THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , SGFTT3JfBEB 17 , 18 ! > D. MOTHS OFF FOR COLIECE Farewell Oolebratloni Obartoteriza th Week in Social Oirolet. WEDDINGS OF THE FALL JUST BEGINNING Hiding Totirnnmcnt Proponed ( or the YuniiR Men SlilrcrlcU-Snilth Wed ding nt Trinity Cnthcdrnl Cvouti. Active preparations have been In progress nil -week among < the younger net lor their departure to tlao various schools and col leges. A largo proportion of Omaha's eons and daughters will attend eastern schools , Princeton , Yale , Vassar and Bryn Mawr being the favored ones , and a goodly number will enter the classic halls of .our own State university. In vlow of the de- pnrturo of thcoo young pcoplo and the farewells that must bo spoken for another collegiate year , the "older sot" have grac iously taken a "back seat" and given the keys of eoclcty's kingdom Into th.o hands of the younger eot , who have mada good use of the limited seven days. If their anodes of entertainment have lacked formality , there has been nothing wanting In the way of variety dinners , dances , dinners - without out dances , and dances without dinners. The social aide of college llfo Is constantly Increasing. The first tew months of autumn , the quietest of naturo'a year , Is to college men and women the busiest. Thcro are the joyous reunions of the various "eels" and fraternities , the settling down of congenial spirits Into tbo different "frat" houses , and then the "nuhlng" parties , and drives and teas with tholr struggles and hoped-for triumphs. The outlook for next week , though not one of mad gnyety , points to two very swell functions , the Bhlvcrlck-Smlth wedding , which takes place at Trinity cathedral next Wednesday and bids fair to bo ono of the moat elaborate weddings of early fall , and the flower parade In Lincoln occurring on the same day , which claims some of Omaha's most charming belles < to nwlst In making it ono of the most elaborate affairs that has taken place In the capital city. With the Ak-Sar-Den ball tor the next week , the "coming out" parties of the debutantes and the tongues of marriage bells busily 'com bining Individual destinies into pairs , society can no longer languish. If the society young men can bo per suaded to show their chivalrous spirit and tholr bold , daring rldcrshlp , a charming eoono awaits the pcoplo of Omaha and will carry them frock to the days whan knight hood was In power. The proposed tourna ment will take place at the exposition grounds during the month of October. The younr man , after being knighted , presents his colors to hla "lady love , " and then , with epcar In hand , endeavors to catch the greatest number of rings which are sus pended on wires. The fortunate knight car ries his trophies to the ifeet of his lady and crowns Iher queen of the grand ball which will follow In tbo Auditorium. Reception for Rev. Jcnkn. Thursday evening the parlors of the First Presbyterian church were thronged with over SOO guests to welcome the newly- called pastor , Rov. Edwin Jenks and his wlfo of Los Angeles , Cal. A profusion of crimson roses added tholr beauty and fragrance to the occasion. Tall palms and clutters of ferns adorned the altar and oholr loft. Light refreshments were served by the young ladles of the church. The receiving party was composed of Rev. and Airs. E. II. Jenks , Rev. and Mrs. Stein of Lincoln , Mr. and Mrs , Wharton , Mr. and Mrs. Yost , Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy , Mr. and Mrs. Llndsey , Mr. and Mrs. Oftutt. The decorations , which attracted unusual atten tion tfor their beauty , were from the hands of Mrs. Llndsoy , 'Mrs. ' Yost and Mrs. Oftutt. Minn Cameron EntcHnlnx. Miss Annlo Cameron of 4216 Farnam etreet gave a delightful high five and danc ing party Tuesday evening for her cousin , Miss Lily Cameron , of Kansas City , who Is visiting In the city. The roomo were pret tily adorned with a profusion of carnations and the appointments of the gathering were in perfect taste. Miss H. Coleman and Mr. P. Palmer were successful In carrying away the trophies at cards. Dancing was Indulged In after cards , and the two dozen guests had a moot enjoyable ttmo stepping to delightful muslo and tbo guests of the occasion made many now friends. I'lnxa Liunclieon. After the concert at the Exposition grounds loot Monday evening Mesdames Hospo ana Knowles , assisted by Misses Irene and Gertrude Hospo , gave a basket luncheon at the Palmer pavilion In honor of Mrs. John A. Stevens of Chicago , Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bellstedt , and Mr. and Mrs. Ballon- ' berg and children. The luncheon was a most dolcctablo ono and much enjoyed by the euosts. EiitertHlnniciitn of the Week. Miss Edith Preston gave an Informal Ken sington Friday In honor of her guest , Miss Smith. Miss Stella Harmon entertained about _ twenty young people Saturday evening. The i hours were gayly passed with games and music and light refreshments. Mr. Harvey Clayton gave nn Informal party Monday evening for Miss Humphrey of Leavenworth , Kan. About thirty young people enjoyed Iho evening in conversation and music. Mr. and Mrs. Swing Cathum Armstrong entertained at dinner Saturday. The table decorations were bridesmaid roses. An elab orate menu was served. Covers were laid for ten. Mrs. J. A. Horbach gave an elaborate luncheon Saturday In honor of Miss Shlvo- rlck and her bridesmaids. The table waa gorgeously decked with roses and ferns and the appointments were In exquisite taste. Mrs. John A , McShano gave nn Informal ten Sunday evening In honor of her niece , Mlaa Blanche Burke of Salt Lake City. Her guests were : Misses Moore , Lomax , Hlgglnson and Burke ; Messrs. Burns , Nash , Swobo and Haskcll. Miss 'Alleno ' McEacheron entertained Bomo ' twenty of her young friends at a birthday party nt the home of her parents , ( Nine teenth and Ohio streets , last night , The evening was spent with games and muslo. Refreshments wore served. Owing to the disagreeable weather of Sat urday afternoon a picnic which was to have been given at Hanscom park was highly enjoyed In the attlo of Mr. Henry Miller's residence. Novel games and dancing were the features of the afternoon. Mrs. Albert Oahn and Mrs. Henry Hlller acted as chaperoned. A very pretty dancing party waa given Tuesday evening < by Mrs. Dr. drummer In honor of her niece , Miss Don Kcrsley , at the Merrlam. The epaclous piazza was Bglow with numerous Japanese lanterns , and a wealth of cushions and hammocks added to the comfort of the dancers. Ices were served to the largo number of guests dur ing the evening. Friday evening the friends of Mr. nnd Mrs. McCaffrey of Thirtieth find Leaven- worth street ! came In upon them and sur prised them In celebration of the crystal anniversary of their marriage. The wed ding of Mr. nnd Mrs. McCaffrey took place twenty years ago in ono of the Ivy-clad churchcn of Ireland , Mr. McCaffrey making the Journey from Omaha to Ireland and back ngaln for his wife. Together they returned to welcoming friends and founded In Omaha a homo which has been blessed beyond the average. The surprising party came a day earlier than the anniversary , but nothing of the pleasure of the evening was lost on that account. aiovcmcnlH of Soelctr Pconlo. Mr. Benjamin left Tnet week for Andovor. Miss Josephine McClure has gene to Chi cago. cago.Mr. . Edwin llarknees loft Monday for the cast. cast.Mr. . M. II. Collins Is spending a week In Colorado , Congressman Mercer and wife are now In Constantinople. Miss Grace Allen returned Sunday from a visit to Denver. Mr. Carl Connell has returned from a visit In Now York. Mr. Lowls B. Reed leave * September 25 for Harvard college. Mr. Luclen B. Copeland has Bono to Blair on a short visit. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. C. Hutcson have gene to Central City for a week. Mr. II. A. Wcsterflold Is enjoying nn outing at Lake Okobojl. Mrs. Shackleford has returned from her outing to Salt Lake City. Mr. nnd Mrs. Tunnlcllff have moved their residence to 1909 Capitol avenue. Mrs. Frank Porter returned last week from a month's visit to Chicago. Mlsa Carlta Curtlss returned Saturday from Chicago and Is at the Merrlam. Mies Ella Brown leaves September 20 for St. Catherine Brllt to attend school. Miss E. H. Terrill and Miss Lou Terrill have returned from their European'trip. Mrs. Alfred Mlllard and family have re turned from a summer spent In Colorado. Messrs. Henry Wade and Frank Brown have gene to Shattuck Military Academy. Mrs. W. E. Clarke and daughter re turned last week after a visit In Chicago. air. and Mrs. Irving Allison and family are spending n month at Excelsior Springs , Mo. Mo.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Charlton returned from ti visit to Hot Springs , S. D. , Thurs day. ' Miss Bertha Swensbers returned Tuesday from a summer's vacation spent In Mich igan. igan.Miss Miss Mary McShane leaves next week to attend the Sacred Heart convent In St. Louts. ( Mrs. Clara Cotton returned laat week from an extended visit to West Chop , Mass. Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Fell are visiting at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rose- water. Miss Sayro baa returned from a two months' visit In Portland and Son Fran cisco. Mr. and Mr * Richard Hess have moved into their new home , 150S North Eighteenth street. air. Robert Morris left yesterday for Hotchklss preparatory school at , Lakeville , Conn. Senator Thurston Is home from a two weeks' sojourn In Now York nnd Wash ington. Miss Fannlo Cole left Thursday to resume - sumo her studies at the University of Ne braska. Messrs. Gerald nnd Glen Wharton have left for Princeton , N. J. , to enter the uni versity. Mr. Harvey Clayton leaves next week for Orchard Lake , Milwaukee , to attend college. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Montgomery returned to Omaha after a vacation spent in Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin R. Perfect and daughter are stopping at the Dellono for the winter. Miss Cortelyou will attend the Now Eng land conservatory to pursue her study In voice culture. Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Wallwork ore on a trip to Denver , Manltou , Glenwood Springs and. . Salt Lako. Mrs. Joel N. Cornish , Mr. Ed Cornish and Miss Tlbbotts of Lincoln have returned from Manltou , Colo. Mlsa Blanch Parker has returned from an extended visit with Mrs. L , Mendels sohn of Detroit. Mr. Daniel C. Patterson and family re turned last week from , tholr summer home at Lake Okobojl. Mrs. A. Darlow and children have re turned from northern Michigan , where they spent the summer. , 'Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Bartlett and daugh ter have returned from an outing in Now York and Saratoga. Mrs. T. B. Llvormaro nee Fanhlo Me- Atlo ot Denver Is visiting at the residence of Mr. Thomas Swift. Mrs. J. Stewart Whlto and daughter , Gertrude - trudo , have returned from their summer vlfilt to Lake Okobojl. Mlsa Mary Holdrego leaves next Saturday to resume her studies at Mlsa Reynold's BChool in New York City. Mr. and ( Mrs. J. II. Iloyce and eon , Eugene - gene , have returned from summering in Massachusetts and Vermont. Mrs. Harry Nott has returned home after a two months' sojourn among tbo summer resorts on Lake Michigan. Dr. Mlllard Langfold has gone to New York , where his marriage to a charming young lady will eoon taka placo. Miss Euglnla Gotnor has taken up her residence at 2701 Davenport street , whore she will receive pupils In voice culture. Messrs. Joss Beans , .Frank Woodland and Bart Yoder and Harry Crandall left last week to attend the State university. Miss Lulu Edwards , daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Edwards , has entered the Lowell school In San Francisco for the year. Mr. and Mm. K. C. Morehouso leave Fri day for New York. Their son , Mr. Rex Morehouso , will attend school at Culver , Ind. Ind.Mr. Mr. Arthur C. Smith and Mr. George Mercer have returned from their hunting trip to McCook with a bountiful supply ot game. ( Miss Mary Wood reaves September 25 for Bryn Mawr. She will study voice cul ture with ono of the most noted eastern 'teachers. Mrs , Robert R , Rlngwalt left Saturday for a visit at Columbus Barracks , 0. , Do- ROYAL POWDER RAKING r jtusoLlITEIvtauRE Mokes the food more delicious and wholesome . , . om ycma eon Co. M * vox. trolt nnd New York. She will make n extended visit. Mm. F. G. Martin of Hot Sprlns * . S. D. , Is the gutwt ot Mrs. Wllhclm. Mr. Georga Prllchard will leave next week for Massachusetts , accompanied by his sis ter , Miss Margaret , who attends school at Dobba Ferry on the Hudson. Dr. and Mrs , Btcln of Lincoln came to Omaha Thursday to attend the reception for Dr. nnd Mrs , Jcnks , and were the RUests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kennedy. Word has been received from Dr. 0. S. Hoffman and wife , who are now In Europe. They nailed for the United States Septem ber 12 nnd will reach Omaha September 25. Ilov. F. D. Foster went cast this wcok to perform the mnrrlauo ceremony at the wedding of his oldest brother , Harry , which took place \Vedncsday at Oxford , 0. Mr. A. T. Austin has purchased the beautiful residence of Mr. 0. A. Llndqucst , on Thirty-ninth street , north of Farnam , and 'will occupy the same about October 1. Mr. and ( Mrs. M. M. Robertson of Omaha , who have been the guests of Mr. nnd 'Mrs. ' Walter N. Haakall nt Sterling , 111. , left last week for homo after a most delightful visit. visit.Mrs. Mrs. O. W. Lyman has gene to Salt Lake City to .attend the wedding of her niece , Miss Draco Wallace. Miss Wallace has made many friends during her vlolta In Omaha. The Misses Sarah , Ocrtrudo and Maud Macombor , daughters ot Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Macomber of this city , have returned to the unlvreslty at Lincoln after their vaca tion apcnt ot home , Mr. J. H. Brown has returned to Omaha after spending flvoweeks In the Glkhorn valley attending to his extensive farming Interests. Mrs. Drown nnd Master Harry have been recuperating after their extended trip In California , Mr. O. F. Wcller and Miss Allco Wcllcr left Saturday for Denver to meet their mother , Mrs. Wcllcr , who has been attend ing her daughter , Mrs. Ollvo N. Davenport , through a very severe Illness. Mrs. Daven port Is now1 convalescent. Mr. and iJIrs. J. Irving Head have re turned to Omaha after tholr extended wed ding trip through California and the Yoso- mlto valloy. Mr. and Mrs. Kead are mak ing their homo with Mrs. Head's father , James A. Brown , 2215 Blnney street. Mrs. J. C. Moore loft Monday evening for a two months' visit In Pennsylvania nnd Now York. Dr. J. C. Moore -will leave the first of the -week for a two weeks' vacation , which -will bo spent with Mrs. Moore nt the scastdo , also visiting Washington , Philadel phia , Now York City and Niagara Falls. Jlastor Adolph Storz , the 15-year-old sou of Mr. Gottlieb Storz , leaves today to attend the Detroit 'Military ' academy for four terms. Ho Is accompanied by his father. Adolph Is a graduate at the Omaha public schools nnd after receiving a thorough education at the academy -will return to this city and assist In the management of his lather's business. Out-of-Torvn Gni-atn. Miss Eleanor Deweese of Lincoln Is vis iting In Omaha. Miss Anna Brln of Chicago Is visiting her brother , Mr. M. A. Brln. Mrs. Clara Duncan of Sioux City visited Miss Woolworth last week. Mrs. Austin B. Turner , Jr. , of Corning , la. , Is visiting Mrs. Fred E. Pearce. Miss Gretchen nnd Miss Marie Crounso are the guests of Miss Llndsey. MUs Wlllard of Loulsvlllo , Ky. , is vis iting Mrs. Porter and Mrs. Sarson. Miss Bcsslo Cornish of New York will bo the guest this week of Miss Nora Kelly. Mrs. 8. T. Brothorton of Pennsylvania Is visiting her daughter , Mrs. W. E. Clarko. Mrs. Frances Mumaugh returns to Omaha today after a summer spent on the lakes , Mrs. Edward J. Roe and children 'are the guests oMMr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Patterson. Judge nnd Mrs. McKeegon of St. Louis were the guests last week of Mr. and Mre. Wood. Mrs. E. A. Thayer of Glenwood Springs , Colo. , Is the guest this week of Mrs. Dundy. Mrs. Boughton , wlfo of Captain Boughton , Third cavalry , Is visiting her eister , Mrs. Warren Swltzler. Mrs. Fred ( Montmorency of McCook was the guest last week of her brother , Mr. Luthur Drake of this city. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Hooper of Watroka , III. , were the guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Albert E. Bryson during the past week. Mlsa Jean Morton , one of the brides maids of the Shlverick-Smlth wedding , Is the guest ot Judge and Mrs. Lake. IMra. Charles Little , who has been visit ing her sister , Mrs. J. E. Baum , left Tues day for her homo In Polo Alto , Cal. Mrs. James Wallace Reynolds of Las Vegas , N. M. , will spend a month with her mother , Mrs. Daniel Baum of this city. Mrs. J. Reeves of New York , -who has been the guest of Miss Slmonds of 1618 Chicago street , has returned to her home. Miss Kato Rising of WInona , Minn. , Miss Mao Van Steenwlck of La Crosse , Wls. , and Miss Elizabeth Whitney ot New York are the gucets of Miss Anna Shivcrlck. Mrs. A. II. Mires of Des Molnes , la. , Is the guest of her sister , Mrs. A. G , Edwards. Mrs. nnd airs. Edwards are also entertain ing the former's brother nnd elster-ln-law , Mr. nnd Mrs. W. S. Edwards of Lowlston 111. Wedding * nnd . Holland Eakin and Mlsa Anna Johnson wore married last evening by Rev. Charles W. Savldgo at his homo. The engagement of Miss Harriet Holland Hackott of Easton , Pa. , and Mr , Daniel Baum , Jr. , of this city Is announced. The engagement la announced of Miss Oreta Mathone , daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. 0. -Mathows , nnd Mr. W. Morris McKay. Mr. Thomas C. Smith and Miss Elizabeth A. Whltlock , Iwth of South Omaha , were married Jn Omaha by Rev. C. N. Dawson , Thursday , September 14. George E. Maltby , Jr. , of New York City and Miss Helen Murphy of Omaha were married last evening at the home of the officiating minister , Rev. Charles W. Sa- vldgev Miss Jessie Msy Munro and Mr. C , V. Brock were married at high noon Thursday by Rev. Dean Fair at the home of the brldo'0 parents , 1818 Chicago street. Only the near relatives were present. Mr. and Mrs. Brock left on the afternoon train for a trip through Canada , On the Social Culendnr , Mrs , Ltnlnger and Mrs. Haller will enter tain the Forest Hill Card club Thursday afternoon. At 1 o'clock Wednesday the Shivcrlck- Smith wedding will take place at Trinity Cathedral. Full Opeiilnor. Imported models and millinery novelties , Monday and Tuesday , Sept. 18-19 , KAHL & JOHNSTON. 03IAU.V Himimus , IlUllBOII. lira. Bailey has been entertaining her els- ter for a fortnight , 13. G , Hills has returned from . trip to Denver and other points west. Mr. and Mrs. William Tlndrfl and cull- dren have returned from an outing. iMlsa Flora McDonald left for Lincoln Wednesday < to attend Weeloyan college. Miss Margaret Satford of Omaha visited friends here 'before departing for visit east. east.Tho The Question ot dividing the school die- ; Wet of Benson and making two Ij still un settled. Mrs. Bodlnson of Kearney , who WAS a Ruwst ot Mr. nnd .Mrs. Ed E. Hoffman early In the week , has gene home. The Lndlca * Aid soJlcty met Thursday afternoon to complete a quilt to bo sold at A social Friday cvcmlng at the town hall , Mrs. Olmstwul , who nan been staying at the homo of her daughter , Mrs. J. Kollar , for some time , has gene to Illinois for a visit. visit.Drs Drs , McClannnhan nnd Upton performed nn operation on the little daughter of Ed Hoffman Sunday , removing n fungus growth from the palate. Mrs. Peters of Lincoln , who has been vis iting her sister , Mrs , Eva Prugh , re-turned homo Sunday accompanied toy Mrs , Prugh , who will make a short visit there. Mr. Patterson of Mlllnrd , Neb. , who has recently returned from the Philippines , was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Grove last wcok and whllo hero visited the schools and talked oa the Islands to the pupils. The schools of Benson opened ) with n largo attendance. Misses Hogan and Mercer re tain their old positions. Prof. Fox of Mll lard takes the place vacated by Prof. Kerns nnd Miss Mack fills the place vacated by Mlea Bralnard , who takes a place In the Wal nut Hill schools. Sco Dr. Leo Harrldcn's large ad. Page 10. FENCE BECOMES SCRAP WOOD Olintriiatlim Hrcctrd by John T. Cnth- ern In Dc-mollnliLMl by City Enuilnyci. Interest In the controversy between John T. Cathora and the city for possession of a part of Locust street between Twentieth and Twenty-first reached concert pitch Sat urday afternoon when residents of the vi cinity enjoyed the spectacle ot city employes tearing down the tfenco constructed at the Instance of Gathers In the middle of the street In. front of his property. Gathers' fence has been an eyesore to the community and a bono ot contention be tween the owner and the city. Gathers' claims the city has no title to the street , the courts having BO held In times post. Acting on this assumption ho had con structed along the middle of the road a fence 200 fcot in length. Residents feared Cathors Intended to build a dwelling which would cover a part of .tho ground in con troversy , as bricks have been hauled there during the week , so they complained of the fence as a nuisance. Acting under the Instructions of the city attorney C. F. Robinson and one of the street department , Mr. Mitchell , appeared on the scene with .a. gang of workmen nnd demolished the structure , throwing the posts and timber back on Gathers' property as fast as .torn . down. When the task was finished Robinson and Mitchell drove back to the city hall. At the corner of Capitol avenue and Elght- eonth street they encountered Cathors , who had been Informed by his son of the destruction of the lence. . Cathors stopped In front of the horse and blocked the way. He opened up on the occupants of the buggy with a volley of cuss words , so Robinson says , and supple mented his remarks with a lunge at Rob inson and an attempt to strike him. The horse was whipped In an effort to break away , but Gathers seized Robinson and tried to drag him from the vehicle. Ho lost his grip on the latter's coat sleeve and was loft standing on the crossing while the buggy whirled away. A few minutes later Cathors entered the offlco ot City Attorney Connell. "Aro you responsible for what happened up there nt Twentieth and Locust streets , " ho asked. The city attorney said ho glanced at his visitor and saw blood In his eye and blood on his nose. "Well , It depends what has happened , " ho answered. "I didn't direct anyone to assault you. You appear to have ibeen pummelcd. I only ordered the fence to bo torn down. It was a nuisance. " "Tho fence is torn down and I want to know If you are responsible for it , " was Gathers' rejoinder. The city attorney j proffered the Information mation that the ( fence was in a public high way and ought to have 'been demolished. "Well , back that fence goes , " was Gath ers' parting warning , "and If you or any of your men go up them to molest It again you'll find mo there to protect my property with a shotfcun. " The city attorney ndvlsedi Gathers to take the matter Into court tor settlement and not rcibultd the fence , but the Irate property owner did not remain to bear. He vanished out of the door after delivering himself of the 'warning. Robinson visited the city prosecutor's office after his encounter with. Gathers , and filed a complaint charging him with as sault and battery. County C The Hoard of County Commissioners met yesterday and reset the hearing In the Slorenrty against Klnkcnd case for next Friday. The commissioners Instructed the clerk to advertise for bids for the repair and extension of the sewer at Fifty-fourth street and Southwest road , Millinery F. I. Schadell & Co. , will have their Fall and Win ter opening Friday and Saturday Sept. 22nd and 23rd. All are invited. Arthur Delmore Cheney Bnsso-Daritone. Festival , Concert nnd Oratorio VOCAL INSTRUCTION Special attention given to English Oratorio. Suite 815 nnmjtc Omnlin. GAPILLARI DE RADO has at last Nsolved that great problem for people troubled with superfluous hair. Cap- lllarls-Do Rado instantly destroys super fluous hair without pain. Is perfectly harm less. Price , $1-00 per bottle to any address in plain wrapper. H. B. Van Camp & Co. , Room 4. 319 S. 15th St. , Omaha , Neb. Mr , M , S , McCarthy , A. M , PRIVATE TUTOR English , Latin , Greek , Mathematics Pupils prepared for dally class work. A few pupils received for elementary training in common branches. Address. 1901 CALIFORNIA ST. Miss Beatrice Wilson of New York. Vocal Culture Can bo consulted at Studio , 305 Sheely Block , Thursday and Friday afternoon , September 21 and 22 , from 2 to 6 p. m. Mrs. J. Benson , Kid Gloves Our large and fine line of kid gloves is in. We carry the best § 1.00 , $1.50 and § 2.00 kid glove in the market for the money. Try the fine Mocha Street Gloves we are selling for $1 , $1.25 and $1.50 in black or colored. Our children's fall Cloaks , Jackets and Caps are in , ages from the first long cloak to 12 years. NEW FALL FURS. Collarettes , Stoles , Double Collars , etc. These cool eve nings are Just the time you need them. Very handsome goods at much lower prices than they will be when we re-order. NEW PRESS TRIMMINGS. _ _ We are now prepared to show a fine assortment of the popular Golf Capes in all col ors. Also Golf or Rainy Day Skirts that are so durable for street wear. We invite you to see what we have before purchasing , as our prices are as low as can be found for the best material and workman ship. WIELD ClOAIffiSlllTCO. 1510 Douglas St. Z. D. CLARK , . D. 8. i CLARK & KEMP The Leading i ! Good S * < Ot Tnetli , $5.00. Pore Gold Filling * , Jl.BO up. ii 1S ! Kurut Gold Crown * , $5.00 to 98.00 , il1 GnADUATB IJCM'liTS 11ISST OFFICES IN THIS CITV. l1 l1i lr ur , i Floor Ilniuite Illdtf. i OIP ) -eUHiton-Orplienm. . jjDi Special for Monday In these brisk days of fashion-making the cloak-makers servo you best through the big gest soiling places. If you Imvo the good fortune to know that the gathering of gar ments hero is the largest , the results of the highest cloak intelligence , and the outgrowth of an experience that cannot mislead you , Your interest is here best service is here money saving opportunities are here. Jfiirst Showing Isodaj/ . \ jOO Women's French Flannel Waists , all nicely trimmed with braids , etc , , red , blue , royalpurple , tan , some with bias trimmings velvet trimming , braid trimmings and brass buttons , something entirely now , and the first showing is hero today. $1.25 , $1.50 , $1.90 , $2.00 , $2.50 , $2.75 $3.00 and $3.50. $ No such gathering has as yet greeted you in any cloak department in the city. It has been remarked that the like of prices given you in our New Cloak Dept. demoralizes bus iness. This criticism ia quite correct. The observer will recognize the fact that this business has caused many absurd price no tions to tumble. The end is not yet. Immense Showings , Immense Savings , Special Surprises t await you here. % Grand Special Sale of STEINWAY VO8E PACKARD PIANOS EMERSON IVERS&POND and other standard ! To moke room for our fall sto ck we offer these superb instruments from $50 to $150 below the regul ar price. < & . NEW PIANOS FOR $139. Pianos and Organs , $3 , 84 , $5 , $7 and $1O MONTHLY PAYMENTS. New Plnnos For Rent Instruments Tuned , Repaired , Exchanged , Stored and Moved. Lowest rate s. Telephone 1025. Buyers at a distance should not fall to write for catalogues , prices and terms before buying. We will positively save you $100 on a blgb grade Instrument Call or writ o and bo convinced. Schmoller & Mueller Steinway & Son's ' Representatives , 1313 Farnam Street. EXCELLENCE Is the goal for which other piano manufacturers strive. We offer the Baldwin as the most per fect product of modern piano building , and will prove its superiority by comparison with any piano named. If you want the best , you must buy a Baldwin * or no other piano would satisfy you. Sold only by Dickinson & Huston , Factory Representatives , Ground Floor Bee Bldg. I7IO Farnam 8t. A $250.00 Sealskin Free To tlio woman wild secures the greatest number of White Russian Soap wrap pers also nine other valuable prizes to the women of Nebraska and the city of Council Bluffs , Iowa. . Save ever } ' White Russian Soap wrap per and bring or mall them to Ja . 8. Kirk & Co.'s ofllce , 800 8. 12th street , Omahu , and get a receipt for thorn. Contest begins at once and closes Dec. 20th , 1509 , at 2 o'clock p. in. Prizes will bo awarded by Christmas. $10 cash prize to the woman having the greatest number of Whlto Russian Soap wrappers to her credit at 12 o'clock noou , October 1C.