3 Bt. Paul Hallway City 'MlLWA' ' Tlelat Olilce. 1501 Farnam EE ' ! Sucet 'lea-phone , i3l D-- H u/ pit. Tcr.a. and . Mason BU. - - - . i -wj * . ; i - - - < Leave Arrive. ihiiugo Limit d L\ a ' > | m n " . i5 mn Cmcufu & ( Jinuna bx .bii-w um b 3.ij pm 1 Bl u - City f : DCS Molnea " " am b 'iK : Pid HVII.WTIMI : TAIII.I : , r5 CIUCACfO. BURL1NOTON ft Qxiin. y Railroad - -Tho Bur ing on Route"- Ticket CIHce , li03 Farium St. Tel. 250. Depot Tenth & Mason Strecls. phone , .110. Ie.ivc. Arrive. lM > li iu Spec- cl.tl . n 7.15 am Chicago Ye tlbuled Kt.rt S.W pin n SOT : nm Chicago Express . a B:3i : ) am n 1:05 : pm ChK-agD * st U KX..B 7:4. : ) inn u 8:03 : am PaoliK Junrtlon LocuI..alO:4j : um Fast Mall . . . . . . . a 2:45 : pm n Dally KANSAS CITY. St eeph Ai Council Riillro.i'l "TI.e Kuril ton Route" Ticket , Ijfli Fjriam Street. Te'o- phones 250. Depot , T.-iuh a i'l Mason Streets. Telc- phone , 310.Leave. Leave. Arrive , Kansas City D Ex . . .ft S:30 ) : am a 6:45 : pm Kansas i'l y Night Ex iUO:15 : mi a 6.30 am St. Louin i-'lycr for St. Joseph and S ; . Louid..a 4 : to pm all13 ; am n Dally. , t MIS- River Railroad "Tho Burlington Uou.ii " -General Olllces. N. W. Corner Tenth and Fnr- nam Streets. Ticket _ . onico , 2B02 Fnrnam 23 Street. TVJephonc , 2.VX , Depot Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone 311) ) . Leave. Arrlvo. Lincoln. Hastings nnrt McCook a 8:40 nm n 7:4J : prn Lincoln. Denver , Cole rado. Utah. California.a 4:25 : pm n sW : prq Lincoln. Black Hills. Montana & 1'uget Bound . .n 4:25 : pm n 8:00 : pm Lincoln Local a 7M : pm nlO35 ; nm Lincoln Fast Mall n 3:00 : pm alO:3'3 : am Denver , Colorado , Utah & California a 7:30 : am a Dally. MISSOURI PACIFIC HAIL road General Otllccs and Ticket Olllces Southeast Cor ner llth and Douglas sts. Telephone , 101. Depot , 15th and Webster Sets. Tclcphona 1453. . . . . . Leave. Arrive. St. Louls-nnlCsas Neb. Limited i 3:00 : 51 nt nl2:55 : pm K. C.-St. L. Express. . .a 9:50 : pm a G:00 : ord Nebraska Local via Weeping Water b 6:05 : pm a 9:45 : am o Dally. TJ Dally exccut Sunday. liOMAHA&ST. LOUIS RAIL , rouu Omaha , Kansas City & Eastern Rnllrono "Tha yulncy Route" Tlcknt of fice , 1415 Farnam Street. Tleph.'iie. . 322. Depot , Tenth and Mnson Streets. Tele phone , C29.Leave. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Ball Exprosit a 4:50 : pra a S:35 : .am Kan na Clly and Quincy Local a 7:15 : am a 8:50 : pra a Dally. a Dally. L ! vy ! c\cei > t Sunday W A 13 ASH RA1LROAD- Tlcket Olll.-e , 1415 Farnara Street. Telephone , S95. De pot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telpehone , 629. Leave. Arrive. 'Canon ' Ball" , a 1:50 : pm a S:3o era t ; VI2llX3IH\T NOTICES. M-ICi ; CHIEF QUARTERMASTER , Omaha. Nebraska , October 14. 1S99. Sealed proposals In 'triplicate ' , subject to .ho usiwl cnndltloiiM. will In- received at Lhls ollk-e until 2 o'clock p. m . ventral ! lmo , November II , 1MW. for ronstrueting a rraniu Ordnance storehouse nt Fort Rob- nson , NVnnskn. Full Infiirinatlon Jiir- iilslud upon application to this olilce or the Ouartermaster. Forl Robinson , Nebraska , vl-eio plans and spc-cillcallona may be seen , roposalto 4ic marked and addressed to M.nor F. H. HATHAWAY. Chief Qunrter- mast..i- . Oct. 17-1S-W-20 Nll-13 M KlIISS OM.Y IX THIS DARK. Missouri ! ! > WliiiNC P.yen K\ecl TlmHC nl" MilOwl. . Physicians In Columbia , Mo. , are much ntrrestcd in the case of Stunley Shaefer. 8 years old. who lives with his parents , Mr. ind Mrs. E. C. Shaefer. In Hint city. The child Is allllcted with a most remarkable optical deformity , relates a correspondent. lie can see us well In ioal : darkness as u > erson wllh natural sight can sue In the ighl of day. He can walk Into a dark room and Ilnd In a moment a pin or any other : Iny ( ibjirt. Night Is day for him , and day s night , for In Ihe hours of daylight he Is jllnil. His disposition and desires are largely inlluenced 115 his optical deformity. At night ho is restless and full of life. In tne daytime he Is more Inclined to sleep. Ills parents have .snnie dilllciilty In re straining his desire to play and rnmp about during ihe bourn ot darkness. It Is dllll- cull for them to Ilnd safe amusement for him at mldiilghl. All his little playmates are In bed , and ihe boy can derive but small pleasure In his loneliness. But at times he evades his parents and takes a loiuly midnight ramble. U'e hiu brr > n heard romping about the neighborhood of bis home in the middle of the darkest nights wllh nnlv a dog for a companion. Little Sclmcfcr Is a faithful student , and well advanced In his books. Ills teacher , howevir. is obliged to resort to unusual measures In Instrucilng him. Of courts , a dark room Is the 1lrst essential In his leadIng - Ing lemons. Thi' teacher draws down all the curtnlim In Ihe room , close" the doom and endeavors to make the room as dark us possible. Then Stanley rends. During the daytime the child Is often seen In the vicinity of his home , usually with a companion to guide him. At .such limes the eyct < of the child are usually half olosoil. Ho gropes about like a blind person , and stumbles over Ihe rough places unless gulilod by n faithful hand. When his friends great him ho knows them only by their volics. < When he concludes to read awhile in the daytlmo his proceedings are pc-ciillur. After wciirlnij his book the boy goes M n closet nnd takes from a hook a most remarkable contrivance. H Is almost us large an the child himself long , black and In the Rhiipn of a funnel. Lltlle Schacfer carries the slrango device to the place doslred , put.s It down wllh the polnl upward , crawls under ll and reads. The du lgn und pin-pone of tln > unliue | contrivance. Is , of course , to ex clude I hi ; light. "What nn earth li that funny-looking tiling over lheri'7" said a visitor tn Mrs , Sliaefer the other day , pointing to the dt- \li" as It sat on the porch of Ihe Shaffer residence. "U'e have no particular name for It. " srild Mrs. Hlmofer , with u rmllf "hut I will show you what IP under it. " She walked across the porch and ciulckly raised It from Ihe lloor. Then , sat llflu Slmofer learning Ills lossmis. The deformity of his sight Is useful lo him and to olhors In many way. " . HI * ability tn find things In the dark IH very convenient for his family. Ills father , who Is a butcher. 1 JIU unllng room of thr hutch < r shop. Llltln Shiicftr goes Into I ho cooling ruum , and after tin * door Is closed to shut out nil light , counts this pieces of meal In ftorngo , ami reporis the romilt to his father Tlu light of the sun IH especially annoying1 ( o the chllil , and he Is ralli'r Inclined lo ho low-spirited and unhappy on bright , sunny days. On the contrary , cloudy weather seems Id relieve him and he In much mori animated. The light of the. mm IK painful to him. Ho blinks and rubs his < * yes and glvi'H other evidence of distress when In the KIIII- llght. The chllil IIUH been Ireatcd by many phytd- rluus and skilled ocullHlP , but to no avail. Many kinds uf glasses nnd HpoclacU-H hnvo lii-eii Irled , but always with unfavorable ie- sullH. The fact lh.it the tiyfH of tint jintli-nt since birth have been In their present condi tion makes the case all the more illlllciill. He was Hlmply born wllh the hf-nso of hlght , so fur as ll hl and darkiiCKH are i-uncrrn < d , t-ornpli tcly rcverKcd. If n. euro IH offerti-u ami bin sight broughl Into norni.il coinll- llmi. It will be onn of the mosl n-m.-irkublu Bclenllllc iirbldveinenis of recent years. l'i ronmiiiiirile , "Yes , wc'ro ot nword ' nolntH , " iKlmlltf-d u suburlmnltn while discussing a neighbor wlHi H iJelroll J-'rnc PresH man. "Faull on both sides. I presume ? " "No , sir. not .1 bit of it. I've been un fortunate , Hint's all , and ho won t llbten to explanations. " "Klmt hlH dog. didn't you ? " "Yes I did , but It was this way. I heard the whole stri-cl In shrlckH and rushed to the window. Boys were climbing trees , mot hern hustled their 'babies Inside and locked their duoiu and down the center ot the hired came Hint dog llko all pousesiied. of cuui > i ! I thuughi lin was mad. So would n > roily , and I Hhol him. "Comp to Ilnd oul , ho'd been rooting into 11 bumble bec-h' newt. I'm no expert on mud ( ! OKH nail told my neighbor ro. but ho sf.nned around an though hn hud bees In hl own hair , nnd 1 jiut droppua mm "Wluu mailo him madder wax that I hll li'm l'i ' tin- head wllh an old ioul H uillu I c in't xe ! Hirijiigb a llglit buard fcp > e call I' I ihiin'i Iti'Ou InWIIH Hii'iulUng ihrouh t u , i 1 y v.h.-n I threw the in-ng uw , < \ llo v\ . in.1.1 inal 1 ili'lu i re.r.4i.tZL' hit ) v . 1 lull him wi dljii'i . > ! ! " cu 1' 'alk .n I ) i.i him 111. Iteil across purl uf a Kitb- ui-furc l dlsruvcri'dUiu hnnu , I ui"jotue.U | ; inn there's no reut'vn in ti.m.