Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 05, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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    401 to 405 Broadway GARDINER , BOSTON STORE Council Bluffs , Iowa.
A Great Sale of Ready to Wear Garments
! Cape * , J'ck'ts Ladies9 , Suit ® Collarettes - JSoas Un der wear.
Black Coney lloa , trltntncJ with
Ladles' ' Black Curl Cloth Jacket- Full assortment of colors nnd sizes , at great marten tnlls. worth , / - Men's extra .honvy flfcooetl unrtor-
now style , all , as represented ly reduced prices $2.50 , our price 2. / O xvonr , covorcd > i n
in out , worth 57.50 , - , _ . . - _ , $7.50 Tailor-made' Suite - . _ _ , Marten Boa , extra good quality , Boatns.cnch t > / 2 O
only . Stk.7. & for . 4t. 75 only trimmed with tnlls , O.OO Men's now pure , silk fleeeeil , the
Ladles' Tan nnd Black Jackets- SO.CO Tallor-inado Suits * best for lioiuth nncl 1 nr\
r refer Stone Marten I3oa , trimmed with JL.\J\J
5. OS comfort
full lined , extra well finished , made for . . Marten _
of Covert nnd Kersey cloth , usually $12.00 Tnilor-niado Suits < - > _ _ , tnlls O.GU Men's all wool fleece nnd nil wool
sold for 810.00 , our arrrTk for . O. 7 > Hod Fox , trimmed , - , . _ , untiltnry pnrmonts.Vo iniiko a
price each . J / . i > L * with tails > .73 oflort these
, t special < in
_ , f\f\
$1S and , 20 Tailor-made Suits -
Heal Stone Marten Boa , ilno ' JLt\J\J
25. OO gai'tnouU
' .
Ladles' Kersey Cloth Jackets in for 812 and . _
blitek , , tan , blue nnd cadet. only worth J25.00 , 19.OO Our Sl.RO nnd $2.50 garments nro
all highly finished , tailor made , Ladies' Dress Skirts Black Coney Collar- best values in the tnurkot for the
cut coat shape , extra good values , > r- .
ctte , silk lined O.1 G money.
In plain black nnd figured mohair nnd serge
$10.00 at 85.00 , $3.50 , $2.25 , $1.75 , 81.60 Black Coney Collarette , with Children's Underwear Wo have
Astrakhan j-okc , . _ '
ana . . a full line of children's underwear ,
Also a full line of Ladles Jackets , Ladles' black crepon Sklrte , In various patterns eatin lined t > .7fc > in cotton ; ilouco anil wool , at lowest
similar styles , in Covert , Kersey , . . Klcctrlo Seal Collarotte , prices.
terns , at J12.00 , $5.00 , down
with Astrakhan . . _
Beaver and Persian Boucle cloth to . Ladies' Underwear Ladies'
at extra low prices and good values yoke .
' lleooetl underwear full sized
Ladles' plaid and plain colored Skirts at 'JycJ Oppossum Collarette , ,
$ # .75 , 5.OO , 6,75 , $9.75 , $7.50. $5.75 , $5.00 , $4.50 , . , trlmmod with henda _ _ , , - ami finished seams , _ ,
O.OO , 12.OO , 15.OO $3.50 , and . and tails 7,5O at 2&O
Electric Seal Collarotte , extra
Lmlics1 Egyptian llocccil underwear
and7.OO eaeJh. Ladies9 Wrappers fine nnd well _ - a repular COo garment , at , t „ > c/O o
Calico AVrnppere In largo assortment of colors Ladies' now nngorn fleeced underwear , very fine- and soft llcoco ,
CAJPJ3S Electric Seal Collarette , with "
and sizes , worth $1,00 our
ors c ? made by a now process , la not damaged by"washing _ ,
tabs and Persian
price , each . Oe/O yoke at OC/O
Largo and well assorted line of trimmed with Mar- _
Ladies' Persian Boucle Capes at Ladles' heavy Flannelette Wrappers In full ten tails 2lftOO Lndios' all wool garments ,
the lowest prices over offered in each line of . sizes nnd colors only X.OO Ilcal Marten Collnretto and Deaver Collarette , all extra , well lined all sixes , fJOc and
this vicinity. Just imagine a full and finished with tabs and trlmnieU with Marten tails , at extra low Ladins' union suits at 25c , a lot of extra value union suit8worth
sweep curl cloth cape , full lined and At $1.25 wo show an extra good quality In prlces-S 17.00 , $20.00. $2'2.50 and S25.00. up to C9e.
interlined 33 inches and 30 inches Flannelette Wrappers , elaborately trimmed
, At ! 19c a lot of fine heavy fleeced union suits.
euch only and with 12-Inch Ilouacc a bargain - _ Hosierv , ,
gain at . At 60c , full sized , extra quality union suits worth 81.
5,75 and 7.5O Others In Percale , Cotton Flannel nnd all Ladles * Ladies' ' all wool union suits , rt
extra heavy fleeced
wool all neatly trimmed and well Hose atl , SI.50 and I/ .
Other prices are each , . , $2.50 _ a
made , at , $3.50 - , ' wool black warranted
. J.75 pair tights , -i
$5.75. 4.5O , 5.OO , and A regular 25c Fleece Lined fust , colors , . , , jL
- Hose ( S pairs _ , _ .
5.75 , S,5O , tolO.OO DressingSacques for GOc ) for 17O '
Infants' Wear.
well asorted line of ladles' '
A full nnd Ladles' Fleece Lined Hose , .
and J5.OO each. Dressing Sacqucs in all colors and sizes , with double eolo and
neatly trimmed with ribbon , fancy feath ribbed top very _
Ladies' Golf Capos , in fine assort er stitching and wide sailor collar , at the clastic , extra valu * Z 5 C Rubens'Infant Shirt Just received , a flno
ment of colors at the following following pricee , each , $4.50 , $2.25 , _ _ . Ladles' flno Cashmere line of Ruben's under
prices $1.75 , $1.25 and . 9OO TVE NEVER CHANGE COLOR Hose , per pair , _ _ . wear for infante , like
39c and IfiJO cut n most convenient
5.75 , New line ladlea' Fancy Hose per pair _ and comfortable gar
GOc and 2&C ment.
7.0O , to $12 each. Children's Fleece Lined Hose extra value A nice line of dainty
$1CO Ccntemerl flno kid Glove (3 ( pairs 50c ) 17O Backs for infants in all
PLUSH CAJP.BS very dressy , in all shades . jL. Children's heavy ribbed Cotton Hose pretty shades
$1.50 Doris , a new cycle and drlv (3 ( for 25c ) JLOO at l5.60G9,05o ! , ;
' anil crush at
of Ladles' Plush in both plain
Full line Capos ing Glove for ladlea . ! Children's flno Cashmere Infau's hoodB , an end
following prices $1.00 Ladles' Arabian Undressed Mocha Hose " 5O less itBsortmont at 25o ,
8.75 4.75. 5.OO , 7.5O , Golves , In all the leading ' 33e 50o OQe ,
$2.98 , , 230 -i rr \ Men's Furnishings , , , - n -
shades . JL.LfU No Buttons NoTrouble 75cand. 1.25
1O OO 12.OO , to 2O.OO each. A big lot of men's Laundered Men's Full Laundered Shirts
, Misses' and Children's fine Mocha Jllttens , Shirts , regular 50c with two collars and cuffs to
fur trimmed , 50c nnd . .39o quality , to close. . match good line of new styles-
' ' would be good value at3O -
MISSJBS < CIIILDR&NS J'K'TS Ladles' fine Undressed Mocha Mittens- .1.00 Men's Laundered Shirts with fl.OO our price , each . . . . " - ' * < - ' New line of men's Work Gloves and Mitts.
go at . . . two collars to match worth We have the biggest line of Jl.OO
Children' and Misses' Jackets and Reefers , trimmed ' , 50c to close , at * ? O/ " Colored Laundorea Shirts In tha Men's fine Drees Gloves 1.50
Full line of * Children's fancy and plaid gloves , something vorr now (3 ( for $1.00) ) t > yC ? city ALL SIXES up to IS. , § . a pair.
.39c " " " " '
with fnncv braid , buttons and uppllquo work also fancv golf per pair . . Our line of Men's Furnishings is "Uie most "complete."N'BVV lines '
capo effect at $1.50 , $2.00 , $2.50 , $3.511. $1.50 , $5.00 , Ladlca' fancy driving gloves , a now novelty , very stylish , of Neckwear all the new shapes of collars , suspenders to suit , in all Men's silk lined Dress Gloves , extra vnlue § 1.25
thn . buckles , including the Manhattan , President , French and
SU.75 to $ ! ) .UO each. go at ( . . 5Oo Shirley ne.w makes. Everything new in men's Half Hose , In woolen. a pair New line of men's Scotch Knit Gloves
' in assortment of A full line of ladles' and children's wool mittens , best line Cashmere. Lisle nnd Cotton. Our $1.00 White Laundered is a won
Missos' Grctulien Clonks for school wear . good In the city , 25c to , . . 75c der , In all styles , open and closed front , long and short bosom , all and Mitts at 25c , 39c , 50c and 75c a pair.
. . and $5.00. .
colors at $2.50 , $2.08 , $3.75 sizes to IS.
Council Bluffs Getting Into Shape to Receive
the Returning Volunteers.
I.nrul livrciitlvr t'onnnHtee Sciul * Out
Iji'tlcr 1 > Mayor i > f Kvcry City
IVhlcli HUH Company In
( lie I
Preparations for the reception to the Fifty-
first Iowa are goinp ; on apace and by the
end of the week every committee will be
linrd at work. The committees have an im-
jnonfio amount of detail work to do. In ac
cordance with the plan that the reception
Bhould bo a state-wide one the local execu
tive committee yesterday sent a letter or
invitation to the mayor of every city and
town In lown. The letter Is as follows :
"The Klfty-drst Iowa regiment of volun
teers Is now returning from the Philippines
and will soon nguln bo on Iowa soil. It Is
undoubtedly the sentiment of nil the people
of our ( itate that the reception to this regi
ment , of which we nro BO proud , should be
fully In keeping wih the patrlotlum nnd loy
alty of our state. At a meeting of a com
mittee from each city more directly Inter
ested In llio regiment , on account of being
the homo of ono or more companies , hold
at Crestou recently , It waa decided that'the
l > coplo of Iowa should welcome the regi
ment In this city. The exact date of the
arrival of our hoye cannot ut this time bo
determined , but tbo press of the state will
announce thu date as soon a It can bo
learned , Kvery city and town within the
elate Bhould bo represented on this happy
occasion , and all Bhould join In Iowa's ex
pression of gratitude nnd love. We wish
most earnestly to Invite and urge you , Mr.
Mayor , and through you all the people or
your city , to be with ua anj take active part
in welcoming our returning fiolilicre. Come
nnd bring your city with you. "
At a moctlni ; of the committee , held yc -
tcrday afternoon , three more sub-commltteea
wore appointed , as follows :
Transportation W. J. Davenport , J. C.
Mltcliull , A. T. Klwoll. L. H. CSrecr , J. H.
Jlluiicliurd. A. J. Jlnmlnrson , I. M. Troynor ,
\ \ ' . S. Dlmmoc-k , J. N. llaldwln , v. n.
Ilencler , t'recl Davis. Luulns Wells , W. W.
Lnonils and 1. C. Ilonham.
DndKus Ours" S , WrlBht , W. L. Doug
lass , J. Al. Konlon. Georso Mtiyno.V. . A.
Maurer , Mrs. Smith Mcl'horson , Mrs. John
N. lialdwln , Ml.ia Helen Moore , Mrs. Her
man Ho.sch.
Dr. Macrae was made chairman of the subcommittee -
committee on arrangements , but the inem-
l > oru will not bo announced until today ,
Mnyor Jennings Is chairman of the local
reception committee nnd he ban not yet se
lected these who will act on this committee- ,
Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska
and Iowa. Junu-n N. fiisacly , Jr. ,
1M Main St. , Council llluRs.
l < * or Caiili ur I.uniicil On ,
1) . II. SHKAFi : A 00. .
C 1'earl Struet , Conucll lUnfTi , IOITO.
but hast promised to name the llet today.
Judge J. t R. Heed Is chairman of the local
committee on invitations nnd he Is expected
to name his associates some time today.
Mayor Jennings Is also chairman of the com
mittee on program and this has not been
filled yet. The reception committee , with
the mayor at Its head , will consist of the
chairmen of the various sub-committees ,
who are as follows :
Finance , K. 13. Hart ; transportation , W.
J. Davenport ; Invitation , Judge J. 11 , Heed ;
reception. Mayor Victor Jennings ; refresh
ments. K. W. Hart ; press nnd publicity , H.
AV. Tllton ; halls , hotel * and headquarters * ,
G. W. Llpo ; music , I. M. Treynor ; badges ,
Oeorgo S. Wright ; program , Mayor Victor
Jennings ; decorations , L. A. ( Jasper ;
parade , J. B. Atkins ; arrangements , Dr. D.
Macrae ; carriages and horses. 13. II. Odelt ;
printing , J. J. Stendman ; speakers , John N.
Ualdwln ; camptlres , George Carson.
The refreshment committee , which neces- | j
sarlly will be ono of the most Important , la j i
not yet complete , but E. W. Hart , chairman I |
of the executive committee of this subcommittee - ' |
committee , expects to bo able to announce
the membership today.
At the meeting yesterday the committee
on halls , hotels and headquarters waa In
structed to secure a suitable headquarters
for the regiment for the day and In addi
tion separate headquarters for each com- i
1 pany. The Idea Is that thcno separate bead- j
quarters can be used as the rallying place i
for the people from the towns repropescnteU
hv companies In the regiment and enable
them to easily find any member of the regi
ment that they may desire. Kach of thesn
, headquarters will be In charge of a member
of the local reception committee and a coni-
, rnlttee from the company's home town. The
i committee on halls was also instructed to
| tiDcuro a suitable hall where breakfast could
1 bo served the regiment promptly on Its arrival -
rival In the city and another hall where the
reception banquet will be served either at
noon or In the afternoon. The large hall in I
the Masonic Temple will probably he the | I
place whcro the banquet 'Will be held , It be > - ,
ing about the only hall in the city large i
enough to accommodate the entire regiment ,
The executive committee will meet again
this morning at 10 o'clock In the ofllco of
Attorney Tlnloy , when It elpectn to wind up
all the preliminary work and got the eub-
commktccs started out on their several !
missions. I
Reasonable amount of mending done free
of charge at the Dluff City laundry. This Is
the laundry that takes good care of your
linen. 31 North Main.
IlrnUiMinui Futility Hurt.
James McKenna , a brakeman working1 on
a gravel train on the Chicago & North
western railway , full between the cars
yesterday noon and received Injuries -which
resulted In his death four hours later.
The accident occurred about two mllw from
the city , where gra.vel was being laid as
'ballast ' on the second track now In con mo
of construction , McKenna was standing on
onn of the rear cars attending to thA tir.ikn.
when In some manner ho lost his position
1 and fell between the cars , the wheels of the
I last one passing over his stomach. Ho
, was brought to this city as eoon as possible ,
, but when ho reached the local depot It was
| seen that he could live 'but ' a short time and
Dr. Lacey , the company's physician , ordered
him placed In the baggage room. Everything
possible was done * o alleviate his sufferings ,
but after lingering tor about four bours ,
death came to his releaso.
McKenna wna conscious moat of the time
and begged Dr. Lacey to give him sutllclcnt
morphine to kill him , Uov , Pat her Smyth
of at. Francis Xavler'e wus with the un-
fortijnate man nnd gave him the last rites of
the church.
The body was removed to Eutop'u under
taking rooms , where Coroner Treynor will
hold an inquest this morning at 8 o'clock.
Little Is known about McKenna ; ho had
oaly been in the employ of tbo railroad
since Monday and wau a stranger. It Is
thought ho had relatives living In Massa-
chueets. He was a young man , probably
about thirty y < virs of age and of magni
ficent physique.
Ilitil lie ii Convicted anil OtherH In-
illetcd li > - llio Critml Jury.
Geoige Williams , Indicted on the charge
of 'breaking ' Into H. L. Whistler's barn last i
May nnd stealing a quantity of tools , was J
tried before Judge Macy In the district court
yesterday and the Jury decided he was
guilty. Judge Macy reserved sentence.
The jury in the suit of J. F. Huntlngton
| of Oakland against H. J , Chambers of thla
1 city brought In a verdict for the plaintiff In j
. the sum of $608.13. The suit was over a !
' note which Huntlngton claimed was his j
. property and which had beea collected by
I Chambers.
The grand Jury returned an Indictment
against Mrs. Kate Feeley of Underwood on
the charge of aKeault with Intent to com-
mlt murder. It la charged that September 1
last Mrs. Feeley fired her revolver at Jcas
Heldt nnd Henry Burns , who were sitting on
the sidewalk In front of. her house. Mra.
Feeley ordered them to move and they rt -
ftised when , as they allege , she shot at j
them. Mrs. Feeley denies the shooting.
She gave hall In the sum of $1,000 for her
appearance in court.
The case of the City against Mrs. M , F.
Itohrcr nnd the Omaha & St. Louis rail
way Is set for tot'ay. Thin suit Is over the
award for the cordemnatlon of the strip at
Sixteenth avenue and Third street.
! The following order was entered by Judge
J Smith yesterday In the suit brought by J.
' J. Shea to restrain the city from Issuing the
! refunding -bonds to take up the outstanding
' general and water fund warrants ; "The
i submit slon of this cause on the hearing for
1 a temporary restraining order Is waived ana
| the cause Is set down for final hearing and
trial on the application for a permanent In
junction fo Thursday , October 5. "
Thlu is understood to be another step In
the compromise entered Into by the city
council with Shea , looking toward the end
ing of the litigation attacking the city's
outstanding Indebtedness , it was said yes
terday that when the hearing comes up
today Shea will allow the matter to go by
defhult. It Is these refunding bonds which
Shea attacked , which the city Is now ar-
ranging to leauo through the medium of a
party In Cedar Kaplds.
The Jury In the federal court before which
was tried the matter of the bankruptcy of
C. . 13. Ilandlett decided In favor of the
creditors and that Ilandlett waa a bankrupt.
The trial of the suit of John Heck , ad
ministrator of the estate of Chris Beck ,
I against the Omaha & St. Paul railway for
$10,000 damages for the death of the latter
| was commenced yesterday afternoon , A
largo number of witnesses have been sub
poenaed on both sides nnd In order to ox-
> pcdlto matters a night session was hold
' by Judge Woolson last night. Beck was
! killed In August , 1898 , at the Pony creek
Annual Convention of the Ninth Dl -
trlot Hclil In Couin-II lllnir .
The . annual convention of the Women's
Relief corps of the Ninth district of Iowa ,
held In this city ycsterady , was well at
tended , every corps In the district being
represented. Sessions were held In the
morning nnd afternoon and U' the evening
the visiting delegates and a number of
members of the local corps visited the ex
position across the river. The visitors were
entertained at dinner and supper In Orand
Army of the Kepubllc hall , where the con
vention was held , by the local members ,
Mrs. Stella Talbot , president of the local
corps , presided and Mrs. Etta Spencer acted
as secretary. The convention was called
to order at 9:30 : o'clock , when Mrs. Talbot
bet delivered an address of welcome , which
was responded to by Mrs. Hutchison of
Lalto City.
A siiort while after the convention had
beea In session a telegram was received
announcing the death of Mrs. Mattie Dawson -
son Burblgo , the first department president ,
at her homo In Agency. The committee on
resolutions , consisting of Mcsdamcs Smith
of Clnrinda , Pratt of Red Oak and Clark
of Missouri Valley , was instructed to draft
suitable resolutions of sympathy , which
wore adopted and ordered sent to the be
reaved family. A committee was appointed
to procure a suitable floral tribute as the
offering of the Ninth district corps.
The remainder of the morning session was
taken up In the reading of reports from
the several corps. The press work was
placed In charge of Mrs. Crowder of Mis
souri Valley.
The afternoon session was devoted to the
exemplification of ritual work by the local
corps. Clarinda was selected as the place of
meeting for next year's convention.
Among those present were : Mesdamea
LIz7.lo S. Hutchison , Lake City ; Anna Smith ,
Clarinda ; Fanny McMillan , Emerson ; Clara
13. Pratt , Red Oak ; Mary C. Lang , Atlantic ;
Emma E. Emory , Missouri Valley ; Caroline
line Clark , Missouri Valley ; Kate Owens ,
Avoa ; Ellen L. Crowder , Missouri Valley ;
B. Humphrey , S. B. Lake , Lydla Brayton ,
Emma Hartley , N. B. Stern , Elizabeth Als
ton , Logan ; Nettle Tucker , Persia ; C. B.
Traver , Dunlop ; Sarah E. Shukler , Emer
son ; Hattlo A. Shields * , Emerson ; Mary Tuttle -
tle , Woodbine ; Mary C. Read , Avoca ; Ida
M. Haas , Woodbine ; Mary L. Brown , Clar
inda ; Miss Anne Asman , Tabor. Mrs.
Hattlo Brown of Ornalm and Mrs. II , L.
Corlllo of Deadwood , S. D , , wore guests
of the convention.
Mra. Hnnde's classes for dancing will
open for children Saturday , October 7 , 2 to
G , I. O , O. F. temple ; adults Tuesday , Oc
tober 10 , 8 to 10 p. m. , at residence , 235
Oakland avenue , Assembly every Friday ,
8:30 : to 11:30 : , I. 0. O. F. temple. Admis
sion 25 cents. For further Information caller
or address 235 Oakland avenue or telephone
Davis sells paint.
Howcll'6 Antl "Kawf" cures coughs , colds ,
Hi-ill ] ? Htnte Trimiferx.
The following transfers wore filed yester
day In the abstract , title and loan olllco f
J. W. Squire , 101 Pearl street :
Margnrotha Kcldhahn and husband et
nl to Christina Christiansen , lot It
nnd n'/j lot 13 , block 6 , . .Meredith's
add. , ( ] . c. d $ 200
Mary Ann Lacy to Archibald White-
law , eontli C feet of nH lots fi and
17 , block 2. Olendalo add. , w. d 150
Archibald WhiteJaw to William H.
HcwetRon , Houth 6 feet of north 31
fc-et of lots 9 and 10 , block 2 , Glendale -
dale add. , w. d ICO
J. H. Joliannsen and wife to Morton
North , lot 8 , block 4 , Noe's add. to
Walnut , w. d 100
Joseph C. James and wife 4o Charles
-M. MoKinley , lot 2. block 2 , How-
ard'H add. , w. d 1.5M
Jurgen Slender and wife to Edgar
Code , north SI feet lot 4 , Blgclow's
add. to Walnut , w. d 50
W. W. Loomls nnd wife to David
Bradley & Co. , lots 8 and 10 , block
1 , Arnold's add to Oakland , cj. c. d. 1,000
Total , seven transfers. . . . , $3,150
Miirrlntft *'i-iiBi'd ,
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to
the following persons :
James H. llauscr , Henderson , la 49
Martha. McChesney , Oakland , la 45
George F. Melu-s , Omahu 21
Hula M. Llpe. "Council Uluffs 23
J. H. Wlckersham , Shelby county , Iowa. CO
Julia A. Allen , Pottawattnmle county.
Iowa 63
George O. Martin , Carson , la 22
Anna McClellan , Carson , la JS
Scientific optician , Wollrunn 409 Br'dway.
Davis sells gloss.
Dr. Bower , Globe bldg. 'Phone 413.
Wclsbach burners at Blxby's. Tel. 193.
ISudwclser beer. L. Rosenfeldt , agent.
Perry pictures. Alexander's , 33S B-way.
Dr. Stcphenson. Mcrrlam blk. . room 221.
Jlrg. Gus Rollan Is visiting la Jeffer
son , In.
Ja-mos B. Boone Is quite sick at his home ,
& 4t ! Washington avenue.
The regular meeting of Augusta grove
will be held this evening ,
Itemoved , C. K. Alexander & Co. , Art Em
porium , to 333 Broadway.
C. B. Jac-quemin & Co. , Jewelers and op
ticians , 27 South Main street.
Get your work done at the popular Eagle
laundry , 724 Broadway. 'Phone 167.
W. C. Estep. undertaker , 28 Pearl street.
epphonea | , otllce. 97 ; residence. 33.
Dr. Hnzen has suffered another stroke of
paralysis and his condition la critical.
Hog raisers , 100 pounds make you $100.
Ji-uore s Stock Food Co. , Council Bluffs.
Prof. II. D. McAncney Is visiting relatives
In the city , while enroute from California
to Washington , u. C.
Air. and Mrs. Guy AVIllmott left last
evening for 1-hoenlx. Ariz. , for the benefit
of the former's health.
Sheridan coal Is smokeless ; no clinkers ,
soot nor sulphur. Fenlon & Foley , solo
agents , 37 Main street.
The regular meeting of Unity guild of
Grace church will be held tomorrow aft
ernoon at the parsonage.
.Mrs. George IJowen is at the Woman's
Christian Association hospital Buffering
from a severe attack of quinsy.
J. G. Trimble of Kansas City , general
solicitor of the Omaha & St. Ixnils railway ,
is In the city attending federal court.
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Kern and daughter
Olllo of Denver are in the city visiting the
family of R. H. Williams on Harmony
J. R Wlckersham of Defiance , la. , and
Jlrs. Julia A. Allen of Avoca were mar
ried ycaterday nt the First Baptist church
: In this city , Hev. H. Venting olllclatlng.
Mrs. W. L. Baker , corner of North
I Lltvhth street nnd Avenue C , will enter-
i tain the Indies' Aid society of the Second
Presbyterian church this afternoon at
There will bo an Important meeting this
evening of Local No. 2.11 , Retail Clcrkii'
International Protective association nt
Labor hull. 101 Mnln Htrnnt. ntvhlr > i vr ri
mwnber la requested to bo present.
Captain D. Mnltby has been appointed
bailiff of the district cou.-t in place of Cap
tain L. B. Cousins , who has resigned In
order to devote his time to his campaign
as candidate on the republican ticket for
AVllllam Singleton , the 1 > oy who ran away
from the Iteform school nt ISIdora nnd was
arrested at the homo of hl.H mother In this
city , was taken back to the school yester
day by H , J. Miles , 0110 of the oillccrs of
the Institution.
Jopojm L. Illc-ho nnd OMrs. .1. K. Barton
wi > ro married yesterday at the home of
Mrs. 13. D. lOgbcrt on Garden street , JUH-
tico Ovldo Vlen olllclatlng. Mr. and Mm.
Hlche will be at homo after October ID at
203 South First street.
C. II. Judson loft last evening for 'Min '
neapolis , where ho assumes the manage
ment of the MIsMsslppi Valley Telephone
company's exchange- . The company Is a
new on , J. C. Hublngpr of Kcokuk being
the president and main stockholder.
The following olllcem were elected Tues-
Hay night at the annual meeting of the
Council Bluffs 'Mutual Building nnd I/jan
association : President , Freeman L. Heed ;
vice prc&ldont and counsellor , J. J. Hero ;
secretary , J. M. Fenlon ; treasurer , F. J.
J. D , Crockwell has returned from his trip
to New Vork. Ho was tln-m during the
Dowry demonstration * and witnessed both
the marine ami land parades. Ho brought
homo with him a large number of photo
graphs sowing many features of the recep-
tlon to Admiral Dewcy.
The Christian Kndcavor society of the
First Congregational church will hold Its
semi-annual business meeting this evening
at the home of Minn Clarice Morton , MW
Soutli Sixth street. All members are re
quested to bo present , as there Is business
of Importance .to be transacted.
Mr. nnd Mrs. I. S. Peck left yesterday
for a fhreo weeks' visit with friends at
different points In Iowa and Illinois. This
la Jir. Peck's lim vacation during the
twenty-seven years he has been In the em
ploy of the Hock Island railway. Their
son Paul. wJio Is a Htudont of the Uni
versity of Chicago , will accompany them
as far as the Windy City.
Dr. AV. O. Bradbury of Omaha filed an In
formation in Justice Vlen's court yesterday
charging Duncan Darraugh with larceny.
Well , What About
Oak Stoves ?
Here is something new
It has not been sold for 10
years and then a new dress put
on it.
It has a
Cleaner than any Oak made
with two doors.
It has a
Takes the cold air off the floor.
It has an air-tight ash pit and
a heavy bailed ash pan.
It is a beauty it takes the eye
because it is made right.
IO Cents. 5 Cents.
John 0. Woodward & Co Council Gluffs.
2W , 200. 203 , 210 Uroadwuy , Council UluffH. , $ l. ' , iei day ; "i rooms. Klrst-class
In every respect. Motor line to all depots. I
Local agency for tne celebrated St. LouU
A. . D. C. beer. Klrst-claas bar.
Tu ( dny nlKht whllo Dr. Ilradbury and a
friend wore taking In the eights of Council i
JlluffH It Is charged that young Diirraugh
took the doctor's liorsu and buggy and
drove around the tliy for a Hliort while. I
The case will bo lu-ard Haturday. I
At the annual mooting of the Htorkhold-
ors of the I'eru Plow and Implement com
pany , held In this city Tuesday , thn follow-
In IT olllcers wi're clectc-d : I'reHldent and
general manager , T. J , Koley. Council
Hluffs ; vice prcHldont , William Holly , I'oru ,
III. ; scprotary. U. D. llrcwster , I'eru. III.
The aldermen met ypstuniay morning as
a cornmlttea of the wliclo ami visited the
lix ation of 'the ' proposed chnnRu In the
Mynster Springs road In the northern part
of thft city. The rluuiKO Is for thti | ) urposc >
of taking a It In It out of the cotirxo of the
thoroughfare and the < 'hlcago A- North
western Hallway company is willing to
bear the expense of the work In order that
the highway may \ > t shifted further from
Its tracks.
N. V. Plumbing company. Tol. 250.
New neckbands put on shirts free of
charge for regular customers at the niuff
City luundry , 31 North Main.
Hz.MliilNtrr Darn-It to Start Kiml.
I/OS ANORLKS , Ciil. . Oct.lion. . .Inhn
Ilarrctt , r-x-mlnlster to 81am , will leave for
Philadelphia tomorrow nnd will participate
In the fommercliil congrfrs that IH a p t
of the program of the International Kxporl
exposition that In In operation In 1'hllaUcl-
a good cigar
have you tried it !