Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 24, 1899, Part I, Page 7, Image 7

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    TJII3 OMAHA DAILY 1H313 : SUN HAT , ST3PT13MU13K 21 , 189f > .
.4K. * . . - - - ,
f $
Monday's Time Stiles
H < n JUJIO 5 pminil * UrnnuliUeil
Suunr free v lth e ery pur
chase of - t-- DIN , of our nu-
lierlor Hletid differ n ( , lit , . Ufie
H to ihito a pk * . I'liiH , i , .
S to DiltO lo Skirt UnliiKs , jd. Hi
8 to tTO ! Ific Mrn'n llime. . . . To
S < u JUttW MCII'H Too Slilrlx. . ! -i >
8 ( o ( MilO-linc Tnrlil h ToitflM t' > o
8 to ( ll ! ( : i o InrnnlK1 Hlmi-x 1 | >
8 to DiIlO riiinpnildiir Comix ,
Mltli rlilurntoiu > 'tlliitM. | . 1'le
8 ( o lliiltl T.Oo SIcrlliiKSlUor
A Check Room for Parcels ,
Concert tomorrow.
Sample Dcef , Iron and \\lno \
Shines In Shoe Uep.irtmcnt.
rouii TIJM :
Furniture Doimrtinent 7SI7.
Furniture ShliipliiK li-pl until.
Clonk Dcpurlinpiit - ( Oil.
ilroccry Department Ilia I.
The People's Store Offices.
Omaha Office : 16'h ' iO Farnam Streets.
Chicago Office : 1S7 Michigan Avenue.
New York Office : 6SS ttmaiJuniy.
Jx iFoit Office : 11 Chcapsitle.
Paris Office : 60 KM do la Opera.
uox SUAI * Ftiun.
I'tenic return to * fliecko. .
IB of I lie Kooiln jolt linimlit here
Tliurxilny , Seiitciulier ( , mill
receive UN it rownril i l > o eon-
tnltilnpr three cnUen nf line Toilet
Soup. Chuelc niiiHt cull for purchase
chaseof ii'c OP over. .Nninlier
Iirliitcil In reil 111 loner left hand
Sold only to the < * e having thin
Iinrt of our itdvcrtlNiMiient
91.00 I.iullen' llrncclelN for..2.-e
Sold only to thonu liavlnc one of
oar eheckH of nny day e.\eei > llni ;
Mondiir lUc Il'd'lt'fM for IV.
Ladies' Fine Kid Gloves
Ladies , \Vo desire to call
your attention to the now
Montfort kid gloves , for which
wo ohtained the exclusive
agency in Armstndt. Goi'inany
and have never before hcon put on the
market In the west. Every pair is war-
/ I ' ranted perfect in every detail , or your
( j l , money back if you do not find them so.
_ They como in the now shades of grey , (
tan , oxblood , also white , in all sizes from 51 to 71 81.50 j ff \
would bo cheap for them , but The People's price is. . . . -I x/v/
With every purchase in our glove department wo
will give free of charge a cake of Colgate's highly
perfumed toilet soap.
Beautiful Creations Fall Millinery
Styled After the Leading Styles , Both Foreign and Domestic.
Ladies' Street and Dress Hats beautifully New York Pattern Hats intermingled with
trimmed with velvet and tips , fancy feathers and
European styles and fashions very handsome
ornaments , real and stylish becoming head gear for
$5.00 values , women actual $12 values
for The ficms of New York
Pattern Hats styles that
Elegantly Trimmed Dress outclass oven the imported
Hats styled after the latest hats , and preferred bv
Parisian effects exact copies many hats inteiuled to sell
at $1-1.00 , on Bale/7 fO
of them worth fully $7.60
tomorrow for. . . A. * y\j
our special price
tomorrow is Most Charming Styles
in Imported Hats the
New York Pattern Hats latest styles , direct from
a complete line of the swell London , Paris and Berlin ,
styles , most beautiful creations are sold hero for the prices
Now York sell
tions importers
, rare and artistically
at , for the roaso that wo
trimmed regular $10.00 do our own importing ,
values special A rQ having established Euro
sale price only . . . . fl " O pean offices. Our
GOLF HATS are still going at tlio prices that Imvo rmido $14.00 $18.00 and $25.00
tnis place tioaUquartors. Now lines . -.rrivlng almost dally. , . ,
75o for L26 Golf Huts.
. Hats bring almost double thosopricos in exclusive
98c for H.35 Golf Hats.
clusive millinery stores.
Ladies' Fine Ribbed Vests-
shaped body , long sleeves , 60o
value ( not'all sizes ) , " | OP
choice * - 2
Ladles' Fine Quality Ribbed
Vests superior grade
50o value
Ladies' Combi
nation Suits
p o r f o o t fitting ,
now styles
75c value ,
Ladies' Fine
Scarlet Wool
Underwear su
perior q u all ty ,
.vorth $1.25 u garment -
only. .
Ladies' Hose Tobacco Sales
Fast Black 5c Pkg. Cut Plug Smok
/ 7 J. ' ! tjY-1 vCotton Hose ing Tobacco and 2 Cigars'
/ Y Mmy
i-B u P o r i o r
quality , with Good Cigars and a lOc 9c
high spliced pkg , Tip Top for ,
heel and too ,
Pkg. Sweet Caporal
warranted Cigarettes -
seamless , ettes , Co pkg Gum
worth fully only . ,
25ca pair special price '
Adams Gum
for Pepsin
Monday package 4c
Ladies' Fast Black Cotton
Hose well finished , very fine lOc Package Tip Top , clay
guage , double heel and too , exceptional pipe and package Cigarettes -
ceptional quality very durable ottos , only
grade of hose worth
45o pair
Ladies' Fine Silk Hose-mix Corset Special
ed with lisle to insure strength
superior quality a very pret The Best Corset Bargain of
ty raugo oi patterns beautiful the season is our model corsets
colorings actually worth $1 a which wo olTer at a special low
pair special sale price C ( TH p price lor Monday's salo.
Wo also inoludo fancy high
Newest Thing in Holts plush , grade corsets worth up to $2.00
in all colors , over leather , with for the same price ,
cut steel buckles , worth
fully 81.50 , sale price only , ,
* * vt. < v CTI mk -B nt 'mt at vmar vt v k4r ggf wv * WL4V vmv * LJB > HufF & - * nfc v VBKV imr ty v ng ur uno.
Lord & Taylor's Dress Goods 30c on the $
New Fall Goods of recent manufacture , comprising the most effective and striking
patterns and rich designs , A grand opportunity for everybody.
For $1.50 Dress Fabrics , Black and Colored ,
including GO-inch all wool Bnscot cloth , 50inch nil wool
Cheviots , 50-inch nil wool Granites , 50-inch all wool
Armures , 60-inch all wool Homespuns , 50-inch nil wool
Broadcloths , 50-inch Fancy Novelties , 50-inch Cheviots ,
and Whipcords , 50-inch Homespuns , 50-inch Covert Cloth , and 50-inch Venetian Cloths ,
also a choice lot of golf suitings , all go at I39c yard.
Henriettas , Storm Serges , Whip Ueatitiftil Plaids and Fancies All Newest KITccts in Golf Suitings
cords nnd Tuftctl Suitings , Cheviots , wool and silk and wool OCJo wonderful patterns worth fully
Poplins nnd Diagonals , goods -df > r > worth up to SI a yard , choice wO , < 2.00 a yat d , sale price f\Q.n
worth up to 75o a yard 1 V1 4 ( > 'in. iM'cncli and Gentian Novel * only V O v
40'lnch Gorman Novelties beauti tics Cravanetto waterproof serges $3.00 Golf Plaids Elegant designs ,
ful designs nnd patterns , 19c melton suitings , $3.00 most beautiful effects , per4 Af\
worth 7oc a yard values yard , only 1 TE y
Arnold Constable & Co. Silks 30c on the $
The most beautiful and dazzling array of Silks over shown In Omaha at far below the regular
prices. No wonder wo ate doing the silk business of the olty.
Arnold Constable & Co.'s Fancy Fancy Silks the choicest colorings , Silks of Novel and Attractive DC'
Silks real pretty patterns , now and the rarest patterns bright and fas signs the choicest and most dazzling
novel designs , regular A f\n cinating , the ideal styles , color effects , beautiful , rloh QTo (
7uc values , for Tt V * 31.23 values . . . . . . . nnd rare $2.00 value O V-
Fancy Silks of the richest and rarest
Silks of Unrest Colorings most at. Positively the Hest Slllts over shown
designs , the now stripes and weaves
autunl 81.00 tractive patterns , elegant designs , for double the prleo
quality ,
worth $1.60 a yard ,
yard fj rn on sale
only JL yi * for
BLACK SATIN DUCHESSE , 100 Pieces Plain Black4 f\n $1.00 Taffetas aU colors ,
ALL PURE SILK. Taffetas 50o value , yard. . . . At choice designs , yard
$1.00 Grade Satin Duuhessc. . . 39a We guarantee the wear of these Slack Taffetas. Note the big price cuts , 'fhisii
$1.50 Grade Satin Dtichessc. . . ( ! < ) c positively the silk sale of the season. You can't ' afford to miss it.
$2.00 Grade Satin Duchcsse. . . 7Uc 75c Black Taffetas , yard A'Jc $1.25 Black Taffetas , yard . . . ( Jc ! )
$3.00 Grade Satin Duchcsse. . . 98c $1.00 Black Taffetas , yard . . . . 59c $1.50 Black Taffetas , yard . . . 79c
Shoes that Fit and Satisfy
That's the kind ' 1 he People's Store Sells and for less
money than most stores get for the "other" kinds.
FREE A ticket entitling the holder to 20
shines given with each pair of ladies' or
men's shoos sold.
Men's Real Vici Kid Shoes every pair
bears Focrdcr's stamp never sold under
$2.50 a pair sale 4 Kf >
price only J. Oy
Men's Best Milwaukee Oil
Grain Working Shoes doublet
solo and strap per
pair , only
Shoe Goodness Yes , that's what you get when
you buy a pair of our genuine yici kid ladies' shoos
In tan or black , $2.50 value , -4
sale price *
Misses' Fine Box Calf Shoes stylishly made
worth $2.00 a pair special * 4
sale price " *
Misses' Dongola Lace Shoes Patent
tip and trimmed made on neat last
regular price $1.25 a pair ,
The People's Grocery Store
is the place to save one-third on eatables 'Phono 1924 and give
your order , it will receive prompt attention.
Free , 6 Bars Santa Clans Soap ,
Diamond C or White Russian , with
every purchase of one pound of our
Superior Blend Mocha and Java
Colleo at 25c a pound.
Kancy Luruc Italian Pruned ,
Iicr Hi 1 ! l-Jo
C'holiiMiisuiHel HnlNliiN , 11) . 1 l--o
8 DIN. hand picked iiitvy lipan loc
1O lliit Grnmiliitcil Sugar-18o S HIM. IlrenlcfiiHt Oatmeal . . .li.u
' 1 HIM. nooil llrokcii 3Ioeliit nnd
( The rcoi lc' ) Superior Mlii-
Jna CofTee , only U. > eVery
. , ! )
ucHotu Flour , jior wU. Su
line IlaMlcet Drli-d .
Gooil White Corninoal , Very .Tiiiinii
NueU 'trie Tea , ] iur II ) ilSo
I'ounil . Corn Stnreh . . 3-"o
fin III ItlCMlnl Flour , nck..Sc ! itlfK. .1 -
1O luirx I.mi ii dry Sonii , Knauy .tllxed Illrd | J-Uo
niiy brninl , only Jlo Ilnlk Laundry
1O lli-Hiiclc pure Graliuiu Slui-ch , It ) : ! c
Flour , only 1-le Celulold or Fault-
Tn 11 can lllooil Hril Sal- ICNH Stnruh ,
inoii To
J < iirKe can 3IiiNtiirtl Oood Country
Surillnra do Under , II ) . . .IHu
Cuii OH SurilJiiuN , vim. - J--n K\ru I'anc-j-
Crape .VulH , per jiktf. . . . , lc Creaniery Hul-
1'iiro Ciller or AVIilte ter. Hi -lc
AVIne Vliii'Kar , Kiil..O J-M < i IVo. 1 I'lcnlc IlnniH
a-lb TI\LK. A1IO Soda , ner Ih ( Il-lc
10c Value Yard Wide Un
bleached Muslin par
500 Pieces Standard Prints
6c value
Blenched Ready-Mndc Pillow
Cases 121c values ,
Five Cases Fringed Towels
lOo value ,
500 Pieces Standard Skirt
Linings Go value ,
200 Pieces Plain nnd Fancy
Waist Lining 25c valuo.
yard : ,
Special Jewelry Bargains
Ladies' Chain Bracelets
with pretty lock
special price. . . .
Handsome Lorgnette
Chains same kind that sells
whore for $1.00 , only
Graduated Skirt Pin Sets Q _ ,
20c value , only y * *
Sterling Silver Friendship Heartsfl f |
" * i
only * "C
Nickel Alarm Clocks , worth 75c , only 49c.
Tattoo Alarm Clocks-will ring for 20 minutes \
If not Htoppud , (2.60 value * '
The Handsomest Line of Combs In the city , plain and jeweled
clod , extra largo pompadour combs , with long row ofiQ / -
rhino stones , only
Elegant Display of Suits & Wraps
The most complete line in the Prices never so low as now.
Ladies' Fur Collarettes- Hmh Grade Tailor-Made
Suits In tans , blaek. browns ,
Gorman sheer , coney or electric etc. Venetian cloths , her
tric seal full size capo with ringbones , chevlota and ser
ges all cut in latest style
high storm collar fine metallic
either tight-fitting or fly front
lic linings garments positively jackets , lined with tatTota
bilk all sizes 515 , $18 and
tively worth 53.00 1 faQi $20 values
on sale for , . . I- '
8.98 , 9.98
Genuine Marten Scarfs
extra length very beautilul and 12.98
made with six marten tails
Ladies' Fine Golf Capes
36 Inches long very beauti made extra full size , with
ful and stylish worth hoods , nil new up-to-dato
shades of golf plaids , all col
$15.00 special ors , real $10.00 values on
sale price for Monday
Monday for. . . . .5.98
Ladies' Genuine Denver ,
Black Satine Underskirts extra heavy , with Kersey or Melton Coat
14-inch deep corded rufllo cut extra full and Jackets all lined throughout with silk serge vel
worth fully $1.75 sale price vet collars with tailored strap seams O
only coat sleeves elegantly buttoned 816 valueO *
Men's Hose
Men's Good
Grade Cot
ton Hose
line guago
worth 20o a
pair , sale
price only
Basting Thread this
sale , per spool
Dress Shields per pair ,
Dress Stays per sot ,
Velveteen Skirt Binding An
everlasting kind , yard . , 'rft'- '
fi Bars Toilet Soap-
20c Bottle Perfume
tills gale
Fine Bristle Tooth
Brush only
Large Cake Carlo Cas
tile boap lOo vuluo
Men's Underwear
Jaeger's Wool Underwear
for men fine fleeced , superior
quality garments , worth
fully 7Gc , on sale for only. .
Full Weight Saxony Wool
Underwear Natural color , all
sizes , shirts
and drawers
this grade
is sold every
where at $1
lay in a sup
ply at o u r
price ,
Men's Fin
est Worsted
Ribbed Underwear -
in natural or
fancy colors ,
a regular $ lj
grade , all
sizes , shirts , . ,
and drawers , y _ r
on ealo
for. . . .
Great le Ends This Week
Supply your household needs now while the prices are far below the market value An advance is inevitable don't .miss this opportunity
Buy your Stove and Heater now and save one-third Bedding & Beds Carpets & Rugs
Home Coral Base Burner has heavy
Fine Pillows
Star Estate Steel Range nicely
very castings , full nlcklod , largo fire pot , a good v/orth $2 a pair
made , of heavy wrought steel , highly polished '
steady 'heater , and a coal saver , sale priqo ,
ished full nickel trimmings , has duplex worth $28 sale price lO.OU only yOC
Krato for wood coal , worth
. or rfs.r \ Peninsula Base Burner has very Prime Gccsc
fully | 15.00 special
Feather Pillows
heavy castings , with lull nickel trimmings ,
Four-Hole Cook Stove very heavy largo flro pot , a good beater , worth fully 81 a
castings , full nickel trimmed , good ulze oven , worth fully J37.GO , only pair , spo- n.A <
cial Balo. . . , . *
guaranteed a goodi baker , worth * - , f n Estate Oak air tight , guaranteed to
? 15 , sale price only . .O.i/O
bold flro 48 hours with soft coat
ets white , 11-1 , worth fully 31.75 ,
H.Piece Bedroom Sult-flno oak finish Silver Gem Range heavy castings , worth fully { 1C , special only . . . sale price only
largo oven , a good baker , full . , _ _
ish , lieautlful carving , large dresser , with 14. Ivy Heater steel drum , brick lined Fancy Colored Blankets superior
nickel trimmings , $20 value OU
beautiful pinto glass mirror , . _ o _ nickel urn , 4 feet high , worth - -.Q quality , worth fully $3 , specialt AO
worth J22 sale price only lo. ob Smooth Iron Stove Pipe ealo price only 1 4O
Grand Sewing Machlnes-Kvory mal'op ' i ° int lie Duke Bed Hooin Heater one hole Heavy Wool Blankets superior qual Beautiful Ingrain Carpets the now-
chine warranted a written guarantee given ; Crystal Stove Board paper lin- ity , the kind generally sold for cst designs worth OOo .
top , good heavy castings , worth n , a yard
Solid Oak Sideboards with These machines embody nil the Improve- , 28x28 , $1 value 49c sale $7,50 , bale price O.UO only aye
M price
three extra largo drawers , cutlery menta of the best sewing machines , adapt
drawer velvet lined , with largo ed for nil kinds of plain nnd fancy eewlne Crvstal Stove Board wood lin- Large Size Comforters filled with Fiber Carpets now fall designs , at
French bevel plate mirrors , elegant $10 lltflit September running worth price fully 6xji A. O ed , 28x28 , 81.75 value , . . Fine Nottingham Lace Curtains white cotton batting , nice covered Q tractive patterns , worth fully C5o , Ar.
elegant designs , very beautiful patterns , worth fully $3 , uulo price 1.4H a yard , only 4vC
handles , worth fully $20only * upholstering Morris Chair full ocautlfu1 frames , rich Beautiful .Mahogany Hockcr coh- 3 ! yards long , our own Imnorta- _ Good Comforters nicely quilt Rich Velvet Carpets rare lBau-00 )
Large Chiffoniers antique finish , worth fully J12 sale set price springs 4.O\f bler or wood ecatr richly carved , extra full tlon ? 2.DO values for , . ,1 5 ed , 111 led with cotton , fl value , . . tlful designs , 81,23 value , yard..VOC
size , a positive } 5 value Sep- _ _ _
with mirror nleo Axminster and
large carvings
plato ,
" Beautiful Tapestry Portieres all Mocjuette Carpets
drawers solid toniber ealu price , . , . , . . . J. 0" beautiful
ings on top , 5 , f QQ Bliodcs and designs , over 300 differed pat designs , goods worth ork
brass handles , $15 value , for " "O Handsome Dining Itoom Chair , terns , worth | 5 a pair sale _ _ _ 81.25u yard , sale price ol/C
Solid Quartered Oak China Cub. handsome carvings , cane seat , _ _ . price only 2.I/O
inet with heavy glass doors ana worth fully J1.25. ealo price 7ilC Strong Built Iriinks covered Beautiful Enamel cd Bed IIIIN heavy
sides , 4 large adjustable shelves , Beautiful Hope Portieres corner posts , strong steel Dido rails ,
Handsome Tabourettes nlth olicct Iron , nicely japanned , nice- Q
solid top , worth 52.00 1.110 handsome brass _ _
nicely finished , $20 value , - fully , only trimmings ,
1O fy lined complete with hat box and f
for -.Vi5 antique or mahogany , an ornament ; worth fully $10 , sale price. . O.nU
tray , ol&o other convenient Chenille Table
& partitions , Covers rich designs
100 Piece Dinner Sets beautiful ment to any room 59C Bolld BUKJ ! corners with brass . _ _ and patterns , size 4-4 worth - Cotton Top Mattress covered with
decorated Knglishware , line under- $1 value lock , worth fully J6.EO , 4. 5 fnil.V 75o , only 41JC fancy ticking , well filled , worth -
glazed , neat designs , worth $3.00 , sale price . .I.OV
fully 812 OOO FREE A $225 Seal Skin Jacket will bo given awav hi our Furniture- Department Thanksgiving Eve Woven Wire Springs , hardwood
to the luck purclmbor. For full details inquire in the department. " Q
frame , worth fully $2 , tale price"oC
IMPORTANT Wo dcslro to inform the public that all merchandise on our main iloor , such as Dry Goods , Groceries and Shoes will bo sold for cash only. Merchandise on every other floor , Btich
as .Ready-made Wearing Apparel. Millinery , Furniture Carpets Stoves and Household Goods will bo
, , , sold as heretofore either for caah or on the Easy Payment Plan.