I > . r . , / . . ' . 8 THE OlSIAHA DAII/T BEE : SATURDAY , OCTOBEIl 7 , 1SJ ) ! > NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. MINOR Mi\T10M. Davis cells glaia. Dr. Bower , Olobc bldg. 'Phc-nc 413. Wclsbach burners at Blxby's. Tel. 193. liudwclser beer. L. . Rosenfeldt. ngent Perry picturi-H. Alexander's , 33.1 B-way. Dr. Stophcnaon. Merrlam blk. . room 121. \\Tilto llo < vs Itobrknh lodge will meet In tegular wsslon tonight , Removed , C. K. Alexander & Co. , Art Em- liorlum , to 3.13 Jiromlway. C. II. Jaciiuemtn & Co , , Jewelers and op ticians , 27 South Main street. Oflloer Sam Albro was on duty again yw- terday after a spell of sickness. Get your work done at the popular Eagle laundry , 724 Broadway. 'Phono 157. W. C. Katcp. undertaker. 28 Pearl street. UtlephoiiOB , office. 97 , residence , 33. Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Schorcs of Clayton , BCaii , uru In the city vlstln ! ? friends. . Hog misers , 100 pounds make you $100. J , ore's Stock Food Co. , Council Bluffs. iMr. and Mrs. James Johnston of Second nvenuo uro spending a few days with relu- itlvcs at Perry , la. Slicrlilun coal Is smokeless : no clinkers , soot nor sulphur. Fenlon & Foley , solo agents , 37 Main street. iMrri. II. K. Kiiton and Miss Nore.Ua Johns of Essex , In , , are stopping In the city while taking In the exposition. V.V , Craig of DCS Molnes , assistant nocretaiy of tlio lown. Central Building and 1/oiui association , Is in the city. Charles Kutz , charged with beating his wife , hail a hearing before Justice Fcrrlor yesterday and \\IIH sentenced to live days In the county Jail. The district court grand Jury fulled to oompleto Its work yesterday , as antici pated , 'but announced that It would make a Una ! report today and adjourn for the tct m. T. Q. Record , miiynr of GlcnwOod , was In the city yesterday. He salu Glenwood was preparing to send a large delegation to Council Bluffs on the day of the reception to the Fifty-first Iowa. All members of Council niufts lodge , No. 270 , Ancient Order of United Workmen , are requested to be nt their hall at 7 o'clock Sunday evening to attend service at Grace Episcopal church In a body. The arguments In the damage suit of IMrs. llilnnibalsen against George M. Bes- Dlons were completed In the district court yesterday afternoon and the cnso will be given to the jury tills morning. The meeting of the Central University Extension club will be held this * afternoon lit the home of Mrs. Williams c-n Second nveniio and Ninth street. Instead of jit the residence of Miss Stephenson as previously announced. Fireman Charles Nicholson returned yes terday morning from Hear I'uw mountains , Montana , whore he bus been spending his Vacation visiting his son Harry and a brother , whom 'he ' had not seen before for forty years. "William II. Stephen Illed a petition In the district court yesterday for a divorce from Nellla B. Stephens , whom ho married at Honey Crook July 0 , Ii92. lie asks the custody of the two minor children. The petition Is based on statutory grounds. Two of the pending cases against the Sunday working bat-tiers , In which A. T. Silvers was thi- defendant , -were tried lie- lore Judge Aylesworth In ttid superior court yesterday. Slivers -works for his brother on Pearl street and not being the proprietor of the shop was only charged with plying his trade on the Sabbath. The flates on which ho was charged with workIng - Ing were September 10 and 17. The court took his decision under advisement. N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250. K. P. dance , tonight , Hughes' hall. Wha- loy'a orchestra. Reasonable amount of mending done free of charge at the Bluff City laundry. This Is the laundry that takes good care of your linen. 34 North Main. Ilrnl Kstnfp Trmikfcrn. The following transfers were filed yee- torday in the abstract , title and loan office of J. W. Squire , 101 Pearl street : Joe Oamek and wlfo to Chicago & Northwestern Railway company , part swV4 nw'/i 23-16-H , w d $ IHfl James G. Kirkwood und wife to paine , p.irt swVi sw'/i -1-7G-H , w d. . . SOO Slcvert ilicf and wlfo to same , part BW'i fse'i sri-77-14 and part nwV4 neU U-7G-44. w tl 174 James F. Prazlor to same , part w % neVi 35 and \ \ % sett M-77-44 , w d. . 17S Alfred Frazler to same , part w % noli and m\yt so'/ , 3'-77-41 , w d. . . . 1,102 Henry G. Flsht-r and wife to George K. Fisher , lots I , 2 , 3 and 12 , block 1 , Underwood , w d 1 Theodoiu S , Couch and wlfo to Wil lis If. Klmb.ill , lot 7. block F , Cur tis & Kainsoy'H add , w d 1,500 Harriet II. Taylor and Gilbert O. Tay lor to Peter \Vcln , part lot 87 , orig inal plat , w d 3,200 Executor of A. Cnrhrnn to Chicago & Northwestern Hallway company , part lot 1 In HOC. 11-75-11 , execu tor's d 75 Executors of John M. Phillips to M. Wollmjn , part lot 177 , original plat , and part lots 1 and fi , James1 sub , executor's d 8,000 I > . Kurmuehlon and wife to M. Well man , part lot 4 , James' sub , q c tl. 1 PottawiiUiimlo county to J. H. Thompson , s 40 feet lots 21 and 27 , block 2 , Wliltnuy. Crawford .t Mer- riman'H add to AValnut , s tl d. . . . Twelve transfers , total $14,802 Weak Women Strong , Sick Women Well. A TRUE TB1PERANCE HEDICINE , Contains no Alcohol , Opium , or other Narcotic. I HM-w MMM . . . - , J FARM LOANS I ! i Negotiated In ISaatern Nebraska uud Iowa. Jnm 8 N. Canady , Jr. , 12S Main St. , Council Bluffs. LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES BOUGHT lror Cuiili ur l.ounvil On , K. II. HIIUAFI2 & CO. , 0 I'carl btreut , Caniicll lluTi , I own , CITY WINS THE FIRST ROUND Judge Haoj Hands Doirn a Decision in tbo Bobrci Data. MOTION TO OVERRULE IS DISMISSED nven Cniie 1'rnctlcnlly Where H \Vnn llL'forr Kxccpt Mrn. llnhrcr HUH < lic ItlKht to ! > ncc OR Her I'ropcrty. Judge Mncy handed down his decision yesterday morning In the district court In the case of the City of Council Bluffs | against Mm. M. F. llohrcr on the motion t of the defendant to dismiss the appeal of the city from the award of the appraisers. Ills decision was rm follows : In consideration of the motion to dismiss ! appeal on the part of the city of Council' ' IJhilts , from tlio award of the sheriff's jury , and amendment thereto. It is found ' by the court that since such award the j city has remained In possession of the land soiiRht to be condemned , made Improve ments thereon and occupied and used the same as n part of the public street , and ' it is further found that the city has failed to deposit With the sheriff the amount ot I the award of such Jur > , it Is therefore ordered by the court that said city be and It Is hereby required within ten days from this date to pay to the sheriff of thlc county the until award of { 2,000 , ami In default of such payment the sheriff of anld county Is hereby ordered und directed Immediately thereafter to proceed to dis possess the said city of the real estate and deliver the possession thsreof to said Surah li. It. Uohrer and mnke his return heretinder to this court , with the costs mid expenses so Incurred by him. It is further ordered by the court that the mo tion to dlsmlsit the appeal of the city from the said award be and the same Is Hereby overruled ; and it Is further ordered that this case be taken out of the assignment and held for further order and trial on both appeals. In case said city deposits said award us hereinbefore ordered , or In case of a failure so to do , upon the re turn of the sheriff showing a compliance herewith on his part , then and In either of such events , the said appeal shall stand for trial without further order ex cept as to assignment. This practically leaves the case where It was before , except that Mrs. Rohrer now has the right , unless the city pay the cash Into court , to fence off her property , which for many years has formed a part of Third street and Sixteenth avenue. The property In controversy has been used ns a thoroughfare - faro for many years and It was not until about four years ago that Mrs. Rohrer de manded from the city payment for It. On being refused , she had the street fenced off. The city took the matter into court and lost , It being held that the street at this point , when the adjoining property was platted , liad never been deeded to the city. The city appealed and the supreme court ruled In favor of Mrs. Hohrer. Then the city com menced condemnation proceedings and the appraisers fixed the damages at $2,000 for Mrs. Rohrer and $160 for the Wabash rail way , which owned a small strip occupied by Third street. Both the city and Mrs. Rohror appealed from the award of the appraisers. At the last meeting of the city council Mrs. Rohrcr offered to compromise the case and withdraw her appeal If the city would do likewise and pay the amount awarded. Tbo majority of the councllmeo , however , are of the opinion that the amount awarded by the appraisers Is about twice too high , and preferred that the matter should bo settled by the court. The amount of ground In volved In the controversy would make about five or six ordinary lots. The decision of Judge Macy Is virtually a victory of the first round for the city , as It overrules the motion of Mrs. Rohrer to dis miss the city's appeal. If the court had sustained the motion the city would then have been compelled to pay the $2,000. Davis sells paint. SHIlCOMMITTnES MKET TONIGHT. Will 1/ny Further Pimm for Hie Ktcvi > tinn of the Volunteer * ) . Major Jennings , chairman of the local executive committee having In charge the arrangements for the reception to the Fifty-first Iowa , Issued a call yesterday for a meeting this evening at 8 o'closk at the Grand Hotel of the chairmen of the various subcommittees. The executive committee' Is desirous that every chairman bo present , as at this meeting the work of each sub committee will bo outlined. The belief IB growing that the Flfty-flrst lown will not bo home before sometime In November Instead of toward the latter parl ot this month. If the matter of muster oul U left with the members of the regiment to decide , It Is lielleved tliey will vote for ibelng mustered out In San Francisco ant not on board the transport. This will meai a stopover In San Francisco of from three to four weeks. In the list of refreshment comm'ttees ' published yesterday the following names were omitted from the committee of the Fourth ward : H , W. Ilothbert , Lynwi Shugart , B. M. Sargent , C. T. Stewart , Rev G.V , Snyder , W. S. Stlllmnn , Father Smytho. II. A. Se-arle , C. II. Tyler , Pete Tholl. W. A. Travis , S , B. Wadsworth , A Whltolaw , F. P. Wright. The following were assigned to the com raltteo from the Second ward , when they should have appeared on the list of the Third ward : Mra. P. J. Montgomery , Mis Jcnnlo Howe , Mrs. J. LI. Btowart , Mrs. J Sullivan , Mrs. H. H. Vnn llrunt , Mis Aurolla Tlnley , Miss Bertlo Marsh , Mrs , H B. Harden , Mrs. ( Prof. ) Clifford. Miss Clara Meyers , Mrs. Nellie Janey , Mis Sadie GOSH , Miss Ethel Witter. The following were added by the execu tlvo committee yesterday to the refresh nient committee : Second ward 'Mrs. LAiclus Wells , Mrs C. M. Harle , Mrs. J , J. Steadman , Mrs. F H. Orcutt , Mrs. J , H. Arthur. Mra. J. t. Mable , Mrs. George Gould , Mrs. O. P. Me Kesson , Mrs. Nat Shepard , Mrs. H. A. Cole Mra. Catherine Ruffcorn , Third ward Mra Fred Meyers , Mrs. J P. Hess , Mrs. Samuel Fllbut. Fourth ward Miss Mary Key , Mrs. W. J Davenport , Mre. B. M. Sargent , Mrs , Aun R. Albright , Mrs. A. S. Hazleton , Mrs. \ \ H. Dudley , Miss Irene Test , Mrs. Fred 1111 Miss Eva Murray , Mrs. Fred Miller. Fifth ward Mrs. C. G. fc'aundere , Mrs Hoon , Mra. Harry Warren. Howell'e Antl "Kawf" cures coughs , colds Work n New Motor Iliie. Work on the line of tbo Omaha & Counc Bluffs suburban railway between this clt and Omaha has been commenced on thls lde of the river. A force of twelve teams Is at work filling the dump between the end of < he Terminal company's bridge and Avenue O. On leaving the bridge the line will mukc a curve In order to atrlko level ground anJ this Is where the dump Is being made. Sur veyors are etlll at work mapping out a route Into the city , but It hag not yet been definitely settleJ over which streets the tracks will bo laid. At the East Omaha side of the bridge the work has been practically completed eo far as the grading Is conceriu-a and a dump l.SOO feet long from the end of the Cast Onmha street railway's trucks to the bridge has been made. This dump is alxty feet wide , W. S. Reed of the new company said yesterday that wlillo the work of building the line would be pushed aa rapidly as possible- was not the Intention to commence running trains before next spring. ' hall tonight.Vha - K. P. dance. Hushes' , ley'fl orchestra. WAS COVriUlltTOHY MJOMOIBXCK. Jury In IJcrk Dnninge SnH Return * Verillct for ncf 'inlnnt. The trial of the Beck damage suit against the Omaha & St. Louis railway In the federal court wns brought to a close yesterday morn ing. Judge Woolson sustained the motion of the railway company to take It from the Jury and Instructed a Tcrdlct for the de fendant. The motion wns based on the grounds that the evidence showed contribu tory negligence on the part of Deck. The suit was for $10,000 damages for the hilling of Christian H. Beck at Ponoy Creek croisa- Ing , on the defendant company's line , In August , 1S98. Fred Beck , administrator of the dead man's estate , was the plaintiff. The only witness to the accident outside the train crew wan n man named Diunltz. one of Beck'a ' neighbors. Damltz was driving Immediately behind Beck aud his testimony showed that when Beck noticed the train approaching' ho whipped up hla horses and attempted to cross the tracks ahead of the train. The engine , however , struck the wagon , killing him Instantly. An Interest ing coincidence la that several months after Beck woe killed , Damltz , while crossing at the same point WBB struct : toy a train , his horeca being killed and his wagon smashed to kindling wood , but he himself escaped without Injury. The crossing has always been regarded as a most dangerous one and has been the ecene ot several accidents. A motion for a now trial wne filed In the case of J. A. Flory against Henry & Spence , In which a verdict was returned for the plain tiff n few days ago. Arguments on the motion will bo heard by Judge Woolson at Des Molnce after the close of the term there. A Jury won Impaneled In the damage suit of Mattlo J. Clark against A. A. Clark and a continuance then taken until next Wednes day morning. In this case Miss Clark asks for J40.000 damages for an alleged nesault. The rest of the trial Jurors were dismissed for the term. At the afternoon session Judge Woolson heard arguments In the matter of the Grantz & Glee bankruptcy case , the question In- olved being the disposition of the assets of 10 bankrupt firm. Prior to the filing of 10 petition In Involuntary bankruptcy gainst Grantz & Glee , an Implement firm f Walnut , by a part of the creditors of the rm , other creditors , among the number > eing Deere , Wells & Co. of this city , had Instituted attachment proceedings and se cured the appointment of a receiver by the Istrlct court. In the bankruptcy procced- ngs W. E. Havenstock of this city was ap pointed trustee to take charge of the firm's asBote. Ho found , however , that a portion f the assets were In the hands of the re- elvor under the district court and the rc- nalnder tied up by attachment suits. He mmedlately petitioned the federal court fern n order to give him possession of 'these ns- ets so that ho might dispose of them under ho provisions of tie federal bankruptcy aw. The ground upon which this petition was based is that the federal court has sole urisdictlon over the assets of these who are > rought Into the bankruptcy court. Deere , Wells & Co. and the other creditors who Instituted attachment proceedings de nied the right of the federal court to dls- olve or set aside any proceedings or actions > etwocn citizens of this state that were al- eady pending In the district court at the Imo the bankruptcy suit was Instituted , 'hey alleged that 'the ' district court had full urisdictlon of the attachment suit and that hero Is no authority In the federal court o eet aside or amend the proceedings. Judge Woolson took his decision under ad visement and , after adjourning court until next Wednesday , left for Chicago last even- ng , where ho will take In the fall festival. He was accompanied by Judge Sanborn ol ho circuit court of appeals. New neckbands put OB shirts free of charge for regular customers at the Bluff City li-undry , 34 North Main. IlllnolH Central lliitlillnK" . J. F. Wallace , assistant second vice pres ident of the Illinois Central , wns In the city yesterday conferring with a number of local contractors regarding the contract for the erection of the Fort Dodge & Omaha railway's passenger and freight depots. The plans and specifications are now ready for both buildings and on file at the company's office In Chicago. Mr. Wallace returned to Chicago last evening and Con tractors Wickham and Campbell left for the same place last night with a flew ot bid ding on the buildings. The passenger depot will be- located on Avenue A between Tenth and Thirteenth streets , Just north of Indian creek , with shed and platforms extending across the creek to Broadway. The plans , It Is said , call for a 'building ' to cost in the neighbor hood of $33,000. The freight depot will be located north and east of the passenger depot. 13. A. Wickham , who has the contract for the company's other buildings at this point , has n large force of man at work and they are being pushed to completion as rapidly as possible. The walls of the ten-stall roundhouse are already visible and the building will bo shortly finished. The other buildings to bo elected are a machine shop , on oil house , a sand house and the coal chutes. The contract for the erection of these buildings calls for an expenditure or close to $40,000. They are located a quarter of a mile north of the Northwestern round house. Scientific optician , Wollman 409 BrMway , To DlnoiiH * Muiilrliuil AfTnlrx. Mayor Jennings and City Clerk Phillips will leave for DCS Molnes tomorrow evenIng - Ing to attend the second annual conven tion of the l.cnguo ot Iowa Municipalities to be held Wednesday and Thursday of next week. Mayor Jennings IB a member of the committee on legislation and Is going In advance of the meeting for the purpose of conferring with the other members of the committee. One of the principal matters to como be fore the convention will bo a recommenda tion from the committee on legislation that the legislature bo asked to amend the gen eral Improvement ordinance law so as to conform with the recent decisions of the United States courts. Another question to be discussed will bo the taxing of tele graph and telephone polee. At present , un der the existing law , a city cannot levy for water purposes more than a C-mlll tax. This in the case of Council Bluffs 1s In sufficient to meet the expenditure and the general fund has to be drawn upon to meet the deficit. Mrs. Hande'e classes for dancing will open for children Saturday , October 7 , 2 to E , I. 0. 0. F. twnplo ; adults Tuesday , Oc tober 10 , 8 to 10 p , m. , at rwldenco , ' 235 Oakland avenue. Assembly every Friday , 8:30 : to Jl:30 : , I. O. O. F. temple. Admis sion 25 cents. For further information caller or address 235 Oakland avenue or telephone 451. Snlvntlnn Cniitnlii Arri'Ntoil , For some time past the Salvation Army corps hng been holding UP nightly street meetings in front of the Elseman building on Broadway. This was a source of more or IBM annoyance to the office fare * of Deere , Wells & Co. when working late and they requested Captain T. Patterson to go elsewhere. At the same time complaint was mndc to the police. Last evening Cap- aln Patterson persisted In holding his meet ing in front of the building and ho was placed undler nrrtct on the charge of ob structing ft public thoroughfare. Ho gave ball for his appearance in police court this morning. Will lip Hurl nil Toilny. Unlws the Northwestern officials hear from the man's relatives the remains ot Jnmes McKenna , who was killed by falling Dctnecn the cars ot a gravel train Wednes day , will be burled today. It hna been earned that McKenna's homo was In Fall [ liver , Mass. , and that before his death ho mid to one ot his companions that If any- .hlng should happen to him he did not nant his relatives to know of It. Some of the dead man's former compan- ons have expressed the belief that ho threw ilmselt deliberately under the wheels of ; ho twin with the purpose of ending his Ife. This theory is further strengthened jy the fact that shortly before the accident McKenna fell Into the hopper ot ono ot the cnrs , which , was being unloaded , and wns only saved from going through with the gravel and being crushed beneath the wheels ot the then moving train by the prompt action of ono ot his fellow workers. I'oot Hull Toilnr. The High school foot ball team will line up this afternoon at the Driving park against Tabor college , when ono of the best games of the season. It Is said , may be looked for. Tabor for the last three years has had a strong team and this year , ac cording to reports , le no exception to the rule. The college boys will enter the game heavier than the High school team and with better training. The llno-up ot the homo team will bo as follows : Right end , Gra- son ; right tackle , Chamberlain ; right guard. Miller ; center , Hicks ; left guard , Ulokman ; left tackle , Mnyno ; left end , Aylesworth ; fullback , Richmond ; right half , Dietrich ; left half , Rutherford ; quar ter , Matthal ; substitutes , Jennings , Wil liams , Mitchell , Ball. SIOUX CITY DEMOCRATS Waril < o State ConinilttPi * They Do Not Want Ilryiui MoKlitlcy liny. SIOUX CITY , la. , Oct. 6. ( Special Tele gram. ) The democratic etato central com mittee of Iowa wants to put Bryan Into Sioux City for a speech October 14 , the day Presi dent McKlnley Is expected here. Chairman Huffman sent word to the local committee of the desire of the state leaders , but It did not meet with favor. The local commlt- teemen want Bryan , but do not want to do anything which would In any way embarrass tho" president during his stay nere and they have , through their chairman , M. L. Flinn , sent .word to Huffman that Bryan cannot speak hero in the morning , afternoon or evening of that day , and it he cannot grant them a later date ho need not come at all. Bryan , It Is understood. Is not responsible for the request , but Is merely In the hands of the state committee and follows Its as signments. ChnnKe. in n Danlc. HARLAN , la. . Oct. . 6. ( Special. ) E. W. Davis of Pueblo , Colo. , has completed nego tiations with eastcrtr'stockholders"whereby ho has secured controlling Interest In the Shelby County State bank. There will be no change In officers until the annual meeting In December. Mr. 'jtavis ) will remove to Harlan in about two ; w.eeks. He wns ono of Harlon's first settloTB , having located here thirty-three years 'ago. lovrn. Iloy'M Shocking Snlplilr. IOWA CITY , Oct. 6. ( Special. ) Robert P. Llndeonan , aged 19 , shot himself through the heart yesterday at his home In Iowa City by standing a shotgun on the floor with the muzzle reeling against his left breast and pulling the trigger. Suicide Is the coroner's verdict. Temporary Insanity Is believed to bo the cause of the act. New Storcn far Glemvooil. GLBNWOOD , la. , Oct. 6. ( Special. ) Six new business foundings are in course of erection in Gleuwood , with a. total frontage of about 200 feet , and the cost when com pleted will bo about $60,000. Free Tuition for VolniitpprH. IOWA CITY , Oct. 6. ( Special. ) Free tuition Is now given In the collegiate de partment of the State University of Iowa to all students who served In the Spanish- American war. FIRE RECORD. SchTvnrrchllil 1'iiclcliiR I'lant. KANSAS CITY , Oct. 6. The oil house canning room and one small beef cooler n the Schwarzchlld & Sulzbcrger packing plant at Armourdale , Kan. , were destroyed by lire that started In the oil bouse at 3 o'clocl this morning. Loss is estimated at $100,000 fully Insured. The main buildings were no damaged and the plant Is running as usua today , tlftliiK Cnr Ilnrnn , NEILLSVILLB , Wis. , Oct. 6. The adver Using car of thn Northern Pacific railway containing specimens of mineral , cereal am fruit products of the west , was consume ( by lira today. It contained also many rar fipMlmens of animals which It will bo 1m possible to replace. The loss is supposed to bo In the neighborhood of $75,000 and Is la surcd. Joseph Stockton ! , Hodgdon , Me. , healed a sore running ; for seventeen years and cure < bis piles of long standing by using DeWItt' Witch Haze ! Salve , It cures all skin diseases Ilewey StnmlN L'nxuiiitiiry. NRW YORK. Oct. 6. The moflt inter estiiig subject up for discussion today hi fore the Mazet committee was the Dewo imrndo Htands , Charles F. Robert , sani tary superintendent of the Hoard of Health , HulmilUed ilocumentH showing that the Ilewey Htandx were not constructed In a panltary fashion. Stephen R Berry , owner of one of the Dewey parade stands , tea- tilled that his partner settled mutttrs by Klvlng ono inspector 75 and another Inspector specter IIS. Whenthe Blood is pale , then your lips and cheeks are pale , your nerves weak , and your whole body greatly debilitated. Thedoc- torssay "You have anamia. " There's juat one thing you need something to make the blood rich and red. will certainly do this. It will make the most happy changes for you , and soon your old strength and ac tivity will return. S c. nd ti.oe , ll JmgjUtl. tCOTT it BUWNB , ChimUti , Ntw York. SECOND FIRE AT DES M01NES Spaiki from a Gotten Machine Destroy the Schmidt & Henry Feotory. EMPLOYES BARELY ESCAPE THE FLAMES Dnltlvrr Mooting l'u < Oft Ilccnnnc of llnrlnit'n Month llitrRlnrn SlmUcr nit Alti > oniv Store I'rliitcru Meet. DBS MOINES , Oct. 6. ( Special Telegram. ) This morning the furniture department of the Schmidt & Henry MnmifncturlnR com pany wns entirely dcetrojcd. The llames orlRlnnted on the third floor ot the big brick bujIdltiR from spnrka created by friction In the cotton picking machine. The- cotton caught flro llko KO much guncotton nnil within three minutes Uio entire building was a mass of flames. Over fifty employes , In cluding seven girls , were in the building and barely had time to escape , leaving their street wearing apparel behind. The book keepers had Just succeeded In thrusting tne books Into the safe when the flnmcs wore upon them and they had to Jump through the windows. The building and stock \\cro Insured for 24,000 , $22,000 on the stock and only $2,000 $ n the building. Ninety-two employes are irown out of employment. The company 111 rebuild at once. The factory had boon tinning night and day. tlnlUvcr MectliiK I'OKtiioticd. The republican etato central committee ils afternoon announced , because of th cath of Senator Hurlan , the big Dolllver mooting to bo held at Mount Pleasant , Har- nn's Into home , had been Indefinitely post- on ed. The employing printers of the elate mot lero today and organized for mutual pro- ectlon. Council muffs , Sioux City , On- u < iuo. Cedar Itflplds and all the largo towns ere represented. This afternoon the prlnt- rs were taken for a carnage rldo around own and this evening wore tendered a ban- uot at the Savory. They will remain for a meeting of the etnte press tomorrow. Hut-Kin Vixtt Altoonn. A special from Altoona , seven miles east f hero , says : Last night burglars pried the front door ft of Shaffer's drug store and burglarized ho safe by punching the lock oft and Jolting he bolte out with a sledgo. The Inner door vas blown off and the Bate completely vrecked by a tremendous explosion , which nattered the glass In the building and blow ho Inner door across ihe room and played havoc with the building and stock. The ate contained $400 worth of jewelry and 330 In money and chocks. Of this amount 200 was cash. The loss is estimated at 1,000 , with Insurance amounting to $700. Good Roniln Convention. The Iowa good roads convention formed a state association today , with the following officers : T. G. Uarpor , Burlington , presi dent ; vice presldents-at-larne , Prof. C. F. 3urtls , Ames , and Warren Caret. Coon laplds ; secretary , J. A. Brewer , DCS Molnes ; treasurer , D. II. Cragun , Colfax ; vlco presidents , by congressional districts , Colonel Joseph G. Gilford , Burlington ; Judge Thayer , Clinton ; Charles E. Bognck , Independence ; [ ohn Greor , Decorah ; H. M. Dllley , Grundy Center ; John Walsh , Albla ; W. H. Funk , Warren county ; G. W. Swan. Creston ; J. M. Matthews , Council Bluffs ; J. A. Berg- ; ren , Webster City , and C. C. Frum , Dan- jury. Resolutions nero adopted endorsing the ural frco mall service and recommending ts extension ; declaring that the office of 'road inquiry" of the federal Agricultural department should bo permanently estab- ishcd as one of Its regular divisions and the appropriation for its support bo largely In creased , and thanking Secretary James Wll- eon for assigning officials of the "road In quiry" office to the Iowa Agricultural col- lego. M'FADDBX KNOCKS OUT LAVIOM3. Sntclimw Borer CullniiDCM Il.-foro lie Known AVhut HUM Ilniiiic-iicil. NEW YORK. Oct. G. George McFudden knocked out Kid Lnvlgne , ex-champion lightweight of the world. In the ninetcuiitl round before the New Broadway Athletic club tonight. They put up a fight which was as sen sational as It was prolific of hard hitting and clever ring work. McFadden's block ing of the Kid's rushes was phenomena and toward the end ho had the Sagina\\ boxer very raw and sore. At the opening the Kid was the favorite but after the twelfth round 100 to 1 was freely offered on McFadden. Lavlgne hud collapsed before he roallzet what had happened to him. SIcKnddon let the ring practically without a scratch. Siilelile of u ItnnUcr'N "Wife. BENTON HAIlBC-n , Mich. , Oct. 6. Mrs I. W. Conkey , wife of an ex-bank presi dent , reputed to lie the wealthiest man In the city , committed suicide today by hangIng - Ing herself in a barn. On a previous oc casion she had cut her throat. Mr. Conkej was the gold democratic candidate for state auditor In 18'JS. HIver I'nckct SluUn. MEMPHIS , Tenn. , Oct. 6. The St. Louis & Memphis Packet company's steamer City of Memphis was sunk yesterday at Gold Dust , Tenn. No lives were lost and there will be little difficulty In raising It. A valuable cargo Is damaged little. THE WEAK AND AILiNQ quickly regain strength wlien dieted upon COMPANY'S ' EXTRACT OP BEKF , the etrongret nnd cheapest be cause mostconcentratwl ; lOrnps of etrtiigth- . . enlng , Buiuinins beef lr In a 2-oz. jar. . Note UTi 7 jr guaranteed uid Slfntd ID tint. means Junius Brutus a good cigar have you tried it ! 1104 3 for 25i JOHNG < WODDWARD8cCC WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTERS COUNCIL BLUFF5IOWA C , Two New Brews that merit and receive popular approval. "The American Porter" In pint bottles , more mild And refreshing than the but English brands of Porter , Stout and 'alf and 'alf , The Anheuser-Busch Dark Special German Brew thai is mellow , nulrlliotu and palatable beyond any Dark beer previously placed on ihc market. Made only by ANHEUSER-BUSCH BREWING ASS'N , St. Louis , U. S. A. Brewers of ( he Famous Original HuJwclitr , Faust , Mkhtlob , Anhtuicr Standard , Pale Lager , Export Ple and Exquisite. LITHIA WATER Spring ! Not , 1 uud ' 1. The Great American Nerv ® Tonic Digestive and Restorative Reotstered by U. S. Patent Office Dr. J. Allison Hodges , 1'rofcssor of Anatomy and Clinical Professor of Nervous and Mantal DiscascStUniversity College of Medi cine , Richmond tVa. ' . Spring No. I , possesses decided nerve tonic mid restorative properties , ntid is an effi cient remedy in [ i wide range of Nervous Disorders. In nil of the many cases of Nervous Indigestion and Neurasthenia in which I have prescribed it , it Jm proved highly beneficial. "I would especially mention the case of a sufferer from Nervous Indigestion who , after visiting most of the noted health re sorts both in this country and Europe , without material benefit from any , re ceived decided and permanent benefit from this Water. " Hunter McGuIre , M.D. , L.L.D. , President and Professor of Clinical Sur- [ Referring to Spring NO. 2. ] University Medicine ' gcryt College of , Richmond , l'at "RlfFFn ? fl I ITHVfi WfiVm llRSVcry "Jnrked adaptation in dis- UUrraibU * llnlrl iKAULU cases of the digestive organs. In that condition especially known as Nervous Dyspepsia , frequently caused by over-mental labor , and in those cases also where there is an excess of acid , iu the process of nutrition , it will be found highly efficacious. It has never failed me ns a powerful nerve tonic when I have prescribed it as such , producing a decided calming effect in men and women whose broken-down nervous system had kept them in perpetual motion , who could not sleep and who could not rest. I sometimes think it must contain hypophosphites of lime and soda. It acts as that compound does as a'tonic and alterative. " THE BEST TABLE WATER. Dr. Roberts Bartholow , M. A. , LL. D. , Professor of Materia Medica and General Therapeutics in the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia , etc , : "BUFFALO LITHIA SPRINGS , of Virginia , contain well defined traces of Hthin , and are alkaline. This is used with great advantage in Gouty , Rheu matic and Renal Affections. IT IS THE BEST TABLE WATER KNOWN TO ME , AND I HAVE SOME EXPERIENCE OF THEM ALL. " "Both of these Waters are powerful Nerve Tonics nnd exhllarants , and No. i is also n potent BEood Tonic , aud is specially indicated in all cases where there is poverty or deficiency of blood. " BUFFALO LITHB& WATER Isforsaloby Grocers nndnruKsl tsBenerally. Testimonials -which defy all imputation or questions sent to nny address , "THOUGHTLESS FOLKS HAVE THE HARDEST - EST WORK , BUT QUICK WITTED PEOPLE USE GOING AT $10.00 We want no more money for this high srudo , now pattern , squam oven cook than others ask for any out-of-date , Imdly fitted cook wtovo the same size , HERE IS A REAL BARGAIN. \Vo have them In nil sizes and It will pay you to examine our line before buying. Wo have our bargain day that Is every day. COLE & COLE , 41 IViain St. H TOMNIOORE HENRY GEORGI j ( O Cents. i Cents. SH H n M * TWO JUSTLY POPULAR CIGARS. SH ! John 0. Woodward & Co. , H THE NEUMAYER J A CO II MiUJI.VYISII , I'HOI' . 204 200 203 , 210 Uroadwny. Council Illuffs. Hatec. $1 00 , ) ul day , 71 ! rooms. Klrst-elus In every respect Motor line to all depots. I/ocal agency for the celebrated Bt. L.OUUI A. B. C. beer. Klm-cla s bar. HOWELL'S IB pleasant to take I'roniPt to ralloru , Anti-Kawf Hufo for al ) a ' buro to ourc. t ) 3 Call up 238 2 and a Bee o g Advertising Mane o will call on you g to get u Want Ad or § a Half Page , BOBOBOBOHOIOMOHOXOIOIOIC