THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TtlUllSDAY , OOTO1VET ? 5 , 1800 , 11 AilvvrllNiMiictitN for < li < -e lolnmnM > illl In ; taken until lit in , Mr tlic tviittlnir cilUltni nml unlll Hi.'tll | i. in , fiir inoriilliK nnrt .Sliiulnr cdlclnn. ItnU-K , 1 ! - - ( a 110 nl HTM I Inni-Hlon i le it mini tlK-ri-iiftiT. NotliliiK tnkeii for ten * limit ! ! Rc for tin ; flrnt luxrr- tloiti ThpNR nilvrrtlNumcnl * lunsl lie run I'liiisrciill voly. Aclx T l cr , lij i-ciiirntiiK | n niiin- linrrtl clipcU , enii Itnvc nnmvern nil- -il tn it inimliorril Irttcr In cnre Tlio lire. AiiNivrrn MO iulilhcf < l V 11 III lie Urllvrrril on iircNenlntliin ol flic cliculc oiilj- , WANTED SITUATIONS. OMAHA Employment Bureau , 119 N.1G , Tel. 1112. Help furnished , positions procured. A STENOGRAPHER. When you want nne please call lip -the Remington typewriter office , 1619 Farpam St. , telephonq 1573. WANTED , position hy whlto cook ; mod erate experience ; private boarding hoilno or country town hotel preferred. Ad dress L 15 , Bee. A-MC22 6- MAI.IJ WANTED. We have slfmly work for a few peed hustlers of good halms and appear- nnce. C. F. Adams Co. , 1 19 Hownrd St. 11 271 OFFICE ; boy wanted. 1524 Dodga. B-M21I MEN. our Illustrated catalogue explains how wo tench barber trade In el ht weolts , mailed , free. Moler Barber Col lege , Chicago , ill. . B-M371 B WANTED , snlenmnn lo call on grocery trnxlo in this and mirroundtnp : towns , fern n Chicago house ; one having established trnile or grocery clerk preferred ; must plvft bond. Address D 11 , cure Lord & Thoma , Chicago. 1J-M4GS 7 * WANTED , a Rood blncksmlth. I ? . C. Wal ter , Norfolk. Neb. B-M610 7 COLLECTORS AND DETECTIVES , local or traveling. Opportunity to narn Rood Income whlio learning profitable profes- Blon. American Association , Box 456 , Tndlnnnpollp , Ind. B 615 AVANTED , a' registered physician for spe cial office practice. Address 1 , 14. RPP. B-M615 AKISR wanted at on"o. Address Ti. C. Misters , Corrertlonvlllp. Ta , H-M051 5 WANTED , a Rood tailor ; n steady Jo > b ; snb'er trlan required. John Norbcrk. AVood River , Neb. B-M620 7 * WANTED , EOO. men to harvest sugar beets. Apply tb Standard Cattle. Company Amos. Nebraska , 48 miles west of Omaha on Union Pacific railway. B M01S 10 HOY about 16. 321 N. Ifith. B-M017 fi 3N brlckvnrdmen'wnntpd nt once. Krlt- riibr'.nk Bros. , South Omaha , B. 'JICW C * WANTED , men everywhere to distribute samples ; ' $2 nnd expenses dally ; enclose stnmp. Oraiiffo Syrup Co. , San Frnnclsco , Cal. B-MG03 7 WANTED , two go-od hostlers. "Alamito Farm , " AVest Dodge St. Good wages Apply Friday afternoon , -112 Bee Bldw. H-6J35 BUSINESS men contlnuo to call on Bevies college for stenographers. Inteml'ng students should bear this Jn mind. no Blilp. Tel" 1354. ' 11-031 17 AVANTED , a Hrst-clnra pa'.ntcr. Address at once , L 17 , Bop , . . , - B C3G CHIMNEY SWEEP ran Act a big 1ob by1 addressing L IB , Bee. B-C.17 WANTED , art experienced baler nm marker. Orchard & Wllheltn Carpet Co. ' B M652 5 ( HOTEL h'3lp wanted for Otnahn hotel ; In quire at ofllce Metropolitan 'Hotel , 12t and Douglas. AAr. M. Barr , Mcr. B-.MC50 5 WANTED , man who Is Kood corn Jiusker steady work , good wages. Ap'ilv 409 Broxvir block. B-M6ltt D' WANTED , man nnd wife to do prcnen work on small farm three miles frftn South Omaha ; will pay good wages to right parties : Apply to Geo. Burke Co. , room 201 Exchange bldg. , So. Omaha. B-M642 7 AVANTED , good , ' experienced stove blacker anil repair man. Cole & Cole , Council Bluffs. H-MC57 6 WANTED KKMAI.K HUM' . WANTED , 200 girls. JS 4 Dodge. Tel. 87fi. C 275 GIRL , wanted. Hlxenbuugll , 500 AVnre block. * .r C 270 A INTELLIGENT , mlddlo-aged woman for / useful , profitable business : mil between 11 nnd 5. Mrs. E. E. Allen , 723 N. Y.'Llfe. C M521 Octl4 COOK wanted. 2211 Howard. C 56(3 ( S * AVANTED , a girl for general housework , f Apply morning. 2411 Capitol OVP. / C MniS 5 JAVANTED , ton teacher * or smart , ener- ' getlo business womi-ii wno- mean btisi-1 nesK , lo travel or open olflces at Salt Lake Kansas City and Dalles , Room CO , Brunswick hotel. C M5SS 5 * GIRL attending High school can have homo for wlntor in exchange- for help. 181fi Grico'Street. C 698 6 * WANTED , a hired girl for general work. 1203 Douglas. C MG09 7 GIRL for general housework. Kt 8. 21th Av , C-Mi32 ( G * HOTEL help wanted for OninJiu hotel ; In- qitlro nt office Metropolitan Hotel , 12th and Douglas. AV , M. Barr , Mgr.C . C M < i51 5 WANTED , three well dressed and educated ladles on salary at pnccj permanent em ployment. . . 'C-M611 5 * K U HUNT HOUSES , 'Benewn & Co' , , 10C-N. 15th St. D-279 CHOICE houses , cottages , stores. Henry B. 1'iiyno , 001 N , Y ! Ufe. 'Phone , tow. D-277 ELEGANT brlcU residence pf' Mrs. M. J toll man. 2405 S } . Mnry'f'aw. ' D M2i3 HOUSES , stires. 'Bbmls , Pn'xtoii block , > . ' t273 MAGGAUD van&Htorage , 14J9 Dodge. Tal 1498. D 2SO PINE residence , choice location , 11 room.1) all modnrnr excellent stable , Ilem ! ? , 1'nx- ton block. D-2SI FOR R1SNT , 110U8C89 In all parts of city The O , F. Davis Co , , 1505 Farnam street. D-2S2 FLAT , 6 robins , modern. 1112 S. llth street I-R. CHOICE , near the Merrlam , 30 U. 8 Hank bldg. D-MS5S HOUSES for rent In all parti ) of the city. Hrennun-Lovp Co. , 219 .South 16th PINE 12-room residence , all modern , cpn- vcnlenccH. Finely nnlslu-d , hot water system heating ; on motor line , 413 N ,25th. J , T , Cl lke , 210 lid , Trade. I-ROOM houHo for renj. S25 Bo , 23d Street. HOUSES , $5 up , Chris Boyer. ' 2123 CunihiK. MIOOM house , 1931 Bo. 11 lh St. D-238-O4' 1137 H , 2STH , S-room. all modern , new fur- iwoo , newly impered , In line condition ; rent $3J per month ; , really desirable rcsi- deuce umKloqatlon. Omaha Loan and Truft Co.i 1SU and Douclak. D M199 FOR RENT. 7-room collage , .furnace , city and cistern .water. 2J07 Sherman _ Ave , $57.00.Vm. . J. WelshanB , Asent , 309 S. 17th i > D 8J 7 l-noOMcotiage. barn.'large yard , well ' > ami cistern , ! 417 Davenport sti Inquire Jon. Goldsmith , 12C3 Kurnam t.D . DMuS * o FOR RUNT , B-noom detached modern house with burn. Z H Pierce , U-602 GOOD lurco barnnfor rent In north part of city , Inquire 2121 L6cuat. U-Mxlfa | TEN ROOM Tiouse , all modern , KM Hnr- mtv * . iJ Mia * FOR RENT HOUSES. 4-ROOM house. Rear m S. 18th. 18th.DM 31 6 * NIPE six-room houst. bath , gas , furnace , lawn. No. 721 So. 37th St. D-MMO i * FOR IIK.\T PUII.VISIIUU n OM5. HE BACHELORS , family hotel : best .50 house In Neb.i take Harney or Farnam cnr ROOMS , with or without b&aH. 1312 port. H-M376 FURNISHED rooms lor gentlemen ! ref. req. 1701 Cap. Ave. E-2l2-Oct.7 THREE ftirnMhcd roorns for housekeeping ; rnan and wife ; rent token In bonrn. J 17th. ' 1i 9 J _ I TEAM "HEAT , furnished , front room * , all modern convenience * . I17"4 " Jfff'j ! . Vc _ st. . Flat K. J3M19T OctS 21 MEALS for $4.00 at the new "f > ! s * < ck Hotel Cafe. R M671 O1G ROOMS , modern. 25SO IIarncl'rst\ijtj ( n FURNlSHE"D Voom T housskroptncf. 2K23 St. Mary's nvcntie. E-MB6S 10 * ROOMS. 1908 Cnpltol Avenue. E-ftO 9 FOR RENT , hlrely furnlfhe.l . rooms , mod ern ; board , If desired. 616 N. 23rd st TAVO furnished rooms ; lljrht 'housekeeping. 17504 ! l eavenworth St. Call nftor 2 n. m. E 20 FURNISHED .ROOMS ANO 5LEGANT rooms tc. board. 1003 Cipltol ave. . F-740 'HE Merrlam family hotel , 25th nnd Dodge. F-MB02 tOOMS and board , steam hent. liill H r- ney. Fr742 O17 BRUNSWICK Hotel Cafe Is now open. F-Mi74 ( 018 'M 8. 25TH AVE. , rooms ; nrlvatn fnmllv. F M113 Oct. 23 TICE room and board , reasonable. 240(1 ( Cnte. . F 217-Oct,25 * FURNI8HRD rooms with board. Rl South 26th street. F-M4C4 7 * DRSIRABT.E rooms for gerttlemeril board ; it cam. 202 N. 19th. F M62C C * FOIt HE > 'T DAFUUXISIIKD ROOMS. TO mm nnd wife without children , . 2020 St. Mary's ave O-269 FOH HKKT STOIIES AND OFFICE . FIRST-CLAPB stores , 110 tn KG. Furnished b.irber shop. 3 chairs. $10. HENRY B. PAYNE , G01 N. Y. LIFE. I M192 FOR RENT , sto'e In first-class location ; rent rensrnatlo. Applv R. C. Peters & Co. . ground floor Bee Rlug. 1 266 FOR RENT , a ground floor office , specially suitable for real estate , etc. ; splendid vault built for USP of city treasurer. Ap- ilv R .C. Pettra & Co. , ground floor. Bee - - 1-267 AGENTS WASTED. . "BEST" gasoline gas lamps ; world's larg est factory : agents wanted In every town. The "Best" Light do. . 318 S. 1Mb. Omaha. J M220 Oct. 27 ' EXPERIENCED organizers for Missouri , Oklahoma , Ind. Ter. cr Ark. This is a progressive order , making Rood paying contracts with experienced , solicitors Acme Fraternal Union , Se < lalla , Mo. AOENT8 AVANTED. MEN AND WOMEN. AV' want on good agent ; either man or woman , In e/ery town In the United States , to take orders for men's , women's and ' children's waterproof mackintoshes and talrcoaU , also Indies' waterproof skirts and capes. Men and women make J10.00 tc J50.00 a week In their own town taking orders for our wntcroroof gar ments. We furnish large samples , beauti fully. Illustrated sample book and com- Dleto outfit , instruct you how to do the work and pay you once a week In cash. "For nartltular * mall this notice-'to the - Dunaeo Rubber Corporation , Chicago , III. J- STORAGB. PACIFIC Storage nnd AVarehouse Co. , 912- 914 Jones , general storage and forwarding , WASTED TO J1UY. .I..L , kinds of household goods , hotels , etc. , Ir. large or small quantities. Chicago Fur niture Co. 1406-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020.N743 N-743 , VANT to buy a choice West Farniim st. home. Address J 37 , Bee. N-M526 WANTED , to buy a house and lot In south" part of city , east of 24th st. Address J 42 , hec. N-M562 WANTED , small nmpunt of Omaha Sav ings bank accounts. Address L 7 , care Bee , soon , stating price. N 5S9 ,000 BASE BURNERS and other stoves wanted. Don't sell before seeing Joe Le- vlne. Drop curd and man will call. High est market price. 301 N. 16th. cor. Duv. N MS03 O19 WILL purchase a. limited number of Omaha Savings bank accounts. Brcnnnn- IXVO Co. , 219 S. IGth st. N-M197 BARQAINS. ' C. F , Harrison & Goo. T , Morton. N-185-O-25 * SAFE ; state make , sire and price , ills Farnam. N MS14 Nov. 3 FOH SALE FUUNITiniE. STOVES. SOTYES : sen us before you deal. Neb. Fur. Co. , 1419 Dodge. Tel.1496. 0-811-019 NEW furniture of n 0-rooln cottage at very low price. 1313 Cass. O-M610 C * ARE YOU talking of stoves ? If you are , come to see our line of SijJjjand'stoves. . The quality and low prices will astonish you , J. Lewis , 101 S , 14th St. ' - U-15 Nov. 3 FOH SALIC MISCELLANEOUS. CHEAPEST and best oak cribbing and hog fence. 901 Douglas Bt. Q 745 F1NW Stolnway upright piano for ealo cheap ; cash or time payments. Address J 47. Bee office. Q-M6S2 Oct. 16 SAFES-Buy soil , exchange. 114 8. 13th St. Q 749 B. HAAS. Florist. 1813 Vlnton St. Tel. 778. Plants , cut flowers , bonnets , hall , resi dence , wfddlng and grave decorations. Order * by mall or express promptly tilled. Q 751 ICE In car lots. Gilbert Bros. , Co. Buffs. Q-M311 FOR BALE-Ten R-I-P-A-N-S for 5 cents at druggist1. One Klv * relief. Q 753 CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. , 1SU Dodg St. HOG , poultry , lawn and field fencing ; all wire. AVIre AA'orlts , 1617 Howard Bt.Q747 Q-747 INDIAN rellcsj mounted heads. 1116 Farnam ID'HAXD safe cheap. Dcrlght , 1118 Farnam. REPAIRS ana parts for every sewing ma chine manufactured , Nebraska Cycle Co , , 15th and Harney. Q-M1S8 Oct8 NEW bicycles , J15.00 , Neb , Cycle Co. . Cor. J5th and Harney. Q-M432 7 FOR BALE , a very ilpe Jersey cow ; Just the thing for u family ; Just fresh ; also u Jersey cow 4 months fresh and a bull calf 4 months old , A2826 Webster St , VERY line Jersey cow ; Just the tiling for a family ; Juut frrslr also bull calf 4 months old. 3826 Webster. Q-VX ) 7 * MISCELl.AMSOUS , NOTICE Country .dealers. Id hand furn'tre & stoves At lowest price * , carload lots or less. Chicago Furniture Co. , 1100-10 Dodge. R 755 CALENDARS for 1SOO , Burkloy Printing Co. K-39J O29 PARTIES wishing lo contract to do worlc In moving earth please correspond with the Standard Cattle Co. , Ames. Nrb. Jl i JLhi 5 A 1OII RENT , n fine plnce ( o feed stock ; good sheds and water , hav nnd grain on place which cnn be bought ; good house and barn nnd Rrnnnry : 14 mile from loading - AVm. Mlddaugh , Ames. Neb. R-MGH 5 * CLAIRVOYANTS. DR. L. R. HARRIDEN CLAIRVOA'ANT , LIFE READER. OCCULT SCIENTIST. . FEATS THAT BAFFLE BELIEF AND STAOOKIt COMPREHENSION. MANY IMITATE. RUT NONE CAN EQt'AL. Glvei advice to innko you .successful In love , business , marriage , divorce , lawsuits , etc. ; locates mines , burled treasures ; cures drunkenness , bad habits , evil Influences , etc. . t'NlTES THE SEPARATED. I Never tolls to tnilsa speedy nnd happy marriages ; guarantees success In all cases. cases.RESTORES SICK TO HEALTH. DR. HARRIDEN diagnoses cases by merely touching the patient. Instantly lo cating the peat of trouble , anil by his wonderful power of OCCULT SCH-JNCB removing the cause ; a speedy euro Is the result In all cases. PERMANENT RESIDENCE. 02 S. ifiTii ST. , COR. JACKSON. ALL AVUO CANNOT CALL t'PON THIS O1FTET > MAN AVRITE. INCLOSING STAMP FOR PARTICULARS. Hours , 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. : lady attendant' . SATISFACTION GUARANTEED IN ALL READINGS OR POSITIVELY NO FEE ACCEPTED. OPEN SUNJ > AY8. REFERENCES ; Best banks , merchants and business men In the city. S M6I9 5 * MME , OYLMER , genulnu pnlmlst.lCOS Dadgo B 756 MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant. 817 N. ' 16th. S-M710 MRS. DR. HART , palmlPt and clairvoyant , 213 N. 18th street. Hours 3 to 9. S-M017 7 MAHSAOI2 AND I1AT1I5. MRS BERRY. BATHS , MASSAaE. Parlors best equipped In city. Porcelain tub ; lady attendants. 119 N. Kith. opp. P. O. , 2nd. floor. T-M212 Oct. 25 MME. AMES , R. 2 , 507 S. 13 ; manaaco baths. T M747 O17 MISS DE CAMO , vapor sponga bathe , mas- snce , magnetic treatment ; expert attendants - " ants ; Ist-class patronage .solicited. 1615 Howard. 3d floor. T-M754 O18 MME. Lee. baths , massage , parlor. 302 N. 16. T M19S Oct6 ELITE PARLORS , 2023 .Farnam , upstairs , first-class baths , massage , magnetic treatment. Lady attendants. T M195 QctlO * MISS JUNE , massage ; baths ; Arabian , treatment ; attendint. 31314 N. 15th ; fiat J. T M530 I2 MME. SMITH , room 2 , 11SV4 North 13th. T rae 10 * PERSONAL , . PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & dur ing confinement ; babies adopted. 1135NI7. U-7E9 II. MONHEIT , leading chiropodist , treats all nllrr.ents of feet , botn lames & gentlemen. Ladles' hulrdreaslng. hair goods & tolUt reparations. Treatments of scalp , fact S ands or feet ; 20 years experience. 10 years In Omaha ; best equipped establishment In city. 1516 Farnam ; taks elevator , ' 2nd flbor. U-757 VIAVI Is vornan's w'ay tb Health. 346 Bee Bide. U 761 MISS MAYEKSURGEON-CHIROPODIST. . re.halrdresslnK ; Instruction In above s reasonable. 400 Paxtonblk. . U-247-Oct , 7 DR. ROY. chiropodist ; corns and superfluous hair removed by electricity. Room 12 , . block. U Frcnzer mw - - * j 7M ( FINE hardwood floors , parquetry work , criinranteed , best reference In town rlirli ' prlceS Frank Sevlck. ' 133S S. 18th. Omhai' U 501 Oct. 13 BATHS , massage. Mine. Post , 319V4 S. 15th , , U-M173 RELIABLE homo tor ladles before and during confinement , nnd treatment of al troubles peculiar 19 women. Address P. O. Box 757 , Omaha. U M53S Octl5 * FOR money see Pleasants , O Barker blk. * ' . 'U HIS88 O22J" JOHN , 1 you will buy ' mo a doz. ' banlttnrs (26c ) I will meet 'you at the Brunswick Hotel Cafe and all will be forgiven ; llary. U MC73 O18 FACIAL massage , 50c ; hairdresslng. 35c ; shampooing , 35c and 50c. Miss Hubbard , 415 McCague building. U M141 OS FOR PARTIES , etc. , engage Edison's Grand Concert Phonograph , with EO selec tions and operator , $ G per evening. Leave orrtero 3 days in advance with the Omaha Phonograph Co. . 319 N. 16th , dealers in phonograph iccords and supplies. AA'rite for catalogue. U M175 Oct. 25 PLEATING nnd pleated skirt * of all kinds. M. Goldman & Co. . 200 Douglas blk. U 2CS Oct2S UTTER hospital ; confinement cases taken ; babies adopted. 2214 Seward. Tel. 2233. U M38S O29 DAVIS , specialist , 16th and Dodge. U-M400 031 UPTURE CURED. Wo cure nil forma of rupture without pain or detention from business. Send for circulars. Emplro Rupture Cure , 932-N. Y. Life , Omaha. U 534 O31 DR. M1TTELSTADT , dentist. 334 Boo build ing. U-M05S Nov4 JIONI3V TO IjOAX HlSA/j / KSTATU. IONEY to loan on first-class Improved city fruperty or tec building purposes. Payne- larder Co. , N. Y Life. . W-762 ilORTGAGES. Wallace. 314 Brown Block ,1ONEY to lean on improved Omaha real estate. Urennan-Lovo Co.-313 So. 16th . W-7M BROKERS , promoters , mortgage- dealers , wanting eostein money should write for circular. Investors' Directory , New York. W-1C7 PER CENT ; also private funds. Chas. E. Williamson. W-77B MONEY tc loan on Nebraska end Iowa farms ; lowest rates. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 ti. IGthj Omaha. : W-76S WRITE us if you want a. loan on your farm in Jorya. easttrn Neb. or Mo. ; It will pay you , Anthony Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N.V.L W 772 FIVE PER CENT money on or before five yearn on Nebraska lands and Omaha real estate. W. B. Jlelkle. in S. 15th St. St.W775 5 , EH. 9 per ct , loans In Omaha , So. Omaha , W , H. Thomas , 603 1st Nat. Bk. Tel. 1648. ' W 774 c PER CENT money. Bemls , Paxton Blk. C PER cent loam , Garvln Bros , , 1613 Farnam W-770 Jl.OOO nnd upwards to loan on Improved city property and farms. AV. Farnam Bmltr & Co. . 1320 Fainam. W 7t.O CHEAP MONEY. HARRISON & MORTON. W-760-0-17' MOXKY TO LOAN IIKAI , K.STATE. WANTED , city and farm loans ; also bonds and warrants. R. C. Peters & Co. , 1702 Fanum 'St. , Bee Bids. \V-77l J100 TO J2.000. V , D. W ad , 16th & Douglas , LOANS , Potter-Sholes Co. , 310 N. Y. Life. W-76J 2ND mtg. on farms. Prltchard , 21C H. jstlt at. W-M579 Nov2 SIO.M3Y TO LOAX CHATTELS. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent position * on their per sonal note without endorsement or secur ity : Htrictly confidential , and at ONB-HALl' ' THE USUAL RATES. Before borrowing we us , as you will find H greatly to your advantage ; we are the oldest , largest and only incorporated loan company In Omaha. P. W. Truax. Mgr. , 119 Board of Trade Bldg , , 16th and Far nam 8ts. Telephone X293. X-733 MONEY loaned on pliuio , furniture , homes , cows , Jewelry. Duff Green It 3. Barker hlk X-782 MONF. Y leaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible concerns upon their own names , without security ; payment * . Tolman , 703 N , Y. I * B MOM5.Y TO IOA.V-CIIATTILS. I. MONEY loaned on furniture , rlg . bicycle ? , diamonds , watches , etc. ; payments un known to friends. Omaha Loan Bank , 1418 Farniim. upstnlrs. X TS1 MONEY "TO"1)OAN ) ON FURNITURE , Pianos , horsps. cow ? , etc. J. W , Taylor , 403 Kurhach block , 12 to 6:30 : p. m. X-M3S5 O23 MONEYTO LOAN ONMONEY HOUSEHOLD FUHN1TURK. PIANOS , HORSES. CARRIAGES , LOW RATES-EASY. PAYMENTS. You can pay the money bark in any amount * you wish and at nny time. Each payment no made lessens the cost of cnrrylnp the loan. OMAHA MORTGAGE IXAN CO. . SOfi SOUTH 16TH STREET. MONEY- -MONEY X-401 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE confidentially , holding permanent po ltions. on their own name without ender r , mortgage or security of any kind. Cn re pay 'n er.9y weekly or monthly payments. Omaha. Credit Co. , C. E. Jennings. Mgr. , suite 625-52ii N Y. Life Bldg. X 780 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions with re sponsible firms without mortgage or ne- curlty of any kind except their own names on new plan , which Is n pure building nnd loan system , with easy pay ments to suit yourpelf. Our business' Is positively private and confidential ; no ono outside of ourselves will know anything of the transaction. American Loan Co , , R oem 601 , Bee b'dg. ' X "SI MONEY loaned on plano % furniture. Jew elry , horses , cows , etc. C. F. Rccd , 319 S. 13 , X 779 LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE pn their personal notp without security. Rates reasonable. J W. Taylor. 403 Kar- bach block , 12 to G:30 : | i. m. X M3SC O29 HUSINKSS CHANCES. MERCHANDISE STOCK A clean stock of dry goods , furnishing goods nnd clothing ; owner will exchange for farm or city property. Lock Drawer. 1S04. Y-M717 FOR SALE or > rade , cigar , tobacco , fruit * nd candy store. Call 320 SA 10th. Y 248-Oct. 7 25C BUYS a doz. banltters , a doz. oysters or any meal at the Brunswick Hotel Cafe. Y-MG70 QIC THE NEW SNOW-CHURCH COMPANY Is thp only company that collects nil klnda of debts rind has a correspondent In every town in United States. , Send your ac counts to 5th floor , Knrbach Blk. . AV. ir. Green , President. Y M119 HAVE cash and Eastern Nebraska Im proved farm to exchange for county banking business. Address 142 , Bee. Y in 3 Oct. 10' FOR SALE , stock of hardware , good town , Rood business , for c.i ll. Address K 49 , care Bee. Y M254 Oct. E' > ANGE hotel for rent. Wishing to retire from business , I w.lll either rent my en tire hotel or retain the 'rooms and rent the dlnlngroom separate. Hotel flrpt clas.i nnd modern In ovary reflect. For par- , . tlculars call at premises , C01 So. 13th St. . _ ' Y-394-O13 BUSINESS -demanding my 'attention else where , would sell my book , stationary and music business ; good chance to r'ght party. J , L. Ogdcn , Grand Island. Neb. Y M44S-7 * FOR SALE , established business. "OS N. . . . . . . Y M592 Iflth. - No. 2 DRUG STOCK > omall stock In crowing tov.'n Address Jno. DeBoar , Blcolow , Minn. - Y-M619 10 * DRUG STORE for sale In Hill City. S. D. ; liberal terms. Inquire of AV , II. Tlm- erhoff. , . , Y-MG2-1 10 FOR SALE or trade , comolcte nickel- plating plant. Omaha Bicycle Co. , 323 N. Iflth ; f "V-M465 FOR BXCHAJfGE. WILL trade choice , large * , business lot on Vlnton St. , 54xlM ft. . forOROod Insldn Im proved property with Rotxl Income a'nd will liny difference iu cash.t > Bemls. PHX- ton-blork. ! 3 ' < Z 511 LOST. LOST , cither on. . 'north-bSfmd car near Harney street or at Crelghton theater on Ittonday nleht , ' brown Mnrten collarette. Return to room 68 U. S. N/nt'l. / Bank Bldg. and receive reward. Ixist 033-1 * LOST , ladles' silver watch , Saturday , on IDewoy avenue or on Hilrney between Twenty-sixth and the llbrnty ; ' C. .T. " on inner case. Reward at 412 S-CTth ave. TYPEWRITERS. TYPEAVRITERB for rent , < 4.00 per month. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , Ifi25 Farnam St. Telephone 1284. 792 AA'E RENT and sell the best typewriters made : largest stock of supplies In Omaha. United Typewriter & Supply Co. , 1612 Far nam. 793 REMINGTON Standard typewriter and sup plies. 1619 Farnam. 794 THE Oliver Typewriter , visible writing , heaviest manlfolder and cuts the finest Btencll ; see exhibit Liberal Arts bldj. , Greater America Exposition , Tel. 22i9. J. B. Stewart , Special Agent , 318& S. Fif teenth street , Omaha. 795 TYPEWRITERS , secondhand. 1113 Farnam. M MS FOR SAXiE , Dens nore machine , almost new. Apply 434 Bee Bldg , . . M691 5 * SIIQUTIIANU AM > TYPEWRITING. A. C. Van Sant's School. 7l7'N. Y. Life. 799 AT OMAHA Bus. College , ICth & Douglas. see BOYLES' school ; court reporter principal , Bee Bldg. 801 VAN SANT'S night school of shorthand nnd bookkeeping begins October 2 , Mon day , AVednemlay and Friday evenings ; 13 per month for either branch ; touch typewriting given special attention.M . M 53G LADIES Free , harmless monthly regula tor , cannot fall. Mrs , U. Rowan. Milwau kee , AVls. 652-O-16 * DR. MANSFIELD'S monthly regulator has brought happiness to hundreds Of anxious women ; have never hn , < 1 n tingle failure : longest cases relieved in two to five days without fall ; no pain , no danger , no Inter ference with work : by mall or ofllce , $2 ; all letters truthfuly answered. The Mansfield Remedy Co. , 167 Dearborn St. , room 614 , Chicago , 111. M-457 7 * LADIES , Chlchester's English Pennyroyal pUU are the best ; safe , reliable ; take nu other ; send 4c , stamps , for particulars. "Relief for Ladles. " In letter by return mall. At druggists. Chlchester Chemical Co. . PhllHdclphln. Pa. OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON. Ostoopathlc Institute , 515 N , Y. Life BldR , Allco Johnson. D. O , ladles' dept. ; Gld E. Johnson , osteopathlst , mgr. M. E. DONOHUB. D. O. , Of Still school , Klrksvllle. Mo. , 004 Paxton blk. Tel. 1367. 79S \ICKIL BABEBURNERS replated ; all klnda of plat- Int' . Omaha Platlntt Co , . Bee Bldg. 'S04 LAUXDRY. OMAHA STEAM LAUNDRY , city towe supply ; shirts , Fci rollurH , 2o ; cuffs , 4o. underwear , Cc , 17W lycavenworlh. Tel , GIT , M 519 Decl4 COAL. BEST cooking , $4 ton ; hard coal. (3.50. ( Har mon & AVeeth Co. . 16th and Charles. Ml-Oct-S IIICYCLRS. NEW and second-hand bicycles at half price , Louis Flescher , 1622 Capitol ave. COMSIISRUIAL OM. Com'l Col. RohrUough Ilros. , D'fclai , 'OR SAIn-RUAL KSTATK. SELECT BARGAINS ( Ort. I. 1S99. ) 2 lots Bens-on very cheap. 10 actes near Florence $1,000. CJ acre ? close to Omaha , good buildings , and well pel to fruit , f.1,000. JO acres Sarpy Co. , small house , barn , cave , well , etc. , bargain , n.Otf ) . Good lot Dundee )1,000. 40 acres , nenr Fair Grounds. 80 rods on paved road , small house , $125 an ncrc. 640 , Buffalo Co. , some buildings , wind mill , fences , etc. , lies well , 10 an acre. ICO RM ! Willow County , } 200 for the U. JOO acrea best Iowa land near Arlon. AVell Improved , $43 un ncro. 2tX ) acres near Cnlhoun , land lies perfect , smnll building , $ oO an aero. 1,000 acres Hurt Co. , J30 an acre. 1,000 acres Herlck Co , , (20 ( acre. 210 Adams Co. , $23 an acre. l.DOO acres near Cnlhoun , very cheap , $8,500 buys a rental block centrally located , paying Interest on (20.0CW. $20,000 , elegant Farnam St. block. $1,50 for cast front S-room house , Georgia Ave. near Popplcton. (4,000 ( , flno S-room house Georgia Aye. $6,600 , splendid S-room house near park. (1,800 , S-room house near High school. $500 , choice lot near 24lh & Manderson. $7,000 , , good house AVcst Farnam. (1,200 ( , choice lot AVest Farnam. (900 ( , 2 lots Dwlght & LymaiiA $2,600 , full lot with 2 houses and line barn , So. 32nd Ave. $2,500 , C-room house with nil modern Improvements , very attractive , $1.500. lot 40th near Farnam. C. F. HARRISON AND GEO. T. MORTON , 912 & 913 N. Y. LIFE , TELEPHONE 314. SPECIALS. $8,600 , rental block ( central. ) 200 acres In Iowa $45 an acre , RE-628-4 HENRY B. PAYNE , 601 N. Y. LIFE BLDO. Real Estate , Rentals , Loans , Insurance. ' RE 731 AVE have cash customers for good Income paying property In South Omaha ; try us. O'Nell Real Estate agency. REfS" FOR SALE 810 acres of land , worth (35 per ncro ! will sell for (24 per acre. The Byron Reed Co' . , 212 S : 14th St. RE 785 BARGAINS , real estate. Chris Boyer , 2123 Cumins. RE-MSS3 O22 COTTAGE and lot 60x60. $550. 10-r. house , modern , barn , full lot,1 Ilans- com Place , $3,000 , F. D , AVead , 1624 Douglas. RE 151 DELIGHTFUL modern home , fronting park , Hanscom Place : 9 rooms ; must be sold , owner leaving city. M. J. Kennord & Son , ( suite 310 , Brown block. RE 532 HAMILTON SQUARE , on Locust & Muplcl Sta , between 18th and 19th Sts. , $330 'for south fronts , $160 for north fronts : satis factory terms ; will divide to suit pur chaser. A. P. Tukey , Board of Trade. RE 23 ? HAVE you some lots to sell ? Now Is the time 'to dispose of them ; let the people know that ycu want to dispose of them The Bee reaches the people who have the money. RE R6C HOUSES , lots , farms lands , loans ; also fire Insurance. Bemls , Pnxton blk. RE 7 ! > 0 SNAPS In real estate : money to loan. L. L Johnson Co.,314 S. 15th street. RE 78J CORN LANDS. HARRISON & MORTON Nebraska's corn crop , 300,000.000 bushels. RE-20S Oil * CASH CUSTOMERS FOR FARM LAND They Byron Reed Co. , 212 S. 14th St , RB-7S9 1'OR SALE , my elegant home , 2020 Wobste St. , small amount down , balance same. . tt rent , If desired. Address C. D. Blbbins Hotel Spokane , Spokane , AVanh. . RE-M393 Nov. 2 FOR SALE , handsome 10-room modern res Idence ; large lot nnd shade trees Icentrnlly located ; cheapest residence In Omaha ; part trade considered. Call or nddresH , it you mean business , JOB N. 16th street. RE-601 SO ACRES , with crop , machinery , horses , house , barn , within 11 miles of Omaha poPtolTlce ; price only $4,300. $930 for five-room house and 104x123 feet , southwest of Hanscom park. $3,300 for two houses and 51x81 feet , norih- I eust corner 2fith and Cumlnir streets ; rental $350 per year , Submit offer. $3,500 for nine-room modern house , barn , on AV.'St Fnrnam street. Farm lands within 25 miles of Omaha from J20 to $50 per aero. JOHN N. FRENZER , OPP. OLD P. O I Rli , M173 10 ROOMS , modern , N. K. cor. 23d and Chl- ° ' > ' ' S Croo riiH. 'mo1de'rn , barn , 527 So. 21st ave. , $3,500.00. 8-room cottage , barn , No. 2511 Cnp. av ? . , * ' S room . 1017 So. 23d , rent $15.00 , $1,2.10.00. 10 rooms , modem , 1329 BO. 31st , $4.000.00. 0 rooms , modern , new , 45x130 , J2.700.00. 5 room ? , 1531 Georgia ave. , 50x160 , $3,750.00. 7 rooms , shad' ' ? , 40x140 , 22d near Lake st. , $2,200.09. C rooms , bath , 42x106 , 25th st. , near Btnney , 8 rooms'bnth , 50x'l32 ' , east front , 20th , near $ Jpenccr st , , $1,600,00 , . 6 room house and one acre ground , 2Cth and Spencer , lays nice , (2,000,00. 8 rooms , most new , modern except furnace , 262J Bristol , $2,800.00. S-room on Boulevard , 1541 No. 19th st. , barn , shade , $2,000,00 , 5-rcom cottnue. 1518 No. ISth ? t. . $1,200.00. AV. II. GATES , CIS N. Y. L. PHONE 1231. RE-rMC53,6 A SNAP , three beautiful lots , 31st avenue , north of Farnam , $1,200 to $1,500. , Stringer , room 634 Paxton block. RE-MC4S 7 FOR SALE , 400 acres Missouri valley land In on" body i mile from town , $35,00 an acre ; "will take $5.000 to $8,000 In trade. Address C. II. Keen , Whiting. Iowa. HE M045 C FRUIT raining Is the best paying and pleas- antest industry near Omaha If location and soil bo chosen right ; I have for Mle n fholco ono nt half Its value. Stringer , room Oil Paxton block. RE MC43 7 * AHSTIIACTS OP TITLU. HARRIS Abstract Co. , 423 Bee Building. 810 HOTELS. TRY the Henderson Hotel ; board and room $1.00 per week ; gas , steam heat and baths. Ninth and Farnam Sts. 809 SIIIHTMAKKHS. SHIRTS to order from $1.CO to $3. Kelley & Heyden , men's furnishers , 16th and Ch- | Co go , M 262 SCHOOL OF LANGUAGE. FRENCH , German , Spanish. $3 per month. Prof , Chatelaln. 301 Boyd theater. 147- II-ACTORV. SEE OUR trunk traveling bags , suit cases. Trunks repaired. Omaha Trunk factory , 1209 Farnam. 602-O16 I'AWMIROKUKS. JEFFERSON Snuare Loan Omce , 418 N. 18. 05 ISAGLK Loan Office , reliable , accommodat ing : all business conflden'la ! . 1301 Douglas. S06 9IATTIIUHS RI5XOVATINO. M. 6. WALKLIN. 2111 Cumlng , Tel , 1331. 803 MAG.VIiTIK 1li.VII\fJ. Mil. AND MRS. A. OILLET , AVeltmer sys tem , 21th and Cumlng ; entrance on 24th , -479 Octl2 STAMMKUING AM ) STUTTERING , CURED , Julia V UEhan. 430 IU "ge Bide. IMIYSH-IAX. lltT SHEPAROrsisT NVw York"Life. . s > P"- dallies , cularrh and kindred tllsensfs ; consultation free nt olllco or by mall. Literature and question sheets sent everywhere. M KIT TICK 1ST nilOICHItS. CUT RATE r.illvay and steamship tickets ; excursion tickets bought and sold P. H. Phllbln , rew location ! " , ISOu and 1603 Fnr nam , 1M. 1SS9. Member G. T. B. Assn. SOI TAILORING. .ADIES' JACKETS , rnen's clothing , al tered latest styles and cleaned. Max FoRol , 307 S. 17th. -M3S7 O2 ACCORDION PLEATING. IRS. A. C. MARK , 17th and Farnam st. ISO 023 DR. MITTELSTADT , room 331 Bee bunding. M-631 Novl 1UI1.AVAY TI3II5 CARD. BUHLINOTON & MIS- Boiirl River Rallroad- "Tho Burlington Routo" -General Olllccs. N , AA' . Corner Tenth and Fnr- nam Strcpls , Ticket Offlcfl. 1502 Farnnm Street. Telephone. 2W. Depot Tenth and Maaon Streets. Tele- phone 310. LCJJVO. Arrlvo. , lncoln , Hastings and McCook . . . . . a 8:40 : am a 7W : pin Lincoln , Denver , Colorado rado , Utnh. California. a 4:33 : pm a 8:65 : pro Jncoln , Black Hllla. Montana & Puget Bound .1 . a 4:25 : pm n 5:00 : pro Lincoln Local . . . . a T:00 : pm 010:35 : am Incoln Fast Mall..a X:00 : pm niO:35 : am Jonvcr , Colorado , Utah & California. a 6.30 am a Dally. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & Oulncy Railroad "Tho Burlington Route" Ticket Olllce. 1502 'Farnam St. Tel. 260. Depot Tenth & Mason Streets , Tele- phone , 310. Leave. Arrlye. Daylight Chicago Spec- claJ , a 6:40 : am Chicago A'estlbulod Ex.a 6.05 pm a ROG : am Chicago Express a 9:30 : am a 4:06 : pm Chicago & St. U Ex..a 7:45 : pm a & :05 : ama Pacific Junction Local. , alO:45 : am Fast Mall a Z : < 5 pm a Daily KANSAS CITY , St Jo seph 6 Council Bluffs Railroad "The Burling ton Route" Ticket Ollice. 1502 Fanam Street , Tele phone , 250. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone , 310.Leavo. Leavo. Arrive , Kansas City Day Ex . . .a 9:80 : am a 5:45 : pm Kansas City Night Ex..alO:16 : rui a 6:30 : am St. Louis Flyer for St. Joseph and St. Louis..a 4:65 : pm all:15 : am a Dally. CHICAGO , ST. PAUL. Minneapolis & Omaha Railway ' 'The Northwestern - western Xlne" General Ofllces , Nebraska Divi sion , 13th and Webster 8ts. City Ticket Olllce. HOi Fanittin St. Telephone , 561. Depot , 16th and AVebstcr Sts. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Express ( for Sioux City , St. Paul & Minneapolis ) ' . . . ' . a 6OC : am Omaha Parsengur a 7:00 pm Blulr. Krnerson , Sioux City , Poncn , Hartlng- ton and Bloomneld..b b2:10 ! : pra No. 2 Twin City L't'U..a Bto ; pm No. 1 Omaha Limited. . . a 0:00 : am a Dully , b Daily ixce t Sunuay. CHICAGO & ; < ORTH. western Railway "Tho Northwestern Line" City Ticket Office. 1401 Farnam Street. Tele phone. 561. Depot , Tenth _ _ - und Mason Streets. Tele phone , C29. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial > . , a. OHO am all:5S pm Carroll Local b 5:25 : pm blO:10 : am' Eastern ExpreHS. Des -Molnes. Mnrshfilltovrn , . . Cedh'r Rapids afrd Chi- ' ' ' cdfe'o , . all:05 am a 4:05 : pm Atlantic- Flyer , Chicago and East a 4:65 : pm a 4:05 : pm Fasr Mall , Chicago to Omaha a 1:45 : pm Omaha-Chicago Special.a 7:05 : pm a 8:15 : am Fast Mall 8:30 am a Dal'.y b Daily except Sunday. FREMONT. ELKHORN & Missouri Valley Railroad - road "The Northwestern ljlne" Gencrnl Offices. United States National Hank Bldg. , Southwest Corner Twelfth and KarI - nam Streets. Ticket ofllce , 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone , 561. Depot. 15th and AVefastcr Streets. Telephone , 1455. Leave. Arrive. Blnck HIII3. Deadwood , Hot Springs a 3:00 : pm a 6:00 : pm Wyoming ; Casper and Dour'd 3:00 : pm d 5:00 : pra Hustings , York , David City , Superior , Geneva , , Exeter and Howard..3 3:00 : pm b 6:00 : pm Norfolk , Verdlgre and Fremont . .b 7:30 : am blO:25 : am Lincoln , , Wahpo and Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:2a : am Fremont Local. . , _ c 7:80 : am u Dully b Dally except Sunday , c Bun day only. d Dally except Saturday. BIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "The North- v rstern Line" General Omces , United States National Bank Building , 6.V. . Corner Twelfth and Farnam Streets. 'Icket ' Ofhce. 1401 Farnam Street , Tele phone , 501. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , 629. lave. Arrive. filoux City , Mankato & Bt. Paul , Minneapolis .a 5:50 : nm a 8:40 : am St. Paul , M'nnoapolis , Mankato & Ploux City.a 6:25 : pm all:00 : pm Sioux City Local a 7:15 : am u 4:20 : pm a Dally. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL- rend General Ofllces and Ticket Offices Southeast Cor ner 14th and Douglas Sts. Telephone , 104. Depot , 15th and Webster Sets. Telephone ' Leave. Arrive. St. Louls-anKsas & Neb. Limited a 3:00 : pm n2:55 : pm K. C.-St , L. Express..a 9:50 : pm a 6:00 : am Nebraska Local via AVeepIng AVater b C:03 : pm a 9:45 : am a Dally , c Dally cxceot Sunday , UNION PACIFIC "THEOVER. land Route" Gereral Offices , N. E. Cor. Ninth and Tarnam Streets , City Ticket Ofllce , 1303 Farnam Street , Telephone , 31G. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets , Telephone , 629. Leave. Arrive. "The Overland Limited" for Utah. Idaho , Men- tana , California , Oregon gen and AVashlngton points a 8:40 : am a 4:36 : pm The Colorado Snovlal for Denver and all Colorado points allS5 : pm a 6:30 : am Pacific Express for Denver , Suit Lake. Pacific Coaot and all western points b 1:25 : pm a 0:30 : am Lincoln , Beatrice and Btrombburg Express . .b 4:25 : pm b 1:20 : pm Fremont , Columbus , Nor folk. Grand Island and North I'lattt- a 4:25 : pm b 4:35 : pm Columbus Local , . b 7:30 : pm b 9:30 : am Norlh Platte Local u 1:20 : pm South Omaha Local Pass , Leaves. Ui''O a. in. : 7:00 : a. in. , tt > :10 : a. m. : 803 ; p. m. Arrlvea , 10:45 : a. nv 3:30 : p. m. : 6:26 : p. m. ; 6 p. m. Council Bluffs Local Lea"es , 6iiU : a. m. C40 ; a m. ; C.60 a. m. ; 7:35 : t. . m. ; a:30 : a , m. b 10:45 : a , m , ; 1.25 p , m. ; 2:16 : p , m.4:65 ; : p , m. 6:25 : P , m. ; 6:55 : p. m. ; 8:65 : p. m , ; 10:30 : p. m Arrives , 02U ; u. m , ; 7:20 a , m. ; 8:16 : a. m. S:45 : a. m , ; 11:30 : a m , ; 3:05 : p. m. ; 4:05 : p. in. 6:55 : p. in. ; u3 ; > j n , in. , 7:30 : p , tn. ; 9:35 : p. in. 11:00 : p. m , ; H:6\p. : m. a Dally , b D'tlly except Sunday. CHICAGO , MILAVAUKEB & Bt. Paul Railway City TlcUet Office. 1501 Farnam Street. Telephone. 281. De- pit , Tenth and Mason Bin. Tolcjihonu , C29. Chicago Limited Ex. . . .a 6:45 : pin a 8:20 : a'm Cnlcai'o & Omaha Ex.bU00 ; ara b 3J5 ; pm BlouClly S : Des Molnea Exprew bllsOO am b 8:55 : pu a Dally I Pa'.Sy CKceiit Sunday , AV A B A S H. RAILROAD- - Tlckct Olllbe 1415 Farnara Street , Telephone , 6 2. Depot - pot , Tenth and Masqn titrcets. Telpehono , 629. Leave , Arrive. Punon Hall" ' ta4W pm a 8:35 : are Dully , RAILWAY TIMI3 T\1II.K9. CHICAGO. ROCK 18L. nml & Pacific Hnllroad "The Great Rock IM- nnd Route. " city Tick et Oincp , 1E3 _ . - . , Leave. Arrive. Des Molnea local. . . . . . . .n 7:0t : > nm tai3& ; am Chicago Kxpress . bll:15 : < im n t > .li > um Chlc-ngo Fast Express. . .a i:0 : pm n H25 mil St. Paul Fnst Express. . .a 600 ; pin bll:3i : am Lincoln. Colorado Spgs. . Denver , Pueblo and West . . . . . .a 1:30 : pm a i:3J : pm Des Molnes , Rock Isl and and ChlcnKO . n 72S ; pm n 8 : % rm Colorado & Texas Flyer.a 8 ! < u jim 9rtJU ra a Dally b Dfily cxccut Sunday. A ST. LOUIS RAILroad - road Omaha , Kansas City & Eastern IlAllrosd "Tha Route gulncy Route" Tlckot of Ouincy fice , 1415 Farnam Street. Telephone , 322. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets , TeU- phone , CM.Leave. Leave. Arrive. Bt. Louis Cannon Ball Express a 4:60 : inn a 33 nm Cansas City and Qulncy Local n 7:15 : am a 8:50 : pm a Daily. rosTorncnOTICI ; . ( Should tie read dally by all Interested , ( is changes may occur nt any time. ) Foreign malls for the week ending Oc- obcr 7 , 1S99 , will close ( PROMPTLY In nil cases ) at the Renoral postofllrc ns fol lows : PARCELS POST MAILS ono hour earlier than closing- Unit shown be- " "ow. Trnim-Atlniitlc AlnlU. TllURSDAY-At 7 n. in. for EUROPE , per H. s. Auguste A'lclorlu * . via Chrrbourp , Southampton nnd Hamburg ; at T a. ni. for AZORES ISLANDS direct , per s. . Trojan Prince. SATURDAY At 5:30 : n. m. for EUROPE , per s. s. Campania * , via Quecnstown Ucttcis lor France , Switzerland , Itniy , Spain , Portugal , Turkey , Egypt nnd Brit ish India must be directed "per s. s. Campania" ) ; nt 6:30 : n. m. for FRANCIS , SWITZERLAND. ITALY , SPAIN , POR TUGAL , TURKEY , EGYPT nntl BRIT ISH INDIA , per 8. P. La NornmtuUe * , via Hnvrq ( letters for other parts of Europe must lie directed "per s. s. Lit Noc- mandlo" ) : at S a. in. for NETHER LANDS direct , per s. s Amsterdam , via Rotterdam ( letters must be directed "per s , s. Amsterdam" ) : at 9 n. m. for ITALY , per a. p. Werra , via Naples ( letters must ba directed "per s. s. Werra" ) . 'Printed ' Matter , etc. Ocrman steamers Rilling on Tuesdays takfe printed matter , etc. . for Germany nnd specially ad dressed printed matter , etc. . for other parts of Europe. American and AVhlto Star Hteamors on Wednnfdays. German steamers on TlitU'saayn , and Cutmrd , French nnd Gorman steamers on Satur days take printed matter , etc. , for nil countries for which they are advertised to carry ninn. After the closing of the supplementary trans-Atlantic malls named above , addi tional supplementary malls are opened on the piers of the American. English , French and Gorman steamers , nnd re main open until within ten minutes of the hour of sailing of steamers. MitllN fur Soiitli mill Central America , Writ liidlL-H. Etc. TIHTRSDAY-At 1 a. m. for JAMAICA , per steamer from Philadelphia ; at 10:30 : n. m. for HAITI , per p. s. Dean , via Port au Prince ( letters for Curacao , Venezuala , Trinidad , British and Dutch Guiana mint bo directed "per s. s. Dean" ) ; nt 12'.3U p. m. for BRAZIL and LA PLATA- COUNTRIES , per s. s. Hevollus. via Per- nambuco , Banla and Rio Janeiro ( letter's for North Brazil must be directed "nor Ilevellus" ) ; at 1 p. m. ( supplementary 1:30 : p. m. ) for NASSAU , N. P. , per tt. s. An- tllla : at 1 p. m. for SANTIAGO and MAN- 2.ANILLO. per . s. Santiago dc Cuba ; lit 2 p. m. for BARBADOS direct und NORTH BRAZIL , per s. P. Marunhonse. via Para and Manuon , FRIDAY At 11 a. m. ( Biiplomentary 11:30 : u. m. ) for PORTO RICO , via San Juan , also VENEZUELA and CURACAO , pqr B. B. Caracas ( letters for Suranllla , anil Carthagemi. via Curacao , must be di rected "per s. s. Caracas" ) . SATURDAY At S a. in. for LA PLATA COUNTRIES direct , per s. s. Bellarden : at 10 n. m. ( supplementary 10:30 : a. in. ) lor Haiti and Santa Martha , per n , a. Ande ; at 10 a. m. ( supplementary l/:3 : ( ( a. m. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA , SA- ArANILLA and CARTIIAGENA , per s > . R. Adirondack ( letters for Costa Rica must bo directed "per s. . Adirondack" ) ; at 11 a. in. for CUBA , via Havana , per s. s. Havana ( letters must be directed "per s. s. Havana" ) ; at 11 n. m. for PRO- GRESO. per H. s. Ravensdalo ( letters for other parts of Mexico must bo directed "per s. B. Ravensdale" ) . Malls for Newfoundland , by rail to North Sydney , nnd thence by steamer , close at this office dally nt 8:30 : p. m. , connecting rloso hero every Monday , AA'ednesday and Saturday. Malls for Miquelon , by lall to Boston , and thencff by steamer , close at this office dally at R:30 : p. m. Malls for Cuba , by rail to Port Tampn. Fin. , and thence by steamfir. rloie at this of fice dally ( except Monday ) nt * 7 a. m. ( thu connecting closes are on Sunday , Wednes day and Frldiiy. Malls for Cu'oa , by rail lo Miami , Fla. , and thence by steamer , close at this offloe every Monday , Tues day and Saturday at " 2:30 : a , m , , ( tha connecting closes are on Tuesday nnd Saturday ) . Malls for Mexico City , over land , unless speclallv addressed for dis patch by steamer , close at this office dally at 2:30 : a , in. and 2:30 : p , in. Malls for Costa Rica , Belize , Puerto Cortez nnd Guatemala , by rail to New Orleans , and thence by steamer , close at this office dally at * S00 ; p. m. , connecting close * her Mondays for Belize. Puerto Cortel and Guatemala. 'Reglaterea mall closes at 0 p , m. previous day. "Registered mall closes at C p. in. second day before. TruiiH-l'nallla Mulln , Malls for China , Japan nnd Hawaii , via San FranclBoo , close here dally at 6:30 : p. m. up to October * 12th. Inclusive , for despatch per B. s , America Maru. Moils for Chlnu and Japan , via. Vancouver , close here dally at 0:30 : p. m. up to October * .1d , In- clufllve , for despatch per s. s. Empress of India. Malln for Hawaii , via Ban Fran cisco , close here dally nt 6:30 : p. m. up to October * 13th. Inclusive , for despatch per K. H. AuHtralla. Malls for China , Jupan und Hawaii , via. San Francisco , close hern dally at 6:30 : p. in. UP to October * 19th , Inclusive , for despatch per . s , Gaelic. Malls for Australasian Colonies ( uxcept West Australia , which goes vlii Europe , and Now Zealand , which goes via San Franclsro ) , Hawaii , and Fill Inlands , via Vancouver , cloi e hero dully at 6:30 : p. tn. after September * 29th nnd up to Oc tober " 13th , Inclusive , for despatch per s , 0. AonuiKl. MallH for Society Islands , via San Francisco , clone hero dally ut 6:30 : p. m. up to October * 26th , Inclusive , for despatch by ship City of Papoltl. Malla for Australia ( except AVest Australia ) , Now Zealand , Hawaii ; FIJI and Hnmoan IslandH , via San Francisco , close | jcrn dally nt 6:30 : p , in. after October ' 13th und ui ) to October ' 27th. Inclusive , or on day of arrival of H. s. Campania , due nt New York October 27th , for despatch per B , s. Moanu. Trans-Paclfln malls are forwarded to port of Railing dally nnd tne uchednlo of clos. Ing IH arranged on the prt-.iumpllon of their uninterrupted overland transit. Registered mall closes at C p. m. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Postolllce , New York , N , Y. , September 29 , 180.1. BAD FOR IOWAJUEL COMPANY ForffloHiirc OrdrrciE on Ttvo TriiMl Dt'cilH for Korfc'llu'rc on llonilN III 1HIKI. CJIICAOO , Oct. J.-Forcclosuro of two triutt deeds for ? C8I,6'J5 and $417,017 , respectively , have been entered by Judge JODklns In the United States circuit court agaltuit tlio Iowa tind Illinois Fuel company and tha Whltn Breast Fuel company , rffipeollvely. Both foreclosures are suits brought by the At lantic Trust company of Now York , Thomas Hitchcock and O. H. Prcntlas over 5 year ago. The decrees are final. The forcclceurcH were brought about by the forfeiture on bonds to tlic amount of { 600,000 , In each cn o Issued In 1S90 , default on which WHS made In 1S9C. In both caaew trunt deeds were given for uovcral thousand acres of fuel land In Illinois , which In or dered Bold , The daUu for the ealo of the property have not \ > foiannouncco. . \oii-Uiti | i MI-II Dfucrt C'rnmp. PIIILAPKLPHIA , Oct. 4. Sixty ( iluck- Kmlths und machlnlslH arrived hum today over the Pennsylvania railroad from New York , having been engaged to work at the Crumps' Bhlp building yard * . They were tric-t at Broud street Btatlon by u committee of Htrlkeru , who Informed them of thu Hltuutlon ut the8hlp yarda. Thirty of the nicM deserted Immediately , thu remainder HtibHeiiuently yielded to the appeal * of Urn 1 workmen when about to board a tuu bouuU for the alilp yard ,