THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , SEPTEMBER 23 , 1809. IT'S MONEY-BIG MONEY IN YOUR POCKET THAT YOU SAVE BY ATTENDING THE rand autumn opening sale of Y MEN'S AND BOYS' RELIABLE UP-TO-DATE VSATTJRDAY / OPEN UNTIL NIGHT/ 10 \ I. . . . . . . . . . . " ' - ' - - I * V "W * * ! pMBmMBHMOW" HaiH HAB PMM ' ' ' t KM W " "Boston Store" will start today the fall opening and sale of by far the most artistic , complete and perfect | Stock of up-to-date fall and winter suits and overcoats to be seen in Omaha. Always growing greater , and 'increasing ' its list of pleased purchasers , our clothing department keeps constantly abreast and even ahead of the times , and we are today the practical exponents of all that's new and right in wearing apparel as well as be ing the inaugurator of low prices and extraordinary good values. "We show today the best suits and overcoats that are made , absolutely perfect in every way , perfect in fit , perfect in style , perfect in workmanship , perfect in material , and more than perfect in price. We pride our selves on our every day well earned reputation backed by your own experience , of the absolute facts of sellina THE BEST OP CLOTHING AT ABOUT HALF THE USUAL PROFIT ASKED ELSEWHERE. ' Men's liondsomc Fall and Men's Men's Business Suits. 98 Ip-to-Date Winter Suits. vw SUITS. Neat , Rented effects In checks , The Krandcst assortment of now pluldai mixtures and plain , mndo of JIndo of Imported clny worsted , cas- up-to-dato suits over shown In Omaha , made from all the most popular and all wool casslmcrcq and cheviots , In slmcro nnd fancy cheviot. In all styles best known fabrics , swell fancy single and double brensted styles , with with durable serge linings , carefully striped worsteds , Imported black and mlxod clay worsteds , casstmeres and deep Inner facings , serge linings , neil tailored and perfect IHUng , worth and fancy cheviots , single and doubla tailored , worth $760 , Our openings.ilo made to sell for $10.00. Our opening sale breasted vests , splendidly lined and prlco is only fo.00. prlco only $7.50. mndo by the best tailors , worth . $15.00. . Our opening sulo prlco ds only $9.93. Men's Swell Fall and Winter Suits. Men's Finest Fall and Winter Suits. Made all the most fabrics in all the most from popular All original and exclusive patterns , made of the finest in the most reliable swell desirable patterns , serges , foreign and domestic fabrics , artistically cut , tailored as made and trimmed In rich striped worsteds , chovlots and cassiraores , cut , tirtistie style , single ivnd double breasted vests , actually worth $18 , but our well as any $35 made-to-prdor Bult.lined and trimmed iu the best possible man opening sale price ia only $12.60. ner ; our opening sale price is but 310.00. 31.09 Boys School Knee Pants 35c , These are boys' strictly all wool , heavy durable fall style , cabsimore , tweed and cheviot School Knee Pants , in sizes from 3 to We invite you to see our magnificent lines of new fall overcoats , no matter 13 years. Guaranteed to wear satisfactorily. The regular prlco la a dollar , bat for the opening sale they go at whether you are prepared to buy right now or not , you should by all means see them. They are made of the very best imported and domestic goods and equal in ' Men's trousers made from good , strong cnsslrnercs nnd all-wool fnncy every respect to the custom tailored articles , for Ci * t if Tfc F55T ) Sk , Men's jheviots , properly cut and tailored b y the leading manufacturers of this which you would pay from S2T ) to10 our open2OT jj * * * , ! 7 M | 0 to country , neat patterns , the sort that will not rip , take your pick Saturday ing sale prices run from $12.50 to $25.00 J P4L.ftHHEB0L _ - from an immense assortment for only . . . . _ . _ . . . . - . . „ . . . . _ . . . - . Mcu's trousers in new fall weights , hairline casslmeres , mcdiunTand'd'ark ' ' striped and pin-check patterns , durably tailored nnd guaranteed not to rip , Goats 85 00 Gentlemen's LATEST ENGLISH FSen's Covert GlothTop COVERT stylish iieat patterns , desirable colors , well made trousers that the manu for fall and winter wear in Cloth Dress Overcoats for Fall facturer thougHit would be retailed Tor $2.50 , for they are really worth that , nnd Winter. ENTIRE BODY and our special price Saturday Is. . _ . - . . . . „ . . „ . „ _ „ . _ . _ every new , fashionable shade SLEEVE lining of SUlnner's Men's flue trousers , a. lot of heavyweights , in fancy worstcd's'and'strlctiy from light tan to stylish oxford Guaranteed Silk or latest two-tonod all wool tweeds , also a line of new fall weights lu the latest striped patterns , Fancy Black finish. Excellently every pair perfect fitting and carefully made , properly cut and well tailored , ford and brown , dressy , well- tailored llko custom made nork. most stores would ask $3.25 and $3.50 , we offer them for sale Saturday at fitting and neat an ideal up-to-date Every . seam silk piped ; any style Men's line trousers , fancy worsteds , iu new fall styles , newest and handsomest pocket. Every elegant correct $7.50 dress coat Saturday's special shade and length. Well worth IP'ants somest semi-dress stripes nud checks in medium and dark shades , every pair price , $ o.OO $15 00. Saturday's greatest value at , guaranteed . . . „ - . . . „ „ . . . „ . . . . , _ . „ . . . . . . . . . . _ _ Boys' ' \ Youths' ' Suits $3,50 Boys'School ' Suits at $1,98 Sixes 3 to 15 years in Sailor , Brownie , Vcsteo , Plain and Doublo- - Breasted styles newest pat terns for fall ' 09. Put o woolen 1 fabrics and stronROst roll.iblo tull- or work worth up to SJ.DU Special opening sulo prlco $5 Child's ' Vestee Suits at $2,50 ages 2 to 8 years in highest grade all wool cassimoro , worsteds , cheviots in plaids , checks , black and navy blue and brown colorings all I elaborately embroidered in bilk or silk braid variety to plcaso all worth up to $5 Opening sale price $6,50 Double Breasted Knee Pants Suits at $3,50 $ from 8 to 10 years made of guaran teed nuro long staple wool cassimeres in . fiuieyBiny cnssimoros , brown pliildsand pin choukH , heavy black i und navy blue soigos , clujB , ( He. Kvoiy seam taped and double sown-iirat. pet root llttlni ; tuul oloKiirit worth up to W50 Opening sale's bright est bargain , $6,50 $ Boys'Long ' Pants Suits $3.50 all 6i/.es 11 to 19 years fall and winter - tor weights in danc and light brown and gray mix tures all wool materials only 3 best of Itisldo lluisli , durability and lowest prlco guaranteed ulsewhoru bold up toilWO Opening sale prlco $8 $ Boys' ' Long Pants Suits at $5. 12 to 10 years for hoys' fall and win ter wear in pure lout' fibre wool cnssimcro : ) , cheviots , ! worsteds , black clivys , etc. , 5 tailoring and lining nro of the bot. Tim now Htyles nnd colorlncs for vouth'H suits , worth und sold - " und to , baturdny's bale at GRAND OPENING BARGAIN Thousands of Travolingmon's Samples Child's and Boys' ' Gaps in all the newest and latest styles and colors plain , plaid and striped Golf , Bicycle , Tarns , Turbans , Etc , Worth up to $1.50 go at . . . . On sale on 2d floor. ' FA ! I HATS l nil lltti J On Main Floor. Grand Opening Bargain All the new fall blocks : Dunlap Style Knox Style Young Style Stetson Style Christie & Miller SOFT AND ST8FF H IN BLACK , BROWNS , NUTRIAS Go as a special opening bargain at Onenin ? Sale Men'sNewFall ' Shirts 500 dozen in the very newest styles and effects with collars and cuffs attached , all sizes These shirts would be a bar gain at a dollar , but go at our opening sale at. . Finest Percale Shirts Your choice today only for our opening sale of the finest and high est grade newest and latest novel ties in men's Percale Shirts with collar and cuffs , attached or de tached no finer shirt shown choice today only # dozen 1000 Men's ' Underwear bought from the creditors of one of the largest mills in New England. enables us to offer these goods for Just One-Half Regular Price. Men's heavy natural gray and camel's hair under wear in double and single breast ed also heavy rib cotton under wear , all sieos , regular 50c under wear go at 25c per shirt or drawer Men's softest and warmest and best wearing fleece lined garments silk trimmed and made as good as the very best 75c underwear you could buy anywhere , in this sale very special at Men's finest and purest Australian natural wool and camel's hair un derwear , choice pure wool fleece lined shirts and drawers , beauti fully made and strongly flnlohcd , worth at wholesale from $12 to $18 a dozen , and during this sulo you can have cholco of all at Men's finest cashmeres , silk and wool mixed , and worsted under wear , in brown , fawn , blue , nat ural and flesh colors , finished to perfection and worth at wholesale from $21 to $30 a doz ; wo offer in all sizes during this eulo at the wonderfully low price of NEW AND IN SHOES MEN'SSHOES ' Bettor qualities absolutely newer styles and lower prices than to be found anywhere else. Florshoim men's shoos , made to retail for JfO.OO a pair our opening prlco ia FOUU ( 1.00) ) DOLLARS . . . . ! Dr. Reed's $5 and $6 cushion insole bhocs , in black and tans , in all the dilloront weights of solos wo soil at FOUR ( $1.00) ) DOLLARS The "Hoslon Ease" $6 shoe for men's wear wo sell at $ H for the drill lined shoo , and $3.50 for the shoo that ia lined all through with leather The Racine Shoe Co.'s § 3 and $1 bhoes for men in all the now winter styles wo soil at $1.93 ami $2.50 And the regular $1.75 and $2.50 men's shoes we sell at $1. f > 9 and Men's § 5.00 patent leathers for $8.50 and Street and Dress Shoes for Women The Now Mannish Shoo for Woman. The now mannish shoe for women's wear in pata ontonamol , with heavy soles the very swell shoo IT for Btroot rnado to retail for six dollars a pair 1 wo sell at $1.00. The sumo style , but in the very W highest erade of box calf albo made to retail for 80.00 wo soil at $4.00 The now round too , welt solo , for women's wear , in all the different degrees of broadness , with plain kid or patent leather tips , which were made to re tail for W.CO , 94 and 83 wo sail at AND The new dress shoe with Louis XV heel , either with fine black cloth topping or all kid top , is made to retail for five and six dollars - lars a pair go in our opening sale at § 3.50 Fine hand-turn sole shoes for dress wear , in plain kid tops and cloth vesting tops in black and tans , made to retail for up to $5 a pair go at 83 Good shoes for every-day wear in all kid and vesting tops , worth up to § 3.50 and § 4.00 go at $1.39 $1.59 $1.98 and . , . , . $2.50 Fancy Slippers , Oxford Ties and Sandals. Our opening of ladies' ' ball room slippers , evening slip pers , house slippers , oxford ties and strap sandals of every kind , shows everything that will bo worn this season. We have them in every width , every size and every color. Prices from $1 , $1.50 , § 2 , § 2.50 , § 3 , § 4 and § 5 , and we make them to order for up to § 15 a pair. The New Foofform Shoes for Infants & Children Wo are introducing the new perfect foot-shape shoo for children and recommend them highly. The Unco ot the sole are true to nature , and while different from the ordinary Btylo , the soles are very sightly and very stylish , and the prlcw are right. Knot-form nlioi-H for Infantx , HZ 1 to Si , 85o. Foot-form NlioeH for children , Uc S to 8 , 91.U5. J' nlint'N fur children , * Ue 8 J-- lo 11 , ipl.HI * . Fool-form her for ml- * , iUe 11 1-B to - ' , 151.51) . Special Sale Infants' Coin Toe Shoes. Ilnnd turn , button or luce. SUc * 1 to finorth H dollar , Kt > tit CUc. CUc.Slce 5 to 8 , north $1.(50 , RO ut 7Do. IN BASEMENT I9c I iff * 1,000 pair ladles' black OvorgaltorH- the 50o kind go at lOc. Infant's fancy colored UOo Kid MoucabliiH 9c go at 'Jo AVomcn'M M < TK" hoiiBu Nlli > uorn , 'Mu , Clilld'H # 1.00 < ni | Klioon , ( J | ) , . , WOIIII-II'M xerji" foiiurcHM MIOUM , filo. I.ndlo * ' Iciitlicr IIOIINU Hllin | > rM , < ltc , Illfllllt'H llllllll NUMCll Illlttllll kill lioi-N , 'lOe. Child' * liiinil nruril Uld , luiUou uj IIIIMxlioiH , f to 8 , filtr. ] | O > H' llliiycle MliocN , nttu. Small wUe , ladle * ' $2,00 and g.'I.OO nlioi-N , filJr. Mm' * tell < ( embroidered fillr. l.lttle Kent' * ealf hoi-M , OHu. Men' * tfU.BO tan lii-avy - > clt iloubla ol Hlioen , ijll.UU. I.uillf * ' llnu 9:1.00 : tun lioe , $ Iadle - ma.t)0 ) oxforil tU- , TO Il * eii' iilee cloimolu * liucM ,