PART II. HE OMAHA SUNDAY PAGES 11 TO 18. | s * ESTABLISHED JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAHA , SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 24 , 181)9. ) SINGLE COPY FIVE GENTS. Outside customers should take advantage of the special Ak-Sar-Ben Excursion rates , to attend our grand opening fall sales. Stocks are now complete and such beauty and style , in such varied assortments as we now display , are unequalled in the west , The power of cash is visible in every line , The products of the world's best manufacturers in over forty different lines , are here. A magnificent showing , worth a journey of hundreds of miles to see. You are invited to make the Big Store your headquarters while in Omaha , write your letters , rest yourself , check your bundles free , and feel at home. Agents for the celebrated Reyneir Kid Gloves and Want and Save You Get What You the Butterick patterns , Leading Dress Goods House of the West THIRTY THOUSAND STYLES A great change lias come over our Dress goods department. We never had BO grand and BO complete a stock. It is now conceded by all that there is no other stock of dress goods west of Chicago so complete and so attractive. The phenomenal sales of the past week astonished even ourselves and inspire us to ef forts that will prove of still greater interest to the purchasing public the coming week. "We will not only lead , but out-distance all competi tors. AS HERETOFORE THIS STORE WILL BE HEADQUARTERS TOR DRESS GOODS Tailor Suitings. i nil wool Venetians , 42 Inches wide , 26o. ' " 69c CoTorts , 40 Inches wldo , 39c. $1.25 extra heavy all wool Suiting , 52 Inches wide , 59c , 41.60 English Covert , all wool , 46 Inches wldo , 76c. $1.98 English Coverts , all wool , 60 inches nvldo , 76c , $2.50 English Whipcords , all iwool , 68 inches Trtfio , $1.25. $2.98 French Venetian , all wool , 62 Inches wldo , $1.25. $1.98 Broadcloth , all shades , 62 Inches wide , 98c. $2.98 Broadcloth , all ehodcs , 64 Inches wldo , $1.50. $3.98 English Kerseys , all shades , 60 Inches Wldo , $2.60. $3.98 English Covert , all shades , 68 Inches wide , $2.50. $4.60 French Venetian , all shades , 62 inches wldo , $2.98. You will wait -many a day before such bar gain * will occur again. Golf Plnid Back Suitings. $1.25 extra heavy Golf Suiting , 44 Inches ( Wide , 75c. $2.EO hoary Golf Suiting , 50 Inches wide , $1.50. $2.50 heavy Golf Suiting , 54 inches wide , $1.98. $2.93 heavy Golf Suiting , 66 tnchos wide , $2.25. $3.50 heavy Golf Suiting , 66 Inches wide , $2.50. $4.60 heavy Golf Suiting , 64 inches wide , .B.9S. $10.JO Steamboat Rugs for capes , 2 yards by I'/i yards , with fringe , $6.95. $12.00 Rugs for $7.50. J. , $15.00 Rugs for $3.25. * Skirting and Waist Plaids. Jl.OO waist silk and wool 401nch Plaids , 75c. 76o waist silk andi wool 38-Inch Plaids , 49o. 76c waist silk and wool 42-Inch Plaids , 49c. 76o Skirt Plaids , all wool , 40-Inch 49c. . . 75c skirt pilalds , all wool , 33-Inch , 49c. V $1,00 Skirt PlaidB , all wool , 48-Inch , 75c. $1.60 Skirt Plaids all wool , 48-Inch. 98c. $1.98 Bklrt Plaids , Zobellno 45-Inch , $1.25. $2.98 Skirt Plaids , Zehollno , 46-Inch , $1.75. $1.50 Skirt Plaids , blanket , 50-inch , $1.00. Black Dress Goods. In this department will be found the rich est dress stuffs the world's leading manu facturers could make for us. Priestley's renowned Black Goods , Sir Titus Salt's cel ebrated Mohairs , Lupins' Serges and Che viots , etc. Crepons. $1.60 pure Mohair Crepons , 40 incheo wldo , 69c. $1.98 .pure Mohair Crepons , 44 Inches wide , 98c. $2.25 pure Mohair Crepono , 44 Inches wide , $1.19. $2.50 pure Mohair Crepons , 44 Inches wide , $1.50. $2.98 pure Mohair Crepons , 44 Inches wide , $1.98. $4.00 pure Mohair Crepone , 46 inches wldo , $2.50. $2.50 Silk Cropons , 45 inches wide , $1.39. $3.50 Silk Crepons , 50 inches wide , $2.50. $4.50 Silk Cropons , 50 Inches wldo , $2.98. $5.00 Silk Crepons , 50 inches wide , $3.50. $6.50 Silk Crepons , 50 Inches wide , $4.19. High Grade Colored Crepons. $2.50 Mohair Crcpona , 44 Inches wide , $1.50. $2.98 Silk Cropon , 45 inches wide , $1.65. $5.00 Silk Cropons , 45 Inches wldo , $2.25. High Grade French Flannels. $1.00 French Flannels , all shades , 59e , 85c French Flannels , all shades , 59c. 75c French Flannels , all shades , 49c. All Wool Chains. 32 Inches wide , worth 69c , Trill go at 25c. 32 inches wide , silk stripe , worth 75c , will go at 49c. Lansdowne. 100 shades of genuine Lansdowne , sold the .world . over for $1.25 , our price on Monday $1.00. CO Diameters , French patterns , applique , the richest designs , $25.00 , $35.00 , $45.00 ut > to $60.00. Cheap Dress Goods Department. 15o half wool Novelties 28 Inches wide , only 5c. 15o half wool Cashmeres , 28 inches wide , only 7&c , 19o half wool Novelties , 36 Inches wide , JOo. JOo.25o 25o half -wool Novelties , 36 inches wide , 35c all wool Sorgos , 36 Inches wide , 19c. 33o all wool Storm Serge , 12 Inches wldo , 19e. 19e.49o 49o Novelties , 40 Inches wld'o ' , 2 Be. 75o Novelties , 40 Inches wldo , 39c. $1.00 Novelties , 44 Inches wide , 49c. 65o all -wool German Henriettas , 39 < x 75c all wool Storm Serges , all colors , 39c , $1.00 all wool Storm Serges , all colors , 65c. 65c.75o 75o all wool Cheviots , all colors , 49c. 75c all wool Plaids , all colors , 49c. $1.00 all wool Cheviots , blue and black , oPc. oPc.All All new , direct < from the factory. Mail Order Department. We do the largest dreas goods mall order business In this western country. If you send us your address , stating what prlco , grade and color , wo will send you a larg * p&ckago of samples free so that you can pick a dress as well as If you were at our counter ; and If not entirely satisfactory we will exchange the goods or refund you prour money. Linen and Domestic Dept. The Big Store letting down the prices on flno Table Linens. 2 yards wide flno nnd heavy Ilk-ached Damask , was $1.25 and $1.50 , now on sale $1.00 yard. Special value In 72-Inch Bleached or Cream Damask nt 75o yard. 68-Inch Bleached Damask , was 69o , now 50o yard. Turkey Red Damask , lOc yard. Extra large Dinner Napkins , full bleached , were $3.50 , now you can buy thorn for $2.50 dozen. } ! size Bleached Napkins , 75a dozen. New line of Art Linen , Butcher Linen , Linen SheetIng - Ing and Fronting Linen just opened , Notlco our special offerings en Crash Toweling , IS and 20 inches wide , at lOc yard , Full size white Crochet Bed Spreads at 39c each a big bargain. Just received , en extra largo and heavy Crochet Spread , fringed , at $1.19 ; cheap at $1.50. Flno Batln Spreads , $1,76 , $1.95 and $2.25 each. Fancy colored Turkish Tidies , 16c and 25o each. Roady-mado Hoinctttclicd Sheets , 55c , 660 and 75o each. Jlomstitched Pillow Gates , 12Hc , 15c , 20o and 25c each. 9-4 Bleached Shouting , 12 % c yard , Lousdnlo and Fruit of Loom Muslin on safe , CVfcc yard , Wamsuttu Mublln , lOc. Yard \\lde Brown Muslin , 2Hc yard. LL yard wide Muslin , 3c yard. 46-Inch bleached Pillow Case Muslin , lOc yard. Long Cloth , lOe , 12 % c and 16o yard. Cambric , 8 1-3 * lOo and 12140 yard. 40-lnoh wldo India Lawn reduced to tlOo yard. Victoria Lawn , 5c yard. Checked Nainsook , 5c. 36 and 40-Inch Figured \ . /Drapery Swiss , worth 16o to 25c , now lOo yanl , / Tapestry and Chenille Table Covers , all slzea and prices. Cotton Dress Stuffs. MONDAY AT 1'IVB CIJXTS A YAHU. FAST BLACK SATEEN. FAST COLOR PERCALES. I , FANCY TWILLS FOR WRAPPERS. FANCY COMFORT CALICOS. Now line of 250 pieces best Flannelette or fleece Suitings , for wrappers , dressIng - Ing Bacquos , etc. , just received. Nobbiest styles and VARIETY' that can't be excelled. 10o yard. Fancy Bilk etrlpes extra heavy novelty Ffannoletto , entirely new , 15c yard. Fancy novelty double-fold Uresa Goods , worth 12 0 yard , celling at 6&o yard. Best grade Indigo blue Prlnte on sale Monday at 4o yard , Simpson black and white and gray Calicos on Monday 414o yard. The best grade Bates' Seersucker Ginghams , In etripuj , chocks , etc. , on Monday , 8 l-3o yard. Ladles' ready to wear garments at 60 per cent less than last year , brought about by our large purchases early In the season for sept cash In the eastern markets. Our $10.00 Jacket Is the talk of the town. It Is made of Washington Mills Kersey , with strapped seams , trimmed with largo and small pearl buttons. In black , blue , tan , red , cadet and mode ; made to soil for $15.00 ; on sale at only $10.00. Our $10.00 suit Is the best value we ever had. They come In grays , blues , browns , tans and blacks ; made to sell for $17.50 ; at $10.00. A lightning seller. Ladles' all wool Jack ets of caterpillar cloth , lined throughout ; made to sell for $10.00 ; at only $4.98. 270 Jackets In kerseys , whipcords , In the latest styles , silk lined throughout ; Jacket made to sell for $10.00 ; on sale at $6.50. 200 high class Jackets , trimmed with braid , martin and Persian lamb trimmings. Skin ner's satin lining , direct Imitation of foreign models ; made to sell for $25.00 ; on sale at $16.50 each. 200 ladles' hlgl class tailor made suits , In now whip cords and Imported Venetians , waists V taffeta lined throughout , skirts percallne lined and Interlined , In tight fitting or box front effects ; made to eell for $20.00 ; our price only $14.98. 250 ladles' suits In gray , brown and blua homespuns , Jackets lined with Mercerised foulards , 1 the best value In America ; made to sell for $10.00 , for only $4.48. Silk Waists , 200 ladles' taffeta waists , In pink , blues , cerise and plain black , 30 rows of cording forming a "V" In front ; made to sell for $7.60 ; on sale at $4.98. 200 ladles' walots In taffetas and fancy silks ; made to sell for $5.00 ; on sale at $2.48. Ladles' silk underskirts , with three and four rulHes , In fancies and colored silks ; worth $3.00 to $10.00 ; for .only $3.75 Sat urday. Ladles' Eiderdown dressing saoques , 500 of them , In blues , pinks , reds and grays , 32 to 44 ; made to sell for $1.25 ; at only 59c each. CO dozen ladles' wrappers In dark percales ; worth 76c ; for 29c. 200 dozen now flannelette wrappers In all the new patterns , fleece lined , well made , extra wide at the hips ; made to sell for $1.50 ; on sale at 9Sc. 50 dozen our well known $1.00 skirts ; on sale Saturday morning from 8 till 10 o'clock for 59c each. Exquisite Millinery A magnificent showing of this season's most beautiful , correct and stylish creations. Every fancy will be suited from the exten sive array of styles. Our styles have a gracefulness , Individuality and becomingness not to be found elsewhere and at the low prices we are making the values are simply unrivaled. Wo call special attention to our great dis play of golf hats In the Highland Tourist , Funston , Musketeer , St. Clalr and many other ohlc and now styles. The papular tarn crown hats In all colors , crowns plain or braided at very low prices. Got our prices on tiho new styles In ladles' Fedoras and street hats. Our trimmed hats are full of beauty. style and value. In great variety , from Paris and the eastern fashion centers. You are invited to come and look. "The style Is In the millinery , not in the prices. " We nro not ' afraid to lower the price of furniture , and you will find by coming here that you can buy cheaper - or , than elsewhere - whore , and still the qual ity of the good a will be main tained. Wo have re ceived a largo consignment of oxoellen t chairs , and can offer you genu ine bargains in this lino. 95o Chairs for 60o. $1.25 Chairs for 76c , $1.60 Chairs tor 85c. $2.00 Rockera for $1.35. $2.50 Rockers for $1.75. $3.00 Rockers for $2.25. Our sales on Extension Tables last week were something phenomenal and why not ? We are showing over 40 styles of new , up- to-date tables , ranging In prlco from $3.05 up to $23.00. Fine golden oak table , rounded corners , twisted 5-Inch legs , ball bearing casters , excellent finish , a regular $12 table at $7.85 , Wo are also showing a flno table , round ed corners for $4.50. If you ore going to buy a table or chairs soon , come and see us. You will be surprised and be money ahead. We are enlarging our picture department and you can find novelties here now at prices on a par with our past reputation for low prices. Pictures from 25c up to $15.00. Just In a line of Platlnos , in dark frames at 50c complete. Baby Stuart , St. Cecelia , Madonna , Countess Potocka , Pharoles , Horses , etc. , etc. Children's Jackets Wo hnvo given you some exceedingly rare bargains In the lost week , but will try nml outdo every effort for this week. Wo will speak to you first of children's Jackets. We have inoro of them than nil the houses In Omaha combined. The greatest variety that was every placed In a cloak depart ment In the city of Omaha. They are here by the thousands , from the cheapest to Uio best. 200 Jackets , agoa 4 to 14 , that were bought to sell for $2.00 , will too on sale Monday morning at 8 o'clock for 75 cents. 200 jackets , ages 4 to 14 , In fancy mix tures , In boucles 'and friezes , bluas , reds , grays and tans , bought to sell at $3.00 , at $1.59. 300 children's Jackets , with or without oallor collars , In heavy mixtures and plain gooda , nicely trimmed , with braid , bought to sell for $4.50 , on sale at $2.98. 295 children's Jackets , In plain kerseys , blues , cadets , reds , browns and greens ; also 100 Jackets In fancy mixtures , bought to cell for $6.50 , on sale at $3.98 each. 200 children's Jackets , with sailor collar , trimmed with lur , very pretty garments for the llttlo tots , bought to sell for $8.50 , on sale at $5.00. We defy competition on the above garments. Your money back If they are not satisfactory. INFANTS' EIDERDOWN CLOAKS. Nicely mode , trimmed -with thlbot. bought to sell at $1.50 , at only 69c. 200 chllron's eiderdown cloaks. In grays , pinks , cardinals , blues and browns , bought to sell for $2.00 , on sale at 98c. All colors and blacks In beet quality corduroy skirt facing at 2'c yard. The latest In ladles' handbags , macreme cord , extra size , regular price , 50c , on sale at 25c. Job lot sample line of ladies' men's ana children's purses , worth lOc to 25c , at 4c. Closing out all 50c handbags at 15c ; all 75c handbags nt 25c. All BOc pocketbooks on sale at 19c. All ? 6o ; pocketbooks at 15c. Full 200-yard machine thread , lc spool. Bicycle playing cards , $1.80 dozen. David Harum , only 90c. Larger and stock more complete than any house in the west. Wo have them In Mar ten , beaver , electric Bcal , Persian lamb and combinations of two and three kinds of furs. Our trade In this det-ortment la BO moth Ing enor mous , due to more nor less than our prtces that are lower than anywhere else. For this week we will soil Ladles' electric goal collarettes , high storm collar , with ten-Inch cape , silk lined , worth $3 for $1.25. Genulno Marten Scarfs , extra long , with ten tails , at $4.98 each. 200 collarettes In Electric Seal and Per sian Iamb and other furs at $4.98 , $5.98 , 16.98 and up to $65.00. Children's 2Sc Ladles' 35a underwear at 19c. Ladles' $1.00 corsata at 49c. Children's 25c black hose at 12c. Boys' white and colored shirt waists , reg ular 50o quality , at 25c. Ladles' 25c black and tan hose at 15c. Ladies' $1.00 and $1.50 kid gloves at 59c. Ladles' $1,00 gowns at 49c. White Shirts 40 ® Wilson Bros. ' white laundered shirts , reg ular $1.00 and $1.50 quality , at 49c. The largest shirt sale ever held In Omaha. 75o and $1.00 shirts at 29c. Colored.laundered shirts with collars and cuffs attached , shirts with cuffs separate to wear white collars , Madras percale chevloU , worth'up to $1.00 , at 29c. $1.00 medium weight underwear at 45c. 25a neckwear at lOc. $1.00 night shirts at 45c. Meats and Lards. Dice Cut Pork , 4c. Fancy Corned Beef ( boneless ) , 6V4c. XXX Cured Bacon , 7c. Pickled Trlpo , No. 11 , 2Hc- Rex Lunch Tongue , per can , 25o. New Bologna Sausage , 3c , Welner Sausage , 6c. 10-lb. cans Best Brand Lard , 6Sc. Plcklod Pigs F et , 4c. To Introduce our mammoth House Fur nishing Department wo will give away free all of the following articles , with every gallon of Pure Honey Drip Syrup , for 75c. 1 Flue Japaned Dust Pan. 1 Flue Japaned Candle Stick. 1 Flno Japaned Fire Shovel. 1 Plated Soap Standl 1 Plated Egg Beater. 1 Wire Picture Holder. 1 Heavy Wire Potato Masher. 1 Toasting Fork. 1 Cake Turner. 1 Nutmeg Grater. 1 Paring Knife. 1 Doughnut Cutter. 1 Plated Sugar Shell. 1 Mustard Spoon. 1 Tea Strainer. 1 Can Opener. 1 Screw Driver. 1 Stove Poker. 1 Lamp Olcaner. 1 Oil Can. The above list of goods cannot 'bo ' bought for $1.75 anywhere. Wo glvo them away free to Introduce our Mammoth Houseifur- nlshtog , Steve and Crockery Departments. Jewelry Department. Gents' nlckol watch , stem -wind and sot , first-class tlmekcoper each OSc. Gents' sllverlno stem wind and sot Amer ican Watch j , $1.98. Gents' sllvorlne , screw back and front , El gin or Walthara Watches , $3.98. Gents' gold filled open face watch , war ranted to wear 20 years , Elgin or Waltham works , regular value $15.00 sale price $6.95. Gents' gold filled hunting case watches , warranted to wear 20 years. $10.95. Genta' 14-kt , solid gold hunting case watch flne Elgin or Waltham , 'full Jeweled , war ranted a regular $50watch , for $29.50. Ladles' gold filled ) hunting case watch , $4.95 up. Ladles' 14-kt solid gold watches , hunting case , Elgin or Waltham , regular values $30.00 , for $16.45. Sterling Silver Novelties , Buckles , Chains , Ohnrras , Opera Glarecs , Rings of all dc. serlptlons. Silverware , Cuff Links , Toilet Articles , Hair Ornaments. Rogers' Knives and Forks , $2.26 for twelve pieces. All now , clean goods , at one-half Jewelers' " " " " - ' - * "prlcea" - - * isia EBepartment. La Francis China Plates lOc Breton China Dec. Cups and Saucers. . . 5c Wash Bowls and Pitchers 24c each. Pint Mason Fruit Jars , iper doz SSo Quart Mason Fruit Jars , per doz 42c 2-quart Mason Fruit Jars , per doz 49c Fire Polished Table Tumblers l' c Genuine Regenco Holland Bowls , worth 75c , at 17o Korean Water Drop Tea Pots 15c Opal Decorated Salt and Peppers Bo White Granite Baker 6c Fine Japanese Cup and Saucer , 30o value , lOc Decorated Ash and Card Tray 10 Decorated German Bowls 6c Japanese Decorated ! Swgar and Creams , a bargain at 50c , for 30c Wine Glass 2c Decorated Terra Gotta Stand Lamp 39c Lamp Chimneys 2c and Co Gas Mantles JOc 100-pleco Decorated Dinner Set $6.93 Decorated Toilet Set $1.6D Florentine ( decorated In gold ) Vases. . . 25c Flower Pots From 2c up. Gallon Milk Crocks So Coka Dandruff Cure , 59c bottle. Castorln , 25c 'bottle. ' Hood's Sarearparllla , 75o. Palne's Celery Compound. 75c. Duffy's Malt , 85c. Dr. Miles' Medicines , 75c. Dr. Plcree's Medicines , 7Sc. Ayor's Hair Vigor , 75c. Scott's Emulsion , 75c. Slocumb's Ozomulslon , 80c. Toilet Soap , 3 cakes In 'box ' , 5o a box. Packer's Tar Soap , 15c cake. Talcum Powder , 7'/4o box. Dr. Woodbury's Facia ! Cream , 20c , Dr. Woodbury's Soap , 18c Cake. Cargiei Sale. Grand showing In fall lines of carpet. Come In and look them over. This is th right place to buy carpets. Fine Axmlnster Carpets , 85c , Brussels Carpet , worth $1.00 yard , at 65c. Rich Velvet Carpet , worth $1.25 yard , at 85c. 85c.All All Wool Ingrains at 48c , Half Wool Ingrains , at 35c , Union Ingrains at 25c. This will be your last chance to get wall paper at such low prices. We are selling Wall Paper regardless of cost to make room for new goods , Just think of it a good gilt paper at 60 jier roll , The famous Noxall ready-to-uso paints at 98c per gallon. Also Varnishes , Stains , Enancls , Brushes and Room Molding all at reduced prlcee this week. Piano Sales The finest pianos in the world are here for comparison and selection. The Chlck- erlng , the king of Instrument the unex celled Fischer , the Lester , Knabe , Franklin and other standard makes. Every instru ment guaranteed , We save you $50 to $150 on your purchase. Any terms to suit your convenience , Full line of pianos for rent. Big bargains In organs. See our lines ol Burdotte and Newman Bros , ' Instruments and other first-class makes. The latest shoot znuslo at cut prlcee. Silks. Silks. Silks. Grand Demonstration of Price Making. By our power of purchase , buying thousands of pieces direct from the mills , en able * us to soil for less than other Omaha dealers can own their Silk for. Special attractions which should Interest every lady In elegant Silk Novoltleu nml tfall fashions. Gorgeous display In the nig Silk Deportment. Monster Silk Sale commencing Monday and lasting all week. Plain Silk , all colors , 25c. Stripes and Chocks , only 2."c. 24-Inch wldo Figured Sirk , 25e. Cream Wash Silk , 25c. Plalu Block Satin , 39c. Best grade Japanese , 39c. All colors flno Satin , 39c. Changeable Silk , 36 Inches wide , 39c. Rail styles Waist Silk very special now cords , stripes , plaids , Persians , two-tone novelties the richest kind of Silks usual Belling prlco $1.26 , $1.60 and $1.75 on sate , 75 cents. Fancy Stripes , to go , 3Sc. 24-inch wldo Taffeta , 44c. Black Brocade Silk , 39c. Elegant Figured Satin , 49 > c. $1.00 Draper } ' Silk , only 49c. $1.00 Fancy Waist Silk , 49e , $1.25 Fancy Waist S1lk , 69c. S5o host Colored Taffetas , 59o. Special purchase of Colored Satin Dueh- Ofe particularly desirable at the present moment for shirt walsta or entire cos tumes this lot la of the finest grade nil mack Dress Silks at Height of Popularity. $1.50 black all silk Satin Duchess , 98c. Heavy Taffeta , yard wldo , only $1.10. $1.50 black 27-Inch Poau de Sole , 98c , 23-ln French Taffeta , worth $1.00 at 69o. $2.25 black 25-Inch Gros Grain , $1.60. 21-Inch flno Swiss Tnffota , 90c grade , 69o. $1.75 fblack Poplin , only $1.00. $1.75 black Crystal Bongallne at flSc. 27-lnoh wldo flno grade Satin , 69c. $4.00 Cashmere do Lyan at $2.50. $1.40 Satin Luxor on sale , 98c. The Popularity of Velvets is Unquestioned. Our showing for this fall is most com prohenslvo. Velvets for walsU. Velvets for jarakets. Velvets for skirts. From 75o up to $5.00 yard. Wo show a regular $2.50 Lyon Millinery Velvet for $1.25. Flannel Department. Specials for Monday 1 cose 30-Inch all wool Shirting , fancy stripe and checks , worth 30o per yard , 20c. 1 case Shaker Flannel , extra heavy , worth 7c per yard , Monday , 4c. 75 pieces extra flne Figured Flannelette , beautiful deelgns , light and dark colors , per yard , lOc. 10,000 yards light and dark Outing Flannel - nol , none better at any price , Monday , per yard , 8c. 25 dozen all wool Skirt Patterns nt reduced - duced prices. Bed Blankets. 7 cases 11-4 gray and white Cotton Bed Blankets , worth $1.00 each , 75c. 75 pair 11-4 California finest selected stock White Blankets , worth $7.00 , at $4.95 pair. 76 pair all wool gray , fancy border , at $2.50 pair. 75 pair good heavy mixed wool Blankets , { 1.20 each. 3 cases extra heavy Shirting , worth lOa per yard , 6c. 2 cases good Canton Flannel , per yard , 2 cases Outing Flannel , all nice now patterns , regular lOc grade , go at 60 yard. 1 case White Wool Flannel , per yard Monday , 15c. 6 cases all "wool Eiderdown , plain and fancy strlpo , per yard , 25c , 30o aud 35c. Bed Comforters. 38 dozen Comforts , sateen covered , white cotton filled , stitched , worth $1.50 each , go at $1.15. 25 dozen 72x84 ellknllno covered , filled with Snowflake cotton , worth $2.25 each , $1.50. 25 dozen full size print covered Comforts , 75o each. Monday's Great We put on Bale in our big Shoe De partment Monday hundreds of pairs of the Best Shoes Made at wholesale prices. All up-to-date , new fall styles. Don't miss this sale. ' sunns , 91.711. Ladles' flne $2.50 quality Kid Loco Shoos , $1.76. Ladles' flne $3.00 quality Kid Lace Shoos , $2.00. Ladles' flno $3.50 Vesting Top Lace Shoes , $2.48. Ladles' $4.00 Vicl Kid Lace Shoes , $3.00. GIIII.S' SIIOICS. OHc. Mlssea' $1.35 quality Kid Lace Shoes , 98c. Misses' $1.75 quality Kid Lace Shoos , $1.20. Chllds' $1.25 Kid Lace Shoes , 8 to 12 , 90c , pure silk and comes In all shades ; l 21 Inches wldo nml usual prlco IR $1.00 to $1,25 and no such bargain was over offered before - fore 7W. The question Is up to you. What kind of taffeta are you going to use for that petticoat for that dress lining ? OC courao you want the beat. The best taffeta made la the WInslow Taffeta. Wo have thou sands of testimonials from ladles who have used the WInslow , and they are all unani mous In statins that the WInslow Is with out a poor. All colors and black. Winslow - low wears well. Haydons' have cxolualvo pale. pale.Now Now Yolklng and Trimming SllTt In em- broldored effects on white grounds , satin and cord novelties , rich and handsome goods , at $1.50 , $1.75 , $2,00. $2.25 and $2.60. BLACK SATIN FOH EVERY PURPOSE Black Satin Diichi 3 and Rhadazlma for dresses , Black Liberty for trimming , Black Princess Satin for facing , Black Skinner's Satin for linings all at lowest prices. Let us show you. Chllds' $1.76 Kid Lnco Shoos , 8 to 12 , $1.20. Chllds' $1.00 Kid Turn Lace Shoes , C to 8 , 65c. HOYS' SIIOKS , 75c. Boyn' $1.50 satin calf Lace Shoes , $1.10. Boys' $2.00 casco icalf Lace Shoes , $1,40. Boys' $1.75 kangaroo calf Laoo Shoes , $1.15. Little men's $1.25 satin calf Lace Shoes , 75c. INFANTS' SHOISN. Infanta' 50c soft eolo Lace Shoes , 25c. Infante' 60o turn nolo Lace Shoos , 38c. snxn us YOUR MAIL onmsiis. Hardware , Stoves and House Furnishing Dept. We have the stoves 12 carloads of all styles and Shapes bought them for apot cash before 4Jho advance. Wo wont to soil them all at last year's prices. If ypu faavo the money wo want It , Give you the boat value you ever had for It. We carry the Radiant Stewart Double Haatlng Base Burner the finest on earth. Can cell you a $43,00 heater for $35.50. Wo carry the Stewart Hot Blast. It loads them all , Keeps lira 48 hours , Bell them for $12.50. We carry the Stewart Oak. Where can you find its equal ? Atr-tlght , soft or bard ooal or wood , $13.50 , Wo carry Junior Oak , good size , coal or wood , will beat any ordinary room , $6,95 $ , We carry the best 2-holo Laundry Stove oinilo and cell It for $2.95 , Wo carry the finest , boat'most durable , pioatest , heavlc-ttt , made-'to-laBt-ta-llfotlmo , Wrought Steel Range the M , & D. Whcro is Its equal ? C eight-Inch holes , large oven , high shelf , .water front , all complete , worth $45.00 , our prlco $33.95 , We carry the Oem Ideal , made by the Cleveland Steel Range Co , , warranted from the factory ; tbo best family range In Omaha today ; G holes , high warming clonot , large 18-Inch oven , combination wood and coal grate , roado out of solid wrought stcol ; must be seen to appreciate Its value ; sells Cor $35,00 $ any place outside of our state our prke $27.95 , Wo carry the best 6-holo cast range for the price In the city ; 20-Inch oven , flno bdker , iregmlar $ lfl/o ; Jrango we balll 'em for $11.95. The o goods have advanced about 37 per cent since we contracted for them , and we sell them at the same old prlco. WE ARC SELLING THIS LINE STRICTLY A A TRADE GETTER. Special Towel Sael. 200 dozen extra largo and heavy Hemmed Huck Towels on sale Monday at lOo each or $1.20 dozen. This special bargain you will find only at the Big Store of llaydeu Broa , Been en time Monday morning , for they will co fast at lOc each worth 5c.