Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 05, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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Oornell-Pojntor CMS Must Go Over Till
Politics Permit Action.
jiHl ) ' Inanrnncc CnmmlnNlnnrr
llrynnt I * tinny 1'reimrlnu ( he
Ilrlcf In the C'nue : vcvm of
the Cniiltnl Clt > .
LINCOLN , Oct 4. ( Special. ) deputy In-
luranro Commissioner Bryant has devoted a
good deal of hi * time lately to the prepara
tion of the brief to bo filed In the Corno'l-
I'oyntcr case , which , according to the pres
ent piano , will n'll be argued In supreme
court until after election. There has been
no objection to an advancement ft the case
fiom cither filde , but BO far none of the at-
tornojs have nhown a very earnest desire
to have the action dlspoficd of In ihccry
near future. The brief of the relater In the
lull has been prepared but has not been
printed. Deputy Commlwtloner Bryant is
preparing an elaborate brief In support of
the governor , but It will not be completed
probably before the latter part of the month.
The ctmo of Brown against Mouck , the elec
tion contest case from Nuckolls county , was
argued and submitted to the nuprcme court
today This case has been dragging along In
the court In Nuckollw county for several
jeers. Brown , the appellant In the case ,
was the republican candidate for county at
torney In opposition to Mouck. The returns
Have Brown a majority of one or two votes.
The election won contested by Mouck In the
county court , the count there resulting In the
elefcat of Ilrown by a few votes. On ap
peal to the district court by Ilrown several
moro votes were added to < Mouck's majority.
Ilrown then brought the case to the supreme
court on an alleged error Vn the lower court
Warden John Hopkins of the State peniten
tiary nlcd his bond for $10,000 with
thu secretary of stale today. The sureties nrc
John Carr , Joseph McCatTcrty , S B. Howard ,
Prank Campbell nnd Ud Gallagher.
The Sailer Coal and Grain company , capi
tal stock $5,000 , filed articles of incorpora
tion with the necretnry of state today. The
Incorporatora are O. B. Sailer , C. B. Sailer
and Frank G. Salter.
l > and Commissioner Wolfe has returned
from a school land leasing tour In the coun
ties ot Sioux , Box Butlo , Grant , Logan
Loup , Hooker , Blalnc and Garfleld , leasing
the following lands.
In Sioux county he offered nnd lca ed nil
that was , vacant , 39,038 acres , at an avcrugu
of 71 cents per acre.
In Box Bmte county lie offered for lease
and leaned nil that was vacant. l ,77'l ' acres ,
lit an average valuation of $1.3,1 per ncm.
In Hooker county he ottered 13,798 acres
nnd leased 8,159 acres at an average valua
tion of 22 cents per acre.
In Blalne county lie offered and leased ai ;
that was vacant , 8,120 acres , at nn avernRo
valuation of 2i > cents per acre , and received
In bonuses W9.50.
In Grant county ho offeree ! nnd leased all was vacant , 6,210 acres , at an average
valuation of 27 cents pur acre.
In Logan county ho offereel nnd leased all
that was vacant , 2,400 itcres , at an average.
Valuation of 31 cents per acre.
In Loup county he offered and leased nl
that was vacant , 5,280 acres , at an average
valuation of 52 cents per acre , and received
in bonuses $43.
In Garllelel county he offered and leased
nil that was vacant , 2,480 acres , at an aver
age valuation of f > 9 cents nn acre niul re
ceived In bonuses $13.25.
Thus It will be seen that he ottered on
thin trip 91.U3 acres and le.ised S8,49fi acres
nt an average valuation of 71 c , nts per acre
The annual Income from the lands Mr
"Wolfe leased on this trip -will amount to
DurlnV 1897 nnd 1SDS Commissioner AVolfo
put 510,000 acres of school land under lease
nnd has thus far this vear succeeded in
leasing SOG OSS acres. The annual Income
from the lands leased at thcso auctions so
rat vvlll amount to J18.931j.04j. . , , , w
Land Commissioner Wolfe's next trip
\vill bo In the counties ot Dlxon , Franklin
Frontier , Funias , Greeley , Kearney , Knox
lied Willow and Sherman.
Hartley Bondsmen Ciine.
Shnrlff Trompoa has not yet served th
execution against the bondsmen of cx-Stal
Treasurer Bartley for the reason that h
has been unable to locate any property be
longing to the persons against whom Judgment
mont Vina Tendered In the Douglas count }
court. It Is probable that the atlorney
general -will Institute ? proceedings to hav
thorn examined according to law concern
Jng their property.
The attorneys Interested In the contes
of the Haas wills are making etrcnuou
efforts to have the verdict recently ren
dorcel sot aside and n new trial granted. A
motion for a now trial has been on flic In
the district court for several dava nnd to
day additional affidavits were Hied with
the clerk of thn court In support of such n
motion. It IB claimed that the Jurors vvhll
deliberating In ( ho jury room acted In
manner that should vltlale Ihe verdict
"While the jury was considering the case on
of Iho Jurors got hold of a local paper con
talnlng an account of the trial. It Is ar
Kuel that the Juror probably was Inftu
cnccd by nhat ho read.
Lieutenant A. W. Orton and Walter B
HarroU of the Thirty-ninth volunteer In
tf.mtry have closed their recruiting statlo
here. They Joined their roglmcnt at For
Crook today.
According to the records in the -weatho
Blatlon at the university the month ot Sep
tcmbor was remaikablo for the smallness o
the rainfall and for the rnngo In tempera
tnre The mean temperature was t7 ! do
prees , or normal , but on September 5 I
They are only outrides , those maiden
fancies of love , marriage and nv > ther-
liood. Jlut beautitul byl'bhs they
tire1 Who''oes ' iK't wish tha all fjese
fancies could end ns did the ftelairy ! /
stories , "nnd Ihcy lived happy ever
after. " Yrin soc-u pncks
the bubt 'es ' , ind nolliiug
remains "f nil the hope
and gladness of the bride
but a bridal \eil anel a
piece of stale wedding
The only way in which happiness can
be 'Allied' i mnrrUgr is by being for -
arrneel a iustts tUu rs. Most young
women ate ig > : orkni of the fact that irreg
ularity means.dertngcnieut of ' .he vvotu-
nnly functions which may
tiave far reaching consequences
quences after umrrtJKe.
With this derangement at
the Bt.irt there often fol-
leiw the ilruini , ulcerations -
tions and iiillanunntiona
which make life one lonp misery.
A certain cure for irregularity nnel
other peculiar to women is found
in Ir. Pierced 1'avorite Prescription.
H contains no alcohol neither opium ,
cocaine nor other narcotic.
1 I was o weak I did not
have tweuth to walk acrost my
room. " v rltes Miss I lbll
Miller , of New Providence ,
Galloway Co . Ky "My PC-
riod exxurred too oftcu and
the hemorrhage would be pro
longed and the lo J of bfo , l
very trce lve. I al o nad
iixlls which the doctor said
were falutlns : fiU. My tomacn wouM cramp
until 1 roulJ not atralghten I did nol rain
trength from one monthly period to another ;
wai very weak and nervoui all the lime The
doctor told me he did nol know what w i Ihe
catueof ray trouble and that 1 would never l <
any belter I lived lu thii way from klxteeu
ye ta old lo tweuty-lluce , when the doclor dis-
milted my cane After thU I wai
adUtid by a kind f tic ml to try Dr.
Tierce' * f'avorlle 1'rocrintIon ,
which I dl 1 and before I had laken
two bottle * of it 1 could work all dajr. I
I loot in nil nx bottlet of Hie I'n. I
vontc rie cnptlon' and aboul fi c
\ laU of Ir 1'ierce'f rellel I u ed
no other inrdicltie I have never
lijd a ictuui of tlili trouble tloce "
Dr. Picrce's Pleasant Pellets clear the
complexion uud awcetcu the breath ,
eached Ini desree * the highest point
vor recordnl hero In September The pre-
pltallon was only 39 Inehea against an
voraRc of 1 S3 Inches tor the past eighteen
ears The year has been rather dry BO far ,
the accumulated deficiency In precipitation
since January 1 bclnp ; 4 54 Inchw.
The university foot ball team will >
omorrow afternoon for Ames , la , whore
he first game of the season will bo played
n October C with the State Agricultural
chool team. The regular team vvlll bo ac-
ompanled by thrco substitutes , Coach
Branch and Manager Collctt At a meeting
f the athletic board It wa * decided that
Vebrnska would play Kansas only one game
his seaficn. Kansas asked for two , one
n their own grounds ami one In this city.
The State Hoard of Transportation will
onslder the complaint of John 0. Yclscr
Ralnst the Nebraska Telephone company
Thursday , October 10 Mr Yelser Is seek-
ng to have telephone rates reduced.
HHPTnM II 17.11 MOIl'Ki.Vlitt ltiCOIIl ) .
Crt-nt Ilrelnrtlnn of Kiirm Inoiini- j
lirniM'OH In llnfTnlo nnil I'lnlto ,
KEARNEY , Neb , Oct 4 ( Special ) The
mortgage record for September In Iluffalo
ounty Is Farm mortgages filed , 22 , $13-
27.50 ; farm mortgages released. 2G. J21-
75 , town mortgages filed , 8 , $1320155 $ :
own mortgages released , 11 , $7430 , chattel
mortgages filed 200 , J127.14620 , chattel
mortgages released , Gt $31,51108 : total
mortgages filed , 230 , $231,775 25 ; total mort
gages released , 106 , $00,974 98 |
The total amount of taxed levied In Buffalo
ounty this year , na shown by the tax books ,
$177fi71.7S. Last year the amount was
172,60201. Of these amounts Kearney will
my $66,01185 this year. Last year It paid
; G6,112 8.
rOLUMBUS. Neb , Oct 4. ( Special. )
Following Is the record of the mortgage In-
lebtcdncss ot Platte county for September-
Twenty-one farm mortgages filed , aggregat-
ng $2n,323.75 ; farm mnrtRaKes released. 39 ,
113,558 20 ; 8 town and city mortgages filed.
:3C6B : 75 , 13 released , $5,055.25 ; SO chattel
nortgagcs filed , $112,84067. 2G released , j
$9,011 CO. „ , , 1
Several heavy chattel mortgages were nioci
to buy cattle and other stock for feeding
during the winter. It will be noticed the
real estate mortgage record has been re
duced by nearly $10.000. There were two
deeds In foreclosure nlcd during the month ,
the first In 1S99.
_ _
QUICK 131)1 % H T SniliHIl C\M5.
Tin ! ii Out of Court.
BUTTE , Neb. , Oct. t ( Special. ) The
final chapter In the attempt to railroad
Is'lcholas Sleler , ex-county treasurer , Into
the penitentiary was reached today , when
Judge Wcstnver dismissed the case nnd dis
charged the defendant. Tor political reasons
the fusion Junta of this district made
charges against Sleler last summer , but the
action ot the treasurer In turning over all
the money due the courts and resigning the
omco was an unlooked-for event and upset
the plans of the schemers.
When Seller appeared In court this mornIng -
Ing with a petition of nearly 1.000 voters of
the county the Judge lost no time In dis
missing the cnso.
M.utns cuAitans.
Aliened Attempt to Ilrllie- One of the
Juror * In WntHoti CUMC.
NEBRASKA CITY , Neb. , Oct. 4. ( Special
Telegram. ) The probeculion In the John C.
Watson case caused a mild sensation at the
opening of court this morning by charging
that an atlempt had been made to bribe one
of the Jurors Judge Ramsey devoted the
forenoon to nn Investigation of the matter
and this afternoon overruled the motion or
the prosecution to dletr-lss the Jury upon
the ground that the facts developed were not
sufficient to sustain a charge ot Jury brib
ery. Thn court ordered that the Jurors miibt
not communicate with outsiders while the
case Is on trial.
CURB County Win * It * ClocU Cn c.
PLATTSMOUTH , Neb , Oct. 4. ( Special. )
Judge Ramsey has decided the case ot the
Seth Thomae Clock company against Cass
county , for the county. The clock was
bought from an agent named Wlckersham
for $981 , and placed In the tower ot the
court house In 1892. As soon as Wlckersham
drew the money he left for parts unknown.
The clock company lost the > first suit , but
upon appeal to the- supreme court the de
cision was reversed and the case remanded.
Affray nt
OGALLALA , Neb. , Oct. 4 ( Special ) U.
K. Arnold , employed at the railroad grader's
camp , three miles west of Ogallala , got Into
a dispute with another grader named Sul
livan yesterday nnd thrust a knife Into Sulli
van's side. Inflicting a dangerous wound
Arnold and H. B. Stone , his ernplojer , who
was mixed up In the affair , aret In Jail.
Farewell < > Hu > . Smith.
OSCEOLA , Neb. , Oct. 4. ( Special ) Rev.
L P. Smith of the Methodist church , who
Is soon to go to his new charge at David
City , was given a farewell reception by his
parishioners last night , which closed with n
presentation of a silver service and other
articles on the part of the congregation by
Judge Snundortf.
Old ColuinliiiM Firm Itotircx.
COLUMBUS , Nob. , Oct. 4. ( Special. )
Elmers brothers of Humphrey have bought
the entire business of H. P. and Arnold
Oehlrlch of this town , the deal taking ef
fect this morning. Messrs. Oehlrlch retire
from "business after a successful period of
more than twenty years.
tit Miliioy ,
SIDNEY , Nob. , Oct. 4. ( Special Telo-
gram. ) Congressman Sutherland and Wil
liam Holmnii Jennings spoke hero tonight
nt the court house. They discussed the
money question , trusts nnel Imperialism.
The room was very chilly anel the audience
t c ! > ! on a Train ,
OGALLALA , Neb. , Oct. 4. ( Special. )
George Crabh , aged 35 , a consumptive re
turning to Pullman , 111. , from Denver , died
jesterday n few minutes before the train
reached this place , where the body VVIIH taken
In charge by the coroner and his brother
L'alieioNp .Sliuixliril.
SIDNEY , Neb. , Oct. 4 , ( Special Tele
gram. ) The switch engine In the yarels hero
ran Into n caboose last night and Smashed
It to pieces , The crow was asleep and
barely es-aped with their lives. The causa
was a wrong signal ghen by the yard
No Illumefeir Mm. llrnr'N I ) < * nli ( ,
COLUMBUS , Neb. , Ocl 4. ( Special ) The
verdict of the coroner's Jury In the case of
Mrs. Bear , who was Killed In the Burlington
jiirda Sunday , states she met her death by
accident and exonerates these In charge ot
the train from blamo.
IIrIMI n 3lvt < tliif nt lluuli v Hie ,
HUSHVILLi ; , Neb , Oct. 4. ( Special. )
Hon. Norrls Brown addressed a meeting at
the opera house last night and was repeat
edly Interrupted with applause by a largo
llc-nvy Front nt Trenton ,
TRKNTON , Neb. . Oet. < ( Special ) A
cold wave struck hero yesterday evening
nnd ( hero was a heavy front and then | co
formed in tbo watering trough. A rain Is
ClulniM Amioi'liitloii ,
WASHINGTON , Oct. 4 The Freight
Claims association of the United Statru
began Its semi-annual meeting at the Shore-
ham today President Graham called the
meeting to order. The meeting will last two
da > s and will cover the subject of claims
and some readjuutment of the association's
Faulty Parachnto Kills Mam Townsend of
Dccorah at Dei Moines Oarnival.
Supreme Cnnrt Deciden * Vtimlior of
I itHf lemulation ( n lie I'rei-
piiMi'il li > Women' * Clirl-tlnii
Tpiiincrnnci ! t'nlon.
nns MOINKS , ia. Oct. 4. ( Special Tele
gram ) Marza Townsend of Decornb , la. ,
aeronaut , 20 > car old , was killed here this
afternoon while ranking a parachute drop at
the carnival. lie was to go up In a big
wooden cannon attached to a biilloon and bo
shot out. When this was done the parachute
did not open and lit ) fell 1,000 feet to In-
fitnnt denth
State Librarian Johnson llrlghnm , In hla
biennial report to the Rovernor.a > s there
nrc now n total of 65,033 volume1) In the
library , Including 61,443 In the library
proprr , and 3.650 In the traveling library. |
IlMlclea this the periodical department has ]
been greatly strengthened. Librarian DrlB-
ham advocates a library commission , n prop-
nsHlon which ban been brought to the at
tention of the general assembly "before , but
never pushed.
llr. ( illinoiiieil tloro Mom-j.
Dr. J. I. Gibson , state vctcrlnarlin of Iowa ,
In his biennial report records progress In his
work of suppressing tuberculosis among ani
mals and asks for an Increased approprlitloti
to meet dumands The appropriation of this *
deportment wa increased two jear ago
from $3,000 to Jo,000 , but Olbson sajfl to
thoroughly do the work prescribed there
should be at lean $10,000 appropriated. He
draws attention to the fact that the result or
( lo\crnor Tanner's proclamation regarding-
the Importation of dlseined cattle into
Illinois will eventually throw much of this
en6) ) ! nfC etoclc Into Iowa and greater care
than e\er will have to be taken to guard
against disease.
.Supreme Court
Today's decifilons ot the supreme court
WCTO- Iowa Ccntial Building and Loan as
sociation against Jacob H Bremlel and
Christine 15. nrendel , appellants , Polk dis
trict , alHrmed , State of Iowa , appellant ,
against George W Wilson , Linn district , rc-
vcised ; Frederick 13. Townsend , conservator
for Dinlcl Pierce , a person of unsound
mind , appellant , against Frank Snydcr ct al. ,
Kossuth district , alllruied. Stateof lowi
against J. V Schiller , appellant , and State
of Iowa agalnit Prank Mlkota , appellant ,
Howard district , reversed , State of Iowa ,
appellant , against Charles O. Dale , Butler
district , reversed ; State of Iowa against
John S. rrahin et al , appellants , Crawford
district , reversed , Incorporated Town of
Scranton , In. , against Gustave Dcncnhaum ,
appellant , from Greene district , alllrmed ; N.
C. .McIIenry , appellant , against T. M. Hubbell -
bell , Polk diatrict , alllrmed.
Teniiipraiicp Union I.CKlNlntlon.
Only three petitions will bo submitted to
the legislature at its session this winter by
the Women's Christian Temperance Union of
Iowa. This decision vvat , reached this morn
ing when the report of the executive com
mittee * was submitted to the general conven-
tlon for approval. The committee recom
mended four petitions be presented but the
convention decided that would bo ha\ing too
many irons In the ilro and after a thort dis
cussion reduced the number to three ,
namely , petitions for legislation for the
Women's reformatory , compulsorj education
and equal suffrage. The other matter to bo
presented for consideration of the law
makers Is that nothing less Than a one-year
fientonco to the penitentiary should be legal.
PrrimrittiiitiN Fiilrly I'mlcr ' Wnj" forCe
Co in i'11 n y O'H llceltioii. | .
CKESTON , la. , Oct 4. ( Spesial. ) Last
night at n meeting of cltl/ens at the court
house arrangements wcro made for a re
ception to Company G on its return. H
Is expected the Flftfirst regiment will
remain In Council Bluffs one day and the
citizens of Creston desire to ha\e the com
pany reach homo In the daytime. Those
towtis having members In the company will
bo Invited to take part In the reception
with the public hchools and civic societies.
County Attorney James G. Bull presided
nt last night's meeting , which was called
by Mayor Skinner. The committees ap
pointed follow Executive committee , D. C.
Keith , I' . C. Winter , J r. Bryan , Kd A.
Aldrlch , C. A. N'lemejcr , finance commit
tee , II , D. Smith , D. Davenport , Hobert
Bisset , Charles Umcrson , H. Newman , In
vitation committee , Paul Maclean , W H.
Robb , C. F. Skin In , Henry Dctcring , W. D
Moore ; reception committee , J. B. Harsh ,
II. S. Storrs , J. B. Sullhan , James Hall ,
F. B Sampson , II. M. Fry , Scott Skinner.
AVI ii , \ \ iico.tin IT.S
Clariiiilii ! M Mil til UK I'rrpnriitloiiN to
Cordially ( .rci-t ( litHOJH. .
CLAIUNOA , la. , Oct 4. ( Special , ) A
public meeting called by Major Chiles has
been held and preliminary steps taken for
welcoming homo Clarlnda's soldiers In the
Fifty-first Iowa ou their leturn.
I ) . H. Chiles , J. U. Good , V. Graff. Walter
\V. Hill and S , M. Greene ha\o been ap
pointed a committee of general arrange
ments , and the committee ) of reception to
go to Council Blulfs and meet the return
ing soldiers will bo W. P. Hepburn , C. A.
Lisle , Udwln C. Lane , A. B. Hoblnson , F.
W. Parish , Charles Llnderman , T. K.
Clark , Perry Bjorl > ' . J. p. Burrows , B. T.
Monk and D. H. Chiles. Itev. T. C. Smith ,
pastor of the Presbyterian church , has been
appointed president of the day , Lewis Akin
marshal and Thomas Malone and W , S.
Joidan assistant marshals.
As now contemplated , on the arrival of
the soldiers tlicro will bo a parade , speeches , welcome and a banquet.
llriMilillcnii rouiriillmi nt DciiUon.
DHNISON , In . Oct. I ( Special Tele
gram ) The republican county convention
nominated the following ticket todav Ilep-
rrs-cntallve , Dr. J. J. Williams , Charter Oak ;
treasurer , C. 13. Prici > Vail ; ( sheriff. A. C
Beers , Manilla , attorney , Cjrus Heard , Donl-
son ; superintendent , i : S. Plimpton , lenl-
bon , coroner , Ur W. B Kvaus , Arlon ; sur
veyor , Morris McIIenry , Dow City ; super
visors , Gustav Kabu and J It. Brockleshy.
McWIlllnms was nominated unanimously.
The senatorial question was not alluded to ,
and the nominee Is unpledged. The ticket
In regarded aa q strong one and the cam
paign promise's to bo n battlu roval.
Congressman John P. Lacey addressed a
largo nudlcnco at the close of the conven
tion. Ho took up White's speeJi and an
swered his arguments In detail. The upeecn
was a strong presentation of the money ,
tu Iff and war Issues , and elicited much ap
plause. Congressman Smith McPhereon H
hilled for Dow City , In this county , on
October 11.
Nnriti-Klnii rionciTN n ( Drcnrnli ,
DUCOUAH. In. Oct. 1 Thu Norwegian
Pioneer association of America held Ita second
end triennial minting In Dccorah todnv on
Luther college ) c.impus lion Haf > mua I )
Andorunn of Madison was the principal
speaker , hut there wcro a number of short
addresses. Ton lit the delegates and their
friends are participating In a banquet i\
number of well known Norwegians arc pres
ent from various points in ( lie northwest.
I'licKlim ; IloiiKiin siiliti
SIOUX CITY , la Oet 1 ( Special Tele *
gram ) Sioux Citj Is to have a third pack
ing bouse It can bo statcxl positively that
KU JUaklnson , manager for the Swlfta la St.
Paul. Is negotlatlns fop lease ot the oM
ttoogt packing house In Sioux City Itaakln-
son fornui-ly ran n packing house here him
self and Is an experienced man In the busi-
ncrs Ho Is In Sioux Cltj nt present ana
does not deny that he Is looking to the re
opening of the former Boogp plant. This
will give Sioux City the- big plant of the
CuJahje , the International plant , which hai
Just contracted to come for a bonus ot
K.0,000 , vshlch will unquestionably be raised
this week , and the third will be the Swifts.
i\cn : If Swift does not conic. It Is said on
good authority another packer will embrace
the opportunity of getting this Idle plant.
PniMt CntohoM frier ) Cnii.
IOWA FALLS , la. , Oct. 4 ( Special. )
The early frost this fall entailed a total
loss to Harwell & Westgato of this city
In the destruction of their entire crop ot
celery. The crop last jcar was so- success
ful that an aero and a quarter was planted
this reason and wa ? of the finest quality
and reidy tor the market About an a < ri ! ,
consisting of nearly 20,000 plants , was left
and the freeze elestroved all The loss to
the-so gentlemen Is estimated nt $ COO.
Sioux < M < V llomiM InmiriMl I ,
SIOUX CITY , CM. 4. ( Special. ) The
city council ot Slout City has donated $ . " > , -
000 toward the $50,000 bonus to bo raised
by the citizens for the new International
Packing company's plant to bo established
here. The Bank of Montreal of Chicago ,
which Is heavily Interested in Sioux City
cal estate and direct railway properties ,
has given $5,000. It Is expected the full
amount vvlll bo raised by Saturday night.
Ornun ullli a" ll ! < Miitor ,
SHELDON , la. , Oct.4 ( Special ) Yes
terday aftcrncon whllo Horace was
moving furniture from the third story of
the old foundry building the chain which
controls the elevator , upon which wcro
Beans and the furniture , broke and the
elevator fell to the bottom. The chain
struck Beans a terrific blow on the head ,
stunning him for n few seconds. This was
the only Injury ho received.
hccoiiel limn Cu\ulr > - Reunion.
MAUSHALLTOWN , la. . Got 4 Survivors
of the Second Iowa cavalry today began
a two dnjs reunion hcie About 150 mem
bers have arrived. Addresses by Congress
man Hepburn , former commander of the
regiment , Colonel Henry Egbert of Daven
port , Major Plerco of JIarshalltown and
Commander Horton of the Iowa Soldiers'
Home arc among the features of the meet
a I.lnil ) .
AVOCA , la. , Oct.I. . ( Special ) Last night
as Mr. and Mrs. Clint Sells of Neola were
driving to town from his mother's , two
nillea east of Avoca , the team ran away ,
throwing Mrs. Sells and breaking her limb.
Mr. Soils had been summoned to the bedside
of his aged mother and drove over from
Neola In the afternoon. Phjsicians reduced
the fracture this morning.
Deiiincrntn Decline to Ilnn.
DAVENPORT , In , Oct. 4. ( Special. )
Henry Horst , who was nominated for sheriff
by the democrats of Scott county , has
declined the nomination. C. G. Hlpwol , the
nominee for representative on the same
ticket , has also declined. The gentlemen
glvo no reason for their action and con
sternation prevails In the party.
lovtu Mnrxlml Training Ilnnnilx.
SHELDON , la. , Oct. ! . ( Special. ) City
Marshal Hudson has received four more
bloodhounds from Van Daub , Tex. , to add
to the two he bought a year ago from the
same place , producing a couple of months
ago nine pups. He now has fifteen hounds ,
all told , and will train them to run down
LoMiifM to llcnr McIClnley nnil Ilrrnti.
LEMAIIS , la. , Oct 4. . ( Special. ) Presi
dent McKlnley will sppnk In LeMars Oc
tober 15 and Bryan October 13. McKlnley
vvlll speak from the rear platform of his
special train on the Illinois Central road
and Bryan In a tent. The speeches will
open the political campaign In Plymouth
Knir TliurHiliiy nnil I'rlday - vlh (
Vnrlnlili * AVlnclH
WASII1XGTO.V , Got. 4. Forecast for
Thursday and Friday :
For Nebraska , Mlbsouri , Iowa , South Da
kota , Kansas , Colorado , Wyoming a id Mon
tana Pair Thursday and Friday ; \arlablo
I.ooul Hoi'ord.
OMAHA , Oct. 4 Omaha , roconl of temper
ature nnd precipitation compared with the
corresponding day of the last three yeart < :
ISM. 1SDS 1S97. 1S36.
auxlmum temperature. . . 70 77 SS 78
Minimum temperature. . . . 4S 49 61 41
A\CTIKO temperaluro 61 ( U 76 60
Precipitation 00 .64 .00 .00
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for this day and since March 1 ,
1S90 ,
Normal for the elay 68
Excess for the day 1
Accumulated dellclency since 'March ' 1. . 134
Normal rainfall for the day 00 Inch
Dcllcicncy for the dav 09 Inch
Total rainfall since * March 1..21.12 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 4.91 Inches
Delleluncy for cor. period , 1S3S. . . 3.53 Incho *
Dellclency for cor , period , 1897. . . 9.9S Indies
Iti-liortn From btntlun * nt 8 I * . M.
Omnrui. clear
North rialte , clear
Salt Lake ,
Cheytnno , clear
H.ipld Clly. clear
Huron , clear CC | .00
Willlston , clear
Ol.'cago. cloudy
Si Louis , partly cloudy.
St I'.iul. clear
Oavenport. cloudy
Helena , clear
Kansas Oily , cloudy CO
If.ivrielear . . . . . . . 761 .00
nismnrrk , 62. .00
G.ilvt'Hton , cloudy SOl 00
Statistics Are , Oanso for Congratulation on
Part of the Management
llxeccil Theme of thr 1'rcooillnc
lij Mnrr Tluiii Iliilf n Million
Dollar * 'the 1'lmiro *
' Tor It.
The forty-ninth annual report of the Bur
lington railroad has Just been submitted to
the stockholders by the board ot directors.
It covers the jear ending June 30 , ISPfl ,
nnd Its every statement is reason for con
gratulation to the management. One no
ticeable feature is a decrease In the earn
ings ot the freight department over the
previous jear In the sum ot $1,272,61)8 ) , bill
this Is moro than offset b > an Increase In
passenger earnings amounting to $ lUo.i"i5 :
Computing revenue received from all sources
the gross earnings reached the enormous
sum of J43,3S9,424 , an Increase over the
previous vcar of more than $5CO,000 , and
this fact palliates somewhat the decrease
In the freight business.
The earnings and expenses of the entire
Burlington system for the time Included In
the report were as follows :
Freight IM.270.941 M
I'aiseiigerH ! ) ,4S,01s3 ?
Mull , express etc 4GI't.t6IBl '
Operatlnc expenses 2tJGI5f > . > o8l
Taxes 1.5MI.KJI lif
Net oarnliiKM from operation . .US.'JWr/Mil
Other Income 4ST.VJ2J1
Totnl net receipts Jir > ,7)l,7M ) 'Jl
Intote-U , rent , elc y.OU.IsJJ.5
Dividends aBBreEatlnfr 6 per
cent 5,2Jb,3TOM
Surplus for the year $ l.mSL's \
In a resume of the business for Iho last
jcar President Perkins s.ijs. In pirt
"The actual length of stand.ird-gnug
road operated by the companj duilug the
jcur was 7,219 mlle-fl , against 7ISO miles thu
previous jear. The gross earnings pel mile ?
of road operated weie $5,94175 , againwt
$3,001.02 In the previous year. The operat
ing expenses , including taxes , per mile weru
$3,847.72 , against $3,873 in the previous year
The gross earnings wcio 64 84 , against 04 OS
In the previous jcar. The number of tons
moved one mile Increased 2.36 per cent ,
while freight earnings decreased 4 1C pel
cent. The number of paseengerh carried
one mlle Increased 23.78 per * cent , while
passenger earnings increased 1C 14 per cent
The percentage of operating expenses to
gross earnings decreased 0.14 of 1 per cent
"We are aiding In the construction of a
road from Alliance , Neb , to Hartvllle , Wyo. ,
to reach valuable deposits of Iron ore near
Hartvllle and develop the Intermediate ic-
glon. It is Intended to build from the North
Platte valley southerly to n connection with
our Denver line near Brush station , thus
making a direct railroad coanectlon between
the Black Hills nnd Montana on the north
and Colorado on the south. From Alll.incu
to Hartvlllo is about HI miles , and from the
point of Junction of the Denver extension
to Biush , Colo. , where wo Join our main line * ,
Is about 110 miles "
Iimtrnct Sheriff of .InoLnnn County
Xe > t to Tnkc Kimxiin Cltj Innitiie
IIurlliiKloii Hontl.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Oct. 4. The judges
of the Jackson county court have recog
nized the bojcotl Inauguraled by the busi
ness men of Kansas City against the BUr-
Hngloo railroad.
The judges Instructed the sheriff that so
long as the boycolt Is In force ho musl
not travel ever that road In taking in
sane people to the state asjlum at St.
The fight on the Burlington , which was
begun Saturday last as a result of the
Omaha differential , is being pushed by local
IllIMlllCNK In n-VCCNHll f.
J. O. I'hilllppl , assistant general freight
and passenger agent of the Missouri Pacific ,
spent a few hours at his cilice yesterday
morning after an extended trip over the line
between this city and Atchlson , Kan , Ho
was accompanied by Superintendent C M
H.ithburn and together they visited every
station on the Hue. They left Wednesday
afternoon to complete their tour of Inspec
tion between Omaha nnd Auburn. Mr. Phll-
llppl reported the business of the road to
bo in shipshape condition and at every sta
tion there were- unmistakable evidences of
prosperity. Like all the other western roac !
the Missouri Pacific is troubled with a shortage -
ago of cars to handle the movement of
grain and freight. Tuesday that portion ot
the system over which Mr. Phllllppi ha %
supervision was short Just 432 cars of being
able to supply the demand of the grain
shippers. This vvlll be remedied as rapidly
an possible , and It Is expected that the grain
will gradually work Itself off without tans-
Ing the shippers any great Inconvenience. In
Kansas the corn crop came up to the ex
pectations of the Missouri Pacific and other
railroads and Is one of the beet in the
history of that state. Kor this reason thi >
demand for freight caia Is largely in excesn
of what it has been before In many years.
No Spttloniriit Midi I'nloii ' I'arlllc.
General Manager Dickinson of the Union
Pacific railroad has agreed with the boards
of adjustment of the Brotherhoods of Lo
comotive riremen nnd Engineers to a post
ponement for thirty days of further no-
gotlatloiis looking toward the settlement of
the difficulties between the road nnd these
organizations. The continuance was granted
at the request of Mr. Dickinson and the
members of the boards will return to the
city thirty days later
Jobcph StocXford , Hodgelon , Me , healed a
sere running for seventeen years nnd cured
his piles of long slnndlng by using' DoWitfs
Witch Hazel Salve It cures all nKIn dise.aecs ,
Palmistry at The People's Store
DrCarl Louis Perin
Greatest Living Palmist
This spueml oiler appli es
only to patrons and visitors of
' Store
As the Kminoiit Palmist's charges are otherwise § 5 , Dr. Periu
will be at , the store
12 ' 2 to 6
9 ia am'9 pm ,
Consultation strictly private and the same
service will be given as if you paid the Doctor
his regular fee of $5.00.
Dr , Carl Louis Perin has been decorated
with 72 medals , received from kings , emper
ors and scientific societies. We publish a
partial list of the hands of world renowned
people , that have been read by Dr. Perin.
ij\-iMii > iiinvi' n.UA n
MRS. CMJ\ii.lMJ ,
n.\-iMusini\T \miibu.v ,
\i > , mt vi , nnwr.\ .
A I ) Ml It VI , S VMI" ON ,
CIMK\I ; : : vi , - \ \
( ; r\ru vi , MI vr'rnu. ,
MM ) ,
auni\ LOUISA ,
at ur.v CIIIMSTI VA \ ,
rorn 1,120 AIM.
AHCHllISIIOl' lld.l , VM ) ,
KIM ! AM'lIONbO Mil ,
IMIMIIOII ; YVII.I.IVM in. nrivK OK vonic.
niii'nuou KM VM.-I.S .i ( > sni > - , iATI : I'liusinnvr CAUVOT ,
mn'iieit ) ML noi\b , Tim IIAM > or < ; IAI > STOM : ,
Most of the fea.rfu 1 ailments of Hfo can be tractd to n derangement -
rangement of the nervoue sj tesn , general ! * ' orlglnatim ? In dls-
caseH of the aeneratlvo orcane IJvcry stifft > nr want1 * a euro
thai will effect a euro In the PTsIeHt. quickest and lea t public
niannir ; therefore , I do not enter upon a. lentcthy ellsauuslon
tuid lonsr-wlnd'd tr < > atlbo an to the cauao of your trouble- , re
sorted to by quacks , who only do go to confound nnd frighten
% ou You are probably well aware of the cause of jour pn-sent
weakness Drugs and lh ordinary oourie * of trc.itmunt vvl I
not cure > ou probvbly you are aw.ire of this fact lo jour sorrow
row nieictrlcity will npeedlly , witc-ly and suptly euro you
pound and well iiffiiln. and I will guarantee H If > ou will apply
this Important ulemant of Hfo through the agency of
Ejcctrlcltj- Mio Nerve and Vita" force of every man nnd
womun , and vvilhout It jou could not 11 vo ei momentVh n
tlieire l a. luck of this Kleietrlclty or Nerve Force in the HJ-H-
Irtii , jou can never be well and strontr again until H lu again
Bui ) : > lied. Natura will not ui > i > ly It , for Nature has tw&n Im-
posfd upon and refuapa to act 1 will forfeit 11.000 If my Electric
Holt docs not Keneratu a tfenuln currenl of IJleclrloIlj' Ihal j-wu
can Immediately feel IB four timon atronRer than any other
b It on arth
Has soft , Mlkfn , ohumoli-oov riel Bpongo electrod a that
cannot burn and bllMlT , an do the barn metal elrctroden uuod
In all ether makH of b ltn I fruarantne my H"lt to cure
Nominal Impoteiirj , Le > t Majihood , fiiiermatorrlioea , Variroccle
and Oi'neial lMllliy ) ; rcstoro 81irunk < n and Undevulopesd Parts ,
cur Hheumatisni In einy form , Kidney , Liver and Bladder Tre > u-
b'es , Constlimtlon , D vpjfp ) la , all FVmnle Complaints , etc. & - -
C.U1 ujwn or wrltei mr todiiy .acrodly cionndtntlnl do not dolajdolayi are dan-
fforoiiB sot Bjinj > tom blanks , books nnd 111 erntiiro. Conciliation and advlra without
cost. My BLlX'THICAb BUSPENSOnY for the euro of Ihe various weakneaien at
men , Is Blvtn FRKE to every ninlo purchaser of on * ot my Helta , Sold only by
ELECTRIC CO.UI > ANY , uoomsaoand 21
DfniulnsBlk. . Omaha. Neb. . IQtli&Dn- ' '
( 'mi ' lli ! ; < J lor ummtiiral
iliHChrtrK' 4 , InMuiHiim'luni ,
IrrllHtliiim ur iiUon.tinnt
of in ii i ) U ijrinbriiiit
I'nliilon , Kin1 Kit untilD-
' " or I"1'1 ' ' " "
or < nt III plain rapir
In expnn , ini'ui'l ' ' , fo
II im , ir > liottl'H , t. >
( ucuur luiti uu rtijutV ,
Results Tell.
The See
Want Ads
Produce Results.
The Time
To every elderly woman when an important functional change takes place. This is called
"The Change of Life. " The entire system undergoes a change. Dreadful diseases , such as
cancer and consumption , are often contracted at this time. McElree's Wine of Cardui strenghthens
and purifies the entire system and brings the sufferer safely over these pitfalls. Its effects when used
by elderly women have been wonderful. It is good for all menstrual troubles , but is especially recom
mended at this time. Ask your druggist for the famous Wine of Cardui. $ , l , 00 a bottle. For ad
vice in cases requiring special directions , address the "Ladies' Advisory Department , " The Chattanooga Medicine Co. ,
Chattanooga , Tcnn.
Concordia , Kansas , Feb. 28 , 1899.
I think it my duty to write you about myself. I am 44 years old , and I wai very sick last summer from the Change of Life. Two of the best
doctors in Grand hland , Neb. , after treating me , .gave me up to die. As a lait resort I finslly tried Wine of Cardui I am happy to say it helped me
from the Tint dose. After using K awhile I was in better health than for many years. Another spell has lately come on me and I sent down town
last night for a bottit of Wine of Cardui again. After taking It a few hours I am very much better to-day. It b n pleasure ' to tell olheri
about this wonderful medicine. ft , , , W < RANDOLPH.