Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 30, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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Here are values that appeal so strongly to your wishes that you can only wonder how in the
world we were ever able to offer them to you. It's the one great sale that tops them all.
The Newest Styles The Most Comfortable Shoes Most Durable
uits , Jackets , Capes and Skirts
Something to be remembered with pride and wonder and satisfaction
by every patron of our store. The carpet department has
$17,50 Women's ' Suits $9,98- Womens $25,00 boon steadily growing until
nothing more atylisli than these , now it is one of the leading
line brown mixed meltonotte
Suits $15,00 carpet departments' in the
suits , with jaunty new close- ,
fitting jackets , lined through To .add to the sensation iu west. Prices and good goods ON MAIN FLOOR. ON MAIN FLOOR. IN THE BASEMENT.
out with brilliant colored taffeta
have done
our cloak department Satur itl
feta silk , edged with four day we offer those new tight- CN'C SHOES ' Infants' black , 39c tan Moccasins and red , ,
Wo will sell 7c
rows of tailor stitching bone , Velvet , Moquottc , Ax- go nt
rim , cloth center buttons , new fitting , attractive double- minster cnrpck'tlmt everybody In Omaha me il o -
breasted suits made to sell sells at $1.15 a yard , all absolutely
, now '
shape scalloped right now for $25. We will patterns. , DO old carried over $4 $5 and $6 Values Extra Special ai $2.50 pair. Ladles' over gaiters COo black , , eovon-buttou , I9c
back easily worth sell them Saturday for $15. I styles , at per yard , ' . . FOR Ladles' elegant new welt solo , hand-turn go at > ,
$17.50 but for Saturday solo and flno McKay cowed shoes , In the
, They are made of all wool heavy oxford ' iwldo toe , the medium round toe and coin
urday our price. . . . cheviot cloth. Jackets are lined throughout j Tapestry A50 | $0 $ Q50 ! $ A too , In plain kid nnd fancy plaid tops , In Child's hand-sewed shoes ,
with . sizes 3 G
to ,
brilliant colored taffeta. Basket \ \ eaves 'black ' flowered cloth tops and scroll pat 39c
Ladies' ' $4,00 Plush and bono rim buttons. Skirt full silk tern tops , all sizes , go at ' .
stitched , Garpei at 39c yard. all widths ,
and Other Capes $1,98- with percallnc , ' from AA to EB , Child's dongola kid and box calf ,
The following line ot men's new
velveteen All absolutely new patterns that other main
' go on hand-turn shoes , sizes G to 8 ,
Ladles' Capes , in plush , beaver cloth , 59C
boucle , and trimmed with Thibet fur sizes edged. light All and dealers call u bargain at iJOc , < $ & , nnd winter -weight shoes , about 4,000 floor at , with spring heels
edging , handsomely lined with Roman dark , our price , per yard W\ff6 pair In nil , which were made ( o retail
gray At $3 $3.50 and $4
. .
Bilk and good body silk surge.J navy and brown The best grade of Tapestry carpet , this fall at $4.00 , $5.00 nud $0.00 a pair , Children's $1.00 tan , winter weight ,
Very reliable goods , excellent All the very latest and swellest of extreme button and lace shoes , sizes
garments ( for early nutunin * Saturday such as genrally sell at OOc , we ( Of En on sale at styles , In the ladles' ultra mannish shoe , In 69c
go ' XV 0 , 0& , 10 ,
at the ladles' full dress Bhoe with I ouls
ixnd winter wear , -rcould cost or have only new patterns , per yd. . . hoe ] , and the dainty hand-turn kid shoes
dinary ? 3.00 to $4,00 ' with plain nnd patent tips. All of which are
Saturday $15 and $18 Misses' Golf Jackets Best grade strictly all wool Ingrain sold without exception elsewhere for ? S.OO , Misses' kid , dongola end box calf
carpet , Lowell and Hartford , f2Kft $6.00 and $7.00 pair. shoes , sizes 11 % to 2 , 89c
$6,50 and $8,50
$7,00 Golf Shirts $2,50- , , now patterns , per yard y2G This lot Includes all the different styles Hisses' and Children's Shoes go at
sale shipment
Saturday wo put on an express
To still Increase Saturday's bargains we Strictly sill wool extra super Ingrain and toes of the celebrated Boston Ease , . '
' '
beautiful ,
' ment of misses' Golf Jackets of Sl'JCCIAT Womea's small Blzes 3 and 3V
pla.ce on sale an Immense lot of ladles' fine blending wool golfing goods , with fancy reveres carpet , but not as heavy as the EC $3.00 men's shoes , lined with drill or nil All the sample- shoes from the Rochester flno shoes , worth up to $3.00 , 59c
dolt Skirts some reversible all double (3)ialG ( ) factory go In this sale nt
above , at
, sleeves , the fin do slecle. Positively , per yard for
faced wool material In fifa veres new . . ' leather lining , for $3.00 and $3 0. All HOc , 75c , 91:00 : , 91.25 , ijU.SO mid 91.7B.
value Saturday's
itively $15.00 to JJ18.00
now plaids , red and blue Jji Ladies' special prices Extra super C. 0. Ingrain carpet , of Florshelm's $0.00 tan blucher shoes worth nearly double.
mixed also fcolld colors * ! all wool ' ' Ono big counter of ladles' -warm
nearly and Youths'
„ , Shoes.
well cut nnd tailored garments Jl ? l for men for $4.00. Sldwell's $5.00 button Boys' lined shoes and slippers of all
All the fine- Fall
finesample nnd Winter shoes
at , yard Www
actual value $7.00 but Saturday $15 Melton Jackets go per patent leathers for $3.50. Dr. need's from . the Newhall factory , worth up to kinds , plain and fancy , at
$3.00 a pair , at
urday they go at go
Extra Union
heavy Ingrain carnet , the $0.00 insole shoes at $4.00 , and all of OSc , 91.25 niul
' heaviest carpet for the money ever sold Ladles' threo-point kid house
$6.50 Ladies' Homespun $8.50 In Omaha , * f * Thompson's $4.00 and $3.00 bkwk and Ladies' slippers , .49c
' Fancy Slippers.
Skirts $3,98 $ , . Women's $9,50 Kersey Jackets tomorrow , per yard fiiwG 2H5 tan shoes for $2.50 nnd $3.00. Also a GOO pair ladles' $1.25 . go at .
$6,50 lot of $5.00 enamel nnd calf skin shoes Boudoir Slipper ? .
Liglit and dark gray homespun - Ladies' fine all wool Melton Women's Jaunty new box front , dip effect One Immense counter of Wilton , Mo- for $2.50. go at Ladles' kid strap sandala with
spun all wool Skirts , liabit Jackets , heavily silk lined Kersey Jackets velvet collars , tight sleeves , qnctte , Axinluster and Savonuary white Ladles' Rtrap Mock sandals kid , red , -with goat , pink At , blue ! = and buckles and bows , 89c
back , silk ribbed throughout silk lined throughout with extra fringed carpet rugs , the nicest line we men's fancy bow and ornadfif OK Wi $ il go at
; , All the shoes from the Racine monts , at tfeli&Oc ' WW
go &
quality silk , piped edges
have ever shown , better than those we
waist bands , a full velvet inlaid collar ; made In tan , brown , navy . Shoe Co. , which were made Ladles' $5.00 red ellk quilted nnd lined Men's good heavy welt double
sliapo skirt , really jvorth carved.honobuttons ; made castor , and red would bo cheap sold offer early them In Saturday the. season , for $2.50. " " " We to sell at $3.00 and $4.00 , $1,98 $ $1.75. black silk This hand-turned is. the finest solo fall nulllflcrs style house go nt solo tan shoes , worth $1,29
$0.50 Saturday to retail > foiv$15 at $9.60 Saturday's aslong as goat slipper that money can { 2.50 , go at ,
' . . _ .
special. . . . Saturday's price , , , - , , price- they last at , per yard , , . t , t. .1 " *
- Early Fall FLANNELS Ladies' , Misses1 and Children's Underwear
Fine quality outing flannel , all new fall
IXCLUSIVE EXQUISITE AUTUMN patterns , such as generally eell < at Just About Half Price.
at 6c yard , -we will sell 22 c
, today at . Hundreds of dozen of children All the ladletf finest French
Derby ribbed , camel's hair and camel's hair wool underwear In
our superior styles , beautiful work , and enormous assortment forcibly emphasize our reputation as THE Millinery House Good quality fall outing flannel , 5c natural gray , fleeced-dlned vests , plain up to $1.W and > fancy each , all colors go at , worth up
of Omaha. Today there's a special exhibit of exquisite creations , from the leading artists of Paris , "Vienna , London , worth go at SVfcc yard , panta 8c and I22'c drawers and , all sizes I5c , go at 69c each
Berlin and New York , as well as from our own popular workrooms all these hats are exclusive in style and unobtainable ,
Best grade outing flannel , Amoske 1,000 pair ladles' fine Imported
elsewhere. down , none better at ny price , ' All the ' medium and large sizes French Halo thread hose In plain
, of boys' and girls' underwear in and fancy striped , plaids and
long Mill remnants 62'c heavy ribbed , fleece-lined , nat Rembrandt ribs , regular price up
Extra $5 for $10 Values go at , per yard ural gray , also nice soft camel's to Jl.OO pair , all go at
hair effects , Tvorith up to 75c , go at
far the most Fancy Swansdcnvn flannel , oil absolutely 25c pair.
' By complete
The Fall Season's correct styles are herein flannel , 25c and 39c
new patterns , looks like French per
in the richest and moat elegant effects.
collection of Trimmed Hats
Two largo bargain tables with
* rhD materials used on all our hats , as Is ( Oc and ' ' '
ladles' misses' and children's
, Immense lots of ladles' last
well known to those who have bought them ever shown in this city. The ribbed , Jersey black Hioso , made full seamless ,
long1 tleeve , vesta suitable
is of the best.We are showing a. beautiful choicest and London plain and fine ribbed , wortli up
Paris Cotton flannel at ble for early fall wear , at
array In all the newest Idcan , materials and go to 20o pair , go at
colors of huts tljo that finest clearly work show people. the Many handiwork of ideas arranged to meet the , 5c , 74c , ( Oc and I2ic , 12Jc each , 6c pair.
them are duplicates of expt'nslvo pattern wants of practical Omaha trade. Our work
hutH , . the ortffinula of which are worth large room has produced for today three special White Shaker flannel at C5o quality ladles' perfect fitting Big lots of ladles' nnd children's flne hos
We place theHe together with
Bums. the
creations , cial Jots the obbtest effects of the season 7c and suits , in Egyptian and ,
of our own skilled trimmers 3ic 5c lery in fast black , plain and heavy ribbed ,
whose-work Iswell known , not only in this In turbans , pompadour effects , etc. Hats , , natural gray ,
olty , but throughout the country. Hats trimmed with the choicest of feathers , wings , made with double eolcH , spliced flrt
that would ordinarily coot you J10.00 on A superior line of whlto flannel at go at , IUC
sale at birds , aigrettes , velvets , silks and handsome
today ornaments. Every one a. marvel of I5c , I9c , 25c , 35c and 50c-
beauty nnd easily worth twice our asking Immense lots of ladles' Jersey ribbed vests Three largo bargain tables with hundred4
price 'A lull line of embroidered flannel , all and pants , in medium and of dozens of all kinds plain and fancy bor
absolutely new patterns , at heavy welgiht , light and dark col 25c dered , hemstitched and Initial
and $1.25. ors , worth up to 50c , all go at. . . . handkerchiefs , Be
50c , 75c , 98c . . go In one lot nt , each .
Our line of Indigo blue and scarlet flannel Ladles' $1,00 saxony wool ribbed vests nnd Thousands of dozens flno Imported Swisi
NoBUoh collection of Felt Tarns from French Is the most complete line In the west. As pants , handsomely silk ribbon and crochet embroidered handkerchiefs and pure- Irish
nnd Runabout Hats can bo found aaywhoro Rich and elegant Hats , many of thorn imported model Imts the both the eastern and1 California trimmed ,
In the otty now nnd stylish , rioh and licauirnn M M and En-lish millhiors , as well as American patterns I rn > \vo carry linen handkerchiefs , regular
- nn ( OC n < J ( ( Q < J | f | qnl . niittv. and mar.kedespeolully / { ) ( } yjfj { XL/OaRO 0 , and copies from our own workroom on sulu iJUUi ) | $111 ullU makes , at pants with yoke bands , 49c price up to COc , I5c
i uun > i .10
ow special ollorlng today at . . . . . wuj uuuj VIK.U v | atI9c , 25c , 50c and 75c , all go at , each all go at , each . and
The trade in our blanket department has been something phenomenal. The reason is that we have the
BIG BLANKET SALE biggest values , the best bargains , nicest , cleanest blankets. All new , fresh and just from the loom. None carried over or soiled , and the
prices we make on them is what causes the lively trading.
We Sell a fine white till wool , enlarge At $2.50 Pair we will sell for Saturday only will sell COTTON EXTRA LARGE THE BEST french Sateen Comforts Ex
large checked and plaid , pink , strictly all wool Michigan one case nearly all wool white ANP HEAVY tra large , hand tufted and fill
blue , red and black , or eoi't silver gray blankets , full 11-4 size , blankets , 114 size , for § 1.29 BLANKETS Cotton Blankets ed with the finest white cot
ver gray , or medicated scarlet , very heavy blankets , really pair. There will be none of COTTON made largest heaviest soft ton , equal to any $2.50 comfort
Full size Gray , , ,
extra large size blanket , sold ly worth § 4.00 a pair , our these after Saturday as there BLANKETS and fort in Omaha , our own make ,
by other dealers at § 5.00 pair , price , is only one case and that won't Cotton Blankets , warm , and we will sell them at
our price $3.50 pair. $2,50 Pair , last the day out. 39c Pair. 98c Pair. $1.25 eacti $1.50 each
Roy Qivena Secures His Frerdom by Eeoson
of a Defective L&w , '
Uu > Unlit 12ntcrliiK of a btorrluiUNc N
Crime Ju le | router Holds
the ; iill-Tru t I.iiiv Uii-
coiiHlltiitlunnl ,
Judge- Baker holds that thera Is no low
igalnst daylight burglary of a storehouse ,
aud hormfter when Assistant County At-
lornoy Hclsloy wants to convict someone
lor that offeiiBo ho will be- careful to call
the storehouse by some oUier name , neccs.-
larlly one a ! thuao luenttoaut ] In the btatutj
igalnst daylight entering , Roy Glve s , a
foung colored tnnn put on trial Thursday
ifternoon for breaking JnU a storchouss
belonging to Mrs. Martha Lo\\ls > aml taking
therefrom J10 worth of goods , waa dis
charged this inornlg , the court ordering
tlw Jury to ruturu a verdict ot not guilty.
He owes his freedom to a.tochulcal detect
iu the statute ,
As soon as a jury had been secured to try
Glvons , Attorney Wapplch , for the defense ,
made * motion to dismiss < ho taso ( or the
that the law did not make It u crltao
to tire-alt Into a storehouse. Ho cltod the
statute , which enumerates a dozen or more
buildings which must not toe entered , among
thorn dwellings and warehouses , but does
'not ' say anything about a storehouse. He
showed that the building Inwhich tbo of
fense complained ofwas alleged to hava
taken place was not a part of the dwelling ,
though It adjoined it , and could not bo
called \\arehouso under the dictionary
definition of that term. Thft court sustained
tba motion and tbo accused gained his lib
It la claimed that there aromen now In
the penitentiary who have been convicted
under complaints madia out In tbo form of
the ono against Glvens , and the Interesting
question is raised -nhcthcc they are not en
titled to their ifreedom on the grounds that
they are confined for a crime which , under
the Nebraska law , does not exlat.
Ku U-r HolilN It Denies to Sonic 1'riv-
tleKe * Accorded to Other * .
In deciding the caee ot John J. Haolghen
Hgalnst Kmmett W. McConncll Justice Fos
ter has held that the antitrust law passed
by the legislature of 1SS7 Is unconstitutional
for the reason that that it grants special
privileged to certain classes. The Master
Plumbers' association , the court held , was a
trust under the definition given In the stat
ute , but nevertheless tbo plaintiff , who Is a
member ot It , was given judgment ( or ( be
full amount asked.
The definition ot a trust given in the
statute Is very bread , including every con
ceivable combination cf men engaged In the
production , exchange or transportation of any
article ot merchandise tending to prevent
competition or In any other t way control
prices. In another section the law specifically
oxccpts from its operation trade unions. Tie
court held that trade unions were Included
under the definition of trusts in that they
wore combinations to flx the price of labor
and thua contributed to the control of prices ,
The ground for the decision is the same as
that upon which the eupremo court declared
the eight-hour law unconstitutional , that law
specifically excepting from Us provisions per
sons engaged In domestic or farm labor.
Physicians nro the friends of the family ,
Harper's whisky is the -friend of the physi
cians. A most valuable assistant and one
that can bo trusted ,
Hututtr In Sluht.
A rate of $8.60 from Chicago to Omaha
over the Burlington and Hock Island will
bo placed iu effect today , This cut la In
accord with the actlon taken by the Chicago
and Alton In meeting rates made by 'brokers ) .
This reduction Kill affect all Missouri river
pglnts. It la possible that the Chicago &
Alton "will make a still greater cut , to be
followed by the Rock Island and .Burling
ton ,
"Best on the market for coughs and colds
and all bronchial troubles ; for croup U has
no equal , " writes Henry H. Whltford , South
Canaan , Conn. , of One Minute Cough Cure ,
Police JuilKC HeeldeH u ICInn In WortU
H Uuy In Jail mill Sentences u
Youth Accordingly.
A day's Imprisonment for n kiss is the
penalty paid by John Doelock for snatching
a few stray klsaes from the llpa-'of pretty
gtrla who thronged the sidewalks the last
night ot the Ak-Sar-Bcn parade. Doelock
was ono of the coterie of offenders ushered
before Judge Gordon at the morning ses
sion of pojlce court. He was arrested by
Special Officer Bucl on the charge of Hob-
sonlzlng the women. Doelock pleaded
guilty , Ho raid tbo girls didn't seem to
care and he thought anything was fair in
love , war , or Ak-Sar-Ben parades , so he
kl&srd every girl who came his way.
The judge couldn't understand the motive
for the arrest if the girls didn't object. The
ofllcer thereupon explained that In his en
thusiasm Doelock kissed a young and pretty
jnarrled woman , whoso husband happened to
see him and , took offense. The husband in
sisted upon arrest , so there was nothing for
the ofllcer to do but to take Doelock to jail.
The Judge thought the hu&baml was the
Injured party , and not the wife , for ho levied
a ten-days' sentence against Doelock and
called for the next case. After making a
reckoning Doelock concluded he had etolen
just ten kisses , "That's a day behind the
bars for every kiss , " he remarked to the
court ofllcer as he passed out the door. "It's
a good thlug for Hobson be didn't come to
Omaha , Judge Gordon would have impris
oned him for life. "
Spain' * Greatest Need.
Mr , A. P. Allvla of Barcelona , Spain ,
spends his winters at Aiken , 8. 0. Weak
nerves had caused severe pains In the back
of his bead. On using Electric Bitters ,
America's greatest blood and nerve remedy ,
all pain soon left him , He nays this grand
medicine is what his country needs. All
America knows that it cures liver and kid
ney trouble , purifies the blood , tones up tha
stomach , strengthens the nerves , puts vim ,
vigor and now life into every muscle , nerve
and organ of the body. If weak , tired or
alllnz you need it. Every bottle guaranteed ;
only BO cents. Sold by Kuhn & Co. , drug
Iloldn There In No ISvldence. '
George Button , arrested for the theft of a
watch from Sarah Smith , Capitol avenue and
Twelfth street , has teen discharged by
Judge Gordon , During tbo hearing It devel
oped that Button -was the only man who bad
been in the room where the watch was kept
by Its owner , and a few minutes after be
wont out the timepiece was discovered mls -
Ing. When Button was arrested In Council
Bluffs tbo watch was found In bis possession ,
He told tbo police that it had been bought
from a soldier in this city , but when tbo
eoldler named was placed on tba witness
stand bo swore ho did not sell the timepiece
to liutton , Tbo judge said there was no evi
dence that Button was guilty.
To Have Properly Cooked Food
Use "Garland" Stoves and Ranges.
Siiloon ISmiiloj-e KIIOC-UH Kx-I'nllce-
inuit on Step During u Flicht
and Fracture * Hl Ankle.
David Brown , a horse trader , was taken
to the Presbyterian hospital yesterday
Buffering with a broken leg. The Injury was
received In an encounter with William Suth
erland , bartender at the Druswlck hotel bar.
The men had a dispute and started to cattle
It according to Marquis of Qucensbury rules ,
when Sutherland , realizing a fight In the
saloon would bo bad for the place , oeked
Brown to come outside and fight ,
Drown accepted the Invitation and was on
his way out the back door when Sutherland
Is said to have atruck nlm a bard blow on the
chln | knocking him from the stone stepa to
the sidewalk. Ho fell heavily and wae un
able to arise. ByotonderB who saw the blow
struck and ran to Brown's assistance found
that hlo right leg had been broken at tbu
ankle. The men connected with the saloon
allowed Browu to remain on the walk with
out euro until one of the crowd sent for tbo
patrol wagon , in which he woa removed to
the hospital for treatment.
Sutherland in ado bin escape and was not
arrested. Brown was formerly a member of
the South Omaha police force. Ho llvt-a at
020 North Nineteenth street.
Tlultut Seller Il c-liiir c I.
8. A. Phllixrt , Jlcket seller for the scat
concession at the exposition , appeared In po
lice court yesterday morning to answer to the
charge of obtaining money under false pro-
tcnEC3. The complainant , Jay Burns , super-
Intcndant of concessions , was not present )
to prosecute the case and Judge Gordon dli-
uil&eed it.
Mortality Hlutlnllcn.
The following -births and deaths have
been reported to the oirico of the health'
commissioner during the past twenty-four
hours ;
Blrtha Charlcw Coppock , 1440 North
Twenty-second street , boy ; John Claussun ,
817 South Twenty-fifth avenue , boy ; Petoi
I' . Miller , 1545 South Twenty-sixth street ,
girl ; George Davis , 2G01 Blonda street , girl ;
Patrick Hogan , 1426 North Sixteenth street , /
girl ; Nols Chrlstofferson , 3029 Pratt street , L
boy Henry Iluasell , 3001 I'lnkney street , \
girl ; Olof Apdorson , 2C18 Lake street , girl ;
Jaimea Brennan , 1919 South Eighteenth
street , boy ; - Johnson , 2413 South Twen-
ty-nlnth street ' , boy ; U. U. neel , 2007 Caea
strcot , boy ; Albert Miller , 1314 South Fifth
street , girl ; Frank flmlzok , 1417 William *
street , girl ,
Deaths Christian Hartman , 3411 Karnara
street , C6 years ; Mrs. A , M. Degan ,
South Omaha , 60 years ; ( Jeorgo Blue
Golden , Neb. , C6 years ; William Astman
2133 North Twonty-olghth street , 49 years.
13. K , Turner , Compton. Ho. , was cured ot
piles by DoWltt's Witch Hazel Salve after
suffering seventeen years and trying over
twenty remedies. Physicians and surgeons
endorse It. Beware of dangerous counter *
k _ _ _