Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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in the Lead we
in today's magnificent offerings in
Ladies' Fine Cloaks , Suits , Furs and Millinery
All the tremendous advantages that such an immense business as ours possesses are placed at your disposal and for your
own particular benefit. Here in today's sale , we show you in every one of the bargains , how we secure the most ex
traordinary values greater bargains than we ever got before that it's your gain every time you buy of us. To
day's a great bargain day.
Wo nro plcnscd to nnnounco that Mrs. j Wo nro pleased to nnnounro that Mrs.
KcrRURon of Now York , expert fitter nnd VorRURon of New York , expert litter nnd
demonstrator , will IIP In our Corset department demonstrator , will bo In our Coreot depart
ment up to Otobor 21st nnd will 1U without ment up to October 21st nnd will flt with
out charRo nnd explain the superior morlU out charge and explain the superior merits
of tlio celebrated American Lady Corsets. of the celebrated American Lady Corsets.
Great Bargains in Jackets Trimmed Millinery
$25 Man-tailored Ladiea' Coats for $12,50
Wo have just received 500 choice now trimmed hats. It )
Handsome man-tailored coats , made of best quality
is we-ll known that fashionable trade of Omaha
- have the
ity Kersey , in black , tan , castor , blue and royal. wo ,
[ tanuliCully llntelicd jackets nnd lined with extra heavy fancy silk and for tbis Saturday sale wo propose to convince the ladies
talTuta womlorhil examples of the tnilora handiwork antl a bar that wo also show medium and low priced hats that excel in
gain well worth 825 for today
Ladies' $19 Jackets for $9.98 style.
$10 Skirts for $2.98.
Having purchased 400 choice Exceptionally high-grade jackets , made of the finest $10 Trimmed Hats for $4.98
skirts , the entire stock of a imported black and tan kersey , lined throughout with 100 silk velvet and French felt hats , the latest dress shapes
skirt manufacturer , consisting Skinner's satin , inlaid velvet collar , the newest coat and turbans , trimmed with quills , plumes ,
of silk skirts , plaid skirts , gray skirts , back , tailor-stitched throughout , silk drapery , ornaments , etc. , exact copies
skirls , storm skirts , rainy day
frorgo sklrt8evory one an ox- { Ladies' Very Nice Jackets for $7.50 of imported pattern hutn , that never were
coptlonal value , wo M Whipcord , kersey , Bedford , herringbone and cheviot offered for less than § 10 , in this sale $ -1.98
placa thorn on bargain
table , Bccond lloor , lit. . . . jackets , light , medium and dark colors , silk lined -
throughout , double-breasted shield front , buttoned jj [ $1 Fancy 50c Ostrich
TlieNew Day Skirts through with 6 bone buttons , on sale at
Rainy Extra Feathers , lOc Feathers ,
Tlio new and style Imbit rainy back day , deep skirts henm , equestrian , nil Ladies' Fine Tan Jackets at $3.98 Special Thousands of fancy 100 dozen black os
wool golf materials , Ladies' tan jackets , with inlaid velvet collars feathers and wing trich , f alhers , tlireo
with plaid backs , coon mercerized silk-lined ' cITcets In black , white nnd
- throughout , Ladies'
on tins sale at S3.98 , colored , coqno feathers in a bunch , also os
$7.50 and , all sizes , on sale Superb birds , pom-poms , fancy trich plumes , iu
at - .7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Suits quills on bargain , many square worth in 81.00 , black , white and
at millinury do- - | X V colors , worthA gj
.50 Special Bargain 3-4-length Jackets at 69c
. . . - partmenfc at lOo B B 1C 50o m aalo ut . -.v B r C
' Special bargain in 3-4 length jackets , beaver each IGocauh
Ladies' Capes cloth jackets , with velvet collars , principally
small sizes , on sale in basement at At flr-a &f\ Trimmed Hats - °
39c. each ic0e0of
styles of trimmed walking hats attractive
Ladies' black beaver cloth
tive shapes on sa6 ! at § 1.50.
braided and buckle Flannel $10 Rainy Day Suits , f 2.98
capes , 150 Ladies' Superb Suits that look equal to any of will French felt velvet
buy an elegant or
trimmed , worth § 1.50 200 strictly all wool rainy d&y
on sale suits , in plaids , checks , two-toned the 875 kind made of the moat exquisite suit mate hat , in the newest styles , turban or dress
in basement , combinations , with fifteen rows rials , silk lined throughout , also shape , beautifully trimmed with chenille
at , each 500 flannel of stitching around bottom of imported novelty suits , fine camel's braidquills , tips or fancy wing ornaments , very stylish , § 2.50.
hair tightfittingsuits suits in handaomo
skirt silk-lin will buy an exquisitely trimmed hat ,
; jacket - black , blue and brown shades ,
waists , all ed throughout , actually choice tomorrow for stylish and handsome , material and workmanship the
best will the of the
very , such as positively meet approval
Ladies1 plush capes , heavily colors ; also ally worth up to § 10 , Tailor-made Suits $12.50 best dressed women on sale at $0.98.
beaded and braided , trimmed in this sale at . . . .
with thibet fur , brilliantine Exactly 100 line tailor-made suits , made from the
Golf Hats Street
011 sale in c waists , on $15 Tailor-made Suits 8.88 best grade double twist all wool homespuns , in - newest ,
basement at , each Grand sample lot of high-grade est shades of blue , slate , brown and navy , with a Hats , etc. worth a dollar and a. half go at 19c
Bale at 98c man-tailored suits , in browns , ox- jaunty jacket in the new cut double-breasted and Walking hats , handsome camel's hair hats , trimmed with
Extra long black" beavei each. lords , mixtures , tans , etc. Doubla tight litting effects. The very latest cf conceits , and velvet ribbon and quills. Braided Tarn
cloth capes , trimmed with fui breasted box front fashionable jacket taffeta shaped lined skirts throughout , Entire Also suit n elaborately tailor-stitched , - and - O'Shanter hats , trimmed with handsome bows
and braided , jackets , lined thro'- light sprinkling of Venetian and Covert and quills. These hats are actually worth $1.50
on sale in out with silk cloth suits will bo found In tills lot , everyone on sale in millinery department at 19c each
. .
serge , ono of which should bring at least $19.00.
cloak department , on sale at Tomorrow as a special
at , each feature Trimmed Walking Hats at
' fur set at Trimmed Walking Hats and Turbans , trimmed
You can get anything in furs here from a child's
with velvet , felt , quills , and handsomely
75c to an Alaska Seal Coat.
braided. They were § 5 , in this
Exceptional fine quality ot 100 Ladies' extra line Full 30-inAstraklian Ladies' fine Japan New style electric Very fine marten Genuine Alaska Seal sale choice
combination mullloon collarettes. eleotrio Icrim- ono piece Astrakhan collar capes , extra wide ese marten capes , seal scarfs with cluster or six Cape , actually worth
and or
tncr ettes , heavy batin lining1 tails , very full fur , on The swell hat in all colors
seal and mullloon , on Bale at throughout , on sale at sweep , on sale at very long Jackets sale at golf , ,
fur felt , trimmed with quills ,
. alpo stitched felt hats in aprcat variety of
' styles , also tarn crown huts
on .salo at ,
Special Offering in Carpet Department. Grand Special Sale in Linen Dept. Grand Opening Sale-
For today only we will ofi'er SO rolls of 1,000 , dozen 25c all linen Extra heavy all linen
ABSOLUTELY NEW CARPET Knotted fringe German
in velvet and moquotle , regular § 1.25 grade , with or
Damask Towels Table Damask The and Yarn .
only complete up-to-date Department in Oimihu.
w ithout border , at , yard > Kvurj'thing you want Is here.
each worth 75c
For the opening sale wo will sell best grade 1
One big lot of full size Full Bleached Ice Wool , worth 15c , at. . . . , "oC Box
none better at any price Kocksbury make , 60-inch
Turkish Towels
wo offer for , yard Table Damask All colors in Fleislier's
large and heavy , Saxony ,
At 39c yard we will sell the regular each yard Berlin Zephyr
Brussels worth fc ) a , lap 10c Skein or 3 for 25c.
Extra heavy all linen
that generally sells all over Omaha at GOc yard in all Twilled Scotch Fleisher's Domestic
bright , new , this season's patternsat , yard Cotton Toweling German Knitting Yarn
CO pieces of _ yard , Table Damask 25c Skein or 9Qc Pound. Saxony,8koiu
all wool bettor two-ply ingrain carpet made. Fleisher's
strictly ; no All linen Grand special bargains in J Knitting Worsted
Wo oll'or them today at , yard Shetland Zephyr
Lunch Cloths and *
15c Skein 55c Pound
Napkins at , 15c Skein or 2 for 25c.
heavy Good Dresser Scarfs 98c , $1.25 , $1.50 and Fleisher's Best
that generally sells for f)0c ) yard wo each Spanish Yarn grade
offer today at , yard Extra heavy $1,98 dOZen , worth double. 15c Skein or $1.10 Pound at , skein
Very Turkey Red Grand special bargain in Fieisher's
heavy Fringed Table Cloths Laiiie ejf1510 ' $ 1
Damask Gerniantown Zephyr
the kind that is always called a bargain , - 10e ball m t
98c each A box
75c and
49c 69c Angora
, lOc Skein.
at 49c wo will soil today at , yard oil colors , worth 35c , ,
iA it a > < J > * * * * * *
Chief of Tollco Carroll has been Informed
that fno Omaha police ha\e Oeorsu Atkln-
eon In J ll and It Is understood that several
charge * of forgery will be filed against him
Uvtr since the middle of the EUramer forged
checks purporting to have been signed b/
business men have turned up frequently .u
the banks , and on August 22 Atkinson wai
arrebted hero for passing a check on Ocorgi ?
Harding , which proved to bo worthier.
After lu pl B Atkinson In Jail several day
Judge Dibcofk gave him his liberty with the
understanding that Atkinson A\as to turn
up his 'pal. Of coureo this was never done ,
end the supposed forger disappeared , only to
bo heard of from Omaha shortly afterward.
che-ks agsrcgat-
U uo\v develops that nine
Ing } 50 and bearing the name cf Frank
J'lvonka have been thrown out of ono of
the banks hero during the last week or two.
JitMn&on la suspected of having done the
, while his pal worked the bogus
paper off wi unsuspecting business men.
Frank I'lvonka Is to file complaints ngalnst
Atklnton , nnd It Is possible that L > nn Han-
non will follow suit , as it U thought that
Atkinson had u hand In the disbursing of
the boRUB llumioti checks.
At the time or Atkinson's arrest hero Mr.
Harding Informed the police that Atkinson
\\na reated In his store when his pal came
In and secured the cash on one or Hannon's
checks. The two left the store nearly to
gether mid stopped on the sidewalk almost
In front or the store to divide the amount re
ceived on the check.
lniiiMl | mi John ItHil.
An Inquest Is to be held on Turcday fore
noon upon the remains or John Held , who
uas accidentally killed nt Cud'aby's Thurs
day afternoon. At the time ot the accident
Held was engaged In icleatilng out tbo bottom
of the elevator shaft , and It is supposed that
ho neglected to take the usual precautions
In such cases. The elevator descended and
Injured him no that he died eight hours
afterward. Mrs. Held , wife of the deceased ,
U expected hero today. No arrangements
for thQ funeral -will bo made until after
her arrival. Mrs. Held lives at Hay Springs ,
-iililliMiii | HullT
The Ilrst republican rally of the present
campaign will ho held ct Ulurn's hall this
f yen lug. Among the speakers who have
promised to bo present arc John lj. Wc.bstcr ,
13. J. Cornish , Charles J. Greene and Jnmcs
II. Van Dusen. The local committee has
everything In readiness and a big turnout
Is expected , All members of the Union Vet
erans' Hepubllcan club nnd of the Young
Men's Hepubllcan club have bsen urged by
their presidents to attend and give the
speakers a rouging welcome.
.11 iinil1 Cllr ( iimnlp.
Next Thursday Is the first day of regis
Mrs. T. Q. nice has gone to Chlcnco
for u visit.
Don't forget the republican rally at
Blum's hall tonight
Krnest Blade has been called to Canada
by the death of hla father.
Jlrs. N M , Tobey of Richmond la the
guebt of Jrs. ! N , D. Mann ,
A bchnol room to relieve Drown 1'nrk
school Jjas been established at Twenty-Unit
and T Htrcets. Miss Helen Copolaml Is
the teacher.
Mrs. C. D. dray of the 1-Vmrth ward is
recovering from a severe Illne.sH.
Councilman A. II. Ki'lly loft yputenlny
for Scrlbner for a few dayo' shooting.
Sidney White und hln brother , DoU'ltt ,
havu gnno on n bicycle trip to Palmyra.
The CYntury club ilanco nt Odd Follows1
hull last nlg-nl was a very unjuyablu af
J. 13. Dalton nnd sister , Mamie , of OSURO.
In. , arc In the city , the KUesta of John C.
Hav. S. \ \ ' . fillkey of Mercer. Pa. , will
preach at the United I'resbytcnun church
The barberH decided , at n meeting held
Thursday night , to keep their .shops closed
on Sunday.
It Is reported Councilman Frank
Fltlo Is rapidly recovering from his re
cent Illnesa.
A prnlrlo lire on "West I < ( street last even
ing caused the turning In of a lire alarm
from box 13.
Mrs. J II. YanDudon nnd MKH ! Pee Hunt
aru ut York attvndlnu a meetlnu of tlio
Woman's club.
A majority of the membont of the regis
tration board liuvo appeared before the
mayor nnd < | ualin > d.
The miihlc committee of the First Metho
dist KpUcopal church will meet at the
pastor's study ut I o'clock Saturday nftcr-
Dr.Volfo. . superintendent of the public
schools , l.s in Lincoln intending u KUKHIOII
of the State Huiicrlntendent'H association.
Snenlc thieves broke lutto Nym J.OIIK'H
place , Twenty-hcventh nnd \ > Htieeta , Fri
day morning uml carried uwny $10 In money
und a watch.
A number of young people gave n fare
well entertainment In honor of MHH ! IMIth
Gray at the home of Mr. and Mrs. U. Oil-
chrlst Thursday evening.
Some ono turned out an old lior o with
a broken leg , near the Hlandplpc , and
Sixnllary Inspector Montuguo wan cnlled
upon to about thu animal.
A loungi ) at tlio lioiiu' of Harry Kmery ,
Twcnty-thlnl and II tit reel * , rntmht lire
from a Imlf burned match ycHtcrday nnd
c'uiiHcd a run for the llro Uep.irtmunt. The
loss Is trilling.
lllllH Oil .Sl < IT ICltlMIMlOII.
The Hoard of Public WorkH Krtday after
noon opencxl 1)ldg on the extension of the
eewer culvert ut Forty-eighth anil I caven-
worth HtreolH. John F. Dnley watt found to
be the lowest bidder on thu b.ire newer , at
Ml per foot. Kach bid iiuoteu jirlcia on
stonework and other dctullH , nnd the board
took thn l > ! ds under ndvUenunt to figure
out the lowest bidders en thtf > e other Hems ,
Bids on the plain newer were uu followa ;
John I < \ IJaley , $11 ; Oeorge H. Crandall ,
J13.30 ; W , JL 'JJnncy | , { 13.10 ; William JJrown ,
J15.03. The completed work will cost some
thing under
I'lfllMIIlt Sodlll III fOIIIK-l'tloil tvllll
Ilrunlur McHliiK of .lllNHloii Horlct )
In Honor of Ili-v.
A delightful social was given at the homo
of Mrs. A. I ) . Clmrlton , 2222 Miami street.
Friday evening. In connection with the reg
ular monthly meeting of the Women's Mis
sion society of the Central United Presby
terian church. The guest of honor was Hev.
Alexander Ollchrlst , a former paator , who
Is on n business trip through the went.
Tbo cosy parlors wcro comfortably filled
with guests , the attendance numbering about
sixty. The customary program of the wi
dely was carried out during the early part
if the evening , the toplcu discussed being
grouped under the general head , "Our Now
Possessions. " MU s Kmlly J , Hoblnson read
an Interesting jrnper entitled "A Historical
Survey. " "Characteristics or the People"
waa tbo subject of a paper by Mlco Margaret
McAra uad the concluding sketch was by
Miss Mary McCulloUi , v/ho recounted the
effects of "Christian Influence nt Work. "
The musical part of the program , arranged
by Mrs. Charlton , Included hovoral enter
taining ( elections , among them holni ; a vocal
solo by Mian Lydla McCaguo and choral
music by the church choir. The final num
ber \ > as a reading by Miss Charlton entitled
"Tho Cathedral noil. " A pleasant hour was
spent In conversation , enabling Hev. Mr.
Ullchrlst to renew many or hl former
friendships and acquaintances , in conclu
sion dainty refreshments were served for the
gucUs in the dining rooms.
Itnv. Mr. Ollchrlst wan pastor of the Cen
tral United Presbyterian church for nearly
flvo years , having left a few months ngo to
accept n position In Plttsburg ; is secretary
of the Hoard of Homo Mlmlona ,
Ilrlff mill lu Ibii I'olnl.
Mr. N. F Smith stated the facts briefly
when he said : 'Chamberlain's Cough Itcmody
Is the best cough medltlno I ever useJ. Laut
winter I had a cough that the doctor failed
to cure. I tried this remedy and It made a
complete cure. " Mr. Smith Is the leading
merchant ot Mcyeratown , W , Va ,