Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 17, 1899, Editorial, Page 13, Image 13

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Ladies' will find it pleasant and profitable to go through the well filled departments of the Big Store and see the exquisite new styles representing the best for
eign and domestic productions in fabrics and fashionable wearing apparel. The assortments of silks and dress goods have never been approached in Omaha. Ev
ery fabric , weave and shade are shown. Special values in new fall furnishing goods , furs , ladies' cloaks and men's clothing. Look for what you need on this page , If
yoiijind it , you save Jrom one-third to one-half on the price.
Mail orders promptly filled. Send for prices on Out of town people are invited to make the Big Store their headquarters
any goods you need. while in Omaha.
The Right Place to Buy
Q 8
You want the kind that you can depend upon. We sell
the best silks in the world. Every reliable make and every
piece is tested and must be RIGHT before being placed for
bale. If you want the right kind at the right price then
this is the right place.
Grand Matchless BARGAIN SALE
> on Beautiful Black Figured Silk.
16O pieces Hciivy Black Gros-Grain Novelties
In moat artistic designs for waist or skirt , tear drop , polka dot , vine patterns , scrolls
In medium arid 'large ' design , all pure silk of the finest grade ; usual retail prlco $1.00
or $1.25. On sale for Monday only and '
only 12 yard to each customer ,
Lot of 25c Silks ever placed on sale.
PLAIN SILK , all kinds and ooloro , cream , white , black , pink , blue , green , yellow ,
Greatest Gathering of Fancy Waist Silks.
Now cords , new novelties , now Persians , now satin bar stripes , new checks and
plaids , best of styles , any taste to b suited.
Worth $1.25 , $1.60 and $2.00. .
Hero Monday
50 pieces fine Black Austrian Heavy Black
Black Satins , Figured Silks , French Taffeta
all silk grade , neat design , 23-in. wide , regular
on sale $1.00 and $1.25 ,
49c at at only
Most Remarkable Offer in Black Satin Duchess.
PooiUvoly , one"of tho"jje'st"wcarinBsatIns made , constructed oftho _ finest.grades Italian v
elite and la as perfect as any satin that was over made. Our GUARANTEE with
every yard. $1.60 Is the , prlco , x 98c
but on Monday it Is yours
for A few more bolta of that heavy 27-iuch PEAU DE
SOIE , at
You know that the best Taffeta is the WINSLOW.
The widest Taffeta Is the WInslow , the cheapest taffeta Is "tbo " Wlnslow , the best
wearing taffeta Is the Wlnslow. If you do not know wo would like to show you.
Winslow Taffeta does wear lor it has stood the test of tlmo.
Mail Orders.
* 1) ) Mall orders must bo In before Thursday to be filled on special sale silks. Order and
> Su will bo surprised at these remarkable bargains.
The Busiest Cloak Dept in Oraaiia
Fully ready for the greatest business. Stocks nil complete and larger than ever
' before. A display of French , English and American styles exclusive and original.
Tomen beautlflora from tha fashion centers of the world. We
J laugurato fall business with unexampled prices :
Ladlee' ntl wool Boucle Coats , silk lined (3IO ( OQ
throughout sizes 32 to 46 at kJ3O _ xO
Ladles' Koreoy Coats , In black , blue , brown
and tan-fllzes 32 to 44 sllk lined through
out trimmed with pearl buttons sowed
With silk thread the best value In
America for
Ladles' Washington Mills Kersey Jackets-
lined with Skinner satin garments for two
eeaaon's wear In blues , browns , tana , rods ,
modes und creams bought to sell for $15
on sale for
COO ladies' Taffctn Silk Underskirts In alt
colors , Including black , at only
Children's and Misses' Jackets.
Never In the history of the house have we shown such an enormous stock of
children's and misses' Jackets. They nro very serviceable and very stylish worth any
mother's while to coino and Took through them whether * ho buys or not. They range
in prlco from OOc to $10.00 blues , reds , tans , browns and in nil materials braided
and trimmed and stylishly made up ,
Ladies' All Wool Suits , Capes , Etc.
L'ued ' with mercerized satin , in grays and browns , at $4.4S
Ladles' all wool man- tutored Sii'it ' , jackets silk llnH
throughout , tlghi-fitting or box front , only $7.48
175 Suite grays , browns nnd tana dn mixtures and plain
materials Jacketh silk lined throughout worth $15.00
for , $9. OS
200 ladles' high class tailor-rondo Suite In the very latest
styles Joeki'la nil silk lined throughout worth $25 , fur.Sl , * 00
Imported Sample Suits at , . $35.00 , $45.00 , $ C5,00 and $75.00
Ladles' Drown Plush Capos 30 inches longThlbet trim
med nrounil collar nnd down front bought to sell ( or
$7.50 EoJo prlco $ ,1.75
Aetrnklmn Capes , silk lined throughout 27 Inches
long for $2,98
Ladles' Plush Capes , silk lined throughout worth $10.00
for only , $5OS
Bodies' Electric Seal Capea lined with Skinner eatln
at $15.00 , $18.00 , $20,00 nnd $25.00
Ladled Astrakhan Cnpea Sltlnnor'fl guaranteed satin lin
ing at $18.00 , $22.50 , $27.60 nnd $35.00
150 ladles' Silk Waists , worth $5.00. for . . * . $2,48
Ladles' black fratln and taffeta Silk Waists , worth $0,00 nt $3,08
Ladles' mercerized Satin Waists nt $1.50
Ladles' Wool Wnlstn , $1.60. $2.50 , $3.50 nnd $5.00
150 ladles' Mackintoshes , single or double cape , blue or
black , worth $5.00 , at $2.9S
Fall Millinery
See tha advance stylcw on display. Every hour sees new additions. Now fashions
in Fall Walking Hats at special opening prices.
White Bed Spreads. -
k Tba largest stock of nhlto Bed Spreads In
the west.
White Fringed Bt J Spreads , large size ,
S5c , $1.19 , $1.25 and $1.60 each >
The "Sussex , " a handsome , large sized
6proad iuid liomined , on Kale Monday at the
Big Store , 39o ooch ; cheap at 76c.
The "Prlnocss , " extra large white Crochet
Bpruada us k > Dg as ( hey lout on sale at EOc
saade to well for $1.00.
See < ho Spreads we offer at $1.00 each.
Satin Spreads reduced to $1.75 , $1.95 each.
( Marseilles Bed Spreads , $1.75 , $1.95 , $2.15
and $2.50 ,
$8.60 Imported Spreads reduced to $4.05
$4.EO Colored Spreads eclling' Monday at
$2.48 each.
Buy your Bed Spreads at Hardens' and
saio money.
Flannel Os
4 cases outing flannel , complete assortment
of chocked and etrlpod In both light and
dark colors , only 8'/4c yard , worth 12V4& .
18 pieces extra flno all wool white flannel ,
19c yard -worth 29c.
1 case drapery cretonne , GVJo yard , worth
1 case wool flannel skirting worth 25p per
yard , 14c.
1 case remnants best grade outing flan
nel , 4'Ac yard.
1 case the best Amoskcag check and stripe
shirting , Gtto yard , worth IZ c.
22 places Scotch flannel shirting , plain
and fancy pattern regular value , 33c per
yard , 19c.
Swanadiown flannel for wrapper and
dressing saoquos , 12V c , worth 25c ,
4 cases outing flannel In fancy stripes , Be
yard worth 8V4c.
1 case canton flannel extra heavy , C c
yard , worth lOc.
Grand special sale of bed blankets.
Monday wo place on sale 600 pairs of sam
ple blankotfl , all grades , , all wool ; there Is
every grade , every color , every width , every
style. Wo cut the prices below your lowest
expectations. If you want to get the
boncflt of thcso bargains come early as
there will bo a big rush for them.
25 dozen fine , reversible sateen covered
bed comforters In now designs. Extra size
and quality , each $1.00 , worth $1.60.
Monday will be bargain day on Napkins.
$1.10 , $1.15 , $1.25 , $1.35 and $1.50 Napkins
In ono bunch. Choice Monday , $1.00 per
See our line of Napkins on sale Monday
nt $1.60 , $2.00 , $2.60 and $3.00 dozen.
Fringed Napkins 25c , 35c , and 50c a.doz.
On Monday we win offer you six num
bers of T.uble Linen worth from 65c to $1.00
a yard , choice 58c a yard. You want to
see them If you need damask In the near
future. They are 60 Inches wide to 72
Inchon wtdo and choice on Monday only 5Sc
a yard.
7 numbers of 18 to 20 Inches jvldo nil
linen" .Craah'blewtied , : or "brown'plain or
twilled , all In ono lot one price , lOc
yard , worth 12&c to 20c , Monday lOc yard.
The cheapest Toweling ever sold In Omaha ,
lOc yard.
Notice the towels on sale on center tables
Be , lOe , 15e , 19c and 25c each. Turkish
washrngs , two for Bo each.
New fall shoes for men , women and chil
dren go In our Monday's sale at extraordin
ary low prlcen. It will pay you to see our
new fall style shoes.' Slices.
Ladles' $2.00 quality Kid L < ice Shoes.$1.00
Ladles' $3.00 quality Kid Lace Shoes.$1.93
Ladles' $3.60 quality Vlcl Jdd Welt
Sole Lace Shoes $2.45
Misses' School Shoes.
Misses' $1.60 quality kid Lace Shoes ,
sizes 12 to 2 $1.00
Misses' $2.00 quality flno kid Lace
Shoes , slzco 12 to 2 $1.49
Children's Shoes.
Child's 75c vlci kid Lace Shoes , elzea
5 to 8 . ' 38c
Child's $1.00 kid Lace Shoes C5c
Men's Shoes.
Men's $1.50 quality satin calf Lace
Shoes , $1.10
Men's $2.00 quality satin calf Lace
Shoos $1.25
Mon'u $2.60 quality vlci kid Lace
Shoea $1.98
Men's $3,50 quality patent leather Lace
Shew . . . $2.50
Boys' School Shoes.
Boys' $1.60 quality satin calf Lace
Shoes , sizes 0 to IS'Xj $1.00
Boys' $2.00 quality satin calf Lace
Shoes , sl/ca 12 to 2 : $1,45
Bojc' $1.75 quality Caeco calf Lace
Shoes , sizes 2Vi to 6 $1,25
Bob' $2.25 quality Austin calf Lace
Shoe ? , elzcs 3 to 6V $1.50
At the opening of the season you will
find In this department the advantage of the
best selection in it ho city of low-priced , me
dlum nnd fine carpots.
Moquetto and axmlnPter carpets at 69c
Moquetto nnd axmlnster carpets , with or
without borders at S5c.
Body hrustels at 0o per yard.
AH wool Ingrains , new patterns , nt 48c ,
Union carpt-ts worth 35c to 40e on sale at
Special prices on large slzo rugs.
7-foot window shades , 15c ,
Carpet sweepers , at $1.50.
Reliable Fur Garments
At Popular Prices.
We ore not showing cheap stuff but high class fur garments , original and reliable
at popular prices.
Ladles' sheared Conor Collarettei
for .
Astrakhan Collarettes , solid sklna ,
for .
Imitation Marten good quality-
tor .
Electric Seal Collarettes , Persian yoke , '
with tabs , trimmed with 8 tails , lined with
Skinner oatln for .
Ladles' genuine Alaska Seal Collarettes
Hned with very rich novelty silk for $12.50
Ladles' Mufflong Collarettes with astrak
han yoke , at $12.98 1
, ,
Stoves and
We have today seven carloads of heatIng -
Ing stoves in our warhouso , all bought
tiefore the advance , and will be sold at
Last Year's Prices , which .makes . less
than present Jobbing price. Wo carry a
full line of the celebrated STEWART
STOVES. Have you seen that beautiful
ING BASE BURNER ? It Is the finest
on earth. Come and see it. We have
all Icinds . -RoundSteelA'Heaters'Alr
Tights , and Base Burner
wood or coal heating 2.69
stoves , from . .
We Sell a Steel for
Range $27,95.
The Cleveland Steel Range , with six holes , high closet , largo 18-Inch oven. This
range Is nowhere sold less than $35.00. /tt OT fCf
Wo will sell them for a few days for . ? p > r A. * \ * L
Same with reservoir , worth . ,
$3.00 more tti / - * * / - rr *
for. $32.95
If you need a Cook Steve we have them in No. 8 , with good size rtj o A f11 ft
oven , flno baker , from 35O 4 ZX
9-4 Bleached Sheeting on Monday
yd. 4G-lnch BFeached Pillowcase Muslin ,
lOo yd. Yard wide Bleached Muslin , the
8 l-3o grade , on Monday 6c yd.
9-4 Bleached Sheets , 35o each.
Ready made Pillow Cases Closing out
the last of special lot at EC each , worth
lOc ; yard wide LL Brown Sheeting 3c yd.
Hemstitched Sheets Stic , C5c and 7Ec
Half Bleached Sheets , 50c , 55c and 60o
Now line of colors In flno double fold
colored Bunting , worth lOc , on sale 7o
36 to 40 Inch wide Drapery Swiss , worth
15c to 25c , on sale Monday lOc yard.
Remnants of Sheeting and Muslin , rem
nants ofwhlto Dress Goodu at less than half
their cost. They must bo sold.
If you are In the market for a piano come
and look over our stock. The finest pianos
In the -world , the Chlckcrlng , Stelnway ,
Flsehpr , Lcatcir , Knabc , Franklin and many
Oliver gcod makes handled at prices that
cannot be beaten. Every ono guaranteed by
manufacturers and by us , Terms always
mode to meat convenience of customer.
Flno line of pianos to rent.
Burdetto , Newman Bros , and other organs
of beat repute on sale.
Select stock of stools and benches.
Complcito llnca of ehcet music and musi
cal publications at cut prices. Telephone !
Ladtas9 Rsr&iishhigs &
Ladles' 20c Hose at lOc.
Children's 20c Hose at lOc. :
Ladles' 2C Vests at 7V c. I
Ladles' 35c Vests at 12V4c. !
LocMM' Corsets , the P. D. , I. C. and
Warners' Corsets , at 49c.
Ladles' $1,00 Gowns at 49c.
Ladles' $1,00 Umbrellas at 49c.
Boyu' Shirt Waists , worth 75c , at 25c.
Ladles' Silk Vests , regular 75 < j quality at I
25c. !
Ladles' $1.50 Kid Gloves , In all styles , at
Special offer for Monday.
2 cases Fast Black Sateen nt EC yard.
173 pieces of 37-In. dyed Cambrics ( extra
fine Percales ) , worth 15c yard , odd patterns ,
thla Bale , 8 l-3c yard ,
I'ontlac Percales , -fast colors ; a bargain at
Eo yd.
Garner's Heaviest Dutch Blue Calico , the
best wide goods made , 9c yd.
Hen s Furnishings
.Men's 20c Suspenders , lOc.
Men's EOc Suspenders , 25c.
Men's 7Ec Shirts , at 35c.
Men's $1.00 Shirts at 45c.
Men's 17c BOX at lOc.
Men's 60c Ties , in all the latest styles ,
nt 25c.
Men's 50c Underwear at 25c.
Men's $1.00 Nightshirts , 49c.
Men's 20c Handkerchiefs at Cc.
Men's $1.00 Umbrellas nt 49c.
Our fall stock baa arrived , assorted and
ready for inspection.
A desirable Lace Curtain , late designs , at
75c per pair.
A handsome Curtain at $1.25 iper pair.
A beauty , the very latest designs , button
hole edge , 3 % yards long , 56 inches wldo , at
$1.45 pf > r pair.
Silk Cord , 4'/4c per yard.
Gulmpo at 2o per yard.
A full line of Tapestry , Denims , Sllkallnes ,
Rug Fringes and Carpet Warp.
Draperies on Sale
A special sale on Rope Portieres , A beau
tiful ono Iq all colors at $1,75 ,
A largo slzo at $2.25.
Extra largo size on r ale at $2.95.
Tapestry Portieres , a small number very
slightly tolled , all late styles and colors , for
$1.75 per pair.
A handsome Portiere , heavily fringed , Bills
finished , at $2.50 per pair.
An Imported Bagdad at $3.50 per pair ,
A handsome ( mercerized silk at $8.50 per
Chenlllo Curtains at $1C5 per pair.
Jewelry Department
Gents' Nickel Watch , stem wind and set ,
first-class timekeeper , 98c each.
Gents' ellverlne stem -wind and set Ameri
can Watches , $1.98 ,
Gents' Kllverlno ssrow back and front El
gin or Waltham Watches , $3.08.
Gents' gold filled open face Watch , war
ranted to wear 20 years , Elgin or WalUiam
works , regular value $15.00 , sale prlco $6.95
Gents' gold fillui hunting case Watches ,
warranted to wear 20 years , $10.95.
Gents' 14 kt. solid gold hunting cauo
watch , fine Elgin or Waltham full Jowelec
movements , a regular $50.00 natch , for $29.50
The Leading
of the West.
Over 30,000 styles always on hand.
Everything made in dress goods at
about ONE- HALF the price asked
by other stores.
Greatest Dress Goods Sale Ever
Held in Omaha.
Tailor Suitings
42-Inch all wool Venetians , extra heavy
some stores call It a great bargain QO
at $1.00. Our prlco for 'Monday only. J ' ' - '
54-Inch Union Suitings in mixed and plain
colors. Extra heavy.
Usually sold at $1.25 ; /tQo
On Monday It will go at ttt/C
52-Inch all wool Tailor Suitings ; heavy
enough to make a man's suit ; flue fall styles.
SoM the world over at $1.93.
Monday , only ono pattern to Qr
customer , at tlt/O
58-Inch flno Venetians ; the finest goods
ever placed on the market. They are sold
here In Omaha at $2.50 ; our price
for Monday will bo only
Golfing Cloth.
Double-laced Golfing Cloth In all the sta
ple shades , nice weight. Sold all over at
$1.25 ; our price for Monday > * f Kn
will bo only I * J\j
, ,50-Inch , flue 'German , double-faced Golfs ,
all the lea'dtng 'shades. > old in towh'"at
$2.50 ; our prlco for Monday ( gl Kf\
will be only 1..VJ-.UU
68-Inch Golfing , the very finest of Scotch
goods made , and sold everywhere at $3.00
to $4.00 per yard ; our price on GO
Monday only .t )
Steam boat Rugs with fringe to make
Golf Capes , from 2 yards long by 1 % yards
wide , at $5.00 , $6.00 , $7.00 , $8.00 , $9.00 , and
Sff$5.00 to $10.00
Erench Flannels
French Plannellets , all shades , Persian
dots , stripes , etc. 1 Qr
only -L 7U
Strictly all wool Imported French Flannel ,
300 designs and plain ; sold all over at 75c
and SGc ; our price on Monday
Black Goods
50 plccoo of Crepon sold here in town as
bargains at $1.98 ; on Monday
only wo will place ours at
35 pieces of Bradford Crepons , the finest
lustre , the moat perfect styles and weaves ;
other houses say they are worth $4.00.
Monday you can buy the Qftn
35 pieces at only /OL-
25 pieces of Sir Titus Salt's celebrated
English Cropons , excelled only by Priestley ;
other houses say they are worth $5.00 to
$ G.OO , but the real value Is only $2.50. On
Monday wo will soil them QT 1Q
at only eJJL.J-t/
Wo have added greatly to our stock dur
ing the last week. Flvo carloads of bright ,
now Furniture having como to us and Is
now ready for your Inspection.
Fine oak bookcase , & ft. C In. high , 3 ft.
wide , 5 shelves for books , a regular $8.50
bookcase , gees now at $4.50.
Elegant metal bed , brass rail at head and
foot , brass vases , heavy angle Iron ; beds fin-
ibhcd In white , blue and green enamel , The
bed would sell anywhere for $9.50 ; our prlco ,
$ G.85. Other beds , $2.25 , $2.50 , $2,76 , up to
$25,00. Wo are showing nome elegant novel
ties In rnoes grcon , pink , black and blue
metal beds , and pcsltlvcly guarantee you a
caving of from 40 tn CO per cent over what Is
usually asked for such goods.
Special lowering nf prices on our full line
of extension tables. Over 40 etylra tu choose
from. Golden oak table , round tables , Flem
ish oak tables ; all now styles , new finishes ,
and above all , the boot of work. Tables at
$4.60 , worth $7.00. Tables nt $5.85 , worth
$9.00. Fine twisted leg oak table , golden fin
ish , $7.50 ; a regular $12.00 article. Fine gold
oak table , rounded corners , 4-Inch twisted
legs , polish finish , good value at $11.50 , our
prlco $7.85 ; and for $8.00 , $0.00 or $10,00 we
can show you tabled the equal of any table
at 50 per cent more * , Como and tee us.
China Reparfmen )
Mason Fruit Jars-
Pints ,
Two quarts ,
Tin top jellies. , . , , , , , , .
Coutiere's Celebrated
Silk Crepons.
NOTE Mercerized Cotton resembles silk
and is sold by some houses as allk Crcponi.
Wo guarantee that oura nro silk , wool nnd
Mohair , with a linen binding thread.
Coutloro'a Silk Crepono , found in no other
store hero , and strictly all eltk face.
Our ? 2.60. ( ft-I -
Monday < pJ _ . .
Our $2.98 , I /
'Monday ' . . . . . . . . . . - * -
Our $3.50 , -I QO
IMonday JL.c/O
Our $4.50 ,
Our $5.00 ,
Our $6.60 , A f\f\
Monday 'dt.UU
Our $7.60 , '
" " " * 1
Our $8.50 , "
' Monday ,
Our $10.00 , IV Kf\
Monday I . * J\J
Cheap Dress Goods
( Half Wool Novelties ,
worth 15c , only
Half Wool Novelties , tyl.
worth 25c , only * 2'
Half Wool Novelties ,
worth 29c , only
Half Wool Novelties ,
worth 39c , only
All Wool Novelties ,
worth 49c , only
All Wool Novelties ,
worth 69c , only
All Wool Novelties ,
worth 75c , only
All Wool Novelties , /LQr >
worth $1.00 , only 'Xi/O
Mail Orders
receive prompt attention. Every dress
guaranteed ; money refunded If not en
tirely satisfactory. Fall samples now
ready. Send In your orders.
POSITIVELY no merchants or deal
ers sold at these prices. This npoclal
Is for customers only.
Ton-pound sacks pure graham flour , 16c.
High patent Minnesota flour , warranted ,
85o sack.
Breakfast oatmeal , largo packages , 3Hc.
Fancy now Carolina rice , 4V c per pound.
XXX fancy glngersnaps , 4'/4o per pound.
New California sugar cured prunes , 2V4
per pound.
Fancy mixed pickles , chow chow , etc. , B <
Now German dill plckleo , two for Ic ,
Twenty pounds fine granulated sugar , $1.
Largo bottle pure tomato catsup , O' c.
Now corn starch , 2c per package
Ten bars best laundry soaps , 17 c.
One-pound can pure food baking powdei ,
Ono-pound can Royal or Dr. Frlco'a bak
ing powder , 35c.
1'lnt bottles C. & B. chow chow , 23c.
Cold water starch , lOo packages , 3c.
New Capo Cod cranberries , 4' c quart.
Fresh , crisp celery , 2o per bunch.
Now evaporated peaches ( largo yellow ) ,
Miifctard or oil sardines , 2'/&c per can.
High grade Java and Mocha coffee , 15o
Now crop Japan tea , 22c per pound.
Wo have no imitators. Quality and prlcei
Three-pound palls best brands of lard ,
17 % c.
Four pounds Frankfurt sausage , 25c.
XXX cured bacon , Gc and 7'c per pound.
German summer sausage , 8c.
No. 1 picnic ; hams , 5c per pound.
Bologna sausage , S'/fcc.
Fresh sweet country butter , He , ICe and
ICe pojnd ,
Fancy separator creamery , IGo , 17'/4o and
19c pound.
Extra farcy oepirator creamery , 20o.
Good cooking butter ,