0 THE OTVIAHA DAILY BIDE : SUNDAY , SEPTEMTiEK 24 , 1899. TOR OF SOCIAL BRILLIANCY Usual Lull Before the Ak-3arBen Fcstiyl- ties Signally Believed. SMITH-SHIVERICK WEDDING WEDNESDAY I'nrnilr In Lincoln lliirrniT Sunnof Oiniilitt'N llcnuttmillc * In WnltliiK nnil .Muldx Clinton for Monnroli'M Court. The apathy which usually settles down upon the last days of tlio reign of the va rious Ak-Sar-Brn kings waa lifted by two vary brilliant events ; the Smlth-Shlverlck we ding anil the llowar parade In Lincoln , the latter of which vua viewed by a num ber of Omaha society people. The parade van magnificent In all Its appointment. Ovrr 100 vehicles elaborately trimmed in Honors of every hue and shape , beautiful young -women In light Rummer gowns , ample music of the most stirring quality , and a throng of enthusiastic admirers , all went to inaUo up as successful an entertainment as Lincoln has over provided. The quean , Mrs. John D. Wright , well known In Omaha cir cles , was gorgeous in white mousscllno de Bolo elaborately embroidered In sliver. The Jon ? court train of royal purple velvet edged < \\llh ormlno fell In unbroken folds from the OccolloUo corsage. About her neck glistened a diamond necklace with three diamond jiwidaata. In her powdered hair she wore n tiara of diamonds. The queen's chariot wnj a bower of whlto chrysanthemums drawn by four -nhlto horses. The carriage which was awarded first prlzo for artistic excellence was the work of Mrs , Wlttman , n well known artist and society woman. The color Bchemo was gray and blue. Flcur deUs Us in variegated shades of blue covered every conceivable spot of the trap and were onndo BO artistically as to deceive the eye nt a short distance. Mrs. Wlttman was gowned In a delicate shade of gray mous- Bollno embroidered In blue flour do Us. A deep gulmpo of ollver lace , long gray gloves , and a gray velvet hat covered with gray ostrich plumes on her golden hair com pleted a moat bewitching attire. She drove ( i fjray horse , with silver trappings. All thought nnd preparations center around the most gorgeous and elaborate event of the year , < the Ak-Sar-Ben ball of next Friday evening. The royal court is nearly completed for the brilliant affair and nlri > ady it presents a magnificent appearance - anco with Its many colored lights and drap eries. A beautiful fountain playo In the center of the hall , surrounded by numerous tall outspreading palms. With ample music , myriads of colored lights and the beauty and chivalry of Omaha gathered there , the scone will present a veritable fairyland. Pros perity and happiness have so crowded the rttlu of 'tho present king and queen that access to greater power for the royal dynasty of King Ak-Sar-Ilen V will bo ren dered comparatively easy. The names of the monarch who will sway his scepter over the city and his queen will not bo divulged itlll the grand hall , but undoubtedly ! they will show the sarao leniency In municipal and society affairs as their predecessors. The committees , ladles In waiting and jnnlds of honor have been selected as fol lows : Kcceptlon committee : Guy C. Barton , P. K. Moores , J. II. Mlllard , W. V. Morse , II. W Yntes , J. J. Dickey , J. E. Baum , Charles Mrtz , Charles II. Oulou , J. S. Brady , P. P. K rkendall , L. C. Reddlngton , T. W. Talla- ferro , A. B. Sommcrs , E. W. Hart , Thomas Kllpatrlck , Charles II. PIckens , E. II. Sprague , E. L. Lomax , W. H. Oarrett , W. J. C Kcnyon , L. S. need , P. J. Heel , L. II. Korty , J. O. Phllllppl , D. C. Patterson , R. S. Hodglns , E. DIckenson , J. A. Crolghton , F A. Nash , E. A. Ctidahy , 0. H. Kelley , J. D. IHichanan , P. II. Davis , J. L. Webster , J. E. Wilbur , M. C. Peters , C. E. Yost , O W. Wattles , W. A. Smith , T. M. Orr , G. A. Lln- Inger , Hen B. Wood , J. H. McDonald , M. II. Colllno , Edgar Allen. J. L. Kennedy , W. II. Porter , Julius Peycke , W. I. Hawkes , W. A. Powell. Beecher Hlgby , Victor White. Floor committee : W. II. McCord , J. G. Martin , Henry II. Allen , Stockton Ileth , P. A. Nash , jr. , G. II. Mayne , George H. Pal mer. A. P. Gulou , G. S. Wright. J. Clark Colt , Prank II. Haskell. Gould Deltz , Grote Hutchcson , Joseph Baldrldge , W. O. Bridges , Samuel Burns , Jr. , Walter Wood , Luther Drake , P. S. Cowglll , Frank T. Hamilton , Charles T. Kounlzo , John Cudahy , Charles S. Young , J. L. Paxton , L. P. Funkhouser , Charles T. George , J. T. Stewart , nay Crummor , Henry Cartan. W. Farnam Smith , T ) . P. Wclpton , A. J. Bauman , George R. Voss , Randall K. Brown , W. S. King , Isaac Coles , W. S. Douglas , A. J. Love , George P. Cornk , Clement Chase. Ladles in waiting : Mcsdames H. Vance Lane , Elmer E. Brysnn , W. S. Jardlne. John C French , John E. Wilbur , Arthur P. Gulou , Gcoi'ge II. Palmer , T. W. Tallaferro. jr. P. Roberson , A. B. Jaqulth , C. C. Rosewater - water , Harry G. Jordan , Fred Motz , Jr. , Clement Chase , E. II. Sprague , Charles Mot ? . Prank S. Cowglll , George P. Cronk , M. C. Peters , O.D. Kipllnger , A. V. Kins- lor , Lowls S. Reed , Leonldas Funkhouser , Omaha ; William II. Dudley. W. L. Douglas. Bert Sargeant , Council Bluffs ; D. L. Holmes , Scott King , South Omaha ; Carl Morton , Ne 1)raska City ; W. II. Dlngman , Grand Island ; S. M. Novlus , Kearney ; Arthur P. Glun , Grand Island ; Will Lowman , Hastings. Ladles of the court : Mrs. C. F. Mander- fwn , Mrs. Edward D. Peek , Mrs. II. J. Pen- fold , Mrs. A. H. Is'oyos , Mrs , II. S. WIlcox , Mrs. P. P. Kirkemlall , Mrs. John S. Brady , Mrs. George W. Mercer , Mrs. Charles M. Wllholm , Mrs. Edward Dickinson , Mrs. D , V. Sholea , Mrs. W. II. McCord. Mrs. Thomas ( A. Fry , Mm. Frederick H. Davis , Mrs. Gur- ilon W. Wattles , Mrs. George P. Bldwdt , Mrs , H. E. Palmer , Mrs. W. R. Bennett , Mrfl. Henry Cartan , Mrs. Victor White , Mrs. Grorgo S. Powell , Mrs. S. D. Barkalow , Mrs , William D. McHugh , Qm.Uia ; Mrs. James G. Martin , South Omaha ; Mrs. W. H. Mungcr. Fremont : Mrs. George H. Thummel , ilrs , H. H. Glover , Grand Island ; Mrs. T. B. Herd , Central City ; Mrs. W. H. Wake- Held , Beatrice ; Mm , S. H. Ilurnham , Lin coln. coln.Maids Maids of Honor- Miss Gertrude Kountze , Tdlss Helen B. Pock , Miss Adallne Nash , MUs Emma Crelghton , Mlas Clara Palmer , Miss Mao Loulfio Hamilton , Miss Margaret Pratt , Miss Elizabeth Allen , Mies EJIth Smith , Miss Lillian WIlcox , Mlra Sndlo Peck Allen , Miss Ada WIlcox , MIsa Rowena Hlg- Klnaon , Miss Eva Konnard , Miss Flora 'Wobstor , Mlw Ruth Wullor , Mlts Florence Kllpatrlck. MIsa Grace. Allen , Miss Ethel Morse , Ml.13 Helen Mlllard , MUs Georgia Llnduoy , MUs Edna Cowlu , Miss Cornelia I ] , Bennett , Miss Stella Hamilton , Miss Bertha Swensburg , Miss Louise. McPherson , Mlsa Lytlla Grunt Moore , Mlas Laura May Morse , Mlsa Jeanne Dean Brown , Mlaa Jessie Dickinson , MIsa Allco Weller , Miss Carolyn Utorcor , Miss Bcsslo Towle , MUs Edith Iroily. Omaha ; Miss Gretehen Crounse , Calhoun - houn ; Miss Eleanor Montgomery , MUs Nclllo Moore , Council Bluffs ; Miss Marie Crounse , Calhoun , Miss Belle Worlan , MUs Florence Bmlth , MUs Floixmco Pennlngton , South Omaha ; Miss Clarion Edna Herd , MUs Car- do Borryman , Central City ; Miss Edna Wil liams , MlbS Calllo Thompson , Grand Island ; Miss Chrlctlno Tnbor , Mlna N ncy Watson , Kearney ; MU > o Ida Mao McOrl , Miss Maud Wood , McCook ; Miss Mattle L , Mnywnnl , Mini Sarah C. Ireland , Nebraska City ; Mlw Belva Don Koruley , Laramlp , Wyo.j Mlas Bessie Noyes , Miss Fahne Deur , Logan , la. Pages : Misses Ruth Hyde Noyw and Sarah Margaret Martin. .HniltliSlilvprlcktiitlnlN. | . Wednesday at 1 o'clock occurred the marI rlage of Miss Anna Shlverlck , daughter of' Mrs. Charlcn Shlvcrlok , and Mr. Floyd Monroe - roe Smith at Trinity Episcopal church. Long before the appointed hour the church was filled wlUi the beauty and fashion of the city , for the 'brldo Is ono of Omaha's fairest and most popular belles. It was a perfect autumn day , the sun shone through the etnlned glass windows and fiocdod the interior with a soft mellow light. The beautiful toilets of the women and the clab- orate decorations of the church made it a scene long to bo remembered. Promptly at the appointed hour the organ pealed forth the old yet ever now wedding march nnd the bridal party entered the church. First cnimo the six ushers , Mr. Asa Shlverlck , Mr. Joseph Barker , Mr. Milton Darling , Mr. Arthur C. Smith , Mr. Walter Smith nnd Mr. Sam Caldwcll ; 'then the bridesmaids , Miss Adeline Nash , Miss Besslo Peck , Miss Whitney of New Haven , Miss Mao Hamil ton , MIsa Rising and Mies Jean Morton of Chicago. A striking feature of the wedding was that the bridesmaids were so grouped that a pronounced blonde walked with as pronounced a brunette. The mold of honor followed and then came the brldo herself , leaning on the arm of her unolo , Dr. Arthur Shlverlck. They were met at the chancel gate by the groom and his best man , Mr. Adelbert Smith. As the brldo ascended the Btops n golden flood of sunshine streamed down upon her and a thrill of admiration ran through the large audience , for no brldo could have looked moro divinely fair. The bridal robe waa a Paris creation of real lace over mousscllno do solo and having a foundation of heavy cream satin. The long I train was covered with pleatlngs of the moussel Ine , upon which rested a deep flounce of duchesso lace. Over all fell the tulle veil like a mist , half concealing , half re vealing. She carried a shower bouquet of lilies of Iho valley. The maid of honor , Miss Van Stcnwyck of La Crosse , WIs. , wore a beautiful gown of pink organdlo over pink taffeta , with lace gulpuro and sleeves. A large picture hat of pink tulle and a bunch of bridesmaid 'roses tied with broad whlto satin ribbons completed a very picturesque robe. The bridesmaids were attired alike In whlto organdie , effae'tlvely trimmed with footing. They wore white tulle hats cov ered with ostrich plumes and carried pink roses over their loft arms tied with broad pink satin ribbon , .tho ends falling the full length of the skirt. The ceremony was per formed iby Dean Fair and Mr. Butler pre sided at the organ. The services were made most effective by the eoft playing of Schu bert's "Serenade" during the ceremony. An Informal reception was held at the homo of the bride's mother immediately after 'the wedding. The house was deoo- rated with ivhlto asters and palms. The dining room was especially artistic In green and white. The table was profusely deco rated with bride's roses and largo bows of / white satin at each end. Mr. and Mrs. Smith went cast on their wedding Journey and will bo absent about a month. MncIlcynoIclH-Slott. A pretty home wedding occurred Wednes day evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Stott , Thirty-sixth and Farnam streets , which united the lives of Mr. James P. Mac- ncynolds of South Omaha nnd MIsa Lllllo Stott. Rev. Ilobert L. Wheeler of the First Presbyterian church of South Omaha offi ciated. Only a few Intimate friends were present at 'tho ceremony. The groom la a well known business man of South Omaha , while the ibrido enjoys a social distinction In both cities. Mr. and > Mrs. MacRoynolds will make their home at Twenty-fourth nnd D streets , South Omaha. A very fashionable wedding took place In Chicago nt St. Andrew's Episcopal church Tuesday morning at 9:20. : The contracting parties were Mr. Robert Blglow Stevenson.ot Omaha and Miss Maude Eleanor Bond , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bond of 733 West Monroe street , Chicago. The Rev. W. C. DeWltt olllclatedi The church and recep tion rooms were elaborately decorated witn palms ami rcses. After the ceremony a re caption and breakfast were- given at the Wellington hotel. Signer Salvatore Tomaso'a harp , 'mandolin ' nnd zither orchestra fur nished the music. The brldnl trip includes California , Colorado Springs and Denver. Mr. nnd Mrs. Stevenson will be at home after October 17 at the Sherman , Sherman avenue , Otnaha. Miss Edith E. Howe and Mr. Thomas Fal coner , jr. , both of this city , were marries at 'tho home of the bride's mother , 1817 North Twentieth street , Thursday evening at S o'clock. The ceremony was performea by Rev. P. B. Foster. Miss Anna Heywood acted ng bridesmaid and Mr. Pmnk Ettner as best man. In Honor of MINM Nlilvcrlclf. A largo dancing party was given Monday evening In the Now York .building . by Misses Peck , Nash and Hamilton In honor of Miss Shlvorlck and her bridesmaids. The affair was perfectly appointed and reflected much credit on the hostesses. Dancing was in dulged in till n Into hour. Ices were served. . . The Invited guests were : Mesdames C. W. Hamilton , J. N. H. Patrick , Harry Cartan , Luther Kountzo ; Misses Shlverlck , Van Steenwlck , Whitney , Rising , Morton , Nash , Crelghton , Moore , Kennnrd , Chandler , Brown , Peck , Helen Peck , Hamilton , .Mae Hamilton , Carlta Curtlss , Cowln , Illgglneon ; Messrs. Crelgh , Allen , Nash , Burns , Will Burns , Kehoe , McShano , Gannett , Brown , Shlvorlck , Floyd Smith , Adelbert Smith , Pratt , Kountze , Berk , Cartan , Fred Nash , Sherwood , Cudahy , Berlin nnd Caldwell. On Tuesday Mrs. E. A. Cudahy gave n charming luncheon In honor of Miss Shlv erlck and her bridesmaids. The dining room was done In pink. Prom a largo cut glass "bowl " of pink roses , which formed the center piece , ran broad pink ribbons to each plate with the nnmo of the guest In gold' ' letters. A delicious menu was served. Wednesday evening Mr. Arthur C. Smith entertained at a box party at Boyd'a theaUr the bridesmaids nnd ushers of the Smith- Shlvorlck wedding. Mrs. Deuel acted1 ns chaperono. After the performance supper was served at the Omaha club. Tuesday evening Miss Shlvorlck's brldea- tnaids nnd ushers formed a merry party nt Buffalo Bill's Wild West show. Ill tcli uot'k-At wood. Mr. William E. Hitchcock was married Wednesday to Miss Ruby Loulso Atwood of Klllawog , N , V , The wedding was a very quiet ono and brldo and groom left Im mediately for a wedding trip through New England. They will bo at homo In Omaha after November 1 at 1044 South Twenty-ninth Direct , Mrs. Hitchcock will be quite an ad dition to musical circles of Omaha. She graduated In volco culture under Prof. Al bert Laurence and Senor Rondlnolll of New York City. She had for her instructor In Interpretation and phrasing tbo well known 4&BSOJLUTEEY "PURE Makes tlie food more delicious and wholesome . . BAKIKO MwTit CO. , lltw Oli 1i i compcmor , Dudley Ruck , and In General rauM- cal culture Bho nnishwl under Xaver 3otmr- wenfta. For the lost two years Miss Atwood had oharso of the music In the Bcroan nap- tint temple of Philadelphia and previous to that tlmo she was nololst In the Oxford Pres byterian church of that city. Besides her church work Bho has had charge of the vocal j i department In South Jersey Institute nt I Drtdgoton , N. J. , for the last flvo yearn. ' | 1 At the homo of Mrs. Kllzabeth Olnckcy on Wlrt street on Wednesday afternoon nt 2:30 : occurred the marriage of her daughter , Lil lian May , and Mr. John William Schoolply. i The wedding was very simple and look place In the presence of a few friends nnd relatives. Miss Deulah Vance of Den Molncs , played the wedding march nnd the brldo I nnd groom without attendants took their , place tinder an arch of palms. Pink roses j were used in profusion In the parlors and : dining room. In the center of the table , stood a tall cutglnss vase of beautiful pink i roecs , while ribbons of the same hue crossed I the 'table ' and ended In Immense bows nt either end. Trailing vines were wreathed about the stairway nnd chandeliers nnd plants of the iroplcs with their broad leaves i ( graced the large reception hall. The brldo wore a becoming traveling gown of blue 1 Venetian cloth , tallor-nmdo. Mr. Schoelply ! and brldo left on the evening train for St. Louis , their future home. Knrcnt Hill Cur it Club. The Ferret Hill Card' ' club held its first mooting of the year at the homo of Mrs. Llnlnger. The drawing rooms were deco rated In yellow nnd red. Orcat vasco of goldenrod nnd garlands of red geraniums carried out the color scheme. A number of invited giiostn , bceldco the regular members of the club , enjoyed the afternoon. Con siderable amusement was afforded by the playing of a different game at each of the six .tables , and still { having it a progressive af fair , so that ono would leave a most hilarious table of hcartH to find horselt In the midst ot j | a sedate game of whist. Two courses of re- freshmcnts ivoro served nfter the prizes were awarded. Mrs. Van Nostrnnd wns the for tunate winner of a [ beautiful brass vase. Mrs. Wattles carried oft the eecond prize , n whlto lace fan with carved Ivory sticks. Ths third prlzo fell to Miss Winnie Collins , an engraved Nethersolo bracelet , and a bit of china in relief wns won by Mrs. Bruce. The card club will meet every two weeka at the different homes of the members. Ladles , for facial massage nnd hardening , ceo Miss Hubbard , 415 McCaguo block. Movcinpntn of SoclctjI'ooiile. . Captain Broatch left Tuesday for Denver. Miss Josephine Brady loft Friday for the cast. Ml/ss Elizabeth Whitney loft Thursday for Now York. Mrs. E. S. Dundy will arrive from Europe next week. Mra. W. A. Kelley Is visiting relatives at Ansel mo , Nob. Miss Balcombe returned Thursday from Detroit , Mich. Rev. Newton Mann returned Friday from a trip to Chicago. Mr. Clarence Thurston left Wednesday for Harvard college. . Mr. Al Dickinson left last week for ' Andover college. Mr. andMra. / . George W. Hoobler wont to Chicago Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Phil McShane are home from their wedding trip. Mrs. and Miss Wdbstor are at home after their European trip. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schneider have moved to 1902 Wirt street. Miss Beatrice Wilson returned Tuesday from an eastern trip. Mr. and Mrs. James Bono have returned from an eastern trip. Mr. Chris Hartman haa returned from a two-weeks' trip east. General Mnnderson and wlfo have returned from their eastern trip. Mildred House Is home from a three months' visit in Dearer. Miss Florence Cook has gone to attend the State university at Lincoln. Miss Hungate and Miss Bessie Hungato have returned from Chicago. Miss Mablo Stephen left yesterday for the cast to enter Vassar college. Mrs. H. AV. Bloor has gone to Colorado Springs for a two-weeks' visit. Mrs. A. C. Graham left Wednesday for Plnedalp , Wyo. , to visit her son. Mr. Archie B. Coon made n flying trip to Deadwood , returning Thursday. Ella May Brown ileft for Buffalo yester day lo enter St. 'M ' rgaret's academy. Dr. D. A. Footo Is homo from a two-weeks' trip to Montana and Yellowstone park. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Martin returned last Wednesday from their wedding journey. MIsa Cellla Drelfuss and Mr. Herman Drelfuss loft for Chicago last Wednesday. Dr. A. N. Edmlston and family left Sun day for New York , to bo absent two weeks. Mr. J. B. Southard , accompanied by Miss Southard , returned Saturday from Denver. Mrs. H. P. Stoddart of 021 Park avenue has returned from a visit at Madison , WIs. Mr. and Mrs. Whltmoro and daughter re turn next week from a trip to Washington , D. C. MM. James Chambers returned last week from a Bummer's outing on the coast of Maine. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Baurn loft Saturday for New York City to attend the Dewcy cele bration. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Fnrrlngton nnd daugh ters will make their future homo nt Ot- tumwa. Mrs. M. T. White has returned from a visit of two weeks with friends at DCS Molncs. Mrs. S. D. Barkalow has returned from Green Lake , WIs. , where she has spent the summer. Colonel C. B. Crary of Beaumont , Tex. , wus In Omaha to attend the Shiverlck-Smlfti wedding. Mrs. n. D. Uutherford and daughters I'pft Wednesday for n visit In Virginia and Waoh- ington , D. 0. Mr. nnd Mrs , S. n. Hush have returned from their wedding trip and are at hornu at the Her Grand. Mr. and Mm. Charles A , GOBS returned last Saturday from their summer's outing down the lakes. Mrs. T. C. Van Burne. who has been spending the summer In Fredonla , N. Y. , haa returned homo. Mrs. G. A. Coulter and niece , Mlra Hat- Uo Stevens , left for a visit with relatives at Cambridge , N. Y. Mrs. Edward Snyder and children arrive homo today from a summer vacation spent In New York and Now Jersey. Mrs. W. A. Wyatt was called homo from Canada by the death of her sister , Miti. Woodgato of Kansas City , Mo. Mr. W. N. Chambers left yesterday for the Vnlvcralty of Michigan , whore be cx- , pects to take the law course. Mrs. C , B. Coon returned Thursday nfter Hovoral weeks' visit with her daughter , Mrs. Qporgo V. Ayere , at Deadwood , S. D , The ladles who are to attend tbo Ak-Sar- Den ball are requested to send descriptions of their gowns to The Bee before Friday. Mra. Kllen Lynch , wife of I . W. Lynch , United States storekeeper , left Friday for Denver to visit relatives and .friends for about oix woekw. ( Mr , and Mrs. George Patteraon , Mrs , U. ( illmore and MIsa Amy Oil more were the gueata last week of Mr. nnd Mrs , W. B. Mlllard of Caihoun. Mra. Henry Miller left Saturday for Dee Molnea to attend the wedding of her BOD , Mr. Morris L. Miller , to Mlsi Jessie M. Goldman , which takes place next Thursday. Mr. Cheek C. Moore left Thursdny , accom panied by hln wife nnd son , for n three weeks' visit to Denver and Colorado Springs and olhcr points of Interest In Colorado. Mr. Cnrl and Rites Lulu Ilclnrlch leave this week for Chicago , -the former to enter the university nnd the latter to continue her musical studies with F.mll Llcbllng. Mr. nnd Mrs. F. j. McArdlo are now oo- cupylng their elegant new residence , re cently completed , at 2416 Hamilton , and will bo nt homo to their friends hereafter at that nddross. Dr. and Mrs. Charles Hull , Mr. nn.l Mrs. Fred Jloutz , Mrs. H. Percy Silver , Mrt > . Howard Kennedy , Jr. , nnd Miss Kugonla Getnor were among the Omaha people who attended the flower parade in Lincoln Wednesday. HiitcrtnliiiiiciitN of llic Wrclt. Mrs. I ) . Q. Joyce gave a kenslngton Wednesday afternoon in honor of MIsa Gardner of Evanston. Mrs. C. II. Tyler entertained the ladles of St. Paul's Eplscrpal church at n kcnslng- ton Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Edward Johnson entertained nt luncheon for Miss Helen Gardner of Evau- ston , III. , Thursday. The table was prettily decorated with ferns nnd cut flowers. Covers were laid for twelve. Mr. Hudolph Swanson delightfully enter tained his friends at n pretty luncheon on Thursdny. Covers were laid for ton , nnd the host's charming hospitality was en joyed to the .fullest , ns well as several popular vocal ballads of the day , which ho rendered during the evening. Mrs. J. Kocstcr gave n pleasant party In honor of her daughter Lillian's sixth birth day Friday afternoon. Many birthday gifts wore received. Games were played nnd re- freshmenla served. Those present were : Lilllam Koester , Barbara Bens , Margary Kllppol , Marie Klotz , Marrlam Dolan , Mar- rlam McGaffrey , Hazel Hartwell , Carrlo and Oscar Phlffcr of Council Bluffs , Charlra Zol- lor , Edward and David Marvin nnd Frank Koester. Miss Jeane Brown gave a most delightful lawn party last Friday evening. The beau tiful grounds and homo were decorated \vllh palms and Sut flowers , whllo numerous Jnpancso lanterns suspended from the v randas and over the lawn ehcd a ser radiance. A dancing pavilion waa erected and an orchestra furnished music for the merry dancers and concert numbers for the promenade. About sixty guests enjoyed Miss Brown's hospitality and lingered over the pleasure till the woo smn. ' hours. Refresh ments were served between .the dances. Mrs. Elizabeth V. Van Brocklln , widow of flic late Colonel Martin Van Brocklln , a distinguished civil engineer , railroad builder and promoter , not only in the United States , ( Continued on Ninth Page. ) Every day we are receiving something new , so if you saw our assortment yester day without finding just what you wanted you may flnd it tomorrow. Our garments need no words of recommendation from us. We do not think it necessary to tell you how they differ from the ordinary kind sold everywhere , as any lady who ig accus tomed to wearing Oio better class of tail ored garments can sco at a glance that ours are correct In every way. Wo invite you to look and you will find our prices are loss than some grades are sold in eastern cities. B \CLOAKSLSUITCO. 1510 Douglas St. prttiur Delmore Cheney Basso.Uaritone. Fcntlvnl , Concert mill Orntorlo T VJ' < > Special attention given to English % < > Oratorio. . < J > Suite 315 Itnmiee Illila. , Ouialin. has at last solved that crcat problem for people troubled with superfluous hair. Cap- illarlfl-Do Rado Instantly destroys super fluous hair without pain. IK perfectly harm less. Price , $1.00 per bottle to any address in plain wrapper. H. D. Van Camp & Co. , noom 4. 310 S. IDth St. . Omaha , Nob. * & i m * WHEN A BOX. When a box is filled it can hold no moro neither can a store accomodato anymore moro customers when already crowded. Our men's and woman's clothes clep'ts wore filled yesterday , sorry we couldn't give yon bettor attention , but there are oilier days the same ever stylish well made ever popular priced garments can be found here always when ono garment goes down the passenger elevator two comes up the freight. You'll ' find yourself on the safe side if you come hero for your clothing with one of the firm in Now York all the time , we're in the market at market lime , livery day brings us now things in Ladies' Cloaks and Suits you'll have to be here every day to keep posted as regard the up-to-date clothes. Clothes for Men , Men's Clothing As we write it is Saturday night. The business of the week is store history , a delightful retrospect. The compara tive analysis of our cloth ing sales by weeks , and the comparison of our week's sales with every corresponding week in past years showes a great gain so largo that we are more than surprised , you know , or if you don't , should ; that this store har bors no old clothing none but the brightest sales are brisk enough to warrant vast painstaking in collecting , fresh assortments and new goods keep coming in all the while. There is no equal stock within your reach you expect of us what other merchants can't even consider , and you shall not be disappointed ; our new fall suits for men are at your service ; no better ; no larger ; no better made ; no better quality ; no better prices have ever been made to you as we are mak ing this fall. Our line of ivien's Suits , all wool cheviots , double breasted , prop erly tailored , fine quality lining , extra wide facing , satin piped ; your may ex amine and compare this suit with any suit you find elsewhere at § 10.00 ; our price only. Mrs , E , Babbitt Siiverthorn OF BOSTON , And Teacher of SlnsInFT. Kdticated In Europe. Prepares pupils for opera , church j and concert hliiBliiR. She also has a nor- i mal course for teachers. I JI1SS BESSIK U. SILVKRTIIORN j of the N. E. Conservatory of Hoston j teaches the piano. Ear training .ind hand , culture. Please call or address. 810 WOHTHINGTON PLACE. Omaha. Mr M S A. M , , , McCarthy , . , PRIVATE TUTOR EnBllsh , Latin. Greek , Mathematics Pupils prepared for dally claw work. A few pupils received for elementary training in c nunon branches. Address , 1001 CALIFORNIA ST. j Mi jimm For Sale By All Music Dealers. Clothes for Women , Ladles' Silk Waists 200 of them All colors cardinal , garnets , navy helio , green , brown , black , tan , with alternate cords tind tucks accordiaii pleating , p la i n backs backs with tucks , French sleeves , zigzag cord ing , tucked in groups , tucked yoke and tucked yoke effects , satin Duchess , Taffeta , velvets , velveteens , India silks : all kinds and every waist worth twice the price we tare asking for them ; no such silk waist bargains have been offered you before " up Ladies' Golf and Walking Skirts All wool plaids , plains and checks , all colors , all qualities , blistered crepons camel's hair , cheviot serge , homespuns , storm serge , crepons , Venetian clothes , etc. , at just one-third be low the prices other stores1 are asking for them up Ladies' fall Jackets "We've the most complete line of ladies' fall jackets beaver , boucle , wool kersey , cheviots , Venetian cloth , etc- , every garment cut in the latest style and properly tailored , and we've mark ed them where no competitor $ ' " 590 can meet the prices * - < Colored and Black. Lot 1 Silk and Satin Waists , black and colored forme price § 3.00 to $5.00 now $2.50. ot 2 All colors and styles ; corded and tucked ; former price 85.50 to $7.00 now $3.75. . Lot -Waists valued from § 7.00 to $10.00 $5.50. A lot of black China Silk waists ; former price $2.75 now $1.50. See the large and handsome line of Children's Fall and Winter Cloaks and Jackets. a I CLARK & KEMP ill The Leading kZl 1 ! 1 ! Rood Set of TcrHi , 95.00. I'nre Gold Fllllnui , fl.lIO up. 22 ICiiriit field CrowiiH , ! jr.OO to ( JH.dO. DENTISTS. IIUST orncns IN THIS CITY. 1 FZ + f-t r ° "r"1 Vloor Ilninue HIil * . lotn , „ „ , . The only Is a visit from you , wo are showing this fall now goodn In nil of our depart ments. Wo have a most complete ut glass department a HOOM FULL of beautiful crystal glass and will have mor this week , Our Silver Line is Complete. Think of tbo above for wedding presents nothing moro appropriate. . ] In fact we have everything that la to bo had In a Jewelry store. Wedding stationery our wpeelalty. Just compare our prices with others. Mawhinney & Holiiday , Jewelers and Art Stationers , IStll and DflUQlaS StS. Successors to C. . S. Uaymnnd Co.