W T * lit 1 I THE OMAJTA. DAILY JH3J3 : TUESDAY , OCTOBEK 17 , 18JM ) . NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. MIMHl Davis pells glass. Dr. Bovver , Olobq bid ! ? . 'Phono ' 413. \Velsbach burners nt Blxby'B. Tel. 103. Dudwclscr beer. t > . Hosenfcldt , agent. Perry pictures. Alexander's , 333 U'vvay. Dr. Stephen-son , Merrlam blk , room 221. Schmidt photos nro guaranteed to plcnso. Jnmpi render of Cnrson was In the city yesterday on business Removed , C. n Alexander & Co. , Art tm- jiorlum , to 333 Uroadvvay. O. H. Jacaucmln & Co , Jowolera and op- tlclana , 2 * South JIaIn street. Hufus I. > man of AVhcclcr , la. , was In the tlty jesterdny visiting friends. Oct your work done at the popular Kaglc laundry , 724 Broadway 'Phono loT. W C istep undertaker , 28 Pearl street. Telephones ? . Olllee , 97 , residence , U3. Colonel C O Saunder' ? went to Manilla , la. , last evening to visit his mother. Hog raisers , 100 pounds make you $100 Moore s Stock rood Co. , Council Bluffs. Mr. nnd Mrs \ \ * C Kttcp nro expected Oiome from their trip In the cast this morn- Inc. Inc.Ml = s Inez Stambnugh of HonrdBtown , III. , Is the guest ot Mi. and Mrs. O. 1-vvall on Vine street. Mrs It J. McLean , who hnl been visiting her hustnnd nt the Grand hotel , will return to Detroit today Hlco Morris ot Unneus. Mo , was In the rlty veslerdny lookliiK utter his landed In terests In till" ? county. D. V Smith of South Bend , Wash. , Is In the city , the guest of his sister , Mrs. w.V. . Nnson of Benton street. "Mr " ? William Benson of Dliburjue lias arrived on a visit to her parents , Mr. nnd IMrs George r Wright. AVhv don't vou put jour orders In for 1 > cst Pennsylvania hard coal to renlon & Folcj , 37 So Main street. H. Ii. AVoodmanseo , manager of the Botim Vnlley Implement company ot Macedonia , was In the city yesterday , Matt Miller ha1 * returned from Kansas , vvhero ho vvint to visit his mother , whom lie had not seen for seven jeara. Mrs W R Ljon and grandson , Clyde , \vltli Mrs Graham , have gone to Harlun for a visit with friends and relatives Mr and Mrs W U lluntlngton of New York are \I-dtlng the former's laients , Mr. and Mrs. E. Huntlngton of North Seventh street Emory Wagoner and Anne B , Walker , both of Omaha , v\cro married In this city yesterdav , Justice Ferrler performing the ceremony. Elder W. H. Kelly of the Latter Day Saints church was In the city jesterday from Lnmonl. In Elder Kelly has a son Jn the I'ifty-ilrst Iowa. Mr. nnd Mrs M. V. Corey of Harvard , Neb , who have been visiting tlulr son , James Corey nf the Burlington freight of fice , ami his family , have returned home. The funeral of the late J. O T ock was held yestcrdiy afternoon from his resi dence , 1S21 r.irnam street , Omaha. Inter ment was in Walnut 11111 cemetery In this city. city.A A burial association will be organized bj the Masons this evening nt the close of lodge meeting All master Masons arp re quested to bo present , as olllcers will be elected. A. E. Davidson , 'major ' of Macedonia , -was a cltvlsitor jeste-day. He said the people ple ot his town expected to be bore In force on the day of the lecoptlon to the rift > - flrst Iowa. The members ot the Christian Endeavor society of the Congregational church will entertain at a social this e\enlng In the church parlors , nt which all joung people nro cordially Invited to be picsent. M. Glvns and Lee Heaston , charged with the larceny of two game cooks , the prop erty of Sam Western , had n hearing before Justlco Ferrler yesterday. Heaston was discharged for lacK of evidence und Glvens was lined $10 nnd costs. The pleco to be presented tonight at the Eohtiny theater by the Woodward Stock company Is "East Lynne It was greeted CMondav evening nt Its Initial performance on Its return engagement with a fair-sized and well-pleased audience. J. T. Granger , private secretary to Gen eral G. M. Dodge nnd well known on A\ all street among financiers of New York City , Is in Council Bluffs , the guest of Captain H. 1 , . Henry and other friends. He was at ono tlmo a resident of this city. The funeral of the late Mrs Mary A. Ilnrt was held jesterdav morning from the residence of her son at 2210 Avenue C. 'I ho Borvices were conducted b > Ilev. S M Per kins of the 1'lrst Christian church and burial was In Walnut Hill cemetery. All membcru of the Woman's Christian association and of the Ideal club are re quested to meet this aftcinoon at S 30 o'clock sharp at the res'dence of Miss Nel lie Green. Tiank and Pieico streets , to at tend In a body the funeral of Mrs. Ralph "Williams. The funeral ot Mrn Ralph Williams vylll be held this afternoon at 4 o'clock from tlio residence of Mi. und Mrs Charles Beno , corner of Flank and Pierce streets ' 1 ho services will bo conducted by Hcv. Stephen I'hclps , D D. , of Omaha. Interment will ibe In Kalrview cemeterj , Quartermaster Charles Clark of the war ship Petrol , which formed part of Admiral Dcnvey's snuulron in the battle ot Manll i Ibny , was In the city > esterdn > enrouto from San Francisco to Washington nnd Balti more. Ho goe.-i to Washington to secure his discharge , having- served twelve jeurs In the navy. A man giving the numo of Ed Barrett was nrrested by the police jcstordav afternoon -on suspicion. " The arrest VVUH made by Otllccr Weir and ( o all Inquires Chief lllxbv and other members of the force about the case or stated they know nothing ro "it offense the man was " y > cf * 'f .t- It Is taken to bo another of Detective AVtlr's mysterious captures. A. ricmlng seemed a building permit Yesterday for the eicitlon of an addition to Jfl residence nt 71J Mill street to cost $800. Mndnmo Ella Llirht. the alleged fortune teller who d.ifte.l . back hero from : Omaha After blind ordered out of the city , was rommlttc to counts Jail yesterday by Judge As lesworlh under the jtiit * vagrancy law" Her bond wun llxcd at $100 Conrad Bacer died at his residence , 1020 morning from paraly- Avenue D yesterday s. "god 71 Ills wife ami ono son. Charles Tliieer of this city , and ono daughter , Mrs. 3 zzle MclUer of 'alnut. 111. , survive him. Sir Hntci was an old resident of this city , ainvliiK moved to Council Bluffs from Klor- He located In I'lnrenco Neb In 1SG1 in &G. living ! < m the urouml now occupied by the water works , In vlnw of the adoption of the recent otumlnutlons for llrnt- holding rec illation Jlns" postollkPH only once a year the com- inlbslon has decided to nllow nil iiersoi s in" these post- who 1 been examined at il CM mid failed to obtain ellrtlblo averagt-H w thin th. last year re-examlnatlon Ii the November ( ISS'J ) oxamlmitlons upon IllliiB liev-iPPlicutlons prior to the hour of COH. ! inc biiblncsH on Outobcr JX nS9 j H Hurley of Clarlnda U visiting his diiiiirhter M s Fred Antone. U26 A\enue H. Mr Hiillh 11 Wllllnmx died sesterday niunlnir i t the home of Mi and Mrs Charles Beno on Frank street from pneu after u few days' Illness She was rom the TJeiw rt-sldenco , yet been completed. N. V. numbing company. Tel. 250. ncBBonable amount ot mending done free o ! charge at We Bluft City laundry. This is the laundry that takes good care of your linen. 31 North Main. Hereford's ' field Phosphate promotes digestion and corrects acidity of the stomach. Genuine bears name Hereford's on wrapper. utmnui.U4jj . ' tr'JvW ' , . . . - - " f LOANS NcRotlatcrt In Eastern , Nebraska nn * Iowa. James N. Casady , Jr. . 120 Main St. . Council Uluffs. LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES BOUGHT for Cunli or I.limed tin. K. II , MIUAPU & CO. , C I'carl MrcM , Couucll llluT , lutvu. WILL APPLY FOR REHEARING Board of Education Wants Another Deoi&iou on High School Site. ONLY TWO MEMBERS OPPOSE THE PLAN Henrj nml Cimjicr A'ntcRaliiMt the MoMon AV'lipii It l Put Tuition llntcN for OiitNlilc 1'uiilln Arc IMxcil. The Board of Education will flic a pe tition as soon as It can bo prepared with State Superintendent Barrett , a&klng for a rehearing In the Jllgh school slto appeal case. This action was decided upon at the regular monthly meeting ot the board Mon day night after a motion to select a site had been put and failed to carry. The matter ot the High school site was brought up by Member Cooper , who moved that the board proceed to select a site. Member Stewart was opposed to any such action at this time. Ho said the board vvaa not In a position to select a site , as In his opinion It was not safe to proceed In the matter until a final and complete determination ot the appeal before the state superintendent was had. He did not look upon the state superintendent's ruling In the Oakland aveuuo site appeal as being a final determination of the cne by any meana and he was In favor , he said , of applying for a rehearing. Continuing ho said. said."If "If the board tonight decides on select ing n site I want to have the privilege of recording my vote against any such action for the reasons that I have stated. I will refiiBo to vote for any site , the Oakland avenue tract or any other property , until a final detcrmlnatlcu Is had. As the mat ter Is now the Eclectlon ot another site might result hi the board having to pay for two pieces of property und I for one will never vote for any slto until a final adjudication of the appeal Is had. If the superintendent finally determines the case against the board once and for all In a ruling that will adjudicate the matter with out question then I will gladly vote ta se lect any slto that the majority of the board may select. " In order to bring the matter before the board Stewart said ho would move that the attorneys for the board apply to the state superintendent for a rehearing. Chairman Sims explained that there was a motion already before the board and Cooper's motion that the hoard proceed to the selection of a site was put. It was lost by aote of four against to three for , the ayes being Hess , Henry and Cooper and the noea Sims , Swalne , Stewart and Moore Then Member Cooper offered to seicnd Stewart's motion for a rehearing , but backed down when Stewart could not guarantee that the rehearing would be bed before the next regular meeting. Swalno then seconded ended the motion and on being put It car ried by a vote of live to two , the two mem bers voting agaius It being Henry and Cooper. Tuition for Outxlilc Pupils. The question of charging for the tuition of pupils living outside the dl&trlct was brought up and Superintendent Hayden re ported that thcra are about fifty such pu pils In the schools It was decided that they bo charged at the rate of $5 per se mester for tuition In the grade schools , $6 for the first year In the High school , $7 for the second nnd $8 for the. third and fourth years. The teachers are to be In structed not to receive any such pupils unless they can produce a receipt from the secretaiy for such tuition fees. On account of the meeting of the South western Iowa Teachers' association at Crcs- ton , Movamber i , 3 and 1 , It was decided that the schools be closed on the 2d and : > d to afford the teachers an opportunity to attend. Superintendent Hayden reported that a largo number of the teachers were arranging to attend. On motion of Member Henry It was de cided to renew the Insurance on the hollers In the various school buildings for $30,000 nt a cost of $300 for three years. The In surance also provides for the examination by tin export of the boilers Supeilntendent Hayden was authorize ! to close the Clurk choul and provide a place elsewhere for the teacher , Mies Laura Mc- Fadden. The enrollment at the opening of the school year was only nine nnd this has now dwindled to six , with the prospects ot five of these pupils moving elsewhere In the Immediate future. . Contractor Wind reported that the new school building at Cut-Off was enclosed. Werner's arithmetics , Nos. 2 and 3 , were adopted for u&o In the schools and It was decided to purchase 100 of No. 1 as It was referred to frequently In the footnotes of the other two. After allowing the usual grist of bills the board adjourned. Talking machines and all the latest music at Boiirlclus * Music House , the piano and Organ firm , where the organ stands upon the building , 335 Broadway. Mutfiilf it .Mctcalf Ulvu Stars on clothing. IIowoU's Antl "Kawf" cures coughs , colda. ru > ns TO nnciuvn NOM > UHS. : Committee IloclilcH on n Poriu of llailKO to Nell , The finance committee having In charge the matter of raising the funds necessary for the reception to the Fifty-first lown. met lost night and decided to place on sale ribbons bens , bearing on one side "I Have , Have You ? " and on the reverse "This will buy a soldier n square me.il. " These ribbons nro to sell for $1 each Ernest K. Hart , chair man and E , H. Lougee and J. G. Green- Milelds were appointed a subcommittee to take the matter ot these ribbons In hand. S. B. Wadswortb and H. A , Scarle were appointed a subcommittee to furnish the towns repreoentcd by companies In the regi ment with a supply of the ilbbons and to try to effect a palo of them , Chairman Hart reported that a number of High school graduates had Interested them selves In the matter of raising funds and had arranged to start an endless chain , sale- ing for Eub-jcilptlona cf 25 cento. It was thought that a considerable sum could bo raised In this manner and the graduates wore authorized to proceed with the carryIng - Ing out cf It , At the suggestion of Member Greenshlelds It was decided to dlstilct the city into four divisions and the chairman to appoint com mittees of six for each dlatrht to dispose of the $1 ribbons. Krnest C. Hart , chairman of the committee , was unanimously selected as treasurer. In addition to selling the ribbons It was decided to thorough ! ) canvass the city for subscriptions and Chairman Hart will at once appoint a subcommittee to carry out this work. It vvaa also announced thnt any person desiring to contribute to the fund coulJ do bo without bollciutton by leaving the amount ot his donation at tnc banking ofllce of Chairman Ernest Hart. I ach member of the finance committee was authorized to receive subscriptions and receipt for them In the name of the commit tee The n n mod of all persons donating to the fund will be published day by day. Chairman Hart called attention' to the necessity ot prompt response to the call foi eubserlptlons , as until some money was In the treasury the work of several of the com mittees could not bo proceeded ' ' CO ! ItT. lIDIMiS IN TIII2 IMS I'll IL'T Severn ! Cn cn Conic I'll for t'iiiinlilcr- ntloii ot the OlllelnlN. The criminal docket was tnl > cn up In the district court yesterday , the first case for trial on the calendar being that of the state against Charles tUinsvvlck. charged with adultery. Hunswlcls was working on the farm of Andrew Mlckelson In Boomer town ship nnd vvns arrested for an alleged crim inal assault on Mlckelson's wife , Ills cap ture was affected after a reward for his ar rest had been offered by the Farmers' Pro tective association. At the. hearing before Justlco Ferrler llunswlck was bound over to the grand jury on the charge of rape. This body rendered nn Indictment on the charge of adultery. The evidence was all submitted when the court adjourned for the day nnd the case will go to the Jury some time this morning. James Cunningham , the negro charged with breaking Into Attorney J. J Stewart's house during the night time nnd stealing his watch nnd gold-rimmed spectacles , admitted his guilt. Judge Mncy deferred sentence ns there Is a charge of robbing Banker Hart's house also pending against Cunningham. County Attorney Kllpack agreed to the continuance of the case against W. P. Cow In , the young Omaha attorney charged with subornation of perjury , until next term. At the former trial the Jury disagreed and the belief Is that Cowln will not bo called upon to stand trial a second time. Charles Perrinc , Indicted on the charge of robbing n Ilock Island railway contractoi named Jones of $65 , was arraigned and en tered a plea ot not guilty. William C Boydston , Indicted on the charge of assaulting J.V. . Kirk with Intent to commit great bodily Injury , pleaded guilty to plain assault and battery and was let off with a fine of $25 and costs. Mrs. Kate Tclley of Underwood , charged with shooting at two railroad laborers with Intent to kill , was arraigned and said she was not guilty. Mrs. Bertha Umble filed a petition for di vorce from Charles Umble , to whom she was married In Juno , 1S92. She says her hus band deserted her thirty days after their marriage and that since then she has been compelled to support herself by working out ns a domestic. Mrs. Jennie Weinberger also asks the couit to grant her n divorce from Joseph A. Weinberger , whom she married In this city March 12 , 1897. She alleges desertion within a short time after their marriage , and asks the court to award her the custody of their one > son , Irvln. George AV. Penn , In his petition for di vorce , complains that his wife , Mrs. A. J. Penu. whom he married In Marrnirn Tn October 5 , 1865 , has frequently threatened to kill him and that at one time she struck at him with a hatchet and on another oc casion hit him on the head. M. C. Goodwin , Michael Goodwin and Philip M. Jeffries figure as plaintiffs In a suit against John Morgan , shorlff of Potta- wattamle county , Fred Roderick < . Sons and the German Savings bank. The plaintiffs are proprietors of the saloon known as the Senate , at the corner of Broadway and Bry ant street. They ask that the defendants be restrained from putting Into execution a judgment secured by them on a promissory note for $100 on the grounds that the note Is null and void as having been given lu payment for the purchase of liquors. They also ask for Judgment against the defend ants , Roderick & . Sons , In the sum ot f2,000 , being the amount which they claim they have paid thorn for liquors contrary to law. TIII.MvS THAT HI ] IS AGUIAAMJO. Jofm 1'crri II Hi.- liiNnmlilca thnt H" " IN the .Noted Tnual I.emlrr. Jess Perry , a young man who has been In the city jail since his arrest last Thuisday for Intoxication , developed unmistakable signs of mental derangement Sunday night and was removed to St. Bernard's hcspltnl early Monday morning. His condition Is said to be dua to the excessive Ubc of strong drink nnd cigarettes. Until recently ho had been employed in a local hotel nnd all Sun day night ho labored under the hallucination that his cell was nn elevator and the bars the ropes. With his eyes almost starting from his head ho tugged at the bars llrst on ono side of the cell and then on the other , yelling nt intervals "up" or "down. " Yesterday morning when his wlfo called to see him a pitiful scene ensued. In nnswci to her question If ho did not know licr , he replied : "Yes , what of It ? " "Don't you know me , Jess ? " she ngaln asked him , "Why , certainly I know you. I have seen you often In Manila , " Iho young * woman turned nvvay nnd , sob bing as If her heart would break , left the station after being told that the doctor had ordered her husband sent to .he hospital. Peiry yesterday morning Jnb3ied under the Impression that ho was Agulnaldo and that ho was on hie way from the Philip pines to call on President McKlnley at Washington , Ho persisted In nddresnlng Charley White , the Jailer , as General Otis and upbraided him for killing so many of his men Ho said he would certainly make a complaint to President McKInley Day Sergeant Slack was addrefiscd by him as Admlial Dowey. Perry talked Incessantly about the war In the Philippines and told the officers on his way to the hospital that as coon as ho saw the president he would fix mattcis so that the American troops would bo at once withdrawn , nnd he wculd bo left free to reign miprcmo In the Philip pines , The Indications yesterday were thnt the young man's mind was completely gone , although City Physician Lacy said there was a chance th.it with proper treatment at the hospital ho might recover Ill-Ill IXlltl * 'iVllIINflTH. The following transfers were filed yester day In the abstract , title and loan olilce of J. W Squire , 101 Pearl street Frank K Smith to John H. Fehr , n'6 nvv'j iiO-76-39 w d $ 3MU t' (1 ( H.uinderi und wlfo to John O Dunn , und 'j of e 21 acres ol nu'i liw',4 2-75-U , w d . . . .UO John Peter to Chicago Milwaukee & Ht Paul Ralltvuy company , part o'/j neVi So-70-13 , w d . 35 C N O dcn and wife to Hlce Morris , peVi 3R-74-U l u d 1 Fred II Hancock and Now ton Hodg- fen and wives 10 DCS Molnes iie- : vator company , lot * J to 7 and U to 19. H.i'lroad add , town of Cauon , il o d 3(01 Same to same. P 75 feet of lot * 8 9 , 10 , 11 und 12 , block C town of Avoca nnd property In Shelby county , t * w d S.iOl Same to same , part of lot 13 , block C town of Avoca , f | r d SCO Hrlri1 of Harrison HnncoiU to Kime , lota 33 , 40 nnd U. block , lots 1 und . ' , block 15 ; und Vnf lets 31 and 32 , block 6 town nf Oakland and 'nt ' 7. Auditor's subdlv se'4 mv i 12-75-10 , q td 2500 Eight transfers , total I17/9J Tliouc Kcfltlulliiir MomlH. City Treasurer Brooke Reed when nsKed yesterday as to what jirrgreM was being made in the matter of the $200.000 refund- Ing bonds , said the bonds were now In his hands and that ho was prepared to ef fect n manual exchange of them for the outstanding warrants He said ho had not yet ETCH the decision ot the supreme court In the warrant case beyond what hail np- peaicd In the newspapers None of the hold ers ot the old warrants had appeared to re quest payment of their holdings , nnd If they did ho would not ho safe In paying any of j ' them until the thirty days had elapsed from the date of the decision In which applica tion for a rehearing could be made Before the expiration of the thirty days ho believed the money from the refunding bonds would j been hand nnd then the decision would not cut any figure. Mrs. Hando's classes for dancing arc now apen. Children nt residence TUesdavs , 1 o'clock ; nt I O. 0 r temple , Saturdays , 2 o'clock. Adult beginners nt residence , Tues day n , S o'clock. Assemblies , Fridays , at I. O. 0. r. temple , 8 30 o'clock. Private lessons at any time not taken with classes. Residence 233 Oakland avenue , telephone 151. "Mnrrlnui' l.li'ciifx' " . Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to the following persons Nnmo nml Ilcsldem-e Acre Emery Wagoner. Omaha 30 Anne B. Walker , Omaha 22 Phillip n Oelsc. Ncola 22 1/oulso S Gelse , Underwood 19 T. G Saundcrs , Council Bluffs 42 Anna B. Lnndon , Council Bluffs 2b New ncckbardi put on shirts free ot charge for regular customers at the Bluff City Sundry , 34 North Main. Scientific optician , Wollrnan 40D Br'dway. Davis sells paint. > o CHcn TO nn\v U > en Dfiiioerntlc 1'nnor U Pore-oil to hoc the I.lulit. Davenport Democrat It is worse than mockery for anyone to say that the people of Iowa are not doing well. There are no facts to warrant the Idle statement that the cloud of misfortune icsts upon any part of this fair state. Theic Is abundant reason to rejoice In the sunshine that floods every one of the ninety-nine counties The building Improvements thnt are going forwaid In every city and town are visible proof of the common prosperity. The length ening roads of steel , more miles of which are going down this year In this state than In any other of all the forty-five , Is evidence that cannot bo denied. The llnce of farmers' teams , almost endless , that are carrying the produce of the fields to market arc a tangible denial that Iowa Is going Into bank ruptcy. The stocks of agricultural Imple ments that are being sold , more of them than ever ; the great numbers of busy men nnd women who are more than self-sus taining ; the activity In the stores of nll descriptions ; the crowded condition of all the colleges and schools , the utter Inability of the railroads to handle the traffic offered them ; the dropping rates of Interest and the accumulations of money all point ono way. way.The deposits In the state and savings banks of Iowa have been Increa&lng for two years. These deposits amount to $28- 000,000 more now than they did In Janu ary , 1898. This Is not the story told In one locality , but it Is the fact sworn to by the directors of more than 400 banking Insti tutions This era of good times Is not confined to Iowa ; It spreads over the country , and It reaches across bolbjiocdans except In sec tions where nature has withheld Ha boun ties. It Is due to moro causes than can bo enumerated "here " ; but partisan politics is not one of them. M2W IIAIMIOAD TUHOUOH IOWA. rs Ar < - ItniinliiK Line from Aiiduhon South to St. .ToHCih. RED OAK , In , Oct. 16 ( Special ) Ot late railroad promoters have been In this lo cality studying the lay of the country , with a view of building a new line south to At lantic , thence to Red Oak and on south to Clarlnda , or Page Center and College Springs , nnd on to St. Joseph , Mo The parties Interested have with them a civil en gineer and are making a survey of the coun try , driving the entire distance by team. It is believed that the Chicago & North western railway Is behind the project , for It has been known for some tlmo thnt the above company Is dc-slrous of getting an outlet from Audubon , la , south to St. Joseph , Mo. Business men's associations at points In Page county have been corresponding with eastern railroad promoters , who assure them that a line of this nature will be built and go as far as to say that the road will bo put In operation during the coming year. I on I. O. O. I' . Criinil Koiluf. WATERLOO , la , 0 = t 1C ( Special ) The grand lodge of Iov\a Odd Fellows will hold Its annual meeting In Waterloo this week , beginning Tuesday and continuing until Sat urday. The kindred oiganlzatlons will cncet at the same time The program embracas business meetings of the grand encampment and grand assembly Tuesday forenoon. In the evening a receptl'n will he tendered the visitors and delegates to the grand assem bly. bly.Tho The grand lodge will convene at 9 o'clo k Wednesday. The afternoon will bo taken up by a parade of all branches of the order. The line will pass through the principal streets , and the parade will conclude nt the cpera house , whore a public mostlng , with nn address of welcome end resprnEos , will b > held , This will bo followed at I p. m by a public ceiemony of the decoration rf chiv alry In the evening a hall will be gvcn. Thursday and Friday will bo dsvotoa to grand Indqo business. It Is expsctc.i the meeting will bring 2,000 delegates and vl - Itors to the city , llni't cHlr Conipnii } llriuiflifN Out. SIOUX CITY , Oet 1C { Special Tele gram. ) The McCormlck Harvester company- Is about to establish a distributing depot in this city , which will uupnly the tcrrltoiy tributary to Sioux City , Including northern Nebraska , South Dakota , Wyoming , southern Minnesota and northwestern Iowa , H Is understood some of the companies which have transfer warehouses at Council Illuffn will establish blanches here. It ! said that all of this means that In the future Sioux City Is to ho an Important point In the faun machinery supply business. \\OIIK-II Will \Vi-lfiiiuc Solillor * . V1LLISCA. In , Oct. Ifi ( Special ) Theron Bates h drilling a woman's band nnd expects it to take part In the exorcises at the welcome fur Company II , Fifty-first regiment Town Paston , formerly captain of Com pany B , hut In the Klondike at the breakIng - Ing out of the war with Spain Is drilling a military company of ob"itt foity young women Ho expects to taUo thorn to Coun cil Bluffs at , part of the pscnrt of Company B to Vllllsca. No Worlv for firnnil .lur > . SIOUX CITY , Oct 1C. ( Special Tele gram ) Frr the ilrst tlmo In the history of Woodbury county , according to Count ) At torney Ilaltmau , the grand jury was Im paneled th's nftcrncon for the Ontobcr term of the district court without a case of crime or any other matter to submit to II , Wli > CiKlnrc llrmtiiflit-f Ju l cure them. You can do so ( jul'-kly with Wrleht'a Paragon Headache Remedy , ROBBERS SECURE RICH BOOTY Bio' < cn Express Safe Was Lidan with Money to Move Drops. WATSON CASE WILL BE CARRIED FURTHER lllrutlniMlf ! .Sonlll strlvi to Secure Slinnof Ulcli IXntc nnil IN Salil to Ilitxo Vililllliitiul l'\l- ( h-iico on llniuli 1)KS MOINHS , Oct 16 ( Special Tele gram. ) It no\\ turns out thnt nil ot the money eecuicd by tlio train robbers who robbed the Northvveitcin Limited near Chicago cage , last v\eek , vns being shipped to DCS Molnes nnd lotva bnnlts. At this time ot the jcar the Iowa banks Import great suras ot money to movu tlio crops. The les Molnos banks ha\e been chipping large sums for a \\ieh or two nml one night lust week the DCS Molnes Savings bank had $100000 coin- Ing. It Is ono ot the Inmlis whoso money was taken the other night. The I own bankw do not lese the moiiev , na the conipanj Is responsible nnd H Is the Ametlcan Express company's his A local banker says the robbcis got $100,000 at least. "The Watson Will case light Is just be gun , " snld Judge Walter 1. Ha > es of Clinton this morning. Judge Haos Is one ot the distinguished torco ot attorncjs airajed on the side of the Illegitimate son who claims the estate of Molt Wntson of Johnson county. Jmlgc llnjea' remark was made In comincntliiK on the opinion handed clown by the supreme court Inst Situnlav , the effect of which Is to give the entire eatnte of neaily $500,000 to collateral heirs A now trial will bo asked for before the district court of Jackson county on the ground of additional evidence Judge Hayes sayi tint the attorncjs for the son believe they ha\e track of the mother of the boy. H v\lll be remembered thnt Maiv Jones , nfler the birth of her son at the Jackson county poor farm and his adoption later by the Nilca family of Maquoketa , suddenlj dlaappeaieil from the Hceiie of the Interest ing drama and had Hot been hcnr.l of up to the time the suit was brought to secure the Watson estate for liei son , said to bo Wat son's Illegitimate child. DrrlMniiM of Supreme- Court , Today's court decisions were- Charles D Foster , receiver of the Nortli- oiii Investment temp mv , appellant , ajjalnit \ \ C p.uenpoit. sheriff , and A L. Slct- faonVoodhuij district , nlllrmcil GeorKo NileiVatson. . appellant , nmilnst Jullu Kttliiinlbon ct Hi. Juckson district , reveisecl John S Jlooro. appellant , against John S Cre-up. Van BUIIIH district , aflrmed I'.itrick QuIuUn. appellant , air.ilnst Wil liam nrntlev , L , n Stovt-nx. James Sjhls and riank Ueclccr , llaiiibon district , ar- llrrncd. Henry rrtdeilck Bergrmnn and otheri im.ihm 1 : C Kntinadu , appellant. Sioux district , ainrmed. Samuel r. Davis , appellant , against T A. MaRoun , Jr. , countj treasurer , Wood- but y district , reversed. Huth Ilcndron nnd otheis apalnst Emma Klnnor and otlieis , appellants , JlairUon district , it-vprstd. Governor Shaw today received a letter from Davenport signed T. Cardo , in which the vvliter bitterly abused Governor Shaw and Lieutenant Governor Mllllman He eajs he is an anarcliist and that if they are elected ho will kill them both. A special from San Francisco sajo Ad jutant General Uyers and the party of lowans there to meet the returning Fifty- flrst regiment went aboard the battleship Iowa , now In the harbor there , as guests of Captain Goodrich. Goodrich eajs the Iowa will be there when the Iowa regiment ar rives jjincl the battleship Avlll salute and honor the returning lowans } Couiit > Cnmiinleii OpciiH. SIOUX. CITY , Oct. 1C. ( Special Tele gram ) Woodbury county republicans this evening opened their campaign In Sergeant Bluff , E. II. Hubbard , candidate for sena tor , speaking The republicans feel easy over their prospective victory. AfjaiiiMt Hnllrnnil Itluiiilor.i. LARAMID , Wjo.Oct. 1C ( Spec'al ' ) The management of the Union Pacific has adopted a new plan with reference to the handling of train orders at division points at which train dispatchers arc stationed. The train dispatchers are provided with a rcom by themselves , the dcors of which are always locked. It has been found that this plan U a ver > good one , for not c.nly are the dis patchers alone , but they cin give their en tire attention to the vvoik of moving trains "Tho dk'patcherj can do better work , " said an official today , "and are not so liable to make mistakes nnd got trains together now ns they were when the ofllco was open and filled at times with trainmen and others. " Mr. B. P. McAllister , Hnrrodi- burg , Ky. , says : "I employed nu- meious methods of iocal treatment for a severe case of Catarrh , but the disease grew worse steadilypettinc a firmer grip on me all the time. I finally realized thnt thin treatment did not leuch the disease , and decided to try Swift's Specific , which promptly got at the sent of the trouble , und cured mo perma nently. " Oatarrh is ft blood disease nnd can not be reached by BPiayt , inhaling mix tures , etc , S. S , 8. is the only euro. Send for vnluublo books mailed free by Swift Specific Gumpuny , Atlanta , Gu , --snrt namuch liUe COATED EU.CTRICITV as tciencc can maUc them. Each one produced ns much , nervc-bitllilinif euiistancpGO is con- M tallied in thcnnioimt of food a man AJ consumes h a week. This la why 1S1 th.eV llavc cured thojsand.of cases HO pf nervous dircnses , such as Debit. ; Jt Uy , rizilness , Insomnia Vtrlcoecle , / . ' etc , Tlieyeiiableontothlnlcclcar- v1) ) ly bydevcloiiItiRbrilu matter : force Wj healthcirc.ilatioii , cure jndlRcs- * " lion , unit impjrt boundlntf vlf-or to the whole svk'rm All weiLeuiiiK and tloiuc dcstroving drams nn 1 losses permanently cured Delay ma/ mean lusanity , Consumption and n rtlt. Ek Price $ iperbox : * lz boxes ( with Ktl Iron chd guarantee to cur or reVJl fund money ) ft , . Book oontalnius * ff pailtive uroof , free. AUclrcw For sale by Kuhu & Co , or Waldran Campbell. . ! ! I , UMC IIIM.S TIIOOl'S .VI' tUMll ! . Hosier of Thrco Nnnlli DnUoln ( 'imi- 1'ri'ili rriitu l'lilltiilnci. | | on , s. n , ON in - < spceinn lM < l\vood never before snw such a day of welcome nnd cheer ns Saturdaj The prcp- nratloiiH thnt hail been mndc for i month to rccHv > the returning lllaek Hill * volttn- tceri were complete In everv v\ay and the bojs nppreclnted overjthlng thnt vva1 ? done Thn follow Ing mrmbcM returni'd from Snn rranclsro In the thtco companlrp 1 1 , and M o I-I'aiil 13 JUriplHnd ( aplu'n 1 0 11. Cr.ihtree. llrst lieutenant , II I PutI I mini , Ilrst oriiMiit.lllnin ? \\PIHP (1mr- j tormn tcr MrRt-int , John C A\riN , o A\ rutniiii , serRiMiits ; Wllllani r Hill Thro- | doro Heder , coipornls , James UmliH nri - flcor. H Uln.Klu.v , Louis A t'routci Chnrle" Canlkld , A. Canllcld lllnm r 1 nv. John P Porail , Mnik J Toinn , Charles U Oortoti , W. II ilnirUon lliitry llor"clev , II j Jones , T. V HlihmU privates Lewis J Si-hmldl and Ir.i Alhn remained In the PhUIiplm | * nnl renll ted Oompnio -\VUIIim I MoLtumhllu , < ap- taln , U ( .S AliiMworth , lli > t sergeant , John \ , \ \ iiunitirinnttir \ \ sergeant 15 H Ho 8. llr t sriRcint i : A ANatnou third serge nil , U A liolioii fourth critetnt J H ? i-hatTii ( , U C Sehmolu-l J J ( riot. I.tw H Pliirpe , llmirv itoltorts unmiiis T Divls , llrst inuslcl.in , r. r Uurnett HPiond tmmlc'nii , Ira I , llazelton , artill or William (3 Htlffl. vvngoiur ; U A Itla U- wtll John Hiinn Victor Huston 1 , M Illme , Hlnlne JU-alej , C J .Mcl'lomlon , t' W MrlliiRh Oeorgo X < > l on J r Ilcii7.rl , Grorge Hedillnp , I'on-v Hox-s , rred Sfhrior. Albert Slfbert C ) C ! Stevens Anthun Svvccno , ( Tuy \Volford , privates Anton Jtirlch , wrsennt. nnd 1'red liruiiRer. a pri vate who came to San Prniulsio sevitu ! dnvfl previous 10 the arrival of the compa nies , returned with thr compan ; . C'ompaio M Plank \V Midburv riptaln , Henrj 1' Spctnnn. llrst serseint , John P Smith , tiuartermastor sergeant , iimer I * Olmstead , PredV Wheeler. serKennts , nilslm lj Olmstead , Prank P McMahon , liugene Pnrlsh. Lorov Bmltli , corporals , Charles Huitberg , musician , Hans itisnuis- Hon , nrtiiliui , John II Stark , vvaKonor , N Kstiui ) , Herbert J PaulK , Je-she T Hume , Cur\In Mnr h William Nelson. W H Ko- land W Oln stead , Uert Parklson , A I , Svvll , Frank Ui\on , privates Members of other compnnlcs alsd ai rived In the Hills with the Illack Hills compantcj. They are : William Sclnettlcr , first lieu tenant Ccimpany C , Jay W. Heck , first Lieu tenant and ndjultnt , nnd C. P. Smith , second end lieutenant , Company A , Amos I'atriquln Compiny Dj Hospital Stewards II. J. Darker , Oscar Clnik and Harry Plotchcr. Siio\v 1'Illn \\.ilillllllMr rn < N. CIIEYCNXC.V0 , Oct. 1C. ( Spiv-lal ) The scenes of laet winter on the Chejenne & Northern railroad are being repented ngnln this jear. Ycstord'iy morning the regular passenger train from the north was c 01- polled to send to Chcjcnno for an additional locomotive to pull the train In , and thld morning hcavj biiovv , which had partHlly tilled cuts near Altus hill , dolajr-d the train for some time In ono particular cut the train was compelled to bick up nnd tnUe several runs before being ablu to plow thiough the deep snow. It Is stated hero that the Colorado & . Southern , having se cured addltlouil snow-bucking machinery , will pay more attention to the Cheyenne & Northern line this winter ami , unless nil un usual amount of snow falls , the road will doubtless bo kept open during the winter months. Are the children growing nicely ? A little stronger each month ? A trifle heavier r That's good. Or is one of them growing the other way ? Growing weaker thinner , growing , growing paler ? If so , you should try Scott's Emulsion at once. 'Tis both a food and a medicine to all delicate children. It makes them grow in the right way taller healthier. , stronger , . ; oc. > nd $ i oo , ยง 11 druggists. MI Ilnxo tircii troubled n Kffnt tlcnl \vllli u torpid liver , which produces constipa tion t found CAiCAHUTS tolionll vou aim for them , nnd secured such relief tlio llrn trial , that I purchased nnothcr supply rtiul xun com * plotulycuicd lehall only uo too Kind to rec ommend Cabarets whenever tlio opportunity Is presented" J. A SMITH S9JO Susauohanna Arc , riillidolpbla , Pa , l'lcn nnt. Pilntnblp , rolrnt Tmto OeA ) , Do Ooo < l Never lcKcn Wcnl.cn , or OM | o 10c.2Jc.frOo . . . CURE CONSTIPATION. . . . Plr rln ! ? tleuNtj Corapitrj , tblenfro , Monirrat , Ne n Ytrl. S0 EJI > Tfl Rflf * Sold nnd ciinrnnicnlbv nil ilrng- rlU-EUDMU Kiststo I'l'lti : Tobacco HablU HEALTH IS WEALTH DRAIN DR. E. C. WEST. NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT lilt oaioml , AIL OTHERS IMIUIKW. la sold under positive Written CunrnntoB by nmliorlml accnts only , to cum \V o ik Memory , UlzzlnoHs WnknfitliiesB , Fits , llynturln , Quick- HUBS , Nlitlit LOSHCS. Evil Drv.uun Lnck of Confi dence , NlrvoiiRiies'i ' , I l HuUe. ill Dralno , Youth ful Krrors , or Kxcrsslvo UBO of Tobacco , Opium Liquor , which leads to Misery , Consumption IiiHanlly and liith ) , At Htoro or by mall , SI .1 box ) eix for $ fi : with written gunrnntoo to euro or rotund monoy. Sample pnok- OBOi contalnliiK IHu uiiyV troattiiont , with full tiistrvcttoiiB , 11 ! ccnla. Ono ntmplo only Bold to each perBou At atoro or by mall , i Kcil Label Spo- icinl CxtraStrcn tli. ! 'Tor ' Impotcncy , Losi ofl Power , Lost Manhood , * , erlllty or liurroncsi.t abnx ; six for } Q , vvlthE 3wrlUon Kuprantocf t to cure In 80 ilajs. At ? ire or by mull Myem , Dillon Uriiit Co. , Sole 10th and Varnam , Oiiiulm , Tf b. RUTUS AND GET YOUR MONEYS WORTH JOHN GWOODWARD 8cCO WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTERS , COUNCIL BLUFFS.IOWA THE NEUMAYER JACUII JVEUYIAYUU , I'HOI' . 2&I , 200 203 , 210 Broadway. Council Bluffs. Rates , $1 00 , ) ci dnv . 75 rooms. First-class In every respect. Motor line to all depots. Local agency for the celebrated St. Louis A. B. C. bei. Flrst-clofls bar. Did you over have a heater thai did not Mtioke ? Was your stove iirsl hot then cold an tip and down heat ? Soot all over the room every time you fed it ? Seven years ago we invented It is clean. It does not smoke. It gives an even heat. 41 Main St. , Council Bluffs. r , Woodbury desires to state that he has finished and remodeling rearranging - ranging hirf Dental Office and is now hotter prepared than ever to attend to thoi-o in ntiod of dental work of any kind. Charges moderate. la feu COI'NCIL H LUFFS , IOWA , , Next to V IKl IH I Kl ic Cents. 6 Cents. TWO JUSTLY POPULAR CIGARS , Distributors , 9 Council Uluffs ,