Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 27, 1899, Page 10, Image 10

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    F ,
Wheat and Corn Down a Fraction in Chicago
After a Day of Profit Taking ,
Humor * of n Squeeze mill StroiiK
crimol CnhlcM AK"l "t n
Worlil'H Vlnllilc ( lie Jnllu
dice * lit Wheat.
CHICAGO , Sopt. 2 . Profit taking -was
the feature of all the grain markets today
nnd material declines In wheat nnd corn
resulted. Oats closed unchanged- Decem
ber wheat declined ? c and September He.
Corn closed \to \ lower. Provisions closed
with Insignificant changes both ways.
Opening prices In wheat showed practi
cally no change from yesterday's closing
figures. Trading wns light at first , with
the professional clement Inclined to sell
on the theory that the recent advance had
nbout reached Its climax , while commission
houses had fair buying orders from the
country. Early statistical news was de
cidedly bullish and soon after the opening
a marked falling off In offerings took
place , with an increase In the demand nnd
n fair advance resulted. Some nervousness
was shown by September shorts and the
npread between September and December
widened at one'time to lc. Rumors were
current of a squeeze In September and an
increase of only 433,000 bu. In the contract
mocks tended to increase the uneasiness
of shorts. Nevertheless , the professional
clement continued to sell and though offer
ings were well absorbed for some time ,
the short selling and profit-taking ulti
mately weighted down the market and In
the afternoon prices slowly declined.
Minneapolis nnd Duluth receipts were 023
cars , ngnlnst 1,355 last week and 1,716 a i
year ago. Chicago receipts were 25S cars ,
eight of contract grade. Primary receipts
were 1,196,000 bu. , compared with 1,727,000 .
bu , a year ago. Atlantic port clearances of '
wheat and flour aggregated 541,000 bu. The ,
seaboard reported 39 loads taken for ex
port. Urntlstreet's report on the world's
visible made the increase 3.331,000 bu.
This was much larger than looked for. and
the market soon after its announcement !
became heavy , with Increased general i
felling. Liverpool was stronger nnd % ® % d
Jilgher. This had considerable Influence on
the early strength. December opened a
Hhade lower at 73 07380. It advanced Ir
regularly to 73-4c nnd later declined to 73c ,
closing ut that price. September sold be
tween 74c and 75vfcc and closed % c lower at
Corn was quite active. The market enrly
was strong , principally In sympathy with
wheat. There was plenty of long corn for
Bale , holders of December nnd May , es
pecially taking profits. September was of
fered liberally nt 35c by concerns supposed
to bo big holders. The market was heavy
Jate In the session , with prices gradually
declining under liberal selling. Kecelpts
were 1,118 cars. The seaboard demand was
eharp. December ranged from 30c to 30c
nnd closed 14o lower at 30c. September
ranged from 34c to 35c and closed } 4o lower
nt 31' c.
Oats in a general way followed other
grain markets , with a good-sized trade.
Early a good advance took place on good
general buying , but later profit-taking ,
which started when other markets turned
downward , resulted In a loss of all the ad
vance. The market received support from
itho heavy clearances last week , 4,000,000 bu. ,
the largest on record. Receipts were 279
cars. The cash demand was good and
200.000 bu. were taken here for shipment.
Provisions in the main were firm with
fnlr trade. Heavy sales' ' of lard for export
were reported , which made packers largo
buyers of October product and resulted in
steady market all around. There was a
disposition to sell January on the small
rallies. Liverpool reported Gd ad
vance on hams and bacon. At
the close January pork wan unchanged at
J9.75 ; January lard 21/45160 higher at
J3.Evgj5.67J5 and January ribs 214c lower at
Estimated receipts Wednesday : Wheat ,
103 cars ; corn , GGO cars ; oats , 223 cars ; hogs ,
32,000 head.
Leading futures ranged as follows :
Open. Op n. fllrb. Low. Close. Ycs'dy
7BW 74. 71
73 7t ! 73 13 n
.in 35 34 35
80 30
23 227 * 22li
23ji yo | ifi
820 It 10 817M 8 15
8 SO 836 8B7M 830
077M DUO 1)76 070 U80
6324 637 632M 6324
645 64C 640
0074 60 JM 007M OS2H
615 CIO 616 617M
fill ) 610 010
No. 2.
Cash quotations wcrn as follows :
FL.OUR Firm ; winter patents , $3.60T3.CO ;
etralghts , $3.10"j3.35 ( ; spring specials , $4,10 ®
4,20 ; spring patents , $3.4003.70 ; straights.
J2.SOW3.20 ; bakers , $2.20 2.60 :
WHEAT No. 3 spring , CS&Q71C ; No. 2
red , 73'/lo.
CORN No. 2 , 3IWc ; No. 2 yellow , 34&c.
OATS-No. 2 , > 29J7"23i/4c ( ; No. 2 white.
25Vc ; No. 3 white , : ! 4Gl5V ! c.
RYE No. 2 , to store. 58c.
BARLEY No. 2 , 40Jf4Gc.
SEEDS Flaxsced , No. 1 , Jl.ll ; North
western , $1.12. Prime timothy seed , $2.40.
Clover. $ G.OO S.OO.
PROVISIONS JIcss pork , per bbl. , $7.65
< tS.2Q. Lard , per 100 Ibs. , $5.22 05.40. Short
ribs , sides ( loose ) , $5.05R5.40. ( Dry salted
shoulders ( boxed ) , $ ( i.OOQti.l2U ; short clear
sides ( boxed ) , J5.DOfiG.G5.
WH'ISICY Distillers' finished goods , ner
gal. . $1.22.
SUGARS Cut loaf , $5.83 ; granulated , $5.31.
Following are the receipts and shin-
inentR for today :
Articles. Receipts. Shlpm'ts.
Flour , bbls . 18,000 11,000
Wheat , bu . 250.000 B.OOO
Corn , bu . ! )52,000 537,000
Oats , bu . 510,000 356,000
Rye , bu . 29,000 1,000
Hurley , bu . 160,000 78,000
On the Produce exchange today the butter
market was llrm ; creameries , lC22l/c ;
dairies , 13Jj)18c. ) Cheese , steady at llijlia-ic.
Eggs , firm : fresh , IGVic. Poultry , quiet ;
turkeys , 8@10c ; chickens , 9Q9'e ; ducks.
< liiotntlon * nf tlic Day on Vnrloun
NEW YORK , Sept. 26. FLOUR Receipts ,
32,160 bbls. ; exports , l.COO bbls.r sales , 10,000
pkgs. Opened steady but ruled quiet and
closed a shade easier in sympathy
with wheat. Winter patents , } 3,603.SO ;
winter straights , $3.350-3.45 - ; extras , $2.150
2.90vlnter ; low grades , $2.2502.40 ; Mlnne-
; ota patents , $3.9004.10 ; Minnesota bakers ,
J3.00fi3.15. Rye Hour , llrm : good to fair
$3.1Bj3.30 ; choice to fancy , $3.35T3.B5. Buck
wheat Hour , steady ; new , $2.505(2.75
nUOKWHEAT-Steady at 67 < & 5Sc ; c. 1. f. ,
New York.
CORNMEAI * Steady ; yellow western. 75
Buffalo ; malting , 45fr50c , delivered at Now
i orK *
- " - - ' - - " " - - * ,
| ( uw tu * 1 t Ui
No. 2 red , 74c , elevator. Options opened
steady at Uo advance on , cables and fur
ther advanced > , lo on disappointing north
western receipts' . Local covering was a
feature of the forenoon. Hut the market
broke on UrudstreM'a statement , making
the world s visible supply of Wheat 3,3lti.OOO
l > u. above the figures of a week ago , which
carried the market Tic off from best prices
of the morning , with the close weak ut a
net decline of % 5r&c. May , 79 ! > lfSOV4c.
closed at 70o ; September. 74 7-16375 3-lGc ,
t'lo&wl at 74'/tc ; December , 76iG77Co , closed
ut 76 c.
COHN Receipts , 43S.77G bu. : exports , 82-
786 bu. Spot , weak ; No. 2. 40Uc , X. o. b. ,
afloat , and 33c , elevator. Options opened
llrm at Ho advance on strong cables , but
Hubsenucntly turned easier under realizing
'following ' the decline In wheat , selling oft
Jic from the opening prices and closing
weak at a net decline of % c. May , 3Gfi3Gc ,
closed at 36o ; September. 33U5/3S71C , closed
nt S9 o ; December , 37K37l/4c , closed at 37c.
OATS-Rce4pts. 1S9.000 bu. Spot , firmer ;
No. 3 , 29jj30&o ; No. 2 white , JOo. Options ,
nominal ,
HOPS Dull ; Btate , common to choice ,
1896 crop. 60 : 1897 crop , nominal ; 1893 crop.
- " " Pacific coast , 1S9G crop , 4a o ; 189T
crop , nominal ; 1893 crop , llffllc.
HAY Firm ; shipping , new , BOflCOc ; good
to choice , new , GSgSOc.
HIDES-FIrm ; dalveston. 20 to 25 Ibs. ,
17o ; Texas dry , 24 to 3D Ibs. , 12Htfl3c ; Calli
fornla. 21 to 25 Ibs. . lSVi@19c.
LEATHER Steady ; hemlock eoles ,
Buenos AyrM , llcht lo heavyweights , 220
23'4o ; ncld , 22Hfl2lc.
COAL Steady ,
PROVISIONS-Bccf. firm ; family. $10,50
011.50 ; mess , $9.00fl9.50 : beef hums , J25.50W
2fi.50 ; pncket. $10.00010.60 ; city , extra India
moss , $14.60TJ16.00. Cut moats , firm : pick
led bellies , $ fl.OOf/S.OO : pickled shoulders , $ fl.23 ;
pickled hams , $ S.OOfl8,75 , Lard , firmer ; west
ern steamed. $5,70 ; city , $5.30 ; September ,
$5.C7'i. nominal ; continent , $6.05 ; South
America , $6.50 : compound , $5.12H95.25 ! re
fined , firm. Pork , 'firm ; mess. K.&ft
9.60 ; short clear , $10.25811.75 ; family , $11.50
EGOS Steady ; United States nnd Canada ,
15 20c , loss off ; western , ungraded nt mark ,
POTATOES-Stondy ; New York , $1.23 ®
1.40 ; southern. Jl.0001.25.
TALLOW-Firm ; city. 6'/ic ; country , 4Q >
6i ic.
ROSIN Steady ; strained , common to
BOOil , J1.20W1.27H.
RICE Firm ; domestic , fair to extra ,
4 j , 7'/ic : Jnpnn. 4 > if7uc.
CHEESE - Steady ; large white , IfrMc !
small white , llHffllir ; large colored , 110
HMc ; small colored , HUQUHc.
MOLASSES- ; New Orleans open
kcttlp , good to choice , 32f/3Gc.
METALS In a qulot way tin continues to
forgo stendlly upward and today closed
firm at the advance. Lend showed a better
undertone and Increased activity. Spelter
went olt a shade under lack of buyers and
soiling pressure , the latter growing out of
unfavorable cables. Lnke copper nnd pig
Iron were sadly neglected nnd quite fea
tureless. At the. close the Metal exchange
called pig Iron warrants dull and nominal
at J1S.O ) ; lake copper , dull at $18.50 ; tin ,
higher but quiet with $32.80 bid nnd $33.00
asked ; lend , firm with J4.62U bid nnd $ l.87',4
naked ; spelter , easy with $ D.35 bid and J5.60
nskcd. The brokers' price for lead is $4.40
and for copper $18.50.
'I'll roc mill n Third Million Htinlirln I
liMTriiNf In the World' * Wlirnt. f
NEW YORK , Sept. 20.-Speclal cable and !
telegraphic dispatches to Bradstreet's indl- '
cate the following changes in available sup
plies last Saturday :
AVHEAT-Unltcd States and Canada , cast
Rockies , Increase , 1,416,000 bu. ; afloat for
and In Europe , Increase , 1,900,000 bu. ; total
supply. Increase , 3,316,000 bu.
CORN United States nnd Canada , east
Rockies , Increase , SO,000 bu.
OATS United States nnd Canada , cast
Rockies , decrease , 282,000 bu.
AmoiiK the moro Important Increases re
ported to Bradstreet's , not given In the. ofll-
clal visible supply statement , nre those of !
930,000 bu. nt northwestern interior cle- '
valors , 000,000 bu. nt Manitoba storage '
polnta , 70,000 bu. at Sioux Falls and 5,000 at
The principal decreases are those of 351-
000 bu. nt Chicago prlvato elevators , 96,000
bu. at Milwaukee private elevators , 92,000
liu. nt Portland , Me. , and 50,000 bu. at
Fort Worth.
The aggregate stock of wheat held at
Portland , Ore. , nnd Tncomn and Seattle ,
Wash. , Increased 46,000 bu. last week.
Condition of Trnilc mill flnotntlon * on
Snnli > mill Fmioy I'rodnce.
EGGS Good stock at IGc.
BUTTER-Common to fair , 14c ; choice ,
1G017C ; separator , 22023c ; gathered cream
ery , 191J20C.
POULTRY Hsns. live. ? &c ; spring
chickens. So ; old nnd staggy roosters , live ,
3'/4 © Ic ; ducks and geese , five , 607c ; tur
keys. live. 8c.
PIGEONS-L've. per doz. . 7Bc.
VEALS Choice , 9c.
WATERMELONS-Good stock , crated for
shipments. 12@15c.
CANTALOUPE Per crate , Rocky Ford ,
SWEET POTATOES-Per bbl. . $2.00.
CRANBERRIES-Capo Cod , $5.75.
PLUMS Oregon , per crate , $1.25@1.40.
Jl.0001.10 ; clings , 90c0$1.00.
APPLES-Per bbl. , $2.2532.50 ; crabapples ,
per hi ) ! . . :2.25S2.K ) .
GRAPES-New York , 18Q20c ; California ,
PEARS Bartlett , $2.5002.60 ; other va
rieties , $2.00@2.25.
QUINCES-Callfornla , per box , $1.50.
LEMONS California fancy , $5.2505.50 ;
choice , California. $4.7505.00 ; Messina , fancy ,
BANANAS Choice , crated , large stock ,
ner bunch. $2.0002.50 ; medium-sized
bunches. $1.75Sr2.00.
HIDES No. 1 green hides. 7c ; No. 2
creen hides. G&c ; No. 1 salted hides , 9c ; No.
2 salted hides. So ; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12
Ibs. . lOc : No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 Ibs. , So.
1 , 3c : tallow. No. 2 , 2Vic ; rougn tallow , IHc ;
white grease. 2Ji@3c ; yellow and brown
grease ,
St. Loula Grnlii and ProviMoiiN.
ST. LOUIS , Sept. 26. WHEAT Lower ;
29,221 bu.
CORN Lower ; No. 2 , cash , 31c ; track , 32c ;
September , 31 ,4c ; December , 2Sc ; May ,
OATS Firm : No. 2 , cash , 24c ; track , 2lc ;
September , 24l4c ; December , 23V4c ; May.
24ic ; No. 2 white , 25H026c.
rc TTIo-Vin , . of CO/ ,
FLOUR Quiet and' unchanged : patents ,
$3.455T3.GO ; extra fancy , $3.1503.20 ; clear ,
J2 . 7 uJi ( 3 . 00.
SEEDS Timothy seed , steady at $2.10 ®
2.40 , with prime worth more ; fiaxseed ,
higher at $1.09.
CORNMEAL Steady at $1.7501.80.
-BRAN Easy ; sacked lots , east track , 64c.
HAY Steady to stronger ; timothy , $7.00 ®
10.00 ; prairie. $6.000)7.00. )
WHISKY Steady at $1.22.
PROVISIONS Dry salt meats , quiet ;
boxed Shoulders and extra shorts ,
J5.50 ; clear ribs , $5.62' ; clear sides , $5.75.
Bacon , quiet : lioxed shoulders , $5.75 ;
extra shorts , $ G.OO ; clear ribs , $ G.12Vf. ; clear
sides , $6.25.
RECEIPTS-Flour , 4,000 bbls. ; wheat , 29-
000 bu. : corn , 101,000 bu. ; oats , 36.000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour , 7,000 bbls. ; wheat ,
19,000 bu. ; com , 139,000 bu. ; oats , 28,000 bu.
KiniMiiN City Griilii mid Prnvlnloim ,
December , 66c : May , 69c ; cash. No. 2
hard , 6606G'Ac : No. 3 , G3tfG5'/4c ; No 2 red ,
GSH069e ; No. 3 , G40fi8c ; receipts. 87 cars.
CORN December , 25c ; May , 26 c ; cash ,
No. 2 mixed , 28Jc ? ; No. 2 white , 29c ; No. 3 ,
2S&C. 6
OATS-NO. 2 white , /ig25c. .
RYE-NO. 2 , HC.
HAY Choice timothy , $7.250 > 7.50 ; oholca
prairie , $6.5006.75.
EGGS Dealers believe country shippers
are holding back shipments during the cool
weather ; market today went up4c , fresh
Missouri and Kansas stock , firsts , selling
at 15V&C doz. , cases returned.
nutter Market.
, . . - - -
ceiptH , 9.736 pkga , ; steady ; western cream
ery , 17023C ; June creamery , I9022c ; factory ,
est United States , OSs ; good United States ,
Unchanged ; fancy western creamery , 23c ;
fancy western prints , 2lc.
Creamery , 19Jj2Ic ; dairy , Ific.
ST. LOUIS. Sopt. 20. BUTTER Firm ;
creamery , 1902ic ; dairy , 15020c.
Mvrriiool Ornlii mill I'rovlitloim.
LIVERPOOL. Sept. 26. WHEAT-Spot ,
No. 2 red western , winter , firm at 5s lid ;
No. 1 northern , spring , llrm at Cs2V4d ; De
cember , CsSd ; March , Gs2l d.
CORN Spot , American mixed , new nnd
old , 3s7Jd , Futures , quiet ; September and
.October. 37V6d ; November , 3s 7d.
j PROVISIONS-Bacon , long clear middles ,
light , strong at 34s ; short clear backs ,
Htrong at 32s ; clear bellies , strong at 37s Gd ,
Shoulders , square , llrm at 29s.
CHEESE American finest white , firm at
53s Cd ; American finest colored , firm at 55s.
Mlmii'miiillM Wheat anil Flour.
In store , No. 1 northern. September , GSV4o :
December. G9c : May. 71H071c ; Septem
ber , old , 71o. On track : No. 1 hard , 70io ;
No. 1 northern , GS4o ; No. 2 northern , 6614.
FLOUR First patents. $3,8003,90 ; second
end patents , $3.6003.70 ; first clears , $2COQ )
BRAN Unchanged ,
Toledo Market.
TOLEDO , O. , Sept. 26.-WHEAT-ActIve.
weak ; No. 2 cash nnd September , 75Uc ;
December. 74ic.
CORN Dull , unchanged ; No. 2 mixed ,
35'/4c. '
OATS-Dull , steady : No. 2 , 22o.
RYE Dull , firm ; No. 2 cash , B9c bid.
HEEDS Clover , active , higher : prime ,
cash and October , $5.50 ; March , $4.45.
I'aurlit Market.
PEORIA. Sept. 20.-CORN-FIrm ; No. 2 ,
" '
"o'ATS-Firm ; No , 3 white , 22K@23c.
WHISKY Steady , on the basis of $1,22 for
finished goods.
Diiludi < ; nil u Market.
DULUTH , Minn. , Sept. 86. WHEAT No.
1 northern , cash , 72l4o ; September , 72Hc ;
No. 1 hard , cash , 69\c ; September , G9Te ;
October , B9T4c ; December , GUi c ; May , 73c ,
No. 2 northern , 67-\c ; No , 3 spring , G4Uc.
Ilnllroml Slatcinentn mid ( ! ld Impor
tation Mnrkct Ilrncern ,
NBW YORK , Sept , 26. The stock market
continued dull and listless In character to
day. Several favorable Incidents Imparted
nn undertone of strength and discouraged
operations for a decline , but the soaring
tendency of the money rate discouraged
nil speculative demand on the long side
nnd the day closed with nearly nil stocks
showing IOFSOS. The Incident which nt-
trnctod most attention wns the engnge-
ment < n Lomlon of $1,000,000 In gold for
New York. Prices rose to the highest on
this announcement nnd n number of
stocks renchcd n level above yesterday's
close. Money , however , rose upward by
quick plages to 20 per cent and the heavi
ness of the market was renewed.
The gold engagement In face of the llrm-
ness of exchange Is obviously based on
the expectation that the money rnto will
continue high until the receipt of the gold
here , when the prollt of the loaning rate
may make good the loss Involved In the
simple Importation. Thu course of the
local money market today contradicts the
assertions made yesterday that the higher
rate wns duo to manipulation. The present
and prospective condition of the money
market Is undeniably tight. Rates ad
vanced not only here , but at other domestic
points , both east nnd west. New York exchange -
change nt other points shows continued
pressure on this center. The announce
ment that more gold Is on the way from
Australia to San Francisco had no effect ,
the promised relief being so remote. The
fact of n three-days' holiday approaching
had Its influence also on the prevailing
dullness. The weakness on foreign stock
markets was an Influence here only Indi
rectly and so far as it was a detriment to
Bold imports.
The series of railroad statements which
appeared today wns a real and effective
prop to the market and undoubtedly in
duced some good buying from substantial
Interests such as arc not dependant on
'borrowed ' money. The over-night state
ment of St. Pnul for the third week In Sep
tember showing an increase of last year's
unprecedented level of $32,000 led the list.
Even moro striking was the statement of
the Atchlson system for August showing
Increase In the Income from operations of
$70SS93 , a result In large part due to the
heavy decrease in operating expenses. In
the cases of Erie and Southern railway ,
In splto of liberal Increases In operating ex
penses , there was nn increnso In net earn
ings for the former of $221,362 and for the
Inner of $180,375. Business on nil the trunk
lines wns reported on nn unprecedented
scale. These facts gave the undertone of
firmness to the market , the stocks espec
ially affected being those whose reports
were published.
The day's net declines reached n point
in only a few cases. A number of the In
dustrial specialties were at ono time 1 to
314 points- below last night , but covering by
the shorts worked a partial rally. Brook
lyn Transit continued very active , though
American Tobacco exceeded It and was
well sustained after an early decline , rising
a point over yesterday and closing with a
net gain.
The bond market was dull and prices were
lower. Total sales , par value , $1,320,000.
United States 2s advanced % , old 4s cou
pen Vt and the new 4s % In the bid price.
The Commercial Advertiser's London
cablegram says : The markets here were
heavy and Idle today. On Mr. Chamber
lain's curt and emphatic dispatch to the
Transvaal , which was Interpreted in some
quarters ns meaning Avar. Amercans
fluctuated narrowly until the afternoon ,
when ( they sagged steady on uninterrupted
cable bervlce , closing at the worst. Spanish
4s were 61 , tintos 4GU. Anacondas 10- % .
200,000 pounds * gold was engaged for Egypt
and 5,000 pounds In French coin was bought.
Money was In fair demand , but small sup
ply. The bank did a fair business in dis
The following are the closing quotations
for the leading stocks on the .New York
exchange today ;
Atchlson . . . ZOVi Texas & rocltlo. . . . 19
do pfd 61T4 Union Pnclfto 43&
Baltimore & Ohio. . 49 % do pfd 76U
Canadian Pncino . . SOV4 Wabash 7&
Canada Southern . . 6 % do pfd SHa
Central PaclHo . . . . 67H W. & I * B 12
dies. & Ohio 25 i do 2d pXd 31ft
Chicago Qt. W 14J4 Wls. Central 16ij
C. B. & Q 123V * Adama Ex 114
Chicago , I. & I * 1114 American Ex 148
do pfd -tSVi United S-tates Ex. . . 60
Chicago & E. 1 904 ! Wells Kargo Ex..ISO
Chicaco & N. W..166ii Am Cot. Oil 43H
C. , II. I. & P 112H do pfd 9314
C. , C. , C. & St. L , . . C4i Amer. Halting 1414
do pfd 93 do pfd 73V4
Mo. Tactile 43 % Laclede Gas < V"i
Mobile & Ohio 44 National Biscuit . . 45
SI. , K. & T 1214 do pfd 96V4
do pfd SSVi National Lead S8V4
N. J. Central 11SH do pfd 110 ! !
N. Y. Central 3"i National Steel 51
Nor. & West 23 % do pfd 95
do pfd CS N. Y. Air Brake..1CT
No. Pacific & 211 Xo. American 12H
do pfd 74K Pacific Coast 46
Ontario & W 14 % do 1st Pfd 0
O. B . & N 43 do 2d pfd 63
do pfd 75 Pacific Mall 40U
Pennsylvania. 130 % People's Qa IftHi
Reading 2' " . Pressed S. C 54 %
do 1st pfd 1 % do pfd 88
do 2d rrfd 32 Pullman P. C..16n
Hlo Q. West 3714 S. II. & T 614
do pfd 81 % Sugar ! ( > ! %
St. L. & S. F U do ffA 1171,4
do 1st pfd 69 Tenn. C. & 1 114
do Sd pfd 3611 U. S. Leather 13 %
St. U S. W 14 do pfd 78 %
do pfd 33U U. S. Rubber 48
St. Paul 126Vi do pfd 114
do pM..i 171 WMt. Union S7 %
fit. P. & 0 124 Republic I. & S. . . . 27 %
So. Pacific- 36 % do pfd 73
80. Hallway 1U4 P. , C. , C. & St. ! > . . 74
do ptd BU ;
Jfoiv York Money Miirlcet.
NEW YOnK. Sept. 26. MONEY-On call
strong at G020 per cent ; last loan at 20
per cent. Prime mercantile paper , 6 406
per cent.
actual business In bankers' bills at $4.S5 %
S4.SG for demand , and at $4.81i4.81 % for
sixty days : posted rates , $1.83 and II.8GV4.
Commercial bills , $4.8104.81 % .
SILVER Certincatcs , 6GQ60e ; bar , BSftc ;
Mexican dollars , 47Jic.
BONDS Government bonds strong , state
bonds inactive , railroad bonds weak.
The following are the closing quotations
on bonds ;
Iiomlnii Stuck ( luotntloiii.
LONDON , Sept. 26. 4 p , m.-CIosIng :
CongolB. moiny , . . .1044 St. Paul , common. ,130H
do acoi.'nt ,1047-16 N , V , Central . 133 %
Canadian Paclns . . S4 Pennsylvania , , , . , . 67U
Erie . 13U Grand Trunk . 7H
do 1st pfd . 37i/l UmUvllla . 7514
Illinois Central , , , , U5'i Anaconda . 10 %
U. P. pfd
HAH SII VKK Unchanged , 27Hd per
'MONEY-lVi per cent. The rnte of dis
count In the open market for both short
and three months bills , 3 % per cent.
Condition 11 f tlm TrriiHiiry ,
WASHINGTON , Sept. 2G.-Todny's statement -
ment of the condition of tile treasury
shows ; Available cash balance , $2S7S55 , .
C31 ; gold reserve , $254,024 , 6.
Itu ill.drillIll KM.
NBW YORK. Sept. 2C.-ClcarinBS , $237-
031.719 : balances. $72.441.5m.
CHICAGO , Sept. 2t ! . Clearlnes. $20,837-
699 ; balance * , $1,9S9SGS ; New York ex-
change , We discount , ' sterling exchange ,
ST i.OflS , Sept. 26.-ricnrlnK8 , $5,274.-
110 ; balances , $442,677 ; money , t'tis per cent ;
New York exchange1 , OOc discount bid , 30c
discount asked.
HOSTON. Mass. , Sept. M.-Clcarlngs ,
$2ICS1,270 ; balances. $2,7f i.nSl.
lIAl/riMOKI'3 , Md. < Sept. 26. Clearings ,
$3Glfi.rOfl ; Imhtnccs , $144,437.
PltlljAliKbPIllA , Pa. , Sont. 2 ( ! . Clear
ings , $17,499 , 7K ; balances , $2,031,612.
ItiiMitii SocUn mill llnniln.
HOSTON , Sept. 2fi.-Call loans. 4 ! ! - . < ? per
cent ; Ume loans , I'.Jfl&H per cent. Closing
I'orcl.'cii l-'Inuiiclnl.
LONDON. Sept. 2 < > . There wns very llt-
tlc doing in American securities todny.
Prices were lower owing to the denrncss
of money In the United States. At the .
close the final tone was dull. Spanish 4s ;
closed nt 61. Gold to the nmount of . .C103i i
000 wns withdrawn from the Bank of Eng
land today for shipment to Egypt. Gold
premium quoted nt Hucnos Ayrcs , 13G.SO ;
gold bars quotud 77s 9VJd. ,
UEHLIN. Sopt. 26. On the bourse todny
money wns quoted nt G'.fc per cent. The
market wns wpnk owing to the unfavora
ble money conditions ns disclosed by the
weekly statement of the Bank of Germany
nnd the decline In mine shares and Ameri
can securities on the London Stock ex
change. Locals were considerably lower
In realizations. Exchange on London ,
20m 45pfg for checks. The wceklv state
ment of the Imperial Bank of Germany
shows the following changes : Cash in
hand , decrease , 11.320,000 marks ; treasury
notes , decrease , 1,300.000 marks ; other se
curities , decrease , 34,720,000 marks ; notes
in circulation. Increase , 33,180,000 marks.
PARIS , Sept. 26. Business on the bourse
today was heavy , operators anxiously
awaiting the answer of President Kruger
of the Transvaal government to the latest
dispatch of the British secretary of state
for the colonies , Joseph Chamberlain , and
Great Britain's fresh proposal. Rentes and
apiinisn were maintained , i-oreign se
curities , particularly Turks , were easier.
Rio tintos relapsed. There were largo
realizations In DeBeers mines , prompted by
the approach of the settlement. Kafllrs
were weak and were freely offered on the
Lomlon account. Three per cent rentes ,
lOOf C5c for the account. Exchange on Lon
don , 25f 27c for checks. Spanish 4s closed
at f.2.30.
FRANKFORT. Sept. 2fl.-Operators on
the bourse today were principally absorbed
In the settlement and the market was dull ,
many declines toeing recorded. Local
shares were offered , especially at the close.
American securities weakened in sympathy
with the New York market.
'MADRID. ' Sept 2C. Spanish 4s closed to
day nt 71.2G. Gold was quoted at 23.07.
BUENOS AYRES , Sept. 2G.-Gold quota
tions today , 137.
Silver tor F.uropc.
NEW YORK , Sept. 2G. The steamship
St. Pnul , sailing for Europe tomorrow ,
will take out 115,000 ounces of silver.
-Wool Market.
BOSTON , Sept. 26. WOOL The wool
market Is showing a stronger tone and
trade Is active. The bulk of the business
continues to bo good on territory wools.
About 7,000,000 Ibs. were sold of this de
scription and somewhat higher prices were
I obtained. For flno medium and fine ter
ritories , scoured , 52 < f53c was secured , while
staple lots reached BGSBSc. Fleece wools
arc quiet. . Fpr washed XX and above ,
Ohio , 31T32q-\yas obtained , and 29t30c for
X nnd above. Michigan and Illinois fleeces
hold steady-/but trade Is slow. Owing to
i the scarcity of Australian wool prices arc
nominal. Following are the quotations
for leading .descriptions : Ohio and Penn
sylvania fleeces , X and above , 2fliJ730c ; XX
and XX and above , 3Mi32c ; delaine , S.'i'O ' )
33V4c ; No. 1 combing. 33 < ff33i,4c. Michigan ,
Wisconsin , etc. X Michigan , 2425c ( : No.
1 Michigan combing , 3MT32c ; No. 2 Michi
gan combing , 2930c : No. 2 Illinois , 29J >
30c ; X New York. Now Hampshire and
Vermont. 23f24c ; No. 3 Now York , Now
Hampshire anil Vermont , 2Sj30c ; delalno
Michigan , 31ff33c. ( Unwashed medium , etc. ,
Kentucky and Indiana quarter blood
combing , 235i2lc ; three-eighths blood , 2458
25c ; Missouri quarter blood combing , 21G1
22c ; three-eighths blood , 22923c ; brnld
combing , 19JT20c ; lake and Georgia , 21@23c.
Territory wools Montana and Dakota line
medium and fine. IGQilSc ; scoured , 62053c ;
staple , E7@5Sc : Utah and Wyoming flno
medium and fine , 18@19c ; scoured , 51if52c ;
staple , E5 < g57c : Idaho line medium and flno ,
17@lSc ; scoured , BlSG2c : medium , 1819c ;
1 scoured , 45@4Gc. Australlnn , scoured basis ,
combing , superfine. 81 < JfS2c ; good , TSSSOc ;
good average , 75fi-f7c.
LONDON. Sept. 26. WOOL The offerings
at the wool auction sales today amounted
[ to 11,042 bales , Including a miscellaneous
i catalogue of good scoured merinos. The
, home trade was a strong buyer. Halfbreds
realized full figures , being tnken by the
continent and Yorkshire. Well grown
merinos were keenly competed for , espe
cially halfbred clips. Earthy Queensland
was occasionally in buyers favor. Lambs
caused active competition , the home trade
securing the 'bulk. Fine crosabreds were
eagerly taken by Yorkshire and German
buyers. Scotch manufacturers were espe
cially keen bidders for Hcoureds. A large
selection of medium nnd low grades sold In
sellers favor. American representatives
wore free buyers of Puntn Arenas stock at
Id and other W/4d. Several parcels were
tnken for American account. Following is
the sale in detail : New South Wales , 1,900
bales : scoured , ll&difSa Id ; greasy , Ed < ij >
Isl'/frd. Queensland , 1,000 bales ; scoured ,
lsCd@lflCy.d ; 'greasy ' , 8d < f1sld. Victoria ,
1,200 bales ; scoured , 10i12 d. New Zea
land , 5,500 bales : scoured , 7s 2d ; greasy , 4id.
Cape of Good Hope , 1,400 bales : greasy. S',4
fflli'Jd. Punta Arenas , 4,000 bales ; greasy ,
5' QO d. The first series for 1900 will open
January 16. The arrivals for this series
will close January 8. The second series Is
scheduled to open March C and the arrivals
close February 2fi. The offerings at each
sain will be unlimited.
ST. LOUIS , Sept. 26. WOOL Firm and
NEW YORK. Sept. 26. WOOL Firm ; do
mestic fle&co , 20Q 5c ; pulled Texas , 17c.
Niiurnr Mnrket ,
NEW YORK , Sept. 26. SUGAR Raw ,
Irregular and nominal ; fair refining ,
3 3-IGc ; centrifugal , 96 tfst , 4 5-16c. Molasses
sugar , 3 9-lCc ; sales , BOO tons centrifugal
nt foregoing prices : Refined. dull nnd
barely steady ; No. C , 4'/4o ; No. 7 , ;
4 7-lCc ; No. 8. 4&c ; No. 9 , 4 5-lCc ; '
No. 10 , 4C-16a ; No. 11 , 4 MGo ; No. 12 , 4c : No.
13. 4c ; 'No. ' 14 , 3 15-16c ; mould A. 6 7-lGc ;
standard A , 415-lCc : confectioners' A ,
41D-lCc ; cut loaf , 69-lfio ; crushed , 511-lGc ;
powdered , BVic ; granulated , 63-lGo ; cubes ,
fi E-lGc.
Steady : centrifugal , yellow. 4'/i4 c ; seconds
ends , 2HG4'c. { Molasses , dull ; centrifugal ,
LONDON Sept. 26. SUGAR Raw sugar
mtiHcovad , HB ; centrifugal , 12s 3d , Beet
sugar , September , 9s Gd ,
Ciiffi-o Mnrlcct.
"NEW " YORK , Sept. 26. COFFEE Options
opened steady at unchanged prices and
ruled Inactive most of the day , although
foreign market news averaged up favorably. .
there was very little speculative support i
and room operators were Indisposed to ,
enter Into the new commitments with n I
three day's adjustment closely at hand. |
Market closed steady unchanged to 5 points
net lower. Sale ? , 5,250 bags , Including : Sep
tember and October , $4.15 ; December , $1.50 ;
March , $4.70 ; May , $1.80 ; July , $1.90 ; August ,
$1.93. Spot Coffee Rio dull , but about
steady. Mild quiet and featureless.
fill Mnrkrt.
TOLEDO , Sept. 20. OILS-North Lima ,
$1.07 : South Lima and Indiana. $1.02.
NBW YOHIC , Sept. 20. OILS-Cotton-
fic'cd , strong ; yellow , 27H't28c. ' Petroleum ,
strong ; relined New York , $8.95 , Turpen
tine , firm at EOViQElc.
LONDON , Sept. 2G. OILS Calcutta lin
seed , spot , , 42s Cd. Turpentine spirits , 37s
3df < 37n Cd. Petroleum , American refined ,
Ntoelc III
The following are the receipts at prin
cipal western markets September 26 :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaha C.S14 12,178 11,027
Kansas City 13,500 11,600 3.S30
St. Louis , 6,700 B.GOO 700
Chicago 7,600 21.000 12.003
Totals 89.641 60,278 27.CB7
Largo Oatt'o ' Receipts , Over 250 Oars
Being Reported In ,
Hcnvlrni Hun of HORH Slurp tltp Knrly
I'nri of .Inly I'auUrrn Arc Slmv
N mi lloav
Ijllicrnl Supply of
SOUTH OMAHA , Sept. 26.
Receipts wrro ; Cuitlp. Ilo.-s. Sh-cn.
Ofllclnl Monday 6.CS5 2.9JS KfiO.1
Olllclal Tuesday G.SI4 12,178 11 OJ7
Two days tills week 13,529 15,130 2li30
Same days lnt wcek..lS,075 12923 15,1 7
Same days week before..13,0.19 9,109 12 , 2t
Same thrco weeks ago , . 9.2IS & .C42 17,490
Average prkt , > > nld for hogs for the last
several dayo viith ompnrlsona :
Total receipts 233 163 41 71
The disposition of the day's receipts wns '
as follows , each buyer purchoslng the num. .
ber of head indicated : (
Buyers Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. '
Omaha Packing Co 161 713 2S7
G. II. Hammond Co 411 1.CC3 727
Swift and Comoanv 4KK s.nsa i.m
Cudahy Pk. Company. . . . SCS 3.S72 1,917
Armour & Company 82 3,535 1,621
Omaha , from K. C 23
Cudahy , from K. C 1,335
Swift , from country 1,093
R. Becker & Degan 374
Vansant & Co 47
J. L. Carey 207
Lobman & Co 533
McCreary & Clark 39
W. I. Stephen 223
Benton & Underwood. . . . 223
Huston & Co 101
Livingston & Schaler. . . . 2SG
Hamilton & Rothchild. . . 248
L. 'F. ' Husz 120
Layton 121
Other Buyers 651 4 3.71
Held Over 600 150 1,000
Totals 6,933 12,140 12,497
CATTLE Receipts were large , over. 250
cars being reported in , but there did not
appear to be too many of any kind except
ing only common feeders.
Local packers were good buyers- and no
material change was noted In the market
for deslrable kinds of beef steers , either
cornfeds or grassers. As a rule the desir
able lots were all picked up early. The less
desirable kinds of fat cattle may have been
a little easier , as the tendency at Chicago
has been lower for some time and this mar
ket is relatively high.
Cows and heifers. In fact , nil kinds of
butchers' stock , was In fair reuqest , but
still the market was not quite so active as
on a good many days and values were no
more than steady. In. some cases prices
were barely steady , and perhaps thd situa
tion could beat bo described as slow , with
the less desirable kinds of cows Inclined
to drag.
Some of the best stackers and feeders
which just happened to please some buyer
in many cases sold early at Just about
steady prices. The general market , how
ever , on stackers and feeders was slow and
considerably lower. Common kinds espe
cially were very slow sale. Some of the
same kinds of cattle sold today 15c lower
than they wer bought early yesterday
morning , and there were others that went
the same way. While the bulk of all the
cattle In the yards changed hands early In
the morning , there wsre some left until
late , and the morning was well advanced
before buyers cleared the pens. Repre
sentative sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr No. Av. Pr.
1. . 760 $4 00 96..1095J575 20..1309 $5 GO
1..1230 450 4. . 950 635 39..13S6 SCO
1..1120 450 29..1165 660 9..1324 695
15..IMG 4 ( S 20..1219 665 61..1260 695
G. . 1)03 ) 4 70
16..1030 6 75
2..1100 200 1..1110 315 1. . 880 360
2. . 810 225 6. . 918 325 2..1120 350
3. . 993 290 14..1012 335 2..1130 440
1..1050 3 00 2. . 820 3 45
8. . 845 3 60 2. . COG 4 50
1..1180 275 1. . 980 316 6. . 610 360
1..13SO 290 1..1330 325 1..16SO 375
8. . 935 2 25 6. . 780 3 35
3. . 210 6 60 2. . 215 6 00
1..1330 4 25
1..1190 4 00 37. . 664 4 25 10. . 870 4 30
1. . 520 4 00 7. . 831 4 30 20. . 721 4 30
3. . 880 4 10 4. . 770 4 30 12. . 381 6 15
1 cow 830 225 65 cows 1037 3 35
9 calves. . . 353 525 1 cow 970 2 75
33 calve * . . . 309 525 4 cowa. . . . 715 3 50
Icow 970 225 1 feeder. . . C20 4 CO
32 feed era. , 920 4 45 9 feeders. . 896 4 40
2 feeders , 920 4 00 SO feeders. . 932 4 40
23 feeders , 951 4 45 3 feeders. . 950 4 00
3 feed era. . 951 4 00 6 feeders. . 976 4 40
6 feeders. . 870 4 40
16 cows 1021 365 1 steer. . . . . 9SO 4 45
4 cows 970 365 3 steers..1143 4 45
186teer8..12G9 4 45 1 steer 1220 4 45
22 steers..1209 4 45 1 steer 1390 4 45
1 steer..1130 4 45 2 feeders. . 940 350
3 feeders.1016 350 2 steers..1010 4 40
1 steer..1000 3 23 2 steers. . . . 950 4 40
1 steer..1080 3 75 2 steers. . . , 923 4 40
1 calf 250 4 75 1 steer 700 4 00
Icalf 2 0 6 00 1 steer. . , , , 760 4 00
2 cows. , . .1970 3 25 1 steer CCO 4 00
1 cow. , , 710 3 25 10steers , , . , 914 4 40
11 COW9 , . . .1000 3 25 9 steers. , , . 907 4 40
8 cows 1000 2 60 67 steers..1191 4 40
1 heifer. . . . G70 2 60 45 steers..1213 4 40
1 cow 900 2 50 34 Pteers..l203 4 40
1 cow 950 250 33 steers..11SS 4 40
20 steers..1239 4 40 52 steers..1325 4 B5
4 steers..1325 4 00 23 steers..1325 4 55
3 steers..114fi 375 1 bull 130) 3 25
Scows. . . . 725 3 15 2 cows 1075 3 40
1 cow , . . , . . G20 2 25 7 cows 1)07 ) 3 50
4 cows. . . .1037 340 6 feeders. . 870 3 40
5 cows. , . .1026 3 00 1 bull. . . ,1310 3 15
2 cows. , . .1100 3 00 Ibull. . . .1000 330
1 cow , . . . . . 920 3 00
6 cows- . , . . 928 3 25 1 cow , . 770 260
IS feeders , 611 4 60 6 cows. 9S3 300
G cows , , . . . 934 2 C5 Ibull. . , , . .1350 3 10
1 steer 740 2 G5 Ibull. . . , . .WA ) 3 35
Ibull 1500 3 00 3 hulls. . , . .1173 3 35
Ibull 1520 3 00 9 cows , . , . .1013 3 25
Snprlng'rs 7CO 3 00 1 bull , . . . . .1230 3 40
1 cow 850 3 00 1 bull 1310 3 40
7 cowa 911 3 00 43 steers. . , . KM 4 40
Ibull 1420 3 (0 E6 steers..1005 4 40
2 bulls 1390 300 5Gslcerg..lOIO 4 45
Ibull 1140 3 40 47 heifers. . 831 3 CO
1 steer 1250 3 50 23 cows. , , . . 731 3 SO
4 cows 1110 350 1 cow 970 3 60
1 cow , . , . .1170 3 60 4 cows. . . , . 757 360
1 cow. , , . . . 880 3 00 2CQW8 1075 360
3 cows. . . . 936 3 35 Icow 1020 3 00
Ibull , . . . .1G50 300 1 cow 10SO 3 00
6 COWS. . . ,1030 350 3 cows 1153 3 (0
6 cows. . . .1175 3 60 1 cow 1140 30)
1 cow , . . . .1150 3 60 2 cows..1140 3 00
ICOW 1230 360 Icalf. . . . . . 150 660
9 feeders. . 947 4 65 1 cow 770 270
3 feeders. . 9SO 4 65 4 feeders , . 920 4 35
1 feeder. . , 1070 4 65 2 feeders..1075 4 25
3 feeders,1050 4 05 9 feeders.1031 4 35
9 feeders.,1167 4 K 1 feeder. . . 970 4 35
2 feeders.,1000 4 65 1 feeder. . . 890 4 25
12 feeders. . 1058 4 55 2 feeders..1000 4 00
3 feeders..1056 4 65 1 feeder..1130 4 35
1 feeder.1080 4 K 2 feeders..10.10 435
6 feeders..1205 4 65 9 feeders1003 4 65
C feeders. . 910 4 35 1 heift-r. . . 630 3 75
1 feeder. . . 920 4 35 2 heifers. . 855 3 B1)
32 cowa 1013 335 60COWB. , . . . 977 , 33S
48 cows 1009 335
C. J. Gross Wyo.
10 feeders , , 868 4 26
M. C. Hubble Neb.
1 row OW S M 7 COWB. . . Kl 2 50
Icow 920 3 IS 3.1 feeders. , 893 440
It cows..1(87 ( 3 15
J Cnulson Wyo.
6 nicer..1333 4 75
J. Sullivan Idaho.
2 feeders.,1093 400 33 feeders. .1093 460
Jacob West Idaho.
1 feeder. . . 910 300 63 feeders..1123 435
3 bulls 141.1 3 ( 42 rccdirs.,1103 445
13 feeders..1191 3(8 ( 52 nte.-rs..l01S 445
1C feeders..loss 4 i 32 steers..1011 445
Marvel Horsry Co. Wyo.
9 cows 1013 330 31 st.c4rs..l3IS ! 4 60
E. Anderson Idaho.
Ocvrge K. Palne-S. D.
1 cow. . . 700 2 f n ) 1 cow ,1000 3 35
1 bull. . . . .1110 2 CO 10 cows. . . . ,1143 , 3 40
3 bulls. . . .13W ( 3 15 1 cow .1000 3 40
1 bull. . . . .1270 3 15 2 steers. . . ,1131) , ) 4 00
1 bull. . . . .13CO 3 15 1 feeder. . , 790 4 30
1 bull. . . . .1410 3 15 B feeders. SIS 4 30
1 cow. . . . . 770 3 35 1 feeder. . .1000 4 30
3 COWS. . . 733 3 35 15 steers. . . .1316 4 SS
William Body Nob.
21 steers..1022 4 55
HOGS There was a heavy run of hogs at
the yards today , the receipts being the
largest since the first part of July. A good
proportion of the receipts were composed
of medium weight hogs of good quality and
light hogs were also In good supply , while
rough heavy hogs were not so numerous as
The market at this point opened up with
bids ranging not much different from
yesterday. Packers , however , were slow
bidders on the heavy hogs nnd the market
on thee grades wns reported from weak to
2Vc lower. In some cases mixed hogs were
n trlllo easy , but the lightweights were
fully steady. Reports from other points
were not encouraging , so that the last end
of the market was a little easier. Heavy
hofs sold largely at $ I.37'J ' , with n few go-
1.1K at $1.35 nnd $4.40. The bulk of the mixed
hogs brought $4.10 and $ I.42H , and the light
weights , $1.4557-1.50. Today's top wns 2Vic
Iwittn * . tKnn \ > iaf r. .ln t .lint . . .n , . .It.n
ux. i * . _ tittiii j i ii\iu.bji un i. til til t > < in lHIU
more to quality than to an advance In the
market. In spite of the heavy receipts the
general market was active and practically
everything was cleaned up at a reasonably
early , hour. Representative sales :
JCo. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sli. Pr.
10 4W . . . 4 10 63 ZH . . . 4 40
4 : sv . . . 4 30 ns su . . . 4 40
13 K' < . . . 4 30 54 310 SO 4 40
54 3 % ISO J4 33 63 US SO 440
53 361 120 4 35 81 2M 120 4 40
C.1 32 1 0 4 35 81 237 2SO 440
W 20r. 160 4 35 81 216 . . . 440
41 . ' . . . . 436 73 H3 ' 120 440
10 SM . . . 435 72 2:4 . . . 440
12 2)3 . . . 4 37 > 4 C3 254 40 4 40
57 200 240 4 37't 71 239 SO 440
82 577 MO 4371,4 74 252 12fl 440
04 276 160 4 37 > ,4 89 247 120 440
61 KM . . . 4 S7H SO 270 40 440
60 2S8 40 4 37'.4 DO 264 . . . 4 40
56 307 SO 4 3TA 09 233 200 4 40
63 317 40 4 37V4 S5 24S 133 4 40
87 278 . . . 4 37 % 181 Sfi3 . . . 4 40
78 2 SO 4 37V4 64 2)8 ) ICO 4 40
62 2S1 120 4 37 76 237 200 4 40
5S 320 SO 4 S7Vi 79 2M SO 4 40
78 2CJ 120 4 3VA S3 24D liO 4 40
68 264 40 4 3714 177 282 . . . 4 40
35 IM 40 4371,4 6 26 SO 4 40
62 230 40 4 37V4 79 243 60 440
92 223 40 4 37V4 6S 272 SO 4 40
C4 261 . . . 4 37',4 Cfl 272 SO 440
84 2 2 SO 4 37i,4 C4 271 40 4 40
Co 206 40 4 3714 54 202 40 4 40
(2 330 160 4 ST'.i 71 244 SO 4 40
57 247 ISO 4 3iV4 IS 205 80 4 40
7J S83 160 4 37 > 4 12 2SS . . . 440
i SI 2C2 120 4371-4 C7 263 . . . 440
I S > ) 2 S 80 4 37'4 S3 264 SO 4 40
I 69 , ! . ' 29T . . . 4 S714 7C ' . . .244 . . . 4 40
M . . . 274 80 4 37i4 64 244 . . . 4 40
I 5fi 2 ! ) ! ! 10 4.1714 64 234 . . . 440
73 IK . . . 4 37V4 CO 2C4 . . . 4 40
fl ' 17 130 4 37'4 SO 2J13 200 4 40
6 ? 271 40 4 37V4 SJ 214 SO 4 40
P3 S./3 . S3 4 .1TH 66 263 40 440
63 V > 4 . . . 43714 68 273 . . . 440
' CS 2'.3 120 4 37ii 64 244 40 4 40
I 68 312 ICO 4 371,4 62 276 SO 4 40
, 62 317 . . . 4 37U 78 245 40 4 40
SO H.C . . . 4 37'/4 78 241 SO 440
' 74 202 120 4 3.-14 62 1D3 120 440
43 323 SO 4 374 ! S4 239 40 4 40
73 253 130 4 37V4 02 230 . . . 440
69 262 . . . 4 3714 71 268 . . . 4 40
64 317 . . . 4 37V4 W 2S9 80 449
64 271 SO 4 3714 C6 2S2 SO 4 40
74 279 160 4 37V4 84 2)6 SO 4 42V4
53 2SS . . . 4 3714 81 232 . . . 4 4o
62 324 120 4 37H 75 213 120 4 42',4
70 200 . . . 4 37',4 82 233 ICO 4 42&
66 286 320 4 3714 S2 235 40 4 42V4
' 9 2S2 SO 437 % 60 219 . . . 44214
70 284 240 4 37V4 74 211 SO 442(4 (
70 30G SO 4 37W 03 230 . . . 4 421,4
64 2fil SO 437i 6.S 247 40 4 42 > 4
M 275 120 4 37',4 67 240 60 4 42V4
68 251 160 4371/4 7S 233 40 4424
03 2 ! > 8 . . . 437W W 225 40 44214
CO 2S6 120 4 371/4 61 310 60 4 42V4
66 2-43 240 4 37V4 " ° -133 80 4 42V4
71 279 200 4 37H 67 214 SO 4 421/4
73 26S SO 43714 1 228 > 4 42V4
81 275 40 4 3714 "K 276 80 4 42V4
64 2S5 SO 43714 17 160 . . . 44214
71 214 40 4 40 78 236 . . . 4 45
85 2o3 BO 4 40 104 172 . . . 4 45
72 264 SO 4 40 93 223 40 4 45
24 295 80 4 40 69 251 . . . 4 45
&i 2CS SO 4 40 64 216 . . . 4 45
61 230 40 440 73 278 . . . 445
79 273 120 4 40 75 54 . . . 4 45
118 2ol 320 4 40 M 221 40 4 4714
62 Vl . . . 4 40 83 204 40 4 4714
72 200 . . . 4 40 74 204 . . . 4 4714
78 212 160 440 61 214 . . . 450
S6 240 . . . 4 40 97 165 . . . 4 DO
60 2C3 . . . 440 101 199 . .460
76 217 . . . 4 40 58 272 80 4 S3
60 274 SO 4 40 19 254 . . . 4 35
S3 231 120 4 40 70 203 . . . 4 60
1 370 . . . 4 SO 2 275 . . . 435
4 530 . . . 430 4 245 . . . 435
4 307 . . . 430 6 331 . . . 43714
4 365 . . . 4 30 6 143 . . . 4 40
8 301 . . . 4 30 5 236 . . . 4 40
4 237 . . . 435 2 275 . . . 440
SHEEP Arrivals were again large today ,
over forty loads bclnu reported In. At the
same time as a still further bear feature
Chicago reported a dull market. That , to-
Bether with the fact that a good deal of
sorting had to be done , made the market
late. Some killers sold a little higher than
the same kind yesterday , and some may
have sold at about steady prices , but ths
general market wns easier and In most cases
lOc lowQr.
As was the case yesterday , feeders wore
In pretty good demand and before the close
most everything In that line was dis
posed of.
Quotations : Prime native wethers , $1.201 ? )
4.30 ; good to choice grass wethers. $3. 0j >
4.00 ; fair to good grass wethers , J3.75fT3.90 ;
good to choice yearlings. t4.15B4.2S ; good to
choice grass ewes , $3.40i3.65 ; fair to good ;
grass ewes 13.0003.35 ; good to choice fprlng
lambs. $5.00ft5.2D ; fair to good spring lambs ,
$4.SOif5.00 ; common spring lambs * , $ l,00if4,50 ;
feeder wethcrf , $3.65 { < 3.75 : feeder yearlings ,
(3.8083.90 ( ; feeder lambs , * l,2offl.40.
Representative Bales :
No. Av. Pr.
26 Idaho wethers , culls 5 3 25
1 buck 170 275
727 Wyoming welhern 105 390
169 native lnmb 76 4 " 0
74 Idaho wethera 93 4 00
414 Idaho wethers 103 4 00
19 Idaho yearllnga 85 4 15
170 Idaho yearlings s : > 4 15
20 Idaho lambs , culls 9 431
130 western lambs , I > 7 4 SO
2CS Idaho lambs C7 4 Co
DO Idaho lambs 73 4 C5
123 Western ewes 101 325
SI. loul MVI * .lliiuU ,
ST. LOUIS , Sept. M.-CATTLK-Recelpts ,
r > ,709 head , Including 2.500 head Texans ;
market steady ; native shipping steers , 15.00
06.50 , with fancy worth $6.75 ; drenscd beef
steers. JI.SoQ'S.W ; Bteers under 1.000 His. ,
$ J.75.75 ! : stockers and feederB , 12.7031.50 :
COWH and heifers. $2.2504.70 ; camicrs , $1.00
62.76 ; bulls , $2.0033.10 ; Texas and Indian
steers , J3.lGy-l.CO ; cowu and heifers , $2.25@ '
iHOOS Receipts , 6WV ) head ; market ac-
tlVB , btrong and Bo higher ; pigs and lights.
$1.601(4.70 : packers , I.WiH. 5 ; butchers. $ I.C5
fiHKBP Receipts , 700 head ; market
steady ; native muttons- $3.COJ4.00 ? ; lambs ,
tl. 308-5.00 ; utorlters , J2.tOij3.OJ ; culls and
bucks , $1.0003.50.
KNIIKIIN City Mv .Stock ,
KANSAS CITV. Mo. , Sept. 26.-CATTU3
Receipts , 16,100 natives , 3,400 Texans , Re-
celpts were the heaviest ever recorded in
ono day on this market , Cholcu hlp-
plng and slaughtering steers steady ; or
dinary grades steady to lOo lower ; heavy
native steers. JJ.GOj W.2S ; lightweights ,
$5.1Gf5.65 | ; stockern and feeders. $3.8004.76 ;
butclieru' cowa and liclferu , J3.WJjG.OCi ; can-
ncrs , S&lfci&OO , western steers , $3,6Jj6,10j I
i Texnns , $ . < w < f3 75 , 1
HOGS Receipts , Il.fA ) head. light ,
strong to Bo higher ; lir.ivy , weak , 1ir.iv > ,
I $1.400-4.M ) ; mixed , $ l.36trl.fc& ; light , $1 K >
4. < a ; pigs. $ l.0jfi > 4.30.
Sinil'fP-Rccolpts , 3.S30 hond : liberal
supply nnd poor demand rc5ulti'd In wr.ik
marKeti lambs , $ I.BOfl6.-10 ; muttons , $3 so
ffH.OO ; Mockers and feeders , $3.00f/.i SG ;
culls , $20 j3.00.
1 '
Uviiinnil for Cattle Slo v , l-'till Prlc-cii
for Clinic * * OtTorliiicn Only.
26.-CATTLK-Tiie dc.
CntCAOO , Sept. - -
mnnd for caltie today was slow nnd whll
n , few choice offerings brought full prices
most sales were at slight conccrslons from
former quolntlons. Good to choice catlU
sold at f5.COfj6.TG ; commoner grades
HOGS Prices for hogs were 2 < 4c higher
for high grades. Hip demand was good
nnd oiTcr.nss were usually disposed of.
Heavy hojjs rold at J4.1Bil.75 ; mlxwl lots ,
$4.4W'4.SO : "light. $ I.BOfH.S5 ; pigs , $1.00 1.75 ;
culls , $2CCfM.I5.
SHEEP AND LAM113-Woro In modcrata
demiuid at fairly wtondy prices. Sheep sold
nt $ J.25fi4.30 for Inferior to choice drovr * ,
western"rangers selling nt M.Mjf-l.lS ; Inmba
sold nt $3.2oJ/5.50 for Infer or to choice ,
rnnpo flocks bringing $ l.50'if5.15.
RI-X3ElPTS-Cattlr. 7.600 head ; hogs , 21-
009 head ; shecvp , 12,000 head.
IV.illtcN mill
'MANCMUSTKK. ' Sept. -Clolhs llrm.
with a fnlr demand , 'iarns strong and con
siderable business done.
( Should b- rend dally by all Jntcrcsted ,
as changes may occur nt nny time. )
foreign malls tor the week ending Sep
tember 30 , 1S99 , will close ( PROMPTLY In
nil cases ) at the general postolllce as fol
lows : PARCHLS POST MAILS close ono
hour earlier than closing Unit ihown be
Trnim-Atliiiillc Mull * .
WEDNESDAY At 7 a. m. ( supplementary
9 a. m. ) for KUROPK , per a. . St. Paul' ,
via Southampton ( letters for Ireland must
be directed "p.r ? s. s. St. Paul" ) ; nt 9 a.
m. ( supplementary 10:30 : a. in. ) for KU-
ROPE , per s. s. Majestlr * . vln Queens-
town ; at 10:30 : a. m. for HKLO1UM direct ,
- per iy. . Noordlnnd ( letters must be di
rected "per a. s. Noordlnnd" ) .
SATURDAY-At 7 a. m. for FRANCE ,
INDIA , per s. . La Touralne * . via Havre
( letters fur other parts of Europe must bu
directed "per H. s. 1Touralne" ) ; at 8
n. m. for NETHERLANDS direct , per s.
s. Rotterdam , via Rotterdam ( letters must
be directed per H. s. Rotterdam" ) n ! m
n. m. ( supplementary 10:30 : a. in. ) for EU \
ROI'E , per s. s. Etrur u * . via Quccnsv
town ; nt 9 n. m. for ITALY , per s. i
JCalfer Win. II. , via Nnplo * ( letters must
bo directed "per s. s. Kaiser Wm , ll.1' ) :
at 10 a. in. for SCOTLAND direct , per s !
s. Ethiopia ( loiters must be directed "per
s. s. Ethiopia" ) ; at 11 a. in. tor NOR
WAY direct , per B. s. Norgo ( letters must
be directed "per s. s. Norgo" ) .
Printed Matter , etc. Oerman stcamcr
palling on Tues < iny take printed ma
etc. . for Germany anil specially
dressed printed matter , etc. , for nthfr
parts of Europe. American nnd Whlto
Stnr Bteimers on Wodnefdnys , German
steamers o : > 'Tnursilnys , and Ctinnrd ,
French and German steamers on Satur
days take printed matter , etc. , for all
countries for which they are advertised
to carry mr"i.
After the closing of the supplementary
trans-Atlantic malls named above , addi
tional supplementary mails are opened on
the piers of the American , linc'ish ' ,
French and German steamers , and re
main open until within ten minutes of the
hour of sailing of steamers.
Mull * ( or South null Central America ,
Went liiilifN. Kle.
WEDNESDAY At 9:20 : a. in. ( supplemen
tary 10:30 : a. m. ) for CENTRAL AMER
ICA ( except Costa Rica ) and SOUTH PA
CIFIC PORTS , per s. s. Alllanca. via
Colon ( letters for Guatemala must be di
rected ' 'per s. H. Alllanca" ) ; at 10:30 : a. in ,
for PORTO RICO , per U. S. Transport ,
via San Juan ; nt 1 p. m. for Ct'BA via
Havana , also CAMPEC1II3 , YUCATAN ,
TA13ASCO and CHIAPAS , per s. s. Sen
eca ( letters for other parts of Mexico must
bo directed "per s. a. Senoca" ) ; at 1 p.
in. for MEXICO , per . s. City of Wash
ington , via Tamplco ( letters must be di
rected "per s. s. City of Washington" ) .
THURSDAY At 2:30 : a. m. for NEW
FOUNDLAND , per s. s. Carthagenla.i ,
from Philadelphia : at 11 a. m. ( supple
mentary 11:30 : a. in. ) for CURACAO , also
THAGENA , via Curacao , per H. s. A. U.
Thorpe ; nt 1 p. m. ( supplementary 1:30 :
and SANTIAGO , per s. s. Santlitgo ; at
I p. m. for PORTO RICO , via Ponce , per
FRIDAY At 1 p. m. for JAMAICA , per B.
steamer from Boston.
FRIDAY At 1 a. m. for JAMAICA , per s.
s. Jason ( letters must bo directed "por u.
s. Jason" ) .
SATURDAY At 10 a , m. ( supplementary
iU:30 : a. m. ) for i-'ORTtTNE ISLANDS ,
OENA and GIIEYTOWN , per s. s. Altai
( letters for Costa Rica must bo directed
"per H. s. Altai" ) ; at 11 n. m. for CUBA ,
via Havana , per s. s. Havana ( lettera
must be dlrectnd "per s. H. Havana" ) ; , t
M. H. Ella.
SUNDAY At 8:30 : p. m. for ST. PIERRH
MIQUELON , per steamer from North
Malls for Newfoundland , by rail to North
Sydney , and theneo by steamer , close at
this ofllco dally at S:3p : p. m. , conncctlngf- '
close here every Monday , Wednesday andl
Saturday. Malls for Miquelon , by rail to
Boston , and thence by steamar , close ntV
this office dally ot S30 ! p. m , Malls for
Cuba , by rail to Port Tampa , Fin. , and
thence by steamer , close at this of
fice dally ( except Monday ) at * 7 a. m. ( the
connecting closes are on Sunday , Wednes
day nnd Friday. Malls for Cuba , by rail
to Miami , Fla. , nnd thence by steamer ,
close at this olnve every Monday , Tues
day and Saturday at " 2:30 : a. m. , ( the
connecting closes arc on Tuesday and
Saturday ) . Malls for Mexico City , over
land , unless specially addressed for dis
patch by Hteanicr. close nt this office dally
at 2:30 : a , m. and 2:30 : p. in. Malls for
Costa Rica , Belize , Puerto Cortea and
Guatemala , by rail to New Orleans , and
thence by steamer , close nt this olllc
dally nt * 3:00 : p m. , connentlne closes liert
Sundays and Tuesdays for Costa Rica
nnd Mondavs for Belize , Puerto Cortei
and Guatemala. 'Registered mall closet
at G p. m. previous day. "Registered maU
closes at G p. m , second day before.
I'miiM-I'iirlflu Mnlln.
tfalls for Chins , Japan nnd Hawaii , vii
San Francisco , close here dally at G:30 : p. m ,
up to September * 24 Inclusive for despatch
per 8. e. Coptic nnd up to Octobnr * 9th
inclusive for dispatch per s. H. City ol
Pekln. Malls for Socfety Inlands , vln
San Francisco , close hero dally at < i:3 :
p. in , up to September ! Hth Inclusive fur
despatch by ship Troplo nird , Malls for
Australia ( except West Australia ) , Now
/calami , Hawaii , FIJI and Samoan ltd-
s , via Bnn FranclHco , close hero dally
at 6:30 : p , m. after September 'IGtli and
up to September * 2tth ! inclusive , or on
day of arrival of H. H. Campania , duo at
New York September 29th , for despatch
per H. e , Murlposa. Malls for China and
Japan , via Vancouver , close hero dally
nt 6:30 : p , m. up to October * 3d Incluslva
for despatch per H. H. Empress of India.
Mails for Hawaii , via San Francisco ,
close horn dally nt CiO : : p. m. up to Oc
tober * 13tli Incinvlvn for dcspatcii per H ,
H. Au.itrnlla. Malls for Australasian
Colonies ( except West Australia , which
goes via Europe , nnd Now Zealand ,
which goes via San Francisco ) , Hawaii ,
nnd FIJI Islands , via Vancouver , closa
hero dally at 6:30 : p , m , after September
29lh nnd up to October * 13th Incluslvs
for despatch per H. H. Aorangl ,
Trans-Pnclfln malls are forwarded to porl
of stilling dally and Ine schedule of clos.
Ing Is arranged on the presumption o (
their uninterrupted overland transit.
Registered mall closes ai G p , m. prevlout
Postofllco , Now York , N , Y , , September 22 ,
Telephone 1030. Oumliu , Neb
Dlre-t wtrr iu u'tilaiKu > > , r Tor * .
Corrtipondrntii Jobc X. Wurrir. A c&