I OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY. OCTOBER 12. 18 { ) ! > , SPECIAL NOTICES Aili rrtlxciiieiitx for UK-AC coluiiiliM dill ho inki-ii until if. in , fur Hie frctilnur citltInn nnil until Htiio i > . i > for inornliiK nnil Suniliiy edition. Itnlcs , 1 l-Ui a uoril HrM liinrrtliin t ! < a mini Ilicrcnricr. > < > llilnic ( liken for loud ( linn V.'o for tinllrnt Inner- Hun. Tlifmc nil v < - rtlHiiirii < H innrfl lie fnn iii < - eiillil } - , Ail * rrllNorfi , lij reiim-KtIifu n mint * lift til nlipck , i-tui lmnimwcrM nil * ilrCHNcil to it iiiiiuliorcil letter In euro of Tinllpp , AnnuiTM no niltlr - mcil Mill Inlrll \ < < n > < l on iirvNviitntlon of I ho i-lM'-k only. AVA.VI'Kn-SI'I I A A STENOGRAPHER. When you wnnt one pli > aso mil | > iiio Remington typmrltor onu e , 1G19 rarnnm St. . telephone 1373 A ( .73 BTLNOORAPMEll wnnti position ; alary to Flan with not so much an object a prospects of working Into good pos'tlon. ' Address L 37 , DPP. A-S75 15 * Ypt NO man to do light work for tuition. Jloylc H Commprtlal nnd Shorthund Col- Icgp , Boo Bldg A 015 COM PETEXT Hcnmftress dp-dros work with dressmaker 01 In famine- ! . Will lioanl If desired Very reaaoiuible Mri. 1' . 2231 F.irnam St A-013-11 * \VA.vmn MAM : IIRLP. WANTED W IrlVo jilrndv-nork for i\ few Rood hustlfm ot Rood habits nnd appear ance. C. r. Adams Co. , 1619 How ml St. OFFICE boy wanted. 1521 Dodge. _ . . , . . COLLECTORS AND DETECTIVES , local or traveling. Opportunity to earn good Income while learning profltnblo profes sion American Asioclatlon. Box 436 , Indlnnnpolls , Ind. B 1 > 15 BUSINESS men continue to call on Boylcs college for stenographers. Intending fttudcnta should bear this in mind. Bco Bldg. Tol. 1934 , B-C3) ) 17 WANTED , a ( lrt-clas.s painter. Address at once. L 17. Oec. B-C3G CHIMNEY aWEEP can Sot a big lob by addressing L 16 , Bee. B C37 WANTED , nn ncthip man or woman as ngents for a medical book for thin stalu \ and others Address Dr. F. NauUpns , L Hasting ? . Ntb. B-SI687 * I'in'SIC'IAN A rpglstcred physician wanted for special olllce practice. Address L14 , Bep. , U-MC13 WANTED clerk In store ; bright youth of 1C or 17 , Da no preferred. Address N W. Tfprlln. PilKlilnir. XV > 1 > ' nMCT.2 12 * WANTED , 200 IIIPII for tracktnyltiR on the Fort Dodge & Omaha R II. Apply to C. E Grnfton at yard oflico on Avc- nuo F nnd 12th street. Council Bluffs B-MSS7 15 NIGHT SCHOOL. BOYLES'- COMMERCIAL COLLEGE , Bee ulldliiR. Business Course , Shorthand nnd TypewrltltiK Course. ' BookkcepltiK , Penmanship , Rapid Calcula tions , Commercial Luw , etc. - DAY ecno6L. B-732 19 * MfLLWRiaHTS Wanted. Apply nt west gate Swift & Co , South Omaha. Omaha.BD1S 12 WANTED , ' A harncssmaker , bv A. E. Kemper , North Bend , Neb. B-qi7 11 WANTED , energetic nmn or woman to act U < ! local or traveling solicitor , good pay weekly. Hawks Nursery , Milwaukee , * AVIs. ' B SALESMEN and solicitors in evary town in the United States where we are not rep resented , to take orders for our high class tailoring : lowest prices over quoted ; all garments fully fruarnntppd nnd shipped anywhere , without deposit , subject to ap proval1 ; wo take all the risk ; our pales- men arc making from f "E 00 to $25000 u month ; wo tqulp you fully for business ; hnndnome ramplo/ K , stationery , adver tising matter , fashion plate" ; our Instruc tion book teaches everything perfectly ; measuring lenrnod In a few minutes by photographic. Illustrations ; largo territory to good men ; full particulars on applica tion Address American Woolen Mills Co. ( Inc ) Chicago. B WANTED A good , strong boy. Thp Omaha Box Co , East Omaha. B 313- nARBER WANTED , IliHt-cIass man , who nlajs cornet or clarionet : permanent job. A. II. Lewlb. Moirlson , 111. B-MS34 U * WANTED , a smart jpspcctable boy. Car son & Banks , 31 Barker block.BM932 B-M932 12 * WANTED , n. good expeilenced dry goods and clothing milesmnn. ono that speaks Swedish or Germnn preferred , to work In the. country Call Thursday. A. Uolz- murk , faro the Merchants' hotel B-3C1 12 rnir vi < n iinia * . WANTED. 200 girs 1521 Dodge. Tel S7C C-27S _ INTELLIGENT , middle-aged woman for useful , profitable business. : call between H and 6. Mrs. E. E. Allen. 721 N. Y. Life. C-M521 OctH niaryi Avo. 2-GG ! ) OFFICE Birl. " Hlxenbaugh. 500 Ware block. C-276 GIRL for genera ! housework. 1511 Yatca St. Take Sherman Avo. car. C SS7 11 * WANTED , mlddle-aged woman for kitchen - work ; good wages. t > 00 First avo. Coun- -cll Bluffs ' C-M90U 12 IVANTED. experienced saleslady in corset department. Apply nt Boston Store , Omaha. _ ( . ' ME99 12 GOOD gill frtr general holisuwork : good wages. 1921 Locust t1 910 12 FIRST cook wanted , must bo good conic , -Terences I , Madison Hotel , 21st nnd Chi cago. C ' 111 15 * WANTED , girl for general hou nworK. 1SO < Webster Bt C M933 12 * U'ANTIJD , gill to help with ° e.cond woik ; wages $1 per week. 1JS N. 33th st. ' C M937 13 WANTED eooi ) girl for general bonne- work. 1021 Pink IIACIIUC. C M93S 12 * WANTED , girls for von Ing ! " CJ1 N. 19th 8tT C-910 11 GIRL for general housework , smnll family , no washlns. Wl lznr < l C'-939 n WANTED-Nni-j-n glTl fgi- two ehihlret" good references n nulled Ar.sV. ( . M , Buigess , 122 North J.'nsl St C--941-12 * GIRL for general liousewoik , liimllv of J 1022 K 2th at O-MMO 12 * GIRL for general housework 270il S nth st Mrs. J. L Hill C-M9U If WANTED , ( competent cecond girl 2701 Par. nnm C-M9C1 13 WANTED , Klrl for general housework In nulro ICO Franklin ave , council Mluffs C-963 12 roii iir.xT HOUSES , HOUSES. Benewn & Co. ( 10D N 15th St. D-273 CHOICE hoiiKC . cottages , stores. Henry B Payne , 601 N. Y. Life. 'Phone , 1016. D-277 ELEGANT brick residence of Mrs M Hell mnn 2403 St. Mary's ave. D-M233 HOUSES , stores , llemls , Paxtoii block. D-27S MAUQARD Y n * . storage , 1119 Dodge. Tel , 1496 . , . , „ D-2SO riNK n-idunco , cholce'loqatlon. n rooms ul | moilorit ; ostcllcnt-ntaLilt' . Ifuinlf , Pax ton bloclt. D 2SI roil RKNT. houscsd in all parts of dtj The O 1Dal Co , 1505 Furnam street. HOUSES /orient in. all parts of the city , Brennun-LoVe Co. > S } Squth 16th street. i-ROOM house for rent , 25 So 23.1 Street. D-15 . ! 7 * HOUSES , $5 uu. Ch'rU Bgycr. 2123 Cumlng. D-M5S4 O22 roii IIINT HOUSES. 113" S 2 < TH , ii-room , nil modern , new fur- nacp newly papered , In line condition ; rent $19 per month , really desirable resi dence nnd lorn'Ion Omahn Loin nnd Truet Co 16th and Douglas. D-M1M TEN-ROOM house , all modern 2JW ffftf- ney st. D Mi < FOR RENT , " -room cottage , furnace , city nnd cistern water 2207 Sherman Aye. $27 00. Wm. J. WclshanS , Agent , 309 S. lith jj 393 . 'OH RENT ? S-room ( lctn6Jicd modern house with barn. Mil Pierce. U-W2 GOOD large Kirn for rent In north part of city. Inquire 2121 Loctut. D-MC1C Ton KENT , n very desirable residence. 8 rooma , rlo ots , purl of furniture flml parpcts for sale , all In excellent . anu sVure ° "portu"lty- NEWLY pap red and painted 9-room house , 4322 Davcnnort. Dundee , HO , also 4 rooms , 609 S. 29th St. , 1750. . . . , , W. L SELUY , m Board of Trade Building. D SSfl 11 rort RENT , Bachelor1 Hotel , 20th ami Farnam , W rooms , furniture for sale cheap. The Uyron Heed Co , 212 S 14th st. t'Oll RENT , 10-room modern limmo ana bnrn 1SOO Plnkney St. , JSi.W. J. .1 Olb- Boti , 506 1st Nat. LJanh. D-914 I'l SEVERAL. Zf V. S. Nafl Hixnk Bldjt D-917 roil HKXT. 10-room house , all modern , nice locntlcn , 312 N. 22ml si. , $13 ; Si-room housp , all modern p\cept furnace , re duced to { 27 rn. 11. C. I'Pters ft Co . 1702 iiKrnnm. D-MD5S1I 3217 CUMING ST. . S-room house * with burn , all modern. In Rood indltion ; will rent to dcsliable tenant for J20 a month Omahl Ixjan nnd Trust Co , 18th mid DouKlas. D-M95G run ui.vr : KMt.Msiinn UOO.MS. THREE furnished rooms for housekeeping mnn and wife ; rent taken In board 319 N. 17th. E OCl ROOMS , modern. 25SO Ilarney st. E M376 13 * NEWLY and elesantlv furnished modern rooms , stenm heat. 201 S. 24th s > t. _ NICELY fuinlshed room , modern , private family. 7CW Park ave. B M790 II * 21 MEALS for 1100 at the now Brunswick Hotel Cafe. 13 M 71 O1G FURNISHED front room. 610 Xorth 17th. E MOM 12 * COMFORTABLE n Inter rooms ; ffentlcmcn or housekeeping , J5 nnd up 6K S SK- teenth , Hocond Iloor. JC 31432 13 * KUIIMSIIICI ) HOOM9 VMJ 1IOAIU ) . ELEGANT rooms & board. 190S Capitol jive. TlIC Merrlam family hotel , 23th nnd DodRC. V 2jO ROOMS and board , steam heut. J61S Har- ney. F-M742 O17 BRUNSWICK Hotel Cafe Is now open. F-M674 Ol 309 S. 25T1I AVE. rooms ; private fnmllv. F-M1U Oct. 2V NICC room nnd board , reasonable240(1 ( Cass. F-217 Oct. 26 * STEAM heated room with board , 2315 DoURlas. Telephone In the housp ttlss McAusland. F MS17 11 FURNISHED rooms , with board. 316 S. 2Gth street. F MS05 14 FURNISHED rooms and board. 2013 Dong- las , r M923 13' KOll IIK.'NT I'NFUKMSIICD ROOMS. FOR RENT to man nnd wife or two ndults. 3 rooms In a mhilorn house for llcnt housekeeping. Address L 40. IJcp. von itKvr vronns AMI OFFICES. FIRST-CLASS stores , $10 to $30. Furnished barber shop. 3 chairs , JtO. HENRY B. PAYNE , 601 N. Y.'LIFE. ' I-2S3 FOR RENT , store In first-class location ; rent reasonable Apply R. 'C. Peters & Co , ground floor Bcc Bldg. I 260 FOR RENT , a ground floor office , specially sultahlo for real estate , etc. ; splendid vault built for USP of city treaaurer Ap- ? ly R. C. Peters & Co , ground floor Bee tullding. 1-267 NEW IDEA restaurant , 103 S. 14th St. En quire at Huberman's jewelry store. I-SSO 11 AGHNTS WAITED. BEST" gnsollno gas lamps ; world's larg est factory ; agents wantpd In pverv town. The "Best" Light Co. , 31S S 15th Omaha. J-M220 Oct 27 EXPERIENCED organizers for Missouri , Oklahoma , Ind Ter or Ark This is a progressive order , making good paying contracts with experienced solicitors Acme Fraternal Union , Sedalla , MoJ J 31 AGENTS earn J8 dally ; 1314 Farnam street , J M$93 16 RELIABLE man to handle agents for telephone - phone tablets and specialties , pays $5 ( OC per year ; enclose .siamp. victory \ug. Co , Clovcland. Oh'o ' ' J MSG3 12 * \OENTS WANTED. MEN AND WOMEN. Tfo want one good agent , either man or woman , in e/prv town In the United Btateii to take orders for men's , women's and children's waterproof mackintoshes nnd lalncoats , also laclios * waterproof skirts and capes. Men and women make HOV ( ) tc J30 PO a week In tholr own town taking orders for our waterproof gar ments. Wo fVrnlsh large samples , beauti fully Illustrated sample book" and complete - pleto outfit. Instruct you how to do the work t < nd pay you once a week In cash. For partUulani rnall this 'notice to the Dundee Rubber Corporation , ChlfAgo , III. J- = WAXTEIJ TO HKXT. WANTED , fi or 7-room house with bath room within 10 blocks of Bee Bldg. , for $18 or less rent. L 39 , BPC 1C 913 12 * WANTED i or I unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping , close In Address. orL II. Bee K-912-11 * STOII voi : . ACIPIC Storage nnd Warehouse Co. , 912- 914 Jones , general btorago and forwarding , 2Si AVA.M'UIJ TO HUY. ALL kinds Of household goods hotel ? , etc. . In laige or Miiull quantities Chicago Fur- nlti-r-3 Co. , 140U-10 Dodge Tel 20:0N N 291 WANTED small amount of Omaha Sav ing * bank accounts , Address L 7 , care Bee goon , statins price , N 559 1,000 BASE BURNERS nnd other stovi es wanted Don't hPll before eng | Joe ese vlne Drop card nnd mnn will cull. High- eat market price 304 N. 16th cor Dav. N-MS03 O19 WILL purchase n limited number of Omahn Sa\lnps bank accounts. Brennan- Love Co . 219 S. 16th St N-M197 ' - - BARGAINS C. F. Harrison A Gee T Morton. N-1S5-0-25 * SAFE , state make , size nnd Price me Farnnm N M61I Nov 3 WANT to buy good homo or choice lot near Hanscom park. Address 1.31 , BeeNMS N-MS IS WANTED , Omaha real estate , bargains only. Garvln Bros , 1613 Farnam N-MS30 15 fELL > our furniture at auction Bee us unit hn\e a residence wile Yen get high est can ! ) price Cla > Auction Co 620 North 16th ft N M915 15 * roii Mir K STOVES. STOVES' no reasonable offer re fused Neb Pur Co. , 1119 Dodgo. Tel 119-J O-JI1-O19 19re ARE YOU talking of tovei7 If jou are , tome to ee our line of 2nd-hnnd sloven The quality and low prices will Astonish lou. J , Lewis , 101 S Hth StO O 635 Nov. 3 roii s vin .MISC nii\MOIS. CHEAPEST nnd best onk cribbing : nnd hog fence 901 Douglas St Q 745 FINE Slelnway upright piano for sale cheap. eiRh or time payments Address ! J 47 , Bee offiee Q-M52-Oct. lb SAFES-B'uy. sofirexchonge 114 S. 13th St. < Q-293 ' B. HAAS. Florist. ISIS Vlnton St. Tel. 776 Plants , cut flowers , boqitots , hall , real- ' dence. wedding nnd grave decorations Orders by mall or express promptly filled Q-J96 i ICE In cor lots. Gilbert Bros. Co. Bluffs. Q-M311 I'OR SALE-Ten R-I-P-A-N-S for 5cent nt riruKRlsts. One Rives relief Q 295 CUTTERS of dntff prices' Sherman .t Me- Connell DritR Co , 1513 DodRO St. Q-197 I 1 2D-HAND safe cheap. Dprlght , 111C Farnam Q-301 INDIAN relics ; mounted heads. 1116 Fnrnnm.c Q-293 flllSCELLAMIOtS. NOTICE Country dealers , 2d hnnd furn'tre & stoves nt lowest prices , carload lots or less. Chicago Furnltuie Co . 1406-10 Dodge. R-303 CALENDARS for J900. Burklcy Printing Co. Jl-392 O29 WANTED , location for a flour mill nnd mill machinery faetorj Address P. O. Box 498 , Sioux City , Iowa R-M675 17 * PARTIES wlshlntr to contract to do work In movlnt ; earth please correspond with the Standard Cattle Co. , Ames. Neb R MGS6 12 Cfc.UHVOYAVI'S. DH L R HARRIDEN CLAIRVOYANT. LIFE READER , OCCULT SCIENTIST. FEATS THAT BAFFLE BELIEF AND STAGGER COMPREHENSION. MANY IMITATE , nt'T NONE CAN EQUAL Gives advice to make you successful In love , business , marriage , divorce , lawsuits , ete , locates mines , buried treasure , cures drunkenness , , bad habits , evil Influences , etc , UNITES THE SEPARATED. Never falls to cail o speedy and happy marrlaKes , guarantees success In all cases. RESTORES SICK TO HEALTH. DR HARRIDEN diagnoses ca = es by simply touching the patient , instantly lo cating the > e.it of trouble , and by his won derful power of OCCULT SCIENCE remov ing the cause , a speedy cure Is the result In all casp.s PERMANENT RESIDENCE. 602 S llT ST. COR JACKSON. ALL \VI1O CANNOT CALL UPON THIS GIFTED MAN WRITE. INCLOSING STAMP FOR PARTICULARS. Hours , Da m. to S p. m. : lady attendant. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED IN ALL READINGS OR POSITIVELY NO FEE ACCEPTED. OPEN SUNDAYS. REFERENCES : Best banks , mcienants nnd business men In the city. S SS2 12 MME. GYLMEH genuine palmist , 1603 Dodge S-301 MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant , S17 N. 16th.S303 S-303 MRS DR HART , clairvoyant. All business confidential. Hours 9 to 8 ; 213 N. ISth S M&9I 13 * AIASSAUI3 A.ND IIATIIS. MRS BERRY. BATHS. MASSAGE. Parlors best equipped in city. Porcelain tub ; litdv attendants. 119 N , 16th. opp. P. O. , 2nd floor. T M212 Oot. 26 * MME. AMES , R. 2 , 507 S. 13 ; massage Uaths. T M747 O17 * MISS DE CAMO , vapor sponge baths , mas sage , magnetic treatment ; expert attend ants ; Ist-class patronage solicited 1615 Howard. 3d floor. T M754 O1S MISS JUNE , massage : baths ; Arabian treatment ; attendant. 313H N. 15th : flat J. T M590 12 * MME. SMITH , room 2 , HSVS North 15th. T 914-17 * ELITE PARLORS , 2025 Farnam , Upstairs , lirst-clnss baths , mas age , magnetic treatment. Lady attendants. T M927 S3 * I'UHSsONAL. PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & dur ing confinement ; babies adopted. 1136 N 17. U-7E9 Mi MONHEIT , leading ; chiropodist , trettsnll ailments of feet , both ladles gentlemen. Ladles' halrdrosslng. hair goods and toilet preparations. Treatments of scalp , face , hands or feet ; 20 j cars' experience , 10 > ears in Omaha : best equipped establishment In clt > . 1518 I'.lrnam ; take elevator ; 2nd floor _ VIAVI Is voman's way to health. 346 Bee Bldg. U 76l XJiUBt * * 'UJ. DR. BOY. chiropodist ; corns and superfluous hair removed by electricity , tfoom 12 , Frenzer block. U 753 FINE harawood floors , parquetry work , guaranteed , best reference In town right prices. Frank Sevlck. 193S S. ISth , dm ha" U-501 Oct. 13 BATHS , massage. Mmo. Post , 319'A S 15th ' U-M173 RELIABLE home for ladles before and confinement , and . durlnp t.u 11 * * - " * * * treatment of all . . , , , , i.iiicjn UI Ii .i-f . , . . troubles peculiar to tvrtmon . Address I O. Box 757 , Omaha. U M53S Octl6 FOR money see Pleasants , 64 Barker blk. U MSSS O22 * JOHN. If you will bur mo a doz. banlttprs (25c ( ) I will meet you at the Brunswick Hotel Cafe and nil will be forgiven. Mary. U M673 O16 TOR PARTIES , etc. , engage Edison's Grand Concert Phonograph , with .50 selec tions and operator. JG per evening. Leave ordcrc 3 days In advance with the Omaha Phonograph Co , 319 N. 16th , dealers in phonograph le-cords and supplies Write for catalogue. U M175 Oct. 23 PLEATING and pleated skirts of all klnda M. Goldman & Co. , 200 Douglas blk. U-26S Oct23 BITTER hospital ; confinement cases taken ; babies adopted. 2211 Seward. Tel. 2233 U-M388 029 DR. DAVIS , specialist , 16th nnd Dodge. U M4vO O31 RUPTURE CURED. AVe cure all forms of rupture without pain or detention from business , Sund for circulars. Emplro Rupture Cure , 932 N. Y. Life , Omaha. U-554'03l DR. MITTELSTADT , dentist. 334 Bee Bide. U-MG55 Nov4 FACIAL massage. 50c ; hnlrdrepslng , 35c ; shampooing . Me. Miss Ilubbard , 4K McCacilP Bldg. U-S8I Nov. S WANTED , address of widow under SO , with small chlldicn ; mubt be hialthj ; no other need to reply Addrets L 43 , Bee. U S1935 13 * NOTICE to propeity owners , all requir ing lire escapes , either outside or Inside or automatic , will save money by calling n J. J. Derlght & Co , lilt ) Farnam st U M957 Nov. 11 I ANYONE in Omaha or Council Bluffs knowing the whereabouts of Mits Sophia Hanson will confer u fa\or b > sending her address to S , Bee Olllce , Council Bluffs. U-S62 14 .MO.MVTO L.OAN-HUAI , ESTATE. MONEY o loan on first-cUss improved city property or fcr building purposes. Pa > ne- harder Co. , M. Y Life. W-762 MONEY to lean on Improved Omaha rea estate. Brer.nan-Love- . , 319 So ICtt W 7 4 i c PER CENT ; also private funds. Chan - E Wll'lamson. ' W-776 MONEY to loan on Nebraska end Iowa ; farms ; lowest rates. Brennan-Love Co. ' , 119 15 16th. Omaha , W-76S WRITE us If you want a loan on your farm in Jon a. easurn Neb. or Mo. ; It will pa' you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N.v.j W-772 FIVE PliR CENT money on or before flv. years on Nebraska lands and Omaha rea estate. W. B. Melkle , 401 S. 15th Bt. Bt.W775 5nn , 6 4 , 6 per ct. loans In Omaha. So. Omahn W H Thomai" " , 503 1st Nut. Bk. Tel , ie ; W-771 PEH CENT money. Bemla , Paxton B1U W-763 i tl.OOO and upwards to loan on improved city property and /arms. W. Farnam Smltr & Co. . 132 ( > Fainam. W-7 -6 CHEAP MONEY. HARRISON & MORTON. ! W 760-CM7 * 6 PER cent loam. Garvln Urpt. , 1613 Farnam W-770 [ UO.MY TO 1,0\NIIUAL ESTVTI : . WANTED clly and farm loans ; nl o bonds and warrant * . R. C. Ptters & Co , 170J Farnjin St. . Bte Bldg. W 771 HOC TO tt.OOO. F. D. Weaa , ICth & Douglas. W-765 LOANS. Pott r-Sholea Co. , SID N. Y. Life. IV 7e 2ND mt on farms. Prltchard , 21C 8. isth st. i. _ W-M570 Nov 2 * ; 7oo,000.6jrTO ( INVEST ThrotichBankers. j Brokers : , Promoters , -end for circular , Investors' Directory. N. Y. W 167 MO.NU10 LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions on their personal - sonal note without endorsement or secur ity , strictly confidential , and at ONE-HALF THE USUAL RATES. Before borrowing reo us , as you will find It I greatly to your advantage , wo ore the oldest , largest and only Incorporated loan company In Omaha. F. W. Truax. Msr. , 119 Board of Trade Bids. , 16th and Far nam Sts Telephone 2W5. X 783 MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , horses , cows , Jewelry. Duff Green , R. 8 , Barkerhlk , X 1$2 . MONEY loaned salaried p ople holding per manent position with responsible concerns upon their own names , without security ; easy payments. Tolman , 70S N. T. U Bldg. MONEY loaned on furniture , rls . bicycles , diamonds , watches , etc. ; moments unknown - known to friends. Omaha Loan Binlc , 1418 Tarnam , upstair * . X isl MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , pianos , horses , cows , etc. 3 W. Tayloi , 403 Kurbach block , 12 to 6:30 : P. m MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE conndentially. holding permanent positions. on their own name without pndorter , mortgage or security of any kind. On re- "n " cns-y weekly or monthly payments. Omaha Credit Co. , C. E. Jennings , Mcr. . suite 523-523 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. X-iSO MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions with re sponsible firms without mortgage or MC- curlty of nny kind except their own names on nen plan , which Is a pure building and loan sjstcm , with ca y pay ments to suit yourpclf. Our business Is positively private and confidential , no ono outside of ourselves will know anything of the transaction. American Loan Co. , Room 601. Bec bldg. X iS4 MONEYTO LOAN ONMONE \ HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. PIANOS , * HORSES. CARRIAGES , * j LOW RATES-EASY PAYMENTS. * You can pay the money back In any amounts > ou wish and nt any time. Eich payment so made lessens the cost * of earning the loan _ OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . . W SOUTH IGTH STREET * MONEY- -MONEY x-ioi MONEY loaned on planoJ , furniture , jew elry , horses , cows , etc. C. F. Reed , 319 S. 13 , X J79 LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE on their personal note without security. Rates reasonable. J W. TaUor. 401 Kar- bach block , 12 to 6:30 : p. m Xi-M3S6O2- > IJDSIXKSS CIIA.NCKi. MERCHANDISE STOCK-A clean stock of dry goods , furnishing goods and clothing ; owner will exchange for farm or city property. Lock Drawer. 1S04. Y-M717 S5C BUYS a doa banltters , a doz ovsters or any meal at the Brunswick Hotel Cafe. Y M670 O16 THE NEW SNOW-CHURCH COMPANY Is the only company that collects all klndi of debts and has a correspondent In every town In United States Send your ac counts to 5th floor , Karbach Blk , W. H. Green. President. Y M11S .iANGE hotel for > rent. Wishing to retire from business , I will plther rent my en tire hotel or retain the rooms and rent the dlnlngroom separate Hotel first class nnd modern in every respect. Tor par ticulars call at premises , G04 So 13th St. , Y 391-O13 FOR SALE , established 4busines.s. 70S N. 16th. , , , T M592NO. 2 FOR SALE or trade , complete nlckel- platlnB plant. Omaha Bicycle Co , 32 ] N. ICth. Y M46 IUST bo sold at once nt a great sacrifice , a peed pa > lng business , clearing from J75 to $ SO a week ; owner must go to Europe. For particulars see H. II. Wctzel man ager Omaha Phonograph Co. , 319 N : Ibth St. , Midland Hotel block. Y MS04 16 'WO-STORY ' frame building. 11 rooms , restaurant , half block from center of town Crete ; price. $1GOO. or exchanged for good land In Sallno county. Address H. Sch , Lock Box 103 , Crete , Neb T7 * 319-3 1C O PHYSICIANS : Falling health fortes mo to offer for sale at a low cash figure a reputable , well established specialty bu lncfis in Omaha ; business now clears more than $200 per month , and can bo pushed to 3 times this sum within a jcnr ; full Investigation Invited. Address L 42 , Omaha Bec. Y M949 IS * FOR EXCHANGE. IALF Interest In good paying patent med icine business for good property. L 22 , Bee. Z 693 15 w ANTED , to exchange , piano for driving horso. buggy or heavy team. Gee E. Hill , 1313 Farnam. X 51930 li WANTED , a piano for UPO In church In exchange for Its ptor.igp. Address nt once H I. Bettls , 421 No. 40th / MSliO 12 * I'OIf. SAM3 HHAfc CSTATI3. . SELECTED BARGAINS ( October 11 , 1S99. ) 8 lots near Ames Avo. , $1,000. 5 acres West Center , $075. 40 ncres West Center , $125 nn acre. 20 acres West Center , $125 nn acre. Aero in Brighton , J125. 30 ncros ne.lr So. Omaha , $1,100. Improved 10 near Hanscom Park , $ .ICOO. , 120 near So , Omaha , flno youtiff orchard , good bulldliiRS , $50 un acre. 120 Sarpy Co. , small buildings , 70 acres cultivated , $25 an aero. 40 Sarpy Co , $1,000. Best ICO In Sarpy Co. , between Springfield and Gietnn , good buildings no better farm anywhere , $ $ ,0X ( > . HOUSES AND LOTS. $11,000 , ono of the befct houses In Hanscom Place , lot 60\24J , on the corner fronting cast ; pavement pd. 8-room house on Hist near the park , $4,200 ; un elegant homo. $1,500 , S-room housio on Georgia AM ; , near church , ochool , Bt , cur. $5,000 , 9-room house , corner lot , Hniibcom Place , opposlto M. E. church. $1,700. house nnd lot fronting1 east on the flower garden of park , $1,300 , full lot 23th St. near Woolworth , liouso rents $111 > early. $2M > 0 , 2 houses nnil Rood barn , Bo. 3Jnd Ave. , handy to both cities. $900 , 2 lots So. 32nd Ave. $4,750 , line house West Farnom. $1,200 , elegant lot West Farnam. C. F. HARRISON & GEO. T'MORTON ' , 912 & 913 N. Y. LIFE. TELEPHONE 311 or 250 , SPECIAL TODAY , House & full lot So. 2Sth St. , $1SOO. House on flower garden of park , $4,700. House West rarnam , $4,750. $ S,500 , central rental block. Farm near So Omaha , $50 nn acre. JIE-93S-11 * HENRY B PAYNE. C01 N Y LIFE BLDG. Real Estate , Rentals , l ans , Insurance RE-347 IF IT IS South Omaha real estate jou want to buy or sell communicate with O'Nelli's Real Estate Agency. RE-330 ! FOR SALE , 610 acres of land , worth $35 per acre : will ll for $21 per acre Ttiojjjron Reed Co , 213 S Hth St. RE-3M KOll SALE Hi : VI , KSTATU. BARGAINS , real estate. Chrld Ho > er 213 Cuinlng RE-M913 O2J COTTAOE niul Int OxW"SM 10tc housp , modern , born , full lot , linns * com ( Place. W.OCO V D Wr.AU , 1621 Douglis RE 151 KAVE you omp lot * to sell' Now Is the time to dl po e of them ; let the proplp know that jou wint to dl po o of them Tlla Bee reaches the people who hive the _ money HE S 6 COlTN LAN133 H.UmisON & MORTON Nebraska's corn crop , 800.000 COO bushel * RE-203 O14 * HOt'SES , lots , farms , linds , loans , al o tire Insur.ince Bcmls. P.avton blk RE 839 TOR SALE , my elegant home , 20:0 Webster Ft. , small amount down , balance atnp. us rent , If desired Address C D Blbbins , Hotel Spokane , Spokane , Wash RE-M593 NO2 SNAPS In real estate. , money to loan. L L Johnson Co. , 3H S 15th street. RE-310 FOR SALE , handsome 10-room modprn res idence , large lot nnd shad ? trees ; Icentrnlly located , cheapest residence In Omaha , part trade considered Call or address , If jou mean bulnc * , 1W N 15th street. RE-C01 SO ACHES , with crop , machinery , hornci. home , barn , within 11 miles of Omaha noptoflloo , price only $4,500. $95' ' for ll\e-room house nnd 10tx(23 ( feet , * outhwcst of Hanspom pirk. $3,300 for two houses nnd KlxSl feet , north east corner 26th and Cuinlnu streets ; rental $350 per year Submit offer $3,500 for nine-room modern house , barn , on West rarnam street , Farm lands within 25 miles of Omaha from $20 to Jr > f > per acre JOHN N. FRENZER , OPP. OLD P O. HE M173 MODERN. S-room cottage , 1 blocks of Hanccom Park ; hot water heat , cistern burn , ull In flt-flt-cln s condition $321000 , one-thlrd cash , balance C per cent. Chas. Battcllc , attorney , 1506 Dodge St. CASH CUSTOMERS FOR FARM LAN D. The Byron Reed Co. , 212 S. Hth St. RE o4l LANDS , farms nnd prairie bargains. W. C. VnuRhn. Abstractor , Stnnton , Neb * * CAM. . If you \\Mi to buv or sell real estate WP havp linrRnln1' and huyerfl St. J 1CENNARD & SOX. Suite 310 nrown Block. ni5 THE best birKaln on tlic outh sldo Is that trict. 110x150 , nt the corner of 21 t and "Curlew Laiio , " ono block south of now boulevard ard Rood sihool. peed nelRh- bnrhood ; t\\o blni-Us from South Omahu cir ; best plice In Omaha to build cottuses for rent or sale size 140x150 Will sell part or nil at ver > low Usurps for a few dn\d OeoiRO O Wallace , Brown Block , IGth and DotiRlas HE-SIC 14 AHSTHVCTS 01TITI.K. . HARRIS Abstnrct Co. , 423 Reo Building 335 TYPEWRITERS for rent , J4 00 per month . The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co , lt,25 I'lirnam St Telephone 12S4. 310 WE RENT nnd sell the beit typewriters made , largest stock of supplies In Omaha. United Typewriter & Supply Co , 1C12 Fnr- nam. " ' REMINGTON Standard typewriter nnd sup plies 1019 Fnrnam. 343 THE Ollvpi Typewriter , viable wrltlnR , heaviest rmnlfolder and cuU thp nnpit 'tenc-ll ; see pvhlblt Liberal Arts bide. , OreatPtr America Exposition. Tel 3270. J S Stewart , Special Agent , 31S'A 9. Fif teenth street , Omaha. 349 TYPEWRITERS , secondhand. 111G rarnam. 350 OfeTKOPATHV. JOHNSON , OstPopathlc Institute , 515 N. Y Llfo BUlg. , Alice Johnson. D. O. , ladles' dept. ; Old E. Johnson , osteopathlst. mgr 51 E DONOIIUE. D. O. , of Still school. Klrksvllle. Mo. . G04 Paxton blk. Tel. 13R * . 331 SHOIITIIAM ) A n TYI'n\VniTIM : . , A. C Van Sant's School. 717 N. Y. Life. 313 AT OMAHA Bus. College , IGth & Douglas. BOYLE'S school ; court reporter principal , Bee BldR. 345 VAN SANT'S night school of shorthand nd bookkeeping begins October 2 , Mon day , Wednesday nnd Friday pvenlugs ; J3 per month for either branch : touch typewriting given special attention.M . M 53G IOST. LOST lady's gold watch , Elgin movement. Plonso return to 203 1st National bank. Suitable reward offered. Lost M921 13 * 1'AWMUIOKKHS. JEFFERSON riquare Loan Office. 418 , N. 10. 351 EAGLE Loan Office , reliable , accommodat ing ; all business confidential. 1301 Doughis. MOXI5Y TO I.OAX. 4 PER CENT up , $5,000 to $500,000 Western defaulted mortgages bought. Life insur ance loaned on and bought ; lapsed poli cies bought. If can be reinstated FARM AND CITY LOANS. F. A. Stroup , Fi nancial Agent , 615 Paxton Block. M939 18 MEDICAL. LADIES Free , harmless monthly regula tor , cannot fall. Mr3. B. Rowan. Mllawu- ke . WIs. 652-0-10 * LADIES , Chlchester's English Pennvroynl pills nro the best ; safe , reliable ; take no other ; send 4c , stamps , for pirtlculars , "Relief for Ladles , " In letter bv return mail. At druggists Chlchester Chemjcal Co . Philadelphia. Pn. " " ' ll Acronmox MRS. A. C. MARK , 17th and Farnam Sis. OMAHA STEAM LAUNDRY , city towel nuppl > ; shirts , So ; collars , 2c ; cuffs , 4e ; underwear , 6c. 1750 Loavenworth Tel 5157 ' M Mfl-Dec 14 IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy. 2216 Daven port M 079 Nov 6 * TICKET CUT RATE railway and stcamPhlp tickets : excursion tickets bought nnd wld. P H , Phllbln. now locations , 1309 and 1505 Far- num Ebt 18S9 Member G. T. B , Assn 350 WAVI'IJI ) TO IIOIlHOW. WANTED , to borrow $3000 for 2 years at 6 per cent interest on first-class collateral security by responsible party Tor par ticulars address1 L 23 , Bed office officeMS01 -MS01 12 DR 8HEPARD. 312 Now York Life , spe cialties , catanh and kindred diseases , consultation free nt ofllcu or by mall. ! Llteralum and question sheets sent everywhere. M 537 HO'IEI.M. TRY the Henderson Hotel ; board and room $100 pur ueuk , gae , steam heat , and batliB , Ninth und Farnam Sis. 339 .M ; AMI STI'TTIIII ' > G. CURED , Jul'a Vaughn , 430 Rams * Bldg 361 TAILORING. LADIES' JACKETS , men's clothlns. al tered latest stile * and cleaned Max _ Fneel. 307 S. 17th. M2&7 O2a SHIRTS to order from | l 50 to $3 Kelley & Heyden , men's furnishers , 16th and Chicago M-2GS' iiooi , or ivxiv\ii } . FHENClI. Herman Spnnluli , H per month Prof Chatolaln. 301 iio > < l thcaur 3oS ' 111I MC \C10UV. . SEE Ot'n trunk trivellng baps , suit ca e Trunk * ropalreO. Omaha Trunk fnctory , UOO r.irnim. 60J-O16 ri IIMTI un r vcici\n. i M. S. WALKL1N. 2111 Cumlnrf Tel I'm i SOS i \CMTIC nn\i.t.xi , I Mil AND MItS A OILLET Wellmcr > y - tcm , 21th nnd fuming ; entrnnee on 21th. S79Oct12 t'OM-HEHt I M , C01l.E iis. OM Com'l Col. Rohrbough Bros . 16&D'glas r.so DENTISTS. DR. MITTELSTADT , room 534 Bee building M-T.4 Xovl IUCYCMH. NEW nnd nfcond-huud blcyclew at half price. Louis Fleseher , 1622 Capitol n\c. M-527 I'LATIXCS. BASEBURNERS replated , nil kinds of pint Ins. Omaha PlatliiR Co , Bee Bide 357 H \IttV VTIJII3 TA1II.CS. i CHICAGO , ST. PAUL , Minneapolis & Omaha Railway "The North- wcMorn Line" General Olllces , Nebraska Dlvl- tdon , loth und Webster _ - 6tB , City 'iicket OHlco , 1401 Farnum St. Telephone , 661. Depot , 15th and Webster Sts. Leave. Arrlvo. Twin City Express ( for Sioux City. St. Paul & Minneapolis ) a 6:00 : am Omaha Pnriengur a 7:00 : pm BUIr , Ernerson. Sioux City , Ponca , Hartlnic- ton and Bloomlleld..b 1:00 : cm b2:10 : pm No. 2 Twin City IVt'd..a 5Cu : pra No. 1 Omaha Limited. . . a 9:00 : am a Dully , b Dally ; xceDt Sunday. JCHICAQO A : jNOUTH- western Railway "Tho Northwestern. Line" City Ticket OiTlce , 1401 Farnam Street. Tele- phono. 6G1. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone - phone , 29. Leave. Arrlvo. Daylight Chlcngo Spe cial a 6:40 : am nii5S ; pm Carroll Local b 5.23 pui blO:10 : am Castcrn Express , DCS Mollies , Marshalltown , Ccclnr Raplda and Chicago cage all:03 : am a 4:05 : pm Atlantic Flyer , Chicago and East a 1:53 pm a 4C6 : pm Fait Mall , Chicago to Omaha a 2:45 : pm Omaha-Chicago Special.a 7:03 : pm a 8:15 : am Fast Mail 8JO : am ' a Dal'y b Daily except Sunday. FREMONT , ELKHORN & Missouri Valley Rail road "The Northwestern Line" General Olllcps. United States National Bank Bldg. , Southwest Corner Twelfth and Far- n m Streets. Tlcltet olllce , 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone , 501. Depot , 15th and Weostcr Streets. Telephone , 1453. Leave. Anlve. Black Hllis. Deadwood , Hot Springs a 3:00 : pm a 5:00 : pm Wyoming , Casper and Douglas d 3:00 : pm d 5:00 : pm Hnntings , York , David City , Superior , Geneva , Exeter and Sowurd..b 3:00 : pm b 5:00 : pm Norfolk. Verdlgro and Fremont b 7:30 am blO:2S : ama Lincoln , Wahoo and Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:2o : am Fremont Local . . , c 7:30 : am a Dally b Daily except Sunday. 6 Sun- lay only. el Dally except Saturday. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "The North- v cetera Line" General OillcBS. United States National Bank Building. 8. W. Corner Twelfth arid Farnam Streets. Ticket Oince , HOI Farnam Street , Tele phone , 5bl. Depot. Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , 629. Leave. Arrive. Sioux City , Mankato & St. Paul , Minneapolis..a G.50 am a 8:40 : tm St. Paul , Minneapolis , Mankato & Sioux City.a 5:23 : pm all:00 : pm Sioux City Local a 7:45 am a 4:30 : pm a Daily. UNION PACIFIC "THE OVERland - land Route" Gereral Offices N. E. Cor. Ninth and rarnam Streets. City Ticket Office , 1302 Farnam Street. Telephone S16. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets , Telephone. 629. Leave. Arrive. "Tho Overland Limited" for Utah. Idaho , Men- tana. California , Oregon gen and Washington points a 8:40 : am a 4:33 : pm The Colorado Spuilal for Denver and all Colorado points all:5S : pm a 6:30 : am Pacific Express for Denver , Salt Lalio. 1'acillc Coant and all western points b 4:23 : pm a 6:30 : am Lincoln , Beatrice and Stromsburg Express . .b 4:25 pm b 1:20 : pm Fremont , Columbus , Nor folk , Grand Island and North PJatte a 4:23 : jim b 4:35 : pm Columbus Local b 7:30 pm b 8:30 : am North Platte Local a 1:20 pm South Omaha Local Pass. Leaves , C:20 : a m. ; 7:09 : a. m. ; 10:10 : a. m. ; 3:03 : p. m. Arrives 10:45 : a. m. : 330 ; p. in. ; 5:25 : p. m. : 6 p. m Council Bluffs Local Leases , 5:2o : o. "m 6:40 : a m. ; 6.60 a. m. ; 7:33 : u. m. : 8:30 : a. m. b 10:45 a. m. ; 1.25 p , m. : 2:15 : p. m.4K ; : p. m. 5:25 : p. m. ; 6-53 p. m. ; 6:65 : p. m. ; 10:30 : p. ra Arrives. C:20 : a. n > . ; 7:20 : a. m ; 8:15 : a m. 8:45 : a. m. ; 11:30 : . . . . a. m. ; J.05 p. m. ; 4.03 p. m.i 6.55 p. m. ; t > :30 : p. m. , 7:30 : p. in. ; 9.33 p. m. : 11.00 p. m ; 11:55 : p. m. a Daily , b Dally except Sunday. OMAHA & ST. IXDUIS JIAIL- roaa Omaha , Kansas Cltv & Eastern Railroad "Tha Qulncy Route" Tlckot or- flee , 1415 Farnam Btreot. Telephone , 322. Depot. Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone - phone , t-'J. k * * ' Arrive. . . Louis Cannon Ball Express a 4:50 : pm a 8:33 : arn Kanuaa city and Qulncy Local a 7:15 : am a 8:50 : pm a Dally. CHICAGO , BURLINGTON ' & Qulncy Railroad "Tho Burlington Route" Ticket : Office. l 02 Farnam St. Tel. 250. Depot Tenth & Mason Streets , Tele ! phone , 310. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Spec- clal a 0:40 : am Chicago Vestlbuled Ex.a 5 05 pm a 8:05 : am Chicago Express a 9:30 : am a 4:05 : pm Chicago & fit. L , Exa 7:45 : pm u 803 ; urn Pacific Junction Locala0:45 : am Faet Malt , . , a 2:46 : pm a Dally. ft MIS- . . - - - - - Bourl River Rallroad- "The BurllnKton llouto" General Offices , N , o"W. Cointr Tenth nnd Tar- nam Streets. Ticket Offlcft , 1502 . rarnam Depot Tenth and Makon sTreets ne < Telephone 'M. ' - phone 310. Leave. Arrlvo. Lincoln , Hastings and McCook a 8,40 am a 7:40 : pm Lincoln. Denver , Colorado rado , Uliih , California.a 4:25 : pm a 3:55 : Dm Black Lincoln , Hills. Montana & Puset Sound a 4:25 : pm a S.OO ira Lincoln Loral a 7:00 : pm alO:35 : am ! C,8-t.AIall--va : 8W : I'm alO.35 arc Utnver , Colorado , Utah & California . . . a C.30 am a Dally. KANSAS CITY , fit Jo. ? . -ouncll Bluffa Railroad " "Thp Burlington " is- ton Route"-TIckct Office 1503 Fanam Hlieet. Tcio- phone. 230. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele , phone. 310. Arrive Kansas City Day Ex .a 9:30 : am a 545 ; pm Kansas Cly Night Ex .aio.15 rm u C.BO am St Louh Flyer xor St. Joseph and fit Loils"'a 1:55 ) : pm alll5 : am a Dally , W A B A B II HAILROAD- Ticket nm Farnutn Str&ot. . , . - . pot , Tenth anil "Mason btrccts. Tclpchono , C29 Leave. Arrive , Bt. Louis "Canon Ball" Exrircaa , , a 4:50 : pm a S.35 am u Dally. u VIMV.W Tnu : TAIII.I : . nnd & Pacific Railroad "The Oreat ock Ia | . nnd Route , " City Tick. * t OClcc , 1J2J Fiirnam Street , Telephone , 4JJ Des Molncs Local . .a IM am bll:3o : arn Chicago Express . . . . bll 15 nm n s 10 nm Chicago Fist Expre s . .i 5 ( XI pm n l.3 pm Bt. Paul Fast Express . .a 5.00 pm bll j ama Lincoln. Colorado Spgs , Denver , Pueblo ami Wcat , . & 1:50 : pm a 4 : < 3 pm Des Molne * . Rock Isl- and and Chicago n. 7:2fi : pm a C'V pra Coloindo jfe Texas Fiyer.a 0.4U pm : W * Dally b Dflly except bunday. MISSOURI PACiriC RAILroad - road General Ofllces anil Ticket Oillco * Southeast Cor ner 14th and Douglas Sis. Telephone , 101. Depot. 15lb nndVcbstcr Sets , Tclephono 1153. , . Leave. Arrive , OtNeb Neb Limited .u SM : urn nl2K3 : pm K , C.-St. L. Express..a 9:50 : pm a 6CO . Nebraska lxcnl via Weeping Water b 5:03 : pm a Df5 nm ft Dally , b DAlly cxceut Sunday , CHICA(4O , .MIIAl'AtTKKn & BU Paul Hallway-City Tlckot Otllce , 1501 Farnam Btrcet. Telephone SSI. De- pit. Tenth nnd Mason Sts. Telephone , C"9. _ Loave. Arrlvo. Chicago Limited TX. . . .a 5li : pm n 8.ID nm Chlcaro & Omaha Ex . .oil.00 am b 3:54 : pra Blouir City & DCS Molno * . . . . Expro a bll'09 am b 3 & 5 pra a Dnlly. b 3x-iy ! : except Sunday. I'ObTOKJ-ICK > ( Shoii'd bs rend dally by all Interested , as rhonRBt may oocur nt any time. ) I-'oreUn niitllp for the wi-el < ending Oc tober 11 , 1W. ) , Will close ( PROMPTLY III all cases ) at the gcncril iKistofilce ns fol lows : PARCELS POST MAILS clone ono hour earlier than closing tlmfc shown be low. Trniin-Atliinllo MnlU. TIIURSDAY-At 7 iiin. for EUROPE , per s * . Columbia' , via Cherbourg. Southampton nnd llambuiK. SATUKDAY-At 7 11 in. for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND , ITALY. SPAIN , POR TUGAL. TURKEY. EGYPT and BRIT ISH INDIA , per s. t. La Champagne * . A In Havre ( letters for other pirts of Europe must bo illrected "per s. P. La Champagne" ) , nt S u in ( supplement- no ! i.(0 ( a. m ) for EUROPE , per s. 8. r.MHRIA * . via Qupeiistow-n , at 8 n m. for NETHERLANDS direct , per M. . Slaatendam , via Rotterdam ( letters must bo directed "per H s. Stuiitendiim" ) ; at Ji a in for ITALY , per s P. Ems , via Naples ( lettets must bo directed "per n. w Ems" ) ; lit 10 u 111. for SCOTLAND direct , per H. s City of Rome ( letters must bi directed "per s. H City of Rome" ) ; nt 11 n m for NORWAY ll- reel , per P s. Ilekla ( letters must be directed "per H y. Ilekla" ) . Printed Matter , etcOerman steamers Balling ; on Tuesdays takfe printed mutter , etc for Germany nnd specially ad dressed printed matter , etc. , tor other parts of Europe. American and "Whlto Star ntcamcrs on Wednesday. German steamers on Tmn aaj.i , ami Cunnrd , French and German steamers on Satur days take printed matter , ute , for all countries for which they are advertised to parry ma.I. After the closing of the Mupplcmcntary Transatlantic1 malls named above , addi tional supplementary mails are opened on the piers ot the American , English , French and German steamers * , ami rp- maln open until within ten minutes or the hour of sailing of steamer , Mnll for SiniUi nncl Central America , AVmt Imllc-n. l < u. THURSDAY At 1 n. ir 'o > - JAMAICA , per steamer from Philadelphia. , at 11 a. m ( hiipplenunt.irv ll'W a m ) for CURASAO and VENEZUELA , per s s. Hlldur ( letters for Savanllla and Cartlia- gena. must be directed "per s s Hlldur ) : at 1pm ( Hiipplementars' 1:30 p. m ) for NASSAU , GUANTANAMO and SANTI AGO , per s , s Saratoga. SATURDAY At 10 n m for LA PLATA COUNTRIES direct , per s. s. Persian Prince ; nt 10 n m ( supplementary 10.30 a. in ) for BERMUDA , per s. s Trinidad ; at 10 a. in ( supplementary 10-30 H. an. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. SA- VANILLA , CARTHAGENA and GREY- TOWN , per s M Alene ( letters for CoHta Rica -must be directed "ser s. s. Alene" ) ; at 10 it. m for .NEWFOUNDLAND , per s. s. Silvia' at 11 a m. for CUBA , Via Havana per s. s. Havana ( letters must bo illrected "pur , . s Havana" ) ; nt 1 p. m. for NUKVITAS. GIBARA , BAHACOA and PUERTO PADRAE , per s. s. Curl- SUNDAY-At 8:30 : p. m. for ST. PIERRE MIQUELON , per steamer from North Sj dncy. Malls for Newfoundland , bv rail to North Sidney , and thence by steamer , close at this ofilco dally at 8:30 : p in. , connecting close hero every Monday , Wednesday and Saturday. Malls for Mlquelon , by rail to Boston , and thence by stcamsr , close at this ofilce dally ot 8:30 : p. m. Malls for Cuba , by rail to Port Tampa , Fla , nnd thence by steampr , dole at this of fice dally ( except Monda > ) at ' 7 a. in , ( the connecting closes are on Sunday , Wednen- daj and Friday. Malls for Cuba , by rail to Miami , Ha , , and thcncp by Bteamer , close at this oir.ce every Monday , Tuesday - day nnd Saturday at " 2.30 a. m. ( the connecting closps are on Tuesday and Saturda > ) . Malls for Mexico City , over land , unless specially addressed for dls- pitch bv steamer , close at thla olllce dolly at 2:30 : a. m. and 2:30 : p. m. Malls for Costa Rica , Belize , Pueito Cortez and Guatemala , by rail to Now Orleans , and thence bv uteamer. close nt thla ofllce flatly at * 3.00 p m . connecting closes nora Mondays for Belize. Puerto Cortez nnd Guatemala 'Registered mall cloaca nt fl p m. previous day. "Registered mall closes at C p. m. second day before. TrniiH-I'noino MnllN. Mall-j for China. Japan and Hawaii , via San Trnnclsoo. close here dnlly n.t C:30 : p. m. up to October * 3th. Inclusive , for dispatch per s. s. American Mam. Malls tor Ha waii via Snn FriinclBco. oloze hare dally at C:30 : i ) m up to October * Uth , Inclu- Hivo. for dispatch per s. B Australia. Malls for Auptrnlislun Colonies ( except West Australia , which KOCS vlu Europe , and New Zealand , which ROPS via Sun Kranelsco ) , llawull. and FIJI Islands , via Vane.ou\er , rloso hrre daily at C:10 : p , m after September * th and UP to October 13th , Inclusive , for dispatch per a . AoraiiBi. Mails for China , Japan und Ha waii , via S.in rrnnciseo , close here dally at C.30 p. m up to October 'Ittli , Inclu sive , for despatch poi s . s Gaelic. Malls for Society IplandH , via Snn Francisco , close hnrn dully itt G:30 : p. rn up to Oo tober ' 20111 , Inrluslve , for despntrh by ship City of Papeltl Malls for Australia , ( ex cept West Australia ) , Nnw Xealund , Ha waii. I-'IJI and Samoan iHlinds , via fian Franc-U-co. close hcie dnlly at 0:80 : p , TO , after October * 13th and up to O ( tober * 27th. Inclusive , or dav of arrival of s. a. Campania , duo at New Yoilc October 27th , for dcnpateh p < > r s. s , Moana Malls for China and Jupnn. via Vancouver , eloho here daily nt 0 3fl p in , up to Oc tober * 3Ist , Ineluslve , for drspatch per e , a Empress of Japan , Trans-Pnclfin malls are forwarded to port of sailing dally and tha echcdule of clos. Injj Is nrr.itlKed on tin ) preaumptlon ot their uninterrupted overland trnnzlt. Rec stercd mall closes at 0 p , in. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT , Postmaster. Postofllcc , New York , N. Y , October fi , J&S9. DEMAND RIVER IMPROVEMENT I'corlu Com pillion lllHcumieM ilio Viiliiu of tin : Streiim to ConiiiHTce , P150HIA , 111. , Oct. 11. A deep wnternay or ship canal connoctlng the great lakes with the gulf is the subject -being considered by n convention of prominent citizens In this city. All i evolutions Introduced wcro re ferred , after reading , to the cowmltteo oa resolutions. Among the lesolutlons In troduced was ono for MIf.alMi > l | > j > l river Im provements by J. A. Ockernon of St. Louis , Hi par * an follows. "That the at ) earn shall bo carried to the blght-el poyslblo dc ltc of perfection which engineering skill can attain. Tlic MUsU- Elppl rhti ( ] pior\c8 ! the iiiost liberal treatment - ment &t the hnndu of the cent-ral govern ment nnd it must ho made BO complete that It will furnish at all llmen an unobstructed outlet to the bea for the surplus products ot tnu MlBsUslppI Milley. " Short addrcBbc-it In lute-lent of a deep \\atcruay uero made by a number ot dele gate : licst remedy for tougba is the simplest and c ( > f * five cents at drufgli.ta Uean men tholated cougti drujB ) ulmply slop thu tickle.