12 THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt SATURDAY. SEPTJftMHER 23 , 1809. RELIEY , ST1GER & CO , Special Saturday Offerings in Men'i Women's and Children's FALL AND WINTER UNDERWEAR AH the .Vow Full Cooiln Arc Now on DlNiilny nnil OITcretl at I'rlccn UMinlty Axkril nt the 14ml ot the Mention. Ladles' fall weight Egyptian cotton vests nnd pants white or ecru only 25c each. Ladles' Egyptian silk , fleeced vests nnd pants French band white or ecru very nlco quality all sizes GOo each. Wo have a special line of ladles' union Bulta at 60c light or heavy weight long or ohort Blcovos knee or nnklo length white or coru all finished Beams only BOo Bull. Ladles' superior quality Merino vests nnd pants natural wool special moke nil sizes 75o each. $1.00 Ladles' silk vests for cool weather high neck , long sleeves beautifully fin ished only $1.00 each. Ladles' ellk finlshc-d heavy union suits flesh and light blue colors high neck , long sloovca perfect fit and finish $3.50 suit. Chlldrens' heavy Egyptian cotton vests and pants all nlz 5 only 2uc each. Misses' and boys | fleeced natural cotton union suits "The Munslng" best finish- nil sizes 7Ec suit. WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S HOSIERY. Ladloa' medium weight cotton hose all white foot or half sole fast black excellent for wear only 2Ee pair. Ladlus' extra fine gauge fast black cotton hose heavy weight double sole , heel and toe 3Ec , 3 pair for $1.00. EOc Ladles' extra fine light weight black canhinL-ro hose for fall wear double sole , heel and tc-c only 60c pair. 250Tho leather hose for boys' school wear ; none to equal the wear ; fast black , triple knees , double heel and toe ; all sizes , only 25c pair. Boys' and girls' ribbed heavy cashmere hoee ; fast black , double knee , heel and too ; this line Is worth COc pair ; our special price , all sizes , 35c , 3 pair $1.00. Misses' fast black silk hose ; superior quality , fine ribbed , double knee , heel and toe ; special run for Saturday ; nil sizes , EOc pair. MEN'S UNDERWEAR. For BOc , medium weight ribbed shirts nnd drawers In blue , for fall wear ; also heavy fleeced shlrta and. drawers in grey. For $1.00 , heavy weight natural wool fihlrts and drawers ; also tan color , real value , $1.23. For $1.25 , heavy camelshalr shirts and drawers , patent seams ; drawers made with double gussedH. For $1.SO , extra fine natural wool shirts and drawers for winter wear , patent turn necdlo seams ; drawers extra well made. THE MUNSING UNDERWEAR. It cornea In light , medium and heavy weights nnd In several different qualities. Wo have in stock a complete assortment of Ladlra' and misses' vests. Union suits for men. Union suits for women and children. KELLEY , STIGER & CO. , Cor. Farnam and Fifteenth. New York ExciirNloit Tlckctx will bo sold over Pennsylvania Short Lines Sept , 26th , . 27th nnd 28th account reception to Admiral Dowoy. Tickets to Washington for similar event at National Capital will be sold Sept. 30th nnd Oct. 1st. Address Thos. H. Thorp , T. P. Agt. , 20 U. S. Bank building , Omaha , Neb. , or H. R. Derlng , A. G. P. Agt. , 248 South Clark St. , Chicago , for par ticulars. There will bo a meeting ol the Fifth Ward McKlnley club Monday evening , Sept. 25 , 1899 , at Young's hall , Sixteenth and Corby streets , at 8:30 o'clock. By order of the president , W. E. STOCKHAM , Secretary. Try the Her Grand hotel Ues. Open from 6 a. m.-untll' 12 p. m. Three cafes on first floor and ono grill room. Turkish and cloj- trlcal baths. Ladles' day , Tuesdays. What wo advertise , wo do. Read our ad. on page 7 , and then come and see. Hayden Bros. Storm UiiHennniiubly Severe. The thunderstorm that struck Omaha a little while before daylight yesterday < was unusual in several ways. It came late in the season , considerably after the last of Bucn disturbances are usually over , and it was peculiarly continuous nnd Intense. For the length of time the storm lasted the number of earth-shaking bolts that de scended was unprecedented. Four or five of the largest bolts must have come to the ground In the vicinity of the High school hill or a little to the went of it , as buildings thereabouts were perceptibly shaken. No actual damage has been reported. "Monarch" Patented Bosom Dress Shirt Prevents bulging. . , . Assures a perfect fit CLUETT.PEABODY&CO , CORRECT ATTIRE for MEN" the fuihlon report for Autumn and Winter , sent to those who u k..Write care Station U . . .CHICAGO CARPENTERSWINNING OUT _ _ Three Contractor * Ilnvc Acceilrd ( o the nrnmmt of Thirty-Five Ccntn nn Jlonr. The beginning of what apparently eccms o bo the end of the controversy between 10 carpenters nnd contractors occurred cstorday when Hobert Dutke , ono of the icmbcrs of the Contractors' Mutual Benefit nnsoclatlon , acceded to the demands of the arpcntcrs for 35 cents per hour , and put overal men to work upon the row of houses o la constructing for William Uochoford , n Twcuty-flfth street , between Farnam nd Douglas. John Kerrigan , the foreman of the Job , as Inatrutced by Mr. Butko to return to ork at the union scale of wages nnd place pen the building ns many carpenters as ho equlrcd. The result -was that at 10 o'clock Ccrrlgan and several union carpenters went o work , nnd additional men will be em- loyed todpy. Walking Delegate Mouse of the Carpen- ers' union Is responsible for the statement iatJohn , llasmussen , another member of ho contractors' association , has put union men towork upon a saloon -which he Is reeling under the Sixteenth street viaduct , nd that Philip Kunz will put moro men 0 work at the union scale. "Dy tomorrow noon -no will have eomo cod nowa for you , " said Delegate Mouse. 1 said all along that wo would -win , and , begins to look as though my prediction B coming to pass. With Kunz , Dutko and lasnmsson paying the scale , I do not see low the other mombcrs of the association an help but glvo It. Wo are not crowing ! o arc simply making the announcement hat the ranks of the contractors have teen > roken , and that In a few days they will nil all Into line and pay the men the scale asked for. " At an Informal mooting of the contractors leld Friday night Itwas strenuously denied hat Contractors Robert Uutlto , Philip Kunz nd John lUieflmusson are , or ever were , lombers of the Contractors' Mutual Ueneflt association , as given out by the officers of ho Carpenters' union. The fact that these ontrnotors acceded to the demands of the nlon nnd have put imcn to work at the ow scale does not affect the determination t the contractors belonging to the associa- lon , so they say , to fight the matter to the bitter end. Hobort Butke nnd John Rass- mussen , so dt seems , did n fill late themselves with the association nt the commencement of the trouble , but never went so far us to pay their duos. The contractors say they have more appll- attons for work than they possibly can con- Idcr , nnd BCD no advantage In acceding to he demands of > the carpenters by paying 5 ents more an hour than is necessary. Fully 5 per cent of the contractors say they arc vorklng all the men they want , and when necessary can double their forces without von going BO far as to advertise. They tate positively that they have no Intention of giving In at this time , and -will refuse to mploy union carpenters in the future ex cept at 30 cents an hour , unless given a casonablo time in which to meet the ad vance. Whllo they arc determined to fight ho matter out to the end nt the present condition of affairs , still , for the sake or jeaco and harmony , they -would' be willing .o arbitrate if the carpenters would meet hem half way. All their contracts have ho "abandonment" clause In them , which will not cause them to suffer by the present action of the union men , tout unless a coin- promise is effected soon they .will use the non-union carpenters who are anxious to work and send out of town for non-union mon belonging to other trades nnd complete their Jobs on hand. CONSUMPTION CUIIEIJ. An old physician , retired from practice , iad placed in his hands by an Bast Indian nlsslonary the formula of a simple vege- able remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of consumption , bronchitis , catarrh , asthma and all throat and lung affections ; also a positive and radical cure for nervous dnblllty and air nervous complaints. Hav- ng tested its wonderful curative powers in .housands of coses , and desiring to relieve luman suffering , I will send free of charge : o all who- wish It , this recipe , in German , French or English , with full directions for ) roparing and using. Sent by mall , by ad dressing , with stamp , naming this paper , W. A. Noycs , 820 Powers Block , Roches ter , N. Y. Cliarsoil with Theft of 'Wheel. Harry Kellner , 12 years old , deaf and dumb , -was arrested Thursday night by Deteotlvo Orler for the theft of a bicycle from the Boston store. The lad has been living -with his aunt , 933 North Twenty- eighth street. Ho Is charged by the store clerks with having stolen two bicycles and sold one of them to Hayden's wheel shop. Sixteenth and Chicago streets. Both -wheels were recovered. The Boston store proprietors refused to prosecute the case and the lad was discharged. His relatives say he did not know he was doing anything wrong In 'taking the bicycles and that he did not sen cither of the machines , but gave ono away. "Best on the market for cougns and colds and all bronchial troubles ; for croup it has no equal , " writes Henry R. Wbltford , South Canaan. Conn. , of Ono Minute Cough Cure. Our bargain season Is at its height read our ad , on page 7. Hayden Bros. LOW RATES EAST Via the Chicago , Mllvrnnkce t St. Paul Railway. Omaha to Now York and return , Sept. 25 , 2G and 27 , $41.00. Omaha to Washington and return , Sept 29 and 30 , $40.35. Omaha to Chicago and return , Oct. 2-9 , $17.00. Omaha to Chicago , Oct. 2-9 , $7.75. City office , 1604 Farnam street. F , A. NASH , General Western Agent. ItexnlutloiiN. "Whereas , Almighty God has seen fit to take from our midst our beloved : schoolmate , William F. Munnecke , therefore be it Resolved , That while we bow in submis sion to the Divine 'will , wo , his teachers and fellow students , deeply mourn the loss ot a true friend and faithful co-worker , feeling that the world has lost a young man of tal ent , energy and honor. Resolved , That we extend to the bereaved family our 'heartfelt ' sympathy Jn this , their hour of sorrow. Resolved' ' , That a copy of these resolutions bo presented to the bereaved family ; that a copy be elvcu to the preca of the city for publication , and that a copy be suitably preserved - served In the records of the school. ROY S. SWARTZKL , SUSIE O. PHELPS , A. W. BROOKS , Committee. Ilnritnln Mntlnce at the Iloyd. All school children will be admitted to the matinee Saturday for 10 cents ; adults , 25 cents any reserved seat , to witness the beau tiful romantic drama , "Coon Hollow. " A suggestion If you want real bargnlne , trade at the Big Store that'e Hayden Bros Their ad. ia on page 7. Wanted Large salary to a star tea and coffee salesman , wltflj established trade in southern Neb. H. C. Flaher. Chicago. DIED. KUHNS Rev. Hwiry W. , Tuesday , Septem ber 19. Aged " 0 y ara is day . Funeral atrvloes at 2 p. m. Saturday. September 23 , at Kountz * M morla" Lutheran church , Interment Forest Lawn cemetery , CURTIS Orvll Henry , September JO. 1599 a ed 4E years 4 months I days. Services u the Church of Good Shvpherd Saturday September 23 , at 2 o'clock p. m. Inter ment Forest Lown cemetery , Friends In vlted. Milwaukee papers please copy. TAKE HASTINGS BY STORM Omaha HIIMII | HN Men Will Invnilc the Knteritrlnlttir City Hnrly Till * All the arrangements for the Commercial club and Knlghta of Ak-SarBon trip to Hastings today arc complete and the Indications are that not less than 700 of the Omaha business men , many of whom will bo accompanied by their wives , will ga , The sale of tickets has been most satisfac tory to the members of the committees hav ing charge of the details. The excursion train will leave the Burlington depot at 7:20 : this morning nnd returning will arrive nt the Webster street depot soon after mid night. There will bo nn abundance of music , ns two bands the Seventh ward nnd the Colombia organizations will ac company the party. In the two organiza tions there will bo forty-two musicians. All the pcoplo who go to Hastings will bo resplendent In badges , ribbons and buttons. The members of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben will nil wear the official badges , whllo everybody will wear the button designed . especially for this occasion. This button Is' ' n huge affair , fully two Inches across. The body Is white , with the ornamentation In blue. At the top are those words : "Com mercial Club , " whllo nt the bottom is "Ak- Sar-Bon. " In the center there arc the words , "Omaha to Hastings , September 23 , 1SS9 , " < bc1ow which nro two hands , clasped. This badge will bo fastened to each coat _ and drosa by a bright bfuo ribbon , two ! Inches wide and eight Inches long , on which will bo printed "Commercial Club Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben , Hastings excursion , Septem ber 23. 1899. " Upon the excursion reaching Hastings the members will 'be ' met by the mayor nt the head of a procession. There will bo a parade through the principal streets , after which the male members of the party will bo permitted to take In all the attractions of the street , while the wives and daughters of the Omabans will bo taken In charge by the women of Hastings and entertained In royal stylo. What's the use wasting time. Go right to the Big Store ; flrst read their ad. on page 7. Hayden Bros. Owing to the Hastings excursion the lum ber ofllco of C. N. Dlotz will remain closed all day today. RUSTIC BOUGHT TIN WATCH Trnlenl Tlllrr of Oio soil Vny I K I'rloe for TlniiMilrep Worth n Iliillnr n llnrrrl. Jnfpcr Ouncnn of Arkansas Is A typical tiller of the soil who stopped In the city for a few hours on his way to lowix nnd was buncoed Into paying $8.75 for a tin watch worth fin cents n barrel. Jasper wore boots nml wlilo Jeans trousers. Hocnrrlodn. carpet l > t\K. Through holes In his straw hat poked wisps of hair In true- farmer fashion , nnd from his chin hung a lambrequin of whisk ers of rural length and color. When Duncan's curiosity prompted him to pause for an Instant In front of a fake nuc- tlou shop , near Douglas and Fourteenth streets , and glnnce Inside , tlio auctioneer at once spotted him for a "good thing. " The auctioneer held In , his hand a watch , which , ho snld , waa formerly the property of a railroad engineer who died In destitute circumstances and left his widow and or phans nothing at all on which to subsist. They , poor people , had to sell the dear man's effects for whatever strangers would charitably glvo. Hero was a timepiece worth $1 ! > 0 the kind all railroad men carry. Would the stranger , 'who looked ns It ho know a good watch when ho saw It , glvo $10 for It ? Duncan look n closer view of the watch. The widow , stand ing near by dressed In mourning weeds , shod n few tears , A sympathetic looking Individual - dividual , who gets n per cent on every sucker , dropped the remark that he would glvo $10 just to help the lady out , If not as TEETH EXTRACTED 25 CENTS. PAINLESS DR. MflSOM , DENTIST 4th Floor Broirn Bile. , 10th and Douglas Gold Alloy Filling $1.0O Gold Filling $1.00 and up Gold Crowns . . $5.0O Set Teeth . . . . . . $5.0O BestTeetli . $7.5O Big Sales Saturday. Big Clothing Values Saturday. 300 men's fine Overcoats , of high grade , velvety finish , absolutely all wool kersey made from long staple stock color guaranteed lined with extra heavy , best quality real Italian lining facings ex tra wide piped with best grade satin velvet collar. The Inside and outside tailoring of these garments will truly compare with the best merchant tailoring sotd in other stores as high as g"v f\ $10.00 our price for Saturday only JJJ Splendid values In mo n's fall and winter Overcoats at $3.75 , $5.00 , $7.50. $10.00 , $12.50 and up to $22.50. 250 Absolutely All Wool Suits at $5.00 Made up from all wool fabrics. In new and stylish patterns. Honest Jabrlcs tell In the wear. The tailoring of thcso garments is perfect , 'both ' Inside and outside. Care and tlmo were e < pend-i ed to Insure their correctness. That's why they'll fit better and hold their shape longer than the ordinary Uind these are reg ular $7.50 to $10.00 values on sale Saturday g * 'ff | at only O UVf Special Sale Boys' and Children's Clothing Stylish Suits , in all the reliable and new patterns , at $1.50. $1.75 , $1.85 , $2.25 , $2.75. $3.50 , $3.95 , $4.50 and $5.00 positively aold elsewhere at 35 to 100 per cent more. Top Coats and Reefers of flno light and hoav ywclght covert cloth , for boys from 3 to 16 years old , at $1.50 , $1.95 , $2.50 , $3.50 and $3.95. Hats and Caps Special values for Saturday In Fedora Hats black , brown , cedar and pearf on sale at 75c. Black Pashas and Railroad Shapes at 75c. Flno Fedoras , in black , brown and pearl , regular $2.50 , on ealo at $1.50. Bays' Fedora and Pasha Hats , In black and brown , on Bale at 50c. Sellina the Most Clothina in Omaha. t * n f , Bmlington Route1- TOURIST SLEEPERS TO THE NORTHWEST Helena , Spoknno , Taconm nnd Seattle leave Lincoln twice a week. To connect with them take the Burlington train leaving Omaha 4:25 : p. in. Tuesdays nud Thursdays. Cars run over the shortest line and make quicker tlmo than any other route to Montana and Puget Sound. For folder giving full Information call at Ticket Office Darlington Station 1RO2 Fiirnum St. , lOtb and Manuii SU , , Telephone SQO. Telephone . ' 110. I w I There are IIP " * vj | ] DENVER H HI IB IB flff H ll H V % A MI Bf I f % i P Vl TWO [ Hi COLORADO Trains Daily for S JBK POINTS EUNION PACIFIC 4:25 : p , m , AT 11:55 : p , m , Finely Equipped , with Palace Sleepers , Chair Cars , Buffet , Smoking and Library Cars , Dining Car Service. City Ticket Office , 1302 Farnam St. Teleohone 316 nn Investment , If ho only had the money. I Duncan made an offer of $8.75. The MM- tlonoer accepted , and the man from Arknn- pas carried away the watch. Finding ho coudn't make It keep time he tried to re- turn It , 'but ' the auctioneer had never seen htm before , eo Duncan had recourse to the police. Ho finally concluded It , would be too much trouble to prosecute the auction- I shop proprietor and decided to continue his journey on the next train out of tha city. Hey * Torriirluc Community. 1 Phillip Hnndschuh , living near the corner of Thirty-third street nnd Fort Omaha , avenue , has filed a complaint against two boys , Ansker Wild nnd John Maclntlre , charging them with nswuitt. There Is a gang of boys , Hnnd.shuh says , Infesting the neighborhood about the fort nnd whipping i nil the other small boys In the community. The two named In the complaint are said to have jumped on ono of Hnndschuh's sons without provocation and trounced him. Hnndschuh says his boy Is ntrnld to drive him to work In the morning because when returning nlono the tough youngsters scare the horse till It becotwn unmanageable. He asks that the lads bo brought before the potlco court and admonished by the Judge ' to toehnvo. C. F. Harrison lhas n now ad. today. Satur day , In our suit department you will find nn assortment of new style tight fitting and jacket suits In a variety of colors at the extreme low price of $12.00. Wo have better ones at $15.00 , $18.00 and $25.00. We make a specialty of the buslnees and have the best facilities for lilting your garments which Is worth something to n ady who likes a perfect fitting suit. Now elf Capes , Golf Skirts , Silk Waists and Misses' Jackets. CLOAr&SUITGO. 1510 Douglas St. Camel's Hair IBo Medium Weights 19c nibbed Fleeced 35c Swlts Condes 50c Extreme heavy wool 76c Look in the window and see what you can get in a One nobby child's Suit for $1.98. GUARANTEE CLOTHING CO. , CAPITOL AVE. , NEAR I6TH STREET Clone to Hemiett'a. P. S. We have on sale the best 25c working shirt ever shown any where. If you are thin and -want to put flesh upon your hones eat before retiring for the night. On a full stomach there is a building up of tissue , awake or asleep. In fants always sleep after meals. A glass of milk and bread or a bottle of Krug Cabinet iboor is sure to produce beneficial results to the invalid or the well person. Cabinet bottled beer is the ono recognized p-u-r-e beer wholesome , nutritious. As a tonic and milk producer for young mothers it has no equal. FRED KIIUG IIHKWIuVG CO. , Tel. 420. 1007 Jackson Street. SPRATT'S PUPPY CAKES We have Just received a full line of Spratt's ENGLISH DOO MEDICINES nnd FOODS , Including Puppy Cakes Cod Liver Oil Cakes Dog Biscuit Spratt's Dog Soap And a COMPLETE LINE OP MEDICINES. Spratt's book about dogs freo. Sherman & McDonnell Drug Co , , 1513 Dodge Street , Omaha , Nob. A Few Cut Prices on Drugs and Medicines , COe Swift's Extract of Beef 40c Jl.OO Swift's Extract of Deet 7So 25o Garlleld Tea 20c EOa Garfield T a 40o 25c dray's Tea 20o 25o Karl's Clover Tea 20o 2So Lauo's Tea 20c 25c Chamberlain Colic Cure 20o 2&c Pierce Smartweed , 20o llvil Ilurrii Sillt IRu EOo Ely's Cream Halm , , , . , . . . , 40c tOo Gem Catarrh Powders , 40c 2Co Petlt'e Eye Salve 20o 2Eo Thompson's Eye Water 20c We sell Paints and Qlaea , too , Get our prices before buying. J. A. FULLER & CO. Cut Price Druggists. COR , I4TH AND DOUGLAS STREETS Ol'U.V ALL , MUI1T. ] < xtfft I < J j < Y 1 Saturday Features. STOKU Ol > liN THIS EVENING UNTIL 10 O'CLOCK. Where is there within the range of one's trading in Omaha or elsewhere , a Cloak Department that compares with this ? AVe can well af ford to be boastful speaking about it. It has brought up cloak selling in the town to a higher plane and lessened the fakoishism that has been prac ticed upon you by some stores. Basing calculations upon in formation by the writer , the retailing of cloaks hero equals that of several stores of the town put together. Aren't our conclusions at the open ing of the department correct ? That the trouble in Omaha was not the lack of cloak stores , but the lack of Popular oriced ones. Ladies' Suits Ladies' Tailor-made suits irost fashionable shapes and materials , dip front , silk lined jackets , skirts well lined , perfect hanging , tailored in best possible manner , real value $12 , 'our price , $7.90 Ladies' Tailor-made suits of line 'quality cheviot , jacket is made in reefer style , lined through out with satin , skirt cut in latest style , lined with beat quality lining , bound with velvet , the entire suit made in a first class manner , this suit brings elsewhere $15 , our price $1050 Ladies' Walking Skirts Ladies * Walking and Golf Skirts advanced fall styles , strikingly handsome colors find com binations , a collection of exclusive style , effects selected - lected from the world's best skirtmakera , Oxford blues , browns , tans and grays , open at side , French pleat ed back , self faced around the bottom , from 5 to 15 rows stitching , such values have never been seen in any suit department in Omaha , § 3.90 , $5.50,86.25 , § 7.25 , 58.75 and up. Ladies' Silk Waists. Ladies'Silk Waists made of splendid quality taffeta silk , black and col ors , corded back , full cord ed front , blouse effect , French sleeves , detachable collars , you may count your saving by dollars on any waist you find in our house , $2.50 , $4.75 , $5.00 , 85.50 up. Ladies' Shoes. When fishing in clear water , do not be tempted to jab the finny tribe with your rod if they do not bite. The over- eagerness of many advertisers frightens trade rather than attracts it. They are always selling shoes at cost and half price without any apparent reason. When this store says $1.90 , worth $3.00 , you may rest assured 'tis so. Our many departments bring down ex penses , and our big business gives us buying op portunities not in reach of smaller dealers. That's why we sell and guarantee our Ladies' Shoes. Your attention , please , to our Ladies' $1.90 Shoes , They come in all kids in the fancy vesting top for dress wear ; for school or street , in box calf or plump vici good heavy soles , latest patterns and in all widths. We can fit any foot. We don't ask you to buy a single pair of shoes unless you're satisfied that you are getting better values here than elsewhere. Men's Hats. In the hattery spe cial inducements to the man who wants to bo in the lead with fall styles , at a much less price than the exclusive hat man will ask you. You can settle on one of our "Ne braska Specials"if you're looking for three dollars worth-of hat for $1.50. Men's ' Neckwear , If you can't tie a tie tidy , buy a tie al ready tied tidy. AVe'ro not particular what you buy if its 50c elsewhere , its 35c here. All we're after isxto lot you know where neck wear can bo found in endless variety and at popular prices. Call for any kind or style neckwear. We've got it. NEBRASKA CLOTHING COMPANY. RUBBERS ON TIME Wo sell the famous CANDISR SU- PKIUOIl UUDUKIl BOOTS , SAN DALS and porfoct-flttlng specialties on credit. Auk for Caudcoa , Wo also recommend Meyer Company , Jersey Company , etc. Write for new cata logue of Hubber Goods , Jlackln- toshw , Leggings , etc. O O O o ZACHARY T. LINDSEY