Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 27, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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Pittsbnrg Pitchers at Their Best and Almost
Perfectly Backed Up ,
1'crfcctim 1'oiiiulcil < ! ic Itnll Hnnl nnil
Unit Hit u IIlK Score , AVlille ( he
Wimdorern Could Only 'Make
Circuit Three Time * .
CHICAGO , Sept. 28. A very small crowd
Bhlvorcd through the continuous show ot
Hovcntecn Innings today to BCC thp Pitts-
burga glvo the Orphans two shut-outs ,
Both Chicago pitchers were hit bard and
most miserably supported , whlto Lccvor
nnd Horror were at their best nnd were
almost perfectly backed up. Second game
called at end of eighth on account of
darkness. Attendance , 2uO. Score , llrst
game :
CHICAGO. i rrrrsnuiia. ji.n.o.A.n.
Ttyan , lf..iO 0 1 0 0 Be'um'nt , ct.O 0000
lnfff > . cf..O 1400 M'Curtliy , lt.1 2' 3 0 0
MertM , rf..O 1100 Wllllnms , Jb.l 3 0 fi 0
Kverllt , Hi..o 1 10 0 0 M'Crccry , if.l 1 100
M'C'm'k , Zb.O Dillon , lb..l 1 14 0 0
Ilraiilcy , 3I1..0 120 limy , 1 1060
" " " M..O 0362 Ilow'mnn , c.O 0 6 0 0
Chanie , C..O 0440 Htnlth , 2b..O 1340
Qarvln , p..O 0031 lyevcr , p..0 1010
Totnla 0 B 27 13 4 Total 6 10 27 15 0
Clilcnco 00000000 0 0
PlttHburu 0-5
Earned runs : Plttsburg , 1. Loft on bases :
Chicago , ? ; Plttsburg , 7. Two-base hits :
( McCarthy , Smith. Sacrifice hit : Bower-
man. Stolen bases : ' .Mci-tes , McCnrthy ,
Double plays : Magoon to Evvrltt ; Mugoon
( unniHlatccl ) ; Ely to Smith to Dillon.
Struck out : By Oarvln , 3 ; by I/cever , 6.
Bagtiit on balls : OIT Gnrvln , 1 ; oft Lccvcr ,
3. Wild pitches : Onrvln , 2. Time : l:3v. :
Umpires : O'D.iy and McDonald.
Score , second game :
ji.ii.O.A.I : , u.ii.o.A.n.
Ityan , 1C 0 0310 Uo'um'nt. cf.J 2200
I < angc , of..0 0 3 0 0 M'Carthy , lf.3 3400
Krerllt , 1I.0 2911 Williams , 3b.2 2030
Merles. rf..O 0100 M'Crcery , rf.O 1100
M'CTm'k , 2li.O 0142 Dillon , 1U..O 112 0 0
llradlcy , 3U..O 1221 Ely , B9 0 0231
MUroon , SS..O 0121 Schrlver. C..2 2200
Donahue , c..O 0 4 02 itinlth , Jb.,2 1 1 : i 1
Taylor , ! > . . . .0 t 0 2 0 Hotter , v 1 0010
Totivli 0 42412 7 Totals 12112410 J
ChloaEto 0 0000000 0
PlttslnirB 1015000 5-12
Earned runs : Pittsburg , 1. Left on
bnsos : Chicago , 7 ; Plttaburjr , 4. Two-bnso
hits : Taylor , Beaumont , McCrccry. Thrco-
bane lilt : McCarthy. Homo runs : Wil-
llnms , Schrlver. Sacrifice hit : McCreery.
Stolen bases : Evcrltl (2) ( ) , Bonrumont (3) ( ) ,
McCarthy (2) ) , Williams. Double play :
Everltt to Mupoon. Struck out : By Tay
lor , 5 ; by Hotter , 1. Passed ball : Dona
hue. Base oti balls : Oft Taylor , 3 ; oft
Hoffor , 2. Tlmo of game : 1:43. : Umpires :
McDonnld nnd O'Day.
St. l.oiiln , 15) ) Cleveland , 3.
ST. LOUIS. Sept. 20. The Perfectos
slaughtered Knenper's curves nnd finished
flrPt In a one-sided contest. The only feature -
turowas the hard , clean hitting of the
Tebcaultes. Attendance 450. Score :
R.H.O.A.E. Il.H.O A.13.
Donlln , cf..l 3001 DowJ , cf..O 2220
Heklrlclt , rf.l 1300 Harley , lf..l 0501
nurkctt , lf..l 430 OiQulnn. 2ln..O 4 2 0
Schrook , lb.,2 112 0 3 lenu > 1illl. rf.l 1000
Cross , 3b 2 3340 Kroner , 3b..O 0 1 0 0
Wallace. ; s..l 2340 I-ockliend , ss.t 3191
OhlUlfl , 2b..3 2' ' 1 3 2 Duncnn , lb..O 1 11 2 0
O'Connor , c..3 3 2 1 0 FUiRdcn , C..O 1220
Young , p 2 3010 Knepper , p..O 0 0 1 0
Totals 15222713 6 Totals. . . . : 3 1224 18 2
St. Louis , 12122223 15
Cleveland 2 00000010 3
Earned runs : St. Louis , 11 ; Cleveland , '
0. Two base hits : Donlln , Cross , O'Connor.
Three base hits : Heldrlck. Chllds , O'Connor ,
Young (2) ( ) , Dowd , Cross. Homerun :
Wallace , Hit by pitched ball : Schreck.
Double plays : Wallace to Schreck (2) ( ) ,
Duncan to Krugcr , Qulnn to Lockhead
to Duncan. Base , on balls : Off Youigj
1 ; off Knepper , 1. Struck out by Knepper ,
1 : by Youncr. 1. Stolen bases , Schreck.
Time , 2:00. Umpires , Connolly and Warner.
StniulinK of the TcniiiH.
, ' Played. .Won. Lost. P.CJ
Brooklyn ? . . : 131Dl -40 jf .693
Philadelphia 137 SG 51 . .C3.610
Boston . . ' . ' . 136 S3 63 -.610
Baltimore 133 78 65. .539
St. Louis 140 78 02 , S5 ! )
Cincinnati 139 7fl 63 , &n
Chicago , 135 70 CS ' .Bit
Louisville . ' 139 09 70 .497
Plttsburff 140 C9 71 .Ml
Now York 133 Eli 7S .410
Washington 136 49 S7 .360
Cleveland 146 20 126 .137
lltirrln Toy * with "Kid" St. I'lcrrc.
MILWAUKEE. 'Sept. 26 , Sammy Harris
of Chicago toyed with "Kid" St Pierre of
Detroit In a six-round bou * . ' before the
Badger Olympic club tonight. Harris had
the advantage In reach nnd skill and landed
on his man at will throughout the bout ,
finishing fresh while St Pierre was quite'
groggy. '
_ _ _ _ _
A'lcc I'rmldeiit Ilnhnrt Hotter.
NEW YOTIK , Sept. 2t5. Vice President
Hobart Is at his Qiome In Patterson and de-
epKe reports to the contrary continues to
Improve In health. He Is expected to be
out in a few days.
Ilrliian Hawaiian * to Oiiinlm.
CHEYENNR , Wyo. , Sept. 2C. ( Special. )
Edward Towse , .president . of the Hawaiian
Conrmlaalon to the Omaha Exposition , who
returned here -from Omaha this morning ,
says the exposition has served as a gath
ering point for' many residents of Hawaii
wtoo nro visiting the United States at the
present time and that the exhibit at Omaha
has served to enlighten n great many people
anxious to obtain Information concerning
the Islands.
Union 1'nclflc Foreman .
CHEYENNE , Wyo. , Sept. 20. ( Special. )
Foreman John P. Bay of the Union Pacific
shops at this place today tendered his res
ignation to take effect at once. Ho has been
Tlmt Itctnlii the Food mid lleftiMC to
UlKCMt It , Make the Head Heavy
nuil the Nerved Wcnlr , Need
Stnnrt'o Dynpepila Tablets.
There la a euro 'for ' dyspepsia. Sufferers
who have tried noxious nostrums will prob
ably be skeptical , but skepticism vanishes
when Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are tried.
Whether the. trouble Is dyspepsia of long
otandlng , or merely a simple case of indi
gestion , relief Is prompt and pronounced ,
The less the trouble the fewer tablets need
bo taken ,
Heaviness after eating , sour stomach , ns
indicated by belching , fatigue with slight
exertion , or with no exertion at all , dis
turbed sleep , nervousness , constipation , de
pression , "blues , " these things can com
monly bo set down as symptoms of dyspep
sia. And dyspepsia Is merely Indigestion In
an aggravated form.
By promoting perfect digestion , Stuart's
Dycpcpsla Tablets produce strong nerves ,
restful , refreshing sleep , pure blood and
good , sound , healthy flesh. They make the
sklu clear , the oyco bright , the nilud'cheer-
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets arc a medi
cine and more than a medicine. They digest
the food and make It easy of assimilation ,
and they relieve the Inflamed , diseased con
dition of the membranous llnlnga and the
glands of the stomach and bowela. They
help the digestive organs over the hard
places and put them Into a healthy , active
condition. They effect a quick and perma
nent cure. You don't have to continue
taking them forever , still U Is well to have
a box handy and take- one at the first re
turn ot tbo trouble ,
Perfectly well people are made sick by
eating too much , or unwholesome food , but
not if they tales a tablet after eating.
Treatment with Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets
does not necessitate dieting or any change
of hnblts. They digest l ± i proper food and
act upon the other kind In such a way as to
make it pass off quickly and harmlessly.
You may eat and drink what you like ,
when you like , and as much ns you like If
you take a tablet afterwards ,
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold by
all druggists nt 60a for full slicd package.
Send to F. A. Stuart Co. , MarshMl , Mich. ,
for ilttlo book on stomach , diseases , mailed
employed hero many years. Ills successor
has not been named. H Is not known where
Mr , Bay will go.
" * t- ' " ' " * " " *
it A O ft ) *
Grading for Armour's big warehouse la
about completed. Some dirt In the center
of the tract la yet to bo moved , but thla will
not bo done until nil the piling Is com
pleted. About half ot the 2,160 piles have
been driven and workmen are now engaged
In building great piers ot concrete on which
n portion of the weight of the building wilt
rest. Superintendent Howe experts that
this building will bo ready for occupancy by
January 1.
Another largo Ice machine has been pur-
cased by the Armour company which la to bo
Installed within the next month or two.
Three Ice machines are now hi use , but with
tbo new ono added the refrigerating capacity
will bo Increased to 000 tons dally.
The grading nt the west end o the plant
Is almcst completed and U Is expected that
the work of laying tracks nnd building car
chops will commence next week. These car
repair shops will have a length of 100 feet
feet. In addition
and a width of seventy-five
tion to the car shops a machine ohop will
bo erected west of ihe beef ( house. The old
machine shop , which fronted on Q street ,
waa torn down to make room for the big
warehouse. In connection with these Im
provements at the west end long sheds will
bo erected over the tracks for quite ft dis
tance. These Improvements will furnish em
ployment to a largo number of men all win
ter. As It Is now the demand for labor ex
ceeds tbo supply. Ono hundred laborers nro
wanted on the construction work now nnd
moro will bo uccdcd as soon as the foundation
of the new building la laid.
Decision In nicctrlc Might Cnnc.
Judge Dickinson of the district court has
handed down a decision In the Maglo City
Electric Light company's Injunction case.
The Judge dissolved the application for an
Injunction nnd the city council Is no\y no
longer restrained from passing the ordi
nance repealing the franchise ordinance
granted to this company last April. Mem
bers of the council assert that the ordinance
granting this company a franchise Is not
legal for the reason that the company did
not Incorporate until after It had been
granted a franchise. The repealing ordi
nance was on Its second reading when the
council was prevented by a restraining or
der from taking any further action In the
matter until the case had been heard In
court. Now that n decision has been ren
dered it is presumed that the council will
vote on the passage of this ordinance nt the
next meeting , which will 'bo held on Oc
tober 2. For the purpose of assisting City
Attorney Montgomery In defending the city
In this case the council passed a resolution
appropriating $25 for tbo services of an
other attorney. In mentioning this fact a
day or two ago several papers stated that
the sum of $200 was appropriated for thla
purpose. The records show that the origi
nal resolution calling for an expenditure
of $25 still stands , and It is understood that
this is all the city will pay to the assistant
Something About tlic Levy tor 1800.
In connection with the locating of addi
tional fire hydrants nnd ) electric lights , mention
in The Bee of Monday
tion of "Which > was made
day , the statement was made that the levy
for lighting purposes was not defined by
law , as was that of the nro and police de
partments. Councilman Ed Johnston has
called attention to a section of the charter
which limits the levy to bo made for lightIng -
Ing purposes to C mills.
Mr. Johnston asserts that In making up
the levy this 'year the council levied , the
HmlVfor general purposes , for fire and police
and for lights. The levy , for lights will
bring Into the fund the net sum of $7,742 ,
which is the same amount levied to pay fot-
flro hydrants. No provision Is made In the
charter for -water fund , but for the last
two or three years the council has made a
levy for this purpose. Formerly the water
company was allowed to secure judgments
in payment for hydrant rental , the amount
toeing taken from the Judgment fund. By
the addition of a water fund the amount
necessary to bo levied for Judgments Is
greatly reduced , but It also restricts the
amount to bo expended for Ore protection.
Fire Hydrants Bel HUT Located.
Yesterday the Omaha Water company
commenced the laying of mains for the loca
tion ot eleven flro hydrants ordered by
the , city council at Ita meeting of August
28. The delay In starting on this work waa
caused toy the non-arrival of material. Now
that all of the material needed is on band a
largo force of men will ibe put to work and
the hydrants placed1 -position as rapidly
as possible. The order of the council under
which the water company Is now working
provides for hydrants as follows : Eigh
teenth and I , Twenty-third and O , Twenty-
sixth nnd D , Twenty sixth and C , Twenty-
first and I , Twenty-eighth and ! S , Twenty-
eighth and T , Thirtieth and W , Thirty-ninth
and P , Fortieth and J and Fortieth and I.
Mayor Eneor has not yet attached his sig
nature to the resolution passed at the last
meeting of tbo council which orders a dozen
moro hydrants located , but ho will prob
ably do BO within the next few days.
IniliioHt to lie Held Toilny.
An Inquest was to have been hold yester
day over the remains ot James J , O'Byrne ,
but owing to the Inability of Coroner Swanson -
son to attend to the matter the hearing was
postponed until today.
Funeral services will < bo hold at St.
Bridget's church at 0:30 : o'clock this fore
noon , Ilev. Father Jeanette officiating. The
body will bo interred1 at St. Mary's cemetery.
Funeral of C. W. Iliitterncld.
Funeral service * over the remains of Con
sul W. Butterflcld will bo hold at the fam
ily residence. Twenty-fifth and A streets ,
at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Hov. Dr. Robert
L. Wheeler , pastor of the First Presbyterian
church , will officiate. Interment will bo
at Laurel Hill cemetery.
City Gonnli > .
James McCarty has severed his connec
tion with the police force.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Dreen have returned
from n trip to Detroit , Mich ,
W. a. Bentley Is assisting In the clerical
work nt the city treasurer's olllco.
The Stock Yards Equestrian club will
ride In the Ak-Sur-Ben parade tonight.
Miss Kate Gcmmlll has returned from
Kearney where she spent two weeks with
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Gallagher have taken
apartments at the Heed hotel for the
James A. Cllno of Mlndcn , a national
bank examiner , Is hero for a couple of days
on business ,
Miss Nettle Harrington , general delivery
clerk at the postoillce , leaves today for a
two weeks' vacation.
Graders ara now excavating for the
foundation of the new school house at
Twentieth and O streets.
Charles Dunham , assistant cashier of the
Packers' National Bank. has returned
from a two weeks' vacation.
County surveyors were at work yesterday
setting stakes for the grading on L street
rrom the city limits to Papplo creek.
George Dunscombe , thft city building Inspector
specter , has * returned from central Iowa ,
where he spent ton days visiting friends ,
Mra. 13. H. Roberts , Twenty-third and I
streets , will entertain the Ladles' Aid So
ciety of the First Presbyterian church this
Superior lodge No. 193 , Degree of Honor ,
will meet Thursday evening nt 7:30 : o'clock
fharp in order to finish business before
the Omaha parade starts.
The Youn < ? Men's Christian Association
bath rooms are closed while undergoing
thorough rcpalm , A new style of bath will
be put in which will do away with leakage.
John Davlxon stole a brain head off from
a vacuum pump at Cudahy'a yesterday and
as he acknowledged the crime Judge Babcock -
cock sentunced him to thirty days In the
county jail.
Ordinance Authorizing an Agreement is
Introduced in the Council ,
Co nt i > routine on Claims n 1'nrt of It
Votlner Ilootlifl to lie Uxcd for
, . IlKl trntlnu Where Ncc-
Another step In the direction of a set-
ttement ot the Sixteenth street viaduct
trouble was taken Tuesday afternoon In
the council meeting , when an ordinance ,
embodying an agreement between the city
and the roads , was Introduced and referred.
U sums up all the progress which been
made thus far In the matter , mentioning
the settlement of disputed claims recently
effected. Should the council pass It , noth
ing more will remain but the signing ot
the contract which It authorizes the council
to enter into.
The ordinance provides that the railroads
on their part shall maintain In good re
pair and light the present subway nt Sev
enth , Thirteenth , Fourteenth nnd Twentieth ;
shall pave and maintain In good repair but
not light the present viaducts at Tenth and
Eleventh streets ; shall at once build the
viaduct on Slxtennth street according to
the plans ot the city engineer , and there
after maintain it ; shall complete by Juno 1 ,
1901 , a viaduct on Twenty-fourth street ;
shall , when required by ordinance , construct
a subway on Bancroft street thirty feet
wldo nnd twelve feet In the clear ; shall
build n viaduct on Boulevard etreot when
the Park Board shall have Improved the
street ; shall maintain at all grade crossIngs -
Ings all necessary llghto nnd watchmen.
In case the railroads are unable by mutual
agreement to divide any Item ot expense ,
the council and mayor shall do so.
The city , on Its part , shall relieve the
Union Pacific of the necessity of main
taining a roadway across Its tracks near
Sixth street ; shall not seek to open an ?
streets between Seventeenth nnd Twentieth
streets , between Twentieth and Twenty-
fourth , between Twenty-fourth and Ban
croft , or between Bancroft and Boulevard
streets ; shall close Martha street when the
Bancroft street subway Is completed , the
roads to bear all damages thus caused and
provide .for their payment In advance ; shall
close Seventeenth street at the request of
either or both of the roads , all damages
being borne by the companies and provision
for their payment being made In advance
of the closing , In the manner designated by
the city. The city Is to light all viaducts
and the companies all subways.
IloothH and DnlldliiKH'
The city property commltto reported that
It was advisable to uao as many of the old
voting booths for registration as were still
serviceable and that In as many precincts
as possible the counctlmen should secure
rooms In buildings which could bo used for
a reasonable rental. Mercer wanted the city
to get some wooden booths built In sections ,
but It was decided that the time was too
short before the first registration day. An
other objection to tiho use ot any booths was
that that would bo an admission that they
were not worn out , In consequence of which
the county commissioners might bo able to
throw upon , the city "the " entlro expense of
providing voting places ( for the fall elections.
The report was finally adopted , the question
of new booths being untouched.
Robertson Geta His Money.
Upon recommendation of the judiciary com-
mittco 0. F. Robertson , special agent of the
city legal department , was allowed nay for
the three months which ho spent In Lin
coln during the meeting of ttio legislature.
Stuht malaed a stormy-objection , but Mercer
explained that Robertson had been assigned
to the work and that It had been reported
to him that Ihla duties had been discharged
during that tlmo to the eatlsfactlon of the
head of his department. As the question was
being put Stuht demanded a roll call , but
Bochel , who was In the chair , declared that
ho had already announced the vote and re
fused to order a roll call.
A resolution by Lobeck accepting the de
cision of Miami street to the city upon con
dition of the cancellation of taxes on a part
of the property affected waa adopted. The
remolner of the property Is dedicated with
out remission ot taxes.
The Omaha Water company submitted a
proposition to have the city move at Its
own expense forty-five hydrants from out-
ilylng dlstrlcta to portions of the city In
which flro protection la more necssary. This
had been suggested by members of the coun
cil. The hydrants In their present locations ,
the company said , were practically the only
eourco of revenue on long .lines of pipe , but
they were willing to have the change made
to Improve the fire service. The communica
tion was referred to the flro , water and
police committee ,
The Advisory Board submitted the request
of the appraisers of Central Boulevard prop
erty , which was referred to the committee
on street Improvements and viaducts. A pe
tition from ono of the property owners af
fected that itiho report bo rejected was sim
ilarly referred.
The council overruled the action of the
finance committee and allowed Dr. Spauld-
Ing nnd Dr. Ramclottl $50 each to apply on
their expenses to Now York.
By resolution the Missouri Pacific road was
required to station a watchman nt the
Twenty-fourth street crossing , which le much
used by the children ot Saratoga school.
An ordinance to repeal the lamp ordinance
was Introduced ,
The following ordinances were passed :
Creating sewer districts Nos. 241 , 242 , 243 ;
creating an Improvement district of Twenty-
second street from Davenport to California
and one of Forty-second street , from Cum-
ing to Hamilton ; to Improve Burt street
from Thlrty-elglith to Fortieth ; creat
ing Ames avenue to Twenty-fifth street on
improvement district ; to Improve Woolworth -
worth avenue from Thirty-second to Thirty-
third ; to Improve Thirty-eighth avenue from
Harn'ey to Dewcy avenue ; creating Twenty-
fourth street from Lake to Spalding an Im
provement district.
Honolulu to He Their Home.
CHEYENNE , Wyo. , Sept. 20. ( Special. )
Miss Katlo Bon , daughter of the late Ste
phen Bon of this city , and Edward Towse ,
odltor of ono ot the leading dallies of Hon
olulu , will te married hero this week , leav
ing later to make their homo In Honolulu.
SIDNEY , Neb. , Sept. 26. Special Tele-
gram. ) Mra. Lltzlo Cuohlng and ex-Sheriff
John Daugherty of this place were mar
ried here today , Rev. Bakes of the Episcopal
church officiating. They left for Omaha
thla evening to view tbo exposition ,
Wntchuiru of MUIe line.
NEW YORK , Sept. 26. Flr did J50.000
damage In the nine-story Robinson building ,
bounded by East Broadway , Division ana
Qouverneur streets , early this morning. Al
though there were eighteen watchmen In
the 'building ' , the flames were discovered
first by a policeman , who saw them leaping
out of a third-story window. When they
found that It waa tbelr building that waa
on fire the eighteen watchmen came tum
bling out-of-doors In a road rush for safety ,
One , Frederick Stein , a watchman , aatd that
there still were two watchmen In the build
ing , He could not give tbelr names ,
IllaeU IIIIU Kore t Saved.
SUNDANCE , Wyo. , Sept. 2 . ( Special. )
An extensive foreet fire in the heavy timber
jffi j M * F Ktt f H mffi f f E nyKW B B&
Greater America Exposition
Special attractions every day during Ak S H > ] BCtl W6Ck
Nothing like it in the way of Free Amusements ever offered nt an'Exposition. '
-Ben Parades on the Grand Court
The most beautiful spot on earth as well as all the other great features.
Fireworks Tonight and Saturday Night
3 p. 111. Daily Novel and sensational exhibition of
avinp ; and Hipjh Diving :
under the personal direction of Captain Billy Johnson and Captain Mathew Gay , Gus Johnson , and Margaret
\ , Johnson in her Monte Christo act , The Burial at Sea , of the Volunteer Life Saving
Crew of Coney Island , New York.
The most startliiiK feature ever witnessed a realistic reproduction of the destruction of the
A real ship blown into atoms by a submarine mine under the personal direction ref that famous deep sea
diver , Captain Louis Sorcho , who assisted in recovering the bodies of our braVe boys after the explosion in Ha
vana harbor. The above takes place daily on the lagoon opposite government building at 3 Hi ttli Dcmt miss it
Daily will give his daring and marvelous exhibition of walk
4 p. m. . ing the HIGH WIRE across the Lagoon from the dome
8:30 .o of the Mines and Mining Building to the dome of the J
p. m. Electricity and Machinery Building. A most wonderful act.
ioux Indian Sham Battle ,
War Dance and Wild West
Indians under personal direction of Capt. G. W. Gaines. Wild West under personal direction of Ernest Mattox
Exhibitions will all take place in the open air and no extra charge will be made after entering the
THESE ? , neither will they conflict with the Ak-Sar-Ben Parades , all of which will enter the
Exposition Grounds and traverse the Grand Court and Midway. The Exposition gates will remain
open until 12 midnight for the accommodation of visitors who may wish to visit the grounds after the
Parades are over. Exposition will close at 2 a. m. during entire week.
Other Striking Features PARADES , FIREWORKS AND SPECIALTIES will be added
from day to day.
of tbo Black Hills , range 'has ' been put out
by rangers of tho-.timber resorve. , A heavy
rain which came up opportunely aided In
the \\ork. ' , tj I *
CoiiircKntlonnliN < fl U.rKcil to Advocate
KalHvHj'l.ulior fur
that Uny.
BOSTON , Sept. 26. After devotional exer
cises at the opening session of the Inter
national Congregational council today Rev.
E. W. Grifflg , , D , D , of Ithaca , N. Y. , of
fered a resolution bearing on Sunday rail
way labor and urging members of the Con
gregational churches to do everything pos-
slblo to reduce such work.
An address was delivered by Rov. WH-
llara Boothby Selblo , M , A. , of London , on
"Tho Pastoral Function , Congregational nnd
Civic , " Rev. Selble speaking as to the Con
gregational side. Ho was followed by Rev.
Reuben Thomas , D. D. , of Brookllno , Mass. ,
who .spoko on "Tho Civic Sldo of Pastoral
Duty. "
Rov. Joseph Robertson , M. A. , pastor of
Stow Memorial church , Adelaide , Australia ,
and principal of the Congregational college
of South Australia , spoke upon the subject
"Tho Spiritual Life In Our Churches. " The
afternoon session was given up to the con
sideration of woman's work. The speakers
were Mrs. Isabella Armltago of Leeds , Eng. ;
Miss Margaret J. Evans , A. M. , professor of
English literature and modern languages at
Carleton college , Northfleld , Minn. , and
Grace Nlobahr Klmball , M. D , , assistant
physician at Vassar college.
Trnnlc Line JIoctliiK
NEW YORK , Sept. 26. The presidents of
the trunk lines and Central Trifllc associa
tion are having considerable trouble to secure
a woll-attended meeting. A meeting -was
flrat called for September 21 , but It was found
advisable to cnango the dao to .the 2Gth
nnd now the mooting has again been post
poned Indefinitely. The holidays In Now
York wna ono of the reasons that led to the
Grandstand seats , ICth nnd Harney , lOc.
INSTRUMENTS flied for record Tuesday ,
September 26 , 1SW
Wnrnuily IJcoilH.
Hbnora Burke to Katherlne Scott , lot
20 , Ilawe's add . $ 3,500
Omaha Savings bank to J. N. Drown ,
north 44 feet of south S3 feet lot 1 ,
block 192. Omnha . B.500
M. M. Bllnn and wife to E. n. Hume ,
trustee , lot 21 , block J , 'Monmouth
park . . . 2
R. H. Denny nnd wife to E. M. Tur-
pln. lots 1 and 2. block l 0 , Florenco. . COO
J. E. George to C , J. nnd Mury
Wolfe , west 49 feet of cast 0
lot 22 , Maloney's add. . . . , . 175
J. A. McCamlloss ot al to II. 1C. Mc-
Candleaa , lot 2 , block 2 ; lot 11 , block
3 ; lota 1 and 7 , Wock 4 ; lot 11 , block
5 ; lota 2 nnd 6. block 6 , and lot 4 ,
block 7 , Isabel ad < l . 1.000
Same to A. R. McCandlesx , lot 0 ,
block 3 ; lots 2. 3 and' ' 8 , block 4 : lot
3 , block C ; lot 9 , block 7 , and lot 11 ,
block 8. same . 1,000
Thomas Martin nnd wife to C. II. Tin-
noy , sections 3-14-12 ( redle ) . 1,600
J. J. Toms and wlfo to C. L. Ruth ,
lot 20. block 3t Bedford 1'laco . 300
South Omaha Land company to Ed-
waixl Kaln , lot 2 , block 303 , South
Omaha . 275
( lull Claim m-i'ilN ,
J. \Patteruon and -wife to Omaha
Savings bank , north 44 feet of south
88 feet lot 1 , block 103 , Oinuhu . 1
M. A. Cnmcron to Elizabeth Cameron ,
lot 11 , Wock 2 , Gate City park . 6
B. B. Wood to P. H. Gnrvin , lots t ,
C , 6 and 16 , block 2 , Cottage park , . , , 2
Sheriff to Ellen Jones' , lot E , Uuusell
& 8's subdiv . . . . . . . . COl
Total amount of transfers . 114,361
Tor Infants and Children.
Tito Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of '
Purely vegetable , mild and reliable ,
ulato the Liver and Digestive organs. The
safest and beat medlolna In the world for the
of all disorders of the Stomach , Idver ,
Bowela , Kidneys , Bladder , Nervous Dis
eases. Loss of Appetite , Headache , Consti
pation , Costlvonens , Indigestion , Bllllous-
ness , Fever , Inflammation of the Bowels ,
Piles , and all derangements of the Internal
Viscera. PERFECT DIGESTION will be
accomplished by taking RADWAY'S PILLS.
By so doing
Sick Headache , Foul Stomach , Bllllousnesa
will bo avoided , as the food that Is eaten
contributes Its nourishing properties for th
support of the natural waste of the body.
Price 25 cts. per box. Sold by all drug-
gletH , or sent by mail on receipt of price.
RADWAY & CC ) . , 55 Elm street. New York ,
I do not believe tliero
is a case of dyspep-
Bla , indigestion or
any stomach trouble
that cannot bo re
lieved at once and
permanently cured
At oil druggists ,
25c. a vial. Guide
to Health and medi
cal advice free. 1505
Arch street , Phila.
Best Dining Gar Service ,
: Motliemt Motlicril
Mrs. Wlnalov3 Soot Mrs Syrup 1ms betn
used for over fitly years by millions ot
mothers for their children while teeth n
with perfect success. U soothes the child ,
eoftena thp gums , allays all pain , curei
wind cello and is the beat remedy for
Diarrhoea. Sold by druggists In every part
of the world. Be sure nnd nalc for "Mra.
Window's Soothlnc Syrup" and take no
other kind. 25 cents a bottle.
, ' OHEDOllARj
) In Tablet Form Pleasant lo Take.
It tnld uiultr a tinnaMt ouaranttt to curt tl.t fallow-
inatvini'loini : I'lilnsiu llieHIUv , lliick.uniler
I lie Mlioulder llliidr , HiuullierlnvMeiiiiilluui ,
1'ull'llullun unite lleurl , ' 1'li-ril Frrlhiit ,
1' > | irtlie , < 'uiili- Toniriiv , llail Tii le
In Ilic MniitU. lllolc'liei ur I'liuplo on Hie
I uce. HUzlnoi , Klc , 1'orlillo l > yulldruvk'l < t .
Tlilrtrila ) ' treatiuenlfor25c ibetcntyilaj ' treat-
luentMc. : Hu innnttm' triMtincut tl 00. Wiljl/i trial
Ini 1111. \ \ ' . H. lll'IIItl "
muslin ut taw a
lap rUr * and jobtor * of
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods
Electrical Supplies.
Blootrlo Wiring Bells and GAB Lighting
O. W. JOHNSTON. MIT W "owar.l "
L eo-Glass-Andreesen
Wholesale Hardware.
Bicycles and Bportlng Goods , 12W-Z1.23 Hot-
_ ney Street. _
'he ' Omaha Safe
and Iron Works ,
G. ANDREEN , Prop.
Makes a specialty of
- i.
fcnd Ourxlar I'ronf Bates ana Vault Doors , eta
(110 8. 3 4 111 . . . OwaliA , Neb.
Tfl PIIDC orcry kind of CoiiRli , Colil , La.Uilppc ,
IU llllnt lloaiecncea , Influenza , Catnrrli , mill nil
luiiKiinil tin ont troubles , bcmt lor proof of U. It docu not elckcn or dlengreo
with tbo etomacli. Safe for all ages ,
| Dr. Kay's Long BalmB
Write tin , KlvInK oil symptoms plainly nnd our Piiynldnn will glvo
lrKK ADVICi : , u f > 8-pnio book oi bold liy DniRKHlH or Kent liy mnll ,
rccliCH | "nud i "j'llKK" SAMl'IJ ! . 1'rlco , lO'VontH mid nc < 'nt .
* > Address Dr. B.J.KAY MEDICAL CO.Wrstern ( Office ) Omaha , Nob.
ii > i
Wo sell the famous CAND15B BU-
DA 1.3 and perfect-fitting specialties
on credit. Auk for Candeou , Wo also
recommend Meyer Company , Jeraoy
Company , etc. Write for new cata
logue of Hubbcr Qoods , Mackin
toshes , Leggings , etc.
o o o o T.
JT'/T *
folbert of Leather , Saddlery Hardware , Etc *
We solicit your order ? . S13i31B-317 S. 13th.
0ncoa * ara Wtlnon Jt DrnUe. . / '
Manufacturers boilers , smoke stacks ana L
preachings , pressure , rendering , sheep dip ,
lard nnd water tanks , boiler tubes con-
itontly on hand , second hand bollem
boucht nnd Hold. Bpcrlal nnd prompt to
t par ! In city or countrv IPtli nn perr" |
merican Hand
Sewed Shoe Go
M'frs | Jobbers of Foot Wear
The Joiopb. Banigan Bubbor Oo.
Ghicory Go.
Qrowtra ana ninufacturtrt of all forau of
Cbtcorr Omaha-ITremont-O'NllL
the cndorgcmcnt of
W.BO lu ) ! iioH3 men
HoBt nnd w t , on
lt incrltH alone no
Hiring tk'U to it , It In
publ'hhc'4 ' monthly ut 50c n your or pt-nd 26o
for six months trial subscription to The Ad
Ken a Co. , S3 Fifth Av . , Chlcueo.