n IB THE OMAHA DAILY BBE : WEDNESDAY , SEPTEMBER 27 , 1809. BOSTON STORE EXTRA , Open 'Till 8t30 Ereninga So That All May Bee Our Interior Electric Display AND BUY OUR GREAT SPECIAL BARGAINS Never Iloforc WITP We In n Position Vnl- tn OITcr Sticli Uxtrnorillimry ItnrKiiInn ncii or IIIIIIICIIHC We Do In TliU Snlc. SALE TODAY AND ALL TUB WEEK. WELCOME. OUT OF TOWN VISITORS Make yourself thoroughly at homo In our In Omaha. Wo have irtoro during your stay upccLal waiting room for ladles , special check ing room , In fac-t everything for your com fort and convonlenco while d ° wn town > GRAND SALE KID GLOVES. kid gloves In black , grade C.OOO pair high brown and al colors , worth tn the regular way up to $1.50 , all go on bargain uquaro at JLTrgo'barjfaln table of misses' , chlldren'o lined underwear and Uojo1 Jersey ribbed and fleece derwear In medium and extra heavy weight , all the best quality , all sizes , go at IGc , 19o and 25c , worth up to GOc. ' ribbed , allk Immense lots of ladles' Jersey trimmed , nccco lined , vesta and pants , all sizes , BO nt 16o and 25o each , worth BOc. $100 quality ladles' medium and heavy wolgM waxony wool ribbed and extra heavy , fine cottou , llccco lined underwear , go at 49o oich. . . , , 1,000 , C5c quality ladies' Jersey ribbed medium and heavy weight union suite , all sizes , In natural gray , go at 25e suit. $2.00 qaallty finest Jersey ribbed , natural wool union suits , fleece lined , Florence and Onolta styles , go at 93c suit. Finest qualllty ladles' fancy cashmere wool underwear la camel's hair effect , sanitary natural wool , light blue and salmon color , all made of the finest wool , worth up to $1.60 each , go at C9& IGc quality ladles' , misses' and boys fast black hose , In plain and heavy ribbed full seamless , all go at 6c pair. 20s quality , extra flno medium and heavy weight fleece lined and lisle thread hose for ladles go on bargain table at lOc pair. 1,000 pair ladles' flno Imported French lisle thread hose , In plafn black and fancy atrlpeo and plaids , all go at 25c pair. 35c quality ladles' , misses' and children's finest imported Saxony -wool knit mittens , all sizes , go At ICc pair. 3c ! ) quality beat silk taffeta gloves go at 15c pair. AK-SAR-I5EN SALE BLANKETS. Full slzo cotton bed blankets , 39o pair. Extra heavy cotton bed blonkete , largo slzo , heavily napped , 75c pair. Deal grade largo elzo cotton blankets , gen erally sell at $2.00 pair , go at $1.25 pair. Half wool , largo 11-4 size blankets , $1.98 pr. Strictly all wool silver gray blankets , $2.50 pair. pair.Those handsome plaid blankets , pink , light blue , navy and red plaids , always sell at $5.00 pair , at this sale $3.50 pair. Hand-knotted and tufted , extra large size , comforters , made In our own work rooms , go at $1.50 each ; equal to any eastern made comforter that sells for $3.50. GRAND SPECIAL SALE CARPETS. Extra heavy union Ingrain carpets , 25c yd. Cotton chain , all wool filled Ingrain carpet , always sells at 50c , our prlco 39e yard. Strictly all wool , very heavy , Ingrain car pet , 60c yard. Lowell Ingrain carpet , always sells at 90c , our price 65c yard. For this sale only , Wilton , velvet , tno- qnette. Axmlnster , and all the high pile car pet that generally sells for $1.15 , go at 85c yard. All the new fall patterns. SPECIAL RUG BARGAINS. Fringed carpet rugs , worth $1.88 , go In this sale only at 98c each. GRAND SPECIAL SALE LACE CURTAINS. Ono big table odd loco curtains , worth up to $2.50 pair , go at 29c each. Ono new line of plain center Batt'onberg Imitation lace curtains , largest line In Omaha. All of them absolutely new patterns , go at $1.98 , $2.50 and $2.98. Nothing newer , notVIng moro nobby , and ours is the largest assortment In Omuba. Wo do the curtain business. HEAVY CURTAINS. Grand special solo ot tapestry curtains at $1.98 , $2.9S , $3.98 , $5.00 , $7.50 and $12.50 pair. 'Jhls Is the only complete assortment In the west , and we do the business. EXTRA SPECIAL. 1,000 yards of all silk tapestry , Brogatelle , Florentine Bilk and satin damask , a special purchase made by our eastern buyer , goods worth up to $10.00 yard , wo make one uni form prlco , $1.39 yard. This Is a rare offer- Ing. BIG SALE MEN'S CLOTHING. The grandest opportunity over presented in Omaha to buy first class up to date cloth ing for men and boys at a fraction of Its value. Our men's and boys' clothing stock Is absolutely perfct , perfect In assortment , perfect in fit , perfect In make and exactly to jour tnsta In prlco. For the next three weeks wo will sell men's $7.50 business suits for $5.00. Men's $10.00 and $12.00 handsome fall and winter suits , for $7.50. Men's $15.00 extra flno suits for $9,98. At $19.00 wo will sell some of the finest fall audjWlnter suits for men that can bo juade , worth regularly up to $35.00. $7.50 men's covert cloth top coate , $5.00. Gentlemen's English covert cloth dreas overcoats , $9.98. Hoys' $3.50 school suite , $1.98. Young men's $0.50 long pants suits , $3.50. $1.00 boys' school knee pants , 39c EXTRA SPECIAL SHOES. The continuation of our grand ealo of shoes has crowded our shoo departments , both up stairs and down , from morning until night , every day of the sale. ' Our shoes are the very best that money can procure ; the newest styles , the very lat- OBt Ideas and the prices make you a caving of from $1.00 to $3.00 a pair. fiOe ladlc ' ovorgalters go at 19c. Infants' 39c kid moccasins , 7c. This is the one extreme , and the other extreme Is $6,00 men's shoes for $4.00. $5.00 and $6.00 Indies' shoes for $3.00 and $3.50. $7.00 ladles' shoes' for $4.00 , All the regular $1.00 shoco for $2.BO. All the regular $3.00 shoes for $1.98. All now styles. BOSTON STORE , OMAHA , ICth and Douglas Sts , Think It Over , The case against John T. Cummins , proprietor of clear stands at the exposition , charged with violating the labor statute , was heard In the police court Monday afternoon anil taken under advisement by Judge Gordon. An this Is thu Unit cuse under the new statute , the attorneys de fending Cummins have raised the question of the constitutionality of the law. The Judge said he would give a , decision next Monday , GALLANTRY BETRAYED THIEF Sinn Who HloJe A\nleh Mlnht Ilnve KncniiPil Conviction , tint ( or an Act Of I'fllltPIICNN. The police took Into custody Monday aft ernoon Dd Murphy andi George Ilutton for the theft of a valuable watch from Sarah Smith , 924 Capitol avenua. Murphy was ar rested by "Daddy" Ryan shortly after the theft was committed. Button was caught by the Council Uluffs police later In the evenIng - Ing , being brought buck for trial by Detec tives Hudson and Helan. The Smith woman was wearing on her waist a $75 watch pot v 1th rubles and dia monds. The two men entered her apartment , and one of them held her while the other unclasped the timepiece and ran out the door. Murphy , who held the woman , re mained to toll her that the transaction was a Joke. The victim failed to sco the Joke , and calling Officer Hyan , had Murphy placed under nrrcst. When the Smith woman called at the sta tion to Identify Murphy she was not positive aho knew him , but Murphy settled doubts when ho appeared bcforo her 'by ' politely doffing his hat. As there was no evidence against him , ho might have escaped convic tion for the theft hod ho been shrewd enough to deny having seen the woman be fore. Murphy confessed to the police he hold Mrs. Smith whllo Button robbed' ' her , saying ho supposed the theft was a Joke. Button denies ho knoms the woman or Mur- Phy. OUR TERRITOKIAL PIONEERS Mcctlnir to He llclil nt tlic Orcntcr Atnerlem Ixonltlon , October 4 niid fi. Robert W. Furnas of Brownvllle , presi dent of the Nebraska Territorial Pioneer as sociation , and Daniel II. Wheeler , acting secretary , Omaha , have Issued a call for n reunion In the Auditorium at the exposition October 4 and 5. The call eays : "Thla Is a Bpoclal meeting on a special oc casion and for a special purpose , bollovlug thereby a greater enlistment of Interest can bo secured for the organization , preparatory for the annual meeting to be held In Lincoln In January next. Wo ask and expect each member and his family will bo present. Any person who became a resident of Nebraska prior to March 1 , 1807 , and their children and grandchildren arc entitled to become members , fee $1.00 no dues. Old cottiers wio have resided in Nebraska fifteen years or moro are also Invltod to bo present. Please notify all your friends and neighbors. Ad mission to Auditorium from Sixteenth street entrance. AH who attend this meeting will bo admitted to Exposition grounds at re duced rates. Uoducod rates on all railroads. No charge for admletrton to Auditorium. Write the secretary If you can fee present. "Talks will bo made by Hon. J. Sterling Morton , Dr. George L. Miller , Orlando TeUt J. E. North and others , " Dr. W. 0. Bridges leaves this evening for New York city and will bo absent several weeks. Ho leaves hla practice with Dr. J. E Summers , Jr. C. P. Harrison's real estate ad. omitted yesterday by mistake , see hla special ad. today. Announcements. Two hours and a half of solid fun ; two hours and a half of farce comedy abound ing in bright lines and comical situations , a comedy so liberally punctuated by the laughs of the audience- that It Is almost a mass of punctuations marks , and that is "Dear Old Charley , " which closes Its en gagement at Boyd'o theater with a matinee performance this afternoon and one this evening. The curtain will not go up this evening until after the big military and civic parade , thus enabling all those who wish to see the whole performance ample time. David Hlgglns has a now play to bo given a Now York production , but until that tlmo he will continue with his present com pany playing "At Plney nidge , " his fine play of the Tennessee mountains. This drama will bo the attraction at Boyd's theater for the balance of the week , commencing Thurs day night , when It will bo given with Mr. Hlgglns and Georgia Waldron In the leading roles. At the Trocadero theater , where the Trocadero Opera company is presenting "Glroflo-Glrotla , " a three-act comic opera , each night this week with matinee this afternoon and Saturday , the curtain will not go up tonight or Thursday night un til after the big parades are over. The opera furnishes two hours and a half of hearty laughter. Tbcra IB plenty of amusements In Omaha this week , hut It Is safe to say that no visitor will find any more enjoyable enter tainment than that afforded at the Crelgh- ton-Orpheum , where Minnie Palmer , the famous comedienne , Is appearing nightly In a brilliant one-act play entitled , "Rose Pom-Pom. " Among the other attractive features are the Cardownlo troupe of In ternational dancers ; the new American bl- ograph , showing now war pictures which create the greatest enthusiasm ; Powers and Pearl , refined travesty comedians ; Chovrlal , French comlque and violinist ; Hall and Staley , eccentric comedians , and Ircno Franklin , singing comedian. Matinee today and Saturday. Tonight and tomorrow night the performance will begin Immedi ately after the Ak-Sor-Ben parade. A tVeiv Hentltizr Device. A fire which can bo touched off with a match gives as much or as little beat as you want , can bo turned off or on at will , and Is free from odor , dust or ashes ; In fact , a lire which possesses all the advantages necrssary for the perfect heating of all kinds of cook and other stoves and fur naces , Is worthy of consideration by all citizens Interested In the problem of cheaper and better fuel. This new method can be seen In operation for a few days heating a cook otovo at 219-221 South Four teenth street , near Farnam. TO KANSAS CITY ANI > ST. I.OUIS. Hrfreiuely I.ovr Hilton South 1 > y the lliirlliiKtou Honte. $ D.SO , Omaha to Kansas City and return ; September 27 , October 7. Good to return till October 9. $11.60 , Omaha to St. Ixsuls and return ; October 1-6 , Good to return till October 9. Tickets at Burlington city office , 1502 Far nam street , or at Burlington station , Tenth and Mason streets. Inilliiii Chief Will I'n-nch. Rev. Felix Mays , Indian chief , will preach in the Gospel tabernacle tonight , corner of Fifteenth and Davenport streets. Evangelist J. A. Dooley In charge of ser vices. We repair cooks , ranges , heaters and furnaces. 1207 Douglas , Omaha Stove Re pair Works. NEW YORK DRWGY THK NORTHWESTERN LINE. Round $41.00 Trip , Sept. 25-26-27. Call at the Company's Now Offices , 1401 and 1403 Faro am St. DIUII. MAIMnERa lira. C , P. , died at 1 o'clock Monday , Setrrtember 25. Funeral Wednesday at 1 o'clock , from 3024 I > ake St. Friends invited. ROQKRS Clara , at 1:15 : a. m. September 24 , belovwl wlfa of A. T. Rogers , Funeral from her late residence , 2415 In diana Ave. . at t p. m. , Thursday , Septem ber 2S. Filenda Invited. ASTMAN-Wllllara. aged 49 years , on Sep. tember 25. Funeral Wednesday afternoon from 2133 . 2itU St. . at a o'clock. Friends Invited. HAvnm nnos. Crncltfrr ( Jlvcn Avrnr. With every one of our $12.CO 100-pleco dec orated Wlllrtts dinner neta wo will give away the following : One complete decorated lamp and ahndo. Onodccbratcd toilet dish. Ono fruit dish. Ono pair flno bisque figures. Ono flno china cuspidor. I Ono sot wlno glasses. Ono sot salt and pcpcrs. Ono teapot. Onoollvo dish. Ono spoon tray. Ono set tumblers. Otio flno vase. The goods wo glvo away with this dinner set are worth $9.62. HAYDEN BROS. $7.75 To Chicago. $12.75 To Chicago and Return October 2 to 9. These reduced rate tickets are good on limited trains via THE NORTHWESTERN LINE , 6:40 : am , 8:15 : pm. Lv. Omaha 4:55 : pm , nrrlv , Chicago 7:45 : am. 7:05 : pm , 9:30 : am. Now City Offices 1401 and 1403 Farnam St. TIIAVBMNO MHX'S I3XCUUSIOJT TO I.I.\COL\ . Snlnrtliij- , September 110. $1.10 ifor tfio round trip. Special train leaves Burlington station 3 a. m. Get ticket from members of committee or at station morning of excursion , or at 1502 Farnam et. City ticket office. 11. O. 1C. 1C. All votaries of Moquaddcm Temple No. 86 , D. 0. 1C. K. , are requested to meet at Myrtle hall , Fifteenth and Douglas streets , Wednes day ovonlcg , September 27 , at 7 p. m. sharp , to take part In the civic , military and fra ternal parade. Get your turbans at the hall. By order of the royal vizier. JOHN W. FYFE , Secretary. Dr. Shepard Hay Fever. 312 N. Y. Life. IIAYURX nnos. I.lnrnn nnrt Domritlrn. Two , 2 % and 3-yard long lunch clothe , with napkins to match , $4.60 , $6.00 , $5.60 , $6.00 and $6.60 a srt. You will find these the beet value In Omaha. Two-yard wide heavy and flno full bleached damask , worth $1.50 yard , on enlo $1.00 yard. 20x40 extra heavy buck towels , lOe each , worth 19c. Full slzo white crochet bedspreads , 39c each , extra good value. Pink and blue flno satin bed spreads , $2.48 ench , new patients. Lonedalo and Fruit of the Loom muslin , 6 c yard. Cotton toweling , colored checks , six yards for 5c. 9-4 bleached sheets , worth 45c , on sale 33o each. 45x36 pllllw cases , 5c each. HAYDEN BROS. 1IAI < P HATES. Via Oinnlin fc St. I.oiiln nnil Wnbnnh Itnllroiiil. St. Louis and return on sale Oct. 1st to 6tb. Special ono way and round-trip rates to the east on sale Oct. 2nd to 9th. Homcscekcrs' half rates ( plus $2.00) ) routh on Oct. 3d and 17th. For rates and all Information call at Qulncy Route office , 1415 Farnam ft. , Taxton Hotel block , or write Harry E. Mooros , C. P. & T. A. , Omaha , Nob. CUBA I * KATISS Via MUMOiirl PiuMflc Ilnllwny. I Kansas City. Sept. 27th to Oct. 7th. Now York , Sept. 25th. 26th , 27th. Washington , Sept. 29th , 30th. St. Louis , Oct. 1st to 6th. For further Information call at Missouri Pacific offices , S. E. Corner 14th and Douglas fits. , or depot , 15th and Webster sts. THOS. F. GODFREY , P. & T. A. J. O. PHILLIPPI , A. 0. F. & P. A. lliaSISUVEU SEATS Ak-Snr-Hcn Pnrnde. 35 , 60. 7t'c. Eighteenth and Firnam etreets. Order early. HAHN'S DRUG STORE. Woodmen Circle. All members of Omaha Grove , No. 1 , are requested to meet at their hall Wednesday , 7 p. m. sharp , to take part In the Ak-Sar- Bon parade. ALICE B. SCHLEH , W. G. , CARRIE GENNELL , Clk. For Fall and Winter we Offer i most extraordinary Overcoat value at The fabric is a remarkably fine velvety finish , absolutely pure wool kersey , made f ronr long sta ple stock , color guaranteed , lined with real Italian lining , satin sleeve linings , facings extra wide , vel vet collar. The inside and outside tailoring of the.se garments will truly compare with the best § ! Q overcoat elsewhere. We did a large overcoat business last season. We will do a still greater business this season. t Such Values as we offer are bound to Bring Success. Fancy Worsted is to be the reigning fabrip in MENS'S SUITS FOR FALL. Our forethought many months in advance gave us an advantage of selecting the cream of the designers' best efforts. We show over 60 of the newest and most exclusive pat terns in men's fine striped and checked worsted suitings at $7.50 , $105 $12.50 and $15 , Elegantly tailored , superbly lined , perfect fit assured. We will be pleased to have you pass judgment on them. Will you call ? We guarantee to save you from 35 too 100 per cent on boys' and children's fall clothing. < ; - -'nKW-j. fdpta D. G. ,35 Washington , . . , and Return. September 20 and SO good to return leaving Washing ton not later than Oct. fi. Burlington trains , leaving Burlington station nt 0:10 : a. m. and 5:05 : p. in. , make close connections at Chicago with through trains for Washington. Uerths can bo reserved NOW. Hate of ? 11.00 , Omaha to New York and return In ef- feet September 25 , 20 and 27. Ticket OIIIcp UnrllnRton Stntlnii IBOU Knrimiii St. , loth iiiul Mnitou St. . , Telephone 25O. Telephone 310. I ' H 9fc 9 There are and .TWO COLORADO . . . Trains Daily for POINTS ? &UNION PACIFIC EBWSW"1 " 4:25 : p. m. 11:55 : p. m. Finely Equipped , with Palace Sleepers , Chair Cars , Buffet , Smoking and Library Cars , Dining Car Service. Giiv Ticket Office , 1302 Farnam St. Telephone 316 IOW HATRS 1C AST Vlix the Chlcnitn , .Mllrrnnkce A St. Pnnl llnllvrnr. Omaha to Now York and return , Sept. 25 , 2C and 27 , J 11.00. Omalm to Washington and return , Sept. 29 and 30 , 140.35. Omaha to Chicago and return , Oct. 2-9 , U7.00. Omaha to Chicago , Oct. 2-9 , $7-76. City office , 1504 Farnam street. P. A. NASH , General Western Agent. Oninlin Cninno. . 1(1 , W. O. tloii. I The parade of Wednesday evening , Sop- traebcr 27 , having been designated by the Knights of Ak-Sar-Bcn aa "Fratornnl So cieties' Parade , " you arc cordially invited to meet at W. 0. W. forest , Sixteenth and Cap itol avenue , cxt 7:30 : p. m. sharp , to help form a W. O. W. division. Wo trust that jou will not fall to tur nout. as It Is doslr- able that wo make a gooj showing and show to the people of Omaha that the homo In- I slltutlon Is a part and parcel of the prog ress of Omaha. Turn out everybody and lot It bo a credit to the order of perfected woodcraft. Cool Nights are a reminder that now is tbo tlmo to i Investigate the stove question. Do not for get that wo are exclusive Omaha agents for Radiant Home Stoves. Garland Stoves , Bcckwith's Genuine Round Oak , Cole's ' Hot Blast Heaters. The Monitor , The Majestic , The Quick Meal These goods are the acknowledged lead ers of their kind the world over. Our prices are the lowest. Stovea and ranges sold on payments orwo glvo a discount for cash. 14th and farnam Streets. Circulars and prices by mall on application. We Throw Down the Glove and challenge any gallant knight of Ak-Sar-Ben to match the line of Kodaks -.a Cameras wo have now on hand. Being exclusive dealers In photo material * wo are thoroughly up-to-date on everything. See our now Autotone printing paper. The Robert Dempster Co. 1215 Farnam St. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. blind custom Why do men wear two buttons on the back of their coats ? Why do some people say they don't Hko Krug Cabinet lager beer when they never tasted bottled Cabinet In their life. ? Those that have tasted It all Hko It and recommend it , be- oauso they know whllo thoeo that don't mow are followers of the trlbo of knockers and carry a flledgo In each hand. Try a case ; connoisseurs Ray it's as good , If not ) otter , than any other. KiiEi ) KHXXJ immvjNr. co. , Tel. 420. 100T Jackson Street. TIES MINERAL aWATEBS Wo are prepared to furntah Mineral Water in pint Hlzo whenever such water is bottled jy spring. Wo mention a few which wo can furnish strictly fresh : Waukeaha Hygela , pints and splits. Bore Lithla Hygola , pints and splits. Sulpha Saline , pints. Apolltnarls , pints and splits. Ozonato Ltthla , pints. lied Raven , splits. Carabana , pita. Carabana , pints. Congress Water , pints. Colfax Water , pints. Our waters are all frroh and genuine , as wo buy direct from bprlng. Special prices on ca&o lota of water. Sherman & McDonnell Drug Co , , 1513 Dodge Street. Omaha. Z. D ; Clark , D. D. S. P. N. Kemp , D. D. S. CLARK & KEMP , . . .DENTISTS POUIITII KI.OOH UAMUIS lit , 1C , IRtb nnil Hnriiey. Entrance Opp. Crelgnton Orpbeum. , , fiooil Set Teeth $5.OO Q j ' Silver rilllnu * 91.00 IlrlilKe Tectli l.OO to * I.OO ! I'orcflnlii CriMVii . . . . .fD.OO ( ii > lil FlllliiK * < n > from Jfl.no Rolil CriMTnn Iffi.OO to $8.OO Grown and Bridge Work a Specialty , neat of Material Used In All Cases 4 > ! A Woman's Reason. A woman's reason is sometimes difficult to explain , but it is generally correct. A woman's reason for shop ping hero may be found in the vast assortment of now and fashionable Cloaks , Suits , Shoes , Millinery and Neckwear , presented from day to day at prices that know no competition. Strange methods betray themselves in the adver tising of most stores. Probably you note them , proba bly you don't. How much misrepresentation and fraud you would purge the newspaper columns of if you did. We'd like to have you trip us up in any error we might innkn. e Women's ' Skirts Women's 'underskirts , good quality skirting , deep ruf fle with cord , full sweep , * regular dollar qual- _ II ityfor 5UC i | Women's ' Dressing Saoques j j Women's dressing sacques , jj fancy edge , satin ribbon , | full line colors , - . _ worth $1 , for OOC I Woman's ' Dress Skirts Women's dress skirls , black and blue storm serge full ! ! sweep worth $2 , . _ _ , ! J for 1-25 | Women's Silk waists Women's silk waists , black JI taffeta , stock collars , nicely made , worth $4 , _ _ * _ for 25O Women's Silk waists Ladies' silk waists , all col ors , fine quality taffeta , fancy white stitching pleated front , flaring cuffs , worth $7.50 , A . _ _ , for 4-75 I Women's ' Underskirts , ! \ Women's silk taffeta under- i ! skirts , corded and deep ! ! ruffle , all colors , r c\f\ it worth $6 , here O.VII Women's Suits , Women's tailor made suits , | g all wool cheviot , silk lined < | fly front , jacket one piece , < | skirt , all colors , f\t\ worth § 10 , for _ 5.UO I Women's Shoes , Women's shoes , made of selected stock with heavy medium sole , your choice of styles in toes , welt and well made , worth $3.50 in any store _ here for . > O U Men's Suits Black cheviot , round or square cut , correctly tailor ed , lined throughout , rein forced with body cloth , fine quality serge lining , workmanship first class , sewed throughout with silk this pame suit sells most places for $7. 50 , our price Men's ' Suits Brown plaid cassimeres , lined with triple warp ItalJI iam lining , sewed with silk ! ! latest and nobbiest patterns - ! ! terns , re-enforced" , satin ! ! piped , lapelpockets , every I ! garment made and finished i ! throughout with the utJ J ! most possible care , this suit ! I is sold by other houses for JI § 9 and $10 , on sale _ * < here for 5.00 | Men's Suits Blue diagonal serge , dou ble and single breasted , fine wool serges guaranteed not to fade , wide wale , re- enforced , satin piped , tail ored in a perfect manner , actual value $10 , ' j / \ 'g our price only . . . . JL .OU j ; Men's Suits Brown and gray caseimeres , j ; stripes and checks made up with great care , lined with fine quality serge lining , these suits cannot be dupli cated in any store for less than $13.50 , our _ _ , price -.9-00 ! Men's Suits Gray striped cassimere you can't tell 'emfrom merchant tailored goods , j except our name plate is on J the coat , that's a guaran tee that it's a better bar gain than any tailor can furnish you , fine quality lining , and satin _ _ piped V * OO Boys' Suits. Boys' school suit , made up of good extra good quality suiting , correctly made , worth elsewhere _ _ , 84 , here 2ioO Boys' Suits , Single and double breasted made from finest all wool cheviots , cassimeres and tweed , every suit superbly tailored , sells for $7.50 elsewhere , , here for- . . .O-OO Boy's Shoes , We are showing a line of little gent's shoes in lace , box calf , , correctly con structed , every pair guar anteed , worth § 1.50 , elsewhere , here for 1 For the many visitors coming to Omaha this week by adding to our stock , new watches , new pins , now jewelry , new silverware , new cut glass , now Rockweed pottery , and new diamonds. An invitation is extended to all visitors to come and look at our goods , Mawhsnney & Holiday , Jewelers and Art Stationers , | 5th and DOUglaS StS. Successors to C. S. Raymond Co. therefore the spare "MANY WORDS WE words and try to con WON'T FILL vey straight to your A BUSHEL" minds that this is the place you ought to buy your BOOKS , BIBLES , PRAYER BOOKS , OFFICE SUPPLIES , BLAM 3Q9KS , ART STIC ENSRAVlHi , FINE STATIONERY. Juat received , tbo only complete Kipling on tbo inurkot ; fine groea cloth library binding , nlculy boxed , $15 net. The newest ( lotion cun u'waya ' bo found on our counters. Megeath Stationery Co. , e rnom at