THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , SEPTEMBER 17 , 1S9D. Ladies' Fine Kid Gloves Time Sales WHOLESALERS AND RETAILERS OF DRESS COODS. Concert A Check Room tomorrow. for Parcels. Sale Ladies' Pocketbooks . Mio Pol ! h In Shoe Dtpt. fl tn 0 2 pkgx. Pin * lo Lndlcsl We dcsiro to call 8 to O no Skirt Llnlnnr * , ril. lc Sample In Grocery 1fofi Department Iron and , nine Ladles' Fine Leather your attention to the now H tn U IBo Mcn > Hone To Pocketbooks tl _ . - , m n o 8 to tt2.-o Silver Montfort kid plovcs for Tlupeil obtained , Itnlililt Foot . . . . . i. . . . . . . . Re Special $1.00 Dottle with two partitions nml which the wo exclusive 43c Heef Iron nuil Witio . . . clusive agency in Omaha. 8 to D Ilntiy ghopN nno intnc l-lo , handkerchief pocket Thoynrotnndo In Arnntrult , 8 to l Mi. ] ) k. Corn Slnroli , 1 t-iio superior qunllty leather Uormftny , and hare ne or be 8 to l > < lnart tnlxcil pickle * , no Veiling Special gilt or silver trimmings fore been put on the innrknt In tlio 8 to 1 > 2r e TttrklNh Tnrrcln. . 12o worth 50c west. Every pair Is warranted perfect line to 21.10 Io > K > AVntcliCH Ole II indsomc fully detail , back If Veilings now designs special ralo In pvory or your money li.'tO to 2iiO : I'kK. ncrninn you do not find tlinm o. They cotno In nrosy bur nnd doited nil black , prlco the ohndes of , tan , oxblood , Hint fooii i i-ac now grey and blnek with whlto dots B to O Krmli Ilrcnd lonf , lo all slues per from whltojn 54 ! to 7H-I1.M would -4 f\\ 5 to O .Men's 7Co Slilrtd. . . . 25c 15c value yanl Ladies' Superior Qunllty Lcnthcr Pocketbooks flno IHJ cheap for thorn , but The I.I III seal strain leather lined w'lth kill has two partitions People's price Is. nickel ( raino worth hilly 75c FREE- With ovorv purchnBO In ourRlovo ' dcpt. wo will elvo frco . of /WofARNAM 6 Bars Soap Free sale prlco . . . > .39c clmrgo acnkoof Colgnto'B lilglily perfumed tollolsoap. Ploiiso return to us Check No. 29 -CONCERT ALL DAY IVJONDAY- OMAHA , of the poods you bought hero -CONCERT ALL DAY MONDAY- Tim PKOPI.B'S FUUM'rimn CAIUT.T CO. Tlmrsclny , Sept. II , nnrt receive n * a re ward fl bXM ! line Ijiumclry Soap. Ctieuk Save Your Cash Checks and Receive Presents Ice Cream Soda 4c. Ice Cream Bricks 4c. Phosphates , glass 2c. 20 must appears cnll for printed purchnsu In red of Ink. iVs or over. No. Save Your Cash Checks and Receive Presents Special Cash Sales , Big Purchases from Importers and Jobbers Lord & Taylor's Dress Goods at 30c on the $ Arnold Constable & Go's Silks at 30c on the $ Lord & Taylor are famous the world over for the This Letter Proves our statement It's the ox- act of the sent Sir. Woottan our silk superior class of dress goods they sell We were copy one , fortunate in securing a big lot ( over 8,000 yards ) at buyer. He made the offer , they accepted it. Now 30c on the dollar and are willing to let you share in the goods are here , and a more beautiful lot of fancy our good fortune It's a grand opportunity and comes silks were never exhibited. Every piece of the new in the nick of time right at the season of the year novel patterns , over 15,000 yards. Wo advise early when most appreciated. J0 7 \ shopping Monday , for this sale is bound to bring the < ( 7/ > . crowds to our silk counters. ( MAIL ORDERS FILLED. ) * * ? ( MAIL ORDERS FILLED. ) Black Dress Goods from Lord & Taylor. % ? > Arnold , Constable & Co's Fancy Silks real pretty Silks of Rarest Colorings most attractive pat * 100 fl-ln French and German Novelties Cravenotto , Pieces Henriettas , Storm tufted Serges , whipcords , ty patterns , new and novel designs , regular , terns , oloflranl designs worth $1.50 waterproof serges , melton suitings worth suitings , ohoviota , poplins , diagonals , n 4vC < rk values for up to , ; i a yard sale price /SIC goods worth up to $1 a yard special sale price liJC 7oc , a yard , only Crepons of finest lustre , the richest designs Hero la the way wo price them for Monduy Just half. Fancy Silks of the richest and rarest designs , the Silks of Novel and Attractive Designs the choic . . now stripes and weaves actual $1.00 est and most dazzling color effects , beautiful $1.00 Black Crepons 50c $3.00 HI ack Crepons $1.50 OJG Qn $2.00 Black Crepons $1.00 $ * .00 Black Crepons $2,00 quality , yard rich und rare , $1.50 value DilC 50-in all woolBascot Cloth WOBI * D M aooa. . au wooi Fancy Silks the choicest colorings , the rarest patterns Positively the Beat Silks over shown for double - f Broadcloths. terns bright and fascinating , the ideal- the prlco on sale 50-in all wool Cheviots 50-in Fancy Novelties. styles , 1.25 values for 50-in all wool Granites 39c 50-in Cheviots and Whipcords. 100 Pieces Plain Black Taffetas $1.00 TaflVjtns nil colors-choice - 50-in all wool Armures 50-in Homespuns Covert doth. 50c value , yard IvC designs , yard 4OC 50-in all wool Homespuns „ $1.50 Co I'd Dress Goods. 50-in fine Venetian Cloth. We guarantee the wear of these black Taffetas Note the big price cil/s / 27u's fs positively the silk sak of the sea son You can't afford to miss it. 40-Inch German Novelties beautiful designs and Beautiful Golf Suitings attractive patterns , de 75c Black Taffetas , yard 49c $1.25 Black Taffetas , yard OOo patterns worth 75o a yard , < rk cidedly modish Lord and Taylor goods $1.00 Black Taffetas , yard . ' 59e $1-50 Black Taffetas , yard 7Uc only iyc 81.00 value , per yard . . . . OiJC Beautiful IMuids and Fancies in all Wool and silk Newest Effects In Golf Suitings wonderful patterns - Black Satin Duchcsse All Pure Silk. and .vool worth up to $1.00 a yard- torns- worth 2.00 a yard _ _ . $1.00 Grade Satin Duchcsse 39c $2.00 Grade Satin Duchcsse 79c only only 98C $1.50 Grade Satin Duchcsse G9o $3.00 Grade Satin Duchcsse U8c The Peoples' Shoe Store Golf Hats Ladies Underwear Lining Specials Ribbons Sale Jackets , Capes & Suits Lndles * Fine Ribbed Vests Linen Canvas rognlar 15c Shoe headquarters without a doubt The re Positively phenomenal shaped body , long sleeves , quality Monday , Special sale on over 1,000 Offering values that merit your custom. The sult of our continual bargain giving To more has been 50c value ( not all yard yards. . The choicest lot of People's Store invites you to come and make yourself our sale of Golf strongly emphasize our supremacy we make unus sizes ) , choice Fancy Waist Linings colors ever shown. self at home in this grand department. If you ual offerings for Monday. Hats. HERE are the reasons : Vests Ludics' superior Fine Quality Kibb'd Cjp only 2oc value yard , , lOc Ribbons go for 2c don't want to buy now , you'll buy by and by. $1.00 Golf Hats 69c grade 50o value . . O 20c Ribbons go for 5c ' " ' entitling buyer to SO free shines given Fancy Striped Pcrcallncs Ladies' Genuine Beaver Jackets everj pat > Of ladies' ' and men's shoes sold : $1.50 Golf Hats 98c Ladies' Combination Suits usually sold for 25o a 50c Ribbons go for 9c with fine velvet collars , patent back , perfect fitting , now yard special sale The now styles in Ribbons in half satin lined all sizes latest cut elegantly To make our Monday Shoe Sale ono you'll not $2.00 Golf Hats 1.49 . . . , , , styles 75o value price endless variety. ' gantly tailored and trimmed , perfect forgot so soon , wo place on sale 400 pairs of women's shoos , the finest dongola and viol kids shoos that fitting garments $7.00 valO OC O ZT'O never sold for loss than $3.00 a pair , -4 fif\ uo9 , for t some even worth $4 , all at ono price. . . . * ' * - * - Ladies' Genuine Imported Melton ' Fall of and Fall Jackets in blacks , 'modes and Ladies' Finest Quality Shoes when Wo say Opening Millinery Monday Tuesday finest we moan finest in the new tans and blaoka ; greys , with strap Beams , silk set-go tin- inga , all sizes worth fully L ' turn und welts , light and heavy soloa QQ $12.50 vl 7 O . Special ealo price t real $4.00 shoes Monday at only' ' is a flutter of beauty and Ladies' Genuine Kersey , Melton Child's Good Dongola Lace Shoes There or beaver coat jackets all lined fashion in millinery department. in black only , worth 76c a our throughout with silk serge velvet col pair , sale price The charming styles we show are accepted lar with tailored strap seams latest Misses' Fine Dongola Lace Shoes good soles , worth coat sleeve elegantly butQ fO fully $1.25 a palrvonly 79c beauties of the Fall season. Utmost dis toned $15.00 value , for. Women's Fine Spring Heel Shoes kid uppers , heavy extension crimination was displayed by our expert Ladies' Fine Golf Capes solos price , worth fully $2.25 a pair special sale -4 A' O" CSQ milliners in the selection of the styles. thn most effective patterns handsomely made nicely Men's $2.00 Shoes light weight , made of After a protracted trip in Euiope and a finished worth 910.00 fine kid , nicely finished , now London sale prlco careful study of styles in Paris , London and 6.98 don too , ealo price only f/m / it& \ J * Richardson Celebrated Shoes plainer Berlin , they have produced the most won 1,000 High Grade Tailor- or tipped toes , lace or congress every pair derful effects in dainty headgear for women Made Suits in tans , blacks , warranted , worth fully $2,50 a blues , greys , browns , etc. pair special sale prlco ever shown in any establishment. American Venetian cloths , Herring- bonea , cheviots and sei'goa only styles , in main our own , are also more all cut in latest style either Men's Storm Calf Shoes tight fitting or fly front- a careful beautiful We invite than ever. a jackets lined with tall eta silk popular fall shoo , with double soles , strong , heavy and comfortable , worth $3 a pair- t comparison and feel assured that the lovers of art in millinery will welcome our display. Then , $20.00 all sizes values $15.00 at , $18.00 and special sale price only too , whatever you see in our finished models you can make for yourself , and the various materials 8.98 9.98 Men's Dress and Business Shoes all leathers in now . , . , 'toes , swell lasts , welts and McKays , regular 3 & $4 value and ornaments are richer than ever. We further wish to impress upon you the fact that while we 12.98 Boys' Fine Calf Shoes half double soles , cheap at 82 show the most dainty styles , our prices are far below the usual standard for such goods. a pair , on sale tomorrow for Sale Ladies' Handkerchiefs Specials in Fine Hosiery Ladles' Fine Cambric and Lawn Handkerchiefs Umbrella Notion Bargains Belt Specials Children's Fast Black Cotton Hose supe chiefs hemstitched or with embroidered rior quality , with high spliced heel and too , Special Basting Thread this G Bars Toilet Soap- Ladies' Leather Belts corners worth fully lOo each , sale .5c , warranted seamless , worth fully 25o a - | Olp sale , per only . prlco pair special prlco for Monday 1 2 Ladies' or Gent's spool 20c Bottle extra quality , new shades , 100 Dozen Ladies' Sample Handkerchiefs Ladies' Fast Black Cotton Hose well finished Fine Umbrellas par Dress Shields 5c Perfume this all colors , worth over a hundred dilToront styles , plain and ished , very flno gauge , double heel and too , agon with frame non-destructible , covered per pair , only solo .9c fully 50c , only. . . . fancy embroidered corners fine lawn Qr exceptional quality very durable R serge , superior steel Dress Stays Fine Bristle Tooth Newest Thing in Belts and linen , worth up to 25c each choice - grade of hose worth 45o pair & \J * * > rod-has elegant Bra per sot , only , 4e Brush only .Sc , Ladles' Fine Sheer Lawn Handkerchiefs- zilian wood handle- plush , in all colors , over leather , Ladles' Fine Silk Hose mixed with llslo to insure strength su silver mountings a posl- Velveteen Skirt Binding Large Cake Carlo with cut steel buckles , superior quality , very handsome designs , prot- perior quality a very pretty range of patterns beautiful ' tlvo$2.00 everlasting kind Castile Soap ,5c worth fully ul.eo , tllv embroidered corners worth 25o each sale price colorings actually worth $1.00 a pair special sale price only value ( or yard lOc value , sale prlco only Men's Underwear Furnishing and Sale Ladies'Uttdermusliiis The Peoples' Grocery Store Special Jewelry Bargains Linens Special and Domestics Prices at Ladies' Muslin Night Gowns beau Always in the lead with the biggest values 'Phono Handsome Side Combs- tifully trimmed with lace and ombrold- 1024 and give your order , It will receive prompt attention. worth fully 20c a pair , - . eryalso satin rlbbonsworth fully - IOC 10 bars of Whlto Russian Cuda- only laundry . soap , , - ly $1.25 , fpoclal aulo price only ' hyM Diamond C or Santa Glaus , free to every Beautiful Pompadour Comb /Ladles' Finest Muslin Night Gowns purchaser of 3 pounds of our Superior Blond Mocha and Java set with brilliants worth . _ very fine lace and embroidery trim Coffee at 25o per Ib This grade colToo solid at 30c elsewhere. , ming on sleeves , nock and front , factual \ O fully 20c each , only 1UC actual $ 1 value , special sale pricu"O- ' Good Ilroken Moolia & „ , r HIM , Good Jniinn Illce - . ' Jiivit ColTce , per Hi. . . . A3- ' thU mile , lit. only IOC Brooch Pitis , et with Rhinestones - Ladles' Fine Muslin Skirts with handsomely HlKhcMt Patent ( Superior Fancy Mlxcil IMeUllnjr stones worth 50c each , only somely embroidered bottom , three rows lirunil ) Jill 11 ne otu nQHnlcc * , Nnlo price " * * " of tucks , worth fully 75c , Flour , per nacU . . . Sterling Silver Files or ButtonHooks /i \n Pure Fruit Jelly , Hi. Turkey Red Table Damask Men's Fancy Dress Shirts The lat sale price rJr " -1 Golil nek Mcilnl orIS HIM. Flour . . , . -1- , only . . . .i Hooks worth 65c , sale price superior quality , worth 25o u. est patterns , body made o ( superior muslin Ladies' Corset Covers fine Street Chocolate , yard nale price quality . 10 linm White Iliimiluit . . . . Silver Frienship Hearts colored lin , percale fronts-also all muslin , nicely finished , worth or Suntn. Clmm Soup. . per jik r Sterling 50.inch JHcachcd Table Damask shirts , regular 81 quality , soil /Q/-i ' ' OH or MiiMtard Sar- beautiful worth fully 85c t W fully 20o , only KIKIX'H , Cox'n or IMy- dlncM , designs , , ask Worth fully 35o a yard 19c for . uaii Monday 111 oil 111 lloulc Gelatine. only ' Latest Style Neckwear The iMrue liottlo Snyder'n 12xtra I.ariro Italian sale price Men's 50-Inch Red Table . . 1'ruuen , per Hi . . . . . . - Turkey fall novelties in tecks , bows , four- Pure Tomato Catntip. new in-hands , otc. , rich colorings , Op , Two Big Corset Leaders Pound 11 UK. CornStarch 10 HIM fluent Granu- DOe DainasK value yard Superior quality , 19c , 2c value up to 60o sale prlco. . . &tJ\s Starch , only luted Comment . , , , . Laces and Embroideries Ladies' Fine Corsets Pound 11 UK. mixed fier- No , 1 I'luiilu Kami , , - All Linen Glass Toweling Jaeger's Wool Underwear For men niiiii lllrd Seed 2c jpound . . . . . OC Extraordinary value for Mon regular lOo value yard Sc flno fleeced superior quality garments , correct form , made with two Pint Dottle Aborted 11 pound pall lieMt - worth fully 75 cents , on sale Af\r * Lurd 17C day. Tomorrow morning , as Honey Combed Towels- 3c Monday for only < -t y > side steels , full boned , easy Tall can Illood lied Ili-Ht Creuincry Ilutter , . regular Be value , only Fall Weight Saxony Wool Underwear - wearing , exceptional Salmon . . . . . . . . . . CC Mule price per Hi . IOC soon as the store opens , this Ulcncliud Pillow Casing- wear Natural color all sizes ahirts quality,75c valu'e only 8 HIM Hand Picked Kiiney Full Cream great lot of laces and embroideries worth llijc , sale prlco. , and drawers this grade Is sold everywhere , , Navy lleani . ChecHc , per Hi. only , . . . Fancy Ticking Real hand where at $1 lay in a supply 17 Gl The Best Corset Bargain deries go on sale and the sale some patterns , will wear like at our Monday price only , . . . A. Ol of the season is our model Special Offers in Cigars and Tobaccos continues until every yard is iron , 25o valuo. . . , Men's Finest Worsted Ribbed Un corsets which offer at The Peoples' Store is veritably smokers' headquarters. 6 cases stamped and checked derwear in natural or fancy colors , we a sold. It includes all the newest tennis Flunnol , on fmlo tomorrow a rogu'nr ' jtl.&O grade , all sizes , shirts low ' Cigar Specials Earl of Essex Cuba 5o _ . . Special pricefor Monday's sale. or Spano , - est designs ar < l patterns , in fine laces and embroideries row , yard i. , and drawers , OQsi cipars , per box of 50 , l.OSI 10 bales Unbleached Muslin on sale Monday for . , z/Ow Wo also include fancy high grade corsets Tobacco Specials Yum Yum or Tip Top Smoking - . broideries , various widths and for all purposes , yard wide , only. , Men's Fine Half Hose superior cotton Tobacco , per 5o package OC Hlne Prints-Dark worth up to § 2.00 , mostly trimming laces , however values Indigo - ton , very flno gauge , worth fully - Tobncco Chewing Battle Ax Chewing Tobacco , colors , including robe patterns ly 20o pair , on sale Monday at for the same price , only 1 UU per pound Monduy up to 20c go at lc , 2c and for comfortore , fast coloru , yd. .