THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , SEPTEMBER 24 , 1899. 18 y RUBBER GOODS CO. , Nebraska. Below we show by cuts a small portion STOCK. Quite a number of articles which we carry WRITE FOR CATALOGUE IF YOU rmnf-nrl Tmmi nrmlinntimi . quoted upon application. DON'T SEE WHAT YOU WANT. ALL KINDS OF ATOMIZERS.THIS nrni.TOE r > t CKNTS. ELECTRIC BATTERIES. . . RUBBER BED PAN. NURSING BOTTLES. We carry a very oompletn line SYRINGES. < -f tmnlcrs of all kinds and nra . In. king extremely low prices on inmuo show below & few styles only , but our stock com- We sell about CO kinds of to kinds. limes syringes the ono shown by cut Is made of heavy elais with cloio fitting pUton and has soft nibber tip. Trice , ssc each. Sent per The Acme OH Atomizer. mall upon receipt of prlco. Wo have email all glass syringes , same shape for loc , ito and zoo each , VTe carry a very complete line of lyrlnRos sultc-d to the various purposes needed. Wo show cuts of two kinds below. f Wo have a very complete assortment of sup. piles for the mir orj. In nurMiiR bottloi wo Wo handle n nice line of batteries , both liquid Imvo twoho (12) ( ) different sliipos nnd stjloi and dry cell. Prices , $3.60 , $4.00. $6.00 and f.s.00 , 8HOKT some for NHOKS-ca-iy flltliiK In sterllzers to cloM\-somo others with - \ - wltli Call and them. ECO \n\\o \ at bottom of bottle other * Unit rome I EAB HTIUHGE. MEDICINE CASES. nptrt in mlddlo 1 ho prlco on moit kinds Is i o racli.ii for 2' > c , and " 60 per doenVo have The fttoml/er shown by cut above Is the one The above syringe comes bent about ! 5 kinds of rubber nipples to lit the nurs- Wo specially recommend to our customers nsono and straight and ! made of heavy era mentioned nDo\ . Khlch will plvo satisfaction It sprays any kind annealed , glass with close nttlng fluid cither oil , water or alcoholic solutions. The synnpo mown anoreTifts twotiard rubber , piston. rrlco , 200 ana 200 each. tips , noiseless sinker and tight joints. It t I has a very strong , durable bulb , fitted with KILL MILK MICROBES. aluminum valvn. The nosoplcco Is mndo of non- us good etery bit as the syrlngo ordinarily sola corroding racial Tills atomizer Is adnptod for for $1.00 to $1.25. Wo sell this syringe for coo ; praying ooso only , , 1'ilce $1.00 ; by mall , $1.10. German Steam Atomizor. by mall , ooc. Wo have Rubber Bed Pans-shapo Just as This steam atomizer Is stronRly constructed , shown above also round color black. Price , easy to take apirt , nil and operate. It Is fir HOT (3.00 for round and I3.0 for oral. superior to a kind which has sold for $50G for HOBNB NTIUNGE. rrmny years Price of Gorman Steam Atomizer , Above syrlngo Is tnado of non-corroding metal Good Value Atomizer , No.2O. $3 oo. 13urn alcohol. WATER and comes In 4,8 and is ounce (1 ( pt. ) capacity. ICE BAGS. Prlco , coo , $1.00 and $1.33. Good Value Atomizer , No. I. BAGS. r POWDER BLOWER. For face ache or NEUKALGIA Thonactorlnana microbes which sometimes , Intost milk can bo killed by 81 KIIILIKAI ION. there Is nothing The medicine shown abo\ contains 8 IhUcan best bo certain of casn ns \ o accomplished by use of the more Immediate strong bottles , each having n capacity of 4 AHNOUV8 HTKAM brKlllUKIilt This Is relief ElvlDg than water drams. The case Is handsome and serviceable. fitted with 7 graduated bottles holding 8 ounces . a Prlce$200. Wo have nice cisos for $ l.oo , $1.60 o.ich. Itlsmuloof heavy tin with cooper bet bag.wo sell A two- and $2.60 Just the thing for a fishing or camping tom. It can bo heated on > < : , oil , alcohol , gaso- Powder blower , shown above , Is one of tha . lluo quart b ig which Is rnoit convenient made. Hy means of a slip joint trip.Add or kitchen stovo. ItSiuhantnges < i\ur any warrantnd.forKOc Add lee for mailing. other slot Hirer are Tory evident. Price , $3.00 , the tnbo bo separated and loaded with can each. Call for book telling all about thorn. postpaid COcthree- powder. Price , 7BC each ; by mall , 80c. quart bag , esc , by mall , 75c. Our RUBBER URINALS. "Wo sell M kinds of Rubber Ice Hags Some FOR THE BABY. best 'velvet rod ' INVALID CUSHIONS. mndo of soft rubber , the mouth to bo closed with rubber two-quart No. 1 , Male , $1.25 No. 3,1'cmalo , $150. hrgo cork Prices sr.c , roc. coo nnd 7Co. Wo bag , $1.00 , by mall , The nrtlclo also have the largo "Fngllsh" Ice Hags , roado of (1.10. shown by cut li checked rubber cloth , with screw cap metal ono which brings mouth-Jt.oo each. Ice bags sent by mail upon "This atomizer lins s tips , adapted for sprayingno atomizer shown above Is a moit excellent preat comfort to receipt of prlco. nose throat and up behind iialato. It H strongly ono. and Is etronp and durable. It sprays watery jhoso who ridden ro Blck orbed c ntfructnd and works perfectly. rrlco.Jl.00 ; solutions woll-HOuy solutions fairly welL , 1'rlce , In all of bv mall. $1.10. we ; by mall. coc. Finger Cots protracted cases illness MEDICINE DROPPERS the of the Invalid use WHEN YOU SPRAIN YOUR ANKLE-I.25. valid cushlonwlll prevent bedsores The Acme Nipple , shaped an shown above. or make pa It perhaps the best of all-for the reason that tient comforta- H docs not collapse. They tire black , maroon bloafterthosoros ( red ) and whlto. The black test longest BO ha\e formed. Wo each , 450 per dozen. Sunt postpaid upou receipt havothocushtons of prlco. Victor Non- In three sizes 13 , 14 and 10 Inches la dlamotor at $1.75 , $ tM and tkiYa0chrby aTino.dropporBlbcnt8ndBtral8llt ? < RUBBER HAND BRUSH . Collapsible $2.25. \7hen your ankle or knee Is sprained yon will want some cnitohes. We sell a good , stout pat * or $1.25 ; best maple , $1,76 pair. Wo have all slzos of crutch rubberi at SSo per pair. By mall , 350- Nipple. We have quite n complete line of rubber nrlnils and can supply them In the style shown by cuts nlxno also In long ones reaching down the leg. Prices from $1.25 to RUBBER CLOVES. f2.GO. ZINC DOUCHE PAN. Wo have A full assortment of Rubber Gloves , which are now so much In UEO for protecting the hands from water and soil. Wo have them In tan and black , but recom mend the latter as wearing bettor. .Price , Rubber hand brush as shown above. Prlco , $ i.2S , by mall , $1.15. 2M. You cannot wear It out. The Zinc DouchoPan , shown toy cut above , Is TOOTHBRUSH the best thing oor devised for either a douche or bed pan. It Is non corrodablo and non break . aiid less BRUSH able-much lighter limn ca > expensive than granite Very comfortable for The "MAW" Nipple , shown above , la Intend' pitlputind has OMJI eight quirts capacltj ed for golngon nttlng with long rubber tube to go _ _ . . ivhlch is full ) doublothatof the oidlnary onus. HOLDER. down In nursing bottle. It comes In w ulto. rod Tbo above Nipple We hive linger Cots Its many advantages must bo apparent to pin si- . recommend black as being ' and black. wo cannot collapse. hi very thin rubber and r'ans , nurbo and patltnt. Prlco , fc.OO each ; with , , each a for IOC Me dozen v We sell all kinds of rubber goods at least all kbVs which are In any way medical accesiorlM , Prlco. ec each : 200 the heavy. Ire feet rubber outlet tublnc. $2 23. h ! s ± a most durable GO dozen. ; , per ; mitch Tips , 2to per pair ; 300 by mall. Wo soil the crutches , too. per dozen. for catalogue. by mail , 400 per WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN DRUG Middle of Block , 1513 Dodge St. , Omaha. DROLLERIES OF DONEGAL , r A Scries of Irish Folk Stories By Scunins Macmnnus. MANIS , THE BESOM MAN. Author of "Through the Turf Smoke , " "TheLeadin1 Road to Donegal. " liBWffl * < . > * ® 4 ® * > < # 03 Sd ® * ® ( Copyrlght.1699 , toy S. S.McCluro Co. ) Once upon a Umo , when pigs was awine , long , long ago , there was a man named Manls , iwho supported himself nnd his old disabled mother by making besoms out of the long heather on the lonely moor where they lived. Ono dtty , wlion Manlfl was driv ing a very aorry old Institution of a. horse < hat you could count every bone In hla body through the skin to the town -with a load of bosoms for Bale , Manls began to ruminate to himself on tbo bad trade this same besom- making wna becoming , entirely , that he could hardly kcfj > body and ) oowl sticking MANIS STUCK THE OOLD PIECES INTO TUB HOLES IN ITS HIDE. together himself , lot alone support his mother nnd nn old horee that would BOOU dlo on his Oiands anyuay ; and then he'd be In a fix. for he couldn't scrape as much money together ae would buy a now straddle , let alone a now hone. AuJ then , as for celling thl one , tlt'a what lio'd lm\o to pay a man to take lUru off his hands , let alone gfrt money for him. Hut it's a 'bad disable that can't bo cured somehow , Manls eald to himself so he began to consider to hlm- eolf tiow he couM cell Ills ricklo of a pony to ailantaKOMania had atout as clever a bead as over vras eot nn Ignorant ehoulders . nnd right > \ \ ell ho know this for heas not long finding a way out of the pickle. When be went to the town and disposed of his be- Eom , and eot the money for thorn , ho put the money into shilling pieces , bait-crown plocoa and ono haJf-txnereign , and , Inquiring Cor the grandest hotel , he put bis horee into the stable , and ttucic the gold half-soverelgt * L and all tbo ether pieces Into the holes In its hide 'for the poor baste'a skin had boles enough to hide away a fortune In , goodness kaowa ellpplnB them just where you'd know In under the skin ; and then ho went Into tht > "hotel " and ordered the best of everything , oatlng and drinking for himself , and as for the horse , ho told them not to nparo the corn and bran masbee on him , for ho "nas going to put Ihlm into training for a great race. Mania got all ho called for , and tha horeo , too , pot everything of the best , and that all fared well until it came to the pay ing of the bill , which came to a big figure entirely. "When the bill 'i\as put before him , Manls oaid ho would call again and pay It ; that ho hod no ready cash about him now , and all that. But the saltern raised the dlvll of a ruction , and sent for the ownoi- of the ihotel himself , who happened to bo mayor over the town. Andl they pointed out Mania to him , and told him the whole story , and the mayor said that If Manls didn't take and ip y the money on that In stant moment ho-would send for the soldiers , and have him hung toy court-marblal at oneo "Well , well , " eoz Mania , soz he , "but thla Is a nice how-do-yo-do that a gentleman can't bo trusted for a few shillings only this way. Sweet good luck to you and your house , " eez ho to the mayor. "I never yet In all my travels mot wilth euch ondalcont people. Though I have a shabby coat on me alt self , " sez Mauls , "don't Judge me by that , for that's my notion , and it's the way I choose to go. And look ye hero now , Mlsthor Mayor , " eez ho , "I could not only pay for my own dinner , but I could Invite etery mother's sowl In this town good , bad and ondlfferent , big , nee and middling here and glvo them their dinners and pay for them , and buy you out of house and home then , and make a present of the whole consarn to your waiter tbero the next minute , and Jlvo as ondependeut as a prence still alter , " BCZ Manls. "Hut if jou must bo paid for your hungry bltof , a dinner that wouldn't break a man's fast on a Good Friday , ye must. I left my purse behind mo at home , and I didn't just want to abuse my poor baste now , seeing he's after a long Journey ; but to etop your throat I'll do anything , BO here be goes. " And with that Manls plants his hat on his head and away out to the stables , with the mayor nnd all the waiters after him to see what ho WUH up to at all , at all , iManls led the pony out to the > ard and , telling the crowd to stand oft him , he got the pony by the head with one hand and with a stick Jn the ether ho struck the horso'e rlba Just beside the place he had hid the half sovereign , aud the horse flung up as well aa ho was able bckaso for six years bofo > ro he never had the spirit to fling till he got the feed of corn and bran and out Jumps the gold half sovereign and rolls Just right to the maor'e feet. Tbo mayor looked down at it bo\\Uderod , "Will ye kindly , " sez Manle , sez lie , in an off-hand eort of way to the invyor , "will yer Tnayorshlp kindly pick up that coin and tcl mo how much It Is ? " The mayor picked It up , and he looked at It , and ho turned It over and looked at the other aide , and then Jingled It on tlu ground , and next bit It with 'his teeth "Well , by all that's infarnal , " aez he , "but it's a good shining goold half sovereign , sez hovdth the king's head on It. " "Humph ! " sez Manls , eez ho , "is that all ? That's not enough , then. We must tr > again. " So Manls whacked the horse again , and again , and again ; and the horse flung up again , and again , and again ; and the coins come Jumping out , rolling among the waiters , and them picking them up , and shouting out every time how much they were. When Mania got enough to pay the bill"Now "Now , " sez he , "when I have my hand on him , I may as well take the price of a box of matches and a bit of tobacco out of him , " and ho flogged out another couple of half-crowns , the mayor and the waiters looking on with their mouths open and rubbing their eyes every now and then to see whether it was asleep or awake they were. When Mania had finished , nnd hod all the pieces flogged out of him except a couple , he yoked him into the cart , aa If ho was going to start. "I say , my good man , " sez the mayor , when ho got hla breath with him1 "I say , ray good man , " soz he , "would you sell that horse ? " "Is It sell him ? " sez Manls , sez he. "Not by no means " "I would bo content to give you a goodi onny for him , " oz the mayor ; "Just as a urioslty to show my friends , you know. " "You'll ha\e to get some other curiosity jr your friends this time , then , " sez -Mnnls. "This would be a rare curiosity , en tirely. " "I wouldn't refuse you 50 down In cold cash for him , " sez the mayor. "Fnlx , I suppose you would not , eez Manls , tartly. "I wouldn't refuse you 100 down for him , now that I think of It , " sez the mayor. " " Manls. "Think again , sez "O , but I think that a big penny , " sez the mayor. "And wouldn't you think 500 bigger ? " sez Manls. " 0 , I couldn't think of that , my good man , " sez the ma > or. "Very well and good , then , " said Manle "When o-very ono sticks to their own no man's wronged. Good morning and good luck , " sez he , pretending to go and to drive off. "Hold on , ye , " ecz the mayor , running forward and catching the rolns. "Is It very expensive , his keep ? Have you to feed him on anything special to get them coins out of ihlm ? " " " "Yes , sartlnly , " ecz Manls ; "his keep Is a very expensive item entirely and If you're not prepared to gtvo him his fill of good oats , corn nnd bran there's no use In your throwing away your Biard-earned money purchasing him from < me. I Hke to bo hon est with you , BO good morning again. " "Hold on , you ! Hold on , you ! " eez the mayor , pulling the rolns with all his might , HIS GINTLEMEN FRIENDS ROUND ADOUT HAD TO DRAG HIM AWAY. for Manls was making wonderful big quiv ers with the reins and the whip , aa If ho wanted to got away , hither or no , and that ho was In no way consarncd to make sale. "Hold on , you ! " aez the major. "Ono of you run In there , " BOB ho to tbo waiters , AND OUT JUMPED THE GOLD HALF- SOVEREIGN. "and fetch mo out 500 you'll get rolled up In the foot of an old stocking In the bottom tom corner of my trunk and the others of you take this horeo out of the cart and put him Into tbo fatablo , " sez ho. So the waiter soon came running back with the foot of an old stocking , and the lord mayor counted 600 gold sovereigns out of it down Into Mania' hand , and Manls and him parted , Mania going whistling homo with a light heart. The mayor had the pony locked tip In n stable by Itself , up to tbo eyes In corn nnd bran , and ho double-locked It , putting tbo key into hla own pocket , and then -went round the town telling all his gentlemen friends of his good fortune , and inUtlng thorn all to come at 12 o'clock the next day till they > would have the pleasure of seeing him flogging a hundred pounds or so out of tha horse. Sure enough , at 12 o'clock the next day , all his gentlemen friends were gathered in the hotel yard , and the lord mayor came out and opened the stable door , and ordered one of hla men to lead out the horse. Howas provided with a nice little tough cano himself , that ho had bought at 18 pence in a little shop next door , specially for tbo occasion , and ho ordered his man to lead the horeo into the middle of the yard , and then he went round clearing a circle round the horse , putting his gentlemen friends back with the cane , as ho said the little coins would likely to rolling among them , and maybe got lost. "Now , John , " sez ho to the man who waa holding the horee , "keep a good tight grip on the rctna , and don't let him hurst away. I'll not keep you long , for I'll only take a few hundred pounds out of him the day , Just to lot these gentlemen friends of mine tee the thing. Hold hard , now , " eta he , and ho drew the cane a sharp slap on the poor haste's ribs. Up flung tbo horeo and out Jumped a coin and rolled Into the crowd. The lord major crossed his arms , and axed BO mo of the crowd to lift it nnd tell him what it "was. They lifted and examined It , as 4f it was ono of the seven , wonders of the world , and they bit it and scratched It aud Jingled it , and sez they : "It's a good , bright shilling , with the king's head on it , " "Humph ! " ecz the lord mayor , a woo bit taken aback , "is that all ? I expected a bit of goold , but the goofd'fl to como yot. Hold hard again. John ! " eez ho , and ho corao down another sharp rap on the horse's rlba Up Hung the horeo and out jumps another coin. "Kindly tell mo , " eez ho , crossing his arms and looking on indifferently , "kindly tell mo , " ecz he , "how much la that ? " The crowd took it up again and scratched It nnd rubbed It and Jlnglod It and bit it and sez they : "It'e a half crown , toy the toss o1 war ! " "Well , middling , middling , " saja ho ; "we're getting toward the goold now. Hold hard again , John ! Look out , gentlemen , for I'm guessing this will bo a half sov ereign or a sovereign and It might got lost. " And with that ha como down another rap on the haste's rlba , but lo and behold you ! though the horeo flung over eo high , the eorra take the coin , or coin came out. The lord mayor looked round him and then looked up in the nlr to see If the coin wont up that way and forgot to come down , but eoclng no sign of it there ho turned to John and , eei ho ; "What way did that coin go , John ? " "Faith , " soz John , s z ho , "you put mo a puzzler. Ax mo another. " "There's eomo mistake , " says the lord mayor pquaring himself out and folding up his sleoves. "I'm afraid that I didn't strike hard enough that time ; hut It will not bo my ( fault this tlmo or I will. " So down ho comeo , such a ipoltbogue on the poor "brute's " bonea as made Us Inutile sound like a drum , and up higher than over the boato flung Its heels , nndi the lord mayor and John and all the crowd stood back to watch for the coin , but good luck to their wit , if they were watching from that time till this the dickens receive tbo coin or coin would they see , "Right enough , " sez the lord mayor , sez ho , "It's as plain as a plko staff that there must 'bo ' seine mlstako here. Don't you think isn't there fcorno mlstako , John ? " "Falx , " 6fz John , "I wouldi bo very strongly of the opinion that there Is. " "John , " BCZ the lord mayor , ecz ho , " 1 think we're not holding hla head the right way. It strikes mo that the owner of him held hla hca < l to tbo north when ho was flogging the moner out of him. What do you think it we hold hla head to tbo north ? " "Anything at all you please , " BPZ John , "I'm paid to obey orders. " "All right then , John , just move hla head round that way a little. That's it. That will do , " BOZ the lord mayor , "Now hold hard , John , and keep a sharp eye out for the coin , " eez he , spitting on the Etlck and winding it round hln head and fetching It down. O , molla murdherl that you'd think tt wouldn't Have a bone la the poor basto'a body it wouldn't knock into a stirabout. And then up flung the horse nnd the mayor Jumped back , and then the mayor hold out hla hand and said , "Whlshtl Whisht ! " and set up his cars to hear whore the coin would fall ; but , movrone , no'er a coin or coin waa to bo hoard. The first thing the mayor heard wa a bit of n titter of a laugh , and then another nnd another , till the titter went round all his glntlomcn friends. With that ho got black in the face , to find that ho had made such a fool of himself , and to the flog ging of the horse ho falls again , dctarmlnod to have It out of him if there was a coin at all In him. And ho flogged him high up and low down , and all around , whacking and striking , and pufllng and cursing , nnd the baste flinging and leaping aud neighing and whinnying , till at length yo a'most wouldn't see tha poor animal for blood and foam. And hla glntleraen frlcndn round about bad to interfere at last and drag him awny from the horse by hruto force and threaten to glvo him In charge to the soldiers it ha MANIS GOING WHISTLING IIOMH WITH LIGHT HEART. didn't stop murdering the creature , and the horse waa dragged off and the lord mayor was dragged in , and the whole town laughed for nlno days after till they laughed the lord mayor clean out of hla ofllce. And as for Mauls , the raocal , ho gave up th bosom making trade , as well ho might , and ho lived an ondcpcndent private glntleman. himself and his mother , for the rest oi their days on the interest of hla money , A Woril to Mothers of children affected with croup on a severe cold ncod not hesitate to administer Chamborlaln'8 Cough Remedy. It contains no opiate or narcotic In any form and may be given an confidently to the Lahe as to an adult. The great BUCOCCSS that liao attended Us use in the treatment of colds and croup has won for it the approval and praise it has received throughout the United Status un < l in many foreign Undo.