Continued Tomorrow and all Week. . The unqualified approval and earnest as well as eager demands of all Omaha based on the deserved merits of the sensational bargains and magnificent display of our fall opening , have led us to continue the sale another week Out ol town people are particularly advised to come this week on the very cheap railroad EXCURSIONS TO And reap the manifold advantages offered by us to save money on their fall purchases. THERE IS NO FINER MLILINERY THAN OURS , FIRST EXHIBIT OF AUTUMN STYLES IN i $22 60 SAMPLE SUITS $12 60 Splendid man-tailored Suit ? , In covert and Venetian cloth , unfinished worsted , . , and heavy serge : some nil silk lined , some have new percnllno lined skirts , Jacket collars , strapped seams , $12.50 MILLINERY aS tunic skirts , habit 'back ' , tomorrow , special W J ) $1800 HOMESPUN SUITS $1350 In new all wool homespuns , medium and dark gray ; tailor llnlshed skirts , * lined and Interlined , new close fitting Jackets , taffeta lined , faced \\lth satin , stitched collars , new sleeves $13.50 . .t > / / special tomorrow at This fall season's correct foreign and domestic designs. A bewildering array of \$10 00 TAII/OR MADE SUITS $3 OS Entire ladles' Suits for $398 , tnllor made In every detail , fly front , ne-w trench , Lnpllsh and American 1'attern Hats , In all that Is new and artistic In \ double-brensted Jackets , lined throughout with mercerized cluili , veUctoen bound , corduroy edged skirts ; color , material . nnd , Ideas , showing the handiwork of the world's most famous des - worth up to $10.00 , tomorrow special price , s lmtf such ns vlroti Pouyanne , - - - - - ind , etc. , at $15 W ) , $17.60 and $23.00. ' $6 93 BOUCLE CAPES , $2 50 Choice of over 400 ladles' new medium and heavy weight English mohair and boucle Capos , 32 Inches long , lined throughout with the best quality Skinner's satin , regular $ G OS value , 2.50 § i5.00 $17.50 AND special tomorrow at . , . $25.00 $700 SILK SEAL PLUSH CAPES $360 Ladles' new silk seal plush Capes , 24 Inches long , heavily beaded To create and add to this most Intero llnp display and sale we offer duplicates of and braided , edged with Thibet fur , new high collars , lined throughout with silk serge and positively 3.50 expensive pattern hats nt $5 00 , $7.50 and $10 00. $7.00 value special tomorrow . $5 $7.5O and $ IO ENGLISH MOHAIR CURL COATS $3 9S Some 350 n&w coats , made of heavy black English mohair curl , 3.98 . g'ood ' cold weather Jackets , % lined with very solid serge , all Blzea , spoclal for Monday . , The ordinals of which cost three and four times the price of these clever copies. I $12 50 LADIES' WINTER JACKETS $960 Ladles' new Winter Jackets , heavy melton clotih , double-breasted , ; ? ialsoP''ce ' ' on sale many original designs of our own head trimmers , executed storm and turn-over collars , now heavy satin lining special tomorrow at 9.50 ( .killed hands In our own work rooms A collection of the most handsome effects 1 Millinery . at prices that represent about half their actual value $1,05 , MISSES' NEW DOUBLE-BREASTED all wool Jersey reefer Jacket' ! , lined with heavy satin rhadame , storm 98. and turn-down collars , black and color ® , wo.rth $8.00 special tomorrow 3.98 98.S8.95 , S2.50 AND $3.98. TO OUR OUT OF TOWN fRICMlS. WKINVITk ! YOU to mains "Boston Store , " your store , Grand Special Sales your meeting place , your resting place , In every department money never your ofllce , yours for any purpose you see flt ; your wash-up , your lunch brought on so great u return nor did room , your resting place during the you ever see such a grand lot of bargains day. Wo will take carp of your packages gains asvo offer now In and check them . ages free of charge. A epeclal reception room for ladles. EVERYTHING YOU WEAR. 1 ALMOST inexhaustible exhibit of the choicest foreign and domestic fabrics in every weave , in every AN whim and fad , in every material. There never was a time or place , where and when you could be so quickly suited as you may be nogr at our store. No matter what the color , or style , or quality , or material or fancy you may ask for , we have it ready to show you , ' and furthermore we have it at a price that is lust about half what you would expect to pay for it. AT $1.00 Novelty Dress Goods 2Qc , Grand Fall opening bargain , consisting of 200 pieces fancy silk and wool novelty dress goods. including granite cloth , mohair , jacquards , di agonals , Scotch tweeds , Eng lish homespuns , French dobolgos and many other choice , now fall materials in all the now pooular up-to-date plaids , well worth up to $1.00 a yard , but will bo sold on front bargain square Monday at 29o. $2.00 Imported Novelty Dress Goods 98c. EXTRA DRESS GOODS DARGAIN-The sweiiest collection - lection of new imported fall Persian novelties in exclusive de signs , including hoavr silk and wool crystal bengalines , two-toned silk and wool poplins , wide1 coating serges , imported Venetian and covert cloth. In fact an almost endless variety of weaves and patterns , ranging as high as $2.00 yard , but which will bo sold Monday in our dress goods department as extra special value for 08c yard. (1.50 New Fall Dress Goods 49c , Extra bargain for Monday. 200 pieces plain and fancy suitings in light , medium and dark shades , also 46-inch reversible cheviots , 50-inch herring bone etripes , 42-inch tailor suitings in plain and fancy weaves , 64-inoh skirting plaids in new correct fall colors and pat terns for separate skirts , eto. Made to retail this fall for $1.50 yard , but go as special bargains Monday for 40o yard. Black Dress Goods Sale. Black crepon , the most popular of all black fabrics , heavy silk matelesse crepon , goods in the rich est patterns , fresh from the best English and French looms , extra fine finish , the most desirable and best orepons , that sell at S2.00 and $2.50 yard. Go on saleIn blaclc dress Roods department Monday at $1.26 and $1.49 yard. CLOT Men's ' Business Suits , 7 3D Men's ' Handsome Fall and $ f98 Men's ' Suits Neatgmteel _ effects In checks , m Winter Suits , The grandest assortment of new plalda mlxtures and plain , made of mI Made of Imported clay worsted , ca - up-to-date suits ever shown In all wool casslmeres and cheviots , In I elm ere and fancy cheviot , in all Omaha , made from all tihe fabrics most popular and best known , elng1o and double breasted styles , B styles , with durable serge linings , well fancy striped worsteds , Im with deep Innfr facing , serge linings carefully tailored and perfect fit ported black and mixed clay worsteds , cas- ings , well tailored , worth $7.50 , Our opening ting , worth and made to sell for $10.00. Our slmerca breasted and fancy vests cheviots , splendidly , single lined and double and ing sale price la only $5.00. opening sale price only $7.50. made by the best tailors , -worth $15.00. Our ealo price Is only $993. _ Men's ' Covert Cloth Top Coats $5,00 $ Gentlemen' Cloth Dress * Overcoats Latent for Enelliili fall and Covert winter. $1,00 Boy's ' School Knee Pants 35c , ENTIRE BODY AND SLEEVE liningof for fall and winter wear In every now , Skinner's Guaranteed Silk or lat These are boys' otrlctly all viutl , heavy fashionable shade from light tan to stylish est two-toned Fancy Black finish. durable . . . _ fall . style . , casslmcre , tweed and. oxford and brown , dressy , well- Excellently tailored like custom cheviot School Knee Pants , work. silk In sizes from 3 to IS . made Kvery eam yenrs. fitting and neat an ideal up-to- $5 piped ; any style poaket. Every Guaranteed to wear satis 35c date $7.CO dress coat- elegant correct shads and length. factorily. The regular special Well worth $16.00. price la a. dollar , but for , price , $600 Greatest value at M , . . . . . . . . . the opening sale they go at , Itoyn' School Suit * lit 91.08. llojrn' Loiiur I'nnta Suit * $8.BO. Pall null Winter Ovcrcoata. ( Sizes 3 to 1C years In Sailor , Brownie , Ves- All size * 11 to 19 years-Jail and winter We Invite you to ee our magnificent Hn < 8 tee , Plain and Double-breasted styles new weights In dark and light brown and gray of new fall overcoats. TJiey are made of the est patterns for fall ' 99. Pure woolnn fabrics mixtures all wool materials only best of very best Imported and domestic goods and and strongest reliable tailor work worth up Inside finish , durability and lowest price equal In every respect to the custom tail to $3 CO Special opening sale Ql OO guaranteed elsewhere sold up to < JQ Rfl ored articles , which 6Q | CH ( A price wl fO $0.00 Opening sale price vu.uU sell from $25ito $40 olc.OU TO Grand Special Opening Sale of New Fall CARPETS Smith's Tapestry Brussels The best grade Tapestry carpet in all the now fall pattern * , BrussolB carpet , none better at any , 65c . , that generally boll at 50o price. It generally rotalli at 85o yd KOOS tomorrow In all new patterns go at 30o yd atcscnyurcl , , , Sloan's best grade Moquette , Axminster and Velvet carpet wo make one uniform price on the $1.15 goods , for the opening sale only , 85c yd Those are with or without borders and are in hall and stair patterns to match price , Extra heavy Union All wool , cotton Ingrain carpet chain , Ingrain , 25c yard worth 89c yard worth 50o at 05c Strictly all wool , very All the best grade In heavy ingrain carpet , grain carpet , such well 65c all new designs known make * * as LowellHart ford , ato. that generally bell go at 50c yd at 81yd. , goattJooyd , Great Special Sale of Damaged OIL CLOTH. Tomorrow we offer the balanee of the Oil Cloth in short lengths , but many patterns of one kind making , enough of any one pattern for any size room. We will sell all the Oil Cloth at 15c yd worth up to 75c All the balance All the bal ance of that ance of the table oil cloth shelf oil cloth at 6c yd at 24c yd . . . All the linoleum , no matter what the quality , and most of them are the $1.00 kind , at 25c sq. yd „ ! _ „ THE continuation of our fall silk sale , we offer endless Jl variety of the most popular , the newest and finest silks that money can buy , and what is better still , we are able to make such remarkable bargain prices for the sale tomorrow that our silk de partment will be one grand sensational selling all day long. $2,25 $ and $2,00 $ New Fall Silks $1,39 , $1.75 Fall Novelty Silks 98o , New autumn silks , 150 pieces of including corded ere- the very newest pens , new Persian novelties , poplin motallque and prettiest lines imported , icfronco French plaids bonpa- and fall silks , including satin stripes , taffe- corded taffeta , all imported to retail for $2.00 n . . . . , now pompadour taffeta , printed taffeta and now and $2.25 a yard , go on sale Monday at $1.30. OSo vard lmported to retail Ior ei-75 a on Bal ° Monday at BLACK SILK BARGAINS. $1.50 Novelty Silks 39c arid 49c. 50 pieces all silk satin duchesse , extra and heavy of il yards of fancy very brilliant finish. Also 50 pieces imported French peau de soie , and 40 pieces extra heavy brocaded silks ty , plain and fancy satins , brocaded silk , . satin in beautiful designs. None of these poods are worth etc , , worth from $1.25 . to 81 50 a yard. of these loss than $1.50 a yard , and all go on sale Monday at 89c Many come a In waist and sltirt yard. square. longtha , all RO at 39o and 49o on bargain 3,000 pairs ladies' plain and fancy vesting top shoes , worth up to $1.00 a pair , in light and heavy soles. All sizes All widths All toea All new up-to-date fine ladies' shoes. Great Special Sale of BLANKETS Strictly all wool silver g gray blanketsworth 8-1 pair wo now offer at $2,50 pair Very fine all wool plaiil $5 blanitets. They are in pink and white , light blue and white , blaoic and white and red and white plaids. Equal to any ' 85 blankets in Omaha 3.50 They go at $3.50 pair . Very heavy white , all wool o California blankets at $5 00 v 5.00 pair. This Is our regular . $7.00 blankets Very heavy eoft , fleecy cot ton blankets , 125 extra , largo Blze , $1.25 a pair White and gray , full size , * very soft cotton blankets I SIR 75o pair WW The regular 6 < to cotton blankets go at 39o pair , 39c In white , gray and tan Single Crib Blankets. I5c ISo each , worth 2Sc. . , , , Grand Special Bargain In COMFORTS Extra large aateen and ellkolene A comforts , our oun make and tilled v with the finest trrade of white cot- tan. hand tufted , go at U.60 each. . Bargains In LINEN DEPT. 1,000 dozen eatln damask , knotted fringe , towclo , extra I5c large size , worth 25o & 35c , go at 25c turkey red damask , as long as It lasts yard , go at I2c : Extra heavy all linen Scotch table damask , 25c yard , .25c worth COc . Very finest grade of German silver bleached damask , 60o a 50C yard , worth 75c Extra largo size all linen nap kins , 75c dozen , worth .750 $1.50 . All linen Barnsloy eatln damask - g mask napkins , $1.75 dozen , would 1,75 lie cheap at $2.25 , One big lot of twilled roller toweling worth Cc , 2'/4o yard , 2k ; Extra heavy huck and fancy roller toweling , 3Hc yard , worth MEN'S ' SHOES The entire lot of the cele brated Boston Ease Man's $5 $ Shoe on special sale at $3 $ " 43,50 Some Special Bargains In BASEMENT Fall standard comfort print * , full pieces , not remnants , 2io ! yard 36-inch wide percale , go at .5c DC yard , . . . . . . . . " Best grade of Outing Flannel , lG go at 6V o yard Fleece back Wrapper Flannel , lB go at 6'c yard Full elze Lacs Curtains , 5c go r.t 15c each , . C-foot poles , without trlmmlngo , 2c go at 2c each. . . . . . . . . Extra heavy Cotton Flannel , 5c go at Co yard All grades of bleached muslin f > J and cambric , worth IZVtC , 5C " go at 60 yard , Uest grades of unbleached mualln , go at 2Vic yard. All kinds Eiderdown Flannel , all colors , 26c yard , 25c worth EOo