TTTTC frUATTA T > ATTVT ] R : SATTlin AV. OrTORTVR 14. ISO ! ) . COAL IN DAKOTA COtJNH Good Find is in the Northeastern Part of the Statt. SAMPLE SENT TO GOVERNOR'S ' OFFICE A'clli Plfljtiiclirn AVIilc I.jliiK ! lvl > - One Kcct Ih'lOM the Surfnrc- In llrniiKltt to Mtjlit. LINCOLN , Oct. 13 ( Special ) The dis covery of a supposedly rich vein of coal In Dakota county. In the extreme northeastern pnrt'of U j state , \va reported today at the ntato house Trom the meager details re ceived at the Rovernor's olllce It seems that n vein fifty Inches wide nnd Blxty-ono feet below the surface extends fen considerable distance In the vicinity ot JaoVson. n small town In the northern portion of the countj. The reward otforcil by the stale for the dls- nnvnrv rif rnnl hllS been clalmPll by tllo ricmltiB brothers et JacU on , and Governor 1 oynter today sssurcd them that upon the presentation of an anidnvlt Belting forth the factIn ) their claim a competenl pcrs > on would be sent to examine tno alleged vein Numerous discoveries of coal In Ne- braska hnve been roi-orten to Hie state nil- tho-ltles In recent years , but In nearly every case the vein been too small to bo worked fur profit. The law provides that when It shall U made apparent to the governor ot the stito by affidavit that a vein ot cotil of not less than twenty-six Inches In depth and of nufllclciit capacity to pay to mine , nnd within paving distance from the turfite , a person ih.ill be appointed to examine and re-port as to tha probable extent of the veins , all exa pease of the examination to be paid by the claimant If the report Is satisfactory to the governor ho may dlicct the auditor lo draw an order on tbo treasurer for 5J4QOO , this to be paid to the owners of the mine. Per a vein of Iron ore ono foot thick a re ward of JL',000 Is offered , nnd If the vein Is three feet In depth a reward ct $1,000 will bo nlvcn A bamplo of Dakota county coal has been received at the governor' office and It Is Bald by experts to be n fairly good specimen of noft or bituminous coil. The supreme court commission to examine nppllcants for admission to the bar met at the stiHe house this afternoon and elected Hallcck C Rose of this city secretary. C U. Schioeder , formerly a member of the legislature from Custer counly , bul now a resident of Perry , Okl , spent a few hours at the stnte house today. MRS. APPERSON IS PRESIDENT Annual MeellnR "t < " I'cdprntlon of Womni'N Cltilin Conclude Hn nn Klrotlon , YORK , Neb , Oct. 13 ( Special Telegram. ) The annual meeting of the Pederatlon of Women's Clubs , which closed this after noon , was one of the best meetlngH yet held. The new olllcors elected are President , Mrs Apperson , Tecumseh ; -vice president , Mrs Ulalr , secretary , Mrs. Hill ; treasurer , Mrfi Doane ; auditor , Mrs Halner ; librarian , Mrs. Lambertson. Tbo delegates selected to attend the national convention at Mil waukee arc Mrs. Langvvorthy , Mrs. Stotcn- borough. Mis Carscaden , Mrs. Doane , Mrs. hambettson , Mrs. Smith of Wayne and Mlsa Haskel. Resolutions vvero adopted thanking the men nnd women of York for their cordial welcome , entorlalnmenl , hospllallty and the generous , genial good tlmo , and recom mending York as one of the best convention towns In the state. JtllY 1'IMIS WATSWN GUILTY. 'Ill In Com-ltixlon in tlio I'orRcry Trial ItencliiMl After Two Ilnurn. NEBRASKA CITY. Neb . Oct. 13. ( Spe cial Telegram ) John C. Watson was ac quitted of the charge of forgery by a jury In the district court this afternoon , Th jury went out at 2 o'clock and In two hours arrived at a verdict of not guilty. The cas hopon ten dajs ago and has been bitterly contested at every point. Arguments o c ungcl , which occupied two dajs , were con eluded at noon. The HawKo cnso and the case of the Chicago cage Piano company against Watson wer continued until December 11 on motion o the state , because of the absence of wit nesses. I'nrpwell to Winner IMniieem. . Neb. , Oct. 13. ( Special. ) A farewell reception was tendered Mr. and Mrs J W. Laffoi ty. pioneers of this county , nt the opera house last night , preceding their Collar shape and finish the same in either brand , but of different grades of linen. You pay only for material and workmanship. Cluott "Wostlo" 25 ota , oooh. Arrow "VoUor" 2 for 23 ots. "Correct Attlro for Mon th ° faohlon report for Au. tumn and Winter , to thono who oak. Write core Station U Chlcogo CLUETT , PEABODY&C ° - . . .MAKERS. , , rlrparturo for Norfolk. Neb The Wlsner Cornet band wa < In attendance and n quar- tet"con lstlnB cf Misses K. S Walker ot Lincoln , nnd Nellie Mansfield. hl le Ilrcctzkc nnd Kato Keller , sang Itev. \ . W. w\yers. on behalf of the company , presented Mr nnd Mrs Laffertv with a handsome couch and rug menu. 'ini.i.H ns sii > i3 or IT. Nl. Illfrtitlnn til Kill Kanlolcill , lint Slnmlj < o Drfpinl llliiiii-U. TEKAMAH. Ntb.O-t 13 ( Special ) The tlefeneo In the Yeger murder trial todnj opened by placing the defendant , Oicar Ycger , on the stnnd Yergcr said ho became acquainted with Uggleton twelve or fifteen > ears ago and had known the disputed road to be traveled more than nine vears ORO snd contlnuouslj since Lisi jear ho rente 1 Hfty acres of Innd to HgRleton. Yegcr waste to hava one-third of the crop ns rental , but Ind trouble with Hgglcton o > cr a division of the striw and Hgglelon dnrc-1 him to crmo nnd get It The day of the troubla Yeger said ho hitched up his team to go j to town He saw Hggleton plowing nnd j ! when he- got opposite him stopped and told | him not to plow bejond the government cornerstone liscUtcn replied that he would i plow thcro and began to swear at Yegcr , sajlUK " 1 nm going to do you up to i finish " Ycger said ho got out of his wagon , tinhcokcl Iho tugi of one of the horsea , and took off the singletree and , with the t ] singletree In his right Ijand , went to the t , government cornerstone nnd ordered Hgglcton oft the land Yeger declared he had been advised bv counsel to do this In order to kceo Hsglcton from getting legal rlpht to the land nnd that he had no In tention ( , of getting Into a quarrel , but took the t singletree along to de'end himself In case Egglcton should attack him He had heard of Egglcton's prowess as a fighter and was afraid of him ngglcton , Ycge-r continued , dropped hli lines 1 and went behind his horses to al o get a singletree , ibut could not get the holt out I Ugglrton then put his hands In his pockets and Ycger thought he was gclng to- draw a knlfo nnd said to him , "John don't draw a l.nlfo on me. " Withdrawing his hands 1 Eggleton advanced to within four fcot of him and struck at Yeger with his fists eer said he threw up hla hands to ward off the blow The singletree was In his hand. Ho didn't exactly know howhe threw It up , but he used the singletree to hit Kggleton's arm nnd Eggleton fell back ward. Yegcr asserted ho didn't know -whether he hit him , but Eggleton got up and came back again and witness said to him. "John , don't monkey -with me any more" Ycger broke donn in his recltil at this point. When he resumed he said ho went to Decatur after ward , taking money to pay a fine and that the last he eaw o ! Egglcton he was up and plowing. That night he Irarned thai Eggle ton wan severely hurt and returned to De catur and employed a physician to attend him. taking the doctor to Eggleton's place In the crosi-e amlnatlon Yeger seemed much confused as to Ihe lines , corners and boundaries ot his farm. Numerous wit nesses testified to Yegor's reputation being good and the defense rested Its case. K IIuiitliiK Accident. AINSWORTH , Neb , Oct. 13 ( Special l Telegram. ) Yesterday , thirty miles south ot Alnsworth , while H. C Savage , accom panied by his brother , C. O. Savage , and I James Hone , a hunting party from Sargent , In Custer county , were camped on Endcrs lake , the former In handling a shotgun received the full contents of bolh barrels In his arm about half way between the wrist , nd ol'oow , tearing away bone and flesh , inking an ugly wound. Ho was Immediately iroitght to Alnsworth , where physicians Iressed the Injured arm and he is at present estlng as easily as the wound will allow. ovr Site fur Coliniibiin Monument. COLUMBUS , Neb , Oct. J3. ( Special ) M n special meeting ot the council last night the site of the new soldiers' monument ment was changed from the cast side of Frankfort park , where the stakes had been , previously set , to the exact center of the ark , and this morning the work ot tearing j out .the old foundation began. The change of location la generally believed to have been a wise one. IlnrnliiR GrnaB 'I hrcMitcnn Walton. WAHOO , Neb , Oct. 13. ( Special. ) Yes- crday afternoon during the Bale It Is sup posed sparks from a passing train fired a densely covered patch of weeds nnd tall grass on the south bank of Wahoo creek and for a tlmo that part of town was In danger , but the people and flro department conquered the flamea. This makes the second end flre started here this week hy passing trains. Wntiicil by III * lloiidnmrn. AINSWOUTH. Neb , Oct. 13 ( Special Telegram. ) Sheriff Murray returned from Omaha list night with A. F. Wejranth , Indicted for whisky sellingat the last term ot the district court , and placed under $300 bonds , but who Jumped his ball. Weyranth was brought hack at the Instance of his bondsmen. IlrnUemnn Hurt nt 1'nwiice. PAWNEE CITY. Neb , Oct. 13. ( Special. ) Albert Schultz of Beatrice , a brakeman on a Rock Island construction train , was seriously , perhaps fatally , Injured while making a coupling In the yards hero yester day morning. His head and face vvero shockingly bruised and cut. Stacked firnlii Tnlccn I'lre. DEOATUR , Neb. Oct. 13 ( Special ) Yesterday while tbo wind was blowing a gale a flro of unknown origin burned four stacks of rye. and four stacks ot wheat , besides doing other damage on the farm of E. D. Canflcld , one mlle south ot town. No d lilrner to Hold ClirlHtrnnnn. HASTINGS , Neb , Oct. 13. ( Special Tele gram , ) The case of the state against Chris tian Chrlsteuson for larceny came up before County Judge Bow en today and was dis missed , there being Insufficient evidence to 1'old Chrlstcnson. Good Yield of Corn anil Tuliern. CREIOHTON , Neb , Oct 13. ( Special. ) Somu of the farmers have begun to husk Iholr corn , which is a splendid crop this } ear. and potatoes nro selling on the streets of Crelghton for 15 cents great , big , smooth ones. .School lloj I'lnorcd Mltli n lint. GENEVA , Neb , Oct 13. ( Special Yes terday at school Harvey , the little son of Edward Mercer , received n nard blow on the head from a ball bat and had to bo car ried home. 'In I'rUon for NEBRASKA CITY , Neb . Oct. 13 ( Spe cial Telegram ) William Warsaw , found guilty of daylight burglary , was sentenced to eighteen months In tha penitentiary to day. More \Varlt Tlinn Men nt CRKIGHTON , Neb , Oct. 13 ( Special ) II Is almost Impossible to hlro a man , and nearly all ot the plasterers and stonemasons are engaged for from two to three weeks ahead. llrrtrmid I'liitotllvr Opi-iini , DERTRAND , Neb , Oct. 13 ( Special ) The new postofllcc at this point was opened today with Ross Pedley as postmaster. l.nlior nnd MuiiiifiuMor ) StnllnUon , SPniNHFlEI-D. 111. Oct -The btate bureiu of labor commissioners todu > de- c'ded to Incorporate , for the llrst time , In their coming annual report statistics re garding manufactories In theotatea Includ ing a number of the same , value of goods manufactured wages of emplojcs and aver age e irniiiRs of same Slrniui-r I'urlo Hlc-o I.niinolird , TOLIinO , O . Oct 13. The ocean steamer Porto Kleo will be launched tomorrow ut ( 'ralir'n fchlp > ard nnd will also start far New York to enter the coast trade between that city and Porto Hlco Itwas built i tor the Porto Hlco Steamship company. DIN'S REVIEW OF BUSINESS After Months of Extraordinary Baying Larger Buying Orowds Prodcoars. IRON OUTPUT GREATER THAN LYFR KNOWNn 1'roilucMoii In Some Llitr * * of Mnnu- fnc'turr , However , IM OtcrlnkliiR Demand CoUon .Mills 'Itiru Don li Illinium * ) , NEW YORK , Oct. 13 11. G Dun . Co's Weekly Review of Twdo , which Issues to- morrov , will say : Industrial conditions could hardiy b bet- trr Aft < r nnnv months of Mii'h extraordl- niirj iMivlm ? tlmt Us eoiitliui nice Denied impossible , even larger biding , still crowds producing works in most lines Jejonrt tnelr ii.ip.iutv 'Hie Iron turmuos iiro producing Jl.twi tuns Wtekiv more than o.r Ijptoie , „ Ji.5 tint Uc out r 1 anil jet the iiciuiu consumption In tiiiiintacture roduttd uimuia WO..KH in September bJ7.3M ) tons , walle tht demand runs far anc id Into next jiur lor in in > products the Kftnt busing last vseih Hessemei pig ri c-s to J21 .11 1'lttsbnrff , vvltli No. 1 amhrnulo at I'hlla- delpnia and No 1 coke at Chicago both quoted at $ J3s < > and bujcrs pu > lng premi um. * tor iarl > dellverlts accenting- thJr ntc'dUessemei products still advance , eastern bar to ? 21o ind tank plates to V3.U , and the average of pencil ages to prices of Januarv 1 , isji , is now JlOu trl for llnlslud piortucts and JI03 7 lor pis. In some lines , howevui , production Ins so far that works arc beginning to look foi order" to cover next jcur. fho boot and shoe shops arc getting a little bet ter prices for in us kip uooU and womens grain and buff Mioos and shipments for th * lirst halt oC October ate thu largert e\er lepDrtort , though orders for iu\t season are lUarded by prlo s Leutlur Is a nh.ul higher , hut uu > ingot solo has been checked b > the recent niiMincf , as in imifictuiers uppenr to have la her laigo suppllc > anil uiu Lnlcago market for hides , though quoted n little lUBher , veems uncertain. The demand for woolen Roods Is fairly large and prices are will sustained , though not further advanced In goods of the bolter grades thtre Is some uncertainty. Haleof .ho better wools an ? smallei , onlj 7 74J T 0 pounds tor the week at thu three markets , without lurthcr adv met SliKs ure linn anil lincnd tending upward with good de mand. The cotton manufacturer meets so great ti demand that prices advance. e\ciy week and supplier for c.irlv dellvt-rj are in many lined lestricitd. Mote buslniss Is turned clou n than Is done In brown sheetings and drills and coarse-colored cottons are rising. Ulg iles ha\o mo\ed a greut part of the surplus print cloths and prices ha\c been adsnncea for grades not until rccentlj con trolled by the selling commlttte. The rise of about 1 cent In cotton has much Inllti- cnce , and although the quamltj coming In plfIU Is l.n KIT to elite- than last > eut , It nas recently been falling behind enough to support the Idea that growers are dl'-posed to hold K back. Wheat exports are still larger than from the great crop of last , Atlantic , Hour Included , having been 7,35J,3DO bushels tu two weeks , against t > IIB.G last jeai , and Pacific 7JOI45 > bushels against I,3i5 Ul last jcar The wcttein sales are only 14,51SSU. ! bushels , against J0.779 493 last jear , but the tout so of prices Is not calculated to en courage a big movement , for attei starting at 75k8 cents and falling to 75 cents , the 71 cents The government deferred any estimate of jield and Its lig- ures arcas UMinl , variously Interpreted , but not Inlluentlal Coin receipts are 13- VS9.749 bushi-ls , against .11,047 JiSi In two weeks of last jeai , with exports of G 177,14:1 : bushels , against 4 JG7,3 S last jeat , show j. hupplj" and a foreign demand which might we.I affect the wheat market to some ex tent Failures for the llrst week of October were $ ljS7OtS ( In amount , manufacturing , J JS7.911 and trading J40 ,5'J1 r.illures tor tno i week have been Ib4 In the United btales , against JOS last , and twentj-beven In Canada , against twentj-llve last jear. IinVimV W TIIADH. Good ItciiiirlN from Ceiitcrn a nil I'"nil lie inn ml UullllllK Out AVcII. NEW YORK , Oct. 13. Braastreet's tomor row will say : Trade nctlvitj- widespread , all''meas- nic-5 of volume and value tet > tlf > lng to prevailing prosperous conditions Only good reports aio received from distributive trade ctnlers , and some markets report fall de mand as holding out longer than expected Railway cat nines , bank clearings' returns and quotations of staple prices are all encouraging , pointing as thej do to a m ixlmuin volume of buslnebs for this period of the > ear. Crop returns for October bear out former Impressions of a short jleld In most leatN Ing agricultural productions , expectation of moie modtr.itu j it-Ids of leading cereils Is not conllned to this cojmtry. The world's wheat crop will admittedly be smaller , and rje , barley and oats jlelds arc not ex pected to bo so large ns a. year ago The higher range of prices of all staples and particularly agricultural products , how ever , will furnish a prolltablo balance to producers The advance in the price of cotton has been a notable one , and though some reaction Is naturally noted , the ef fect of the advance upon genural southern trade In this Industry Is particularly beneficial , as this section alone has ap peared to lag somewhat behind the pro cession of piosperltj. In the manufacturing branch of the trade , strength Is well nigh universal. Ad vances have been numerous , and a scarcity of goods rather tlnn of demand is the main subject of complaint. While n source of depression to cotton , the Transvaal situation has proved rather favorable to wheat and other cereals , offsetting heavy Increases In v Islble supplies. The liberality of foreign demand Is perhaps best shown In the September report of exports of leading products. Shipments of breadstuffs were as largo as those of Auguht , and there was naturally a heavj * demand In cotton exports , which are double those of the same month n year ago. Totals of leading exports show an Increase of J3 per cent over September a jear ago , and over September , 15 % , but a decrease o S 5 per cent from September , 1897 , w hlch witnessed very heavy ship/.cuts of bread stuffs. General manufacturing Industrj- run ning full and actlvltj Is so widespread that It Is hard to prefer one Industry to another In this respect Coal produc tion Is particulnily heavy , but a scarcity of cars is complained of In this and in the coke Industrj , with the strength of like fielghts constituting a disturbing element as regards the supply of anthra cite In the west. Iron and steel are ac tive as to production , but new business Is limited by the small quantities available for nearby deltvtrj. Liberal orders are still reported for the llrst half of next jear and steel rails nro reported tending upward at the west. I'aper is In specially active demand nl prohcnt , news varieties , owing to low water bclnu teported practically out of the mar ket Sugar refining furnishes one excep tion to the reports of growing prosperity and production Is decreasing , partly , of course , owing to the season , but also as to the demoralization growing out of price cutting Wool iserjr firm , though quieter ai porno markets , while the manufactured pioduct Is selling well on next spring's ac count Tobacco Is reported very generally active nt nearly all m irkots west and east Shoo manufacturers are busj' and leather and hides arc sympathetically strong In price Lumber Is In urgent de mand nt many markets In spite of the advanced state of the season and prices are llrm Wheat , Including flour shipments for the week aggregate B,2t , G34 bushels , against 5.1S331S bushels last week , 4,72'Hi93 bushels In the correbpondliiB week of 1S98 , 6059,720 bu hels In 1MI7 , 4 151 ! S17 bushels In 1S9G and 2.4OT.44G bushels In IKfi Since July 1 , this poason , the exports of wheat have aggre gated GOW > 5,017 bushels , against 57K2Sllb bushels last jenr and GCi20,132 bushels in 1&97-M. Corn exports for the week negro- gate 3Wt > ,7'JJ bushels , against 4,238719 bushels last week , 2706202 bushels In this week n jear ago , 2.221,710 bushels In 1S37. 1,711.010 bushels In IWti and 1.GSO.G72 bushels In 1895 Slnco Julj 1 this season , corn exports will aggregate 01751,759 bushels , against 4,3fiti,240 bushels during the same period a jeur ago and 45S42,81S bushels In Business failures lu the United States number 101 , an compared with HG last week , 233 In this week a jear ago. 190 In H97 279 In 169 * > and 2S1) In 1S % Business failures In thu Dominion of Canada number nineteen , ns compared with tw only-four last week , twenty-two In this week a jear ago , forty-four In U97 , thirty In ISM and thlrtj-se\en In 1SS5 , HKMHW lncrtiiliit ) > < > f III * * Mono Miirl.ct nnd Il UfTrt't mi StOfkH. NEW YORK , Oct 13 nraiUtroet's will say tomorrow In Its review of the New York etock market Thf announcement of the treapurj's busl ness to anticipate all Its Interest pajmenu , for the current fiscal jcar contributed with smaller outr'de demands for furds and a decrease In the pressure for loans on the partAcf Wall street Itself to give the call loai market an easier tone , The other prominent developments were , of course , the Tran vaal government ultimatum nnd the brlnglne of the British and Pocrs lo npen war The comp rnthe easement In our own money market fnlle-d , however , to "Umulate speculative uctlvitj or to support prcles matrrlnlb The market continued to be dull , devoid of outside partlclpntlon nnd subject to professional manipulation for the b'nr nccount. In fact n j money became easier , there seemed ti be less "treiiRth nnd morn aggressiveness on the part of the bears , Itndlns on Thursday to nn Increased downward tendency in price" , followed on Krldn } by nn lucreise of surh pressure While monfj' Is liable to Jump lo t or 15 per cent , slould the market develop nnj nctlvltv , nnd when the war affords x > mc Idea of Hi outcome nnd duration nnd until the unlocking of monej from the treasurj or the receipt of gold from Europe nnd currency from the Interior checks the depletion of the New lork bnnk reserves nnd ends the calling of loans which hns betr In progress for sonu week- , past , th's l bait In Ihe market -ind insei'lldlltj to the favorable facts in the Miimllon ha * nearly led to benrl hness nmonc the tradeis and to manipulation designed to put prices down , WEEKLY CI.U.UUNf. IIOLSU TOTALS. . \KKrrunie of ntixlii < - i i Trnitnncdoti- l > 5 tinA * oi'lned I'miUs.- NEW YOUK. Oct. n-Tho following table , compiled by IJndstrept'3 , shows the bank clearings at the principal e-ltlcs for the week ended Otrober n with the per centage of Increase and decrease ns cum * pnrcd with the corresponding- week last 4.4 47.1 31.3 40 3 45 S , 25 5 ' 12.1 'W2 , DG . 21 4 31 0 , 42 5 37.S 2 3 , -2i 3 n.s 13.1 9 8 37 ti , ' ' ' 'ig''e ! 103 4.1 41 5 , DOMINION OP CANADA. DEATH RECORD. Mm. Catherine " \VliKnUcr. COLUMBUS , Neb. Oct. 13. ( Special. ) Mrs. Catherine Whltaker , widow ot the late A. J. Whltalccr , died at the home of her son early this morning. Mrs. Whllaker was born In New York state February 22 , 1833 , and with her husband came to Nebraska and located In this county In 1882. Over two years ago eho was stricken with paralysis and has slnco been an Invalid. The funeral will bo held tomorrow from the homo of her son. T , ninttcnon'a I'lincrnl. GENEVA , Neb , Oct. 13. ( Special. ) The funeral of I , Matteson , father of ex-Counly Clerk R. A. Matteson , took place from the home of John Ward yesterday. Millionaire Lumber Dealer. FOND DU LAC , WIs. , Oct. 13. W. C. Hamilton , the millionaire lumberman who Buffered a stroke of apoplexy on Wednes day last , died todaj- . FIRE RECORD. Illnce nt Knimnii City. KANSAS CITi' , Mo. , Oct. 13. The flve- story brick building at 415 Delaware street , occupied by the C. J. Baker Tent and Awn ing company , was destroyed by fire tonight. The naker company's loss Is $60,000 , with $40,000 Insurance , and the loss on the building - ing Is $20,000. Conduit nnil Cnblc Workn. NEW YOUK. Oct. 13 An explosion today started a. fire In the National Conduit nnd Cable Works at Hastings. The loss Is es timated nt 25,000. To thosq who drink whlky for pleasure , IARPI2II whlbky adds zest to existence. To hoes who drink whisky for health's sake , IAIIPRR whisky makes life worth living. BLOW UNDER THE FIFTH RIB I ( Continued from Tlrst I'flge ) this city today and nominate 1 John T Mr- Clurc of Ilenver City for district JtnlRe to nil the vacancy on the fusion ticket caused by the resignation of Miller of Klltvooil , | who secured the nomination n few weeks ' HRO ftfter a bitter Hght. Mlllrr Rives Him ss as his reason for withdrawing from the race IIATKS I'Oll lir.I'l'UMCAN MiiTIM5P. ! Mnto Coiilrnl Co mini tire VrrniiRoH VnoIliiT Splicdulo for S | nltor . LINCOLN. O't. 13 ( Special ) The re publican state central committee has ar ranged for the follow ins meetings in ad- i ' dltlon to those ilreidj announced Ex-Gov ernor Lorenzo Croun e and General Jnmes i I ) Oage , Schuyler , October 30. Ixirenro | Crounso anil H C Hu "cll , Ohlowa , Octo- | bcr 31 , and llllilrcth Xo\ember 2. Loienzoj Crounso and C U Adams Cambridge. No- Acmber 3 , and ItsstlnRi. November I. K. II. ' Hlnshnvv , Uclvldere October 2P. AldxamlrH , October. 25 , Cirleton , October 26 , Daven port , October 27. Hon. J 11 tlurton ot Kansas will address a meeting nt Hastings October 21. The following changes hi dates cf meetIngs - Ings previously arrnngej are announced October ID , Atlanta Instead of Loom la. October 20 , runic Instead of Atlanta , October 21 , Loomls Instead of Punk , nil ot which will be addre'sed by II. C. Hussell tini ! Uob- crt 0. Douglas. Mnlllo ) Marls Muller'n ( "niupnlRii. DAVID CITY , Neb , Oct. 13 { Special ) The republican campaign of Duller county was opened Inst night nnd the large opera house was too small to hold the crowd that gathered to hear Chaplain Mnlllcj , The chaplain held his audience for two hours , notwlthrtnndlnR many had to stand throughout the meeting. The speaker was frequently applauded. I'rtv ( o Hear fintlicrliind. SHDLTON , Neb. O = t. 11 ( Special ) I'or several days handbills nnd large Innd- palnted posters announced the coming of Congressman Sutherland of the Plfth dis trict and Mr Jennings , formerly of the Tlrst Nebraska , anil last night Mclsner'a opera house was about one-third filled to heai them. KlnUnld SpcnUx nt Oril. OUD , Neb , Oct. 13 ( Special Telegram ) Judge M. P. Klnknld spoke to a representa tive gathering of citizens of Ord and Its vicinity at the court house today and tor two houis and a half held the attention ot the audience. To ! > in e Doctorn' I'llln Use "Garland" Stoves and Ranges. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER I"nlr Sntunlny wHH Colder In Knit- rrii Portion mil Northerly AVIiiil * lit clirnNku. WASHINGTON , Oct. 13 Forecast for Saturday and Sunday : Per Nebraska Pair Saturday , with colder In extreme portion ; Sunday , fair ; northerly winds. Per Iowa Pair and colder Saturday- brisk northwesterly winds ; Sundajfair. . For Missouri Fair nnd colder Saturday ; Sundaj , fair , northerly winds. For South Dakota Pair and colder Sat urday and Sunday ; northerly winds For Kansas Fair and much colder Sat urday ; Sunday , fair ; northeasterly -winds Per Colorado Snow flurries Saturdaj with colder In southeast portion ; rain or snow Sunday , northeasterly winds For Wyoming Partly cloudy Saturday with snow flurries In southwest portion rain or suow- Sunday ; northeasterly winds Ijocnl Hecoril. OFFICE OF THi : WEATHER BUREAU OMAHA , Oct. 13 Omaha record of temper ature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three yeais 1S90 1S9S 1S17. 1S95 Maximum temperature. . . 60 G6 81 5 Minimum temperature . . . 50 "S 4l > 3 Average temperature 5S 52 C 4 Precipitation 00 .00 .00 0 Record of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for this day and since March 1 , 1S99 : Normal for the day 53 Excess for the day " , Accumulated deficiency since March 1 SO Normal rainfall for the diy 09 Inch Dellclency for the day C9 Inch Total rainfall since * March 1 21.12'nches Deficiency since March 1 r > 72 Inches IJellclency for cor. period 1S9S . . 3 15 Inches Dellclencj' for cor period , ls > 97. .10 17 Inches Ileiiorto I'rom htntlona nt S 1' . M. Omaha , clear . " " " " C6 | .05 North Platte , clear . . . . Salt Lake Cltj , raining M Cheyenne , snowing 11 Rapid City , cloudy 42 Huron , clotidj- .12 1 .CO Wllllston , clear Chicago , cloudy St. Louis , clear .CO St. Paul , clear .00 Davenport , ruln'.ng . . . . .71 Helena , clear .71T Kansas Cltj , clear .00 Havre , clear Klsniarck , cloudy Gnlveston , clear 00 LUCIUS A. Wl LSH , Local Forecast Olllclal. FAULTS IN THE ARTILLERY General McrrUt ArrnlgriiN the Sjn < cni of Thin Ilrnnuli of tin- Army Srnlc'e , WASHINGTON. Oct. 13 The annual re port of Major General Weoloy Merrltt , com manding the Department of the East , head quarters at Governor's Island , New York , was made public at the United States War j : department today , The report Is a strong I arraignment of the whole situation In the nrtllU-ry branch of Iho service , being par ticularly directed agalnct tbo ordnance bu reau and Incidentally ibe quartermaster's department , the latter for railuri ; to furnish what General Merrltt considers proper quar ters at artillery poeta. General Merrltt says that the sjstem on which the nrtllery Is organized Is wrong In that the artilleryman who lu held responsible for the work ho has to do with his guns , IKI.S Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n Makes a specialty of bottled tled Beers for family use. The materials used for their brews are the very best obtainable both in this country and abroad. CORN , which is so generally used by other brewers , does not enter into ( he products of the ANHEUSER-BUSCH BREWING ASS'N ' , hence their motto , "Not How Cheap , but How Good. " "the Greatut of Tonics. " Invigorate * , rejuvenate * and prolongs life , no volee. In the making or selection of them , thl1 * being lelt entirely to the ordmnce bu reau Hut he adds that olneo the engineer department in the samp tn-tependcnt vva > furnishes the artlllerjman with hi * otn- plnccments and there ha been no fault to find with this portion of the equipment , there must be something more thin the mere s > stcm to blnme for the unsntlsfaetorj omllllcn rf nffalii He sns "Our cavalr > nnd Infantry todav are or ganized on a modern ba l * nro Bplcndlillj officered and equipped , nnd with roguhr sup- piles of food , clothlrg nnd ammunition , con tain within theimches ( lie elements of com plete einclenej This Is not true of the nrtll- lerj The oflloc-s are well educated and zealous , but tlMi efforts arc cramped hj nn imported organlratlon and responsibility for tlin efllclcnrv or Inolllclencv of their arms lire , not cs It should , with Uietn e\ci ; , hut Mr > largely In other quartets Hlthei through defects ot Invv or through their own inclllclcnc } the supplv dt'partnienla wpun which the nrtlllery is whollv dependent h.ivc frequently failed to lojallv sirve Iti liuer- wts Thu fact that the engineer department , working under the same law , hns undei I' * IpioEcnt chief filvon the mtlllorv no cniist fur complnlnt would ncm to Imtlrnte thnt something is wroiiR besides the law "This condition Rlvea r'so to the oft-e-\- rcssed dislri. cf the mtllloiv for a chief Si As a Cure for Dyspepsia , &VTARRK iS CATARRH WHEREVER LOCATED , SENA'IOR DWYER OF CHICAGO , ILL. Hon. Edward Dwjer , State Senator , Sev enteenth Senatorial DlstrlU , Chicago , III. , writes : "Pe-ru-na cures when all other remedies fall. I can heaitlly recommend Pe-ru-na as a catanh remedy. It has been two j-eara since I was cured , and I consider my cure permanent. I learned of the rem edy through friends , and although I had ap- piled to several doctors and used many rem edies to no effect , two months' use of Pe- ru-na effected the euro of a disease of seven jears' standing " Major M. Major M. W , Lang , Assistant Paymaster U. S. V , says the following In regard to Pe-ru-na : "I bavo used Po-ru-na for ner vous dyspepsia for the hist three weeks I can coidlally recommend It to any ono suf fering from .1 similar complaint , especially do I feel pleased to speak a good word for It In this particular becau a dyspepsia or In digestion Is qulto too common a malady among Americans. It has distinctly bene fited me , restoring mo to a normal condition of good health when I was utterly Incapaci tated by a disorder so easily cured by a few dates of really good medicine 1 have also \iocd Pe-ru-na for catanh In Its troublesome Incipient stage , and can also recommend It as peculiarly adapted , both as a preven tive and j. cure , In BO changeable a climate ns this , " Major Lang's home address la Wellington , Ohio. Djflpepsla Is catanh of the otoinach Pe-ru-na cures catnirh wherever located I lion C N Smith , Superintendent cf Ilulld- I Ings , Charleston Va , speaks In the fol- i lowing terms of Po-ru-na Ho sa > s "I de- Elro to express to joii my appreciation of the wonderful virtues and euratlvo propertleo I of I'o-ru-lia as exemplified In the complete restoration to health of my daughter who of thnt nrm of the < ervlf < > who would e < th.M It li supplied with wliM It need * ti be effective , but I pettoimllj hnvo grav ( doubts n * to thl * being the mol nultabU remedy , as It ma.v result In Adding nnotlie' bureau to the War department , which maf ho as difficult to make efficient " 1 desire. In .addition , to rail special at tendon to the following points In the report of the nrtlllerv Inspector " M Tie failure of the n.l > nrtermii ' ter's department to make timely provlsloj for housing the- garrisons nt new nrtlllerj " " " „ The necessity of providing at artltlerj posts n permanent post non com missioned staff of specialist ! " , electrician * mid observer sergeants. " ' 3 Tlio recommendation thnt the strength ot the const artillery be flveil at the number of officers nnd mon required to fully nun tlio RUHR ' "It 's also observed that the artillery Bl-oulil lie Inspected b > nrtlllcr ) oIlloerB ami the fart that the department commander nnd nrtllloo Inspector have no power to In- sport Is a patent absurdltv and one which 1 urge ma ) be disposed of at an early ilato TI o means rf making aio arm of the scrvlco nil It should be > bhnuld run with the > general commanding gcoguaphlcal department lu i which the said arm of the service IB sta tioned ' had suffered from naubtatlng sick headache Bomo five or six years. Wo tried various and divers remedies , all guaranteed to ourc , but nothing gave her any permanent relief until we were Induced to try your incom parable remedies , which wo gave according to directions , religiously followed , until flvo bottles were used and our daughter cured. Her general health Is hotter than at any previous tlmo In her life , the tormenting headaches which used to distract her are but paln.Jl remembrances of the past , and only iccnllcd as is a horrible dream that made her life unhappy while It lasted. I can certainly recommend your remedlee , and feel It both a duty and pleasure to do BO , for they have brought both health and hap piness to our household. " When the otomach Is affected by catarrh there is a large quantity of vitiated mucous poured out Into the stomach , which consti tutes a very serious drain upon the vital powero This mucous passes away In ono form or another and Is generally unnoticed by the patient , who Is unable to account for the gient weakness and prostration which it experienced These patients complain of lassitude , feelings nll-tlrcd-out ings , their blood be comes thin , nervouH sjstcm deranged , food seems to do them no good , con tinuous and Increas ing weakness. The unfortunate victim wonders why ho should bo weak , why his food gives him no strength , why his Mrs. Salllo L Shcp- blcod eliould be so pnnl > popar | niuff. " " ; Mobile.- am , the evil effects of catarrh of the callc(1 ( uP ° n " > alt stomach are not yet on sick people nnd I nil told. Not only advlsa them to u a does it set up for catarrn the weakening drain . , ns l kllovv I'o-ru-na already referred to , but It Interferes with , cures catarrh wher- sometlnics nearly over located , " prevents , the diges tion of food This alone would make tbo patient weak , oven If there were no exces sive drain upon the system. When the food reaches thu stomach It lies there undigested , because It deco not llnd the proper quality of gastric juice Instead of digesting , It sours , fanning gas , bclchlngs of sour fluid , pain and a sense of fullness at the pit of the stomach , suffocating Hcnsatlons , sick head ache , palpitation of Iho heart , great despon dency. In short , producing a condition popu larly known at dyspepsia , Po-ru-na 1 a specific for catarrh of the stomach , Address Ur llnrlman , Columbus , Ohio , for free ca tarrh book Habitual Constipation Is at thf root of more troubles tlmt affect the human bnily than la gcntralli impposed It cuuseH I'lmplPB Ho'lit , C'ar- iHintli's Hdidaiho Torpid I.lvcr J.iundlco , Kldnoy mid llladdir troubles nnd other UN too numcroiiH to mention. I'lllH and other drugH ruin the utoiniuli nnd Klvo no perma nent nilif The only < ure for Chronic ) t'onstipntlon In Klritri-'t | > iiaturu'.s own remedy When applied through the medium of Dr. Bennett's Electric Belt It In guaranteed to euro C'onHtlp.itlon It InstlllH Vitality or Nervw Force In fveiy part of the body and causes every bodily function to bo at the and riHume Its duties an nature Intended Mrs X 1 Ooomnn , 1023 Tarnurnel Avp. , Kansas City , Kim . wrlien. In thlrtj days' tlmo I nm relieved of chronic constipation and f.iH'ni : of thn womb , that hat ) stood for twelve yearn At least llfty donors and all k'nds of remedied have filled My husband \m \ been greatly bimelltcd I bellev" another month will make n ixrmancnt ( ure yOur Utlt U a Ood- oend lo anj woman with womb trouble or female complaint -My Belt linn fcoft llkcn , i hamols-covend sponge ele- ( trodei that cannot burn or hl'slir .IB do the burn metal electrodes uxeO on all other maKm of beltu It U Kuarun- tct-d for one > eai and can bu renewed at any tlmo for 7 ! > c You may tall upon or write mo In ( ontldencc Opt my book s > mptom blank anil other 1'teralure Do not delay deluvs are tliingerous Write or call today Address , llooni JOl IloiiKlnn lllk. , Dr Bennett Electric Go , , Jlllli A Undue , Omnlm , I