Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1899, Page 10, Image 10

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BopUmbor Wheat Qoas Two Gents Higher In
Chicago and December Over a Gent.
Sppotilndve Trmlo In Corn nml
Cxport Dfiiinnd IlrliiK n I'rno-
tlonnl Atlvmiee Out * finlii n
Good Half Cent.
CHICAGO , Sept. 22. Today's wheat mar
ket showed the effect of yesterday's failure
of a lending benr firm. Relief from the
heavy soiling' pressure from that source
rwns a big1 factor In the advance of Hie ,
Which marked the close In December ; Sep
tember closed 2c higher ; higher cables and
a big export demand were Influential In the
advance. Corn was strong on a big export
demand and closed ! Ji0ic higher. Oats ad
vanced ? 4So and provision closed 2s ! < 3
tower to 7V4c higher.
"Wheat opened linn at a shnde over yes-
tcrdny's closing price for December , nnd
though there were periods of reaction , the
Cencral tendency of the market was upward
to the closo. At the stnrt business was
rather slow , but with buyers In the , ma
jority. Liverpool was up ttfy'&l , partly on
the good spot demand nt that mnrket and
partly on the critical state of affairs In the
Transvaal. Primary receipts were large ,
Imt clearances were also heavy , nnd early
In the session a good export business was
Indicated. The main feature of the
utronpth , however , wns the ellmlnntlon of
the licnvy selling pressure recently put on
the market by the firm whose suspension
nfna nnnminpf l vnstonlnv Unrrptt Xr. KJir-
sum. A great deal of inherent strength
was suggested by the great nmount of
wheat the market had absorbed from that
nourco without nny material decline nnd It
Impressed speculators to a considerable de
cree. Good buying was done by 'tho local
crowd , but outside support was also prom
inent , St. Louis being a l lg buyer. The
Hrength shown by the conrse grain markets
also made Its Influence felt on wheat Inter
In the session. Trading gradually broad
ened nnd during the afternoon was quite
active , with prices steadily advancing. The
market got considerably over call price and
there was a good deal of Belling against
thono privileges , but everything' offered was
readily absorbed. One of the largest export
houses in Now York reportnd more general
ncceptances of offers of wheat to foreign
points than nt nny time since the Lclter
deal. That many offers were still somewhat -
what , under the market was shown by ex
port engagements of but thirty-two loans.
Alost of thn. statistical news was bearish ,
ibut H had Ilttlo effect on the market. Ar-
pentlne shipments were large 1,632,000 bu.
[ Minneapolis nnd Duluth receipts wcro 91S
cnrg , ngalnst 1,022 ln t week and 955 a year
ngo. Chicago receipts were 147 cars , twenty-
neven of contract grade. Total primary
receipts were 1,050,000 bu , , compared with
J,0ij9,000 bu. a year ago. Atlantic port
clenrnnces of wheat and Hour amounted to
650,000 bu. December opened at 7172c ; It
eold nt Tl iS lTtc Immediately after the
opening , then advanced steadily to 73c and
closed Ilrm and 10H4c higher at 725i7Ic. ;
lAlmost nothing was done In September.
Offerings wcro light and but few bids were
mecesHary to ndvnnce the price 2c. It closed
nt 74c. Minneapolis reported more flour
sold ithls week than has been pold recently
dn n month. This had some effect on the
closing strength.
There was a big speculative trade In corn.
Urokcrs were all well supplied with buying
nrders and prices ndvnnccd sharply with
December in the lend. The cash demand
( was largo , with foreigners accepting llbor-
nny ror snipment or me now crop , -mo
iwot weather was expected to restrict coun
try movement and stocks of old corn were
reported low. The seaboard reported nearly
300 loads taken for export. Shorts were
ilnrge buyers on the rally. Receipts were
785 cars. December ranged from 29V4ff29c (
to 30'Ac and closed -"He higher at SOHc.
Oats followed the lead of other grains.
The market was strong all day. with a
Rood general demand and shorts covering
freely. A good cash demand was reported.
( Receipts were 286 cars. December ranged
from 22V6e to 22c and closed % c higher at
Provisions -worn rather dull but stendy.
The market was helped by the strength"
rraln markets and a sharp advance in meat
price ? abroad and prices averaged a Ilttlo
( higher. 'English ' houses sold lard moder-
ntely. At the close January pork was 7V4c
( higher at J9.70 ; January lard 2c lower at
KV.K'A and January ribs a shade higher at
.Estimated . receipts1 Saturday : Wheat , 135
cars ; corn , 800 cars ; oats , 325 cars ; hogs , 16-
000 head.
Lending futures rangad as follows :
Articles.I Open. lllgh Low. Close.
'Wheat '
Scfit. . . 71 < 74 Tm 74 72
Dee. . , . 71T7a 73 71 > 4 T < 721-7.1 71M
May. . 7 < ? jQJ < i 7CM 74H
Bcpt * . . H4 (9lj ( S4H 34H 34
pea. . . . SOW 2PH
May . . 30H 30)1 )
sppt. . . 22H 22K 22
Una. . . . J2H 2HM 2'JM
May. . . . 24 23W 24 23HJ
Oat. . . . 80S B 10 B02H 807 802
. . . . 817M 825 8 17h 82'JH HIS
Jim . . . 005 970 005 070
Oot. . G32hi CSS 630 6324 BS2
Uoo . . . ft 4' ' 640 G 40 040
Jan . . . BUS DCS CCO 6C2W
Oot. . . . Bl'JW 617 ! < Cl'JH sin
Jan. . . . COS BOTH COC 60S
Cash quotations were as follows :
FLOUR Steady ; winter patents , J3.50 ®
8.60 : straights , J3.10Q3.3S ; spring specials ,
J4.10 ; spring patents. J3.40fi3.70 ; straights ,
I2.SO-ZT3.20 ; bakers , J2.20S2 60.
WHEAT 'No. ' 3 spring , 72'ic ; No. 2 red ,
72li'Q72c. '
OORN-No. 2 , 31U034Uc ; No. 2 yellow ,
OATS No. 2. 23Q' > 3'4c ; No. 2 white , 25 ®
C5Vic : No. 3 white , 24S25c. !
RYE No. 2 66&C.
15ARLEY No. 2 , 40fi46c.
SEEDS-No. 1 llaxseed. J1.13 ; prime
llmothy seed. J2.35 ; clover , J5.00fj7.25.
PROVISIONS Moa pork , per bbl , , J7.40 ®
8.10. Lard , per 100 Ibs. , J5.20iJS.35. Short ribs
Iip.H | ( loose ) , ju.ODff5.40. Dry salted shoul-
tlerH ( boxed ) . J ,00f(6.1214 ; short clear sides
( boxed ) , J5.65fG.U5. (
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per
tal. , J1.22.
SUGARS Cut loaf , unchanged.
Following are the receipts and shlp-
tncntH for today :
Articles. Receipts. Shlpm'ts.
iFlour , bbls . 11,000 IS.OOi )
Wheat , bu . 1K,000 ( ! lli.OOO
Corn , bu . MI2.000 327,000
Oats , 1)11 ) . 43.1,000 431,000
[ Rye. bu . 13,000 2,0:0 :
tUarley , bu . 81,000 11,000
On the Produce exchange today the butter
market was Ilrm ; creameries , 16J22Vfec ;
dairies , 13fl8c. ChP-eso , stendy at lOfttllttic :
QCggw , firm ; fresh , 16c. Poultry , spring
chickens , weak , others nteady ; turkeys , 9S >
SOc ; ohlckciiH , 9j10o ; ducks , 7&bc.
Unntntlonii of ho Day nil Vnrloim
NEW YORK , Sept. 22.-FIXUR-Recelpts ,
08,599 bbls. ; exports , 11,169 bbls. ; sales , 10,000
pkgs. ; llrm ; wlntc-r pntcntsi , J3.6003.SO ; win
ter straights , J3.35fi3.15 ; extras , J2.45S2.90 ;
winter low grade * , J2.25fi3.40 ; 'Minnesota '
patents , J3.90fH.10 ; Minnesota bakers , J3.00fi >
8.15. Rye ilnur. Ilrm ; Bales , 4W ) bbls. : good
to fair , $3.155(3.30 ( ; choice to fancy. J3.35ij3.60. Hour , quiet ; new , J2.50Jj2.GO ,
UUC'KWIlKAT-Htendy at 63 | fi5e.
CORNMEAl -FIrm ; yellow western , 75
Cf76c ; city , 77c ; llrnndywlne , J2.20S 3.20 ; No.
S Wrtstern , M'io afloat , spot.
RYE-Strong ; No , 2 wrutern , 64ic , f. o. b.
tillont. spot ; state rye , 69ti60c.
UARLEY Qulot ; feeding , -HSrl2e , c. I. f. ,
Jlurralq : malting , 45'o50c , delivered at
( New Vork.
"ARLEY M.VLT-Qulet : western , 63f63c ,
WHEAT Receipts. 1M.350 bu. ; Vxports ,
315,641 bu. Spot strong ; No. 2 red , 76c f. o
l > , alloat ; No. 1 northern Duluth , SOTic , f o.
l > , afloat to- arrive ; No. 1 hard Duluth. 78'ic
to arrive ; No , 2 red , 7l ? c , elevator. Options
opened steady.4o lower , but advanced and
ruled fairly active and generally ( Inner on
covering , following reports of large accept
ances of wheat ami extraordinary accept
ances of corn , advancing ? 4ifT4c. Higher
cables assisted the upward movement and
covering was o. prominent feature all day ,
rwlth occasional smalt reactions under
realizing. The close , was strong , with prices
WTio net advance. May. 79V4iSO'ic | ; closeil ,
S0 < 4o ; September. 73V4il7Hici closed , 74V4 ;
December. 76V45JT74o ; closed , 77 ? c.
CORN Receipts. 197,923 bu. ; exports , 100.-
193 bu. Sixit market strong ; No. 2 , 39 c.
t. o. b. afloat , 39 > 4o elevator. Options opened
eteady , with prices 3-160-Ho higher and fur
ther advanced 3-16Q ic , closing firm at a net
of * ifJT4o on very heavy acceptances
and Increased apeculailvo demand ; May ,
35TiB36U ( < 5 ; closed , 36'tc : Sopte-mber closed ,
B9V4c : December. 36)tfj37 > tie ; closed , 37Uc.
OATS Receipts. 213,100 bu , : exports , 153,000
Ibu. Spot stronger : No. 2 , 27fi2So ; No. 3. '
S7 o ; No. 2 white. 2SVi30c ( ; No. 3 white. 298) )
Suijc ; track mixed western , 27 iiS9c ; track , I
/white / , 2033c. Options quiet but tlrm , with
other markets. ,
FEED Strong.
HOPS Dull ; state , common to choice ,
K i wop , 6c ; 1697 crop , nominal ; 1S93 crop , '
10t713c ; r.irino roust , 1TO crop , 4f6c ; 1S97
trnp. nom'nnl : l.W crop , llflHc.
HAY Stendy ; shipping , now , 6060c : good
to e nolrt , new , ( Aifiic.
Ayres , light to hpavywelghts , 2253Hc ; add ,
C'OAIStendy. .
PROVISIONS-Rppf , nrm ; family.
Wll.oO ; mess , J9.00fl9.50 : beef hams , J25.50Q >
25.50 ; pnrkpl Jin.ooftlo.60 : c'ty extra India
mess , J14.60fM6.00. Cut meat ? , stendy ; plck-
I'd beilp. ! , jA.76n7.lifln' ' klpd Phoilldtrs ,
Jfi.25 ; pickled hams , JS.75fjlO.OO. Lard , quiet ;
wpstprn steamed , J.1.65 ; city , J5.30 ; Sep
tember , J.i.67',4. nominal ; continent , J6 ;
South America , Jtl.60 ; compound , Jo.OOff
6.00H ; renned. quiet. Pork , tlrm ; mess ,
JS.75'fl9.60 : short clear , J10.25yil.75 ; family ,
EGGS Steady ; United States nnd Cnnndn ,
Isfi2nc , low oft ; western , ungraded nt mark ,
POTATOES-Stpady ; Now York , J1.25f ?
1.40 ; southprn , tlMfti.X ,
TALLOW-Strong ; city , 6c ; country , 6ff
typ ,
ROSIN Dull ; strained , common to good ,
J1.2.vM.27H. ;
RICE Firm ; domestic , fair to extra ,
4M'7' 'ipnn , 4-iiii5 jp.
CHEESE-Stpndy ; largo white. lO c ;
small white , n'/itfllto ; Inrgo colored , 11 ®
ll''ic ; smnll colored , HUWllHc.
MOLASSES-Stcndy ; New Orleans , open
kot'lp. L'onilo choice. 32 J3l5c.
METALS Further Improvement was re
corded In the price of tin locally today and
lead developed considerable strength ns
well on Incrcnsed demand. The news from
the west nnd abrond was of a more cheer
ful turn. The other departments of the
mnrket failed to rally from the narrow ,
stupid rut followpd for days and even
weeks. At the close the Metal cxchnngo
called pig iron warrants nominal at J1S , lake
copper very quiet at J18.GO , tin llrmcr. with
J32.20 bid ; lend shade firmer , with JI.60 bid
and J1.65 asked ; spelter firm , with J4.40 bid
nnd J5.50 nsked. The brokers' price for lead
is J4.40 and for copper J18.60.
ConilKInn qf Trncln nml Quotation * on
Stntili * nml Fuller 1'rndnce.
EOGS Good stock nt 16 < 516c.
HITTTEH Common to fair. 13c : choice ,
13f16c ; separator , 22c ; gathered creamery ,
POULTRY - Ksns. live. 7Wc ; spring
chickens , 8c ; old and staggy roosters , live ,
34S"4c ! : ducks and geese , live , 6JJ)7c ) ; t\if-
kevs. live , Sc.
PIOEONS-Llve. per doz. , 75c.
VEALS-Cholce , 9c.
WATERMELONS-Good stock , crated for
shipments. 12fff5c. ]
CANTALOUPE- crate , Rocky Ford ,
TOMATOES Per crate , 60c.
SWEET POTATOKS-Por bbl. . J2.00.
POTATOES-New , 235T25c.
CRANBERRIES-Cnpo Cod , J5.75Q6.00.
PLUMS Oregon , per crate , Jl.25fjl.40.
Jl.OOjil.lO ; clings , 90c < OJl.OO.
APPLES-Per bbl. , J2.25f2.50 ; crabapplcs ,
per bbl. . J2.25fj2.60.
GRAPES-Ohlo , 17c ; New York , ISc ;
California , Jl.30ffTl.BO.
PEARS Unrtlett. J2.50fj2.60.
QUINCES-Callfornln. per box , J1.50.
LEMONS-Callfornla fancy , J5.255.50 ;
cholcp California , J4.75f5.00 ; Messina , fancy ,
BANANAS Choice , crated , large stock.
tier bunch. J2.00g2.50 ; medium-sized
bunches. J1.75'fJ2.00. '
HIDES-No. 1 green hides. 7&c ; No. 2
creen hides. 6V4c ; No. 1 salted hides , 9c ; No.
2 salted hides , Sc ; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12
Ibs. . lOc : No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 Ibs. , Sc.
1. 3c : tallow. No. 2. 2Vic ; rougn tallow , IHc ;
white grease. 2V403c ; yellow and brown
grease ,
St. I.oiiIGriiln nnd I'rnvlMlonn.
ST. LOUIS , Sept. 22. WHEAT Higher :
No. 2 red , cash. 70c ; elevator , track nnd
September , 71c ; December. 73Uc ; May. 76c ;
No. 2 hard , 67H5iC9c : receipts , 21,722 bu.
CORN Higher ; No. 2. cash and track ,
31Jc ; September. 31c ; December , 2SH@
2SVlc ; May , 2SHS2S5JC.
OATS Higher ; No. 2 , cash , 23Mc ; track.
2323'4c ( ; September , 23c ; May , 24c ; No. 2
white , 25 c.
RYE Firm , 67c.
FLOUR More active and higher ; patents.
J3.l5ff3.60 ; extra fancy , J3.15@3.25 ; clear , J2.75
@ 3.00.
SEEDS Timothy , nrm and higher , J2.10 ®
2.40. with prime worth more. Flaxseed ,
higher at Jl.10',4.
CORNMEAL Steady. $1.7561.80.
BRAN Higher ; sacked lots , east track ,
HAY Steady ; timothy , J8.00@10.60 ; prairie ,
WHISKY Steady , J1.22.
PROVISIONS Dry salt moats , steady ;
boxed shoulders nnd extra shorts , J3.60 ;
clear ribs , J5.62'clear ; sides , J3.75. Bacon ,
steady : boxed shoulders , JG.75 ; extra shorts ,
J6 : clear ribs , 16.12' ; clear sides , J6.25.
RECEIPTS-Flour. 6,000 bbls. ; wheat , 22-
000 bu. : corn. 77,000 bu. ; cats , 46,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS-Flour. 11,000 bbls. ; wheat ,
107,000 bu. ; corn , 109,000 bu. ; oats , 49,000 bu.
I.lvor'ionl Grnln nml 1'rovlnlonn.
LIVERPOOL , Sept. 22. WHEAT Spot ,
No. 2 red western , winter , Ilrm nt 5s 7d ; No.
1 northern , spring , firm at 6s 2d ; No. 1
California , 6s 2d. Futures firm ; September ,
5s lOVid : December , ( is VJd ; March , 6s l4d.
CORN Spot , American mixed , new , Ilrm
at 3s 64d ; American mixed , old , 3s 6id. .
Futures firm ; September. 3s 64d ; October ,
3s 6id : November. 3s 6Hd.
PROVISIONS Hams , short cut , firm at
44s. Bncon , tlrm ; Cumberland cut , 37s ;
short ribs , 32s 6d ; long clear middles , light ,
32 6d ; long clear middles , heavy. 31s 6d ;
short clear backs , 30s ; clear bellies. 35s.
Shoulders , square , Ilrm at 27s Cd. Lard ,
American refined , In pails , firm at 29s 3d ;
prime western , In tierces , firm at 2Ss.
ICnnmiN City ft nil n niul I'rovlNlonx.
December. 66c : cash , No , 2 hard. G3c ; No.
3. 61'X , < ff 4'ic ; No. 2 red , 67' Q6Sc ; No. 3 ,
64J7COV4c : receipts , 131 cars.
CORN December , 25TsC ; cash , No. 2
mixed , 29c ; No. 2 whlto , 29Vi < Q2'J } c ; No. 3 ,
OATS No. 2 white , 25 < § 25lc.
RYE No. 2 , 54c.
HAY Choice timothy , J7.25fJ7.50 ; cholco
prnlrlc J660.
EGGS Arriving In good condition , but
loss oti held stock Is heavy ; mnrket firm ;
fresh Missouri and Kansas stock , firsts ,
14',4c doz. , cases returned.
Hiittrr MnrUct.
CHICAGO , Sept. 22. BUTTER crenm-
erips , 16ir22c ; dairies. 13i18c.
ST. LOUIS , Sept. 22. BUTTER Firm ;
croampry , 19fi23c ; dairy , 14519c.
Crpnmery. inj21o : dairy , I6c.
Flrin ; western fancy creamery , 23c ; west
ern fancy prints , 2lc.
colpls , 2,622 pkgs. ; western creamery , 1857) )
23c ; June creamery , 18HrS c ; factory , 13 ®
To I cilo
TOLEDO. O. , Sept. 22. WHEAT Higher
nnd active ; No , 2 cash nnd September , 71Vio ;
December , 73e.
CORN Active and steady ; No. 2 mixed ,
OATS Active nnd steady ; No. 3 mixed ,
* 4 c.
RYE Neglected.
SEEDS Cloversecd , dull but steady ;
prime cash and October , J5.176 ! ; December ,
iiiollH AV In-lit mill Flour.
MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. . Sept. 22.
WHEAT In store , iNo. 1 northern , new ,
September. 6Sc } ; old , September , 70ic ; De-
cPmber , CST45j69o ; May , 714c ; on track , No.
1 hard , 7OTic ; No. 1 northern , CSic ; No , 3
northern , fif,4c.
I'LOUR First patcntH , J3.75O3.80 ; seconds' ' .
J3.M1(3.C5 ( ; first clears , J2.55Q2.65.
BRAN Unchnngfd.
Diiludi Cm In Mnrli-t.
PEORIA , Sept. 22.-CORN-Hlgher ; No. 3 ,
OATS-Hlgher ; No , 3 whlto , ! 294 < f)23c. )
WHISKY Steady , on the bnsls of J1.22 for
llnlshed goods ,
Tf'iiilciiny of Brooklyn
TriuiNlt Slliiiiilnti-x 3IiirU * t.
NEW YORK. Sppt. 22-Tho recuperative
tendpncy on the stock market gained de
cided force for the progress of today's
trading , The uneasiness abroad was an
element at the opening und changes wcro
small nnd Irregular nnd the tone of the
speculation hesltntlng , Anuconda was no
tably affected by disappointment of Brit
ish holders over the amount of the divi
dend and dropped nearly 3 points from yes
terday s closing level here , The pressure
against American Tobacco was also In evi
dence and Brooklyn Transit had a struggle -
glo to overcome Its opening decline. The
latter eventually moved upward nnd
though It fell once again below last nlght'ii
level Its advancing tendency afterward
wns ft stimulating Influence on the mar-
kPt throughout the dny. Thp stocks of
New York C'lty corporations showed close
sympathy with the movement In Brooklyn
Transit and many rumors wpro prevalent
to account for the movement pointing to
n plnn of unity of control of nil the public
utilities In the Grenter City of New York.
The fnct thnt the interests which have
boon In conflict In the local gns war nro
more or less Identified with the various
traction companies gave color to the ru-
mor. Net gnlns In this group. Including
Manhattan , Metropolitan Street Railway.
Brooklyn Transit , Consolidated Gas and
Brooklyn Union Gns ranged from IVi to 5
The movement In the specialties was
most conspicuous throughout the dny , but
a rnther notable demnnd sprang tip tor
the rnllronds , nttrncte'd by n sudden rlo
in Omaha of 7'1 points , In Northwestern of
4 points and In New York Central ot 1'4
points. These gains were not maintained ,
but there was notable buying all day ot
Southern Pacific nnd of the grangers. Ono
or two of the southwesterns advanced well.
The movement In the railroads did not extend -
tend far outside those llmlti except for
obscure some stocks. People's Gas wus
strong In sympathy with Brooklyn Transit -
sit nnd there wcro good advances In Sugar
and Tennessee Coal. American Hoop and
Federal Steel showed strength and Pullman -
man rose an adddltlonnl 1U points on ru
mors of an extra dividend.
There wns a very heavy demand In the
Inst hour for the Leather stocks , which
wns a mnterlnl fnctor In overcoming the
rpnctlonary tendency of the mnrket.
United States Leather common advanced
to 15V4 and the preferred to i9V closing
at the top. The genera market closed
Btendy under this sustaining Inlluenc" ,
I Bomowhat below the host.
Speculative opinion was Inclined to look
1 for a favorable bank statement tomorrow
' nnd was much cheered thereby. Then ,
wns no further evidence of Blocks being
forced to sale by calling of loans nnd the
rate for call money did not rise above 6
per c < mt and fell on minor transactions
fielow thnt. This Is pretty good evidence
that the banks arc within their legal reserve -
serve , but It give no clew as fiov. inr
the surplus may have been replenished.
The bank" hav/lo t J2.516.000 to the sub-
treasury and the known movements of
money Indicate n further loss to the In
terior ot about J2.750000 There has i evi
dently boon some offset to the I ntcrlor
movement by roce pts through the mall
m d through other channels not Rurally
tiscd for this purpose. Thn con lltlon of
the surplus therefore depends on rely ' on
f hn pxtcnt to which loans have been con-
tractpd nnd deposit liabilities " | "ft "
duced. The stock market J V > nK the week
lini riparlv enough Indicated that the re-
SctloTot lonn s hns been on a IRITKO , sc alo.
But the same condition was manifest . inni
l Texas & Pacine. . |
Atchlson Union Pacirtc . . . .
do > Pfd-"v'r" & . omo , 50 % do pM. . 77Vj
Baltimore 1'acitlo . . 9. W'abash . . . . . 7H
Canadian do pfd. . 2214
W. & I * B. .
du 2d pfd 31
WIs. Central ! ' / * ,
uaiina . . . . .yif" , ] ' "
Amer. Express 149
Wells-Fargo Ex 130
, . . coi. u.l Ji
. do pfd I
" ' Amer. Maltlns . . . . IS |
c"c. 'southern c. & et. . MV4H do prd , 67 ! '
Cole , Amer. B. & R 39i (
ao tot pld. r do prd M ,
do Am r. Spirits 6 I
do litu ' " >
Amer. S. II 434 !
do pfd SO
Amer. S. * W o. .
do pfd *
Amer. Tin Plate. . . . 3 54
Ot. No. pfd do prd.- " > . Sf > 1a
. . .
HocklnK Valley Goal . . JHi Amer. Tobacco . . . .mft
Hooking 145
do pfd
. . *
UlLnoU Central .1UJ Anuconaa M. Co. . . . 54'/4
. .
Iowa Central - ' llrook. Kap. Tr. . . . . 92'.4 '
do pfd Colo. F. & I MM.
K. C. , ! ' & O"- Con. Tobacco 434 !
fc. E. A ) \ . 7SV4 do prd W
do Federal Steel KV1
jjake S'ior - do prd 79
IXul . & Nasn.-- General Klectric . . .IK
Manhattan I > Gluoose Sugar C2
Met. St. Hy.--
107i !
do | > rd
Mexican ' '
Minn. & S < . L.- . 71V4 lnt'n'1 Paper " -
. 04 do j > rd 4
do , 45H I.acledo Gaa I Va
Mo. Pacine . 4in National Illecult . . 40
Mobile & Ohio. . .
, .110 %
do pid ; do 1st pfil > i
W - "
OutRrlo & j-J" Cl
do 2 < \ pfd
0 > % " " Pacine Mall 40 > i
, lo " " " " 13- , , Poople's Gad IlHi
- '
Pennsylvania ZHi ? Prorsed S. C f'r'i
Heading do prd1 G *
do 1st pf' '
Pullman P. I
JIIO. ' " "
do prd US'l '
do pfd
& S. F
St. U ' Tenn. C. & I " 3
do I" *
do Id prd. . . . U. 8. I > mther p
St. U & S. W. . . . 1414. do prd. . 9H
sslu. 4.S-1
. S. Rubber
do pfd
12.SH do jM 110
179 Western Union . . . . 8 , 4
12314 epubinio I. & Si.--- > %
3SH do pr.l "W .
Bo. go. Hallway 12 P. , C. , C. & St. U. 7314
< lo prd. ! MH .
noM in StoekH nnrt Hondn.
loans , 4fi5 ppr
London Ntnelc lnotntlon .
LONDON. Sept. 22.-I p. m. Closing
Consols , money . . . .10li ? N. Y. Central 1.W4
do acrount 101 Vi Pennsylvania OTi
Canadian I'ccltlc . . 0V lleaalwr 1 4
No. raclflo pfd "OH
do""l' | > rd 37 AWhlnoo : i'i
Illinois Central . . . .US' . I/iuUvllle 60 i
U. V. PM , "I * Granil Tnmk
HI. Paul , common. . J3l } Anaconda U' .
" "
"MONEY w- per cent.
The rate of dlw-'ounl In the open market
for short bills Is 3VS per cent ; for three
months' bills.39-lcattio per cent.
Hew York JllnlHK Quolnllonii.
NEW VOIUC. Sept. 22.-Tho followlnu
' for mining
ore otllclol closing quotations'
Thollar * J Onturlo . 6(5
Crowii Point von >
-on Col .t Vn K > Plymouth . 0
Deadwood 70 Quicksilver . 20J
Gould & . Currle. . . . SI do pfd . 7SO
Ilnle & Norc-ros . . . 26 Blrrrii Nnvada . 74
Homennke MM Standard . 295
Iron Silver M I'nlnn Con . 38
Mexican 42 Yellow Jacket . 25
Condition < > f Hit * 1'rt-iiKUrr.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 22 Today's state
ment of the condition of the treasury
shows : Available cash balance , $2J5G27S12 ;
reserve , tS5.693.4S5.
IMBW YOHK , Sept. 22. MONKY On call ,
firm at 5fi < J per cent ; last loan at G per cent :
prime mercantile paper , 4M)6'4c ) per cent.
tual buflncss In bankers' bills at " tit.n >
4.S > i.4 for demand nnd H.StMH.M for Klxty
dnys : posted rates' . Jl W f4.S3 s nnd | lS6 < 4y
4.M. pommcr.'lnl bills.'stH.Sl.
I SlLVI-U-Cirtlncntc ! > . 6Sist(59Hc ( : bar ,
Mexican dollnrs , 47'4 < \
HONDS Oovernment bond. * , firm : state
bonds , inactive : rnllrond bondfl , strong.
, . LONDON , Sept. 22. Amorlcnn railway
I chares were fnlrly steady , but buslnwa wns
, restricted on nccottnt of the Transvaal
fltuntlon. Thp final tone wns stendy. Span
ish 4s closed nt Cl. Gold to the nmount of
l 19,0.10 wns taken Into the Hnnk of Eng-
I Innd on bnlnnoo todny nnd 323,000 wns
withdrawn for shipment to the Cape.
I HI3HLIN , Sept 22. Prices on thu bourse.
todny were rnther Ilrm but quiet , pending
news of the result of the cnblnct council
held In London. IntcrnnUonnl securities
were IrrcRulnr. Northern I'nclflcs were
strong on the Issuance of a favorable Iwil-
anco Riiem. I'nnnillnn I'ncincs were main
tained. iMInlng shnres were good1 , owing to
the advance In the price of coal and favor-
. nblo manufacturing reports. Kxchango on
| London , 20 marks 40 pfgs. for chocks.
! | PAH1S , Sept. 22. Business on the bourse
| I : today was Irregular. The continued wcak-
1 , ness of Katilrs weighted the whole list at
the opening. Later other departments freed
i themselves nnd gained strength , while In
. Knlllrs there was renewed depression owing
to the uncertainty re-carding the result of
I the meeting of the llrlttsh cabinet , nnd they
cloBOd Hat. Internationals were maintained.
Three per cent rentes , lOOf 72' , < : for the ac
count. Kxchnngo on London , 25f 27',4 < : for
checks. Spanish 4s closed at (3. (
FUANKFOUT , Sept. 22. On the bourse
business was good , though dealings wcro
hampered by a further decline In mlno
shares on western bourses. American se
curities wcro nrm.
l BUENOS AYUIsg , Sept. 22. The sold
i , qnotntlon todny wns 133.SO.
MAD11ID , Sept. 22. Spanish 4s closed nt
> 70.S3. Gold wns quoted nt 22,97.
Hnnk Cleiirliiirn.
CHICAGO , Sept. 22.-Clenrlngs. J23.039.-
001 ; bnlnnces , $2,828,203. New York ex
change , 40c discount. Sterling exchange ,
NEW YORK , Sept. 22.-Clearings , $25S-
25S.415 : balances , $ D.S02 , ! > 00.
HOSTON , Sept. 22.-Clearlngs , J21.732.425 ;
balances , $2,157.3lfi. . .
BALTIMORE. Sept. 22. Clearings , $3,405j
B17 : balances , $ , r > 21,191. .
PHILADELPHIA , Sept. 22. Clearings ,
$17.323,050 ! balances , $2.396PCG.
ST. LOUIS , Sept. 22. Clearings , $4,797-
061 ; balances , $39GOC2. Money , 408 per cent.
Now York exchange , 50c discount bid , 2jc
discount asked.
XiUlvc Strrr IllrtoH More Tlmn Two
rontn IliKlicr Tlmu I.nut Yenr.
CHICAGO , Sept. 22. The Shoo nnd
Leather Review tomorrow -will say :
The packers have managed to secure 13V&C
for native steer hides. One car brought this
prlco this week. At this time last year llic
was the highest price obtainable.
Cotton Market.
NEW YORK. Sept. 22. COTTON It was
nn exciting day on the cotton exchange.
Speculation broadened decidedly , with fluc
tuations at times violent. A concerted effort
was made nt the start by the bear Interests
to undermine the position of the longs nnd '
success for a tlmo seemed almost certain ,
as Liverpool was disposed to lend Its aid '
to such a movement. The selling was led
by certain largo export houses of Philadel
phia and New Orleans. The market opened
easy , with prices 405 points lower. Europe
Bent selling orders , which badly scared i
pcalpern who had loaded up last night. By
the end of the first half hour shorts be
came frightened by the readiness with
which offerings were being absorbed by
brokers for southern concerns. A retreat
of the bear forces was soon In full swing
nnd by 11 o'clock the bulls showed a once
more. Incomplete possession of the market.
Before the advance had been checked prices
showed a net rise of 10 to 14 points and
from " 0 to 33 points as compared with the
flnal figures of Saturday. The sudden turn
In the market caused a sympathetic move
ment in Liverpool and brought In large
buying orders from abroad , leading markets
of the south. New England spinners find
outlde Investment circles. Speculation
grew in greater proportions than recorded
In many months and most of the time the
market was feverishly excited. In the aft
ernoon realizations on a general scale tum
bled prices to about the close of last night.
At the close the market was steady , with
prices net unchanged to 2 points higher.
The dominant bull Influence throughout the
day was the firmness of spot cotton In the
south. Supplementing this encouraging
plate of affairs and a waning crop move-
ment , crop estimates were further reduced ,
the average now 'pointing to a crop of not
over 10,000.000 bales. . The weekly changes In
the statistical .p6slt6n ! here and. abroad
fa'-"red thf > bull,3n the main.
ST. LOUIS , * tfept. 22.-COTTON-Firm
and 1-lCc higher ; ' middling , GVio ; sales , 18
bales ; receipts. 1.17S bales ; shipments , 1,230
bales ; stock , 62,423 bales.
Steady ; snles , 4,900 bales ; ordinary , 4 7-16o ;
good ordinary , 415-lCc ; low middling , Bc ;
middling , flVic ; good middling. 61c ; mid
dling fair , 6c : receipts , 7,392 bales ; stock ,
155.032 bales. Futures , steady ; September ,
$ .WWf6.10 ; October , $5.DV6.00 ! ? ; November.
J6.040C.05 ; December. $6.00 : January , $6.13 ©
6.11 ; February. $ G.17 < 36.18 ; March , $ G.21 < gG.22 ;
April , $6.2496.26 ; May , $6.2806.30 ; Juno , $6.31
LIVERPOOL , Sept. 22. COTTON Spot ,
fair demand ; prices 1-32(1 higher : Ameri
can middling , firm at 43-16d ; good mid
dling. 3d ; middling , 3d : low middling.
37-lGd ; good ordinary. 3'/d ; ordinary ,
31-lGd. The sales of the day were 10,000
bales , of which 1,000 balen were for specu
lation nnd export and Included 9,500 bales
American ; receipts , 6,000 bales , Including
3,300 bales American. Futures opened
steady nt the decline anil closed firm at
the advance : American middling , 1. m. c. ,
September. 3 3S-GIT3 3I-Gld ) , value ; Septem
ber nnd October. 337-G-ld. sellers ; October
and November. 335-G4033G-6ld. value ; No
vember and December , 3 34-G4d. buyers ;
December and January. 3 33-G4 134-Gld ,
buyers ; January. 3 33-6103 34-fild , buyers ;
February and March , 334-6ld. buyers ;
March nnd April , 3 3I-B4W3 35-Gld , buyer ? :
April and Muy , 335-6403 3G-G4d , sellers :
May nnd June. 3 35-G4d. sellers : June and
July , 3 3B-GWJ3 37-filtl. sellers ; July and Au-
gust , 337-G4d , sellers.
Oil Mnrkrtn.
TOLEDO. Sept. 22. OILS-Unchnnged.
LONDON. Sept. 22.-OILS Calcutta lin
seed , spot. 42fl 9(1.
LIVERPOOL , Sept. 22. OILS Petroleum
rctlned. 7'id. ! ,
NEW YORK , Sept. 22. OILS Cottonseed
oil wns ( Inner and held KC higher on the
strength In tallow and llsht offerings ;
prime crude , nominal ; prime crude , f. o. b. .
mills , ISfilS' c : prime summer yellow. 2b
< i727c : off summer yellow , 25Vsf/2Gc ! ; but
ter grades , 2 fi30c ; prime , % > intcrT P1'
low , SOf/Slc ; prime white. 29' ( f/.Wc. I'jtro-
leum , strong ; relined , New York. IS.80 ;
Philadelphia and Baltimore. JS.60 : Philadel
phia and Baltimore. In bulk. $ C.2o. Turpen
tine. dull and cany at GOVi'Snr.c. '
OIL CITY Pa Sept. 22. OILS Credit
balances. $1.48 ; certificates opened $ U714 bid
for cash : closed. $1.48'i bid : snles 5.000 bbls.
cash nt JI.47V4 ; shipments , 102,4o2 bbls. : aver
age , SG.3IO bbls. ; runs , 87,250 bbls. ; average ,
S3.417 bbls.
LONDON , Sept. 22. SUOAR-Beet sugar.
September , 9sCVid ; raw , Muscovado , 10s 9d ;
W bRK. Sept. 22-SUGAR-Raw.
aulet , easier ; fair refining , 31 3-lGc ; cen
trifugal , M test. 45-lGc. Molluscs sugar ,
3 9-lGc ; sales , f.OO tons centrifugal at foregoing
price. Refined , quiet and lower ; No. G , 4Vic ;
No. 7. 4 7-Wo ; No. 8 , 4 , c ; No. 9. 4 o-lGc ; No.
10 , 45-lGo : No. 11. 41-lCc : No. 12. 4c ; No , 13 ,
4c ; No. 14. 3 15-lGc ; mould A , 57-lGc ; titund-
nrd A , 4 15-lGc ; confectioners' A , 4 15-lGc ;
cut loaf , 59-16c ; crushed , 5 11-lGo ; powdered ,
BUo ; granulated. 53-lCo ; cubes , B 5-lGc.
NEW ORLEANS. La. , Sept. 22.-SUaAR
Steady ; centrifugal , yellow , 4V4 Hc : seconds
ends , 2VifflV4c. ! .Molasses , dull ; centrifugal ,
Colfi-i ; MnrUi-t.
NEW YORK , Sept. 22.-COFFEE-Optlons
oprncd steady and unchanged to S points
lower ; later In the day a better undertone
developed , following a partial reaction at
Havre nnd on light covering ; closed quiet ,
with prices unchanged to 5 points lower ;
sales' , 10,570 bags , including1 September , $1.15 ;
October , $1.15 ; December , $1.45 ; January ,
$1.50 ; March , $ i.fiOf(4.65 ( ; Mny , , J4.COfl-l.Coi
June , JI.W ; July , $1.85 ; August. J4.90. Spot ,
Rio , quiet and featureless ; No. 7 Invoice ,
57-lGc ; No. 7 jobbing , 67-lGc. Mild , quiet ;
Cordova , 6iQll 4c.
> 'IMVnrlf Dry ( > oodN.
NEW YORK , Sept. 22. DRY C5OODS-De-
nuuid for staple cottons for prompt delivery
again In excess of supplies. Advance In raw
cottons causing greater reserve on the part
of sellers for future deliveries. No advances
recorded , but general tendency Is still up
ward. Print cloths Inactive but firm. Prints
quiet and unchanged in fancies. Staples In
fair demand. No change in ginghams.
Men's worsteds withdrawn from some lines.
Linens are advancing. Burlaps are scarce
und very firm.
California Drli-il Frultx.
DRIED FRUITS Steady ; evaporated ap-
plea , common , "lie ; prlmn wire tray , 7Hf'Sc ' ;
choice , Sif)9r ) ; fancy , 9fi9Hc. I'runetf , 3U < i ?
3Hc. Apricots , Royal. 12i(13Vic ( ; Moor Park ,
14&1GC. Peaches , 3 ilj3c.
li-r Tcxtlli ; I'lilirlon ,
MANCHESTER. Sept , 22. Cloths firm ,
with a good demand ; for yarns sellers are
asking un advance.
Cattle Receipts Are Light ) us Usual Toward
tbo End of the Weak ,
lion : Vnlitc * Hcncli lllRliciit Point Since
! IU , WliiMi the Avrrnue
Price WIIH ljU.I ( > li
lluu of SIiccii.
SOUTH OMAHA , Sept. 22.
nccclpts were ; Catlle. Hogs. Sheep.
Oniclal Monday . ,10,695 , 2t > 79 3WO
Otllcliil Tuesday . 7 , MI 0,24 11,47 ?
Olllclnl Wednesday . 6.U94 7.319 7.63J
Ofllclal Thursday . 4W7 6,341 2,20
Olllcial Friday . 2,147 6,509 VwJ
Vive days this wook. . . .30,903 32.1&2 25,758
Same days last wtek.-.5)m ) 2o,19i 3o,7Jt
Same days week before. . 20,13i 17,4i'S 2U.1S4
Satne three weeks ugo..i9U2 23,910 .
AVoiVKe prut , alu lor hess lor the u t
several clayn vuth comparisons : .
6opt. 3 61 377 | & 53 627
Kept. 3 69 4 07 Z 81 ' 4 31 & 25
Sept. 4 07 2 Cl 4 ? 4 & J5
Kept. 4 04 271 4 21 Tei i 31
Sept. 3 62 * I 2(76 4 13 5 55 6 44
Sept. 3 G3 4 06 ( 4 20 5 51 6 43
Sept. 3 63 4 02 2 7SI 4J12 5 57 & 63
Kept. 1 60 4 00 2 81 6(8 S4i
Sept. . . 3 (7 3 94 2 SI 4 21 K 57
Sept. 10. 3 68 393 2 86 4 00 S 61 1
Sept. 11. * 8 84 2 S8 I 09 5 82 5 68
Sept. 12. S 77 2 7 > 406 6 80 S 72
Sept. IS. i 79 282 4 Otf 73 570
Sept. 14. 3 J 3 ss 2 6 4 W 6 7H i 18
Sept. 15. 3 72 387 70 5 68 6 SO
Sept. 16. 3 6S 3 84 73 4 12 : 5 SO
. Sept. 17. 3 68 3 S6 265' ' 4 03 667 i
I Sept. IS. 3 J4 2 71 | 4 04 561 599
j Sept. 19. 3 74 2 81 4 W b 4o U ol
ISept ! , 20. 3 71 4 03 4 < M 643 6 03
Sept. j 21 3 71 401 2 S3 3 96 5 33 6 13
Sept. i 373 3 86 2 SI 626 6 09
Indicates Sunday
Ths olllclal number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was :
Cattle. UOKS. Sh'p. H'r'a.
C. , M. & St. P. Ry. . . . 10 2
O. & St. L , . Hy 1 1
Missouri 1'aclllo Ry. . . 23 8
Union 1'aclllc system. 8 17
C. & N.V. . Hy 2
K. , E. &LM. V. U. R..22 21
S. C. & P. Ry 1
C. , St. P. , M. & O. Ry. 2 2
13. & M. R. R. R. 2 17 3 a
C. , B. & Q. Ry 12 6 i
C. , R. I , & P. Ry. , E. . 3 2 1
C. , R. I. &P. Ry. , W. . . 1
Total receipts S3 79 3 9
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follow * , each buyer purchasing the num.
her of head indicated :
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p.
Omaha Packing Co. . 1 303 . . .
G. H. Hammond Co 139 965
'Swift and Company S3 1,007
I'Cudahy ' Packing Co 16S 523
'Armour & Co 91 665
Omaha Packing Co. , K. C. . 72
Cudahy Packing Co. , K. C. 603
Vansunt & Co C3
W. I. Stephen ! >
Benton & Underwood SO
Huston & Co 8
Livingstone & Schaller. S
N. .Morris 65
Hamilton & Rothschild 64
L. F. Husz 72
Other buyers 330 . . . 7S3
lleld over iOO
Totals 2,033 6,523 942
CATTLE Receipts were light today , but
none too light for this time of the week.
Of the cattfe here nineteen cars were con
signed direct > to CudoJiy and three cars to
the Omaha Packing company , so that the
number of cattle actually on sale was small.
Only eight to ten cars of cornfed steers
were reported In the yards and the murke-t
on that kind was very slow and dull. A
few cattle that were wanted early in the
morning for immediate slaughter sold at
prices that were Just about steady , but
aside from that buyers did not seem to
care whether they bought cattle or not.
One thing was very apparent , they wanted
the cattle lower or not at all. There was
no material change in the market for grass
beef steers.
The supply of cows and heifers was
limited 'to a few odds and ends and the
market was without feature of interest.
Such stuff as packers wanted brought ,
steady prices , but the' general trade was
It was so n ar the end of the weclc that
'there ' was no great life or activity in the
feeder or stocker market. Good heavy
feeders , however , were wanted , as they
have been scarce all the week and It U
safe to say that they are now jugt as high
as they have been any time this season.
The common and medium kinds , which
broke 2340c the early part of the week ,
have recovered a good deal of the loss and
are now pretty well back to where they
were before , say within KX&lSc of the high
time. Representative sales :
No Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1. 6SO S3 10 8. . 893 $3 75 8..100S $3 25
1. &SO 320 4. . 927 375 68..1282 535
1. 650 3 25 1..10SO 435 40..12.77 535
1.1140 3 SO 1..1170 435 17..1234 555
1. 10SO 360 4. . 975 500 44..1204 565
22. 1072 6 10
1. 960 226 4..1068 300 3..1133 350
1. S30 2 25 2. . BOO 300 1..1070 350
4.1007 260 1. . 960 8 10 S. . 837 360
1. GCO 250 1. . 680 310 1..1090 350
1. 920 250 3..U53 315 1..1CCO 360
1. 12SO 250 1. . 920 3 15 1..1450 350
4. 895 260 1..1100 325 7. . 870 SCO
1. 900 2 75 1..1110 325 1. . 800 360
1. 920 2 75 1..1030 3 40 1..1000 3 CO
1. 950 3 85 1. . 750 340 2. . 900 365
2,1075 295 3..1000 350 1..11CO 410
1. 690 300 1. . 9fiO SCO 1. . 830 450
2. 915 360 1. . 990 393 1. . 00 4 75
2. 710 3 GO 4. . 550 3 SO
TT-Tr T o
1620 275 1500 3 00 1. . 700 3 35
1430 2 75 670 3 00 1. . 780 350
13SO 290 1. 1HO 3 20
150 450 130 6 00 2. . 160 6 25
335 4 90 ISO 6 00
610 300 1. 1020 3 85 1. 780 425
665 3 00 7. &SO 400 19. 646 4 25
600 350 1. 530 4 00 610 4 23
ft 610 3 50 8. 1130 4 10 6s ! U29 4 35
r. 770 3 60 20. 652 4 If Mi 800 ) 33
3. 39fi 3 CO 3. 913 4 20 9. . 864 4 35
11. 939 3 C5 26 , 815 4 20 10. , 443 4 35
C. G52 3 Cu 3. 966 4 20 1..1070 4 45
1. 730 S 75 CO. 875 4 25
20 feeders. . 674 3 50
A. Haxley S. D.
9 steers..10SO 400 32 steers.,1267 460
7 steers..1267 450 15 steers.,129 455
P. Dunhample 3. D.
16 steers..1323 4 60
J. Cox S. D ,
8steers. . . . 1160 400 10steers..120 } 460
E. Kelly-S. D.
1 bull 1430 275 3S steers..1318 430
4 steers..1232 3 50
H. Hhoda S. D.
4 cows 10C5 325 19 steers..1093 435
HOGS Under the Influence of light re-
celpts und favorable reports from other
points the hog market opened up strong to
60 higher. Packers all seemed to bo want
ing hogs , consequently trade , was active and
an early clearance made. After the llrst
few sales were made prices firmed up until
the market wad quoted a good nickel higher.
Prices ranged from JI.30ff4.17V4 , the heavy
weights selling from Jl.30ij-l.35 , mixed hogs
from 4.35iS4,40 and the prime lightweights
from J4.4 < Xft4,47V4.
As will be seen from the table of nv-
erago prices at head of column , today's
market reached the hlg-hest point since.
August 30 , when the average price was J4.10.
One year ago they were selling at J3.73 , two
vnnru nirn nt S3.Mi and three years uiro at
$ " 2.81. Representative sales :
SHKICP There wor < \ only three fresh nml
nboul four stalp lomls In thp yards this
morning , which did not swm to l > f enough
to excite nny Interest among buyers. The
market was very iliiU. In fnct , It was lint ,
nnd the morning pnsucd with nothing being
accomplished. . . . . . .
Quotation. ' : Prime native wethers. $1.255 ?
W.35 ; good to choice grass wcthcrn. M.9rtfi >
4.10 ; fair to gooil grass wethers , $3.750.1.90 ;
good to choice yearling * . J1.205TI.30 ; rood to
choice grass cw < \ , M.40R3.C5 ; fnlr to good
prnss ewp . M.OOJTS.SB : good to choice spring
Intnlx. JS.OOCo.25 ; filr to good spring lambs ,
Jl MVfTS.OO ; common spring Inmlis , jl.OWf 1.50 ;
fp'dpr wether ? . J3.C.Vfr3.7o ; frpdcr yenrlingn ,
J3.SOP.1.W ) : feeder Inmbg , J4.2MTU6. Repre
sentative salrsi
No. Av. Pr.
9 Wyoming bucks 1V ( > J2 2
21 Wyoming wothers , feeders. . . 9 ! 3 60
3fW Wyoming feeders R2 .1 CT.
353 Wyoming feeders ! 3 ftt
300 fpedlnc shepp S7 $3 SO
150 Wyoming wethers 113 .1 S5
IjlKlit Supply of Cuttle. Tlomnnil 1'oor
nml 1'rlcrn > < > IllKlior.
OITICAOO. ' 111. , Sept. 22.-CATTLE
There was a light nupply of cattle todny ,
but the demand wns poor and prices were
no higher ; good to choice cattle sold nt
$5.60J6.90 ; commoner grades at J4.30if5.65 ;
atockcra nnd feeders , J3.OftIN.95 ; bulls , cows
find heifers , J1.60SY5.3C > ; Texag steers , J3.26Q >
4.25 ; rangers , J3.2T.ft6.10 ; calves , J4.50fl7.50. (
HOGS Hogs were active In demand ; nil
classes of buyers were In the market nnd
prices advanced SfHOc ; heavy hogs fold at
J4.15W4.75 ; mixed lots at Jl.3534.75 nnd light
at J4.3JSM.SO ; pigs brought J3.SOiT-l.75 nnd
culls J2.OOfN.10.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Prices were prac
tically unchanged ; sheep sold nt J2.Ki4.40
for poor to best ; Inmbs brought $3.60ij5.SO ,
westerns gelling at J4.90ii5.30.
RECETPTS-Cattle. 2,600 head ; hogs , ! , -
000 head ; sheep , 6,000 head.
ICiiiiKiin City Ijlvn Stock.
colpts , 4,200 hend natives , 2,000 head Tcx-
nrs ! medium grades stendy ; choice slow
to shade lower ; no choice tmtlv > steers ;
common selling nt JS.OOflC.OO ; stackers nnd
fuoders. J3.50sf4.60 ; butchers rows and heif
ers , J3.10S5.00 ; cnnners , J2.60fi3.0fl ; western
Bteors , J3.005J5.85 ; Texans , J3.25f(3.flO. (
HOGS Receipts , 7,870 head ; market very
nctlve at nn advance of 5c ; heavy. J4.35j )
4.50 ; mixed , tt.3V < 8i.W&l light , jl.30ffl.CO ;
pigs , J4.00JT4.25.
SHEEP Receipts , 2,300 head ; arrivals
mostly common ; market fairly active ;
prices unchanged ; lambs , J4.75Q5.25 ; mut
tons , J3.75ijr4.00 ; stackers and feeders , J3.25
@ 4.00 ; culls , $2.5003.00.
St. l.iMiln Lire Slock.
ST. LOUIS , Sept. 22. CATTLE Receipts ,
1,200 head. Including COO head Texans ; mar
ket steady ; native shipping steers , J1.60JI :
6.50 ; dressed beef steers , J4.OOJT6.2o ; steers
under 1,000 Ibs. , J3.50gO.75 ; stockers nnd
feeders , J2.3S5j4.fH ; cows and heifers , K.Z , &
B.OO ; canners , J1.505T2.75 ; bulls , J2.50JTI.OO ;
Texans and Indian steers , J3.16U4.60 ; cows
and heifers , f2.30g3.60.
HOGS Rncclpts , 4,600 head ; ninrkpt
steady to strong ; pigs nnd lights , JI.60Q4.CO ;
packers , 14.45 1.00 ; butchers , J4.604.70.
SHEEP Receipts , 900 head : market
steady ; native muttons , J3.75T4.25 ( ? ; lambs ,
J4.00 < g6.7G ; stockers , $2.6003.25 ; oulla and
bucks , J2.00@ > 3.50.
St. JoNiMili I.lvc Stoak.
SOUTH ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , Sept. 22.
( Special. ) The Journal quotes :
CATTLE Receipts , 1,800 head ; mostly
stackers ; killers very common ; market
HOGS Receipts , 3,600 head ; market 2 > i@
6c higher ; heavy nnd medium , J4.30TT4.45 ;
light , Ji.35Jf4.52 ; pigs , J4.3504.50 ; bulk of
snk's. J4.35fS'4.52H.
SHEEP Receipts , 2,000 head ; market
slow and lOc lower.
Stock in
Record of receipts nt the four principal
western markets for September 22 :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaha 2,147 5.5C9 763
Chicago 2,500 19.000 6,000
Kansas City 6,200 7,870 2,300
St. Louis 1,200 4,600 900
Totals 12,047 37,039 9,963
Wool Market.
BOSTON , Sept. 22. WOOL-ThO Com
mercial Bulletin will say of the wool mar
ket tomorrow :
The wool market Is higher and advanc
ing. London has advanced 10 to 15 per
cent on all descriptions of merinos and
crossbreds and higher values are looked
for before the auction sales close. Specu
lative trading has revived hero.
Manufacturers nnd operators freely
paid the basis of 60o clean for line
staple Montana. Territory for export has
sold at 60c clean. Country markets nro
excited und Ohio wool growers have
marked up prices 6 per cent. It Is pre
dicted here that territory will go to 60c
before the upward movement will be
checked. It remains to ba seen whether
manufacturers will follow the advance ,
but as mills are crowded with work It Is
certain they will have to buy wool nnd
prices will go up In the long run. Sales
for the week , 4,491,000 Ibs. domestic and
434,500 Ibs. foreign , a total of 10,925W )
Ibs. for this week , against a total of
9,829,000 Ibs. last week and a total of
9,914,000 Ibs. for the corresponding week
last year. The receipts to date show an
Increase of 22,175,979 Ibs. of domestic , a
decrrnso of 33,850 Ibs. from last year.
The sales to date show an Increase of
112.478,000 Ibs. domestic and 13,563,600 Ibs.
LONDON , Sept. 22. WOOL There was
great competition nt the wool auction snles
today , with prices still maintaining their
high level. Scoured merinos were eagerly
sought after nnd a Inrge supply was taken
at hardening rates , the home trade securing
the bulk. Continental buyers were more ac
tive today. Greasy merinos ruled against
buyers. The French and German represen
tatives Increased their operations , especially
in locks and pieces. Crossbreds were in
largo supply and will be reduced. Good
lines of line stock were spiritedly competed
for at fully 16 per cent advance. The York
shire buyers secured the most of this wool
after active bidding with the German buy
ers. Heavy offerings of lower descriptions
of slimes passed off extremely well at a
higher level. America purchased a few
medium greasy. Capo of Good Hope and
Natal wool was In smaller supply and firm.
A few lots of East London greasy were
withdrawn owing to the bids not reaching
the limit placed upon them by thn. owners.
The attendance was largo. The following Is
the sale In detail : New South Wales. 2,100
bales ; scoured , lnf(2s ( Id ; greasy , 6d01s Ud.
Queensland , 1,200 bales ; scoured , Is7nf ! >
2s ld ; greasy , 10W ilH4. Victoria , 1.600
'bales ' ; B'ourod , I0d@2a 4d ; greasy. fi'idSZ
Is7d. Tasmania , 100 bales ; scoured , lOHdff
Is7d ; greasy , Sd < 3'ls3d. ' Now Zealand , 7,900
bales ; scoured , 6d < i2sHid : greasy , 4 > id5f >
Is2d. Capo of Good Hope and Natal , COO
bales ; scoured , Is 10'/4d02sld ; greasy , 84@ !
NEW YORK , Sept. 22. WOOL-Steady ;
domestic fleere , JOf/Coc / ; pullPJl Texas , 17c ,
ST. LOUIS , Sept. 22. WOOI < A shade
higher ; medium grades , ISfiJOc ; light fine , 14
Q47c ; heavy fine , ll < 815o ; tub washed , 19Q27c.
Vliuliict Ai | > rnlNttiiuii < .
The appraisers In the mntt&r of the con
struction of a new viaduct have reorganized
after the appointment of two new members
to succeed those who could not qualify nnd
have begun the required thirty days' no
tice by publication and personal service. A
hearing of the owners of property affected
has been set for December 1. The necessity
for a new appraisement Is the determina
tion whether the greater width of the now
structure will cause greater damage to sur
rounding property tliun the old one caused.
1'alil for SliMMl They Drove In Di-adi ,
George Roach nnd Ord Honsley , the young
men who drove J. M. Martin's horse to
death last Monday night , huve been released
from Jail , their relatives having paid to the
owner of the horeo the. price asked for It.
Each of the two boys paid a third of the
money. Arthur Amstutss , the lud who took
the rig from the stable without permission
and left It In front of McKlnsIo's saloon ,
near Kort Omaha , where Ronch and Hens-
ley found it , having paid the other third.
Inlerrnpleil n t'liiiv.-rniilliiii.
J. R. Boles , Sixth and Pacific , llled a com
plaint with the city prosecutor charging W.
M. Smith , superintendent of the Willow
Springs distillery , with uvsault and battery.
Bnlps alleges that he was talking In the
dlBtllllng room with a party of friends em
ployed there , when Smith came along and
without warning struck him on the cheek.
He exhibits a 'badly skinned cheekbone as
evidence. Holes said ho was formerly an
employe of the distillery.
1'liMV nml riiiiicn Stolen ,
Burglars broke Into a tool house at
Thirty-ninth street and Dewey avenue
Thursday night , belonging to Theodora
Luplnska , and stole a number of 'tools ' nnd
Implement Including a plow and a set of
molding planes.
Iliirular * Itnlil u Hum.
M. C. Peters' barn at the rear of his
dwelling , 1113 South Thirty-third btreet , was
entered by burglars Thursday night and
a lot of valuable clothing stored In boxes
waa stolen.
( Should lid rend dnlly by nil Interested ,
ns ' hnngp * may occur nt nny time. )
Foreign mnlls for the week endlnjc Sep.
tomber 23 , ISM. will close ( PROMPTLY In
all cnscs ) nt thp gpnPMl poMofflcp. n fol
lows : PARCELS POST MAILS close ont
hour earlier than closing tlmi4hown bo * . ,
low. > rf
TrniiH-AMniille Mnllft ,
SATURDAY At B:30 : n. m. for KUKOIM3 ,
nor s. s. Lucnnln * . via Quccnstown ( lot'
tfrs for franco. Switzerland. Italy , Spain ,
I'orttmnl. Turkey , Egypt nnd Urltlsh tn >
din must bo dlrpctcd "per s. s. Lucunla" ) ;
nt fi:3u : n. in. for KRANCE , SUMTBKU-
tier s. s. La Uretngnc * . via Havre ( let1
tprs for other parts of Europe must bXi ,
directed "npr s. n. La Hrctngno" ) ; at S
a. in for NETHERLANDS direct , per s.
s. Spnnrmlam , via Rotterdam ( letter !
must bo directed "per s. s. Spnurndnm" ) ;
nt 9 n. m. for ITALY , per s. s. Allr.
via Nnplps , nt 10 n. in. for SCOTLAND
direct. pr s. s. Kiirnpssln. ( letters must
bo directed "per s. s. l-'urnessla" ) .
Printed Matter , ptc. Ocrman steamers
cnlllng on Tuesilays t-ik * > printed mnttor ,
etc. . for Germany and specially ad
dressed printed matter , etc. . for other
parts of Europe. American and Whlt
Star Btcamers on Wednesdays. German
steamers oi < Thursday * , nml Cunnrd ,
Krcnch nnd Gcrmnn steamers on Satur
days tnke printed mntter , etc. , for nil
countries for which they nro ndvcrtlsed
to carry mnii.
After the closing of the supplementary
truiiH-Atlniittc malls named nbovp. nddl-
tlonnl supplomcntnry mails nre opened on
the piers of the American , English ,
French nnd Gorman stpnmprs , nnd ro-
mnln open until within ten minutes of the
hour of calling of steamers.
for South nml Central America ,
Wt-nt linllcH. Kic *
SATURDAY At 10 n. m. ( supplementary
10:30 : a. m. ) for HAITI nml SANTA MAR
THA , per s. s. Alpn ; nt 10 a. m. ( supple
mentary 10:30 : a. m. ) for FORTUNE ISL
TIIAGENA. per s. s. Allegheny ( letters
for CoPtn Rica must bo directed "per R. s.
Allcgliany" ) ; nt 10 n. m. ( supplementary
10:30 : n. m. ) for BERMUDA , per s. H.
Trinidad ; at 11 a. m. for CUBA , per s. H.
Mexico , via Havana ( letters must be di
rected "per s. B. Mexico" ) ; nt 11 a. m.
( supplementary 11:30 : n. m. ) for PORTO
RICO , vln San Jtmn , nlno VENE/UELA ,
GENA , via Curacao , per s. s. Philadel
Malls for Newfoundland , by rail to North
Sydney , nnd thence by steamer , close nt
this olllce daily at 8:30 : p. m. ( connecting
rloso hero every Monday , Wednesday and
Saturday. Malls for Mlnuolon , by rail to
Boston , and thence by steamer , close at
this otllco dally ot 8:30 : p. m. Malls for
Cuba , by rail to Port Tumpa , Kin. , and
thence by steamer , close at this of-
lice dally ( except Monday ) nt * 7 a. m. ( the
connecting closes are on Sunday , Wednes
day and Friday. Malls for Cuba , by rail
to Miami , Fla. , and thence by ste.imcr ,
close at thls-olnoo every Monday , Tues
day and Saturday nt " 2:30 : a. m. , ( the
connecting closes are on Tuesday nnd
Saturday ) . Malls for Mexico City , over
land , unless specially addressed for dis
patch by steamer , ciosn nt this ottlco dally
at 2:30 : a. m. and 2:30 : p. m. Malls for
Costa Rica , Belize , Puerto Cortcz ji "
Guatemala , by rail to Now Orleans , n. . . .
thence by Htcamer. close nt this olllce.
dally at * 3:00 : p m. , connecting closes hero
Sundays nnd Tuesdays for Costa Rica
nnd Mondays for Belize , Puerto Cortez
and Guatemala. 'Registered mall closes
nt 6 p. m. previous day. Registered mall
closes at 6 p. m. second day before.
Trniin-Pnclflo Mnlli.
Mnlls for China. Jnpan nnd Hawaii , vln
San Francisco , close here dnlly at 6:30 : p. m.
up to September * 21 Inclusive for despatch
per s. s. Coptic. Mnlls for Society Isl
ands , via San Francisco , close here dally
nt 6:30 : p. in. up to September * 25 Inclu.ilvo
for despatch by Hhlp Tropic Bird. Malls
for Australia ( except West Australia ) ,
New 'Zealand , Hawaii , FIJI and Samoan
Islands via San Francisco , close hero dally
at 6:30 : p. m. nfter September * 15 nnd up
to September * 29 inclusive , or on dny of
arrival of s. s. Campania , duo nt New
York September 29 , for despatch per s. s.
Marlposa. Malls for China and Janan. via
Vancouver , close here dally at 6:30 : p. in.
up to October ' 3 Inclusive for despatch
per s. B. Empress of India. Mails for Ha
waii , via Snn Francisco , close here daily
at 6:30 : p. m. up to October * 13 Inclusive
for despatch per s. s. Australia. Malls for
Australasian Colonies ( except West Aus
tralia , which goes via Europe , nnd New
Zealand , which goes via San Francisco ) ,
Hawaii , and FIJI Islands , via Vancouver ,
close here dally nt 6:30 : p. m. after Sep
tember * 29 and up to October * 13 inclusive
for despatch per s. s. Aorangl.
Trans-Pacific malls are forwarded to port
of sailing dally and tne schedule of clos
ing Is arranged on the presumption of
their uninterrupted overland transit.
Registered mall closes at 6 p. in. previous
Postmaster ,
PostofTlce , New York , N. Y. , September 15 ,
Laundry Machinery and Building Ma
terials. Department of the Interior , Olllco
of Indian Affairs Washington , D. C. . Sept.
12. 1899. Sealed proposals , endorsed "Pro
posal for Warehouse. Genoa. " and addressed -
dressed to the Commissioner of Indian Afff
fairs , will t'o received at the Indian Olllco
until two o'clock p. m. of Thursday , Octo
ber 12 , 1899 , for furnishing nnd delivering
the necessary materials and labor required
to erect and complete one brick warehouse
at the Genoa Indian School , Neb. , In strict
ucconlnnco with plans and specifications
and instructions to bidders , which may bo
examined nt this olllce , the olllces of the i
"Nebraska State Journal" of Lincoln , Neb. , *
"Tho Boe" of Omaha , Neb. , the Builders' & T
Traders' Exchange , Omaha , NeH. , the I
Northwestern Manufacturers' association ,
St. Paul , Minn. , and at the school. Sealed
proposals , endorsed "Proposals for Build
ing loterlal , " nnd addressed to the Super
intendent of the Indian School , Genoa , Neb. ,
will bo received by him at said school until
two o'clock p. m. of Thursday , October 12 ,
1899 , for furnishing and di'llverlng as may
bo required a quantity of brick , lumber ,
lath , shingles , doors , windows , etc. , a full
list and specifications of which can bo ob
tained from the superintendent. For fur
ther Information apply to J , E. Ross , Super
intendent Indlnn School , Genoa , Neb.
AV. A. JONES , Commissioner.
BLES Olllce of the Chief Commissary ,
Omaha , Nebraska , September 19 , 1899.
Sealed proposalH. In triplicate , will be n > -
ccived here until 11 o'clock n. in. , central
standard Umo , October 9 , 1899 , und then
opened publicly , for furn'.ishlng and deliv
ery of such quantltloi of potatocn and
onions as may be required by thn Subsist
ence Departments at Forts Crook , Jeffer
son Ban-ticks , Loavpuwnrth , Logan II.
Roots , Nlnbrnrn , Robinson and nt Omaha
Dopot. Proposals will also bo received
and opened by the Commissaries at Jeffer
son Barracks , Lcnvenworth and Logan H.
Roots until 11 o'clock n. in. , central stand
ard time , October 9 , 1S93 , and by thp Coin-
mV'sarles at Forts Robinson nnd Nlobniro.
until 10 o'clock a. in , , mountain xtandnril
tltne , October 9 , 1899 , rach Post Commis
sary receiving proposals for Ms own pot
only. The right Is reserved to reject .nny
or all proposals In Whole or In part. In
formation as to conditions of contract will
b furnished on application to any of the
above mentioned olllrprs. J. II. DUVAL ,
Cuptaln Commissary of Subsistence.
S19 dltO6-7M
Proposals will bo received until Septem
ber 30th , 1899 , for the oroctlon nt the llrst
two buildings for the House of the Good
Shepherd , Fortieth nml Jackson strcptM ,
For drawings und sncclficiitlopH apply to
John Latcnxcr , architect , Karbnrh
Sexine Pills
imbue men with more bodily and mental
viKor- banish wcaknc&s , i-urc nervous debil
ity lack of confidence , vatlcocele , insomnia
nml mlml wandering. They Help you main-
tnln self-control and enable you to
clearly All effect ! of past mistakes removed
niul drain i nnd losses FOHRVUR checked.
Jim iifr box. 6 boxes 'jjuarantei-ili J co ,
' '
For Kuhn & Co. , \Valdron &
Telephone 10'tf ) . Otnnlia , Neb
Utr < rt wl lu York.
CorrtipondruUI JdbD A. Warrtc Cc.
OKAHA mo. uncoLfi MCB.