Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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$15.00 $ Tailor Made Suits $10,50 , New $22,50 Sample Suits $12,50 $ , , $18,00 $ Home Spun Suits for $13.50 This fall season's correct foreign and domestic de
Mmle of brown mixed ineltonotto , now Saturday wo will offer the remainder Ladles' suits nmdo of now all-wool
style skirt , Htltchlnp with six rows of of all the new sample sulis. bought for homespun , In medium and dark gray. signs. A bewildering array of French , English and
tailor Htllchlnj , * ; lined and Interlined. the opening to sell for $22.50 , at $112.50. Newest shape skirts , lined and Inter American pattern hats in all that is now and artistic in
New cloao lilting Jacket , lined throiiRh- These are all innn-tnlloreil garments. lined with good quality percallne , tailor ,
out with corresponding shinies of heavy There are nil sizes. They como In coVert - finished , velveteen edged. Now close- color , material and ideas , showing the handiwork of
taffeta , edged with four rows of fuller ert , . Venetian , unfinished worsted , heavy fitting jacket , lined throughout with taf- ' '
of women's hats such
Btltchlng. Double stitched seams , bone serge , etc. Some of these suits are all fctn , faced with heavy satin. Kour rows the world's most famous designers ,
rim cloth buttons , d * silk lined , some with of atltching around as Virot , Pouyanno , Caroline Kibot , Carlior , Julia ,
now shape scalloped (9 lined collar and alcoves. '
new porcallno new
bnck. Would bo excellent - skirts , velvet collar , Sold so quickly thellrst Faulkner , Marchand , etc. , at $15 , $17.i30 and § 25.
collent value at 815.00 , strapped seams , now of our ononln ? that wo
bu go In our opening tunic skirts , now habit have only a few loft.whlch |
sale for batiks. Today nt wo will sfll today at. . . .
Department has a reputation of which we are proud , and
which wo intend to rotain. The skirts wo soli are well made with plenty
of material , thoroughly well cut and properly constructed
To create and add to this most interesting display
Say or golf Skirts $9,00 $ All Wool Crepon Skirts SB , 50
, ' and sale we offer duplicates of expensive pattern hats
Made from the finest , new , soft finished plaid back golf Skirts Ladies' , line now new fall all patterns wool , crepon at $5.00 , § 7.50 and § 10.00.
woolens in now dark tans , grays , browns and the vulvctcen binding , lined
now satin black. Skirts that have a tone and style to thorn. Tailor throughout with near-
silk. Novur made to soil
stitched with eight inch hem , open fronts , now shape pockets , tab for loss than $0.00.
back , extra heavy , HOA- satin rlbbod waist band. Would bo remark On sale Saturday at
able value at oven 310.00 ; make special price for Saturday and call it
Extra Special Golf Skirt Bargain. Special Bargain Home Spun Skirt § 3,98-
Skirts of now plaids , soinnp shades , large About 100 skirts In light or dark gray ,
or small , very desirable checks , two-toned homespun , warranted all wool , habit back
mixtures , percAllne lined and Intcrllnfd , oJid ribbed band. A skirt that hangs moBt The originals of which cost three and four times
velveteen faced , plaited back , ulllc waist gracefully. Special baignln for Saturday
band. Saturday special prlco at the price of these clever copies.
tl & Our proud fall opening of JUs cs * new double breasted reefer jnck- Children's
. One furs has created so much ot , made of very line , new all-wool kersey , ' gretchen
9 talk and such a pensntlon lined throughout with extra heavy ratln with
sailor collar
Uiat wo have been prevailed rhadame. Guaranteed to give excellent new square , of
We also sale original designs our
To Our Out-of-town Friends upon to continue our advance sale of line service- ; new back , good high combination edged with new hcrcules braid , trimmed place on many Take advantage
furs and allow the storm and collar. with , double
great price turn down new narrow gulmp skilled hands in
head trimmers our
reduction to remain the same. A very excellent school jacket. ble box plnlt In back , miide of own , by
We incite Our collection of collarettes , In cadet blue. Havana , royal , line , now , English , two-toned
you storm collars xnd scarfs , In all tan and black ; sizes 12 , 14 , 10 , curled boucle In reds , own work rooms. A collection of the most handsome the Excursion Rate
the various skins nnd styles , 18 ; would bo jrood value at bluco and browns ,
on sale from $100 down to even double our price ut $3.93 and effects in trimmed millinery at prices that reprepent
to make "Boston Store
, WINTER WEIGHT JACKETS. Our opening display of about half their actual value , $1.95 , § 2.50 and § 8.98. to como to Omaha
etore , your meeting place , . and reap the benefit of the
now golf capes , now steamer
your resting place , your office , Ladles' new stylishly constructed jackets , shawl capos , in the new com-
of melton cloth , ,
heavy double breasted with
, . Inatlons of color.i , styles and shapes , Is absolutely perfect. Not
for hlffh storm and turn-over collars. With the only that , but olTer tomorrow most attractive
yours any purpose you see heaviest kind of new patln linings , raw that cannot bo we duplicated. a bargain
lunchroom edges , six smoked pearl buttons and new A fine lot of 32-Inch , mnde of rich plaid back golfing
fit ; your wash-up , your Blceves. Bold These genuine $12.50 coats will be cheviots , blues , browns , grays capes , greens , reds ntnl black , at JS-50 , we are holding in every department
Saturday at $850 and J3.3S. Vuluos of which are about double.
room , your package room , your ment money never brought on
resting place during the day. so great a return nor did you
"We will take care of your ever see such a grand lot of bar
packages and check them free gains as we offer now in
of charge. A special reception
joom for ladies. Everyfhini
i Bier lot
"We are selling agents for some of the | ? children's flcooo Sale
best underwear makers in this country , Today we place on sale the entire shipment of railroad wrecked Oil Cloth lined vests Two big bar-
ana punts
including Harvard Knitting mills , Ti- consisting of floor oil cloth , floor linoleum , table oil cloth and shelf oil cloth. They goat pain tables raissos'
voli , or Eoot Mfg. Co. and the Phillis are in all widths and all qualities. All the damaged parts have been cut away , leav children's and boys'
Knitting mills. From these mills we ing the poods eound and perfect , except that they are in long and short remnants. fast black , full seam
handle full lines of ladies' , misses' and A.T- A.T- -A.T- less hose in flno and
' heavy ribbed , a 11
very line underwear and
sizes , at Co
go pain
guarantee every garment. worth 20c.
Large bargain tables with
lots of misses' and child
200 dozen ladles' medium weight , jer big
sey rlbhed , long sleeve vests and knee ren's medium and heavy
length pants , all at lOc each i. . . weight , fleece-lined vests and
35c qimllty ladles' heavy ribbed , R yp- pants , go at
tlan cotton , 11 coco lined , silk trimmed
vesta ahd pants , all sizes , go at lllc "
each _ „ . . . . . We will Bell all tbo floor oil "We will sell all the All the best grades of linoleum '
75c quality ladies' finest Mnco cotton [ cloth , no matter what the table oil cloth , white that generally sell for 50c and up ft Ladies' fine gauge
Jersey ribbed , nice soft , fleece lined vests ' quality , in one lot at 15c per enamel and fancy to § 1.25 sq. yd. We have put I All the boys' and girls' underwear fast black hose with , lisle double finished
and pants go In this sale at 25e and 'Me
each q [ . yd. There are all grades patterns H yds. wide , every grade all in one lot , all I wear in heavy fleece solos , all sizes , go
' | in this lot , ranging in value the regular price of sound and perfect , and offer them lined natural at lOo pair
$1.00 quality of ladies' extra fine saxony wool , gray
ribbed vests and pants in white natural from 25c to 75c eq. yd. , but which is 18c to 25c yd today at 25c sq. yd. This is and camel's ' hair effects , Boys' and girls'
, ,
nnd camel's nnir effect , go In this sale at 49c each gray all go at one price , 15c square all sound and per the best linoleum bargain ever this worth fatilo 50c at , all 2oo go each In bicycle and school hose ,
fect at Gc yd. offered in the west. made with double knees ,
' yard. go
All the ladies' finest pure Australian wool fine and heavy ribbed ,
and camel's hair vests and pants in gray , light fl All the best grades of shelf oil cloth white , marble enamel and fancy Immense lots ot misses' and regular price 25c , " go ' if' at
blue and tun colors worth $1.50 in this sale * * children's underwear , jersey ribbed '
, , go last at 2 '
patterns as long as they go c a yard. union suits , all sizes , extra quality , Ladies' fine.i'nip/ort- . / ,
5,000 , ladies' extra heavy Jersey ribbed , 5 ' worth $1.00 , go at ed French lisle th'road
fleece-lined union suits , worth 50c a suit , SALE STARTS SATURDAY MORNING AT 9 O'CLOCK. hope in plain and fancy
25c 39e 49c each colors , regular prlco up to
go at , , Goo pair , go in this sale at
Character of Eonublican Nomiuoos Inspires
Oonfidenco of Victory.
Canillilntn "WliON Iletlrciucnt In 1NS7
.Marked tlu > Ili'itliinlnir of J'arly
. , lllmiHli-r .Vi\v la-ailN the
TlKlit fur Ufil 'iiii > liiii > .
Host of the delegates who participated In
the republican state convention left on the
morning trains. The scenes of activity around
headquarters' have given pluco to the every
day monotony , but the enthusiastic cheers
fchat punctuated the work of the convention
liavo boon uucccedtMl by o no Ictbo enthu IaHlo [
determination to carry the tlcliot to victory.
It Is noticeable that the convention has left
tchlnd It an atmosphere of contldcnce seldom
l > 9rn of political contests. There are no sere
Bpota to heal and not a voice la raited except
In the most loyal commendation of the candi
dates who have lx > on placed at the head of the
v1 nrmy that proposes to utonu the popocratlc
battlements. The scenes that accompanied
the louve-taklngs of the delegates were
scarcely second In significance to those which
made the convention notable. Hvory one
was Jubilant , and every delegate went home
to voice the confidence \ \ ltliblch bis day's
yt > rk had Inspired him. The effect was Just
us though over- man In the convention had
como with an earnrct w1t > h to secure the nom
ination of the very candidate * who were
named and gone army filling Uiat everything
bad gouo bid nay. It was the unanimity ot
opinion that thu party huu put up the very
strongest ticket that could bo named aud
that It ran noxv enter the campaign In a con
dition that assures success.
Amotu ; local republicans the earuo senti
ment prevails. It Is the general expression
that the convention has done Its work as well
as It could possibly bo done , and that Its
nominees will bo triumphantly elected. The
situation Is peculiarly satisfactory to the
candidates on tlio local ticket , who declare
that tlio action of the convention and the ex
ceptional harmony that prevails In the state
will have a tendency materially to strengthen
the party In Its local campaign. The demo
cratic nnd popullrit leaders admit 'that ' Judge
Ileeso will bo a hard man to beat and the
comparison of his record with that of their
tattocd candidate does not Inspire them with
any great degree of satisfaction ,
While politics hao become a very practical
occupation , the politician whoso make-up
does not Include an clement of superstition
Is a rarity. In this connection the candi
dacy of Judge Ileese gives birth to a senti
ment that Is being largely commented on
In political circles. It is a matter of po
litical history that the disasters that have
been experienced by the republican party
of Nebraska had their beginning In the an
tagonism developed when tbe party refused
to renomlnato Judge Heese for the supreme
bench twelve years ago. With this In inlnd
the belief la emphasized that the logic of
political events has brought him back to
lead the campaign that Is to redeem the
prestige that has been lost.
The convention at which Judge Reese was
defeated for renomlnatlon Is well remem
bered by most of the older members of the
party. It was held at Hastings In 1SS7.
During his first term on the bench Judge
Ilccso had Incurred the hostility ot the rail
road managers by some of his decisions ,
notably those which referred , to the power
of the state couimlsalon to regulate the
affairs of tbe roads. Still no open opposi
tion to his renomlnatlon had developed and
when the convention met tlio friends of
Judge Itecso believed his renomlnatlon a
foregone conclusion. Hut In the meantime
the railroads were secretly but effectively
Incubating a plan to turn him down. In
tboso da ) a proxies were allowed in repub
lican state conventions and the railroads
despatched their runners Into nearly every
county In the state to secure as many o'
these valuable documents as possible. When
the convention met 242 proxies were handed
In and , almost without exception , these were
held nnd voted by men who were loyal to
the railroad interests , The railroad element
was headed by Paul Vandervoort , then a
notorious railroad lobbyist , and the defeat
of Judge Reese wno accomplished with the
active nld and co-operation of the Douglas
county delegation , on which Vandorvoort
pulled the strings. It was a subject of com
ment ot tlio time that , In the absence of
regular passes , the delegates were parked
over the railroads by a chalk mark on their
coat lapels , which was promptly recignlzed
as 'equivalent to the prlco of their rldo.
The announcement of the defeat of Judge
Reese and the manner In which It had been
accomplished created an outburst of Indig
nation from loyal republicans all over Urn
state. The feeling of dissatisfaction was so
strong In many quarters that It amounted
to revolt , and right hero began the stam
pede ot former republicans to the populUt 1
The difference between the convention
that met at Hastings and the ono that con
vened In Omaha Friday Is significant of the
sentiment that Inspired the unanimity with
which Judge Reese was nominated. Asldo
from the Douglas county dele-gallon , over
700 republicans paid railroad faro to come
to Omaha to help nominate Judge Reese ,
Many of them came from considerable ! dis
tances , from which the railroad fare was
an Important Item , but their interest In the
campaign was such that comparatively few
of the 1,020 delegates were mlBsIng when
the roll was called.
TUo harmony that Mists between Judge
Reese nnd the fighting elements of the party
was Illustrated by an Incldont that occurred
when the state coramltte-a met to organise
for the campaign. The committee had been
Instructed by thu convention to consult the
prsfcrcnces of tbo candidates , and Senator
Hayward was deputed to Interview Judge
Reese by telephone , secure his presence , If
possible , or at least ascertain Ills wishes.
Judge Reese could not come to Omaha on
account of the Illness of Mrs. Ree e , and he
also declined to have anything to say In re
gard to the organization of the committee.
"You fellows Bcem to bo running things
In a pretty high-handed manner up there , "
ho humorously answered Ssnator Ilayward ,
"nnd I am willing that you should go ahead
nnd fix It up to suit yoursolvM. Anything
that the committee wants to do Is what I
want , " ho continued , " 1 want you to endorse -
dorso for mo whatever the committee de
cides as for the host Interests of the party. "
In reply to direct questions as to where ho
would lllco to have the headquarters located
land who ho wanted for chairman of the
committee , Judge Reese returned similar
! answers. Ho declared that ho had un
bounded confidence In the committee and
was ready to concur enthusiastically In Its
action. When this was reported to the com
mittee , the liberality of the candidate's at-
| tltudo was generally appreciated , nnd It Inspired -
! spired a determination all around to make
the campaign a winner.
The candidacy of Judge Reese had a local
significance In that ho officiated at the layIng -
Ing of the corner-stone of ono of the first
of Omaha's big office buildings. When the
i Board of Trade building was In courao of
construction Judge Reese was grand master
i of the Nebraska Masons and , In that capacIty -
| Ity , ho laid the corner-atone of the handsome -
some structure that IB now the homo ot the
i Commercial club , and from which many of
' the plans that have contributed to the
I growth and prosperity of the city have
VIIIIIIKN Dcc'lliM-M tlu > Honor ,
Fred M , Youngs has sent to the re
publican county central committee the fol
lowing letter declining the acnatqrlal nomi
nation *
OMAHA , Sept. 23 , 1809. To the Republi
can County Central Committee Gentlemen :
While I appreciate the honor to me and
your recognition to organized labor la
choosing mo to fill the vacancy on your
ticket for state senator , after duo delibera
tion I find that I will have to decline the
nomination , as my acceptance would neces
sitate my resignation as president of the
Central Labor union ,
I nm a republican nnd deslro to do nil
I can In my power for the success of the
republican party , yet I feel that it U my
duty to complete my term as president of
the Contra ! labor union and perform the
duties of the ofllco for the welfare of or
ganized labor , rather than to vacate it to
take a place where It Is doubtful that I
could accomplish any good.
Should tbo republican party ECO lit In the
, future , after I have 'fulflllc4 the obligations
i assumed as president of the Central Uibor
union , to honor mo with the opportunity
to further the Interests of labor in the
legislature I shall be at their command ,
unless unforeseen circumstances should pre
vent. Respectfully , PJIED M. YOUNOS.
\ot lOnouuIi SupiTVlxorH ,
City fiery lllgby Is anxious to see more
applicants for iippolntment as supervisors
of registration present themselves , ns In
many districts there nro still posltlonn un
applied for. Unless the councilman liayo
additional names or the central committees
furnish some the council will have some
trouble completing the nppolntments. It Is
expected that these nm > otntments will bo
made nt next Tuebuay night's council
meeting , ns the law provides that It shall
I be done during September. If It la not done
then a special meeting will have to bo
TroiililfN lit it .lllcl ny HcHliiiirnnt.
Samuel Stelner and Kmnmnuel Truohnft ,
owners and mancgeis of the A'icnna res
taurant on 'tlio Midway , ore having a Had
time tlicFo days , Up to date six attach
ments and one replevin liavo been served
upon their property. Two attorneys huve
just begun suits for fcea und two mer
chants. Charles M. Yoit and M. Golden-
berg , have brought suit to collect J1S3 and
(101 , respectively , for supplies furnished.
Kodol Djbpepsla Cure Is a scientific com
pound halng the endorsement of eminent
physicians and the medical press. It "di
gests what you eat" und positively cures
dyspepsia. M. A. Ketron , Dloomlngdale ,
Tenn. , says It cured him ot Indigestion of
ten years'
I'roIIinlniirlcH < o I li I2xtfiiNlou of
Central Jloulcvnrcl Xorllnviird
( 'oiniilutucl.
The report of the appraisers of property
condemned for the Central boulevard will
bo filed with 1lu > city clerk today or Satur
day. TJio proceedings to appropriate the
land1 In question Juvo been delayed govern !
times. Once , tlio appraisement waa above
the limit allowed to the
park commissioner.- !
to expend without a tmbmlsylon of the tines-
llon to the voters , and tlio second appraise
ment has been a long proems beoauw of
the large number of persons Interested ,
alK > ut 200 ploccn of property being affected ,
Most of It Is In the gulch running north
and south through the western part of the
city , and Its exact < value Is dllllcult to
When the appraisement has been com
pleted and the adjuutmcnls made with the
property-owners , the city will acquire by
dedication from publlc-oplrltcdi citizens a
largo amount of property which , vshcn im
proved and beautified , -will bo a valuable
part of the park and boulevard system. Ono
of the mcot considerable pieces of land will
< bo tlio Turner tract , through -which the
boulevarJ will run ,
13. E. Turner , Compion , Mo. , wan cured of
piles by DoWltfa Witch Hazel Salvo after
suffering seventeen years and trying over
twenty remedies. Physicians and surgeons
endorse it. Ucwaro of dangerous counter
Horsford's ' Acid Phosphate
taken before retlrlngqulets the nerves
and Induces eleop.
Genuine bear * name Hertford's on wrapper.
X * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Don't fall to try
+ when aufforlna from any Itaii $
conUltlon ot tlio Stomacher
or Uviti' ,
, lit il
RflcCREW ,
Tread aUFormj of
22 Yean Experience ,
12 Yean In Omaha.
UKDICAIi Treatment
„ , - - cnmblned.Varluicrle ,
Stricture , SypullU.&ossoIVItrorandVUalit )
IJES flJUUAXTn : ! ) . Chnrirei Jow. HOIK
THUTMKXT. JJook , Conatillatlrm and Kxam.
I Mat ion tree. Uouru.B n. m. toCi ; TUiUn in
Kundav. 9 In 12. J' O. Jlbx 766. Office. N. i :
i-ir. Mill ami I 'amain Streets. OMAHA. Ntll ,
< 'hlc < i4tcr f.nzllih DluatuU llrana.
Original and Only Ueuulne.
ir. klw > ) i irlUUl. 1010 tit ,
IHvtf'H lor CHrluilirt HiiglM llij t
.mant.tranUa . Hril lud HM u lilUe\
bom. inlo ] .Uh tint rtt.boa. T Le
uvotlirr. Ittfutt rfangiraui fulimw *
Hunt antt fmUuffoni. Al UratfUlirt ad4 .
la ittu.pi la Jutlnlui. imlnwaliJi u
_ . "IMI r for r.adlr . " .nl.tur.
T Mut | JIP.OOOK.Umo.l.l. ltmmif
CMcir.twCir ! ul ul < Jo..M .ll . > Hiii
uir 1. I'llll
" < uur.M B . .Uio llg ) J for unuaturtik
rfol totdijt. R ulncliargei. iuUaiuiMutloui ,
On riDU l Irritatloul ur ulcerAtloiii
not u ( iiliurt. of IIIUUUUB tueiutrunc .
Vrrtxou eouuiieo. 1'uliilfdi , and r.ot uittlc-
r , ' lHtEYiH8CHJUICHCO. ! ' * T 1
D , 8.1 , or tent In pUIn r _ , , .
br cxprrM , i < nip > M. la
11.00. or toltl' , IZT3.
Circular scat cu rwuut *