Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 07, 1899, Page 10, Image 10

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Weak Cables and Snow's E tlmato of Larger
Orop Drops Chicago Wheat a Oenti
Corn In Firm on n Liverpool Ailvnnur
mill IIHIi-f Hntlinntv * Arc l-'nr Ton
I.llu-nil Out * Are Dull nnil
i . . Stcnilr.
CHICAGO , Oct. 6.-Therc will lie no PCS-
Blon of the Chicago Board of Trade on
alonday , October n , Chicago day.
Irresponsive cables , a bis crop estimate
&y Snow nnd the letting go of long wheat
iby St. Louis wore the principal factors In a
decline In wheat hero today , December and
CMny closing % Wlc under yesterday. Corn
wns firm , with Liverpool , closing HQUc up.
Onts were steady , closing unchanged to n
Khado lower. Provisions showed Insignifi
cant closing changes.
Wheat was weak t the opening. Liver
pool failed to show the advance expected In
view of the war rumors , nnd the effwt wan
discouraging to the bulls. The market
opened Vnc under yesterday's close. Decem
ber at 73l4l8W3io and May at TfiViW'Mie. UP-
( ports of largo Argentine shipments were
also an Inllucncc tending to weaken the
market. An Increase of 1,200.000 bushelB In
the stocks at Minneapolis and Dulutlivafl
reported and Snow In his report estimated
the crop of wheat at COI.OOO.Ouo bushels , con-
nlilora'bly over the government estimate.
"With thcso bearish Hums longs began to
unload on the market and the price steadily
declined. St. Louis , which for some days
3iad 1)een a strong support to the local
( market , let go of a long line. Less. Im
portant lliiuldatlng wan done by local and
other outside traders. Docenroer declined to
72'/4c. ' There was some covering by Hhorts
fit the decline , and this and buying against
jiutB caused a reaction In December to
72ic. but the liquidation was too general
for the market to stand up under and De
cember again declined to ? 2'/i'ii72c ' , at
rwhlch It closed. May wheat ranged tit 7n ?
( i(75ViC ( to TfiUftTC'JgC ' and closed at TGHc. Chicago
cage received HO cars , 4 ot contract grade ;
( Minneapolis and Duluth , 1,014 , against SC9
last week and 3,018 a year ago. Total
( primary receipts were 1,281,000 'bushels , as
compared with 1,771,000 bushels a year ago.
lAtlantlc port clearances of wheat and Hour
( amounted to 710.000 bushels. New York re
ported 32 boatloads taken for export ,
Corn early wns strong and higher In nym-
( nathy with the Liverpool advance of % d.
* The higher prlco of the Kngllsh market
was taken as an evidence that the Increase
Un freight rates will come out of Urltish
pockets rather than from here. The local
jirlcnwas helped by an Impression quite
ponernlly prevailing that crop estimates
Jiuve been too liberal. Owing to the scarcity
of cars the shipping business was slow.
a.oeal receipts xvere C4C cars. New York re-
giorteil 114 loads taken for export. Decem-
5 > er opened at SO'AQSOUc. ranged from .10c to
C0'4o ' and closed V4c higher at SO'MjSOVie.
Oats were isxtrcmely dull , but steady.
The market In general followed corn. The
cntlro range was only Vic. Receipts liere
were GUI cars. Clearances were 209,000
( bushels. Snow put his estimate of the crop
at SG9,000,000 bushels , compared with his
estimate of 7 ! > 9.000,000 bushels last year. De
cember ranged from 229ifJ22c ( to 22 % < S23C
end closed unchanged at 22c.
Provisions barely held their own , showIng -
Ing steadiness with hogs , which were un
changed to 5c up. The cash trade was not
Ihrlsk. Hog receipts were less than ex-
jiected , 21,000 head reaching thn yards , Jan
uary pork opened at $11.70 nnd closed un-
iclianged. .Tntiuary lard opened nt $5.Go and
closed at that llgurc. January ribs opened
nt si shade up ut $3.071405.10 and closed un
Estimated receipts tomorrow : Wheat , 185
< carM ; corn , 815 cars ; oats , 310 cars ; hogs ,
10,000 head.
Leading futures ranged as follows :
Open. | Open. | Uljh ] Low. | Cloao. | Yos'd'y
Oct. . . . 71M
Una. . . 7DK
May. . . 7BX
Coi n
Oct. . . . SIM 31M 31 31
DrtC. . . 30(4 ( 30
May. . 318 31
Dec. . . . 223(1-23 ( 22H-23 22 07S 22H-2S
May. . . . JOti 24U S5B 244SM
I ork
Oct. . . . 810 BIO
lire. . . . 825 B30 826 830 87l
Jan . . . 070 072H 1)70 ) 07BH 072' ' *
Oct. . D3R 636
leo ) . . . 640 640 643M
Jan . . . 666 C07H 650 6 u'lli 605 " "
Oct. . . . 610 BIO 510
" J.-in. . . 607J4 a 10 COS 6 10 607
No. 2.
Cash quotations were as follows :
FLOUR Firm ; winter patents , - , . .
B.C. ; straights1 , $3.155/3.53 ; spring specials ,
11.20 ; spring patents , J3.40ff3.70 ; straights ,
J2.SOfJ3.20 ; bakers , $2.00712.50.
WI1I3 AT No. 3 spring , GSfQ lVfcc ; No. 2
red , 72c. -
CORN-No. 2 , 31 < Q31c ; No. 2 yellow , 31'/4 '
OATS-No. 2. 22G2lc ; No. 2 white , 251 ?
ETWo ; No. 3 white , iill&fiZQ&c.
RYE No. 2. 5Sc.
HARLI5Y No. 2 , SOfMlc.
SUEDS-Flaxseed , No. I. $1.18 ; north
west , $1.18 , Timothy seed , prime , $2.25.
Clover seed , $ fi.00f:7.75. ( :
PROVISIONS Mess pork , per hbl , , $7.C5 ®
8.15. Lard , per100 Ib.s. , Jo.SoQS.-IT'A ' Short
ribs , sides ( loose ) , $ l.l3f.r ! | > . : iO ; dry suited
shoulders ( boxed ) , $6.12U jc.25 ; short clear
Bides ( boxed ) , $5.DOf5.70. ( |
WHISKY Distillers' llnlshcd goods , per
Bill. , $1.22.
SUGARS-Cut loaf , $5.70 ; granulated ,
Kollowlns were the receipts and shipments
for today :
Articles. Uccelpts. Shlpm'ts.
Klour , bbls 14,000 8,000
Wheat , Im 132.000 15,000
Corn , bit 710,000 4S5OOU
Onts , 1)U 3S3.000 22S.OOO
Ilyo , bu 10,000 4,000
Hurley , bu ItW.OOO CWO
On the Produce exchange today the butler -
lor market was llrm ; creameries , lGfi23c ;
dairies , llfflUc. Cheese , tlrm nt HU&l''u.
Kggs , llrm ; fresh , IG'fcc. No poultry mar
IM tit tlic liny on VnrloiiH
NI5W YORK , Oct. C. FLOUR Receipts
23,001 bbls. ; exports , 20,100 bblH. ; market
llrm but quiet , generally held too high for
business and closed steady ; winter
patents , $3.COiTJSO ; winter straights , J3.35M
S.I5 ; extras , $2.I52.)0 | ! ) ; winter low grades ,
J2.3502.40 ; Jllnni-sola piUentB , J3.Bjffl.13 ;
Minnesota bakers , t3.00j3.15. Rye , Hour ,
llrm ; Rood to fair , $3.30 ; choice to fancy ,
J3.W. lliickwlient Hour , qulot at $2 352.5'J | ' ,
HUCKWHEAT Steady at 57iiCSc ( c. I. f. ,
Now York.
OOIINMHAL Steady ; yellow western ,
77if" ! > c ; city. 77c ; linindywlne. J2.20&2.30 ;
No. 2 western , iM'/jc , alloat , spot.
RYIS-Uult ; No. 2 western , tiUc ,
b. , alloat , spot ; mute ryu , Me , c , I. f. , Now
York , car lots.
li.YULUY Stonily : feeding , 411I3c c
llulTiilo ; malting , 46j54o delivered at Now
irork ,
HAHLKV MALT Qulot : western , 63ft.1c | ! ,
AV11KAT Receipts , 2S7.G7G bu. ; exports ,
31,031 bu. ; spot easy ; No. 2 red , 77Hc , f. u
b , , ntloat , spot ; No , 1 northern , Duluth ,
now. SO'.iic. f. o , b. , alloat , to arrive ; No ,
1 hard Uululh , S3e , to urrlvo ; No. 2 red
751 e , eldvator. Optlons opened quiet at
decllnu of UJ and further ttcclliiud " . . .
under liquidation , following unsatlsfnctorj1
cables and disappointing export dumand ,
Another weak fenturu was thu Increasing
of Ihu visible supply. The market closed
ut about thu lowest point , with the tout
i-.isy nnd prices 44ja c not lower ; Maruli
clobod nt Wie ; Mnv , SiMTSO 0-lOc. closed al
bOo ; IJocumber. 77ij77 ( 11-llic , closed at 77'jc ,
CORN-Recelpts , 217,423 bu. ; exports , 227 , '
001 bu. ; spot steady ; No. 2 , i\\tc \ \ , f. o , b.
ullont , 40\io \ ulovntor. Option markiv
opuned steady and unchanged and rulei
moderately active nt the untinportan
cluingt's , which showed a llrm umlertotie
owing to well sustained expert domnnil
Closed steady nt unchanged prices to HI
net advance ; Slay , 3fiTt)37c ) , closed at 37c
December , 37U5j37c.- closed at 37V c.
OATS Receipts , 1 2UO < ) bu. ; exports. 112.-
JGS bu. ; spot steady : No. 2. 2u > ic : No. 3 ,
fcstec ; No. 2 white , 30' f31c | : No. 3 white
BOc ; track , mixed western. 29jj32 < c ; track
white , 30ij3oc. Options dull but steady.
HOPS Quiet ; state , common to choice ,
ISP6 crop , Gc ; 1897 crop , nominal ; 1S9S
lOSfl3o ; Paclllc coast , ISM crop , lijUo ;
crop , nominal ; 1SUS crop , IKi/llc.
PROVISIONS Heef , quI-H ; family , J10. &
Gil.BO ; mess , J'J.M ; beuf liunin , $24.tun
fj.W ; packet , $10.005/10.60 / ; city , extra India
ini'ss , jil4.DOfllti.00 , Cut meats , steady ; pick
led bellies , tG.OObK.OO ; pickled shoulders
IG.&OS7.00 ; pickled hams. JS.OOjiS.75. Lanl ,
t-asy ; western Hteainoil , J5.M ) ; city. J5.30 ; Oc-
tubrr , 15.80. nominal ; continent , 10.15 ; South
America , fO.CO ; compound , S5.14 ; rollned ,
steady. Pork , dull ; mess , JS.759.5 | < ) ; short
clear , J10.S5ifll.7B : family , J1I.W&IS.OO.
HAY Kinn ; shipping. 70ii71o ; good to
choice. sOc.
IlIDKB-FInn ; Oalveston , 20 to 25 Ibs. ,
17o ; Texas dry , 21 to 30 Ibs. , lie ; California ,
vj to 2o Ibs. , lOc.
iEATHER-Flnn ; hemlock eoles , Dueno
Ayres , light to heavyweight. * , 23323V4e ; acid ,
POTATOKS-Stendy ; New York , $1.258
MO ; southern. Sl.00gl.25.
TALLO\V-Dull nnd steady ; city ( K per
aekagef6"-ic _ ; "country ( parkiges'frbo.'SU
good , Jl.23fll.27Vi. ' '
RICE Firm ; domestic , fair to extra ,
4HQ7'.4c ; Japan. UipSKc.
MOLASSES Steady but firm ; New Or
leans open kettle , peed to choice , 32f36c.
MKTALS Though there xvaa n llrmcr
feellnR prevalent In the market for tin ,
business hung lire to a dlseournKlng den
gree. The other departments of the local
market were dull , with prices largely nomt
Inal. The news xvorlrt furnished little Ino
centlvc to buyers or sellers , the cables
about meeting anticipations nnd the west1
ern ndvlces noting generally unchanged
conditions. At the close the Metnl exchange -
change called pig Iron warrants nominal at
5ls.i0 ( ; lake copper , dull at J18.50 ; tin. llrmer
but quiet with K2.20 bid ; lead , qulot with
$ I.G' ) bid and J4.C3 asked ; spelter , quiet
with J3.45 bid and J5.55 asked , lookers'
prices for lead JI.40 and for copper JlS.Si'i
(818.60. (
11.11 All A UK.VnilAl. 4IA1UCET.
rottillllnn of TrnilP nnil lno < nilon on
Stnulr nnd Kniicr Produce.
EQGS-Itecclpts , light ; market firm at
UUTTEn-Common to fair. 14cJ choice ,
lC17c ; separator , 2223c : gathered cream
ery , 19020C.
POULTRY 212ns. live , 7' c ; spring
chickens. 74c ! ; old and Maggy roosters , live ,
3l44c : ducks and geese , live , GS7c ; tu.--
keys. live. lOc.
IMOEONS-L've. per doz. . 75c.
VEAI.S-Cholce , 9c.
OYSTKHS-Mcdlum , per can. 23c : stand
ards , per can. 2Gc ; bulk standard , per pal. ,
J1.30 ; extra selects , per can , 33o ; extra se
lects , per gal. , J1.75 ; New York counts , per
can , 40c ; New York counts , per 100 , J1.25.
HAY Upland , choice. $7.00 ; midland ,
choice , $ G:50 : ; lowland , choice , J5.60 ; rye
ctraw , choice , $5.50 ; No. 3 corn , 27c ; now
wits , ! Ci20c ; cracked corn , per ton , $12.00 ;
corn find oats , chopped , per ton , $12.50 ;
bran , per ton , $13.00 ; shorts , per ton. $14.00.
WATERMELONS-Qood stock , orated for
shipments , JZfffHe.
CANTALOUPE Per crate. Rocky Ford ,
$1.7Eir2.00. $
TOMATOES-Per crate. 6070c.
SWEET I'OTATOES Per bbl. , $1.S5@2.00 ,
POTATOES Per bu. , 20i25c. }
CRANUERRIES Cape Cod , $3.50.
ONIONS Retail way. COITGOc.
CKLERY Per doz. , 25il30c.
PLUMS Oregon , per crate , $1.151.23.
$1.15 1.20 ; clings , J1.10.
APPLES-Cholce slilpplng stock , $3.00 ;
crabapplcs , per bbl. . $2.50(83.00. (
GRAPES Now York , 22c ; California ,
$1.307 l.GO.
PEARS-Bartlett , scarce ; other varieties ,
$1.7502.25 ; eastern Kelffcr. per bbl. , $4.50.
LEMONS-Callfornla fancy , $5.0095.25 ;
iholcp California , $4.75@5.00 ; Messina , fancy ,
1.50(36.00. (
IJANANAP-Cholce. crated , large stock ,
er bund' . $2.0002.00 : medium-sized
unches. Jl.7oJf2.OC.
QUINCES- California , per box. $1.50.
HIDES No. 1 green hides , Sc ; No. 2 green
Ides , 7c ; No. 1 salted hides , 9c ; No. 2
alted hides , Sic ; No. 1 veal calf , S to 12
'is. , lOc ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 Iba. , 8c.
TALLOW , GREASE , ETC.-TalloW. No. 1 ,
lie ; tallow. No. 2 , 3Uu ; rough tallow , l&c ;
hito grease , 2jJ3Uc ; yellow and brown
rease , 2',4Q3c.
SI. I , iil ( Srnlii mill I'rovlrilonn.
ST. LOUIS , Oct. G. WHEAT Lower ; No.
red cash , elevator. 714c ; track , 72i73c ? ;
lecembcr , 73Vdc ; Jlay , 77',4c : No. 2 hard ,
H 'Hc ; receipts of wheat , C7.701 ibushels.
CORN Lower ; No. 2 cash , 31c ; track , 32c ;
ecember. 2S5t2S 4c ; May , 29',4c. '
OATS Lower ; No. 2 cash , 24o ; track ,
.l,4c ; December. C3 > ic ; .May , 23V&c ; No. 2
i-lille. SfVfj'.MHc.
RYE Firm at G9c.
POULTRY Steady ; chickens , ' ,47c ;
urkoys.te \ ; clucks , GSW'.tc ; geese. CHc.
FLOUR-Flrmly held ; patent ? . $3.55 3.70 ;
xtra fancy , JJ S'i'S.SS ; claar , $2.90ff3.10.
SEEDS Tiino.hy. weaker at $2.1002.25 for
oed ; flaxseed , higher at $1.15 , spot ; $1.16 , to
CORNMEAL Steady .it J1.75@1.SO.
BRAN Quiet and lower ; sacked , east
rack. 62& < 563c.
HAY Steady to firm ; timothy , $7.25 ®
.50 ; prairie. $5.255j7.23.
IRON Cottontles. $1.10.
WHISKY Steady at $1.22.
PROVISIONS Dry salt meats , steady ;
joxed shoulders and extra shorts , $5.50 ;
lear ribs , $5.C2H : clears. $5.25. Bacon ,
teady ; lioxed shoulders , $5.75 ; extra shorts ,
0.00 : clear ribs. $6.1214 ; clear sides , $5.25.
RECEIPTS-Flour , 8,000 bbls. : wheat , 68.-
< K > bu. ; corn. 160,000 bu. : oats , 73,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS-Flour. 7,000 bbls. : wheat ,
3,000 bu. ; corn , 130,000 bit. ; oats , 27,000 bu.
Iltittcr , EKK < > il Cliccnc MnrUct.
'NEW ' YORK , Oct. 6-BUTTER-Re-
eipts , 2.314 pkgs. ; firm ; western creamery ,
7ff24c ( ; Juno creamery , 19Jf22c ; factory , 14 ©
CIVEESE Receipts , 4.S7S pkgs. ; firm.
nrge , white , lH4igllliJic ; small , white , llftfj )
2c ; large , colored , HU@l2c ; small , colored ,
EGGS Receipts , 5,000 plcgs. : flrm ; west
: rn , ungraded , nt mark , 14W18C.
ST. LOUIS. Oct. 6. BUTTERr-Steady ;
creamery , ISffiM'&c : dairy , 15320c.
EGGS Weak at 14 < 4c.
'ronmory ' , 19J-22c | ; dairy , ICc.
EGGS Ijower ; fresh Missouri and Kan
sas stock , llrsts , 14c per doz. , cases re
EGGS Quiet nnd barely steady ; fresh
nearby , 19c ; fresh western , 19c : fresh south-
ve.stern. ISc ; fresh southern , 17c.
CHBESE Steady.
H City Crnln Mnrkcl.
ber , 6Cic ; May , C3 4c ; cash. No. 2 hard , G5ifc
fiUJc : No. 3 , G234Q63&C ; No. 2 red , C370c ;
No. 3 , ttoJJCSc ; receipts. 323 cars.
CORN December. 26Vlc ; May , 27c ; cash ,
No. 2 mixed , 29c ; No. 2 white , 29' c ; No. 3 ,
OATS-NO. 2 white , 235240.
RYE No. 2 , 5Cc.
HAY Choice timothy , $8.00 ; choice prairie ,
$6.50(36.75. (
iverpool < ! rilii nnil 1'rovlnlnnn ,
LIVERPOOL , Oct. 6. WHEAT-Spot , No.
2 reel western , winter , steady nt Gs id ; No.
1 California , fis 3V4d ; No. 1 northern , spring ,
steady ut 6s 4d , Future. , December , 63 2d ;
March. Gs 3',4d ' ; May. Gs 3T6d.
CORN Spot , American mixed , new , flrm
at 3s fld ; American mixed , old , llrm at
3s flil.
PROVISIONS Lard , American renned ,
n palls , steady at 30s 6d. Bacon , clear bel
les , steady ut 3Ss 6d.
TOLEDO. Oct. 6.-WIIEAT-Lowcr and
weak : No , 2 cash , 71Ilc ; Pecember , 74lic.
COHN Dull but steady ; No. 2 mixed ,
3 lie
ATS-Dull but steady ; No , 2 mixed ,
11Y15 Dull but higher ; No. 2 cash , COc.
CLOVER SEED-Actlve and higher ;
prime now cash and October , $6.55 bid ; De-
cumber and March , $5.17',4.
liiillH Win-lit nnd Flour.
store , No. 1 northern , October , 63' c ; De
cember , GS'iift6S'Jie ' ' ; May , 71'Xif7ic ! ; on
track , No , 1 hard. 7S'sc ; No , i northern ,
r.suo ; No. 2 northern , Ko > ic.
FLOUIt-iFlrst patents , $5.SOQ3.90 ; Hccond
patenls. J1.COifi3.70 ; llrst clears , J2.GOQ2.70.
Diiliilli AlurUct.
DULUTH. Jllnn. , Oct. C.-M'HEAT-No.
1 hard cash , 71Uc ; No. 1 northern cah ,
C9 ic ; October , fi'JUe ; December , fiOViflttlHc :
May , 72KW73C ; No. 2 northern , GCftc ; No. 3
spring , G3V4c.
ll - * or Manic Siitt > nit > n < I.iUi-ly Triin-
H ! | SiiKiir mid Toliiirco Ilr * iil ( .
NEW YORK. Oct. C. With the exception
of some protlt-taklng sales In thu last hour
of today's market ! the movement of prices
wns upward almost without Interruption.
The demand was not large at any time , but
the supply of stocks proved final ) , even at
the higher prices except In n few cases ,
notably Southern Pnelllc , which met large
offeilnKs at 3S. The late break was led by
Brooklyn Transit , which wns pressed down
under a Hood of offerings to Si , an extreme
duclliie of 3 % . The prollt-tuklntr which was
Induced by this weakness wns moct con
spicuous In Sugar and Tobacco , which lost '
nearly 2 points each of the extreme nd-
vnnco. The Initial Impulse to the rise
came from London , where the easier money
conditions ) nnd a hope- that a peaceful set
tlement of the Transvaal difficulty induced
large covering by the bears In till depart
ments. Ixnulon bought stocks hero to the
extent of upward of 15,000 shares and
showed n t > pecul : ileslro for Louisville.
which led the active railroad list with u net >
ndvunco of 14 after an extreme rise of 2
The maximum rate for call money was I 8
per cent today , ugalnut 12 per cent yeuter-
duy nnd 20 pec cent the day before' . Tha
rate fell to I per cent in the late dealings ,
This progressive decline In the money rate
n an Important clement In the strength !
of stocks and han awakened expectations
of a good bank statement tomorrow. The i
expectation seems to be based on the fact
that the banks are known to have received
$2,000,000 in sold on account of poitolllce
, receipts from Cuba nnd drafts from the
Snn Francisco mint on account of ths
Klondike gold deposited there. The gold
" engaged lost week In London nlso figures
| In the expectations of speculators , though
it will not be received until tomorrow nnd
will not llgure In tomorrow * ? bank state
ment. As n matter of fact , the New York
, tanks , have lost on the Interior movement
so far as known movements arc concerned ,
, about $3,000,000. Operations with the sub-
, treasury Indicate a further loss by the
banks of $2S61,000. Allowing for the $2-
000.000 g-old received , the net lossIn cash to
th0 banks peems to be upward of $3,500,000.
The result may be complicated by the effect
of money spent hero by visitors to the
Dewey celebration , which Is an unknown
quantity. The ensler rates for money are
largely 1 , duo to offerings on account of the
outside banks , which will be of no advan
, tage to the New York banks In their weekly
The relaxation In London discount rates
resulted In a decline In sterling exchange
nt Paris and Berlin. In strong contrast
wns the sharp advance In the stiftllng ex
change rate here. This Is said to be due to
covering by exchange bankers , who hnvo
sold bills In nntlclpatlon of n large outward
movement ot cotton and grain. The char
ering of a large number of Vessels by the
Urltlsh government to transport troops and
the resulting rlso In rates for shipping
awakened a fear that shipments of mer-
'hnndlse may be hampered.
The bond market continued firm , but the
movement In prices was upward. Total
sales , par vnluc , $1,550.000. , United States 3s
advanced V4 and now 4s Vi In the bid price.
The Commercial Advertiser's London
financial cablegram fays : The markets
hero were cheerful In tone today In the ab
sence of war news. There was good buying
or Africans , driving the bears to cover , es
pecially in the street , but no specific reasons
appeared. Consols were 103H ! Americans
were buoyant throughout the session , but
dealings were smnll. The favorites were
Louisville ft Nashville , Erics , Norfolk &
Western and Northern PiicUlcs. Spanish
4s were 60 ; tlntos , 463-lGC4GH ! Anacondas ,
101-16. Two hundred thousand pounds
sterling gold was taken for the Cape , , T'le '
bank bought 11,000 gold In bars and 2,000
In French coin . ; ; the . latter . _ . . purcel. in view oft
-t tnn * o that more
the high rate of exchange , means
nlng. Money Is slack.
i no following are the closing luotatlons
for. the leading stocks on the New York
xchnnge today :
Atchlson 20 % Texas & Pacific 181
ilo i > fd Ualon Pacllto . . 43V *
Baltimore & Ohio. do pfd ttU
I Canada Pacific. . . . 7tt
Canada Southern . do pfd SI I *
Central I'acillc . . . W. & L. B 11 %
Ches. & Ohio do d r > f ( ! . . , < 3t
' Chicago .Qt. % V UU WIs. Central 17&
C , , H. & Q Adams Express . . . 114
Chicago , I. & L. . . . Amarlcan Kx 149
do pfd. . 4 : U. S. Express SO
Chicago & 13. I. . . . 0414 Wells-FarRO Ex , . . . 150
Chicago & N.V. . . . A. cot. on 43V4
C. , U. I. & P do pfd S3
C. , C. , C , & St. L. . Amcr. Malting . . . 15
Colorado Southern. . ' . do ptd 60
do 1st pM 45 Amer. S. & II 36H
do Sd pM 16 do ) > fd S5K
Del , & Hudson . . . . Amer. Spirits 5
Del. L. & W do pfd 25
Den. & lllo Q Amer. Steel Hoop. 42V1
do pfd do pfd S443U
Brio Amcr. S. & W 43U
Briodo 1st pfd do pfd 03
Gt. No. pfil Amer. Tin Plate . 37 %
Hocking Coal IS'i do ptd ff
Hocking Valley . . . . 31 Amer. Tobacco . . . 1J3
Illinois Central . . . . 112',4 do pfd 147',4
Iowa Central IStt Anaconda Mln. Co. 49Vi
do pfd 66'-z IJrook. Rap. Tr. . . 87sr
K. C. , P. & G 8 Colo. F. & I sr
B. & W 18 Con. Tobacco 4314
do pfd. . . , , FO do pfd
Lake Shore . . .20) ) Fe-drral Steel . MV4
> Ul8. & Nn&ll , 7 do pfd . 77 %
Met. St. Uy .IDC General Kloctrlc . .117Vi
Manhattan L .1" Glucose Sugar . . . . riv ,
Minn. & St. L . 70 do pTd .105
ilexlean Central . . . 14'A ' Inter. Paper
do pfd . 95'Xi do pfd
Mo. Pacific . 44T4 .clede Gas cr
Mobile & Ohio . 44 Nallonal Biscuit , crS7V4
Missouri , K. & T. . . , 12U do 'pfd ' , S7V4
do pfd , SO National Lead . . . , 2)
N. J. Cenlral .119 do pfd 110
N. Y. Cenlral National Steel . . . .
Nor. & West do pfd 9314
do pfd 69U N. Y. Air Brake.- - 162
No. raclllc 52 No. American . . . .
do pfd 5274W Pacific Coast 47V4
Ontario & W do 1st pfd. . . . S3
O. II. & N 42 do 2d pfd. . . . 4
do pfd : 75 % Pacific Mall 40
Pennsylvania . - . . . , 131 % People's Gas . . . . 10014
Heading SI ! * Pressed S. C 57
do 1st pfd 56 % do pfd 85
do M pfd , 82V4 Pullman P. C. . . . ISGVi
nio a. w 37& Standard n , & T e ;
do pfd. . . 80 Sugar 141H
St. L. & S. F , 10T4 do pfd 116
do 1st pfd 09 Tann. C. & I. . . . 113 %
do Id pfd 3 U. S. Leather. . . . 14'4
St. 1 + B. W 14 do pfd 77 'A '
do pfd 34 U. S. Riiblxr 47'
St. Paul do pfd 11SV4
do pfd 171 Western Union . . 87V4
St. Paul & Omaha 1W He-public I. & S. . 26 1,4
So. Pacific 37V4 do pfd 71
So. Hallway P. , C. , C. & St. L. 73 %
do pfd
IVcir York Money Market.
NEW YORK , Oct. 0. MONEY On call ,
easier nt 4Q8 per cent ; last loan , at 6 per
per cent.
tual business In bankers' bills at $4.86 % ®
4.8Gi ! for demand nnd at t4.81S(14.81 ( i for
sixty days ; posted rates , J4.fBiZ4.$3 ( ant1
J4.86'Aa4.S7 ( ; commercial hills , J4.80fi4.80V4.
SILVER Certificates , G8 @ 59c ; bar , 67 ? c
Mexican dollars , 47c.
I3ONDS Government bonds , strong
state bonds , Inactive ; railroad bands
Following are the closing quotations on
bonds :
U.S.-2S , rep 100 M. K. iT. Ms OH
U.S.3U. rec 107M M. K. * T. 4s
U. S. 3s , coup 10HH N. Y. C. Ists li
U. S.new48 , rer. . .1.10 N.J. C. fls 119) <
U. P. docouo 130 N. C. Os li7 !
U S. old 4s. rer.,110 N. C. 4s 1(14 (
U , S. nocoup 112 No.PaclOo IBIS . . .113
U. S. fci.roi lllH N . PaclHc as 031 ,
1) ) S. fiH.COUD . . . .11 1H No. Paclllc 4s , . .
Districts. u5 . . .117 N. V. C.&St. L.4s. , ion
Aln..class A ion N. & W.con. 4s . . 1)8 )
Ala..clues B 101 ! N. & W.Ben bs. . . 13fi
AlH..class C 100 Ore. N , luts 115
Ala. , Currency 100 Ore. N. 4i 102M
AteniBoiHB 90H O. S. L. Us 12U
Uo.ud ) . 4s HUH O. S. L. 6 113
Can. So Jds. . . .108 Keadlnrta HII
C. &O. 44s 9394 U. O. W. lets 98
! & O. 6s 118 Ut. L.&I.M.con5 . .110
'O. ' &N. W.con 78.145 Bt.L. A3. F. Qon. 12II4
do 3. F. deb. 6s. 110 St. P.Con ols 17T >
Ohl. Terms. . 4s . . . . 074 at. P. c. &p. uu , i o
D. iR. O. Ids . . .In3 8t. P. C. A ; P. As . . . 1S)1 ( )
U. it. KG. 4s flflH Bo. n.v.fin 108T *
EantTcim. lats . . . ,10'JU 9 R. AT. ( ! Rl >
Erin Oen. 4s 71 Tenn. new net as. 04
F. W. &D. C. l f . . 77 T. I' . lnt ] 1H
Gen. Eloc. Ssox-in.llH T. 1' . SMs ( id
G. H. iS. A. UK . . . ,10S II. P , 4s
O. II. JtS. A. 2ds . . .lOri Wab. Istn IIS
II. iT. Cent. St. . . .1101 ( Wab. 2fls 100
II. iT. O. con. Os.,10H \V , Shore 4s Hi )
lowaO. Istfi US WIs. Ont. Inn . . . . 7lli !
K. C. P. * G. Ists. , 7'JM Va. Centurlen . . . hfl
La. New Con. 48..10(1 ( Va. deferred n
& N. llnl. 4 . . . . 09 ColorudoSoutli'n4s. RD
SlocUn IlomlB ,
BOSTON , Oct. 0. Call loans , 67 p
cent ; time loans , 506 per cent. Closlr. , .
prices for Blocks , bonds and mining ; j
A. , T , & s , p . 3H4 West End pfd..113V4
do pfd . 62 % West. Electrlo . 47
Amer. SuRar . do pfd . . . . 6714
do pfd . .117 wu rentrnl . . . . . . . 17' ' i
Hell Telephone . . . .37-i Atclilson 4 99
llonton & Albany outuuuie . 7
Hoston & Maine , , : * ) Allouez Mln. Co. . . . t > V4
C. , II. & Q . Atlantla . IS'i '
K < ! . KUc. Ill . .205 Itoston & Mont . KO
Kltcliburs pfd , , , .12014 Ilutte & Ilbston. , . . " . >
General ICIrctrle , ,119 Calumet & JIccla..7Sr
do pfd . Cnntennlal . 33'5
Federal Bteel . . . . Krnnldln . , , , , . 17'.4
Mexican Central , llumboldt . 1H
Mich. Telephone Onceula . . . . M
Old Colony . , I'arrot . , , 47
Old Dominion . , , , San la Fe Copper. , . . 12i !
Uullxr ) . 4S Tamarack . . .220
Union Pacific . . . . . 43 Wlnona . , . , , , 8
Unlo-i I/anJ . . , , . , . M4 Wolverines . 41'4
West Hnd . . . . . Utah . 3S > V4
I.nniloii StocU Cluiitiitloni.
I ONDON , Oct. 6. 4. p. on. Closing :
Controls , money . . . . 1031 ! . N. Y. Central 138U
do ueoount. . 103 7-18 Pennsylvania 07 > , i
Canadian Pacific . . Kit Heading . , lUi
Krle 13\ No. I'ueltlo pfd 70'H
do 1st | ) fd ST % AtchUon 21
Illinois Central . . . .imj loulsvllle
U. P. pfd Grand Trunk , 74 !
St. I'atill common..U7Ti'Anaconda '
BAR SILVER-Flrmer at 2611-16(1 per
MONEY-2 per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills la 5 per cent ; for three
months' bills , 5V4fl6 < 4 per cent.
New York MliitiiK Uiiotatloim.
NE\V YORK. Oct. 6.-Tho followlnt ?
are olllclal closing quotations' ' for inlninj ;
tharea ! , '
Chollar 35 775
Crown Point 15 OiJilr $9
Cun. Cal. & Va..l40 Plymouth s
Deadwood 70 Quicksilver , , , . , . , . , U.O
Oould & Currle S& do pfd 7W )
Hale & Norcroisi. . . . 3) Sierra Nevada Ct
Ilcuiiestake UO ) Standard 810
Iron Silver 51 l'nu > I'un 31
' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' n ' ' ' ' ' '
Mej'lcan . . . . . . . . . . . . V ) I YelTow jacket . . . . . . IJ
CHICAGO. Oct. G. Clearings , J2J.k37.C79 ;
balances , f2.34S.OI9. . Sterling exchaneu ,
} 4.S2i04.S7. Now York 'exclmnse , SOo dU-
BT. LOUIS , Oct. 6.-Clearlngs , JS,304,022j i
balances , $318,621. Money. 4fS per cent.
New York exchange. " 60 discount bid , BOc
discount asked.
NEW TOHK. Oct. B.-OloarlnB * . $104,376.-
433 ; balances , $8,799,215.
BOSTON. Oct.Clearings , $23,621,604 ;
balances , J2.wn.460.
BALTIMORE Oct. 6.-Clearlngs , $3,803-
P57 ; balances. $360,002.
PHILADELPHIA , Oct. 6. Clearing , IV
001,322 ; balances , $2,3SS,049.
LONDON , Oct. 6.-Thc movement for
American securities today was steadily up
ward from the start , Louisville & New
York Central showing the most strength.
The final tone was buoyant and the de
mand mo'lerate. Uar gold quoted 77s 9d.
Spanish 4s closed at 60. Amount of bullion
withdrawn from the Bank of England on
> alance today 67,000.
BERLIN , Oct. 6. The bourse today was
rregular , especially In foreign securities.
, lank shares were llrm , but mines declined
511 realizations. Canadian Pacific railway
iharca were strong and Americans licld
.heir own as compared with yesterday's
quotations. Exchange on London , Sum
'OH pftfH. for checks.
PARIS , Oct. G. The bourse 'today was lr-
.egular nnd closed undecided. The dearness -
ness of money checked the rise. Intorna-
'lonals and Rio Tlntos , however , were
lomewhat higher. Them was a rlso In
Copper and Kalllrs Improved on German
ind English buying , although they declined
jllghtly toward the close of the day. Three
tier cent rentes , lOOf 43c for the account ,
Exchange on I ondon , CSfSIc for checks.
Spanish 4s closed nt 01.30.
FRANKFORT , Oct. 6. The market was
ulet today , Americana "being steady
BUENOS AYRES. Oct. 6.-Gold was
quoted today at 135.40.
Condition of llic Trenmiry.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 6.-Today's state-
mcnt of the condition of the treasury
shows : Available cash balance , $228,932,730 ;
gold reserve , $256,101,350.
I'ncltcrn 3Inlii < nlnliiK 1'rlecs ThonnU
Illilvi ) Arc Drlcrlorafliiir.
CHICAGO , Oct. C. The Shoo and Leather
Review tomorrow will suy :
About 89,000 hides were sold this week In
Chicago and from the branch packing
houses on the Missouri river. The packers
are very strong In their views of values
and , despite the fact that hides are dally
becoming longer-haired and less desirable ,
the prices on all selections are well sus
tained , Native steers are strong at 13Uc
"ind " Tcxuns ar0 held at 13c , with bids of
12ic made and declined.
Wool market.
NEW YORK , Oct. G. WOOL Firm ; do-
mestlc fleece , afjrJ5c : pulled Texas' , ISiTlSc.
ST. LOUIS , Oct. G.-WOOL-Unchanged.
BOSTON , Oct. . WOOL-The Boston
Commercial Bulletin tomorrow will say :
I'ho activity In wool has continued through
out the week and the sales , which ap
preach In volume those of last week , have
been pretty well divided among the deal-
cis The mills nro still running to their
full capacity nnd the steady consumption
of thu raw material keeps manufacturers
steadily In the market , although they are
a little less eager buyers than a few weeks
ago. Probably their Immediate needs are
less than a few weeks ago. The whole
trend of values Is still upward. London
continues strong and our prices are not yet
on a par with those prevailing there. Sales
for the week are 5,301,100 pounds domestic
and 626,000 pounds foreign , a total of 6.S97-
000 pounds , against a. total of 6,897,000
pounds last week and a total of 1,961,000
pounds for the corresponding week last
year. Receipts to date show an increase
01 2 : 3,394 bales domestic , n decrease of 31-
113 baies foreign as compared with last
year. The sales to date show nn Increase
of 122,972,100 pounds domestic and 12.G2C.900
LONDON , Oct. 6. WOOL The fifth se
ries of the wool sales closed today with
offerings of 11,419 bales. The selection was
fair and the continent purchased good
merinos after spirited competition. Home
buyers took the bulk of the crossbreds
offered. Inferior stock was difficult to sell.
The general market closed stronger , showIng -
Ing a better basis than the earlier part
ot the series promised. The home trade
purchased 123,000 bales and the continental
buyers 13,000 bales. The opening of the
series showed prices 7 per cent higher and
this prevailed throughout the week , ex
cept for the low grade sllpes. Home
trade was especially good. Continental
buyers purchased moderate of merinos
at hardening rates. Medium stock with
line crossbreds realized 15 per cent bet
ter and scoured 10 to 15 per cent. Toward
the end of the series the demand for
home trade fell away and the continental
buyers held off with the view that the
opening of the Australian . sales would
show lower values ) Prices cased 5 per cent
from the hlgheBtAlthough ; the continent
bought more freely during the last week
prices showed 'nq material Improvement.
Merinos and flno crossbreds closed firm
nnd 10 to 12 > ,4 per cent above the July
series. One of the features of the sala
was low , coarse crossbreds , which were de
pressed at the last scries and opened at
this sale 7' , * to 10 per cent higher and ad
vanced to 15 per cent higher. Medium
greasy was taken by Americans at 2'A
per cent , but closed at n 5 per cent ad
vance , owing to lack of demand. Inferior
sllpes showed little change , owing partly
to the dearness of merinos , which would
not allow profit when made up , causing
manufacturers to ? cek low-priced articles
with fair success. Capo of Good Hope and
Natal was In poor supply but good de
mand nnd showed an Improvement of 2d.
White scotireds realized Is 2d. Sales to
day were as follows : New South Wales ,
52S bales ; Queensland , 1.1C9 bales ; Victoria.
1,044 bales ; South Australia , 404 bales ; West
Australia , 501 bales ; New Zealand , S,17
bales ; Cape of Good Hope and Natal , 4' .
bales. The next scries will open Novem
ber 2S.
Cotton Mnrlci't.
NEW YORK , Oct. G. COTTON The mar
ket for cotton futures opened steady at a
decline of C5T9 points and at no time during
the day ralllled to the close of yesterday
while the lowest point of the session H
loss of 19 points was apparent. Largo lines
of cotton purchased around 6c for Jan
uary were liberated and more courageous
bears aggressively attacked the market un
der the firm conviction that the backbone
of the bull movement had 'been ' broken.
Considerable cotton of the pyramid order
came out from time to time. One prom
inent Wall street llrm was reported to have
pold nearly CO.OOO bales under stop orders ,
Speculation was feverishly active with the
market and at times very excited. The
principal source of bear inspiration was the
cable news announcing- weakness In Liver ,
pool , with prices at one time 3 12-G4d lower ,
The market closed barely steady at a ne
loss of 1CW19 points.
higher yesterday , but 1-lftc lower today ;
( middling , 71-lGc ; sales , 1M > bales ; receipts ,
1.3T7 bales ; shipments , 5S3 bales ; stock , GS-
S4S hales ,
Quiet ; quotations re-vlBWI ; scales , 2,400 bales
ordinary , iifl-lCc ; peed ordinary , Gl-lGc
low middling. fi9-1Ce ; m'ddllng. G 15-16c
good middling , 7 3-lGc ; mlddllnc fair , 7'/4c ,
receipts , 8,322 bales : stock , 05.906 bales
Futures barely steady : October , $6.63 , nom <
Inal : November , $ G. < * fi < ! .70 ; December , $ fi.7 :
? B.73j January. Jfi.7fcfifi.77 ; .February , W.S00
fi.82Mnroh. ; . $ G.S5fi6.SO : Anrll , $0.89g .90
'May. ' ( ! .93fi6.9. ; June , J6.97(6.99. (
peed demand , nrlccs unchanged ; American
middling. 331-32d ; sales of the day , 8.000
bales , of which 500 were for speculation
and export and Included 7,400 bales Amer
ican ; receipt ! . , 8,000 bales , including 6,500
American. Futures opened easy and closed
quiet nt the decline : American middling
1. m. c. . October. 357-fi4cl. buyers : Octobe
nnd November , 3M-G4d , buyers ; Novembc
nnd December. 3 ! > 5-64d , sellers ; Docejnbe
nnd January , 3CI-G4d , buyers : January am
February , Sfo-GId , buyers ; February ant
March , 3 54-(14iJ3 ( ( WG4d , Hellers : March ant
Anrll , Hm-fild , buyers ; April and May
? 55-C4iifl 5fi-61d , buyers ; Slay nnd June
35-G4d ( ! , buyers ; June and July , 3BG-64tf
3f > 7-Gld , buyers ; July and August ,
sellers ; August anil September , 356-64d
Drv CnoilR Miii'Ucl.
NEW YORK. Oct. 6. DRY GOODS Demand
mand continued good for all staple cottons ,
Some largo bids were turned down todn ;
from converting and Jobbing trades. Bel
lorn were withdrawing from the market I
Important quarters. 'Brown ' sheetings an
drills wore not quoted higher , but prevlou
prices declined In some Instances. Three
yard drills sold at o'Jc. four-yard sheetings
at 4' c. But these were extreme prices
Regular print cloths quieter. Demand foi
narrow and wide odd goods at full prices
bleached cottonn strong ; coarse coloret
cottons nlso strong. Staple prints llrm
Burlaps llrmer than a. we k ago , but no
quotalJly higher.
ColfiT MnrUct.
NEW YORK , Oct. C. COFKKE-Optlon
opened flrm , with prices unchanged to I
points higher and continued to Improve o
support from both sides and somn new buy
Ing started by llrm cahlc-H , light recelpl
and a better feeling in the spot departmen.
Speculation was quite active and ponerall.
tlrm. The close wap flrm at 15 to 25 point
net lueher ; sales. 23,250 bags , Including Oc
tober. $4.4kfJI.45 ( : November. $ l.5Mfl,55 ; De.
cember. $1.75 ; March. H.BflfOS ; May. $5.00 ®
5.10 ; July. $5.1Xl5.20 ( ; August , $5.20rj5,25 ; Sep.
tember , $5.30. Spot , Rio , steady to llrm ;
No. 7 Invoice , 7Wc : No , 7 Jobbing , Co ; mild ,
flrm ; Cordova , 6 ? c.
Miiiirlit'Nlfr TrxtllfH mill I'abrU'x.
MANCHESTER , Oct. 6 CJoths nrm , but
not active. Spinners are considered to be
w ll under contract.
Light Receipts of Cattle , & Slow Market and
No Marked Change in Values.
Henry I'ncklDR HORN Tnko a Jump of
Five Conln Tlie Knrlj Mnrkct
U Ilcnnonnltlr Active
t the Advance.
SOUTH OMAirA , Oct. 6.
- -were : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Olllc ttl Monday 7,480 3,201 S.GS7
RCn ! ! , T.uSt > dny 8.22S 8,749 S.407 ! "Cdnosday 8,300 6,4'i ! 'i.u.u
0JJP | i * } Thursday B.4SO 7,013 4 & 57
Olliclal Friday l'BS7 6,71 * 3,211
Five days thin week..31,075 32,270 il.Wl
Same days last week..32,500 41,91 * 33,746
Sumo days week before..31,331 32.1S2 2o,753
Same three week ngo..29,211 25,195 30,734
Average price pala for hoes for the last
neveral days with comparisons !
| 18 9.lS93.U887.18i)6.15 | | ) | 5.l,94.lS33 | ! |
Sept. 20. 731 371 4 03 TtK 543 60S
Sept. Ji. 431 3 71 401 283 3 96 K 33 6 13
Sept. 22. 42 $ 372 3 Si 2 tl 626 6 19
Sept. 23. 441 , S 77 3 7S 288 4 (10 6 23
Sept. 24. 877 3SS Z81 , 2S& 5 35
Sept. 25. 4 41 3S2 2 90 382 6 40 6 34
Sept. 26. 4 39 371 2 89 3 84 537 , 641
Sept. 27. 4 33 3 72 378 * 3SS 620 6 2-3
Sept. 28. 4 44 3 64 3 S3 2 S3 392 617 6U ?
Sept. 25. 437 3 64 3 81 2 91 515 615
Sept. 30. 4 3S 3 67 381 297 390
Oct. 1. . 3S5 294 3 9S 6 26
Oct. 2 439 , 3 79 3 393 , 627 , 624
Oct. 3 4 42 3 GG 297 3 86 600 6 26
Oct. 3B 437 3 64 3 73 3 S2 5 00 62S
Oct. B . 364 S71 2 S > 3 3 Si 4 95 632
Oct , 6 . 432 ] 361 371 2 93 3 5 4 95 632
Oct. 434 3 B3 374 301 487 631
Indicates Sunday.
The otllclal number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was :
C. , M. & St. P. Ry. . . . 1 1. . . . .
O. A St. U Ry 5 3 . . . .
Missouri Pacltlo Ry..Cl 2
Union Paclllc system..20 13 4 12
C. & N. W. Ry 1 1 . . . .
F. , K. & M. V. R. R. . . 1 30 3 1
C. , St. P. . M. & O. Ry. 3 6 . . . .
B. & M. R. R. R 12 17
C. , B. & Q. Ry 7
K. C. & St. J 1
C. , R. 1. & P. Ry. , B. . . 1
C. , R. I. & P. lly. . W 4
Total receipts G4 81 11 13
The disposition of the day's receipts was
ns follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head indicated :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 29 01 . . . .
G. H. Hammond Co 163 1,094 3
Swift and Company 12 1,055 1,872
Cudahy Pocking Co 220 3,419 1,078
Armour & Company 2G4 1,660 721
Cudahy Pack. Co. , K. C. . JLK > '
Vo-nsant & Co 17
J. L. . Carey 62
LO'bman & Co 130
W. I. Stephen 3
Hill & Huntzlngor 35
lienton & Underwood 172
Huston & Co 5
Livingstone & Schaller. . . 7S
N. Morris 74
Li. F. Husz 50
Other buyers 1,017 . . . . 1,367
Totals 921 7,789 ( UU
CATTLE After the heavy receipts for
the last five days the light run ot today
was something In the nature of a relief , as
It gave receivers an opportunity to clean
up odds and ends and get the yards cleared
before the close of the week. The market
as a whole was slow , but without material
change In values.
Only a few loads of cornfed cattle were
on sale , and they changed hands as a rule
In pretty good season. One bunch was good
enough to bring $5.75 , and some of the
same cattle sold earlier In the week at
practically the same price , showing no ma
terial change on that kind. Common to
medium cornfed cattle have eased off a
little during the week. Only three or four
loads of grass beef were reported In the
yards , and they sold about line yesterday ,
but In the neighborhood ofOc lower than
a week ago.
The mancot on cows and heifers was slow
and without feature. The receipts were
very light and th quality of the tew loads
here not very good as a rule. Prices were
not materially changed from yesterday.
Some pretty good belters brought J3.75.
The stacker and feeder market was a
good deal like yesterday , very dull and
slow. The fresh receipts were small , but
everyone haa some holdovers , a good deal
on the trashy order , and It was slow work
clearing the pens. Speculators had quite
a good many cattle on hand and were not
inclined to buy many more , n It WAS npar
the end of the week. Prices are down
now where It looks as If the country would
take hold more freely , and there ought to
bo a good demand the coming week.
Representative sales :
No Av. Pr. Mo. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1. SCO $2 GO 20..1204 $5 06 50..1049 $5 35
1. 930 2 75 10..1044 6 15 3..1133 5 35
1. 780 3 25 44. . & 97 6 1ft 36..1369 C 75
2. 1150 3 70 6. . 668 4 00
1. 700 2 DO 1..1220 310 8..1162 335
12. 833 285 1..1060 3 So 37.,1028 375
1. 1070 C 90 1. . SCO 3 23 2..1150 3 75
1.1150 2 SO 1..1170 325 S..G32 390
10. 744 295 1..1350 326 16..1007 425
5. 928 3 00 2..1050 3 30
16. . 851 3 05
2. . 825 3 CO 2. . 825 4 10 3. . 546 4 65
1. , 700 3 HO
1..12GO 2BO 1..1320 T ! 90 1..1950 4 23
1..1120 2 75
1..1570 4 7b
1. 770 3 25 1. 840 350 13. . 734 425
1.1000 335 23. SOI 370 7. . 737 425
1. MO 3 35 li. 913 3i5 25. . 937 430
9. 73fi 3 40 3. 910 4 00 1. . 430 4 70
2G. 897 3 40 10. 590 4 10
No. Av. Pr. No Av. Pr.
4 steers. . . . 9SO ! 3 00 1 feeder..1030 $4 00
10 feeders. . 825 3 90 1 feeder. . . 910 3 90
3 feeders. . 52C $4 00 142 stkclvs 393 $5 00
3 steers 4 00 3 feeders. 9 4 4 25
4 steers. .1252 4 25 1 feeder. . 810 3 75
1 steer. . .UbO 3 75 5 feeders. 1054 4 25
1 steer. . .1320 3 7G 2 feeders , 895 3 75
1 bull. . . .1260 2 90 2 feeders. 895 4 25
1 calf. , . . 270 4 50 1 feeder. , 1320 4 25
3 calves . 233 5 50 2 feeders. 605 3 GO
2 calves . 175 6 25 2 feeders. 715 3 40
1 heifer. , 610 3 10 2 feeders. 815 3 30
2 heifers . GC5 3 10 1 feeder. . 900 3 60
1 heifer. , 460 350 CO feeders. 869 3 65
2 cows. , , .1000 3 35 4 feeders. 907 3 80
1 cow. . . . S30 3 33 9 feeders. 957 3 80
1 cow. . . . 00 3 35 24 feeders. 917 3 65
1 cow. . . . 820 3 35 1 feeder. . 890 3 65
3 cows. . , . 946 3 35 26 calves , . 411 4 85
2 cows , . , . 990 3 00 23 calves. . 354 5 00
4 cows. . , . 972 2 90 45 feeders. 794 3 40
2 cows , , . 840 2 25 52 feeders , 891 3 85
2 COWS , . .10SO 2 75 2 bulls. , , . 12b5 2 80
5 COWS , , , . ,1068 3 00 1 bull 1090 3 06
3 heifers , , 900 3 40 3 calves. . 520 6 50
2 calves. , . 425 D 50
8 feeders. . 740 CO 16 feeders. . 969 4 15-
1 feeder..1340 3 70 1 feeder..1130 3 70
2 feeders..1360 3 70 1 feeder..1110 3 65
3 feeders , , 11G6 370 1 cow. , . , .1100 355
1 feeder..1140 3 70 1 cow. . . 8SO 3 55
1 feeder.,1140 3 70 1 cow,1010 3 25
1 feeder. , . 760 3 50 1 cow , . . 910 3 25
4 cows 1107 365
1 cow. , 880 $3 16 5 COWS. . 9S2 $2 S5
3 COWS. 706 3 15 9 COWH. . 938 2 S5
1 cow. . 1010 3 30 4 cows. . 937 3 10
1 cow. . i > 70 3 00 1 cow. . .1160 3 30
11 cows. 32 3 15 26 cows. .800 3 10
1 COW. . 920 2 h5 3 COWS. ,1033 3 10
1 feeder. 790 4 00 13 feeders ,1116 4 00
32 feeders 968 4 W 3 cows. . . ,1103 3 30
17 fdr. Tex. 786 3 20 29 fdr. Tex.1065 S 70
21 fdr. Tex. 773 3 20
J. C.Gamel _ Wyo.
2 cows. , .1000 1 feeder. , 440 3 75
1 cow. , , , 920 275 37 feeders , COS 4 15
1 bull. . . .1420 3 00 14 feeders. 630 4 15
17 cows. ,1070 3 35 4 feeders , 475 623
2 cows. , .1070 3 35 44 feeders , 414 5 23
1 cow. . . .1210 3 65 1 calf 170 G 60
Wyatt Bros. Cole ,
6 cows 810 260 82cows . . . , 9S7 3 !
21 cows 931 250 b calves. . , 2S7 500
41 COWS 964 3 25
C. A. Uadgett Wyo.
13 bulls 1390 275 9 steers..1011 375
3 hfs , fdr. , GU7 379 7 feeders. . 9S2 400
Scows U5.6 3 30
J. E. Higglns-Neb.
22 feeders , . 943 SCO 76 feeders. , 820 3 05
F. CarroII-S. D.
4 cows 1135 300 12 feeders. . 071 410
13 cows 9S7 3 50
William Ferdon-8. D.
13 cows 975 2 75
Wyatt Bros. Colo.
4 feeders..1107 430 1 bull 14M 270
6 cows 943 330 39 feeders. . 9M > 380
1 cow.i. . . . 930 3 00 1 fei-der. . . 810 3 23
A. C. Sterling-Colo.
31 feeders..1037 4 40 12 feeders .1015 3 75
2 cows line 2 85 1 bull 1490 2 80
3 cows 993 3 15 1 stag 1230 3 00
19 feeders..1070 3 80 17 cows. . . . 972 2 60
22 feeders..1015 4 25 2 heifers .1120 3 25
31 cows 972 2 80 21 calves , . 2i5 6 W
3 cows S93 2 60
Sam Garvln Mont.
13Hteers.243 ] 425 41 feeders. . 977 4 15
21 feeders. . 793 415 i feeder. , , b 10 375
24 feeders. . 1052 425 1 feeder. . . 920 423
21 c & hfs. . $02 3 10
A. littler Wyo.
1 steer PM ) 3 CO Isteor 560 415
1 steer 1010 360
11OC5S Heavy packing- hogs sold fc
higher than yesterday's Into market that
Is , largely nt $1.30 , us agalnat Jl.25. Choice
heavy hogs sold up to H.SS , but some S3-
pound hogs bronchi that prlco yesterday ,
so that the market on thnt kind wns not so
very much higher. Mixed loads soli ! right
around M.S5. the market on that kind
being a shade higher. Light hogs did not
uhow much Improvement over yesterday ,
peed loads going at JI.SO , which was the
hlph price yesterday.
The CArly market wns reasonably active
nt the Advance and still It was not overly
brisk , ns some of the packers did not ap
pear to want any hogs , at least not nt
current prices. The morning- was well ad
vanced neforo a clearance was effected.
Representative sales :
No. Av. Sli. IT. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
20 320 . . . 425 72 25S 40 455
10 303 . . . 42754 78 211 129 455
10 217 . . . 430 67 281 80 4 3S
63 347 . . . 430 2 255 Si ) 435
6S 311 . . . 430 6(5 ( 24G 120 435
' G : > 2SG 120 430 C ! 245 120 433
61 350 80 430 86 2SS 120 433
79 254 . . . 430 69 270 . . . 435
32 22S 49 430 G7 231 SO 4 K
00 297 . . . 430 G5 248 120 4 3 >
6fi 303 2SO 430 73 260 SO 4 3S
| 26 313 80 430 64 274 40 435
163 360 . . . 430 66 2SS 40 435
, C2 297 40 430 63 378 SO 435
167 2SS . . . 430 82 241 M ) 4 35
' 63 2S2 SO 439 79 248 40 435
G9 243 240 4 30 63 272 80 4 33
63 306 . . . 430 69 23S SO 435
74 276 49 430 62 2S3 IPO 433
167 235 . . . 430 72 246 80 433
' 60 2ft3 80 4 32 77 229 80 4 33
'GO 300 80 43214 84 255 120 435
65 276 120 4321.4 69 2GG 120 435
63 2S2 160 4 32 67 275 40 435
BS 313 89 432 % 63 278 . . . 435
77 230 . . . 4321,4 78 251 2SO 433
72 271 SO 4 32W 69 250 80 4 35
' 81 2S2 120 43214 6) 24S 40 437 4
62 272 . . . 4 32\4 \ 91 214 200 43714
56 263 80 43214 59 279 . . . 4 37'4
5S 282 240 43214 70 241 SO 43714
/G 271 SO 43214 78 227 . . . 43714
> 9 2SO 120 43214 74 21S 40 43714
5S 313 SO 43214 89 221 . . . 449
33 282 160 43214 74 2R7 120 40
16 216 49 4 32V4 71 223 . . . 40
67 268 . . . 43214 S3 204 89 40
61 2S9 . . . 43214 69 204 . . . 4214
GO 2SO 40 4 32V4 81 2SS K 4214
'S 229 160 43214 73 226 80 4214
47 275 40 43214 BS 202 49 45
60 2S5 160 43214 64 178 . . . CO
290 281 289 43214 60 1C9 89 4 60
77 209 80 4 3214 79 201 . . . 4 60
76 303 . . . 435
65 292 240 427' , * 84 2S 120 435
9 218 49 4 37 #
SHEEP There was a fair showing of
killers In the pens this morning nnd the
market was fairly active itt Just about
steady prices. There was nothing In the
way of news connected with the day's
Feeders continue very slow and holders
complained that It was hard work to Hnd a
buyer to look at what they had for sale.
Quotations : Prime native wethers , $4.00
ff4.15 ; good to choice grass wethers , J3.70 ®
3.80 ; fair to good grass wethers , $3.t)0fl3.0 ;
good to choice yearlings , $3.80fl3.90 ; good to
choice graso ewes , $3.40Jf3.50 ; fair to good
? raB3 ewes , $3.00S"3.36 ; good to choice spring
ambp , $4.7004.80 ; fair to good spring lambs ,
$4.60H.70 ; common spring lambs , J4.00iff4.50 ;
feeder wethers. $3.IOff3.C5 ; feeder yearlings ,
$3.65S3.75 ; feeder lambs , $4.00Q4.30. Repre
sentative sales :
No. Av. Pr.
27 ewes , feeders SS $3 15
216 yearlings 74 360
173 yearlings , feeders 71 370
66 lambs , feeders 55 4 00
44 feeder lambs fi2 4 10
3 lambs SO 4 10
106 fseder lambs 67 4 20
6S6 Nevada lambs CG 4 60
43CU11 lambs GG 400
Iculllamb 110 375
196cull lambs 63 400
Scull lambs 83 375
151 cull ewes 90 235
50 Utah ewes 91 359
293 Utah wethers 95 3 S3
17 Utah lambs C9 470
499 Utah lambs 05 470
Gonil Ilcmnml for the Time of "WcrU
and Prices Are Steady.
CHICAGO , Oct. 6.-CATTLE- de
mand for cattle was good for so late In the
week and prices- were steady ; good to
choice cattle sold at $5.90@7.00 ' ; commoner
rades , $4.50@5.85 ; stockars and feeders ,
$3.005.90 ; bulls , cows and heifers , $2.09 ®
5.25 ; Texas steers , $3.2004.30 ; rangers , $2.S5@
5.10 ; calves , $4.00ST.OO.
HOGS Were llrm and about Be higher.
The demand was good and the supply was
well 'taken ' ; heavy hogs sold at $4.0304.70 * ;
mixed lots , $4.35T4.76 : lights , $4.454.SO ; pigs ,
$ l.09JEi.'i3 , culls , $1.604.00.
SHEEP A-ND LAMBS-Trade In sheep
and lambs was fairly actlvo at about steady
prices ; native sheep sold at $2.00Q'4.30 for
poor to choice and J3.30Ji4.00 for western ;
yearling ? brought $4.26'g-.40 ' ! ; lambs sold nt
$3.0183.30 for poor to choice , range lambs
bringing $4.BOS6.15.
RECEIPTS Cattle , 3,500 head ; hogs , 18,000
head ; sheep , 6,000 head.
Kniintin Cltr Lii-c Stock.
ceipts , 6,000 head natives , 1,500 head Tcx-
ans ; desirable slaughtering grades steady ;
common steady to shade lower ; decent
quality of stackers and feeders steady ;
llashy lots lower ; heavy native steers ,
$5.7500.15 ; light weights , $5.1005.65 ; stock-
crs and feeders , $3.40iJ5.25 | ; butchers' COWE
and heifers , $3.00 < ft.r > .25 ; canners , $2.50W3.00 ;
western steers , $3.104.83 ( ; Tcxnns , $3.05 ®
HOGS Receipts , 9,500 head ; light grades
active at an advance of EC ; packing grade.
steady ; heavy , $4.35TI.45 ; mixed , $4.30S4.55
light , SI.IBffi4.GO ; pigs , $4.15j4.45.
SHEEP Receipts , 3,200 head ; good gen
eral demand for desirable , lots at steady
prices : lambs , $4.50J4.75 ; muttons , J3.75J/ / )
3.90 ; stockcrs and feeders , $3.00Jj4.00 ; culls ,
St. Louis I/lvc .Knelt.
ST. LOUIS , Oct. G. CATTLE-Receipts ,
6,000 head ; market steady ; native shipping
and export steers , $4.75fj6.60 ! ; dressed bee
steers , $4,255T5.75 ; steers under 1,000 Ibs.
$3.7605.00 ; stockers and feeders , $2.5001.60
cows and heifers , $2.0005.00 ; canners , $1.50ij
2.75 ; Texas and Indian steers , $3.1501.33
cows nnd heifers , $2.3003.70.
HOGS Receipts , 11,000 head ; market 6 <
higher on lights , strong on others ; pigs and
light * , $4.GO < fi4,70 ; packers , $4,451.CO ; butch
ers , $4.60 < fr4.70.
SHEEP Receipts , 3,200 head ; marke
steady ; native muttons , $3.50@4.00 ; lambs.
$3.7505.00 ; stackers , $1.5002.73 ; culls and
bucks , $1.6003.00.
Stock In Sljtiil.
Following are the receipts of stock nt the
four principal western markets for Octobe
C :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaha . 1,687 , 6,714 3,211
Chicago : . , . 3,600 18,000 C.W
Kansas City . 7,600 , 9,500 3,20 *
St. Louis . 5,000 11,000 3,20
Totals . 17,587 , 44,214 15,61
Oil Mnrkvt.
TOLEDO , Oct. 6.-OILS-Unchnnged.
NE\V YORK , Oct. 6. OILS-Potroleum
flrm. Turpentine , llrm at BlVs052c ; cotton
seed , dull ; prime summer yellow , 29030c
off summer yellow , 29c : prime winter yel
low , 3l035c ; prime white , 30c.
LONDON. Oct. G.-OILS-Llnseed , 22i
10'/4d ; Calcutta linseed , spot , 45a , Turptn
tine spirits , 37s ,
LIVERPOOL. Oct. 6. OILS Cottonseed
Hull rellned , November and April , dul
at 17s Gd : linseed , 23 3d.
SAVANNAH , Ga. , Oct. G.-OILS-Splrlt :
of turpentine , llrm at 48'/4c. Rosin , lln
and unchanged.
Spirlts of turpentine , llrm ut 4S'i(49c ( ,
Rosin , llrm at 90095c. Crude turpentine
llrm at $1.3002.80. Tar. flrm at $1.30.
OIL CITY , Pa. , Oct. G. OILS-Credlt hal
ances , $1.60 ; certificates , no bids ; shipments
102,148 bbls. ; average , 76,893 bblB. ; runs , 9 $ ,
166 bbls , : average , 76,610 bbla.
NEW YORK. Oct , C.-SUOAR Raw ,
weak and nominally lower ; fair rollnlng ,
3i/4Mc ; centrifugal , 'M test , 4 1-lGc
Molasses sugar , 3'X/c ; refined , uncettled
weak ; No. 6 , 4l4e ; No. 7 , 47-16c ; No , 8. 4ic
No. 9 , 46-lGc ; No. 10 , 45-lCc ; No. 11 , 4 1-lCo
No 12 , 4c ; No. 13. 4c ; No. 14. 3 15-lCe ; mouli ,
A , 67-lCc ; standard A , 415-lCc ; crushed ,
Gll-lCc ; powdered , C14c ; granulated , 53-lGc
cubes , 6 s-lCc.
LONDON , Oct. C.-SUOAR Muscovado
10s Cd ; centrifugal , Ils9d ; oect sugar , Octo
her. 9 I'/rd.
Stcady ; centrifugal yellow , 4UQ4 11-lGc
seconds. ! ifll4e. ! Molasses , dull ; centrl
fugul , C014c.
California Drlnl KrulU ,
DRIED FRUITS Steady ; evaporated up
pies , common. 7'-4o ; prime wire tray. '
be ; choice , 8iffj9o ; fancy , 909Ue. Prunes
2H08c. Apricots , Royal , 12013V e : Mooi
Park , 140 ICc. Peaohea. unpeeled , 7-09c.
AiiNtriilliui .Miner * Itlotliiir.
PERTH , Western Australia , Oct. G.
There haa been serious rioting nt Kulgoolle
Hundreds of mlner have rushed varioui
claims and removed the ore In defiance o
a strong force of police , whom they bea
off with pkh8 and Hnovels. Reinforcement
Jmvu been dispatched to the ecenu of ills
Owing to the largo stock on hand of CAR * ' - - '
TONS , etc. , I nm determined to cloao them
nit during the next twenty days , notwlth-
itandlng thnt the cost of them will bo much
.Ighcr . next year. They are all new and of
: ho latest style.
H will pny you to Invent even though you
lo not need them until next spring , Call
inrly nnd got nmt choice.
. B.
5th ntul Dodge Sts OMAHA
When others fail consult
mm CRRCE a
op MEN
\Vo guarantee to euro nil cases curable of
SEXUALLY. cured for life.
Nightly Emissions , Lost Manhood. IlyUrocclo
Verlcocclc , Gonorrhea , IJIcct , Syphilis. Strict
ure , Piles , Fistula am ! Itcctal Ulcers und
All Private Diseases
and Disorders of Men.
Consultation free Cull on or
119 So. Mth St. OHAHA.
I * sold under positive Written Cuarantoa
by authorized agents only , to curn Wuntc Memory ,
Dlzzlnoas , Wakefiilnesa , Fits , Hyelorlti , Qulolt-
noBH.NIsrhtLoB6eH.Kvll Dreamn. r.aclc ofOontl-
Hence. Nervounnean , I.aBRlUiilo. nil Drains , Youth
ful Errors , or Excessive Use of Tobacco , Opium
or Liquor , wlilch loads to Mlacry , Consumption
Insanity and Death , At More or by mall. $1 a box ;
na for J5 ; with written Buarnntoo to
euro or refund money. ample pack-
ago , containing five days' troMinont , with
tuu Instructions , 25 cents. Onoe.implo . only sold
to each person. At ( tore or by mall ,
tfRud Label Sp
chil Extra Strength , i
Kor Irapotency , Loss ofl
Power , Lost Mnnliood ,
Sterility or Itarrcnese , .
Slalinx ; six for CG , wltlit
( vrltton guarantee ?
_ o euro in 80 days. Atjf
store or by mail.
Myern , Dillon Irnjr Co. , Solo
10th and iFarnantt Omaha , Neb.
HEADY RKLI1SF has stood
unrivaled 'before ' the public for IWty years
an a Pain Hem 'ily. It Instantly relieves
and quickly cures uJI Spraina , Bruises , Sara
MuscJes. Cramps , Uurns , Sunburns , MOH-
qulto Hues , Backaches , Headache , Tooth
ache , Kheaiinatism , Ncuraltrla. Internally
J > y 'll < c'rjDliirrliru , Clioluru HIorliUN.
Radhvay's Heady Helled In water will In
a C\v moments cum * Cramps , Spnsmn , Sour
Stomach , Nausea , Vomiting , Heartburn ,
Nervousness , SlceplessnesB , ftlclt Headnclie ,
CoJIc , Flatulency , nnd nil Internal Pa4ns.
There ia not a re > mdlal anuiil In the world
that will euro Fever and Ague nnd all
other Malarious , lilllous , and other fevers ,
aided by UADWAY'S PILLS , no quickly
Fifty cents per bottle. Bold by druggists.
RA1MVAY & CO. , 6 Elm St. , Nw York.
Magnet Pi8e Killer
ASK OR WRITE : Andrew Klewit , Oma
ha , Neb. ; Albert Branson , Council Bluffa ,
Io.j R. n. McCoy , Denver , Colo. ; F. W. Bwi-
son , Tallapoosa , Ga. ; M , T. Mom , Chicago ,
Amos L. Jackmuii , Omaha , Neb. ; J. C.
IJaslay , Dumont , Colo. ; Frank Hall , David
Olty , Neb , ; James Davla , Omaha , Neb. ; A.
Rlne. Princeton , 111. ; Pearson Beaty , Fair
fax , Ohio. For sala at drugglstv.
SI.OO Per Box. Guaranteed.
Telcplionc 1030. '
Omnlui , Ne' }
HOAIM ) 1)1' TlfAl ) ! ! .
Direct lr tw 411 New York.
Comipondtntii John A. Warrtn A Co.
BLKH-OIIIco of the Chief Cominlsgarv
Omaha , Nebraska. September 10 IKM * '
Beulcd proposa.s In triplicate
, win | > u re
ceived hero until 11 o'clock a in central
Htandard time , October 0 , IBM , nnil then
opened publicly , for furn'.ihliiK ana dlllv"
ery of such quantities of poWow and
onions as may be required by this BubHlst-
ence Department ! ) at Fortu Crouk. Jerf"r-
i ? " . I5lMTif > ? ks' I'Mivenworlh , Lognii I j
RootH , Nlobrura
, Itolilnson and at Omaha
Donot. 1 roposnlH wl | , , , | ko bo
and opened by tilt ? Commissaries at JerfVr.
Hon Barracks Lcnvpoworth and Logan H
Roots until 11 o'clock ii. m. . ci-i trul sYnmi
unl Hint. October 0 , 18'J ) , und by I B Po" I
rnfcsarlea at Kortu Robinson urn ] Nlolmira
until 10 o'clock a m. , mountain stand rd
time. October 9 , 1SS3 , each Pom roinm
Bary r/-cclvliiK / propoHiilw for Ms own iio't
only. Thu right is rewrvcd to reject any
or till proposals In wholu or In part In.
formation us to conditions of contract will
bo furnished on appllrutlon to unv of th ,
Hbtve mentioned olllcera. J. H nuVAlT
Captain Commissary of HubulHtence
B19 dltO6-7M